; 'cc : - I TIlE OMAhA : \ DAILY nEE : illnsDAY . , FJH1UARY ! 21 , iS9. ! . 7' - - . - - . I . SPBGI _ _ L NOTIGE8. - AlhrrUAl'lIINIU for theo rolUlllnA " , III II. . nkl'lI until 12130 I' . tn. for th" ) ov111 Inl untl R p. m. for tim morlin/ und ! undn1 tdit Inn. AUrIAcr. ! h , rrqnrotnl 1 numh"red h"ekl can h'o , nl8Wer8 IlhlrrAord to n 1IIIhl'r".1 Idler In corn or 1 ho leo. An- ftrr Al IdtrlA8eli wIl he delvered "I"n , I'rurnlltul or the t1'ck oul , 1tate. 12e" "lr.l. OrAt 1180rtlll , 1v 1 vorll hern\Uer. : llhll ; t"lel for Ici than : Gofer . for Irot IIItt tort. ' tuna Ilhrrtsemelts tl lit tun COlleeu- . tnl , . SITUATION WANTED. H.I.1sLA : WANTH fHTt'ATi I Cf.OTH. trig ? r ftlrnlIrIng 10010 : Ifeen ) 'oaro' eXIell' , 111 flll.hlnl . ' . ' . ' . 18. ence. Iteterenee. V. . I. Nurwooti I'-rn' . elre. letclelCe. A.M7SI 2l. . WANTED-MALE HELP ' WANTIW40) MCN AN ) TIAMI4 TdIH1.T4 our feed grtnder ! , faIaiy : ) $ TFA $ . OJ per month . .ccnrlllf , In 1111 I ) fnluy " I.ItcIrhIeId M f. e. . , . , ' Iowa. - _ -I"21. - Webller - ' City - - Iowl. _ . 11 CUlAN [ 1CI.I S. GC , Wt DOUOt.AH. - - . . 1ibq19 WANTgImy ! GOOnR nAiriMANMUHr : WANTg\ . trn1tritant1 , wlnllow Irlmmlnl In len.nl store . : unII'lnnl referelc" In,1 rUnt , . .nlary : Ilne but , It81. I1e , ' . ' Ikhl , Cr4tOn . la. . 'IThe t cln.s men nee < 11'1,1' ' ' 10 nel Cr"lon. 1- li9 21 A'NTED-lrBMALE HELP. IMHWTO DO F'ANC'Y'OItK AT h1OMI Rend ' ' . . ' , vork ni " ctnvniohng ; $ G.o 10 IO.OI II.nly worlc 1" cnnlnslnll 8IDII' ' , Dchl ) ' Neelicwork Co. . Oehn C-'S-23' ) ' . MIeli. LAthIVANTINU - 1ttST.CL.'i4 OIItT. ! cnhI It 8cnnl\llllln \ YS . 10me. Itit Cari . 81. cal C-MlIt-2G' - WANTlm-A PI.W 1.S 01" 0001) Cii..lt . nrler nr,1 , nddreR 1 10 nsnl.l In Inlrolucln/ , a toIlet neeossl nl . < Al\reS I I once 1 C-ii.l1 S. Ibe ( ' . % % 'ANTID. Onl , FOn aIItAL ! JcUHg. work . 07 S. 231h II enue. C-Mi7S ' . 21" - WAfl'I ? ! ) AT ONGI . COMI'1TC2'T STFNOU. 'AN'IAT . 'wUNT'.STgrmo. . , . luint , % ; Ier. : flrilt vrIt. Irt-IaF.t long hlnl wrll. . lon/ Inllll lu 11."t-cn. i.rlary $ I.OO to . right IartY : manent lmtlth11t1 plrly "llal' $0.M 1"llon In.jrlJhl . I'.t1 , her , week. Ahlre8s lock box 72S . Otunlut C-i9) 21. , JOR REN'-nOUSE5. . U0USER. I' 1 ( DAUL.INU nAnm t.OCI { . , ,1. 10VSg ! I-03 . HOUSI.S : IN A 1.1. 1.\1'1 0' TII CITY. TI - O. F. Da\l. compiny. 1O5 1.'aram. D-3(9 ( hOUsES ; IhhNA\VA & CO. . 10S N. 15TH Si' II D-310 - FOn ItET-iIOUHh OF 9 n001H AND hAhN nFNT-10URI on Ilrk nl'e. In lulre al 422 So. ISlh 81. D-31 roth ItINT-G.flOOM COTTAOF. IN ( hOOD iu- : lon NT-G.nOOl COTTAGF. . pair. l city water . $10.0 1'1 ( * mnnth ( to good . hloek from Farnam artIo. 119 N. 371h. ) I Flrnam car tint' . 19 1"lulre 11 Stoetzeh's 81010 storO . - next 10 poslolce. 0-31 - - - - : MOIEIt IIOUSIT . . 'ivi : 1INUTgS 1.1'1 c , walk : from court 10USD. . I , . Green room 28. - Darker hlock. ( 1)-314 3 IOIJI3ESVALLACI . nnOWN ULK. . 168 Dnu g . . - - I-317 C.'tI'ITOT. AV1NUI . It Fort ngNT-21 CAPI''o. \gNU 1 - roms. , 10 < cm. The O. F. Dalls comp D-79G tOY. ' VOlt ImNT- IODHN : 10-nOml ITOUSS . WITH . FOt . halh. gaa ; hot and 101 ( wiie ; one. lulaee. ' 1' In < < hnlf 1.Iock from } 'ornam .Irecl molor line : In 11011 moet , Ichlmhle residence locality In lie < ly- mol . 220 South 381h ave. 101 polculn ' apply Snull ' - to home Inlesloenl Co. . 301 Pnxlol 1,1 , , . r'- 10me D-tSO roll ruNT-ItmIT.flOOM HOUR" WITH ALl. . modern ont'cniences . furnished or unrurhhe < . mol res"onlll ' ' parlY : EtahJe on 101. C. n. itor- . ton14Z2 _ So. 26 h M. D-MGT3-23' 4 iR Iu2N1'-11'rS AT . NOHTIFAST conNEH of ngN'-JIATR , etret4 01 reaqonabe : terms. al,1 lnwanl . - - I Inquire room :1 1st NatI . bank bllg. D-6521 tIODflIt 7-HOO IIOUSI . NgAn PA1tT. . \1- P1. IJ ' MODD1N 5. 331h 10USI . D-M7\-Z" . FOR I1ENT-flI1ICK 'SflOOMNF\VLY PA- F ( . 318 N. 2.d. pen'd modern convenienceL 2111. I-M73 .vJttY Ifl3lRAUbt hOUSES. VACANT - ? lAflChi 10USES. \ 1st. ' J. . It. Sherwoo . UI2 No Y. H-i83-22. I.lfe. . J' J , - rdB , RENT--FURNIBHED .OOMS.j t I . T PLEASANT nOOM 1D1h DODGE E-M270 FOht nENT-STEAM IEATED } 't1l1NlShtF1) I FOt . cOt So. llh. E-24I"29 " 3 FUItNISIIIdI ) ItOOMi4 I"Ohl. hIOtJSh1IPiNO. mal and wile ; rent lallen In b ald. 319 N. E-tO 17h. , " PUI1NISIIt7I ) HOml. 201 IIAItNV.Y. . FURNISIED E-M747-23' ' flflSIflA1ILF FnONT IOO . , CL'N'rflAL. Gl N. _ _ _ _ DI.RlAI.1 331 1-iS5-2 : . JUh.IEHD ROOMS AND BOARD. FOIl - rtFNT-FUttNtShtIl ) RomlS WITI boarri . .Ieam hrat. Utopia . 17 Da ; J7 20 lit. rOll flI'7NT-WTTII nOAnU. A FUIINIITSD IFD : . : , i. f'onl , moor. 2013 CalIfornia .Ireel. 1.-IC21-2 ' UlI CIIhCAGO SOUTH FRONT nOO H > . ALSO / IILle Ioaid. : Tel. 1:8. F-rG7-22' ROOMS AND UOAnD Fen MAN ANt WI'E . or gnhitmen . $1.10 week . IGla Dal'ellor ! jpntemcn. ' -H : - . 1'H , CB BENT-STORES AND OFFICES RENT-STOR J rolt JOR 3tiNT-TihI 4-HTonK mUCK 1'Olt ' lUNT-TIE . This hulh1n ! 1JLDNQ lre. ) ' .arn'm h.iecment . : . complete 81eam heal- cemelt . - log , flxtureq .W ater on ul 101. . ca8. elc. AI ply I Ixlul" 0110 of 'Cho lIce. 2-110 I 7III MAX MFYDH IIUILDINU N. E. con. 'II 11h 11\1 I.'arnnm ; rooma . 22xl00 or 4IxIC0 , Of the uhiole hnldlnl : 81'IU" h at. electric ele vatOr ; building will ho arranged 10 suit Ipn. _ \1101 . inQuIre 101S wi Fnlam arrln/e . < I-M305---V2S . ' ' CIJAShI 'UnEI1-STOHY 1.'On 1tlNT-FIRST CrASS ' - sn,1 hn'rerncnt brick 81010 wlh elevator nt 10 : Farnain. sulnhh , for any kln,1 , of bualm' . In. quire al room 3l l'llst National Danll Id . - 1-6 - 3 ( AGENTS WANTED AOLNTS IN I \IHY ITATI ON S.\Any AND . cornrnlsloir. \gonls mal.lul 825 10 $ ; 0 veekly. Eureka Chemlell & Iit. Co. , La Cross J-l3 . Wi. , STORAGE' _ _ _ _ ImST S'OI.unUI.DINO IN 011\10. U. R. got' . bonoI'warchous" HOU8.lwl,1 , goo , , Btored _ Lowest . rnles. . 1013-101 I.eavnworlh. M-31 - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ TOfl'rtJId. FRANK U\V1It8 121 $ HAHNI M-32L 1-21 WANTED-TO EU' . I CITY 5 co WAItIIANTS. - . Imclr l m N-323 FA'M. - I WAN''IlSFCOND : t.\NO UllOIT 1'lauos : pleura EthIc prIce . mlilO anti where II cane Lloc : , . 0cm 'n. I. n. $ cott . room 4:0 N-322 Itainga W.U'I- l'l'INITI1ENJ C.\I IITc. TO h. taken In board at leading flml ) ' hOtel . . \ - . U n , lice N-:171 22. - - - - - - - : FOR BALE-MIbOELLt.NEOUS . Wl , IAN IIANOS. ] mlm ! OnT onOii. : Woolbrhlro hiros. , 17 do. lThh. Q-m ii'o ANn'C1ClmN - 1.'lNCr. : ; IIAIID\VOOI - ) hleietL ! C. It. ) Lee 11 [ r-VoD . G I N1Nn 1.11' 01" " : .C AlllhlSStShN - 'oh.ler county Ncb.osty fnrm'ra ; price ' It _ $ .co. . tddivaa u. C. 'l.el. lcJ ¶ kLiih Q-M7iS-23' . Nt'b. . _ Q-l7S-2. ' FOIL lALI-2 1.'l'Sl cowsNII C.\INI'S : aol . con l'ellalelc < lolatn ! cow nn.1 11'ICer t calf lt :8J6 'rhster QIC8J. . slii : " . IJII. : 1 Ic ? r : : ' _ _ _ _ Q-7b6-11 ' f'UlNtTll : . RT\I S. "EI"IC-A1On. tWI 1uower 100 . IrocIPIY. glacowart' I . cal' , I I'OtC. " 'tO. , II 10la to sulI : IIi\'II. ule. Col fOI'uol' . 2\1' Norlh Olh 3t. Cot : . for rent . Q-ISI-21' t . lS 2. - - - MECELtANEOU . MIEOEL , _ _ _ - . hA'AT'4 \ l'1-CI . 304 DOUthiAiO. ( . . 3t-T-Ihl0 CLAlt VO YANTS . N1t13. 1)11. 1. WAnluN , cl.AmVOY\NT. 1m Ilhl.llllutl meJlul ; 7th year II 19 ) N. S-3n 16th. ThI2 Q1IL2ATI:8'I' ' : - ' ( 'i.AIIIVOYANT : ' - - iii\ T'iS1'r 01' -i age ' 2.ta.h.ttne htonrain. hrua I ri u r rich I. ) ' request :111.\1 : ' ( r , nirti can \ hs c'uuuhte'1 : on , : I\UI \ It : J II' . 0 ' .hlll wlhln correct atiyIcu on \u11Io" . . ' "ve. ' Innrrml . 111. ; I\wrll. I. , can rr.rC.'ly U ph' 0 I I h'r , aa.tnrne. htrp ' > rl ) I thO lall'nf. Ihf rcIU\'C evil la- : Ii I1'rcnees . ) eufflht' " voIteN $ In.t rmlul' speedy . j. ; un,1 haplY roars . loge wlh the one y'rr 101. . ti $ lr trrrrke ' ' , where . . Rhl Ilk a .Icn" * wllrl others 111. All I P 11 lioubt . ' 11 anti r'oh's 11H'1111 benefit. ? \ hIc.'irs. 9 10 ' , . . < ' " 11:1 : olall' answered l NO " ) ' . 31 N. 1511 street nlt i' \ . wer < . N . , $ - I- 2 \ - - - - - NASSAG : . ATH6. T\ ( . ' ) . I"U.\I HUITII . 3 I IFIJLUF2/JOftI100M - - - - - 3 ; 11111.tC.0I"r. . o"'ohG. Ihln. rrulpIrurin I and sat Iltll 'lI.W - : : . . - - - - - - - - - 14'r lAAO : 2Ii.U.ih.u : I 1NAnp. T.UG2 ? I ! : L ' , . _ . PLERSONAL . n. IIAAfl. rLOI1TSTPI.ANT9 . CUT rI.OWnIlS. I Uanr3uct . hal , rtI" n. " and 1r"a de'ornhIOnL 11 Vlnlon 8lreel. Telephone 716. tJ-663 3.IASHAOU . 1:1.1 CnO TIIEI1MAT. UATIIS. cMropodit . Mme. l'o.t , 3191 H. 151h st. st.Lj4) ehlrpl8t. 8tU- - TiE lmII 1 1I.JY COitStri' . MAIm T order from measuro. Jm 'arnnm street. < 8lret.U2 U-2 NJWIy 1.'IT1m HATH ! All.OIS. Tuikishi anti e'ieetIie baths for Indlt8' end gentle. lOan . Mrne howell , 320 S. 16th " t. 21 how . , . hJ-11430 . ' OMAhA UtIIN"SH : lOLI.IU1. : 151 ANU I ' atnnm. U- I.G F2 SMOln : HOCSI . I"IE'IU ; W15T ( iiIAI1S. _ U-iSGMI ! WALL I'APnIT CLI'ANFI. 2\.C \ HQ. YI. ; NO me8 : No 1 Job. Uchrtel l02 . Corhy I. . U-lo U" \10\1 CO. . 240 mm 111.1)0. ; tWAI.'U 100K free : home treatment3 lady nttenilrflt. % U-331 SWImlRI 10VI:1r : NT CUlii ron I.AI > :8. ! ISIG Chicago street ; coneultation . flclli anti ( on8ullalol. IcllnllC obesity treatment free I.tnn'lnys , . I'd b. lralmen \ U7,13t3 2 1"2' iii Xijry CtTll ; : ; 1Iny LADY - . . facial hair . an hnl'l II Msln"t,1 , f.1IPI'er. guaranteed - Rllet < IJ the m.I'CIIC ; :1":1.1. : : . 101"0 ! % tartAvens . reJ nosO hl Ih tattnO. pow' tier , antI cinder marks . freclrhe8 . hl.cll , heals. , Ilcr Shots . . , llpu : , and all facial IIonilshcs , nnl removed. lll.slrapeii nOse nntl projecting . Ial remeIle,12 bust , lev..I , ; hiaht scalp ant skIn . treated ; trot rethticed ; nervous antI fcmnle 'hh' h ' < " . 147 H. Institute. eases curCI ) the Curapatttic Insltl" 17 . luraIalhle . . . . 171h .1. . near 10110. \-622 M12. 12 CAI11NIfl' ' OTOS.S' I'lNiSll. $ l. .i : : n 1 eoBNIOTOS. \S' IINISI. $ lays ani ) ' . Cutan's , Gt Ui'oadwrry U-2.IGU . en. h1tut. MI3 ( 1 A 11\ 0 l'At'I1tVITIT 1.01 AI\ItII : . monts anti lhMoo oC nnrllllenhle 1''Ie. ( : Ilny rich ; .nt of ho.kq . 10\'dle. elc. . fre. lun- nels' 101\11) ' . Toledo O.:13 ) 112' STOI CII.S S IOn1 tOl m. II ) \OIO.oH. - MONEY TO LOAN- . EAL ESTATE. AN'I'IIONY LOAN & TRUST CO3lqN.Y. 1.I1. Iran .I low totes for choice securIty In Ne- brol , " arid loan flrlS or Omaha city \101111) - ' . II'J IIRUnANC I OIlcmS 1.0.\NI. ON o bcoighrt . 1. ' . O. Chwsney Kansas CilY,1 \ \ i MONlY TO LOAN ON 111pnov141) OMAHA UllnOVgn 10NI l.oN heal estnle. Irenlll , Love & Co. . lax 3 Ink . MONIY TO LOAN AT LOWES' flATT7I4. TIt 0. F. Davis Co. , 15O F'araatfl St. W-G vnnv - LOW HATER MADE ON .I ) I.OANS. J.v. . SquIre - 2t3 - neo . hhlg. . W-337 CITY 1.0ANS. C.A. STAlin , m N. Y\\ . L1FF7. - . \V-338 CITY AND ! AIM LOANS Ar 1.0WEgT mil. PU8ey & Thomas First Nal'l flank hl < l. W-39 MONI2Y TO LOAN ON IMrHOVI OMAhA : tHololly. FidelIty Trust company , li02 . \ 1 ; LOANS ON lMPflOVnI ) & UNI llnOVED CITY 11roperlY. \ IIIHO\ED l'Irnlm Smith & Co. . 132) I'nram - \-34 MONI4Y TO LOAN ON OMAHA R1AT . rSTATE : IAtA al G per cent . W. I ] : . MclhIe . Isl Nat. Ilk. W-342 bldg. I CITY LOANS. $ ) .O to $ .0.0 A' LWgST rates. Powell & . Potter . hi floor N. Y. " -137 I. . hll . MONF TO LOANGI'lR : CI.T LOANS ON lntde Improved business property ; large loans our specialty. Neb. & lawn Trust clpany. 20t N. Y. Life 1,1 , < , \ - li37 28. MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. MONtY TO LOAN ON PUHNITUH . PIANOS nnd all kind , of securIty. Frcd Terry. room 430 flamgd hlock. X-313 MONIY TO LAN ON IIOUSFh1OLD PUnNII I tore. 1lnn09. horses wagons . or any kind of' ' chattel security lt lowest possible rates , which I ) ' 01 can pa Y hack II airy thin antI In any amount. J'IDEI.ITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . Ioom 4. Wlhnel block. X-3H J. n. HADOOCK. ROOM 4 % HAIOE IILOCIC. X-315 - MONIY TO LOAN ON FUnNITUnE. PIANOS horses wagons el ( . nl lowest rates In city : 10 removal of goods : strictly eonl'lenlal ; you amounl. can pay the loan oft lt any tIme or In any amount.OMAhA MOflTQAOI LOAN CO. OMAlA MOlTOAGF ZOG S. IGlh .1. x-n . BusiNESS CHNCES. : DO YOU "AN' A 1mmy IAKEn1 'HE l dlwl IlneloscopO ( elgll : machines ) . took In $ SO lit lest than 11. . mouths. 1'01 tormq address 1119 : Klneloscope Co. . IO So. lrlh . Y-M67 sl" Omaha. Neb. Y-IG.1 MDSg. I2XCIIANGI2S. n. A.W.GNErt. OMAHA Y-M267 I'28 -:1367 1"8 ULACKStr.n AND ) CARRIAGE SlOI FOR rent chcnp . ; G feet long . 2-"lory brick building : will sell lY stock and 1018 I hale tine best trade II tints city. On account of my other business 1 ennnot attend tn It. A good man can halo tine best lay In tine west that ualer. , stands ' general work . Party wishing 10 lake I hold must halo Q1.o 10 $ .00.0) Apply to Jam . Roonoy. . _ _ lastlll. $ Neh. Y-U 2) . GOOD PAYING MANUFACTURING BUSII'ESS omplclo . , for 12)Q. God reasons for Rol Ig. . . Y Addre O . 1 20. Ueo. . G R.\.D. NEWHPAPEH AND COMPLETE 101 outfit In a thriving little cly In North Ala- ouln 1 ltle bnma : great hargaln. Address . W' .1 Sibert . - Ordsden - . Ala. < < Y-M780 : GOOD IUSiNI SS FOR SALE on TnAlm- A hardware und agricultural Implement tnus- : .n n'I'lcu\url ness In a good live town In western Town . with stock of about $ O.OI.o doIng a goo < profItable business ned an eceUent trade C8- pl'onnhl" taLlshe" . 1.0cnlol for ole o renl. \Vou.1 lake trade In western Iowa or eastern Nc . . Denleon la. braska. Adress n. A. Itrnans Y- 15 n. FOI SALI2 CHEAP FOR C.\SH. A CIF\N $2,003.00 slack oC hardware In hUEllng lawn 11 meet ' put of Nebraska : 1 bargain for some one. . . Neh. Address J. G. Croon Stromstnurg . < 1less Y -:17 22. A GOOO nURINJ SS 0110nT(1NITY ( IS OPEN 10 one or two ) 'Ottflt. actIve men . who cant -eonlnal $2.5C-.CO to $ ; .0,0.00 : 11.111" leghti I . male : profits sure : A I Omaha I'pr'nces : also goonl opening for hotel man with $1.00.01. Address . dress I 40 ; lIre. Y-M712 2t CUlAN FItECKLES ImST IN "lE WORLD YiSn' FOR Ex0aANGE. pnOlEHTY FOIl MESh2. h1AWAONEI1Ornahna . Z-At28 1"2 $ - - - - WANT1D 7nXIUTCIIANDISE. : 'Vl' move Ily quarters of clear land . 10 trade for first rlaos merelanilne : If goods ro pl'm3 : Irsl 111 fUt In some cash ; wish to correspond direct with owner. ,1reel . wlh . O. lock box 213 . Oberlin . Knn. ) Z-11G26 21. 2 Cl.I'AH I.OTS AND t2..O ? IN PA1I.m AS go&xl me cntit . for 80 10-rol inonlern house. ' . . < . Cole Co. . lOG N. 13th. < ZU731 23. - - - - GOOn l"AIUI 01" 30S. ' ACneS IN S. W. MIR- 80url lu trade fur 1001 stock of dry goods ; can 11) ' 80mo cao : Aldress Lock box 3 ; . Rich . huh . Mo 7.-1I7'i 21. irOR SALE-ft1AL ESTATE . FOR SALE OR rXCIANO A P1812 ItL'i41. dence Prlcly. with large groninnis . wcl 1m- Ilrol'e.l ; owner mart no use for tire property and : \ take olher good IJrpcrly II exotango. : II 1001 Adnircs4 . I. O. IkUer . Council limiTs . In. < iw-ui : 21 AUS''UAC'I'S. TIlE I \ ION lLmD COMPANY ltIh-401 101 WANTED 1.0 IH\1S 01' I"AMl.US TO lake UI free homeolea In tine 1.,1 river vol. I.y. 11 n lesol 1. Map slo\lnl exact loalon. section . ( own anti range wi h. unshod free hy writing 10 land ( omrsloner ! Oleal Northern wriing cllll ) ' , SI. p\ul. 1111. IU1-lli Mt IIAItOAINS. IIOLTtIFS : . r.T ANI 1"AItMS ule or trunte. J. . J. nailng. larll r Llock. ItE-317 _ ENCIIANOCS ANn SM.hS ; CITY I'ItOl'EIt'rY . SAIS 1IOII.'rY. ( attire . ml'rchandl. ( un'ln 110' . 2U N.Yl.Ife . ItE-310 : 131 F\UI : 1.A-NDS. . C. P. 1.\IISON. H1-lm3 012N . M6. Y. L. II. IL I : CUJ : CO. IA \1 : HOI : 1101 ( IENIT. Inc OlUf olels. I.II.1 N. 12. Cur 2lh ; anti Chl 'ngu. IllelOil. andV. . Car 34th and flow- urn . 132 n2. aunt hon get price. 1"Inenl"ln . . ' , . , . . " . : 1010. IIQ.Ao. ) 1'1.1 nn,1 $ r50.o. I-loom hiousa nail monlh lt. I i13th.tO . $ .00 cn.h _ , haluuci $ U.O inch ACflU I Icrr" . Iml"s \ ' " 6lohht cest front P. 0" 5. Iwnnni houie , largO barn . t acres Insuring grll'oo. fi O0I. ( ) .IJ. OnO arr" iool hotree anti morn , N. W Income fW11 frnlt laol ) 'en. ItTM.OnI ; price $ ! ) ) .0 II , II. Cole Co. ! _ 140 N. _ 1thi. _ 1112-2.1741 22 1.1 1LIIICIAIN'nt. hlOlSIE. : LOTS ANO 1"AnS , Jle or Ildl , J. ' . I { . Darhlrng. Darker block. lIE-ItT W'A7'TED . hiOt'Sih i'OIt I.o'r AlE ) CASU. W.\N'r : II'SI 1.01 ANI ' \11.,1. bntslnt'ss lot f..r rtnsidcnee . W'aaled . 1'01 , nt' fQI' furor . \'ntt-tt. $11.t ) 1a.m. . % 'antonI. $ " . ) .1 tust'lerre for rll ; Wanie"l ; 101 near Fallm and { OU" t " 'ant"l. busitreas pr"Por ' Iy for acreage and cih. ' . , , . . , . \ \ 'Inl.I.el'hanl.o fur , u.h. Wal.e ' 'IC1' fanu for cash. Wa n.1 , renihd"uce and uh for farm \unta.t . 1.O . haiti ; o- ' farm. W'uflIf'nl. Omaha Intupertfor far-rn. \ Vaute.t. tlll rOnundecs C4 Co , ' ca.h. \ Strl.I. : cr 40 err-ri bottom 1a . \\-.nl. t. 111-e"ll I'.co irousu for < farm. l\ F . JInnrrr : ; . $13 N. Y. itCo. . 1tE-784- ) _ mi8t2. DLItOAINiI. IIAIE 6)11 , TIIAtH IN CITY l'ltOi' - Ano.\Ns. S..E OL TI\ ) 1'10'- ene ! ,0 farinni Jnu. N. I"relz r , Of&Jill :1Nt QAlmiN IJN13. I MI.'lOII I' . 0. , $1 ur ; Cr 110 . . Y , L blOt. n - $ o"j L O1 , ANT4AIJ ' . - , r , j I r jj i i' I 7'T _ ' , COAP ¼ \ ( ; I i'll RG'T I I i ' , HOUSEWIVES 1 No 0 TilER old = ; : TilE N.I.FAIIIBANK . < COMIANYChira ) - UNDERTAKERS BALMEn9 1. IC. [ 11 { 'r. IctONEItAT. m1.TOI ANt embalmer , IGI8 Chicago Pt. . telc hole 90. 3:6 : S'ANSON & 'A1.1EN l'NOIT.\JlmS ) AND embalmer-n' . liOI Cunning 81. , telephone 10M 2:7 _ M. O. MAUL . UNlmnTAIUm : ANt gIUAI,1I , or . 11 I.'nram 81. . teelhOIO 223. 3.8 C. W. 1IAKIR . VNLFII1TAICI4R . 61 S. IGTI3 r : . _ _ _ - - - HU.Li. _ _ _ _ _ hOTEL IAm lm. 1TH AND JONES ST $ . i ; rooms II $ .6 per .Iay. GO rooms II $2.0 per d3Y. Spednl rates 10 conrnerclal trnvelers. Room and mnuager. board by week or month. It'raak Ililditch 313 . AETNA toUSI ( EUHOI AN ) . N. W. COIl lIt ) ; In,1 Dodge . 1ooms by lay or weell.3G 3G BUILDING & LUAN AULtULO. : ' I HOW TO GIlT A hOME OR SECmm OOOD interest on stvhngs. ' ApplY 10 Omaha L. & U. Ass'n 10t lee Lldg. O. W. Nattinger . Sec. 3G2 SIAnES IN MUTUAL L. & n. ASSN PAY G , 7. 8 per cent when I. 2. 3 years olnI . always re < cemable. lOt I'amal 51. . Nattlnger . Sec. 213 3C - BICYCLE 11. O. DAXON 402 N. OCT11 . 35t OMAHA lCYCLF CO. . 323 N. ITT lIST. 35 - - - - - - - A. I , . DEANE & CO. . WIOoSALE AND nE. - la 1 bicycles . I1G I.'arnal street . 19 Wn.l IAnNU . 1 8 lIRO . 120 N. 15TH . STnEET ; Cnnly rldlnl school In the city 1124 : L08T. LOST. AN OPAL 1'IN SUNDAY. m1TUlN TO II. E. Cole Co. and receive rewar . nnl < l.oal- 21 LOST . PHOI TA'IINI'O1tT AND 321 STREIT . uldelsl1t 1 liver Inll while pointer 'log. Ie , turn 10 Parmelee Gun .Iore. JiS3 21' LEI'P HAND. B.\CJ. LONG I.'un G.0VI . hinted with thank brown eor lroy. Return ISIO Emmett street receive ! war . < - l.osl-li33 21 MEDICAL. - - SYPHILIS TlUATED ; NO CURE NO PAY ; cases talcen ' consultintion Cr-re 8 tn ( Illen on payments : eonsllllon f'ec ; " 10 a. I. . 1 to 3. 7 10 9 p. in. 210 Cum'IC ' street Omlha II3 120. : BUSIES NOTIC ] : DAMAGED MIRRORS I1IISILVEItCD . rh 'N. 16. . : , :8 : MASK SUITS. LADIES ANt IEN'S : ASK SUITS FOIl RENT al Golden Eagle slore. li . lClh , treet , ' 2.16)3-Nit' ) ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ELECTHCAL ENONEEHR AND CONTRAC- tors for electric lIght nlJ motor plants on < all kinds of electrical construction. Weslen Elec- trlcal Supply Co" 418 and 42 S. 1lh at 532 TURKISH BATHS. . ' 'unKISl DATI8 : ONLY PIACE IN CITY I exclusively for Ildl . Suite 1-10 Dee Bldg. 3G9 DENT1cT. ' Dn. PAUL. DENTIST . 232(3 ( DURT S' 3C5 1tUSIO. A3/J. ' Alil LANGUAGE. TIOHOUGI INSTRUCTION IN GERMAN AT reasonable rates. Address . H. I'lschel.ox IS3. cl > MC21 24' C. F. O r.I.EN1ECI { . BANJOIST AND GUITAR teaclner 1 1 Case sl. 9H WHOLESALE COAL. JOhNSON 101(08. . WlOLERALE DEALERS IN all Farnnm kInds s of I. coal. Corre.po..nce 80Icllo < 103 - COAL. D. T. MOUNT HAS H'MOVED HIS COAL office to 23 S. 161h 81. . lrwn block ! 3ca Pl BEOUED : : SIT EEl . - BEST V - ming coal ; nut. 11.53 : lump ; 5J ) ; 2.000 lbs. fet I ton delivered . IGO " ' 0 ram Street - 561 ' .OV E U1f.Aj.i1 . . : - STOVE REPAIRS FOR 40.00 OI'FFIENT mallea of stoves : walcr attachment and can- noctons I spccaity. ! 1207 Douglas st. Omaha Stove 111'alr Work. 3G7 EMPLOYMIN'r OFFICE. CANADIAN EIILOY mNT BUREAU m- 10\'e,1 10 1522 Douglas : furnIsh beet male .nJ female hel' , Jln :15 WOOD AND KINDLING . _ _ TIlL. 3687. TIMID WOOD AND ICINDLING MG" . 2S - DENTAL COLLEGE. OMAHA COLIrGE DENTAL SUnG HY. FIlET ) Inlrlal'y ; dcnl.lry al cost. . 1th & Cap. n'c. 2.17432.11 SHORTHAND MU ) TYPEWRITING. SHORTHAN A1 'YPEWRITING. I AN RANTS RCnOQ 0" RIOn'r hAND . N. Y. Life . Omaha. Aal for circular. 3GG 01IAlA nUSlJss COLLEGE. mh & M536-F28 F'ARN'M 15C-I.28 1'IH : 1hF.tth'I'MAl1ll6V . INSTHUln NTS placed on record February 20 , 189r : WARRANTY I EDH. ! I" 13 IUlehlu 10 H A " 'o nun. Iota C ann , 7 , block 7. 1lhy l'lnrce..S . . . . . ! 5 Jacob 10111 anti wife 10 lohemlan loan Inlt Ihuiiting associatitin . n ! A lot 8 nod s \ lot lulhlng . Lloll a8lclat . lark 1..0.1' . . . . . ul . . < . 8J Tim O'Connor II ! llrlcll O'Connor , W . block 4 until n ¼ \ hloek 3. 311 . rid , ! 10 Mount 10uI" . . w \1 \ ' block 4 . lurlnlon H'unrn. 1 \'arron w1 und vlfu 10 'l'lnornaa Mc- 'Iho/as le- \'arl'n 10uga.l. Hwlzler cad 4. block I. ( ) nnaira . . 18,00) Anna Moore and husband 10 C J Cuip . I\ % \ acres 10r .w 1.16.10. hUKbanl . . . . . . Cull. . . . . { O QUIT CLAIM D1IIIItI. F n Kennard anti , wife to 0 A Jennal/I. undlv 1,5 of a 10. " feet of C' 23 feel lot 1. block 119. Ol.ha. I . . . . . . I . , 2J . . . . . . . . 1 o A. lennar anti wife to I ' 10 Konnartl undlv' lot < 5. nn' 1lol , , 81. $ Omaha. . . . . . . 8.25 . admnininntratur . 10 Iharr' Ifart M 0 laul. n rlnlslrlor. IRrr ) Iarl l'l ui . unnily < ½ iota I and 2. block 19 . " 'eaL 1':11 unl\ ald. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. . 1 ' nlmDS. Sheriff 10 Warren Ha'ltzler . iota anti 4. ' \ Sheri blok II. Omaha. . . t\izl . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . ' .783 Special toaster 10 Franklin Sa\lng. batik lo t. block 1. Stnrtrrgdaie. . . . \ . . . . . . . . 2 : - Total amount or transfers . . . . . . . . . $ . Our record of actual anti undeniable cures oC \ ' recr phenomenal. < We furnish .1 m.d. Iclne fre and . .dlct. 'e \llun from n. . System II 90 days. Cur. guaranteed. ' flours . 1:10 : d ) ' .1 : Wednesday. anti Sator. Wenesa ) ant day . I. P m. I 'UE PNSMOOI REMEiY p. I New York We Omaha . Neb - - - THE HEAT HEATt . This extraordinary Rejnvcnltr 1 the ro 1 \older1ldl cvery 01' the Re. I his been endorsed by the leading and .merlc clenllo ran orJ'Uopo nudynD 1 . vego- , - - purely tble. vtgo- C 111Jan 6lps y ' . Prematureness . " . "j 1 I / ' / . ; , V oho dIscharge \ jiu20d ) . " ' : , . : ! - ' . ' rJ Crcs " ' . . . " . . . " . < ' ' VEI'Ou OST AFTER 1'.I1oor Constipation . Dlz4ne . Falling BcnsUens Nervous 'fwlchlnK of the ycs arid oilier pnUs. . niut tons the entire Strengthens Strengthols. invigorates nlll ( enllo splem. ludYIUl cur Debility , NcrvoulcS , ] .rnlislous . Ild 1elopes and reslorcs weak organs. Plns In } back . Io'ees ; by day Ot nfght are btoppcd quickly. Over 2,000 ' nr 10ppd lulcklyOVor 2.0 private l'rematurcoeairneacalmpotenry in the first 8tno. J Lis n fyrplm ( h'jmlnllelkne and : . the barrennes. H cart be slopped In 20 days by use of lludyan. : ue lu < . TIre now dlseo\ry was mndo by the iopcclat. ofthoohl ftnmouslludeort Dedl.a\ln.U- tuto. Ills the str gcs : vitlzr made. J Is very powerful , bd hlrmles Sold for Sl.00 a paokago or ii packages for $5.1 ( pllln scaled plllgO bxcs ) . Written unrnt.o given for 1 curo. I you buy six inoes ! and Ire Dot entirely cured , nIx morn will bo sent to you free of alt chargcs. Send for circular anti tetmonIal Address HUDSON M ifiCAL INSTITuTE , 1032 'R'ET ST. , : ' 1 .S FRANbL . COI . CALIFORNIA. " , . . . ' - " . . . sn Cures the effects 01 self-abuse excesses . - emissIons Impotency , C , , . I varicocele and constl- patton. One dollar 0 f , 5 box. six fol $ 5. For 4 . _ sale by TIUJ GOOD. - - - MAN DnUG CO. : oU'o 10 St ncklrokli'rs. ThI nr'ni'al I nroetirnii' of stocie'ih.i " : .n The Bee Publishing ompany will be held nt theIr oillce corner' 17h rind Farnnm streets In the cIty ot Omaha on Monday , March 4th. 1895. nt 4 'clock p. m. . for the purpose of electing I board of directors unni such other hlsln\ss aR may be presented - sented for consideration. . Dy order of the president IJEOIGE D. . TZSCHUCI-5. Secretary" Fl8m&elOt : r.E : r Luwrcrs : and solicitors. SUES & Co. , Boo I Bt1111 , OIAIA , Neb. Advice ! Plum. I RAILWAY \ TIME CARD Leaves IIIJI1LINGTON & MO. IUVIlIt. Arrives Omaha Unlol Depot 10lh & Ilson Sls.1 Omaha 10IianI. . : = Bxpress..9 :40 : m -lIalnm.ilik. : Julia. Meat. & Pngel hInd. 16x.4lojnin : 5:33pm..Denver : xPf'8..4 Ind. l'x.t :0PI : : I./ . 6 : 5pm.Nehlnblla Local ( except SUnday ) . 74jll ; SH.am.Llneoln : Local ( except iSun'lni.1i:33nn ! . : ; 5pm..I"nst : STall ( for Lincoln ) lun'I.1:2um 1.ly. . . . : . . Leaves ChiCAGO . 1UI.INGTON & Q . lArrives Omsha Union iefot lOll ; & Mason Sto. / Omaha 4:45pm..chrrcniio : l - Veetibule. . . . . . . . . . b50utn ; llhufo:1GO.lln 9:50am. : . . . . .Chicano g'IIOH3. . . . . . . 4 : ilprn 7:50pm. : linlcago and i4t. Louts Express. . 8:14am ; 11 :21am..nellIe ; . . . Junction . xllress. . . . 6:10111 8Oam : . . . : . . ; . . act 1al. . . . . . . . 2:4UI : n Loaves CIIICAGO . 11 . & wr. I'UI , . Alrl.8 Omaha Ualon 1'\11. \ . 10th & 11son ' SI. _ Omaha -6:00p : ; : . ; : -Chlcgo 'Jhnlc ; < . . . . . . . 9:3011 : I1itntm..C.iicugo : xprol ( ex. Sun.L. ) . . . oWpm : Ieaoa . . \ ' .NonTlWgST.N.J ] i' l.e.\'es\Clc.\G \ 's nl\ OmalnaUnlomi 011'01. 1011 & 2.la.nHts.(9niaha ( 1 ; O II. . . . . .1'a8Iel I .pren. . . .s , 1mahl ; ; 4:14pm..Vesilitulod : 1.lmle . . . . . . 9:40am : 61al. : . . . . .110. Vul.y < locll. < . . . . .10:301'1 : : . : pm..Oldha Chicago = Special. . . . . 2lil'l : ' Leaves ChICAGO. n. I. & lAtWi.ol'llve - Omaha I Union lelll. 10th & Mllln ; Sla. / Omaha M,1' . IiOdamnAtlanic : ( 16xprea ( cx Hunnlay ) , , 6:0pm : lolum.Alanle gXli . HUlday . . . . . . . . : 6:2pl. : . . . .Nlght lIxlnross. . . . . . . 9:50am : ; ; 1:3 : pm.hlago V"stbuINI 1.lmlel. . 19PI ; : 1' PI.0klaholl 1XP.j ( o C. Ii. ex. tmnJ.lJUlm : ) - - - - - - ' . , ' sT 5:1&am.Oklalnomna : & 'j'exaa I3x. ( ox . hIunll:27r ) : 1 ; : 0pm. . . . . .Colordo 'leal . . . . Hun..1 . . : Ollm L.aveC. I _ . H' , 1' : . - N " & 0. - ; Arrivel' I OflUihjDeIOt 11th t 1 "Weh.ler " Ills . Omaha O:2 : n , , , . Nel.klIus."ger ( , Ialy ) : ; 8:11 : 4 :3pI. : .Hloux City Exprees ( cx h4un.li:55arn ) : 6I. . . . . .SI , I'nui _ Ilmle < . Run..l . . . : am I.eav.t Ic.- . - B. & 11'VAI.i : Y/ / 'A'ijea \ Omaha nopol kitlI nod Webster SIS. Omaha . 4itptn.t"agt : ' Mal enl 1xllru. . . . 4Gjll : % : 2IOprn.ex ( Hat ) " 'yo. Ex ( ex. lion. ) . 451'1 ; 9OSam.Nor-oilc : l-2xpresa ( ox. Hun ay.10:30.lm : O:0om..Norfoll .x. . 6IOpl. : . . . . St. txlreS& 1xpres. < . . . . .10:3:31 : : Leaves I i < . C. oj : & - i.I : \ ; IV 8' Omahaj7hnion Depot. 10th & _ 1Isn. ! . L O . , 9:50am..Kansas : . City 13 > Express . . . 60pI : 9t5inm.K ; . _ < NigintEx. _ _ via U. -rl. . G:50.nm : : l.ell'e . I I IISHOl'1 p c - . iAria Omuha Depot 151h ann ! Webster Sing . . . . f . Omaha 1.0al..II. : 10ul. l .llle. , . . . . . . 6:0011 : 9:30pm..lot. : Louis . I xpre. . . . . . 6:08111 : 5:10mm : . . . .Nebraska _ Local ' . ( ex Sun ) . . . . . : O."n .l\es SIOUX CITY & l'ACIFlCWrri' " . Omainajepot ( ISlh anal Wehster 111. lAIlve" .GII0p : . . . ; : . -.tl.-P.IUI - ' Limited. . : : .I :3 : : 111"11 I SIOtIX ITY' & l'ACIFIC. Arrives Omaha Union Depot , Hlh ( : aIon SII. / Omaha - 8:15am : - , , , . . , . Sioux City I'asengcr.i035pon ; ' : 5Spm. : ; - .SI. I'aul la.enger.10:33p . . . . . . :111 Leaves UNION PACIFrC. lArrives Omaha Union D'pol. 10lh & 2.la5aallt5.JOnaini 10am. . Un.on . .I ; ar"y Express . . . . : , . . . . , .pmahf : ; % : opm. . . . . . .Ol.elland 1..I.er. . . . . . . 5ZPI : 2OQpm.llea'tce : & liroirisl.'g I x.ex. Hun ) . 8:43mm : 2:0I.m.lc'lce . . . . . . & . Itrlmls"'g . . . . . . .1 Stj\1 ; G:111m. : . . . . . . .I'aat Mal. . , . . . . . 4:10pm : I. a\e I - - AIUSU , ' Y.Mrl" - - / ; . OmlhalnlC ! Depot. 10lh 4 AIU. t18OI1Iha 3:5pw..ft.-Lula : Cannon 1.I . . . . " .2pm ; . . . - - - - - - - 'Wrr WANT' \ TiE WIDOW \ \ SHUT OUT Orcditrs of the Fitzorad Estate Object to Rer as Adminlstrtrix , WilL FILE THEIR CMPLAINT ' TODAY Judge ; 111"ilrc.1 to nlllrn front ] ( :11"001 . nmt ( : nmr'vn0 1'1..111:1 Court l.I1 . 1 , Whl'n thlleal Wi lb Tried . ' , 10 , LINCOLN , I eb. 20-Speclil-As ( ) reNo' ' se lnctne or the crellort at the estate ot John ltgcrahl ( , B. P. pctts objects to the appointment ot Mary l lzrcrahl , the widow , as adntinlstratrlx lie will file his objections In wring tomorrow In time district - trict court and be given a hearln . I now npllcurs qulle probable that Judge ! DUllly wi Inlsh the term at the federal court at leads oed all Olen ) time Icrm hero about March 1. it ! Is expecteni ! that Oulcalt , ex.cashler of the defunct Capital ! National bank , wil then bo tried. Bccause Senator John n. Wright has secured - cured , br resolution , the Iise at time ! .nale chamber Icxt Monday night for 1 reception 10 brother senators , I rumor has gained cur relcy that this Is a porlel ot tIm machlnerr attached ! to his mayoralty boom. But this hlea Is glvcn the laugh by aH who have heel Invited. Today Crawford tire man from York , ar- rusted nod Indicted for mal In ! ob3ceno letters and plclurcs to an estimable young lady at his town , was released ! en ball. lie will 1cI ] ) ' be tried at tire prcsent adjourned lerm of the federal courl. TO I.EASI TIE LINCOLN. The . Lincoln hotel Is still waitng for n new proprIetor. George H. 1)110mb general auditor of the Burlngton , cr Chicago amid ! : L IC. _ Crlloy , _ formerly ! , proprietor . . of . the I Iusor n011 or tiS CIty , now or10 10lel lclropole , Kansas City . arc In town ald the laler Is saId to have his eye on the Lincoln wih a view to prospective conncc- lon tn the shall of Boniface. Dellt ) . Marshal lnbbard bas returned from Fort Scott . but without time man Wels whom bo was nfter. Wells who Is charged with mal robbery , refused to leave wIthout an cxamlnaton. and tire illness or the com- missIoner made Il Impossible to procure nn Immediate hcarlng. ThIs morning tire Lincoln ! Confectionery : compan clesed Its doors and Is now In the hands ot tire sheriff. I has confessed jUdgment - ment In favor or the FIrst National banlt at this city for $1.98r. and the hillside Savings bank of Iliilsdale. 2.Ilch. . for $4,17G. The Invoice was completed today. Nominal assets are placed II $40,000 and the Indebtedness will reach about 30000. 1 Is thought I may . pa ) about $20,000. The capital stock was $30.000. and a provision required that the Indebtedness should not reach more than two-tblrds ot that amount. PASSED WOHTILESS PAPER. Grocer Arenson today Informed Mayer Weir that one ot the $2 scrip bills sought 10 be Issued by this city several years ago had been passed upon Mrs. Arcnson last nIght as geed money by a woman who made a 15-cent purchase and received the change In good money The mnyor's name had hcen forged to the scrip. as had also thc city clerlt's. At the time tIre old State bank was torn down this scrIp had been scattercd. The la'or has received specImens - mens at It from Iowa . MissourI amid other states where It had gaIned fraudulent cir- culatlon. Superintendent of Public Instruction Cor- bett Is now at Cleveland. D. . In attendance on tile National State Superlnlendents' asso- elation. lo Is expected to return tomorrow. 'SOLUTID ' OF TIlE ' DR UTJ pnODLE Ti ! charce'Ir 9f , the Nebraska We31lyan university has wrItten time following open let- ter to the public on the subject at a fast day as a solution ot the droulh problem : That we are In peril ns a state Is too plain to require a statemcnt. Another year or failure ' will doom the great portion of our business and the institutIons depending upon I. such as schools churches and benevolent enterprIses . That God can change conditions If he sees best 11 certain. Does It not well become UR to Inquire whether that cause may bo found In us . the people ? Our God deems right charc- ter more valuable than crops and cattle ! ld materIal thrift . Should He see In us that .chango which all men know we need what blessings mIght ensue from his hand both moral and materIal ! ThIs Is just what the bible declares has often taken place und will take place again when men comply - ply with the condltiors. 11 It not wise to make a test ? With I heartIly entered Into hy the majority or our citizens . Ne- hraslm would scarcely recognIze herself on account of the great change for tie bet- I ter. . BIshop Newman whose residence 11 In Omaha fggeslel some time ago that a day of fasting and prayer be appointed to reach tile above named ln,1 , That sugges- ton let extlnslve IPllrovol : all now comes the proposal 10 net Islde Fehlary 27 as a nlay of special fasting and prayer to tire ray of hnii'vests. Dare wc go on Into the perils and dan"ers. gloom Ind wreckage of another such year ns the past without nn effort at splf-oxnmlnaton. humlla- eforl lion and prayer for forgiveness , righteousness - lon ? Shoumld scoff or ricE. ness and help Shul any scof leg- Icct. upon them will rest the perilous 'e- sponstbility. Let all who am wise In thf deeepest and widest sense fall In wIth the suggestion . without regard 10 party or suggestol. crecil. and cal UpOI our Father on that da\- . daTrue. . this comes without formal cele- ritastical or civil authorIty hut the PeoPle civi . constitute the hlghcRl authority In al such matters of l ert ) . . Let them led by their maters 10clI leaders or Indl\lrluaIY. conic before God with sincere humilIation . fast- Inl and nrayer. and see If He wi not c pen tivi ; wlndow's or heaven nnll pour us nut such a hlesslng nR there hull not he room enough to receive. I. Ci100N. Chnncllor Nelraslm 'VealeYln Unlvcrsll n'w.nflr ( "pturlng \lrlorlr. ; , . KFAltNEY' Neb Feb. 20.-Speclal.-The ( ) friends of Officer George Overmler are con- gralulalng hIm today on having received $20 from Iowa as his hal at I reward ofereJ for time arrest and conviction ; at George Iavls who was wanted for Iho 1111ng ot the city mnrshal or 1HEourl Valley ahout a year ago. Mr. Ovcrmler was really entitled 10 time ful ; rowarll of $ 100 , as he had seen time mau. but as John Vlzzard . 1 detective for the Union lacllc. was here troth had u 11hotograph of the man . Mr. O\rmlcr made time arrest on IhQ Jlrnglh at tine olograph and ( offered 10 divIde tine reward with Mr. Vlzzard when 11 should be paid. 'rhe cllzens of Rvcrdale township held a meeting last Sltlrday nlht. : amid after condemning - demnIng the act ot the lenrney county parties . ties who broke Into a cn loaded wlh relief supp\es In most emphalc terms , passed the tOlowlng resolulon ; Hesol\ell. That woo the citizens or nlver- dale tmiS'nsiIij den unco such acton as unllwtul , ummlmmecessary antI nn Imlit 10 citizens asl unnocessarYr er. and we ask Iho authorites cllzcnR to take munch ItO3 la arc neces- entry to prosecule the : uly parties 10 lho fullest extonl of the law TIme parties who broke time seal on tine cars have heen bound over to district courl. V. G. I.yran , formerly bookkeeper for the nuUalo County Nntonal bank , has been np- pointed assistant agent ot limo AmerIcan Bible society In Bimanghai Cimina He will leave for hIs new field about tine ht of AprIi . Will P. Scott , leld ot the editors mmnni ' ! l'ro- ' prlelor ot the old IearnEY Daily Democrat , and brolher ot T. J. Scott , register at deeM , died at hIs home from consumpton. The members at con1any ; A , Nebr.uka Ni- tonal Guard , will give a masquerale bal lt their armory next Friday evenmng. A carload ot cotton lies ben received by time Kearney Cotta ; ; Mill company anti time I . capacity of the 111 Is now being laxed ! 10. Its ulmost 10 keep 11' wlh orders booke ! The members at COIIIIY ; A hl\'e draped their armory In mourln ! as a mak at respect - sped 10 Jaml G. Mawson , late of Lyomla Neb. , who riled on tire 9th Inst. , and was sergeant major at the Second reglmenl. 1. II. Sydenham has been elected second lIeutenant or company A 10 till time vacancy caused by the reignaton at O. A. Murch laulOI II'Iorl Irti rluul . ] ur1. IILICIIORN Feb. 2G.-Speclal.-An ( ) embryo - bryo aenlaton was sprung here yesterday by tire appearance of a deputy aherl who was armed with a number at sumn1nsea for wIt- neles who are wanlld al Omaha 10 aulsl time grand jury tn untangling a few matters or local Importance. Among the matters at local Interest that the grand jury ba been asked to look ! Into Is the alleged failure ot a certain resident juatce at the peace . who , up 10 the time the grand jury convened , leS- . - - - _ _ _ _ _ ' --I - -.z-------'e- 5 lected to turn over tD the proper authorities the money collected a Ines tram persons arraigned In his court on state conpiilnts. 11ev. Father O'Calfhnn ot Omaha today a thl Cathoitc church hero performed ! the ceremony - mony that unles In wedlock Timothy Ktte and Mary ) onnely and Barney Donnely Iml Hosa Burke , 01 ot Douglas county . Mr. A. 1' . Alien who ( lied ' Monday ! from the erects or a pistol ! hot wound InOcle , ' by his own hand with suicidal ! Intent , was burled tOlla ) ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MUlUlatlt ii II.l , WH.I , n' u. JUII:11010 : that tht UO"Crlnr11 Not In' tPfemtn , In thin e. " l'Ullt , l . . PL.T'rSMOt3Tl . 1 , Neb. , I.'eb. 20-Siciai ( ! Telegram.-Thls ) ; was the tin ) ' 11urporle ; ( ! to have been fixed by Ooyernor Holcomb tor In- veslgaton and examination at the case oj Murderer Harry huh , who , according 10 ! decree of tire courls , Is i to be hanged at tire Cas county jai In tins city Friday ! at next weele. lull's counsel ahhil ! friends are enMav- orlg ; to secure I commulaton 10 Ire Imupris' onmenl , but Rlytces received from I.ncoln ! IlmlJht are 10 time effect that tire gos'ertOr has iaJa no mauve In Ihualer , I beinig the usual Practice 10 seek the v ls c the member of the sUllremo court al\l the trial judge nn1 as the governor his made no rClucsl ot the ( judges mentone , ' , I Is generally presumcll I lint ( he Is .lsI10&t1 to let II denth senlenco : slal\l. Time commulaton or tile prboner's sentence would h. accepted with ; consherble ! regret by Iho ( Ilolle of Cass coUnl " It being tire Jeneral senilnent that Isle mRU Wl1 nc- corded I fair Irla ] . Silos and 'rhom son , the Iwo crooks who wcro , Jatieni \ Slllay for robhln a 81001. were jlerSlllay ! taken before Judge Chaplan 'cslerllny and each given a jail senlcnco of forty-five .h's. Th ! fact lint ( tire robbery was cOlmllc ( ! In daylight alone raved tire prIsoners from hI- Inf accorde,1 , a penitentiary srmtcrmce. The sul of the 1Iathloulh Street Halway com pan ) ' against 1)m. ) Mercer was al trial In distrIct caurl led ; y before a jury , and tire ftc- ceedlnf was an InlcestnJ enl Ihroughoul. The doctor subscribed for nlnet-elht bhares ot stock In the street railway . amid when the stock was assessed rr per eemn . mallllg ; his assessmelt some $ r.OOO. ht wlhheh ; ! par- macnt ninth ! has silce contlnuNI so to do It Is clnlmod. Time argtnneIts were concllrNl tonight - night nnd n verdict wl be rcached by 10- morrow. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ itSiiL.tNi ) ttthl' ' TetllIllil ) A8II. . [ ! UTAIIH . Patrick Dalton 8erlolol ) ' I. Jlrod In R FIght with I'rlt t ; , " , t. ASHLAND Neb. , Feb. 20.-Speclai.-A ( ) serious slabbIng affray look 111aco yesterday afternoon at I school house about four mls northwest of this city between two boys Patrick Dalton and ! Fred Calvert who arc about 14 years of age. Dalon rlcel'N a cut about two Inches long and the foil depth of Ihe blade In his left arm. I soY- eNI an artery and came near costing ; Dalton his life tram less at blooti The trouble had been of long standing and was emi account of a girl. Wonl ! comcs from Waterloo to the effect that Clifton ; liinckiey an old Ashlatl boy . whoso left arm was badly cut by a circular sa. ' . cannel possibly recover , as tIre \0111 retused to heal ! amid alt hopes of his ultImate recovery halo been abandoned. Mr. lunclIlY was born and raise In Ashlnnd and Ihls will [ cause a great deal of regret 10 his many friends 11ev. John M. . Whie ot the Emmannel Baptist chlrch of this city has reslgnC1 his charge and will lrlach his farewell sermon ilirmiday ITo goes 10 Missouri , where his family Is located on a hamesteal. , Alex Lalcrl ) ' today shIpped two carloads of fat cattle to South Omaha from this plac3 which were above the average for this season . son of the year. _ _ _ _ _ _ LcAIMEIIS. j4 I'EIIESTS TJS11E.tTIIN . lID. How the l'rollo..IIogtll\lon 01 Ulco " ' 11 Unmng. R l.egltirurttn Indu8try. W/rTERLOO. Neb. . Feb. 20.-Speclal.- ( ) The oleomargarine bIll Is causing much uneasiness - easiness In this section . There arc about 100 farmers owning and miking tram ten to fifty cows each and [ urlshlng their milk tea a local creamery whIch ships IlIa the pack- lug houses at South Onnaima where It enters Into the malle.up of the much abused oleo. Thc best farmers here claim in this vay they can make 25 per cent more out of their cows than by making butter . which Is retailing at prcsent for lr cents per pound and with 1 poor demand whie Its twin brother , olee brings 20 cents with a fair demand Arat 1 nt Uxrord. OXFORD Neb. , Feb. 20.-Specll.-n ( ) Tuesday evening March 5 , ox-Governor Thayer will deliver his lecture , "nemlnls- cences of the Late War " In this city. He comes under the auspice ot time Grand Army post and Women's Relief corps. Rev. C. H. Dranlete of the Presby- lorlan church wi preach his farewell ser- mon next Sunday . hayIng accepted a cal to tire Blue Hi and Kenesaw churches. Lalnborn's relief bill . house roil No.1. Is hooked upon with disfavor In thIs gectlon . The feeling against It Is so strong that It Is eXlremely doubtful If tire required number of sIgners can ! e lcl'cd to cal an election. Creditors of F. D. Wheeler closed his sa- loon last Saturday on alachmenls for debt. Wheeler promptly reple\lned time stock and resumell - . busluess. . . . - . . - - uranu 11aStr J. TO. Jonnston or ! uperor paId an onclal visit to Oxford lodge Inde- iendent I Order at Odd Fellows . last night. Pro ! . W. T. Oales Is engaged I time laud- able enterprise oC'establshlng ( n school ii- brnr ) ' . 'To help along tire movement tine schools will give a Public entertnlnment on Washlngton's bltthday. Wil ! ( hTU its Electric 1.111111 1'imn. FItEMONT Feb. 20.-Speclal.-Last ( ) nIgh tine Fremont city counci held a Gpclal meetlmg ; . lt which I ! Illans at tIme city cn- glnecr for a lullcfpal ; electric lght planl were formaly adopted together with the es- tmate ot cost. Tine Board at PublIc Works was Instructed to advertise for bids for time work of erecting time plant No HUld" for 11.11 ( .rnli . . JXnANOA , Neb , Feb. 20.-Speclal ( Te- ! egrain-1'lro ) county commIssIoners met 10. day to cOlslder time question of calling an eccton ! 10 vote bonds for Reed and teed. The Ietlon did not ha\o time required nut- ; blr at sIgners Ild ; no election was called . 'rhe board adjourell until . March G. " 'B.I'11 J ! ' 0111W4/l'J' , Fair until t'oolor him 1 "Mtrl Nohrallm , wlh . , . . . Nort".t VtnnIu " 'ASJJNG'ON , Feb. 20.-Tho forecast for ThlrfrllY IR : For Nebrasla-F'mllr : cooler II Ihe eastern - cr portol ; northwest winil9. For : \sHourl-I"llr ; ; cooler In time nOI'lh- er ; hIgh ! west 10 norlhwest winds , dlmln- bihilng. For icntcns-Fair : ; northwest winds. For Jowa-Falr : uooler ; Ilollhwcst gales . mlisniniisim I n g. Ihnlll I.u'al ; I lIver , ni . OPFIC1 0 'rUB WB.\'II R BUl AU. O tAI\ , You . 20.-0maha rcccrt of tmflier- ) lerlllO mm mini , I'alnfll. ; CIJII > red \ v \'mlcr- I I I I COI'cHI10ndlnl : day of the IlaRt four ycnmm's : . S5. ! ' . 189i. 159:4. : 11.92. Muxirnum tcmp"ralul.e. . Ct ; I 42 50 rutmlm Mlnlmmiumrm lel\erture. . . 31 0 20 :1 \ : lnlmum tcmnpet'ntUre . . . . fO : : 31 32 1Iecl1lalon lellcmlurc. . . . .0 .07 .0 'r eondllol ot " 'm\lllurl an,1 , prcclpllton al Omaha for the dury anti since Murcbr I , 1891 ; Normnl tcmplroll.c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G Ilxeess for time dnty ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Normal Ilrlcllllltlon . . . . . . . . . .03 1\'h letlciency for tht drY . . . . . . . . . . . (11 inch 'l'olal jwccipltntion since : I arch 1 IG.f' Iwhrs : Delclcncy precipiaton March 1. . . . . II.33lnchel Jlni1nortd from ; ; hither ItiUuIJ ft I I' . N . - nl pri C STA'ZIONS. I F UTATC Or g if vrA-rnxemt , ? _ _ Oumaba..r . . . . . . . . 4 , ua Clear , North. Platte. . . . . . . 42 OW .1)0 Cloar. % 'rtlcntlnru , . . . . . . . . . . ann III ,00 Clear. Ctnictnco : . , , . , . , , . , . , :414 : :15 : .u Cloudy. St. I.unml . . . . . . . . . . , 10 fin .1)0 ( lirmi3y , St. l'au& . . . . . . . . . . . . . a' ; 42 .01 CItiar. DVunpn& . . . . . . . . . 'Jit 4'1 T Clear. tarrsrui City , . , , . , . , film GO .00 dainty , Domrv'r. . . . . . . 54 2.0 .1)0 ) Ciummdy. Sail Lake City SrI 4.i .OU ( : iormmly , itlmpltiIhty , , . . , , , , , , Smltti ' 3' Churn , Ileheant . , , , , , , , , , , . , 4 ( .2 , On ) l'artoloudy lmisnrunck . . . , . . . , , , . So 40 ii I ( 'lcmr. : Si , Vimneen ; . , , . , , , ( I :14 : ' 1' ( 'lear , Clueywrne. . . . . . . . . . . 4l SIt .Dll Clear. 2'f lies Umly . , , , . . , , . . 'III 40 _ tt ) ) ( 'louu'Iy QmrvoMun . . . . . . . . . 48 Sti .oo Clear. ' -I , , indicate , tr.tce of preripitetion , K4. A. WLILSII , ( .1bcri'r , 11O1E INDUSTRY AND SUGAR $150,000,000 , Going Abroati Aniiuslly for This Stapo Shou11 Remain tt Houio. IT WOUlD ENhANCE GENERAL PROSPaRITY Cogtt lleruson % hmy Nehirivika Simotid ( ht'ro' ' h % l.iiernl lhouimty to lime home i'rothteer - ' Ilnimig .l.ney' htito thu $ imuto smut Ileep Other iitlnatntenn Wtt thilt'ni , ChAPMAN , Neb , , Feb. 1D-To 1110 Editor of Time lIce : To tiio fooiisl ; ( alit auth tire cotblnetl fight of ( \\'orltl.llcrahri nun the free trade fafers ngaitst tlno sugar Industry ntut bounty 1 stmbiitt time following reply : t atitnlt it iuay bI'retig to tax all tire people annl gtve a hlehlefit to a few , but wltfit hemous this beieflt ? Iii IL not 11110(119 for mthl ( he peo- lie , especIally for tIme farmior , to call his nttentlon ; to a plant which , hI' tineier ciii- tivatiomi , tIVel ; ii ; the tiniest scasot ; , gIves ml crop , and on wirose curttutre is based oto of tire greatest Iintlolal imiiltmstrlcs of time west- em states 7 is It not the duty of the state fldllhlistt-ation ; to etitmcate the lcoPie anti oxtemul its nit ! lii a conmtcrclnt crtsts lllo : v. Imave nout' , lmcre tIne market frice of wimetut , cotton or sttgar is bclov cost of pro- titlctionl , mini even time linen of beef nntt pork imas atmnkcni ; so that time farmer canIlot ralso cnttia aim ! imogs Proflttbi : ) ' ? The market of tire 1nahil products front the t'estenn states is destroyed by fearful conritietitionl frail ; Argemitlteunstralla ; , lmndia amlti other emits- tries before the Pronhrncts of otnr soil reach tire seab.ird for exiortatioml. The irothmcts of these coimmutrlc's vrevail lii the niarket of Einropo sltnply because timese countnies are surroundeni ; by vater anti Ihnuvo 01111' to statul the ocean freight , winlcir is vcry cheap , aiid they have , besides , thro advantage of cheap labor , Conec.rnhtc alt ttI. T lnt'r , to any to tlr fr-co trailo cratlc ; , is It ; rot tlr duty of the state amid goverlhie11t to call the feojles at. , _ ttititlon ; to m'nlslmmg the iuroihlmcts wlIcim we how lmrinort frorni forelgir countries , of which sugar is tine leadiig ; article ? The total Cllisltlnptton of sugar In the entIre - tIre Umited ; Stales in 1591 vtts 2,024,648 tons , of which ( hIre catno from Cuba 1,005,761 tons ; l'orto Rico , 31,402 toms ; lettorarae 45.952 tons ; British West indies , 122,657 tomns ; otirr \'est Itruhies , 45,347 tomis ; Ibrazti , 87,616 tuts ; East lntiles , 135,894 tons ; Sandwich Islamids , 150,815 tonic ; Europe , 1G4,32b tuna ; other coon- tries , 15,137 tohs ; tine total imported beltg 1,804,866 tons. while oIily 205500 tons was imonno prothnct. Tineno is an Immnenise stock cf sugar now itt tire lnarket of time UnIted States , alriiipenl It ; before thio new tariff law camio in effect. There are 1,973,000 tolls ly- log in Cuba and other Itdiari islaniuls , vlricii generally go to tlo United States , amid If crowded ourt of urso irero by the 1,000,000 tons surplus beet crops of Eulope It will be because - cause of a conietition of low prIces. Dtmring the entire ndnninistratlcrnm , tlrrefore , tue pros- emit tarIff law me rendered Ineffective , cape- daily in ; time near future , and without tue stInuitta ; of a bourtlt ) ' lss' tire rlomestio augur inudustry will die or sleep until tire country Is savenl agaim ; fronni tine Imatids of American industry - dustry wreckers. Tire courtmtrles wiromn we patronize In buying their sugar inave very cheap labor , not cx- ceenhing tine note of 25 cents a day , arid labor is tire mnalt ; object in ; the sugar industry. If a man ; sees tine ; tunnber of hatnis w'orkirg In a beet field or factory and sees tine pay roll Saturdays hue Is surprised. Now. why should we support tIre laboring people of Cuba and other Indlami Islands , or of Eumrope , and leave - our incoide without cnniloymnent ; for vinat pun- 0050 do we patronIze the Sugar trust , whmicit is buying all the clomp raw sugar of foreign countries for reflnlng ptnrposes , and which dictates to tito Aunenicami people tire Price of that article ? If we lied a hrome Production In t. sungar thIs trust mnust fall. Is not omr soil as good as tli' soil of Cuba ard Europe for raising sugar becta ? The short- sigirtedmucss of the Annorican in this branch is bcyomtd all belief ; while connplalnlng of hard tunes arid bad busimiess and votimig To- hief bills to keep tue people from starvation - tion , we imave destroyed hotne industrIes which , ' furnislmed work to thousalrda of hands. Is it ; ; ot worse titan stupitiity to destroy tle AmerIcan sugar industry and build the sugar Industry of foreigmi countrIes , when by a- few years' bounty or duty on imports we could stimulate sugar-making , in Anneniea so that wo would produce every pound that we consume - sume , anti keep more than $150,000,000 winch we now send abroad every year in actIve circulatIon In our own couitry , besides affording - ' fording paying enployrnent to timousamdmi of farnors and laboring mon 'lmo would other- vise be compelled to comupeto with oIlier furnlern and labonIng men for employment In productIon of corn and wireat , that is already overdone ? lion not the aumgar industry - dustry In every colhntry boeni promoted , fostered - tered amid protected by a bouniy law for soy- oral decades ? L'Veh ; an export. bounty Is now paid in every sugar prolucllg country. Would time Ituiropeati states , who lmavo double as mulch debt as the Unitonl States , do tills If they' vormltl not be conviniced timat this sugar Industry Is brimiging aim imnnenae prosperity - ' perity to tIme people annl countrv7 Time Mc- ICinley bill did do the aane , anultinder that stimulus of bounty law the sugar Imdumntry did grow rapidly. Tin , bounty contract was outdo unt'hIDO'j , and a barrel of lmiony yna Itivested In sumgar hroperty , based on good faIth In tbmo govcrntncnt , and tlmo govern- # mentt was bound , iii mull irotor , to nmaintain thin contract ; otirerwlso It is impossIble to raise capital for hrnlldfng UI ) thins imndustry , which pronirlnted so much to our western states. Regarding Nebraska's beet sugar industrT I hravo to say tirat its existonice axrd progress - gross deplnds on the passage of tIme bounty bill , Tine Oxnnrrd conrpamy built tine present factories in good faltim anti Sllmtt macro than a trlllion dollars in this state , but in place of receiving tlntuink tIme protection wa taken Off as sooti as tIme factories vero iinisleul. If eacin fool whmo is agalnst protection of this industry , in clalmtlng tire lirolit vould be too large , thitmicut there tnt too much money - in it , ira Inlgimt go dread onuml raise beets and lrOdUCo sugar , I , flS lii ; expert , will tell iulmii thmat even with Protection ir can Jose mormoy If lie has not exlnerionco in ; time husi- ness , \mmnhrington nrnnh North Dakota have passed a botnnty law , anlni hitaim , Oregon nail Colorado each have one before their beglsla- litres , but Nebraska inns time reputation as a sugar state , anti thin preselmt legislature nlioriinh keep imp this reputation ; earl not suffer this Inuhustry to decihmle , ito that tuft sanne lumcy brinig credit to Nebraska iou anul hr-os- peril ) ' to tire people. ED1LD ! S'FAIIKE. 2.imm'k I inimmily 0 1,1111 Noicd. Yoltic , Neb , , Feb. 20.-i3paclai.-In ( ) tbmo case of tIme Capital National banle of Lin- colt ; , by its receiver , hCetlt IC. hayden , against I ) . J. Cnmnpbell , set for yesterday , tie one representing tIne i'lahntifT ' appeared , ivhucre' tilioli time jutmhge clrarged tire imlaintiff vitit lb jury fee of $5 , atii tue case was mont dowma at tIme lottoln of limo docket , 'Fiuo chances are tilat this case will neb be reached again this $ terni. TItO case ret far trial today In time a'Irnlnia- tratrlx of J.rmnt's Cmnnpbt'ii , deceased , agaltist Oeongo II , FlaIleD , No decisloil VaI reachned tt'day ' Iii tIle case of hiankltut anti llitclucocll against Thiomrts I , Majors , 'I'Ir jury hues benn out since noon , Ilstriliulhimg Ilchlof itt Hhmoilmy , ' BilEI.ifl' , Neb. , Feb. 20-Speclal.-Th. ( ) ' nttner'ts nf Shelby were more ei'owrled yosur- ( day tiratm at nmy oIlier ( line tinin year , Tue t town feOplo were ormt enjoying tire warm wenthrer. while throto froni the country came in to stitness and ilartak of time ilistrlbutioni of two large vagotioads ; of provisions tlmat liar ! bcntt sent by time State Itehief conumis' zion. it was notIe'aimle that very few reald' mIff in the town atnil tine innmetliate neIghbor. hood ClIplieni for aid. htmt mnany a bome imi the rough land. of time l'iatte north of here was marie hmappy by lire sack of flour , the jug of nmiohasaos amid ( lie bumnniis of se.ninid.hmmtrmt1 ckthing. _ _ _ _ _ _ it. tv , ilouglamr' hitnreitvomiomt , IILICIIOIIN , Nth. , Fdi. 20-Speclai.-fl ( ) , w. Douglas thIs tornin received a telegrams fromn Ianaorn ( , Ill , , atinounciug tire death of his father , Nr , Dnuglas , tr , , was born 1eh. runny 15 , 1790 , and loaves IllS estate valued at $0,0Q. _ _ _ _ _ - For throat diseases , coughs , colds , etc. , effectual rC'hinsf Is found In the use of "Prawn's lrmmicJmJsl ' 'rucleL" , I'iice 25 ct , Stud otllZ in ivxei. . . - , .t * -r-