_ _ - . - . - - _ _ - --'r . . ΒΆ . -v- _ v'r . . . THE OMAHA iDAILY BEE. . . , . . : _ " I 1 ES'fAULISllED , JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAIIA : , SA'l'UUDAYOUNIN& , FEBUUAUY ' 23 , 1895. { SINGLE . COpy Jj""IVE C1iNTS. HAVE EACE I > ONLY IN NAME - Open Warfare in Brazil Has Degenerated . Into Personal Eno unters. I MAD SCRAMBLE FOR TItE VCTORS' : FAVORS I'al'rr nl1tl1'01lUelan. nenounrrll , the New I'rcIlcnt , Burn JnerJ O nt JI Rhrlno-l : -l'n "h'nt l'cloto , . JI'eovere.l from - 11 1Inc s. mo DE JANElO , Jon. 2G-Spcclal ( Cor- tcsllonllcnc of the Associated Pres.-\Sin ) ) the steamship btveen Mann ami 1arlnlea , of the I'etrojiolls lne , was steamln Into this city full ot passengers , of nil ago , sexes nnll con- dItons , yelterlly , on ! of the friends ot the ' In8urgent naval and military com1anller , General Cahlns , white Illscussln with others the aels of the last admlnlslraton , used the following phrase : " 0 Florlano Peixoto eun bandldo" ( Florlano Peixoto Is n bandit ) . The Welds were scarcely out of his mouth when Dr. santIago da Slva , at the mouth of a pistol ) , poltely reIUesle him to retract , which ho 11c , greatly to the Ilsgust of his friends. At the sam time Colonel I onteur who was I 'Ith Santiago , Intimated that I General Callns had any friend In the crowd who 'lshe,1 to repent what ho had , said and retracted - tractell 1m was at his lsposal to compel him I to swallow the words. Such Incidents ns this swalow are almost of daily occurrence here and were It not for the fact that Peixoto's present friends are known to 1m men of courage there would have been fome blood encounters , because the insurgents are gradually return- _ Inl nnd they and ! their friends are blatant. , Those people who nled Peixoto while he was still president , who very probably commlte,1 F . many excesses ami who have now turned ' 4 against him and his administraton , are here I called "nbY8Yllans , " and the newspapers , U J clerical. monarchist , federlst , all II once , e who are trying to "get In" at the cost of ' , thoKe who defended the legal government , are ! Iolng theIr best to demoralize those who were and are loyal to tiie ' republic. Whie the great org3ns Jouralo 110 Comm - mtrcio , Journlo Brazil , Gazette de Notices ) and smaller fry , are bitterly oPllsed to I'elxoto's a nlnlstraton and opposed the election of March 10 last as being a farce , thay are now burning incense to the lew god , who I neither more nor less than the cIvi conthlUtol of the former military organi- zatlon. Opx Dalro de Notclns and Scclle zaton. ( formerly Tempo ) were straight republicans through the whole contest hut they are not so fulsome now In their approval of the new government. . Many persons here believe the navy Is beIng - n Inc re-equlpped and that on January 23 the supreme milItary tribunal decided the re- volell midshipmen , called here "asplran , " or : included In the decree of pardon Issued by President Ioraes on January 1. PEIXOTO'S ITALTH IMPROVING. Manhal Peixoto yesterday left the farm Tres ! Dcas ( Threl Spouts ) at Santa Hla , In the state of Minas , belonging to Deputy San- : jingo Iia Slva , where he ! lies been 81ace his departure from Rio Dr. Santiago was seen yesterday Iy ! the Associated press correspond- ent. He said : "The marshal Is now con- valucln Ills lmbs are almost In their normal state. ld can walk alone without crutches or a stick. On fine mornings he 'tak 1 rather a long walk. lie usually spends some three hours each day In the perusal of the Rio pallers " The United States minister held a confer- coca yesterday with the secretary of state , elce for foreign affairs. Dr. Carlosda Calvalho , In ; , reference to the settlement of the claims of American merchants who were legnly com- telell ! to nay exnellent duties on goods Im- ; j ; rted under tlLo . special treaty. Al such I claims have been allowed. : cahns Journalo de Brazi ! ! , the Apostle , the . Gazetta da Tarde , and the Gerrlo de Tnrd have been publishing ' day after any lists of ' Insurgents said to have been shot without form of trial. , Among others they give the ' names of some twenty sailors from the Uranus , and placed ' 01 their bulletin boards the photographs of th principal ones Charles S , Beaman and others \'hiat must have been 1 theIr feelings to see the whole number , over . feelngs S _ , _ S twenty " , 'Ictls of' the 'cowar.ly t'rant dlctaro , murderer , " etc. , march Into the editorial - tonal rooms of tllJournll , tie Brazil recently and ask the chief editor , the clerical mon- archaist , Dr Fernnndo lenl\ez \ de Ahnelda to take their lames out of the dead list and lot to hang out their photographs , as they were still nilyo. The list of the summariy 8bot baa been reduced by over 100 , but the number grows daly , as the facility of Inventing names , occasions and circumstances Is Im- mense. Anfrlslo Fable , an ex.revolutonlst , had pubUshed a bug article In the Journal do Jubl.shed advising I'resldent Morals by all means to come t9 an arrangairsent with ! elo , Slldanho and Martens In Ho Grande do Sui. . Colonel Innocenclo Serzedelo Correa ex- minister of foreign affairs , ex-min- later of Interior ex-minister of inance under Peixoto , who resigned fnnnce same time as Admiral Custodio 110 Melo , that Is , long enough before the f termination of I'lexoto' period to render them eligible , and who fully expected to be either president or vice president with Cus- todio do Melo , has written a long expression of flcts as seen through , tire eyes of an unfortunate - fortunate would.be Insurgent. CONSI'IRACV THAT FAILED. CONSIIACY c Serzcmlcilo takes three columns of the Journal - net 11c COllerclo to pref thaI he Is a much ' Injuted man , \'hmole-souled republican , a victim ot time dictator. The truth of the business Is that Serzedelo , when mln'ster of mUfermmt ( porttolo& under Peixoto , conspired t 11ern /dliral Melo , and probably SIVNI : Matins , asel , arranging affairs so as to be elected to the prodency : , and they were unscrupulous as to the means employed While he was stilt min'etcr ! , amid lkln ! love to the daughter 'of Siveria Martins , who was almoot openly raising a fund , which amounted I finally to 8,000 coIrtos ( nearly 3OOOOOO ) to begin the war In Rio Grande. The correspondent of the New York World tfok t to Serzelelo a ccpy of the contract made by SiVEria Martimms . with George Boynton , who aferwarll ) attempted to blow UI the Aquldab3n , b ) which the 811ualton and other 'Iarlke immaterial at Montevideo was to be IIlaced on the frontier of time states of Rio Grande do Sui , Parna , and SI. Cdther- ma Serzedelo refused to rend , or oven to Bee the document , alleging that Martins was a reat nalrlol. and Iricanabte of such a trai- I ! rous ct ; th'3t lie was - greatly malgnell , and that ho " vas e\rn then treatIng with the republican governimmirt 10 old In the eslab- relJblcan go\ernm Ishment of 1 true republIc In lila Grande , And yet Siveria MartIns was openly boasting - Ing at ecUa's hotel another , \ places that ( lt and he alone , could nlnage that ( state antI It could never ba done unless a I\arla- \ mentar' go\ernment wer estblshed. Iar- tins went to Montevideo and BuenO A'r , , contracted with Ta\eres Saabbla I'noste and other , amid time war begamm , which will never Cease a long n Arventnn ali Uruguay a. alat li furnishing arms and ammunItion , S clothes , food and muon. I ItFUSl ( ) TO BELm\l TiE TI Ll GH\ ! I \llel Sarabbla last'd the fr ller an I J ngllhl3n , who had Immense interests on I the go\'erlmelt stile Jim IUo arando arid , , mm l'arnna , received from hl Rlo . branch house ' to the effect \hat \ 2,000 men , sell a telegram eleethat : (00 lelel ' armed amid equipped . hS11 passed the frontier sod Invaded Brazilian t rr1on' . The 1'lglsh. : ' mln enflll' thl tulegr31 to the c rreillold- i enl of the World , ale the ltHr Ilmedliely V called en Coloul Rer7del , then nmImmiter of I time tre'laury , who drc red the lehC'lm fmIie. When IlrOlnN or this , lie 1 ' 1116hlaJ hal the telegram U'llted , I ( aIJ : "Sarabbhm ' . l'reatrl % smut 11Iute Im'odfll HD Orlde three dYs OIU with 2,1(0 men , wail armed 4' . , ( ' ( iulimlm'd ' amid a'cunted , " WItD Jlnwn thl . , ttIrgjarn , eueMII actually orl\rcil the or- . S. rCIIOn'ltnt out. U ) ' I ; "No rivolu'lon Ii ime- albla hIrnzl \ Illen lrgull 1) the ( fl ) ' , 'time C\iIUCllt tin mae Infortlou of Inr ' 'lcl lo"eUent ( and I 1"0111 be lcapae&,1e : . -S ' . . for lila ( to happen yesterday , let alone three days ago , without our kmfowlege. " The result was that the substance of the telegram "a published hthe Gazela le Notcl : , and the fact wa not acknowledged by the government until days afterward. Scrzetlello and others o the cabinet hall almost - most certainly wIlfully deceIved ! the presl- dent . Slvramento , Alegret ! Uae and other Important places were taken : hundreds of Brazlinn seller were kiled , captured and ! aterell , or compelled to enter the service ot the monarchy. Melo and Serzedelo re- malne In the cabInet till their plans were mature for a revolt ef the navy , and ( lien they retired , each one publishing n manifesto against Florlano. , loons % EHi CtSI U t' TIE ' , ltolou UnAlm sldrnt W"ntml Aelm"- AI"n , 10 R U.IRnr."I. LONDON , l eb. 22-A dispatch from St. Petersburg , giving details of the conflict between - tween the polce antI students , which was referred to In 1 dispatch from that city yes- terday , says that about 300 students , who were celebrating 1 college festIval , march In a body to a reslaurant on the Neuslty Prospect for the purpose of obtaining food anti drink As It was about time to close up the hcuses the proprietor refused to Idmlt thcmn The students lJecame Incensed nod attacked the house , breaking n number of wIndows. A number ot policemen who hind been ummoned tried to quiet time young len , hut without avail. Helnforcements wer called for and police hurried to the scene from all quarters of St. Petersburg , und I were assisted , by the porters of the houses In the vicinity of the restaurant. Time whole street was soon fled with n rioting mob and 80 serious became the situation ( lint the prefect of St Petersburg took command of the iolice . The riotous demonstrations con- tinned for several hours ntl did not cease until 3 o'cloclt In the morning. Addltonnl details received here Indicate the students who caused so much trouble yester- day realy wanted to present n petition to the czar. The petItion , It Is claimed , was a pro- test against the abolition of certain by-laws governing the provincial nssembles During the march to the palace the students stopped at the restaurants . here they became Intox- lented. They entered several theaters , jeered the performers nod fought the spectators and ! atendants until forcibly Pjected They then prQceCled to the front of the Anlchef mince , where they paraded , hoping to attract the atenton of the czar. - The polce finally stopped the mnrchln all countermarchIng. A good-slzell riot ensued , but the students were fInally driven nway. They then went to a restaurant , but the police had already tnleen the precaution to order the proprietor to close the doors. This enraged the students and they forced the doors and windows , smashing the furniture and destroying the vIands They were finally ejected by the nuthorltes , This only enraged them the more and general fighting folowed , The I students attacked the police with knives , stones ali ! broken articles of furnlturl They were severely handled In retur and al last twenty were placed umler arrest by the police. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EGYlTl.\N CAI5m2"EV IJ1IOEt1 . SpecIal Court' for the Trial ot Rth'es. Who ARRRnlcl UrltRh Sillors. CAIRO Feb 22-A special cabinet council I has just beep : called here to discuss the Egp- ian situation. the khedive presiding Inasmuch - asmuch as the agitation appears to have been caused by the recent attack by the Egyptians on the crew ot the rlsh cruiser Scout , It was decided to create a special tribunal which shall have jurisdIctIon over the offense of tire natives against the BrItIsh soldiers , saiors and marines stationed In Egypt. Time tribunal Is to consist of the minIster of jus- tce , Ibrahim Fual\ Pasha , 1 . natIve , as pre- aiding ! judge ; Sir John Scott , the judicIal adviser to the khedive and an Englishman , and two English judges and one native ludge The trial , judgrnentand the carrying out of the sentence , Including the death penalty , shah be summary alwihout appeal. The tribunal can only be invoked on the demand of laron Cromer , the British agent and consul general , n')1 the Brish general In command of the Britsh forces In Egypt After time Egyptian and foreign ministers have been notified the executive council wi be convened at the beginning of the Rmedan , annual tat , to when the great : day pccur approve the establishment of tmis t tribunal , The plomlse of the new court Is regarded as an ! mplcaton by the English hero and It Is Itely to InterslCy the French agitation against the Briish influence In Egypt. l'I.OT 'r ( ) OVEIITIInIOW TIlE : li.G ! 1all its Origin In the South rn i'rovInce . or Clmimis LONDON , Feb 22-A dispatch to the Times from 10ngkong says that additional restrictIons have been Imposed upon the navigation of the Canton river The dispatch also states that a plot , far-reaciming In its purpose , to overthrow the dynasty has been discovered In Kwang-Tung-Kwang. Kwang- Kwang-Si and other provInces of souther China. . According to the dispatch , Ii. It ! . S. Mer- cnry has returned from Formosa During the recent black lag riots , the British consul lt Talenu was assauled by the natives. Time Chinese authorities , however , succeeded In quelng the rIots before the steamer Mercury nr1veti , Twenty-five \ of the rlllealler were beheaded and all Is now quiet The gunboat Rattler hal gone to Formosa to take the place of the Mercury. , _ New l'rncos" ot ollkll "rm.I' I'Iatm l3Elt1lN , Fob 22.-At time sitting of the conmrnlttee of the itelciretrig totlim ' bridget commitee Helchstlg tOIII ) Vice Admlrnl 10lman nmounccil exporl- , ments 1111 been mud at the Krripp works of some now urmol' pilte which 11,1 , been Iardlner by a IIW II'Oeel ! , 111 that lie results obtained wonticrftml , ' - l'eHul8 obtlined were wonlel'tul Time 11'0- eeSH he also bald , greatly IncreaHel time resisting power o the plates Valuable In- formatol Ial nile boon vlhletl hy Ger- Oman ) ' from the wlr between China nut ! Japau , aH ot nil forelmera Oermans alolo hall been allowed to accompun the Chinese Ueet. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! tUtRt ( ) I. " SIII Ioro " mlmIce . LONDON , Feb 22.-Time SIatst )1)'S the hhh rte of Inlercst asker for the Unied Stmmtes loan Is due to time belief that further loans will soon be neeler , antI If' the itresl- dcnl rofuHes 10 borrow nn,1 conmgress .10s not act IroperlY gold will VO convreSH l'remlul ull 11811Jpelr from circulation. "his 11 Io followed by u panic In Wul street and tlm' money mlrlcet lus1lC8s wIll be IJnr- ul'Zf until the elections next year arc O\'rr. 'l'ime true remelI for the currency crisIs Is I loan to call ) In und cancel the greenbacks _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Clllordill < ouIgrea OIII.rl to ' 1\cr. ImHI.IN , I eb , 22.-T'o Germun comlor- cul con/I'ess Iet here today . nr , Von Boetlchel' welcomed time , Ielegates and Iwelt Ulon the value of commercial rolu- tons wIth otlu'r countrh's 1111 pointed out timid they should pay attention to time on- dlton ot imubbrmmmtlry In Germun ) ' . 'i'hmo comm- gross , by I unanimous vote , allO\ltell u resolution regretting time a.Iollun \ by the Hekhstag on Satmll ) ' last ot Count Von mlIrbacim's immotlOmi for un immtcrmmaiormui Mlrblcl'l moton Interulonll 10letuI'y conference , 11"111'0 MIII tmv3Imey-llgIIt Illt , _ . OISOOlreb. . -The new torpedo lIe- 8troer , Blnslee , wus slven an olclni try ou the CIde today , IlslnG Ihreo hours The boat Atlinor aim averale ! peed of : twcnt-l'hht leots un hOlh' . The lanshee II ole ) the forly-two vessels ot this climes luthorlzell to be buit Iy limo Jo\ermnont , slut Wit conlU'uciell ly 1.llrll limos " , who \l'clrc,1 the contract to build live of them \'IIhltol : ( , ' li'h , r. I Ion II I ' 'lne. NlcI' : , Feb. 22.-'shmlmigtomm's birthday wins ( elobrted here by u reception given lt the \merlcan rectory by Rev , Alanun , ' 1ho I'CeelJton wits attended 1) ' upwards of : , Briish and \mcrlcun residemmts - - - - - I'rrnor or tape : ( OII'IJ U..nlell. LoNLO . Feb. 22.--Smm ' ' ' ! 1.0NUOJ 2-81' henry Uroulham i.oticim , govel'nOI' of Cape Colon ) ' , has IMiCO recalled flom that pohtform. Ills recall was duo to 1 101K "tulullg c1'lreIC6 of oilln- Ion with Premier Bhod ( ' " . lord ' m 1 , I'ho y I mmmsturtl : " , J. ( DON Ire . 2.-lmd Hosehel' Is 1mm. li.Nscil and lm I conlnel o his bet ! . PUSHING TiE POOLiNG BILL Democratic Senatorial Jteerng Oommito Gives it Right or Way - SUNDAY SESSION IS A P03SIIUY - l'.tllrc018 NoUN' that lie " 'I Use Etery :1.118 In Ilk Power to l're- vemit the CnnRhh'rntll "It or the J1"RAure. I WASHiNGTON , Fob , 2.-The democratIc steering committee of the senate , aCer many postponements , held n meeting today nnd Ilecldell to recommend to the senate thnt Senator Buter shoull be permited to move lt 3 o'clock 'tomorrow for the consideration of the pooling bill ; that this bill should be contnued as the unfnishell busIness unt 12 o'clock Monday , and I It shouhl not ba die- posed of by thnt time It should give place to other business The program was Immediately - ately construed Into n decision to hohl n Sunday session , and this act was made the most of hy the so senators who oppose the bill. The advocates of the bill dill not admit In so mmmany words that their purpose Included a Sunday Jesslon , but they confessed that If they shoull succeed In getting the bill UI they would use their utmost endea\'ors to hnye It voted upon before the expiration of the time set for Its consideration , ami ns thl time would Include only about three hours of the Saturday 8esslon ami one hour of the Monday session , they woull necessarily have very limited tme for the bill without either a night or a Sunday session. When Senator Buter , who , ns chairman of the interstate commerce commitee , who has charge of the bl , was asked what his pur- pose was as to a SIUlny 8esslon , he said he dill not want to be quoted as saying anything that could be construed Into I threat und that he would only say he would use his best endeavors to get the bill before the senate , and that I he 8houhl succeed In that he would contnue his exertions In its behalf until a vote could be reached He felt con- Odent of the success of the bIll In case u vote could be renchEd , and he believed a clear ma- jority woull be shown on the rote for con- sitieration. While Senator Duter would name no fllreS , I Is understoo\ other frends ! of the bill claim that a final vote would show two.thlrds of the senate In favor of it. Tire opponents concede It a vote shoull be reached It would pass , but they are deter- mlnel In the declaration that It shah not reach the point where the test of Its strength shah bo mnde. The tactics which they will pursue were foreshndowell In Senator Pett- rew's brief ! speech la the senate just prior to adjournment tonight. The feelhl Is such ns to mnke It clear there wIll be a very sharp cash when the effort Is made 10 take the bill up , and the Indications are for a period of most decided parlamentary sparring against , the measure , which will probably be lead by Senator Gorman on the democratic side nnd Senators Chandler and Aldrich among the ! republicans. I Is underatcod an nrranement was made In the democratc steering committee teday which provides the pooling bill shall be taken up at 3 o'clock Saturday , and shal hold its place as unOn'she business until ,12 , o'clock Monday , when It shall give place to appropriation bis , The opponents of the bill will probably oppose its consderation : . NOT 1.lKELY. EXTRA SESSION . . Cluveland Supposed to 11'1 , No Present In- tenuous ot "al\nl One WASHINGTON , Feb. 22.-Members of the house who are supposed to Imow something of time PUrCC ot President Cleveland do not credit the report that he has any definite In- tenton to cal an extra session of congress They do not claim to know whal the Inten- , ton9 of the proldent may . be , but they argue ' from circumstances timat 'an extra sess'on Is 'I Improbable. The outflow of gold from the treasury has ceased for the time and these n.mbers believe , reflecting perhaps the cur- rent opinion In administration circles , that the recent bond Issue wi tide the govern- ment over for several months-perhaps put time tra/ury .on Its feet , 80 to speak , If the prelcton of Secretary Carlisle that the reo celpt9 are to meet expenditures b fulfilled . Much capital has been made of the reo mark made by the president to a party of memben-elect who called upon him , askIng them how they would like to be called to Washington on the Hih of March The gemm- : oral opinion Is that Mr. Cleveland was merely joking , or that If he had any design In the que ton It was n diplomatic one. They sur- mise that President Cleveland rices not desire Ioes a special session of the Fifty-fourth congress ! and that he may be expEcted tospur congress on and accompllh nil neesarary work by hint- leg that he would not hesitate to cal the next congress togethel. It I necessary. ' 1.J NIIONS l'OI lUI\ \ \t VETS Some Solllen Who l"vo Been Omited In 1\ l'revouM : J.eglmmmtIoii. WASHINGTON , I'"eb. 22.-The status of pensioners of Indian wars 18 discussed In a .ndian report made by RepresentatIve Tawney of Minnesota upon the bill Introduced hy Representative - tentatve Hermann of Oregon , and 'favorably reported from the committee on penLlons I its purpose Is to ellare the SCOO of the act . granting service pensions to the survivors of the ( wars from 1832 to 1842. so that It will Include time veterans of all recognIzed Indian wars up to 1856. ' In lany regiments serving In these war the rolls contain rep ttons caused by re- Inlstlenis In dlferelt companies , anti this ( , It Is estmated , wl reduce tire numher of beneficiaries nl least JOO , msklnl the total number of the survivors of these wars about 4,000. Most of these old survivors are In destitute circumstances , while all are In ell age. I Is estmatell by tie commissioner of pensions that the average pensionable age cannot extend beyond about seven year hence. Many of these aged ' men were omited from the net pensioning 8nrvl\or of Indian wars between 1832 a tl 1842 , anti for this rea801 the prebent bill Is lore just since It Includes all the survivors of tie recognized wan prior to 1856. hiM > T.\.I.ls'rl IN'81WHET SESSIoN ItumiUira ot scum Iltrnten $ to 111 a "h'or ( 'umnditimit " for l'reslielmt. WAShINGTON , I"eb 22-A number of the member of the Dmelale league let here today for conference at the league head- iuarters Among those present were General A. J. Warner , president of the league , arid Hepresentatve Sibley of I'ennsylvanla , and Hepresentat\e Newlands of Nevada , The greatest secrecy was nmirmIntainemj General Warler however , said that they hind met 10 ( alIt over the situation and nothing more. For the last several days , however , a rumor I has been In crculaton here to limo effect ' that certain silver men would formulate a plan which , I carried out , would result In placing a national silver ticket In the field for the next natIonal campaign. I Is not believed . however , that the plan has B yet taken any definite shape , Senators Teller and Wolcot , and a number of other active In the cause at silver In congress , were not present at toda)1 nmeeting. AI ' n UCIHlrl l'.ttaro't mmmismthpmmrmt WASHINGTON , Feh 22.-Oi3pecial ( 'l'ele- gram-Senatol' ) Alien today made I fa- \orule rlport Oil the Im nrment Ilropoled h ) ' Senator Petgrew to time 81ulry ch'l bill . Ipprolu'lutnl $3,0 to enable the secretary of IIH Iculuf to purehus ) nlil 11Itrihuie soot und feed grull umong the Irouth uuifferems. ( ongf'ItIUI Pickier of South Oakotu II sick In led with u severe attack of lagrlppe. lie hits heen detulned trom his . lutes Oi the floor ot the hOII\ for I C. " dmtymm , but hubs Illness la 10t serious , and I II ex- Ilectod that he will he out In u short tm . Congrelnan : Un'un Was on tie leer ot the hOIe tea ) ' , hnvll : returned from New haven . where he 1lellvc"d an " - dress on bimetnlm befor the studelts of Ynle. _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ , _ LUST JWTI1J'RI'VIJIJJCr. - ' U. n. "tng uRho.t Into " R lurnllJ Iluild- - Ine to K'o , ILls ( 'Rb"nn.IK tUitd. 10T SIRNIS , Ak.h eb , 22-A9 for as known , six peple were turned to death and. tour and n half blceks 01 the rekhlenco and business pcrtlon of the cIty on Ouachia n\- , ' . fire enue were burned this mor'nK. The fre originated In the l.ergrwo < balery. The resIdence of II. M. I lundklns nnll the bakery were destroyed , and In ten minutes the fire bath tprea,1 to hl a dozen buildings , anti I fanned by a strong wind from the \orth , swEpt everything tnd r bpfore t. The . ! lame9 crossed tIme ttrcet fond the UUIClla holel and Oaklawn were tuxt burned . Out of nearly 10 houses In only half a dozen eases was the furniture saved . As far ns known , there have been six persons burnel t : dealr , but rumor are rf of other missing - Ing , and the unmber ot falaltles may ha increased - creased to n score when the de3th roll Is called. Amang the dead bret ! MHS. IAION SA1UIONS , jO year of age , who was living In the Ledgerwood build- lag. lag.D. , W. WING of Glens Falls , N. y" , who es- : cpel the lames at first , but remembered he I had $ ,800 In the hotel , and rushe1 back to I I get I. Before he reachtl the door hIs cloth- ! lag was on lire , arid ho was burned to death In the sight of thousands ot people. MAN NAMED 1ILI. , one 01 whoe nrms was paralyzed , from Chicago . . , . Is " reported as among the dead. , NEGRO nale mmmiknow . . MHS. MAGGIE llscoClt , housekeeper at Oaklnwn , ran Olt from thelrear door , a sheet of Inme , and shrieking sank down before ! help could reach tier 110w many lives are Ist malns to be een. 10w The total loss of the confagrnton t will reach hundrets of tholsands DC dollars. The fire orlglnntell In n bllery oa Qunchlta avemmue over which were ; Curnlshet rooms , Her Jrs , Samnrnomm . who ice'pt the rooms , was burned The other buildings burned wer the La Clede , loss $6,000 ( ) : thp Ouachita , loss $5,000 ; the Illinois , $ IOO : ' time Missouri , $3,000 ; the Oak Lawn , ' $ ,00' ; the Boom- Ington , $6.000 ; II. 14. Ilumdginma' residence , $12,000 ; It L. Wllams" hree.story ( brick , $12,000 : Jopihim's grocery , $ ; E. Ran- dolph's resldenc ? , $6,000 ; Uedgerwood's bax- cry , the Telnessee 8tabl ! " the , West house ant fifteen cottages , of a ' t6tal value of $15- 000. There Is very little Insurncc , The tire was nt time south , end of the gulch In which lot Springs Is located , anti the wind was from the north. As a result none of the large hotels were at an ) ' tme In direct danger. The Ore burh"f'w both sides ot Ouachia avenu to Iawttor , one side of hlawtimorne to Woodhimie and both sides of Inwthore Orange to QUlpaw street. . frI . I'TAJIf'S JITiSFS. .tF1'.l . IRS. Commitee Invstgatnl 'th'o' ! teal nendY' ' to nCI'Ort Is ( rl llnil PIERRE , S. D" , ' Feb 2-Speclll ( Tele- gram.-The Taylor lnvestfuting [ committee 110.5 . lirctcnlY completed' Its Inquiry and will shortly make its rqJOt. The committee wi shorty his gone very fully Into etals ot Taylor's business affairs and deveThpcd 'mucb 9f In- terest , The report , wilt \ fl nllut lW newSpaper - paper columns , ant wi' ' 'be 'printed In the course ot the next ten In's , Yesterday the commitee' ' had heore It John , Iianmond. : and he Wil ! some Items of lmmeremst. which have not yet . been'made public. , It seems that a wetIt a4Dtarnond uit freely crltcscd the acton c : he ' committed and suggested , . with . E 0rtl , . oughttto examIne tiwteirapim. onices II - lmlne . oUces ouvht"'Io , Ielfeld . , un l that probably Ils" patches In both Iplacef would con- tnln' something which would show who were Taylor's agnts on time grounl nml might 'lead . to the apprehension - hension of the fugltivmi . The committee acted upon this advice , hr 10 Diamond's great surprise caught In Its drag net surrise ' Individual , and that one Senator Pettlre ' . I seems th1t .Mr . _ Petsrew oed the banlt' at Iedfeld $5,0 and thal early In January he wired It to turn over his note tQ his bankers further east and It would be taken up. Diamond , In his testimony , confirms this , and also tated. , that January 8 Mr. Pettigrew. at the Locke . ! lmotel l. paid $ ,0 to Charles McCoy as TayIC Isent , This tact In connection wih McCoy's testimony that on connecton ' preceedlng : Christmas Mr. , 'VednesdlY Pettigrew was told by McCoy of Taylor's I shortage , Is thoulht by'some to have some significance . hut the general view Is that the senator Is In no way Involved to his dil- credit. . - I credl. railroad committee feld n meetng last venln anti took' a "vote Ip\n the \Vimeeier bill. Seven l mler ; of the rom- 'Vheelfr bi . mlte , nil except Mesare . Wle\er \ and Dicit. ' over voted to report the bIll ndverselY Wheeler will present 'n minority report ( a- vorln the masure and Dle ! over may sign It. The report will probbly be made to- morrow. Several other railroad bills of con- elderable Importance arc beIng drawn , and nway. the railroad fight has . not . . - entirely passed AIJ.ll' } N.UT - COqJ'JNTJON - , . , . . , lunlrell ; lemb3r. or the , ' nlouln " . Sosslon In C imlciio. CHICAGO , Feb 22-Th sIxth annual conventon ef the Tegul r Army und Navy union of the Unied StlCS warm opened ode ) ' In time First MethodIst 1llcopll church b ildimmg. About lQ members of thQ organization representnl suborilinate unions are In attendance , III.n ; Intc'cltlll conventloim , Is promlsoll. 'he' conventon ' conventon was called to order 'hy National Com- malder wal James P. Locltw ell of Chicago , Corporation Cou\8el John Mayor Palmer mal ! e un address \ ot wI'l ole on behalf ot ' Ilopitins . extending the privileges Mayor privieges Iopldns. anti courtesies Df tIme city. Time reply was malle by Colonel D Gary of San 1rancllco , In wimlclm a review of the work and alms of the union wait giveim -B } " "O " ' _ Il 1'1 . " ' T IHSINTIW. ? : - 1 Omnlm I Ovorll'IOI 1'\1 ' Caught } 'lro- "ovI'ml I'enple ( nrt ST CLOUD , Minim. , FeiJ , 2-11 roturnlll from I dance lt'ult" arlt early thll morning , un omnlbul contu\llns \ twenmty-iivo men and \omel was OVll'turnell one moPe from this city , foil n ItPve Ivnlell the curtaIns and straw Stvell people wore badly Injured ? rl. JIlcS Heath warm trampled upon and baIiy hurt , Mrs , Joseph - seph elers luHtalned.1 severe scalp wonnd. lrl Chp8ler Wait'e ' was Illerllly Injured. Owen lIlacs " th ! local lanlver of the Northwestern 'Feiepijonmc excimammar eXchungc\ was burned In a 1c.epllole llnl'cs , anti \ others ot the . party wtr intiiy , bruised , Mtmch dllcul ) was experienced II getting out mimi u panic reau\el . ' . JITO/ TI , .lrII'T11RT. : - , _ \merlean NO"'IUPll ; ; 1'ab1Iater' \ Union II Session Iii New'sork NE\\ ' YORK , Feb.22.r-The forenool mOis- Ion : of time Amerlcn Nt1Jupr JubI8hor ussoclutol Wil f'111resBdl'ly Azel F' . Hatch of Chlcljo on 'UI' " law of libel , There were 10 lemberR ot the associatIon present , representing 1 " "YaIU of ' 20,0.0.0 In the pro erty of their pthhitiomms. 'rhe members very generaly rellonlied last e\enlnl to an InvlatOI to a reception by the publisher 1111 edlor ot the Fourth Estate - tate , at the olcll or time paper In the Postal ' 1 egruph bulll11 II honor of the c mpleUon Of that jourimal'mi first year . . e' . . InrIara Torhir uq Old Miser. ST. JOSlII'hI , Feb 22.-\'itiianm Walsh , aim ohl bachelor who las for yenl9 resiletl ulone II a house In the Iouth Iart or the I city , ant ! who Is reported to be I miser , was called out of led early this morning by five maskell men , wbo seized him anti ) the IJolnt of luIstols ulemptl.1 to make him divulge the \ Ihlll 11111 of hum mooney lie reCused , alll they let limo to life ha\ mtimti beard , burning them piT , anti burned hll body wih a red hot itofoer , He still refu8e\ \ . ant they placed hil feet over n ( Ire Ind ron tec them. l'pon his atl retuslnG they beat him Into In cnslhll ) and uter ransacking the houKe . escaped. ' "Irludltl'rrlvll. . , & 'rbrmiiiry : : . At Southmamnpton-Arived-ew 'York train New York ht Glbrala-Arrl\ed-Krol PrInz l'rel" erich Wlhehn , rro/ New York. At Jarve.rlLa Normandie5 Srom , "ew yolk , . O IAIA IS THEIR MECCA Nebrska's ' Commercial Pilgrims Oome to the City t form an Organiz ion , FURThERING S1ATL' BUSINESS INTERESTS FURTIERING . Made W'lcolo h" Secretary imohummea-Uommm- ummittt'eii . \ l'I"lnt.1 tim ICIHtt Tmhl"- 1Rt ot Thuse Attcnmtilimg-Ad - mitt see's hy the Visitors . ' ' celeLratell by , Wnshlngton's bIrthday was one hundred trn'elng men of Nebraska at Krug's hal yesterday b ) 11ufectng n temporal - ' of t'omnmnetctai pgrlms poral y organlznton tommerclal : for the purpose of lromotng the Interests of Nebraska monufacturers and jobbers At 10 o'clock time delegates began arriving. Hohr's orchestra was stationed hear the stage and the delegates stellJell dowl the aisles to their scats to the Inspiring straIns of time Liberty Deli marcil , . The wals of the conventIon hal were nbc- orated profusely and with patriotIc taste The Ilecortons were furnlshell by the Omaha Tent amid Awnln com pan ) Se\ral pictures of George Wnshlngton were consllcuous , atl there was a liberal dlFlllay of the natIonal colors. A Ilrg silk bnnner , wih the por- trait of a tail Nebraska traveling man "imIttimmg the high Illace5" on the road , occu- plot a post of honor on the platorm with the inscription I "Alwa's to the ront. " I Is salt that M. \V. Hayley posed as the model for 1.V. 1. the banner the I'plcnl commercial tourist on and now time boys are coilIng him "Trliby. " GETTING DOWN TO WOHK. 0. O. homes , secretary of the Nebraska Manufacturers and Consumer9 associatIon , called the convention to order , amid after cIPI the call suggested ! briefly stating the object of cal brlely statng that a permnnent chairman of the couventon bo chosen. \V. L Eastman of Omaha _ was unanimously elected to that position alI liii- immediately ossumell his dutr wIth a brief ] speech of thanks. E. K' Irndley of Nebraska City was elected 8ecrela rind M W. Hayley of umaha assist- ant secretary. The folowing vice chairmen were named : James Reo of Nebraska City , J. M. Schlus- ser of Holdrege , Lee Grham ot Lineal , lerI I man Abrahums ot Grand Island , Dan Owen of Urtrlce , A. C. McIntre of hastings , Charles 0 I.eake of F'remmmont P. T. Durchanl of Norfolk , henry George of Kenrney , George I Mead of Chndron , James \Ihelmson of St. Paul , W , S. Helphr of South Omaha. ) Treasurer-I ranlt 0. Field of Omaha. . Commitee on Permanent Orgammization- \Y. H Drown of Omahn , C. 0 Leke of Fremont - mont , John Harberg of Omaha , Dan Owens of Bealrlce , 'I I Lockridge or Grand Island - and , C. I K. Bradley nnd Charles Whie of Lincoln. Commitee on itesolutiorms-Wllliarn I'el- zero John Harberg , E. 1' . Day ! ! Omaha ; Jnmes Reed of Nebraska CI ) ' , M. II. Mar- shall of Helena , Mont" , and H. E Wntzcley of Oimmahma The commitee on resolutons was author- Ized to present n resolution 10 Governor 1101- comb , asking him to veto the oleomargarine bill , recepUY passed by the ' legislature. At 11pO : o'clocle the convention adjourned 'until 3 i .fl . m. AFTERNOON SESSION. When the convention met In the afternoon - noon the hal was comfortably led with commercial ! trameiers , business amen and " 'gu'Psta ; , - - . ' - , - 4 - 1 _ _ mel _ . - . - The meeting was opened with prayer by Rc , . ' . Leo M. Franklin , after which Secretary 0 "Holmes of the Manuracturer and Con- sumerll association spoke as follows : IThs object of the manulncturers' associa- ( ion Is to promote home Industry by encouraging - couraging the purchase of goods of Ne. brska , nmnufucture and to the atalnmcnt of ( lint object we have lent all of our energtes "Tile fact , however , that we consider the development of the mlnufncturlng Industries of the state as of paramount Importance for the reason that factories are producers of wealth and employer8 of labor to a greater extent thln any other brnnch of business In Nebraska , exceptIng agrIculture , docs not blnd us to the fact thaI there are other Important factors , doing their share In the. great worlt ot creating and developing the busIness life of our commonwealh , "Next to agriculture and manurncturlng comes the great wholesale anti jobbing Interest - tercsts , employing millions of capital and thousands of men. These imotmses presided over ami guided by a class of business men , than whom there Ire no better In the world , with their army of keen aggressive traveling men , grip und order book II hand , ; penetratnl every part of the country , even to the very outposts of civilization , are the great repositories nnd distributors of the thouand and one articles of daily use amolg the people. "Th manufacturer needs the jobber to distribute his goods amid the business of the jobier. Is Increased , wheneyer aim adltonal ! man Is given employment In a tactory. Our Interests therefore are Identcal , and It needed no argument on the Jart of the gentlemen who first brought this mater to our notco to Induce our association to cal a conventon of lie represcntatves of both of tlesl Interests - terests ( , INTERESTS ARE MUTUAl. , "We hnve met hee today to discuss ques- tons of vll1 importance to us all , 'In union there Is l 81renth , ' and In a multtude i of counselors there 18 , or ought to be , wlstlonm , So In the discussion of the subjects which ml ) conic before U8 Jet us bl guided b ) a spirit of falrless Ild an earnest desire to learl from each other'B eXllerlelce how best we may he able him the flture to \ ork tcvether . for the upbuldlng of all Nebraska "Ours Is , comparut'el ) spenlell ! a new state , arid while tIme business of time jobbing houses and factories of Nebrslc exceeds ly many miions of dollars the entire annual output of all the gold ulll slvel' moines him America I Is yet 1 Its iimranmcy . I Is time duty of every loyal citizen to stlnc till for the hlltltol of his own 8tat\ . "We despise the lal who Iii untrue to his own famiy , and 10 less the moan who Is nltrue to his own city , his own state omit ! his own countr ) ' . Loyalty Is the true test of cllzel8hll , und ! he who II not loyal to his own sllie cannot he 10)11 to his cOlltr ) ' ; ali so , In abklng the trvellg len of Nebraska to atald together for all that tends 10 the upbuldllg of our state , we ask olly that which good citizenship amid good busiless . eense line a right to nsk. "Wo have 10 quarrel wih those from other states who Beel business In Nehraska. I Is a fair field and 1 free lght , 11r If we cal- not leet Ihem with as good goods alil as low IJrlces IS they are able 10 offer the soonel' we get off the earlh the better. "Anmti noon behalf of the Manufacturers unit ! Consumers u soplaton of Nehrablt , antI 01 behalf of the ppople of ( life city , I exlmc to you a hearty welcome to Omaha Tonight at the banquet Mayor Bemll will no doubt formally present you with the keys of the city and turn the town over to you . In the : meantme , I wi loal you my pass key and I urn sure you will ue J judiciously " 1rIBllg tint you will enjoy yourselves while II the city , anll that life city and that this ( meetng wi be fraught with good to you ' IndivIdually , and to the Imporlalt In- terelts you so ably represent , I once more ' cordial ms'elcomne " hid you a most WI.LIAM FHTZG ER'S AUDR SS. "Wa's amid : Wilam I"etger spoke on ) an Meaums to Promote the Interests of Nebraska Jobbers and Manufacturers , " and said , In part : "To consider this matter properly we must take In mlli that we are of two , classes , ' 'e'uns In the country and ' you'uns In town. ' The country PeoPle are the ( ( con- 8umer and the commercial and manufacturing - turing Interests are In the citIes . To unie we must be harmonious , CertaIn Infuelcea have been seldllg certain polIticians to ( our elate legislatures that have thrown broadcast the idea that It Is Omlhl against the stale. Wih all our buslne8a thinking people I la Omaha for Ntbraska , and I must be SQ , as I know It Is 80 with ua , anti when we CQnvlnce $ the IleoIlle that such are our true teelnls there I 1 ceruln rcelnu ot reciprocIty In all nature that In this case mviii be quIck \0 \ reponc , nnll wo wIll be rewarded - warded with the loyal anti just feelings of the people of our state , Nebraska for Omahl , "Wo must always be bron.l.mlmle,1 In thIs mvork Our Interests merit Nehrnskn's Irnllc. We must seek to make loyal Ne- brnsknns oC our Nebraska l'eolle , to teat ! Nebraska newspapers mint ! to ( tatl lp for the true merits of our good nOt ! great stnle , anti to llo this we lust be loyal Nebrasknns ourselves. Let U9 make some Nebrnsk at henrt at omit coming stale fair , welcome them ns Nebraska people ; let them know that we're glint \ that they come : respect their dollars : for they are harll'lnrnel , and give timemmm a , imroper lutmrchnsimmg price . Let us give them n grnnll fair ali exhibition with ( lt shle or evening ntrletons , ( live them a 'merchnnts' carnival' nli let the traveling men take Inert Let IS . .ltee It I before the people ( hint we bear the taxes 01 . our state wih them " CHANDAI.I D SCIImS IllS Kl'l F' , C , millie . C. 0. I.cnke , Dr. I rnnkln ( , C. 0 1.0beclt , Z. T. 1.lmbe , : lr , Foils , E , C , Guston amid other ldo brIef talks , but Pr.lk 0" Cranllal mAlic the hit of time day 1mm . imis speccim 0mm "Qtiallficoticne That a Sue- cesaful Traveiimmg Man Must l'ossse. " lie sahl ( lint , iirst , ime must b a gemmtlemnsmm by imature amid iimmprovetl b' etiticatiomm ime motmet be a mmmarried oman , anti have a borne ammtl famnmliy for aim Inspiration ant ! a safeguarti for sobriety ; time tlrmnmmkartls mmmust go ; every traveling miman of lawftmi age ahmoulnl be mumar- net ! , bccatmso lie is cnly 'half' a unamu wlmemm tie is imot , in comrciusiomm , lie took a mmmilu shot at sonic eummpIoyers who lured $40 a month cadets who stooti arotmnd toilIng cums- tommers : of acimoot girl conrituests. lie bohlevent ( hint If enmmplcyers heard thur-se beardless anm- barmeadors on ( lie road ( lucy vonmld call tlmemmm In ani1 limit amen Iii their iulc. Mr. Cramm- dali believed ( list traveling mmmenm ccmtmld always - ways select goon ! w'ves , inecatmac they wcumhml exercise time a.mmmme catmtiomm ( mm mmmatrimmmommial ventures as they would in opeuming a new account. Time conventiop accepted aim invitation to visIt Ilnmmmnmommd's paclchumg imoumse amid I-Crag's brewery at 1i0 : P. umi. tcday. Time delegates extentled thanks for time courtesy proferrod. An invitatIomm to elt Lloyd's theater and see Walker Wimiteslde In "Itichehicu" tonmlght , at imalr price , was accepted , 4\ recess of fifteen minutes was takemu at 5 , o'clock to enable delegates to registr ant ! ermjoy three boxes of cigars vresemmted to time cimmventlon muitim time commifliimmieimts of 0. D. iCiplinger. 'i'ime ccmmmmnittens on resolutions and per- nuanent organization reported. FEASTED ANt ) TALKED. Time banquet at tIme Oimaima Guards nriimory last evenimmg taxed tIme tmnmmmcmmso capacity of that btmlidummg. It was tine largest feast of time seatomm and was attender ! by 550 guests , In- eiutllmmg trarehlmmg mmmcmi , Jobbers anti muiammu- facturers. It was strictly a "lmommmo Industry" affair , oven to time napkimms , wimic'ii were supplied by Nebraska mnantmfacttmrers , J. C iiarplmanm of Ltmmcohmi was tomistummaster. At the nmainm table nero seated Lieutenant Governor Moore , Mayor Bemmils , Attorney General Churchill , Euclid Martin , Edward ltosewatcr , Joy Morton , Cimamies .3. Green , 0. M. hitchcock - cock , Rev. S. Wright Butler , \V. A. L. Gibbon - bon , Adolph Meyer , Janice iteed , John S. Knox rind Louis Ii , Rheermm , Immoense streamers bearing tine Immscriptlon "Patronize home Industries" were stretched acres tIme wall over time mmmaln table amid flags and bumuting lined time Immtorlor of the build- Ing. The musical program by Roimr's or- ehmestra was received with hearty favor. Mayo'r Bernie , in delivering his address of welcome , paid ahugh tribtnlo to traveling men , after cthparing them with cltizemme In other'yalka o' life.I.Ie-sahLtIiaLjLW.as.afl. ' rmpproj'mrlate observance of Washington s birth- day. The traveling mash's Sunday generally commenced on Frday night and ended Tuna- day umiorimbng , but thti commercial tourist mastic up'or' the loss of timmie wlmenm lm settled dean to business , In cnchtislon , time mmmayor ten- tiered imis listeners the keyn of the city , James Reed of Nebraska City responded In behalf of time trofveling men. He expressed appreciation of time mayor's remarks , anml sa'd timat the Nebraska traveling men lmad found time latcimatring , ammd enjoyed Ommmmmlma's big.hmearted generosity. Regrets were read fromn Governor 1101- commib mmmmd Secretary of time Interior Morton. GIBBON ON TIlE JOUBERS , \v. A. L. Gibbon followed with a roeporiso to "Time Jobbers , " wimicim ime nmado on ilfteen mInutes' notice , as a substitute for I. M. Itaymmmond of L'mmcoln , wino was schOmluied orm time toast card , but was unavoidably detained , PractIcal experience , lie said , proved that time jobber was a mmecessity anti a tower of strength in time commercial world. Mr. GIb- ban mmmade an eloquent plea for tIme jobbing interests , and , 1mm concltmrmlomm , said that it was tine jobber that created time mmmarket , and It wee ( lie ummarket uvimichm attracted time mmmammu- tacturer. Time Importance of tire western Job- her was particularly dwelt upon. Tire old anti mmew mrmarkets were compared , amrl ( ho inadvertence of sommme local retail dealers in placing orders wittt eastern jobbers and imot recognizing tIme rights of westrfl johmbers was severely criticized by time speaker. Eticild Martin's speech on "Lookinur For. ward" was replete , wittm a reteremmce to time nattmral , commmmnerc'al , agricultural amid mpammu- facturing advantages of Nebraska. Louis , I. Itimeemmm imnade a lmnuinpy lilt Iii ox- Irefbiimg hmini views omm "The Mantmfacturers' and Cormsummmers' Absociation and its Work. " Mr. ltimeemim'a nmdtlm-esa mm'as divided into ( Inca parts , wirlcim lie classified as a dreammi , a 'liomi anti a speech , Ills dreann warm a peep Into tine future , 200 years aimoami , lie eouinl sea 100 stars in time Ammmericanm flag wIth tIme star of Nebraska 1mm time cemmter , mmimlmnlmmg brigimler tliaum mmii tIne rest. On every forly odes of bind 1mm tIne Ummhten.i States ( mere was a imaimpy Imonme anti a rainmaker on every section , 'J'imc catmse of Nebraska's pre-emimmemmee in ( hint dieannm , lie believed , murma tim fimmal awomkemmimmg of I lie people of tine state to tIme benefits ( lint ac- crumed trommi tIme orgaumizmmtlonm of time Manmumfac- ( urers' anti Consmmnnors asaoclationm amid time co-operttioui of traveling meim with time grassimoimper spirIt of activity. Mm' . hthneennm mmrgenl nmmmity of action aumd xilrossetl tine hope ( lint a "temmmimorary aberra. ( Ion" of time crepe voul' ' ] not ilhmtconir.mge No' branikmnnim. lie believed that thi3 traveling nmemm of Nebraska would inc an arimmy that would always tight fur Nebraska Interests , lie coinmpletm'ni lila remmmarlons with a miramumatla wavinmg of time Ii'clarnmtiomm of urtIepemmdemmce , arid a patriotic fimmlcim ( lint ehicltetl proiommgeti nmppla misc. Cdwarii Resonator spoke alien time uubject of ' 'Time Press , ' ' after iefermimmg to ( tie "jocti- lar orator" mvimo ImreCmled hun mmliii a "mimag- mmiIcent ( , instructive emit ! ltmdicronma speech , wimicim would be recnrded on time eantls of timume , " Mr. Rosenm'ater timenu cited line Imuten- tkmhiiy of lire lmmeErm. , Tinen-e mramm only cue rorce greater Iumamm mime press , anu that was the world of eomminmerc'Imtl travclera , Time press could subjugate tine retail dealer , clairvcmyammte , iiiassaga tnmth people , nmamimmtnctmnrers amnnl all lcimmtls of aulm'em tisemit , but time jainber conmld with IrolnrIeIy lgmmore time papers amnd trust tn , ( ( me seductive voice of time comummiercial travel- era , Jobbers could disincmmsu with time mmmc- mnmentummm of time imres antI lepenmti on time immag. nmctism anti ummuaculumr nctlomm of time jaws of travehimig mmcmi , wino exem'clsed a wommtierfmil in- tiuence over wimat seas fnrmmmerly time dclii of tine press , Tine latter hail lie fimimetionmun ammmi the mnmecimanlc , jobtier anti mmierciimnt huRl hill' , 'fhe fathierimood of time MnmntnIaetmmrern' anti Coneumnmerrm' association watt broader tlrumm any ommo Individual or anmy one imammer to osatmnme , . It was time work of tlmo Peoimle , in mini lie mimnimle timie atntemncimt because it hind been saint ( inst Time thee was time father of time omssociatlomn. anti ( him latter oweni its exisfemuccu to ( mat patter's agitation for a protective organization of home industries ninth hmommme labor. Mr. Roaewntter conclunlemi with a brief reference to time natural resources and coinuimmercial do- reioprnent of time stale , aunt ! said that mmliii time loyal co.olmeratlomm of limo Ineolile tIme nsa- sociatlonm wouiti be a imorpetinat mnmiecess. 'i'ALICED FOR 'iiE RAIL11OADS. Cimarie J. Ureenme's Idea for "The ltalin'ays' wins in imutnstammce a eulogy of line raIlway hum- tereumis of limo ljnnltemi Stales. lie beileveni them tim be iemdlepemneabl adjuncts to civihiza- lion , Mr. Greene criticised what hue termmmenl time boelalistie 51)1111 and lawless acts of or- gammlzatlOm'me winch nnemmniced tue convnmupreo 01 . . . - . - - ' - - ' - - ( Coninued on i3 yentlt 1'auc. MUST ALL BE IN BY MONIAY ) Appropriation Billa Will llavo to Oem from the Oomrn'tttco Then or Not at All , lIMITATION OF 1Il LAW IS AT HAND ' First lmrl lmuys ( if lime Stslomi cumnly time ? aiim ! time alost immmpurlmmmmt. ( if All 1m'gta- . - . lnitIimtm iIi * NOt "t'Ct ltet'ii - iri'se'mmtctl , LINCOLN , Fe ! , , 22.-Speclal-Thne ( ) logic- inttmre line already mu thmroumglm two-thirds of time uummmmmtmcr of days mmliotteth to it by law , it it meets mmcxl Mnmmmhnu ) ' , witim tine flrnmm determat. mmatiomm to sit six ( lays 1mm caclm week , It mviii Commmhnlcte tIme legal sixtietim tiny omm March 23 , Mnnmy of tue ironer uniemmminers are of time oimhit- Ion timmmt time mom'lt of tine sessiomm camm be coin. IlCtCtl mm Itimln time legal hinmmit , limit timere are it few uionmimllmug cnmerm. First in immmportammce unmet conmic tIne appro- Iirintiomm hula. Timemme ummumet origimmato 1mm mind IICSS thmronmghm time imotise itefore time senate umay take official cognmlzammce of tiiomn , ThmeeG bills , which ummmmst imass if time legislntmmre est Italics every otiner bill , imnve umot yet been reporteti fronum time comimmmmlttee omm ways nnnt lumens , ltepresemmtatlve Crow of Omimmuima , chmnirmmmnmm of timat commmmmmittee , says ( lint time. bills will be ready for Immrothtmction ( Moumtbay on" Tuestia ) ' . it they are nmot lnmtrotinuced ( my Tucs. day timoy cain ommly be seumt to time house tmy time govermmor 1mm a slmecial ummessmmge , mis time cimief executive nhcime Is cmumpoweretl to intro- . dtmce bills after tIme fortietim day has passed , Tincro mire two large appropriatiomu bills to be lntrodumeod by tine ways nnnd mmmoamms coat- mittee. These bills will cull for mn total cx- 4 imemntlltumre of nluotmt $2.000.000. If anytimlnmmr. time total nmumotmnt viiI xceeth $2,000,000. It i Iii time jutlgmmuemmt of mmmmmmmy of time older mmmcm- . hers. practically inumpossibie to pass these bills ' Inshiie of twemity ( hays. In ( lie first I-lace , both. bills mviii imnmvo to be conisiniereti flume by line In the mouse. They will bo conmmmhnlered 1mm ( ho samnme tetlious mmmrtnner Iii time Connie. flvory Itemmu of time several hmummdret ! proposet ! exlmcmmthi- . tures will b fonmghmt over immchm by inch , Time frienmmis of emmehi state oiiicer cmii ! of each state Instittmtioim mviii fight vigorotmmuly to eIther' ' Inmcrease time itmmmOuimmts givemm thmennm by tine ways. anti mneamms conmmmmmittee , or to retaIn ( ho ammiotimits reconmmimentled by tinat coin- mmmiteo. ( Time snimmmo fight will be nmmade in tine seimnite , htmL mmot to so great amm extent , as there are ummammy good reasons ( or time heiiet that time umiwicitly repubhicamm majority of ( ito upper hionise will arrive at Its conclusIons .4 mmmdi moore readily. Twemmty thays will tmarthly sniflice for time two houses to get togetumer on time two atupropriatinn bills. C1IARTE1t 1IGllT IS ON. Time big battle over tIne Ommualma charter is expected to eommmmnmemico In earimest ? mlommdnmy , Tine hmoums coimmmmmittee omm citIes mmmmd towmms , of which Representative Johnston of Ornaima is- clmairmmman , aimni to wimicin tine Omimaita charter has been referrcti , inns mmot yet relnortomi tine mucilsure to tine hmoimse. Time charter is still iii ( lie senate cozmmnmmlttee , ant ! , altimnumghm ( Senator' 'I Crnmmme Is not cimairimmami of ( lint commiummlttee , im is tine m-mmnmioimmg nmember after tine chmairnman and will have cimargo of time bill. Time senate committee vIll on Momiday listen to the argo- . meats bf time Omaha people who r ; interested - ested in changing time work of the revisIon conmnnitteo. immasmucIl as a large 'uiumber of - dInmtffiulshti' 'Omahntrma tare expectotit' to be present , It Is probable ( hint time senate will adjourn at noon Monday anti give imp tine' 4 senate cbanubmnr.to time cornnmltteo and its via. liars. TIme. painstakinmg work of limo conisoil- dated revision committee that met every - nook durinig November amid December at last year Is to be attacked fronm mmmaumy sides , p Every Immmportnnt amendnment that eeemmms te be demmmnnded by the city of Onmmntimmi Is to be opimosent by mmmcmi wino wish to see no changes iii time Iircaemmt charter. Time meeting before time semtmmte comnmummittee mvlil cmmrble tIne geople ot Omnaima to discover time Identity of time various interests that are to coumme lii conflict. One of time nmost radical of time prolmosetl anmendnmmemmts to tine Ommmaima charter Is time one providing ( or tine aPPointmflemit of a tax ennui- nmisslonmer , Thus , wIth tine coo providing for a large increase iii time assessed vimhimatlon of city property , will be tIme object of a bitter asanmumht , TIme proposal to make time city engi- nest ex-ofliclo clmalrmmmnnmm of time Iloartl of Pub- iic Works mviii also be ollmoseml vigrrously , Those alma ciam to kniouv say tlnat time a'teflti. mont which Permits of mnmmmlcipai ownership of tIme danal Is to be contested. In additIon to timcse in'athmmmg amnendnmemmts , there are a. large number of very dtnhi private axes that are to be brought. to Llmmcohn Monmtlay , with time hope of imavimig them simarpenied on time. icogisiatlve griimminmtomme , OPPOSEE ) TO ENLARGEMENT. The first amnemmdmimemmt pro os9d to the OmaimL charter Inrovidon that time corporate limIts of time cIty shall be fixemi minim ! doternuimmed by the. mmmayor and council mvithminu omie year alter t"au Imassage of time act , tIme lnmcorporate limumita not to exceed twenty-aix square mnmiies , Including- amly towneimip or village orgammization within stncim llummits. A Proviso Inn at1tn ! so that any city of limo first or second cla arijoinmlng time city mnmay at any timime , witimout reference to Population or area , in omlmiitlonm to limo area amid diatammco above hImmmitetl , be Included In mind become a part of time city , upon a vote of rn mnmsjority of tlm citizemis of both cltiea. 'l'imis nmnemmdmneimt iii Its entIrety will enlarge time corporate lImits of Ommmaima by limo extent of one square ummllo , thin hmresemmt limItation lsoimng tmm'emmty-five umquaro malice , Time msnmomud- miiciit also retains , iii t-'me Shame of time added provIso , time nnmtlummrlty to ammmmex time city of Sonntim Omaha at any timmmu time voters of time two cities mmmay agree upon time tnnnms of an'- inexationm , 'lime presemjt dinner ircm'emitn tine Increase of time city's hlnmit'm mmmiii nmmicim ( line iii ; a state or mmiitlommal reumsuim simimli imlnow aim anlnieml PoPmmlntlcmm of 20,000. This will pro. vent mummy enlargemumemmi of time city imomimmtharioa tmnmtll after 1900 , ant no hiato cemnatuni will be aothnorlzetl at time hmreseunt session , Time muew charter hni'OVilCS ( that after tine city limnltus are fixeti at twcmuty.nuix square : mmlic'mm they may be inmcn'caeed by time unmnsyor mimi city comummeil after five years ( rein tine time tile act Is nmnpnovetl , 'rimere 1mm a miecinhnti ophiositioni 1mm some quar- ( era (0 ( time propoaiiiomm to xIemiti ( ho city's himmmlta , cnn tine grnnummtl that mmnncim extemmnmion will arid to time cost of mnmalmmtaiunlmmg ecimoohum , fire antI malice ( ! eltantmuenite , , etc. 'I'tme moat stremmu. ( Jima , jpinusitionl to emnhailmmg tine city corners from lnmmndee 1mm00 , Dna of tme most Immmportnmnt 'mmennnmentmu to tine new charter is tine elnmsngo Iii section 6 , which. mm anithhtion to time powers of time city already enitmimmerated iii time Inreseimt cimnirter , provitiens that "mo contract , franchIse of ex- tommsioum of army contract or frammelmise for a PeriotI of mmmuro ihnanm two years shah at any' tiinio lie unmade or enteremi mile m'ithncmut ( lrat hmaviumg beemi snminnmmlttemi to mm vote of ( ho 1)001)10 ) mit nium eleeliomi helm ! iii nnccordammcna mvltb ( ho law gm'eruuiimg time m'otiung of lmmmmtis , " Thus Immomisiorn does mint aliply to nimny guar- aumt'e for paving or guiirtmniteemi for ether svorlc domt or immaterial furnlsimemi 10 time cIty , or to countracts for street sweeping or cleaning , flOiII ) OF' iiE/tLThI. Tine Imrolmoeeni ammucnmmlmmuents to lIme flow charter also noalce a mumost radical clnmmumgo In ( lit' imersoumnel of time foam ! of itealtin. thunder lime existing charter time Hearth of Health Is nnade imp of thu mrmayor , time conmmnissioner of health , limo chief at polIce , ( iio jilmmnibing IflnlmeCtOnamid twq mmieiimbeis of fig cIty conmnmcIl , Time mien' charter itrovides ( lint tima hoard email commslat of time mmmayor , t'onnmmmmie- siommer of hmeultim mind time chief of ictico. 'i'imis amemmdummenml legislates time' Imlmmumubinig imnapector out of nilice , unit rn separate huh hue nircauly beemm lntrptlmmcett 1mm time semmalnn anti Placed Ofi general file muimichi Iniovlnie for time appoInt- mnemmt of a nitmmmmbimmg Iummipector at a salary of $2,000 her ammnmummm. 'I5hmt' mmciv amnmemmtimnen ( lmrovidez ( mat ( lie hoard of Fire amid PolIce Comunmmmlsstonmem e small co-operate mvlthm tine Board of ileabi hi In time vnslorco'nnit'mnt of all city ordinammceum relatlmmg to nniatters mvltlnln thu juriedictioum of thu hotter board ; arid it Is numb ( be duty of all uollcemmienm , under the 4I.rctloum of lIme chIef at pmnllce , ( p iimumpec 'premIses wittmlmn their respective tneniij , or such dIstrIcts as many be assiened thorn. , az4 . - . . ' - - - - - . .