- - - _ _ _ _ _ . , _ _ _ . . . . . . , : T- ; , , . . . . - . . . . , j _ . : _ . . . . J1LUttIttOil r . . ' . $ . 1i i L _ _ \ . ' ' ' ' -.1 . . . . . . . . _ r' , " . n"'n" . . . . . . , . , J 0. . gj _ I ' y . 4 : - - - - TiE ! 01rATI DAILY JUDE : 'V1DNISD.1 : , FEUUUARY O , 1S ! . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - = 1)'R OMAHA DAILY Bm. . , . - - - - . - - - - i - - - - - I. - tOiH\VATI1t , 1ftto I ? ' I IOM : " . _ _ , = I , . = I'CULI8/Ct . . 1.VlmMOlNIO. . . . - - . 'CmIH Ol HUUaCIU"rION. flcn WUhout ) Suniliy ) , Ono Yenr . . . S 8 r flafly ( K Daly 1eo Uid Ilhda3P , One Year . . . . . . . 10 ( Jol 1. nnl . . Iunlly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 ( I fx Monl-I . . . 2 10 ( , . . . . i . . . . . . i tfltl . . : Thrro . ' . . o . . . . . 'hr . . , M'nhB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 nunI biy ' Ih'c , On Yrnr . . . . . . . . . . . : 0 * 4atUtL1ty , r. One Yett . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ( " 'eek ! ) ' Ue\ J One 'leer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G : p IWFICI Oinnhi. 'he 1 ( 13ulliuIhc. . 2LIi StL tuth OIha : ) , Iner Jlk" ( , COn * r N end 21h ClUflCI : $ 1fluf1 " , 13 i Penll Htert , CO\nc:1 Bluf" . : ( ' tenr tf ( ! ( mmcrc . I'holnlrr New Y.rl Ofcr. . 101. ( :1 13 , II 1 I nll ! o , "rlluIO Uhl ! . 'VoBhllton ! , , l j T lilteft , N. \V. . MI ' COltlgSpO to new nn" .I. tonal I ( IlnlH 'ommunlcl.lon he Iltnl nd.eo"1 To the I:1lItor. ISINl:8S J.1TTmlS. Al buMnie , ItUN's sind rrlnltnnce phouh 10 Inl . "dttrcpsed to 'I ho 1"0 luhl hllt cOllon OnlalIn . 1rl ( , ( .ICCUC ) nnfl podoIllcO orller 10 Le , naIe \I \ ) nlll tn the Imtcr or the coml'nfly. mnteI . ' . Til. : 1 l'U1Jh1S11lO CO" lAN\ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HTAT1MIT - OP Ci1tCUbV1'1O. O "rle I TzeIitick . Rccntnr ( or The ! e Pub- Ishlnl comIIn ' , tJCllit ( Iu\ oyorII. ) % aSe thlnl : . the nctuol nllhcr ) or full nntl ( 'ml"tp cot' IS ' of the 1)oIIy Mottling . FVCnItg foil HUIII ) ) ' Ilee prlntcl nnly < urllg lila month or January , 1S. \ns us fo1Iow : 1. folows . . . . . . . . 19,25 ; 1..1 9 . nOt . . . . 1.2 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t. . . . . . . . . . . n. . . . . . . .i83 2. . . . . . . . . 2).17 20.71 ) 1:1. : . . . . . . . . 1'I- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 4. . . . . . . . . UGIZ .2U. . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2O.9I1 t ; . . . . . . . . . 19.00 21. . . . . . . 6. . . . . . . . 2U. . . 22. . . . . . . . . . 1 :3 : 7. . . . . . . . . 1 3 .j9.1 2 . . . . . . . . . ISI 8. . . . . . . . . 19CGt 21. . . . . . . . . ' 9. . . . . . . . I.CG' . 25. . . . . . . . . N'I . - 10. . . . . . . . . . 1'.l2t : . 26. . . . . . . . . 21'101 ! 11. . . . . . . . . . . ' , .27. . . . . . . . . . 21.10) ! 1. 1. . . . . . . . . 1',31 , 20. . . . . . . . . 2.z " 3. . . . . . . . . . 20.3 2. . . . . . . . . .0.21) 24. . . . . . . . . 1',161 20. . . . . . . . . . 13. ' 11. ? . . . . . . . . 1'.515 31. . . . . . . . . 20.63) 1G. . . . . . . . . . . ' . : Tot"I. . . . . . . . . . . . 1':1 . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . .Gta\ Less unsol,1 nnll acturuet ! COpICi. . . . . . . . . . 6.2 , \ _ 'otal Inlo. . , leture.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .GI.27. ' nIIY , n\cl . ! " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,719 mmnon : n. T7SClICK , . fwor to hprne me nnt , RIIJ , crlhct 11 my pres. flee thIs 211 day .r ) . 'ohml" ) ' . I n. tn ) , ' , , Public. N 1 Flilli Notary Publc. 1 _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - Cal : him 10stmn tll l1LtVL11. ! I'1 10 tse siIt : lug Ilt ? Inl'h 1. Lall'lsllI' (0111\1 ; lotlesl ' Iii the Intl1 of IPII'oprlatols ) for lew stall h\llll ) s glowl . n tnce ) frol 10lllg ! litilli Ilgh t. Plt'hnlls UISl1 nge might I'cplo , ente the favoe h ' ' that he tines fl\'OI' by stylng : 1101S fet know l'latOI : G ray , 111 that I woull he ) 10 Illl'nsm'e If hi' did. , . Ko VCSICCIflblt' ) Iralp wi loaf aloltl ni ! day . . 1111 Illl begin his roultl of hieg- nry oilier darl II Ilne l'aSlS : out of ten the ? Ilan who asks for 10tlr at ! night Is out Imloslol' . . . Seitutor II forgot to rlllla t that he wns only 1101lg his 11ulr UllWl'll ly liii tm tin ge. 'Ihe t ? SllmtO' ftom Nework , his h:1l : 1 reconcilIation. but that Kel'ms to hI about all that he hits hall 'l'll DIIHI'lnlnt ) of AgtItiiltiire ( IK the only lh'IHI'lml'lt of go\'etlnlnt that Is 1'ln U IllVg'P allll'oll'llton ) I hlli I asls for from coiigrest . Seel'etl' ' \ lotlol , ns It were , IltH monl % ' thrlst Ullon him. TihIulelphihit's ! : ) lullcllJI election Is tile Il'st or Ihe spring series , whleh in- eludes Chicago unl a lumhl't or othel' larger : cities. I Is not rash to predict that the results wi show the relJul- Call wl\'e to be still In the ( ascendant. - _ _ _ _ _ 'rhe vhhhIngness or the ( present legisla- t111'e 10 set I statutory limIt 10 the iioiiii- . be' of emplores ) of succeeding leglsln- tm'es his le\'e' had I cOlntltlJtt since ii'teiiiiisi1 Vd lecnrell hlm I relll ' to sactllee al hIs wlfe'l relatlonH In the , enuse or the union :11 lattn'H Inal decision 10 take that _ _ _ _ _ _ plon'C'cll IlostmasterHhlll 'oi ( flout regard ( _ _ _ _ _ _ " to the great 11e'slUI SitCL'IiieS hl'ol\ed _ _ _ _ _ wi relieve the ( nlxlct ' under which I . q , the people ) of Omahn IIHe been laborIng ; m'C' llce he cXIl'essel ) 10uhls ) as to Jt hits ability to accept the appointnient- I Is to he noticed that thc people 10st nCl\'I ( ! In Iflsll UI ) a competitor for the sllalel'shll ) of the next house agaInst 'Lr. ' Ule(1 ate u 1 democt'u The tionin- ets Iii l'ongl'e81 . move n rough 101\1 to l'a\'cl wlh : i. . 1eed leading the 01)1)051- ) thou 01 the Iloor , hit they fear that wih 1Iiiteeti In the Kllealcls ) chair the _ L l'oad IUI ' become II most 1n11)assallp. ) ! Kehl'nslm hits ' a . floating wUl'nlt In- , Hehledless ( of ovtt $ OOOOO ( ) ( ) 01 whldt , Ihie Is paying IItJI18t ft the ( rate or j Ilel' eent In nlllton 10 the foul 1m It of ' hOlled ) ( huh'htetlless , nlhou ( h the state COlsttltol siys : thut the ( lJhl1 ) ) Iluce ) - tItit ,8111 , 11\'II lxceel 100.000. ( ) A . -rloiglll1atlol : or the stoic Ihtnlces 11 ! - Oll' of tin' most Jmpollnlt ) If lot the biGHt 1IIII'talt ) SUUl'Ct ; tint Is crying rJI' , legislative ictIoii. .I gl'lln : slo'ltl hy ) the t State Hllef I : conlnhsol I ! Ieal' : LI I'ol I . Is hlln ) ! sloll'I , ' us IcIO'tell ) , . thifl lutuJ.llpl ought to HIIII' ) IW Ilrl.t : to t i IIltpe I :11 inn dev a tht' thieves. 'I'iiis lln II Ilalty be- bugs . 10 I tl I I Il'tlutl I I t 11\ulh t I t su 1t'erers , ( (01 whosl' helwlt It waH l'OI'lhuh'll. ) Htelll I i 1 I I Is 1H Hlell I i tll' t hlenl outer I : or I slt'll i I in itit's ltuth i t I i , Iltl 01 thnt I :1 : IC oUlt t Is ll lie t iliflit' Il'II'phpIHllh' I l . , AI ' 011lllr I I I or t lie ft Ullll' lll'h < I" CIIIIISIiIIICtS deserves ( lie fuiiest iiioiilt , ' cllslnucpH 11'SI'I'\IS tll' fulh':1 IHII\ : of thl law. ' : "hl \ t use hi thieve II the Board o 'I : lhll'ltol I l'IIIUI'II/ i I Itm'llr t I 10 I Le11- clI' I wl'llel I 01111101 ) ) I tilt tl' h'ga I io ov- ( ' 15 of thl' . Ilt'll to Inlltlll ; n IIIIII school for lelIIII' ( 'I'hl honnll at br- . ll'Y . hUI le\eml tllls I ret.'oitlt'ih hlllllt \ \s. hue I Iplhl'I' Oi this I I i I IIUt'Htol , HHl I 1 / IH tub , to eXlwct 11 0111101 ) that Is 10t * . II sUl1llm'I of his otcln1 iItI Ituii. ' 1Iw t1llll ttol ( his heln ( 'lllhIHhlllllll l Is hl'ht1111111u'll itt the Ilhle t.x- ; Je ) I I l' . ' ( 'lie , one Wlr 10 I bolHh I t Is to vote It OUt or exlteiice . I 'I'he COlltttOI of South nllwln : hUH ' IU'O'lllol ) rtgiiiIIiig lie I Inlllg of n . 6tnle ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' " . c'.lmm decennially Iltl'I'\'I'III/ tweel the l'lleml censuses slinlitor 10 tl Hlnllu' -I ; t ltitt ' Oiltiliitttl III lie ' , - tllt ( 'olluhllllllhc ( enlist Itutloti of Xt' 1I\lm. But ( I UClOUlt of tl Ils'OUI" - , agItig ! cotithition of 11w states Ihiiiiitct' 1gI l'ollltol tw iI I I"IIUUC1'1 ) the SOuth Dnltn legislature Is not 11' . < ltl'(1 to go . . to the eXIIIH1thnt \\'oull _ ) 1m ) IieCOaty If I 10W c'mms would he - imuthto-izetl. \ II tlls l'oll'l'tol bIte 110- _ i ( 'lsloI of th ( IUII'pI1' ) enut't that. whlt the clause Is Illlntl' ' Ihl'\ I : 10 wlr of cmleln tw ( legislature to l'ulm'cu the 1lrlllol ) , Is Ittl'l'l'stlj to Nebraska , - : IJI'ltm OU' lul"'CIO COUI'\ \ wuil tin- louhtellr hell the snml Wily. I bite I legislature Iefusl's to see tile 1'1'H\ ) ' - to I' I state celsut this year It will 10 dlcel'ul" , ) t01I\en , I I . 'f1' IWIWOTI 0 , mwun'I. 'ho Iulctaled cOIHclelce of Rclf-rc. HIctllg l'l'lHllcnls ) olly Icells to ho touched Iu ' sich I Inln'uut 11ccc or ' ho hilton Incident to hOOII'I'IHm M lie Hion Incllelt revive the lelnHt for self-purgation from llltclnls nHI IIIICI'S ) lint Ohll- ) ! Itch ( Iltels 1 8Cltl\lt It the titter- faces tutu course of 'fhe Bee II the hue . cnIIJI I. ' 1he FnIIIl'Y ] nle11Ise , I staunch Illl Ilellt RtlllHltc1 or the defulct Xelnll StntlSlnl , conies to . the front fenllessl ' Iii behalf or l)1IYIY ) IHI'ntou . II ( lie following C0l11elt 01 th'e (10. fnulllJ till Ilspectol ( : There Is no cxruse whltever for our pUblc officials to betray their trust and the conO- denco of their constituents . yet I one may hel eve these charges , nntl n great many 110 , an honest official In this stale would he one of thc rarest sl > eclnons of hlmhnll ) ' In existence. I Is high tme the repub- Icnn party of NcbrnsleD wns purging Its ranks or such dishonest ( lather. They cnn lIly nIorcl to wink II ouch things and hope (0 ( be successful In future cainpaigius. I the gully outs are found amnutlrh' ranks they should usa every hon Jr.le : moans to Prosecute to the fullest extent thl.se . engaged - gagetl In the dishonest work , that others mlghl take warning and govern their nclon ! more carefully. We are n rcpuhlcan aud glory In the success of that party but nt he same time do not believe 1 dishonest republican Is any better lmn n dlshouest man belonging ] to any other IHlry nml thlnle he should not be favored any more. Cleanse the ranks of these black sheep and let the party of progress anti Prosperity move ahead n few notches with a brighter and clearer record , one they can point (0 with pride Inslcad of with apoogles. ] IO'e caustc : nll Incisive luau the above Is the eOII\lt of the ' 1\'l'ulslh Ciiheflaiit. n IlJlhllau IIIJe' ) tllt Ins ne.el.ttVClcl iii Its . ' itileglaiice. tW\'e' \ \ ( ( II Il IJI.t ull'gltle. 'Ihlt lJIII' l ) Illllges i II I ( lie folowllg l11O'lnl dl'lllcatlt of hoolll't'liU ) ( : Hiton may be forced to disgorge . or the amount may be recovered from his bondsmcn but In either case thc dignity of thc party has been insulted. and n scar Is left of which the opposition \\\1 \ make ni the capital possi- ble. When will the time come when a rascal's chances for appointment to olce arc , no better than an honest mans ? How Is I ' that shady characler seem to have so much leverage on the appointive powcrs ? Truck- lng with such men as Hilton , Seeley , Mosher and n dozen others that might bc mentioned . . Is thc great cause why the republican part In Nebraska has been brought Into lsreputc d\lrlng \ the past few years and why a third political party has flourished. The fact that the gubernatorial chair Is at 11resent Oied by n populist Instead of a republican Is acrlbed to tile same cause. Is the time not ripe for the party to profit by n study of the humiliating history of the past and to learn thc lesson that It Is Immeasurably better to place the affairs of public business In the hands of capable and trusty men ? . Now let the rellhlcan Ilalll't.S that are lot IHhlhlll In the Illel'est or po- llcal nll'ccnarll's amid roten riiugsters talw UI ) the I'fmhl aiti Irolnl1 to re- IHhlcals ) who nSIIIe to public favor that IntegrIty and cfclllcy will ue ex- acted CI'01 e\'l'l'y man who aHvh'cs to lsllons or honor Hnd trust , nnd thut men who hietray I 11blc trust wIll he . \'eated lIS outawH , ald the lart wl regall its lost Ilo"e' : iI II'esUge. nl ! : JWVtS SI1m BILL. The bill for the unresu'lcclcolnn e of silver , Introduced br Senatol' .lones of AI'lmnsas and rellollcd favorably last week hy the senate commitee on Ihionioce . was taken tip 'eHterllIY for con.I I sideratinit. 'L'lw silver len In thc sen.I I ate have thus shown that they have the ( strenMtht to IUSS the bill If It can ue brought . to I vote , hut the oIPoslton cn n , ' Ir. disposed to do 80 , 1)'C'cn t I t'achll It yote. " 'hethe' the antI . slIver senators will use their 11111' mne11tal-3 ) rIviheges of obstructIon to do mentU'r 1)1'\ees . this remlils to he seel . 'I'le title or this measure Is nlsiead- lug. Whlt i does Is to authorIze the milts to receive and coin for nny elt- 11en or the Uulcd States silver bullion of Rtunl1111 fIIICSS ; paYahhe ) In stnnd fll'l dollars nt the ( market 1)'lce ) or slh'er In Xew York on the dl ' or the deposit 'rhe Relnlol e , which would be the diference uetween thc market value of Uw ( bulon anti the ( Iulher or stnlllrd 110111'S that might ue coined frol the hulon ) , to Int'e to lie ( Irol or the treisuiry. : Such cell whel returned ( to thl'elsur ' to ue certifIed In tIme saute : 1111 ! nH the stlllmi 10lar : now nre. 'Vito silver I el , wh\e not regarh. ( tn ! this nwnst'e ns hell ! so satisfac- ' ' straight ' free silver bill tvotild IO' ns It : s\\'el' ht woull he thInk It woullm'collllsh ) the ohJect ) of raising tl' 11''e of H\Yel to $120 nn oitnce. whih Is tw ( thing they ) ' walt to attaiti . ' 111r SOy lint liiiviuigiiiathe the ( ; United Hlnlls Ilnt ni olen ) { utrlt for silver bnlon to nn nllmlcl extent , . nolol ( : . ' woull ue wthlJ to sell silver huion for less than could hl o1)tnhmied ) for I at thl ( iamb . 1\1 that If all ownl'l of Rlh'cl million should Ifule 10 s(1 fO' . less Ihln I lie I coilage viol tin I lou lie I II'lce ) hI : Yorl ; woull hn1111ateir rise . It I .Jltt I I bIgot re , whl'h I Is I u fiat eb h in u\b1 t ) I' iI i I , : ! ) tn ( ) ii mice. tltl helce 1)'II'y Ih'II' I ,11' I 01' slh'lI' I liii I unit tt nlr Ulitell I I Hlnt ti4 Ilnt woull hi 1 ! cub II ltl 10 I receive iou \ thin Htlllutl dollars thn ( coull he ( 'ohl11 from his 11'llslt , less the cost or 'olunge. 'I'hls iiads PhiulIhii' % ) , but tit 11'01' ( : cOltltons lint lwl ' to hiithpi'mi. ' I I tl Ilst juice the juice of 111'1' hI Nci YO' ) , woull lut ho I l'l ulnl'cl I , 0' nt I a uiy ttIt' ; only tt It'r Ilulltl extent , hr tutu fne wlwth'I' the OWl'l1 of hulon shoull I''fuse 10 sell nt less thnl ( bite I'olll e valuation 01' tint 'the ronllol iuiiti'kt't stIll exerts 1 gtt'at II'nl ur in- iitlelt'O II tht'VUuiuiluig . the II'le of sli- oeiititil doubtless wonll tUltll ( ! to 110 ll ( Ufl'I' this bill "ll111 ( hecUle II W. I It 1 hn'ifectiY safe In'ollosltol bunt ito ilgii4lab bit hr this emmh'\ : eaui eOII\1 the price of silver , that fnet hn\ll hll'l most fl Iii I 113' Il'mulsh'uh'll hr Iho I pfql'tH thnt t I 111'u , Ill'el inn do to I itceo mph ) I sit Ihlf. I I I t cal make 10 great 11lTel'elcu whelhl't' silver bullion Is Ih'lloslctl ut thc milts ' for { 'oltn c ( itis IlllII tip II tlo ( \'els ( , 1' % . ' ul11'I'I'Ulcates Isslell ztga lust it , so the itittvlat Is couicerneth fat us 11'Iat Illco cOlcel'Jell , hlcluse I 11 hllHIsslhlo ) ( ot ' this 1011' \'r alone to regulate the IJ'Icu of 81h'II lS I conunodity. lel'hllS the owners of hl101 ) might nt Ih'st refuse to sell itt I'SH Ihnl tile coinage \tllttOI , hut I It not Illhahle ) ( lint this 1011) ' would { 'ontllo \(1' ) ' long , for &uiiy mutm'ltl univatwe In 8lh'er here woull doubtless brIng ! I Heel of It front abroad. I II not celu' tl\ Ito ( sliver . mile oWlers would In the cud hi lJu.tcullrly Iele- mec by the JI'olOSell legislation , but I I Is pretty certain that its erect would bC tn1nJIIS to the nnnclni interests or : the ' ' . ctlh' I Is not believed that this sliver bill can Juss congres. I wil probably not tI nlo\(1 to reach I vote In the enute , but Ir I sh01ll ItO so Ule he ImsRec by lint body It Is tin ollnlol that It could not get beyond ] the ( commIttee of the h01se to which It wOlld he rcfel'I'ell. nlt sh01lt It make the IassiIge In both h01ses I would undoubtedly fail nt the 1111 ads or the IJ'csllcnt , nml . this I must ue 1udel'stood ur Its stlpporers. ( There Is 10 excuse 01 Justification for the con- Hhte\nUol . nt this ( hue or such I mens- te , bite only tlltcncy of which Is to retard the restoration of financial con- fldeuee. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ideucl.llIA2'l IN aVI'I3fl.U4Iut. The bIll lelnUng to Ilrlguton In Ne- In'llw ; , 111\'oll1ed ( \ by Selnlol' AletR , hns IIISSl'd ) the ( senate nltt gone to the ( hiotise. ' This ml181'e 11'0I10s fOI' the U'gnnl1lton and government of Itrlga- ton districts , the nCl11l'Ing or elnnls nl'lltl ' hu1 O' purtr constructed nnc of the , tIght of wnr 10 build irrigation l1ehls ocUlnll , nll fet that voting or hOlds hr irt'ignt hon 11HIIIels for thc ( (1I'IIOS1' ) oC eOlslrlltlJ ( iri'igt I lug l'nlnli Itl ( 1)uyiuig ) slcl ! ns Ull' mtlrt'itihy bul ) O\ llrl i ' 10111'ul'tet1 ( t hi 1 i Ii en uiipre- JWIH1'l' tll Is 10 I imurge . extent hasl'l 11101 the < nlfol'lln h.t'lgntol Inw , thc OIIN'ulon of whlel humus hel'l highly sat- Isfnclol' ' . I I 1)1\'ihl'S ( for tl Illnl 01' s 'ltlm leCOllll'llle(1 ( by bite last Iniga- tOI l'OI'l'nllln li this ( state nHl must , therefore , Ul IJ'lslletl to hn\'e thc ( en- dOlsltelt of the hiract teal I't'l ntonlstl or Nebu'askmt nld thee who have h'l1 lie Hlhel ) Inte1gl'It ( conshl'I'n 101. Wihout going into the details ( or ( lie tl'nSIl" . It ta ) he ) saul II 1 gl'llrul \\.tiy thlt I lie I Illnl It II'o\'irs for Is iiiiic- tlaull utd that ( It wOlll uititlouibl- ell ' n'sult lu estnhlshll n gell- I e11 system or 11Ialol whl'I'e It Is l'ellell II Xl'hrallm : as soon us the re- ( ltllVeiuit'iits or tl ( net could hl' complied 'with. . I Is 10 ue lXIll'I'11 that the 1m. Iol.tlmcc ) of this ( Ilslol ( will ca1 e It to ( ue tul'l't ( tip Iii thl' ( house with the least Ilosslhle ) 11ell : . It should he acted IpOI l)3 ) ' thl' II'elllt ) Ilglslltt'l' . so ( loot thl ( W0I. of Ii'rigutiomi I contemmiplated . can bl' iiiiuugmiratcul Ilrllst : 1 ltIgor - ouisly . 1.T1lder ires'ilt i'oiitiitioios ' . olKly. tIIIl'l' II'l'Rllt COltltons prog- rlSS mlst itecessurhly : hi' \ 'lr.slow. . " 'hlt Is lel'll'll Is orgsmilzed : effort , hay- lug the Ilthorl ( ' or lu W 111 : uller II'OPN' ) rl 1Iatol , nld this Ii whnt the . \Iwrs bIll ii'Ovldes for. 1'erybody tin- Ill'\ltlll hUt ( Nebraska wl never . : tt . (11111 that or ' ' which tlil measurc II'os\et'I 11 possible 1nt the ( inhibits of acres of Iml'arlt tl\lm' ) ' Irc : supplied ) with 811cent molstu\e through Irrigation to Inslr nltunl CI'OpS. 'here Is 10 troublevlth lie ( soIl or this te\lor ) ' . \Vithi ail : theqlillte SUIIII ) oC molslure It Is capable or IH'olucllg lS nlllllnnty lS the soil or : tiiy other tart or the ( state , Inl there cnn be 10 d01ht that Ir 1'11) ' erhy ii'i'Igatcd It , 'oulil rlyll : the pro- l\uct1'eness or the Irrigated I lands or CalifornIa anti tlt8hi. As to the ( ] ueston whether them Is . I sulclent available sUPllly of wlte. the most careful In- \'CSU/It01 nIIIIUlS to leave 10 rlnson rot I doubt that e\'cn In the driest Rea- soils the sources rl'omhlch the water ! for irrigation would ue Ih'nwn would ' be fould to be 1illiple . I the present legislature makes the IH'oposel II'o\lslon fet the Il'omoton or irrIgation In Nebraska lS the Ilople expect - pect i to 10 , the benefit to the state will he apparent before the current year Is ended , and withIn the next two ( three 3'eal5 _ , thieve Is every relson to believe , we shall not ell ' i'egain thl' lJlJluton lost within the ( paRt yeat- , hut add muny 10lC to the IiihtttbIttmits of the Htnte. Sncccssful 1llgl ton means IH'oJlesl awl prosperIty fet Nebraska and noUt- big that legislatIon cnn 110 for the ad- \'Imcenwnt or thc state Is morl 111101'- tarot than this. FEDlR.L RfJffl DfNffD. Tim rejection of thc ( 1I1Itlment to thc n t'lcnlt'e U\ll'olH'lalon bill offered by Senutot Alel 1IIIH'oll'lnllg [ ) * : lOO- 000 out of the lutonnl tretsury : for the Inl'chn , und Ilsh'lhntol of seetl gmll ll1e' the sUIIC'\'lslon of the ( secretary of ngllcnlme ainomig the 11cslllle fm'm- els of lie tluth rl11en states meltl . ( lint Neht'lslm need eXIII.t ) no flcleml aid In caring 101' her di'oimtht simtrerers . Sl'lllloAllm's II'olosllol ) wus Ier lecUr legitimate amid lbs Itloptol by COI\I'eKS woult have Il l tell only np- 11)'O\'nl from the great IISS or the 110- i Ille ) fl'om whom . I he federal go\el'nl l t t'calr derives I 1'l'III 'I'iiere hlve heen h Jliel'lns IH'cCelenIR ( Iii its favor. Congress hnH hecl WOlt to h'll lenl'ltr wih hose t who , through mis fortuiuie . have heen tumble to carry olt their ohlgutlons wih the gO\'U'llent 'Piuc ftU'IIH'S who 11st this yt'ttilook . 10' : assIHlnnc ( In Hl'l.t'hlf thin Ilcessnl'y SI1IIly ) . ) of seed ! I'nll lre fO' thin most IUU.t I ! lol'ls who I IU1e I 11IwI thl t e : IH'II'les 10 time Illo1111 ha\ ' ( ' auntie the Wl'IU'1 progress of ( \'II1ltol Ilossl ) hh . I I UI ) ' class ff cit izens deserve I wll I of thc I I fed eoot I O\'II'lllnt i tl'y I cci-- lulll ' (10. ( Iltl It Is gl'l'utr 10 he I'e- I 1'llell t limit II Hllnh' ) should See lIt to Icfm : the smul measure 01 11111 thnt WUH imskl'th . _ l I Is tl'ue Ihlt the ( Alel nuon'midmmmemot WIS ruled out 01 Ioilt of order ( , hut tot hlI'ol ! thin ! ullt wus Imslnlnctl by nt , ulIIlnl ) to thl ( selnle nit nut n'e lul IIIY vote. . - XOI' " WIS : I I ( nll'll out of otilut ' Iie1Otti ( iIttt0i' 'OIluultI'iSOii laul O'llel' IIWl'e : U Ut 0' . 'IIIIII'SOI IIu1 sel1ell tl I OloL'tmmutIty ) for un Ileule I ii b I I lout of t't Isit ' ' . , for exhlhilol 01 1I1'tslt 11t01' All ) Pa t'tlithy for 10 olhll' 1'UIOI Ulnl t ( lint his IIOIHlst ) colut'muguue mlh get I ut- tie ' Ign fl'om the ( ) ' \ ' . to II'CHtO II'ollselIPII'O. 11'11101. ( SelutO' :1111'1'WI : mlulu oh. ) jectol thlt : ( lucre WIH JI Il'ell ( o. fell. 'e\1 aid Ill tlnt 1 felell 11111'011'11- ) ) ) tel ( for seed ! I'III ! was not \lltell hy time Ileolor ) Nebriuskit. lie , ithlegu'l that t lie ( Ill'llllll t sought 10 Ilt ) Ill state lit the ( ntlullo of I heII' tutU n 1111101' ) 1\1 thnt XuhlHlm coult look Iflcl' hl'l' OWI stiI1em.ei'5. Xehmslm CII , nltl wi If she lust , J10\11u ) fully for all her citzens who m'u IIllt of mll secti. but she wOllt not 8111'1 ) n Iwnsl'O 01 l'l'lef that was leHIlel to elullo hel' t1'met'l to 1l ; I crop Iii iso : ; . : A senntu that lu the snme homo 1I'ecs to tin tl1utlmeut to the agrIculture 111. , IlrolHlut ) u tll.V . for $ -OIO ( to he ) ( : iemuletl , hum ( xtllmlunUI the gtpsy moth it'st1 . vhiichi-is .excltsl\e \tmussnclmti- - . sells ntud hU I/plllnto / nelghibot's , could wel have imisiited ; to the ( ( 'Xllenlltmo of $ : OOOOO ! ' { fect ' JI'III fee \ tIme tl'outl $11 ffei'ei's oCili western stlt H. Were It not for HIIIntlr } ( : lnnI1'rI0u'l lutmelr ' the nlt Inexcusable 11tel'llosllon - nlemhlelt offered by Senator Alel Illgh hu\t . jl'tet. . ! I I ! elhIMlrolle1 for the oOcers . of the Gmml ( .hl ) ' or the Republic to ol lll1e n l'ler' ' corps for melhe\s or the' ( ol'lel whot.mn he ) lu wnnt , hut ) ns n Intcl' ofJ fiet time ell yetcrul ! mire for the lost plrt better off than other . uhm'otmtht stmfferers. A large majority of thel ( receive pensIons , which lt least afford thel sumac nmemiiis . be they ever 80 stimulI , fet \ supplying ) thcleh'eH wih the nece8sl1Ies of Ifc , whie theh' t nought- hors IUHe not e\'en ( limit pIttance for 1lllllu their fllles tlHI stock 1101 destitution. ' h'huero Is u liroittlci' 1m- tlul ' thnl ( hut or creed , uele\olelt ol'llel' bmothmrlmood. 'l'hat ) 01 11trlo\c lI'othN'hool. hlllliy 111ls 10 tlStll101 , halt seeks to mmhhet'late the Hlfll'ht of tuna- 1luII helatm ) or the brothit'rhmood oC 111 amid thl ( fllhel'hoOl of Oo1 01 this high h Philtit' t hcOlk or relief should he cOllluclld by thc stiLe , 1111 10 this enl alt efforts Hholil be dIrected br the Sin to Hclcr coimmimuissiomu. 'I'hc l'gllls of tll' ( Suite university , imo tlh' bust l'l'IIO'I. i'eit'hmlt ) foul 111)1)01'- ) ) eittiy eutthmo'se muhhrcss of thin auummmmmiI , lHlr eutlo'sl' Il IIh'l s tl 111111 that asserts I hit XIhmslm ! tothmy : owes the Htnll' Itln'l'slty $7OOO. 'I'iois Is Il'I.lletlr cool , Weshol11 hike veuy Illh 10 see sllellcn tnus ( tS to ( how this Ileht t\OSl' Itt or what It consists. ' 11 university was origimmaliy expected 10 mnlllnil lsllr fl'om the ( Il'nceeds of . : the ( 1hlri : npII'oll'latol ) ) [ ( or uu1'ersl llh ! h'll It tS I I'ust t fUld by the felll'l'al gO\'l'rllllt lt lie t lle t Ne- hlaslm ) : : onus admitted 1110 lie ( omniomi , II atithlt ion to this thc state his hel1 for 'la\s : ntkll regular nnlual aiil'o. ) imriatiotis for ( lie helelt ) or thc ( uiiml- . \'el'l1 ' hy Il'lnS or I special ulh'ers1 lax. Yet the l'egllts boil us that ( the slutl owes tIme ulh'lrs1 ' $ jOOO ( , and to J1lullnte the ( lebt asks for ell ' $ -H : , lOO ( ; In 1\111on to whnt ther now call the customnlr special Inx. SomlbI ( ' ought to take . the trouble to secure for Sennto\ Oray 11 imitrodue- tnl ( to : lllolah'c Hussol Sage , I only to enable him to rcceh'e thc nckiiowl- lllgemcnls or lie I hatter for the tmnbigtm- Otis comllent which he paid him 01 the floor or lie ( semiitte. A J'jtrloL for UC\UIUO : , fq ' tiehvor News. Busscl Sage Is" one of the patriots who would deplo , the reduction of their gold dollars to E ccnts % purchasing ) ower. Hc has stowed aWay'lnother $ :0,0 In hIs safe deposit vault. _ j . - 'rho iloviin Show. 'Mlnnenllts 1owlnl Ttmcs. The women whO arc "crusading" the sa- loons of Slou City claIm to have legal ad- vice under which' they wi close nil dram- shops that db not comply with the strict letter of thc law. 'IThat being the ense. why don't they begin their "Iawln " and qui making howl lg IjSeants of themselves ? A ltIntort ' l'artisuen Shouters. , - N&v York Sun 1 It Is the } \ 'nerican ' people of' all p5rtles I who are the proper custodians oc f he mem- ory of Abraham LIncoln , as they are of that of George \Vashlngton. Therefore , let thc celebration of Llncoln's bIrthday In coming years be as free from factional manifestations - tons as the celebration \Vashlngton's birthday has always .been. . I 111 ' .uchocl time Button. Chicago Trlhune. Senator Hill told the exact truth Saturday In stating that the true purpose of these professed friends of sliver had been laid bare during the debate on his resolution : that they Intended to pay our government oblga- tons In slver coin no mater how degraded or how depreciated that metal might be ; that "such men are not for himetalism at all . they are for silver . and silver only. " National Credit Is 'iot Invoivcd. nostoa Traveler. Much as we disapprove of thc wrangling In congress over tnanclal measures and the refusat to do anything good , bad or Indifferent - different . we clmnot sympathIze wIth the feeling that stigmatizes the refusal of the house to be drarooned Into passing a ills- crimlnating bond bill at the order of the president as "a blow at the nation's credIt. " The cledlt of the nation does not rest upon so narrow a basIs I Is the richest of the natIons . and thc other nations know l I. Any hagglng about the payment of hands already Issued ! would he n how ] at Its credit . hut a mere refusal to Issue more , of any partcular kind does not look In that dlrec- 110mm. As to the dIfference In cost to Us . that Is merely a question of Intelal economy , nothing mnore . . ' ho lnh'erRlty Tax. Ilalr Pilot . Notwlhstallll the fact that whole coun- ties In Nehrasll arc unable (0 muny their taxes and that In many countIes there arc lulttudes of people who arc suffering for food ami clolhlng , the le lslo.ure Jnls II expetlent to pass an act adding a half mill tax 10 nil the property In the state for the Ilurpose of Improving and extentlng the buIldIngs of the State university . or at least such a bill has been recommended to pass hy the house committee of the vhole 1 woultl ( seem to nn outsider that If there ever was I tme In the history of Nebraska - hrslm when eonomy and retrenchment shoull be the wutch\onll It Is now I WoUld Ieer , lurlu'nnol'e. that many men who Ire selt to the Iglslatur leave be. hlnll them when they go 10 Lincoln ] all fell e of propriety and . conlistency In the I\seha ) ! ! of theIr olelll dutIes . 'ilmoy np- pell to jell the mail whirl motive power fOI' which fs largely supplied by an Interested - estf1 lobby 111 ! al they swing arolnd time legislative tread ( mi , If 11 occasional op- lJrtunlty can he found to grlmt the Inevlt- able personal ( IXO , all Is serene with them , anti In the oath 1 few tJcltster have ' of to themselves , cvolvetl some ponts proUt themselvs along with 1 mass of ernde. illogical , and oftentImes senseless stuff thnt under the untie at "Resslon laws" II added to the cumbrous Ilntutes of Nebraska every two 901Vr $ . 'lhls II the rule , and thc exceptions itme ' ' ' busIness of the i'tatu Is il' ! I'are. 1he lltl run wlhout $ ni ) ' etnbiamiu at I PolicY . ali Its , ufulrs fl'om ) 'eulto year are changed nn(1 ( bandied n\ouL , anlong Ihl log ) oler : absolutely - lolutel wItlioi4 \ r ' ferenel to exlslnJ comull- lens ; , the wantf or wishes of the peo\le or their Unandll Jhll ! ) ' 10a ) ' the hils can- \a tructed. I the . Lincoln lobby desires 10 tax thc ieOP'.e ! oC tiictstate 110'J.MQ or $ .O to run I hIgh . sii9oh \ } II the State university for the exclusive benefit ot I.lncoln High school pupils , I KeemH tasy to leeure I majority . jorlty vole , 013(1 . ( tle thing II 10ne. wIth no I reference wha.te' I' to existIng condilons : or state. the Intel'est I , elf ethel localities of thc Iould appar , ait I M majority the Nebraska IegisJuturo should realize that the republicami 111 iture 10 6me extent on trial before the peo'l , und their acts tumid doings wi he crltclst1 ! ! hnrll by the enemnien of ) the party , and Ihut Ilrleularl' ut this time undue ( xtravagalc In appropralons wil have a leilng effect with the ieolule. , 'l'he lEssons of-plll - leglsllton tIme Past tiu'o sessions sh0411f impart n greater wlllom (0 time member of tllH session . but so fur they Cxhlblt It strong tendency to even outdo time i ' ops II time ( oily of their acts and their reckless expenditure of I'uulo monel" , 'fhls Is i made all the worse just now by he wcl known fact thnt thin slate Is short o funds enough to pay ! the current expenses J'OWUF TIIC 'r.trl Il S. Columbus Argus : After all , I woul sccm that ( tattooed Tom Majors luos more influence with the presIdent ' \hen I comes down to n scratch like I did In the Omaha I'ostomce ctlnblr , than has 75 per cent of the democrats - crats of the stnte. I ncltl Martin . Tom Mnjor's right hAnd howe was given thc appointment - pointment on lAst 1onday , KeArI ) Hub : Secretary FurnAs declares that the Slate Agrlculttrnl society Intcll 10 make time next state raIl nt Omaha n su- Irlmo success In fact , It Is proposed lint the next state fair shall "excel any that has previously been hel In tIme state " ThIs Is the flgl kind of talk and Is Just what might bo expected from Mr. I urnns , There are no SOlO spots on his nnatolY In tle ( location of time fair. Wisner Chronicle : Frank 11on was nn active ruster for Tom Majors last campaign , amid his prolific mouth abonnde.1 with argu- mons to show the kicking relublcnas why tim Peru politician should be electcd. The most Potent spring to I'rank's action was time earnest desire to Inereaso for two or four I , years tIme amount of lint deposIt which he was collecting from the gasoline dealer for safe leecpln ! Nebraska City Indellomlent : ' Thc pops area n wid nnd wooly set of nnnrchlsts no doubt , but where Is the governor of any state who has dIsplayed more quiet gentlemanly dig- nity , coupled wII calm , conservative decision - clslon , than ( have been shown by Nebraska's populist governor dnrlng his first six weeks of executive responsibility ? Goveror Hot- comb Is 1 credit to Nebraska as well as to lie ( people who elected him. I Lincoln News : 11 Dorgan Is doubtless tt all ( lines ready and eager to fnlfl that part of the prison labor contract which makes It hIs dUly to Provide the prlEoners with slur- Itual ( consolatloim. le and hIs Predecessor doubtess enJo'etl peculIar grouml-noor hirivl- legos ] for sccurlng large consignments or slllr- ituah consolalon on short notiCe anti at bottom - tom srices Thc cost of spiriual consolation ] for thc ( prisoners Is doubtless not nearly so material an Iem In ( the prison contrct ama : I I the cost of Illug tobacco. Sliver Creek Times : Woostcr can say , and speak the truth wihout boasting . that he has done more to discredit and weatn ] the pop party In the state or Nebraska than did over ( lie B. & 11 Journal. And he can say further and speak 1 truth Imown of al mcn , that but for thc Journal and others of that ilk there never would have been apy pal party In Nebraska at all and that time republican party In Nebraska never would have sustained oven a partial defent The Journal may boast of Its rellblcanlsl It It wi , but the re- publcanism of thc Joural Is a republcanism that denlcs free speech wihin party hines , that would always keep the republican ! part In the control of the corporations and men who are In the 11rty for personal gain even at he party's expense and that would support - port thc devil If he happened to be on the tclet. \\ooster has not been , Is nol now , amid never expects to be , hat kind of arc. publicamm . Niobrara Pioneer : Ex.OI Inspector Franlt Hilton's atempt (0 steal $5,00 from the slate Is a black eye (0 ( ex.Go\eror Crounse's long record of usefulness , besides a disgrace to the republican parly. Hilton was called upon by Governor Holcomb for a statement or his accounts time go\ernor beIng under the ( bel lt that 11ton owed the state about $4.000 excess of fees In his Ilosession. After some Ilrodting Hilton camc In with n claim that the state actually owed him n small sum and that $5.000 In his present possession wIll not be tred over to the tatc. His reason for this Is that the law did not require him to Inspect gasoline , though the Inspecton was made and he received $5,000 for It. I proposes - poses to hold this fund so that la case the dealers who paid It demand It back he can pay It. But It Is 1 steal and nothing else and his bondsmen will De oblIged to foot the bill . though they too , are wllng t worry the stale out of . It. I .EX- . GO ) . EICXOR , JWl ] GiLt tfGlf S. Springfield ( Mass. ) Republican : Ex.Gov- eror 1oyd of Nebraska has been turned down by a Secretary Morton man In some patronage controversy , and he wrathfuly puts out some of the choice expressIons for- merly used by Mr. Morton to express his dislike of Clcvelant , Morton does not deny their truthfulness , but he had I change of heart In later years and there wilt b no break In the cabinet. Now York Sun : Mr. James E. Boyd formerly governor of Nebraska and an Important - portant figure In he democratic party of that statc. has attacked In an IntervIew another emInent Nebraskl democrat , lion. JulIus SterlIng Morton. He accuses Mr. Morton of having been guilty of the her- rlble crime of IcseCevelandlsm before he was called to hold sway along the seeds Mr Doyd's language Is palqrul and the ac- cusaton almost Incredible. It Is our duty to a great subject to record the charges , and ( lien walt for the truth or falseness of them to be decided. This Is the essential part of the Indictment : "Cleveland placed a man at the tail end or his cabinet who for ten years has publicly and privately abused him , and that too , In such language Ulnt It cannot be printe Samuel \Vaugh , president of thc First Na- tonal bank of Piattsmnoutb . says he heard this man speak ot Cleveland as a 'pothousc politician among statesmen , and a statesmen among pothouse pollclans ; ' and In other phrases mucl more disrespectful and severe. Judge Matt Miller of David City , when 10 asked this man why hc did not mention the president's name In his speech or con- gratulaton at the Paxton hotel after the last election , says he replied : 'I hate him worse than I do the devIl , ' " 'Ve must remark as to these charges thnt Mr. lloyd has an undoubted prejudice agaInst Mr. Morton , who SCms to have got ahead of hIm In the appointment of a postmaster at Omaha. Dut If ever Mr. Morton did use harsh and contumelious language about Mr. Cleveland , he must have mad a thorough recantation before being admite Into the presencc : and no doubt ho has had for al least two years time fervor of n fresh con- vert AntI yet tt would pain Mr. Cleveland to have about hIm any man who had ller- mltcd himself to do lest than revere him since his first emergence . In 1882. ! ' lUltA l',1 ,1. ] VE1iU.l . 1(1S. The farmers of NucltIs county will organize - gantzc an institute at Nelson February 27. WIlt Nickle of Grand Island Is minus n Ulmb as the result of too close contact with I cog In 1 broom factory John L. Dixon of Nebraska City has been appolnte(1 ( captain of thc academic senior milItary company at Yale. The hardware store of Meek , Skinner & Co at Pnwnee City hae beamm closed by the abmoriff . 'fhe liabilities are estimated nt about $18,000 Dr. H. J. Arnold of Columbus has brought suit for t5OOO damages against the editor of the Monroe Looking Glass for IJblshtng "talse , scandalous and dcfamatory miiattcrmi" about It imim . - - . - . . The Imlng of nn engine lt NClraS11 uny caused the 11110 at a farmer'named Hol- day to run away and drag the occupant or the buggy for quite a distance , badly injuring - juring the mmian . I has developed that the Carl Hath who lost his life In the sinking of time steamship Elbe , was not time Carl Holh who resided lt hloidrege. Mr. Hell at Iodrcgo ] Is still missing , but the man who welt dowl with the Elbe was a resident of Hungary , Ind wa bound for Phiadelphia . , Thin " 1 IttCltu Hlllc-lur. Phladclphla i'ress. Besides gl\lng tue gold selling syndicate ( un Immedlalo prUt of 15 Ir cent on a $ G2OO ) tmmmclon ( , the admlnlslrton hiRO surrendered time whole maier of bond issues to Its lender Clle for eight month , \\'hat thIs may mean to the Hovel'lllenl or the syndicate no man can lel , hut tIme secretary of the treasury CI make ! ti ] hand sale without first Hell'H ' the uIIIIIO\11 ) oC Mr. MorHln and Mr. Belmont , 'l'hls tc the government hlndand Coot with a pretty short llmmancial rope. ' 1he act of Mr. (1leve. land and Mr. Carlisle becomes lore anti Into. moore inexplicable the further It Is looked . # - - - = - - . < Highest of all in Leavening P we. Latest ( U. S. Gov't Report ya1 Bakn gML1UTELt ( PIRE 4B' LfTEJY I'IWl'I . .ISrllO. . ' The present toneofcolmgress Is ( lcchledl ) ' nmetahhic. I x.ao\crnor Pornleer Is sAll to have afire belts fire ] nltm : cInch Oi Cal hirlee's sentorlnl The New York police are mlkln ! n tlesper- ale fight against the appalling 0\1 or .Slllny billIards. Count Cnstelano Is said to be n devoted atlmlrcr of Gould bonds He will syndicate w1 snllcale 2,000,000 worth ) Legislation Is not necessary to give butter Its proper rank Much of time genuine inherits - its ( limit qualt ) . . Considering the cold indifference of New York rerormers , Toni PInt. shouh omulnle Llhhmimikalaumi amid abdicate. ! J.llnkalanl anl nblcnte. Harrison solves the question , "What Illnl e10 with our eX-llreshlenls ? " Set thcm bronkimig wills. lieu hns two emu his hanlls , Pour experts lu palmistry recently ex- amlnod Mark Twain's bonito amid were Inable to discover any lInes of hUmor. 1 was not necessary to go abroad to lalee the thIs- cover ) ' , . _ Ex-I'rcsldent Peixoto or Brazi , time hcrtr thc Hlo revoltition . Is miow struggling with n revoluton In his h\crlor deptmrtmuent. Dyspellsla has tackled him and he does lot care whether the republic survives or not The agitation for vestibule street cars for tim Ilrotccton of molormeu hits taken mmmc- ( teal shape In bills Introduced In'nrlous state legIslatures ] . lInt as lie ( cold waves re- cede the chances of reform goes with timeto Major lacon , the new senator from Georgia ! , Is tall . well bui , wlh a florId complexion , and with n lack of hirsute ndornment which wlh tnttes him to the ( \cry front row , le Is Pheasant In manner and has already matlc many fiicmmds. California cItes , hike those of lssourl , arc wholly Indellemlent of tIme state legislature In I the I matter of municipal 1 home IulA new charter for Snn 1"lnclsco Is about to hc submItted (0 ( the electors for approval or re jeetlomi . 1 was drafed by oneen ficehtohil- that ! . ers chosen for IJrpoe. herr Joseph Treith . an Ironmongcr or Vienmia who has just tied nt the age or ! I , has left 800.000 10rlns to the Acadeimiy partly for the Promotion of sclentOc resarch amid party for promotnJ thc moral amid ma- tcrlal welfare of matmklnel. lIe also left n quarter of n mullion 10rlns to \nrlous cimari- table Inslutons In Vienna. General McCook said the other day . In the course or an address at n mcctug of the Indian nghts associaton at DelRr. that In his forty years' experience wih the ( Imlans ho had always fouml a white man at the bottom of every dllell ) ' . lie said that his decisions In cases of trouble bclween whies and Indians had always been In favor of the I nfl In as. The late General Dethule of Georgia was 1 strltngly hnndsome nman even ater he had lost his leg nnd old age had begun to press upon hIm lie seemed outwardly a man or brusqle and cavalier manner , so much so that persons whe knew him only slightly hcslatetl 10 approach him : but nt slghty he was Idndl' , hits educaton of "Blind Tom" was only nn Incident In his blsy life . _ A San Francisco court and jury Is wrest- limmg vitii the mental sOlndne s of a banker who looted and wrecled two banles. l'rlor to the ruin he was regarded as a shrewd , cunnIng and avarlolous busIness man-a money maker every hour In tim day. Now that he Is on trial for briber . perjlr ) ' and robbery , his supporters Insist he Is menIaly ! , and morally Irresllonslble , n harmless luna- tIe. The Insanity dodge has reached the pinnacle of absurdIty In the case. - - - - .IlTI IJIi1'AN'.5 Illl .lS , \Vshlngton Post : That was not 1 happy thought of Mr. Bryan's on Thursday when ho had one or the clerls of Iho honsc lead Shy- lock's bond by way or Introducing a theatrical effect Into his speeclm . Thc young orator ( rUin the laud of blizzards misse his mark and was very properly called down by the In- genuous Walker of Massaclmusmtts. Washington Star : There Is an element of satIsfactIon In the fact that the defeat of the gold bond Issue was accomplshed without Representative Bryan's being obliged to lay down his life. His expressIon or willingness to do so makes the pleasure of observing that he didn't have to all the reater. Just how or why he was to lay down hIs lIfe Is not made clear. but thc enthusiasm of the patriot , like that of the poet malte I possi- ble to perceive many things Ihat ordinary people find obscure. I Is proper to remind Mm' Bryan , howcver , that the habIt of being wiihltmg to lay dewn his life Is one which grows upon n man While seldom fatal It Is to be avoided . ' for the sake or friends and acquaIntances , who should be spare unneces- sary anxiety. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "IN ECCENTRIC CO.T11fl (110ff. About four weeks ago a letter was received addressed to Mm. Edward Rosewatcr , Omaha Dec. Four consecutIve letters ] of the same tenor 11ave been received , baring the same signature ench contalntng a $ tO bank note The last one reads as follows : CHICAGO , Ill. , Feb. 13 , 18:5.-Mr. Edward hlosewater-Dear Sir : Emiclosed fInd $10. TrustIng thmat you viIl forward It to time moost desirable point.in relIef of suffering ammmongst time Nebraska farmers. Respectfully , OLD TIME NIiIIRASICAN. The contributions from tim eccemitric Ne- braskami , who apparently does not vant lmis mianie known , biavo been successively placed iii thuG imands of Governor llolcomnb , and through Imini transmitted to ( Ito relief coin- mission. ' ' ' ' TIlt'ttItSf'IlIiPl' Cf 11.tZiTIUN , New York \'orld : The Sami Fmancircb Cahl' story of the torumi-e ( of witmitasel in ) t hioimoiumlim Is rerohthtmg in the extreuume-so re- f vohtimmg that It os'hhi hare to be ftmliy con- flrmmmeth before It Is belieo'etl , It oumghut to , ' , o- ' be both incredilmlo anti untrumc' ( hunt the de-- ' - seentiants of 4umerlcan imiissionarles coubd-- ' string a lurisommer 1111 by time thumbs to pinko % hiiiq comifess , f lavenport lemuuocmat 1 Tim yoting republic of hawaii is starting off veIi. If ( hue story of time bariniromus tortures Its agents hove iii- . fllcteml in order to extort comitessiumims nra ( rime it Is ( lie Imperative thitty of time Unlteul States to hook after the imuterests of its citl- , seas them-c. Time ( lay of thue torture chmnmmubcm- ' is Inst. if Captalmi lavles ) Is an .mmuericaiu * 0 clttzeui , as claimneti , imis commntly owes huini vro- tectiomm of life amid limb that will gimmmrmuntee thmat his sumspemmslon by the tlnmmmubs will not \ be repeated , If lie has transgressed time iawa or iieumrallty ( imo shmoulil inhmehih to account for ( lint olfemise , but no immqulshtorial mmuenSUres should be tolerated for a mnommuemit. It Is tii tItuSof tIme Umilteth States to Probe (1mb ' matter. ChIcago ist : \\'lmat ninls time affaIr iuarticumlariy hoathsoimme Is time Pretonsiomus of k , ' the inqtilsitors to lofty Cimrlstlamiity.Vhieum time ( htmeiii Was deposed time religious muews- Imliers 'f thmi coummitry rejoiced in ( ito result of time revoltmtlomm mis a victory of eiirlstianity over pagammusmum almth lewihmiess , it was imuoro thtamm SuialeCtei ) 11) ' calmmuer tit1gmiit'nt timmit , , tlme force mmii fraud by vhmichm the immoral - dymmasty of ( iou iCammiehitumiehias was torn down voimld not. give Imiace to Christian tolerance amid brotherly loo'o a helm 10 imer cent of time popmiimutloum uimmtlertooit to enforce its mnmmdates oil Do ier edit. limit the weight of it vavo of iejoiclmig over time tmtabhhminimmcnt of nimotimor ' 'Cimrlsiami ( reptilmhla" was not to be braved without veril. Gi'tieraliy Aimmericans looked to hiommohulu for a mlmme examupho to ( Ito coarser world of wimat Ciirlsiami ( patriotism would do in umpbtmuitllng nail simstuolumiiig a repuibllc in ( hue l'acific. 'Time aims em hums Inca : "It wIll simoot amid inung. It will murder amid steal. It. wIll trumi'umlemitly defy ( lie amenIties of Intercourse - - course betweeli natiomis. It. viht mimaimu and , flay mmnti torture. It will restore tue agencies of mmietiiac'val burbarlsimu Iii time nuino : of God ) zintl time Cimristlinlty : of tim imhmetcentim cen- tury. ' 4- CO,1IIC.IL .51102'S. Cnlvestomi News : l'emninuume iimstlnct leads every vomnamo to entry a four Plums about her , I mmd Innapolls .1 oimtmmnl : ' ' \'hm helm do you wmuitter do , ' ' asked Ituibberiteck Bill , of time nev bmitemmder : at tIme Amigeis' Itest , "put this here dowim or conic outside amid take l It ump ? ' ' - IloumseimolulVomisTt'ao'cier : ( Imiqumirimig at famnoiis castle-Cmin ) 1 mice time niutiqimes todmiy ? Ser'amtt-1 mu afraid not , sir. lily lady and her dmiughtci' imave gone to town. - ii Detroit Tiibtmne : Landlady-Well , I muist do sommmetimlmmg to lteel ) time 'olf from tim ( ( loom. Boarder-I domi't kimO' timat It Is aI- b together muocessiury. Let hmirmi conic iii and u tackle 0mw of 'oumr breakfastS , amid I don't f thmiiilt he'll e\'ei troumblo you again. ' ' ' too ab- lInu'Ienm Life : C'iarmt-It'S i'eally smirch , this idea of anyone beiiovimig in ghosts iii this age of niectrle cars and bicycles. Tom-Not at nil , wimoim you con- shier 'iiat (10380 invemitlonl3 are doing to lCCl ) till the supply. W'aslmlngton stmer"Itlmiimk mny manager is a nienmi timing , ' ' saId time prima donna , ' ' \Vimttt'm3 time moatter ? " "lIe woultlmm't pay time cost o my divorce as amm Item of legitimmuate advertisIng cx- pease , " IndIanapolis Journal : Youmngumn-Wlmon I ΒΆ asked hmlmmm Tom' his dauigimter's hand ho nuetallmomicaihy kIcked nmo out. I was never an insumlted Iii iiiy life Olduma-Aimi you are lii luck. 'imi luck ? " "Sure. You said 'nmetuuphiorlcahiy , didn't ' - you ? " WHERE SILENCE WAS ELOQUENT. Now York Herald. SaId time mmuistrcss to Bridget , \Vlthm a shinke of her dIgit , IIow is it no sound froni the kltelmen I heard Whenever your 'stonily' Is with you already- There's never St mimurmulur , not even a word ? " - "Your pardon , Pm begglmi' , " Said 4lrldgct McGreggimm ; "My beau Is a 'daisy' that's quite hard to beat ; flut so bashful is liarimey 'l'hmat , imavln no blat-Hey , lie does notimtn' at ilrlsiflt btmt sit down and eat. " 4. T1I1 11 IJMMItu G 2'Ol' . Rugeume FleliL Time top it hmummimeth a ss'eet , m3weot oon. To my dear little boy at play- MerrIly uuingetim all day long , As It SPiflimeth amid splnneth away. Ammd my dear little boy lie imtuglmetii wltii joy luVimen hue hmcaretii time tuneful tune Of that busy thing , 'rhmat lovethi to slag The song that Is all Its own , Hoid fast the strimmg amid wind it tight , That the song be loud and clear ; Now hurt time tOl ) wIth all your might Upomi time bnnquette lucre ; And stmaigimt Iromn ( ho string The joyous timing Ihoundeth and splimnethm along , Amid it wimirrs and It elulrms And It burrs and It vurrs Ever its pretty song. WIll ever my deam hittlo boy grow oi& As some have growia before ? , vIll ever lila lmenrt feel fmtimmt and cold , When ime hearothm time songs of yorob Will ever this toy Of my dear little boy , When time years Imavo worn away , Slag mtd aiml ( lov Of time bug ago , As It singetim to mae today ? oflUNcJfIJy . . 'RELIABLE CLOThWR ( - 'oLll Moujey's Worth oi' Youi' Moiiay B.i. Staving Bargains-- Like the ones we arc offering on our front two tables won't last long--You must ' 'Thi _ : : 'i / . - \ \ - ( , I hurry Ill ) for some of these days it'll \ :7 : 4be summcr aud you'll have to wear - IS-f - / ' thin clothes and pay more for them ii\1ji-t \ ; / than you can get a good winter suit for now. You ye got three months to wear it in now and it'll be a first class suit for next winter. W&ve reduced the , rces Ofl sOniC of them clown as low as 7.5o-Ofl the front tables , Almost any price for overcoats now Heavy underwear , hosiery , caps , etc. , come to a very low price mark , such as three pairs of fine seamless socks for 25c ; two pairs of special tan socics for 25c ; natural merino socks 25C , or six paks for $1.35 ; Cotswold mcrino genuine Shaw knit socks , 40C grade , for 2 5C. Our regular $ I unlaundered white dress shirts 75C. American Hosiery Co.'s underwear , regular $5 grade , for $3.50 per suit , Alnerican 1-losiery Co.'s fine ribbed form fitting grade for $3. Besides , our 15t11 street window where these wonderful bargains are displayed should be carefully tatched this tVC(1c. BROWNING , KING & CO. , Reliable Clotiiiero. N , SY. Cur. 15th otuod lioughits , ' . . , I - * . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -