I - " . - , , . . " " ' > . . _ _ _ ' - . . . . , . . . . . - , . . ' . . . , . ' . . . . - . - " , , , : _ - ' " , ; ; - ; " ; - - - . . , . ' . . , ' , : - 4 _ - - - - - - : , i ,1. . J . O , _ _ _ - - - ' 'l ! O [ AIA DAlLY B.J : "rmDNERDA , "BUHUAUY 20 , 18H3. ! d _ _ _ 7 T , SPBGIAL NOTIGBS - , dtrrt "lcnll , for thcln ( olnln "I II S nkll until 12131 " . m. for thn etellll nld until HI" . m. for the lorllll and IIIIB1 . 1,1 I lOl. , \dt"rlh"r Ity rNllrltnJ 1 nnmhlred check , IRI hlvo RI"trrl tit1tIrct1 . to 1 Illhrret ) leler II ( fn of ' ho flee. An- 't.n 11 Itltre led ts Ill ho leloro,1 upon j'rtctitiittnn of Ihn chrcle onty. HI\cl , 1 I -2c I , i tird , frlt II etl'ol ' , 10 1 nerd L Jicreitrttr. , : tiLti lug tlkel for lUl than 2Go . for Irl Inpu'rttoti. ' ' hrlo 1.10rtlelcII mUlt un IOUleru- , tnlT' _ c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W ANTED-1 ALE HELl . - - - - - - - - - WANTID-O ; MI.N ; AD TI .MR TO tilt.1 : our feed - glllllerl Salnry 373 . 1) Ier , mOlth , n ' cotdinl 10 ohll ) ' . The 1.lchlet Mfg , ( ' " . . , - Wehlier City - - Iosn. . 1-:9:9-F21. A t'J\'IIIAN W.\NTS A NIATt.Y IJWHI' : office biy not titer I : ; wilay $ .ro I.r wee1. . AdiIi-tts ) ' . O. hux ) iri , city. \ay J-M7 O. 1. 1.1 cl - < . . - - . - . - - . - - - - . - - . . - WANTI' 1.\.lStN. ; $ A\ItY ! OB ( 'OMMIIi. $ Flon fri hlto.luce our tuoLi 10 Ihc Iro.l . ; Ier- III > Innln II'Jsllul ; It11lc tine ; Plea , . flt work , A.1re3. , wlh etolnl' . 1lng )11 ! e. ( . e 4. ( 'hIciio. 1-MTl ; ; 2) - . WANTED-FJMALE LiEL ? . 1.AOmS TO UO leANCWOnK : AT IIOM'i ' ' 16.0 to 'Io.eo ; i.teatly work nt Cn\OS.IIJ ; semi , s 810mp. IiItny Nee.lework \ Co. , 1)eIlity.ttcIi. . . . C-r ; --:3. IA1)1IVANTIN(1 Ii ItHT.'t.i4ti (1I111.S cati at 1icniidinaInn Y. W. home , 151 Caitt st. . cal < C-M7ll-G' . . - - - - - - - WANTI-A 1.1'1\ I.AmS Oe 0001 CI.\t- nrler n\1 aWrei , II n"Rlsl lit Inlrmludng $ n toilet nccesll \ ) < . < At.ess at once , I C-i57.:1 38. ; 1t.'t' . AN TNIHTIO' ! : I.AUY 0' ooon A1)I SS In.1 . wide clrde "C nCCIIlntllccs bay her oC nit " 1'IortlnIY for hre , quick Inll 'Illet rt' togs II oII'sllnl , , * 1 ! 4 Bee. C-liR3 20. VANTI1) I . (11111. ( I.OB 01NlmAI. t1t't1- . work. r,11 H. 29th tivonut' . C-M77t = 1. - FOlt ImN'-HOUSES. 10181H ; , F' . 1 ( . DAiura. ! IAn-n 1II.OK. 1)-403 JOUHIS TN A1t. IAnTH 0'Im CIT. TI O. I. ' . ) a\11 : cOlp ny. 1:3 Fnrnnm. D-t9 JOUSJj ; 1 ; : \\'A & CO. , 10S N. 15Th tiT. t13rT. I'-Oil )1tNT-1IOUH1 ) Oe 9 BOOIH AND IAHN on I'nlll n\ ' " . Inwlre ot 421 . So. ISlh st. stb3l leOB NT-G.BOOM CorrAGn IN 0000 flF. pair 1 city water $10.00 p. month In . good IartIR. 19 ) N. 3ilh. 1 1Iocil from I'nrnam car 1mb. 11'lllro nt Sto"lzcl's stove Rtore , lne next to TOttOflICe. 0-313 S.BOOM MOTlfl 11OUSI . 1IVI MINVTIS : 10US11. 1.1\1 INlTI well Crol IOmnN cOlrt house. O. I. Green , room 2S. Iru kol hludl. . l-1 10UHIS , \\'AII.\CI : . InOWN ltL11G&Doug . FOt - I : NT-:3 ; C.\ PITOI. A\1NtJ1. 1 . roolot . modern . Tim O. 1. Dn\18 comp D-79 . I'OI I : T-MODEBN 10.nOOM IIOIJSIi. WIT fuinace. bath , gut , hot nnll cold wa ler OneS half 1lock from leornl tt'rt 11111 lIne : . In most le.lnble resIdence locality In the cIty- No. 220 South 3Sth ave. l"n p.rtcullrR nplll to 1ome Im'eRlment Co. , 301 Paxton D-M870 blic. ( leon flINT-lflh1IT.flOOd IIOITSH WITH AI.t. B : T-11InnT.nOO:1 10USF 'r modern con\enlenceR. furnished or unCurlshe < lotcr II rCRpnnlhlc party ; "tahl" on 101. C. II. Ilor- ( on . 132 So. 20th .1. D-:013-2' leon ImNT-FI.ATR AT NOITIEAST CORNER oC hilt nnI howard Ilrr l. on renMonnhle I rms. Inqutie room 314 Itt Nati. hank ! ! g. D-6" 2 ) In'ule 31 : at. < ! : _ - _ MOD IN 7-IOOl HOlSI' : . NDAI PAl" . AP- . ply 1303 S. 2SIh sltcet. D-M11-23' leon ItENT-IITtICK g.nool ! NI' WI. PA- pered , modern convenlenc"s. 318 N. 23d.DM715 D-M715 FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. . ' .4 PLEASANT IIOOM. 1919 D000H. E-M270 : Pelt RENT-STEAM IEATlm I"INISIED rooms. COt So. 12th. E--F : 3 FUI1NIFIIED IlOOMi FORman , FUBNIHED 100MS tOUSEln FPINO man and wltc ; rent tallen In bonrd. 319 N. 171h. < ! -4O3 FWUaSU D IIOOM. 2011 IABNJNt7172. N-t717-2. UhUSHED ROOMS AND BOARD. ron ItliNT-FURNISIIED lOOlH WITH bard , steal heal. Utopia . 121 Davenport F-31-20. St. .J FOR lENT-WITH flOAI1D. A I"UBNISUrD front room. 201 CalifornIa .trect. I.-M621-:2. 1812 CIIIC'AGO ROUTH FRONT 100lS. ALSO . table bOll < Tel. l : ) . F-6G7-22' NICELY FIJItN1SIh11) SOUTH FRONT ItOOMS NIEI.Y FUnISI'1D : 100MS with x elent hoar" 1:2 Dodge. F-677-ID' nOOIS ANO 10AH FOR lAN AND wu'n or gentlemen . U. : week lCIO Da\'enport. . . ' . 1.-7.3-:1. 1 roB RENT-STORE AND OFFICES FOR RENT-TIlE 4.STonK InCK nUt I,1)INQ I f16 Farnam strcet. This bufltlhng has a tire. I LUl11ng r- . proof cement " "sment. complete steam heat- I pra tug /x/nres water on all floors . gas etc. Ap. ply at the otce oC The flee. 1-910 Tim MAX MEYER IIU1LDINO. N. n COlt 1th and Fnrnm ; roe 19. 2x00. or 4lxlo. ( or the whole buhhdttig strain heat , ehectrtc eta- vntor : building : fi 1)0 I arranged f suIt t" : ant. Illule ills Iearnam street. I-M305-F28 FOR I1ENT-FIEST CLASH THnEI -STOnY end hasercnt hrlcle Ftoro with elevator at 10. Faroarn. sultnhle for any kind ot 1jusliies. In- quire lt rom 3U : First National Dank . lhltIg. 1-662 AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS IN I VpnY STATE ON SALARY AND colnnli5alon. Agenll mattIng $2 to ISO weekly . I urell Chemlcnl . & Mfg. Co. , I.a Crossc J-M318 . \VI. . ) LADY AOFN''S ; nummn UNDFnOAIMINT : lulcJe sales : hug prfs : catalogue ( lee. Mrs. N. II. Litte Mtg. Co. , Chttsgo . III. . J-M770 20. . .AIIINTS'ANT1M ) TO tmll. TII PHOTO-IT . IkKket calerl : colts IsclC ; prols tmmense Address thu I'/wlo-I / Mfg . Co. , X 12 , I.n Crosbe'Is. . J-M17. 20. BTORAGE. misT RTOnAm nUHUINO IN OMAHA U. A. 10\ ' . Lon < e < warehouse household goodt slured. Lowest mles. 1013-101. Leavenworthi. < M-19 IITOItAGE. FRANK . \EIS. . 121 HAINI Y. M-1 WANTED-TO DUL . , CITY & CO "AltANTS. I'ltICIIAIttllhZ N FA' - 11. -32 WANTHItECOND hAND Uh'RIOIlT WAN1'FIliCon IAND U'lGI' 1llnos : thence , static price . make and wher 1 csin Llodl. bu seen. H. U. ticott , room 43 nall N-32 WANTII 11 1.lm AND COUNTHITH FOil gr''cery 011.1. hnilnodlttely : . AII' , " , . . or leOt ) II ? . Cozzens . _ _ l'm _ : Hotel. N-i7 19f W.\N'I : 1l'INITUt ANI ) ( ' . \IlI'HTHTO ho taken In boa itI itt lead log tllly hotel U' 4. lh'e. N - 117 :2. FOR SALE-MI lELL.NEOUS. WIWlAN 11.\NOi. Jtlm'OIT OIIGAN $ . _ W"ltrl H.:11 iki. )1/h. / Q-32S : 100 AND ( ' 1llcIlN FHNCI ' : ; H.\ID WOOD 1lellels. C. H. 1.oe VOl ) nuuglas. Q-3 A O NIINr 1.ls'r 01" 3.000 ADDRISSESIN \'ehslel' l'OUII ) ' . Neh. . 3,0 ADDUSSES prici p Li.(0.uidreui ( O. C. Tech , lel Cloul. , Neb . . Q.-M711-26' l'On 3.fE-2 1"ISI ; ! 'O\\'H ANt ) t'j4V1) uld one 1'/I.le. < " Holstein cow art helter alt lt . .S2G . Weh.ter. Q-IdTtIS-93. - - - - OLALLtVO Y1NTS. 1I ! 1)11. \\.1lltlN , ( 'I.AIIIVOYANT . 1 : _ 11bl Lu.ller tiie4Iuiu : lIlt ) ' ul In N. 16th. _ _ _ _ S-321 VIt1) nl i . : ' r'jiV\'ANT 01' 'rm : UU" . 1odlle Itoinitlo . ha . returned I ) ' request I"I ! can h. , 'ol.ulh' un till affaIrs oC life. . . 110. " wl.hlnl correct l"h'lc" In bu.lle. lute . marriage . tiuni . Ilw.uls. e/c. / , . can . safely \ rely 00 Ito ( niadatnu. Hhe ' ) t'ly nlllalo. removes evIl In- hl'tett't's . n'untti's L"Ulllu und , causes e\1 'I IIt holly ' mlrlagt : ttlthi the one you Ile \ . ) tutu inat.tai I SUCCe9 where othir . ) till. All Iii . truubl tall \ ant rec.l\ e Ilompt bcnenl. lourl , I to 9. I.eIN' wIth stamp answered l'I\lilpl ) 31\2 \ N. 151h 81reut flat A. . r H- : 7G IS' - - M.USAGE . , IJATHI3. . ETC\ ' $ 111)h SMITh ! . r S. 13I II 1.1.001 JOOM 3 : mugnl-tc. " ' 11'01. alcohol lt "u 1. sitipiturlno ! . _ Ind lea bah. % T-:7J-3. is a , 1IAi.\M l A-Il ' DODO12. . ' ' T-M629-2S' PERSONAL. - - - - - - - - It. 1hAS . leLIST , I'I.ANTI. CUT FLO\\'lmS. n\Cuet , ball . resld.nco and grave decortonL l ' UIlton Street Tolephon 171. U-U 'IA'f CO. . at huH JLDO. : II AI.TI JOOC freelttmtrcatment , : lady aUondant. U-J ; MOVEMIiNT CUI1L - FORt LADIEII. 111 Chlcau a/rrel / cousuhtittico. tidal and . cIeuttfltl ob1t' HeatsneaL . . " . .cltlUlc lbe.lr letuleat Iree Moudayg 1".l ' LI-M ; : lI I"S' PERSONAL. ContInued , MASSAGE. m.tL"nO TInnIAI , UATIIS . Cittrotolist. ' Mme. Post ' , 319\i \ S. 1&lh st. e/i- TIm m T.I.n ? IWllmLY cons ; MAPI3 'ro order from ! ensure. lp . "arar Ilreet.U . - NI WI.Y lel'I' IATI IAHLOBS TurkIsh and electric laths for Indies' and gentle. Inth 10tl.s' enle- men. Idme. 10\11. z S. ISIS st u-MO 2.1 iloor ) ' ) Ml' , O . IAI' JVINISS ; col.i.lOE . UTI AI Farnam. U-M3C I. " \S'Ai.f I'Al'EIt CLIIANI2I : 24i AQ Y1)NO j mess : No. I Jub. lechlel , 1503 Corby St. _ _ U IG ; : lIE , ' , 1YT \ ' CULTtIIZH : i2VIit . S'tT1I lT\ lTCUf.TI T\'I\ f.AUWITI tnrlRI hnlr cal have It Pllrcl ( , foreVer "Ir' I nnteell . < ) . . hy the 11.1t"IlC : NI'1"m.11. Motes wntR , wens. tel nose t1lh tntuM , POW : tier aol cInder marks . freckles. hlrle hcoll , lIter Slots 1 , 1lmples ant , all ( trIal Ilemlshes removed . 11-.hopc,1 , 1001 ant , projecting cars rel.lel ; bust le\'elopee : hair. scalp nil I skin treated ; tnt t.luce,1 ; nervous nlll Cl'lnl. .tis. eases cured by the Curolnthle ( institute. 107 . S. -17th _ st. near - Ioigo. - lr-622 Mil' J ( ' .ihINET PIOTOS. IllIST TeINISI. U.i ) : F ) tn's enl ) ' . Cownn's , 134 lrnllWlt " , ( ' 0. Ittiitfi. IT-\ttlt 1 ) .1 : MAII.OM 1'i'tR.VIT1I 1.01 AlVEIiTISII- I'nl. ant pIinio . DC tnarriiigenhlc Ie"ple , many rIch : hits oC hwks. novelties , etc. . Crec. Iln- _ _ ! neW 1 Monthly . Toledo , O. U-MI ) ' ) :1. RI.HSTAilIltOhl lU : IttcOMMHNDINU ; CITS. 1n-gSTAm.IHI : lCOIININO tamer , , wnnt.I , ; wnlch CIMnlng. a5e ; mainsprIng - , t.c . . , . , . 1lS' N. sprIng r.c. Jurbanll , O. A B. 1411g. 1811 . ! . ! I.th mtrret. V-iSI 20' MONEY TO LOAN-B.EAL ESTATE : ANThONY LOAN & TRUST cO..m N.Y. I.W , I 'ons ot II'\ rates for ehnIc ' secUrIty In Na- brasita anti , Iowa Omaha ProPerty. hrslt 10WI farms or city l > W -333 ) 1.1111 ; INSITHANCn I 0I.1CIHS IO.NION or bought . I. ' . O. Chesne , 1nnsas CI ) " " . -3)4 Mo. MONI.Y TO IOAN ON 1IIO\'lm OIAHA rent eslnte. Ilrennmtn . 1.0\1 & Co. , Paxlon blk. . \\-335 MONEY TO I.AN AT I.OWEHT ItATII4. 'rlr F. iat'ls . ' at. W'-336 Co. , H05 l'ornnmii lo nl. : - _ . ' ! _ . : : \ 'nlt- I.O\ HATFR MAIi : ON 0001 1.OANS. J. W. Squire . 2n lIce bldg. W-31 CITY LO.\NS. C. A. STAIIE M. 1 N. Y. I.nel' W- CITY ANn F.tItM LOANS AT LO\'EtOT rates. PUle ) " & Thomns. 1lrsl Nat't Ilatik V-)39 bldg. IONY TO I.OAN ON 1MI'Il0VIt ) OMAhA : ( . IPIOVIol Ilollett ) . FidelIty Trust company , 103 Fnrnam. W ' 4 I.O"S ON 1llnO\'JD & tNIIPIOVIO CITY "rollrl ) \ \ ' . 1.'oral SmIth & Co. , 1321 \\-21 Jolnm MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAhA HeA 115'I'A'I'E at 6 per cent. W. : . Mctkle . let Not. Ilk. 111g. , \-34 CITY t.\ NS. $ :1)0 tl $ : O.00 AT LO\\'IS' rates 10wel & Poter. lit floor N. Y. L. hl.I ! - - \-:13i4 MONEY TO LOAN ; G 11:1 CENT I.OAS ON Ils1 e Im11'\'ct business property ; large loans < ! our " 1Icclal . Neb. & Iowa Trust lOlpnn ) 201 N' 1' . LIfe hl < l. W-M'37 2S. ' - - N' Al'IIIL 1 , 18(1 , " SIt } OF $ . .OolC ( \ h. obtained at ' 7 per cent. Addicts n 28. lIe ? omce. \V-M,73 20 _ . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. MONEY TO I.OAN ON leunNI1'11 . 11oOS nod nil kln of securIty. Fred Terr ) ' . rom , . . 430 Hnmgc hlock. X-13 MONEY TO JOAN ON IOUSI HO.D PUINI- turo pianos . horses , wagons or any html oC chattel security at lowest p09.lhle rates , which you can PaY hack nt any lnn and In any amount t"IDEI.ITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , Room 4 . Wlhnel ! block. X-31 J. II. HADDOCK HOOt 41 , nAIGE 1lh.OCI. X-315 MONEY TO LOAN ON FUI1NITUI1LI. I'IANOS. horses. wagons. etc. . lit 1"\1.1 rides II city ; no removal oC goods : strictly confidentIal : you can pay the loan off at any tIme or In any amount. amount.OMAhlA . MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 20" S. 16th sl. X-34" BUSINESS CHANCES. DO YOU WANT A MONEY iIAIIEI1 ? TilE 1 , I.ol ln"I"9cope ( ell\t : machines ) . took II $ S.O In less than three monlhs. For terms address Edison tlnetoscope Co. . 109 So. 16th It . < Omaha Neb. Y-M6i MDSE. EXCIIANQEiI. H. A.WAGNER. OMAhA i - ta1 1" : 1ILACKSMITIT AND CARRIAOIi 51101' VOlt ULACKSITI CAnnAG SIOI rent . cheap : G feet long , 2.story brick bulIdtng : will sell my stock . and tools I have the best mile , In this dt ) . On account oC my other busIness I cannot attend to II. A good man can lava the beet lay In the west that undcr- stands general work. Inty wIshing to take hold must have ' 70.0 to n.J.OJ. Apply . to James Mooney . hastings. Neh. -4 20. GOOD P.\ lNG MANUFACTURING nUSIESS. complete for $ 930. Goo reasons for selling. Adiresa I 20. . Eec. -66 FOr SAI.E. NEWSIAlEB AND COMPLETE oull In 1 thrIvIng little city In North Ala- homo : great bargaIn. Address . W. J. Slbert Gadaden . Ala. Y-M7)i 20' < Y-li.l GOOD HUSINI'S FOB SALE on TnADE- A iiartiwaro amid nglculuiol Implement husl- : ness In a 1001 Etc town In wcsl"r Iowa ' with stock ot about 16.00.0. doIng n good . profitable , huslnces and In excellent tmlle ct- Inhlshe < I.ocatlon for Fale or rent \Vouht take trade II western Iowa or eastern No broalca. Adross I. A nomnns D.nlsn. Ia . Y -IlG 21. volt si.io. CIFAl leOn C.S11. A CLEAN $2.00.0 stock ot har < ware In hustling town In lest part of Nebraska : n bargain for Mme one. Address J. G. areen Srom.bulg. Net . Y-M711 22 A OOOD IUSINEfS O1'I'ORTt'NITY IS OPEN to one or IWo young. actIve men. who can command $2,500.00 to ISoeo.oo ; busIness lelll- mate : profits sure : A 1 Omaha references ; also good opening for hotel man with $1000.00. Ad- dress I 40. lIce. -M112 21 FOR EXCHANGE. IBOPI ITY FOR MOtOR H.A.\\'AONEB.Omnhn. Z-3l2i3 1'2 \'ANTED. MERCiIANDISI ) . \\0 have fifty quarters oC clear land to trade , for Irst class merchandise ; IC goods ere prime would Imt In tome cash ; wish to correspond dIrect wIth owners. Address . P. O. lode hx 343 . OberlIn . 7-:162021. lCnn. 2 CIt An LOTS AND $ .5. ( ) IN IAPEn AS good as cllh. for 8 10 10-room modern house. t0 I. . Cole Co. . lOG N. l.tI. < 7:11 22' GOOD FAItH OF 1051,4 ACRES IN 8. W. MISsouri . sourl 10 trade for good stock ot try goals ; cnn < I'ay some casI. : A "rcs Lock box 3) ) . RIch . 11. Mo. 7.li :1. FOR SALE-H AL ESTA''E , FOR SALE on EXChANGE . A FINE ItESI- denee proPertY . wIth large grounds . well 1m- Ilo\ed : owner unit no use for the Iroperly amid wIll take other good Impert hI excdinnge . Address . H. O. McGee , Council hliurfs. In. 1 -i61 Id A1ISTRAC'1 ' $ . ' 1IE BYION REEL ) COMPANY. l -to WANTI . 1,0 ImADS OF FAMILIES TO take up tree homesteads In the Bell ! rl'eral - Icy MInnesota . Map showing exact location . sectIon . lawn and rOle wi he mlell : free hy wrItIng 10 land commissioner Olent Northern railway . St l'aui 111mm. In -MI1 lt 1\t\INS. hOUSES , I.OTANn PAIUIS , sate or trade. F' . K. Marling . B.lller hlock. t -34 EXCIANOI'S ; ANI SALES ; CITY PI011'1ITY. fams. merchandl.e. Oar\ln llroc. 210 N Y.I.ife. . 11-34 1"AIUt LANIS. C. j ? . IIAIt11ISON . 912 N. Y. I" itti-M4)2 Ml' IE-Mm : PINt GAill)1iN LAND 6 MI. I"HOM 1' . 0. . $0 per nCre. 910 N. Y. L. hldg. 1 -9H I1AItOAINIO . SA1.E al TIAl IN CITY PIO' ' erles and t.rm. Jno. N. F'renzer . 01'1' I' . O. Il-lS3 U. II . COLE CO. hAVE SOlE MOt1 GENt ) - Ins snap otters. Look lt N. C. Cor. 2CII and ChIcago 332xi10. mind H. W. Cor. 31h and 10w , ! < < api , 13 xI32. and then get Irlecs. 1"lnl hulhlng lots UQ.O. 115(1.0) and 1650.0) 6.rol house amid month lot , $ , $5.0 : .0 casim balance 'U.O per ACHES. ACI 5 acres , 4I4 mit straight wcst tram 1. 0. 5. moth house , large barn . 4 acres bearing grl'es. 12.000.00. One acre . good house ant horn , N. \ Income from fruIt hut yar . , " ) ' ) . ( ) ; PrIce ' . 19.0. II. ii. CIl Co. , lOa N. 15th. ll -MHO 22 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' . HOrE. hOTEl. IlIiilCElt. 13TI AND JONI STS. 75 rooms a\ U.W per day . W rooms al $2.0 tier day. Hperal rates 10 commercIal tr\elcr. nom and hoard I ) ' week or month. I.'rank Hidich , manager . 31 AETNA hOUSE ( HUItOPIIAN ) . N.S' . con . Ulh and flode. looms I ) " day or week. 35 Mml.AN1 10'1. . COlt. 16H AND CHCAGO atrl'eil American plOl , 11.50 coil $ = .0 I'er day . European , . Soc ant 11.00 . . Iurpeln plan r al $ .0 I'er tay. lom. . slngh , or cliule , tor families or gentlemen . lt realnnble rates. 2.1. J. Frimnek prop. S At-21-F1 UNDERTAKERS DEMBALMER9 1. K. 111K&T , PJNIJAL DlmOl AND emlllmer . 161 ChIcago St. , telephone W. 30G tWANSON & \ALUN. UNU1TAmmS AND enibalmeni . 1701 lulllni at. . telephone lOO3T H. O. AUL. UNURI''AKCI AND EtI.\LJI- er , 11 lelrlr It. . telephone 2) . 3i e W. JJAKER . UNDElTAKlm , GI3 S. SqTIIST : : , NERVOUS PROSTRATION , ( NfURATIENIA ) Insoiiinla Nervous Dyspepsia , Melanchola , And the tltousanl Ills that follow : deranged condItion oC the NERVOUS SYSTE Atc cured by Cet.ebrl- The Ixtrnct of ! the _ 1 % PJI ne Brain of the Ox lrcfared Illcrthe formula of DR , WILLIAM A. HAMMOND. Dose . . : Drop. . Price , Per Phlll of Two Drnchm . $1.00. IOR SAln bV ALl DRll1ISTS. COLUMBIA CHEMICAL CO , Washington , D. C. SemI for look . hol. 131 KUl : & CO. , A0 NTS VOlt OMAHA. BUILDING & L'AN A'30CIt\TIO l 10W TO GIlT A lIOMlI on RI'Cl'lr OOOD Interest on Rn\'II I. 10:1' II Omaha I. . & 1. Ass'l. liOI leo LI < I. O.V. . Nrltnger , sec3G2 SIAl S IN MtmTttAt. t. & 1 ASS'N. IA Y G. 7 , 8 per cent when I , 2. 3 years oil . aiways redeemable. 10 { leornm st. , Nattlnger . See. 3G1 BIO CLES. lit. O. DoXON , 402 N. lOT ! ! . 351 OMAHA 1CYCLl CO. . 3:3 N. lOT HST. a - - - - - - A. I. . D ANr & CO" , WHOL1HOLr AND I ; - - tall blc'clcl. lUG 1'arnamn slreel. 19 \'h1.I. IAHUM & lIED. . 120 N. 15TH STlm T ; only rIdIng school In the Lit ) ' . 1121) LOST. LOST , AT 10YD'R O1'IIItA HOlHI . TUUnS , IlY e\'enlnl last n stick 1,11. sunlit goll CIWI lppe wIth earI9. l Please return tv 00) . lice . 1 < g. . for reivorti iOrl 19. LOST , AN OPAL 3'IN SUNDAY IUTl'IN TO 11. E. Cole Co. and receIve rewnrd. < l.oI:1 ' BUSINESS NOTICES . ' DAMAGED Mi 10 lS ImSl\mmD. 19 N. 318 ; 10. - - - - - MASK SUITS LADIES' ANDMEN'S MASI _ SUITS 1"OIHEN' lt Golden Eagle stol . IH II. IClt mtIeet. . : tJ3-M n. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES E.IClC.ENGEI.S AND CONTlAC- tore for electric light ont motor plants and alt kInds at electrIcal conslllclon , " ' "sler RIce- trIed Supply Co. , 48 and 420 S. 151h st. 3.2 TURKISH BATHS. TumnSH BATHS : ONLY PI.ACE IN CITY exclusIvely for Intl s. Suite 10 JI0 lIce B . ) ' . ' . DEN'I'raTb. i:1it. : PAUL , n N''IST. 2 : ) BUiT ST. 363 MUSIC. . &Wi' AND LANGUAGE. . - - - THonOUOH INSTRUCTION IN GERMAN AT I'ca9nahle mtes. Addremw . H. 1"lschel. hex 153. . clt ) " . JG21 20. C. I" OEI.I.lmIECK. BANJOIST AND GUITAR teacher , 191 Cass st. 9H - - - - WHOI.JALE COAL. JOHNSON 111105. . WiIOI.lllOAI.E DRAIdIRS I ni ! kInds oC coal. Correspondence solIcited. 10tH learnnm st. 301 COAL. D. T. MOUNT HAS I1IIMOVIID IllS CAL olce to 209 S. lath sl. . Urown blodl. 36' - - - - - - - - IlCE REDUCED ; SHERIDAN . MEST WYO- miming coal : nut $ UO : lump . ' 5.6J : 2.00 lbs. fem 1 Ion delIvered. 16 I.'arnom elre"t Hi t'lOVE RBPA1.5 STOVE REPAIRS FOR O.ODO DIFFERENT makes of stoves : water attachment fiji , con- neclons n specialty. ' 1201 Douglas st. Omaha Stove Hepnlr Works. 367 EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. CANADIAN EMlI.OYJENT UUBEAU nE- moved 10 152 Douglas : furnish beat male onJ female help. Jl91 lt5 WOOD AND KINDLING , TEr 1587. HAnD WOOD AND KINDLING. l61 28 DENTAL C9LLEGE. OIAIA COLLEGE DENTAL SIII1GI4ILY FREE InlrmnlY : dentIstry at cosl. 16th & Cap. o\'e. 175 II SHORTHAND AND . TYPEWRITING. rAN HANT'S SCIOo Oe ShORT hAND N. 0. Life Omaha Ask for clrcuiar. :06 OMAhA BUSINESS COLLEGE l.th & FAItN'M MS2Cl"28 Stockholders' Meeting . Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meetIng of the stockholders of the South Plate Land company will be held at the olce of said company , In LIncoln Neb. . at 1 o'clocle n. m. , on the first Wednesday In March , 185. being the Gth day of the month. By order of the Board of Directors. R. O. PHILLIPS Secretary. Lincoln Neb. . Feb. 4. 1895. F4m30t F . . TEr LUW 'Cl'S and so1Icitots . SUES & Co. , Bee Building , OMAHA. Neb. AdvIce I11tIE. RAIL WAY TIlE } CARD Leaves I' iiwlLNOTON & . - I1IVIiitlArrlvea Omaha . ! _ Union Depot 10th Mason Its.1 Omaha 10:15am..Denver : : l xJlrcss. . . . . . . . . . .9:4 : . m 4 ; 3lmn. 111k . II tile . Mont. & l'tmget tInt , . . 1lx.4 : IOimii 43pl.lle. :3pl. : . . . I . Ils. . .Den\er Inl"t . . In . . . Fx.4:1 . . ; lm al ; pI..Netla.lc Local . ( except Sunda ) . 7:4511 : 10\1 8:15am. ; Lincoln Local ( except Sunday ) . .h1:2lamn : 2:45/ : / > 1. . .1'itst Mol . ( for Lincoln ) Sunta Unl ) . . . .1:11 . . . . Leaves \CICAGO. lUHLINOTON & Q. lArrives \ OmohmiiUmIomm , Dvot.lothm & MIn 14ts.j / Omolul 4 ; 11pm..Chicago Ve8Ihule. . . . . 9 ; 9:50.m. : . . . . .Chlago I."pres. ; . . . . . . 4 ; : t:1 75 ; ° tmi. ChIcago amid HI. l.oula Express. ; . 8u'4tmn ; ) llRammi..achitc : < Junction 1'Xrr".s. . . 8Ual 6:10pl : . . . . . . . . Fast Malt. . . . . . . . . . Z:4'llln : I. n\ed IcICAG , r . . & S'I' . I'AtJI . . Arm'jT Omaha Union l"llot. 1011 & 1.\UI./Arrlv / 6:001)10..Chicago : -iII , ' . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30.1 : 1Iloumii..ChIcago : I xpless ( ex. < Hun. ) . . . 6:0pm : . Leaves Cl IIC.\GO & - NOI'1 I WI.ST' N. TA rr-I\ Omaha Union Depot , lOtim & 1laauzi StsjOmaiia 1IO3amn..Eastern : . 11xl" . , . . . . . . . . r:3'pl , : ' ) 4 : COpmn . . . . . . \c.lhul.d Llzmmlted. . . . . . . 94011 ; 665am. ; . . . . .Mo. Valley I.oll. . . . . .10:31111 : 6ISpm..Om.a : ChIcago Ipcclnl. . . . 21"1 ; I\'es , I CIItAGO. n. I. & lACI"I.AIIIVe9 Omaha Union Iepot 10th & Mison Hts.l / Omaha EAST . 11OamuAthmtotic ; . Express : ( ex. Sunday ) . 6:05pm : IOJnr.Allllo 6:25Im. : . . . I'XI"'R xPt'Is. Iun . . < . . . . 9r.lm 6:0511 : 43.pl..Chlago Y"slbulld 1.lnie. . . 1:0.111 : 1'3pl.Okldholl Ilxp.toC. ; ( 11. ex. Sun.1:30llr ) : \1iST. - & :15.tmmi.tikluimumua : & 'j'exas lIt ( ex . l0ummli ) :115jij ; I :1011mm..Colorado ; l.irnltctl. . . Hun.I.1 . . . . : OPI ' Leaves I - (1. . ST. I . : : " & O. I lArrlves Omimaha Depot 15th and \Vebmter _ IOis.J9mnutma ! 9zam..Nphrskl ; l'asimengor ! ( daIly ) . 8jlSPI 4 :30tmmm. ; . , tOIoux Cimy 1'xN"u ( ex. Sun. ) . .11 :1lmmmm : 6icpmn..t0tI'aulLtmlted. ; _ Sun..I:5.ln ' ' -oa : ! l.l'I\'e I. . ) ' 1. & MO. VAI.IiiY'IiiIvea Olahn I Depot lhtitminil \ \ ' AI.t.lAh.es / I 2 :11'1. : ' . . . . Fast Mal and Express. . . . { :5I'1 : ' 2IOtm. ; . ( ex. . 8al. ) \\0. lix te" . : on. ) . 4hli'mn : 905m. ; .Nortolk Exiresmi ; h'x. Hun a ) ' ) . . ,1O:10.tmn : : .1.u. lispresa. : : < " . . . . . . .10:300n .10:35an : .1. = -u. Leaves . I I , . C. , ST. . . & C. " It. , I th'r Omaha Union _ Iepot ' 10th & Masn Sts.Lomahma 9rln..Ian.8 : CIty Iay llxp ' ; " . ! : . 6 1 > 9Oipmn.16. ; : C. NIght lix. vIa _ U. P. Trans. : : 1 1. : \ ' . I )1tsoum I'ACIFIC , lArria Omlha Belie' 151h ont IAlt'rIArrlr'8 I j0O0aimm : . . . . . . HI , LouIs t1xl'red. . . . . . . . : ' 9:30pm : . . . . . . St. 1oulmm . Express. . . . . . . 6'Jom ; 5tOl'.nNebraska : ' _ - _ Local ' , ( ex ! 14un.trj . ) . J"I Leave , I HOL'X , CITY & l'AClF1CTj5 Omlha Peltt 151h .amL1 \ \ 'ebater t0jOniaita 6:10pm. : . . . . . . . . . t..Faul Llmle..l0:351 r.'a : . . l.eaves I SIOUX CITY & l'ACIFW. Arrives Omnha Union 1epol , 10th' MasJn H/a. / Omaha 'a ; Slam , . . . . . SIoux - City Pa.sengZ1o:3hpmn : : 6:3pl. : . . . . .SI. Paul I .la..eig , . . . . .12:3Im : - - . . ' - . ITNION I'WIC.- ' .trriyes' Omaha Union D"t. 10lh & 1tuiamm 8tl. / Omaha 1OO0amn..Kearney : . , 1ixpreas. - . 'Shlpm ; ZOopnm : . . . . . . ; . Overland xrre8" ) . . . . . ; 5:3pm : . ' ' 2:0lll.len'tce : & Strommmb'g I x.ux. Sun ) , 8:4ini : ' 7IOiumm. : , . . . . . . . ,1'ICllo Atrumah'l . . . , , . . . . . . 8:11'1 : 6:15pl. : . . . . . . . . .I. ! t a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H:55ul . :10'1 : Leaves ' WA'nA3n- AILWAY-I' Arrlvei Omha Unlou Depnl. 10lh 4 Mu , , Stl. Omaha : : pm..St. Louts Clnnou1..1 ; : I > TO CONTRO LN.t ( LN'S ' W \ A TEl Bond Brokers OfFer f 'uy the Plant from the Corporation. - WILL SSUM 1IIE'ftIRE : cln DEBT - : l'rnl"nllnl. \"jt ! " ' \ t..I.o the lllllc\nlty " "lhtutIY U.ht 111 W'ltlmomt. Imt..re'Jit , ' , r ; II ' time' 'nter 0)ste'mtm It fCIn . LINCOLN l eb. 19.SpeclnTelegram ( \ , ) - A ProPosition has been made 10 the city or Lincoln , through the counci , by Green & Van Iu'n , 10 buy the city water work for $1.IG9,100. ThIs Is the total amount at the clts bonded illtieltetlnCsa. Thc annual In- ( crest PalmS on this debt Is $63,610. The parle ! agree that water wil be furnished patrons at a prIce not exceeding what they are now paying for it. Time ) ' also agree to mnko nil extens'ons ot water mains as rc- qnlred by Increasing Ilemnnde. The annual expense for malnlnlnlng thc water dcllart- ment Is $31,99 I for operating exp ! , $9,65 : for interest emi bonded Ilebt ( water bonds ) , anti $8,830 for cxteiisiollt. The estimated In- come for 19 10 $40.400 , titus saving : 10 time . ct : ) or Lincoln In the event of sale about $63,6tO per year. Green & Van Duyn were . , Itrcmlnent bidders for S53 ,600 ot the cls hands , but time conncl refnsell to sell 10 lhem , nnd thy now come In and otter 10 nSUnHI the entire debt for the remnneralon ot the present water works. The Proposition ( has created a sensnton nmong time busIness men at the clt ) . . KILI.BD A SALINE COUNTY F'AflMflht. Tcday the Burlngton Ilassenger traIn wblch arrived nl 10:10 : thIs morning ran over and , llled a Bohemian farmer named Jacob Iobas. The accident occurred Iwo tithes northeast at Wilbor , and the man was nnl 'almost Instantly killed. Kobas \ ns drivIng along the rO:11 : In n wagon and attempted 10 cross In front of the train T. \ V.ran Seller , whom time suprame : court and all the uewspllers thought was nt last happily 1lspsed of . hobs up again awn ) ' omit In Los Angeles , Ca ! , and , wires Shell I Miler that he has beaten h's prosecutors at every Ilolnt. Van Sel'er was held here nearly two months awaitIng acton by the supreme court In habeas corpus proceedings. Ions accused of having : robbed a wimiow who waR one or his clients . or over $1,000. ' The Innual report of the comptroller ot thE I currency , al thE close or busIness October 31 , last , has just hecn pub\s I(1 ( In book form , tIme reports being recel\ed yesterday b ) the vlrlous banles. From I some very Ilitorcit- log fgures conccrnlng the Capital National bank affairs arc obtalnnhle. The capItal stock Is given at $800,000 ; total dividends paid stockholders since organizaton ns a na- tolal bank , $272.000 ; cause of failure , de- Inlcaton ot ofcers and fraudulent Inanage- ment. An analysis ot the report Is Interesl- 11mg. WILL PAY ABOUT .10 PEn CENT. I shows that nearly all time assets e.stl- mated to be good halE : been collected and that nearly all the money ' losslble has bcen col- ' lecled from time slockhqtders on their stock assessments. There Ire.IJverl suits pC1- lug that wIll doubtless Increase this. Tim amount ot cash on halll I jut about enough to make 1 G per cent dl\"lend " to depositors. The cases In court ! nt collections on other assets wi probably pll ; 'il0Iher ' G per cent , which Is seemllgly ! boal that the assets will pay out. Some of these who had drawh small amounts In divid&nds hale paid up , but the others will flgttUle cases. Then th receiver has the rIght ; ID.begln nclon on behalf . : hal of all the deposior against the dl- ' rectors who signed tho' arlous false stalo- meats , thereby Induclng'lTeposlors , to entrust the baIle' wih theIr ! money , and something may be secured In thl Way. ; . . / . t EDITORS' 00)1 DiN 51 ! WAS ILLEGAL. Ulrt County Court Ioclmleu Atnlnst time Trust Inten'lel to Throttle , COII.tton. TEKAMAH . Neb. , I eb. 19.-Speclal.-A ( ) rather important law case which wl be ot more than a passing notice In every county In the state has just had a ruling In the county court of Burt county by Judge Dickimmson. I was one wherein limo county newspaper pub- ushers were the litigants. A year ago a county ) editorial association was formed , with a view ot prohibiting competton on county printing , and time publsher "ho was success- ful In securing the business at huh legal rates was bound by the honor ot his manhood 10 dIvIde a portion ot his pay on such county business to his brother publshers as a com- pensaton for their faithful adherence to thclr part ot tile contract In former years the county's business was done by the county publishers for one-tenlh to one-twenteth of the legal rates. Last year the Tekamah Dur- tonlan secured the publication or the conunls- sloncrs' proceedings and legal notces at full legal rates , and the Lyons Sun was nwarde time delinquent tax list . S. C. Woodrul ot the Durtonlan was partIally carryIng out hIs obligations - gations . antI avowed hIs Intentoll ot tolng so 10 the letter but left time county without doing so. E. E. Carter ot time Lyons Sun after printing the tax list , turned ) deaf car on time appeals Irons hIs fellow publishers , who had refused to Intcrlere with his getting tile plum. I was then that tn e < lors , who were left resorted to court as n means of compelling Carter to make a division of the spoils. ' 10 court's dcclslon , which was reduced - duced 10 writing and covered twenty pals of legal cal hell that a comblnnton formed as this was , With a view ot strangling free competition , could not rsort to law and have time courts requIre a fulfillment of time unlawful . tul bargain. I Is saId on the part ot this plaintiffs that time case wl bo taken to the district court on other amId It needi be to time supreme court. Each IJublsher had at. fxoJ his signature 10 the constitution and consttuton by.laws ot tIme associaton , which Iloslllel prohibited one publsher from competng ) against another on county Ilrlnlng , and the favored one 10 cause a division lS above. I rrlgmm Slot , I""IH nr Cozim ii. COZAD , Ncb. . I'eb. 19.-Speciai-At ( ) the election held for time pUlJose of voting bonds to aid the Cozall Irrigation company In the construction or time ditch north of town tile bonds were .1eteated hy nlnetcenole , . The amount aslled for was $10,000. As the result - suit or tIme election , worlt on the ditch was not resumed this mor'lnl ns was Intended , and Mr. Mcintyre time manaer , startell on time early imbruing train for ; lnneallols , the easter headquarters ot time comllan . A new irrigation company was organlZel1 hero last week under the name ot the Orchard situ ' Alfalfa IrrlpatOl company with a cnpl- till stock ot $40,000. TIme stockholders ot the company are George .0. Brown J. g. Dennison - son , D. I Ii. Irooks , Ip. M. Young and g. A. Lutes , the first two being hanl < ers ot thIs place , amid the othqrs IJrOEperous tarners hiving louth ot tOWI : The canal they pro- JOSO constructIng will tap tile Ilnle river ' on the south sllo sqino four miles west or. this place , a ril wilt : water 15,000 acres or lurid. Jorlon ot the , machinery alll tools for the work have dlrelfy been purchased , and It Is the intention or the company to begin worlt ns soon lB time weather wil per- mil , and IIUBh the dlch to nn early comple. tton . Time officers of time company are ns follows : lresldent. l. M , Young : secretary , I . A. Lutes ; treasure ! , T. H. Bennison. Ill habit 1 I .tlhls m 11mm mm i Ut't. MINDm , Neb. , lfpb. J9.-Speclal.- ( ) There was a grand banquet antI supper given at the Knights ot Iytblns roms last c\'en- lug by Martel lodge ot this city , and was one of the rare occasions ot our town The supper was most elaborate besides an cx- tenslvo pregralim SPeeches were made by J. n. Pugh , He\ O. I. Rube and Proto 11- low. A beautiful solo by Miss Siela Saunders - ders , music by Walls orchestra and a magic lantern entertainment kept I time Ileoille tilt U p. m. On March 1 1 this ( ( orey ) county will vote . the question or the upon queston bonding county to get feed and see for spring and summer use The opinion secms 10 be that time bonds wil not carry. Quite a blizzard struck thi plaeo 'esler- day In the way ot a wlnll and snow stormu I was net cold enough , however , to do much imarln Nebraski . I'urlrr Itle,1 , h ) I ruln. WI,1m. Neb. , I'cb. 19.-SpeeI81 ( Tele- gram.-Jacob ) Kohes , a wel.to-do farmer. wa struck by train 9 : lt 1 crosing JUlt north of Wiber thIs 10rnln and tnslanty killed . lie was going 10 Crete In I lop buggy with time curltlns 110" , sos W S B'I'IIIANs : AT IrflUtT. : . \111t l ne'"nplcnt ' lt Imo 0 rgammlstt ' harm 1I'ln. ' I.nlt Ih. FREMONT , PCi 10.-pecia1.-The ( an' nunl encampment ot time Sons \'cternns of ' Nebraska eommenccd In this ely this ovenS j' Ing In time Masonic telmaple Already many delegates hn\'o arrived .nd Store arc coming by every train A large attendance ot delegates - gates Is expected. Every provision has been mntlo for time convenience and mlort 01 the visitors whlo In time chty. At the mcetl this evening a general so- cIal 110 WIS obsll'ed , nnd the folowIng IIOlrnmns carried out ; Mtislc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plnnn Solo Adllre of Wollome on Ilehmalt of thit' tIl ( 'I ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mmtyor 1'rleI1 Address of \ \ ' 'llole on Behnlf of ( 'mitmip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ' . ( I rtll' . 01111 ltespormse to Atldrcsq..Colonel EllIott Solo. . . . . . . . . . A\'I".RS. . . . . . . .1'101. . herItage Ahl'CRI. 0lnl11 Army or Ihe ltcptmiilin Iheepuhlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) . . . I. . D. I Ilhnll , ! SOIA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RonA ( \'t'temiitma Qmmzmrtnt A.hlreRR , SOIA of Yet.I.nnR..1 g. Frlek SOl ! . . . . . . . . . . . lmtgumterim I \'Ell'rll leleml ( llnl' Fh'e amid Social \elnesd , ) evciiimmg's cession wi be de- voted to l-xellllrcHlol of lew rItual , Ihe three degrees being carrie I ont In detail. For this 11rlosa time colonel has di'slgimatvtl scv- crl hrolhes throughout Ihl JI\hlol 10 nd ! the local camp In the work. I a'h degree wil be hilt on wRit ni leeeSlarr Ilarallherla- la antI without time use of ritmlals. Thursllay evning time lore part will be tie- voted to Inslnla\on ot oflcrs , alter which alt will repair to the banllult hal , where Caterer Wolz will serve time bamiqust . Inler- SllCrscl whit the following toasts , with Past Captain S. J. llyatt . ns tea lnster ; Our 1e.I : e..I. C. Elliott 'ho ) . . A. S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . It. I . .1. Cottt's : . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .1. . I' . Cor/'Iel : Our Dnughlot'R-'he D. of \.H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1' . A. lalo\l Oily Colomel . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . I' . Fl. \\'mt3' 0\ Co 11mm tty , Ole 111 lIRIIar.nbl. . . . . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ \ . ' 11. 2tlcAhtlmmit' . J\I.thl' I 'rho Voitimiteem' Sohihie. . . . . . \ . . . 1. , ' . I. 1 \1\1" What 1 Iuo\ of Helulaton : (11orm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 1 1. Ihl\lnl & YOU" CU ' \ . \ \ N''L' LION imS elth"clt I nf that 1'1111) I ' Qnll. ! I I I'nrl\'ur- nhlf In Ih" 11111" ' " 11,1. I YOHK , Neb. , Pcb. lti.-Spcclal.-Ttme ( ) fol- lowing resolutolselt ndolltc.1 by time mass ! eetng coiled at this place yesterday for time 11I'CS or dlseufslag the Ilro\o e1 mmclmmmte or votihmg bonds In this . The orolnp coulir. same were submitted to time county board , who dUI' accepted Ihem mmrmml lmmstrmicted the . all Ilslllcled county clerIc of York cOUlly to forward a COil 10 the audior of 11bUe accounls. Time sentiment ot tIme county Is strongly ng31nst the pro Iosed Issue of bonmls anti although I pellm' , was crcultell l'lroughout the colnt ) . Isllul that this he ( lone It was decided that tIme ! nccdy were llmniied to a few. 'he county board decldcd unanlolusly against the saute. The resolutons are ns foluws : Hefol\ed. That time law pURRel1 by the legllatl'e 10W In session , luthorlzll the II'ostlwnt of time pUblc slhool tumid of this tate Iii relief honlls , IH unwlH nnll IneonsltUtnlul , Ind Rholil he rcslRtE11 ' IW mill cllzens who desire to Ilc ' ct'e such func for tIme sacred Inmrpose for whkh It StHlct has been created 'Flmntt should Hneh fUlllR 1 be Invcslell In the ChalClel' ot miectirittes securies IJ'OIIOSCII ( the result will he thnt a very nl'ge halt thereof will he lost to time statc. : That thc erol'l to crcale b\ lawn ilium Ret for such honds b' rClUil'll the slnle trensurcl to hu\ and hay for time Hnme omit of time llhlll school 'fuHls I. al ml- missIon that Sllh , hon,18 wou\l mint 11\1 n 11J'husC' In time open mmmarket. \\'e Ilsst ! /hnt / honds Which arc not good cnOUlth for the orient mlr'.ct ) 1'0 too ! unlerlain < nml Insecure a form of colnlel',1 for hl'cRlmonl oC the lulJlc school funds of the state of ebraslm. \\'e .lemaHl that the auditor . of publc accoults refuse to regIster such bonds , 11.1 . tmt thc state treasurer I'cfnso to so Invest the Ilublc school fund thercln mmmmttl he has bccn ordered to do so by unt nml from the last : court of r'esOlt amid after a afer full commsldcratiomt . of all of time rIghts involved - V1Lr. CUT CEDAR lHEI I ; 'Dlll' I. COIIny Organized lt , \ hll.1 to O"el.te aim Extoii'thyo In.ln . try. ASHLANI Neb. ; Feb. 19.-Spoclai.- ( ) There has been a lumber company crSI- : Ize at this place for the purpOSl' of cultnr tmber on Cendcr creck. The organization wi bD Imowl as the Dean Sowll com- pan ) under time mnnagenmmemmt ot Harlow Dean. They ha\e purchased a Hnmse saw whlclt ! has n capacIty of about G.OOO feet per la ) ' , which thcy wIll start wIth , nnd In n few \ceks will increase 10 abut 15.000 tcet Yesterday aferoon time B. & M. fast lal struck n horse just blyold Ihe Plait bridge. TIne train was goIng at nearly sixty mies an hour and the horse was thrown Into thD all about twenty-five feet. No damage was done 10 anything but the horse , whIch apparent ) never Imew the cause ot time shoclt. Samuel MamIge cashier of the First Na- tonal bank ot Ilattsmouth , was II time city today ) ' on business. Yesterday e\'enlng what might hn\'e I'eii a serIous fire was averted by tl heroic ac- ton of a child only 13 years old. huriimg the absence ot ! rs. Hey Brush her ( ! smal chidren were all alone when a lamp , was knoellell off the ( stolid erich broken. Fire was fet to the saturated carpet and II a very few momcnts the entire house would have bEen ablaze mad not the eldest dnughler sczcd : the bunting lump and threw I omit time door and Ihen seized n hlanl.ct amid threw It over Ibo hurnlng carpet Ind smothered the fiammme She recel\cd a badly , cut hnnd amId a severely burned arimi Spearing fsh In a sport and nn Induslry that Is being practiced a great deal on Hal creek , at this 1113CC. Time fsh In the creole come up t ( the all holes , where Lhe ) ' are spearell with case anti In great rmurnbars from two to thlrl ) hounds In sIze. Ilw "n ( nllt"d tt'.ttllule. LEXINGTON Neb , Pcb. 19.-Speclal.- ( ) A systematc canlass ot time county Is being made ( to ascertain the amount ot seed and I teed necessnry to supply time tiestittito. Time ' amount wi be large , A car of corn for seed was dlstrlbutell by time Grand Army ot the Hellubll : 10 old soldiers today . Time I.exlngton Roller Mills company are ; pullnp out large quantles ct seed , hut a large amount ot outside aid wil he required 10 seed even 1 smnl pcr cent of time county . 'fwo "Ioller parlors" were raided lasl imighit No Irresti were Immade hut notIce was served Ihlt time rooms must be closed. Court convenes here next Monday with Jndpo Nevle upon the bench Among the criminal cases that of Ben 1110n for criminal assault comes up for trial. hilton used ' a revolver 10 Inlmhlate his victm , nn,1 , narrowly - rowly escaped lynching alter his prclmlnary hearing. Tbmommtpsorl his nccOtlllco , I serr- Ins 1 term In tht pcn for his < : onneelon with the affair. Hlon Is a hal brothcr of hilton ot oil inspection tam ! , \11. ' " ' ut111 I ' ' rinummm Is . VEI1DON Neb. , , Feb. I 19.-Specla-Tho ( ) Hgh school has rcglbtered . thirty tuition pupils this tarot Time Teachcrs' association mct lt Verdon I'ebrunry 16 and an Intereslng program was carried out. Mr. and ) rs. Dlemn gave a party on time avcnlnE ot February 16 In honor of their nelco arid nephew , MIss Alee and Maslcr Leonard ! { Inse ) : fbS Mimi Burl received u surprise ( rein her little rrlends Saturday Ifernoon In honor of \Ier hlrtlla ) Many people have been nlendlnJ time re- vh'll services at Salem , conducted by He\ . Mr. Rosewitrne Preparations arc being mnde to erct a dwelng house on the leardl tarm south or Verdon this spring C. O. ( i Keyls' thoroughbred hog sale passed off successfully February 13. A Chicago supply house hns been can. vasslng this vicinity and humbugGing the citizens . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IIRtrlct h'ulhl ; ur h''I hmimmms , . AURORA Neb. , 'eb. 19.-SIJeelal.-A ( ) district IncIting ot the nlghts ! ot J'thlas was held here yesterday afternoon alll OVI1 Ing. 1IKO : delegations were present from Grand Island , Holdrege and Omaha Work was had In ni the ranlee arid time secret work WI exemplfed by the grand oihlcers. Orand Chancelor Shuman of this city was In charge ot affairs anti made the occasion one long to be remembered In time annals of district meetings. Vice Chancellor Ford ot Iearney , Suprcme Representative Schism of Omaha , and Depuly Oranll Chancellor Nordberg or 10ldrege were Ilrelent. The Seward team , which ha the reputation of being among time best floor worker In the - . - - ' . - . - - _ . . " state . conferred the third rank One hundred and ( tiventy mint lawn to thc banquet table all' enjoyed n menu surely l second 10 none thn haeCle,1 , I In Ihls city. Toasts nn1 responses were intluigeil ( In lo : Imlel extent , anti tome very bright after dInner speeches resuhletl . The knights were out all imlght . It l'ing nearly morlnp when ( lie work ot the lodge Wt cOIJlate < 1 The \181tn/ knights were entertained by MystIc lodge No. 39 , ot this cl ) . . IU\'U ( .CHS1'\"S C ( : ' : 11 , I 1)1. lnto lelo' ' lntimmnltlce'e 't..tmimmmt "t Its Uc tlll" Not 1111 lt All. IUTT . Neb. . 1eb 19.-SpeInl.-At ( n lmmcethng or cllzns held Saturday : reJrgln- Izllln of tl0 central relief cOJmltce WJ effected 10 conform with the requirement If time State : comtinlssionm : . County CCJlls- donors hiowtrtI'are nn\ Charles Holman Mmd 1 O. 'r. 1.181edo anti C. II. Crltchtehl were selected 10 fill \c.\elrs , and the mem- hers of the ohl commltct werl U\nhnonsl ' rl"cltde , ! AI'a nOlalll was Chosen chaIr- bali alll C. P. Walhers Accrelar Time s/alrmrnt / or Secretary IUIllcl ot h" I stnt eomrlilol that n . \ of clal nn,1 , several carlo.tl or hour . clc. . ha,1 imeemm sent to 10),1 ccunt ) I vlgoronsl denied by the central commlte . 'j'ho chairman reports hmmuvummg le031",1 about 400 half ac\s or lIMIT. six to eght ! boxps of f clothmilig . anti a few him nil I es er rolhlnA : Ihrugh t tite IP Illm 1 . of thc stale relict eonmmmmtittre. 10),1 , cNII ) ' has eared fr he Imeemly enl ' by Ihe alt orolln - tory clnlrlhllons nUlle b ) ' I ! JNlllc In oIlier cotinlles . 1 goodly hart cJmlnn from Iowa . Time freight on thmi'se shipmen was Ilall I ) time cOn1llll In neuly cvcry In- "tnnce. Great dlsconlenl has hren n an- Ifesltl at the Ireatment rce\II : [ rom time state commllee. lllI'l'OlI' . \ lIl.t' . \1 & 'lNnlIl. ; : lrthen.t l'r.\ltl l'mm'gs 0'1(1.111111 : - II'r" , Ill I , ' mmmi lmitcre'tl Imig & ' . 's..imim , l'ENDllt , Neb. , Feb. 1t3.-Speclal.-Time ( ) mmieatimtg of the Northeast Nebraska i'rae asscciaticmm , viiehm ! mmmcl at Imis Piac ) 31t'rday ? , was altelItlmxl by abatmt tvemmty mmmemmlbrs. 'l'lme foiicwimmg offlcrs were elected : I'rosiiiemmt , v. II. 3)cNeal'nylme lien-all ; vc' Pre- ident , Z. 3) . lOtirth , Emmtertmm 'l'lmmis ; aecreary : , U. A. McCormiiirl ; , Ikoia ( 'Quint ) ' 1)nmocrat : treasmnror , S. .1 , I'oung , Ilartimmgto'mi herald ; htatoriamm , lhosesVarner , Lyommo Mirror. The lmmcettmmg vas one of time nmost emmthue' . astle time a'msociation hmns yet hell , every mmtemn- ber Imrcsemmt llartlclpatimmg in tlm sieclm immak- him g , el c. , :1 nil I ime n-c 'a I nm a mm nor in 'im elm I im e emitter's vete iiammquetct1 by W' . li. Peebles at hi is men gmm til cemm t ii old in I hme C veiml n g ( lOin 011- stratrti that that ientlcmmmamm ; ite'er tloa timlntgs hi ) ' halves , amid could not help gfvimmg timc. mmeWSlahier 1103's mi favorable arid 'lmmg l11. iirozalomi of l'ermder amId lmen1)201)10. . Semmi'rs : % 'hsIt Irt'mmmmmi. FREMONT , Feb. 10.Spectah.Yesteathmmy ( ) Fremmiommt was htommoreml with a 'idt of several Ulstimigmrlstmed mncnmtbers of tIme state semmato , mm ommibers of time commmmmmi ttce on htmhllC In midi : am ) ml huh hI I mmgs , asylummms em rmd 11 mmammco a mmd ways anti mmieasus. They were on timoir re- Lu-u to Lincoln fronm Norfolk , whmere ihmey imtsiected tIme aeyhtmmn. TIme hmartl commsisted of ic'nmators TeSt amid wife , h'opo and tlfe , Mc- Kosso and \i1e , hitchcock , SaunIers , Iblack , Mmtchmell amid Simmitli.'Iil II. hlycrs antI H. hi. Gillerile ; , commmrmilttce clerIcs , wore also witlm time party. . Ira Nickorsomm , who died Saturday evcmmlnmg , \1.as burled ycaierday , tite 5cm-vices bohmmg cent- itncted by Mch'imormmon post , On-arid Armny of Limo hcptibhic ! , of which ho was a mmmemmmber. Time services wore imehi frotmi time realdemice , 11ev. Ii.V. . Tate omciathnmg. Mrs. Citimcrimme 1)avis died Sunday at time ago of GO years. Time fumiortl took 11111cc C5. ton-day fronmm time MethodIst Episcopal cimurchi , time services being commdtmctcd by 11ev. F. M. Siasorm. Mrs. J. J. Lowry yesterday umtmtlerwemit aIm operatiomm at time Frommiomit hmospitai. Sire huts beemi atlfferng for ten years with a stiff knee joiimt , arid ilmero Is , a good prospect tltat time immflrnilty will b cirled. Mrs. Viola F. Aslmer , wife of a farmimer of timis cothtity , Was ) 'esterday adjtldgemi ilIsamme ammd vlIl ho taken to time asyltmlmi at Norfolk. Se1muiyRit litslumrmimmi. ( logemi. SCIIUYLEII , Meb. , Feb. 19.-Spccial.- ( ) Time restuumralmt of M. A. Schuster lms boemm Chosd by crcthlthrs , time ammaoummt of time clairna being at pr000mmt about $150. Time closemmees of fimmaliclal matters imiamie tins time secommd collapse of tIme firm , time otimor lmavinmg lmeemm a few years imtce. whmon time firm of Scimuster & Icoimma failed. Time assets are said to bo $300. Those hit'tnrg iii time vicinity of time I'iattc n'iver say timat timero is dammgcr of aim early hireakiimg of time ic if tine oresommt warm wc.itimer commtimmumes for a few days , and that timero wihi be great tlamiaago ( rout time going out. as time ice is frommi two to four feet 1mm timic'lcmmcm. Yesterday time tvater was rummmmimmg over lImo ice. but last mtlglmt it begamm running under it. Today the ice is risimrg. 11ev. N. ii. Moore of Ihowelis is vIsiting relatIves 1mm Schmuyier. Nor Ii 1.0111) timmls : 111i , NORTH LOUP , Nob. , Feb. l9.-Speciai. ( ) -Owlnmg to time simortagc of relIef smmhmpiies amid thme entire cxhtatmthomi of the coal , coupiel sitlt a fear of ucii weather ant this time of time year frequently brings , haydn Strong left ( lila nmmorrmlmmg for Lincoln arliheti witim time liecossary credentials to immtervlew time nmmani- : ugcmmmeimt of time state. relief comtmnrmisolon , vitb time design of expemiitirmg time mmimipmmmommt of further supplies to tbmls lulace. Time local cummmniittee Imas beemi attcrmmptuiig to fill ait reasommablo mlemmimmmis to the Lmeat of its abli. I ty , liii t limo s lock omm Ira mmd I a gotti mm g q mu to how , anti It Is timotmgimt to ha unwla to loner run time risk of severe wc'atlmcr wltitoui. hat'- 11mg at least a lmmiImiy of ( emil on hmaimd fur such aIm clmmergeency , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i tij 'mr'h p.r a l'rt'tlmiml4 I kmriip , PAPII4LION , Neb. , Feb. 19-Special.- ( ) \Vlriho riding a fractous htorsc Mommday nmighmt \'ill Snimihey of tiii i'1c ' was vho'emmtiy thrr.jwn anti miustalnmed sonic t'er' Imaimifmni irtjtmrles , Imrobably tite worst of whmic'it tvmts a broken rib. I to I s I mamprovi mmg ra Imimi iy , M. ' . mllmmh Mrs. JJrmmt's itassL.tt ermtertaincmi till h'tmlmihilomm Cmrti : club mit tmeir oi.cioua , north imatiillon borne Tueeday , mngltt , Tile faimmily of 11ev. Ozc.ir Igghc'ston of time h'apiiulomm ftetito.list chmtlrc'it leave toJmiy ( or lhlal ; ' . Nd , , , theIr ( mittire lormme. : Mr. Iigho- Etoi : iravlmmg relgnmeth hmiu charge hmere to accept - cept mm Plaitloim there. II ml Egim , I S Nemu il y ( mm Iii 'II , ci , ' I .hhm'rI , y. AUJIOJIA , Nob. , Feb. 19.Speciai.-Two ( ) persomna iii jail for limirgiary wi'ra gIven time freemlomma of time corridors , soil tis'cemty miii. mItes hater Imami mmmade a mole thmrougim time brick wahis , tvltlm a conmmmmromm stove 11011cr , nmeiriy : large clIOUgIh to en-ant through. Tue aimerifl tiisco'ared time tiork just mm ( line , arid time wortily pair now ocemipy steel cages. hitcm : Ic 'I Ii In . ( 'it H I ( t GiNOA , Nob. , Feii. 19.-SpeeaI.-Summday ( ! ) miigimt inst while time famIly of J. M. ihtitcim. inisom ) was asilmep smieak tlmlevos enttercJ tIme residence aimml stole CG. So sit'nhlIuil ) ' was time robbery aceolmmhllishmcl ( that rio Ilmeimibmmr of this family was emruimeed. 'i'imis is time first burglsry In thmimm city for many mnoimlims. \Vn t r ri Oii tmm mmm lit' r Imum mm I ii j mm rt'ml , WATEIIi.OO , Nib. , Feb. 1D.-Sjieeal.- ( ) Airs. Graimamil of Cretnia amid Mrs. Janmes Shin- Ington of Aslrhamitl were yeslerday calhel to time hiemiside of their fathmcr , Clifton hhinciey , tviioso arias tvero badly shattered tvhmiie saw lug iurmmbcr just north of timl Imhce recently. Jiemil imcI it. ,7 , 0m mit mmml , CI1APiION , Neb. , Feb. i9.-Sjiecial ( Tole. gramhl.-hh ) , J. Oraimatmm , time ugeml ftImer of Mrs. 0. K. ltastnmian , died In thIs city hIst night. liii rermmninms stiuh be slmipped toriigimt to Lyons , Ia. , whmere lie settled In 1555. Ills de3tm was due to old age. l'i'iiIem 's Note llrllmtdh'mum , I'spcr , i'ENhFht , Neb. , Feb. 19.-Spectsl.-A ( ) new Paper itt to be established at Pemider ty J , J. Smith anti J. 1. . hanhmammm. The first imtmnrber will be Issued Marcim 9 , iii iioiitica thu new venture tt'lii be independent zepub- hlcami , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Heal It oI Frmmmlc : lmmnt'r , N1nhtASbcA CITY , Fob , 1.-Specba1 ( Tie- grarmm.-Frammk ) Usuer died 11mhz afterniomi , ageti 72. Time deceased was an Oli ( settler , c rnilng imere lii l82 , anti was the father of Aii.lermamm M. llauer , clii COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Attempt tG Cut a1nries of Piromen ona Polioeinon Thwartctl , SCIIIME FA1IIERED BY FINANCE CCMM'TTEE It I'rmmiiiqc thmmat 'liii , Is Only time Iore- rmmim mm m' r a t Set c ra I SI mullmmr Ii eaoiumt tomm - btti ret , fruimm % 'lmlclm i'it t I mm g A "lmhma It U hit Mitch Cuimie . 'tgiulmm iebmteuI : , If a rtsoimithoni hunt was hmitromiticed by th flmmant'e eommmimmitlee at thm regular iiiectInii of time city coutmehi last liigiit math been atioiitetl timere WOUld hiat e imeemi conistorna- tlomt iii time ratiks of tIme fire atmth Police tie. P1rtln his. 'Flit' lmleastmrc ttas Igmmi'tl h ) ) iCeil. mmartl oiitl tire .lmr000hiiio reciteti tlmit the city attorrmey Imail declared that time celhmleil luui lIlt nththmorIty to dictate to time Heard of Fire immtii i'ohice Commmtmtissioners as to Its mmmnmmage. Immeilt of thmse 'tiep.mrtimleiits nlmtl time grada. tIon of salaries. it. conclmttlod , imowever , timat. time cotmnmcih mad at least a silent Imiterest lit thmo mmmattcr mitmtl voIlrmmt lilt with tito follow- lug : ilt C1IT'l'INl S.i.AIlHf3. ! hic'solt'c'ii , by time ( 'It ) ' ( 'tithimeil , itt on-thor tIimtt tte , tilt' mmmi'nmmbr'm' of time cIty , 'aimmeII : , hmmi ) Iii mt lmmmimmiler' mm1ot smtt isfmtt''iy to mmmiii liomi n-mi , I , c'm'irnm our let n-I y u Inmimeii ( ti nit' tlommm , t 11mm t tI t' Ii immmi iii . 110 t t ( bit time mIt hI I loan-il of ilrti lttmil I 'tii ice t't lriiuhm4- ' m4iolmem'S to im1ipiv thii' immummluig Ihmhi'o : to I Ito ti''o of tin-p mtmmml lmolk.i' lm ott'ettmmm mmiid html ) oft : m fetot : thu ilhrtiia tim:1t : dl ) butt , 'nm' cuitmiel' . 'mmmmi It tt , , ' may ho lJititttttmul to Pu ti < 'trharzo 1mm omm t'mtie , tvo rtmmmhil stmgg'emut tlmtmt time hm'utesu l't'ihthi ' with it fov itt thm ' ' 5 lmm t ha' ' ti I t imo , iettse I i 'e lam cc , iv ii a , I oI , I ttlhml. ( ) t ( 'xcnl'lse , hmmmvo hahiseI Ilmto It imtr- hotiImlI . . hmoiiilmty mmmmil httmmgtmsumc'd : Iimto voltini- titl.i. Iniom ) t a I itimd lIi ) slcmil delil I I ty lot' Ivait t ef i'nmmuloynmmetmt. \it fmnm'timer mimmbimiit , mmot tv I tIm ci mu mum 1mm g I I I s it Immovim vt' oh micerely 'iii ' ml ore , I hmmt t a m' ii m t itmmm o C s m iam'ios I ii a Jtmdlelotis 'it'it , ' WOUhd i'ommtrilnmte lmti'gcly iowan-il lmimtleimmg time lil'Ohlomfl of hiatt' it ) imtlso I Ii 0 miect.'ssm : ny t'asim cmiii elm ies d I I IlemmI t of pultmtlri , mtm'ii In tilt : ; eommmmL'et'omm ' % 'a tvotrlt smmgpest tIme roliow1mmg iPhtmctinns iii mmilmtrles : : Asaimmtanmt Iil' timlef in lH uer tmmonthm ; t'ngimit'ei'mi t a 19) , I ml I i'dl ( 0 himltmct. on-mm to $ it ) ; uhlivers to Ii ; m ; imohlee mmlmtrrn upcratore to 1St ) , mtimui grmultnmste time limey oC mmmemt I Ii t ire Ii n-c ileima t'tmmment. tiowehl orposemi time resoitmioti. lie 1)- ? crtc11 timat tlii'e dcluiltlmil'ltts wm're th list fo tt Iticim time lmrmlrmtrmg h.mtfo ; cimomilmi hi op. ijiled. Moreover , It was ott easy way 1'r tIme cull mm cl I to evade its ii lit ) ' a nih t lmm'o iv i lie n-c- alionsibihity 0mm the thomrti of Flie arid Paiice Clmhmmmmiisaiommcts , 'l'imere was ho measomm wdy time comitmicl simoumhd b mmmdc to go ' ) om : rcc'trti Oii timia m'cmollmtion wlmenm It hmah hirevi- airily refimseti ttm act cmi a siiiiiiar immeasure 0. iilcil eommtemmmihmtctl : : rctrtmmnhmmment where it ivas hirriecti ) ' legal mind iroiirr for time comrn- cli itself to apply time icmmile. Iii dcfemmscm of hits resotimmlomi Keimmmnrml said timat this was 01111' tlm first of ml series of sirmiiiar mmmcastnres t'imlim tIme ilmiammeJ comim- nmltteo expected to oirbnmlt te the commncil. It tvts immiliossllmlo for It to . ; ovcr time entire field mit once , btmt other mcconmtiiiermdationms lookilmg toward ' tvooltl ' ccemiommmb' cm'talmmly be [ cr1 imcommulmmg , 11''AS 1.031' . Time imiotiomi to adopt time resoltitiomi was lost imm1 It ttflS rcft'ii'cil to time Ilmmaimco coimmmmiittee , liowclhs' formrmer resolmitiomi in regard to a n-c- citmctioim of forces mtmmul smmiai'ies lit time city do- Imartmic'mmts sas takeim frommm time table amid also reforroml to time hhmmammco cciimimmmlttee , Time cammtraci arid hiomitl of C. A. Jeimsen for grading Lake street ( rommi 1'svemmty-fourtlm to ririrtlethi mmd rhmirttotlt ( rein Lake to flristol ts'as mmpmroved after somimo opiiosltlumm. 'I'imia 1mm a nmmemsuro : that ties ammmommg time legacies- limo olti council , Last ear it was ummirlerstood that time streets i.motmicl be graded If time prop. erty owmmcrs would consent to a mmmoderatt cimammgo of grade altd waive dammiages. Tlma comitract was awarded by time old coummcil , but. never nhmlmroved. Sihico time recommhnrmenmdatioa of LImb year's fimmamice cOrmmlmhlttoo Was adopted , which declared against mmny expemidttures of titis cimaracter , arm effort has been made to utmasim tue Like street proceedings onm the gm'ound of econmommmy. On roll call time oppo mmltlomi tt'as lmmoclced out amid time grading will be done at ommcc. Time conmmnnittoe on hOhiCC Imas an tmmvestiga. hart omm its imamhds. In accorilanca with a resolution \vimicim was adopted It will ascertain time rfasomi for an alipamemmt fohiinmg off iii tIme receilmis trrnmm ( Ito fimmes of hirostlttmtes. The resolmmtion recites that wlmtio In 1503 101 lrostltutes paimi $1 7,905 in fimmes , 212 siimmhhau- wommmonm ommly paid $15,016 1mm 1891 , Under time prevailing systeimi tImed receipts last year shmoulmh have bcema $23,707. On a commmimiitttee recommimmmemmdation the coat ordhnmanc ) that was itmtrodmiced at a Iroviotma mmmnmetlnmg was piaced Oh flho The amtmmual report of time library board was refer-cd to time conrmptrohler. Tire city attorney's statement of the flllmber anml Iflllmortamic ) of special tax cases miow hmentlln ; ut time courts waa rerred to tIme jmrdiciary comnmmilttee. Timore are upwards of forty of timese cases , time immost irmmportaimt of whicii are those relatIng to time Poppletomt avenue lavimmg , time hommgias street change of grade ammil tIme Leavenworth street paving. .1 reduction of $108 tsas mile mn tIme Jar.- mary huh of tIme Still yap Street LIghting canrImaImy. Tlmhmi was arm mmcomimm1 of it shortage irm the candle power ( imrmmtmmimt'J. Time gas lit- socetor was directed to dlsc'itmtimmmi tlmlrteera ltmmmps : , timat beimmg tie mttrrnlier iii usc n excess of those atmtlIariaod by time council , IElh.\TEI ) TII1NIDAJ ) AIJ.1N. \Vhmm'timer or mmot TrInidad .shieet aophmahtumml sircumiti be tiseml in hmavimmg Jmciceoi ; stret from Tim i n-i y.siz t ii to I'im i ml y-cigh I ii ( tin-mm ishit'd I lie topic for a iottg ( it hiatt' . l'lme tmrhmIrial lie- Eltioti cmlled : for timat rmmaterial , mmlii It was mhesiguiateml in time fimmal omdinmanmce. mt time mmmeammtImmmo tIle Shmermnmmm : nt'elitie case was do- cideth to tire effect that it ties against Imub- lie polIcy to ticshgrmato time iiommrco of time a lihi alt tmnii . Ii hi I mImi vere eomtacq mrt'mmliy i-it- jectemh , but time oiil figit ; arose cii tire mat. ICr of readverti'cnmmemtt. 'Vime city engineer itothtici.i time ( 'ciIlmchl tlat : tire filial orihinmince ; cal'eml ' ( or time Trimmimiami lmm'OdUCt mmmii Until It. sitouri.i h relmeahed 1mm favor of cue tlmat was in line with time decisiomm of time courts , A. commmniittee report was adoliu.'d last imigimt winch comitemmipiatcI a reamivcr'ttmocmmmmemit on the clii urthlrmammc. I3ubcqoommtly it. was rim- consIdered mmmiii mtftimna lumps diecuaslomi tluu ttbohe nmatter Wee rcfrremi "to a special conim- mnhttee , comteistim1 ; of iCmnemit , Jacobsen , Jaylmei and the CII ) ' t'migimmoer. 'Fimu ahtion'uilc : IhmlhmCCttr was milrecttiti to rePort - Port all ozistimq ObhllliCtlOlms to nmimiewaliss for tt'imIcit hmem'lititmo 'tmaii rmot 1ini granted , /tiltoilg thm rmrmiiimaimces Iimtrodmiccmi was a ZlOty coal .he'ahera' ormihimurmec , by Sauim'lern. It lmrovldcs thmitt each theater' shtthl : imay all anhiuai hicemlso ( cc of $10 , antI regmrlatal tIme inspec. lion and wcigiiimmg of loomis miellverc'iI , Time fuhiowimig ordilnmmmmces wdm'o hiassect : A imm end I img rummimermi' ozmhlrii : mmcc ; opamm I 1mg'ah. . Ii hI t hsLi'oet ( rain 'Ph tirty-tim I rd to 'fhi in-i - y.slxthm street mmti rmdjmmcemmt ahieya ; opening t'iteentiu sticots frommm Veihoy to 11 street ; ot'nIiig 'i'imlrty-flfthi avenue fronmm l'opjml Iou toVooi - won-tim avmimUe suit adjacent alleys ; opening Nimmetcclith street frenmi Castehiar to Ilancrors street ; oiicmmhlmg 'i'imin-ty-timir d street frommu Lc'avenworUi tl'miet to Pojpletnnt , avenue ; OliL'rihimg llairercft stied froiml 'l'cimthm to Elev' . ciitim ultioct ; ohmoniirmg Somrtiteast ; tvoimtme ( ruIn flalmc'roft Street to ltvervii ( 'a' 111111 ; chmoumging ( Ito gnami , . ' o ( hickory streut (101mm Fecorhd to F.iurtim Street , Secoimil circot frond ) Illcicory to \\'ahniut t.Ireet anmti 'Ibm-mi rmtn-uet fruma hickory to VmihumuI bIllet , - . lii mu t i-I mu i : I' I , lm . itt'S. The ( ohlowlimg mmizunrnge hkmmtoen s'el'o a. StIed yesterday : Nanmme anih adhreomm. Age , hfciiry Heimloaler , MIllard . . , . . , . , , , . . , , , . , , 22 ) ilmmi'l' C. Shmrt , ? .hihinmI . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , , , Albert \V. J4'ihick , F'leiOltt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 lOan-aim J. I.c'wlmi'uhley , . , . , , . , , . , . , , , , , , , , , , --a.- JJ4IJ ) , ru 0Sj.iiV-)1rs , 2inmeliime' . at I lie Nebrasha ilonii. ' for iget l'eople Fcil uliry 19 at 5.15 , Scmviees ult fbi , hoirme , ill. . Nortim 2ltim , at 10 o'clock WeineiJay. flurhmmi as tioumt : hi9ie. --a--- 'iiw i3aby was side , ace gave imer CaOt.OrII. 'hen she was a Chill , , 'ime crlu.l for C.mttorls. Vhmema zhn hecammre hdhis.i , 'imo ciman , to C.ietoria , When 3me itad Cimlblren , mdiii ga' ' them . - , . . . . - -