. , - , - - . . . , - - - - . . - . , ' _ _ . . 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'rUE OMAITADAILY Bi.'JnrnsDAy : , FEnnUAUY 21 , i89. : months-aml bearing : IntereBt at the rate of 8 ' per cent , r per cent of which Bhall go to the v county end the other 2 per cent to ! o to the county treaBurer for transacting th busi- . ' Senator Back Introlucetl , tolay , a bill to provide the manner of conveyances of real ( tate In Nebraska at1 to prevent the xe r. cuton of deeds In llanic. I provlles that hereafter It shall bo unlawful for any person to offer to convey any real estate In the state ' of Nebraska by deed or blank , whether said real estate Is situate In this state or not , and r no Ileel hereafer male , Ihal be valid unless It contains both the name of the grantor all t grantee at the time of its acknowle cemen. Sentor Cross olerel , a bill providing that the court upon renlerlng , judgment against nfl Insurance company upon any policy of Insurance shall alow the plalntr a reason able stun a nn attorney's fee to bo taxed as part of the cods , an,1 In adlton ( , thereto , and In alllon , to the j1lrm ; nt rendered , , th& ' court shall aiM allow anl render , : judgment for an amount equal to J : per cent of the amount of the judgment as tamr : ; es. 81SATIUS j' UII'USITUI\ \ 111 for 11 HcpeAI 1l'lllpltllt for II - ! IlO , \ fIr l.tl'S Uhrl"ll . . . . l.nco.N : , Ieb. 2O.-SpecaL-TIie ( ) senate - - - - commencll , It day's work ths ! morning In a I"anner hardly , crelable to a delbrratve body. The reading of the journal of yester- day'a proceelng , disclosed the fact that the recording secretary hail , failed , to allude In any manner to the very important point , raIsed yesterday afternon wll n the ileuten- ant governor luled that :1 explanatcn or a Benatcr'B vote could not be spread upon the record I one sellator objected , , unless ordered by a majority vote or the senate. Dale asked that the journal be corrected so as to show the lieutenant governor's ruling. : Ic- iCeaon led an attempt to prevent the correc- tIon of the journal , but n majority voted agaInst him , and , the matter wa s deferred , unt the IEuten.1t governor could be pres- ent. ent.Dale offered a resolution to the elect that from this time to the close of th ' : sslcn the , senate hal met daily at 9 o'cloc a. I , : The resolut'on was , after soma little conten- ton , referred to the committee on rules Noyes , from the committee on education , , proentell favorable reports on e\te files Nos. 66 and 2t. and they were Illaced on general ft No 66 provides that children of school age may attend school at the school . houto nearest lo their place c resIlence ly such usual or public route of travel The school district where such children shal at- tend scheol may collect from the district where they shall reside the share of the state apportenment to which the children are entitled . Six new bills were Introduced and read for the first time. After listening to the second reading or thc bills Introduced yesterday - : terday the ! nlcrs : Indulged themselvEs In the luxury of a recess until 2 o'clock In the afernoon , IN CO IMTTEE OF TIE WIOLI . After recess the senate Imelliately went Into cemmltee or the whole for the cnsd- ! eraton of bil ) en general file . Senate file No. 14 , left over from yetertlay , was taken up. amended and ordered engrossej for thIrd reading The next b'l ' brought out of the box by the clerk wa senate file No 76. Dale ! pro- tested , pointing out the fact that Nos. 67. 42 and .10 were ahead of I upon the general file. lie protested that It would requIre a two-thirds vote to take a bill out of Its regu- Jar place. I Chairman : lcKe"son was or the opnlon that the senate could do about as It Pleased. Pcpe . In order to settle the matEr , moved that the committee proceed with the consid- oration oC No 76. The motion was easily , agreed to ' Senate file No. 76 Is the bill rpealng the , state and cunty depository law , anti Its coa- ; : slderaton provoked a dIscussion whIch filled t _ the galleries and the lobby with a , crowd of ' interested hcrtrs. Pope moved' that when . the .conlnlte rlN 1 Ie friiort the . bill back 'to the senate with the - reconthiendatlon that I be passed. . _ , ; Dale asked Pope for 'some of his rcasons' . for desiring the repeal of the law. This ; encourage the Saline county senator to mak j _ _ a detaIled argument agaInst tIle law as I stands at present on the statnte books. He t . claimed that since the law went Into effect V two years ago the state and the several coun- ties had lost under Its operation nearly hal 0 million ' dollars. He read a ! ! of the ccuntcs that had lost varIous sums under the law the of the giving names depository banks that have failed and the amount of state or county funds lost In each. Hi claimed there was a great deal more protec- ton to the'state or county under the old law DALf DEFENDS THE LAW. In reply Iale deuled that the depository law had worked dlsadrousl lIe admitted that I great many counties had lost mouey during the IJst two years through the fall \ urp or dEpository banks , but he asked the ehato to remember that the past two years werocxcedlngly severe upon tim banks , and the people bavo no assurancE that the same amounts might not have been lost to the counties through the failure cf tics same banks , even If the old law was still In force. Dare stated that there were many proofs that t the depository law was working satisfactorily to the people. A great many countIes In the state wcre receiving the benefits of the law. Jo had aMressCI peronal letters to some twenty-five or thirty county treasurers In . this state , askIng for information as to the . L ' s rklngs o , th [ act I'had receIved replies from seventeen county treasurers , who testl- . fed to the excellent features of the law. tlst- } . atd , It ' vas IgulticanttJiat \ ' herecelvcd' no Lancaster rclhlecs ' ) ! from counties. the treasurers of Dougl 'ani " Campbell of Nance county also spoke L , warmly 'In defense of the present law and against the bill. Ho denIed that the people wanted the bw repealed , but he did claim that lIce movement In favor of thl reeal of . : the law had been Inaugurated hy the county treasurers' whp had contrlbutEtl $10 each to a fund to aid In the I3SSaae ot the bill unler L consideration. Caniplelt" referred ; -jich ; y t r to the adl'ICt tendered the legislature by Governor - ernor Croulse , In his retiring message , fey- r orlng the repeal ot the law Governor Crounsl II said , had been hoodwnked : into t IpproIng n worthless and fraudulent booth i anti he thercforo felt little In ( rllt a lto chagrin over the law itelt. I et. Ic 1 WATSON'S S N''I1NTS EXrHESSED Replying to the remarks of Cacuibell. ) Wat- son defended Governor Crourcee anti In doing : . 10 nsstrllll tlt Mr. Crounso had large ex- penance In Political affairs , that his legal ; ' . knowledge , I.S extensive and his business acquaintance wldo. Therefore ! his views on - 7 the depository law were worthy or the most ' serious cnsl < oroton. At Watson's request t't . the clerk . reach that portion of the message of ( ' ox.o\'ernor Crounso to the ( referring re- . : Ileal at the depository la 1 Sloan closed the debate by a brief argu- afIU- : meat against the law and In favor of the t bill , his reasons being both logical and Im- ? pressh'Q flol the standpoint oC the enemies ' 1 ot the depository law lie closll by salng that at oily rte no bondslan of the state 1 treasurer had like sauce POIHllt bondsmen t' IPIIIIHI to the state for aid , anti , signed an < slsnlt In : aldlwl that they were the ( Ilroper subjects for chariy _ luljectl The 11 was recol'mended for passage by ft \ A tlecllivo majoriy _ The sennto resumed the consideration of 1 senate file No 48 , the fish consideraton Iml Iame bill . which had been left t 0 lel unfnlshel from yester- . " . ilay. The bill Is entitled : "An . \ct for the , Protection . Preservation ' , Frotecton. Presel'\'aton anti Propagaton of h3irds , 1 lslls and Wili Animals , ant to Prevent . vent the Killing of the Same During Certain Seasons , " The bill was amended In annie particulars and recommendld for passage , , t Senate Ill Nos. I antI , 7. beIng next on , the general tHe . ware passed without losing ' their place , owIng to the absence ot their , author , Crano. The nex bill was senate file No. 67 , by t Pope making a slight change In the law rOGlatlC the fee IlermlUell county sheriffs. , The Ilrolloled amendments under the bill , will allow th sheriff $2 for unter bil wl alow aherU $ person ar- rested under a search warrant . . Inlt01 of. $1. al at present ; and HI cents a mlo of f titchi cello actually traveled for , .ny distance greater than tlvc. . \1 11slnce fve , milea trom . . mies 9. . ' , , the. curt bouse The bill was recommended , , Jr paasao. SmiLh'a lull . No. 40 , calo next. I pro- idea lh sale tl\lly for daylight burglary bat the statutes now Impose fur night _ _ _ _ ' ur&lary. Senator Smith Irlely explained . .le &I'ovlilonl ot the bill. Dale wanted to know I It was not I fact : tat thl hi Wa introduced for the lurpo a K enwtlnl the Douglas county jai Into _ A. lice StAte penitentiary . l'is. . Insinuation Wl repelled by Sinitb. and , the committee voted to recommend , the bill for passage. mmU.ATING PHACTICE OF LAW. : One of the most Important bills considered durIng the afternoon was recommend for passage with little consideration. I wa senate fo No. 42 , by Watson , anti It pro- vides that hereafter In Nebraska no perSOlt shall be alnl"e,1 , to practce ; law unlesD ha has previously been admitted to the bar by I an order of the supreme court or of twu judges , the proposed law however , not npo plying to persons already , admitted cinder , present laws. I further pro\'lles that the supreme court shall fix times when examin- atons shall take place and prepare rules to govern such examinations . ant may also np- point a commission of not less than three persons learned In the law to assist In 01' conduct SUe'l examinations. But no person shal ho admitted to the bar unless such person 1al have studied law In tim office of a practicIng attorney for two years or Is n regular graduate of the College of Law 01 the University of Nebraska. Senator Ilo'a bill , No 47 , was next reMm. mended for passage . . It alorlzes school districts with less thnn . : ,000 as3esset vaIn- aton to levy a higher rate for school liur. hoses anti , provides that such school ehlstrlctcs ma ) ' at the annual meeting In any year de . ermine by a majority vote of the electors preslnt to Increate the number of collie on the dollar or the a8 esset valuation , but the total numher of mils shall not exceed thirty-five In ' . any one 'ear. The last bill taken up was senate file No. 12,1 ! , by Smith. an act to IJenslon firemen 0 : pall , tire departments after a continuous 81r- vice of twenty.onD years , and the widow and orllhaus of firemen who lose their Ive while In the lne of their ( iciLy , anl , to provide for ponslonlng frrlen In Iall dcpartments In metropolitan cites anti clt03 or the first class who shall he total ) disabled while Its the line oC their duty . The bill was recom- mOlllod for passage. The committee then rose After some Ills. cuss Ion lie report of the committee or the whole was adopted . anti the senate at 5:35 : o'clock alljournel , IUUSI , ON . \s IWO ( ( . lc.\ STIE.ti _ ' \Jllrnlrlllnn ( for S'I Enterprises 1'111 11r0 Irtlln : for Oln ity. : 1.1Co.N. I lb. 2O-Specia1.-Appropria- ( ) tons had hard sledding In the house today and the ho1t of Burns of Lancaster was bowel down lie , made a number of gallant ilghts , however , but popular opinIon ran In a strong current against him , and his motions were swept away. Drady's artesian well bill . for water supply at the Doys' Industrial school , Kearney , appropriating $5,000 , went by the board. I Is house roll No.6 , one of the earliest bills Introduced during the ses- sion. lirocknian's bill to appropriate $1,500 for water supply at the Peru Normal school was also indefinitely poatpond. Then Crow chairman of the commitee on finance . ways and means , put on the finishing touches ly announcing that his committee was making all arrangements for cases or actual necessIty In the regular apPropriation bills . lie added the ominous observation that the committee would likely sit : down heavily on all appro- prIatons for public Instiutons , AFFECTiNG LOAN COMPANIES. The debate on house : roll No. 375. Intro- duced ly Halrgrove , developed the fact that a numb'r of farmers who had mortgaged their farms ali then paId the money Into the ( hands of alleged agents had been out- ragcously swindled by the saId agents and had lost their money through suspension of these men. Tlw loan companies cast had re- fused to acknowledge them as responsible agents and hal , compo'lel ' , ( lie mortgagors to pay the amounts of their mortgages twice. The bill , which was orderEd to the general file , although adversely reported by the com- mittee , provIdes that all loan companies , for- eign and domestic , shall , upon taking mort- gages on Nebraska property , designate In the papers some responsible agency or depository where such money lay be safely paid with- out loss to the mortgagee. Two Imasures morthagee. whIch were fought bitterly by lanker mem- , bern or the house were recommended for ' passage by good majorities. One of tltm is house.rol No 268 , which rirovlies that all state banks shall keep a lst of the actul l shareholders of the bank ready at all times for the Inspection of deposItors. It was ar- good on the floor that depositors , as a rule. depended us much on the reliability of the supposed shareholders as upon any- thing else. Davies claimed on the leer that banks had publshed statements using the names ot presidents , or alleged preidents , who , when the bank failed , had been found hot to have owned I dollars worth cf stock for a year previous to the suspension . Another - other one was Mungr's bill , house roll No 482 , Introduced by reuest , I was recommended - mended for gassage. I provides : That thc stockholders In any state bank organized under the provlslolR of the stat- uteR or Nebraska shall be deemed anti , ronsl.lered aR purt1lS and liable as such for nil debts of such hank Attention was paid to the commissIon men In Smith's bill , house roil No 203 , forwarded to the general fe , The bill as amended provldls that any one doIng a commIssion business In the state shall glvl a hand In the sum oC $1,000 , except tn cites of the first class In cities or the later eas the bon Is fixed at 3000. As Omaha Is a city of the metropolitan class the bill , as ordered to the general fl , makes no provision for her commission men , but It Is said ly the friends of the measure that It will be amended to Include Omaha before I Is put upon Its passagc. Today was the thirty-seventh working day of the session , and but three days remain for the introduction or new his In the house. The rest ot thc tme must be devoted to consideration of an acton upon pending nieasiires originating In the house and mpas orlglnatnr houe sen- ate iilea . One of the bills , the bie reported by committee on beneVolent instItutions . and' Indefinitely postponed ; Was 'br6ugbt to life ly Thomas who move1 a recoJlslderaton , which was carried , 'and It was recommlltel ] to the com- inittee. I provides for an appropriation ot $20,000 for 11 Home for Aged Women on block : of the Stratton addition to the city of Lincoln ' It Is house roll No. 370 , and by request , introduced by Cole. HCl RDS' WAY OF RUNNING THINGS. . Speaker Richards ruled today twice In a peculiar manner , which elicited considerable comment among the memlers , When Thomas had moved to reconsider the vote indefinitely pJhtponlng the Stratton Aged Woman's hence lull the vote resulted In considerably less than two.thlrds , the number required by Lice hoiccia rules to reconsIder any question Hhodea rabe,1 , the point of order that the requisite number had not voted , but the speaker would not reverse hlmselr. lIe also held today that all resolutions , instead , of beIng introduced In the house , should he sent directly the committee on resolutions. This Is In d'rect ccnfct wih the resolution of Chapman , adqlted by the house last week , that all resolutons Introduced In the house shall ho referred to the committee without reading. The artesian well diggers are not In the least dismayed ly the rate of Drady's Kearney - ney wel bill , which fell by the wayside this morning. Just before adjcurment Schiicka- dantz introduced house roll No. 1I6 , proViding for an Ipproprlaton ! of $10,000 to be used by the hoard of Public Lands and Buidings In boring an artesian well In Howard county Myers of Drown today Introduced a resolution - luton asking for an investIgation of the ( reo hurt of COlm1sloner General of the Ca- lumhlan Exposition Garneaci I Is quite llcl that conshlerablo fIre may originate from this spark applied to the timber of oihl- clal investigation , Audior Moore has al- ready bad one or two exciting rounds anent this subject . and at one lucia refureJ to allow a cert : : warrant clalmell ly 1r Gar- nlau until compeled to do so hy a decision ot the supreme COUlt. The committee of investigation says It wi InllCIetely pro- ceed to work on this mstter. ROUTINE OF THE DAY. Ten minutes of ( line was this moring devoted - voted to pettons and memorials. A ma- jooity of the petitions were favorable to the oleo and ag ot consent bills . Hlporl of standing commIttees were next In order The following measures were disposed of : House rolls Nos 272 , 48t , 6 , 371 , 361. 153 , 480. 286 and 129 were recommende1 for In- defnite postponemont. , House rell Noa 45 , 240 , 399. 375 , aOl , 303 , 268 , 482 anti 203 \ero ordered to the general - oral to the tile. couccuittoes. Nos. 69 , and 210 were resubmitted The house then took I recess uutl : p m. Reports of standing committees p resumed - disposed sumed In of ( : lie afternoon , anti the - . following A memorial addressed t congress , endor- log the civil service as carried out by 1 sue- cssion ot prllldsnUal administrations was tabled on 10ton of Munger A resoluthon ! In the Bhap" ot a memorll endorsing the concurrent resolution pending In cocugresa prohibiting dIscrimination In regard to sex In the mater of the elective franchise was I ale tabled by the decisive vote at 60 to 34 , , the roll cal having been caled for i i House roll NOl 433 ali 12 were recom- I mended , for passage and house rolls Nos. 17. 293 and 370 hllefnlely postponed. I Thomas moved , that the indefinite postponement - moot ot hOlso roll No , 370 bo reconsidered , and It prevailed , and the bill was recom- mltCI to the committeo. The memorial favoring ice donation efFort Port Omaha to Nebraska for the purllose of n military Echool was adopted Another mcnorsl , enllorsln } the bill for an amendment to the constitution provll- log for legalizing the maximum rate law as It now taiutis . ! Ilnds , waa adopted A resolution to ask the governor to appoint thre members ot the relct cOln\slon In place at three unable to act was tabled A rflnton by Myers to investigate the worl < of the slao ! conunlssoner : cr the \VorIi's fair , whicli : had been referred to the com- mittee , was favorably reported , nail Ice re- port ndoptel. , The speaker appointed as ouch comnlte M ssrs. lyers , HarrIs and Jenkins Following the introduction of new bills the house adjourned. . HE TOOK LAUDANUM , StnelI ( : ltlmIrlt lt lIon I tll Mke . n I'rnl 11,13' " dlO.cnfuI . \tcll.t at 'ttllCiIl' . At 2:30 : yesterday afternoon John A. " 'al- tore , formerly claim agnt for Ice Pennsylvania - vania r.lroaI , , nod recently claIm agent for the Burlington , was discovered In an ' uncon- scIons condition In his room at ( Ice Windsor hotel lie registered at the hotel at 7:30 : on Tuesday night from Denver and was shown to his room , but soon returned to the office olce for some writing material , which he took to his room , hut before leaving the omce he left an order to be called at 7:30 : n m , The toil boy tried to arouse hIm at the hour name < , but no reEponso was mcitle . Noticing was thought or this uictii ice after- ! untl afer- noon , when the chambermaid attempted to arouse . him antI was ucusuccesccfcih The fact was reported to the office antI an lnvestlga- ton was male , which resulted In fnding Wales lying on the leer under the bed unconscious. Entrance to the rom wan gained through the transom , whlch had been fastened down wih a large pcket knife Dr Towne was telephoned for II upon hIs arrival It was found that Walers had taken a heavy dos of laudanum Near his head was found a 22-caliber sIx-shooter revolver loaded and cocked , but It hall not been used . A number of papers were found , some of a private nature , and others which had evi- dently. ben written just Ilrevlous to the time when the laudanum was taken Ono was addressed to the Public and the other to S. I. Atwood at Plattsmouth , The one addressed . , to Lice pUblo Is as follows : "I bequeath my body to the Omaha Medical institute to save funeral expeuses The world used me bettor than I used the world. I was born June 27 1841. rTO ( the Publsherl : Please print Byron's epiaph oC the N\v \ . foundlan.1 . dog for my funeral oration. I have read Mr. Ingersoll's lectures , Thomas PaIne's \ge of Heason , ' and Voltaire's works. I believe there Is an Intelglnca independent - dependent of mater , but think Thomas Paine was right on the divinity of Christ I Is al the rage now wih the doctors to say that their patents died of heart failure . This Is what I died of , Please publish my army record , whIch you will find with me " The letter addressed to S. II. Atwood Is as follows : "Itedeem the watch and give It to 1)0cc. " Dr. Towne has been working with the pa. lent continually since he was called , anti says that Cle chances are a million to one against recovery. Walters' attempt at self- destruction Is attributed sollly to domestic I troubl : Walters was born , according to the papers In his pocket , In York couccty Plnnsyh'anla , and for a number of years made his home at HarrIsburg , where he was employed by the PennsYlvania Central railroad as claim agent. Twelve years ago he caine' west and entered the employ ! ot the Durlngton , being assigned to speiai cases In the claim department - partment , and his headquarters were ' at Lin- coIn for eight years. He was lar red a CII years ago to the I daughter of a , Sarpy county farmer . bUt , , ' tpublo , aIsing between . them , they were separated. He enlisted in the army at 'thre' different times durIng the civil war. servIng aa ser- ' geant In company K , One Hundred and Thr\ ! tiotic regIment of Pensyh'anl ? volunteer Infantry - fantry , and afterwards lS : cavalryman 11 company E. Twentieth regiment , and company - pany E , Twelfth eglment oC Pennsylvanh , volunteer cavalry The manager of the Windsor hotel , Mr. Doom , received a telegram last night from Anna A. Walters ot St. Joseph asking that n description of Walters be sent her , as she thought It was her husband. Wilson died at 2:30. : o this morning. :1lnrn Wlllm ' n 1':101 : tttinmont. Last night In Myrtle hal Omaha camp No. 120 , Modern 'Vocdmcn of America , gave one of its entertainments and dances The hal was tilled with the members and friends and their wives and sweethearls. The place of honor on the lIterary pojranu was given to 11ev. Dr. Mackay , prQram 11- Ivlrel an Interestng and witty address , In which he laule the henelts of fraternal 'orders and urged all the young men In the audience to 'Join one It they were not ready members A piano Role was ren- tiered hy Mr. Rosenthal anti 1 couple ot vocal Fobs by ! r , Mendelburg , who was later recalled to deliver a recitation. An entertaining readIng waR given hy Miss Stol'ey The program was closed with an exhibiton of well performed card tricks hy Mr. Dutton. The Indies had come each armed wIth a lunch basket fled with enough good things to satisfy two Indlvldualo , and these baskets were disposed or In a novel cushion At the conclusIon of the literary program the ) ' were put up for auction to the men , and each man who bought n basket con- sumed itt contents with - the lady who . brought It As 1 consequence some of the boys went to the limit-that Is , of their I. pocket boollln their endeavors to obtain a tete.a-tete over the lunch baslets at the prettiest girls. At the conclusion of the feasting dancing was continued tor some tune . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ 'ctltny & with ' \ , ' _ 11.OIV Qunrrn'o I 1'llmb\n ! Cnmplnr Defore Judge Ferluon , Constable SauBsay Is trying to prove that the Barnacle - nacle Plumbing company was formed ( cur the purpose of fraud. On August 2 1893 , .John O'Nel obtained a judgment agaInst J. H , Barnacle , which , with costs of the suit amounted to 32. On hue next day the execution WI' Placed ) , In tile hands of SauBsl ' , who levied on the furniture In the office of Baracb on Fifteenth Rtreet. On the following tiny the Barnacle Plumh- log company was Incorporated , Shortly after Hlrnaclo ohtulned / now trial In the case In which O'Nei got JudllIent , and Lice case Ii now lndlng In ice .lstrlct court. All the while , however , Saussay rlmalnCI In psesslon of the furniture , The larnacle Plumbing company Is now suing SauBsay for the furniture , claiming that as the suit Is tl pendIng It Ihoull be returned. , SauHsay , on the other hand , alleges that the jUtlgment was rendered , against 1)arnacle nod not against hue ompan , und that the company was rOI'mC ) or the sole purpose of defrauding . O'Nei out at his judgcccent. . S'urrccro A\llnNt 'rr dupe . Recently many complaints ) mvo been made to the Il lice department 1 ' the residents - dents who live In the city outside of the business part of the town or the manler In which they are annoyed by tramps and beggars They claim that frai one to t chosen men cal every tlay III asle for something to cat and some money , nnll In many ( ales thq rlRhlents jere afraid to re- fuse what II asked ( or . 'rho Iloleo have deelletl to mnlo an effort to stop this. anti , lalt nlht twenty mon wlro detailed for thll worle and as'gnet1 , to districts for the purpose of arrrstn ! all persons . round who could \ not give a satisfactory account of themselves , Many ot these beggars have been furnished , 10lllnls , at the Police staten - ton hue greater part or the winter . anti , an effort will ho made to break UII the regular crowd uf lodgers anti make tlem leave the city , It Is claimedy the police that many ot them are successful In bogging small amounts of money . IUll after\lrll spend , It In lice saloons Instead , of buying feeder or paying for lotglngs , Attmlul , W , ( I. u. Alpha canup No I , will give a stag social and smoker at their hiail . Continental block , Thursday evening. February . 21 All Wood- . lel and their friends' . are invited Unrn 1..1. nr t hne" SIull'l A case containing I dozen pairs of shoes was stolen from In front of hayward & Williams' store yeterday . _ atternoon. - IJItd ) , HESPLER-Mrs. Jacob , at residence . 12 North Twentieth street . lt lO0 p. m" , 'luesday. 1"ebruur ) ' 19 , lSt6. ? Funeral no- tce later SMI'ru-vrancls E" , on the 2th , at 492 Davenport street . third son ct the late David Smith of Glasgow Scotland . aged 2 years. Funeral will be held at 2 o'clock sharp on Friday from Trinity cathedraL EQUALSiJFFRACE NOT DEAD Ohnmpton r"d ; the Women in South Dakoll "Prtia11y Victorious MERRY ri 9NIN THE hOUSE YESTERDAY , 'It ) ' 1 , lolt SluleqeleJtu . \ l"IUlt"IO ' , lint thin Snh- ject 'IljCoiiii ! , tile Totll' In Ih "ckl 1 1111 ( n 1 IrclRh'o 'tl\'O 11 "nde. pmlm , S. 1) . . Peh 20-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Th ) , fracas over woman's : llrago stirred lip by , the decIsion of the chairman of the eonlnltce this morning Ilatl a sequel this afternoon , Immediate\ on the opening of the soulon Speaker Iowarll called Trnman I to the chair alI moved to eXIII rrom the records all reference to the proceedings , on' ' woman's suffrage , and to take the bill from , its I.oslton In ( Ito general orders , where I was practically dead , Ind put I 01 the "al- ollar ready for third reading , where I would como for . up passage tomorrow. Throlgbout the noon Interrlslon both sides hal , cufrlol , about In a lively rashlon alt friends of the bill threatened all sorts or hostile action . Tlc ) refused at frat to ac- CCIt this comproml6e and Donnhue , Dowdel , Cawood and others roasted Glass and the Oil. ponents or the ineasure In vigorous fashcioiu Dut fnaly the motion was adopted ly unnI- hinds vote acid warring clements shook hands and made cci ) . The bill will come 111 for final passay tomorrow TonIgh Politicians on both shies arc work- In/ earnestly alI both side claim advantage. The vote will bt 'ery close Three or four men are sick In bell , but they will be dragged lip to the house to , vote COLONEL I1UTII'S THOUl.I S. The Ruth investigating commitee today had Colonel Huth on the stand for several hours and put him through a most vigorous cross-exanuinatiomu , durIng which they elicited cOQshlerablo Informaton which , while not showIng a criminal Intent on 'hls part , demonstrated - onstrated that lie hall largely neglected his olcl anti that he had malll statcments which ho afterwards contrUletelI ie Uhnlted ut- tendIng tD his ofce only two or three days a month. Ho swore poInt blank that Taylor had never had any money on deposit In his bank since 1892 , but when confronted with u certificate of deposit ' signed last April by hIs cashier sho\vlng $15,000 to Tylor's ' credit he was unable to explain the mater except on the theory that the cashier had made a mnia- take lie aim swore that he had never written Taylor's celebrated Clay county letter , which the cmmitee line st : Jntated by affidavits of eye witcuesses. 'hen asked why he did not make various apportonmentsIn 1894 according to law , anti why he hal ne\er obeyed the law In sending notl s to the counties , he said that he had no explanation to offer lie denied , that there was anything irregular In his transactions which could no 'be explained by carelesmess OXCEpt dela lnrnllportonmenl oC 1S93 , when ho was sulTrlngrfrom nervous prastratiocu. The comtteel'vl send representatives to Vermiion tomorow to maKe a thorough Investigation of fUle letter. SENSrTloN IN THE HOUSE. . The hous6 hal , another bg ! sensation this morning . golVng out of an rroneous Ilarla- mentary deiIshou l , Glass of Watertown was In the cicair1DidTover ; ' moved thl adorton ! at the minoriy ; report on the female sulrage reolutlons. , GIasi ruled that under yeater- day's proceelngs \ this motion was out of or- der , as the resolution was now under general orders An a ippi was taken from the chair's , decision. On ! appeal the chair voted. The clerk announced -the - voles aa yeas 37 , na I , 37. The chair announced itself sustalneJ. Thereupon attton was called to ( lie tact that there were only"G yeaz"and the rIght of I the chair t. " ' , 'a challenged. However . Gias had4iuger l'e with him , ali he re- GIls Iger ! ' : I plied that' Hnt14' voted his decision was given , ana " nu1'enhit ' hal been sustaln i. i Cerlt Hopkins mado"tm cnhstdlcO' uninten- : ' tonaly , and Is much mnortlfied. ' He declares that the record must be corrected , or he will reign , As the matter now stands equal suffrage Is killed 1 . but undoubtedly this record wl be corrected Much bad feeling Is manifested , and members are studying how to get even The governor today appointed John Baldwin - win ot St. Lawrence engineer ot Irrigation and C. H Jerries of .Led City mine Inspc- to : , Baldwin served In this OfCD two years under Governor Mehlette . and JefrIes Is present - ent mine Inspector having beep appolnted"to succeed 'V I lam O'Drlen , who resigned some time ago. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TOH l'I.ATT' . Vi'OhtK. Outcome of Ills Yhlt to , \bDY Already Irrollo.1.nlfoi. ALBANY , Feb. 20.-As a result of Thomas Plat 's vIsit to the state capitol It Is proba- blo that an allep lent will bo offered to the Committee of , Seventy's polce justice bill . which was designed to jermlt of the Im- medIate dismissal of the present Incumbents In New Yacht City and to leave time sitting justices undisturbed until the expiration of the terms for which they were appointed. As to the police reorganlzatol hl also a Committee of Sevelty measure , the present plan Is to sa amend It as to relieve Mayor Stroag of revisionary power and render final the report of the commission named In the bi.Unless Unless there slal be a change at purpose the bill best Imown as time Gel bill anh which contemplates gIving the entire patronage oC the criminal courts of New York City Into the hands ot time recorder , will le passeJ , Mr Platt and Governor Morton were eloeted together - ether fOI' an hour or more today , but noth- log Is Imown as to time nature ot their con- variation beyond that I relate to the patronage - age of New York City. Senator O'Connor has assured Mr. Platt that there Is not a break around the senate circle , but that all the republcans will stand by the republican olganlaton In its fight with Mayor Strong "They regret , " said Senator O'Connor , "that tile New York City dIfferences and reud hu been transrerred to the legislature , but blame the mayor for I antI , propose to let him bear the respocisibil- hEy. " , Itls known that Mr. Palt : thinks ( lie governor - ernor wl sign ( lie New York bills as they come to him Fhx-i'e3tmmiaster Van Cott stated such was his belief , though he had not tale < with Mr. Phtt since his visit 10 Governor Morton today , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " 1,11 'In ' c TV4' ' , \ . I' . . \ , ihillika . SrmNG mr.D.JI : : Feb , n.-DlssenHlon : existing In tIM'tails ' of LIce American Pro- tlctvo Issoclnt n In Illinois haH rlsuletl In the organlm tiC I of , nn opposing society Imowl IH tLl "ationil ASemhlv Pa. trlotc iemigue' , ' ( "tltonnl the secretary or dilute hll Ifteh , a charter of incorpoi'a- tiomi. The I AfII'11 : object .11 to 'icco- mote AmerlelIt t trlotlm anti icitlepucuti- ( , rnco In poiiiics. reform nil munlcllll : , Htlto anti nntielitt1Cgovernmects antI main. Lain niouu-sectctriahi 1 Iluhlo ehools antI " ' ' other worls 'lho incorporators itro : Pror " 'aler .JUms , Arthur g. Oafmn n\n , Josolh P. I"iclll'llam B Sel'vls , James l'eene : Il'l ' _ AI.thlr W. Slaugh tel' . ( Inicrect''a'hItiJ ' , tOut or ( 'i.litruilic. SACitAME'fl01al . Feh , 20.-'ho lull SACHAlmrTnI1 t' prevent tbittcncufacture , sale or other distribution ftc 11gJgarettes ! passed boIl branches or lm " 'llslaturo and was toulay , Bent to the Ioyernur ror his approval 'rhe senate luesettl bill h ) ' a ullnimous vote acid In VIa utesembly today ) " It IluRKed by a yote of tfr.rour to twelve. I Is he- 10\'ed that qcvrur Budll will Illprcyo , this uuceasimre. The nSemhly , .today passed the bill to prevent the wearing of hnts ai' bonnets In theaters or other , places or public amuse'- mfnt. The hill imposes a penalty of $5) fo\ violation ot the law To Ih'ciovs Chic I'uI.ltal 10 . . 'thsils . nWFEHSON CITY Mo" , l eh , -The lower house at the Missouri legislature today - day by. u vote of 91 to 40 passed a Joint resolutIon accepting 1 proposition train the city ot Sedola for the remo\al or the eLate calilul to that city upon the conlton thlt upn Selala erect stats hull1ub" to exceed In quality acid beauty ) those now owned by thp state at Jefferson Clt ) ' _ ) 'fhe reolulon"was also \Jlset \ hy lice senate late Ihll 'ucmoon. lhlH l'csolut'J does not nee gubernatorial approval. IUI1"IY II1rrhHu hi Sr , i'ziniphilrr. CONCORD , N , II. . .Fch . 20.-A hit or- tiered to a third reading- the leglllaturo Is intended . to Ilrevent runaway COUIIIs trom other state coning ' tl New Hamp- shire to be married. I lets forth that tlrrona dectirluug to marry shall flue notice oC their Intenton five clays Ilrl\loll to the 1IIIInco of the certlflcate . or It ( lucy ate hot resIdents , ( lucy meniaL give ten days nOtICe. notce. Iolh ) bull lohh I Ills flu-cu. S.\.I' : I. Ore . J'eh. : -Two bllotl were taken for United States senator today , without ( hanre , Both ballots gave Dolph \ 4 : flare . IQ : haley , 7 ; Huston , 1 : Wilams , 2P ; abent , 2. 2 ! _ _ _ _ _ _ I "rI.HI "n , \ .iiit rntloci 111. I Cl IFhYFhNNE , } ' -el 20.-00vcrnor nch- nrtls has vetoed the bi Ilrovhln for I Ilarll or arbitration to settle labor dls- lutctes. He says It Is uciconstitcctiouunl . l ' hwtro , 1.11"111' I ' 111 I I I 1"IIItrllI I , lOVIhht , Del , I eh. -Thell was only one ballot In the s natOlal tleadlock tOtlw , resulting : hilggintc , 9 : Wolcotj 7 : Atltilelt , I 6 ; 1thctscy , 3 : ; la'nrll , 3 : ' 'lnne , 1. Sn ( 11110 II hit , 1.1 chin "rIAtlrhll" . 10fSt , Idaho , , I.'nh. . 2)-Thlrt was 10 ( halle In the senatorlnlotl toda ) ' . Sheep . 20 : Sweet , 19 ; Clalrt 15 . \01:11 : : dl Uric / , \lohll/lnl. I I . OhYMPIA. \'ashi. , Fehi 2)-A ) 1,111 , 01.:111'sh" - 111 grant- passed log the the right senate or , AlrlC to women his . 111 JRll.'O.I/.I''I''l , 13.1 / , 'l'.l HI' . lie TrieR 118 1111 un n String nf tnrnly c'nits itt 111) ' ciktc'ir.i. fAN JHANCISCO , Feb. 20-Starter ( F'er- 1I10n kept twelve 2-'ectr-oltltt hnl an hour nt the post , nnd when he unruly sent thel off three were left at the post 111 the rest were strung along 11 cllhth oC a mie , flay lt1 liaiidttlocc l won II 1 < \ivo Crol Corrignhi'ud colt , IloWllsl ( ) ' , All the othe' races oxrel.t ( Ice IIt were won by Cayol- , itt's. Sumnlrle ! : 1 IIRt race ilva and I half furlong , soiling , mahlcnR : I.lzzle Inm\lton \ , col , 10. < llln (2\1 \ ' to 1)\ ) won ; Soltlhul i(0 \ ' alter (2' ( 10 I I , Iccont \ ; 'i'ohy 01 , H lcicurichcit ( 15 to I ) , third. Time : lo : llnpehiii . Alnes , Sea- hreeze , Momuroa , 1) ' Swnethelu't , Alal'le Inl , Jim Corbet also r.tmu. Hoeontl \ ( E. sIx Cnrlongs , ! "Ilng : Sea- " 1Ir ' , 100 , Ol'lln II. . to I ) , won ; Oak alll , 10 Martin (5 to I I ) scond : Currency , J03 , Tnbcrylt ( Ii to 1) ) , third. ' 'lne : 1:18. : He- serve . Bone Doctor , lJuten of Scot , Thin Lark anti Hahullo ) ' also ran. ' 'hlll race one-hlif mlh' I : Hc ' leI , lhncitl I- dos . , 100 , Hennessy 00 ( to I ) , won ; Klownl- sky . 100. BII/(1 ( : to J ) . second : Don Cmtr- lilt , 107 , Carr (8 ( to 1) ) . Ihlrd. TIme : Ot' : , Wlhlnm PInkerton , Jrent P , ' 'enncIsee 11 It , I tutliut . gehln , lercldcs. 11 ( ' , alocc- Iol' , La Flechc , Clara J acid hvontde also rln , Fourth race , mie anti a rnrlong , hall- cap : Artictus , 'j9 , Grlin (2 ( to I ) , won : Mary S. 86 , Hol ) ' 00 ( tl I. ) second : Eck- crt , 81 Coelrun (2 ( to 1) ) , third . Time : 1:56. : 'l'hornhulil , Charmion , Duke Stevens , OnRle antI , Volt also ran 1"lfth rrl. lIve furlongs , selling : George 1. ' . Soil thu , t07 , \'olwr 0:1 : to I ) , won : 'un Murph , 10' ) . Carr (7 ( to I ) . second : Percy , los , Bergen ( ll to 1) ) , third. 'Ime : 1OOt,4. : Motto nlso 1an . Circe , , Juntlnn nnd Sir 1:0U. Inrvurd 1.'Aculy Vote 10ImIMh Font 111. CAM filth DGE . Mass. . Feh 20.-The faculty of Iaryard college has dechlel to recommend hue abolition oC huitercohleginte aboltol IntercoleHIte foot hall The announcement created a great stir alon the college men The faculty met to tl cum the advlsahlty or Imltug root ball to the home grunds , . temuch tlelheraton the queston resolved - solved Iself Into the adYlsahlty or aholshlng the game entirely , anti a motion embodying the littler slntment was passrd by a Vote DC 21 to 16. 'rl1R dcrlslon Is not final. a ! the matter really rests with the athletic committee . This conurnittee . It Is Uulstood , opposes tics entire abolton of the ( game , although they arc said to advocate certain reatrlctons , Oliv 11. .C eritledi" . SAN FRANCICO I"cb. 20.-Theme was only one accident ut the bicycle ! totmriua. mont tonight , anti that was caused II curce2snesR. ! The port was better acid more uppreclatel thun on tll previous nlghtl ' 1hl track had been alere , during the lay 11,1 the riders seemed to c again ; their , ' three confidence Only inca were .alowCl In the same heat. I"lnlll : ' aile-third mil dash , class A : Byrne won , NIsel second. Hose thIrd. Time : 0:48. : Oe mIle , class B , scratch : Foster J won , Opn second Tlrrol third. Time : 2:27. : One mile , handicap. class A : Dl'rno won , Ltnguetn second , _ Howe third , Time : 225. : : l'r.1 GhlIerc ; , ' ' ' I I - \orl , . DAVENPORT , la. , Feh. 20.-'hero was a big attendance at the opening at , the winter tournament of the ( Forester limo club Charlie Bllld of Des Moines and other crack Hhots are In atendalce , A hIgh' , ' .wlnd somewhat Interfered with 1001 shootng , The feature waR the work or Frederick Gilbert oC Spirit Lale , la" , who 1 < led fifty-three out of 11 ' -four bIrds H. n. Cook of Davenport won the miss and out shoot against the best shot with fifteen straight kills. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Two floes lt Ihn Crib Chiul BOSTON , Feb. 20-At the Crib club tonight - night Jack Burns of 1rocton was knocked out In the Ifth rotund of a twelve-round contest by luldoon's Plclmnlnny , colored , of Boston. The Plclmnlnny had the best of the go Cram the start acid administered punllbment whenever he plea led , Waiter Johnson of Philadelphia anti Zele Thomas or Boston both colored , 185 pounds , fought three rounds , when Thomas threw up the sponge. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tn g"vllo : the Turf. CLFVEJ.AND , 0" , Feh. 2'-A ' movement haR been started here for the organla ton of a natonal sporting lengue similar to that whIch bias been In existence In gnglanll for many years Time object of the league Is to Irotect the interests of the turf , not only against t Inimical le,1slatol , hut against olclals who levy tribute from them , anti also to purIfy turf sports from many of the abuses which now bring It Into dis- grce , _ _ _ _ _ _ n'nrl.I' , Illplu" Illt Shut 'VINONA , Mmcc . Feb. 20-1n the perutout oC A. J , Vail Dousen , 'Vlnona virtually has hue champion rile idiot of thc worhti. At 20J yards range 1lr. Van 1el8en 'esterday scored 2,251 out of a possible 2,500 , topping Ihe world's record by six polnls. Ito Is a member of the Buckeye Gun club anti also of the sharpshooters' ( organization of this oily . Van Deusen took fourth iulaco in lice \\'crld'ut fair contest at Chicago in 1893 , which was opeic to all comners. h'rei u-ciy. lit , 14 cu i'tLtt' , , , OMAhA , Feb. 20.-To ( hue Sporting Edi. ( or of Tue flee ; Seeing ( hint George Stout line ancuouneed in the iuapers ( bunt he viii stop me In ( cur uctinds ( or $50 a aide , all I have (0 gay in reply is ( hut he is uuils- taken. lie can't ilo It , and my lnocuc'y awaits lciH covering at EtIgctr ltothcer"s place , corner 1ievecuthi auuil linmney streets , F'IEl ) O'NFhiL. ii , i'ollrAt , It 't'i.uiItI lIt , ci iraw. CINCINNATI , Fel ) , 20.-A ten-rotund ban. taiuiwehghit g'o'e lIght before the Olyuuuiuic chub betweecu Franle 1thucievski of Cicuehci- nuLl antI Hing 'i'titthe of Covington , ICy. , for the bax receipts resulteil in a draw , -Sr I'I1tS.1 I ; P.S liii GI..I PuS , H , itt , Charters , proprietor of ( lie lloyd hotel , Liuucoln , Neb. , i at thic , licrlcer , i ) : . J , S. Devries. editor of ( hue lreunouct herald , 'as occ Onuahua visitor ycstturd.uy. \ \ ? , Ic , Low , Atlantic , ha , , and Charles Wilkins - kins , Autlabon , Ia , , mire guests cue 11cc' itrcatle , Ite' , Dr. Saunderson at. Trinity Methodist Episcopal church left last eveiuimug for fiiue Earth City , Miami , , where lie lectures tiuis evening. Commercial uuuerc , at ( lie Barker are : F , 5 , l'lunib , Lincohic , insurance ; V , J , hues. F. \Viiilaccus , Ed Gotten , ilucaticigs , McCard , lIrady & Co. ; ii. Ii. 'tVliitioclc , special tigent Jteiianco lccsicrhtncQ compaucy ; F.V. . Ltttle , sitecial agent Glens Falls insurance cociciuacuy ; .1 , flosenberg , drver Kopp-Dreibus Cauctiy company. At ( ho Mercer : George F , Anderson , Ciil- cage ; Ii. Irvine McDowell , LoulSVihle W. C. Prathier , New York ; C. F. Thodlnson , Kear- hey ; Miss 11. Saccfard , T. ii. Stark , 'i'rL- mont ; Williacci Nichols anti wife , Jacksonville , ill. ; F , 11. Ittilcehl , 1)sadwoo'd ; V. C. Shcirkhey , Genoa ; J , A. McLaugiihimu , Craig ; George A. 11111 , ( brand Island ; W'ihhiacn hi. Lloyd. ien- ver. Cola , ; J , F , Fletcher , 1) , ii. Wheeler acid wife , Cleveland , 0. ; Samuel ' 8' , Johinsomu , l'lattsiuiouthc ; G. H. W'ehtheunauc , Murdock. , 'Itri-ltudcc4 lit. Iliti IloteiN. At ( he Ahillard-hiemiry 1oclilor , Blue 11111. 11111.At lice Ieiiocuu1C. f , flublor , Broken Ii , ( lie Paxton-Il. D , Smith , Kearney ; Thomas lCihiian , Wahoo. At ( hue Murray-U , V. Johnston , liast. logs ; John leiohiiing , Yoric. At ( ho Arcaiho-Tlioinas Chehvers , Pierce ; N.V. . Cole , I'awneo City : W , ' 1' . Me1l. vain. Iirainar'i ; Frank Ilough , Calhoun ; I. . . II. Adaunc4 , Superior ; .1. V. Brayton , Bassett. At ( lie Zcerchuants-Thionuas L. Sexton , Suwarti ; C. S. Ward , Grand ilsiulda ; .Mat ( I.keugiierty. Ogaiaituv J , It. Vilson , Jocucca Ilnsset , S. 0. SalIsbury , .Papillloic ; 0 , Wood , ( ] rotna ; F. B. iiuucton , Shicklity ; 0. B. Aiattisot' South Bend ; C' , V. icaic , ttli.rtoci , : b. , It. Saddler , Lincolcc ; C. Ii. Cornell , \'alenine ( , [ OR IAIiING BOGUS DOLLARS rwo Mcn Taken Into Charge by tim Unitoti States Deputy Marshals. ThEIR MNT WAS NEAR ARLINGTON Accthuoriles licilovo 'rltey ilatn lice Source ( liii ihisq iltihlicra l'nt lii (2lrcuilclicc 1 i rt nhncct s I .tietc ( tl ncui I iii , Ztliikcrg lii , Jttii. For several weeks l'ast ' ( Ice local federal authoritIes have beuc quietly working to appreiceictl time local ccueiuibers of a gicug of coin counterfeiters who have successfully worketi large tlcuacctiea of this sitirioiis hunt- age In Omaha , South Ocuunhun , Cociciell lhiccffs , huiucohuc , Sioux City mud oIlier cities of tics luilssociri vahie' , Several vecthts ago Time Thee uuoted time fact ( lint uuucrchiaucts " r hieing icthuuuizeul Icy ihueso sicuontli "colic shaven. , " auth ( hunt ( lie omcers were at work on a clew. 'Flint choW liroveth Liii' correct one , Yesterday Uculteil States Marshals Iloohimuco anti Coggeshahi arrcsttl two ucicn charged tvitic counterfeiting. Fort ) ' spurious silver dollars of ( lie "glass cucluit" classification \vcro foticitl iii time raid. 'l'hie Prisoners gave time ucutiuucs of Charles Shueppicerd anti \Vihiiacuc F. Grosureross to a roportrr cut ( lie cociiuy ( jail last mcighui. 'riucy bole like farimi huacitis , anti vcro captuireul heat' Arlhuugtouu yesterday nfternooum. A search of ( lie hircuucises ( Ice ) ' ncctupietl revectleti a din , uccelticug P01 , tools ouutl genertl ocmtflt for ' 'glass dollar' ' work. hhtcrieti uumuder au old hcotite icc ( hue 'icimuity 'ns further cvhtlcmcce hut this respect. Officers claim Grossecross did ( lie "icusitle" uvork acid ( hunt Shuepiuhtcrti was ( ice ' 'ouctside' ' umcdimi or circulator. 5' gooil dollar vas ucsed as a "riucgr" to throw tlotvn oct the coumcctcr acutl theme dcpo ( lie ucuustcspsclucg ( cicerchant , who imearci lice ring of gootl silver distinctly anti thltl huot test ( hue balacuce shoved at. hilicu. % 'icen lcpci ( ' Uiiiteci States Marshal Coggesicahh went lute the county jail with , tiuc irhsauccrs last evening ice held a btcmuthie of bogus dollars wrapped cup icc his hand as evidence ( hint ( hue deputies hiatt baggeti the right births. Tue officers behieve that thmese arrests vlhl break up a regularly orgaucizetl gacmg which lcas beecu systemtiaticaiiy working thin Missouri valley cities for months antI so successfully thuat for atvhchie all chews were baffled. Tico couuiinitcneruts will be served on ( Icc' irisoners ( his iuiornig. tr t Ii n C ) nit hut l'or. The Modern Wootlncen anti Itoynl Neigh- hors will give nut entertainmuueict this even- lng cut ( lie new Otltl Fellotvs Hull , oh l"ourteenthu , uuenr lotlge. 'rice musical limo. grnnt wIll be followed by dauccliug. An ailnuissiomi of 25 edits will be chicurgeth , The fohhowiuug progracn will b rendered : Atidreut'.A. A flicehaiiaui l'iauco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pearl Ayers tutstruunentccl Solo-Banjo . anti harp by sauuue 1'Iayer.\V. 1) , hlentlersoci Soprano Solo------------Miss Rena llamilomu - - - - - - - - - - - - Selecthouu..Giilenheclc's Banjo ( 'lob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \Vuodnien Quartet RecitatIon nntl Ventriloqulsm..C. D. Elliott Iuaraono Soio..C. A. Jacobgon Duet ( zither and guitar ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'titmller amud lipuudensocu Comic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scacudlnavian Glee Club ( Fourteen Itfeunbers. ) - * , 'ldl gr.'gii t ti I t icc b W ct I udg. The F'ebrtcary uuuecttng of the Omuinhun Congregational club will be hold lit the parloc's of ( lie St. Mary's 4vontme chctcrcic this ever.iuig. Especial interest lit tiuht meeting is asstmrcti Ity the uniomi of thur' lfltlit S' societies of all ttuo Cocigregationah chutcu'cltc of thue cIty to furnish ( hue tilncuer acid the topic of the CVCItimttf for discus- 5lOhi "Aggressis'o Congregatlonahisun fom' Omaha , " Ailtirosses may hc e'tiCcteih from \v _ H. Ah.'xantler , president of Lice Onuahia Church Extension society ; 11ev. Johmi Askin , D.D. , of Coummichi Bluffs , alit ) 11ev. A. 11. Irvine , missionary for thin society. who % vhil give a vivid icat'ration of his work at the "bottoms' ' antI ott ( ho ' 'imc'ghmts. ' ' ' 'flue eiutire cash returns from this click thinner will be given to ( hue treasury of thin Church Extension society in niu at' the work. Social gathuering in the auihience room at 6 p. crc. Dinner served at'6:30. : S'itlciiigtoii mit Clue thick Selinot. Washington day exercises were helti yes- tertiayafternoomi at ( he High school , ( ho junior and senior claase taking part. The exercises were liohti in Jucnior hnll , Presi. dent Hayward of ( lie literary society pe- sih , ing. After a pIano duet by Misses Cole and Darthett ( ice chairman introduced in a few well cluosen words ( hue spenheec' of ( lie day , 11ev , F'rauulc Crane. Mr. Cramie clearly PObiteti out three headicug traits iii tiuc chac'ncec' \'ashiiuigtoui , lila lcuunhhlty , his e1f-rospcct and ici piety. Aftem' LIce atitiresa cc bouquet of beautIful roses , tied with junior class iibboiuc , , was presented to huir. Crane. A icoenu entitled "Alt Ode to Washington - ton , ' composed by ( he class poet , Johmcu Wliiiam Diclcicusouc , was read by Hennetic Evutuus. i'tchUsiiere' ii.Mot'ttIIduI , 'tl ret iii Nsu Yorft NEW YOflIC , Feb.Tlce ninth annual convecution of time Ameu'icaut Puhihishuers' association was cunumcuiced today lit thue hotel Brunswick , 'rice association icc corn- posed exclusively of nevspapeupublish - era , and ita rnernbercu , who uuumhrnr 1(0. are scattered all over ( ice couuctry franc Maine to California. There are 125 delegates iii attecuilciucce on thin coneyntlon , S. S. Kgtu- maui of ( \Vrushuhuugton Star calit'tl tim conventiout to order iii lice ilbuoliuce of James \V , Scott or the Chicago lieu-aId , who is prestdecu t of time rissocitutiomu. 'rho couuvecutiout vihl last three clays , moiucludlcug ' vih ( a bau'.qtmet at ( Ice 1i'otel Jlruciswick. . V. in . ' e-Ictlo cc to I ( til di I ; Cr.I au ioui , Next Mocitlay cvcmtiicg a reception uuctltti' icivitcutiomuut issued by ( ho ( acuity of C'reiglu- ton uuuclveusity vihi be given to Joiuiu A , Crcighctocc , rt'ceciis' iutndti a coucut of ( lie p.tpai court by l'ope LeO , at Creiglutomu college hail , $ &JP o7fl A ' OWE ENJOV Both tIi IIhetllO(1 ; hn(1 l'CSmhItR s'1ien Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is picasazit ttiitl I'Ofl'Cslhillg to the 18310 , 811(1 ( acts gwhtly' yet JrOll1)t1y ) ) oil the Tiu1iccy , Livot' 811(1 BUWCIS , cleanses the nyu. 10111 offcctuully , 18J)0IR coI(1s , Ilend. ilcilos P.11(1 ( f3vcz's aild chhI'eH halituat ) coiistipation , SyI'up of Figs is the only x'cinwly of its kiiid CVel' lI'o. ) tliiecil , plcasiicg to the taste 011(1 ac. ccJtal)1o ) to the toiizitc1i , 1)l'olllpt in it.s at'lorc 1111(1 ( truly hChlCficial in its cffecta , 1)i'CIi1i'C ( only from the most healthy 811(1 ( agioealIo smlbathlhc'cs , its hiliiiiy oxcelleict qmialitics Coihaluciad it to all ahIll have lhiht(1O ( it the Illost lopuIar rcmely Jinown. Syrtlp of Figs is foi' sale iii tjO ceilt bottles by all leading drug. gist8. Any reliable dh'uggist who' may not. liavo it On hand will p1-0. cure it pronijltly for any 0110 who visJic to tl'y it. Donotaccoptany SlilStithlte , CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AN FRANOIO11 , CAL. LO/1SVIILE. r. 1i5W ) ORK. ir. : IJ DIJFFYbS PURE MALI HISKEy v FOR MEDICINALUSE , NO FUSL OIL lIeu , for thin IccCet ' . , ii vudi.tutit , , tvluo dir , , Ia'aiuuiuut , (0 feet thin , IriceuIvtc t'su i'rgy ni W'lcut or. - hiI'iih ci'ziihuust mictits niid thin ii eltcuct',4 ( lint lolInss tiiti grip , Ihl'tVHil' ) , . .SSIs1.s JIIl4 lION. v.t it.uS , tNI ) S1'.lthi.A 1-115. hue hrcu'ecc Its it'rtiu 114 ii streiigrhiouior ttfh.'r i lie ( lu-hi , 'try it , hull Sc , ' hr it doss icot ti.'gi'r'ii Ics Itlilili ? , r Ildurit ) ' mcccii scsctllui- lie's. . lirsc-i'Iti.4 uruiggist' . cuuutl ( triicers ( ii'Ii it. lhIltitl'titl'II l'cldiphctct ivuhl tie culluhiI lii' ItI'i V M..l.'l' 1'hllKEY CO. , htlichi i' I flit , N , ' . ' Rdway9s ' , Pms Always Rdllabic , Paroly Vegetabi3. l'erfectly tastcles , eiegantiy coated , purge , rcguinco , purity , vieinso tumid ert'nguiieuu , hAD. ' \VAy'i4 l'lhl.S ( or lice cure of nil disordeis of the Stocucaclu , ldoucls , 1ithneys , Iuhathtkr , Ncr. ' i'otis Disease. , Dizziness , Vertigo , Coethvcneai , i'hica. SICK HEADACHE , FEMALECOMPLA INTS , BILLIO USN ESS , INDICESTION , DYSPEPSIA , CONSTIPATION and All Disorders ol th Liver. Oberi'e ti-ta foiiowtcig Bynuptonne , resulting ( rain diseases CC ( ice , tlgestlve oi'guiia : ConstIpation , ha. % vard luuios , [ uihmin.s of bmoo4 in tint heati , notti- it ) ? oi tite teunaciu. nausea , beau thiurci , .Isgtc ! , ( , ) f ( nod. fullness of Weigiut of ( Ice stociutichi , aour ' eructatione , slitltictg ou' ilutiem log of tics heart. choking or stcfloc.ctlng secudUions uvimen in a hiicg iosucv , , llnutce.s of ' , ittion , , hols or iveb , Itefoc'e the eiguil , fever anti duih ctain cmi the head , deficiency of r.eisi'hraion. yellowness et ( hO akin ztutil eyes , l.iin. iii ( ho side , chest , lImbs , and iudden ilusices of Itent. burning in ( lie iiesui. A few dozes of iihiVAY'8 t'hT.LS Will ( rca cIte , .vsten , of ciii .1w tittavo itnn'I tiisordertc , ph-teen etC A lucix. SOLD iiV DhUJUQItaTa on snN'r ri Senil to DR. utAri'y & CO. , Lock Ilex hI ev York. ( or neck of Advice , rio R # SEARLES & SEALES , Ci'oiiic , IIC1tAII rjii I ' Privath ' i1 D1scas TiE.t'1'.1IT IIY M'.Lb. Vauiauituttloci iroo. We cure Catarril , all dieoaoea oi the Nest , , Throat , Chest , Stomach , Liver , ] llood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Fe- . annie Weaknesses , Lost Manhood , anti ALL PR1VATEDISEASES 01 ? MEN. wiAK Mmc A1UO V1CTISXS TO hhEflVOU Debihity or 1xIiauatIon , Wasting Weakneu , Iii moiuniary Losios , wici Early lOecay in young mind midlir .aged ; hack cC vim , vigor andweakeaed precnaturel' ifl approaching ohS ego. Mi yeiit reathiiy tt' cur uiew treatment for ioia of vital newer , Ca or or address with stamp for cir' tdin. , fres book 'in. ! rec'uIpti. , : ' , hr caarhnc' 'uiih thui'iaii 141(1 Fartuani 1)1 , idUL5t.O tiUU lJbttiiO)1 Ouicmilca Neb ) - . PLUS OACCc FLAVOI - S 'q:7yitz ' : , Consumers ocheiviii obacco arewilIin9 to paj a 1111k more than le ricc charqed Jr the ordinatzj trade tolaccos , will nd this brand upcrior to all others BEWARE Of 1W1TAT1ON5. VHi OF Easily , Quickly , Permanently Restored. : , _ . . S'cnituiees5 Norvouisuiess /1h ftc hi I I I y , anti nil the Lu-tim ' of evils ( cocci early cu-ions or I' litter nxcesses , ( lie results of overwork , tickneas uuorry , eta , Full strc'ngtlu , tievel- oituncuututiuul ttuuieglveii to I - ' mmti no"tiou5 : nJ'euiu I . of the br4iy , Sinupe. nat- t I ) d ) , "T' titl/ ) ate oral icnpruceuuieuut niulmeii , iiuiitetii. ccn. Fitiluro IiculttsCi Pile , .th ) 1 t'tri'miceui ! , Ilt'tuk , ezpiaiuatitaic 'uti lu-oafs ncailot.i lcciled ) flee. ERIE MEDIOL ! OO , . Buffalo , tLY , , : . - McCREW , t ; , lards IINIY ' ; . d' - . . SPECIALiST ' ( ¶ VImOTRICATSALI , . ; PRIVATE DISEASES Wuatnesi auudi'cro8 . hllatdtItsmaj , ( MEN ONLY lIvery iuro puarauttoed. ' . , - ueo yi'ars' uzicnionco , ' , a roars Ii' ( ) muaiia , ' Hook t'rco , t IariuisuOtti , , 051,511,8. NEII Ilol idny TITT Eiiguige B CY zileill Birthday. - - i ° riducyauil Scat iiniy , I FEB. 22 and 23 S1'L' Ulti.A.Y ? s1'A'1'INI'1 , 'rilE AMERICAN TI1MiEDIAN Wker Whiteside suhport'd ( by his own aelcctcd cocnpncuy of legItimate phayer Prjday Jvc.-"Hamlct" Suit , Mnt.-"Merchitiiit of Votilco" Suuttrdicy ; Ee.-"Rlchielfcti" No midruucwe In lricci- , . t' - . . . ' - " 'J' ;