. , -z---- : . : - - - - - : - : - - ; - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - ; ; - - . - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - : - - - . - - - - - - - - L W . - - . _ - - - - . - - - : u _ - - - . _ _ _ 'l'll'Ti1 ONAUA DAILY : nJ g : IVEDNESDAY , .lJ" I1Ul.UAUY ! { 20 , l89. n - 'JiI OMAHA - - DAJ ; flx Jm . I I I I COUXO11 flhjtJIF $ . . oi'ric'1 ' . - . 2.o. 1 IJ-nL BTHDET. - - - - - . Pelh.trl l' tltrltr to ! n ) ( at of tM cl , . U. W. TILTON ? , Lessee. TFLrfto Fs-.nUR'nn ' mce . No. 4 : nIght . * iItOr. Nn. 2. A _ _ _ _ _ , . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . II ' . "Ul .11 E.V . TA U.V. - Orol'l , Council mut . E. 1' . Clarlc , prop. MI'c , Real Estate agency , & Irodwa" . A meetng of the councIl as R committee of the whole Is I booked for tomorroW evening at 73O o'elock. , Hebcknh RelIef associAton will meet In Independent Order of Ohl PelowR hail this afernon , All Hebeknhs ore earnestly reo Iluest,1 to nttend. Thurs,1y , will be fag l1y . with the pUblc shoiL. and especlnl programs : and allpro' prl1te e1erclses have leit arrnbfl for : I the room" _ A mArIng" lIcense has been 'Issue.l . to I. , S. Inncale. AgCI 2 : . and Efe Young , ngll 2 both of CouncIl Burs , They wcre mnr- rlell by leT , I. I Thlckstun Monday enn- Ing. ) Ing.The The Board of Super\'lors was In sess'on all tiny ) 'eFterfAY , but the matter of Ilulnl bomb to make UII the treasury fefclt .Ihl not come UII , Al wna expecte.l. I will be . . brought UII today for consIderation. . Special conlnunlcnlon gxcllslor 1011le No. 219 , Ancient I.'ree anti , Accepttllasons . this evening for \erl , In the third degree. VisitIng hrcthrn cordIally Invited . A banquet - quet wIll hc given after the worlc. W. A. HighsmIth , W. M. "llgltt 1 Itls , " the Byrne Brothers' veil- mown antI , 1101lulnr spectacular play , has been booked for two performnnces nt Do- liatty's , I.'ehruar 27 and 28. H viIi not go to Omaha this season When seen here last year I ln.lo . A great hit. The MInisterial assocIaton wIll hId an- other conference with Colonel Heee or Man- nwn next Monday , when It Is expected that n contract wil ho clse,1 , by w Itch ' n Chau- taulua auemhly wi he ) assured the patrons of the lake next summer. Bluffs , lvlFlon No 2i , Uniform Hanle Knights of Iytilas. wIll give a private lurty ) In their ball ton' ht. , They have Invited the uniformed lemb rl or IndtpeIlcnt Order of Odd Pelols and . American Iechanlcs and hove arranged for supper nt ICIoli hotel Tim fire Ilcpartment was called 10 the corner cf Broadway and Scott Ltrl'et yester- tiny morning at 7,10 : o'clocle hy nn alarm of fire from Stephen flros. ' IllumblnA shop. Ono or the workmen ] got . spark tangled up In n barre or onkum. The damage WaS Igh t. A. T. Shiztw who wns nccusel or stealIng some old Iron , exploln that he bought about bOO 110unls from two hoys , paylll them t cents for It. lie sold It to the foundry for $ 2.58 , antI hoe no Idea I was stolcn by the boys untIl the owners Put In their clnlm. lIe lays he does not know who the boys nrc. Oscar lanon or Voley township was be- fore the Insane commissioners yesterday on the strength of nn Information led by Charles \Varncr. Thee was no doubt that : ho was out ot hIs right mind when the complaint was made , but ho was all right yesterday , and the commissIoners discharged : hIm. hIm.The . The Crystal League Debating Society oC ! Omahn wi meet In n contest with the bobs of the Council Bluffs hIgh school Mal11 1 There wi be n lebate and oration , declamatIon , and other InterestIng feAtures on the 11rogrnr 'he contest wIlt bo In ( ho opera house , and an admission fee or 2r cents wi be charged to proeuro equipments : for the cadet company. Frne ! Nnprovene ] , the shoemaker whose rapid succession of woes kept the public's teeth on edge all last week has turned from the flowIng bowl , so far as can be seen . and , Js strIvIng to gain Ito straIght anti narrow path which his hotter hAl marked out for him on her return from Missouri Valley. lie has moved Into n house next door to Chief 1001 Scanlan , and announces his intention oC pnt- 'terlng ' his career after those of his neigh- bore who have attained eminence. The probabIlity Is that when the Ilemo- erotIc convention takes ! place this evening at the : court house the Colonel William Henry Knepher delegatIon from the Second . precinct of the Second ward will be ad- . - milel to Sl ats In IlreCerence to the regu- . I lnrly appointed delegates. Colonel Knepher claims he hal Corty-seven men at his caucus , while thc so-called roular only hol thirteen , and ho proposeS to show R. N. Whitesey , the city chairman , that ho still reIgns over Iarael. In the ese of John Andersen against the Hamburg hotel company which has been pendIng In the United . States court for the past two years and a half . thtQ big volumes or leposllons and a buhel basket full of . ' brick and mortar were fed yesterday with the clerk of the ceurt. Anderson Is suing -4 the company for an unpaid balance er $6,000 , but the company puta In a counter cJahn , nl. leglng faulty construction oC the buildIng , and the brick and mortar are Intended to be iisd as exhIbIts. John Scheentgen was on lie witness stand In the district court yesterday to tes- ( lily with regard to' the claIm the firm of Oroneweg & Scheenlgen have 01 the stock and fixtures of Taylor & Vaughan , thc gro- cers who failed last summer. When the faIlure took III ace Taylor & Vaughan exe- cutel n cbolcl mortgage In favor of Orone- weg & Schoentgen and the First National bnlk er this city jointly. Other crediors , the Crystal Mill company , the CouncIl Bluffs Gape $ Growers' associatIon and StewArt anl Dros. , found . thomselvts holding the sack and they are now fightIng the claim oC Oroneweg & Schoentgen In the hope of get- Ing somethIng 10 put In the sack The case oC Anna Damiz against WillIam Dauerlemper , , In whIch the , Illalntf sues for damages , allegIng that th4 defendant Is the father of her babe was to have been tried yesterday but by nn ngreemLt oC attorneys - toreys It went over until next term. The reason for the postponement was that n crImInal case Involving the saute Issues 1 new pending In the supreme court , and the decisIon wilt have considerable to do with determlnlnr the result oC , Ito ( present case. Dnuerltemller was tried convicted and fen. tenced to fourteen months' Imprisonment about a year ago but managed to keel out of the penitentiary by means of nn appeal bond The case wi Probably bo decIded nt the May term. Dauerltempel belongs to a wealthy famiy In the eastern 11art of the county. _ _ _ _ _ We lave ever $300.000 10 l'lan upon 1m. proved Iowa fnrms. Farmers Ieslrlnloans cal lave money by dealing direct with us , thereby saving agent's commissIon We do not 11:1 en wIld lands nor In Nebraska Lul ( & Towle , 235 Pearl street 1'bICSOXli. J'.UIUt.I"I ' l'R'riU" . I F E. DobbIns Is sIck In Creston , where be went to visIt his Ilurents. George E. Gage and F . C. 1.lbbey have returned - turned to theIr hemo In Boston. Hev. Dr. Askin Is still confined to his rom C by Illness , but Is slIghtly Improvel , A. " ' . W'mnn and Henry Ouren have rc . turned from an extended visit to lorhla. 1 J. E. .arhnore of Avoca , formerly deputy county , clerk there , was In the cIty yesterday - Born , yesterday afternoon to Mr. anti Mrs. 'V E. Chambers , 623 11yuster street , a daughter Mrs. George Wright of Avoca Is vIsiting tier sister , Mrs. Wi lirlggs 813 South Seventh - enth street. H. Bennett of Cedar Rapids Is In the city for n short vl<. The posItion ho occupIed , a deputy insurance Inspector of the western part of Iowa for the InspectIon bureau hiss been flell by the allpolntment of Wilam Shaw , who assumed his new lutes last lrrldnr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Meals wi be served In the Escman build- tng by the ladles of Iroalway church , I cb- ruary : n and 22. Lunches lt noon , chicken : pie dinner Thursday and turkey dinner I'rl- dl1 , front ' 5:30 : to 8 II. I m , laclt meal 25 cenl : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Little Hatchet social-V. P. B. 0 , t- First l'rubytcrlan church , tomorrow night. Entertainment auditory , ocular and guslatory. A varIety of useful and fancy articles will bo for sale at the Daznr of National wi Ntonal 101- days , February 21 and 22. ' Buckwheat cku , leaf sugar syrup one ef the hfeaklt dishes at Pearl chop house , 15c Nl 1\VS \ FHOji \ ou-i ! BLUFF ' ) . I : I _ . Workmen for tbo Ga Oompnuy Nnrowts Escnpo Death by .spbyxintou , I - THEY TAWE OUT A FROZEN MAIN Ed C"mCU80n anti " 111m ; Uucll'RI Un- cou8cluUR In n hole IUII Arc Rescued Just In Than by Snlrlu' dent " 'rIg1tt. Ed Clemenson , foreman of the gas COl' : p3ny's offIce , and WillIam nuel , one cf his subordinates , were working on a broken main near the corner 01 EIghth street and 8econl ! avenue last evenIng between r and 6 o'clock when nn accident took place that almost resulted seriously The main hall frzen and burst , which necessitated the dgglng up of the Illpes An alcohol lamp was taken doWn Into the hole for the pur- pee of melting the Ice that hal acetiniti- Intell around the break. SuperIntendent Wright , who WAS with them , thought the thIng was somewhat rIsky , and told them so , but thy thought they' could 10 It In safety , and proceedel The Ice melted and the gas commenced 110urlng out with n hiss that could be heard across the street , Both men were overcome by the deadly odor ant fell Into the hole. I they hall been alone they would 11IIoubtel1y have been killed In n short time. SUllerlntellent Wright pUlet them out And found them unconscIous. Under . founl Inconscous ter metlcal care they soon revIved and . were tAken to their homes , Cemenson on Madison street and Duel on Seventh avenue. I Is thought they will both bo all right this mornIng. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' hu . I.cutl 11\.llt Ins tastes medicinally , In keepIng with ether luxuries A remedy must be pleasantly acceptable - ceptlble In form , purely wholesome In compe- sllon , truly beneficial In effect an'l entirely free from every objectIonable qualIty. I really ill ho consuls a physician : If consti- paled . he uses the gentle family laxative , Syrup oC Figs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Figs.J'M It's UstiiIiy Quiet In most stores during Inventory , but we have net experienced It lint ( way. and attri- bate Ito Iho numerous bargains offered In cur various departments , which we shell continue ns long ns they last. 46.lnch French serges and . henrlettas . were 7rc. now 3Dc. 40.lnch French serges and henrlelas , were SOc ' now 33c. All our dollar novelty dress goods reduced to SOc. BIg reduction In black goods of all grades. All wool remnants ot n great sacrifice . CLOA KS. EVERY GARMENT IN STOCK AT HALF " ( ICE. IICE. 75c and 8c fine cashmere hose , ribbath and plAIn , .ISe. 5Sc sail , SOc English cashmere hose rIbbed and plain 3 for $ 1.OO. See values In misses' and chIldren's hose at1ic. 25c. 33c. SPECIAL PRICES IN LINENS. 1lptou's No. 2 and 3 Ceylon teas , hal price . SOc and 26c. Hcaey made sheets and pIllow cases at less titan the cost of muslin. $1.00 shrunk wool skirt patterns . rOe ; $1.25 anti , $ 150 qualIty . 75c. BIG REDUCTION ON ALL GRADES OP UNDERWI AR. FOWLER DICK & WALKER. BOSTON STORE , Council Bluffs , la Card of Tkiaiiics I Mrs. E. Lelert and children wish to ex- I . sail . their sIncere thnnlC ana gratitude to the members of the Danish Brotherhood and anl friends for their kIndness and respect shown f.urlng the sickness : m ) death of our beloved fntl r. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WI I 1'lnl.h 'oduy. The work of grading Union avenue will probably be finished today possibly by noon , ' And the 2rO men who have been ntaklng geed wages will bo again out of employment. ' \Vhen the gradIng commenced there was apparently - parenty not the slightest Idea In the minds or those nt the head or affairs lS to how much worl there would be. Superintendent Harris stated that It would ' give work to 200 men for sIxty da's. An overage or about 150 men have been employed each day for eight days and lie work Is all dope. The one prQmllent feature about the whole thing was the energy dIsplayed by the men employed. Some of them had been out oC employment for months and they realized the necessity oC makIng hay wllo ) the sun shone. E\'er morning as early as 5:30 : o'clocle the teams would be nt work battling dirt to the place oC operations , and although the men and teams hnd te walt until 7 o'cocc. when the foreman come to give out the tIckets , they dId so gladly. Some or them have made ; r a day , and many of them as much ns $4 , so that the wolf has been given many a good scare away from the back door , oven If he has not been put out or the way entirely. \ 0"1 Resigns. AlexAnder Wood yesterday afternoon files with thc city clerk his resignation as canll- date for park commission on the republican ticket. and asked that his name bo not Printed on the city tickets. Chairman Ard of the city central commlteo was seen yo- ' and stated that ho woul ( call terdoy ht would cnl a meet- lug today for the purpose of puttIng another callllnte ( In the field. Mr. Wool states that five years Is too long a term for nn ofce that hnsn't anything In It but n lot or worlt , nail worry , hence his resignation . No one has so far ben mentioned as his successor , and It Is not Impossible that the republicans will endorse A. C Graham , as they 111 five years ago. Mr , Graham Is a democrat , and ho Is not this nominee oC his own party ns yet . But he 1110ubttl ) wIll bl' . and soma of his friends In the republican party are In favor of nominating him In advance or lie conveti- ten of his own party. I'OittIIIttS IHvltiptl. The populsts oC the cIty were to have held meetings last evening In all the wards for the ' purpose oC ehoOlng delegates to a cIty conventIon tomorrow eyenlug nt Liberty hall . Iii the Thlrll ward , where tin alderman was to have been nom Inn ted , there was no metIng - lug whatever , enl In the Fourth thtro vns merely a little gathering or popuilstst'lio put In It\ tIme cussIng and discussIng Wal street Thomas Bowman , Grover Cleveland anti the motor cemllany. In the ( First , Second - oath antI Sixth wards delegates were selEcted , antI In the Sixth Joseph Sherlock was nom- mated . candIdate for alderman. 'fhere Is a strong f elhlA among some of the leading representatves or the people's party that nothing will be gained b ) having n tIcket In the field. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - . . _ - - - . - For salt , fixtures aiidlcaee . City Steam laundry : etabl8hEd business : must be sold nt cnce 1. W. \ImIer , receiver , E. Ii. Shoots & Co. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Co.IltJI'rl l'I'I"1 Gliry. WorJ was received from the Avoca court . yesterday by Count Attorney Saunders that Eti \ BIrd anl Wllam McIanlels two of the gang that was concernet In numerous ' Lueglar es In end around Oakland 'at summer , bait \ 1leaded , guIlt ) 1 1 hey will b3 sentencell tOlorro\ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that good laundry , " and Is located a\ \ 724 Broadway I In roubt ( aboJt this , try I and bo convInced ton't ) forget name and number Tel 167. Davis sells drugs , paint And glass cheap ( 'utility .t ti't 'I'uk. I Jtiiiii . Mrs. Jane Kirby , whose Illcultes with her children were aired In the newspapers some weeks are , has applied 10 .verseer of the leer Swearingen for assistance. Her case Is a sad one , In spite of the fact that she seems to bo largely to blame for her Ilresent destitute coiiditlon. All her Eons ali lauhtcr are residents of this county and wel fixed financIally. SOle of , them are willing to Ilro\'lde for her support , but she wi have nothing to do wIth thel , while ethers will not helll her and to them sItu clings with all her mother's affection . She Is now so old as to be almost helplcs , and yet Is cOllleled to cal upon the county anl support. Mr. Swesrlngen appeared before this bard of supervisors yesterday and asked that tie county attorney b3 Instructed te bring a suit 11 order that It might be determined - termlned who was to w compelbd to leak - - after her welfare. ThI action was not taken , but It Is \tely that a lawsuit of some kind I , rfl ! ! I. n'eary : In order If krep hcr tram - Its\Jng. . . . I . All At halt I'rlcr , We will contnue \ sell all our frames and pictures at just half price alt this week . I Open every evening . n , L. Smith & Co. , 45 Main street _ _ _ _ Gas heatIng stoves for rent sad for sale 3l Counci Bluffs Gas eompnny's ofllce . 1'ArlnUU''I the Atnpiiltlioittcr . In another week the Cllautnuqu amphi- theater wIll be n thing of the past . As stated some time ago In Th lIce , the contact for tearing It ( hewn ) was let 10 J. E. Holenbeck , anti ) hl has been at work with n force of men for about a weele past The materials of which I Is I composed are to be taken to Mr. nolenb ck's place In this city and sold for old lumber. - - George and his hatchet See them tomor- row night. First PresbyterIan church , Y. I' S. C. E. _ _ _ _ _ : h l'llmln. Ihlttlrhll. Miss Jennlo Fleming , who reside nt -733 South FIrst street , reported 1 to the polIce yes' terla ) that her home had been burglarized durIng the night anti UO $ In cash nml n gold watch bad been Inlen. During the afternoon In Investigation WAS mllt but there I but HUe probability or the thleC being located , Neatest drug store. Taylor's , Grand hotel. . - . UNION . CUUYT1' TE.tCItllfi. . \.ocIRlon lcmhen Meet at . \ ton nail Ihcn I . 1 ; < lcllonRI ttiit ( erg . CRESTON , In. , Pcb. 19.-Speclnl.-The { ) Union County Teachers' association hehl Its regular meeting Saturday nt Afon In thus Normal college . There were 100 teachers present and ninny vlsllors The program was the best yet rendered. City politics are becoming greatly compl- . entoil. The Second ward Is II nut especIally bal conthitiout . The republican nominee for alderman teclnct to accept , all another caucus Is called for tomorrow night. John hull , proprietor of the DaIly News has an- I : nOI\ncell that he will bo an II1epellent can- dhlato In thAt ward 'fhe IIOpulsts will likely nominate n utica. A change , has been mndo In the program of the . armers' institute , to be held In this city February 28 unl March I. liout. J. it. Sage oC Des MoInes will lecture instead : of Itoh . James Wilson oC Ames. Sage Is director oC the United States weather burenu auth Iowa anl weather crol' service at Des MoInes , unl his lecture will be "PlAin Talk About the Weather. . " The nUenlance wl bo Inrge Dphtheria Is spreading , but not rapIdly . unl the health officers nre conlhlent they have the dlselse practically under control. Senator J. B. Inrsh came home this after- noen trout Fairfield , where he lectured to n state tcachers' meeting. The minstrels given by sixteen Creston young ladles will realize about ; 2OO , which will be given to the Cottage hospital. A. A. Brown n member at the frm oC thrown Dre8. at this city died Sunday at Greeloy Colo. , where ho hn.1 . gone for hIs henlth. His de31h was front c5nsumpton. A 22-year-old dnughter of Mr. and Mrs. Conhey residing southwest oC Creston. was fatally shot last evenIng b ) her younger brother . I was the old story of "dldut't know It was loaded. " The boy was snapping the . gun nt his sister whel the weapon was dls- charged , The gun ' \as loaded with bucltshot I And the charge tore away the lower part of : the ( gIrl's chIn laceratIng her neck and breast and also wounding bier right arm . which she hal raised l'eCore her face just ' before - fore the weapon was discharged. Phslclans report the wound serious and probably fatal , The democratic ward caucuses were hell last evening anti the following gentlemen selected - lectel : First ward , George Wibee : Secoll ward A. J. nawls ; Third ward. D. J. MIller : Fourth ward , Henry PCeller : Fifth ward , August MIller. The democratic city ' 1111. lemocrlc ciy canyon- ton ( meets tomorrow evening. Miss Joslo Mallory entertained about one hundred ef her frIends last evening at Mallory's hall . I was n swell society event and many were present front abroad. Switchman Frank Grandy went to Omaha this afternoon for n brief visit. 118.ourl VallY Knights of l'ythln8. MISSOURI VALLEY , la. . Feb. 19.-Spe- { ctaI.-Monday ) evening Anchor ledge No. VG , Knights of Pythlas , celebrated the thirty- second anniversary of the order by tender- lag I reception and banquet to about 250 In- vited guests. This receptIon and banquet has become an annual social affair with wih Anchor loge all Is always looked forward to by society-goIng people a one ef the most brilliant fuutctions. Monday evening's was no exception , In fact many pronounce It the most enjoyable social evept occurring In the city In years. Turned hr. 1)lunoy nown. DES MOINES . Feb. 19.-Speclal { Telc grain.-Flfty ) stockholders of the Iowa Deposit - posit and Loan company met thIn evening , and by I vote of 24 to 26 refused to endorse the management ef the offices by Dr. E. C. SpInney , who was recently removed from the cilhce or secretary and general manager. According - cording to Dr. Spinney's figures lila means a loss to him of about $20,000. Cnl"cl".1 Money for Iylhlcn' InUllrM. OTTUMWA Itt . Feb. . A. II. , 19.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Ex-Overseer ) of the Poor Patrick Brady was today found guilty of cheating by false pretenses by collectIng hundreds of dollars for transprtation and support of mythical paupers This Is one of six Indict- ments against him The extreme penalty Ie seven years In the penitentary. JE.17'JEl j.'UtC.ST , Fair one " armor wih South Winds for Ni.Irasltut. WAShINGTON , Feb. 19.-The forecast for 'Vednes"uy Is : For Nebraska and 10wa- . Fall ; warmer ; south wInds . 1"01 Missouri-Fair : slightly warmer : southwest to west winds. For South DAlwtn-I.'alr : southwest winds. . For : Kansas-Fair : variable wlnls I.n'al It'corI. OFFICE OF TiE WI ' 'IEn 'DUREAU. OMAhA , Feu. 19-Omaha record of temper- pemture and rlinful , compared wih Ibo corresponding day oC the past four years : 1s')5. 1891. itIl. 1892. 183. Maximum tetnperature. . . 4 10 (2 ' Minimum tmllerlure. . . 20 .4 3G 17 , , , , . , 30 Average temperature . . . 3 H 22 lreelplulon . . . . . . . . . .0 .0 .0 1' CondItion of temllorture anti . prccipitatioi at Omaha for lie day and since March 1. I 89 I : Normal ( eniperattiro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 flxcss for the ( lay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , \ Nerlll precipitation . . . . . . . . . .03 Inch Delclency for the day . . . . . . . . . .O Inch 'fatal utreclpitidtIOut since March 1 I6.Sr Inches prelplaten 10.f Deficiency since March 1. . . . . 16.0 Inch os U"lltl train Other StatCnl at / I' . M , - . - . t , 1 p . g ; I o3 : . . ; STATIOSS. ' .3 STAT ! or . a 3 i WEAIIIII. 2 Pg : 7 - - - - - - - - - - Oinab't. . . . . . . . . . 3U 41 .00 Clear. - - North , l'lalo. . . . 3s 4 10 .00 1'lrlcloud ' . Valuiuihuiu. . . . . . . 40 ( I ( .ini Citjur . .11 Coar. Chlcow . . . . . . . . : H : i .00 Clt'ar 111. Louis. . . . . . . . . 32 : U .10 Clear . St. l'auii. . . . . . . . : : G , Oi Cear. 1I'lelell ' . Uln'"Porl. ' . . . . :4 :1 : .00 Cloiiii' . IIO .L City . . . . :11 : 40 .0th Clear . ) U"I\er. . . . . . . . 44 / . to ) ' ' . : lurleleml \0 SaIl I"lko Cit ' . . . . : G 40 .01 ) mewl . itapittcity . . . . . . 48 51 .00 ' ) HlllldCIY. -N 101Iu. . . . . . . . I - $ I .0,1 I'arleleldy . lllllarc ; : . . . . . . . 3& I . oii Clouds' . hI.'llecn . . . . . : : G 31 .10 . CluulV. OICu"y. Clieyenuu . . . . . . . 30 : : .IU . Cleur. MI , Cly. . . . . . 40 44 .00 Clomly. tiuIvesuaL , , ! . . . . . . . /U ) I : . .11 Cleat. ' -I ' Indicates trace of precIpItatIon . wf I. . , precplolon. . I.I. Observer. -p TI thu I'itcltlc Col ami W.llrl 101118. Via the Union Pacific . the World's Pic- tonal ) , Ino. Heal the time . Tu San Francisco I - cisco from Omaha , V7 hour : tu Portanl traits Omaha , 65 % hours. First class through Pullman cars . lining car service unsur- passeil Free reclining chair . roclnln ! carl. Uphol- stored pulmun Colonist sleepers daily be- twecn Councl Bluffs , Omaha and Sun Fran- deco , vii a. & N , W. and Union Paclfo sys- tem , without change. connectng at Cheyenne with sImIlar cars for Portsnd : alse daily betM"en Kansas City and Portand , connect- lug at Cheyenne wIth similar cars for San F'rnnclsco. Corresponding ( line anti servIce to Colo- rado . Utah , Wyoming Idaho and Montana Ilolnts. HAHHY I' , DIUiI I , . City Ticket Agent , 1302 l arnlm street , - 'ill1uFTllE { L.A.W.ASSEMBLY - . \ _ lr - - - Many Minor Obnng . Made j.Trtbo By-Laws and Gecml 'u' , s , , - " MOVING AHEAD FOR BETER , . ROADS - - ' Seam of I'rleeq for tinting Meets Set-Set' erll ImlonR Ullotiln , c Se'erRI Others In.lo Mnr3 . ! Uhulng ; nn thus ( lhnceI . " - 'Id . NEW YOt , Feb. 19-tctilng \ IreslM lt ChArles L. Luscemb called "tbo' . ' con\'enton of Ito ( League of American Wheelmen , , te order today . The , first business was on section 12 of article " ' . , relatIve to the meeting of the division board ef officers , The nmeuI- ! meat Was the substitution of "on the secoml Wednesday In December , " for "In the month of Decemb2r , " I was decIded to leave It ns It stands I was decided to change the date oC . ( Ito national assembly meeting from the third to the second Monday In Februiary oC each ) 'enr , l'resldcutt I.uscolb read Ihe following tele- gram , sent to lobert Gentle of Asbur Park : "Colorado sells congratulntons , W1 bo there 200 strong. J. A , Maguire , Chief Consul " A resolution was adopted Ilro\hlng that within two months after A club hnll fnllll to pay Its dues I sh ull bo dropped from the roll of the league. olllcl An nmendment by Delegate Haymend favoring - ) Inr the omission In the racing rules which Provides that Class A riders shal he limited to ( medals diplomas , plate , Jewelry and cycling eons Ion . sundries , was adopted without ills- When the b.lnws came up for discussion PresIdent Luscomb made n melon to reduce the salary ' of the secretary from $3,000 to $2,000. which was ludefnltel' Ilestponed. An nmendment providing that one do ) ' of each national convention shall be set aside for the consIderation oC ways and means for advancing the work of road lnprovements In the various states was carried. The amendment also provides that others tItan inenibars oC the league , who are Interested In good roa.ls . , shl appear before the league to Ilscuss the mnUer. A resolution providIng thnt race promoters pay a fee for the ( sanction of the league was passed after some diactusslout The scale Is $0 for a national mel , $2 for al open race and $ for n club meef On motion 01 Delegate Elliott A clause was Inserted In the ( b.lnws providing for the 1m- peaclllent of omcers for mnleasanc In of- flee. fce.ACer recess Presidentelect'llson ap- pointed George D. Gideon of Philadelphia as chairman of the rclng hoard for the year . A long communication was read from the National Board oC Trade QC BIcycle Manufnc- turers requesting that the league talc ! some acton In baldIng class 1 riders to their con- tracts , and I commlteo was appointed to confer wih the board. Clnuse d , article I oC the constitution was discussed. The clause as amCnlel roads : "On and aCer the date or the passage of thIs rule no club shall be enterel us a league club If Its name sh11 be the slme or similar to that of any club already enrolled . except by consent of the local leogne club which Is similar . The appearance In thc tte of the nnme oC the city or town In which the cub Is located shall constute the name of a slm\11 one , And thcreforo I shall ho deemed . prejudIcial to the Interests of the club already enroled' , WASHED 'EM WHITE' ' AOAIN. ApplicatIons for relnstat5mepts ! were then considered. P.V. . Van Sicktel of New York , who was declared n profcionl for pawnlng . n medal when ho WS in , need In 188D , ws re'nstnted. Arthur LyllYL , and : f. Hazard of Utah , who were suspend i i i' racing with professIonals , were reJIMated. ! Apclon of n. D. H , Hunt or TOI lta"JKan.'as , re- jecte. Apphlcat'on oC L. L.01Price oC Port- land , Ore. , rejected. /IHwCt Norcross , Greeley , Colo. . was reinstated. ; James Ilaye- nero noy Plummer , Charls and Jaunts Golden , Henry Albers , Ralph Danish , Charles ICIsler . George Knapp nnd FrlnkSecor , all of Colorado reinstated . Mr. , licrtheofcial handIcapper for the National Sash Prize as- sedation . came Into the convention . and on being asked by 11. Raymond , Mr. Merrihew stated that Van Slclten had acted as a "ringer" In certaIn Brooklyn ! professional games . and after reconsideration Van Sicklen was agaIn expelled . \V. W. Worls , J. F. Starbuck ; the professionals : F. H. Noble , Mark Waterson of Nebraska ; Prank Ileastlort New York ; H. E. Dartholomew , Y. ? f C. A. : S. Meixel preCessIonal : S. I , . Csssldy , New Jers \VIIJm : human \VI. lam E. Trueblool , Central City , Ia.WIhllam : Martin , professional ; Dawson ) ornwll , B. Nowhuouse lennsly\'anla , professionals ; D. E. E. Putney Pennslyvanln ; D. 1) . letner. Pennsl\anla ; Fred T. MerrIll , Portland , Orc' . : Frank Bernard , James Johnson , Ohio ; CV. . Coneway Nebraska : Carl Oeler , MIssouri - sourlV. ; . E. Rhtotles , Arizona , were all de- dared professionals , In that they raced for cash przes : , and theIr applcnlons ( rejected. A delegate Crm Ohio stated that In view of the fact that the ( League of American \Vheelmen was In semewhat straitened circumstances - cumstances financially . nail that Ohio had n surplus In the bank , Ohio would be happ ) to lend the League of American Wheelmen $1,000 or $1,500. There were chears when the proposal was made . and . on motion , the proposition was accepted with thanle The assembly then adjourned until the designated dote next month. " "Idler itt I IY illairlel- SAN FRANCISCO , Feb. l9-Favorles ( had the upper hand today four out oC five winning , the bookmakers losing heuvl ) ' In consequence. The combInation book run under the name of lie Cnrloz club welch on a tIcket calling for $375. 'fhe proprietors were Italians. . They gave out Ihnt they hail plant ) of money down town nnd promIsed - Ised 10 pay the ticket tomorrow . Summary : First race , live furlongs : Iarle , 101 , Curl (3 ( to 1) ) . won : Soletlad 10 C. 'Vele I (10 ( 10 1) ) , Becond : Lhzlc Hampton . 101. Grlln ( to 1) ) , thIrd Time : 1:0. : St. Jacob , Lodi , Harry Kohl Sissy Jupe Emma Alec , Havlne \ Candor nlso ran. Second race . sIx ttirhouns , selling : Ne- buckednezzar . 57 , GrUln (6 ( to 1) ) , won : He. \Ieater. 02 , Cochran (4 ( to 1) ) , second : Ale- \ Light , 107 , Isom /2\f / \ to 1) ) , thIrd Time : 1:11. : Commlsslol Term Nova , Itoeder Ho- tuitIon Hochlen . Fargo also , run Alodel , , Iou/lllore and Ida Third I race , six furlonGs : Able p. 122 , Carl' ( even ) , won : Joe Colon , 127 , Bergen ( : : to 1) ) , second ; SIe , 127 , GrUln (0 ( to I I ) thiirl Time : 1l7. : Ciolil Dust , Johnny Payne San Lucas , . Goll D , Duchess of 111111nB nnll Major Dun nlso ran . I.'ourth race mile anti n haIr , hurdle : Del Ringer . 13 ) , Cuncy (6 ( to r ) won : GeOI-1e. 141 . Cairns (2 ( to I I ) second ; Hellmpo , 124 Wihers (2 ( 10 1) ) , third Time : 2:42. : Bns- sanlo Nippeu' and Znmpost also 2y. Fifths nice . blx furlorHs : Hobin Hood II , 11 , Grlln (0 ( 10 5) ) , won : )11 < 0 Stevens , 11 ! , C. Weber (0 ( to 1) ) , second : Ledalia. . lOa , Hlnrlcbs (8 ( to n. thirtl Time : 1IH : . Condee Major lcl.aughllnt IUco und \Vur- rage also ran. _ _ _ _ Ictt Will rRllhl \'Alnrl 1 T'lln.h"r. JACKSONVILLE , lll. ; : r'eI. 9.-Speclal { 'I'ebegratn-Presitlent ) Ken , or the 1Vcst. urn ASlocluUon , snll tollar thnt ho would semi out notices Immefllnty \ for n meet- lag of ibm association Ferunr 2' at Iho remont house In Qunqy. ' 1'10 ' purpose or the meetng Is to Iglrr upon the achee- ulo Ind attend to IIY other lulerl or IlQlnefs which may cdme before I. Mr. Kent hus up 10 Into alutrot'cd ) contracts : With Hoekfonl for B. 1' . f Snyder ' 'J' 1' . Fietning , Ed I Iubst flII 11. I A. "nclcson , With St Joe Put Slt'gler , 'rhomol " Hussey , MIke Burl andV , H. ] olllus ; with QUlnc , A. I. . Nichols anti WillIam lCd. Wllum 111- lum : with Jlcksonvlll Charles Jepller , Wllam Zeis Frunle T. Belt and Hey Juhn- soil Wouk his been begun on the new home I'roundl , nnd tilgugs' are looking UII towards u suct.'essftii aeason. ISII'1 itt ; ouv ( ireiiiig : . NEW ORI.EANS , Feb , -Truel heavy Results : First race six fUI'longs : Diy W'hito (7 ( to 1 won , Oh No ( I 10 1) I ) secontl J.rll Wlowhrook (5 ( 10 1) ) thlr" ; Time : 1:2 : . HecollI race , five alll a halt furlongs : St. Pancreas ( even ) won , l.utlow (6 10 I ) gecond . mhel (2 ( to ] thIril 'lmn : 120. : 1 'fhlrc race , seven furlongs ; 1.'ootrulwr /8 / 10 ] won Us , Iclulr (1 ( to ( ) second , Satellite (2 ( to 1 ) Ihlrd TUne : 1:40\ : \ Fourth race five fulonls : Ihlllorn (3 ( to 1) ) won , Tom Kelly /8 / to 1 seon.I , a , U. Cox < ( to 2) ) thIrd . Time : 1:12. ( FIfth race , six furlongs : flub Iohnnn 15 ( to 2) ) won , Cooper ( ( 10 2) ) SeCond , Joco ( iG to 1) ) thIrd Time : 1 : : % . (0 WI-C'Ilcll , Trulll ! I Irlllt , GREEN hAY , WImi . I eb. 19.- . Wisconsin trotUnS circuit was formed last evening at : - - - - n meeting In Ohkoh , t comprIses the cities of Green hay . . ' , cites lreen In ) Oshkohi Fond du 1,11 and Milwaukee , Th IIUres or the first t four meets at the circuit will aggregate $0,0.Contlnlu w\ Contlnlu A ti'rics of ecdcnl . SAN FRANCISCO , Feb. 19.-The secnll nIght of the bicycle tournament proved to be much worse thAn last night , AS regards ncchlenls There was hnrlll 1 heat but that . some Inc was hurt . Frank Flier of the Olympic cilb ' 'I so badly injured In Ihe fouth heAt of lie hAIC-mll class . n handicap \ , that he may 1)le ) The occident OCClrrel In the last halt anti three men were hunchcl and rIdIng furiously whel Fuller lot ontrol of Isis wheel anti , collided , Wlh1 \ fst , lie , strucle hendCoremot , breaking the post fl"OI Its fnlenlngl. Ills nose was broken , sIx teeth knoeketl olt , his tipper lip Clt badly , anti his shoulder bruised. Its nllo sustained Internnl injuries. The results follows race rlSI11 Arc ns Colows : QUArter mie , class It , Fcrnlch : tTbrlCht won Terrel second , \\'e11 third. Time : 0:3 : Uult mile , clnl ! A : Bnllll won Barley seenitd . Byrne thiirh TIle : 1:0 : 1-i . Two mlll , class B , hnndltAII , ! lllell In n runnIng race for second and birth JIAc ( between . tween Ulbrecht antI Terrel , who fell . Ter- rel got Iecol11 prize Ulbrecht third , anti Olen , who rode Iii front scrulch , won first prize In 4:6. : Jrlzo If p , , bable that tonight's accIdents will I tmt , put 1 stop 10 the tOlrnmenl , ns all the men rcCule to rile fitethier . 11lhH.I I I I UI"n 1 'I'umutrow NIht. I Thus match game of balk.lne billiards between JAI < SchAfr , the eX-lhnlplol or the world , anti Frnle 1' , " . tub genius who wr(8tlll this \1'01(1 \ ( tItle from bun . comes oft lt ] rl 's unIt Iho\e I.enlz & " ' 1 11 iS' saloon , illS l nrlnm stu cet . next 'l'htirsdn ) ' evenhuig.Vltisoiit I louht SchAefer ) nn.l h'ef are the Ilstel or all ( xllononlR of the gentleuuinit's ganse. The\ hin'o met and conqlerld ( lie best If util ( I ntttiouiii , nnl It\11 : toll , alone nnll Invincible - \Inclhle In the Ilolen to ) Iehmce , Crowds congregate to wlnesa little marvelous nlrelcr'er'whore ( hue ) ' lilni' , 1111 . \ % ' innilo chiiboritto Jentz & WII118 have 1110 elnhorte PreParntiotis for a large ntlllllnro''hurs- Ilrepurntons l\cnlng. 'hl' 11nO wi he GO IIlntR sup , 1 i-inch balk hue , nlll wIl he 1InI11 on Its lerls. that Is , ends 1nn wilt strive II win , Ind Ihe 01110ruult ) to ace tIns two great billiard stars should not le UIIOWC'i 10 IISS Ilhnllro\ed by those who love the beautiftul . lo\c benltful glle. " ' ' " 1 'L't'aii .hoot I.'tht 'y , A team oC eight trap Ihots from the CoUnci mufCs Oun cliii , , nn.l citptttiitcth 1) ' the genial Bill ) ' 1:111 , will leet n team oC I 1ID uumber oC idiots Ieleltcll Irons the Olnhn nml lellR lnrlt Iun cluhs of this city . out hue lemlf Park grounts nt ( lie east end of the bIg hlll . e. next Fritla ' afternoon , F'thrititry 2'J. Tue Flhla ) nrrnoon ) lhrlnry 2J. ' .le nice Is to ) n fi'Ieuidly one for the mice of the buds and n eolnton nt AleTitgiic's. The Omlhn tenm will ho ) CUl1tlhllII I ) ' Col- ouch ) lnle S. lall\lee. and wi not be sclect'tl Intl the In'oUlls ni'e reached on the nfernoon oC lie shoot . 't'here Is much rivalry between the ( two cities on lie ski of their respective idiots 1111 I bIg el'ow.1 of spectators Is suru to be on hand 10 see hue sport _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'utlt Ih.c''lA , Ih"tlllrt Agiulti. NEW YOItK , Feh. 19.-eorge WOllt scored I second victory this afcrnoon lt the traps ot the Jnrehmont cub o\el his old rival , J. . ' . Da\enport. ! y ono birth WOlle Was In excelont form , kIlling Carty- four one-hnnded , out of lIft ) ' . In his sec- amI string . two.hnnded , 'orlt kied Cort- six agnlnt forty-seven . by \'enl1lt The latter killed foit-tvo ouie-hiaiided. WlllillelUI at Hockey. MINNEAPOLIS . Feb. 19-'he fIrst Inter- national hockey game between clubs repre- . senlng Winnipeg and . the State Unl\ersl ) oC 1lnnesotn WAS played here today , and won by the visitors. Score 1 to 3. p FOR NEBRASKAB WAIFS. OfcerM of thin State Chilidern's flume Society Make Their neporlR. I toY . E. P. Qulvey , state superIntendent In thIs city or the NatIonal 10lc society yes- tcrlay , In speaking or the work accomplished , said : "Thero Is 'no Improving on Ood's plan of worlc Bishop Foster lists saUl that I he wished to make An Impression uC his name on a brick he would do so before It was buruted. Daniel Webster said : 'You may work on larblo and It will perish : you may work on brass and time wi efface It ; If you hull monuments they wIll crumble to the lust , but If you work on hnmorlol mind It will con- tnue to grow brighter to alt eternity. . ' AntI that Is what lie Nebraska Children's Home Chllfen's society Is trying 10 10 , by takng the orphanu anti homeless chidren of Nebraska and placIng - Ing them In Christian homes , where they lay bo fled for lives of usefulness here nnd for Chrhlt and eternity. . "This socIety was organized In tIns f.ll of ) ' \3 , and has received more than 100 chldre.1 within the few months since It hn ! been organIzed In the state thirty of whom come from the city of Omaha , and the others ( roust diferent parts of thus stnle. Tha melb rs have a system of doing their work which comprises state aunt district supel'lnendelts , ns well ns local boards , of W111Ch n : have ben organized In the state glvl1' mere than ( 1,200 of the representative men amid women oC ear state who are not only 100klngnCer the children In theIr respective communll ' s who ara homeless , hut arc looking after those who lay be placed In hOles by the socIety to ceo that they are properly treated and given edo- catonal as well as religious advantage's. . " Regarding the financial condiion of the association . L. D. Holmes and 11ev. T. E. Cramblet of Ito auditIng consuislttce . have made the followIng statement under date oC February 16 : "We , the members of the auditing com- ntlttee . have thIs day audited amid examlnel bus ( books and vouchers or the Nebraska anl ChIldren's leme society for he month of January , 1895 , and fInd the same correct : that the balance on haml on the first of the month \\as $359.21 : lint ( there was received during the month $ r17.H , and paId out for general expenses , $446.48 : that lie balance on hand February I , 189 , was 430.17 , which amount was on deposit In bank. " The following shows this disposition oC chill- dren train December 19 , H4 , January 31. 1895 : Number of chidren en hnnd , 4 : received - ceived durlitg the time . 19 ; returned for replacement - placement , 3 : whole number on llnd first time . 22 ; placed In homes the frst ( lint , 1 : number replaced , 3 ; placed and replaced , 17 : on hand nt the close oC the month , 9. p S.-1LOOA'S . .lt , IJI . " .JlLJ . Important : UeelRlon Oi Their Itlllln SIc- fore Ito 1.Itv In LotYti JEFFERSON , Ia. . Feb. 10.-Judge Church has rendered an Important "Cclsol ! here touching the saloon business In Iowa In con- necton with the mulct law. SemI tune ago P. H. Stephun and J. Al. Alders of Carroll engaged In the saloon business. They quarreled - reled and Stephun brought suit In court for dls60luUcn. Alders demurretl claimIng that the saloon business was Illegal , and that ( the court could not take cognizance of an Illegal business Jlllgl Church has sustalnetl the demurrer and the case was thrown out ot cOlrt , practically makIng the -aloon busl- hosts In Iowa , IC operating under the ( mulct law , a legal outcast , yet amenable to the law I'otltlit1111. - . 'he YOlng I'eOile'H Society of the First UnlvI'salnt , corner NIneteenth anti ( La- tiii'Oji strents wIll give I "i'ortralt Social" In the chittrcbi iiarlors 'l'hur . . chlrch Ilrlol's Thtursday evenIng Fchrlnl ) ' 21 , to which nil membs In.1 . frlmula are cordially Invited All tl gen- Uemen II utendnnco , urn respectfully 1'0- tutlestod 10 bring one ot theIr oltiest ( le810) tl'lr 1lcsl phOlo- graphs oC themselves , tOjllhor wih Ilwh for two. An excelent progritits his IHCI jlreparer and a very etijoyablo ( lisle untc- a sore horse kicks 1 It the cui'i'y com . Apply fexican Mustang Liniment to his wOllls unIt 10'1 8001 have 10 CItS0 to kick when hc' CU1'1'ict , _ _ - - - - - - - , - . , - . . - . - SHOT AT TiE \\'RONC \ \ ' G PERSON - - - Oontable WC\llu1 the Onhler ! nUll Lot the Robber Run Away , .W5Y BROTHER OFFICER TOOK IN TiE BURGLAR - Seolc I milt 10 hub Ihe hank ; nt Asuteis ' , Cal . 1rllj thin Ilrjllr 10 Urlcr- \\'ounclc CushIer In 1 Criti- clI COlllon , LOS ANGEIgS , Cnl" , reb. 10.-.Details hlvo been received of nn ntemlltNI bank robbery . bery at AZlsa , Cnl , early this mounllig The bank was entcro a week ago al11 nn nlempl male to oren thl ne. 1"nllng In thl , lie robber took from ( time counler a satchel which eontalncll taunt ) ' 11t up to ma' thlZI : Vole ) ' Fruit ossoclatloti . At the time 01 the first entrance , Booklel'ller Anderson , who wits sleeping In n rear rOOl , heard tht robber , blt ha\lng ne revolver dill not go out. Last : night CAshier Daniels amid loklerpermlcr. : . son , who \ ere sleeping hI the rear ro01 , heard ! the burglar enter. Thc ) ' jum\c1 aLit Into the bank , Dnnlels with shotgul ntI Aiuhlerson with n revolver. The robber jumpCI through a "hllo" and ran. Daniels fired at hiitum. At the \nl DanIels fired A deputy con- stable T(1 Stei'ens wns Ilasln the banle , ! AtI SUplosll/ hint ( the ( robber bind . fred from Ibo wlutdow . Ills first shot struck Cashier njlnlels In Ihe ( left shoal- tIer Constable Crawford ran up nt ( thlJ ( lute amid gave chase to lie ( robber , cap- turlng lmlusi , Ills nnmD Is Tls\orth Myers . 1 ( cnmo to Azusa lAst December Cram Colo. rndo , and has been hon lng aroul titers ever sluice. lie claituts Ito ( liii tuot fire a shot. Ex- cltetuient riuuts very high out oceotimit of ( lie attenpteuh : robbery atid the careless shootIng by leputy Coittitble Stevens. laniels Is rePorted - Ported to be lit a jrceariouc cotiditlomi , Myers says lie had ito camifederittes , but this is uiot be- llevcd. "truich by ti lilcy vie. Myra'oods vtts iusjturc'th lnt tsigli ( by being runt over by a. bicycle at SIxteenth timid Iliurusey sheets. AIis'ood , itt couuipausy with her father amid atothuor , t'ns nllglulng f'u'ons a Ilarne ) ' street emit' , tumid uts site StCiPet ) ( rout the car (0 tint Paveusuciut sIte \'ns kuloelceti thowus thud rutmi over by a bIe'- cie elildemi by Johiut Jepseus. Site it'itn uttuumiuied front tIme shock mind bruised itbout ( hue face , ttmttl wa carried into it ( hrimg store , whore rcstoristlvc % s'ci'c npiiileil. She scout mccoy- cretl auutl t'as ( alcott to htei' hittine itt 1307 I'nciihe strecet , , lelSeis is usually ut citut'fttl ritler , tonI was rithing tihong slott'ly t'iten ( lie car stoppeil , amid claimsis ( lint Miss Woods , w'ltemi lt steipcti from thu car , 'iis frigltt- encd auth lie is'as uisstblo to guide tue wheel around bier. I I lb s eti 'tutu. , it e tell I I on. The members of dIvIsion No.I , Ancient Order of hllbernlamsa , utre reqtuested to ascot itt ( heir hmnhlrchtsesla ) . , February 20 , itt 8 hi. tfl. , to mttlce utrrnusgcntens for the funeral of our late hrohier , .lereunlalt Altmrpliy. T. J. FL'i'NN , l'residemtt. - , Attar ( ttUI of St. Ant1rw' . Last evenitig ( lie Altar guild of St. Aadm'ew's gmuvc a utntslcnle at Nielson's hail , \Valuiut 11111. QuIte a turtsou ( atteumuleil , The instrumitemitni features of ( lie progi'ant vere varIous nitd well received , while ( ho vocal nuusibers were excellent , p CHock tt'uutclitiiitu : 31 lucIdity icnd , Jerry Murphy , for a number of years a block watchuusiait on Farnamn street , died at uniditight last night , $311O.OO for a klaa. This Is the biggest prIce ever offered for a mtcbi line or lteadIng for an advertisement. Hayden Bros. will give a choice of several first class pIanos worth $300.00 each for the head line adopted and in addition will give orders on ( heir music department for $50.00 worth of music for the next five best ideas , according to merit. To secure an absolutely Impartial decIsion applicants are requested to sign in number only and to mail corresponding number with name 'md address to 'Flue lIce office , where it will rtntain untIl after the award Is made. The right Is reserved to use any beau ! hino once. The followIng are the facts to be adver- ( ttscd : Hayden Bros. of Omaha aa the only firm in the world showIng a coaulete line of the Instruments manufactured by ( hto five unost renowned piano makers on earth , Hayden - den Bros. are not ( led up with red tape restrlc. ( ions like regular selling agents , but are truss to make ( he lowest prIces ever nearci of. Hayden Bros. put specIal streess out this SteInway amud Vase pianos because ( hey have a larger lIne In stock and can buy them cheaper ( linus any other makea of equal repu. tatlon , Do not lie mIsled by any one claim- lag the cole agency. hayden Bros. have them direct from the factory as well as from time Max Meyer & Bro , Co. stock. Music trade papers are saying , , tanoa cannot be sold in a departnsent store , but sensible people who do not care ( a be hoodwinked by silly frIlls are not so notional and this bct proof of this is that Hayden Bros. sold more pianos , organs and musical instruments In one week than any five otutsic sores west of Cluicago have sold In six months. The musIc trade papers say thIs Innovation vill bs watched with utnumsuah interest and Hayden Bros. propose ( o Iceep them guessing. - - - Miss Maria Parloa fltt written a coululsact , cook book , contaItulmu ( inn ihluncired meelpe for PIIuutablo : ( I shies , which oa ii bii ot : S I I V amid o Ii a t ply nra p arch itt hiuttia by usIng thu wuil-lcuiowui Liebig COMPANY'S Extract of Beef. Itlisi h'arIoa's roptitition h a suit- , detent guiratsteo : ( hint ( Ito roelpes are hurac'ticel tund good , Matuy of titcuti glvo imisurnvcii msthto'Js of lirc'sarliug ( lie slitipior dlshienwiiiio sotuso tile fur 1lslie wiilc'ii llutt'e been coisltIercsti , In ( liii liros'Inco of ( ho lirofossiotutul cool ( , hut wiiii.'bi CUlt bit easily itmuudo wRIt biubig CO.\iPANY' iLraet of hoof , fz OHO. P. SANFORD , A. W , ItIEEMAN , I'reskhemtc. CashIer , First National Bank of COUNCIL EILUFF3 , Iowa. Capititi , . - $ loooui Pi'cifit , - - - 12,01)1) ) Otis of tito oldest banks In this state of Suwa , iSe solIcIt your busltaps and coilecuons , tVo stay 5 iter cent on titu We will be IICUMd to sea and servo sou , 'E' ' ' PEV AlbAiuOU'FCIIANaiO Ii CI I SIU U tito letlttireti iurd Reuuov. imtii llleralehes , In 15(1 ; ' . book foe a Stamp , , Joiuut IC , 5Vuiititr' , 17 tt',40d 14U. Y , luiveutor of VutxIbury's I'ucliul oav. ' , . - - - - - - - - - : 1 QMke tj J © ATi , Quaker Oats IBikCS : the 1F ' niuscks stl'ongei' , the bones \ A liirtlcr ; , tile bl'hilh ; bliglitel' . ( \ \ Sold only iii 2 lb. PisckngesJ4 IHIBT SEARLES v-f & SEARLES , Chronic , ilervons , Private Dlsass , 'L'IHtT.tt RN'S' Iit ) l.t I I , . Cutistulhittloit Cree. We euro Catayrli , mill Usotsoa : of thus Nosu , 'Iliront , Client , Stoitiacit , Liver , Blood , Skin tutU Kidney Diseuisea , Fo- tunic \Veaknosses. Lost Manhood , anti , ALL PRIVATE DISEASES OF MEN. \VHAl aiL' AlhO VlCTItS TO IlSilVOUtS Debiiiy or 1ciioustton , % VasImig ii'eaitnees. lii % oiUtinty L.osa'a , with Itirly miecay in oUn ant niIids getll lack of vim , vIgor andwenkenel trensatturely ma approaching olti ago. Alt yeiIcS readily to cur new treatment for ices of vItal power , Cai or or address with iansp for elm' . cuints , fres book 'tnt rec'Ipts. Br ( atirIne 'intl Qnulie 141fl Parnamu vi _ , uauucuta uitu otutIioa , Ottitulta Neb OIWBPANOLE9 M D The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' ' Experknce. REAIRIt OF DISEASES O1 I11N ANt ) VOM EN. ( ' 110 i'ItI HTOIt 01 ? 'rICH W'OItLI ) ' $ IfEIt1IAL 1)ISS'ifN. S/lIt'S' OF : ii fll)1CINII , i I treat rho following Dscases : Csutau'rlt of thin head , Throat nhstl Lungs ; Ohs. eases ct tluc Eye iund Idsr , Fits anti Apopioxy , heart lisonso , Liver Counpittitit , Kitltsoy Couui- pluultit , Nervosasu Iebiilt ) ' , MeatlesS Dc. pressloas , Iots of Iuss1soot iesis- a aa1 'SVenleiscs , Iltibetes , iitight's liLt- 01180 , St. Vitus' Isuiic , lthiettumumitisni , l'aralysie , iVhiito SwellIng , Scroiulti , Fever Soucs , Tiuii. or4 asset EII4tUIit its ano rciaiovctt vltlioiat flue kisIc or ( lratviti a' drop ouislood. Svonanas 'vtlu 11cr' tielicatc org-ztnp reilt ored to ILCILItIC , 15"iy cured viiuout tfliflhtlg , $ iecliil Atteultious giveis tO Printe scud 'cuieruI IlelcaHcie ofall kienls , $5o to $5ooforfcit for nity 'ciaerenI HleueecHc I eturstuot onto 's''it1uout Mercury , 'l'apo Voruits m'onuoi'c.t , iii twoor thiree houurs , oct10 pay. hemorrhoids or l'llcs cured , 'rmiosti wno ARE AFFLICTII ) Will sas'o Ilfo cmiii hiuumdreds of dollars by call. luig ems or eushuig DII , II. W. PANGLE'S HERBAL MEDICIHES. Tue ( tii1' I'Iiyslclniu whit ) Citli IiIl 'whiiitaths a pitraum' n i ( hit it I , itstc i hg II 'I uicstl , , a , 'Iltitso iii ; tu ( llsItttiei ( ( 'liii for ( Juestlout itiattle , No , 1 for uteii , No , 2 for isohtten , MI correspuimdciico strIctly confIdentIal. liedlelno sent by express. Addrcs all letters 10 C , V. PANGI.F. , hI. H , , 555 BROADWAY. C0UHOIt. BLUpp , ttncloso lOu in stumps for reply. we5 L5 © LASS 5iP' ISTFIEISEBT , U1jtVFiTFORAKING ( [ , 5. COTDOVAN , A5" "t FRNcIt & DiAMLI.O CALF , FiIIECW&IAicAsca : 3..PPO1ICE,3SOLE3 , . t ? . \ I WORIcIHGM. 4 J".fXTaArINf' S. .1hL$2.I.7 BDYSScllaaLSHoE. : ' ---r ; . . ' , * tb SENDF'ORCAlALOGiJC % , Over One MilIlo People wear the WI L. Irnuglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes arc cqually satIsfactory They gIve fits beet value for the money. lucy eqiusi custom * lioes In style and lit. Their wcaiti qualities pro nnsurpnucd. fime prices 0 ; : iulIorm---steumprd en role , 1r0a1 . Si to saved ever et'rr mrlcs , I- , ' ' "suh ' ' " -"liv AW. BowmanCo. , N. IGthSt , C. J' Carlson , 1210 N. 24thSt. w. w , Fisher , Parker and Leavenworth St. J , Newman , 424 S 13th St. ICcllcy , Stieer & Co. . Farnam and 15th St. T , S. Cressey , 2509 N St. , South Omaha. - SpciaI Notics-CounciI fluffs iitauN1vS : CL.lcAfllD ; VAULTS CLMANBP. id uhurko , &t V. 13. homer' . , 535 llroatlway , LAItchIl I'ISIVATII lIAltN FOR ItSNT NIltB Court house , Apply at lieu oilIer , CouncIl liluifle , WANTIII ) . P'Mhi ( ) ANI ) 1:0051 : IN l1X'IIAN.Jl for mublc hessUfle.ddrcsa 1 , tS. , lIeu ollIco , ITIIAYHE ) A utAY hIOitHI'HifilIlNl 3,1St I Iji. I Ight hiltttl foot wi I to ; ilack ins tie and tall I email while eliot , , n rigltt sIte ; lied hialler on1 I ) . b. liauvour ( . 411 i'abiuIni'ton aveaue , ( .ounci hiluftii. . Church Parlor ' i A 1i , f' I Cl SOIitlH aItti ltonies. Sent f i h UI1a1 oItl'cdilpt oI 1Obytlita dt'3t1 ; : L , L I E Hem En1ertainmnt Co , Council Bluffs , Iowa. i R - rr.wii 1 I , - ' , - - , - - , ' . , - ' 4 , - -