Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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    . , , _ . . . , . . . . . . . , " " ' . " . " ' _ " " . ' ' 'tr ' ' "
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. -
. 2 - TJIJD OMAIIAIAILY . BEE : 'VJDDN ES DAY , "JDnUU.RY 20 , lSf . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _
; - , ledlclnal tcnture ! ! of Ihl two proeluets , anti n
nctlJr on Ihe right nllbi' : nrlulrcel :
" % 'hen dtcton dlMree who shal Ilocll ! ? "
3O1ISTON'S ATTACI' 0 : TiE I)1hL ,
At the ctOI ot the heAtell argument bl
twctn them , Johnvn of Dotln ! rose to
m , ko Ihl Atrongtst and most logical ptch
or the debate lIe \19 sufferIng from I
heavy cold , anll ( every worel wa uterell with
an effort. 10 began by saying that IH ! . too
WA ! efort to mcnopoles , nnll he did not
know why the creamery monopolu shoull
ho mnlle nn excellCon , SInce Christ hnll
wllled 10 Jerusalem 10 overturn the tabIe
, or the money changer there hOll ) ( been no
, ' mora glorlng instance or corporate monopole -
Iki attunptln 10 Ilclnto to Inrlvlllual than
were Ilemptn I the \rov\lons of this bill. lie
COUlll ee In the meaeur tw fnlcr marks ot
monopolies nl11 banl : r
At thin juncture Burch de31rell ( 10 nelt hIm
1 question , hut owing to the conllton ! at hs !
volc : anll the IJlnrul eJ1rt rpqulrpj to sp nk
A at all , Johnston 11eclne,1 to be Interrullte,1 ,
t HI then real front Mctton 2 at the I UnIted
States revPIUe laws relating to the manufacture -
ufacture arni sale of oleo and all other Imi'
. tal n bulen ! Prefacing the P3nt he wiehed
to make by thl quotation , he Rh ] that II I
' c u ! ! ( not hut regnrj tht bill before Ih com
mileI ns confsc1ton , pure and olmille , lie
. coull , Iw thou h turn ih conclusive aru-
Ilnt ! why I should nit Ia's , I ( tIdtI't
strlle alone at olro I furnished a precedent
for a host ot le surlS just as unlalr just
as Vicious and fully n II ' rnlrlCs , nmoJ ! at a
large number at article ? , The Epak.'r then
IeverteI to the revenue law whIch he had
. read , nlll whIch I1Ovce , for the m3nurac.
ture and sIl or 0111 tender certain Ilnla-
tone pr.scr hed hy cal gress , I Ilrovllel
that - ni ' lanUf1cturl9 " of oleo , , buterlne " rr .
other Imitations caUl1 be lau ( ! nnu IranaN
' United States. By
ns such an\herl In the
what right did the legslature : ot Nebraska
Helt to abrogate the stltutrs c cOJres ?
The law grantCI the privilege at manufacturing -
turing ole but matte I conpuory that It
be 1Iacrd In packages , nutnberctl anl , branded ! ,
nnll ( under these ) IJrovlslons any ole could
manuracture alto Irom the I' ' ne woods at
? Ialne to the golden shorc of Calorla ,
"I nm hel. " said Jchnston "to show up
the artfulness ot this bill and , to voice my
opinion or Its consummate cblcanery I Is
unjust " , unfaIr and IJernictouJ In Its provi-
sons ,
I wan now noon anti the committee ot the
whole arose In order to take a recess , with I
Johnoton still hcldlng the floor-ant fort
When Johnston resumed after the non re-
ceu he declared , as 1 text fr the afternoon ,
that the 1)111vcn one drawn for prohlb lon ,
iuro and sluiple.
"Do you want to protect the consumer ? "
V he asktJ , "Do you want te protect the
table ? Then why not do I ? Compel every
hOlrdlng house keeler every rcstaurant I
keeper every hotel IlrOIJrletor to put signs
on theIr tables statIng that nothing but oleo
I pro-t I , I usgest this In the lIne of a
SU5tute for time I amendment to the report
of the commiteI that this measure be In-
definItely Po tlloned , I alu wIlling to be fair
_ In thIs luter , What mcre to you want ?
He\lse your bill . Incrporate the United States
statute first . and , the add the amendment
I have suggested. I wi work and vote for
&ueh a bi ,
"lInt ealHIIJy , I don't believe the bill Is
consttutonul , I Ilon't belIvo It wIll haiti
water In the supreme cOlrl Let me read
you secton 10 1 Is tile most absurd eon-
glumeratou ot verbiage I ever re.11 , Here
I Is : 'Whoe\'er ' sells , or offers for salE , to
any Ilereon who asks , senda or InquIres for
buter , ImItatIon butter , or Imitation cheese ,
or al ) ' substance made II Imitation of or
semhlancr ot pure muter . hot made entIrely
from mik of cows , wih or wIthout colorln !
matter , shall IB guIlty or fraud nl,1 ! , punIshed
by a fine at not less thou $25 nor more than
$50 for each ofense , '
"You 'may ask why do I oppose this measure -
ure If I bellq'n It unconstitutIonal ? I reply
that In th ivent of Its passage It would
involve long and ! expenslvc ltgaton , "
. . . Tim speaker bore down heavily on the wel
known "buter mlxcr , " who purchase the
foulest hinds , ot spoied ant , ImpurB butter
by 'the ( Cl "lnds , run It i throuh a chemical
solutIon at sodL ( and sal , wash I , color land I
and sell I for creamery buter , The artIcle
that they produced WaS worse In smell and
1' taste than any ole that he knew or.
: JolinHon then Pulled out n petItIon signed
, by a numebr of Ilromilent creamery men
II the state , addressed 10 the agricultural
I committee , favorIng the pnssage of the bil
As ho rend the list ot names he , commented
lon them , anti finally foull the name or
. Sutton "at Table flock , " P\Wle county
' "And who Is Sutton ? " ho demnnded
"There he Is over there , and we are getting
deco to the framers ot thIs bIll. "
. The t ) alter analyzed the subject ? hatter of .
the petton. makIng tome teln ! polnt :
: , against It Ito was frequently Interrupted by
applause. but no one appeared anxIous to ask
him any more queston ! , I seemed to be
pretty conclusively proven that the bill was
. backed UI > by all the promluent creamery
len and _ d butter _ _ dealers _ In the state
At ; :10 : Johnslon close his speech and
Munser rate to offer nn nmendment le
saId that while In favor or the Ilrlncllle of
the measure he was riot In favor .
of drIving any Industry out of the
state. lie held that certain provisions were
unconstutonal , partcularly the penalies
for vIolations of the provisions. Ito would
- amend the bill In accordance wIth the Massa-
i chusets statute , which had been declared
valid by the federal supreme court That law
dId not prohIbit time manufacture , but only
the sale
The proposItIon of tunger was opposed by
Spacltman lie luLl not wish to prohibit the
sale or manutactur at anything legitimate ,
but he wlnte1 legislatIon that would compel
oleo makers to legIbly brand oleo ns oleo ,
Sutton ut Douglas mace an excel nt plea
for thE defeat of Ih ' hIll , lie said that ns
. n resIdent cf South Omaha he had been beseeched -
seechcd ! y large numbers of workman to
work against the bi , 'fhey had tOld' him
that Its success meant to tnem loss of em-
1110yment ,
' Hcltcts scored n poInt L ) bhowlnl thai
I the oleo mnnuructurzs obeyed , the United I
States law and the provIsions ut this ael
I they would not be IJermlted to mnlte any
oleo whatever. ) They woull be between the
: devil al1 the deep sea , I th:1 : would not
bo Idling the manutalure ( : he did not fully
comprelwnd the m'unlng at the word kill.
"I nm not nshan1'11 at being n banker , "
said Burch , replying to Johnston's arraignment -
mont of that class as backing the bIll , "and
I nlml that mOllY changers mire aluled , to
In the blhle But I ant sorry to say that I ,
fall to find In the bible any reference to
law'ers ,
. Splnler Hlcharlls maelo an cloquent appeal
. for time passage : ot the lull . antI Munger rose
to correct an error Into which ho lied Inall-
; , vlrtentdrol leI , , lie explaIned , that he hnd
. . ' been mlstlllEn In his constructIon ot time law
regardIng time penalies for vlmtltlons. lie
now believed , th'm constitutional ,
, ,
. . OMAhA JrWPfE KNOW TillS.
: . 10blison lald thatlt , bail ! been claimed
, - there ( two hides to this ! lloston , lie
' holo'e,1 , Iboro were three niles , amid 10 rose
to sjteak for limo cOlsamer In large citIes
Should this bill b3comc 1\ law tIme eOllmcr
would he ehlgClt tuay R Ilgh Ilrlco for butter -
ter or be content wRit time rankest Ilrollct ,
uf the tah' ) ' , whIch 11el:1led : antseptcs and
: dlslntcctants before I could be brought lute
the lmommmee. Now PeoPle could buy oleo
. chenl\ . Pass thlt IJI ) and time ) ' woul,1 , bu
. ; dell'lnll at the use oC I , b cause th'J ) ' could
not huy I lit Nehrnslm.
" 'Ir . CI"I'man , " Iil Jrocllman , "wu
chure,1 01 this matter two hours this mornIng -
, Ing 111 rested two hO\rs , \0 have now
' , chll'n"ll for thrro hours this afernoon , I
now 10VO that \I tale : time Ill oft alll see . .
. wholh we ha\'o got butter or oleomal'
carIno , " ( : \lplause , )
Time feonll thnt foHuwel1 "I olfarul deler'p.
I , tol" hi thu hue of Ilbuslrlu ! Amonlmont
I alter amlndmelt was shut In , rum oil see-
t ( Ions oC the hOI e , . \ Ilarlameltnry tangle
ensued , amid fro I that tmn untIl mljour-
t- : . 10ni 11.0 lembert wrestled \'Ith Habert
\ Rules It Order . 'rho Illslll' ' " , of the federal
t e J stipront' court on time validity or thu Mnemsa-
I elmimselts ulolargarlno law which hi sImilar
L ' tl ) the one nnMr rons'dentol ' today , Is tbls :
A lUjorly tf time court Ilronouleel the law
, valid ] . TimIs W\I' ; ; t1isummtetl from by Chief
. Justice l uler anti Justices Field 1 all Brewer ,
lOUTIE OP ; ' 1m DAY .
. Bur'l mo\o't ' the lnt IhllS tlmli Iwrlnl ,
that thl l'llpx bn IHII"IHI d aUlthlt : the I hOI'1
, limbo 111 hIlls on "ec'ml rEullnK , lt'blmibomm \
; limelight Ihero WIS semite rholM 11 title move .
nnll Jrelt ! & 'II agllnslcllg omit of the rotulU
ordcr , which had mmmade house roll 1eS. llurch'mm
, pnt-ol " ollrttlne bill , nl\l lenale , tIle 78 ot
the same mma'ure ' . a fp ' cla' 011 " 1' for time
lornln ! Jlrdl said I'ler" was no ehele
JI the move , and delrecot'II such Inslnliton ,
'hf loton of lun'h 11 carrIed and bills
I ai sccud naiing 'n'tl CCllfI ; Cc. 'Jhel
Harrison moved that senate file is be referred
to the committee of the whole. The motion
Ilrevnled , Time hOI ( then went Into com-
mitee or the whole to consider hOI e roll
lG8 end senate tile 78. with Hfrrlson In the
chair , Icledlcl moved that when the com-
mitee arose It report senate tile is for In-
definite Ilostpnement , On tItle moton "par-
ring commenced , anti when the committee or
the whole rose for the noon recess Jolnstol
at Ins : Iouglas . hnd the floor and was still speak-
, On reconvening for the afternoon sesslo/
the houle Immellatcly welt Into committee
or the whole on senate file 78 amid Johnston ot
DOIr11 resumed his speech.
Before he had Ilroceellol tar Smitten at
Pawnee rose to n question ot prl\lele , lie
said , that lS cllirman or the commitee on
n rlculuro the "Ilealtrr had made II his re-
marlts ot the morning n personal attack 01.
hhnsclr , amid he desIred to oplnll his P0'
Rim intl.
The chair ruled that he could not 110 so In
commitee or the whole ,
Contnuing , Johlston soul the solo result of
the Passage or 1,1e bill woull he Ilrohlbton ,
IJlre , mid sImple.
TIn atnenlment that whcn this com1lte
rile It report time bill ter Inllelnlto listl)0n0
ment 'n3 loot I ) n large mnjorlty Chap-
man moved that when lime commttee rIse It
report the bill for JJ ! ahl
Howar,1 , moveJ nn Ilendment to strike out
lInes eight and nine In seetcn I. hut It was
lost Sutton or Dougls moved aim omelJI-
nicilt that the act should not 81mph to oleo
IJrOuctl made In this rUlc and shipped to
other eountrt9 : amid oilier xtates
Another rimnnlng debate enued between
ltohlnson . lurch amid Benedict , Hcbllson
I contended that no fraud was lerertell ; ! Iy
the manuracturer Burch sall thut the man-
ntaetur malI It Ilosslbe : for the retail
dealer to commit fratmd .
Smmttoim' alenlmcnt was lost by n vote
ot 43 to 42
Bacon move nn amendment thai any bnt-
ter ( commtalnimmg any Ingredient except salt
shall b. deemed Imiaton bmmtter. Speaker
Hlchlrlls trol the leer opposed the amend-
mlnt , as he was friendly to colorIng mater
In huter made ot carrots. But Uacon's
amenlment , was snowed under
Bacen sent In another ameliment covering
cimoete , hut It met \lth the came ratl Benedict -
edict had nn nmendment real , thlture butter -
ter In time ICt should lean buter made from
milk anll not created hy mixing 1ut It
taleI , lie hail , another one to strike out the
words Imiation - butter and cal II oleomar-
go ri no.
Robinson read law to prove that all Imla-
ten butters were legally Imowl as oleomar-
arlne. Benedict's other amendment now
went ummder amid he sent up another relatIng '
to cheese , which also slulPod , Then came
another relating to "mixed butter , " and I
went glmmeringmenlmenls wore then (
sho\end In front all quarters , but they tel
one by one.
To shut oft this cloudburst Mumiger np-
healed , from the decision ct the chaIr . who
hail . . rulu.l that nil these amendments were
In order , and time chair Was not sustained
by note at 43 10 28. The vote then recurred -
curred on the motion to report the bIll for
\ssagl and It prevlCI The committee I
thcn rose and rerorted , BenedIct moved
that the rport of time commitee be not can-
currel , In , and that the bill be IndefinItely
Postllonell , lie cal111 for the ayes anti nays
and Hleketts asked I for a cal or the honse
The cal of the honse showeB hut two mem-
hers absent-Cramnb and Barry Buth hall
been excused by time speaker on accotnt of
Ilness , Further IJrOceedlng3 under the cal
Wlle dispensed with , and at 5:4 : tie de-
clsh'o votl was tllen on the iaton to In-
defnitely postpone time bi I was lost by
the followIng vote In detaIl :
Ayes :
Alan , Halln , ] tmcletts .
Imenedict . .J enl'S" . HOlhl > ' .
Cole , Johnston Schlketantz ,
Ci'ow. tiJougIos ) , Sutton
EI' . MclirIio . ( Duuglas-l ) ,
Fritz , I'ohlman ,
\shhj' lalr/ro\'c , Orton ,
Hncol , I jailer , lN Illn9 ,
lelher. omirkeon. Icmlngton ,
Ik'ck , 1IrlIsoI , IhOles , -
11'1 m I tat te , Hlhnrdson ,
HOII"I. iItL'llIc , luherlsa. '
111,1 , > ' . 111 119 , Hothlcutner ,
Ir , ) < ! man. . , 1 Immds , Hou ,
lrknw' , - Hoist cot"
11"nel , Huwanl , Hhook ,
llul'l'h , hull , Slt.somm .
I Il ke , .lenlm lime , Hllth ,
/urns ( Dodge ) , JOhlstul ) Soderman ,
Dummms ( Nrmaha ) Ipnt'turnan. !
( ( . Ilenster ) , Jones , Hpenrer
Cain , , lutI , , Suter
lnmphfI , } Cmtup . SutOI ( Pawnee ) ,
Carlson . Lamborn. 'm'mmme.
CII per , l.nn/horst. Thomas ,
Ghne'c. lnlison , \'nnhousen.
( h"IJnan , MeJ111en. " "ult ,
( ' ' " 'n ) ' . ltcNltt. ! \Vamt ,
Cuoh'y , Mc\'leker , Weber ,
D,1le9 , MerrIck , 'Ihler ,
) ' , ' , . Johnson ,
Delane J'Cr9 Zink ( )
iemnney Mlir-'m . " . Zln1
( Ooar Ul hrman , ( Sherman ) ,
Qrlmflth. Guthrie , llngel' , . Mr Spealser-52.
Absent and not voting : Craneb Barry and
foblnson ,
The melon to adopt the report ot time
committee recommending time bIll for passage
was ( itch adopted and tIme hOlso adjourled ,
SI N , \TI ; DUES iU"i lS w < nlc.
: Itny JICuurc , COlsllerCI uti Sevor.1
1'llly h1151)O'Pt I nr
LINCOLN , Feb. 19.-Speclal.-Tlmc ( ) senate
was In a worldng mood this moring , but
It had 10 Idea ot embrolnl Itself In nn
undignified sCrmla over a harmless resolu-
ton , Consequently time expected verbal battle .
over n resolution to investigate the charges
against the , bondsmen ot the newly appointed
stlte oil Inspector ( aIled tl talte imlace as per
The forenoon was devold to routine work
The judiciary c01mlt 3 present favorable
reports on time following bills :
Senate tile No 239 , by HItchcock , for nn act
providing that a judge lIra tel ot the county
court lay ! o selected from ( ! 1IW'erR or
saId connly "hen the regular jude shah bo
sick , absent , Interested In or has been coun-
set hI the camme . or otherwise dlsquaillied.
Scnato tile No 237 , by Watson , maldng
judges of the lprlme and dlstllc conrt ! Ineligible -
eligible to other omces I provides Ihnt "all
votes cast for either 1 judge of the supreme
court or I judge of the district court tor nny
ba electlvo vell , " olce , except a Judicial olilce . shal
Senate file No 208 , by Itchcoelc , prohl-
Ihl ! : time ullen'aluaton ot prorerty by
assessors and the Slate Board of I llualzalon ,
I provlles that any assessor who wluly
amid wih Intent to evade time law assesses the
prol'ert of any person company or corpora.
tou nt less than Its cash valne fhnl ht
! uly ot n mlsdemllnor tOf each and every
offense , and ! shnl ! o lablo to I fine of not
Iou thnn 5O and not more than $200. I Is
also made the duty of time mcmmmbers ot the
State Hoard at I qualzaton to assess nil
property which I Is their dIly to IHeu I
lt its cash value , and army member who
assesses prol1erty at less tr.nn . Ill cash value
Is declared to b guilty at 1 muledemumeammor .
Senate tile No 203 , by CUldwil , Irovidul/ /
for time appointment at n judge Ilro tem In
Judicial districts at Nobraslm. 'he bill Is
shnlal' In Itt IJrovlslonf to leuate te bi No.
239. pro\ldlng for county j\ulses \ lIra tem
Semmate die 10 , 184. by ) Hlchcocl" , lo appor-
ton the state Into Judicial districts.
Senate ilk' 10 , 131. ! y Sloan amending
sulh'lblon 1 of secton 2Sn of Cobhy'
statutes , gl'lmmg vIllages nuthorly to let ex-
elusive franchises to gas or electric lght
companies for n period of not longer titan ten
years .
The judIcIary commi Ice also recommenled
the Indefinite IIutliumlemnoIit ut the folowing
hla ;
Srnate mile No. 17. by Crawford , for the
protection ot ompI0)11S. It provided that any
emplo"e of any rlroCOlllan ) ' , street rai-
% . stock yards , telegraph
vay lteclc ) company , or Iny
opera tor at a packing imouso who Is Injured In
the Ino , ef duty whll exercising ordinary
care on hIs part , shal bl entItled to recover
all damages for Injuries receIved
whie In tIme lne of ditty .
I The IOpulst senators demanded the anti nl's on time auction to Indefniely
Postpone the bIll , Time moton was agreed to
by 1 vote of 24 to 8.
Senate file No , 18 , by Steuffer . amending
the statutes relatIng to decedents.
'fho cou\lltee on finance , ways and means
recommenled the passage \ of senate tile No
235 , amenlng , time law relatIng to the regIs-
( ration ot Ilrrclnct bonds In th& ofco of the
audItor of public ccounts 1\10 senate nil
No. 26 . 1m ending time law relating to time
reg.traton ; of school district bouds In the
omc/ oC the nudlor of Ilublo accounts
Reporting on the message ot thO governor
relating to time Ilenclency Il the approprl-
tions for the In lut& for the neur lt Omahl
mint the . 1)'luutor the In.ane II Norfolk ,
the flounce conummmltteo gave I a its opinion .
thut the house should first pan In approprla-
ton hi for the pumrpose of tItlIng over these
becomes Institmitions available until , the ( regular appropriation
Alters offered 1 resolution dIrecting the
appointment or I commIttee of three to In-
\'Istgnte the report that \V. 1. Webb , ole
or Oil Inspector mlstnn's bonmienmen , hall
been receivIng ali from the State Relief com-
mlsslQn Campbol offered nn nmnlment ,
providIng hat t the commitee shouh also In-
Quire Into LImo suflicioncy ot the offIcIal bond
given by tie state treasurer. Time omenel-
Icnt was nrceptld wlhout I dissenting 'ate.
A number of bills were Introllueeel and
rel ! time first tme , Akers' Irrigation bill was
thcn taken up anti read al length for time
thlr,1 , time antI , passed , after which tie senate -
ate tcok n recess till 2 o'cloclt.
. resumed time
After recess the senate again
order at bs on third realng amid the following -
\lo.lnl \ were iasssi :
Senate me No 259 , by Watson , provllng
thnt whenever In any crimInal case nn am-
< la\lt shah bo made by time attorney general
that time state cannot have n fair nUll Impnr-
tint trial In the count ) ' where the offense was
alleged to hnve hlon committe time judo
or sall cOlrt shnl forthwIth . enter nn order
Ileslgnntll ; nnother count ) lu the jUllclal
11stl'le The lull Is Intrcelucec 11rlmarly for
the benefIt or halt COI\tV. where It 13
calmell thut the alleged IYlchers ot Barrett
Scot wIll not be fairly trle ! !
TcrCt's JoInt resolnton submiting to a vote
ot the peollie a Ilrolloslion to cal a cOlwen-
lon to revise thc constuton was rend the
third tlne amid pnssee !
\'atsomm's bill tleclarlnl the Otoe count
Jai a nuIsance was passell
'rho imtii giving the State uimit-
vrhtt' n , , n""lnl 1n"v or 1 mil
oil ' - ' every - - ulollar ' -t" J real nut l personal ; - -
sonal Ilrollrty ) In the state cnme up for
fInal passate , Sprecher emeavorel ] to have
the bill reconmmitted . hut he was easily out-
votec , Time yeas ami nays were then called
mmmiii the bill passed
Senator Sllrecher eXIJlalnec hIs vote ns follows -
lows :
I nm olPosed to thll bIll for the follow-
lug reaRons : FIrst . all UIJIJ'ollrllions for
state In"ttutonR Ihoutl cOle direct Ild
In statt1 UIOtltS , uII not by It mill
Ilrortsl Thl mi plan II unccrtnln amid
uelmls of fmull. 'fitiut bIll also sets u
IJr.cellcnt for other state InstItutions to
folow , Secoll , thlc net will raise $ \ O , (
when to fnish the lIbrary hulilng antI
Properly lit It but 5)uO Is required
'I'hlrl , under the present condilon ! tile
People ! of Neblsklt shuulll ha"e ito mmml-
usual hnllon or taxuton , amid especially
for state IIIIJOICS , Time leeessar ) ' taxes
Ilt be atmuilelemotly high 10 cause many
wi sulr
district schools to be cut to three or six
months rllrlnJ the 'ear , The district
shools'nfoet the tho\mnds who have 10
'ful'ther clllcatonnl flcltes , the tmmmlvor-
alty time fl'W 'ie ellRtrlt Is In the . Inter-
eat ) of the mmiassem the lnl"ol'slt ) or the
cllRses , hence If either Is to be limIted
let It bo the later , In the IntelcHts DC the
common sphoolR anti , ngalnRt paving away
way for Indl'oct levies , I vote no
McKesson objected to Sprecher's request
that his explannton be spread upn the sen
ate joural , and hy so doIng raised n controversy -
troversy In which some feelng was engen.
dered. Dale Insisted that I lund bcen the
general custom to permit senators to have
the explanaton of their votes spread upon
time jourmial.
The leutcnant governor ruled thnt I !
single senator objected II would require a
vote at the senate Dale thereupon moved
that Sprecher's explannton he spread upon
the records In ful amid on a yea and nay
vote the moton was rejccted
Stewart called the ntenton of the leuton-
nnt governor to rule 2 ! , which provides that
"a brief statement at the contents at each
petton , memorial or paper presented to the
senate" shah be Inserted , In the journal.
In response the leutennnt governor held
that under the constructon ot rule 29 a snore
statement In t e journal that Sprecher had
ofercd an txplanaton ot his vote was all
that could be atlnmlttetl.
The senate passed the balance ot the after.
noon In commttee ot the whole In eonsldernw
the tion chair at bills on general file . with Noyes In
At 5:10 : o'clock the senate adjourned.
"o'eral Little JUnUerl that lAd to Jo
l'xed Up 'Vrro Athmcoc To.
LINCOLN , Feb 19.-Spe ( Telegrnm.-
Colonel J. I Ager held one of his justly
celebrate senatorial caucuses tonIght nt time
Hotel Llnlel , In the senate this afternoon
% s'imenVatson's bill substituting time national ,
law for the state law requiring the equipment
of raIlroad cars wih automatic couplers was
UII for consideration , the trend or time debate
between 'Vnlon and Caldwell Indicated that
there was a sad lack of unity ot action and
purpose As the debate progressed It was
scout that the railroads wee likely to bo
knocked out In their efforts to practIcally
give the State Board ot Transportation power
to nulry the nct. After some difficulty '
Watson succeeded In havIng the bill laid aside
for future discussion Then It was that
Colonel Ager passe the word for a "con-
ference " The republican senators gathered
first In the rooms at H. D. Schneider but
afterward adjourned to nn upstairs room
Colonel Ager himself was present for 1 short
tme , but afterward withdrew. For halt nu
hour the conference progressed without any
head , and then ( Pope , regular chairman of
the republican caucus , took the chair and the
conference Iersed Into 1 caucus , After n
free-ror-nl discussion , It was generally agreed
that time provisions or time railroad b:1 : gIvIng
thE State Board ot Transportation power to
extend the ( lose for Its going Into effect should
b retaIned , and other provisions about which
thl railroads carD but little knocked out ,
There were also 1 few references to telegrnllb
and sleeping car legislaton ,
The dIscussion then drifted Into n general
talk In regard to party acton over time prop-
osiIon to take nil appointments out of thc"
hnnls at time governor and placing them In
the ( hands oC a beard , ot state omcrs , The
bill taking the alJpolntment ot the Omaha
Fire ant Polce Board away train the gov-
c/or ale came In for Incidental discussion.
I was felt advisable to cal 1 Joint house
and senate caucus , and a commitee consist-
hug at Senator Pope , Sloan Ind McKesson
was appointed ! to arrange the matter. The
JoInt caucus w1 bo held at nn early date ,
tomorrow night If possible
ShiSi ; ) ( ; IAIN :1\1"6 , \tl ACTIVE
tiormmmoramute 1'1011:1111 10 I'c..t on time
Irolth rrlol"'n Imirmncrs' Ci Isforemmuuem.
LINCOLN , I eb , l9-Special-Timo ( ) house
has passed the bill to provide for purchasllg
seed grain on tme and to create a len on
time crops grown from time same. The bill
was Introduced by Representative Judd at
Boone county by request On Its face It Is
1 bIll designed entrely for time beneft of
the destute farmers In the drouth stricken
distrIcts of the state , and It leems to meet
the exigencies of the present crisis In some
of the agricultural counties at time ltate , I
prescribes the Corm of u "special seed grain
note , " which glvUJ the man who sells the
see,1 , a len upon time crop oC graIn raised
theretrom , and It provides for severe imemmaitlea
for the violation of any part ot the nct.
It provides , for tnstance Ihat when time
"speclnl ee grain note" Is fed In the
proper coulty office II the county In which time
grain Is to be sown the owner at the
10te shall thereby be vested , wih all thE
l'lghts of the holder at a chattel mortgage
UpOI time CrOIJS grown trom such seed , nn,1
time fame shal bo n first hiatt upon such
crops , whether they are growing , matured or
galhered and stored
Time bill Is really more In the Interest
of the men who sell the seed grain. In
time first place I nowhere limits the rate of
Intere/t which may bo charged to the farmer
who 'purchases the seed , , In the Judgment
of mummy time law shoull &peclfcly : fix the
Interest rate. Saie favor a rate as low
IS 6 per cent. Oher claim that good seed
woull not b3 turnlbee nt so low a rate oC
Interest. These later urge lint the rate
should be fixed at 1 per cent wIth an Iron.
clad Ilrovlslon to the effect that I moro than
10 per cent bhll he either exacted or obtained ,
either directly or indirectly , the whole loan
shall h forfeite&
The passage or this bill by the house calls
out some Interestng information concerning
the methods of certain firms and Individuals
who are taking advantage of time present
distress In Nebraska to enrich themselv at
the expense of the tarmer For the purpose
of Illustration the following letter wIll sen'e
I Is written upon a letter head upon which
I IJrlnted the vordsV : . A. Morton & Co" ,
Dealers and Loaner at I'ure Northern Seed
\'imeats. " The full text' of the letter Is as
rolo\8. time name of the party to whom It
Is addressed alone being suppressed :
EDGAR , Neb. . Jnn 8.-Gentioniemi : I and
1001 ot my friends have been engaged In
It little busIness enterprIse In western ICon.
sns and Nebraska and eastern Colorado ,
anti not hlin mtrong enough to entry 01
thE ithilmiesS op 'tron Antclent ! ) ' large to
make It n\'nIIMe n ! I limlYing , Investment
and , thlnkln ytm would lJyn Intcrcstll In
seeing time country seeded . thought 1 nd-
vl"nhle to 10 , ) ' Jie Illnn before ) 'ou.
I mnltE cotitritits to rurl h seed whenl 10
good farmers Iller contracts ( ! amplE cn-
cloRc(1) ) , o\l ns comllenRnton fin to have
one-third ot nil grain' ' raised threfrom , do-
ni Irnll
1"erP nt n ttllltell ralrond stnl"n , The
contracts ng .inruiio thl'ough local hnnlt ,
nnd enl ) ' n,1 rtla ) II. immmrd-working. honest
farmers aromitfikemi . I have contracts for
about 8,0 h1l\els \ or wheat , anti can 11\ .
tonally IncrlM that nmount I I cnn Interest -
terest capital to take hol ] of time munttt'r.
I would turn over nil contracts 1 have
seed anti ctiilect'
amid nUllul tsm illtrititmtIng colect-
11mg anti shImnf : our /hare of grain for nn
nlrec,1 , "hnre' 1 r the one-third we ! et , I
the weatimeu.'uimmtUti IJrovc un"lasonablo no
sled weatle\l.lh < uJ . Verr truly .
- " . A "IOHTON.
Accompanying the letter was a blank former
or contract containing among the provisions
already referred to one reaelll as follows :
"Said grain to bo In go merchantable cOlul-
tion . or , It damngel , , limo l'st porton at the
crop s ralse'd , ThIs agreement Is hereby
mudo a mortgage anll len on nil my wheat
on the above described premises ) for time faithful -
rul performance ot time above conditions. "
Heterrll to this sclmemiio n Ilromlnenl gen-
teman connecOI ! wih relief work In thIs
state says : "it seems to 1t ' that this Is
n scheme ) or /lgantic robbery or the poor nll
desttute rarmEs of western Nehraska and
Colomlo. , I seems to me that time very as-
sumllton lint furnishing see , ] grln to pOOf
farmers for the spring seelng ot 1895 war-
rants time party furnlshln the snme to re-
claim tram the farmers thus 11rovlde,1 , wIth
seed one-I hlrll of all the crop raised Is Ito
' . "
Ir nn'thlng less than monstrous.
l.UDDli's WI""IHIWOIT. .
State Holer i'mureimonolm'chmmrod to ito ' 1-
I10t Entirely 1:1111) : ' .
1.1 NCO.N , Feb 19.-Speciai.-Itov. ( ) Luther
it. 1.lllden. secretary ot the State Relief
commission , has Issued hIs second weekly
report conrlnr the shIpments for the week
ended February 14 , toether wlh the cash
receipts , names or donors donatons of sup-
plies , anti n summnrlzed report at time dls-
hursements at the week , showln the amount
patd for freiglmt . tuet amid other supples ,
lie states that the warolmoumso In spite ot
reports that It was fumli . Is prctcaly empty.
A few carloads of toad come In duly , amid
are Immeelatel ) ' disposed at. The total cash
receipts from February S to 1 Inclusive ,
amount to $2.752,55 . and the total receipts
for the anise Im amount to $ 4m39O.76 . ot
which sum $3,552.99 was for freight time re-
mnlller being for coal help , wareimoumse ex-
IlreSsac , postage stnmlJs , all other Incidental
expenses The supples were distributed I
among the following countes : Antelope I
Brown Boyd , Buffalo , Chase , Cimorry . Che- i
emmne Custer Dawes Dmmmmdy . Dawson , Deuel"
F'rommtler , 1.'rnnll1n , Furnas Gasper , Garfield ,
Greeley howard Ilchcoclt , Ilolt . Kearne ,
Keith , Keyn Palm , Knox , Lincoln , Loup City .
Logan , McPherson Nance , Pierce , Perkins ,
Phelps Pelt , Red Wilow , hock , Sherman ,
Valley , Webster.
l'hlELI'COUN't'V' . ' 'IOUUI ,
I 10niis for Soot ! Urln Carry They 'Vtl
I'roblhl ) ' 10 "nhl. .
10LDfEGE , Neb" , Feb 1-Slleclal ( Tele-
srnm.-There ) Is conshlerble trouble here
over the qUlston ot votng honds for seed.
The county supep'lsors met Jebruary I nnd
called the ole tcn' ( ( ! to vote bOllls February 21.
Under this cll the voters lving In the city
are disfranclmisemi . ns the registratIon law
provides for a revision ot the general rcgls-
traton for a spc il elections , and the sammie
has to be all ! e on tlC Friday and Saturday or
t'ne second , \y \ 'el 1' all the Saturday of the
first week ptcedfimg , the day of evtry such
election. Um1ier' time call ot the snpen'lsors
there was nd sufficient time between the
date at the pil dnd the day set for election
to make th "re\slon , I the bondn carry
doubts are ohteita1mmed ot their vnldlty ,
A gentemlt from St Frncis , Knn. , was
here the frstl f the week and bought two car
loads ot seed Iwhcat at the farmers In one
afternoon . and ' mstated : that he saw enough
wheat whlobo ( sits out to seed the county.
Thin del not.looJ as It Phelps count would
he In need ofj6e bends ,
Te' HUlty nr t'oruery.
BEATRICE , Feb l-Speclnl ( Telegram- )
The jury In the case or Wlam K Tate ,
charged with forgery and uttering forged
paper returned 1 verdict ot guilty on the
last charge The paper uttered was a couple
at checks upon the Beatrice National banlt
and purportIng to be signed by the Express
Publishing company , One ot them was disposed -
posed at nt n grocery estnblshment and the
young man was attemptng to dIspose at the
other nt another store when the assistant
cashier happened In anti the check being
referred to him was pronounced n forger
and steps were at once taken to arrest the
offender. This Is lerhaps not hIs first experIence -
perIence In crime , ns ho la Imown to have
sailed under several nlases , his
true name being Adolphlns Brown Time jury
did not consider the evidence at forgery sul-
dent to convict
U..trleo Ioy 1 lhezzlod " Ormvln.
BEATRICE , Nob. . l eb. 1-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-Last ) evening n boy not more than
15 yeas ot age was nIcked imp In the railroad
yards In a state at intoxication. lie Is known
to be an unruly boy , and was locked up
Immediately upon being placed In Jai he
began to yell and tear up the bed clothes
and showed unmistakable signs ot delrium
tremens After he became quiet an effort
was made to ascertain where he procurre his
lquor , but wtholl ! nval , 1 lies been since
learned that he was cent to a saloon by a
relative to get a bucket of beer , and Instead
ot returning with It appropriated It to hs !
own use An attempt will be made to locate
time party violating the state law and city
ordinance by selling Intoxicants to minors ,
and proceedings wilt bo Instuted , a
) ' 1011' County 'Irl' , < urcr Fmmjtmliirnl.
HOLDtGC , Neb" , Feb 1-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-Judge ) Deal granted n temporary Injunction -
junction today against the treasurer at Phelps
count , enjoIning him from collecting $426
from the B. & M" , on thin ground that thc
levy made by the Board of SupervIsors la
excessive and Illegal , nmountng In all to
1i % mis on the dollar valuation for county
revenue , whereas time law only authorizes n
maximum levy of 15 mills. This wi affect
the taxes of all persons In " 1 county I sus
tamed , , and there will hnve to be a new np-
Ilorlonment , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
S.lln Count ) ' , Julho COI".t Settled
WILDER Neb. , I.'eb l-Speclal ( Tell
ram-The ) contest over the county judge
ship at Sauna county , Hendce vs Hayden ,
ended this morning , when Udgment was
entlred by stipulation seating the contestant ,
H. H. Hcndee , who wIll Issumo time office on
Saturday. At the 189 election hayden was
elected by two vbtes on the face oC the re-
turnB Time re'cdunt gave Hendee a mn-
jorly of nine _ Time contestant Is to pay all
unpaid ctsts , " _ - 'I
I'rf"fklci .II'nolvn 1III"Uon ,
NFnlASKA IIY ; , Fcb l-Slleclal ( Tele-
gram-Somo ) i.muio. since the Water mind Light
company hrougl ] suit against the city for
$6,000 alleged to _ lie due for hYdrant rentnl.
'ne city flied mnssster today , nnll among other
things puts In 1 pounter clnlm for $35,000
dnmageR , clnlmlng this nmount hal been paid
by time cIty mmlmoii mlsleadln and mlstnllen
rOllresentIUonS A hot legal battle Is II
' { I
proslJect. _ _
Culavns (1 , , lal"y head .
TECUISlm : Ne " I eb. lfJ.-Special ( Tele-
gram-Gustayu ) ,0 , Bailey , a prominent
business man f'tis l city , die at his home
hero last night , -lge 31 years , The funeral
will ! e held tl time Presbyterian churelt to.
morrow at 10 o'cloek , conducted by Hev.
Mr. limmrslma _ _ _ _ _ _
l'olo.vOI Her luII.III Clolel ) ' ,
SYIACUSE , Neb , l cb , lth-Speclal ( Telo
tram-Chnrlotl ) I.aly Iser died here lt
6:30 : this evening oC cnsumpton , aged 68
yenr She was the widow oC I' . W. Hisser .
late prpsldent or the Syracuse Investment
company , who died here the 3d Inst.
" Ict ' illicit hit fore lie 'l'rlmi
KANSAS CITY , Feb 19-WIllIam Crller.
who Is under IndIctment of the grnnd Jury
for election Irrl'uulnrllel , Is mlsslll and
II said to have left town . Crider' offense ,
which Is lhnl of votng and acting ns
jude In a precinct where he did not live ,
It punlshlb I c b ) 1 Ilententlr ) ' sentence
A turkey dinner for the beneft oC the
Methodist placopal I Iosplnl wIll b served
each day this week at neon In the rooms oC
lie Young : cn'l Christian association .
srmu"lw."S TO Til : "O.U ' .
M'COOI , , JUNCTION York COlnt ) ' . Neb. ,
I.'eb. 16 , iSt3.-.To the l dlor ot The lice : I
have hell wntchlng amid rending the papers
and the proceedings of the iioumso amid senate
thIs wlnjer . , anti I hnve sometmes been
Ilrett . hot over Bome of our mlmbers that
we 11fClt down there for thc hmumm'rose
ot frmlng I"oel laws , amid when we pent
them there on account or time stntements
the ) ' mnde thnt time ) ' would enllen"or to
retrench mull 110ng the line ns far ns time ) '
Ilo/slhl' ) eouhl mind nt titus same tlmo mnln-
alit the rlputnlon or our state tip to it .
imigim "tancnrc , with ni few useless nl11lro-
l\latons ns possible uncer time existing
circuimmmemtmsmuccs. , Ever ) ' mcmber ImOWR thlt
wo hlve raised 10thll for the last two
years mind thlt , u to 111'e n clrk llro"IJect
nhtnfl or us ( hilt ; year . but Ilsttac 0re -
tm'emmcimmnemmt there . seels to be n cls11Rllon
nmmmong n of the '
llanI Iljorl ) lelbel' ut hath
the house IIIl time Rew\e to run the state
In Ileht s'ithmutmt vniid .
wihout a " exesmec'
I "lld XCUSE.
For imimutmummce . tllt sennti tl' No 37. whlrh
IJ'o\hles for ommc'-hmmult 11 tlX out the t"lhl'
of time nsesRclllullon of the IHnte for
the new State tmmuiversit ' , '
Stlte unl\erslt ) bulllll : Cnnlut
the state not I10ng with whlt btmlimihmmgmu
the ) ' have got I few years longlr , jlst IH
wel ns I Iljol'l ) ' oC thl peOIJl1 have to get
110lK with it sL'mmrcit ) ' or ciothmimug amid
wih I SClrlt IJN-
) tlothlll
\Islom. , nnl II fact I great mmmii ) ' IJ'l'lllo '
110 not know where the 1I'Ih Is llll from
limits Ila ) ' rrm mtimotlmer. 'lltE tuiC. o hOlso mull
40G , I bi provling for thl or"allIt"n
tutitl IllntlnalCI of tusrmmiers' Insttutes ,
Now It Reems to mime tlt If II 111 his
uuumesor ) ' stock to sell , or "ecil carl , 'nr m'ommme-
thin ! to SII , It IR n good 11111 to nmls'em'tiume
the fnct Out of somethllg like fifty macmi
that I hR"e helrd lleak of this ) nrr 1110 lel
not hlarll 1 lair cent that fl\ored I Thl ) '
lre all fnnuNR , tumid r hurtle I can safely Il ) '
Ir the rnrllrl had n chlllce to \otc on the
lull I would ha I flNl1 bill In less lItmus
tllrt ) snhmutmtes. ' 'hll bill Ilght elo II gno,1
timmies . but I seems to be out ur'lncl ht time
Illsent tmo , The ) ' hn\E mme 0 \ Ijeetons to
the Instlutl IC those who Wl11 to Ht1 I
e > tlhlsh",1 will bear the expemmee hut tilt ? ) '
object 10 IJilg taxed for some OIU chute :
Thcl , mmgmulmm , house roll No. I , the cOUlt ) ' ,
bond hIll , there seems to be some thin left !
out of the IJro\IIlons of the bill or else I
do nut unlerstllul I , Thai bi pro'hIIH
thirst those who get tue seell amid fce,1 , mllt
give a good \ note fOl' the Il0unt. pn'lblo
the 1st of "I 1)'h , IS9G , with interest nt 11 )
IJer eelt 'hen time bOlds run ttn yemirmi , 0'
panble nl the optol of thE eOlnt ) ' nr.r
lve 'tars , I In ) ' ho "aid ( limit the hmoimh
woult not sell rUlnlng for 10 short It tlno ,
This many he s. but If 10. what Is Ioln" In
he tone with this mumoimey from thl 10les
CrOI tll hIt or Inrch , lSll for time next
tour yen Il ? I see no IJ'o\lslonl In the bill
stating whnt Ihnl bl dome with ( hit' mone ' . :
Certainly It Is not goil/ to In ) ' idle or be I
deposited In IOle bailt 111 the count ) '
lmnyimig 7 per cent on tIme hOlls" I
Now , I nm not opOlll1 IhlR huh to hurt
any . one'R fcelngs , m'or . 1 Ih Ilk the Intenton
wa'H for the good of time PeOlule , but I cannot
htmL COllll'mn th'le mEmbrrs who have voted
thlmsll'es lJY to mimic /0111 the state nt
the expemise of time laxpnYlr ! whtn there II
not eX\EnsE Iou or the farme ! who knows
how he enum pay I Ilolnr lox Now , I
wnnt to nslt ( hue voters of Ni'Imrmtskti whnt
do you Ihlnlt If u mnl who wi get imp nut ,
to01 n\
snake a moton 10 ; ay the employes ( lucre
for n WEII\I sitting ) Its time "Iall hOlse idle
wiLls nothlnA to co , whlo thl' lombers nrll
taltlnl n \lcnllon ? \\'hnt hn\c you ml\le
nt hard work the last Iwo years ? , have I
yotm ever COIIIEel t imp ? I woute take hut ! .
a few minutes of tll 10 tell. But somne
one wi say , how /'e you going to help I ?
: ' answer is . wntch every lan that
' ) , 'nleh his ' . wnleh lulit
yoU sel11 thre " his011. hII
hills , If he Introlur.s , omit' , thl'l mnkl' \
\01r mlnllR If he mines 101 elo the right
thll . mnrlt hIm , 1111 It lie e\EI' comes
! for olhice lurn hIm
hEforo the PeoPle ngnln ocl
cown , Hut ) you cay the two old parties
Woum't tie that. I I mlHlnlte 10t thE ye-
111lcan party tlrtlli town a /an last
foil . 111 ni ell soldier at t hn I n 111 I yen-
ture to say timat I thnc itt not nn old soldier
but what re rEtell I , ton
Hut thlrl I ! n limit 10 " "Erythlll
it appears \ thRt there Is n 11'\allnl opInIon -
Ion arnomimr the fnrmlr" Ihnt Iherp shol11
be Hemtlhlnl 110nl nholt thE Thuiesiami thlstl
anti there Is no dOlht hut that there sholtl
hI n strict law passed In r"Alrl , to th.m ,
The great wind storm or time Gth of thIs
month , I have no doubt broulht a ! rEnt
nUaultit ) ' or seoul down throuJh the state ,
for there was whIte sand sifted on the vol
here hint ( clme from the PlatE rh'er The
Rumitsiams heat Is amnong UR now , with the
nlslan . nmonA
prospect or millions of Heed Ihnt we wi
have to contend wlh , Some bill should hE
ha\e this session for destroying them next
lasf11 , and time /ln"nre wIll hn\'p to lie n
5Um/lr strong ono anti RhOI1 hold n tennlt who
rents land respomistlule for keeping miowmm the
relts rlspolPlhle It..llncown
. ' lease.
thistle ouu the land that he hurts l.ul.r leU' .
The thIstle cannot be fouJht ! lce'sRfll\
Inless isis II .10ne from the fact that Ihfre
are so mnny farms rented. I hOle th" law
wm"be seen to nt once. . TAXPAYFH ,
, 1 < 10101" In < lrvlvnM fr 1 I , ln I 'aI' '
" -ASH11GTON. Feb , 19.-The hOlse com-
mitee on pensions voted today to
favorably report Mr Hermann's 1)1
to 0 men1 the acts ot lsn grantIng -
Ing ptnslons to the survivors oC time Inllun
wars flom 1812 to 1662. ito ( hint nien who
served thmtrt ) ' days or more in several other
wars will be iuemsslonaiiO at thuo samne rate ,
and their widows also. Time wars embraced -
braced 1mm tIme proposed nmmmemmilmnemmls am
time followimmg : rime Florida muuiti Georgia
Semlmmoie Indian war of 1S17-18 ; ( hue Fever
river Intlinn war of Illinois of 1827 ; tIme
Sablne inmlian iiistumrbamices of 1Si6-37 : time
Caysuso Indian war of 1847-48 ; time 'rexmms
anti Ness' MexIco Immulian war of 1819-55 : time
California Indian disturbances of lS5l-52 ;
the Utaim Indimtn distumbamicea of 1853-53 , mumid
time Oregomm amid Washuingtoui territory indian -
dian wars from ISI1 to it5G inclusive.
51ntiisluter of Chits Itevo' iitioui In .Setmiomm.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 19.-The fourth con-
tlnental congress of time National Society of
tue Daughters of time American Iteevolutiomm
watt opened today with time largest attend-
alice In time history of time society. Imi time
absence of' time presiticist general , Mrs.
Stevenson , Mary i.e. Locksvootl of Wnsimimmg-
ton presided. Time session was ahmost en-
tlrely occupied with routine business.
lulilltmirv l'o'it for t'immmt * Fe ,
IVASIIINOTON. Feb. 19-riie Isoimse coin-
mittee on military affairs today favorably
m'm'morted a bill to establIsh a mmmiiitary lusst
at Santa Fe , N. M.
Time stomash is time most important and
thin most abused organ in time body ,
If a person catcimes a little coldi omm time
hummmgs ho imnmncdlatehy seeks treatment for it.
If lila Icidmmeys show symumptoimis of weakness
imo becommmes alarmmsed at once. But if his
overworked stommmacim rebels imo pays tie attemm.
tton to It until sleepless nights. distress after
eatimmg , ncrroustiess and general weakness amid
lack of energy show plainly that sonmetimlumg
is wrong. lie loses iii weiglmt and imas palummi
iii time cimeat ammd ,
U : , Anmsdemi says timat thousands of people
in this conthitlon never timink of ascribimig time
trouble to time stomnacim , ht they dose tbmemn-
selves with loudly advertised ' 'nerve tonIcs , "
' 'spring mumedic'Imes , " ' 'imre-dlgemte1 ' food , ' ' etc. ,
anti timen wommder why timoy don't get well ,
ltll of these timings arc so-called secret remus-
edies , 1tatemtted medIcines , vlmieIm are atlvertlied
to Itroduco wommderfui results. but. tlmey are
mmU very careful not to tell you
exactly what wimat time wonderful
preparation really contains. As a
mnattem' of fact , "mmerve tonics" are simmiply
mmtlmnulafltm , timey make you feel good for a
day emit ! time next day you mmmust repeat time
dose ,
Time doctur says further , time emily way to
cUrJ dymiiePmtia and stomnaciu weakness is to
go tO thu fountain bead , treat time stounacim
itself and lint notimitig into it unless you
kiiow wlmat that soumsetiuiimg is.
lie furtimer states that his has ( he greatest
success in curing all forms of indigestion by
tile use of Stuart's Dyspeimmila Tablets , wimicim
Dvklonco for the Dofensa Hits tin Exult-
nrating Effcot Upon Him ,
I'ro.teetmtlomm Could Not Simuko 11cr TtI-
umitlily emi Crq4-laumumtnntioii , - lihl
leauie liii , i'.tory Totct by
time t'Itmit'cs.
MiNNEPOIiS , Feb. I0."iiOW does it
look now , ohti mmmli ? " ached ihmmrry linywarmi
after court nuijoumrmmeti yesterday nftcrnoomu ,
as ho slappemi a friemmtl eu time bacic anti
imuuigimeci imeartii ) ' , lie was 1mm a good imummumor.
It imiud beemm us day for time miefemise. After
fommr bug uveelce of trial the defense lmatl at
i.'ust mnatie a imumuric with the testimmiommy of Meg-
gb'mmcimter , time stenographer , time sImile
imavimig uvithmiirawn its objections to imer testi'
fyitig. Miss W'aclmter vas vohmmblo , positive ,
antI commid mmot lm simakemm by cross-exammilmma-
tiomm. Shme calleti hillat a liar , O'Iell a
selmemmmer to nmake mmmoney out of tIme commnty ,
auci Assistant Coummty Attormmey hull a bumli-
dozer anti Immtimuuimiater of vommmemu , Harry
vas jtmblinmmt , but yet commtrolled imlmmmselt with
occaslomual bursts of latmgimter as Miss Wacim.
( em ( veumiti nmaius an uuntmsmually savage tlmrumst
at Mr. O'lehi or Mr. lieu. Mr. huh stated ,
imowever , that tlmero was itoh a uvord of truth
1mm wimat imo lund said mmbimumt imlmmi. in lieu
evimienc sue saId timat halt lund called on
huor anti attacked Imer ciuumracter 1mm a mmmost
almmistvo ammti scaumdalous niaumumer.
' ' \'im ) ' , our mmmcctimmg was mmmost luleasammt , "
said Mr. Hall. ' 'io yomm ilmimug I nun a fool
to talk time way clue sayn to a wonmsmmm ? ' '
\ 'itmmesss'ae asked It sue cliii hot threaten
Mr. O'leil to mmmako it imot for imimmm , amni if
smim did hot say site Imad lmecmm offered mnoumey
for IilIxt's stmutemmiemmt. Simo was also asked
it chic cud mmot tell Otsemm tlmat simo kmuea' sommie-
timing abotmt tIme case , for O'Ieil said soummo-
timing jtmst as tlme ) uvere goimug omit of lilixt's
Itlsvard Goodsehh , time Chicago tiemituil slum-
tiemut , was pmmt on time atauuti whuetm time ihumy-
ward trial oimemuetl timis mnormming for hmls redirect -
direct cxnrmsinatlon. lie testifieti timat hue Imnul
umss'ally beemi harry Iimuysvarcl's comnlmmmmmioui
wimeum lie cammue to Chiicmmgo to gauimble , mmmmti
tlut Ito Imami seen hmiumm lose as mntmoiu as $1,000
mit a tiumme. I Its imsumally hmtmd lmlent ) ' of mmsoumO ) '
anti for this rcnsomm Gootisell was net. sur-
liriseti ( cm ccc imimum with 5O00 when timero In
Novemmmbmsr. Asked omm cross-exammmimmatiomm It
lie imati ever seems harry lose at 73 Jackson
Street , Chicago , lie stuttl iso , it u'as at a
\'zubnsh avenue resort tlmmut Ito lost.
Framik Erimart , who was summsmuiousetl by imis
bret her wimemi time body vas foummtl , gave
ovitlemmco which seemmmod to Immmpeacim time cvi-
themmce of iilixt 1mm one part imi imarticumiar. lie
sore that hue lmad found in the dirt mmenr
uvhiero time body lay a imeel iminrlc , amid timeum
a too ummark of a lady's slmoo. There was also
time trace of wimere tIme foot lmat.l dragged to
wimere time body lay. Title evldomice uvcumt to
simow thmat Miss Gimmg's body uvas limmahmomi out
of time biuggy feet first Imusteati of Imead first
as limo n"urdc'rer testified. Of course timis
would uvertm'ow tIm timeory timat time frac-
tore of time skull and time commttmsion were
cammacci by the fall froumm time buggy , mmd would
help to immmtmeacim thin evidence of lilixt.
George Grirmdali was aim Immmportant witness
for time defense. lie uvas stantiiumg on First
avenue Nortim between Fourth anti Iiftim
streets at 7 o'clock or thereabouts on Do-
ceimsber 3 , time night of tIme murder. Grindall
Imati an apimolntumment vttlm a young wonsan at
time point named , and was waiting timore for
hmer. StammtiImmg a aimart way froums himus was
a mimaum "like that man there , " said time witness -
ness pointing to Attorney Sweetzer. Grin-
cittli saw Miss Cimig drive sup. Time nsan tue
hued seems waiting entered time buggy witim
huer amid timey drove away. This poimmt is
about a block froun the West hotel , wimere
Miss Glmig started on iser fateful drive. Timc
descrIptlomm given by Grindahl of time man
wimo joined imor does not at all fit harry Hay-
There was a wordy quarrel between time
lawyers over Grhndahl's testimnommy , eacim side
immtlmumatiimg that time othter us'as immaumufacturimig
Time elusive "third mane" whom time defense
has been so earnestly chasIng. thus bobs up
again him Grimidall's evidence , but. In a differ-
emit guise front time descriptions of imimmu hinted
at heretofore imi time deferms's evidmsmmce.
Julia B. W'aiker of St. i'aul testified this
afternoon to hmavimmg seen Miss Ging several
tiummes in St. Paul witim a nmiddle-aged mmmmmn
who wore an iron grey mnoustachme. Several
other witnesses were heard , but mmotblng of
Importance was learned ,
Ommimuhmms' Chimirter L'ommmcs Up 5louday.
LINCOLN , Feb. 10.-Spectal.-Time ( ) con-
ala ccmnmitteo oim mmmumnicipal corporations wIll
not meet next Friday for time purpose of con-
sideriimg lime Omaha charter. Senator I-iaiin ,
who fIxed Friday as time tinme , imas sInce
iearmmed timat that day Is a legal Imohimlay , failIng -
Ing on Washmlngton'a birtimday. Time date imas
timereforo imeerm postponed until Monday , Feh-
mary 25 , at wimicim timue all Immterested citizeums
of Ounaima arc expected to be present.
icutc'iimy : i'rofessors IIgumicgeml ,
DENVER , Feb. 19.-Justice Cowehl today
dismIssed thin case agcmimmst Itey. I"mank
Spalding , imrirmciimal , and five mmmemsmbors of
time faculty of Jarvis Hall Military neadensy ,
vhio were arrested last s'eeic for severely
hogging two ummruly cadetmi.
Before You Put Something Into
Your Stomach You Know
Nothing About.
Without a Thought of Consequnces1
is not a secret patent medicine , but is a
scicistiflo commihimmatiomm of vegetable essences ,
fruit salts , pmmre pepsin and bsnuutim. Sommie
Idea of time remmmaikabio success of this remms'dy
mmmc ) ' be gained fromum a imerusal of time foilowimmg :
Front Airs. I. C. htace , Tremmtomm , Ale. ; I
imava wily mused Imaif ubox of time Tablets and
time ) ' Intro imurpriseti mmmc with time aumsourmt of
goo.l they imavo already miolme , I would mmot
be witimomit imemu.
Airs. Charlotte Lane of flagmsonmviile. N. Y. ,
writes : I lmave talemm : oumly one 50 cemmt
package of Stuart's Iyapepsia Tablets anti mumim
almmsas ( tmstonlslmem.i at results , they imave bene-
ilteti mini so greatly. I have aiuvays understood -
stood that dyspepsia was Immcurahle , hint nous'
icnoss' It can be cmured , for I am fully halls-
fled with what lucy imavc' dormo for time. I
can cat anti enjoy nmy macala mm great tleal better -
ter aumd feel better in every way , amid hmam'e
only used one Imacimage.
Fronm Mr. 14. R.Vatts , Tnpico , lii. : I
imavo used Stumart'tm Dysmepsia Tablets ammml
they are just what I wammt amid uvitat I have
beeui tryimmg In valmi to get for years. livery
person aflhicted with poor digcstiomm ought to
give thetmi a trial ,
Cases like tlmesc can be cited withmout mmum-
ber , ammd any cue suffering from stommmacim
weaknesses , pier appetite , loss of flesh amid
a run-dowum commmjltion geumersiiy immmulU tm'y at
least otmo box , suhmich you can get at any
drug store at 50 cents a Imudhcaue : , mummth feel
tim'j good effects Iromn even so aumt.mii a rpuan.
lit ) ' . If your clrmmggIet does hot have it in
stock Ito uvhli get It for you , or eemmtl to Stuart
Clmeunlcal Laboratory , Maraimail , Mich.
'z'hmp I'mlUiOiuI flcmcdy cures qumlckiy teromanonthy
emi mtervuuv cui.otiee.Vetil iemori.i.opsu ; 5'owcr ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iletm.lmschto. 1'aIuIuImivmi. Lost Vut.mml' , mhghuiy oath-
iOims.tmii drummtuis , lmupulommoi .00 wtsstmngtlisvsses ctmus'
oil tiy 'niuthiiiiI ei'riI or docile. , Cummttmhmts no
otimutes. is a , irv monicarid ilootl builder , Iimake.
tbo piki acid iuay strommg tmim,1 m.I'mmu . 1.ashm tmrrIed I'm
% ' Spit picket. 1 per box ; 4 $ for55 , mjumahl re atcm with
toeUruor refmmndm'd , Vruteu' .
awrRtvnguarsittco nmcnef
_ _ _
tree imiecimeal book , seamed p she wrapporwhItm leptl
& i Sal menials sl Onanemat rafCrenes. No i'kar./arcoucmimta-
fleas , I , JiewtmrC ' DT 01 i 4mttatu'ni OtT , god bl our eint3 , oritidreas cove becd Co. , Memento 'remnple , ( 'l.hcujgu.
Sold In Omaha by iiermaa & IcCoonelI , Eutmi. & Co. and hty Vichsm. A 3trcbazm Drutat
. . _ .
* - - - - - - - ' '
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -I Nt
p- - I
' .
, :
- . r S
> . - . . -
,93v' - - ; Si
.1ilfnmmto i.r. Jtcysor
l'atasknla , 01mb.
Consumption Checked
Obstinate Case of Catnrrh
. . . . DI Appilcatlono Fnllcd-Hood'a
Saronpirllln Cured.
. , 0. I. hood Co. , Lowell , Atass. :
, ' ( m.'mitlemmmemiI : ommgiit to mimako knotmu m , 1)i )
"h't'iiemmco ' itli iioett's Saremslmarlila , so ( lint
ot'merc mmmictetl inn ) ' hearts whuero to flmmtl a mom-
.iy for that serloims ammd obstlmmato disease ,
'athrrhm. It troiitmleml me seriously , I 1usd a dull
aetuimug sensatiomi 1mm time top of my imeami , ntmmi ( ho
tmstmtil disclmnro frommi time imoac. I beemumimo sum
; tuti tlmust mmmcm it mugs I commiti ilmi imcmtim I mug but hmausk
. , mmml , My himmug , svere nice bc'jmig raIthly of-
1'c'te s3mil amumt hail it tint heemi for I ouct's arsaima.
rilit , 1 weiml.i have Illied
A Consurnptlvo'n Crave
lmmmg ago. I have taken about ten bottles 01
iloomh's Sarsaparilla , which imavo eliectumally
emured rise , Ileforo reortimmg tim title ummedicimme , I
tmsett all thmo catarrlm rensedics , Immhmalantc amid
local almimhicatiomm , I heard of. Nommo seemed to -
Hood'siia Cures
reach time seat of time dIsease. 3mm fact I grcui ,
worse While umImmg Ilmein. I owe umsy ctmro to
the lmhoott immrifylmmtO itosvcrs of liouti's Saran-
luau lIla. " ? i us N m mm ti. E evsmmil'ataskala , Club.
Hood'n Pills ctmrall liver 111mm , htllloumsuos ;
Jauimdiee , Imuiigcstioui , shek lmeaulaciium. r'o. .
Is the Great Life Giver.
vr1ENE halide uj
. u-cfreshesimmrigoratesu I
' eximmmustetl orgmmims of time
( body. It is the great
vegetable vitalizer timmit
destroys time germns of
timat himmuuthiomme tilseaso
vlmieim hmmiM Wmtsted thio
trcmmgtiu of our young
There arts hmummutlreds of
. youmig nmmtl luuititllo mmged
mcmi svimcnte iiervu force
are tieclImuing , n-Ito stuffer fmommi debllltatiimg
dremsams maid those Ills wimimhi follow's ( rein ox.
CCSaCS isucl over Indumigemmecs 1mm carl ) ' life.
_ ( II1I'I hENE will 'lye ) 'omi back vouur ' illo.
osu will be mis ioworftmhl' strong aftcr'lta Use a
you arc mmow lmUrieutir weak ,
Are you In a asrematuro eonS
. dItioms ( El'LIENE will
idol ) mimic Wastc in a fotmalghit or
( bloc imecics.
- Immmpotemwy stcriitty , mental
. immcapacIthe5 urn quickly cumrc
ammul ueedily 10'
amos-ct i' time'USO
\ ofCUl'I liNE.
, ( UP1iIiN5
cures Lost lImits.
hoot ] , Loss of ] trmmlum l'omver , Com- .
sunmmmtloit of time lmraium I pareises ) ,
SicephesmmesS 1.nck of i'ouver , dzz.
zimmess l'aimus itt time Book. Ners'ouumm
l'rostratItmti , Nervous DebilIty
\'iurlcoceie , COumstipatioim maul will
sturdy bringi buclotbo lost itawer
of latin.
Prosttitltls cmsrries elF our
. votmmmg amid nmItitile'ibgetl mcmi.
iiniarod lruetatd ghmmmtil umeeds
- , a qmiie.timmg yet Powerful rome-
dliii ngcmut. humt'im Is ( iUt'1.
j aoId a dangerous operation.
" Guarmummieoin writimmg given
I amid mmmommcy retumrmmed if uer-
( mmmamicmmt cure is mmot ctTectc by
. six boxes. Guarantee sent
wills mail orders jumeC time
time hOme. a box , 0
imocs ; fot' f.O ( ) 1w immilil. 5,000 Ti.'stimo. J'
nimmls. Scud for free efreutarsond testimnoutmuls.
Address all mail orders to
P. 0. Box 2070 , ilamm Francisco , aI.
r , _ _ . , , , _ . .
UOODMAN DRUG CO.fllD Farnuin-sL &
A fllOM'S l1oMo-e18r.
Rpiendi.I curatIve agnt for erou orZtdg
sitd.Ite , rain E iaumthon , es
. . 'moetal or eneraI hei.amgIn lieep s -
B tmiatmtn , Goat , iuduy , em's , orji
pesla Anmummnta. . .tuttdote for ealo to
, uim't , , i'zlcelO. . . ) an d ( OQeilca.
liOervoscamit ,
. . lrl 5 , tVolcrn a9.nmu , , CiIICA3.
For sale by all druggti.W. taiis. .
All Druggi9ts.
- -
- wnrUr-
= ; _ F. J.'t
. . RA'SCAN ' ;
CROPS Vegetable Pitr.iy ,
Prepared from time oriiInOt 1. ) laults re
rerved 1mm time Amvbivce of u o Uoiy L.amjti , ham
.ig an authentic history dattn bacc 600ycars.
foi' all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel
troubles , especially
Z'L-ico 110 ocilts. Sold by all druggists.
t'be Fraicisan Reixiedy Co.
l3 v' iite iyy , , cxuoao , ILL ,
, , , .
furClremmitu'mo'i rumomimrctedchend.
For salobylCulin & Co. , 15th & Douglas
° No
: _ . , ' ye sita You 10 8,000 rApists'
- ' ,
. . . . , . - , . ' EXAMINATION FRCE ,
Ho Operation. Io ( Detention from Business ,
307-308 N. V Life Iildg , , OMAHA , liES ,
- - . .
_ _
- - - - -
-----icF N I G I I ' 1' .
.M4t'l'lNEI 'I'OIAY.
TO ThfI StA'i'hNllil TODAY
to see time glorious fairy spectuie ,
OFF TH1 IA1t1'll
i'iiIiSlINTill fly ) EDDIE FOY
' ' 11"
MIERICAN ! 'IA\TEi \ i uu.
Matinee Prices isv iezooit , , lie and * l.US.
JJALCONY , lOc anti 1i ,