Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1895, Image 1

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I . . THE OMAHA ! : . DAILY , BEE. 0- , j
; . - Esr.rAJnaSnJ JUNE _ 1 1i , _ 1871. _ _ _ _ OlLAJLrl'IIUHSDAY l\OUNING - , FEllJU.AHY - 21 , 1895. SINGLE . COpy FIVE OBNTS. - - ' III
ImprJper Safeguards and Incompetent Of-
fcials Responsible for Many Fatlties
VIIRlrr Took l'lnco hit I Short IURIIICO ,
from Mhoro.t 11UIUy Aoy l.h'C
Were ! l\'rll - Olh.r lent
l.tlRCd Alti.
NIV YORK , Feb. 20.-Tho IHo News or
January 9 , just receied In the latest mal , '
gives the particulars of n terrible calamity I
In the bay of Ho Janeiro. I sa's : '
About 7:30 : on the evening of time 6th Inst.
n fro broke out on the ferry boat Tercecor
Boon after her leaving the San Domlngas
landing. The boat left Rio le Janeiro with
a largo number of passengers , estimated at
from 250 10 300 , the greater part or whom
dlstmbarked nt San Domlnga8. About fifty
people embr.rlel nt this point. I Is gen-
orally estimated that there were from 100 10
150 persona on board at the time of the
Although the Tercecora was barely 300
metres from land when the fro broke out
nothing effective appears to have been done
to save the passengers except the rGre- (
thought of the engineers In opening the
safely valves or the hollers to IJrovent au
explosion. The master signaled for the engineers -
gineers to stop amid nothing more was done.
There was apparently hut row hife.saving ap-
plances on board. The fro burned with
Buch rapidity. however that the passengers
were wn drIven ! overboard where many wer
drowned . some were picked 111 by the
launch boats which hastened 10 the scene
and n few succeeded In swimming ashore.
The ferry boat Qulta had just left the
Nlcthery slip when the fro broke out ant
the master hurrel ) to the scene. On approaching -
preaching the burning vessel ho was suddenly -
denly surrounded by an excited crowd of
passengers , some wih revolvers In their
hnnlls , who threatened his life I be ventured
\ near the miming boat. He was therefore
compelled to turn away and leave the pas- I
sengers of the Tercecor to their ate. Deere -
tore doing so he had alt time benches amid
other means of saving life thrown overboard
for those who were struggling In the watrr.
In little more than hal 'an hour the terrible
scene was at an end so far ns the pas-
's Bongers were concerned.
FIANC WOHUmn U\Elt EOit' I' .
Uprllol of the NAtvrs J.oo1ec For 'I the
T"rlt-Slxlh Instant.
PAnlS Feb. 20-Humors or an unsatisfactory -
tory nature as to the condition of afairs In
Egypt are causing uneasiness here. A
special dispatch from Cairo says that friendly
natives assert that a rising of the natives
wilt take place on the 26th of this month
during the Hamadan , the great annual feast
of th 1lohammedans , which lasts for a
' n3olmtm. ! This rIsing , the dispatch says , has
tt been foretold In Mohammedan fanatcal so-
' cleties. The Journal des Debats commentIng -
lag upon the situation , asserts that In ile
European chancelories there Is no readiness
to admit the existence of a Drllsh pro-
e tectorle In Egypt. The Journal Insists that
the task of AfrIca Is to arouse Central Europe
so It will givE unmistakable evidence that
the sympathy Is wIth Egypt as against
Great . Britain.
LONDON , Feb. 21.-A dispatch to the
, $ Times from Cairo says time menacing aspect
of affairs In Alexandria continues to occupy ,
public. attention. Threats of venselu are
freely uttered. A change lu the garrison
that has just occurred Is considered to favor
' the chances of public disturbance , while the
large Influx of Dedoulns into the outkirts of
the city ( ltrln , the last few weeks Is regarded -
garded as a disquieting Ceaturo. All these
symptoms vividly recal those that heralded
the massacre In 1882. For some time past
one of the kheclive's proteges , whose palrlot-
lam has been stimulated by dismissal from
, . the government service for peculation , has
; , been busy among the Bedouins distributing
Ilhedival largess and recruiting a hodyguard
for the Ithedlvo's person Thnt the danger-
Qua agitation has been ' artificially provoked Is
evident from the contrast Alexandria presents -
seats to the complete tranquility and contentment -
Imnent prevailing throughout the rest of
Egypt since the formation of the ministry
of Nubar I'lsha.
Further Large AI'llrolrlUol for the War
. \ l"ll 'or.
YOKOHAMA , Feb. 20.-The bill wblch I
was announced yesterday tIme government
would submit to Parliament asking for a
fresh appropriation on accouut of the war ,
"a presented to the house this afternoon.
The amount asked for Is 100,000,000 yen. I
this sum should be voted by Iarlament It
. . woull make the total amount already ap-
. ' proprlatr 250,000,000 yen. :
I 1s officially announced that time entire '
Japanese feet entered the harbor of Wel- '
Jul-\Vol on Sunday. 'rho forts , torpedo boats ,
the garrison and ten war ships have ben I
landld over to the Japanese. After their
surrender the war ship Itwang Chi was dls-
armell by the Japanese and tendered to time
Chinese for time COI'cYlnce to Che-I"oo of
the body of Admiral Ting , limo Chinese naval
comma ller , who cOlmltel suicide when he
found that the surrender of Wel-Ual.Wel was
inevitable. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
On ills WiY to 1'01'101 10 Overthrow the )
111Ichl IrU8I , .
LONDON , Feb. 20.-A dispatch from
Shanghai today , IJrlntel1 here this afternoon ,
says I I posItvely asserted there that the
journey of 11 hung Chang to Peking Is In-
tended to give him I chance to accomplish
what ) ho has -
long awaited-time overthrow or
time IJresent Monchu dynasty In China. 11
Jung Chang will begin his Journey to Pelling
tomorrow , Time same dispatch also says that
Itun/ the ex.Taot of Port Arthur , has made
n confession showing the traitorous designs of
11 hung Chang. I Is stated that 11 lung
Chlng his ben leagued wih time olclais or
. the palace at Peking for the overthrow of
S. , , the dynasty ever since he was deprived
lila yellow jacket amid peacock feather .nl
various olhlces.
11JtNO 'ViiIi LINt ) L'LiENthi. )
Armenian COlllnlol 'rolcl IJ Viva SIt-
" " 8811 01 limo JI188CI' ( ot ( 'lilbircim.
CONSTANTiNOPLE , Peb. 20-Tho latest t
Inteligence received here from Ioosh oC the
proceedings of the commllon ! that Is In.
qUlrlng Into the outrages commited In Ar-
menlo hu siiade n deep '
mate ImpreEI'on upon time
Turkish officials here . Winesses who were
recently examined gave evidence reflecting
upon the 0lelal8 of the governlent In Ar-
menia. Five of the wItnessed testified that
they were wlntues to the massacre oC !
children. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
chldrcn.ler lIRJOlt , " Walrll to limo Trmm'im.
LONDON , t'cb 20-The queen , who care
: to London on Monday for the 11urpose or
Ilohlng I drawing room at Buckingham 1 > 1-
see yesterday , returned to Wlllor tonight
Her lajesty walked from tIme carriage train
whtch she aiigimted at th raroad
alghted ralroad station to
the Illelal train which carrIed her toVind. .
C'ulumh'nl I'h I 'I' ie tm'et cml . \1 t i ii.
eOI.ON I e1 , 2Q.-The go\rment forces
under command or General I'uhon : have do-
4i ; [ ealed the rebel at Santa Rosa , In the state
of Cundlnamarea. During the engagement
limo rebel generals , Valderaman an Gomnas ,
were mbrtal ) ' w9unded. Two hundred uris. ,
tlor wcre taken by the overnlent forces
Order has ben restored In the department
of Io'ac. General Ie'es has arrived nt
CarthoKenl with a flotilla. The Ilhmus Is
peacef oh .
118111101 ot thmolticliy ul lecklcnhcr
( ' ntmwtt thin Tromible.
nmI.IN , I'eb. 20.-A bi ) submitted by
Herr Iachnleke of the radical popular party ,
providing for popular representation In the
federal I states of Germany came up In the
Ielchstag tOllay on n motion for its second
reading. In the course or the debate Ihere
was h lively scene arising ( rein some remarks -
marks made by Eugene Richter of the peo-
ple's party on the constitution of the granl
duchy oC Mecklenberg , which was the principal -
cilal object of attack . lie declared that
: leckltberg shouhl long ago hnye been cx-
tnct except lor the number or Ilegltmato
births timerein At this Ilolnt ederal Comma-
cilor Oertzeu rose and Indignantly protester
against hticbmtor's taunts , Ileetaring that lie
was o\'ersteppin the bounds or recenc ) ' . A
great tumult ensued on the leftist benches ,
whIch comllletely downed the spealter's
voice . When quiet hall been restored Von
l.e\'ltzow. the president of the chamber , Rid
he deeply regretted the expressions or Richter -
ter , which were Irreconciable with the tra-
ditons of the house . The members of the
let Iou Ily applauded the remarks of Levi-
zow.Time _ . . _ _
The chamber then 11scuset the bIll alered
by Itze or the center party for the estab-
lshment of an Inquiry Into time IndustriaL
conditions of working people , especially
In regard 10 the further reduction of the
working hours of married women.
Dr. Van I0etlcher said that the govern-
meat 'mpathlzell with time objects or time I
bill as far as It sought to introduce greater I
comfort into the home life of the working
casses , but the result of Inquiries already
Ilrocpedlng should be awalnl before the ap-
polntmnt of a general commlulon of In-
luiry _ _ _ _ _ _ _
iENOUNIEL ) TIlE UlTI , 81'ES. .
.Iemnters 01 thin 1:1111,11 : lolulm A8S0-
clllII II CI.sll : V. .
LONDON , Feb. 20.-A dispatch to the I
TImes from Derln says that at to ay's sitting - !
ting of the Economic Reform association a
resolution was adopted declaring that the
commercial treaty of 1828 between Prussia
and time United States anti the other treaties
or the United States wIth the various Ger-
man states were not blllrg on the empire .
plre , which In future treaties must take bet-
ter Precautions to safeguard its Interests.
Count Van Ganltz dlIverd a polemic against
the United States which he described as the
most Inscrupulous of all 'natons towards
other countries
I Is understood that the approaching meet-
Ing of the German commercial congress will
discuss the currency question In the light of
the ncent bhnetalism resoluton d
In time Helchslag. The constuent assembly
of the new German Dmetalic association
was wel attended. Herr Hendt expressed
the belief that too little silver was produced.
I was a great error he said , to attribute
the depreciation In time price of sliver to overproduction -
production , because the depreciation had only
manifested Itself after time inhibition of the
free minting of silver.
Consul Wimann stated that I was a mis-
take to suppose that Mexico was dependent
upo.n the price of sliver. For the time being
a great change had occurred. Mexico no
longer sent her silver coin abroad , but ex-
porte It In the shape of its productions.
German lundolllth = ot Likely to Sanction
UI" Return of thin J.suli.
DEnLIN , Feb. 20.-The resolution providIng -
lag for the , repeal of the law expelling the
Jesuits from Germany was read the third
time and passed In the nelchstag this after-
noon. 'ho passage of the measure was re-
coined with cheers by the members of the
center , or Catholc , party. The conserva-
tines , the members of the relchspartel and
the national liberals voted against the resolu-
tion. I Is not expected , however , that I
wi become a law , as the Dundesrath , which
has heretofore always refused Its consent
to time repeal of the laws , Is not expected
to sanction time resohtion. The bill for the
expulsion of the order from Germany was
passed by time Relchstg on June HI , 1872 , by
a vote of 131 to 93 , and was promulgated
on July 6. . The supporters of time measure
based their advocacy of It on the actvity
of the Jesuits on belt ! \ of time papal ) supremacy -
premacy In Decemb" , 1893 Count Hom-
pesch the leader of the center , Introduced
a bill 10 repeal thb anl.Jesult laws , which
passed Its third reading by a email majority
but the federal council failed to give erect I
to lle repea\ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- I
HI8Aliroll EXlloslon of Powder 01 thin '
hlld ot l'ormOR" .
HONG KONG , Feb. 20.-The information
that has come here from the island of For-
moan , since time sudden departure on the 18th
Inst. ef Ihe Drltsh cruIser Mercury , upon
the receipt or information that the notorious
robbers known as Black Flags were commlt-
hag outrages and time Briish resdents ! were
'In need of urgent help , has been meager
'But what has . been received shows that the
sllaton Is as serious as the frt dispatches
Illcate . Heports have arrived today that
the disturbances on time Island are Increasing
and have become so bad that the merchants
are alarmed and arc leaving. I Is also re-
portell here that an explos'o ! , which recently
occurred In the magazIne oC the forts of
Talmo , a treaty port on the southwester
coast of the hland ant was at first understood
to be or comparatively trivial character was
terrible In Its results. I Is now said that
time explosion killed 2,000 Chinese soldiers attached -
tached to the forts and Injured many others.
A squadron oC Japanese war ships Is Ilatrol-
lng the Island ,
1tisVisii : ) 'OI.ET TILE J.o.\S ALOSt .
I'al Mail Gazette : Invcslorl Sees UIHatcr , to Englsh
LONDON , Feb. 20.-The Pal Mail Gazette
says : how far the man In the street Is
contributing 10 time success of the Issue or
how far this initial success will be due to
. the power of haute finance It Is impossible
ta say The former has been warned by the
more conservative of his advisers to leave
time bonds alone. lie cannot have his eyes
openC too widely to time fact that limo Inter-
est or the hands must he paid , and that time
bonds thellelves are liable 10 be relahl thirty
years hence , not In gold , but In sliver , or
Ilckel or other coin of time United States
No one could blame the United Stales if .
fllng themselves under financial pressure ,
twy preferred to malle the bond payments
In coIn other than gaul , a IJrlvlego for which
they Ilaid dearly anti wlh much discontent.
This consideration wi always hang Ito a
Ilul over these bOlls mind render the Investor
who cannot afford the rhlt tloubtfui. The
great success of time loan , therefore , Is all
the mora a triumph for thobe managing I ,
and for the credit of the United States ,
"rclrh IJiecibe Gerolm lullr hiuuVticC.
PAIS , I eb. 20.-ThQ councIl of state to-
day deehled .that I the German Helchstas
.houM rote to pay bounties on sugar ex-
llortel from Germany steps should mmmc-
diateiy be taken , b the
Ilately ) gvrnment 10
counteract time effect of such bounties In the
French market.
Chiicaotm :111 Iolahl'c I I ) ' 1\01 Cmmriiis.
I.ISDON , Feb. 20.-J. Falter Rhodes of
Chcago : ha been knighted by King Caries ,
lie has received the ( IECoraton 01 the Order
of Obrllt of Portugal. .
( I It Inn , C nbh' 111"1 , . "tl. t
OAl'I.ANI. Cal. , Feb ' -An onler oC
( -lrt was Issued lot I ) ' dlrcln& the sale
of the Piedmont cable
railroad , this city .
under the foreclosure ot I mortgage In
! favor ot the San Francisco Tool company
for over ' 1,0,0. ' -
Born a Save : e Passed Away Lull of
Yearl and loners ,
After an \cthe CAreer lie I'tmsacml the " LoSt
" In 1''nce 10.1 Jul.t nt ills
luIe Near % Vnshminglnim- Cnmo
8ued'n one VlrXllect'd.
\\'ASiIiNGTON , I'eb. 20.-FrederIck Douglass -
lass the noted freedman , orator and diplomat - I
mal , died a few minutes before 7 o'clock tonight - '
night at his resllenc ( lu AnncoMa , n suburb
of this city , of heart failure . his death was
entirely unexpected , as be had been enjoying
the best of healh , During the afternoon he
attended the conference of time women of the
United States , now In progress In thus city
and chaUed \i.lh Susan D. Anthony anti
others of the leading members , wih whom
ho has been on Intmate terms for many
years. When ho returned home lc saiti nothm-
lag of any feeling of Iness , though he expressed -
pressed hiineehf as being a little exhausted
from the clmh up the stairs heading from the
Street to his house , which Is on a high ter-
race. lie sat down and chated wih his
wife about the women nt time convention .
SUddenly he gasped , clapped his hand to
his hert and fell back unconscious. A doc-
tar was hstly summoned and arrived within
a very few moments , hut his efforts to revive
Mr. Douglass well hopeless from the flrat.
Wihin twenty minutes after the attack time
faint moton or the heart ceased entirely and
the great ex-slavc statesman was dead.
Mr. Douglass leans two sons anti . a Ilaugh-
ter the chl ren of his first wife. his second
wife , who was a white woman , un'lves him.
The story of the second marriage was a
romantc' one. Miss , helen Ilts , whom he
mlrrlnl , was a New England weman of mld-
die age , a clerk In time ofc of Limo recorder
of deeds of the Dstrict of Columbia when
Mr. Douglass was aplllnted 10 that omce.
She was I member of a literary society , to
which he bohonged. They were thrown mich
together and finally became engased. ler
relatives oppsed time union bitterly on account -
count of his color , but finally yielded to
force of circumstances. Some of them have
for semite time been hiving near the Douglass
home on Anacosta heights.
Frederick Douglass was born a shave , of
a white father , near Tuckahoe , Md , about
1817. lIe learned 10 read and write through
the kIndness of a relative of his owner and
when about 15 yeas of age began 10 hire
his own tune from his master , paying the
later $3 a week , and retaining for himself
the balance of his earnings. After working
In this way for some years he male his es-
cape In September , 1838 , and reached New
Bedford , Mass. , where he at once became i
the intimate friend \Viihiane Lloyl Garrison - I
risen , who encourased him lu his efforts 10
educate himself. lie soon developed such
power as an orator that he was employed In
1841 as a lecturer by the American AntiSlavery -
Slavery society. In 1845 he went to Eni-
lard , where hIs eloquence attracted great at-
tention. Friends there raised $600 , which
was sent to his former master. and his legal
emancpaton therebj securel\
Returning to America In 1847. he began the
publication at nochester. N. Y. , of Fred
Duuglass' Paper afterward the North Star ,
n weekly journal , which he continued for
some years. In 1859 the John Drown riots
took place In Virginia. lie was supposed 10
be implicated In these , and Governor \Vls
made requisition for his arrest UPOI time
governor of Michigan , In which state , he then
was. To avoid difficulty Mr. Douglass went to
Englnd , where ho remained for six or eight
months. Ho then returned to Rochester and
continued time publication of his paper. When
the civil war began In 1861 ho urged upon
President Lincoln the employment of colored
troops and the Issuance of a proclamaton at
etmiancipatlon . In 1863 , when It was at last
decided to employ such troops , he
gave his asslslanee In enlisting men
for such regiments especialy time
I ly-fourth and Fl fly-fifth Massachu
setts . During the civil war ho was oren
consulted by President Lincoln on questions
affecting the colerel race , and at its close
rebumed hIs place on the lecture iuhatformn.
In IS70 he began , at Washlnston , the publ-
caton of the New National Era , the work
being continued by his sons when he left It.
In 187 he was appointed a member of the
commission 10 San Domingo , and on his re-
turn was made a member of the territorial
council of time District or ColumbIa. In
1812 he was chosen a presidential elector for
the state of Now York , and from 187 to
1881 was Unle States marhal for the Dis-
trict of Cohummibia He then becmo commis-
sioner of Ileeds for the District of Columbia
and on his retirement from that office In
188' made a third visit to Engiand . lie was
United States minister to Ha.t under President -
dent Harrison.
ills published works are : "Narratives of
My Experience In Slavery , " 184 ; "My Bondage -
age and : I' Freedom , " 1855 , and his nuto-
bicgraplmy , 1881.
. - .
'JUUI ' , XItn JUIl.
General Feeling that l'rlccs Cannot Go . Any
BOSTON , Feb. 20.-Tho American \Vool
and Cotton Reporter wi tomorrow say of
the wool trade : At the close of the seventh
week this market If OXllcllencln a fair
volume of trade , I 'cry general demand
with Ileldy itrices The sales for time past
weelt have been considerably larger than
In time corresponding week of last year ,
whlo the amount of wool moved sInce
January 1. 1895. Qxceelll that for time Him-
liar honed last 'CUI' by more titan 7OJO (
itoimumdH. There Is no Iloubt of n larger
cal for stock , especially ' for luo A Istl-
lan , 'rho dcmanll ( for mnemiluni domestic
lec'el lit tlwclted by fmUlneBf melum of domesto ' .
'rhere Is more Inoulry for lno fleeces. - nor-
tcullrly for fine - tuivasited. A gOOd ' In-
( ItUII' oxlsll for tine and coarse pulleti
WOOlS. Of course business Is being , done
on close nll'lln . but everybody ( looms It
hnposslble that wool vutues simimil go Imy
lower. lunufucturerl Ire well employed
mmmi It deliers show no disposition to exceed -
coed their orlnar ) wants I must bo re-
mlrbered that time extent of this market
Is ito vast that thin \\elly requirements
seldom tail much below 3OCd . ( ) lOtmiUIs.
The stiles of then elt amount to \0 OIfJJ )
: :
iountha domc"Uo UIHI 62 , O pounds foreign -
elgn , making a total of : ,80.GO against
n total ot 3IH.G pounds for the IJrl\loul ;
weelt and ! n total ot 1,91,0 Iloulls \ for
the correspoHlng week htlt yar. Time
sales since Janulry 1. 1895 , nmount to 23-
8r poundH , Igulllt IG.13IGJ pounds n
} 'eal' 1150 .
Igo.III liii ! cclrlr Ietlrnell ,
SAN I"HANCISCO J.'eb.The exeeu-
tots ot time estuto of time late Men'ln Don-
uhue , who was a prominent San Frurfelsco
caplllst , IIVO hrougjt ) suit agaInst J. and
W. SeH/man and 1lntlenblrl & Co. , New
York lall erl and hi. N. 1.ll'benlhal , their
local agent to recover 5,0 harel ot the
capital slack of time S.n Francisco & North
Pacific Halway company. Time shures ,
which are vuluell comlan ) , were 11(1108.
lieu with tIme New York banlters by ( Don-
uhue to secure certain claims against him.
I Is alleged that the obligation for which
'the Iharel were pledled us security have
been IUscharJtI , hut that the New York
bunltcrs refuse to surrender . - the cOlateral ,
"hut lUl Sister ali ler Illb 1,1.
h'EllN , lii. . Fcb 20.-Albert Wnhincq , a
1lssl\uteI , reckless young man , living with
' \ 1\ln { wih
hil' sister amid hel' husband , Q. c. IloLviby
twelve 1111 south oC here , shot his sister ,
her husbuIHI anti I bur ijving with the
fanmiiy . 'fhe Ihootlll was. done wlh a
doulle.lmrrelell shotgun . and Ihe wOlul8
inflicted are thought to be fatal In the case
of the hmIall , who II shot through time
iiHtIl . . 'he trouble leading up .to the
trate'\ ' 18 of long durton , Flowing out
of time dhinherltol of Vuhlace hy his
father In ( minor of ' ! rs . liowiby ( The mar-
derer ( ale to Pekln after the shooting
and surrendered to the sheriff , who Placed
him In jail . _ _ . _ _ _ _
J' Cs url 11'1 1,1" heir In" lirhsmip.
I1ANNII3AL . 11 a. . Feb. -.Jam'R 1) .
Leake of this city thinks he "
Lake thll ciy 1. fallen
heIr to nn estate In New York City esti.
mated 10 he worth $ IOOO Ills grnntl.
father Janice I.nke. anll two hrotherl
named l : lerellh anti John U. Leake . emni-
rated from l'ngland at /n . early 1\1) ' 11)1
settled In : lnrylnnt nud Pennsylvania ,
John n. settled In New York anti amassed
nn Immense fortun He died several years
ago Inlestate nud wihout hell his
hrotherl being ' his nearest kinsmen James
n I.eake of Ihls city has been notified that
he Is one of the \'rllchlal ' heirs to Ills large
estate anti he will leave In n few tiara for
New York to lltte hl8 claims. l's . IA
ahout 70 years of . age and has resided In
Hannibal over fifty } 'enr.
Ills JI ' 'H' . . . , , .lllUll I Xl. TUT.
\dry itayvarim's iivliencn fOL MaterIally
InrI'8 'lloneo rnL :1/lerl/l )
. .
'h/krl hr II Jrr/p ?
MINNEAPOLIS , I eb. 20.- lr. . Ary hayward -
ward was n witness In the alng tr'al IOllay ,
Preeedln her testimony l race I. . WeBs ,
paying teller of the CIty bhk , and Louise
Ireland were Ewern. \\eBs teetnt11 to hvlng
pall Harry laywarll between $6,000 anti
$ ; ,000 after September 1 , J894. thus accounting -
counting for the defemmdant' ' possession or
money that Ilil not como ( rnf Mit Gn ,
Miss Irlland was questonell by the defense
00 10 larr"s calling at the flat on the da's
precedmmg and on time tiay or the murder.
Mrs Allry laywarll was then put on the
stand ler story simply bore out time contention -
ton that Harry Ha'ward called at Atiry's fat
on the night oC the murler , } vhleh aim could
nOt fix definItely , and the tme she amI Adry
left to ro to her parents' heme , which was
abut ; :25. : I
Mrs. I. I. , Hayward , the mother of time defendant -
fendant , was then sorn. TIme first part of
her testimony was Intended t help establsh
Harry's alibi . Mrs HanvrJ said that
harry came Inlo her room al 7:20 : amid said
he was going to make I ' cahi. At about
twenty minutes after 8 he cm In again ,
imilrr'cdhy brushul his hair mnt went out , say-
lag that he \Ias going to Un dmra. The forty
minutes between these two tmcs Is the vital
period , for It was In that time . acocrdlng to
llltxt's teatmon ) ' . tht Ham" put him In
the buggy with Miss Gng Wih instructions
to drive away anti kill 1mev. \ \rs. Hayward
was next asked abut the xlstence or insanity -
sanity In her fatally , but the state at once
objected lS the question of tisatmtty had not
been raised. The objection vas Eustalned by
the court. (
"Im raising the qUEslon mtw , " saul Erwin.
" \Vho's Insane . ? " asked thm' court , comIng
at . , enes , to time meat DC the nm.tter.
"We wIsh to show that mit lie tme prevlols
10 lila goIng 10 Elder Stewart and at that
time Adry was resting undor' delusion "
" " 'el , suppose he was Insaf ( ! what then ? "
"It would affect hrs credibility before this
jury and h's competence to testify. "
"The court determined as' ' to his compe-
tency when ho was on the Itnd and there
was no offer to prove the contrar } Imane I
per9ns , especially those who are mono-
maniacs are competent to thl ' , " retorted I ,
the court. I p I
Mr. Erwin asked a. long -lerJes of questions ;
bearing on Adry's actions ! its jealousy , his
unreasoning fears durIng } 'OUlh the medical
treatment ho had been sl\el" blt they were
all ruled out. Mrs. Hayward could not
answer a direct questcn as tp , the d'ffcrences
between Adry and harry' or
HarrY : fnatvely
The largest crowd since . time trial began
was In the court room thIs afternoon. Mrs.
Hayward again tonic the stand , , but owing
to the numerous objec lon made ' by the
state , nothing material was developed.
. " ' . W. Hayward , father , of the two pris-
oners , -'was the next \I'lne . The witness
denle sO 'tr. .hlilxt's Fl merts , but nB
material Impeaebmnl th'.t1tmOny' } a
failure. The witness : . Chdi his wife
In the portion of her cOI = "where she
porton sh
raid Adry was violent :1.nPasse r ! 7 ' and
called his mother . name wl.I"refecled upon
her chmaracter. In le1il of\ the ( occurrences
thte old gentleman broke dmn and sobbed
and the proceedings were , deJaye ' some time
waiting for him to compos himself . Half
the women In the audience bled from sym-
pallY with the aged % itneBs. He testified
that he had kept a iargenupmber of one dollar -
lar bills In an Iron box In his safe for abut
two years , and upon looking there the other
day found that they were , all gone but one.
Doth boys , he said , kitew he combination
of the safe.
. c
IThllUUit.tTS OUT IN ' : iE CULl
Republicans CApture vcrythln II SIht In
the Phil lulelphla loctlons.
PhILADELPhIA , Feb 20t-I was after 4
o'dock thIs moring when the count of the
vote cast In this city yes erday was com-
pleted. Not only were theri more ballots
put In the boxes than ever before , but the
ticket In every ward was ! t.'up to such an
extent as to male time wore of tabulating
the vote very difficult.
In a total vote 01 214,747 Charles F. War-
wick , the republican candidate for mayor , bad
a plurality of 60,989 over X-Governor Robert
E. PaUson , the democratc 'Btandard bearer.
This Is the greatest purolly ! ever given a
candidate In a municipal contest , the prevIous
record being 39,06 , received Ly Edwin S.
Stuart In 1891. Demnocratlcstronghoids ' like
the Third , Fourth , Sixth. Eleventh , Twelfth
and Seventeenth wards ltber went agtlnst
Pattleon much
Patson or giving a very
reduced plurality In. his favor.
William J. Honey , Mr. , rwlek's champion
at the head of the ticket as candidate for t-
celver of taxes , ran only i.261 behind the
ticket. Women were voted for as school
directors for the first time under a law re-
centy passed. There were qeventeen such
candIdates scattered throughout the city , but
only one was elected.
Twelve pol co magistrates , eleven select
councilmen and seventy-nino common council-
men have been elected and present Indica-
tons are that the republcans have a majoriy
of these omces .
In the state the same story Is to be told as
In time city , borough eleetoul In time east.
ern haU resultng In a most unanimous re-
pnblcan victory Scranton' councis became
democratc on Joint ballot , anti South Dethlc.
hem was carrIed by demoqrats. The relJb-
hicans sight captured almost everything else In
' ' / .7'l' XIIUS.I./ / . ' XU .TII ( .
luldln ! Trachea ! In 1' ' ! lrlt.Ordor I Out
NEW YORK , Feb. 20-A strike among
the building trades on mil the buildings In
course of conbtrlcton In tbls city was de-
clarell tbls afternoon by the board of walk-
lag delegates . Time strike 'II In sympathy
wih that of the Electrical orkers' union .
I wi cat out 20,000 tlf'IOO men and may
extend tomorrow to Brooklyn and Jersey
City . Among the tradei alfcted are the
carpenters , plasterers , plumbers , gsfters ,
elevator constructors , tIn amid . sheet Iron
workers aimd stcamtitters .
'ho board . of walking celrlptes this after.
noon ordered I strile 0 ( time Presbyterian
buildIng , which Is II course .01 construction
at Thirtieth street and Im , avenue , Time
strike Is In symplthy wih that of this electrical -
trleal worllers. Abut 301 tJ.en have been
employed on the buljding .
HII flt In I'ottur , ' \ue .
TRENTON , N. J. , Feb . 20.-The Trenton
Pottery company ) , the 'Saniary Pottery asso
elation , has given mtdtice , pr a reduction or
from 25 10 50 per cent In time workmen's
wages , The men have made no answer as
yet , but will hold meelng tomorow night
to cons\ler the umuatter . As the rlucton Is
so seeiling It Is feared I t may lead 10 a
strike .
- . .
, ' up. ' , VtIH l .Il.l..I' XI.UPS u" I
lie 'I Issue I'rov'cl M CoosaI Success In
'I his ( : otidtry Inl 10 l nlunc.
NEW YOnt : 'eb. -Messrs. : . Angut
\ehnont & Co. anti J. P. Iorgan & Co. , the
managers of the bond 5'pdlete. closed the
subscription list for time n'I I IJ'r cent bands
at 10:20 : o'clock , the amOlnl havlns ben sub.
scribed for many times ov , r.
A private dispatch fro/ London says the
new American 10al is I "upt d at 4 per cent
premlm In I.ondon This Is reckoned on Ihe
I'ndlcto's price oC lS .
. . , . , _
- - * - * - ( fl
oieo Damante Under the Auspices of Lin-
coin "Knights of the r lcet. "
101 Ito Jn8 J ( ecll.1 trout Iho l'nes
1:81"te : of 1 Skilled : lrcllnle to
the 1' ( ltnu or nn "OIL
ltooumm" mitammmmger .
LiNCOLN , Feb. 20.-Spcclal.-"hiave ( ) } 'Ol
got n ticket to mlrenpfort's bal ? " n lobbyist
nslle1 [ a countr memher this afternoon . The
rural lawmalter hall none.
H dllln't tak' a lee reporter long to get
one. lie was Informed , however , that time ) '
were being ell 10 only a Imltel nlmber
anti that the flnet dlscrimlnatiorm .
fnert IIcrlmlnaton was lurac-
Icel In choosing the favoreJ guests. The
ticket reml as follows :
. . . . S . . . . . . . . . S . . 5 . . S . . S . . .
. .
a .
: Omen by the .
. . I NIITH 01 TilE I ' A UCIT .
S S At Orrmanl/ hail , liii 0 Street , I
I . WIUNESOAY , 1.'EnnU\nY Olh , ISO : .
. Atimleslon . Extra Lady 2 : Crnts. .
I . t . . . . IS . . . . s I I S S I I S . . . I . .
Lost parties might gain admittance upon
counterfeit tickets the generous host had
his name blown on the back of each ticket
like this :
4 tct&lr4Pli
lIE nUNS A " 101' PLACE.
Tonight's heel nail 10 recital at Germanla
hal Is a fair Illustration or thin performances
which MayorVeir amid time 1.lneoln police
force say arc Impossible to suppress The
chlei ! of polee his done his best to break
them up , but so far Ehrenport has "stood
him oft" at each mind every attempt. gver-
thinK Is as free and easy at EhrenpforL's
seances as In the worst beauty of the tender-
loin district In New York. Nothlns imaginable -
ble couhl be more free and ! SY.
Thorn was the average attendance tonight ,
and the 200 chairs around the wals were
alternately lted with panting sitters and
bare and empty when the mall whirl was on.
Among the atendanco at thus rather bizarre
shrine or Terpsichore were about twenty
me.mbers of both houses of time legislature.
They were all amply provided wih tIckets.
Ehrenpfort makes It I special point to see
that no one of thin solons grows ennuled
after nightfll , If he Is willing to walk down
opposite the postofce and take a spin with
the merry dames who are thtre 10 met them.
The bal opened at 9 o'cloclt and noboy
blushed , save , perhaps . the pIcture of Mozart
on time north wal , encircled with a wreath or
evergreen. Just above his classical head was
the galery ; or grand stand. Many of time
legislative attendants sought the seclusion or
thh place , and right behind I was the bar
flowing with an average quality uf beer and a
quantity of more slmulalpg fluids that would
make a man steal his own clothe and hide
them In the woods. The carnival tonight was tine tempting'flgment that It was
under the auspIces of the "Knights r 'the
Faucet , " otherWise the Bartenders associa-
ton of , Lln oln. This , however was denied
by quite. I number ' of thuc' local bartenders ,
and some of them were earnest In expressing
their willingness to , accord all the honors and
triumphs of the occasion to Ehrenpfort. He
alone was master or ceremonies , and he held
" . "
the "door.
Dy 10 o'clock the fun was fast and furious.
Men and women tripped up the steps to the
bar , and on their return 10 the waxed floor
lcicltetl I higher and shouted louder than over.
Some of the scenes of the bowery were dupl-
emoted anti sOle of them ouldone. Usually
these fantastic orgies of Ehrenpfort's In time
midst of Lincoln decorum are masquerades.
Tonight al masks were abandoned , all
"Pearl , Pearl , lo flowery Guml , " tripped
the light fan taste face to face with the I
genleman from Away Dack.
"Hmmiiy gee , wouldn't dat cork yer ? " In- I
qulred one 01 the atendants as time mad ! '
swirl was at Its giddiest.
"Git onto de bloke wid cold slaw In his
button hole. He's an employe of time senate ,
see ? " ejaculated another.
A man with a square face came up and
whispered to one of the two floor managers :
"Say , culey , I'e got two of me friends out
here I want to get 'ciii In. '
"Dat's all rIght. Go and tel Ehrenpfort
dey's employes , see ? "
The man with the square face saw . and
the open sesame worked to the queen's luste.
Just as the "employes" tumbled In the hal
one of the "ladles" 'slipped , fell , and as a
reticent Individual who had made several
voyages to the bar without attracting undue
attention remarked : "li-I was a poppln'
thou for a sure thing. "
"Do yon dance ? " . asked I companion of
one of the "employes" of the house.
"Detcher sweet life I do , an' that ain't
no lie , eiher ! " she replied.
A few days prior to time convening of the
legislature Ehrenpfort put In an appearance
at a leading hotel In Lincoln , engaged a room
and gave It out that ho hind been delegated
10 protect the Interests of certain railroads.
In proof of thus assertion he flashed a roll of
greenbaells and exhibited letters from rail-
roall magnates certifying to his capabilities
and amoral rectitude . ills first business , of
course , was to malto the acquaintance of
members , and he bent all energies to that
end. having done so , entertainment must
be provhled. What shouhl It be ? Henry hit
upon a plan lie engased rooms over Otto
Grasser's saloon , Nand 'renth streets
Here wino anti cigars were put In
stock There were also other trimmings.
Henry evinced a special liking for tender-
foot members-men from rural districts not
versed In the lanners and customs DC city
folk 'fo his rooms he brought timem They
played high five , smoked good cigars and
looked upon the wine when It was red , Ere
time evening hour was far spent Henry
would sUddenly recollect that he had forgotten -
gotten to mal a letter , or keep a date , or
pay a bill . lie would excuse hlmset and
promise to return In ten minutes. During
his absence the guileless lawmakers would
hear a knock at time door and bil the callers
enter. Into the room came tripping a bevy
of air damsels , whose golden hair was hang.
lag down their back. They hall been em-
ployed for time service and Ilew their busi-
ness. This means a good deal under circimun-
stances like these In hmammd At the moment
when the situation asumell its most Interest-
Ing phase Ehrenpfort reappeared , 'he mll-
bore were abalhed , oC course They attempted -
tempted ta explain , but Ehrenpfort waived
oil excuses anti [ assured thel I was till rIght.
l.'rom . that moment he held a club over them
/11 could control their votes In legislative
session lie has lucle ded In getting a numb - '
ber of member Into his net and . they are
as clay In his hands.
nut this Is not all. I'hrenpfort : has de"el-
OId Into a remarkable lobbyist In other re-
spects. He began operations on a most ex-
show tenHlve : scale , as the following affidavit will
Stale o Nebraska , County of l.ancultr ,
S8. : I , Katie : Devtlc , after being first tul'
"I\'orn on oath , 11010se and say that on OJ'
Ibout January G , IbP5 , one Hlnf' J hlenp-
fort calel Ipon me In the city of I.ln-
coIn , state /nc county aforesaid , and did
then anti there
represent himself 10 1J
Chief of Detectives liame of Omahu , count
of 10ulIus , and state ot Nebraska countr
mint further Ill } ' this he mild then anti there
produce what purlorlofl to I/e / it wurrunt
tor the arrest ot Unit 1.lle lcla , claim-
lug that ho was lent to tile city of J.ln-
, 'oln at the reqmlcst oC said sister of suith
lel/(6t Iall
I.lle : ela , time t / wife at I butt'her re-
aiiiumg In Qmuhai Douglas counly Ne-
braska , and did hen ali there promise
- .
- - ' - - ' -
to desist l from Ixccutng time writ shell
Mhl 1.lle : It11 go 10 Omaha , and to-
turn limo Saul warrant , claiming hunt the
said 1110 :1111 was not to be found In
time city of 1.lleoll , as ni hHhlelllnt 10
this alant 10 ( ollit mlller > ' wih hIm ,
which this Ilant Ilosllvcl ) ' reftised l to 110 ,
Mlnnt flrlher says that on the 1611 tiny
ot Jnnlar ) ' . A. I ) . . 1S9 . the said henry
Jhrel\fort rnlNI IPOI this Ilalt anti
1111 Ihll nHl there nlelilt 10 tnltO 1.r.
ties wih this alnnltoowltl : Atteampting
teR alnnl\
10 It thll ulanl , 11 \ I hlr 01 hil II\ ; amid
smuggest goiumg 10 bed , nlHI this alnlt Immr-
timer snlh muot KATU Dhi'hihtii. :
RlhscrlJll In mr presence amid sworn 10
hlforc mae h ) ' tIme nld iCmmtie \CYCll this
Illh ( itt } ' of .lallln' . . \ . I ) . . IS' ! , ; .
( Notarial Seal. ) Notary PublIc.
hrnllfort resemhles letEctv Haze In
ninny respects. hit ? has hlue e'el. a brown
ml lachl' amid gonlc. So hums Hnze.
For I some unaecolltable renson I hrtnll-
fort's ventlre as n lobbyist has not . generl ) '
sptakln , met with flattering success. He
n IClger exhibits his roll of greenbaelts , his
pants bag at the knees anti he wears n wor-
rInd Icolt. WihIn the past wcelt he has
shown by his aetons that buslle11 has mint
been geol ! lie took It Into his html lint
he mlnbt ! make n raise by striking partIes
interested lu the sugar beet Imlustry. A
German frol Grnndlantl , a heavy siugir
bet grower having In view the location of
several sugar factories In this state , was a11-
11roached by ghrenlfort anti assurll that for
$ 5OOO ho couhl guarantee the \nR age of the
sugar bOlnty hi , lImit time German beet
grower didn't bite. le had no 10ne } ' 10
Invcst In legislative wolves.
Who Is this man ghrenllfort ?
TIme was when he stoOI veil among his
fellows anti gained a reputation as I sober ,
Industrious and skilled mechanic. From the I
day , , that . he - became . . Ilossessed - - - - of a burnIng
amlllOU ror IJOllcal ounce , however his
erstwhlo , oed reputation has sUfer,11 so
mummy blemishes that ghrenprort seems now
to bo lost to all sense of honor nail decenc ' .
In an evil hour he aspired to the office oC
assessor of the First ward. Ills 100,1 name
at that ( line brought to his sUllprt n major-
I ) of the voters of the ward amI ho was
electeti Success In this his first venture
Into the political Irena seemell to have a
pecular Ir not extraordlnar fect upon his
mlnll. Ills heall swoled to abnormnl propor-
lions. Had not the sovereign people IJlcked
him cut In preference to 2,000 other citizens
aOl exalted him In public office ! What little
logic hiatt been vouchsafed him hy nature
enabled him to malI hut one deduction from
the act of his electIon : That he un ouhtelly
was the best man In the warti TakIng thIs
precious Incton to his soul he entered Ul10n
the performance of time functons er his high
olce , At Ihat early day , however , I Is
doubtful whether ghrenpfort knew the great
possibIlities of his office. But In n very short
time he became the subject or dis-
tnguished consideration at the hands
of rich muon anti powerfmml corporations : When
lie found that for ( ito macro asking he could
have lila house wired for incandescent lights
and that his residence could be ihhimummhnated
by electricity without money and wlthmommt
price , hits first ideas of personal greatness
were only contlrmnetl. Anti when it was made
plan that his public duties rettuired him to
cover a great deal of territory anti that a
street car pass awaited lila requisition , his
self-esteem took on mmnothmer bull movement.
And when , after hue officIal duties were con-
eluded for the year , his triune had become
wasted and hits nervcus system showed every
evidence of the severe strain upon it , the
railroad tax agents readily convinced him
that a trIp to time muountaine would build hmhn
up anti rejuvenate hl energies. lie muight
take his family just aa well as not. Time
trains would run any way , so one or two more
passengers wouldn't cut much of a figure ,
Time courteous tender was accepted , of course.
' 11enry Ebrenpfort , even at that early day in
his political career , had presence of umiind
enough to mmaih every snap that came hue way ,
But It takes money to travel. There mire
necessary expenses , you know , Henry went
to a banker and asked for a loan. He got it ,
but titat had nothing whatever to do withm
the fact that the banker owned property in
time First ward.
\VIIIiN 1I1 ? nnnmnsm 'm'sn nsun
Titus Henry Ehrenpfort , assessor of time
First ward , get an inkling of Limo limitless
possibilities of his high omce. For years lie
clung to it hike a sheep tick does to a fur
lined coat. He learned to worlc property
owners to tue queen's taste. lie retiucod
time levying of potty tribute to a fine art.
Henry loved beer. There were several
large breweries and warehouses of eastern
breweries located in the First ward. This
property was assessable. It might be returned -
turned for one-half or one-tentit its vahue.
One day Henry tripped into the warehouse
of a Milwaukee brewer and umniti :
"I nun the assessor of time First ward.
Send me a case of beer. "
Time order was filled , but before the time
came for presentlmmg a bill Euirenptort appeared -
peared with his official blanks for returns of
personal property. Ills treatment of time
brewer was so courteous anti considerate ( lint
the latter sent another case of beer to fohow
the first , Time wore on till the 4tim of July.
Iiemmry bethought himself to fittingly celebrate -
brate natal day. lie Invited a score of intl.
mate friends anti ordered two cases of beer
of the brewer. Two hong months elapsed.
Jiimrenpfort founti it Incumbent upon him to
christen his youngest offspring , so ho Issued -
sued pressing inVitations to hIlt friends anti
ordered mnore beer of the brower. Soon time
whirligig of ( line brought time ghnuisomno
Christmas-tide and Henry was ready for it ,
lie again beckoned the guests and ortiered
more beer. Now the brewer in this romance
was a generous hearted man , lie is famous
for imis geniality and mumatchiess hager , But ,
like other good men , hue did riot lilme to ito
imposed upon , lie began to timimik ( hint
henry must be rummmming a saloon , else his
requisitions ummid not be so frequent. lie
thought ( lie matter over anti conchmmiled to
cut off time supply , even if tue penalty for
umchi rashness vroved to be an increased ta ,
assessment ,
500mm henry mmmust needs celebrate his birth-
tiny. lie had reached ( lie mnerldiaum of lIfe'-
timat lirciumi emlneimco from whence lie surveyed -
veyed time wimohe Firet ward as his posses-
ilons , A proper observance of time day called
for more beer. lie orderemi it. It mild not
comae. henry was vexed , lIe talked re-
piIsah , but it avallemi bmimn not.
Tuft brewer cut off time supply ,
111mm assessmnent was raised.
limit there vas , hmappuiy , another brewer.
henry soon openemi negotiatIons with imimmu ,
amid as long as time simppiy lasted time tax
assessment was just anti reasonable ,
All this ( tine Ebrenpfort's popularity was
on time wane , anti so ii. caine to iass timat lie
was kicked omit of omce , and time voters of
time First ward will see to it that lie is kept
out of office ,
Vumieral of Iuno 1' , Cray Will Ito an liii-
positil : ( hue ,
ChICAGO , Feb. 20.-The remains of tIme
late isaac 1' . Gray , mnlumister to Mexico , ar-
tired in time cit ) over time Atchmimmon at 10
o'clock toumlgimt , 'rIme ) ' vere ( rmmmimmferrcd tea
a special ( rain on time Mouton auth taken di-
teat to Inthinnapoils , svhiere they will ho in
State tomorrow. A cOmmittee of time local
society of ( lie Sons ( if Intilumun suet time
tmain bearing time remrmnins at Juliet , auth at
time tiepot Imeme time train was flint by Ummilemi
States listrict Attorney 1rmimk 11. liurice
of luitiiimnapolis , wlmo comae to time city yes-
terdmty to talce cimumrgo of time remnalims ,
Mrs , Gray , her son Ilaymirmi , Frank lenni-
soul of C'imicago anti William Htarbtmck of
lmmdiammapohimm , hiothi m'eiatlves of time family ,
u'ere on the trimlmi.
INiiANAPOiiS , Feb. 20.-The remains
of Minister Urn ) ' will m'eachm ( lila city at 8
mm , ni. tomorrow , mmmiti until 7 a , ma , 1"riday
'ilI lie in state in thin rotunda of time cap.
Itoh , 'rime military will have cimumrge of thin
obsetiules lucre arid unummuui honor vIhl be
imall to time death , In atbhltion to time mlii.
tar ) , many civio bodies will imamIit'ipote ,
'i'hme honorary lmall bearei a are : Claude
hulatthmowi4 , goveritoi of intilmimin : Juimmes
Murdoek. Lafayette ; hiattIi. . hiirmIthm ,
Iiartfor'l ( 'ity ; liii hSrovn , irnumkfort ;
( 'imumrles Ii. Jewet , Now Albany ; Mayor C ,
H , Denny , lntimaiiapohims' 'mV , A , iCethmmmm ,
attorney general of iuithmummmi ; ii. j , Hackney -
ney , Shmelbyvihie , judge of time , sumprwne
coumt ; L. J. Monks , \'lmmcimesar , jmmtigo of
the supreme court , anti It , ii i'ur'eli , Vimi-
cenmmes , 'l'ime ttimn'i'ttl tm'iilmi s'iil heimne this
city for Union ella' , where time renialims
ss'Ihl hie Immtvrrotl , at 8 a , in , Fritlay. O'ea (
pmeimarutloumum have been anomie there for time
funeral. Time legisialure will adjourn to-
RopubUcans in Joint Oancu3 Voto.Down , a
Propcsition to Interfere ,
ilo.olu ( i.ooking to I un i tmneat immeut 0'
thin liomiril of l'tildh. , 1iimtI , niiti tt.iIld-
tugs vithi tlItiiiItlto Power Is
'ott'tI ttmi ; mm ,
1.1 NCOiN , 1cb , 20.-Speciai ( Telegram- )
The relnmbllcamm mumemumbers of time Itemise anti
senate hmeiti their prommmlseml caucus at time Liii-
deli lintel tonight auth by a vote of mumoro than
2 to 1 , as far as soummmd is an Immtilcatiomm , voted
tmgahmust time umltra.repmmhjhicmtn mroposltiomm to
( mica ( lie muiupolmutlumg Juower aWit ) frommu thin
governor mmmi Vest it lii time Iloard of l'miiihlo
har.tis amuil hhimlhuhimigs , TIme huroposal (0 go to
this hemugthm of lartisan extreimmity hums been
thiscmiscmi PtO anti con for several weeks , but
miot ummtil tIme liresemmt week irns sentimmient
against time propositloim developed. Time scum-
tonal cnticmis last mmiglmt brought time mmmatter
to a crisis , and time immmmtemwims killed antI
burieml beyomutl imope of resumrrcctiomi tommighmt ,
Semmator Tout of Cars cYumnty was mmmauho
cimairmmman of time cammcmms antI liepreecmmtmmtivo
Robinson of Lancaster officiated as secretary ,
iii cahhimmg time caucmms to artier Semmator Teift
stated briefly the mnotlves which hail led thmo
senate to immvito time repmmidicami mmmemnbers of
time imoimo to a jolmmt caucus and asked lion-
ator l'opc of Sahlmme to state Imarticulmirly time
subject umpomm which Party action was constd-
cred desirable.
P01'ii ilitOAChllil ) TIlE h'14AN.
Semmater l'OlO broac'mmed limo aimimjcct of taklmmg
time nlmpolmmtimug Ptmwer tlwii ) ' ( roam time chief
excciiti'u anti placimug it iii tIme hmmemmthim of time
hhoamd of Public Lmmmtls ; amiul hlmmlimllmigmi , amumi
choeti it rather cam-efmmhiy PreParcil imm'gumuumemmt
by offerimmg a resolutiomm hurovidimug for time imp.
lmotmmtmiient of it comumumuittee of three to draft
IL bill for time purpose of carrying time lltO '
posal bite effect. lie imimmuself umtmommgiy ad-
vocateti time atioption of tue resohimtiouu.
\'hmilo Senator Pope was talking Repro.
scmitatlvo lhtmlrgrovo of Clay couimmty created
a acumsatloim by excitedly asserting ( lint a muon
'hio 'as mmot a mmicmumbor of thmo lower hmotms
% 'iis in time room. Everybothy hooketi at time
imuan pointed out by liairgrove , antI time eu-
time caucus laugimeti anti cimeeremiu'hmemm time
burly Clay county statesman poimutcd out
Senator Noyes of iommglas commumty ,
Semmator Alters of Scotts Ihimmitopposed ( ho
propasltiomm , cimmlmuuimmg ( lint its adoptiomi wommld
result in time tiefeat of tIme republican harty ,
iii timis state tim lStJG.
ltepresemmtaivo itoildy of Otoo county was
oppoumeil to time sciicmmic , anti talked strongly
against it. lie salmi lie mnighmt favor time propo.
sitiomi if it could be mmmdc to take effect two
years from now , for lie was convlmmced by past
observations timat seine mmmcii ummpoimmted to
office kmmev mm moore about ( heir ututtes ( lion
a uog tiiih about a rmmilted imirt ,
ilepresemitumivo Clmapmnnmm of Sahlmuc and Mo. .
NIt of Webster both sp3ke agaimmst the prapo-
sition. \ .
Senator Sloan of Fihimmiore was partially In
favor of it. lie was a republican nuid ho
believed in republican prIncIples , anti when
time repumbhtcami party was in ( lie majority ho 4
belIeved ( hint it hmotihd tahie advantage of
every opportunity thmat presented itscif.
Speaker Itichiarda was in favor of one-man
power , lie believed time govermior should
malta the appointmnemmts'and ho held respon-
sibie. - 4
Senator Cahdwehh spoke iii favor of the
propositicn , Representative Conaway of
York was against it. lie said time republican ,
party needed a sedative just miow , amid simoulmi
have rest and quiet.
Senator Watson was strongly opposetl to
time project. lie said that Tom Majors hind
been beaten in ( lie host election and some
of the best mcmi in tIme republican party lied
advised him miot to contest that election ,
Tue proositioim under discussion would have
time effect of doing just ss'iiat Majors and his
advisers thought best not to do.
RepresentatIve Davies of Case county
favored tue creation of aim appoimmthmmg board
if it could ho done , but was not In favor of
putting time appolmmtmeumts into time imatidmi of
the lloam'tl of Public Lands amid Buildings.
lie opposed time Proposition.
Representative Ihurcim of Gage was against
Representative ltodtly of Otoe closeth the
( iebate amid time resoiutiomm was ( lien put tea
a vote and defaeted by a large and decisive
majority ,
A motion to aihjommrn was made , but befora
it could be put Senator Noycs cf lommghas
said that hie hind in hits pocket a bill providing -
viding for time electioum of coummty commummuis-
sloners at large insteatl of by districts. Ho
aehmetl time sentiment of time catmcus on time
bill , but the suggeatiomm that a bill covering
the samne object was already pentiing im.miuced
time senator to wIthdraw hiis request , The
caucue ( lien adjourmmeth ,
' 10 itlSOLlSIl .IOIIN Ii. I'OViihC ,
St'miator , Smith ltephrts a hilt Ihiimt Whil '
s po ( Put Cli. , lmsbtjr Comimnils slummer ,
LINCOLN , Feb. 20-Speciah.-Soumme ( ) ins- ,
portnumt legislation was proposed in tIme senate
dtmrliug ( lie brief timmmo 1mm wimiehm it vtms 1mm sea-
stout this forenoon , Senator )3mmmitli , chair-
imuami of tlmo comummnlttec on lahior , pm'esonted
IL bill drawn in accordaumce with ( lie recomu-
mtmendmitlomm of Governor Croummse , touching
the now Itracticahly useless office of thmo
deputy limber commumnisslommor , Seimator Smmmlthm
Presented time foilowimig romort :
Yommr cuinrmiitteu on labor hums mmntler
( 'Onsitlerittloim ( lutE iimmm't of Governor
Cm'nimummuo's mmmessuge rel'ei'i'imig to time ihtmi'ciLu
of Labor , iii which is tIme fohiuwlumg recoin-
itieiiiuit htmm :
"fime burcimu shioulti be so eqimiumpemi as
to bu alilo to collect miami collate mmii rita-
tistics of time State of whimttever mmmUum'e , iso
tiiitt lIlt ) ' lieiiuIm in this or any other
CoLmiltry Su'hio mmmiiy be hooking tovurd No.
bm'atska for IL imomumo or an lmmvttitnient of
aim y ki miii muiay Ii mm m I vi I ii 1mm 1 lie I Id is of time
iL-port Cii iLuiSWCt' its mummy imiu'nIomm ho
might aisle mi to time coimthitiomm of thihi
state. "
Yotir conuunlttee , belIeving that ( Ito sug.
gemitlons of Goverimor Cmommnmse aim to the
inmmmmtgrmmtion statistics are in line vItii th
good business 1)01k' ) ' of a umew ss'esterm-t
Sititte , amid timat It I : ; especially ImhlhlCitblO )
to tIme neethit of Nebraska at ( lila time , ima
dimecteti mae to repom't time follodving bill ;
Time bill referreti to is entitlemi "Itmi act to
create it Board of imnmlgrmution auth lnilustriat
StatIstics. " It provides timmit sucii board aimahl
coimaist of tbmo govorimor , iecretmmry of state
auth eoimimmiisaioner of vublic amid build-
lags , and it milmahi apimsint a imecretam'y , who
milieu be paul a salary of 2,000 per annummi ,
It is mmmtlo the thuty ( if time secretary to col-
heel , publish amid distribute statistIcs
for the purpose of immduchmmg Immimi-
gratlon , time iii'emmtnment of capital ,
amid time estabhlshinmcmit of mmmummiiacturinW (
industries , It is lila fmmrthmer duty to collect.
statistics anil facts relative to thin Jimtlmmstrimml
classes amid to examnino into ( lie meiations
between capital mind limber , 'Fimo bill does
away with tIme deputy labor comnmnissiommer
anti gives time proposstl imoarti sum ohipqrtummtty
to reappolnt iiini under aumotimer mmammie with a
larger salary.
Senator Stewart's bill pruvidiuig for the
investmemmt of slrmking funds of counties and
touu'nships imi graimm for feed anti seed for
drouthi sufferers is omie of far reachilmug ru-
suIts. It emniiowers county treasurers , whenever -
ever such necessity shah exist , to wltimtlraw
aim ) ' or all sinking furmtl ummqmmeys which he may
have out deposit in coumfornilty to time statutes ,
lii ammy bank , amid tu invest tIme baumm& Iii g'ralms -
for feemi and seed , provideul that imo such
witimtlrawtmi imhioll be niade unless ( ho county
treasurer has received a Petition i'tguietl by
25 Per cent of ( lie legal voters of time county ,
Alilmulcations ( or seed amid graimm are to be
mmiade to ( lie treasurer , who , acting with tile
county board , is then to go into time open
macthat amid Imurchmasa gralmi , giving it to time
farimiers applying tot thm seine miamI taking
for it. notes ruuirmlng not less than twelve
emiontha and not store than twenty-foul
- , ,