Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1895, Image 1

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. - - .ES''AJ3L1SIIED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAhA - : , WEIThESDAY [ OHNING , ] BUU"A"UY 20 , 1895. ! SINGLE CO'py FIVE CEN l'S. '
- - -
\ Liberals Badly Frightcned by the Votes in
Pa 1imcnt Monda.y.
. In1llc of the ( o"CrIICItI 1lnJorlty 01
CIntirc rolo\ffl h1 R Ilully , Stint-
. 101011 Cllllct COII(1 " ? 'urlhh.8
1001 for ( tnslll.1loljcn. .
LONDON . I eb. 10.-There Is much gossIp
In ! tiollUcal I circes today , owing to the fact
that Lrll Heaehery , the prime minister ,
upor his arrival nt the official resllenco , In
. Downing ) street this forenoon , has summoned
0 meeting ot the co hI net. The measures
taken to summon the minIsters were rather
extrnordlnnry. Messengers were dispatched
In cabs to the ofces or residences of the
different ministers and all came to the meet-
Ing , which lasted fully ni hour. The 11rc-
cnrlous condition of the party , ns shown by
majorities various ques-
the recent narrow mnjoriles on
.tlons In the house or Commons and the fact
I : hat Iard Hosebery hail a long conference
nt liuckingliam palace yesterday afternoon
with Ibo tlUeen , son after 'icr ! arrival front
tim Isle at \Ight , and held a long conter-
elco with the whips ot the lberal ' party
today all served , to Increase the rumor theta
a dluoluton 01 Parlamenl Is lmnininclit.
For several minutes last evening when the
veto was being taken In the house or Com-
mOI on Sir \llal Harcourt's motion to
close the debate on the address II reply to
the quean's slleech It was confidently believed -
leve , } by the members or the ollPoslllon that
It would he found that the government Was
tlcfcatcd when the vote was annoimnced. In
the crowdcl , lobbies at the house It was 1m-
possible to ascertain how the voting was
given but when the division was nearly over
a whIsper was circulated that the government
was defeatell. The loudness of the cheers
with which the liberals greeted , the announce-
mont of the fgures showed the extent at
t1it'ti ' anxiety , which was allparenly well
justified , as the \ 'ote'as 279 to 271 , givIng
them but eighty majority , with 120 members
absent including 1131rs.
l'IEIHJ : 11A1'L'l.E iuoi.oMlm1t.
Two Illtrlt IUle,1 alt T"o of the Hcbel
uomm'rmih Vtttmmm.mod.
PANAMA , I ob , 19.-News has been received -
ceived here at a bate fought on Saturday be.
tween the rebels and government forces near
Santa Hosa In the department of Boyaca
Moro than 200 were killed 1 on both sides
The govcrniiient reports that the rebel gen-
orals Valderama 311 Gomez were weundeI
erls \nhlerma
I Is expectell that the opposing armies wi
engage In another bale 5000.
The cnplllalon at the forces In the north.
ern part at time republic docs not affect the
robelion In other sectons , It Is rumored
that there Is 11squiet mind unrest In the le
parlment at Cnueaul I Is expeetel tbnt
Oeneral 1odeslo Garces with Den jam In
Rulse and Senor Gaz have left Costa He ,
for Colombia I Is expected tht they wilt
land on time west coast.
General Carmngo's forces In Bogota have ,
proclaimed Santos Acosta president.
l'cnhOI ) ' / Jelet"ctICu , In J.oncon ,
LONDON , Feb 19-ln connection with
the ono hundredth anniversary of the late
George Peabody , the trustees here of the
, fund given by Mr. Penbdy for time el'ec-
tion of the dwelling houses for the working
ton In I.ondon. report that the total of
the fund Is now 0.10,0" Owing to thc ben-
eation of rr. Peabody , 1.30 rooms arc
: 'Ye now oCCUpl by 20.(0 lmtc . Tbe ave-
age rent ot the roms IS 2S 20 per , weelC
The average weekly earnings at the hend
of each familY among thc Inmates of the
rooms Is 2 Gu Time queen and the duke of
Devonshire have sent cable dlslmtches 10
the mn'O" of Pcnbol \ } " , appreciative or the
virtues of Mr. Penbpdy. .
f.ttmit'utts Joveott time l.eetnrc5
TORONTO , Feb. II-Tho threat of the
students nUelulng the Toronto university
I that I Proto Dale was not reinstated and
tn Inveslgaton Into the mnnagement not
-1 granted , } all lectures would be boycotted , was
no Idle one All but five ot the 700 students
kept away from the building today , and the
professors had n holiday. Time government
will not yield. 1 Is saul the students will
march to the Parlament buildings and demand -
mnnd redress for their alleged wrongs. Stu-
dents at all Ilenominatanni colleges will cooperate -
operate with the 'vnrslty boys.
- - -
limit f the b.I" . II I:71vm1 : ( ' otIimry.
LONDON , Feb. 19-Messrs N. M Hoths-
chllls & Sons issued n prospectus this after-
noel for the sale at the new United States
bonds , of which , I Is nnnounced , one-
hal Is to bo tnken hero , nli the other hal
In America , Subscriptions will open tomorrow -
row and close on Thursday. The price wi
be { 227 for every $ , . 'fhe Messrs. noths-
chtld3 Will issue scrip Installments to extend
chlll Julr. A coupon for G5 shillings for
every $1,000 will be nlnch ll to the scrIP , and
will bo payable al time 1t of August.
Itnlo ; 1 OUOI1I ) " tt ImlHrt.1 ( mrmilmi.
DmLI , Feb 19.-At a meeting of the
Land Owner lougue a melon male , by Count
van Kaniz , the agruriP.fl leader In the Ile'cims-
tag , pro\'ld'ng ' for a state monopoly of the
purchase of nfl Imported graIns , was unanl-
mcuily Idopted. A resolution was also
adopted emimiorsing the measures to be taken
for the protection at German cattle against
infection tram Ilported dlse3sd cattle ,
Ilr""t or , fluid from " : lrol'o. ,
LONDON , Fcb 19.-The Itenmshlp Ems , 'I ' '
whIch wi sai from Southnmpton for New
York tomorrow wi take $1,015,000 In gold
bars on nccouut of the 8)'nlcato , which took
the new Issue of time United States bomids The
total amount at gold then emi its way from
Europa to America , wl beJ ,720,000.
I'mtn Itr I itt liii ; r."IIM I tl t I lit Suit L I mack.
IhLnAX , N. S" Feb. 19-FIve Immigrants -
grants who arrived by the steamer Lauren-
thin are Iletnllell h ) the United State commissioner - I
missioner and wi be sent back , oe the en .
tire lulntele hail not [ cents altogether.
' tro olcuis feared that they wouhl become
Ilu1lo cimirges _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
heat lt flm C11m114''mt II InKsln.
ODESSA , l eb. 19.-Dmmrlng the past week
there were 18 cases of cholera and slxt-
nine deaths Irem time 'disease In the govern-
ment at l'olola. , Cholera barracks have been
opened at 1310un , on the Iliack sea , In
Alato Russia . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ih"lh'l' ; I I .tI it rm'h'im " . t.imtvti.
O/\nO , Ftb. It-The" Ilhcdh'e sIgned n
mnrrlage contrnct today with time favorite
slave , In the IreEIo : of the Egyptian mm-
Isteri I'liis act conslut\ : marriage to
time slave , and themewili lie 10 ceremony ,
1lmlu' II 1..111 I : mst . 's fria ; ,
I.ONnON , Feti , 19- . \ (1pltch ( ! from the
Times corremepamulent et Zansihar says that
on account of the four ! of time crops and
the ravages of locust In GHman flast Afrlru
a severe ( amine : \c\3h ! - In " . that - cuntlr.
I iit'i , s-gs'tmt ' ! lrrlm,1 1.lm\ : .
LIMA . Fcb 19.-The 10nrgentl have : . surrounded -
rounded this city , The gonrnment trocl11
are engaged II thr\\ln/ lp breastwork and '
barricades : fur the - defense - of - the capitol .
I'rtnch J.hIU' I I UIII 1.111"llllr I 10 III.
P/\tR , I eb. 19.-M. Auguste Vacquerle ,
r wel known French \eralelr and editor-In-
chief cf the Raphael , a radIcal repuhlcan
( rcan , Is dend.
< I _ . _ _ _ _
1411) ' In itt c I" . limo limit " ,
LONDON , Feb. It-Ueurr Irving , the
actor , Is severely Inllspo ! d. Influenza I the
malady from which he e Is suffering .
NEIl' Im.1 rUI I'U.11 " ( U.1'.U.
.llerest InorcnsllJ $ In $ the ) National Council
11t11J RL Wnshtltol ,
WAShINGTON , Feb. 19.-fleiiglon and
woman's work anti , Influence therein 09 they
should bo Practiced In the various walks and
relations ef life was the theme to which the
national council ot women devoted ther : three
seslons today Since yesterday mora Ira-
ternnl delegates have arrived anti ' before time
regular proceedings ot the morning sesion
began they were Introduced to the council .
They include : lrs , Wardel at l\nns1 and
Helen Stowel Johnson or Pennsylvania , rep.
rMentng the Farmers alliance , and Ame\a
S. qulnton at the Woman's N3lonnl Indian
assocIation. The Iheme for discussIon was
11\'led Into several sections , ot which the
first was the influence of \Iomen In bringing
religious conviction to bear upon daily Ite ,
A paper en thIs subject was read by Minnie
I ) . Louis at New York who discussed the
put woman , particularly In the later days , I
has hal , In mouldIng religious thought. A
new day was shining on us unawares , she
nrguel , ; a newer era for woman In the sae'nl
scale of the werld.
Time dimcuiesion at the subject was participated -
pated In by lay P. Lowell of Pennsylvania , 0
delegate from the Antt.Vivlsectlon society ,
Prances E. Bagle at Michigan , VIce Prel-
dent at the National Counci : lrs , Jenkins ,
Miss Johnson of Pennsylvania ali Prances I : .
Willard . Time next Eubject of the general
topIc treated 1 01 woman's missIon 10 the
church ns mInister anti missIonary anti : Ire ,
Katherine Lente Stevenson ot : lssachusels
led In the discussiomi She was followed by
Elizabeth U.Vaies or : Maine Emily Dur-
Ingame Cheney at Maine , Mary S. Arm-
stroimg of Indiana and others.
Yesterday afternoon a reception was held
nt time Ebbll house nt which the omcers 111
ex-ofcers. vice presidents of the counci ,
greeted limo delegates and visitors atending
thl trlennlnl.
Helglen was the topic that had been set
for consideration nt the evening session I
was divided Into two Parts the first con-
trailed by the National Free Baptist Woman's
Missionary society , and the second by the
national council itself . Mary A. Davis , pres-
Ident of the Baptist soeety ! , presided. During
time first part : lrs , Frances Stewart losher
at Michigan spoke on the ethIcal adjustment
at women's home anti socologlcal : ( Iutes , and
Em'iy Durlngame Cheney of Maine dls-
cussed practical Christian lving , MIss ! -
bell Chase D3vls of New York , recording
secretary of the council , read a report giving
an abstract of the work at the standIng com- ,
mitees or the council to secure the rcegnl-
ton ef women In church conlerences Mrs
Mary Dickinson at New York then spoke on
the attitude at the lead'ng religious de-
nomlnalons toward \\'omnn's growIng oer\lcc
In the chnrr 1es
Miss Sadie AmerIcan at ChIcago spoke on
the "Soclnl Obligations of Religion. " She
said In part : fl Is time for us to reolz I
that the sins ot omission are a great as those :
or commission We must stop speaking of
the wickedness ot caste In India and the '
cruelty of the Turk to the Armenian , and instead .
stead first remove the beams from our own
e.yes. "
Mrs Isabel flicimman Wallace of New York
Rchman Wnlaco
spoke on the religious education at ehldren ,
Miss Frances E Wlani presided during the
second part of the evening After prayer by
Katherlno Lento Stevenson Miss Dele Kear-
ney of Missouri spoke on "Teniperance and
Uni . "
Miss Clara C. Hoffman of Missouri spoke
on "What Prom Iso for the Future ? "
Lady Henry Somerset did not speak , being
confnoJ to the house by 0 cold
Miss WJard closed the session with an account -
count on her visit to the white house today to
present the polyglot petition to President
Ceveland , The presIdent , she said , In repl ,
state that ho regarded the object at the peti.
ton a one In which all good men and women
should take an Inthest He closed by expressing -
pressing the pleasure he tel In receiving titmi
Temperance representatives union. of the Women's Christian
TlA JS TO 'r Li B am XICANS.
Official econllol of Courtesies Sho1' 10
time Into Mlllster ( r..y.
WAShINGTON , Feb 19-Secretary at
State Oresham has sent hme following ! message
to our charge Mr. Duter , at the City at
Mexico , upon the receipt at one from that
ofcial describing the manifestations Ils-
plnC nl the funeral at United States Minis-
ter Gray : "Tho president , to whom I communicated -
municated your telegram reporting the ex-
ceplonal honors paid to MinIster Gray's memory -
cry , directs that you express , In his nams and
that at the people of this country , deep ap-
lireciation or th so f1cnai anti , touching trIb-
utes of esteem on time part of the president
and 10'ornment at Meximo"
Secretary Grcshmamn - has ' addres11 the tol-
lowing telegram to Mrs. Gray at the City
of Mexico :
"Tho IHesldcnt directs mo to convey to
you his heartfelt sympathy In your dell
affliction , anti I amid my own sincere condo-
lences. Your husb1nd's sudden death , termi-
natng a diplomatic career of great usefulness ,
Is n public loss . "
To ) Inkn Uncle immmt 1' , tr ' ,
! nm t'miy ) 1',111'
WASHINGTON , Fob 19.-Speciai ( Telo-
gm'nmn.-Congressntnn Mercer mund
glm-Congressman Ind Hepre-
sentotvo D'num of 111Ina have prepared
II measure which iirovldos fOl'
melSUle 1II0viles or an uppro-
1I'Iaton to relnburle cites for expenses )
incurred In repairing pavemenls around
pUhle buildings , ConI'essmnl Mercer says
that Omaha will be u bcnelclary 10 the ex-
tent of ' 5.0
Time senate commite ! on postofcel II
wllholln ! its Ieport on the nomination
uf Morse , recently npllolntecl ) postmaster at
Atkiiuson . I Is uldrlsloOI hint charges
are 10 ho fell against Marse , but the senalo
commllee wi not 1811n 10 tiny charges
othr' turn lurlt of integrity antI Itness for
'hollln Ihe olitce .
Sennlor Wilson of Iowa today presented
Iesolutons n.loptel at 1 moss meeting In
Council Bluffs In favor of a constitutional
Counel Blfs eonsliutonni
Imemlment establishing some fOlm of re-
iii : limit .
I rnlt : ulln , editor of the Clnton ( ( a , )
Heralll , II here on private huslness
Iowa t'osi lmIHtcl'j t inhimii4'iumueml .
WASHINGTON , Feb , 19-Speclal ( Tele
h'am-Iowl ) postmasters were commimi-
Ilonee today ns follows : William I.
Clmantbcriahmi Indepoll'neo : Alexander '
Charlel Slrhle. , Cedar Inlllll ; George l. Hutner ,
Iowa IIstmastel's were apolntel today
nH follows : 10 sit I I' . \Vootibtmu'v count ) ' ,
Wllim Cnlnhun , vlco P. < , berly , re-
utio'et1 ; Io\ehlli. 1otu\llumlo county ,
J. D , Lake , \Ieo 1' ' 11. 101Iaml , re-
unoved _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Iorlon Oh'l/ mm Illnor . to Situ Prcyllh'll. ;
W.HINO'ON , Feh. J9-The dInner
given by Seer tlY Mouton tonight In hanoI'
at Irellllnt Clew1an1 ! R:1 the cabinet was
time pretest of the 0lcl11 dinners of the
season . Time ( iC ( ' . matlomimi of the dining room
eonsllte,1 principally of roil carnations anti ,
smiax , thought thclo was also n iirofusion
of other fiowems , 'l'iie electrIc lights \ were
effectively tmcti . Time featl'e of time dinner
was the IelvlnF of everything In time form
of Dome aSllcultuml Implement or Ilrduct ,
( 'i , ' \ iii it ( I \1 (1 I luelt lullll. I I
W.SIIINOTON , Feb. 19-Uoth time president -
dent amid Secretary CRrlhllo Intend ICI\lnl
Wa8hlnaton { or a relt 01nost Immediately
on the adjournment of conlHess. Time
llh'nt will 11rohahh' J0 10 North Caro-
\ unit on 1 1111. huntng trip Secretary
Carlisle hnM not yet fully maturell his
1lunK. , hut It Is eXlleclU1 that lie will be
\bsent at lust thluo weel.K or a nuontlm
( 'mm ml Isle Idt \ mthi Imigi nmm.
WAShINGTON , I"eb. 10.-Secr.tar and
Mrs. Carlisle left here for New York this
moring with Ihelr son W K. Carlsle of
OhlNeU , wto will sail for Europe I tomorrow
for lime benefit of his . health . -
: \llh" fur limo Iule $ t. ' 11" " AI'lhnrll.
Ihitl.TIMORE , Feb. 19.-\Vihhlant Crozier
of the nrm of II. S. 1'lsfotr $ Co" , who
commilel lul ' , , lo a few weeks a.v , Is
fuult to have Bwhulcll ! , three banks out
of b velllholsan 10'larllueh by hlothe.
cutmS INC'IIJ f 1'1 stock of catmtti O'EtlrJ ,
which WU8 1 reality corn , Itc ,
Practical Defent of Woman Eufrago in
South Dakota Causes Trouble ,
Ictnlltnl Along . Thtl Line Uctcrmllti
UIIUI In Im.t'lJo to Cripple Sioux
l"nls nnll Ton lS In thnt Scc-
tiomi of time Stnto.
PIERRE , S. D" , Feb. 19.-Special ( Tele-
gr3m-Tho ) practical defeat 01 woman sut-
( rags tocn ) has enraged the illicit 1ls
members who were pushing the bill , ali the ) '
now declare that they will revenge them-
selves by defeating the divorce bili . In which
Sioux Falls and other towns are nterested
A strong fight Is being made on the bill anti
p2llcns are pourIng In daily remnonstrat-
log ngalnst I. Still the managers claIm
they can carry it.
Time honso today began work wlh 0 rush ,
suspending all bile The mest important
mcnsuro 10 come up during the Iiny was
time woman's suIrage resolution , which hnd
been poslpone until 3:30. : Gold , nt that
tinte . moved to take the bill up. Glass resisted -
slsted the atempt , stating that laH week
Gold had simply moved to postpone until
today , but dId not specify In his motion that
tha bi should ba a special order , cnse-
quenl ' It coull nol be reached except under
a suspension c the rules , requiring a two-
thlrls'ote , , ThIs wns a new point , and
against pree2ents pursued by the house
since the opening of the ss510n , but Speaker
howard held that the point was good , all
ns the vote on the proposllc stood 31 to
37 It was lost nnd the bill goes back Into
general orders where It may not be reached
again this sessiou
The school book law , which I has been
freely charged contained n big steal was reported -
ported favorably by time cOlmlee by unanImous -
Imousote , Wilson nt cnce moved to indefinitely -
definitely postpone I , and notwithstandIng
Gold's plea for time the motion carried by
a rote at 53 to 22. I
The census bill passed unanimously and
the house refused to back the senate In cut- '
tng the appropriation In two. Douglas' bill
reducing the rate of Interest to 10 per cent ,
and Leach's bill appropriating 40.000 ncres
of land to the Normal sehool nt Springfield ,
passe .
Senator Valentine of North Dakota was
present wIth n petition to be adopted by all
legislatures of time vcst t , asldng congress to
exterminate the Russian thIs le ,
In time senate Johnson's bill permllng
counties to reduce the number of commis
sioners to three liaised
The game bill , creating a game and fish
warden , drew out : long and hot dicussion
AlpIn and Pease favorIng I , and LothIan and
McGeQ vote. cpposlng I was postponed on a tie
vote.A petition was introduced hy Crawford ordering -
dering an investigation at irregularities nl-
leged to have taken place In Lawrence county
several years ngo I.othlan's bill nuthorlz-
log the truslees of Drooltngs Agricultural
college to hold farmers' Institutes , Chambers'
bill repealing the tree bounty and Do'cls
bill making hotel keepers lable for lost
property all passed.
Smmccosors to " ' , llt.'s.\ ppolltee .
DENVER Feb 19.-The state senate In
executive session today confirmed the appointment -
polltment by Governor McIntyre of Frank
Church , A. W Ogle and Charles L Wilson -
son ns m'mbers at the Denver fire and
police board , and Edward Monash ns n
member ot the Board of Public Works to
succeed time appointqcs at Governor Waite
whoso " termns ' would not expire until April .
but whose appointments had never been
Although there may be 0 legal contest over
the possession of the ofce between the old
and new boards , there will be no repetition
of the disgraceful scene that attended the
renewal ot the members of the Fire and
Pelco Board by Governor Waite a year ngo.
PresIdent 1u1ns. for the old board sold
this afternoon : "We will retain this office
until the courts decide who are entitled to
It , 'Ye claim our term at office does not ex-
plr until the second Tuesday In April , anti
Intend to remain her unl then unless the
courts shah decide ! otherwIse. "
Chief Armstrong , when Inter\lewed. said :
"I shall recognize the old board until the
courts decide who are ! entitled ! 10 the otilcas. "
"Which board will you recognize In thd
event of both boards giving you orders ? "
"I will recognize neither board In any un-
lawfnl act. I will have nothing to do with
a h31 repetition , " of last year's affairs at the city I I
Chief Armstrong orderel , the rcovnl at
two officers who had been detailed In his
absence to guard the board's office.
- -
Ueohh'.1 11 " ' 1" of ito lcmnncrmut.
ST. JOSEPH , 10" , Feb , 19-The long
drawn out contest , for thc county cerllshlp
of Buchanan county was elided today by
a decision In favor of Robert Nasim . the
del0cmtc contestant II time decision of
the court twenty-three. balot' were thrown
out and It is possible the republicans wi
lose the olco of county treasurer 1110 ,
Antihnlpii : imiCImammgo T'121r Cmmmumiitiate .
SALgr , Ore" , Feb. 19.-ln today's senu-
tonal ballot the anti-Doiph republcans
chane" from George H. 'VIIIIS to S. A.
Lowel , ' 'heote stood : Dohlh , 40 : Hnre ,
10 : Baby , G : Cogswcl , 1 ; Lowell , : : ab-
sent , I , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
% 'oImmmimm'4 SlfrllO 111 I'itied Ono Ilne ,
SACrt.M1iNTO Cnl , Fob 19.-Time wo-
mnn suffrage bill 11ssed time assembly of
the Itlte legislature this afternoon by a
vote or 45 to 29
lel"lorlnl'uto Sh'Jv No Cimminge .
DOSg , Itirmimo . Feb. 19-'ho veto for
United States senator today write wlhout
change : Shioump 20 ; Sweet . , 19 : CIIggct , 15.
- -
ii'i'u.uri.'a cos nUT : r.i ,
Charles 'r , Gale uut Jesse Irccl Ueeeivo
I xcclth ( Clcmelc )
CIEYI NNg , Wyo" , Fob. 19-Specinl (
' 'elegmm-Ooverlol ) Rlchlrds line cx-
tenlle(1 ( clemenc ) to Chariots ' 1. Gale and
Jcsso Fred , two convicts. late was time
defaulting city treasurer of Larmie , He
was convicted tim the spring of 1893 tenth I
B'ntenctl to 1 term of two ) 'lar8 , 10 hal
about foU' months more to serve Jesse
Fred Wil sent up from Weston coulty
( em' 1llng his uiucie . hank Fred , In 1WJ3.
Thu latter was intimate with his nepimew's
wife , besides hoaplng other Imidlgmittlemm I
upon him. Tue men quurrelell In the
streets of New C18tlo with the result that
time unelo was killed 1 . Contlnrr 10 time nd.
vie of his 11010 < ) ' , 'oung 1' reel pleaded
guilty 10 time charge or 1111er In the ec-
old degree Sul1sequelt 10 the trial a
ntmmmtber of mmmentbcrem of the
lumbcl" lelboi jury said that
Fred wouhl have beomm ( If
leol ha\o bEel acquitted ho hal
not admitted his guilt ' .
Chlle " Wil Ixlbl : : II iex'co.
SAN FH\NCISCO , Feb 19A. K. Cone ) ' ,
Ilresldent at American-Mexican xposl.
ton cOlpony , this morning visited time
consul general of China In relation to the
exposition of Mexico , time Iesult of which
wla that the consul ieneral of China xviii
cal a meeting or the Six companies In order
to appoint a apeclnl committee to represent
the Inltresls of Chinese merchnlts ot tIme
eJmllC eA\oslton. I lit Ilromisel that tIme
Chinese wi make - nn . elaborate display
unlrrlr tf IIII"ul'I. . I n\l urec.
PUI/ADE1/1UIA , Fob 20.-(2 ( a. m- I
Jnmes O. Gentry , the murderer of : lldgc I
Yorlte , has just Lern ( punch uncommt'cloumt al
a doorstep It Thirty-third street amid ColumbIa -
lumbIa avenue. lie was taken to u hospital
\\'hel'o he regained comisciousmiess . admllea
hIs identity mtn'i crbmne anti soul he hmad
stabbed himself with . sukidai Intent.
( il 'rI mime Snul I hi . ' rim ( tis , mm bier 1tIUI I ,
Ir XINO''ON , Feb. 19-J 1 Marsh , prob-
ably lie host known \ snmLler In the south ,
died In this city at 2 P. m. today . For
) 'elrl hu mnmde ilmbln8 a business , and
acquired 1 fortune , but of late has hall rl-
erses , n11 ( lied practcaly reduced 10 poverty -
erty . lie was n membcr of Morgan's famous -
mous raIl through Ohio anti outhern Indiana .
diana during the vnr lie WIB unl\ersal '
known amid loved for his nany nets of
kindness. Cat11nln Marsh leaves I widow
and two eons . lIe was D 49 years of age.
ll.IS OF1'1IWl ' J.'I , ! .tLL ,
8)ntlrnlo 'l'rornscto1)lptsmt or Hal ot
tonnlr .
Them 11 this ,
NEW YORK , I eb. 19.-TIme managers 01
the Delmont-lorgal government loan synl-
cate issued their prospectus for the Amerl.
can : hal at the new 4 per cent bonds hate this
afternoon . The bones are issued for public
subscription , and they cnn bo paid for In
curr.ncy or gold , Time managers of the syn-
11cale , It \IS saId today , will tmmmdoumbtedly
sell the bOlls upon tlrms which they con-
alder most advantageous , to the object the syn-
dlc1te has In view , nmelr , time building up
and mniltnlning the government's gold no-
Lerve . They may sell the bonds to one bidder ! -
der or to several ; they may sell them for
goimlor for cumrnenc ' , or towimichever bidder
! 1. currener ! "t . \hlehe blt
or Ulluers wlose mild or IIIS mn ) le conShl-
ered most to the '
advantageous Jo\'ernllnt ,
nld therefore most advantageous to the symi-
dlcnte. The tolowlng Is the' circular :
NgW YOI\ cl 19 , 18 5.-01 behalf ot
the syndicate we offer for menlo the above
tcscrlhell $ 6'2,8l5ooo lnltod State 4 per celt
hands , hel ring Ilterlst frol1 I ebrunry I ,
1S95 . nml mltulllg F'elmruimtry I , 19B. Time
price I ! 11Iel' \ cent , ot whluh 12 ' el
eelt wi itt ommce hI payable on all of time
al0ult amid the relllnlng 10'el ' cent
al 01 befom't' Mmtm'cim I 01 ul0n delivery of
the bomls , lS provflell lmoloiv with tmmteu'cst
lt 4 per cClt 'icr ) allUI fl'OI Mlrch 1.
Time bonds will 'ICI Ilelh'crel nut Ioon" lS
they 1"0 IJrelmrel 1\11 'executell by the
Trensur department. Pmmi'qhnsers desIring
to con1lete their 11ymolts hefore delivery
of the builds will be gt\'el legotablo mc-
cell > ts. [ :
' .hc sUhserlptQn list wl he opened lt
10 . mu. 1. lehlulr ' 20 , unfit will to cloled
wlhoUI notice . 11s wi Uo Iecel\'et by
either of time ullershnel t Inll [ ia'mnemmts
lust be Ilde to 2mtcsrim. , . 1' . Morgan &
Co In cash 01 by certfed checks on New
York hlnk ! I
The right Is resen'el ii ) ' us to reject
any application 9nl to redUce to a smaler
Ul0lnt tll applied for , nl1d to apportion
alot men Is between Amnerim4eui uld I' : 1'0 p-
111 applcants In an Alcrld1U may deem
ieimt At least cue-half of the bOlls will
bo ( iloted Itt Londol on 1'lch telms wi
conditiommim ' be for
10111015 ns ml provided 11 the
LOldon cimcular. I
Our alotmenls will he m4de within foul
days by 10lce Inlcd to ni5Imhtcant.
. I
JThCUSSN - ( 711 SChOOLS , ,
SUII rlltutontR trout the Y.\rIOU8 CItes
Meet lt Clcluul. .
CLEELAND , Feb. 19-The annual meetIng -
Ing of time dcpartmelt of the superintendence
ot the : atonal Educational oclatlon was
called to order by President A. H. Maxwell
or Droollyn , N.Y. , nt AssocIation hal to-
dny. After a prayer by IshOI > , Leonard at
Ohio nnt a brief address if welcome by
Mayor 1c , Director of Schools I 0. Sar-
gent or this city extended Lla ! welcome ot
Cleveland's public schols to the conven-
lon , Presldeunt Maxw'eli's address , which tal
lowed , slated nt length the aims nl1 object -
ject of the nssoelaton , The regular business -
ness program at the meeting was then tnlcen
up and the theme at time morling was 10
show the best qunly of 0 teaeher's
work. TIme first pnper Wlf read by Mr. W
C. Warfieid . sup rlntendeni of schools nt
Covington , Ky. Supenintemudent Anron Gone
at Denver Cole , Superintendent Chnrles W.
Cole of Albany , N.Y. , Frank D. Cooper of
Des Moines , W. W Chn\nels , ofGrand Rapids -
Ids nnd other delegates fu1I ved on time
same IhIs , . fgU\wed :
H. S. Tar \ lal of Providence , n L : . read
the report or the comntce upon the trin-
Ing of tcachers Time report was Intcrest-
hug and was lscUA"ed by Superintendent
Bodcett of Syrluse , N. ' Y . Principal 11-
len of Auburn N. Y. Prof Cooke of
D)091Ington1 u I" _ Ip"llnt ! ncen 11r ,11
or lioston . amiss .lcnOII or snumanrepommim .
Inl . Miss Ellen 0 Revel ) ' of this city , and
D , 1. . Klehle , President of Minnesota unt-
. .
vcrsly. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
OUT IlW 2'IIROLT 11Tl J 1.JWl.
lurllr Murders His Wlo Decunso She Did
Not Support 11m ,
NEW YORK , Feb 19-A brutal murder
was committed In the rear 't n tenement
house nt 55 Baxter street , just In the center
at the lowest porton at the city , today , and
Vncenzo Nine , a barber , cut his wlto's
throat from ear to ear In .the presence at
their two children. lie claIms lie committed
the deed because his wlte's lover hind tried
to induce her to kill him jand run away.
The friends of the murdered woman claIm
that the deed was provoked by her refusal
longer to support her husband
Vencenzo never worked nl anytiting , and
during the past year has unmerelfuly beaten
his wife because she could not support him
and the two children. A heavy fall was
heard In their room , and the ; neighbors In the
tenement rushed to the door and broke It
open On the floor was time body of Mrs.
NIne The head wns nearly severed from
the body AlongsIde 'he ' uMy smut the murderer -
derer , covered with blo06. lie vas dehiber-
ately dressing n Ito girl , G years old , and
was apparently unaffected by the sIght Ven-
eonzo admitted that he had committed the
deed In his pocket the bloody razor was
, JlunosV. . Scott J'tmrclmmimed ' time Inlerest ot
.John H , Wamshm
CHICAGO , Fob 19-John n.llsh , the I
owner of the majority of Itock of the Chicago -
cage herald and of the Evening Post ,
hilts disposed ot his interest In both papers
to James " ' . Scott , who . hal been connected -
neetel with both IJpers since theIr Incep
ton , 11. Scot has for fame time hehl
an option on the stock ot Mr. 'Vulsh tn
both Imllerl which will expire tomorrow , In
1forlul announcement qf hum purchase
or time controlling interest ,11" , , Scott says :
"In ndllion 10 the Imlnoss , Ilrlntng
Illanta , flnchlfes a'HI gdod wi ot tile
nowslUpers menlonel1 , tile transfer In-
elulles the herald anti tilot g"onlng Post's
buildings , both of l1m ud nlmhly adapted
10 ncwsimaimor puhlcaton , Vneer the now
oWlerah p the Horld will continue 10 be
a lel'ln exponent at thin lrlnclples of the
Ilemocrtc party , Illedgell t the SUPIJOrt of
hone8t guvel'nmont , lonelt money , anti
honelt taxaton , "
Air . Scott aald tonIght that the price pall
fOl' , time two IUIJIS was Illproxlmnlely
' , O.O A mortgage on the Herald Illd-
trig ulII Ixtures for $ :0,0 und a mort-
gage al time Post building secures bonds
which were Kubsellhell by :1118hll Field
, amid other frlcnls of MI lcott .
. _ _ I
lJsRlurlloalrluYlui - 11 Session .
ST. LOUIS , Feb. 19.-TIme grand council
for Missouri of the noyal . Arcunum met In
annual session In Odd Fellows' bulling
today . Over 10 eelegatea from dlfterent
paris of time state were Ilreueni each 8ub-
ordinate counci ha\lnl ole .delegate , Time
Ielllng of reports OcL'qiicd the morning
session Grand OCClfled F. Fiitcraf'I's
Innual Idlress , shows the ' eider 10 huva
11110 good ' progress ) . Orazud4iecretnr ) ' COX'I
report shows assets of $2.4lL2d In excess of
liabIlities , I net gain of , mCllborshlp of 2'J5
anti four new councis created during the
fnst year. After the oUctr' reports hall
) re\IOIIS
been ream ] amid referred the stamtthimig \ com-
mitees made their relorts. 'l'hme lferoon
session was devoted rellorts lsluton for the
good of time orler In secret fefslon ,
. 'fhe next m"etn ! of the grund council
wil he Iwll In 8t. I.ouls on the Ihlrd Tues-
dl ) ' In Feblulry , IsaG. I ' 1ht business or the
prcmmemit 8t8slon was tonclmlelt with the
election of the following olcers : Grand re- '
Rent Jove Haldemunn : vice jrnd regemut
Ford 8m tim ; grnll orator , Wiiam Morgan ;
grand secretary , Charita U. Ccx . gllnd
Irensurer , A. F' . Tobln80n , jr. ; grand chlp-
lain. n. C , Parlet of Kansas City ; grlll
Iuld\ Joseph Ioblnson ; grand warden ,
Charles Menlhi ; grand sentry John C ,
L 'ons. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
11'1 Up ti 1"tl'lbrlkcr , ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Fob 19"-A man en.
. Franklin's pawnshop ( n Pupont stre.t ,
between Post and Steer , right In tie hEarl
or the buslnc8s section ot Limo cly , tonight ,
anti poInting 1 pistol at the proprietor .
grabbed I tray at tlam nls anti llei . Th"
proprietor trIed to step him and tie robber
fred u shot at the 1''wnhnlktI' ' , tmmmrrowb'
missing him Time thief had u horse waiting
ami escaped .
Plant of the Bird Cnnning Company Totally
Destroyed with Other Bul(1lg
Tlmmmt' Selected to \11111) time Tortl 'heu time
City W'mus Wllout the Usumul l'ro-
tcctiomm-hium.kvt '
tceluu-llu'lt nrlIllc's
( o'HI " 'orl" ,
CUISI.m ! , : eb" , Fhb. 19-Speclal ( Teic-
grani-Just ) nl n tme when this clY'1 \\'ater
planl Is crlllpleI , ns new fues are beIng 11t
In the boiler at the pumping
statIon anti the water decidedly
low nt time stamlpille , so low that
no pressure could b9 hal , , the city was vhltel
by two destructive confagratons In a slnglo
At a few moments before midnight last
nIght the alarm of fire was turnell In from
the plant or the Birth Canning cOlllny's
factory , sluale,1 on the outskirts at town
cmiii consistng of the main bUlhlng , which
Is n one story brick , und three addItional
buidings , one , the boiler room , being brick ,
ali two frame work rooms nml store houses
The whole plant was n complete loss. The
fro department being hnndlcaPed In the
shortage of water , a bucket brigade hall to
be lormcd amid water obtalued from wells
to protect adjoinIng , propert ) ' .
Three ot the bul1lnS8 were the property
of the Tlculseh National bnnk : vllue < nt
$ GOO , anti were not imtteireth A. p , Planagnn
owned time fourth buiding , which was value,1
nt $1,000 , coil , Insured for $ GOO. In machinery
amid equlment Birth Brothers , the opertors
of time flout lost $2,00. with $ :00 instmramice .
All the stool : that hal , been put up this year
wns shIpped to the St Joe brnlch at the
frm but . t few days since I
At 3 o'clock the fire had subsided and time I
citizens returned to bed , but scarcely to ho
In peaceful i'eposo when Igaln , nt [ o'clocl" ,
the cllnging ( t the fire hel brought them to
the streets only to witness the burning or
two of Tecumseh's substontal business buildings -
Ings , together with their contlnts , Again the
lire department was on haml , bnt to no nval
All that could be done was to tear away
the frame sheds from the close proximiy at
the fro and stand Idly b )
The bucket brigade again did efect\e
work In savings adjolnlug property The
flames abated only when they reachel the
fro wall at the Canfell , bulllng , The two
blldings that were totaly destroyed were
one-story brlclls
Time fire originated In the Simpson building ,
whleh was occupied jointly by Cyrus Townsend -
send as a livery stable and G. C. Zutaver
ns I saloon Doth these men lost all their
propert Simpson's loss on bulidimig . $3.000 :
Insurance , $1.000 Townsend's livery stock
consisted of thirteen hl3d at horse ten bug-
gles , hares3 , ofce furniture , etc ; value ,
, , Sire ' . veterinary
$1,200 ; no Insurnce Dr ) a
surgeon , lost $50 worth of Instruments In
Townsend's place Zutavern's loss on stock
of liquors and bar fixtures was $ IGOO , with
$ SOO insurance.
From here the flames spread to Emi
Phlter's brick block which was occupIed by
A. E. Frascher In running a saloon for the
Omaha Drewlng' association . Not a dolar:8 :
saved. Pimifer's
worth of this prOperty was - 1hllr's
- "
Ics on buidIng ; $3OO ; -"lnsur-ance. $1,000 ,
Omaha Drewlng association's loss on buid-
ing $3,000 ; Insurance , $2.000 Loss on Can-
field's buiding , $2QO : fuly Insured Dufum
& Grist grocers adjoining Cantield's build-
log , hurrelly moved theIr stock to the street
and It Is consIdered worth $500 less than It
W Q , Inot n"hL ! Mills & Son" fmmrnlttmre
- - " ' " " - '
dealers , also suffered a small loss in removIng
stock from I room In the block
OpInions do not differ much as to the
origin of the two Ores , the general one being
that It was the wont . of an incendiary
ox . .i 2fl1htSW. " OZ INQUhICi
Stocldlolders COlmb.loncrs 'rr. I I I 10 Flnl
Out . \1 AbOut time " 'hl.y % . 1'rtut
PEORIA , Feb 19-Messrs. Hartshorne and
I Rice , New York , members or the reorganlza-
lon commitee , which elalms to reprNent
$30.000,000 of the $35,000,000 stock of time
Distilling amid Cattle-feeding company , nr-
rived In the city this morning and put "I nt
the National hotel. They said their object
In coming to Peoria Is to Interview the expert -
pert accountants who are now examlnlnJ the
books of the Distilling and , ; ; We-I edlng
company and lear from them what Is time
actual financial condition at the conipaii' .
If , as they believe . It Is better than has been
represented , they will ascertain how much
Is needed to put the compnny on its feet , amid
It It can be made to pay , as they think It
cami they have no doubt but Ihat all time
money needed will be forthcoming upon re-
. orgamiizatiomi .
Aelcell I the retirement of Mr. Greenhut
train the mnnngeinent woull be Inslbtell upon
Mr Rico replied that was somethlns for the
stoelcholders to delermlne. He Enid they
as yet had no statement ot tbe conditon of
the company obtained from the experts , aol
figures given out as comIng from them they
believed were premature. The committee
places no cledence In statements put out by
the manngrs , They had como here to find
out for themselves Ixacly how timings are
Lit allCUXI 1hIO.lIY TU S.IJE ,
ler New I'blon noc luhJet'tctl to a Careful
TeAt ,111 S'm.riu'mi . . " 'el.
NEW YanK , Feb. 19-L Gascogne's ma-
chlnery having been submitted to ns crucial
a test ns a dock test permIts , she has been
pronounced safe and sound , anti the ship
will sail tomorrow nHeroon , wInd and
weather permltlng , for Havre The coin-
mlteo whIch examined time \'essel's mmtoclminery
consisted of M. Lssoo at the Bureau yentas -
tns , n represontatve of the hearth of Under-
writers , end 'I' . B. Barrett . chief Inspector
at engines mil boilers , mind the special In.
specter at foreign steamshills. The englne
turncl , from 1 to 3 p. I ) Xii " , and everything was
satisfactory. Time new pIston worked to a
charm. TIme lifeboat , which was stove In , has
been repaired. 1.0 Gnscogno has already receIved -
ceIved a full general cargo , mud 31 pasen-
steerage gers are , already boold. Of these hal are
/.lt " ' .JlJ ( . LLI.\'U " WI .t 1/ .
, l'rtRhmol or the Two UllvnrMIIIS Wil Uo
I"to lie Ilcole Tlx OiIY I 0 ,
i NEW nAVE , Coon , Fob , 19.-'he Yale
: freshmen debating unIon has been chalened
by time Harvard freshmen union to a debate
10 take place within three 10nths , Time
Yale anti Princeton debating societies have
chosen this sUhjeet for theIr debate at New
In\l on .May 10 : .
Resolved That the income tax of 1891 :
was a justfable measure '
I has been decided tha the question of
the constitutionality of the measure shnl
not be debated ,
Hln' Nol lihimg tt Siea r'm. JI n 5.
SEA'vII.E. Wash. , I.'eb 19.-'fhe mining
compnlics In whleh E . Ii. Spear ot SI ,
l.oll Is selling slack are entirely unknown
by mining men here who are Interested In
time Monte Crlslo district , anll ( time ) ' Unite
In pronttmncing hIs exchange a swindle NI
such clahls lS time Albln , iiotmt , Cohiiar.
nell and Essex are shown on the plat of
the Menlo Crl8t 01181rlct. time nearest up-
Irach ) to tiny of the names menlcjed
being time Albion J. It. Wile ) ' , time alleged
ltrtsit1elmt anl g H. S\tur \ , the secretary ,
mere entirely unknown Ic/e.
1\11"11 11 h' i mi ' Iltrr" I ' 'Feint h.
WEST PLAINS , Mo" Feb. 19-The story
ff a peculiar mtmrder comes morn Balm n
eoun\ , Arkansas . Samuel Cowles , un old
Iln trol Illinois , was founl death about a
mile from imonue , J I alleged that hil wife
= - , . . t . . . . .
chalel him from the house wih I l1rro-
tooth wlh whleh she tnlrlll several
\\'OUlhl" , whleh cnnsel hil tleath . 'he
blood ) ) ' Inll'llnt fll other sIgns of immur-
tier were t0111 11 the hOlse , Other evt-
dence was Intl'ollccllnrrlmllatlnl hil vlfc' ,
who was arrested timid lolell II the Yell-
vle jail . Cowles was j ) 'enrs of age and
his vife Is 73.
wie .
1'llhL.tIllJ'hhl.l InlVTU.
1"Jlhllu , Carry timnity : h ) . \bnlt Sitty
, hnl"\I.1 : . ,
PIIr\DI IP1I" , 1 lb , 19-At mhlnHht
nil hllcalons Ilolnt to the election ot
Charles F' . " -al\lck as mmtnyor of this city
by 1 Iljol'l ) csthlut 11 ut from W.O 10
bO over Robert W. PaUlson , ex-govcromtr
of the stnte.'iiiinmmu J. Hale ) ' , the mepumb-
Ical candIdate for receiver of taxes , has
evidently leel largely eut by hIs hart ) ' . but
his mujorl ) ' over Colone Sylvester Bonaf-
( oil . the dlloernlC 1\11 rdoll calllhlII' :
Is ( "lmatllt : ut 40 lil ' 'lwch"l olce mgls-
traCes . clc\'en select cOlnclhl'l n/1 ev-
eitt-mmlmio C'mmol lolnllm\'n hn"c bOI'1
elected , al11 l'llsent Inlllltons ate thai time
rcjmtubiicmmmms immivo of these cilices.
rl11uhlcuns hl\e 1 Injollr thelo olces
lnlsual Inlerc"t wn ! 1II1frstrli lu time
election , nlHI 1 rlllarllabh' InrI' vote \ \ 'miH
11Iell Time tiny wits gemmeraily ! obel\'e,1 UI
1 holltn ) ' . filth time streets Were i'Twllell
Thl light waged , hth IW oloform organ-
izntiflmiim . time 1iumnicipal 111100 u\11 time ( 'it-
locus Comllt o of mmimmmlt-tI'e WIS mIim'ectetl
Igaln3t time conlelmrnhoe : records jlql-
111 their turn immg 10wn , The 10lt IllHlllo
of the rl11hlcll butlers 1111 hot hope for
n majority imigimem' l1n 3 .0 01 iO.tlJd , while
Governor ) PnUIIon today exiiremumeii . hllH'lr
ns conl1lelt that he woull Lu' cllclell hy
about : lOtO Jlllll ) ' , 'I'hnt the Pennly-
\allo Ilcl0cr tc facton oiiimo5etl to the
lelllerlhl/1 of Natonnl ( 'immulm / Ilnl lnn Ity
emit Pat / son. Is l/leatCI by the fact Ihut
time 'lwelfh'nrl , whih usunl ) ' goes I Ilemo-
crtlc , gave " 'lrwlell 40 majlrllY ,
Time ' In ' . liumt nt
' retlllS Cl10 'ery slowly Illt .
mlllight 11 leVeltlen'nl"111 out of thmim't-
se\'en , whleh Inke out the Il ) ' . there Wtl
a tunjomitv of 30.0 fol Wmim'wicic. 'rhese
same wlr" ! Have Hustn ! ! 10,01)0 ) o\el Stmmg-
cr1) ' In the late HUherltrlul election , when
thee totll mnummiiclimut ( I In,1orly WIS SOJ :
' .llre were some 10uhts Ih.lut Senntol Quay
! UllllollnJ the lellllcln 11'Iel. owimmg 10
settle factinmimul thisputemt . hit time returns In-
! 011 factol11 11pltes.
Ilcate thnt :1' . Qlay der\le,1 , to sacrifice
his Personal fellngl to the OII of the
party ticket. 1\1 turned 11 for the support or the
tcket PIIADBIPllA. Feh , O-(1:3 ( : a. mit.-
, At titis hour there is imotimtimg to indicate
that the ? mlumthcipni hengime , time reformmi Or-
gamtizatlemi , immi elected tin ) ' of its cnmimiimiates.
SI'ICUXG .t .Sl.\.StT1X.
Otiemuibor of time imutilmmmmie i.ogi'tiattmre , immiost
( 'remitci a itlot
INDIANAPOLIS , Feb. 19.-While the
Imoemso Wail ( hiscumsiming time Niclmolson tent-
itorammce bill today , a bommibimhieli wits cx-
iilomieti by Mr. Jmmcksomu of Cturrol coemmtt ) ' .
Siienhoimig to time gahicm'icmi , which wore hued
vitim friends of time bill front nil ovou' time
state , lie exclaiunctl , dm'mimnatlcahly'oim :
say this imouso is not stmlsldizetl ; mcmiii 'otm
get nnuiry vimcmt ) 'oem am'e cimtmm'getl with it.
No wontler 'otm raise 'otw im'pocm'itieal
eYes in horror. hero ) Omm nrc teilcing
bimncemttbc temnhmernhmce it'gislatiomu to timeso
good 1)001)10 lit time galleries nntl nil time
tlmime timere is a bam'm'el of whisky iii time
iueitememit of titus state Imoemse , whttclm is free
to Chic nicmlicrs emi this hoer. "
Pantlemttomtimmmmt retgmietl imimmitediatchy amid
personal 'mtcoumiters 'cre with tlihlhcumitv
avoided. Thieve were cries of "prove it , "
anti 1thm' , Jncksofl contInued : "I repent jimst
wlmat I sniti. And no womitier yeui mvamit to
imusim me imp. There is a barrel of whisky
dowmi timere , and it was ftmrnislictl you by
tue vliimtlcy lemmgue. Yotm nm'o simnelcieti by
it. ' ' \lm' . Jackson cialnied imo hind lIcomi irm-
'itcti to partake of thin whisky , amimi when
Chic uproar imad subsided a comumittee of
three was nitiOintetl by time speaker to
locate time barrei anti report.
- -
Coiormido Coal amid Iromi Cnunpmny : , IIiCai
to time hmmtcrsttuta ( oitummiI'aIomt.
PUEBLO , CoIo.t Fob' , 19.-Time Colorado
Fumel and Iromi conipany uias petitioned the
Interstate Commerce commmiission Clint time
raihroadtt carryimig traffic fronm Chicago to this
Pacific coast be compelled to cease discnint-
Inatlon in freight rates against Colom'ado comm
mon peimmts. All of time western roads are
made ( hefenmlants 1mm time pctitien , but Chic
cemmtitlaint Is really directed agmiimmst tima
Southern Pacific , which is alleged to be insisting -
sisting on time discrimnumiation comnphaimic'ti of.
Time Southmermt Pacific compamiy takes time ito-
ition , nccortiing to the imetltion , timat "time
factor fixing time stmimmdarti of time value of time
carriers' service to Samm Frammcittco Is time coumu.
petition by water front time Atimumitic to tcme
l'aciflc scaboarmi , timid timat time furthmer it gets
away front time Atlantic seaboard into time
immterior of time western coummtry time imighmer time
rate may be. "
New Orgamilztmtlomm to 11cm Fom'mncd for Mutuimi
I'mot cot Ioim.
ChICAGO , Feb. 19.-At a conference at
time Grand Pacific hmotel totlay between time
officers of time Nmmtlomiai Miilcrs associatiom :
and reprcsemttatvea frommi rnamiy local and
state millers organizatiomms an agreement was
remmeimed vhmereby all the associations of time
country will be amuiaigamiiated lute a mien' na-
tioiial mnhiiers association wlmichm will be imicor-
porateml. 'rime prluiclpal cbjecis of time organization -
ization will lie to cxteiiti time flour anti graumt
trade of the United States Into oilier cotmn-
tries , to protect time imililers of time caumitry
against owmiers of all patents 1mm mmiiliimmg amid
to secure such state and national legislation
as is reqmuimeti hmy time trade. Charles A.
Pihhsbmmry of Minmieapohitm acted. as chmairmnan
at totlay's meeting anti with it comnmmiittee Cf
five hmo will nppoiimt will anm'ango time details
of thmo new organization ,
.4 ( LIJNST TJIR jtLJsJ'S 0 JI'XIf If S.
SuIt for Dmimmmagvti llm'ougimt lty mm Iteltitive mmf
( immo of Limo itrot' , mmcii Pns't'mmgers.
BUFFALO , Feb. 19-An action for damn-
ages against time North German Lloyti Steant.
ship company will ho brouglmt by Siegmund
Frank , time lmrotimer of Jacob Frank , time hluf-
tale ticket broker ivimo was host in the wreck
of time steauumshuip Elba , Time damages speci-
fled will be $50,000 , The first steps ill time
imroceedimmgs t'erc takemm yeetermlay , iii apithi-
catlomi to time surrogate for limited letters of
a'lmimtistratiouu. Sicgmnunti Framilc gave bamids
nod qunlifieti as athimmlnistrator , Ahihtiavlimm
imave lmeemm obtalmued ( rain two of time survivors ,
Carl lloffmmman amid John Vovera.
I'rtilmmulitm ( 'mm' , . , I , ( i' imici tie ,
A. I. Croft wa foumimmi In his room at time
Commsimts imommbe mit 1 o'clock timimm mmmormmimtg ol-
most demd , as mu result of escalmng gas , \\'hmen
he retired last xmigimt lie hind evidently turned
out time gas and then ( mmmcd it on again witlm
suicidal intent , though no reason is lommown
for imla wisimhimg to cud imis lift. Time doctors
are vorkiimg witim hmiimitryimig to save Imis tfe ,
himmt vitht entail clm.tnces of success , Croft was
imi time 0101)10) ) ' of Giaddtshm , time druggist , at
time corner of Twelfth and Dodge ttrcets ,
I , , ) , I I : , ' I tegi , I it ) I mu ii it ft. t' I im m , , r : t s'd giu ,
CINCINNATI , F'i'ii , I9--'l'hmo Potiiomme (
Mamiuh'acturimig cotomluiny , auto of time largest
estmihtiisimunemmts lii time coummmtry for time mnmmnu-
fiucturc of mmmllitmiry , baitmi mmmiii society mini-
forms amid regalia , ni-sigimoti totiny to it.
Zml. Am'cimer cmi account of Inmeimlilty It ) collect
outstanding debts. l'refcmences uggregat-
lmmg less ( hiatt $7X10 'ero giveit to timu Cii ) '
hail bank. No estitnates hmve : betmmm mmimiul
of the fimmn'um hiblliUcs , bemt they arc u.umi-
roemi to 1)0 imot rnimt'hm nmoi t than limo assets ,
1iimmced itt $0O00 , 'l'ito JIm-nt eummmloyeum from
454) to 500 imummmim' , nmmii hmumm done mc ' 'n. ' large
business tom' ytars ,
( Jmm.'imm'lu'ti time I'tre 1mm thmo I imlhlery ,
AShLAND , Pa. , Feb , 19.-\fter twenly-
four imoura of continuous vork time force of
mcmi fighting tie : Ilaittes mit 'est hear itidgo
colliery , wimero live turn item's liileti amid
seven lnureI by aim explosbn of gas yebter-
mlay , sumcceedemh 1mm .umiimChlng time lire today.
The uoiime 1mm badly dummageti , amid it ms'iiI be
miomne weeks before work caum be reaunmed.
'time four macn who scene takemi to time imosjmitai
mire still shiv" , imu Qomighi nod htilmimmig cannot
recover ,
02ivemi.rits . , of Oii'sm. 1 snht'nI I'eI.rim.mry I 15.
At Liverpool.u'nlved , ummenhzi , ( mom
Nemv You he JJm'ItiIi i'rlmet' , . ( root Nerfohi ;
A I 'w'nm'k ' u'nI i'iISt'i'via. . ft a 'm i.iV-
eipooi : Tauric , fm'o.n 1 ivemp ul , At imari 11030 ,
lmon JCiitmtoii ,
, . -
Measure Drawn in ravor of' the Crctuncry
Mon Not Assured of Passage ,
hunch iemititi thin Attmieic on limit So ui
Omnaimmi hmmdum.itry atmuk ' , % 'mm'i simlmporteti
I mm tijo 1hm mm I Vu I ii I mm t'omn limit Ice
( me tito % 11(110 ,
LINCOLN , Feb. l9.-Specltmi.-Timo ( ) olci.
umtarganimmo bill canto umit lit time hmommse this
immorning in a mmtammmmen miot anticipated by thm
umtemmtbcrs. limunch mumoveil that tIme rules be
sumepemitinti atiti time Imoumso linoceetl witim time
order of bills on second reatilimg. itobimisora
falleti to grasp time fumli sigmiiflcnmmce of this
imios'o cmiii ohijeetemi to goimmg out of tlm regular
order , Ito saul that as time frientis of time
bill hind a mimajonit ) ' imi Its favor time ) ' muhouit'm
not bit afraid to take imp the regmmhar order.
ihurchu protested ngmilmmst ammy lmmslmuumatlon
against imi mutotiomm , Satiate file 7S Immeth mmot
been read time seconti tlmime , nmmti as time special
order was commeiticratiomu of house roll ic
amith seimato tile 78 , itlemitical iii lamiguuage , tue
latter could miot be comtsitiereti 1mm commtmutitteo
of time vhmoie umntih it hail beemm read twice.
Time neathimig commttnumed until semiato tile 73
hati beemu reacimeti , Timemu llarrisomm mmm.veti.
that time imotise go Immto coimmmittee of time whole
ott imoumse roil lOS amiti s'mmuto file 7S. Time
imiotiomu prevailed amid httmrrisomi vent into limo
ctma ir ,
Iieiietiict led time flgimt ngnmmist time twin
mmmmtasures. lIe bogamu by Iiresemmtimmg time tel.
lowimmg qmmestiomms :
. el r. Chin t rimin mm , mv Ii cmi a bill slmntln r t 0 ( hut
i.miH emmmtier dittt'tmsslon tim tite mtemmmete mmomrme
(1113's lI gti Cli e :1mm : lion iiCL'ItiUii t'mufl ummmttie in
time lmtmimhie ii'Cst4 tlmat tlmis stmbjt'et was
mmttractlmmg umiemmo gciicm'itl iimtem'emtt thou' mummy ,
hill timmut immud timumu ( am' beemt , iiseutimmtetl mitmr-
lmmg time iires'mit legisimetive imeimsiomi mind tlmat
tim ; htmmai otmtcnmmmo l'mms lietmmg cioehy vatcimett
by a large mimmmiitier of immterestei pttrtles oil
itotlu imliit'ti such belmmg time cimme Is it umot
imiii > om'tttimt tiiitt we iihiotmltl imuvestigmetu clime-
fully muumti 'eigim ti'e ( netS Imefore rm'mtchimmg' ,
a ticlimmite commeimmsiumm ? 'i'o get icC the exact
stnttms of Chic cmuso let ums Itrempoummuti me fo
( itme'Htiomms :
11) ' Viioln was Cite liroposeti Ic mmlmttiei
lmmstigmmtei , ?
\\'imnt is its real purpose ?
Are these Imistigmetorm4 acting for time iamb-
lie om' for iu'Ivmute gout ?
If for ltnl'ttto gout amid t4ehiIshi entis , xur
time ) ' hot askimig for stmictiy ciiiss legisia. 4
tiomm ? .
Iii set'limtg to tmpbumlhti certain chmmseim , are
Chic ) ' not imumihing clown otimems eqummully 0fl
titled to the hirotm.'ctiomt of time tmetc ?
lii oieommimtigmum'imie deicteriotis to Itluttilo
imcalth , mmmiii is it comultosed of hmumptmre oz
immeriti ( cmi I mmgm'ediemm I mm ?
itt it mmmumiumftuettureti : amid solti ummitiem' 113
treme minnie , or Is tieceptiomi Imrtmcticeti ?
Comm time use of nmmmmmto em' other coionimt
sembstnmtccs ho tlccltmeit frmttmtiumiemtt w'imen .
uiiixctl witim oheomitarganino nmmti imnrnmiemma
anti law'ul u'imcn mixed withi crcammter ) ' Pro'
titmets ?
Are there mmot more imupum'ities auth minI' .
torutionim imi buttem' timmmn imu mlco ou Imtitter.
me , anti is mmet umioro real deceptiomi iwac-
ticed utmomi time consumer of Cite fornie
timan of the latter ?
These questions vero referred to Bunch' ,
wimo took tiiemmt imp teriattmn , In remiy imo
proceeded to ammaiyzo time bili amid , macic several -
eral poimits timat were vchl receIved by the
itouso made a "josh" motIon that Burci
be ailoweti to reply timrougii the papers , and
thmo fight then took on mimom'e saimgmilnar
features. Burchi declared hum roatilmmess to no-
ply timrougum time Iiimpers or anywhere else.
Sneaker Iticimarels , tnomn time floor , wantetli
to hmmow t'hmo imad prepared this list of ques-
in repmymng me time tirat quesemomi iimmrcme
said timat Cliii nmiti-oheomtmarganine legislatIon ,
'vas instigated by 90 iter cent of the imeopia.
of . Nebraska , iieople who owmmotl time cows. ,
amiti w'lmt5'were Immehined to compete witjs
fratmd , limit It imami riot bcemm instigated by ml.
corporation. In rogarti to its intent anti
purpose , litmrclm said that time gemmtientan
frommi Dotmglas couid reati , Time provimions
In time bill vere all before him. In its context -
text lie woemlm.i find its alma and purpose , '
Thea followed a rurmnimtg fire of qmmestions
from time dehegatiomm front Dougias anti others.
Crow imiquired it a poummid of ohee could bq
bouglmt unbramumied. Burch replied that it
could' in Limmcoin. Crow was of time opiniomij
timat It could mmot in Omnahma. Iieiicdict wamitod
to lemiow if it was possible to buy oleo any ,
wimere mmminums Its brand. lie also wanted
to know wlmat bemiefit would be gaimued by1
lasSagC of time imicasuro. Jiurcim salt ! It ,
would add $5 to time value of every cow I&
time chute. 'rimere night be , Ime saul , ioooo ,
people iii South Ommmaima who opposed timims
bill , but there were DtiO,000 Nebrashcanm ,
uvbmo were iii favor of it. If this was clasS
legislation time memnbors could inaice time
mmiDst of it. lie dimi miot consider It class
logiciatlomi by any mmmeamms. lie diii not commu
eider that class legislation wimicem conceived
time greatest good to time grcatcst nunuber ,
Ott reganti to time qtmeatierm , is time bill mto
seeking to pmmii down other immmtitmmtlomms ? lmti
woumlti say Clint imo EUiiliOSetl timis referred to
it miu'mmmber of workmen In Soutim Ommmahma , 110
immiti worhiemi timis matter up and immeul found' '
timat Cmmdalmy emmiployed mtbommt 150 people iii
time mnatmmufactmmro of oleo at an average price
of 72 cents a day. 'flmem'eforo thm smeaker
felt free to demiommmmco timis limatltution as it
soimiiess corporatlomt ,
' ' \VhmY riot , " ilcmnammileti lttcketts , ' 'amend
time bill to prevcmmt time sale anti not tim ,
mnamm ml fmmcture ? "
"Time bill does not preveiit the iminimufac.
tune , ' ' replied limmrcii , ' 'I imohmi imi toy imanml't
imo contlmmumeti , taking Cli 0 copy of time State
Jourmmui , "time great exponent of imiommopoiy
in Nebraska , I fimiti argmmmmmeemts mmgalimst time
huh mmmmd an eulogistic itrthcio descniptive of
time itrocess of its mmtamimmfncture. ' '
hero Fm ita interrupted with mc bummcli of in.
' ' 1 mmiii rcamly to answer all ntiestlons , ' ' !
Bmmrclm , ' 'ascii if thmey do bob iim on limo fromme
every sitlc' . I have hmere a petitloim nmmnter'-
ously sigmmcti from retail himittem' dealers right
in Ummiahia in favor of Chic iiassge of timi
bill. '
'l'imen Ilonetlict got limit hoar mmnul reati fron
\Yisommbiil reports rehatimig to agricimitmmrat
emmterpriseim , wimicim showed timat slimco time In-
tiodtmcton at 01cc crcamtmery IirOiumCts had ln
cm'CMCCI amud time price lund inereaseti , lie bmeltt
timat time instigators of thus tchmemuie to gIy
oiea a black 0)0 were corporate bodies of
hmimttem' mimalmers , Their object was to mirivo ou
mmli competItion in their line. lie imael no doubt
limit timat litany of time mncmmmbers lmad caine imero
imlegct1 to ( mtO for timis Imill , but that was no
meacon vhm ) ' nit injustice siioultl he miomme ,
litclelts was still Irrepressible. "I again
ash : , " imo said , "wimy this hill does mmcl lro
imitmit time mimammemfactimro of oheo , I m emmi : , begIn-
nlnjf ith hitme eightttemm , time followIng : 'No
hron , firimi , or curitoratloim , It > ' imimmmaeif , hmimt
agemmtmi. servaimtmm or emmiployes , shmall produce or
mnantifaottmrO amiy sumhistmmmmce 1mm Inuitatlon or
, mernblaumco of ummiturni butter or cimeeso , nor
tell , mmor imavo 1mm liii pomlmcstion , imor keep fo
salt' , mmor offer for salt' , tummy lmmmitatiomm btumttorL
or Imnitmetlon cimosso , mails or mimaumtmfacturej ,
commipoimndcil or hiloldeed In violation of thmI
secCon , witutimor such Immiltatlomu butter or Immil-
tutlomi cbmeese shall lie mmmdii ur produced i
this tate or elsewhere , ' "
iimmrchi expialmuemi tima' . time 'iord ' 'intita-
thin' ' wssm lmmmiortaimt Itt this section , and thaI
etimfY mmtade amid m'uimi as bimttenlmte or olco dlii
imot t'omite ummtier Cliii hmenit of an Imtiitativa
Irotluet , as its itt imateiral state It could de-
cclvii mia enC ,
Mii'j' , In it htnief bp'uecm ) , dcclatcd that , re.
ardimmg time cluebtiomm mf hirotectiomi to labors
there were jmmor itfeimlo imm luls cQmtImt ) ' . Saline4
aieime eng.mgc'd that rmianufaeturo ef buttem
linen tiu were in time whole oily of Soutla
Oi.tlma : nmammmifaetuurimmg hiutterine.
howard said lImit hIt ) Walt Iii favor of tlmi
mrtmmcllmm of II' ' , bill , but dlssatlsilo.1 ui'ithi
Ilmumo Cf lime ii ovirItnr , lie gave miotice iliac
iitj tvumiJ C tfer etmi omnc iitimmimnt ,
'rlemm Commmw : , my ammmi ill he Its , two phy..iciarir ,
g't tiltO AU atmmrnmmtcml tetiloqu ) CYCI' time
. . . . . . , . , , , ,