Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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8 . TilE OMAHA : DAiLY _ DEE : THURSDAY , FEnnU.ARY 21" . 180 - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
M. n. Oook's ' O1othlng ! : Must Bo Sold at
Oneo-Our Prices Talk
{ -
. 'Va Ara netermlnell thrat Our S"criOco
J'rlC08 Shnll ) ( ,10"0 Out Every Winter
lllirmcnt In Our Stock 'Ilh-
" ollt 1I0IIY :
, -
, Men'R overconts anti ulsters , Cook's $10.00
and ' 12.0 garments , this week for $5.00.
, All Cook's $4.0 and $5.00 fine trousers at
: 1IIen'R Stnr St. Louis Jeans pants nt haU
j of Coolt's IJrlees.
All suits flam the Coolt's stock at less
than halt of Cook's Ilrlees.
Lonsdnlo and I.'rull of I.oom muslin , 5c ,
worth . 8c ,
' I'eperel Il. Drown muslin nt 4 'hc , worth
" 7c.
' I.awrenco L. L. nn,1 , Bnllger L. L. shootIng -
' Inlt at 4e , worth rc.
; Kearney fine brown sheeting nt 31hc , worth
41hc. I
. \ 47 styles of bell spreals , to select from ,
ranging In price from 40e up to $2.76 , uctull :
, . value from 7&c to $ 5.O0. .
. Ilelllcmber these goods are not on the bar-
' cain coulller ellher.
' The greatest IlIslllay of wash dress goods ,
linens and white goods ever nttelJllllcd In
I Latest styles and newest materials
t I'rlccs from $ 1.45 to $30.00.
' Come and tea our new black crepon sopor-
, ate skirt at $3.76.
' Speclnl solo of wash and sill ' vnlstS ,
- nobhlest goods 01111 lowest Prices In the city.
Just 'ollenOlI one case of children's wool
" i . Thesses , on sale at $1.48 , worlh . from $3.00 to
, . $1.00 cache
Come and see our lovely tea gowns In
ca lmere : , wool and slllt , In all colors , IncludIng -
, . Ing Palo blue , pink , cerese , electric grail and
I helltropc , elc. ,
: ror bargains In Coolt's c1olhlng.
p 1'1tit'otit to ' 1'ao !
The Northwestern line fast vestlbulel Chicago -
t cage train that glides east from the Union
' E Depot every afternoon at at 5:45 : anti Into
II' Chicago at 8:45 : next morning , with supper
i : and Iii carlo lJreakfnst. Every part of the
p , train Is lLIOhl ' 1' . .
Other eastern trains at 11:05 : o. m. and 4 \
p. m dally-good , lea.
' City tIcket office , 1401 Farnam street.
' C !
: lIIootel1 QIIOHluII8 ( that - : , \ru Holdlllg ! I'ny-
1U"llt of Hovellllo 111 J'JJ"'lIneo.
' The report submitted to the councIl Tuesday
' . night by Attorney Connell shows that more
' I than forty cases enjoining the payment of I i
special taxes ere now hanging In the courts.
- These represent a large amount of revenue ,
' ' which the city Is at present unable to reach ,
fl but they do not Indicate the sllll larger
number of similar cases that have not yet
been taken Into court , but In which the
' . , property owners have : refused to pay their
taxes , awaiting the decIsion of some case
, ; pending before the courts As soon as one
' ; , property owner In an Improvement district ,
: , brings a suit for an Injunction lo restrain ;
. . the collection of the tax , the other property
' : : owners similarly situated : all hustle to gel
Into the band wagon and escape , If possible ,
. ' c the payment of their tax Large numbers
. , of thtse do not pay at all , whllo others pay
' under protest In order to preserve their rights
' : ' \n \ case the courts should decide that the tax
' cannot legally be levied.
' One of the chief difficulties In ' tltese cases ,
says the city attorney , Is found In the delay
: that Is always experienced In reaching a decision -
: , cision After the suit has hung ! fire In the
" f' district court for a year or two , It Is almost
invariably appealed to the supreme court , and
that body Is so far behind In Its business that
' three or four years : may elapse before the
T ' quosHon at Issue Is sellled.
' , The most Important special tax case that
1 has arisen under the present administration
" ' Is that which w.s brought by Leavenworth
' Street property owners to enjoin the collection -
' ' . tion of the tax for repaving that : thorough-
' fare. This Is the first case In which the
- right of a city lo compel the property owners
to pay for repaving has been brought before
' , the courts of Nebraslm. As Mr Connell bas
, ' k . property Interests on the street , the manage-
ment of the case has been turned over to Assistant -
slslant City Attorney Cornlsh , and the hear.
i log Is expected to come up In the district
i court some time next week. This case Is of
4 : so much Importance that whoever may win
I' , , In the lower court there Is no doubt that
It will be taken to the supreme court , and
; r It may be three or four years before , a final
decision can be oblalned. In the meantime a
. ' large amount of the special taxes on I
' that stret ! are being hl'ld back
. to the embarrassment of the fund So
' : 1 far as the right lo tax for repaving Is concerned -
corned , attorneys say that thc l'enllsylYJlnla
¶ supreme court has recently decided that a
, , city has no eight to tax the property owners
t ' for repaving , and there Is jomo question
t : ' whcthet the Nebraska court will \ follow this
.f procpmlent . In this case also the property
I owners have , not finished pa ' lng , for'the
, original paving and they ) pleadthmat : In any
r , event the city can not 'levy a tax for a
i second pavement until the old one Is paId
' for.The
The famous McGeath paving case was submitted -
. ' . mitted to the Eupreme court two years ago
and a decisIon In expected at an early dnte.
t , $ The difllculty arises over an agreement very
. sImilar to that which Isaac Hascall recently -
' " ' cently attempted to saddle on the city In
cooection with ven'IDw park
; 'Vhen A. J. IInnscom deeded the property
t ' which Is now known as Hanscom park to
( ' the city It was with the condition that none
c of his adjoining properly should be assessed
, : ' for special taxes. Subsequently he solll the
: property to other parties and when timer
r Ilavemenl was laid around the hark they
r were assessed along with the other property
. - owners benefited. They at once enjoined the
' collection of the lax on the ground that they
: . , were exolulltcll hy the condition of the deed ,
; % , and the case has been IJlllerly fought Three
! . ' briefs have been submitted to the supreme
, court In the case , and the lllrtles : are now
'f : ' waiting for a yerlllct which means several
: thousallll dollars to the city. The position
I of the city IItlorney Is that while the prop-
erty belonged to Mr. limmnscomu the condition
11 remained In force , but thnt such a. . condition
' . was not balable and that as soon as the
: , . properly passed Inlo other hnmls It became
T' liable to ta.xatlon. .
' l The cases growlllg out of the Douglas ;
' , street change of grade and the Parlt avenue
paYing are alllong theMe In which an early
' decision Is expected , In timt' former case
' It III clalllled by the property owners that
4. thu city chungell the grade of the street
' about four feet In the vicinity of Nlneleenlh
' IItreet without uny I'clltlon ' from the properly -
erly owners.
: . l'u ) ' Iiii : : UlIlh'r I'rlltt'lt ,
, A great many of the property owners In
$ sewer district No. 203 are paying their special
1 tuxes under protest Others are refusing to
: , pay them at all. This Is the extension of
. 2' the Burt street IIInln sewer that was comi-
. plete < l last year at on expense of $10,000.
\Vhmen the 1I11111'0\"clllent was under contelnpla-
tlon Its construction wall vigorously opposed
, by It number of property owners , heallNI by
, S. U I , Mercer 'fh\y , ) declared that they ,
. would gain no llenplIl frolll the sewer , but
, they \ ere outnumbered by the faction who
t wanted Il built ,
1I01n : : 1)011111" 11111) .
. The city holler Inspector Is also an elevator
' Inspector. according to the provisions of the
: ordlnsnce reeenlly passed by the cOllncll
c Ills IIrst job will ho to look after the cle\'a-
tors In tha city llUll , which are Ileclarcd by
- the EUllerlntendrut of the building to be considerably -
siderably out of rel1alr. The KUhles are
' d' loose And ratllo 1)rceIJtlbly : as the cdges ue-
' cend mind Ioscenll , , A council mllliltee has
the complallt ! In lUIIIII , with authorlly tu
order the smceuary rel'alr
- - - - -
' L''i Must tie
'rlll finance colllmlllcc of time ciiy couacll
. ' lIu decided < l In rnnH' of allowing ! : the bills tor
, ' : ' the rcmu\'al of 11Iatl : uillmaia to Lie pail : , from
" ° ' the general fund1 ! and the sanitary : 1npe > > to-I ; :
- . . - - - . - . . , . , . , - I . j-I.m- _
at the Board of Health have been given
another leas of official life Dut while there
are At present five inspectors only three can
bo paid out of the funds In prospect and
two of them will have to walk the plank ,
The three who will continue to draw their
\ll1rlcs will probbnly be selected at the nd.
journed meeting of the board , to be held to.
morrow afternoon ,
. .
TIlI.II ; VI , ' 7JfJ rIf.II'E ! Z)1iflIfl4 .
: . . ! ! ! : I
Tiny "IIIRlo of "lrllIln , MRdo lIulY for the '
Time- Doing. ,
20.-The trial of Morganfield and Searcy the
nllege,1 , AIIUII\ Creek ) train robbers began
hero todny. Stafford Court House Is more
like 1\ place where 1\ train might be held up
than where the perpetrators of one of the
moat daring train robberies on record are lo
be tried , The court house , the Jail , the
clerk's house two stores and one other house
constitute the village. 1l Is four miles from
time railroad , In the meal thinlY setteJ put
of the country , and has a lonely , dreary as-
pcct. Today It Is thronged with country
Ileople and othel's. 10rganfiehl amid Searcy
were taken by Sherif lenneI from the I'rell-
clcltshurg jail at an early hour this morn-
log to the depot lo await the arrival of time
train. Wih them were Superlntenllents
limits and Esto of Pinkerton's agency and
three other gtmarls Time whole party were
armed with Wlnehester relleatnr Huns , for
lhero have been rumors -of on atempted
rescue. The state clnlms that It bas been
definitely ascertained that lorganfi\ld ) Is time
head of a baml of train robbers and has been
concerned ( lu several of the 10st successful
affairs of this kind In the last few years.
Among those present at the trial Ire John :
A , herring , SUIJerJntondellt of Adams Express
cOlllllany at Philadelphia ; . S. Thomas , at-
torey , for the company ; Colonel Thomns
Shny of Shay , Jackson & Cogan of Clncln-
small , senior counsel for Morunfield : State
Senator Willam II. l.lul jr. , counsel for
Iorganfiehl ; David Herring , asslUant superintendent -
Inlendent Adams Express company ; Herman
Wlle of the detective force or Cincinnati ,
and W. Seymour White , commonwealth attorney -
torney for Stafford county , who represented
time state In time extradition of Iorganfiehl
from Ohio and who Is ' 'conucIg time prose-
cuten of the train robbers. The trip from
Droolte to Staford Court louse was quIckly
made. : County Judge Ashton opened court
and then Captain DanIel Murray Lee , a
brothN of ex.Governor 1 ltzhlgh I.eo and
nephew of Hobert E. Lee , was sworn In as
deputy sheriff. Morganfleid ) , who Is to be
tried first , WS then arraigneJ. Ito pleaded
not guilty , and limo work of selecting the
jury began , _ _ _ _
.T.r PVDlt 11Lr. JI I1.1XGIJ ) .
I xccutuner In Crmmil ! , , to ISo ltept Ilusy
UurlllIureh. ) .
DENVEn , I'eb. 20.-Governor McIntyre
has pollvly announced that lie wi Issue
no reprieves for condemned murderers unless
good reason for doing so Is shown , and four
executions will take place In the state prison
at Canon City next month. One of the men
condemnell to tlc Is Thomas Jordan , who
was repeatedly reprieved by Governor Wiite.
A cOlmlsslon of physicians has just pronounced - ,
nounced Jordan sane and Go\eror McIntyre
will be go\elne,1 by theIr report. Jordan ,
Streeler and Bigger wi lJe hanged during
the week beginning March 3 , and Gusto the
folowing week Under the laws of Colo-
ratio hnnglngs are In prIvate . and the warden
of the prison bas IIn entire week 11 which to
execute sentences.
hiLL 11 hIEI)1)R1) ThJ'1CJJ.
On lareh 0 . \ula Unl' " " ' 11 Go Through
II lou110 ( erlm , " )
NEW YORK , Feb. 20.-Mr. and Mrs.
George Gould lave 'come here from LI\wood
and started preparations for the wedding of
Miss Anna Gould to Count de Casteilane. I
Is announced definitely that the date for the
wedding bas \een set. March , 6 Is the dat .
The ceremony wi be performed twice , by
Archbishop Corrigan and by Dr. John n.
Paxton. Time double ceremony wi be cut ,
of deference to the count who Is a. member
of the noman Catholic church. MIss Kitte
Cameron , Miss Montgomery and Miss mcb-
artisan are said to lJe the choice of Miss
Gould to act as her bridesmaids.
JInr $ . I'I ' xxrEurLcIrs.
"It some of these calamity howlers down
east don't quit stretching banners across the
streets of New York ] and aavertlslng that
Nebraskans are eating prairie dogs we won't
1e able to pawn the state for $0 In Wail
street , " said Colonel Cody at thc Paxton
wih InfinIte dIsgust depicted on his features.
"I will bel any man $100 that he can't catch
n lve prairie ilog , In time first } lace , unless
the prairie dogs hnve lately developed rheu-
muatiammi. I Is al rot . and Ivo told eastern
PeoPle 80. but somehow or ether they wont
bite down those barmer of mhrelresetaton.
The fact lhat this Is only limo third dry
year In twenty years , and that Nebraska even
now hohl& its own In an agricultural way
wIth other young slates. Governor Hol-
comb's letter was manly nn'l ' timely . ne Is
'a ' great and good man and a brainy one , too.
even If he Is a populist. Nebraska . wi
live down Limo lies that are being circulated
about her among easter caplalsts , and one
result of this thing wi be I big increase In
irrigating Interests In this state and an Immense -
mense acreage protected In the future by Irri-
gallon Illtches. The people who are howlIng
. .s9opt poor , cops are not the typical 1110-
\opt old. bit are young farmers who
, von't wOik Iko old timers amid simply settle
on n Illece of government land to work tim-
her clnlms and then shout starvation for
effect. " .
" remember Omaha theatrIcal
r trlumllhs ;
somewhat vividly from a personal experience
I hd hero five years ago wllh home talent , "
salll Sam Friedman , In advance of lermann ,
time magician. "I was first player antI first
grave digger In 'hamlet' at the tme Judge
Julus Coolry laye,1 , the melancholy Dane.
A funny fenturo was time fact that I was not
up In my lines lS first grave digger alll so Hoer acted , as prompter und laid In
the 8llilC grave \ Ih book In hand lo prom lIt
me. Jullu Cooley was pt his best as hamlet
that night and we hud ft In $ S0l ) house , Oh ,
thtse were great days for Omaha dramatic
lnllnt and . that Ierforrallce wi always lIve
II history. .
IIMth or 1 l'iUIimiiirmlt ( 'olrederllto 'ctrrm : , .
'rEXAflK\ , , Tex . , Feb. 20.-Colonel Whi-
Inm Miar , a. central Usure In tIme late war ,
Is dead , aged 7 years , I was Colonel 111-
Inr's command that : opened the battle of
Shiloh 0111 did mich of the severe fightIng In
that memo ruble contlst , Colonel Mllnr was
a civIl engineer and at the tlmo of his death
was lifeylng n new branch of the Kansas
City , I'lltsburg & Gulf ! railway. lie can-
trcled lleUnlon\1 \ and , wnll I but n few
das. lie was at one time city engineer of
Knnos City , _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
Wi Inl.11 semi' itmirt ,
ASTORIA , Ore , . I ' eb. 20.-H. n. Robertson
of San Francisco , one of the owners of the
1111 raft that went to Illecls whie lJelng
towed ' to San Francisco a few months ago ,
has comlellcell prellarallons at Stela for
the Immediate construction of anolhrr raft.
The cost will exceed $30,000. No attempt
wi bo mode to tow to Sai Frasmciaco ummtll
ranc unl
sUlmer weather sets In.
lImit Jo { "ulhl ut 1'11111 ' HII Wlo.
S\N l l.\NOSCO , Fob 20-The cadets In
tIme Salvation ntmy tralulng garrIson have :
revolted against the doctrlues of their leader ,
Adjutant McCube , who imas declared Ihat be
IS l In every reaped the reer of Jelus Christ
The adjutant's Ilnll Is belev.l . to be unbal.
31ced n u reult of overwork and despair
Qt lJelng una1le to equal the professional at-
talnmcnts of his wife. . '
1"rz1 " " 'rlu , : . hul"fI"tlr/'r' . "oMIn ,
\1l.MINGTON , Dcl" , I'eb. W.-'fhe car.
rhlmllllfaeturln ( stalJl hment of Me-
1'mr & Kemmdmtll of this '
J\emlll . city , oue of the
lalef In 111 taummtm'y. \ Wil . clJscd by the
Iherlfr lodmm' cii local jtmiignm.mts amnouimtimig
\ IU jwlgn1ntK
to $1 i.v0. lChlT ( ' . \icl.emr , "lllr member
at lime t Cii mu . Is t ' lI'tll' y of Carthage l Hulld.
yEs : attlll ! uuoctaton.
\ Ilhlll I \1111'10'1' I C ii i' ii roil.
, N1'\V . 1nHI ' , 1'ebC'aiiim ' ) jiruico . alas
j..ul.\ \ . ( 'harl , ) ' ; ' uf 121i 1:1111 : Bisect , ( .
COCI wh , on Slltemhtr 1 : 1SI , Junl 'rell '
Inlnlck ! Buanmtimt In < hlcllaa , \\'UI tel I ) '
callturc < in this city. Jrnlco Ie 1 ) cor cia , .
, ,
' ' - - - - ' - -
Offer StartlingBargalns . in the Btock-Bought
from the Old Concern
Cloqing Omit Chin" and ' 1IOvRro for 00011-
Orclt lMRI" " II time Dinner Sets , Temi
Het" . Ishe-lc,1 Aholt time Cloak
HllJalns-81,2r liresa000tla 3Uc.
We intend selling ) goods so cheap that we
cnnnot afford the EXI'ENSE I of charging ,
collections . etc. : Il Is now acknowledefed to
bt the true principle of retail trade for buyer
and seller. You will find It to your financial
benefit to buy from us.
Morse Dry Goods Co sold us this stock far
below Its real value , regardless ) of cost : wo
sell I to you the smmmne.
101 bought dress gods chap from time
sale of the Morse Dry Goods Ce , now
theY'H going cheaper tomorrow A lot of
all colors , ) yards and yard and n hal
wide dress goods worth $1.00 to $1,5 for
SIlo In the morning.
This department ) mUst be closed oul , we are
not going to continue It. It's for Bale
either In hulk or at retail. Come and fit
up your dining room and kItchen nt 1\ bar-
CLOAKS , $2.60.
Tomorrow wo offer n lot of spring anti win-
ter cloaks and jackets that were $ GOO , $ SOO
and $10.00 for $2.50. All weIghts mind colors.
I.ldles' : natural wool unden'ests and pants ,
760 kInd , for 33c. '
I.adles' seamless black hose , 7c , tIme 18c
$5.00 COMDNATION SUiTS , $2.50.
A special lot , worth $6,00 , for $ 2.0.
DANl\ETS. U.32.
Fleeced wool blankets $1.32 , worlh $2.50.
New sprIng gingimams . worth 121/c , for 8c.
Low prices and for cash only
Hrh'llICompetton Cr.uj-lrlces : that \r , 'I'm Al ,
Men's $ G.CO patent leathers , $1.29.
Ladies' $3.60 shoes , ! 9c.
Misses' and cimild's shoes , 69c.
le.s . work . shoc , 7c. _ _
, La'les' 3 poInt slippers , 25c .
Ladles' $6.00 shoes for $2.H ! and whole lots
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas.
Via flock laland . Shortest Lne ell Jlstolt
Tin , . ' .
To all polns In Kansas , Oklahoma , Indian
Territory Texas amid all points In southern
Cahiforimla. Olly one nigh cut to all points
In Texas. "The Texas Llmlled" leaves Omaha
at 5:15 : a. m. daily except Sunday , landing
passengers at all points In Texas 12 hours In
advance of all other lines. Through tourist
cars via Ft. Worth and E Paso to Los An-
geles. For full particulars , maps , folders ,
etc. . cal at or address Hock Island ticket
ofce , 1602 Faram st.
CUSS. ImNNEDY O. N. W. P. A. .
South \10 time Syubash Rmmilroaci !
On February 6 and 12 , larch 6. April 2
and 30. For rates or further information
and n copy of the Homeseelters' Guido call
at the New Wabash office , 115 Farnam'
street or write G. N. CLAYTON ,
N. W. , P. Agent Omaha Neb.
SCatter Every kemir.
Time was when the glorious" climate of
California" did not attract tourists. Dut year :
after year the time or travel sets In stronger
and stronger every fall and winter toward
this favored region. There Is no climate like
It on thIs continent for a winter resort , and
the usual fine service of the Union Pacific
system has this season been brought up to a
degree of perfection which leaves nothing to
bo deslrell
harry P. Duel , City Ticket Agent ,
1302 Fnrnnm Strpftt
- - _ _ n.n _ n _ _
- Minor Court Mlters.
The jury has returned a verdict of guilty
against William I O. Matthews. Mathews
wa charged : with shooting William Davis
with Intent to kill. He was Indicted by the
grand jury on two counts.
Warren Swlzler has begun proceedings to
restrain the waterworks comlany from cut-
tng oft his water supply ] ] . 'fhe waterworks
company presented a bill for $3 In excess ,
of the amount that was , In Switzier's opinion ,
proper , lie refused to pay this $3 and thc
company threatened to cut oil the water
Charles Gordon and Daniel Ialncy are
fighting In Judge Ferguson's court ' room
over $200. Gordon claims that In 1893 Hal-
lacy hired him to drIve his team and In pay-
ment promised him oncbllt of the amount
that he made 10 alleges that hc did
other work for Ifahlacy. BaUacy denies the
Jesse H. Blake Is suing Fred Herzka and
nerte Mann on a carpenter bill of $200.
Dake alleges that the defendants ordered
him to put some doors and windows In the
' Elkhorn house , the .valueof the work anlount-
Ipg to the judgment asked for. The case 'yas
tried In a jusllce court and time plaintiff ob-
tamed a Judgment of $76.
Defore Judge Blair , Charles Dock Is suing
for ' the return of a. stock of goods. In 189
mock was the owner of a saloon on South
ourteenth street , near Douglas A judg-
mcnt was obtained against blm In a. justice
court , mind In default of payment his gods
were seized by the aherifr.- lie clnlms Ulnt
the stock was valued at 3500.
lnrnlng IIn lone i i t Livlmm g.
E. W Cavanaugh , D. P. , a leaf mule , and
author of a clever little publication entitled ,
"ICeen Phiosophy , " Is In time city and paid a
brief visit to 'fhe Dec. Mr. Cavanangh , although -
though handicapped by a lack of ability to
converse wih his felowmen , has conshlerablt
genius as n wrier and a poet , and his little
brochure deserves liberal putronago from the
nocuhiar circumstances of his case which
should move people to sympalhetlc action In !
his behalf ills little literary production ,
"Keen Philosophy , " Is well worth the immodest
sum he asls for I , and those who patronize
him wIll not only be getting an interesting
little worlt , but they will also be helping a
Iomewhlt : unfortunate mortal , who despite
the difficulties of his conditon , Is trying to
earn an honest lving. .
Rats and cockroaches agree that one free
IUch of Stearn's Electric Paste Is fatal : 25c.
It.4igmmeLl limo Now alan .
The new men who have been 'appointed to
positions In the fire department have been
assigned to their respectIve companies by
Chief ltedeli , S0l0 further changes mummy IJe
renderrd nccessary by subsequent orders but
at present the men wi report as follows :
Leonhardt Van Delker , hoolt and ladder 3 :
George Hendson , hose 7 ; Robert Mel.eod ,
hose 1 : Frank Murray , hook and ladder 2 :
W. n , Darnes , hook and ladder 1 : Charles -
Chapman , hose 3 : Fred Voverka hose 4- :
John G. German , hook amid ladder I : rank
Stepek , hook and ladder 3 : J , D. Sulihva'n ,
hoolt and ladder 1 : George Duane , hose C.
Six of the new men are natives of the United
Stales , one Is a Canadian , two are Germans
and two are hloimemiane
mm wws
" MOTHERS' . . .
'A. ' I..i.o..FRJ3ND"
I n lcentfcaly } relare liniment
and harmless ; every lugrelent Is of
recognized value and In constnt use
by time medical irofcsIon. I shortens
labor , lessens pain , ululshes l danger
to lo oC Mother anti ChUd. Book" To
enl '
Mothers" maie free . , containing valuable -
able luCol1naUon and voluntary testl.
Selt bE Jre- 141 , "n receIpt or rrleo
U per IUlo , 811 AU Irl l.t. .
UUIJIEL IEOVI.TOU ro. , Atauta , Oi
_ _ _ _ - _ _ _
New Ordinance ! Rlca Jntro-
.1 imeed In Clint , founoil.
In the new coal ordinance that was Introduced -
Iucell hy CouncilmAn Bnumlers Tuesday night
some of the objectionable features which
caused the commiee to report Blverl ly on
his previous ordinanco'hmavo been eliminated.
One provision omitted , Is the clause that per-
mlt 1 coal dealers tobs' licensed city weigh-
ers and to place M ofcial certificate at full
weight upon each 10:111IltUvered on their own
responsibity. This 11ravlslon wn9 unani-
mously condemned by th council , as It was
claimed that It would allow unscrupulous
stealers 10 swindle their customers under the
ofcial authorIty of the clt ) . .
The most important change suggested , by
the new' ordinance Is a. repetition of time
former attempt lo license the dealers Such
an ordlnnnce was passed by the old council ,
nn annual tax of $00 being assessed ) upon
every denIer In the city. Sonic of the dealtrl
applIed to the courts and I was declared
that the tax was Ilegal and It was never col-
lected. In this case the courts hed : that time
city lied the undoubted , authority to regulate
thc coal business anti , to levy a tax for n
license , This amount , however , must be for
a no greater nlount than was nbolutely
necessary to pay tht eXnes of this regu-
Itlon , The tax o $100 was declared 10 bo
far In excess of lhnt amount and to be Iliegal .
I.n that It _ conleplated , a revenue from the
ueolers anti would operate to create a. mmmonop-
ely In favor of lho larger tlalr.
Since this ordinance was knocked ouL a
nllber or similar ordlnallces Iave , ben introduced - I
treduced at the behest ef some of time larger
dealers. These have ben modlfel from time
to time , but the provision II regard lo a
license always appeared , In one form or an-
other. I was first relucel to $50 amid In
the present ordlnnnce It 19 still further re-
ducetl to $ , \0. \ As to whether the courts wi
hold that the last amount Is legal tinder
time previous interpretation of the law there Is
some difference . of opinion Assistant City
Attorney Cornish says lhat there Is no doubt
that this decision Is goO law. I the tax Is
such ns to contemplate any revenue , aside
from tile Incidental expense of Issuing the I
licenses and otherwIse regulating time coal I
busness ! , the courts would certainly ) conleml ,
It. Whether the judge would consider $0 a
year atm more than sufcient for this regla-
ton could not lJe forecasted : , but I was his
opinion that time decision would be against thc
colectlcl of the tax. .
Cummon S'noo
Should bo used In attempting to cure that
very disagreeable disease , catarrh As
catarrh orIginates In Impurities In the blood
local applications can do no permanent good.
The COlll10n sense ml'tho of trcatment Is
to purify time blood , and for this purpOS9
there Is no preparation superior to Hood'J
Sarsaparilla .
Hcod's Pills cure constipation by restoring
peristallc acton to the p alimentary canal.
SalarIes 01 COlnty Employe to nemiln
tl Same 18 Now ,
Some days ago the members the Board
of County Commissioners went Into committee
oC the whole for the purose of considering
time proposition of readjustIng the salaries of
the employes with a view to retrenching In
\ or the Ilepartmenls. Since that time any
lumber of executive sessIons have been hold ,
and while the committee ' of the whole has not
reported It Is known , that there will be no
retrenching In tIme various ofces and deparl-
The commissIoners held one of the execu-
live sosslons a couple of days ago , and at that
time one of the members entered the retrenching -
trenching arena wllh , I proposition to begin
the work by applying the ux In the omce of
the county treasurer. The proposItion was to
ICUt the salaries of al employos who were receiving -
celvlng morl than $76 per month , reducing :
them an' even 110 , per ent. This cut , be contended - I
tended , would have : ave .tho county $810
p r , yer. , ' , Oblng.from , the ofllceoItbe : county ,
treasurer he proposed : 'to take the county
commissioners and all othcr ofcials and em-
ployes , cutting their salaries In the same
ratIo . The proposition to retrench In the
treasurer's office met wIth such violent opposition -
position that the whole plan was abandoned ,
and In the , meantmo salaries wIll remain the
same 8S they have been during the past year.
Had this 10 per cent cut been enforced In all
time offices and departments , It would have
lopped off $4,000 per year.
DruggIst ( ror Tries It but la "hlerlcol
by Chic 00ctor8
James I. Croft , a druggist who until re-
recently was working for WIlliam Oad-
dish at Twelfth and Dodge streets , Is be-
IcvC to hnvo attempted suicide In his
rom at the Cozzens hotel Tuesday night.
Cror had been out of work for the past weel
Hc recently came here from the east where ,
Il Is claimed , he has n wife and three
chIldren. He had been somewhat despon-
dent lately over the fact of a. severe disap- .
polntment In financial expectations. lie Iad J
a wealthy aunt who thought n great deal
of him , and she had signified her Intention
of making him heir to' about $7 ,00 ( 'worth
of property. His aunt died rther sud-
denly without having completed her be.
queathment and her husband's relatIves
came In for a greater portion of the prop- ,
erty , leaving Croft without nnythlng. ThIs
proved to be a blUer disappoIntment to
blm and he brooded over the matter for ,
some time. lie was found In hIs room !
Tuesday night wIth the gal turned on , and It
was then thought that be was past recovery ,
but the physicians managed to save his
life and he bas almost . wholly recovered.
A" ; 1.rlelo Night.
Friday evening time Young Men's Christian
association will wax patriotic and celebrate
the birthday of George Washington. A9S0-
clatlon hall wIll b" decoral with the stars
and strIpes. The Grand Army of the lie-
public posts and Sons of Veterans have been
Invited to attemid. Major E. W. lalord will
presimle A brass band will play national airs
before entering the imall . "AmerIca" will be
sung by a large chorus , directed by Mr. 'for-
ren9. Mr. Joseph Barton will sIng "The
Sword of Bunker lull. " Major Clark0n will
deliver tIle address of the evenming 'fhe Sons i
delver American Revolution will present a' '
pIcture of George Washlnglon , Mr.V. . 1 '
Alexander making the preenlallon speech
'hls gatherlg I time second In timeseres , , : of
the nlghlll of nations. l
.t Few 1"lfntll' '
Offered by the Chicago Milwaukee & St
Paul railway . time short , line to Chicago A
Inul raiway.
- Ien train , made ups and started from
Omaha Dnggage chedled from residence lo
dstimmation. Elegant rain servIce and cour-
icons employes. Entre trains lighted lJy
electricIty anti heated iby steam , with Iec.
trio light In every beth' . lnest dining car :
service In time west with , meals serve "a la
carte " The Flyer leans nt 6 p. m. dally
from Union Ilepot.
'City Tlclcet omce . 151 Faram slreot. C.
S. Carrier , city ticket' ngent
Punishment of Andy Ryan for Attmpting
Robbers In 1 a1oon
" 'mumtcd , \1 time CIIMh In 11rlln : tlcyer'
Till IIn.1 In time l'o"k"tf of 'h080
Stnmm.llimg itiommt-llo tjmel
8tll1nlholtlo \jcll
mm . Resolver.
Yesterday JUllrr Scot Mntcneel Ally
H'nn to n term of five years In the state
penitentiary. lie had been chnrgel wRit
enterIng herman Me'ers' saloon near Thlr- ,
tenth and Douglas streets and ntemptng to
ho11 U\ the occupants. Time pisoner hnll
been indicted by limo grand jury on two
counts , but when arraigned pleaded not
guilty lo time chargThe ) specific charge
was assault with intent to rob Ryan at-
lCnlltel1 lo get off by offering to plend guly
to time chnrgo of assault with llent to commit -
nut great bodily , injury . but fnlng In this
ho changed his plea ot 10t guilty to gllilly.
On the lay before Chrlslnns } Ryan
fet ( drunl . At Ilghtal he enm
bred a saloon lo get one more drink and In
la'ment gave a $ & bill to time barlemler. lie
claims that while ho ' s'ns getting the change
two suspicious characters eyed him pretty
closely , and when he left the saloon they fol.
lowed him. 10 reched time conclusion -
elusion thnt the two men were footpaths .
Ito timereforo proceeded to a lJwnshop and
10 thucororoceeded
purchased I revolvcr whIch ho Inlcnde,1 to
use In filling the two 1IHhwoymen : with leallf I
they alelpleJ to hold him imp lIe says
that after that he did not see the men and
tbat he was entirely unconscious of what
happened durimmg time remnlnder of time even-
Ing. !
lerman Mo'ers and two other Imlvhluals
were sitting about the slave II time 9Jloon
having a geol lme all by themselves when
Ryan entered lie walked sip to the steve
and picking out Ierers as the saloon Ieeper
shoved I revolver Into his fact and with a
few terse relarlcs gave expreson : to the
wish that the saloon keeper get behind time
bar and turn over nl the coin In his POS9-
slon. After looking Inlo the barrel of time ro
\'oh'er for a few seconds , le'ers conclulell
to ncconJnodate the slrnger and he went
lJehlnd the bar : Ryan thEn backed UII agllnst
the dear of the saloon and ordered the olier
two men lo throw up their hlnds. : The order
was obe'ed. At this stag of the proceellngs
another entered and , In the
lan , taking 8'U-
aton at a glance , gave Ryan a jolt In the
jaw amid brought him to earth Several stalwart -
wart policemen were called and Uyan was
carted , oft to jaIl . .
" 'lh its 40 'ears' record Cook's Extra
Dry Imprlll : Champagne Is first In time . list.
No sparkling wine In use Is its superior.
Strength is Not Enough for
. Proper Growth.
The Young Body Fails to Get
Well Nourjshed.
. " " . "
, .
Needs Richer Bone and Tissue
, Forming Food.
Body Cannot Grow Without Pure ,
Sturdy Blood.
Unequaled Value of Paine's Ccl-
cry Compound.
From birth till past time age of 30 there 19
growth : soma of the bones do not completely
knit tIll 35.
All thl time In aldlton ! there Is the steady :
waste of the tissues that must b repaired.
The demand upon the vitality and upon the
powers of assimilation Is thus enormous durIng -
Ing these years. Wllhout plenty or rich ,
nourllhlng' blood , growth must be defective
and tardy. But when"lt courses through all
the arterIes In a full , vigorous stream , growth
goes on stea'dly and perfectly
What countess numbers of frail 3mmngster \
physlcllns : see whose pitiably thin , wrists and
bloodless raceS cry out for better 'mmourisimment
All this does not escpe the ' vigilant Insight
of parents In thousands of homes It Is wel
known that the boys and girls are somehow
badly nourished.
The weak stomachs and organs of nsslmla'-
ton cannot extract the food for growing
nerves and brain In sufficient quanlies from
the orllnary dht. A special nerve diet 1. I
whnt they need. Paine's celery compound Is
l'rof Edward E. Phelps' great preparation for i
nourlshng ! lhese little fram\s ) and maldng
them grow Into strong , active men anl (
wonmeim Dr Phelps , upon whom coleges can.
ferred their highest honors for his Inva1uable
Investigations In medicine , knew from ripe
experience tIme exact needs of these little
stmifererm' ,
A chorus of gratitude has gone imp oil over
the country , from mothers of children once
weakly and pale : , wlhout premise of overgrowing
growing Into robust men and wOlen , who
have outgrown weakness and a lack of vitality
by time use of Paine's celery comllound , talcn
with the regularIty that physicIans adhere lo
when prescribing this wonderful nerve and
blood restorative.
I Is valuable In all wasting diseases , In
cleans ng the blood of rheumatsm , neuralgia ,
/crofula , and sUllllylng new and healthy vital
fluid-its \'alue can neither be weIghed nor
m asu red.
As the great mo nerve and brain
strengthener and restorer Paine's celery compound -
pound Is llronounced Invaluable by all pro.
greulve physIcians. Give this grand invig
orator a fair tral : , and be convimiced
OAlfOL' ! t JUTN'IPEB j II baln1 lally' mmsol tr b ell , thousandl Irriular ot ; rrol ladies allY 10ulhb' calico . I I I. ht oto time
. , with < , ( < I , 'hts mmmoliciimo is for Buporlur 10
nmmd rolmabme. mincer falls guarautcO wih every bOllo aura 10 a day ' ' le < t. tal
plus rolublo.lover la"ollo(1 amid ue1cr lemma its strdimmilhi . ol'.1 by all luadumi ; < rI1'lsl. . 1'leo. " . UI
bllo : '
pila buttic. 1 year < rll.ts1 does IOt I"'U It S3mmi . : 2.UJ . all : wo . wi forwarJ you II bJllu by OXI'NSi
. Wc.tcrn Olco OWlbl , Nebraska ,
- -
1'oL. , sale by all 'h't Class Doalol' MunuuctuI'od by the
I'uctory No. aol , St. rJJli ( , ll
, . . , . .
- ' ' - " - - - - - - ' -
, @o@oo
c " 'WIjcanIcat1 ' , . I ?
z is a queston often asked by people tj
- suffering from Consumpton and
( - , u ; -i.p othcr wasting diseas Good plain
( z . - . _ , " I wholesome food-such as beef , mut-
' 5 toii 13111k and cream-is the . " .
. tonl mik - bet. "k.
Anything , in fact , that wi nourish '
I _ , - ill \I \ I and strengthen thc body But some :
, il I I ! rll tme such food wi not answer
' ' , tm { J , III ii i The progressive emaciation indiate
( that the ( nouishmcnt found in ordinary food is not stuflic'ient. '
( What is wanted is an extraordinary amount of nutriion in con-
ccntrated fornh. This is found in
is Ozomulsion L
I is a rich , liquid food , made of Ozone , Cod Libel Oil and Guaia- .
' col I is pleasant to the taste and can be taken inquantiic stuul'i.
( cent to ( be uscful I is the ideal food in wasting diseases , because
I i : supp1c the most complete nutriton with thc least difcul diget.
ion. For thee reasons
Ozo1ulsion is Prescribed by Physicians I
for Colds , Coughs , C0tStt11)Uon and aU Pulmo1ary Com-
plnints i Scrofula , General Debility , J0ss of Flcsh , Anrlin
nnd aU Wasting Discuses. r
D Handsome Illustrated Pamphlet rrcc T. A. SLOCU CO . 183 Pearl St. , New York
$ @OOO@O
KUHN & CO. , 15th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
RED ROUGH : : : : .a.iis , , , , . , , , ,
' WO ru,1 11 mmrlnuA } 'rrnch
thdcOmpato1sbabblcmlNhesandfftilffl I I Hemelly CALTHOS fNI. IIHII
] o8 ) nnl , , fuln ! lelfl Rlurlnleclhat lJ .U08
hnlr . . , . . wi
. t '
) " ' :
It.owule,1 . CU1. . "TII'I.ehnreo.\ .
. CUIA tn.\r Mu. ' efec. . CUl I : "p.rn.lorrh.n. , . "orl.u..lo .
11'0 .kll plrl'IIanll benll. C L . und J..t.lm lu.I \llor.
f'hl/ 80Ul In Ihe wlrll , M'i r. ( ; / . ( fn."fsnlsftr.
\ ln.llle8tmut8weelo8Iot , ' 1l-/ . AMrr".VON . . , MOUL . , . 00. ,
euro for imples toilet beemmmme . nld 1111.01) 0(1) Ircumitiso ' Nmtmmp Oul of ) ' _ _ - 3 . 1.1 _ _ .t . .I.n _ _ AHrnu ' - - - , UnI..U - , O I.
cioggin , of the 101e8. Ioll es , 'r ) ' JrelNllle / \
- - -
- - - -
@ @ @ , o ' 4'
Thinkof usns HOUSE FUl1NTSIIEIS. Yo do notdcnl I Dry Goods ,
Clothing , Stationery , Books , Confectionery , Boots and Shoes , Toys ,
Millinery ; \o have no 'elegrLPh Olcoj ; no Photogmphcl'j ; no Lunch
' Hoomj ; wo do not run I Bunkj ; wo have no Barbem' Shop ; wo do not
deal in Patent Medicines ' ' do not fnl' to cut
01 DI'lgSj ; WO even go so as
( 'OU. corns ; and , in this , sense , wc are not ! department store
: Oh ! a Little Motey .
Goes ! long ways now-n-do.ys , and we take great plcasuro in proving
this to 'ou. A little cash also goes ! great ways.
Do you think it is extravagance to pick out $100 worth of goods
for 'OU. home ; pay $10 down and $8 pm' month WELL , THEN ,
WE DON'T , especially , when you get guaranteed vnluos 1'om ! responsible -
sponsiblo house
'Vo admit that you ! ' failure to give your wife , your children and
' " thc comforts und conveniences could
yourself you 60 easily provide , .
is usual . ' the rcsul of thou htessn ss , and nothing mOI"oj ; but It'
is our business to furnish you I reminder occasionally. Homembol' ,
February ls the biggest bargain month in the whole year wih us
We Are House Furnishers
From Way Back I
i and it seems almost foolish [ to atompt to specify any one pal'Uculnr
bargain ( our store Is tceming with so many ) , but just to show you that
out' sermon ' today lB something more than talk wo will mention !
Pie'ce I
Suit II\
ExacUy 1 ( lcture.
which we think rilcn-
lously cimenmim. I Is nil ilfilI lilt/Il / ( 1t
hlrl chelr' antique
fnish , Ux40 bevel
, :
ml'for 11 dressel IR A
nicely carved- . , iiTiT. : _ _ , , , . = ; : : : : z- : - - - - - - - ,
- - - , ' - - '
February :
' Sale Price - I .
. '
' : : : : - ' - - : iJ
SI500 I 1&4
Wo are malllg ; special low prices on Carpets and Crockery this
month. A new .Jlp Brussels Carpet , oriental colors , price 05c paryd.
OUI' new 181 ; Baby Curlago Catalogue is out South for It. ii Lis 1 beatmty
Send lOc to covel' postage ol.IJlg FUI'nlhu'o Cutaloguo. :
' O ®
_ - - - - - - - - _ - _ _ - - _ - - - - - - - - . - - - . - - - 00
Eli A Reprieve of Tell Years. L' L
8 An average man's life can eas- C
Q ily be lengthened ten years by
D [ 1 the occasional use of Ripans Tab
Q ules. Do you know any' one who ] ' 4
H : i
D wants those ten years.
b -
JIal TOt"lel : RaId tl dg'ugltp . or by mAi . I n
D the prlec I V cenl. 1ux ) I sent 10 the ,
Chmemnicimi t3Uiml5tami ) ' , NV 10 hpm-uvu Hi , , " 't , iik.- "
DODDD C ; ' 'CC"1J i DODB" ;