ULI 1j. 7xmIrfl1-L JUIu1'r. ! - . - i----- - - - - - - . jiir - - . - , 'r. - - i , ' : _ _ 1 ft -1 TUg O)1'AIIA J.AJI..Y 13lDRt.TnrnRDAYlr.IaBltUAUY' 21 , 18H . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . L. 'TI-JI OMAIIA DAILY BEl. ' . - - - - - - - - - - = - B. nOSEWATEIt. ldllor. . _ . - - . - = - - - . - - - l'um.15Im Ivlmy ) IOmHNG ? = TCIIS ; - OF - SUDSCnU'TIN. Daly Ike ( Without Sun."y ) . One Ycnr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ n A 1 3)I1y fl'n and undny , Ono Year . . . . . ( 1Ix Months . . . < . lun . . < . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r (0 . 210 Ilx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ' . . . U'hro ldnflttIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ulrro ) Monll. . Ono Yenr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 03 . IlnI le" . . . . . . . . 1 rn Snlulliny Ue" One Yettr . . . . . . . . . . . ; : re llr lice. One yenr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gj ( oFF1CFS fulh OrnAhIft. Omnh" Tim flee Slnler Uul.lln Ilk. . . . Cornet N an,1 : ( h It8. Council IflulTh , 12 PeRI 3trct Ilur. 1 . Clnel , ; 11 CIinmbr of Commerce. cbccnio omc" New Yorl : . 1ton \ Clnml.r . I 15 , 'rlbuno 1Jd. \'ublnRlon loml , 101 t , ' Rlret , N. W. CORn iSVO1)ENCC. connrSIONIENCr. . Alt cornmuntcntInn relating : to tW nnll cl. tonal communleAlonl n1ler : ' ) 011 < " relllnl ndt , ' 0 the tAilor. IIUIflNflSH 1.I TTIS. Al lu lnrl IU lelers nm1 lmlianee" % aholl b flfldres8e0 to 'the lice 1'ub1tlLlflg compnny. nldru.c1 , DrAll 'rlo " \eo l'ulllhlul po.tofeo onlers , to be innde pnl'nI.lo 10 t thn nrller nf the COmr"ny b < Io'nllo 'I DJ . I'UDLIStlNC CO ) I'AN\ - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - STATCMINT OP C1flCUbATiO. STArmmNT 01 . . - . . ' of TIe 1O Pub. OeorJo I. T7.chuck. Eecrctnry le" . thnt ilfihing Clll" ( ' ) ' being 1111y sworn. 1y. . the ) ItCtUlt nilHIer of ftiIl nnll complele copief of the , Iniiy Morning , ful nnll tunIIB ) ' lice \ g\cnlnl ' . 1133 , vas printed luring the month of Jinunr ) , prntNI Un\f Inonl1 . 11r ns foIiosi : 1. folo\\ . . . . . . . . 19 , : : 17. . . . . . . . . 19.201 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,183 2. . . . . ,20nl 18. . . . . . . 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,2.11 . 19. . . . . . . . . . 19,1.9 . . . . . . . 2.1' . 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,180 4. . . . . . . . . . 19C12 20. . . . . . . . . . . 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 , 21. . . . . . . . . 2,913 . . . .6. . . . . . . . . 20W. 22. . . . . . . . . t9,9.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,111 7. . . . . . . . . . 19,33 23. . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . B. . . . . . . . . 19,73 , 21. . . . . . . . . . 20:10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,2j1 9. , . . 19.62t 2. . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.19) , 10. . . . . . . . 19,700 24. . . . . . . 11. . . . . . . . . . . 19,70 , .31. . . . . . . . . 21.10 1. . . . . . . . . 19n8 28. . . . . . . . . . O,3i9 I .1. . . . . . . . . 30,3 ) 29. . . . . . . . . . 20213 ' 14. . . . . . . . . . 13,461 $ O. . . . . . . . . 13,99 1. . . . . . . . . . 19.5t5 31. . . . . . . . . . 20.633 16. . . . . . . . . . 19,311 , . Tolnl. . . . . . . . 19.31 . . . " . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .61,613 . , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Le ! ! un-.I ! in1 Icturne,1 coplcii. . . . . . . 6.31 Total , rlo fnl , . , . . . . . . . . 101 . . , . . , . . . . . .61.2 : tniy n 0 ) \emgo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,71 < rnonon 11. rzsciwc' . n F 11 T7CltCIC. . Swotn 10 " .forI me nn.1 Bllbcri1r.1 , In my pres. ence this 2.1 tiny "r I'chrnr ) ' , 1S93. - N , I , . riii. . Nolnry . . l'ullIc. - - - - - - - - " ! o\ ; ( 'IiC11gO ; , f1osv l tile ; good ( 1 ex- nmlle of ! hllllelllht : 1111 elect I 10' IJhlln I flilyoi ; ' . A el1IVtlI' IOW WOlhl ) hI' I ) n trife late , h1t ) SI Ill hi itlflile ) Illl ( 10 mnla' 11 1111- IJ'HSlol Oil thl4 wlllols cOlI hi : . , ; . 'i'lit' In 'orlr ) ; of Phll\ltlllhln wi lot 1)0 ) lHel1 itS I SII'IIIIIItole ) ) ( ) to the cellt'l'nlc t I 1I'IshltI1htl ) t I iioiiil iitt t lou . Xot this thud Ex. ( OV'i'iiOt' IntlHol wi n111113' to ex- Govi'riuor I Ill ! f)1 ' louhuuu for his Go\el'lol' Hi fO' ) hnll (0' IIJ11ell flellgs , hot 10 mCltol 1111ltell Iloltcnl nsihril tlOhl8. nSII'n tOIH I11nln : Is not goIng 10 let that "n- cnl { ' ' lit Ihl :1lxll:1 IIHHlol get a \ \ ' ay fl'om hit'i' fO' Ilr 11 < . of cllhlntl'H front thl' ? I looshet' sta I e. . l'i'esltlt'itt ( 'hi'velaiitl ! Wilts I 11sllctr i' . tlleltooel ( Ihnt I lie I Ilelglll ' hll : ! hil I not tn Hlnll101 ( the O'IlI' uf hlH hol ) roi'ing I , h1t 1 > to hollw nt Oll'e , I : IH s1J/l'tell thnt the l1mhelH of . thc \'arlo1R IegIslatiireo 10W Iii HeRslol . who are ImHhll , bis to le1late the ChIU'gR : of RI elllng car 1m ell ' work- lug for soft 1)crIlis ) for tlieInselve $ . . . I the war - lusts n11h longer the Chi- - IMc govci'nnient 11 ' lc forcell to fol - low the eXlmllc ) of those of its OnCC1'E , who whel llefeatel khHlr accommo , dated their victors l ' cOlml UI ' sui cd . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . I does 't matter wllit 11epa1tlclt : thc . : salnl , , " rot'C1hICIt heghlf II the cry wi lie Ihat It Is thc last one II which ' 1cdnctols ouht to le lulle , I there . Is no first reduction It Is 1)111111 ) that there can be no last Ole , . - During hc t cold days lum ) I street rlhYt ' IJsHel/el : his nHla lulnIseif , . How do thc motormen , * tonnage 10 keel ) ; "al'm ? 'I'ho nUS\\'C' II Ihat they dOI't , Every ' one who knows what I Is to le cold wi srmllathlzc wih the efforts of the motOllen ) to secure legislation that I , . wi cnlble ) them to dllHl as of right ' fl'om thc blasts of protection 111SlH winter while ItelHll to their t1utie. L Senator \111 Is iliuhilly sensitive about . the criicsm that hm hcn ) lutle UII , - the fie that the new bond contract was drwI 1111 wllesHell by iEr. lllncls i ; I"3'111e .HleIHol , the feu'iiier Inw lal'tiiet' of PI'eslllnt Oleveltuid. le mlght also ; lio' It is that ? ' . Stetson eXllal1 Iow If l :1' Hhould . havc hCNI ) RIJclal ' 'retlilell to act ns . counsll In lie I 1llon Ilclle 1101gnllza. 1. . tlol lnllitco llshllr ) the fllll leg. Islaton hefm' ) COI leSH. r , ; I the Rlnto IH to Illr the ex1)'ns's ( of all ht'0eCliti0luH In whlcl It takes , a - change of nm1e OIl nCloult of local Im jllleo that Prevents I fair ald : hl' , partial trial we fear that the uitinilicu' of . cases clllg wihin this ellHI will 1001 1 > 1II'IIIgI ' iitiiuieu'olis. I wi he a IJ'oflable huslleRH for the varIous IOUI' . ties to \ V01'lC lIi ) such a locn I 1I'I'JuIlce ) II I order to avoid ( the leclsI of foot log the l'xIIISeS of IrOsecIitIott. Before the I . stilt' II commltcll to this proposal SOI ! . safogunril Sh0111 he hi'ovidel ) that wi ' the stitte the II'oteet 11110' treasury Igllllt IiossIhl13' If a llt UII ) JOh , , 'rho ohJlctol that his been raised : 10 i nil or the l'onl ( healers' license ol1lhueeK , g ; hitherto hut rodticeih 1110 ( the cIty eoulcl Is thnt t11 ' itu'e Ilt'lllld 10 hlt 0.1t the Ilnl dt'uiler elth'llr lu fn\'I' 01 the . large 11cllll' . 'I'ho wnr II whldl this I. tUW IH I br I l IeI II Ii'l tug ( )1''iS' , 011ho Hels coal to liii . ) ' the sonic license mOI ' vithi. out l'I'lml.t to tl extent 01 his hIHIII s. 'I'he tuI.is therefore iiiuehu ln'nvler tlX tll'fl' ! 111Ch hll\'II I' 01 the south Il'nler thll t Oi I hue 1II'gt ole 111 Oi th t I ! very siniu I lest IH 110 I ( Iget her 11'ohlhI0' ) ' . 'Ihll ohh'llol ( 'liii bu 01.1. - Itml ( hr ) I J1'llllh'll SHII of 1CI'III'H - varying to the Ihll or sales iuiuttlo. I . the city t'011dl11113' wnltl to elnl nit c11lhlo ) 1'llhll'o Oil this ImbJl'l't It wi . have Ito tllcllr II II'ellll'll/ 0110. 'lho bill IIIO\111 ( thlt all votes cast for ' of the ' ' ' ihistrict jinhgt's JII l'S tmll'I'I ! O' tlll'lct courts for eheetive ollico exeeptiiig cm'll Ilr clcl'ln' 0110 eXl'I lltl jltleli Oll'l'S shall bl void \1 not II'e\lt ) Jlt .1 l'H frl being l'I11111al's tor 10lJII1cii Ilosltull I I wi only force 1 Judge 111111 for , 0110 to 1'0' ; slSI lot hater than thu ( day before ch'c. ' iou . 'l'hie OhJl'tOI ) to nlo\hlJ entoil. ihates continue ' ' lCilehit'S 10 to eat'l cUltlUO 1I'Ishle O\el' lWItII'S to whll'h ' ' have ' ' I ' ' ' they hl\o II''lol hl'NI 1lslll It thnt their 1'llllelll' ) ' l'1lot - , . but Interfere molO O' less wlh the 1110 ntmlllttltol oC justIce ; nlllll ht 0\1 bo I 1'111tltol ) COl' them to lll'\'U't Jus. / thee. 1'\I'cll such l'llllhlntet ( to 1'/1J1 , the day before election ! wi 10t reach the I'oot or the oylL - - . \ T117r ( rJ."TIn ; TIf COST ? The slnle senate hlf : passed a bIll for cllS n cOIlltl01tl coiiveiit iou. I1it ' the ineiuibers or the legislature 11tl ( l1mlls \w ' ( olllll the cost or S1 I n IIlOCCCltu ' . ' of the Do they cotl1ehcl.l the Sl'OP Pi'Ol)5I ( cOI\lllou fluid thl' II\'lnblc IUl'uml 111 cOlleltol whIch It Is sure . to ugeluler ? AI\1 that the conveii- . 101 vns COll11osed or 011) ) h111'llw\ ! N'8. 1111 IRSUIC f\lthfl that Its 8(1' slols would he limited to forty ( hays , nlll thc In'III1 ' cost wllJ iK folows : One hundred membcr nl . : ler day , alttlng forty days. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20OO Fifeen <nl emllo'es nl $3. . . . . . . . . 1,800 Two stenographers al $10. . . . . . . 800 $0. Mileage ct rnemher $20 each. . . . . . 2,000 Printing nnd stationery , po3tage nnJ Printng papers . . . statoncry . . . . . . . pC3tagl . . . . . . . . . 10,000 $ 3tGo Publication llrtcen : times In ninety . counties ns required by present con- sttulon , and assming that new constitution Is ot same length , wou1J give each pap ? r $1,372. or a total ot , $ 123,4S0 - Tctal expense ot new constittiofl nllowcsl . . . constuton . . . . . . $ . 'hls I ! only a I fl'al'tol of thc Ile\'ln. hIe cost of 1 const I 1I0ln I COhlVetIthOii. . 'rhc Slhllsslol of 11 flth'llr IWW or- gnu Ic In\ t'n tiles wih t I tle t slbmlsslol ) of side Issiti's such ns01111 : Hufl'agl , . Il'ohlhllol u I I I 1 , Cllllnll'IOlntnl I I , sh light' tax II'ojCt ) ! Hla tt .ovnet'shiIp of Illble CaI' 1'lcl'S. el' . . o\el whleh tl stat wouhl 1m tO'1 ulI from celtl' 10 cl'rllfel'elce 1111 whlll'olll entail IICllculahle ox- 11lISl' ) nlli ( cOltlltol. t I I . COlrl'll ( t lie U' II t IIessl for nfl early It'\'IRlon of lie ( COIft 1tnl. vhy 10t SI'I'e tl t I 1'V I : Ion I 1 ) ' tl : 'lhlls. Hlol of n series of a\lllllelts : such itt ; ai'e nl'lalh' formulated 1111 no\ I plllll I i 11 I tl t Hl'mll' ? 'l'heHo i nl\III'i i Illts wi elite ) all the defects of out' organic lillY :11 t hlr call hc ) cured wlhll t wo ycurs : wih coiiiiuui'ttI''hY ) : ( small ' ' ' uin1 vItiiouut a struggle s\nl IXIl'lRe alll wlholt 1 Jle hn I t wOlll englllh'I' bitterness :111 : 1ll'll tl people ( Ii'lleIl ( into cOltellll fuuc- tolS wtln It requires hll'101101S co' ollmUol ) to seeuui'e 1 revival of mutual cOllhlelce and : In'osel'I ' . /1.1MlGIU ) ' lJ"C.IW. DUIII the t leha t { , Oi hl' t gt 1 lll > hOl11 hfl'0POSh llnl t In hue t Sllatl' : I ole of tht' t hl'iliilmllI llllls of lI'llelsl of tl u&- cent hOll cOlt'act : was thai the loal \IS to hl' In gI'l'atl'l ) alt a I 1I'llg1 lonn. l'l''iiilellt. ( CiCV'llltll ( wnH : sharply uuiu- hmlllll for hlvll hlslls : trtmisne : . tolSlh ) the I/Ilts of l uroplal : immik- lag houses 111 thl' agn'l'm'It 11111111 : at least half : of Ihl' g011 ! bought to hl' 1III0ltlII fl'o\ Ibl'Olll ( IIel01lCCI1 ns an alael. t 111)011 t lie ] ennui t t'ys ' credit. Senator 'olcnlt 01 Colorado : WiS lil : 1- Icllallchfllnt t II bllllg this feat umre of the hnlnll ns a tlisgrmucefiil 111 dlsholurhl ! dIcker aunt accusing the 11Ishllnt of UIIJtlllotc oction. Al this I ; the merest dello le b1n. ) ombc. 'j'hel'o mire 11qlesI01Ihl ' Iln ' things about the new 1011 con tlrL that are Justly 01J1 to l'I'llcsl , hit thc objection that It shouhl have 11'0' \'hled for ' In A inerhcan o111 \ ( IHyml'nt ml'lc:1 gold InHteal of Bmoplan gold Is fOUlled out nothhl/ hut t'omtless preiuuthice.Vhiat 1lml of I loan would these sliver ! mel have the govei'niiie'nt make ? Al ox- . elusively domcste loan ? If there any 111''I'cnC ! . between , the gold owned In this country mil that shl\111 her 1l'om Euli ' ole ) that malws thc latter or hess \'llt .thm : om' OWI ? Is not the :011 which IH to lc sent over from ubro:11 : In PllYiiiCIlt for our booths Illnlcnlr the same that was thailcd nit ( rout OU' tremmt'3' months ? ( luring the last six 01 el/ht As a muter of fact the Ullcd States has hover humid n bond Issue \IIm' al ngrlcnlnt that thc holdC's should be retrlclet to American cllzels , SUII' ! lse the gold had bcen ! Icm'ml h3' u II0mcste loan , would the successful bidders - Icls have : hesitated n moment to sell to : t ) ' foreigner who offered n funelentr tempting : Ilvnncc In prlc ? Ant of tittit , luart of the present bOll Issue that : Is to bc allotted to Amcrlcnn applicants : I whut . nsuralCo have wo that all 01 any w1 le kept In this country for any conHllclbl pO'loll of time ? HIY ! not Senator 'olcott Ind his frIends among the sIlver mine ownO'H IJcn only too glfll to float their mlnll stocks :11 hOlls In fOlol/1 Inalclal editors wih , out I Ihought Ihat they We'e 11011g nuuy- thing unpatriotic ? 'he ! UcHton of Ilolestc Ve1'51114 foreign loans In tmo of Ilt'nCe ) Is not ono of pat1loIsl nt mull. I l' I buslncss ' quest ion , uuire and . It Is ' l'resident elm'e- tllille. I If IIOHslhlo ) 1l'cRhlent - humid ought ha\e th\en I better bar- gauti with : AIl'lcln Ilnanciers. lie malnlalns that ho coulll not unllm' the cl'cumslnncc : . 1OlIIp8 thl'l'O Is 1001 , for a thifl'oreimce of opinion , But jlc- cl'itillg ' the tClms nl they lre , whnthm' the gold obtained 10 Cllnlshell br A\l'lels : 01' hr foreigners , Is of miIO' Importance. wih 1\r : l'gllentl to slHlaln n ll'lfel'clcc ! fOl' the foreign lomumu . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mn'rms ,1m sui'b'iurivr. ' ' Carlisle has In fornnol again Secretary Cl'llle 1 111 Infol'lell con/I' { ' S that ho thinks the 1\'en1I'S of the ' ' for thom govet'nhim'Ilt tw Iemnlllni uf the current l1meiul ' ' , whIt mOlths ( elllent lllal 'll' wih the hnlune ) now II the ti't ' mustmt ' ' , wi he lulclent to meet the { xIlnl1\'lg ( of the gm'm'nlell whl ! he iulhmert's to his l'slmuto of I iOfli'lIilis for the ( next 1111 'l'I' , l'ommelcln ,1ul , ) ' 1. lIe tithnks thai ' ' ' ' of the ' ' ; thllls thl le'I'ltnl' . treasury ought 10 han ! a ii t hon ty to issue Shol't tlo I hOlllH 01' ot ii et' obl t louis for tw I I PIU'lOSt ) ! 01 uiieet lug delcll'nch1 ! ( limit lar 1'lso flol ( hue tl tlnit' , but says thm'o Is 10 II'Slnt necessity fur exU' clsll such authority If I l'xlstl'd. hut hit tie nl'O thln four mouths of the ciuvreumt llscai 'l'I' m'enualiu , amid If thin ! un'l'lgo monthly Ilelch'IH' > ' In reu'eimuie thl'll this tle II 10 Jl'eall' than It hnl thus far hC11 thc stutelllt or the see- l'IJlaloull BI'em to he Oi the 81Ce Ihll' . 'i'hio U\'t'I'ugo monthly excess of eXllcllUtll'1 over Ieeellltt ) Ilneo .lllr 1 lalt hit ll'el aleut 5OOOOO ) , 80 that IC this continues , nod there IHUIS 10 l'cnHOI to txlllet 113' mntC'lnl chllg ! the lelclel'r of l'l'\'l'lte dllltJ thai ye- four mouths vihl ho iii time Inllll fOU' IJltht wi II UI 1lI hholhoot or fOOO. . A. slight 1111'\0Il'nt II i i'ct'Ipts 111 taken plUl'C lit time lltt t\o m'mlhs , hit this Is not 1elr to bo Inlltntlcll during ( hue 10 mlllll ; 111101 oC the Hlcnl year , ao that the iiOestlinmitetl tlehicioiicy 'lhi1 tiouilit- 10W etlhln 11 dt'lclelc3' ' 1 tlotln- loss . lt realized. I"O' th ! next IIlnl ) 'llt. tim treasury wi hl\o 1 10\ tOI't or revenue II the Income tax , whlll IH Xllfctcll by the olelnls to rl'll (1'01 : ! COO 10 $40,000,0 aunt lu ' increased recel from time largely Ilel'ensl'II Iccl'l pts fl'OI tl stsm' 11ul t' , nlet ( I II oil these that the ( tlltl' of I ! 1'lllf If hURell. A tolll" - mildy nccumm'nte cnlcllntol Clt he mule II 10 the 1C\'IIUO to he derIved fl'OI sugar , hit etlntlf of \hnt tht hIOI1' tax will yield \ are tll ! ' to he f0111 Ilsleallu . I how looks us II Ihl' in- collie tax would be sustaIned by the courts , but I If highly Il'obnble ) limit for n tle the clfulCIClt of the law will elcoultel n great Inl ' ( llculll , amid I It Is 10t to tue lXIllcl'll ) ( thutl ( wi yield iiitohm the first ' thc second. us luch fl'st year ns SN'OIII. a Is very IJ'ohnhle , therefore , limit ( the oldll est imimmite wi not lt l'nlzel It- the oll/lJt. tholJh they 11 ' he Intl'l' 'Tho Hecl'etll ' or the l'II1' ' hnH esti- muted , II UI ( or his ' comimimiummmhcatloims to ' ' H. thnt thl' suum'phuus fOl' time Ihcmu1 COIgI'I' > thl'1'1111 / IHcat 'c : l'"tll .1 umuue ao ( Ism ; , wi hc : ( .oo.OO ( . hut this l"Jlh'llllu toM IP' cIIIIH ) fl'OI the IICOIW tax of $ : :0,000" : ) ( ( ) . 000. I 1 11 qllstollhl" " ' wlwthl'l' thin tax wi yield tlt nlOllt time Il'st year of its cohht't'tioit. W'Itli ll'gII'll to other sources of l'I\'l" - mliii' , IIlh wi ( it'lt'iid 1111 ) tl ( coimili- . thou of ( hit' ciiimmti'i"s ' ' ' t . II' tel t\ COlltlr'SJ'OHPl'I'1 ty. 1 I Ii t't't' IH : . 1'1\1'11 I I of hlll I m.t lrlllll I i I utmti- ; IWH IIl'tl.lr , of which ( iit'me : : 1' SOII fn\'I'ahh' limihicat Ions , I wi hll 1m. II'O'llllt ) II the' t 1'111011111 I Illl'l'mtl I I I l'e\'llll' Ilcllt ; of tl t O\I'I\llt u I , lUl 1 m It h ; IH I 10 ! wise 10 t'outnt too 111t'I ' UIIOI - , . . . . : . . this. I I i mummy 101 Ill' 1111(1 ( I lout Il'tl1 { J\I'IOI/ I I i 1111l'lll I I ely alh'll1 'hl'l'l' 111'1. ' SI \\'m'I'altll : the behiet' thatlhe t I couIII' _ ' ha/ Uholt 1 t ut'muehmetl ( thl' I 11'111 t I g poilt ) , hit tIme ium'Oc&'ss of l't'l'O't'I'Is . loll to Il Hlow Ullalol { 'OISI'I\'llh'I' lles , 'hl' losses of l'alllni amid hmmhni' Iht'lu til bug ! 1llll'Pslol ( ) mute 10 hI 1ttI ! iii \ ull thIs \1 mean U eoiutinui- mulled for sonic tll I of thl' II'u'll'l' : If ICOIOI ' uIIIJ'Ilh'I'I' . 'I'hl hmutost eoimimmmummlcat tel of Hcl'ln' ' ( arllHIl' to ( 'oln' ; 1 : Hlmt'what rt'mms- suuuimmg mind \oul1 bl' inure so hit for th ( fac Ihal the i)1't''I0ui5 011110m ! of tile ' ' ' ' ' oil thl' t4lIIiit' ; umhijiet imave mmot Sl't'I'tlal' 01 Slll' Hthjc'l hl101 blll stslahl11 by remumhts. JO\t'\'l'I' . time ' ' situimitloit ' ' ' Is hess lll' t'easm'y sitalll cI'I'lalll : 11 h'ls 1)eI'ihOulH 10W thll It has hl'l'l 1\11 10st ( of thl' ( tle Hlm'l' the 11'ISllt mud- mmuimulstu'mut ion CIIl' into IIO\t'I' , As . to gIving the SCC1'ltH of thl' t tut'isumiy : imum- thm'lr to Isst hO\ls ni' otlC' obl : lols to Il'lt 'I'lklt'Illl'S ( , It Is UII.l'I ' that ( the Il'eHent ) lOIres1 do II. A nI\OSNI 7'l1 CU7'1S7' , The Hln'l mel II thc seimmit' yester- ( hay ahllolcII t lie effort to pass nt this sosIoit the 11 for time ummurestrlett'd etilnago ' of sl1 1. I was cXlllallel that they dhl this for tIme reason that ther did not \111 to Inll'rl the IIHa e or the 111roll'In ton his muiid com \ll . flit extra ssHloh of thie Fifty-fotum-thu eon- gI'es , I they WN'e Inlllcncl1 hy this coutsiderat ion , Iml It Is crhal1H enl ) ' falu' to believe that they were , It Is the Il'st tnw thc ml\oeu tus of the fl'e coinage of shiver have C\'C' H1'I'lllh'rlt In time Interest of mumuythihng , UIInl. . form courle hallhe1 : to Icel UI ) : coiutest begumii for sliver imtitll they WC1't' cOltCSt bcgul fO' HI\U' Ult tht'3.WC1't' bcaten. ' 'In tht Present case the ' \era tllouhteltr con\lncet . oC the hOI1Iss- ISS of the effO.t to get tw silver hilt through congress. The ploleellngs In connecton with the conshlemton of the melsul emi Tuesday showel that the Olllslton to It was delel'mlnct thnt It should he fmuiriy Ileba tell amid not 111riet through al its sUIIortm'f de- shred. Time 011110lents of the bill rc- fused to consent to n Ixed tme fur 1 vote on It , nml thcy had It In their iawer ! to IH'C'ent It comln to aolc. . With ell ' nine worldng days of time spsslon rJalnln : they could easIly have \sel ( ill this Unw In ltsc1sslon , : mdlt ( II hardly to he doubted that ther would hn\e done this lS I latcl of ' thc ( . After the bold dul3' to coultry. Afm' 10111 I hove nwle br the ( slh'el sonatO'H only two da'H before , \Iwn they mlllfHtell n letel'mlnlton to CI' ' thl'ough their memnl'e for l oubll the value of sii- vl by dc\'el'lng It to the t'easll ' It w'lmtever I lmmiyard , their sudden caphtuhmi- ( lout WIS Home\hnt sUII'lslng mouth wi Ilouhtess ) be no H\an IISallolnt\cnt } to the ( slh'el Intcll'st I : 1 [ UllerHtool1 that this Is the cnd of efforts for slh'C' Igislntol II this congreA , Ill It Is ctI'lalnlr to lie hoped that such Is tw ( ease. A.imy furtlH' \asto ( oC ( line 01 this question O' ammy- thll relating to the em'I'IC(111 hI ! culiablo 11 view of the Cnc that IHsl1's ! time lilii'Qp1'imltIOul ) bills yet to hc ( dls 10s1'11 of there 1t sm'cl'11 other imiiut- terH ( of natonnl hnllOltlnC ! whleh ought to be nclel luiomm. Sliver llhlheml / dt'ollJt from \ conHllel'l ton t by thll 101 J1'ess the country ell feel secure against nlr 11\lcnl IlcIltUI from thc exlstl ) ) olc3' regarding : slIver for I nUnbel or ) 'eitl 5. 'rhe next house of 1HI'Hcltn. } th-ns beiimir hmtruznlv romumbhicamu. It Is , U\/s Ilhl larlh' t' 1lhlenn. Il _ . . . . . u. . _ _ . _ n . . m. . tl'cl3' lafu to Ha3' that Jl meaHI'e 110' \'hlnJ for time free coinage tf silver coulll lJSR that hotly O' m'cl receive coiusidenat bit. The free sliver nilvo- eatel wi hll' ! 1 Iljorlr II the semi- nlo oC the 10xt cOlgl'lSl , Ill It Is to 10 xectell that Ihe3' wIll Pt'OIOse ) leglu- hi t lomi. Yel'Iwlr 1 H0\0 such lumens- Ore lS they han' just nbllllolel wi ho migahim brought fl'Wn'II But wih I house O\'II'\lllmlllr l'ellhlell ) l'CU the ( Iassage by thl' HClltte . 01 n fret coinage ICIHHI'I 01' In .thlug 1001 log II that direct lou woull ho Intl' , 'l'hiere Is ' ' ' i'emmson 10 t'xluet.'t thai 'lhtI'e Ii every \'IHOI l'Itd both H l'l'llblcal II'ethlent full I i'O- Ilhl'ln COIgI'SS wi bo elect ed next yal. Ill If HO time sIlver 111 clii'i'elmcy ! (111051 hots \1 uimdoulii ( 'lily thel t bo set- tell Oi a WIH ! 1111 IWl'lalwlt haHls. him the ml'IItJ0 the 1111'ohelHloI 111 11sh'UHt which have heml fostered br the sihi'er I Iu ' ' ' ho I ( 1lltoU COUJI''SI ummiuy IIKllssel amid Ilal\lal ofcl'ntoll cal ho adjusted to thai existing ) o1C3' and cOldltols wih coulllelco ( hut thc ) ' wi not he 11HlultI for some tle to (0\0 by I uu ) radical } slIver legishutloim. 'l'ho assl'auro of this ought to have nu 1II01into hle1clnl effect 11101 flnnmm- clal and ! uHlnlsR affairs. Time Btnlelwnt lldo 1y Senator Spl'echl'l' II CXlllnntol of hit vote Ignlnt the Simile uiuivcm'shty sJcelnl tax npiroprintIomm bill oxpiesses lit 11 sume- 111)01)111 lon \i lXII'sscs II lUC' duet IHI 11111'11 Inlle1 the chler ob Jl'CtOIS to this extr:1nnnt : inemmsumre. Nebraska It the { ) 1l'8ent mOlclt Is less . nIle t Giro oxtmOllnll' ) ' assIstance 1. - - - - - - - .H - - - - - - - - - --f------- , th ( \ s'ay or jJ'ollrlntoll to tht state Instuton ! . , h:11 nt tummy } l'l'\loUI tIme In her hlstO' " 1 : : llldlnJ the fCOJl' or thl' higher l'lluqntou oll'(1 nt the t'xioflse of hue slntf \ t'liiIe the Innl'll1 11'cll. t ics of tlt IYtljpll l'l' cOIIIlug t hll to conllct their CIlcltnl ' Rrhonl fadhl- ties IH of duombirumi 'xpethlemme3- . ) say time I'a > t. 'ril 1tnJl' ulh'elsl haH 10 valid cmliii to be froimi the eimfoiced call oxulptcll flol tl l'lfo\cell ceoIOI to carry ' \\'hllh : \ I ( l\llm II ( 'alellOI - htepreseuuitl1e ! Ihmt'chi'H nrqlulliulco wih the 111111' II uPlut'eltr ) ( 10t such thnt he Is lltHlell ( to bens aim the loo\ or th ( { ' hOIRl' nhout his Ipseulchlf Into biblical I lore. I lie haH faIled , 11 he ni' serted . to Illt lit thl' bible UI ' reference to havyers thl ( chariable view to take Is thin t hI' 1111 ( lot look long elol h. For- tllutel ' I' Ulfol't11ltllr , tbl ( [ I'C n 11llhI' of tlfl'I'Nlel ! 10 11W 'll'lll'I'I. - Otis 111'11 of II I mink . not ul of III oil' t I ' _ ' ' d I ' ' ' ' I deumee' t hi at tl'l'I cOllllnHIIII' t , tH l'\'hlll'l' tll In Lllw xli . which ellol'l ( time : \IHtlI' nH f13'11 : " , ' Ulto 'OI mulso ye In\ 'II'II I for 3' ( ' Hlh' I ( IIl wih I I b1'lllll I , gmie'iumi4 to Il hOI'I' amid ye 3'0uir.eiVel tOIlh not thl' IUJIII\4 wlh Ol' of yonu' Iluugeis , " 1111 ftmrt hit'r , " ' \'ll unto 'Ol. lavyems ! fol 'I hn\'t' 11(1 ] a\\'I ' thl' ] { l'of l\w\\'IIII' ] : ye l'lleltll not II .1 ' ( nu ' eh'I'H ! lil i thl1 t I thll'PI'l' I I I Inlm'lll I II , ye . hlllPI'ell" i 'r1 ] IIW 'ei- 111111 Il t t hioi'e t hI' Sl 1 ( ' 11'1)11 t t lOl II I CII'It'l I limit' Ihnt lie toeH tOlln ' . 'i'hut' heglslmitiurt' hns stuut'lc blow 1hl' IlgIKln 11'1' sl'lWlt n mit I ( nit' of hl'Hdm's : grouvlimg Ilmtlumsrlem ( ( g\\'IIJ 1111I'h'14 1110101' the II'pllxt limit ( It hus stiumek I ! I hlow ut inmpo.stuuu't' Ul tl Illt of 1111l'I'/ II Illnton inuttem' . Nnv suppose that thl' legIHlltlll of COtl't'leut should NI- act I In\ that t woull mchiuirc' ( 1111f1W' l1'l'I' ; 10 colol' mill sl\'m"lllltell mind gold- ! Illtlll Wlll' sn Ihnt ( IIIH1ston ; woulll mint hI' Iu Ilosl ( Ion I tn I i 11Kl1Rl' I of tll 11 sol hi sliver tuu' solid gold . nmhlit't mull lie t - HI\'l' 0' sol 1 olt. wouhll't ni )10' PIe of COnllcteut ( 11l'nOIICt' such IpglH' InUon limO I Illee of Htullhl ( Inll'\flllncI" . wih t'ollctel' , lHllcnl ' In.I \ \ . of thl t fllt thlt I I i idmu t oil \\'UI'I IR I 1IIIfI : tuui't'd mull lie I \ \ ' 01hi O'l'I" ? 'rhlH II iie- ' esel.\ ' whit our hmivmiimmkeu's II' ! 1101 Ig. i Is I quiestinmm . fu It hello'l" whether tl ( 111'III'S' loss II I Il'111llJ thf I 1)'lcc uf helf wi mint bl 10\1' thnn olfsl't ! r nn . ' IllHSlhll' ) ) gaIn In thin IllIllset ( mud- \'II'C In thl' t 11le of but icr. As IHnl1 I lie DougIns cOlllr leglsha- : t\o 11plgnton Is f0111 (1\lleel ( 01 Ilnr of thl' ( 10Ht 1111011alt IIWStOIH lnhl' Ilg thcl' mit ' tetioui. 'l'll Ilelegl tons fl'OI InIC'IHtl1 : : . C01ltrP'C \ 10111 thllSl'h't' ! .In . Imlh I prellcllenl , In uumtItm Ihl'l' is 1 ' ' . unlJ : ! : St't'lllh. ltd llll" I , tnlhl"'II".I' . ) In Slit m- Gobe.Democrnt , The warhip tVlctorlmt . the Cunareler , Oregon 1111 ( thE mymbe were all compart- mont ships. ) iand ' alt went to tOo bottom when . rammrll collslol \ 'fho hulhlers liw say thl\t , the comlJltmonts must he hult with sOllllllls reaching to time decll IlspennlnA WILl ) 400 convonlence . of com- munlcutnr tleprt. The City of Paris Is construcled 11' tills WIly. and she reached , port aCer aft aCldent ) that tore 1 large hole tim her Hul ; I Jloot\ _ * , ' 11111 ; i I o tllu4ry. ' 1 Ilnnralols Trl.llne" , " A bill has In'h In the North bi ha ! pascd Da- .tota leglsh \\-'QlfcrlnA $ II bOlt or n for each iqQ POU soj sirchmade ( ; Crm iota , toes gl'o'\l/lnt : . ' state This Is u meusul' designed tO sthlUlalo home munufuclures I Is olon tile right lInes. 'he sol of North iakota Is admirably adapted fOI' potato raising amId to extend all potato cul- ture wilt naturally curtail to some extent the acreage of wheat. Time starch honnly Is I n step In tile right direction or divers led Industr _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ 'Il. . l'A"llo lllro'\ ' ' . . Ran Francisco Chronicle. I congress wlshea to get the govern- ment's money out of the roads Il should provide fa ' putng the Imnltrullt properties under II govcrnmont commissioner. who shah run them In the Interest of the se- curl les until Bare plan Is decided upon for realizIng upon the property I . I Is fal ) ' to sit Idly 1) ' and allow the conspirators 10 carry out the plans they have entered upon so open I ) I ho courts cannot pro- toct the government the lawmakIng and admlnisterllg departments should act. . A thlllK 'UI ' Kxtcrtiuii. ; Chicago Itecerd. The Amerlcal people do not grumble al paying for alt the accommodations they get. 'fho are I luxurious people. but the feeling Is unl\ersal that the prices paid for sleepng ! car privieges mire oxtorlonate , Hence the bis now before the loglsla- turoa of New York PennsYlvania Imlumios ! . Indiana Kannis . Arkansan . Texas , \Vash. Ington and $ Othel' . omo ) states. In most of these slates the legislature proposes a rate POI mie , In Arkansas the rate Is % I cent I mile . whie II Illana ILia 75 cents for the frt 10 mIles and 50 cents for cacti additional gO mlcs , 'rho 1erl- sylvania bill Is like that of Indiana , except that II allows $1 for tim Irsl 10 nilies. An Illinois bill allows $1 for twonl.four hours 01' mess . HOIUh ( f the ( lthonhurg ritmoon , Sioux l'ity Trlhune. According to the decision handed , down at Ida Grove time Golhenbul'g saloon Is 10- gaiy dead , for the present , It leaMt. Judge ChU1'c11 rmtnted a ' ' ' Irantpd tempol'm' Injunctol against time Imloon , and refused to allow It to ho opened under bonds. I IH undC" atooll that the defense In the ease , that is . the corporton operating time saloon , has Consented that the injunction he mnnde p- potual , 'ho reasons for Judge mace ' ' decisIon were hinted at In ! yestorday's 'frluuno I seems clear that itt no time was the Gothenburg a legal institution . and that the judge as to the decision , had no ollton. What wi ho done by time Golhenburgers Is rroblolnaticni. I the ) ' get till I new county petition for idmu Illl COUlty embracing c per cent of time voters therein , on which petton shall appear 50 Jor cel oJ _ th" . voters Corwin . township itt Wlell JOa Urove 18 utItuatel , It may to Possible tlat limo communiy saloon may ho reopened Hut IS this woulll volvo 11 large exponse. and as the Gothenburgors co not seem to have hoon II time business either for tholr health 01' for phlolthropy , I Is extremely doubtful whether al ) ' lew petition will be ' otten . poUton wi te 'goten . up. Fqtilz-llg'.4centlnt ( wIth Morton. \rn8hlnlloa G1Plpnllent Chicago Heralll ( , At tIme son to , fnll of the capitol they think they hay.o 'II ' good Juke on Secretary iulortorm FOI' frttvo , ' , Iwo yours Mr Morton has been In time lllll of talking financial queslonR to e nors / who have calied II caled tim eparlment""bf : Agrlculuro (0 look aCer appoiimtlqrjtti. ! ' riicir lequests In thlH Ino tIle wily secretary has adroitly ) parrIed ( with an argl'Oen ' II favor or Htolpiimg Iho sIlver I 0 1' > Iw. 111 } wlln Mi' . HloPJllnl gets going on timoi Iinmtmicimil tm.nulclal luestion senate - tOI'S have foul' ' } it . e1lcull fuosJon wal Iwnl- tIme closing chUI 'Ii : r Whel the secretary s'iItcs a heityr , o' au oiilciul ' \Tles IIYI'lof UI olciol report on agricultium'al pmtutrH ( ' ten to 0mb If ho doesn't work nl ittd tl. Iolowlwro Ol object lesson on thu ' 1ltlnclal questiun . hut every - Hlon. cry dog wi ha'oJhI8 day Now the scout- tors are hmavg heirs. All day Friday Mr. Ziiortolma4t ( lie senut\ Al to consult with time headt4 there on time appromi-iaLion bill , which lil'en \ takel Ipprolrlalon 8 nato allent tll ( the tilno discussIng the tmo Ilunelal IUeSUOnr fbturdn ' dlsclsslnl MOl" , . ton Was on hund alaln bright and early. ready to give nlvlce about tin various Ioms In the budget fOl' his department . But mull day long the senate discmusstjd iinance. When evening elmo Mr. dlclssed , troll ald wcur ) ' , PUt on his big Overcoat , blS pulled his hat awn over his eyes and started for home ! while the senators looled ! alone another path wllled lho other eye. - J1'Im . . , 'n ( U/ll/.X'l. Chicago Recorll : Oermnny dcclar that she regards an InternatIonal Isremenl upon n ratio between 101 and slvcr as 11eslrable , nnd this Is the posilon ot the UnICI } Stntes. Iulnlo Expreu = The true ( solton of the currency question Is Secretary Wlnl10m's bul. lon note. That would bo actual bimetal- lisnu-and bimetniism on n gold bnsls. An International agreement al that line might ho ot great value , but International action Is not imecelsary . In order to make Il a 8UCCC ! I i'lmilmideiphmii Press : Dnrll ! tIme last year lie ( circulating mel1um has decreased about $120,000,000. I Is a mnlcr of more 1m. portance than seems La be alnchCI to Il ihnL the stock of money Is ( tilling oft nt lie ( rate of more than $10,000.000 per month. Since January 1 , 1894 , the circulation per capita line decreased more lion $2. Providence Journn\ The Iothschlels heM n higher opInion ot the credit of the Unlet } Stales than they have of the solvency of the empire of Chinn. They refused the 5 per cent loan ot the latter , while taking the 3 i Pr cent bonds of time forinem- Let us he thankful timmut our bllon.dol r congre s- mild ) have not yet rducce1 lS to the ( lenl or th manllarln.ruled Chinese. Brooklyn Eagle I : The cIty of New York can sell 3 : i PCI cent gold banI ! to the nmoult or $3.000,000 , while the fcelenl government Is coimmpelhcd through lie stupidity of con- gress 10 PlY n hlher rate of Interest on Iress ! the botlls which It Is about to Issnc 'Cho credit ot the federal governmcnt ought to be beter than list ot all ) ' cIty In the United States ; but It srcms that I Is not. New York ] Worhl : Time price which the forthcoming hOIII ! already ) ' commaml , nll lie ncilal sales ] In the daIly market of other sccurlles ot lie ( Ho\'Crment less desirable thnn these , 1110\0 that the hargaln wns n ball 011 for the treasury. The evidence Is equally clear that the sacrifice of credit amid of m0l2Y wns lS unnecessary ns Il Is shamefuL. Time excuse put Cor\nrd by Scnator 11 Is not vnlhl Dccs congress l1rl > ese to leave the Ecandnl as It Is ? I . S J'/O//.N : . . ' . / 7'/1"0' . Time ambItious legislator Ilo\s on which silo his Vote Is buttered. No wonder the Itglslnturo was worked \ osemtim butter questIon. In ( limit reSI1ct Il resembled lie usual condition of time aI- tclo discussed Senatorial deadlocks continue In Orgeon , Idaho all Delawnre. AII yet n senate , commlteo nssorts there Is no demand for elcton by the people. This Is an em of slrange hallllenlngs 11 No\ Yorlc's democrnlc camp There Is Senator Hi defending Clevchanil , while John ami luo.e'rl Billy Shechal retire from or- , flee II\eI1 , unhonored anti Inconsoled , Irs. Turner of Grand Haphls , \lch , . has set a new exnmllle. Al her husband's funeral she , Ielverd the address She could best Imo\\ his vrtues ! , she said In explaining I her uncol'entonal acton , and best do Jus- I ( ice to his nmemmiory . lco ) Secretary \orlon delghts to dIscourse al ilnammce and his poured out his SOIII la rounded peiods to mnl ) ' a vlsilng senator TIme later retaliated last Saturday when the secretar visited the capitol on other busl- noss. The incident was a sterling exchange of courtesies . A bill has been Introduced In both \ouses ot the Illinois legislature for the complete reformation of tIme municpal goverament of Chicago. An important feature Is the sale of frlchlses al auction with a Ilro\lslol for the pament of a per cent of earnings from such franchises to the city Old men have a prominent place la the couacls of Hussla. Time senior member of Ito Husslan ministeriaL cabinet Is Count DelganoI' . minister of public instruction , aged 7. Then follow P. S. Vannovsky , 73 ; n. C. Dune , 7 ; IC P. Pabiedonostzeff , 70 ; T. G. Phliiipoff. G7. etc. Among time under secre- ( tunes are N. J. Slo'aloskl , 75 , and M. N. Oslror8kl , GS. Among thc reforms which enfrnchlsed women wi Inauguralo Is time examInatIon of the physical and moral condition of men and women who desire to be married. The promulgation of this plank In a New York cub of women evoked lively applause. Just whelm and how , the reform will take efecl Is not stated Meanwhile easy divorce routes mUllply and scandalIze time land. The ex-boss ot Gravesend . L . I" , as appears from later returns , was nol sent to Sing Sing for tIme gravest of hIs crimes. A report fed In court shows that John Y. 1clane. while nolo engaged In stufng ballot boxes . and teaching the young Idea In the Sunday school , a'mused hImself by squandering the trust funds of the wIdow and orphans of an intimate friend , Omit of $30,000 placed In hR ! charge only $300 can be round. lodern innovations are playing havoc with the ancient and honorable institutions of Doston When the sacred and InspIring codfish . fish was removed from lho hal or the house of representatves , antique cult shrieked In vain. Then came the Iroley with its clang and ( lash and planted poles before the portals I of liberty's cradle Tears flowed fruitlessly. : Now comes lie melancholy news that Diy I Pnrks' place Is no macro Paris ran an ancient ' olnt where cull slaked Its thirst : , with cobwebbed ale and waxed fat and rotund - tund on boiled hobster I was a slag ro- sort- A cool , 1ow-ceiilnged room just out or ear Of the street's riot , I 'Vhere one may sit over his mug of beer And thlnlt In quiet ; where gathered professor and politician to , chat and quaff the moldy nectar brown by Di ) Time abandonment of lImo Institution cale forth columns of melancholy remlnls- conees anti tearful regrets. Unless lie brave anti true of Doslon rise up and hurl lie in- I ' norators Into time harbor Il would not bo 'I surprising I tIme sanctimonIous bean 18 hurled presently ( rom - Its high . pedestal. - J\UIIJS/l ,11'/ ) NJI3If.ISJC.18. Fire at Scotia damaged the ( store of S. Wilcox , causing a loss of about $500. Burglrs aL Genoa broke into the residence of J. M. Hntchlnson and secured $ G5 In cuh The revival meetings that lave been in progres for five weeks al Genoa have closed , Many converslcns have resulted. Footpads near Norfolk held up Farmer J. M. Maehmuler mind rebbed him of his oc1ce- book after rendering him uneon clous , Perkins counly now has no county judge W. S. Hamplon , who was appointed 10 act during time absence ot Judge Llleleld , hl' removed lo Ogaiala and left time office vacant. A Young Men's ! _ .ChI , tan . a s.clatcn . has been organized nt NOrrOI anti a ! ee rcauwg rom will b opened It n sufelent amount of money can bt raise lo keel lh enlcrprlso going Two men supposed to be cnterteler : have been captured by tha aulhorltes at Arlngton and arc being held for eX mlnaton , They were seen In the ac ot burying something and an Invlstgalon revealed that they had "plantell" a lot of counterfeit silver dolhara. WIlam Open , I I > romlnll citzen ot filler and formerly a county commissioner ot Jereron county , Is lying at ( lie point of deth ns the reJmlt at a runaway ncchlent. He was just recovering from InjurIes received in a runaway when the 5an1 team ( ran away with him a second ( tine amid caused the mi- juries which mmiay prove fatal , -a limo IClltl.l of I ho % 'cst. nelroll Free l'lrs. Time divorce refolmors should nl once turn their mittentioii to South Dakota , The laws In IUenton were cel'lllnly loose enough before , hut now hum term of real- dence necessary to move II thu Ilulol' of neCeHIUr eoverllg mltllmOllul ties has \eon retlc el from HIX monthl to thmree. ' 'lls Is ( lie stroimgeat move that aim ) ' state haH yet ! nUo Itrolgosl the direction ot maltn marriage a farce. _ _ _ . _ _ _ - _ J'ruls of itrbltriiltoim. New York Sun Time results of the ParIs arbitration may ho Hununed Lip In fourteen words : Defeater for the United Slates : fees fOI' the lawyers ; extinction for the fur seal . - - - Highest of al in Leavening Power-Latest U. S. Gov't Report \ , oVaI 4J I Powde Baking S 'B SOWTELY PORE S - S - CO-fltLtrfl\ . ! TUIIIS. Irot. Iimirrli lrt lnh Some New ItMI to the l'on\1101 or 11'orlnttnll . . CLIVflT1ANh . ) , I cb. 20.-Al today's ses- Ion ot the nlerlntellclls ot the National 1 llnentonnl association I'resluleimt Mxwe1 1mm- trot\cell l'rot W. ' . horns , the national eommluloner lt ehumcation . edncaton. l'rof. harris' subject was "The Co.Helllon or Stullles , " nlh1 his paper was the seeoml portion ot lie ( report of the committee ot ill teen , In the report ho attacks al lie popular pllaSC of "co.r < I ton. " Ih ! f'sents ( the corclntlon , on . the basIs _ or Cxporleneo ! In le ns against tt purely psychological bali I , . lie also antagonizes c.relatcm by system which Is chaotic :11 } subordlnales the very thIngs that ought tu ho co.relteI. A dissent from l'rot. Gilbert was read Iii connecton with time report and nlo one from Superlntenelcnl Jones of the commltce , } rnlit uicMuirray or lurnlu olmlell Lho llscussion on lie rcporl. lie gave numerous examplts ot co-relation. Time isolation of studies was voted by : tr , McMuirray as thc chlcr e\1 or tie Amctan school 8)'stem. 10 ham declared iomis , that the tport was full ot Mr. I'rancls W. Parker ! or Cook county ( , Iinois , spoke mmex ( . lie gave It ns his ollinion limit the report was n grand one , full ot ndmlrable stAtements , nntl moored to have hnll the cOllnltce . ot frNI revise the report I lr. Harris was then accorded lie floor for a secorll tilmme. lIe 11roceellct 10 return the Ire ur his opponents In . a lIvely mmuanmmer .111(1II2' 1.ISI : 71/ I'1etUI . - I lorto tu Si aim tile Fight ' \Inln ' t tIle ' . ' . \hJ.ky Trust. CHICAGO . I ch. O-A confercnce ot rep- rcsentntvcs of all the distillers In the etmuin- try was heh ( ella- at tIme olco of General John McNul , chief receiver of thc W'imislcy trust The conference haul no bearing upon the ( affairs ot the trust , its object being an aljustmonl or I > rlccs , General McNnlt lure- lra. Posed an advance II the price ot vhmisky or 2ccnt rem galen , ammO while no decsion ) \\'IS expcctell today Il was thought nn agrce- monl would be reached uun some such basis lS Ihat. ( "I1 conference was cx- pccted 10 contnue ( for several days , ns I contcmlllalcs n settlement or the bitter Ighl bctwcen the trust anti time ant.trusl coim- ccr . the \stlers Protective commltco of the Wllsl , ) trust today wcnt over the report or its expert wlh Receiver McNult. Chairman Ilnrlshorn I says time report shows better than was expected nlhough he will nol give out the ( figures until after his return 10 New Yorlc tomorrow. 'fhe Illnn wiil Ihcn be wi nnnouncet , I Is uldcrstood limo expcrt's report shows thai the assets nol Includlug the plants , exceed nit liabilities Including bonds b ) $550,000. . .Jl.IS 1tSE I JIUICIB1) . - Ch'llzoll I I it d hum IIOS . 1 I lotus mm Cnlhnlo n nil Is I , Qtlot ) i.aiii tn itc"t. NEW YORK , Feb O-Amerlcnn horse , the fnl-bloOI Indian who died at his New York home on Broome street , was laid nt rest last night. In I lonely grave In Ever- green cereler ) Although American horse , whcse civilized numo \\'nd Thomas Dboenx , was u Homal Catholic there were no religious cerenmon lea. l lther Crls attended time oh mal In his lat Iness lud at the house read Prayers over time cofn , There were no olher cere- 1.0nles excelll these hell br a l\nber of Amulcaa Horse's friends and relatives . These ceremonlcs were held by time Indlals alone and they refused to say what had taken place except that a tomahawlc had been placed In lie coffin and that there had bcen a chant , In which one or the men led The ceremonies lasted about halt an hour. At the cemetery there was no ceremony what- over , AmerIcan Horse was a CanadIan Indian , G5 years old. He was a scOUt In time late war anll drew a pension of $12 a month from time goveriiimmeiit. Ho was said to have been a I melhber or a Grand Army post e JUX ; ins . .0tIIfJtLt0Ri 'EC1fLr Ex-ovcrmor Jnvls ot Rhode J""ul Quiety Weit 1 Tmlchor. PROVIDENCE , n. I" , Fcb. 20.-"lfonest Jobn" \V. Davis lie democrallc eX'lovernor of Ihodo Island , who fled lie OfCD for two rears , beginning In 1887 , went over to Swansea , ! ass" , last night and was quietly I rrled. Ills bride was Miss Mary Etn PIerce , who for some tmo past has fled time position or critic teacher In the 110\1. elenco public schools Sue Is 50 rears cid. Time ex-governor Is In his G9th ycar. his engagement 10 Miss PIerce was kept a profound secret Even his brother , Darlu' N. Davis , a merchanl of this city , did hot lcow about It until this morning. After lie ceremony ex.Goveror and Mrs. Davis went to 1oslon and they wi leave thnt city tOday for a California trip Ex-Governor Davis hiss two daughters. lIe was the frsl demo- crt elected to the governorship II Rhode Island In forty yeara. . Stnnclrd.1.11. . " . . tOo I'rlco or Oil. TOLEDO , l eb. 20-Time Standard advanced Ohio oil 2m % cents today , the price now being my cents per barrel for south Lima and G21h for north Llnma 1 ' \(01111,1 1'liiia fur I I'lieiplt IIcI0rlnl , NII\V IIAVIIN . l eb , 39.-TIme prudential committee of the Yale corporation hUn commltce corporton ito- cepled time plans for I Phelps memorial gateway to cost $10.00. " _ - . - - - - - f" . - _ , i ! .J. ' TI 110 l'IITiTIU'i' , Ih'k ICansas City Jouurnalm 'l'lme lruomlser Poti- ( ion of thm White ilibboncra , comitmiluming 4,000,000 naun's , Iii quite on Aciuievtment In p J its wziy it will not accoumiplishm anything , of j.Jp coimrte , but It shows what women camm do lviilfl tIme ) ' immigino they are perforrniimg a f grand work. After awhile ( lie White iUblon- era will realize that reforimis mire tiot 'occorn- . - Idithmeti in this coumiury my tretitlon methods , , Os nmany ( houisintl cmiier ( good People iiruvn mcnlizcti before ( hiram , But ( lucre ii no reason vh' they sliomiidn't enjoy timeir llrecnt triumph whIle it Is In blossom. himdiamunpc'Iia Jotirnmuit The momister pa. tition uhilch Is being displayed amni cxploiteil In W'atlihngtcilm , with lbs ' , amiie of length mind millions of mines , seenm to bear vItmmcss to time aentlmentahisln of tIme gooti Wemimen wlmo got IL ill ) rttthier tiiamm to ( heir itrnctic.ul Itdonm. Timehr klemu seems to,7' have beth ( hint time mlmoral weight of a peti- " ( ion depends on Its length or the miuiimiber \ # of names It carries , but thmuy lmavo pushmeti tue idea to an absurd extrcmmte. Everybody hnot's how call' it Iii to get ighatumres to ii pttition , aimtl there is mmoiluirmg sumrimrising Iii the fact that mIllions of women thmromighmout ( ho voilmi should affix ( heir lmamimes to a Peti- lion 1uakIiif for laws to iTifike the world bet- ( er , limit , after all , it iii oimly a petition , anti ( is not likely to receive aimy dilterent treat- inent or moore consideration thami if It pro 0111) ' 0 few feet ioimk ilmSieith of several nuhle'a , TIm 4S0,000 signers outside of time United States have imo right to netitieiu commgreas , nflti ( lie 771,000 Ainericamu signmers have ito rigimt to ciiion the legislative bomlies of other couuiu- , trios. The iviioio mmmovemtmemmt sivors of ( lie , . ridiculous. ' Snim I ii cr11 , Ii tI I , Atlanta Comistlttition ( deni. ) . . \\.O slmouhtl , by nil mmmeans , have no extra session ot coumureuts , but resitioiitimtl ego(1 tlsim has ic.tclied high. Witter mmimumk at ' \'nshmliigton , 1111(1 it is imot likely thimit time Itubhic will get vitnt it wants , for ilinre. ( gmtrd oh' tlmo detmmnmitl of thmt , peoelo hiltS C beE'il time fmitl at tlmo white house for thu Past two yemums. 1,1 ' ' , , ' . , Clci'oinmmil's i'ln ( iiifnrt , S ( 'iiieago 'i'iiiitimc' . 'l'imcro roimialmms to Pi'eshtltuiit Choveiminti tIme t'oimufortllmg thought thimit ho 'lll alit- imist the FilLy-third eommgrcss two viiolo ycam's. _ _ _ _ _ -0- _ _ _ _ _ .4 b Til ii uiiii : l' CJitCid. Atclmisoit Globe : Commsimlerlng time opmortu- tmities the 1old has for Ilndiimg iieooio alit , vu tlomm'L nice viiere lie gets mummy mtimgcls , - Rain's Ihoin : ' 'rlmere is one sign ( lout , t iuimoulti be Plmlccd over every letter box Ilu 1 time city. ' ' " \'immut is that ? " " 'l'omtt mm bills. ' " S Cleveland i'ialiu ieaht'r : ' 'Au I' ' said time statcsmimami , "time govermmnmemmt is trying my PlitIm itt last- ' ' W'lfe-\'iimit's that ? - Stateammlumm-lborrowiimg moOney. hinmimer's hiazar : "Sinlmg Is t'ery vulgar , " haiti Miss Ilickaby. ' 'Hut HOiletIllles very expressive , I think , " said ? , lm- . JOneS , S ' "Phmmit 1)105' retuirimed iuliss hhiclcsly , "hut It doesn't cult any ice s'iLii lflC just ( Ito 58100 , " - Detroit Frea I'tess : 2du's. Watts-You hava a mnost renmiurkably lmam'd face , to toil you the truth. Disimial Dnwsomi-Yos'in , Unit is because it is so dry. I'hiilniholpmia ) imiquiit'c'm'Vifo ( at bicak- fast-1 didn't. imeat' you whelm 0U cammue iii last night. ' hlili4btiliti-t guess that's time reason I didn't heat' you. Detroit Free Press : Josemh-.Vhmat are you doiimg to relieve ( ho uncmimployed ili this coltl w'eathmer ? Jamnes-umo ? , Tosephm-Yes , you , JltlneS-l'mml trying every day to get a job. Syracuse Post : Firshoston Lady-Isn't it awful , iimcomprehmensilmly terrible ? Second lioston Lndy-'ltmit ? First Boston Lady-Tlmat the city would allow tIme trees to Pose as ilvimmg pictures all - time winter 1011g. Washington Star : "You don't hear anything - , P thing of mcyphosis bicycmistaruin any imiore , " remnarlced time observamtt mall , "No , ' ' replied the mihi'ician. "It's a pretty bati deformity , but nobody takes any notice of it since bloomers came into use. " Jtidge : hlojacle ( reading-Tho enip ror of Chilma iiai ortlcrcd time I'eking bankers to advance - vance hInm time money lie needs or hose their hmeamhs 'romdik-Tiiat sounds 111cc an American invitation to 0111cc holders to make voluim- tary calmIpaigli coiltribtitlons. Indianapolis Journal : Site-AntI did vaa Seen ) angry when you naked him ? ITo-Why , no. When lie Iel mit from tim room iy time ear and kiciced nme down stairs he laughed nil time thme. I mmever saw a mna in such seeming good humor. TWO vii' OF IT , inte Field's W'nshington. He said , "My love is like ( he sea , It brIngs its moss , it brings its pearls , And sti'nn'ls them at thy feeet for thee. ' She said , "Yes , like tile hove of men , Thie tide turns , sweepimmg out again , And carries then ) to other girls. " ' . 1770-1895 , Itobert .1. flumiletto. When Washington was l'residen- Au ; cold tot any iciclet lie ime'er on time rallroati went , Anti imever rode mu bicycle , He i-cad by no electric lamp , Nor hmeard about the Yellowstone ; lie ilever iicketi a mastage ittminlp , And never saw a telelihlone. Now in thmse tinys It's come to pass All timings are with such dashing done W'"Ve Rim these tliiflgsltit then , aiasi We seem to hmmuvo 1)0 Washington. - _ . , ' S 'REVABLE CLOTtilERt Youii' Moit.ey's Vorthi ot' Yonr Moaey ll.u , S A Staving Bargains-- Like the ones we arc offering Ofl our front two tables won't last long-You must 0 ; _ s/-ii / : , ' hurry up for some of these days it'll - IkiI / / . be summer aiid you'll have to wear I 1.IU / - /e thin clothes and pay morc for them than you can get a good winter suit - - , . ? - - . - - ' . - - - for now. You ye got three lnorlth.S , to wear it in now and it'll be a first cIas suit for next winter , \Vc've reduced the prices Ofl SOI11C of them (1OWU as low as $7.50-OIl tile front tlbe3 ! , Almost RI1 Pcc for overcoats now , Ileavy underwear , ho5icry , caps , etc , , come to a very low price mark , such as three pairs of fine seamless socks for 25c ; two pail-s of special tan socks for 25c ; natural merino socks 25c , or six pairs for $1.35 ; Cotswokl merino genuine Sluw'knit socks , 40C gradcfor 25C , Our regular i unlaundered white dress shirts 75C. American 1-losiery Co's underwear , rcgular $5 grade , for $3.50 per suit , American Hosiery Co.'s fine ribbed fprm fitting s. grade for $3 , Besides , our 15th street window where these wonderful bargains are displayed hou'd be carefully atclicd this week. BROWNING , IING & CO. , 4 Reliable Clothilei , . N. 'uV. Cur , 1 5th ItIlil Iotighmtii , _ . -5- - F ii