- - _ , - -p- - - - - . ' < - - , T - " , . - r 'h , . ' . 1 6 ( j TIlE OMADAYBE1SAI1DAY \ FEunu L-- - . - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - : G.qnDA ; , F1rnUA1tY 23 , 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . TRIBUTES \VASIIINGTON \ ) ( ; I - . . now Birthday of the Pepub1lo's roum1er Was UelobratMd in Omaha ALL OUTWARD SIGNS OF A HOLIDAY - - : fO11 of the Jc\'oluUon J'reent J'lctnrn to the high School nnll Young Mcn' . Chr18U.1 . AiocIitIon-tnstt&nI , , " 1tclll of the Soch'I , - Flagl on the staffed bulllngs of the ( clf jotterday , the closing of publc ofcu bank , ant a vacatofl In the Ichools wue the most marked 81g1 of yesterday's hUtIflY. i . The custom which was Inaugurall ! n Boa. . ton by the SOlY of the Hevoluton of pre. . senthg n portrait of Washington to 1M pub. Ic schols on the anllvenary nf hIs birth waa observed by the same scclety In Ne br3ska for the nret time yestcrdaaftrr - noons A handsome nIctIlro f the "P'lther of Ills Country" was presented ' t the pupis ot the Igh school , antI the present3lon- mnde the occasion of a large iul ( pltrlolc : gathering . The exerclsH were hell In the largo nudlence room , whlh wu ; cl'cwllell wih the Ilupls of the Mh011 , with thcjr frlenlla anll the members ef the Mclety. The . 11gh School cadets marched In In n body anti occupied the rear scats. On the rostrum 'era seated Prof. 10nHr P. Lewr who 1 presIded : Rev. Luther M. J1'IR : ' , W. H. Alexander . I. ' . Ourle . Colonel Champion , B. Chne and Cement C. C.i.ise. 'h roT- trait was an excellent copy of the famous . Athenaeum lkeness , which was patnte IIY ' Gilbert Stewart In 1796 , ' 11 a Mr. Ale. < nlltr _ drew aside the nag whIch had I'orrrale It from view It wa9 greeted by a prolonged burst of vlgorou ! applau3 . The 110rtral was formally presentell by Clement C. Chase In the name of the society - with n brief sketch of Washington an'l of the portrait of which this was n faithful _ _ _ _ copy. Tim git was approprlaty acknowledged by Prof. Lewis , after which addresses were delivered by Mr. Alexander an.1 . Mr. Ourley. The exercises were concluded by singing I I "Amerlca , " and the benediction by Hev. I. M. Kuhns. M.At . r At 4 o'clock the society met at the Commercial - mercial club rooms to elect ofilcers and transact - . net other business. The reports of the retr- lag officers Indicated the prosperity . of the oclety . which now has twent-two members In good standing. A resolution was adopted recognizing the serious a Itton of Com. patriot Aurelns Bowen and expressing the _ _ _ wishes of the society for his peedy recov- ery. ery.The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows : President , Hev. _ _ _ _ Luther M. Kuhns ; first vice president 'V. II. _ _ _ Alexander ; second vice president , Jerome Wise ; secretary W. A. Webster : registrar , _ _ _ _ IYlan E. Ware ; treasurer Paul ' \ ' . Kuhns ; _ _ _ _ historian F. N. Jaynes : delegate to national _ _ _ convention , John H. Webster : alternate , C. C. Chase In the evening the compmlon portrait of _ _ _ the one that was presented to the High _ _ _ school was presented to the Young Men's _ _ _ Christian association . the exercises being In charge of W. 11. Alexander and John H. Webster. _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ : IUI'OUTcn . \ LITTII IATE I ObJer\lnces of n Intd"y ot Om .hn "Iew . and I.onl Schoob. _ _ _ . At Om.aha ! VIew School 'Vashlng- , ton's birthday was made memorable . , by each room securing as n permanent possession to hang on its walls a large picture - . , ture of one of America's honored sons. The ; faces of Washington Lincoln , Grant , 'Veb- Iter , Longfellow . Whittier , Bryant , Lowfll l , Holmes , William I'enn and Tennyson look ( down from these school walls. An Interest- log feature cf the program was the singing ) ' by the boys. I Is hard to get boys to sing together and carry the different parts , but , 4' the boys at this school showed excellent vocal . training In the rendering of several rollicking . long . The children of the Omaha View c , . schools , through the earnest efforts of their teachers , are making large use of the public , . library . One hundred and forty-Ove of the ; . ; 300 pupils enrolled are drawing books. Nearly . I 100 books are taken home every week , after . careful Inspection by the teachers as to their , character and suitability. A large number ef ' visitors came In to , enJoy the program and all voted I a most n appropriate Washington celebration. AT TiE LONG SCHOOL. Washington's birthday was celebrated at . the Long school with appropriate exercles. In every room there were patriotic speeches and songs The fifth grade had quite an elaborate program , consisting of recitations , dialogues and songs. The exercises closed by n beautiful nag drill , In wh'ch the children 4 , , were very proficient , and evIdence painstak- ins training. . This room Is In charge oC Miss Lois 10rrel , end well might her bright face wear that gratified smile when the day ' was over. Her pupils were an honor to her. : , The kIndergarten In this school also gave an " entertainment. To see those little tots wale , " up to the platform and recite some of the maxims and sayings of the illustrious war- nor showed how early patriotc sentiments i are taught In the public school. This Is the I A first year for the kindergarten In this build- Ing. Undr the able leadership oC Miss ' 'I . Smih and Miss Kelly It Is progressing , finely. ' -I At Omaha View the day was male ! memor- ¶ r able ' by each room securing as a IJrmanent possession' to hang on Its walls n large , picture of one of Amerlca's honored sons. , L f The faces of Washington Lincoln , Grant , ' , 'Ypbster , Longfellow , Whiter , Bryant , . Lowell , Holmes , William Penn and Tennyson look Ilown from these school walls. An In- , A terestng feature of the program was the Binging by the boys. I Is hard to get boys to sing together and carry the different ' parts , but the boys of this school showed I , excellent vocal training In the rendering of , several rollicking songs. The children of the , I Omaha View schcols , through the earnest efforts ef their teachers , are making large use of the public library. One hundred and t ; IJ torty-nve of the 300 pupils enrolled are drawIng books. Nearly 100 books ore taken : home every week , after careful inspection ) by the teachers as to their character \ anTIS w ( i\lablty ; \ A large number of visitors came In to c . enjoy the program and all voted It a most - sptroprintoVabington cehobratio . tt \ . $1. I'"ul' " 1'"Irlot'o Crlolr.ttons. 1 T. PAUL , Feb. 22.-Several meetings were ; I held by various patrIotic : and other organlza- . ' lions today In celebraton Washington's , I birthday , the chef one being that by thiS Son of the American Revolution , In which the g Daughters of the Revolution Joined l'rcsl- , . \ dent Albert Igerten ! of the Sons who Is one of the few survIving Sons or Revolutionary - pry elders : , Ilreslded over the meetng , which was held In the High school assembly ' ball at 2:3Q : th * afternoon a : : the formal address -J . web delivered by Hey . Paul FgbrL of this ' . n. city. The rIval organization , the Sons or the : T I nevoluUon , had Its usual observance yesterday - day at the same place , when prizes were . -a gven : te Minnesota Ilgh school student writ- tug the best patriotic essay TcnlRht the l'rebyterlan of this city hold a patriotic . ' I' ' meeting. The legislature II not In session ' $ 1 today and the nHmbrs of both houses visited ' , A. the state prison at Stlwater , where appro- 1 Irlat ! seHcea : were hed ! this afternoon. t. t Nc\ . YirI' , ' Wlllr ) ' t'etebrtln. . f . , NEW YORK , Feb. 22.-General suspension .1\ . , business and numerous parades were the . . eUlward evidences th' this la the anniversary of GeorKe Washlngton's birtlulay. The day I ' l cold anti blustering. Nct"b1 among the I pbserancea of the day have been. those lt . , xl i the worklngmen's school , ef which Felix Alter Is the head , Toad at the Uoomdale leformed church where 300 school children , . : 'participated In the exercises of a patriotIc characler. The Southern soclety' banquet and the dinner bf the Son8 of the Revolution Hevoluton . : 'wero the leading events of the evening The Colonial dub also gave Q dinner to- . Bight . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : ( \.rlm" " 1"111111 ' _ % Vcrg , ' Io.ed . . , . WAShINGTON , Ireb. 22.-Washington's lllrtbday was fittIngly celebrate In Ibis city. . ' t ! tbo Grand Army of the Iwpublo , the District - ' . trlct National guard , and the High Schol 1. ' "de . . the Dauhterz of the 4 rlcfD iteo- . . : : . _ _ luton , the NatIonal CouncIl of Women , the Ions of the Ievolulon , Ind t.al LegIon of Women , all several other organizatIons observed - served the national character of the day. The government departments , banks and many business places were closed , the day being A legal holiday. TlnUVCUOVT TIlE S'rATF. "nlhlnglon CelehrRtln\s Arranged In Many 1"hrl k" Ulol % 'aatercl.cy. LINCOLN , Feb. 22.-Speclnl.-WRshlng- ( ) ton'l birthday was observed at the University of Nebraska today by Appropriate exercises held at the morning chapel hour The address - dress was delHred by lion . A. W JeferIs of Omaha , who was secured by the Omaha club of the universIty , under whose management the ( eerclses were held The chapel was crowded , standing room being at R premium Besides the thousanel or more students , many members of the Sttck Ireeders association . which Is now In session here. were present On the stage was Chancellor Canfield . with other members of the faculty , end President Otis \1. Whipple of the Omaha club This wus Mr. Jefferis' Jrt visit to the university In the capacity of a sr1eaker. After singing "America , " which Ice ( chancellor remarked was the only song that could be sung on such a lay , Chan- celor Cannelll Introduced the speaker lie said that I gave him great pleasure 10 Introduce . duce lion. AV. . Jeferis as an Omaha man brought here by the University of Nebraska Omaha club. Mr. Jeferis very eloquently prefaced his remarks with a pen picture of the struggle for independence 10 then noted the telling points In that great life , and Washington's great strength of muscle and character. "It Is not for the things he could do that we honor him. " said the speaker , "so much as for those It was Impossible for him to do. When he was a small boy and cut down the cherry tree It was Impossible for him to tell a I\ ; when he wIshed to become a sailor It was Impossible for him to disobey his mother : when he was caled to save his country lie could not refuse , and when he was offered the kingship he could not desert the Inter- esta of that republic he and so many at his fellow patriots had risked theIr lives and spent their wealth to create. " PHEMONT , Feb. 22.-Speelal.-Tha ( ) Merry Makers , Fremont's leading social club had a masquerade party lat night In honor of Washington's birthday at Masonic temple hail . I was a grand affair and an entire success. The costuming was especially good , all the music of n high order. There was a good at ndance. O'NItILIJ , Neb Feb. 22.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-The ) Bartey Guards celebrated Washington's birthday by an exhibition drill In the public square and marche through the principal streets ef this cIty led by the O'Nei 'ornet band WEST POINT , Neb. Feb. . . PONT , 22.-Speclal.- ( ) Washington's birthday was celebrated here In fine style today by the public schools of the city. Numerous decorations were displayed - played by business men and prIvate citizens. COLU mUS. Neb. , F.eb. 22.-Speclal.- ( ) The public schools celebrated \Vashington's birthday yesterday. The rooms were dab- orately decorated , and a great many visItors were present. SCIIUYLEIL , Neb. , Feb. 22.-Spocial.-- ( ) \'asliington's birthday was not forgotten In Schuyler. The pesto ce. banks and county omces were closed , and the pupils and teachers of the schools of Schuyler were at liberty to enjoy the bright light and free air ef a beautiful sprlnglke day. NORTH LOUP , Neb. . I eb. 22.-Speclal.- ( ) The school board exhibited its patriotism by giving the teachers the benefit of Wnah- Ington's birthday as an actual as well ns n legal holiday In the schools here , and In consequence - sequence the exercises In commemo- raton of that event , which had been ar- ranged for today took place yesterday In the presence of a number of visitors. Some of the children were prevented from attending - tending on account of the prevalence of a mid form of scarletina . FULLEnTON. Neb. , Feb. 22.-Speclal.- ( ) Washington's bIrthday was celebrated by' the citIzens of this city and surrounding country today The cIty nt an early hour presented a gala appearance the business houses and many ot the residences being handsomely decorated with the national colors. The grand. column formed at 10 o'clock on Broadway the right resting on Second street while the loft extended to Elfth street. The column commenced the parade In the following order : Fullerton Martial band , company D , Nebraska National Guard Grand Army of the Repub- lie . 'Voman's Relief Corps Sons of Veterans , Independent Order of Odd Fellows . Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , KnIghts ot 1)- thlas , fire company No. 1 : fire company No. 2 . Igh School Cadet band , leading about 300 school children . The parade was along the principal streets of the city to Sheal opera house where an interesting program was render , consisting of songs. an able address by Dr. W. H. 1. Pisbury and exercIses from each department of the public schools. Thin day was most pleasantly spent by all the citizens at the city. _ _ _ _ _ _ . "hna hopkins Double C"ebr"tlon. nALTnlRE , Feb. 22.-The nineteenth commemomton day of the Johns HopkIns universIty was observed on 'Vnshlngton's birthday . The assembly room In the new McCoy hal was seated to hold 1,0 perSons - lens , and every scat had Its occupant. On the platform were the trustees and faculty of the college . Cardinal GIbbons , Bishop Kecne , the I'cctor of the Catholic university Prof. Fishier . of Yale , the chief judges or the city courts and representa- tves or other institutions. The J1rlnclpal address or the cny was delivered byPresi- dent Low of Columbia college . New York , w110 chose for his subject "A City Unl- verl ) . . . Prof. Bersen made n scientific statement respecting "ArAon , " the recently discovered element In the atmosphere President Gilman made n statement with respect to a recent determination of thc value of the ohm , the unit ot electrical resistance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lewis rlalnmenlR. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. . Feb. . -Special ( ' 'elegrlm. ) - . 'Vnshlngton's birthday was commemorated here In an appropriate manner. Entertainments were held at the i colleges and churches and I specIal meet- log was held bY the Lincoln club In its roomy. . JUcge Stl'uble of ' 1oledo was the IrinciPil ' speaker . 11rlnclpl ( IOWA CITY 10. Feb. 22.-Speclal ( Tele- gram-Representatives of the faculty nail 1.10 atudenta of lie Slate unIversity oC Iowa held a mass meeting today and all- pointed , I committee to petition the legislature - laturo to make 'Vnshlngton's birthday a legal holiday In Iowa hereafter. I'.nn.yh"nt. Hlude/tR honor " ' 'lhtnllon. PIII.ADEI.PIIA. Feb. 22.-Washington's birthday WI appropriately celebrated by the University oC Pennsylvania students at the Academy or Music the exercises beginning at 10 o'clock 'rho meeting was Presided over by Governor hastings. The I oration oC the day was delivered by Pror. ! John 11cMnsters , In the absenCe oC Judge Thayer. Addresses were also delivered by Provost HarrIson of lie university , Governor - ernor hastings , Bishop 'Vhltaker and others. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " 'uler nl Club Ublr.il Ihe Day. . IOUISVItE , Feb. 22.-Washington's birthday was . more generally observed bore than usual , anti little business was dono. The banks antI exchanges were all closed The , Vlterson club celebrated the eccas- Ion with I reception tonight at Its club house. Shackelford Miller read 'Vnshlng- ton's farewcl address S"hoola IUd1 the ( 'cl.brathll CINCINNATI , Feb. 22.-The schools celebrated - brated Wnshlngton's bIrthday yesterday anti then closed for the day. Business was generally suapetidoti . but there were ITO Parades or celebrations by any organizations - izations . _ _ _ . _ _ _ Blew Opeic the lank , 'au't . TIIOMASTO\\'N Conn. , Feb. 22.-Three men , ot whom no description can be ob- tamed used d'nnrl\ blow off the doors of the ThomaBtown bank vault lIsle morn- lag securing all the "IUI the vault . thenul. citizens who were aroused 11Y the explo- sioii were driven back lt the muzzle of revolvers - \'olvera In the hands or lie men. The bank" refuses to give any statement of the loss except that It hi small , but it 18 known that $200 In gold WaS taken , besides - sides other cash. The men are BUPI10id to have driven toward Waterbury but no trace of them bas been t und. The town has offered 1 reward . of $ : , . Last 'of ' Sam' hloutoi's Ho'dl.r flesd. IILAUELPJIA , Feb. 22.-William C. Murphy , the last of General Sam houston's army In the war for the Independence oC Texas , dIed at hIs home In this city , aged 75 yours. lie was one of the eighty men who captured the Mexican fort at Alamo , which was defended ! by 250 Mexicans , after a three daya' fight. From this engaement engaaement only eight -f hits party escaped alive , the rest , , belng . butchered , , f . - " . , : : _ ' :1" OMAHA LiVE STOCK tARETS { Bulk of the Offerings Ohanged Hands Early at Far ! Prices . - \CGS WERE ABOUT FIVE CENTS hiGh R This Allmnee11 on Mixed and Heavy Loadl but the " 'cr' Commol Ill Not Show An Jml'ro\c' meat , . ' " - FHIDA , Feb. 22. The receipts of stock today were 1.12 cattle , 4,0S hogs and no sheep , as against 1.31 cattle , 7,291 hogs and 41 sheep on Friday of last wcelt. The five da 's' receipts - ceipts foot up 7,45 cattle , 2,2 hogs anti 5,51 sheep , as against 6.G3 cattle , 31,236 hogs lial 1,42 aheell for the same period last week From thll It will bo noted that there has been 1 small gain In the receipts of cattle , but a loss In hog recch11s. The receipts of sheep have been unusually large this' week There were forty fresh loads of cattle In the yards today I very light run , but as a considerable proportIon was . made up oC beef steers the , offerings In that class . of cltte weri fairly lberal There was a fair demand , and the market was a little stronger on handy little cnttl . The bulk ' oC the offerings chanled hands 'eurly. There Were some very good cattle In the yards today , ns high as $ : : being reached by one bunch. This Is the highest price paid on this market since the holidays. Over one- half of the beeves on thin market brought $ or better . Practically e\'erythln was solll before the cloRe. Cows anti mixed butchers' stock were In moderate SUppl\ there beIng fifteen to eighteen loads all told The cow stuff as a rule was not oC Vem'y good quality . there being a geoL many cattle on the common- tc comlon- isis order Desirable cattle were strong amid mct with very real ) ' sule. 'l'he' common- Ish stuff did not move oft quito so fr ely and In some cases holders were culling the trade slow. Veal calves continue In good demand at firm prices. contnue Stockers ana feeders were In very light lAht supply There was some demand from out- side buyers and the feeling was that good feeders would have sold stronger Hepre- sentnt\e sales : No. A\ ' . Pr. N : A\ ' . Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2. : . CC ) U 2 19..1033 a 90 10. . . .1150 14 I2t 2. . 8:6 340 16..120 ; f 90 10..190 3..1:6 $ 12 \ 1..80 35 18..101 40 . . lola 415 ! 3..10 365 42..1156 4 02 : . . .1O41 4.20 1. . B6 370 40..1C3 4 0 : 23,1183 . 4. 23..183 9. . 6i8 3 i.e 1..12 410 41..1173 . 4 3. , 4..113 43 17 . . lIsa 3 SO 10..1:3 COWS : 4 . 10 30..33 . 5 t : 1. . 6S0 125 1. . 8iO 180 7.100l 240 I 4. . 72 I 2 ; 19. . . 781 18 : 4. . ' 5 2 t I I. . 810 150 1. . . 8S0 20 5. . 9U 2 to I. . 930 I r. 1. . 80 20 1..1:10 26 : 1..9 15 3..10320 1..130 2C 1. . 95 I/ 3. . . 9i3 20 4. . 122 2 [ 5 6. . 8 : : . 15 1. . 7S0 210 1..110 26 : 1. . 720 1 to I. . 819 210 2. . 845 265 13. . sat 1 0 9. . 824 2 10 6. . 9P6 2 75 1. . 76 1 60 1..180 215 2..IW 27 : 4..8:2 : 1 ( I. . 94 215 1. . . SOO 290 2. . 945 1 C 2. . 975 215 0..IH3 290 4. . 615 165 15. . . 946 220 1..1:0 30 1. . 8" 1 6 : 1..1030 . 220 13. . 91 30 2..10i5 165 2. . 910 22 1..IOSO 310 4. . S60 1 c 4. . SO 2 : 1. . S6 310 1..10 I 65 5. . 61 22 1..120 32 10. . 81 16 : . 5. . . Sat . 22 2. . . .111O 3 25 2..110 : 5. . 962 I 70 1..120 2 : 3. . W16 32 16. . 8i2 1 75 1..10 : 35 ' . .150 32 4. . 72 1 7 : 22. . IIIMFflIOS. 92 23 : 1..120 32 I. . &iO I t 2. . 57 20 25. . . SOS 270 I. . .50 1 6 : 1. . 520 20 1. . 460 300 I. . 510 1 6 : 12. . . 615 20 I. . 310 30 3. . 43 1 70 8. . . 501 210 1. . 930 30 I. . : 4 : 1 7 : 1. . ' 0 2 2 1. . SSO 3 : 1. . 4:0 17 : I. . 790 270 4..12 410 HUL1.S. 1..llr.1 71 1.12.O 240 1..120 2 C 1..921 200 1.162024i)2..i62i)2i. . ) : 1..1020 210 1..102) 240 1..102 . , ) 275 1..1010 210 1..160 245 1..l91 ) 2 s 1..190 2 20 2. - .1620 25 : 1..1510 . 310 1. . 70 22' ' ) 1. . 920 2 GO 1..180 310 . 1..89 1 22 . : 1.154) . ) 2.G . 3..1G90 350 1..1510 300 , CALVES. 3. . 213 1 0 6. . 3i3 23 1. . SO 30 1..1iO 125 3. . 103,240. 1. . 130 3. & 2. . 12 10 10. . 263 2 GO 1. . " ' 1 40 16. . 216 18 : 13. . 396 2 70 1. . . . Th 4 2 . 6. . 20 20 1. . 30 270 3. . . 130 42 1. . 230' 225 . 3. . 123 300 1. ; . ISO 475 STOCK lS ANT ) l'EEDEHS. 3..433 . 20 3. . r.J n 1. . 6:7 2 75 3. . 610 20 : 1. . 42) " 0 3. . . : 285 10. . t2 2. ( 4. . . . ' . 'u ' a ,3 24. . .720 290 1. . . ISO 2 ( 6. . 451 2 co n. ( . . 6&J 30 3. : . t56 210 4. : . . 732 265 1. . 75 310 1. . 630 2 1 : 6. . . n35 2 G. 5. . 514 3 10 2. . 59 215 6. . .491 26 : I. . S2 ) 310 G. . . 31 2 25 3. . 40 2 'O 8. . ' 65 3 2) 3. . . tCG 240 1. . . 510 275 WEST EUNS. Simpson . & Pettrson . No. A\ . 11. No. Av. Pr. 1 steer . . . . 1290 $3 c 43 pleera..lC8 $3 6 : M. D. Greggs. 1 bul..180 2 ( 22 fceders. . . t56 2 80 9cows. . . . ! ' 6 2 c 21 ( eedor . . 91 315 10GSTIe recepls of hoRs lolny .nlmlereo Of.fur f"sh loads. flight god hogs were not \er plenty among the oIrrlngs , In fact there was nothing very toppy In the yards. The mar- ket on lOis mixed and heavy loads waR abut 5e higher but the very common anti might stuff did nol show much , If any improvement . Whl lie trade was not very acl\'p. the hogs were mostly all sold \ enrly. Several loads / heavy hogs brought $ .9 : anti one load S3.07whIch was the top , ns against $ yestenlay and $ on Friday of last week. Light hogs a'eragIna up ho/s n\era/Inl to 20 Ibs. sold at $3.5@3.80. but principally nt $3.C5(3,75. The bulk of nil Ibe hoJ sold at $ .65(3.75. ni 83.70413.80 . o. nKalnst $ .6Q3.f yesterday and sales $3,6 < : 3.80 on Friday of last week. RepresentatIve I , No Av. Sh. Pr. No . A\ 51 , . Pro 49..132 . . $3 45 SI . . . . .185 40 $3 EO . . . . . ! . . $ to & 0..190 . 80 J EO 81..l..17 , . 355 . . . . . 8 38 18..162 . . 3 G 64..195 . . 380 85 . . . . . . iO 120 3 G & 1..191 . . 360 3..16 . . 3 G . . . . : . 8 31 ' . 66..162 8 3 G 65..246 . . . . 40 310 71) . . . . . 257 . . 36 > . 151..21.8 3 82 , 1..160 . . : 63 1..20 . . 385 r 16..219 . . 36 : 62..292 . . 16 3 85 , 98..15 S 3 & 130..22 16 385 31..179 : 40 370 .9..220 . . . . 38 : 82..21 80 370 74..20 . . 385 8..18 10 370 51 . . . . . 257 : . . 3 I ; 7..1 ! . . 310 52..22 .40 385 SO . . . .10 ' 40 3 70 65. . . .20 , . 3 f 28..196 . . 370 & 1..194 . i 385 96..175 . . . . . : 70 . 66. . . . ' 40 38 70. . . . . .176 . . 310 61..226 . , Ia 385 43..16 40 370 80..196 . . . . 385 85 . . . ; . .186 . . 370 119 . . . . . 207 40 385 5. . . . . 200 40 3 70 67..251 . . . . . . 3 90 2..219 . . 370 & . . . . ,286 16 390 26 . . . , ,177 . . 3 75 8..20 ) . . 390 85..184 . . 37 6..210 . . 39 93..188 . . 3 ; 6..248 . . 390 1..21 4075 80..248 . . 395 10).199 . . . . 371 68..259 . . 395 69..2\ CO 315 6 . . . . . 251 . . 39 : 83 . . . . . 202 160 375 63..210 . . 395 94..18 40 315 66 . . . . . 231 . . : 95 .74 . . . . . 205 . . 315 80..249 . . 3 Di ! 1'lmt AND ltOtJUlk. . I . . . . . .130 . . 20 6. . . . . . 66 . . : 0 21. . . . 93 . . : to 70. . . . DC . . 30 1..30 . . 2 t . . . . . . . 310 5..14 . . 27 : 8..10 . . 3 15 2..20 . . 275 : i 1.3 . . . . . : . . 3 25 24. . . . . . 94 . . 28 13..10 . . 3 % 58. . . . 82 . . 290 62 . . . . . 100 . . 32 . , . . . . . 30 1..20 . . 3 % 2. . . . . B . . 30 3 . . . . . 133 40 325 6. . . . 86 . . 30 11EI P-Thrre were no sheep here 10 make a market Prlres ore nominally steady. Fair 10 choice nalh't Ire quotable al $ % { . ; fair 10 good westerns , $ ? . & 05J3.70 ; common and stock sheep , $ I.802..0 . ; god to choice 4q 1 100-lb. lambs . $2.75U4.70. : . " York Itys Stuck luket NEW IYORK . Fei ) . 22.-J EVrSneelpls , 2.9 head ; on pale , 3' ' eau ; native sle.rs. or , dlnlry to god , * 4.56615.10 per 10 ) II ; oxen . n.Ot3.5 ; bulls , $ @ 3.7 ; dry cows , $20@ 3.45.Europeafl cables quIed American steers lt lOt111ti per pound dressed welgM ; Mnerivan .mercan sh..I' ' ot 1613. dressed weight : AmerlI/ . frlKeralor beet at 9t4Id per pound . No exports tcsiay : tomorrow , , 642 beeves ; 38 sheep and 4,19 'jUule"of hef . CALVES-lteceiPts . 50 head ; steady ; \lil. per to nrlme. $ ( f.0 per lO IL. iiiiE-P ANT ) I.AllSlecelptB , 4,64 head ; on sale . 2 cars . or 510 head ; extremely dull . but not lower : about 4.M held unsvld ; bhe.p , ordinary 10 m , lum , $3.264J3.7l : lambs . Inferior to choIce , ' 4i5t15.75. IO1SIeelpls \ , 6,034 head : dull and weak : top hogs . $ t. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3acmsaa ( 'It , Live Hloelc , IcANSA8 CITY , Fell. 22.-CAT'rL3-ltecelpts , I.ANS.S . 2,9 t head ; shipments , . lt head : market steady In slrng ; Texas steers . .IObl.IO ; Ts'cas cows , 1. : /.W ; beef steers . 83.23(15.10 : native cows . $ . t4.0 ; stockers and feeders I2.258f1.23 ; bulls , f2.00tf3.75. IIOUS-Beccipta. 8.G head : shipme . . 3.6 head ; mnrkft 3tjIOc higher ; hulk Of s . $ @ 3.W ; heavIes. 13.lOtj4.00 , farkers. , 13.5314.00 : .10C4.0 5wf4.WI mixed. $ .r01.5 ; lIghts U.t $ ; Yorkers , 33.5)0 ) 3.0 : i'Ig . _ . $ ; 3.G. tIUJlJl'-H.relpls. EO head ; mdiiments , . 5 heath : market steady , _ , t. 1.ouis Lie , 'ook Merket. hOT . LOt'lH . l"eb. 22-CAVIIl0-.Receipts . . l.l'll. leb. l. 2-.TI.F..le.lf.I. 2.0 heal : Ihlpmtn ! . , nol reporl.I. Market active , too lower tor , nBlns ; steady and strong ror 'lIxanl : i N. W. HARRIS & CO . - SANK ERe , J 63- J 65 Dearborn-st. . CIicngo. . S Wail-at. , New Vork 7OState.at. . , 00$11. ciii v'W'OL , COU1TY WATZk and BON D "b ' , liZRI11GRGL&DE V > 011' &d el . Co.pon4.aco 10Uc1' . ' . 9. : - : " - : . " . - - - ' - - native , tesrs , I.A00Q1)ihc. , * LOtJ'4.(0 : news MIl Mlrrt" . $3 ' ,3.4 , ; Texas STCeTS , 110 lbs. , $ .0 ; no others on sal iIOfl8-htecslpts , Z,4 . ad ; shipment. . not reported . ported . Market active . rang , T4310c htahrr prI" fIlc good heavy isni < m"l . $ , ,4.i2tc : fair 10 gC ! R $ .B39 ; Comnn Kil. (42 U,6343.75. fll : I-l.rrlltl. 8he I ; .hlpmlnlt not me- potted. Mnrkrl .10\ I iSo lower ; IRmh ordinary to good . $4.00.r native mixed , ' ) .758t 4.10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 01AlA .1Eit , L nAUHll ConditIon of Tradc.17mntt Quotations ems Staple Trndt ' \cy \ ) I'rnclttco , BUTTER-Culled Rt88f 8e : common to I fair tO U" , fair 10 god country , UfJ2\i \ ; choice to fancy , 15616c ; gathered creamery , IS : separator cramN' , 142 . , ImORIHrlcly fresh . 22c. Ll'E rOUI.TlY-CIJckent G U1c \ ; ducks , s : : tUlltr'B , S : heavy tomB. S ; geese , CC. . 1JSSEt I'OUI.THY-hlckenn , fair Ca6\ ½ \ c : choice large , GJ7c ! ; choice sntAll. 76Sc : turk e ) ' . , sir to good , 8a8tc"chol. ! ; hrn\'v ; 8\ ½ \ 'tI * ; choice , small , T1lOc : ducks , fair to good . 7WI $ c ; fancy . full d"l e. 9'1 : ree.r , fair 10 good , 7 % tSc : fancy . full dressed 9(1O GAME-Blue wing Oral , per doz" 't.60 ; greenIng * tesi prt iiz. . U.2 ( I.5 ; ducks . mixed , per Iloz. . $ i.004fl.25 : cn\nnbnck , $ .06 6.0 ; mnlnrds and red heads \ .O(3.2 : small rnbbln. O ; In'ck rabbits : 75 ; squirrels . 0 , , tel I s. Soc. \r AIrCholce fat . 70 toilO $ lbs. . are quoted . al Stf614e \ : large nod . . CWi6\te IlrKP coarse , 3alc. ( 'lhItCgEV'isconsln ( till c rM . Young A. 1 < : twins , 12e : Nebra.kn nnll Iowa full cream , lie : Nebraska and Iowa part skIms tlsc : lirn- burger . No I , lIe : brick , No. I. lie : SwIss No I , ISe . Y-Uplnnll hn ) ' . $5) : midland . . ' 8.DO : lowland , as ; rye straw , f6. Color Innkll the price on ha ) ' . LIght shnllrs Brl tile beat . Only top grades brIng In" Prices. 110ONS01d lrd8. per doz. . 7 ( $1.0. VEGI3TAHL.ES. PTATOESWesler stock car lots , 65e ; small lots . TOe ' OLl nIANS-Hnnll.plekell. navy ' ' 0(20 ; Jmn beans . per Ih. . 5'tc. OrONH-On orels , ' 11.0001.101 ; per IAI. . 2.75 . . (3.00. ( A1tflAflE-On orders , Oc. C'fll.EItY-l'er : doz. , M60 ( : California , 'Oc@ $ I.r. HWrmT POTATOES-Oood Block , 32.0 ; } an' Sal , 52.0002,25 . tm $2.oa2.2. bid . $1.50. CAIHOTSPer hibi . . $ % CASLIFL0WEIO-I'er ; crate of , doz. and halter or Iwo loz. . $ 25. llOltSlcmtAIISir Ih. . 6@lc. PAJSN1PSPer bbl. , $2. RUTAitAG5-l'r It , . $ H c. PAIOSLEY-i'er .10z. bunches , 35c TJItN11'S-i'er hbl. , SitS. Sl'INACII-t'er Libl. . f Wf4.o. , lIE I'LANT-l'er doz. . 7 c I'JUTS. PI3AItg-Wlnter Neills . none. Al'I'I.ES-Cliojce stock 14.50111.75. (5itAPF38-Qonori. none t.5011.7 : . per 65 10 68.lh. hbl" . rs" . SlO.O0l11O.tO. (11ANlElIESerse's. fancy 811.00011.50 per bbl. . TROPiCAl . FI1UITP. ORANGES-I'loillas. per box . $3.7304.0O ; ' Calf- fornll navels , $ .5 : s"lllnRs. S3. BANANASChoice stOck , $20002.80 per bunch. l.nMONSI . .slnns. sizes 300 to 360 , choice $3.25 ; fancy , S3.r,04.O. MISCECLANEOUB. OYST"ISMe < lol. per can , 16e : horseshoes . 20c : extra slamularils . lie : extra 8el"cts ; 23c : COl- puny selects : G : New York . counts lOc ; bulks . standard ; per gal. . SI70. NEW : FIGS-Extra fancy 16e : fancy Hc : choice . 1 a1 ( : CalIfornIa. tags . 7c. HONEY-New York. ne : dark 14011c : Call- fornlrm . 16e ; strnln"1 4 10 10.lb. cans Hfl5e lb. 10c. MAPLE SYItt'I'-Cnilon joSs , per doz . $2 : Uxly.Rnl. . ( cans $3. NUTS-Ah onds. 15e : 'nRlsh walnuts soft- shelled . 12c : standards lOc : filberts 800c : Brazil nuts . 8e. SAUJH I.nAUT-Cholcl while , per bbl , 'UO@ 5.0 : per half bbl . $2.5OJ,7S. MINCE MEAT-Fancy. In half bbls. . per lb. . 5'c : 10gal kegs , 6c ; ) condensed . Ier case of 3 doz. Ikgs. $2. W. CIDEn-Pure juke , t < .lbl. . $5 : half bbl. , 33. HIDES AND TAI.T.OW. 1lIDE-3o . 1 green lld i 3\HNe \ : No. } : green hide . 3c ; No. 1 green salted hides. 5e ; No. 2 ' green salted hides 4c \ : No : . 1 , green salted .hlde 2 : to 40 lIja. . 5e ; No. 2i'gren salted hides. 2 10 40 Ibs. . 4 c ; No. I vent , KrCe0 . 8 to 15 Ib8. , 8e : No. 3 veal calf , 8.t : 15 vrl 5cNo. 1 dry flint ' hides. Gc : No. 2 dry Ont hi8les . ' te : No. 1 dry salted hIdes . Sc : part cured hhde % o per lb. ' less than Ilt curei Ild : ct ! t\C fully frt : . . \ . Sll gl II LTS-Gr' el "sled. ( ncl ) ' 260c ; green sale shenrlnc' ( shot wool"d early skins ) each . 5f15e : dry shearlnl ( short wooled early skins ) . No. I , each , a10o ; dry shearlnKs ( short wooled early skins ) Nb. 2 each , Sc : dry Ont Kansas anti Nebrokn"ulher wool ' "els , per lb. . actual weIght , &gSc : dry Ont Kansas and Nebrns murrain " 'QI Pr\ll. Per lb. , actual Weight I. 4aCe ; thry' ' 01t VOorado : butcher wool pelts . per lb. . actual weight 4@6\c : dry Int Colorad "nbloln . . wool ) pelts , \ . ILL' . JBctuql weight .40Cc . . . , TA1.I.OW AND OttAk-TalloW'NO"1 ( ; 3d ; tallqw . No. ; . 3c : grtise " white A ' 3 0.t.4' . : giea5e5y5itefl . 3c'grass. : . " re1loy : : " } . ; , tn.k. 2'(3c : aLl \ > ler2\ \ "elo\YI'"wla. ; . 100c : ; rough tallow . 2c\ ' 5 , " .1' I q'JA ( LIVE hT0J J laAIflU5T. I . - - - - . : 4 Cattle Market has Shown Lltlo ) Chmaxmge Iuring the Week. CHICAGO , .1'eb. 22.'Nole ! .of the features oC Ihc ( ntte maret were 'different 'from those prevailing lrUer In the week. Ther was 1 fair . inquiry I for . The several I grades 1 , smn , l. supply - ply and 'an unquallneluy firm si oft . . rlces. TOln"s trading was on n basis ' at 53.5005.60 for dressed bf and shlpplnl sletr ; $2. O@4.2 for stockers itnil feeders : 11,5004.10 for cows and bulls , end 12.0004.40 for , Texas cattle. Few good steer were 'offered . and there were not many trades at over S : Common stock remains dul , thieve having been prnFlcaly only Ole buyer for a long tme pauL Hog prices were much slrnge ! : . .with , ,2,0 hog less thnn for ' 'hurla ) ' , courage returned and the most of ) 'eseel < ny' . decline revered : prices at once advanced 10 ; that gala was < gin'OS mdlotalned 10 the chose . . and so WIS the mom- . Ing' activIty ; Hales lf common 1 prlme heavy weights were at 53.9004.30 , wIth the bulk lt 54.1004.23 ; In lum weights sold Plnct > ly II t4.0a4.2 ; and from $3.85 lo $ bought most of the og" ' 1n sheep Ihb market was evidently more satIsfactory than yesterday ; ' for stuff that blu- era wanlell steady Ilrl"eo would be realized . but It was necessary 10 make concessions on any- thing oC even medium qualities : receipts were none 10 many for l'rldny. hoW the demand been goxl. : Quotations range , from S2.t to $4.40 for poor to extra sheep amid from $ .2 to $5.40 for Inmb. _ lFCElpTSCulte. 5.0 head : l h'l. 20 head ; hogs , 30,0 head : ' sheep , 7.0 head I.tv.rponl 3)irkots. ' 1IVEllOOI. . Peb 22.-WIIIIAT-Spot slea\ : demand moderate : No. 2 red winter 4s 6d : No. 2 red spring 5s 3d : No. I hard Manltubn . 5. 2d : No. 1 California , 5. 2 : futures opened steady and unchanged , closed firm with near positions unchMge < anti distant positions unchanged 10 1 farthing higher ; business about equally distributed - led : I.brny. t. 6dI.Marh. ; 4s 111 ; April , 4. 7e ; May . 4 7d ; June , 4 1d : July 4 H ' < I. COlN-Spt steady : American mixed ' new 2 3d : futures " opened quiet but steady at unchanged prices : closed firm with near positions 1812 farthings - things higher an.1 . dlslMl . positions 1 farthing higher ; business about equally dIstributed. I.'eb. runry . 4s'l ; March : . 4 Id ; April , 4 Id ; May . 4 1'11 ; June. 4 1'ui ; July 4s. 111. FLOU3t-Steauiy : demand moerte ; H : . l.ul8 fancy winter ts 5. , lNASCun."lan . , f's 110VISIONSBaon. Blenlly : < 1.mMd poor : CumLrlaoli cut , 2 < 3-I s. SOs Gt ; short titus , 2 Ihs. . 308 : hong clear light , 38un lbs. . 28e ; long clear heavy 55 Ibs" 20s. , short clear hacks ( , light . 18 Urn . : s 6d ; short clear mlddlps , hem'y , 5 Ibs. , 32s : clear bellies , I@16 his. . 3 : " . i4iuoul. ders. square . Jft8 Ibs , . 21s. llama . stuart cut 14016 I" . ISa. Ileef extra IndIa mess , GIn 9d : prune mess " , 5. M. Pou'k , prime mess One western , 52 Cd : prime mesa medlom we.ler 4" 6d. I.atl , dull ; prime western , 33s 9d ; re- hlnei In pails. 84 Gd. CISEESF3-Qulet ; d.mqnd poor : finest Anieri- can white . 48s ; finest Atlerleon colored , 4)s . ltlJT'TlOIt-Finest. U. R. . 1s ; good , Cs. TtlIth'ENTINE fOl'IhtlTi4-225 , R2" TIllgNTIN. HOSIN-ommon. 41 114,4. . COTrN - Ilmo O1L-Lverpool rennN1. iTs 9d. LINSEhID I 0121s Gd. ' ; TnOI.EUM-neOI"dr "I. HEFlOEl.TOt JJ'Jg 'Forequarters 4d ! ; hlndquarter fli. ! hlI.I2ACISING ! I'OwaJq1lartiwood \ r. o. b. Liverpool , n. l'OWiellflwod 101SAt l.onlol ( JhqlQc ' coast ) . ( 2 15. . The receipis If whiIi't I 'qui-ing the past thi'e days were :6O centils'iticludlng 61,1 Ameri- can. Thl receipts of.Iurlcap corn during the pll three days were'UD,20) cenlals. The weather J. coid < ! _ , ' , ll'/ / dry . Ht. lotus ( t Iii " tL Market , ST. LOUIS Feb. 25.-The Grain exchange waR closed and Ihl" ' was . no trlng. therefore , In flour . wheat . corn , ole , .se or hnrl.y. IIAN-IIKher I ; 72oUI . , cast track . FLAX . SEES-UnciwnsjVl \ ! , . GIt/illS : lm-UnclmI\ } g . 1IAY-Iiill at last iiuttttons. l lmu'rrglt-Fancy EliSiul 262'he : separator creamery , 192Ic ; Ko19lfholce i daIry , 138j27c. 1 OO"Jlghfr ; 2'uI \ , I AD-I"lrm"r " al H'YO : HI'Eh.TEIt-Steadl' . ' ' . . .1U. cORN MIOAI.-U,85GEt5L ; WIIRK Y-U.2. < 11 ) II COTTON TI hS-GZc. . llA(2GiNG'-4W5C. lAnG1oa51 PItOVISIONSO-I'ork , lardnd meal un. changed. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ ( 'ottoim Jlarket , L1'Ei1l'OOL. Feb. Z.OTON-Spot. quiet : fair demand ; I > rlcet easier : American middling , 3 12.324. 'rho sales "t the day were 10,01leo of which PlO were for speculation ant lsJJrt , IIIJ Included 9.2 AmCricafl. ltecehpli. ' 16,4'J hal. ' . . all American. 1.'Uluref opened quiet and closed quiet , but steady 11 the l'clnl : American mid- dtlng . L. ? .t. C. I.'el. 2' i.citja 1 C2 610i 1iarrh and April. 2 61.6402 sz-600 : . llrl anll May , 2 C2-6HP Apri. 26-64d ; ? ( and JunO , 3d ; Juno and July , 3 1.6Hj3 2-644 : July and August . 3 Z'6U361' August and .I.pl"mof , 3 4-644. September Rn.1 . October , 3 5-4d : October and Noveumuber. . 3 66tt 37.64" . Til t ntel' of the tl'J del\'erle were 30 bales . new docket. Stock II ShrSmL . Record of receipts at his tour principal markets fur Thursday , Februamy 51 I , 1835 ; Cattle . lIege. Sheep . South Omaha . , , . . . . . . . . Calle. % JoKS. 4,0 - ( hlaKo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.0 20 7,0) } ansa . ( 'it ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . Z.W 8.w 8 SI. l.I . . ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . % .0 3,41 G ' "tal . . . . . . . . . . .I..1.OZ 15,00k t,40) . - - DUN'S ' REVIW \ OF THE WEER \ Sutcees of the New Goverment Loan the Most Encouraging reaturo . INVESTORS VERY CONFIDENT NOW They Consider the Power of thn Syndicate to Regulate 1'xII\IIO : Snmcltlt In ( hmrlnteo 8tlhll ) ' for tIme l'rlBml. NEW YORK . Ieb. 22.-l. O. Dun & Co.a weekly revidw , which 1IUCI tomorrow , " ' 1 say : The surprising lu ces of the flew loan and the great confidence I hal given to investors on both 1110 of the water and to business men here' clcourageR i 101) ' to hOle that It niay be the beginninG of n real l-'o\cr ) ' . In twenty.two minutes the RUbscrl11tons are SUPllosell to have . been nt least five times the amount Ir thc bonds offered , nail II two hour at 1.0n. don they were twenty times thc amount there offered . Considering the power which . the control of' these bonds Jtve to regulate foreign exchanges and to prevent experts oC gold . , the trnNlctons have Indeed greatly chlnAcll the financial sltnaton , In spite of the fact that the go'ertmnicnt. revenues Ire still delclent and that 10me - tic trade shows IcI'cely itimy guilt as yet Tie Industries are not enlarlnK prOluc- tion . nor have the prices or farm Jl'OduCtR Imllroved , but I very Important lource oC apprehension anti hindrance has , for the time at least . been remOved. . Wheat fell to r cents Saturday lust and : lifts leco\ercll to 57 ents , 011\\ ' h Cent below . low the price a week ago while \ corn cot- tOi anti pork are unchanged and hell and lard are a shuttle lower Western receIpts of wheat are learly as large its Inst year . thoUh for three weeks about 40 Ir celt smaller o\lnl to the Rtorms. TIme exports are a little ! larger than a year n'o , all yet nre not large. Cotton hal refused to ld vance. thoUJh there line been mich ( alit abet curlalment oC acreage this year and receipts hn\c sharplY Ilecreascd. The decrease was apparently owing to the un- lt'eCCiefltCls'euither at the south , and tile mnrltt I ! more Inluenc l by the certain oversupply for the next six months than by the possible shrinkage II yield next fall. As the market for goods / dull here antI abroad Iho fact that vlslhle stocks oC Amerlean lre about 300.0 bales larger than In Ib92 at the same .Iatc ; justifies the expectation that the surplus carried over sill be large. Dcalngs In Iron and Its products arc moderate II volume , with some discouragement - ment II mOt branches , though structural , work at Pltsburl Is very heavy ana the i . demand for wire nails and barbed wire bait nevel' been Si passed. nut nothing Is doIng . In rails . lhuites arc quiet and bar Is its slow as ever though In rather better demand for car works. Sales of pig have been modertely large . with one transaction at Pittsbl'g of 10.0 tons December at $10 but prices do not Improve. Tin Is weaker at 13.3 cents fcr I.'ebruary. The Calumet & Hecla has reduced Its price for copper to $9.95. the January output being 11,691 tOiS amid the foreign 7IH. Lead has declined to 3.1 cents while tin plates are lower wlth - largo arrivals. . Tex- tie products show few changeR , but' thole downward. Cottons are meeting al Inthif- brent demand and New York mIlls 4-4 bleachell hut been relluccd to 9' cents anti Ionsdnle 4-4 bleached to 5 * cents , anll In cheaper goods and brown sheetingit Aoods sheeth1As prices arc irregular. A better demanll appears - pears for the lner prints but fancy call- . coes are quiet and there Is only the aver- age reorder business for dress oodR. In I light woolens the rcorderH continue later than usual and the prelIminary purchases of medilm antI low heavy grndes are 'larger' than a year ago. some mills havIng - lug quit business until April . whIle In the higher grades there Is a more promising demand . The termination or a strike at Phiadel- phia set more carpet mills to work anti ane the demand Is fair whie In dress goods little Is doing. Sales of wool at the chief markets In three weeks of February were 15,722,020 110und3. against 18,010,500 pounds two years ago. The failures for this weelt have been 302 In the United States ngnlnst 8 last year , and In Canada 36 , against 51 last Yenr. - London Hook juoiatlomms . , LONDO Feb , 22.-4 p. ni. eloII : : Can..Pkciilc . . . . . 4l St. Pal I coin. . . . . 57 Erie . . . . . . . , . . . . . ( N. Y. Central. . . . 578 ErIe2tt . . . . . . 5PlmnBylvaula. ) . : . 61i ! lii. Central. . . . . 8u14 Iteadlng. . . . . . 6 Mexicauuordiuiary. 1004MoX. _ C"n.ncw 48. 5Ri ! DAn SI.VEl-27-1Gd ; per ounce. MONgy- ' per cenl. Tue rate of discount In the open market for . .SOII .and three month's bills Is H2 . Inlehclcr Textiles. MANCUgST l Fel 22.-CLOTH AND rAlN8ul t nod unchanged. - - Foreign Flllleln1 Affi'rs. , BERLIN . Feb. 22.-Exchnn"e on London , eIght ulays' sight , 2 marks , 4 Ifg. PAlIS , 'eb. 22.-Tiiree per rent rentes , 103f 2\0 for the account. Exchange on Leaden , 2f . 24c ' for , checks. LONDON , Feb. 22.-Gold at Duenoa Ayres ot 26 ; Madrid . 8:0 : Lisbon 12.35SI. ; . Pelerbur 5 ; Athens , 7 ; Itome. 105 : VIenna 103. The amount of bullIon gone 1010 the Dank of England on balances today . was (5,0. 1EL.4TIWJt ruIfEL4tr. FaIr and Variable WInds Becoming 'ltlerl ) J'rumhel. WASHINGTON. Feb. 22.-The forecast for Saturday Is : For Nebrualca . Kansas and Colorado-Fair : variable winds becoming southerly. For Iowa and MissourI-Fair : variable wimuuls. For South Dakota-Fntr : warmer In the cniter portion ; wInds becoming ! outherl ) ' . l.ot Record . OFFICEOF THE WEATHER BUREAU , OMAHA Feb. 22.-0maha record of temper- peratUre'rflni rainfall . compured wills the corresponding . . day oC the past lour years : , . 1895. 1894. 1893. 1892. Maximum temperature. , . 52 2 3G 41 MinImUm ' temperature. . . 31 6 13 3 Average temperature. . . . 42 1 Z 39 Precipitaton Averle . . . . . . . . . .0 .00 .00 ' 1 Conditon of temperature and precipItation at Omaha for the day and since March I , 1894 : Normal temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z Excess for the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Normal precipitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03 inch Deficiency for the day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03 Inch Total precipttati mn since March 1 16.56 inches Deficiency since March 1. . . . . . . . . 16.39 inches Reports from Other Stitttomut mat .4 8' , .iL - E14 'a STATiONS. V a s'rATZ or E ' - i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 .00 Clear. North Platte . , , , , . , 44 34 .015 Clear , Vuiemmtluie , . . , . . , . . . , 42 ( .0 .00 Clear , Cuiicago . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 :34 : T I'artcioudy , SI , Louis. . . . . . . . . . . 42 44 .00 Clear. St.l'aui , , , . . . . , , , , . , 24 30 .00 Clear , Davenport , , . , , . . . . , 145 42 .00 Clear , Itansa , , City. . . . . . . , 48 Si ) .00 Clear. Deuivur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 55 .01) Cloudy , Sail Lko CIty , . . , , , 40 411 .0(5 ( Cloudy , RapidGity. . . . . . . . . . 42 48 .0 * ) Partciouidy , helena. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 414 .t)0 ) I'artcloiudy , Clanmarek. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 29 .OU Ciotidy , bt.Vtmic nt , , , , , . , ' 4 10 .00 Clear. Cheyenno. . . . . . . . . . . . 40 48 .1)11 l'artcloiutiy , MIle City . , . , . , , , . 42 411 .00 clear , Guivcstoum. . . . . . . . . . 130 _ 114 _ .1)0 _ Cloim'Iy. S zero. I-I : , indicates trace of precipitatIon , I. A. W2'1LSII , Observer , - _ . , UII4JOGEI ) Ju.iI 11,1711 IlL. ! Ui1.1 III. .Juilgo Worthlngtoum3lake. ama Accusiitlomm Agalimit aim Attorney , IEORIA , Feb. 22.-There was a scene In time circuit court ( lila morning when Judge Worthington cahleti John W , Culbcrtsomm , a well known lawyer and one of time democratic - cratic aspirants for city attorney , before the bar anil gave him until Monday to show cause why lie should not be attached for contempt of court , Culbertson is charged whim upproachhlnic a juror Iii U damage suIt against an electric car line and urging hmitn to hang ( lie jury , Two of time itirors have made ufhidavitui ( lint he told thenm thieve would be mnore in it to secure a disagree- meat than in a year's work. Cuiberteon says it Is a blackmailing attempt to ruin him. _ _ _ I'ropuorlng to Drop time ReceIvers. GRElN BAY , Wiu. , Feb. 22.-It is authoritatively - itatively stated here today that the recent heavy transfers of the stock of the Green flay. Winona & fit. l'nuI railway on time New York exchange Is lirepurittory to tak- lug the affaIrs of time road out of tile hantis of the receIvers , time Farmers' Loan and Trust cunipany of New York , A 8PECIALTY CRASS MILLET AND CANE CLOVER. TIMOTHY , . . - . xzEE3Ea4LEw. : : ! 400'RaJ UnIon Ave. , ICiness CItY. Wi , - citi : , Corizer 151/i and DoziIas Sfrcets . 0' NEW SPRING DERBY - HATS : . . : : ' . " AND . . ' , Overcoats . WILL BE ON SALE . . . SATURDAY MORNING. ' , CtTjEHIAL ! THE GREAT , ; 'b This extraordinary Rejuvenator Is the most wonderfuldiseovery of ( ho age. It has been endorsed by th3 leadlagaclentillc men of Eulope and America. iludyan 13 , vase- a IIudan stops L . " PreBaturiness J,4' . - oftho discharge 1 ' ci1mm20 : ' ; . , . llEm'oaa i4o'r APTEfl M.A.I-IOQD Constipation , Dizz1net , Falling Sensations , NcousTwltchmiig of limo yesandolimeruartJc Strengthcum * , lumylgorates amid tones the entire iystem. liudyan cures Debility , Nervousneos , mIssioas , and developes alaS resiorca weak organs. Pains in tIme back , loeses by day om nightaro stopped quickly. Over 2000 private endorsements. I'zeumattmrencameansImpOtCnCy in the flrst rtago , Itisasymptomofiemiiinlweakncssacd barrenness. II can be stopped In2Odays by the use of liudynli. . The mmcw discovery wuinado by the pacal. ! latsoftiucold famous Hudson Medical lusti- tute , Itta thostrongemt vitalizer made. Itis very powerful , but harmless. Sold ( or S1.00 a packageor 8 packages for 85.00 ( plain scaled boxes ) . Written guarantee given ( or a cure. It you buy six boxes and are hot entirely cured , aix more vilL be seumt to you free of all charges. Send for clrculars and teatlmonlals. Address HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE , 1O3 MARKET ST. , 8A1RANC1SCOCALIFORNIA. _ PLUG TOBACCO Consumers ochewUtq tobacco wo amwillinto paj a tittleinore than the price diated for te ordinatij trade tobaccos , will find this brand superior to all others BEWARE Of IMITATIONS. .4.M'US p M P11 ? P I ° OI0UL/tJt .LI.L LI IIJ.-I II1ICES. Tel , 1331. w.J. IIUI1GIOSS , )4amiagcr , Four Night. Commencing SUNDII.Y. FEaRUAUY 24. PAWN T1CJjET 21O RAILVAY rj\I \ CARD $ eavem , IIIJIOLINOTON & MO. 1tIVEIiAiiii Onumlia UnIon lieput,1Jtlm & Stinson Sts. Omaha 10:15am..Domivem : ExiThsj'.ti16n 4a3pun.hJik : , 11111. , Mouit. & I'uget Sad. Ex.4lopmn : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GASpmNebrnska : local ( except Sunday ) , . 7:4lpnu : 8iutuu.Llumcoln : Local ( exccp Sumiduuyi1l5anu : 2:43pm. : . .Fom.t Mail ( for L'nculn ) Daily. . . . . . . . . . . . Leaves CHICAGO , 13UltLj7tON & Q , Arrives 4 , OmnalmaUnion _ Depot. 10th & .Mason 13th , _ Oniaima 4:45pm..Chicago : Vestmuuj' . . . . . . . . . 9:50am : 9:50am..Chicago : Expre . . . . . . . . . . . 4:15pm : 7SOpm..Chicuugo : and St. LouIs Fxpress , , 8:00am : 11:33am..aclile : Junction Locai. . . . . . . 6l0pmn : Fastlilail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:40pm : I2a'eB CHICAGO , ItliL. & ST. O'AUl. . ArmIT Omaha _ Union Depot , lOihi & Masa SI.Ornaima 6:00pm..Chicago : Limited. . . . . . . . . . . 9:30am : 11:10am..Chicago Express ( cx. Sun. ) . . . . . 6:00pm : Leaves CIIICAGO& NOI1TIIWI20T'N , AiFie OnmuhuaUnion _ Depot , 10th & 81aa Sta.Ounalia 11 : OSam..Eastern E.pi ess. . . . . . . . . . . 53pm ; 4:00pm..Vestibuled : LImited. . . . . . . . . . 9:40am : G:55im..Mo. : Valley Local..10Sopmn : 5:45pm..Omaha : ChiicagoSucclah. . . . . . . 2:15pm : Leaves ChICAGO , It , I , & l'ACFOC. iAurtvos Ounahua _ Union liopot , 10th & 1.lasn Sts.J Omaima EAST. 11:00am , .Atlantio Eximess ( Ox , Sunday ) . . GO3pnm ; 6:25pm..Night : Express. . . . . . . . . . . . O&O.im : 4:30pm. : . . .Ciiictmgo Veutibuted LImited , , , , 1O5pmn ; 11'.tSpmn.Oklahuomna Exp. ( to C. ii. ox. hun.11:3Opun : \S'iIST. 5lSam.Okliiluoma : , & ' 1' cxiii. Fiji. ( cx. Sun..1i:1ljii ) : 1lOpnm..Colorado : LImited. . . . . . . . . , 4:00pm : Leaves C. , ST. I' . , M , & 0. Arrives' Omaha Depot lltimmund Webster Sta.Oiuialia $1 $ 9Zlarn.Ncbraska ; l'avsemiger ( tInily ) . , . , 8:15pm : 4lopnm..Sloux ; CIiy Expmes ( ox. Sun.l1S5umri ) : : . . . . . . . . . . , ' Llmnitc'.i , . . . . . . . , . , iO:3aun : Leavemsl" . , , E. & MO. VALLEY. lArrives Omaha _ Depot 35th _ ani SVeliter i4tmi , I Onmaima : . . . . . . . . . ' Sloll and Sxprcss . , . . , , 4:53pm : 2ltpm.ex. : ( Sat. ) Wyo. lOx. ( ox. Mon. ) , , 4.4paa : 9:03am : .Norfolk ExPress ( cx. i3unday.1O:3Oam : : . . . . . . . . . . , ' Express . , . . , . , , , .iO:35uimn : Leaves K. C. ST. 3. & C , 11. iArrlvca Omaha UnionDepotltthm _ & Mason StsLoinaha 11:50am..Kansas : City Day Express , , , 6:10pm : 9:4Slm.lf. : C. NIghutEx.vla U , I' . 'rrans. 6&Ouimn : Leaves I MISSOURI I'ACIFIC. ArrI Omaluah Depot 15th a'l Webster Htm' . _ Omnahu , . lu:4uamn : , , . . , , . , lIt. Louis FIXIIiOII , , , . . , . , . , . GU0.ina : : . . . . . . . . . . . Louis Express. . . . . . . . . . 6:05pm : 8iOpmn..NebrLthkaLOCuI : ( cx. Sun ) . . . . . 9:00am : Leucycs SIOUX CITY & l'ACiFIC. lArrIves Omaha _ Depot l5timamid'Vebmter # 4is.JOmnutlma . . . . . . . . . . . l'aul limited..10:35am : Leaves SIOUX CITY & I'ACIFIC. Arrives Omnaiiu UnIon Depot , 10th , ti Mason ill. . _ Omoah& 6:55am. : . . , , . , . Sioux City I'aseager . , , , , , , . , 10:25pm : & . . . . . . . . . . . l'aui Limnited.-,12lSpm Leaves UNION l'AClI1C. Oumuahia Union Depot , 10th & Mason St. . _ Oj7uuthia _ 10:00am. : , . , . , . , , , , 1Cearney Express . , . , , , , , , , , 345pn3 ; 2:00pm..Overland : Fiyer. . . . . . . . . . . . 5:35pm : 2OOpm.ilea'tCC : & iliromnsli'g Cx.ex , Sun ) , 84tpm ; 7:30pm : . , , . , . , , . . . .i' acIfto Express . . : . . . , . . . . . 10:55am : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " Mail. . : . _ , , , , , j'T''Th''Al1ARul ItAlIS'AY."TArrives Omahiniunlon 1)emiuut , 10th _ & Mason 81.1 Omaha 3:52pm..St. : Louis Cannon itoh , , , . , , , 12SSpmmi : A nnvn' TODAY , rJuIIIu TONIGHT Saturday. Fob. 23. Last Two l'ertirmimmlces of the AML3II1'AN 'rII/i0iIfAN , Walker Whiteside , Supported by hits own , elecled company of ID- eli fins I I' cli , yers. IOA'rxNh'S : TOiAY A' 2:30 : , Shnkesereti ; 'rrugedy. " of Venice. " 1h Merchant . l'rlee.-FIrst floor , toe. 7Sc and Ii ; balcony COo and : l'flltFOltMANCi' AT S. Lytton's great State l.huY. b RICHELIEU. " I'riecs-First floor , foe , 7Cc und $1 ; baicofly CO anuS lSc , V FoWl NIOr1Td. B L WED ATINEE IwtD FI3BIUARY 24 TIlE WOlOLI ) F/tMllI ) HANLON IROS. ' Grand Fairy-Like l'antomnirmulc Spectacle , IFANTASMA foists 'full ( JlIlAT ltIl.l.IAIII ) MAT'l ! . Night l'ricca-FlrsI floor , Soc. TIc and 8i.0O balcony SOc anti ISo. ? .Iatinh * I'ricra--'I"lr.t Sleet , TOe arid ISo ; balco- amy. lie and ( O. ' -