Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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-1SI .
DAILY J3EEATUllDAY FEHntTAn..1 ' 18m' _ _
2. TIlE OMMTA nEEf. , . , 23 ,
. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
report to the 110l\n1 ot JMlh all exllnr
nulMncel. such as foul , o/enlivo cessllols
or the accumulaton or garbage , uhel , etc.
I The PUrpoe or the amendment II I to cIa Away
with the present sanItary Inspectors and
, have their , Iutel performed by uniformed
ofTlcori , the amendment being wordcll so O to
jermlt the appointment or three or four addi-
Jermll pGlicemen. I I believed that much
lonnl polcemen.
. better rcult can be obtained by having the
! eler resuls
anltnry InspectIon perrormet by unorme.1 .
! nlnry Inspecton
connected with the regular police
ofcercnnected wih regulr Ilolce
for e.
The new charter contains many minor
Chane3 In the law relating to specIal aRASS'
: mcnts , etc. , which lip to the present time .
attention. The provision
have attracted but little alenton.
vision which will enable the city to vote
bonda for a market house , fire engine houses.
? bontn Iosplal and ' Jai bUlllng , Incin ling Iiolco
court room and police ( helulquartes and a
workhouse , seems to be meeting with no
oppolt1on .
MOlt rallcal or nil dellrturos prollosoll ( by
the now charter Is i the amelllment providing .
: for the appointment ( by the mayor ant coun-
. el or a new ofcIal to be designated al the
.1 tax commluloner , at a salary of ' .OOO pcr
I annum. The tax commissioner la to bo the
I city alseSlor , all ho shnl hell his omce for
the term or two years , or until his successor
' . and qualiflod. On Sell-
hal been appointed alll qualnell
, tember 1 of each year the tax commissioner
: 'appolnts as many deputies as may he deemed
: necessary. who shall hold their omee for .
c such tune only as may be required . to coin-
, plete the assessnient. These "eputy tax cain-
'missioners proceell at once to obsess all the
c real and personal ProPerty I within the cor-
pornto limits of the city , Including telegraph .
lines , rlght.of-way , tracks and other property
. belonging to any railroad or telegraph com'
pany. The deputy tax commissIoners have
the lame IJOWer ant authority as assessors
: under the state revenue Inw. The assess-
, . Inler shall be made between Relltember 1i 1
nlll ! o\'mbcr Hi of each Yenr. and the com-
I pleto ; ' ' return ' shal he In tic hands of the tax
. conlnllsloner ! on or before Decemher 1 Par
i the purposes of review and correction of such
assessments the telltes s1II at the cud of
' each week during ' the proxress of the assessment -
" . mont return to the tax commissioner all
assessmelts made during such weele. Thc
- . . tax conlnlssloner , with two resident free-
. hoMers. shall constitute a board of review ,
I ; who shall have general rcvlslonry powers
' over the work of the cl leputks. Property
. owners shah nave notice of any Increase In
their assessment by salt board of review
ant al opportunity to be heard In regard to
. thc same.
'he ' annual tax levy by the mayor ant
COlncl Is made at the second regular meet-
.Ing of the council In each ycar. The levy ,
I ; shah be based upon the assessment of the '
tax commissioner , 1111 the maximum for each
fund Is Imtted to the folowing :
For general purpoRcl.$2.0
For repairing , mo.lfylng . rcformln
or rCIllrlnl niiil . m'lntanln ! clubs .
; J Inter ehl1glnl ! nl.1 Ilvement ! . . . ! . . . . . ' 12,0
? For cleaning and sweeping pave
' men cleanlnl . . . . all , . . . . sweellnl . . . . . . . . . . 40.0
. For malnlalnlng an.t . cennlng sewers 13,00)
1'ur the maintennnce nf the Ihic department -
1")1 partment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ile . . . . . 12O
For the maintenance of the pollee department -
: partment . . . . . . . . . . . polee . . . . . . 15.0
, For lighting the streets 1111(1 publIc
, ! Ightnl ! . . . . . strcell . . . . . . nnl . . . . pnblc . . 70,0
For paying water rentnl for fire lr-
hOses IHI for Public use. . fre . . . ) . . 10.0
For sinking fln' ' Ilble . . . . . . . . . . . . . lrO.O
. For the pnblc library. . . . . . . . . . . . O. ' , (
For the salarl\ : the ) lrk com mls-
. sioners anti for the care and maln-
. Ilonl's tennlce of public Imrk CII'e ! . . . . . . . . :0.00
For the payment oC jUllgment against
thc city . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00
, For Board of Health purposes. . . . 10,0
, Ilnth or Mr4. f.UC7 " .11) ' .
11F1tM.tN , Neh. , I eb. 22.-Spcclal.--Mrs. ( )
Lucy Bailey , aged 85 'ears. died at her
, home here Tuesday. Her Eon and wle were
In attendance . She had been very sick early
In the fail , but had recovered so that she
could be around. Monday last she was taken
, 'wlh a chi and never rallied . Her daugh-
ter , Mrs. John Bradford of VIrginia Nob. .
. and her son Hon. J. D. Daley , and wife were
. telegraphed for and arrived about two hours
. after she had passed away. So ends the
. le of one of the grandest old ladles of
'VashlnHtou county" . beloved , by all and 1
, good Christian. She , was a member of the
' Baptist church. She was an old resident of
: Nebraska , coming to Washington county with
her husband Turner 'Daley , In 1856.
' : , J
1 " lrmotnt Yetcrul , EntertaIn .
, FAIItMONT. Neb Pcb : . .
lNT , 22.-Speclal.- ( )
Last , nIght dcurred ' the regular meeting of tile
; W. A. Webb post , Grand Army of the Itepub-
ho. After the meeting , the post and 'Voman's
Relief Corps marched out to Comrade C. B.
Webbe'eand gave him a supprlse. After al
enjoyable evening a splendid supper was
.4. 'served by the Woman' Relief Corps , and the
: party adJolred.
. . Thc Modern' Woodman of America gave a
'supper last night for the relief of destitute
neighbors. The receipts amounted to nearly
! $75. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, Jnrlnlhorl.m Ihlt 1'ohjccI.
GHEELEY CENTER . Neb. , Fb.22.-Spe- (
clal.-FlrO ) was discovered about 12 o'clock
In the general merchandise . store of H. J.
Dwyer , but was extinguished before any serious -
ous damage occurred. A hue of cotton had
been strewn from the stove Dr near the stove
on the floor around the counter about thirty
feet 011 saturated with coal oil and fired.
Tile party who started the fire left the can
.that the oil was carried In near the stove ,
and It was found after the fire hall been c -
tingulEhetl. No"clue can be found that con- I
. nects anyone with the dell. and all Is mYS-
; terlous. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, Dlldt the coin ; .
. I YOIUe , Neb. , Feb. 22-Sjuefai.-In , ( ? ) the
'case 'of l.anklns and Hitchcock against
Thomas J. Majors , the Jury , after being out
L , over ' twenty-four hours returned a verdict '
7 , allowIng the plaIntIffs a Judgment against
, the defendant for $ and equally dividing
t * the costs. Tile case will 10 doubt bo all-
, . pealed .
, The case of Bernstein against the Home
, Fire Insurance company of Omaha was tried
yeiterday ant It was taken under atvIement
by Judge Dntos.
tc Ilowuri ( 'mlllyV11 I Inl.1 I I an Election .
ST IAUIJ , Neb. , Feb. 22.-Speciai-Tiia ( )
county commissIoner or Howard county to-
day coiled I special election for March 1 for
the purpose of voting Dn the questIon of IssuIng -
Ing county bonds to the amount of $15,000
I for the purlosa of assisting the farmers In
: procuring seed grain and teed the corIng
' Clnol"l n Hock 1IIIch S. I rnl tnr"
HOCK R1'I 1)8 Ia Fob . .
RAPIS , , 22.-SIecI81.- ( )
Walter An < ews' drug store was closed here
; at noon today by the s1lerl. I.astIght I
mortgage was executed to ills father 1\
$2,160 , and to Frank Horton In $2.800. Ills
: father foreclosed today , Wholesale firms
: wi probably bo In the . tureen
t II there any baking Powder to compare
with 1)r. ) Prlce's Its equal has never been
. found. _ _ _ a _ _ _
1 "I.rt.lnoll 11" 11111,11 I'rcsloient.
A social ill honor of the SUIJ'eme 11rosl.
(1unl of the Natonnl Hesen'o IllSodlton ,
:1' . F . " ' . Seers of Kansas ( I ) ' , WIS
given lt Royal Arf\Ull hal In the
. Boo bitihilitig b ' thu loeni lttst ' .
, . lag. bulhlll by locl 1011/0 Ilst c\'en.
& .s _ , . . od.'rellll nuuh' b ) ' the \Wtt oC the
! # eVening , hy 1.1 . lrcshlenl J , II. 8hel.lon .
. . 1111 by < onerl Agent L'lal'/ ' . O.exo1
6010s were SIIIIS Iy 11 Il. C. I , , lrtxol Int
. . :1esaie. Abel 1.\Blng ali Thomas J. Ptn
r neil , antI instrumental muslo' furlshe' by
Mr. \V. R. Mal1hal and the Nordwel cliii-
. . urea. , n.freshmcnt were served ut the
V CIICluCl of the iiOgiiin.
' . - a
, l'o.d S'III : IIoIL.
, . This u\.lnt I Public meeting wi be
held tn thl lecture room of the Young
Ien's Christian association hulhll& $ lt
' hloh tha 11 to It'galzl' the III uf 110011
, Iml making of \OOltH ut agricultural fairs
Mud racing meetings wi ! be considered. .
: Benator Sml\h. oC Doulls County , who In.
, trdueol1 the bill tl rrluest. will 1'0 hires.
1 ml anti other 1llelel who are unole ; . .
: . ' stood to favor tile measure hanr hecn in-
) vlted. All who may hf interested In the
mater , whether fn\'orlul the bill or hot .
4 no 111011 to attend . the meeting.
4fr Ho'cl for the ( : ul' ler.ndrr Ihl.
, URISTOL ft. I. . Ffb. 2Z.-The 'ttel ' or the
sew cup defender ' ' 0 run at the thrrshcl
, al last night. TwivI WIl under ' the vet-
lrl boat bu9der . neuJaml1 II , Wcah , .trteJ
Ip the furn3cu. bh of which wre operated
: ! r the work at hand. TIme t3&tnp 1'8 then
Sl iutshed and left to cool. Time only delay cc-
lurr1 when 1 team loaded with pig Ion
' 3ckel hl'lvlr against : one or the furace (
Iud slight repairs wele : enar )
- . - . .
Omaha Trau fhcotr Laid Out on Their
Own GrountsVer Neatly ,
CII o Coptitcit In " 'hlh the Sllndy 'ork of
tilt Invn 1:1prrl 1.itnled Thl'l on
Top-Slnw Clr"Cr Shuuti' on
Jlt I klh's. ,
Washlnston's ' blrln\y was commemorated ,
with hecomlnJ .clat b ) the trap shooters of
Omaha and Council Ilrs , at any rate. They
the grouiida of
assemhled almost en masse on srounts
the Bcmls Park Gun club at the cst ell or
the big bridge , and Indulged In a friendly
team shoal for the price of time birds , the
Bluffs opposed to the boys on this side of the I
Big Muddy. The day was an ideal one for
the sport , the genial sunshine bathing the
earth In a foot of golden glory , and not the
suspicion of a breeze being ' astir . or course ,
these charming conditions drew out a large
crowd , anJ I was then , something like 1,002 .
people or marl , the largest crowl' that ever
congregated ' In this section of the country to
witness a trial at thc trap.
The conditions of the match were a tem
conditons .
of eight on a side , fifteen live birds , twent-
eight yards raise , fifty yards boundary , for
the price of the birds and 1 large lump of
glory. n. T. Stubhs , an oicl-timer , nail . calel
"Delirium Tremens" Stubbs by his brethren
oC the trap , was selecled as referee alUI
scorer , an.1 . a got omclal he miiade. Thc
Omaha tenm was eaptalnei by Mr. P. S.
Parmelce - ant the Burs team by Mr. C. E.
if. Campbell. and all through the close and
exciting race nothing but tile most frIendly
feeling ircvahhed. The boys from over the
rlver.'afer a stubborn and 1pcrsistent struggici .
( Iulol out winners by the slenicr margin or
thle birds , the filial score standIng Council
Bnls 100 and Omaha ! i. The Individual
record :
'Vest . . . . . . . . . . .021x1 : :1 (12221- (
Calllbel . . . . . . . . .20t 211 0110 9
i1eroimIem . . . . . . . .IU 'H U2121 222i- 12
Hart . . . . . . . . . . . . .10101 1 21 OWI1
lardln . . . . . . . . . . .1212 11xl 10112-
'Hickman . . . . . . . . .22IxO 021 00211- 8
10fme'er . . . . . . . . . = lt Ilm1120 12
Piper . . . . . . . . . . . .21112 22122 0022-1
Harle . . . . . . . . . . .2212 1 ' ! x2 1
Totl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .10
Blake . . . . . . . . . . . . .11210 021 2211-1 :
Jone . . . . . . . . . . . . .21j 2U220 0Z1 !
Peters . . . . . . . . . . . .llt : 21 : 01111-14
SII'ml . . . . . . . . . . . .1(12t ) 121k ( ) 11022-
McFarlane . . . . . . . . . .2002 22101 12- S
Brewer . . . . . . . . . . . .1012 lU212 lUlll
Parmelee . . . . . . . . . .121 121 li2xi-13
Adeerman . . . . . . . . .20122 21212 2211-1
1lontmorene ) . . . . . . .1.1 Wll lUUll 8
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97
After the conclusIon of the main event of
lie day , an Imlromptu mules amid out race ,
$ entrance , was allot with the following reo
suit :
Peters . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 0
Smtd . . . . . . . . . . . 1 {
Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . {
Montmorency . . . . . . 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1
-lcl.'arlane . . . . . . . . . 0
Mcliulen . . . . . . . . . 1 2 0
, Dlclcy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 1 1 2 0
Dr. 'Vert . . . . . . . : . . . 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 0
Bingham . . . . . . . . . . {
Loomis . . . . . . . . . . 21212212
Clnpbel . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Acleerman . . . . . . . . . 2 {
Hughes . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0
Townsend . . . . , . . . . . 0
Stubhs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 1 1 1 0
Fogg . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
Reershlem . . . . . . . . .1 1 2 2 2 , 1 1 0
Rtckman . . . . . . . . . . . 1 {
Hoffme'er . . . . . . . . . 1 0
hart . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11120
I'armelee . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 0
\ Heimidrlck . . : . . . . ; : . . 0
Shenharl1 . . . . . . , . : . . .1 0
' 1 ; srs. Loomis and Montmorency shooting
the party , out . concluded' to divide time balance
In the pot , \vhlch amounted to something
less than a princely fortune.
This race WS Colowed by a ten-bird
match between Mr. Sheppard and Mr. Jones
for the price of the birds. The score :
Sheppald . . . . . 1100101110-0
Jones . . . . . . . 0011100x22---5
In addition to these ents. there was a
number of trget she ts , and altogether the
day was very thoroughly occupied with the
sprat. There was a large number of visitors
from nelghborlpi town and abroad among
whom mighitbo , mentioned W. E. Wed of
Arlngtbn , Mass ; C. R. Elson of Cleveland
0 j T. L. Meranta of Washington , Pa. . and
Claude Moore of Chicago : Dr. J. D. Hungate
and C.V . McGI of Weepn ! Water : Ted
Ackerman of Stanton : C. R. McCord of Nor-
folk and a large number of gentemen whose
name were not obtained. A return match
will be shot on the grounds of Ihe Dues
GUl , cub early In March .
The tal nQlch of luccelS In baking powders
ts fled by Dr. Price's. highest In every
requisite of an efficient .
requlsll" clclent leavening agent.
M.lIIflIt .IND 113L1. Jl.ICC A IJtA I
lo ton lr"rcy OI'"IIIotntoll wlh Tlmrne
- or the ChamllonA tn the 111 .
BOSTON Feb. 22.-The Suffolk Athletic
clui , , al a neetpg tonIght presented a six- '
round bout I ( twlen Peter Mahier , "cham-
pion" oC Iroiamitl l , and Jim Hal of Aus-
trala , as the chief Ceature. The referee ,
J. , A. Keliher , called It n draw at the
finish . and the 2. ( ) Hpcctdtoru hissed the
1leclsiofl. : he battle was very tame ,
Jnhur Corclnl tile lighting hi nil hut the
fourth mnml , nnll doing the most elTect-
lye worle. ' ! lrol/h the content hail % % erect-
tile ietCllSlVC and the end or the sixth and
whlt was expected to hI the decisive '
mound , when both men smilingly walked to
their corners . called forth hisses from the
spectutors. Maher was In perfect lIghting
form ut 171 Iolmnlis. Hul WUK trim Ightnf
Maher forced hail to the four corners of
time rtlg ant male hIs object tile heart of
the Auatrahlan. At no time ( luring the con- II
test was theme LIllY Illeaton ! a Insh !
eOn test. but Maher showell his superiority
In lending Inll countrlng. I SU\erlorJy \
or South Boslol ( 111 Jake Donovan or
East Boston opened tile
10ston opene entertainment
with 1 slx-romd content. Donovan
Imocleld Kt''Ce out In Ole minute ammO
timirty seconds. JGhlny McCann and Mike
Doherty ) ' of 10slon e8Ia'o.1 an eigtmt-roun(1
go Illl the referee declared It off In the
third . roilnO. Jake Smith 111 TOrn Do-
hert ) , hath oC Boston , , fOlght five rounds .
Doherty wlnnlug hy a knockout I In the filth
round. The bout which cal " 11 forth the
most applllle was 1 Ilx.rolnd go between
JOl Lynch an.1 Jim Gallagher of Hoston , In
which Gllal1rtood lp ngnlnsl great
odds untIl tim cieso . ' 110 Maher-Ituji
cese. lnher-lal
match did not beuln until 1 o'clock.
1.0.1 . All time 'Sa ) ' . IUlt the I'itvnrito \\nl
S"v"r a 1"lc.tur In 1 ho llI' .
SAN FRANCISCO , Feb 2-The Thornton
stnkel , four miles , was the feature oC the
rarIng at the Hay DI/trlct today. Gload
took the III nli raeeJ I neck In front
of 11wthorno for three allies , and then
Irow away . winning by a dozen lengthl
Cram I1Uvthorile . l.u Gascon , the favorite ,
was beaten by I full quarter of a mile.
10 was not a factor In the t-el at mie
stuge. J'\'orlcs won the Irst three races.
SUlnlal'Y :
Fuel l-le. six furlongs , Icllg : ? lhog-
ally ,10. Grlln (12 ( to 1) ) . won : Jcsslan , lu7 ,
Cocicran ( ( r 10 1) ) , second ; Slea.lfaNt . , 08 ,
ear' ( S to 1. third. 81Conl : :18. . Albroecl ; .
JOe , "ahlrlso , Mutineer . Ial\trl' an,1
' '
'j'oby also run
tectm,1 r.w" six , furlongs . haldleall :
Hobll lorr l. Ill . Orlln ( : to 7) , won ;
Heo , ! 9 , Hellllchs (5 ( to 1) ) , second : Sue
Abbott . 81 1. Cockral ( I to 1) ) , tlirl ; Time :
1:1\ : . ( 'Ireo 1180 ran.
'lhln race , live Curloll : Cbal'tr"use , 98.
nrlln C to 2) ) , won : Cornice lI . P. \Vt'ijer
U ( 10 1. ) second : Molie H. 12. Cockran (20
10 1) . thlNt. 'flIflC : 1 :0 : t' . Cluctiler. . \ lallo (2
Srol and Imp. Jse lilso ' ' 11.
Fourth nice ' four Zntles . ' 'lonllol stakes ,
Value SO llmd 109 , Ueren (3'4 ( ' to 1) ) ,
won : Hawthorle ; ui. Carr (2 ( (0 I. (3\ ;
Ill GIcun 101. Chorn U to I ) , third. Time :
7:32 No others ran.
: Ifltb racv Ih'lpll'hase. short course ;
Al ? ' I. 1 ' . Cairns ( i tl 1) ) , won ; Guadaloupe
.I' Clancy (0 ( to 1. ) "Icolt ; WI I'CendIg.
339. J. ) h'1 ( ( I to 4) ) . thlnl. Thul : 37
' 'c\\lemore. 11 lUncr. Meniiotuiu. Mere
and 'HIPII hand also ran
Sixth race . tarktown Derby , one niiie
Zolalr. l : . John801 ( : to 1) ) won ; Booze
ill. BIl r te 2) . secorlct : 1i 10.lul. 15.
lit-si ; ( to 1. ) thlr.l. Time : 1 : )1. ) NIpper.
Iod Pnt . l.nl1e U Antunlo sad MOUN' "
also I'an.
fur , ' , l"fB' I 4 U .11 I I \all.
\ENIOIT. . Ia. , I.'cb.At tM
l\lr . ter ( lull club tou.ument this nfl I
noon Dr . Carver won t third of the series
of championship shoots with Charley' RUII.I. .
lhmthol ( trw the hardest birds anll fell behind .
hind early. Of the IAlt fifty bIrd Carver
milsed only two. nud was In poor form
anll slow h > shoot. The total wal 8J to 77.
In the other events straight string wlnllr !
were : Uldd , Carver . C' . ! I. Grimm Iear-
lake la. : Tom lar1111. Kelhsbu , lii. :
V. ' . hinitenstern l.ynl Center . Ill. ! : Fred
101lnltlrni (
Gilbert , Spirit I.nlcc , . la.
(1. I'IN , Juns 1'OliUNEi ) . I
l1scrllul Scatters Terror \ on 11I'xhlhlor. : .
lu,1 t:1hlhl : lit : nv \'nrk' " Irnl h I , IH" ,
NEW YOHR , l eb. 22.-Bight toy ( logs.
the Ilropnty of Irs. P. Sean , were found
llllone,1 , thIs morning fn the boxes nt the
laiUson SquarC Garden dog 'show. Six of
them % wer enl and thc other two wIll die.
'he dcgs were valued , at $1,0) The loW ]
pnlsone are : , Brndy , a Vorksilirca terrier ;
Fing of the Chlrles , a toy silanlel : .
\elell a King Charles spaniel ; Beii . the
wInner of the first prize Il the Prince
Chlrl s ppanlel open cIn ! ; 111eallo , Yokle ,
I1m I 11 Chin Chin , . JapaneRc sponlelR.
Most of Ihem were Ilrlze dogs . Several well
known dog flnelers subscrlhed I purse of
$200 for the arrest and conviction or the
Pele , a bull terrier owned nIl exhibited
by 'iliomas McCafey of New haven , Conn. .
1M sIck showing every symptom of oison-
lug . The polsolilg of the bul terrier ,
which was In the arena , has cluRel1 ex-
hlhlors consllerhle ( uneasiness . Many of
the owners have asklll SuperIntendent Mor-
tImer for perllsRlon to remove their ex-
hi his ,
The Westlhltcr cluh headed a subscrip-
ton list to relmhlra Mr. and Mrs. Seen for
their loss with a sub crlptol of $100 . ant
11 less . thal hliC Flu hour $208 were suh-
Superintendent Mortimer saul lint ' he wa
utterly unahie to nccount for the eomml-
slon of such ! a hrutn crime. lie knew oC
no reason wi\ lucre shoul.1 he any ill feelIng .
In/ against Mr. luII Irs. Senmi.
"Ono thing I ! certain " saul lie " ( ho
' Vestniini4ter Kennel club wleave no
'Yestmlm'.er w\
stole unti1e' ' ] to fnd out the nolsoner. all
1 trust we vlil hO sticce'sftmi. .
wi sueccFsfu\
llr ! Sean sat nil day 11 the balcony
watch II ! her remaining ( xhllls IUI1 caressing -
In/ Champion Homeo. She refused to talk
ahout her loss.
Tile Society for the Prevention of Cruelty
10 Alimais has offered a reward of $500
11 nlldltun to ( lint offered by the West-
mlnter Kennel cub for the , \.tecton of
the Individual who destrO'Cl Mrs. Senn's
( to-s.
Hut illorl In \'r t "lr lnl" .
Y VANCE1IUHO W . ga. , Feb. Z-The much
n1vertsed fight between Charles Plummer
ant two big wit cats recently captured
took place In a 12x12 Coot cage on the stage
of the Hughes opera house last night , n
Jood-slzct crowd wln.sslnl the novel aC-
fair. Plummer appeared with a base bal
mask over his face and carried a small riding -
Ing whip aa his only meanK oC "cfense. The
contest was 1 disappointment . the crowd
expectIng to see the cats pounce Upon Plum-
1m' and maim hilt ) light for his life , but
they did nothing oC the lenl ! Both cats
sprang on Plummer two or three times , hut
tool fright anti tried 10 get out of the cage
lfer seeing their antagonist was not c'Je
oC them . and a few Ihnrtl cuts with the whip
Ild them crouch In the corner of th2 C'le
alrl talc ( the punishment oC the elttnJ
hlNhes given thmn wih the whip without
attempting to defend thernselve. The aC-
fair waN mannled by I Captain Jack Schl-
mate , the noted circus man
1liimmlts lt New ( rIIRn .
NEW ORLIANS . Feb. 22.-Track heavy.
Results : ,
First , five and half :
race fve al' n Curlongs :
Ioloch (7 to 2) ) " von , Van Guard (9 ( to 2) )
second , Propriety (6 ( to 1 third. Time :
1:1i ½ .
Second race six ftmriongs : Darwin Wedge-
wood ( ( to I ) won Francis Pope (6 ( 10 1) )
second" Paries (15 ( to 1 ) thlr . Time :
1:22. :
ThIrd . race five furlongs : Tramp (6 to I )
won Ben Wilson (1 I to 1) ) sCennO . Old Dominion .
minion (8 ( to I ) third. Time : 1:0SV. :
Fourth race seven furlongs : Legrunde
(3 to 1 ) won. Tom Kelly U to 1) ) second ,
Bi White (7 ( to 51 third. Time : 1:36' : . .
FIfth race five furlongs : Chenoa ( ( to 1
won Waiter Talbert (6 ( to 51 second , Ret
Veil (6 ( to 1) third. Time : _ 1:01 : ; .
( Itm I- n'l 0..11111 I t" JJ"t .JohnR" .
MINNIAPOL1S Feb. 22.-At Normannla
rink this afternoon John S. Johnson was to
have hat his third race with Peter Oslul ( .
the champion of Norway. The distance to
be slctel . over was 10,0 meters. or six
miles ad 3i6 yards , There , was a large
crowil , on hand to wItness the tyent . hut " the
NOrwegian dfl not appear cllthlg ! 'he was
handicapped , by weight und soft Ice. John-
son tried to cover the course alone and I
claim the championship. but the spectato-mo.
: who demandl Jthelr money back were
angry because d r the refusal or the marl-
aement to reimburse them , blocked thl
skaters passage and Johnson was taken to
his dressing room under police escort.
Ylrllnll Chub " 'nhits . ' 1 n.
ST. LOUIS , Feb. 22.-Time Western Turf
congress Is taking a telegraphic vote on
the question of licensing the Old DomInIon
Jockey cub , which operates the Alexander
Island race traclc . across the Potomac
river from 'Vashlnston. C. C. Mafl oC
St Louis who Is president or the congress ,
authorized the Vote to be taken. but when
seen today was unable to Predict what the
result would be The Alexander Island
track will commence racing nexl montli
- - - -
The finest of fine baIting Is secured with
Dr. Prlee's Cream Baking Powder. I Is
- p
Llcr ErleasoaFnlntlnc Ulvln to thin Museum , ,
CHICAGO , Peb. 22.-The LIe Ericsson
Memorial association has voted t present
to the Field Columbian museum the large
oil painting dedicated to the great navigator.
the work of Christian Krosh of Norway. The
painting commemorates the discovery of
AmerIca by the Norsemen about the year
1.00 A. D. The canvas attracted much at-
tenlon In the Norwegian collection of art lt
the' World's fair. I represents the scene on
board the ship of List Erlcnon at the mD"
meet tile shore of America Is sighted !
I'orgerlvs bl I. W'luo'egale. I
CHICAGO , Feb. 22.-Isaac Hains. alas
Fox . said to be the son of wealthy parents '
living In Pllihadeiphia. has heen arrested on
a charge of forgery. lie confesl ant said
the number of his forgerIes In Chicago alone
would amount to fully 100.
. h I
oh .UIIU$1fMI4.YT3.
Prom tht'pl : ' \ when young Thoma Better-
ton niaolej(0 ( debut al the "melnncholy
Danevl 'back In lel , on a December
nlht , In th'b \iMter In 1.lncoln's Inn Fields ,
clown the rt.lne or tragedians , prominent
among whie'iyerol3arton ; Booth , whom the
poet Wb1 ( ; hrtlze : tie great Davll' ItIr-
rIck , . WI"nI1 Mateady , Charles Kemble ,
Edmund 1 1 ; I , . ; ] llwln 1.'orrest. Edwin 100th ,
"htamulet"'ha'8tooii , out as one of the great
creations t ; LllO sJage. Actors the worM
over lmavcispltiiad the "ma.1 . prince of ten-
mark" 11 hl , Idt1guRges. . 10ssi Item tell : I
11 1alan.M ; ! ; S\1y was a splcntll real.
Izaton oL"ttue Ipil hamlet , SOlnenthal
made much of the character In Germany ,
\vhle our DWn country has given to the world
a number of briiant hamlets. Last nig'at
Walker Whiteside , gave a Sl110lS interjmreta-
tOI of Shnllespeare's masterful creation . at
Boyd's theater , . emlhaslzlng , If anythIng , the
Impression created whel first seer In Omah1
last season.
hamlet fascinates 'by ' " 1 personality . and
mid' man can succeNI In presenting him who
cloes not possess In hhnse1 hat ( peculiar
qualy of fascination. I Is something that .
cannot he drwl Cram tile library , or loUre.1 .
from the cup , or bought 11 the c'.iops. J
lust be Intuitve , ali Walter Whlteshle
comes neare having this element or fascina-
ton than alY other actor since Booth. Whie-
side's Hamlet Is poetic , following closely the
traditions ofho great tragedIans of the
world , Enrlshl a well as German. The
Ilerson whol le represented ! ' hut night was I
not an ancIent Dane. faIr , blue-e'CI , yellow- '
haired , stout amid lymnJhatic . but was the
dark , sad , lreainy mysterous ! hero of an
immortal poom. Mr. Whlteshle Is almost
ideal In this character , although there are
noticeable certain mannerisms In his hnller-
sOlatol which were not noticeable when first
seen 11 this character 11 Onmaima lie Is
learning the art oC hlshamllg his strength
for great clhlaXC ! amid sonletmes so runs
his words together that the ( ear refuses to
drink In the inarticulate sounds and atempt
their separation Into rounde.1 sentencs. This
fault. however , Is the fault of youthful enthusIasm -
thusIasm , amid with the apllroach of age will
'give way to 'mu. fuller art III all roprecnta-
of' 'lluinilet" main Is anti
tons of "Inmlet" the thing all
should be Hamlet himself . The accessories
are subordInated tn the piece and should b. '
kept subordinate In the Ircsentment. This
seems especially forcible to Mr. Whlesld .
who. while mountlg the play with consIder-
able care particularly the exterior of the
castle and the battlements at Elsinore , , lacs
nothing that would tend to detract from the
central picture.
In all essentials . nlereCore , Mr. 'Vhlteslde
must be taken with serious consideration . for
he presented last night a most studious , a
most tbolgbtful prInce of Denmark.
The support In great part Is not up to the
requirements of the play. the Laertes of Mr.
C. D. Herman , Il0wever , beIng a most sats-
factory Interpretation . as was the Horato or
Herbert Pntee. Miss Fannie Mathals was
fairly SatRraCtCry as Gertrude and Miss
I.Ola Wolstan as Ophela was Intelligent , but
gave a colorless : performance. The ghost of
Mr. Vroom was a mid a mannered shade
as ever trod the ( green.
Hcrrmann. , the great prince of the mys-
terious assisted by Mme. Ilerrmann comes :
to Doyd's next Thursday , Friday and Satur-
day and . Saturday matinee. Besides many
entirely new mystic novelties. his program Is
elaborately .arled. Songs , dances spcclac-
ular and electrical effects , musical embeilisil-
meets mechanical devices and gorgeous colored -
ored lIghting ard introduced . making hIs en-
tertalnmentnow one that for amusement can-
not be duplicated In any other branch of the (
drama. Atthe' Saturday matinee a program
at peculiar ' intercst will be given for ladles
and chihdren.-
1. _
"Pawn Ticket 210. " Interpreted by a capa-
ble company. JnclutluA Amy Lee , Frank
Doane and others equally comp tent. opens a
four nights engagement at the Empire tomorrow -
morrow night. The production Is said 10 be
an' able one , hoth\ from an artistic and scenic
point ef vflIw. ' and shoulll 'meet with the
cordial reception it deserves.
recepton I
. ! JOI I , ' .
ri" . ! ! .1 ! ) m lo.t" " . ' tu"n ! , teafi. !
, IIOS.TON , ; F b. 22.-'Iiloses Kimball , the
founder of the BOton Museum . un active
business man , dIedat his home In Brooklyn
, today . aged S : years. He served In the
council and Heard of Aldermen and both
branches of. tIle legtslature. He was three
or Ue
tImes a candidate for mayor. The bronze
statue of Abraham LIncoln In Park Square
was his gIft to the ciy ,
U.ath ) nre"ll Into Ih" I Viitlt Conipiny. :
DFSNVEI1. Feb. 22.-Mrs. Fllwln ClIfford ,
who for two years has been playing the
part of Martha In , Morrison's "Faust " died
In this ' city today of heart faIlure. She
was taken ill with grip laBt week nt Beat-
rice. She was rt years or age and was widely
known In theatrical circles. ' Her husband
ant son live In New , 'York ' City.
Delicate and delicious are ciii' food products
Into whIch Dr. Price's Baking Powder en-
( era. The bet leavening agent In ( itt world.
. LW.lJW M.lGilE' . ' 1)EXIIL .
Toils or In' Relations Toward lIindga Ynrlo
' 111 liar Sliy"r.
PHILADEI.lIHA , I eb. 22.-Tbere Is no
change In the cndlton of James Gentry , the
slayer of , Madge Yorke. , Edward Magee , a
member of tlt "Baggago Chcck" company
who It I c'alme was the cause of Gentry's
Insane Jealouty . has made a slal ment.
Among other things the statement contains
the following : '
"Knowing that my friend Gentry was the
fiancee of' Miss 'Yorke ' , and entertaining as I
I. tIll 10 high a regard for him as a friend and
brother professional , It was my pleasure to
show to Miss Yorlc only hole little aten'
tons list ( a gentlemen would show to a lady
under the clrcumslances. The statement made
that Mr. Gcntty was In receipt of letters
from me. connected In any way with the
alleged affair betveen Miss Yorlt anti my-
sell , Is absolutely false and without founlla-
tlon . "
Efforts nt Conquest il tim Interior of Afric
Arc Oostly.
EXllocltnl1 Sent to , iNert I'ranco's IIhl tn
time Illmiterl.noL I'et. \ lilt Ihisastor In
Centrllt Arrtcl-llrJI.nt > elll
. for itelmiforcenicait
PARIS , Feb. I 22.-Th Quotel reports that (
the I.'rcncl expedItIon which left Iarseles
som lonth9 ago under command of Com
mandant Montel for scrv'ce ' 11 the Interior
of Africa was surprIsed ali a sangltiliary :
conflict ensurd Three hundred mnen com'
prlslng half the force of the expedition , are
salt tt have been kIlled , while the ren1111er
have been driven from the Inc or march and .
their retreat haa been cut all. The minister
of clonl has rtcel\t1 nn tirgent appeal trout :
the commander cf the expedition for reinforcements .
ments ,
Commallant Monteii'a expedItion was in-
ten.lcll . to Join the contnnt or Captain
Docaze . which was guarding the Ubanhul.
I numbered about GOO men ali 120 01cers ,
fer the flOat hart sellers of the foreign legion -
gen ! and negaleso tirailleurs , 1r who , ba-
leg well < led anti armed , were one anti nil
llsed to AfrIcan clhnate. Tile ofc rs were
also imlekedimien . . . Theinirsion . was
to assert Franc's right a9 to the llsse93101
of the ( Hinterland country , extNulng throuh-
out the n.r-Et-Ghazel , to the left hanle or the
Nile. This Is l a pat of Ihe section or Africa
which the treaty between Great BriaIn and
Deltlum had nomInaly ( tImed over to the
formner. The treaty , however . was vlrtunly ,
banl101ell owing to the French protests ;
Franc denying the right oC the Helgal-
Congalcse tovernrent to cede the territory
to England. I was also intended that Cap-
tain lcnteI'1 ! force should be backed lP hy
two gunboats , several stem launeh.s and
fighters. Captain Mantel h remarkable for
I voyage lasting for two and one-half years ,
In the course of which h9 traversed Africa
Iron ! H 1 , , . nn 'ho wt pnnc.t In Trlnol
oil ' " the " north ; ' - coast t : " ; voyage - iO ' result ' of
which vao to Increase ten. fold French alit-
blton and to lay the foundaton of French
Influence In countries where no Prenchman
hall oat foot before .
i'U1IO11ASI2tU , iitLYIii'S MANSION.
Effort -DoinG Made to ( 'un vert tl Into"
Sittsetiiii .
LONDON , Feb. 22.- meeting oC the com-
mitee organized for the purpose or plrchas-
Ing Thomas Carlyle's house In Chelsea ant
converting It Into a Carlyle museum was
held In the Egyptan hal of the mansIon
house toda ) ' . The room was crowd with
the mosl notable persons In London. Lord
Mayor Heynal1. who presided. escorted Mrs.
Bayard the wlc oC the American ambas-
sador. ! r. Dayanl sat on the right or the
lord mayor and the marquis oC Ripen . secre-
tary of state for the colonies , on his left.
Among those present were Henry Courtney ,
member 'of Parliament : Leslie Stephen , the
noted writer ; Richard Garnett . L.L.D. , keeper
of printed books In the British mlseum ; SIr
Robert T. Held , member of ParlIament , and
Mrs. Humphrey Ward , the authoress. The
marquis of Rlpon offered a motIon declaring
the meetIng . recognizing the Importance of
preserving to the nation such places cor-
dialy appr\cs the effort to purchase Mr.
Carlyle's house. Mr. Da'arll said as a repre-
sentatve of the United Slates he hal the
privilege and pleasure of seconding the mo-
tlon. This gave him the olportunly of expressing -
pressing the indebtedness of America to Car-
lyle , whose voice was audIble across the
: The treasurer of the fund announced that
$1,230 had already been subscribed.
SpanIsh AuthorltIcd Capture 1 t'"Ior I'ailaii
unit ranch.
BARCELONA , Feb. 22.-A violent anarch-
Isl named Carcanga . who was a friend of
Palas and Franch , has been arrested. After
the explosion at the Lleco theater In this
city on the night of November 7. 1893 , for
whIch crime Francl was garroled , Carcanga
fed to the woods with a companion. There
was a strong suspicion that Carcanga had
been implIcated In the attempl In September.
189 by Pahlas. to assassinate Marshal Martl-
nez de Campos but nothing al that time
could be proved against him. Lately Car-
conga thought Derlclo was becoming tired
of leeeping In hiding antI . that he would
betray him to the autitorhties . and thus gall
Immunity from punishment for his own of-
Censes. Wih this Idea In his mind he determined -
termined to kill Ilernhcho and did so. When
the crime becam3 known further alcntPs !
were made to capture Carcanga , and he hs
now been lodged In jail.
l'npe lodhuoJ Interreronoe.
ROME , Feb. 22.-The pope has entirely re-
covered from the chi which recently attacked -
tacked hIm , and Is holding conferences with
Cardinal Von Schoenberg the archbishop of
Prague , on tile question oC Christan so-
cialsts In AustrIa. J ts said to be time In-
tenton of the pope to Interfere with theIr
program. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lCzcurilonhiiig to lie Medlrorrsnetsmi.
ALlXANDRIA I , Fei 22.-The Hamburg-
American line steamshlll Fuerst Bsmarele ,
which loft New Yorle on January 29 wIth a
part of excuralonists \nrloul ports In'
the Medlerrancan anti Constantinople . ar-
rived hero today The Augusta Victoria of
prepare for Spring :
I yon wele about to jOlllcy to n Tim cures ac'omplshc ( by llood'a The IHCCCSS ot Hood's Sursupulla
WI'IO' 01' colder clmuto you woull Saljpn1J til ] 'whut it docs mole in SUVCI'Clt t0'lR of blood discuses ,
muko careful Pl'CPlrUoUB. uloquulty thul Ity'gumcnt which 1JJks evC'col'd ! in ledlcal his- .
Besides t.akiimg a supply of fighter cun bo wrttn , end thc frank 8tutu- toh7. EvtntoiiiciouscascslIkogoitroor :
tJdug I Ightel'
01' heavier clothing , IS the case light meut below : scrofula In . tim neck yield to Its . won-
bc , you would thoughtful ly select ! n : I Last aprlng 1 on account or overwork aortll cunltwo PO\C'S. Head this fro1 !
stock of mcdlcincs as sufeguards to' and bad humor , I became very much run l. . A. N. Vln Vlrmel ) , dealer I
keep you In good health. < down. Abotuno I Icroful' bunch ap- 8tOYe , tin 1(11(1 IiaE(1Vfllo , Chicl :
Now wo Ile alt about to change t a pes red on t11.6tWft8Id0 ' or my collar bono . I My neck was badly swollen , the
\S'aVlIICi' cilimlath , tholgh not 'oC OUl' It was veryU'o contnualy , and ' after glands becoming larger each year. I
own volition , amid what iB more \ aBOItme my'1Li arm began to' tel dls- doctored with tour different physicians
able thnl t take 1 reliable ssieditiuiio to agrc blo. IJu ! bert time It pained mo and then gave It up , thinking I could not
resist tim debilitating effects of higher nearly all thole. . With that and tim bo cure without ' an operaton , I read
temperatures ? Icrotula I wa n \le. misery all through about n euro by'Hood'n Brsaparla of ono
1100(1's 8Ul'611111111 is jUgt thc mcdl- the summer--became so bad that my who had been suffering similarly. I then
cine 11c el It thoroughly CXIIII friends t1edltql' mo to have a doc- commenced to take Ilood'u Barsaparll
from the blood tim In.lpuliics which tor , but I t PUg , t I would try hood's and have kept It up ever since The
have accumulated dU11g the Wltcl' , Sarsaparma. ' . ' aVe taken five bottles swelna or goitre on my neck Is now all
itli I
Purify' Irccur t Blood
tncreasc the appetitsl end imprves and part of t.rih . ! and am feeling like gone amid I om cured. " A. N. VAN
tile tlhrUou , II'h't'l IWIY thlt Lived I mYteU again. Ihave gained flesh . rapidly. VLYlm , 1549 \est t0d 8t. . Chicago.
Ceding anti iioi-votinegs , amId gives the The scofula bunch and lameness have Five years ago I bruised my ankle
511(1 Vj ' without which ' and I feel like , new cfeature. " and from that thno until lately I have
strengtt unc vigor which wo' all gone , fel Iko .a tht unt
Clnlot Ipt'cial bcutUul Spring. Do MI6 IATl M. CJn , Parkman , Me. suUcc terribly with aim ulcerating sore.
not neglect givin cl'f1 Itcnton I For over A year I suffered with ebI tried physicIans and many remedies
to the condion ot ) 'Otil' hlooel , 1I 16U' . seeaaca1 , and being advised by many to try until I gave up all hop ot ever . beluf
hood's 8arllllhl ilites its work Hood's 8arsaparta I commenced with able to walk. Finally I read what von-
as :1 IcUcnC } Iht tncs thoroughly ono bottle My appetite Improved and I dertul cures flood's Basaparll was et-
amid well . No dlsou8 germ oi' other gained in ovoyny and seeing such fectlng for other Invalids , and ito I pur-
hUlUlit can wlhswlll the , ; tlzlug goad cane rcsul I took four bottles and am chased six bottles. I am now taking the
and hlod-purfrilg POWC1' ot 1001's happy to say I Im wen and have no lat bottle and find myself able to walk
8zu-nparIIla. abscesses , even though doctor fld I and do my. work , the sore almost healed .
N. n. Make no mitukc. Do sure could not bocur without an o rlton. " I cannot praise 100" 8aBaparl too
t get Hood's und only Iood's. bias. J. M. KlEUMAf , KlngstoD , N. Y. much " Maw. C. A. PoNflUs , Odin , J.
Hood's ! Sarsaparilla
the same line , which left New York . Janu.
ncr : al80 with nn excursion party , sailed
yesterday ! for Jara , tim seaport for Jertm-
salon : .
HIM 1't'ALliS'F4 : AOt'n'l IN I SI.\NU.
Proposal ' for In Intlrlalol11 (10IrCrenl' to
Bo Inttoltlc..1 , . II l'sritaninmt.
LONDON , Feb. I 22.- ' meeting or the ( l'.ir'
iiatuielittmry conniittee or tue ilInetaliic
IAlentnr ) commite ! Imetallc
lclguo tonight approved the ( bimetallic reo'
luten whIch obert l.cey E.'eret. repree3nt-
ing South\\e.ter Suffolk , will mo\'o next
Tut.lny. . The resoluton Is to Ihe erect that (
the leuse or tolmoM regards with in- ! apprehension the eonant fluctun-
tons and . the sro\vlnt divergence lu the reis-
( lye value or gold all sliver , and heartily
concurs In the recent eXllresslon or the gov.
ernment cf Prance au.1 . the Parlalent of
Germany regardIng thc ( serious ev'ls resulting
thertfrom. I , therefore , urges Ullon the gov-
ernment of 1nglant the desirability of cooperating -
operating wih other nations hi nn cO-I
national conference to comller what nmeas- ,
urea can bl taken to rehabilitate diver anti
to mitIgate the evis which It Is elaineil .
arise metal. from the tlemonetzaton of the whIte
E'l ( iTiil ) TENANTS' UhI ITIIN.
tWITlm ' { N.\S' ! ) U TIN.
Settemcnt of a 1.011 RIAlch11 1llt'nltr
"hi tn lIt . In Sight.
LO DON , I tb. 22-The 'lnes 8)1 that
at a meeting or the ( ant.Parnellte Icmbers of
the ( house Dr COllons yesterday Justn McCarthy '
Carthy said ' It was the ntenton of the gov- ,
ermelt to Include In their land his provision - :
vision for the re-enactment of clause 13 of
the act or 18' ) liy IJ'ovhln for voluntary.
not cOI(1lsory ( , arranremens ! oC contro\erles
behvlel lantlorlls alt truant . The mcllut
the Times says , accehiteti . this UR Ilromlsing
n solution of the evIcted p tenants' cI1eul ) ' .
ItlIl- . , \ f'r l'rlze , .
Cnlltnln Schinrfl' , formerly of the ' 'hur lon
lilies , his leui calcll : hr thl comnpamiy
from Del'lr , to thrill thl ( comlll ) for tile
1110nni meeln nt Icmphhl In 11) ' . ' 1he
cOml1I ) ' wi cOllest for the mulleu Prize
ali also for the chid . prize.
U.nth .r Slm .Junes' Grtmid fmdlmer.
CHATTANOOGA , Tcuiii. . Pcb. 22.-Re\ .
Samuel G. Jones grandfather of Sal Jones ,
the e\'angelst. died at his home In Carters-
yule . Ga. , In his 9lt year .
For more than a huntcl1 years the
Monut I.ebalol Shlkerl have sllUc,1 the
cultvaton of lellclnal Illants anti Roushl
to extract from thel their ( heaUI ! essences
Their labor hns not been /llllt In vain.
'riey have mate a discovery that will prove n
hlC'fllF to Ilnlhl. I consits l uf a cor-
1111 ( lint entities Inmelatl relict tn easel
oC InllreRton.'hc Importance of this dls.
eovlr ) wIll he n\parent whln we rtalze
thnt nearly nile.tlnth ( ! oC ni our Iurhrlnr
are laURer' by tiyiicpsla or indigestion ,
Neatly e'elcrson ) melt huts this dl.
ReRt\o trouble In some of Its varIed form
-sick iieultlllciie , ilistress afer ( eating , pain
Inl' rulnes II the chest after catluig : , hal- f
plnton ( oC the heart , etc. , arc hut S1llt '
t01 ! of 11lgelon. ' 10 relIeve these smut-
ferllgs has been the ItUI ) ' of the Shakers .
nnd the ) ' have RlecN'lclt 'he reason the
Shaker DIgelve { 'ordltii has such nn 1m.
1ellnte mmii ietltitary effect is ( lint It caus-
Cs tilt' food eaten to be oligesteil , for it is
tio'iigt'sted ( nOil tlltlt causes ( lit' iiismtress ,
'i'ite , Curdinl causes time food to bo digesteol I
Itefore ihieue is tlme for It to fliieumt antI.
solir on time stoumuich'ieui the food is
51 : dIgested it gives streumgtim mid vigor tti
( lie feeble hotly , mimiukes one feel bright altO
cime&'i'tlil it nil inalces on e git lii in .esii.
Tile digestive Cordial Is so ; rounit lii
limi nctiomm ( lint ( Ito very first tiose wIli hn'4
a iereeiiibl % ' fctvomatilt' restlit. it gIves lit : .
ametlittie relief.
lii order to move this mmtneulent ( small
t ii Ii I ito I I I ( 'a hal t't' licemi idmi coil I it I lie tiru q.
gimtts imnuids , wimlehm call liii oiltninetl fem
toil cents ( tieim , 'i'huis trial itottie will liavo
it ilecitleoiiy iieiefielai effect timid vIll suit.
isfy nmiy oat' ( hint the Corillimi is uitinptetl It
Ills case. After a trial give iirnlse to tlmt j
Slitiicers of lIlohiiit l.ebaiioui , N , 1' ,
; teth : Without Plates
t iw' / " , ,
I f'p f
S Ii P.'txttiti Illock ,
Is- Idiliattil Fciriizumi Sta
Pith f4et Teotit. . . . . till I SIiter llilliigs.$1 UI
lh'Ht ' 1'tt'lii. . . . . . . . 7 t.0 I 1'tiro ( lout Flillugim 2 01
'ri 1111 i'iit. . . . . . . . . . i ii ( to I Coiti drowmis2.ik. : . di Of
i'aitiltts ( 1'ixtnct'ui SOC I lirloige Tcctli-.ieotii U Ut
Teeth Out in Morning ,
New Teeth Same Da
. L
Saturday and Motiday.
You can't afford to miss
Nicoll's Offers
Place your order for one of those
$7.00 , $8.00 , $9.00 aiid $10.00
. . . . .t , .
for ,
' , Trousers
' '
( Ligts-Medium-and 1-leavy Weights )
Which we will cut to your order at
$4 $5and$6 C
Several hundred new orders taken this week-and whi1
there's not much money' in it for us-we consider oure1ve
ve11 repaid-by gaining just that many new friends.
¶ Remnants
. '
( Over a Itittidred of 'ciii )
You viIl find among these rcmnant some of our choicest
imported designs , Goods which we have been selling at
$25.00 , $30.00 , $35.00 am ! $40.00.
We won't carry theni over till next season-if you
offer us
$16 $18 $20' or $25
You're welcome to eaminc them--ask to see the trimmings -
mings , and the workmanship we put iii them.
Do ito ! compare our Ia fforz' , : , - niIho" ' 'shoddy"
-flsZ1u//J' worked pJ duriig a s' cal/ed "chic'aft
sale"-by uizcru/mIou aintell/ors. lVc havi a
re/nt/al/au lo zt/iliold-bcsidcs wa will cheer/idly
vcfi'ndyozgr ; iiou.y-i1 ( hissaIs/7cd.
New Spring and Summer Styles ready for
inspection after Monday ,
. . '
207 South 18th St.
- -