- - - . : . . . , . , . , . . . . . , , , . . . . . . . p. . I . . . . . . ; t t 1.M + + (444 ' " . . . . . " . . ' [ PART I. tMf'.1 THE OMAHA S I BEr 1.\ I . .1 + 4t4' + H14 + .J . ' - UN DAY . _ Ij . - : . . : . .i , . ' p . : . . J . - . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , = I ES'rAnaSl D JUNE 1 9 , 1871 OMAhA , SUNDAY MORNING . , 1-EHUU"IY 2.1 , -1"VEN'l'Y PAGES. SINGLE COpy FIVli OEN L'S. NOT ALL A PLEASURE - tvcn the Rote of nn Empcror's Ofco Has Thorns. KAISER ADDRESSES BRANDENBURG DIET DIE - I Interests of AU OnE09 Must Bo Weighed and EquaBzed. GREAT QUESTION THAT IS TO B SOLVED p Rclntion ! of 1mbnn r to the Other In- dusties of the Empire. . ; FOUR NEW NAVAL VESSELS AUTIOhlZE Emperor Conjrzttulatos the ContrlNh 01 , TheIr Co"ltol wIth tb . Ooiernnient- UreRt I'rrp"rntlus for the Colchrn- two of 11.lluck's Ilrth ) < 3' , ( CoN'rlghlNI , ISO ! ; , hy the Noclnlecl , PrcR9 ) BERLIN , Feb , 23-I mperor William , re- lylng to n toast proposed by herr Aachen- bach , mlnlter of state , at the annual banqnet , In connection with tim opening of the Diet ' of Drandenburg , EnId ! that the sentiments of loyalty expressed by the Irantenburgers were ' . doubly valuable In such difcult times and iL Were a comfort and a prop to hIm In his . thorny ofce , These sentIments tUfy ! , more over , confidence In their emperor , a confidence - which Implies their willing co-operation with and support to the crown. What , however , " 'oull most lighten his task would be the resolution of a whole nation to rouge itself : on the side of the "I ather of the People " ' 10 urged his people to give him active help In the consideration of the questions which nt present occupy public attention , These , . QuestIons related chiefly to the relative posI- ' ton which husbanlry Is to hell In respect to other classes lie had Indicated In recent Utterances how these questions were to be deal with. lIe hoped with all his heart that some permanent Improvement mIght be , L. achieved. lIe would work toward that end with all his strength , but ho earnestly warned the country not to entertalh .ny extravagant hopes of any deam or Utollla No particular class could claim any special privileges at the expense of other classes. Thc task of the casses. country's ruler was to carefully weigh the Interests of all classes and to harmonize them so that the general Interests of the fatherland as a whole would be safely guarded. MUST BE SIMPLE AS FI1EDnIUCK. ) In conch4 lon , the emperor said that the lustre of the age or Frederick still rests upon today. lie desired that the recolee- tons or that 'earnest , simple-minded man , Frederick , should remind all that co-opera- lon between I prince and his people Is a rate aUgury of success. On the evening of the twenty-fifth annl\er- vary of the restoration and the new constu- lon of the unlet fatherland , he hoped his bearers would remember that only the Joint 'ork of all the German races and their ? .h places had built UIJ the empire lie said : "The glory gained by the Brandcnburgers Is linpeIaliable. Especially 10 be remembered are their dceds on the eventful Gth of August. In memory of that day and with the old cry ; wih which the armed forces have followed [ the Iohenzolers Into many a combat , 'Once more we lead , follow on , rise your glass and empty It. Fare you well my Drandenburgers. " Influenza Ip l wldesprelil here now Although - though the dlceaso Is not of a vIrulent type , I Pervades all classes of society and number of deaths from the malady are recorded , Several member of the diplomatic corps arc nrccted and the various government bureaus are much reduced , a ! wel as the membership of the Helchsta ! . oPPoslm TO IETAI.I.ISI. The first step In Gcrmnny's apparent ' etEmlnaton to carry out the emperor's policy of Increasing the number of cruisers In the navy was taken today In the Ilelclus- tag buget committee's session , when extra credits aggregating 7,000,000 marks for four fast cruisers were alJpro\ed , The govern- meat had requested a credit of 2,100,000 marks for torpedo boats , but the commltro did not this Item agree on Dctore the credit for the cruIsers was \otld Herr Von 4 Dlebersteln made a communication to time committee concerning German"s political re- ltons with countries of South America nll n'rerwarlls stated ! he regretted time adoption by the Ielchttag on Saturday last of Count Von Mlrbachm'ms melon for the holding or un International monetary conferenco. The text 1 of this important resolution was as follows : The committee of the German commelal congress deplolcs most deellly that by time acceptance ly the nclchataH of Count von 7dirbach's motion for time holding 0 ( . nn In- ternntonnl 10nptnl' ) ' conference , anll ( Itl more hy the tcndl'ncleK displayed In the debate - bate 01 the motion , n wlle811'cal ( llmmturb- mince of trade and eommcrce hiss hecn caused and that In foreign countries the Mea lies been created that German ) ' intends - tends to alter her currency uiyuittn : , Although - though the chancellor stated In hits speech that eventually negotiations relative to measures for raising tIme price of silver would not be prejudicial to the German cur- rency the committee ne\erthele.s consll'rl I Impertvely necessary to declare that the Oerman gold currency mUHt nut le In. tererell \lh , ' 1h ( committee considers any change ns n flHlllentnl Injury to the en- tire ecouomlo life of Germnn ) against whIch n too loud and energetic protest can. 10t le raised , 'ho committee reeonlnlJHls that 1 special nssembly be convened to discuss - cuss the question , " WOMEN FI A PflOTlST. A lumber or puble Ilrotets against \he \ anti-revolution bIll are now clrcllatng , One ot thicco protests bears time signature of 1 large number of female social reformers , Including those of Countess Dulol\on Den. Jlewlzo Olsecly , , Hedwig von Mien and Lilly van In a private audience given emi Wednesdty by the emperor lu Cardinal noPIJe" : , blbholl of Luxemburg , his mlJesty declared thnt bt Wa Illealed that a modus vh'enll hall at length been arranged between the govern. mutant an,1 , the centrIst , He said nil rc- Ilgloubly Inclined men ought to mnke Joint enemy front , agailst . , the , c"mmon re\'olutonar' Herr Von tCoeHer , Jru Jlln minister of time interior , strol Sly cOllemlel\ \ the tleney of a certain section of time Geman drama The stage hnd II many respects deteriorated , and Euch plays as " 10 Wcber" sholh not fInd n 11tcO In alY theater , although the admlnlltrath'o nuthorltes ot some towns Permitted Its produetloim. Still that act ought 10t to deter time llolco trol prohll- hag Ibm I1Hformancc In other place The . ) . subversive tendencies which undermlntd the moral status ot time ' country must bo cnor- cetcaly combated , herr Von loettor' 'lJecch Was loudly , nPlllauded by tbe member ) " of the right but elicited protests from the socialist members. The prepmrations for the national cele- braton on April 1 of the anniversary of the birth of PrInce Dlsmarck Increase so enormously - mOlaly and \ on such I general scale os to cause apprehension to Prince l3lsmnrck . time queaton being how far he will be ebb to take part In the festivities. Ie has enjoyed good holh recently , with the exception of nn occasional touch of neuralgia. Emperor William a few ( lays ago sent Prof. Steinman of Schleswig-lolstein to Inquire of . Prince Ismarct ] how far time government and time local authorities of Berln may cooperate - operate to facilitate the nnniversary ovations without unduly ta'llg his streugth. The lat. cst proposals to honor the old ox-chancellor Include the erection or a Bismarck monu- erecton mont In Bavaria under the auspices of Prince Regent I.u 11011 , and monuments nt Spandau , Grelo and bnhelm A m1CAN WOMAN IN JAIL. A case lu which an American woman named Emla S. Dross Is Involved Is now pending b ? fore the criminal court here. She I claims to have been mnrrlC1 to Count Per- I peachier , son of the ex-chief court marshal or Emperor Wilam I , while the young count was In America , but that the marriage was concealed because of family opposition. Ier aleged husband Is now In Engand. : She Is charge [ with having committed perjury In denying In court her intimacy with n Berln physician , whose wife la now suing him for a divorce Miss Dross , or Countess Perpon- cher , as the case mna' be , arrived here from America In December 18D3 She Is now In ji , She la about 30 years old and very hnnllsome. The Jlayence Chamber of Commerce has requested - Quested the government to endeavor to obtain an amendment to the American copyright law The Chamb claims that the Ilresent law of July , 18Dl. Is unfair In Its treatment of German author Carl Abs the wen known German athlete , who for I long time hell the German wrestling championship , Is dead. I was . announced - nounced last week that he was dead , but the sttement was premature. lie left n large fortune and a stable fun or race horses. Dr. Max Lorlzlng n well known German- American correspondent and a descendant of the composer Lortzlng , Is deall Consul General Do Kay presided yesterday at a meeting of the American consuls In Ger- many , at whIch consular affairs were dls- cussed. Mr. Dc Kay gave a reception 'Iu"honor of the annl\ersary of WashIngton's birth There was a large attendance. The American - can residents of Berlin celebrated the day wih a dinner at time nclchsor hotel Am- bassalor [ Runyon . after dinner , with Baron Marshal von Debersteln , minister of foreign affairs , made the Introductory speeches at the banquet. Mr. Planter followed with a PatriotiC address. INl'I.UENZA SI'Ell IN LONDON . 1rllo ! Inlstor IRs 11 IU11 lusllcs8 Is IhuUy lamllero" I. LONDON , Feb. 23-The Illness which con- fined Prime Minister nosebery to his bed Is a sharp attack of Influenza. He passed a restc night , but was somewhat better this morning. Influenza now prevails In epidemic form throughout London. EntIre families are nf- feeed by the disease and many frms In the city are working with depleted forces owing to the Iness of many of their employes The malady Is especially widespread In the cast end of the city , but It la severely felt In the west cnd About three-fourths ef the members - bers of the lol.e of Commons are suffering 1 wih colds and several of them are 5 : severely affected as to be confined to theIr houses A numb cr schools . have been compelled to close on account of. sickness among their pu- imils. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pla.IIiih IIiih ( olnlll" Ie"ln n l'rollor. VICTORIA , I ) . C. , Feb. 23.-PolitIcal circles are excited over the appointment of Premier Theodore E. Davis as chief justice of time supreme court of British Columbia , as successor to the late chief Justice , Sir Matthew . Degb , necessitating the selection I by.UI lieutenant governor of a new premIer ' to form n ministry , A prominent candidate Is D 'm'u' . higgins , serving hIs third term as speaker or the legislature , lIe was formerly proprietor of the Ean Francisco Cal and the Ilm'itIsiu Columbia Colonlsl All of tie members - bers of the D3vls cabinet arc said to be un- willing to undertake the formation of a - mln- tstry , and the most prominent nina In- the house besltes Igglns Is n. P. Hihet , whose business interests would be sacrificed by ac- c ptlg the I.remlershlp Jehol Illl"Her T\vo Illrs. COLON , Colombln , I eb. 23-The rebel gen- eral , Lugh , wih 2GO followers , had an encounter - counter with a force of government troops on time 20th lust , at Santero. Time fight lasted two hours , when the rebels Wfe routed and fled In different directions. Ten of them were kIlled , many wOlllled , and prisoners were securell by the govHnment. Three men were killed and two wounded on the govern- meat side A IJorlon of the go\'erment force which fell In the dIrection of 'ulu , a sea- l'ort In time state of Magdalena , was purued by the government forces. Ynrth1111110 Story Ierlltrl LONDON , Feb. 3.-I has been ascer- tamed that the report printed here today of time destructIon by earthquake of the town of Icoutcimat Persia , Involving time Joss of sev- era ! thousand hives . refers to the destructIon of the town of Kuchan , In time IJrovlnce of Ihoranan , Peria , OD the 17th of January , \hln there was enormous Ion ot life. ne. ports of this earthquake were cabled to the AssocIated IJreS on time lt and 22d of Januar . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IOIn'R tiiitit Too blrnfnl , LONDON . Fob. 23.-ln its financial artIcle the TlmlB says the new American loan la almost - most to great a suces , "Thero hum danger Ibat I may encourage time Americans to think there was no necessity ( or alarm at the po- siion of time treasury and ala that currency retorm ( was not urgent , The bonds were largely deal In yesterday at l'rles between G'4 ! and . I , They close firm at 5. " 1 1cllh , ) 111 trrlch Heh"lol' Imllrln'ln LONDON , Feb. 23.-A dispatch to the Time . tram Parla says that at I banquet I\en by the British Chamber of Comnerce ot that el ) - , Lord Duferln , the British ambassador , made I long speech In which he fad ! : "Never since immy arrival here three years agO have the relatinmus at France anti Great Irtaln : been 10re trlentl ) and obvloull conciliatory on both sides than now " .icsk'n lIes :0 iimtontIo : \ to \lln Trrlur1'I I CITY OF mXICO , Feb. 23.-- " 1 Monitor , republcan , denies that MexIco Intends the anuPxllon [ of Central . \mrrlca or any portent I I : reef I , t A Iletllon fa\'orhlj Crittenden a m'nllter ' to this unlry has been sent to Washington , It 19 now rumored that the government will lease Ihe Tehuanltpec raIlroad to the Pacific Mal Steamship 'cOUP3nfi RUMORS COME THICK Spiting on the Hawaiian Public Only to Bo Promptly Denic ARMED MN ( SEMnLE AT TI WHARF Prepared to Prevent the Deloraton of Men Oonvicted of Treason ( X.QUEE'S SENT C A < REE UPON Retort tht it is Pi e , YEr3 ' Imprisonment or V oluntaryExio , MILITARY COURT STILL AT WORK Three 11111rol ammO Nlnot-OIO Arrests 1,1'0 , Been lllo 1111 timoty- Four Cnses 10 , lIce , , Tnhed-'l'amIIc of Interlli Ilssolslol. , , SAN FRANCISCO , Pcb. 23-The steamer GaelIc arrived tonight from Yokohama and 10nolulu , bringing the following nOvIces to tile ( AssocIated press : HONOLULU , Feb. 17.-1 more contagIous fever of rumor never struck this community than that which swept over time town previous to the departure of the Mariposa. Time story as It passed train mouth to mouth was rather plausible and ran somethln hike this : ' The goverment has decided to deport some ten prisoners , among them being Wide- mann , Greig amid Marsimail. The presence of Judge Wldemann emi the wharf with n hnnd- satchel and guItar added credence to the Wldemann part of the story. The government - meat was prepared to carry out Its pan : when Minister Wiis ptotested against men convicted - victed of political crImes being put .n board a vessel flying the AmerIcan flag. urther- more , the recent Immigraton laws or the Unlel States would not allow any such men to enter the country , In pursuance with this Idea , Consul Mills had held the clearance parera of time vessel until asurnce was received - ceived no attempt would be made to put these men on board , President Dole and Ministers King and Smith were on the ship and got together In the captain's cabin There they were rumored - mitered to have come to a decision that they had better let the matter lay over to some more auspIcIous season. When aslled. regarding the alleged departure - ure , Attorney General Smith said : "I can't see how surh a thing got start t. We have not thought of such a thing as deporting any men who have been before the court. I thlnlt we have more use for Greig Qnd \'Idemann here than In the United States. There Is no foundation whatever for the rumor. " foundaton WILLIS DENIS THE I1UMOR. When Minister Willis was asked whcther he had received any notice of an intended de- portaton of prisoners , ho replied : "No , I was Informed quIte to the contrary. I did not enter any protest or malt any request to hold the steamer In fact I have not yet fed the protest consequent to time deportation at- fair last Saturday. It Is farthest from my purpose or desire to take any action which would tend to embarrass this government. 1 have the most friendly feelIngs toward the officials. O course , It Is my duty to look after the Interests of AmerIcan citizens , but I most certainly have no intention of malting any unnecessary trouble for the represta- : : lves of the goverment In so doing " From all accounts , I was very fortunate for the peace of the communIty that no attempt . tempt was made to send thc three men out of the country. Armed mea belonging to the Citizens' guard and other belies were on the wharf to prevent the deportation of either Greig 'Idemann or Marshall. Time government caused the arrest of 381 persons since Jnnuary G , of whom ninety-four hwe , been tried before the military , Sentences - tences In hut twenty-four cases have been made ! ublc , twenty-threo natives charged with treason , and V. V. Ashford charged with misprision of ' treason. Fifty-five men have been rellased' by the authorities ; the mlhi- tar ) ' court acquitted two Three len , Cran- stoune , Johnstone and Mueller were deported ThirteE persons arc at liberty wih the un- derstalllng thnt t.ey heave time cuntry within a reasonable tIme and not return without permission - mission from the governme.nt : John Hndln , l ret harrison , F. II. nedwrml , T. J. Lavey , Arthur Whie , G. L Rlman , J. C. Whie , p. J. Camorilos , M. C. Bailey , A. McDowell , J. Carlenne , Fred Woundenburg and James Drown. British Commissioner Iawes gave the men to undertali that ho would not Interfere In their behalf as they admitted thllr guilt. V. V. Ashland , chargel , with mlsprlson of trea- son , was found gully and sentenced to one year In Jai and fined $1,000 Aahford has practiced law In Honolulu since about 1881. lie \\'U ! banlahed several ) 'ear5 ago for con- spiracy against the monarchy. 'fwenty-three natns , convicted of treasom have received sentences varying from five to ten years , In one case a fine or $5,000 was remited by President Dole. LIL WILL GET FIVE YEARS. Time military court Is still sitting , and Its work . About 200 drags along slowly. cases are yet to he tried Prince David has been found guilty. Ills aentence' has not been mallo public. I Is understood that the queemm's sentence will be five ) 'ear for the part she hn taken In the trouble. Probably sue wIll b allowed to leave tIme country wltb- out serving the sentence , If she so deal res. Time sentences found instant favor among the People generally . though some thought Dlp1lan6 at least should have been sum- mariy dealt wIth , The lowalans have . commenced to work In earnest for annexa- tloum . They have been informed that eli present prisoner will be treed In time event ot closer relatIons with the Unied States , Martial law Is sll In force , A strong fight la being mode to save the neck of W I. I Richard , one 9f the condemned [ \ men , lie ' Is a Mason , anti \ that body has Interestet I- self In bls behmaif , Since the o\erthrow of the monarchy the American league has been a power , but events of the pat two weeks have proven that Its IJrOlgo has gone Its presIdent , Timothy Murray , Is now suspected , and a watch I kept on his immovemiments. lie and bla men assisted the government In the late rebelion , but now their loyalty Is questoned , Murray denies that he Is disloyal to this .o government and hn sent a protect to . President - dent Dole , I Is understood the anthorlln wi put a stop to the lenguo's secret meet- Ings. Ings.There There Is much talk 01 Inlernol ' dissensions. whlcb leads friends at Princes I aullni 10 hope that she wi lom8 day Iw placed \ on the throne , I I a remote possIbility. how- enr. In regard to 1 dhpltch sent by Secre- tary Greshnm to MinIster Wils.about I lIe- mantling n delay ot execution , Attorney General Smih stated thIs mornig that the ' government hall no Inttntlon , o'C executing the cOllemnell men unt time , milItary court completes its labors , and every fact r bearing on time case was brought out. Mr. \ Smith In- tmated that nothIng woullbe dOle until time United States government was In possession of the facts In cach case. t According to the attorney general ( lie Queen wi not bo sent out of time country. TIme halest sentence approved by the prlsl- dent Is that or John Io\lors , lie Is given five years ali fined $ : ,000' on I charge of misprision of treason. : Time steamer Australia . leavIng here on the 23 Inst. , wIll carry away I number of men who took part In the rebellion and who are leaving ur theIr own accord Econer than stand trIal , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mr lcn.nultonll1 Trolh CM NUl Unsettled. GUATEMALA , , Feb , 2-l Is given omit herl this afternoon tllt no positive settle- Icnt has been reached on' time QleRton pcnltn/ with Mexico MinIster tie Icon has telegralJherl that the Mexican govern- lent still holds out for the 1I11elnlty 'clauo all Is not inclined to abate nn Iota. Front olclal source It Is learned thnt Guatemala' has lateL absolutely no concessIons to Mexico , anti The question of l\nOln t has not been mooted. [ I Is now certain Ihat an ngreement wi not be reached for a fortnight. Cnhlo , to TrlUrllo I" Irolol. LONDON , Feb. 23-The teleraph between Cadiz and Tenerlfe Is ngaln brollen. Steamers with dispatches for Tenerle wIll heave Cadiz on the 8th amid ! 28th of each month until the cable Is repaIred. luot'1011 ' 1in 4 "lldl ; "i ( 'ourt LONDON , Feb. 2-Time ' privy council hns IIRmlssed time appeal In the case of the Atlantic & Northwest Ituttiway company against Wood et nl. The nppeal wn from A jUllgment given b ) ' the court of Queen's bench for lower Canadn. G"II SIIrtrrl , fur New -urlr. LONDON , I eb. 23.-Tlmrto hundred and nnl fifty thousand hounds ht bar goll was Rhlplled from Liverpool today for New YOI'lt on the steamer Aurld Ly the s'n- dlcntc which took the Issue/of the United States bomid. ] " p - O-l ! : 01 T.IrLOR's _ ' .s.uoDrIr 'J TUIle , , Ito :1"ulluhltoll I'UOINO 1\1 to tot UOlllo I C rrdlt utimd IJ'uimstly 'toIo Thom , rrtlt 1111 l'hllU ) 'tolThom I PIEnnE S. D" , Feb. 23.-fSpeclal ( Tele- , grnm.-Some ) highly Intersfng testimony 1 was gl\en by Cashier Humphrey to the Taylor Investigating comn llee : A month ago : Ir. Humphrey testified 1 that the ned- Iehl bank had never had ' to exceed $90,0 due the state. Then Public 'Examlner Myers brought forward n certfcate of the bank , Issued last April to him , , that there was there at that time to Taylor's credIt $ liOO. Later Receiver Zimmerman certled that emi the date of this certificate thel"e was In the bank only $ OO. fumphre ) ' was recalled to explaIn the dlscrepale ) ' , Hstated . that Taylor was accustomed to kep hIs deposits In various banks , and to keJ the certf- cates of In at deposit a prlyte drawer Hedfeld , but did not enter 'them ' to his credit on the books of the bank. When the demand fore a statementeamne from :1)'ors last April TI"loz found -thl .he had t malIc 1 showing of $1iOo : and. having billy $40,0 at hand , he took $ I : pf . these _ cer- tfcates from this drawer ndJnstructed the cashier \9 \ Issue the : c rtlca\e \ that there was h1 time bank $174,000.rHe did not pass these to his credit In the bank , and they do not appear on his . b50ks. By this means he got from the publc examiner credit for the $130,000 or certlcates , and also the same from the banks In which the sums were deposited , making " a double credit to this amount. This tstmon ) ' shows that Taylor was short long ago , and that he used gross fraud In deceiving the examiner - aminer as to his condition. conditon. The senate held no session today , but the hOlse met for a short time. The governor sent In n veto or Calvin's hi ; : providing that the state shall pay for all state witnesses , except In criminal cases. . ' The ground of the veto wits the faIlure of the measure to carr an approprIation wIth It , and also the Im- plcaton that the state should pay for nil cIvil actIons hrouRht about by ; the countes , The house adopted senafc bIl No. 13 , the census bill , without the house tmendments. ThIs gives the wOI'It to the auulor , with nn approprIation or $ IGo A resolution was passed .requlrlng the ' 1arlor committee to print its report. Mr. Miltimnore that : offered a resolution to the effect C " 'hereal Flr ' -three member are able to do huslness more harmoniously than the entire membershIp , therefore resolved that the ubsent thIrty be excused from further , attendance and pay' 'hls was referred to the committee on penal Institutions. PetItions against the dl- \'orce bill , aggregating about 2 names , were presented The rlroall committee reported - ported [ on hOlse bill No. 1. even members reported against Its passage ' , anti Mr. Wheeler In Its favor. . I" .t IAIlJ' JRll lRl' ' . ' RCIWT. lesuls of the COIC t o UnAIgl5 for : lnn" ItR'N : .w l'nilitol. , MINNEAPOLIS , Fcb ZL-'l'huro has been mich mystery nbout the' ' I'Clmlts ot the prize competition Innlgurl'll by time lOin- nesotn State Capitol commission for designs - signs for the new capitol , l"lfY'Rlx pete of Ilellgns were examIned 1) two expertl , gdmuml : . Wheelwright , pf Boston and lenlY I. Cobb of Chlc go , Their report has been kept secret , nlhollRh both houBeK ot the legl ' lnt1'e demanded It. 1\ Governor - ernor Clough's suggestion " committees tram eath hOlso were named "to Ipspect the re- port , The Journal today publahes the re- simile of the comlletton : TIIb frat prlzo II awarded to Wendel & Hum hroys ot Denver - yen ; second , to Julul 'Schwelntorth of Boston ; third , to Oeorge'lJann ot St ' LouIs ; fOlth , to George 'lie , Gerdorf ot New York , tumid frh to , V. fl . , Dunnel ot Mhummmoapohis , The first prlzQ gets 21 , per cent of the cost. The otherour get 200. . - 11nvRlnu JoalNt IIetmIrm'lvr j for 'l'rlmih SAN FRANCISCO , 1'"el. : 'rWllam H , Cornwall , the Hawnlan" o > lst nrl ex- . member or ex-Queen LllItmokaljm.ni's cabinet , and who has been ch rgd 1ltl treason against the republIc or Ilnwaiihas , decded to return to Honolulu amj ' face his ac cusers , Cornwall Is IUJ0S d to , have come to AmerIca to aid the revolutonsts In procuring " curing marine , Iy Ieturnln ho hope to es- tahlsh his innocence and lu"ohls valuable estate from confiscatIon , lie aus engaged passage on tIme steamer Marlposa ' which msaihs next week , _ aal : . , . . Is Jroulht Hut for lel" . 1)ungeu. NI \ ALBANY , hid . Feb . , -A suit for $ , , O damages was med here today hy lrs , Fannie 1 De Ialw , the defendants being time New Albany Rail. Mill company , Adolph ' 1rauntcr amid the Union Trust compan She alleges that the mi was worth $2,0 anti that sho'\nls one-fourth owner , nnd that Hhe anti , Newland 'F. De l'auw , Chnrles W. De Iauw itnd Florence Do l'uuw leased the propi'ty to the rail mill COmlany ) for ten ) 'eore , and that the property has been moved to Alexandria her , wltimout consent wihout - , Crlll ; , , Jury luavritlgntlmmg IUIU"ltol. BAN FRANCISCO , Vet , , -The federal grant jury sIttIng In this fity today took up tIme case of Cells .j' , Huntngton , 11res. Ident of the Southem I clb cOlpan ) ' . : who Is accused ot ha\Olnl violated time Interstate - ' torstate commerce law II GivInG n free pass to Frank Stone , 1 local pollclan , J , 'l' , Roberts coast leather or the Aimmer- ICIJ Railway untomi and Ator l ! on- telh , the union's I'gal repro.ental.ye. were \cfore the jury today . FOSTER \\TAS ' \ ANGRY - Upbraided the Chinese for the Pnfuo of the pICO Mission. DECLINED TO GO FIJRTIIER WITh THEM FURTIFIT TIEM Passersby on the Street Attrct d by the War of Words. , RELENTED ACCOMPAN'W THEM HOME Envoys Were Givan Two Hearings by the , Japanese Officials . T ) L THEY MUST WING FULL POWERS Little Slope tmt time NI' otnUonA " 'lll lie U ( 'leI'll hum Thl" to Stol time "Ic- torlou8nrch of tIme Jnl"U"so on I'cltlumg. SAN FRANCISCO , Feb. 23.-The steamer Gaelic brought the following Japanese nd- vices to the Associated press : TOKIO , Feb. G.-Chmina's ntempt to ne- gotate for peace 11roved even moro fruitless than was anticipated. The Japanese are greatly disappointed al the failure of the Chlnce govcrnment to give Its envoys proper power to negotnte for peace. The Tsung-I- Ynmen was warnell br all the for- eign diplomats , amid especially Minister Dunn at Tolto , that unless the envoys were given full power their errand would be worse than useless. The most positive pledges were given that the en\oys would he genulw plllpo- tonlarles , wIth full power to speak for their sovereign , and I Is believed that stronger pledges were given Mr. Foster The em- bassy came wih thc utmost confidence , with a small colony of attendants anti foad amid clothing that Indicated an Indefnite stay. Yet the first glance at their credentials made It evident that their errand was a mere IJre- tenac. Their duties were so imperatively limited that the ) ' could only listen to time conditions whIch Japan might propose , report - port them to Peking and await further In- structons , ThIs being the cast the Japan- ese could only dismiss them without discussing - sing the peace proposilon wih them , The envoys were given two audiences by the Japanese commissioner and Mr. Fester was not allowed to be present at eitimer. February 1 their credentials were exam- med ammO the following day they were Informed - formed that their errand was useless Three days after their arrival In HiroshIma the envoys were preparIng to return to China. It Is reported that Mr. oster's annoyance was so great that an open Quarrel took place between him and hIs clients. The angry " ' dispute 'a' ' said to ila"ve' ' been overheard by crowdntho street on which the ChInEse were lodged Though the ' story Is 'doubtess exaggerated It appears to be true that the American contemplated leaving the embassy In HIroshIma and straightway returning to the United States , but this decision was revered , and when the ChInese started on February 4 from Nagasaki he accompanied them to theIr port with a conditional prom- Ise to g stIll further I his assistance were found Indispensable. 'At the close of the second and last Inter- vIew In the Hiroshima prefecture , Count , Ito told the envoys that whenever properly I accredited [ delegates shoull [ be sent by theIr emperor they would be received with as much respect as If this unfortunate error had not been committed. I China desires to promptly renew her application no obstacle - stacie will be put In her way , but 1 Is doubtul If any ting can now checlt the ad- vance of the Invaders Ilrough Pe-Chmi-Ll and their occupatIon of Pehcing. . U. P. 11WI l'lmS J1STlUCTWS. . Shearing Before .Tmuign Rnhnrn I'o1ponmt , Until 'I imirm'In' , . ST. LOUIS , Feh. 23.-Jumdge Sanbor of the United States court Rat In chnmbers today to pal ! upon certain matters brought b ' ' , . , counsel to his attention by W R. Kelly for the UnIon PacIfic receivers. The order asked for embraced questions upon which the recelverR requested advIce or dIrection. As nskel , the orders arc as follows : "Continuing the division of toils on time that the New England Omaha imrldge ; BnJlanll Trust company apply time Interet received ly I on collateral bens to pay the Interest COl pens secured thereby before turning the same Into the sinking fund ; althorlln time receiver to sell certain broken curs , useless - less equipment , etc ; to show cn USe why the receivers shoull not pay $3,0 taxes due on the property o the KansaK City & Omaha road ; authorizing the receIvers ot the Knnsas PacIfic divisIon to pay time lame elapses or claIms that were ordered to bo pall , on the Union Pacific dlvlslol , " An applIcation was also made for an order directing the receivers to continue until further orders time division of earnlns he- twrrn the Union Paclc and the Oregon ; Short 1.lne Mi- 1Iehloclt , representing the American Loan ant 'rust company moved a postponement - ponement hecause his clIents had not been served wltim the imottce In time to allow an wih notce tme alow examinatIon ot the matter and Judge San- examlnnton mater < le horn adjourned the hearing untIl next Thurslla . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ , IOl , L. lt J'JNU . ,1 TflhIl. ColelrnlHI time Uro"kl Up of Ills Cor- paul ) ' , vlh R Ult Jrunk. JACKSON\I.1.E , Fla . Feb , 23.-Joimn I. Sullivan continued his Ilrunilen cnrousal tn Sulvan contnuell this city today and was a conspicuous figure at various saloons , lie malic trip In an open barouche , accompanIed by several sportIng friends , 011 crowd of the curious tel owed him , Sllvau was bItter agnlnst the news- papers for the notoriety he hints received. He says he has been greatly misrepresented - sented , Meanwhie he continues to spend his money frecly for drInk and shows no signs ot lettIng up , He declares he has pawned his watch and dilmonds to assist his company durIng the past few weeks when they played to email hmousemm Most of the members ot the company will lell'1 for New York on the Clyde lIne steamer tomorrow. Some have money that they saved. Sullivan Is said to have ralled Slfclent money to Jay ' the passage ot the two chidren ot the company The ) ' will go by rail tomorrow muornImig Miss Armstrong , 'a ' ) member of the company , had Suiilvamm's , trunks attachl } today ) ' for $120 , whIch she claims to be due her for wages. - . " ' "oerlf ( 'sue Uruly , fur time Jury. LITTLE nOCJ' , Ark" , l"eb. 23.-Both sides In the Woodruff case , on trial at Perry- vhhie , rested their cafe yesterday and the argument was beGun nt t o'clock , Yesterlu ) ' alernoon , as Prosecuting Attorney Pember- ton beJan to State the case to time jury , Miss ) imtggIeVoodruff . daughter ff the cx- treasurer arose and saId ; "Si down , You cannot talk before me and prosecute my poor lear father ; silt down , I commal)1 you , I will not hear you speak aGaln hIm ; i shut lp itt Qnce " ' 1 . THE BEE BULLETIN Weather Porceast t for Nrhm.ka- I'A go. Fatr : Generally \ \ 'armer ; South \'lnda. 1. URlscr Wlholl l'reI liii Care . Mtiuy IUlorl CIIO , frnf lInumolmlt * . I'ootor AnRry Ii Chlne.o tmmmmlity. tCftO Corprlml.f 01 ittiver . 2. Inn"lu tl no to Mexico , Why Cotton . lnlr lfl "hit thud \ V 01(1 $ \(8crII11' 3. Costly Ir/I.lt\o : 8111\1N , :1 Jrllrlo"1 Cur ham ) ' 111 % 'muhmIngtimm's Jrlh.l"y lt I"rClont J\uII Or" . SIcel,1 Train \ \ 'rccked . . . I.RSt'rol , In Ioet Sooloty. Mu.lo anti tier Iciotees ) , I ; , Theist nicsi New4 n 111 (1ouulp. U. I ( : ollrl htiufl4 Ioe"t . ' * lmitters. SrIMIUoIN In , the 11t , ( 'muse. 7. WIt \ t1' nil Rt I nlllluot. 'frl\'cllJ : INI Irgiumieo ) aim ' , \ .oeIRUol , 10. 101'rnl ( Ih"vlr.I'A story ) ' If I' tilde. IrlorlN fur the Puhle chooh , 1 t , 'ointumum Her \I'N uHI Icr i'onid. Co- ) rat I ' I I , , Build . CO-U\H'Ith'o 101" lulhlll/ 1 : . tu : tt , nat .u11 S. nun muemut . 1 : : Mlllel\ll ltetum lit In t'muicmmgo. 14 , A 111 I the i Ollh" l ham rehe. 11 , ( 'oum 0 I t hum of ( I multi 'i ' " ' . iobbi mug TrRlit Coin mumercm'mt ' IUII l'h1Ich,1 , , : CIA , l'"atlr" , If Limo Ih'o Stock huket. 10 . IIA ' h , on hue Ilolle , 1.uUo : lr. 'I'hmlummlmictiiigor. " 18 ENlnhruuk nut Ifl'cto. Iorlos 'told If Arlolls \ , 1) Weekly Orlst If :1'1'111 nlsl" ' 'rl\lnhll hogs fur Use II % % ' & ieo. "Chtromulcies ff COlnt Ztmmtonto"-V. - O-l /A IJ.r JBUI IS , lC-lJE/ Not Ilnljh : lurtell""IIM I.or Alive to I Irr ) ' I OU SEHGEANT , l ) ' , , Feb 23-News Just received herl Is 10 the effect that tlmreo men have been shot to death amid n fourth mor- tally wOlmlel1 In a fght between the Smlth- Cox factions near Osborn's Gap , Dcldnson : cOnlr : , VaVcdmmesday aferoon last. The men Involved 11 the dlfculr hall long been regarded as terrors In the neighborhood , and for years the famies have been deadly ene- mies. According to the best Informaton obtainable , Rob amid Sam Smith had been at the Gap ammO were on their s'ay home when they met Den and Lent Cox In time road , about two mies (101 towmm. All four were under the influence of liquor. The Smiths drew revolvers and commanded their enemies to surrender. Instead , the Cox boys jerICI ] out wepons Then n general fight was begun. The battle lasted for nearly hai I an hmour and when the smell cleared away nab and Sam Smith and Den Cox were round lying dead on the real , while Lent Cox Is so .badly wounded that his death Is expected hourly. The killing of time men puts II end to the feud , which had long been prominent In criminal circles In this sectIon of the country. There were orIginally eight Smltl boy , and ' alt otthem - met -their. death In tlgItt4imiiar ! ' } .tml' .g to the present one. Two . Coxes were also Itlel several years ago In a battle be- tween men of their stamp. Den Cox en- joyed tIme reputation of having Itled five men , and his brother Lem had twice been tried for murder. They all lved In the mountains , and were regarded as dangerous amen . 11'lJU/JE hILL IUl lUJ D011'll. Thh'Ueth Ballot Last Night Settled time Orlol ! ol tor.hlp. SALEM , Ore. , Feb. 23-George W. McBride - Bride , ex-secretary of tate , was elected to- night on the thlrleth ballot as United States senator to succced J. N. Dolph. George McBride , senator-elect , Is 41 years of age , a native son or Oregon , ant a lawyer by professlomm Ho has served In the state legislature and hell the ofce of secretary of state for eight years , going out of offIce last January. On the silver question be Is un- coniunittemi. . , 'UUl TICUS.I10J .11 OUT NOW' . Twelve 1lntre1 Mechanls . i tided 10 time I'III"lhy Slrlc In Now Yurko Ng\y YORK , Feb. 2.Worltas ordered Itopped on lIve new bulclnns tOllny by the hoard or waltng ( delRate In aid 01 time Ktrltl of electric woricers . 'rhls taltes out ] ,20 addItional ( mechanics and lrllRs the total so fat' involved In time strike up to 4,0 I has become lown that nt a meeting on ' 1hl'III [ ) ' the : llster Bulller/ associa- ton e110rled the ncton of the electric contmctol\ \ offered them support In the struggle. Should the strikers hell out I the contractorR hlvo decided to employ nonunion men omlay. At the urorloon meeting It . was decided not to change tIme course Colo\\.1 Ilnee lie ( inception of time strike . ' 1hele1 he a meetng on Monday of the boss IJlllcls to consider the strike . A report was In cir- culaton tolay , to time effect that time eec- rotary of Electrical Worllcra union No , : hlll heel mIssing Klnen \'ednesday , anti thut ho hat wltL him the papers IJertaln- lag to time strike , . " 'nnn Ills flack Sllry : , NEW YORK , Feb , 23.-Edmimmid y , JIL- colitiS hns mel stilt In time supreme court for leave to have sold property In thll city belonging to the estate of ! rs , Sarh Mc- 1lhbcn , who 11\1 [ In Snit Lake II larch , 1890 In hIs Petition amid cOllllnlnt .Tacobumms alleges that between Janual'y 1 , lESt , amid December 21 , 8S9 , henl In the employ of Mrs 1leKllhln , whopa former name wait Lawrence , aim traveling companIon ) and mannger oC her business , ammO for his serv- ices he hal 1 claim for 121,80 Time probate - bate judge In SnIt Lake City demanded 1 lal' el' bond thnl time Illalntff could fur- mush , anti ho waft hot allowed to qualify . Because of this lie asks for $2,0 damages and eximenscum. He ntrmf ! rs. 1"IelIlmhen'us " wi WIS pro\ed In this city , but letters tcstnmentary were 10t Issued . S welt \ lrllllller , Strike . Cf.AIUSUUnO , W , Va . FEb , 23-The miners hn\'e struck at the nennltnnlclt coal mines. They were getting 40 cents for loading a ton and a quarter cnr. They claIm that the company has Increuso(1 the capacity of the cars to two tons and wants them to lent lucite cars . at to cents each ' itmtmmeos , , t iueroke , , iiIt . 1'llnl Iii I SIOII'I'el UI horollo JII. FORT 8lI''I Arll" , Fob , 23--Chcrokeo huh was convicted of two more charges or robbery 1010) ' . 't'imis was for time Chateau robbery last October . wien ho wits still 1 member of the Cook gang , He robhcll time depot at Choteau , l curllg $8) arid time mal baga _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ dl , ui'iimpnts o' lo"nl Slo'le" , Irtu. 2 : . At Oibraltcmr-Arrtved-Unlted States ship Chicago , en route to New York At New 'Yorlc-Arnis'etl-Murtimara , trol hamburg : trurla , ( rm I.tverpool. At Queenstown-Arnived--L'nmbnia , from New York , for LIverpool , ammO IlrOct'eded. Orleans At Ilrenmen-Arniyed-Aldemny , from New ' At ilarre-Arrired-La Normandle , from New York I ITS LAST HOPE GONE Deciled Majority il the SOlnto Against Oon- sidering the Poolng Bill . VOTE AGAINST IT ALMOST WO 10 ONE Senator Butler Disgusted ( Over the Defeat of His Pet Measu , TWO MOVES MADE IN FAVOR OF SILVER W olcottIntrolccs ' f Rcr1\tion Looking to on International Oommission , COINAGE OF SEIGNIORAGE TO PAY INDIANS lte'slmmttoum iU'tcrrt'ui to n ( : nllltro 111 NA.tnn " 'mus ' 'lk.'nI thu Cnln- age l'rumpositiduum.-ilmdltuim Appro. 1gl'rnJn 1 Inl'- 1111 111rn. I'rlntnn ll Cnl ' u'rcd. WAShINGTON , I eb , 23-1 Is seldom the Benato hnd a mora busy and cventullln ) ' , or one so dlsturbell by Ilclsonnl tempests than was caused by the. poolIng lull , which Is no- gardol ns ouo of the most hnlJOrtant incas- - tires 4efore congrcss , al1 which stiffened I alenal reverse , It not fnal defeat , as It wi , be difllcmmht. to revive It after the faluro of . Its flleluls to com 1111 moro thnn twent- four votes to get It before time semmate Intense - tense feeln ! was arousCI b ) time effort to take time bill ill ) , III when : lr. \uler. In charge of I , Intmntell bad faith emi the part of : Ir. Gorlnn , the later resllollng hmotiy . crllclsed time management of the bill and declared Mr. Buler was "piqued. " On tIme republcnn side , : lr , Chandler and Mr. Wol- cot were Inyo'ell In Shllll Ileronal criti- clsl as I result or theIr dufft'rommcos on time poolimmg bill , In time coumrse of time discussion nmaumy scimatonim vanmmed time frIends of time bill that It was useless to take it tip , as it \votmld be systemuatleally ' 'talked to death , " Time umtlian apiirolmnlatiomi bill was iassed after hmavimmg been before time sonata five days , anti mm beglmmniumg was mmtamle omm time smmimdry clvii bill. There Is mmmuch hmmterest in time latter immeastmre , as it comituttums time incas- tire for relieving time treasury by time tssuo of exchmequor certificates imp to $100,000,000. A mmew Itimase of time ctmrremmcy qtmeatloim was presented today by Mr. Wolcott , providing for time creation of an Anicnicami commission of mmimie mmmemimbers to take lrnrt Iii any imiter- miational uttommey commfercnce it Gerimiany , Great Britain amid otimer foreIgn commtmtries take the Initiative. Time hmlami will be urged as an auiicmmdmiiont to tIme sundry civIl bill. A reso Iutiout 'as Immtrotitmcetl to imave time remaIns of Fred Douglass lie 1mm state in the rotunda o Lime cmpitol , but it failed to be acted upon , Mr. Voonimees , chairman of thm finance corn- unhtt e , presented a comprehensive resolution for an Investigation by time contnuitteo of the effect of the tariff and imitermmai revenue laws. TEXT OF WOLCOTT'S PROPOSAL. . Mr. Wolcott , repmmbiican of Colorado , then came forward witim an interestimmg proposl- ( ion atuthioniziumg time creation of an American commimhssion to act witlm foreIgn coumitnies hmoumld tlmey talco time initiative in aim International - national imionetary commfom-emmce. 'rime plami was offered as an aumiemmdmrmcnt to time smmmimlry civil bill now on time calemidar , and about to be taken up. It is as follovs : Wimereas , Tue presldomit of time Uuiited States , upon tIme invItation of Gernmnny or Great Britain , or any of thu oilier gov- ermmmemitms of Eum'ope , shah dctcrmlmme that thus government lmall lie vejmmesemited at mummy Intcrmtam.Ional am' otimer commfercmmce , to be held wIth a 'iew of soctirimmg Inter- natlotmumliy a fixit ) ' of relative values be- tweemi gold and iiver nit mnommcy , by omeans of a conhimion ratio between tlmomme metals with free immimmtnge at such ratio , unml Imo shah be authorized to request time ntti'imthanca of time _ commimniasion to ho nppoimited as imerehumafter provitiemi , so aim to atCond such comiference 1mm hieimtmlf of time United Stmmtes. 'rime ntmniber of miuclm conumimimsioumurn muimail . be nine. Time iiresi.thtmit of tIme Ummlted States shah appoint by , amid with time L'OuiI400t of the emmate , three of ( lie saId comnuislomtermm , pmior to time adjourmmmcmmt of tIme present congicm45 , time otimers mmimnui be a joint coin- ntittee of hut congress , timreo to lie macrn- hers of time mtemmtmte timid three of time imouso of relmeesemitatlves. If aftem' time nuljounmi- umiemit of timis congress there muimmuii be any vacancies him said comummitlsimiou , , lmy death , resignation or otimerviSo , ttuchm vacancies simnll be tilled by uppohmmtmmtent by the president. Time tmmnendmiment makes available $100,000 for the CXliCiiSCd of time commmumilseiomm , "It Is satIsfactory , " said Mr.'olcott , "to timoso wimo vote for blmetumhiismn amid it simouhd be satisfactory to timose gemmtiemmmemm i'imo talk for imluneinilitmumi mind vote agaInst It ammO vaIt with ravisimed eyes to see vimat lmmgiand will mb" lie asked timat time ammmemmtlmnemmt go to time flumaumce cemimmnlttee , Mr. Hale uimade thmo smmggeatlomi timat as time suumdry cI'vil hill 'ae soon to be con- sitiered there simould be mme delay hum getthumg time aniemmmlmuemmt from time finance committee and to the appropriatIon comnummittee. A bill was hiassed to correct aim error In time recemmt Cimicago iulihic iulidhmmg hill , b wimleim time old buiidummg ties to be sold to time "iowcst" bidder Instead of time imlgumest. An imour was given to time ahmarp controvenly over stopping work on time Delaware river bridge at Phiiumdelpimla until a board of army' engineers investIgated time mupamm , etc. Mr. Mcl'imerson wltlmdrew imis opposItIon to time lmmqulry auth hula mnotlomm to recommsider time resolutIon directing an irmvemutigatlomm was laid on time table , 37 to 10. Senator Butler at 3 I ) , In. moved to sake up the raIlroad pooling hill , TIme immotlomi was defeated , Yeas , 24 ; nays , 12. Time credentials of Mn , MeCaffery , democrat of LouIsiana , for time termmi hieginmmimmg March 4 next was preseumted by lila colleague , Mr. illanchmard. Mr. George , democrat of MIssissIppI , sub. milled time results of tin iumquiry hy time coin- muttee Di' agriculture eonc'ernimmg time culti. vation of cotton. ItISUMED TI1R iNliAN 131L14 , Commumhuieratlon was resmimimed of time Indian approprIation bill , and Mr. Kyle offeremi an amendment that tIme word "Iumthlan" shall In- dumb not only those of full Ijlood lmu ( those of mixed imloomi , of whatever degree , whmllo tribal relatIons arc mnatntmmhumed. Senator Butler , after time difeat of time pooh- lag ( dii , made a statement revlewlmmg what had been done , inciumling time actIon of time steering commIttee , lie clmarge that great mnonopohies of time countries had ti railroads anti time people hmy time throat anti were oppos. Ing time pooling lull , Mr. Butler said lie intended - tended to have fair commsideratiomm for time pool- lag bill. lie asserted that l imid been un- fariy used by aipropniaIioa bills , lie