. ; ; - . - : 7. ; - ; - . - - -V- . . : .q . - ; . --S . . - , : . . - . I - _ G _ _ - - - _ _ _ TIlE _ : 01\AIIA _ DAILY _ BEg _ : MONIAY _ , j'lEl1RUAltY _ _ _ 18 , 1895. ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I ' SAVED BY THE MONEY KINGS \ Henry OIows nys the Nntion's ' Orait Has Deeu Pwcrvcd from Dcgmdaton , - - TIROU I R TISCIIlD3 AND MORGANS - BluAtnl II the Ulle.1 , . Slat.8 Af.ctet Orcnt Intlrt'811 In Jlrlll : In.l : ln.l" the Hesel\ . \ln-1 I I : " c. 81"f' tu Ihe II'MI'I' { . , - - . NI\V YOI\ , Feb. 17.-henrI Chews head DC the banking house ) or Jcr ) ' Clews & Co.1 writes OC the financial situation : The llst , weelc has witnessed little change In the speculatve aSllects ) or Wall Street btIlincI4.t There has been , however , n go 11 teal uC cnrnst thinking . and 01 sewhat mLrc ehhllnf lles , Thc Onnlelli clnM has ceased tl wait on congress nn,1 , centers Is hopes uPon the consummation of the yrnlicate loon . 'l'he erect of the < negotiation Ullon prices WAI merely frac- negutatol . , bt'enusc slleculntors have he- come slnlly lsllartele,1 ) ! , al to he almost iii- Relslle to any sort of exclllJ incident. Neverthiclws . Ihe long.hen.tled LU'el'l are heglnnlng ) 10 feel think sr : . thing of real itnIortnnc ) huts come over investment utah Inllortance Intercst/ . when the Hothsehllll n11 other great foreign nnltcrs 111'e come tQ the rescue. The loan contract benr : nn all of serious hurposc. It Incllle9 dimly Ileln .1 . I10vl- Ilrpose. I I10nl. which sug . cst omethlnJ Iwre titan ' for the c transient negotiator's oliCruition c leAolntor'R olcrlton reward of n round prolt 111 then leuvlng the lucltles torrower to whatever fate he- tlcls. 'he ! " 'It undertaltel ! y these ItnAR of finance In\olvel some very broad ! com- Innnce und some tnnks which befit only the boldest an,1 , most resourceful com- 1(11 uf cnilltni. Such Innnchrs umlel- ( at\ll the ,1tlllclncc uf 11 undertaking , to rtputir the hnlly impaired 1luncr ! of I rllllr anti vigorous nation. 'hey npprecIat' ' the . IlrclIle of HavIng I nntin's credit . and ale oat hlkly : to mlmlnl5tr I' n momentary n.c l teahhintivo . iBid thcl lel\1 the pnlent to I.nlotve 'Fhte \ ' \\'orl < for bItht 11reslJe. ns llsh. \ vdl os 'lhe\ high htrOilt. 'l'hioy C0III.'hen,1 ) , \\1 there 1' such a Ihlnl Iq Patriotic grati- tuI , . ul,1 , are IWlle thnt I nnton I1\'cll from the verge of monetll'Y , lcAldaton Is not likely to forget Its bendlet ' rs. EUItOI'E'S 'lN'I'iitES'l'S DFMANI , ) IT. Tn the Ilresent cns , there are other con- Ihlcrtonl whIch very directly rOICCt the Intelestl of these great ICgotatol . The ) Pnlte,1 , Sntes I ! now In I condition , that materially Irfect" vnst : uroIH'.n intelesti' . The Irocels , of recovery flom the great foreign reaction that Il In wlh the Ilaring's failure moves slowly anti h"Flnt- inahp. 'fhere ) Is still 1 consllleuous nLsenee ocomplrte confdence ; comfnerco Is heM ( In I restraint : Importnnt enterprlsl'f are Itcpt In lusllense : mouicy IceumulltNI In huge idle masses ; cI.lal . nn,1 , Investment are stifler- , contributes Ing from lttgnlnCy NothIng more than the enfethle , ] conlton of the Pnle,1 Stltel to the ( perpetult ( n of these conditions In EUrOjlee rank ni the Rec- and , ( ratio power In the family of nltom . Our demand for merchandise Is brondi felt In every grent market of lie ( hroa'lr Our investments are more largely he11 In Europe thln those of ni ) other counl' ) ' . Above all . we are In hinpirtant silver using country ; Iml the significance of that ( actor lies not wholly , If even irlncitmlly. In the ' ' the "nlue question whether thIs may Impair " of our s\curllrl held so largely abroad , but equally In the fact that . IC we come out of our silver struggle with n fixed and permanent commitment to the gold stand- nrl. , that precedent . , wi io far toward set- : thing the same questIon for all I urope. - I Is easy to perceive how , umler such clrcumstnnces. the worM's leading bankers may see . In the restorlton ( of our finances and our salvation from the silver peril . much more thln 1 mere profit on n large negotiation. I Is easily c1neelvlhT how ( jurY ma ) ' regard , the restoration of Amorl- can finances lS 1 great step townrd the revival of confidence , and enterprise throughout the wor11 lt large-a fulcrum for lifting universal confidence , to n higher elevation . Upon ) this assumption we may regard , the purposes of the syndicate ns probably extending , much beyond the mere terms of their contract . lS meaning In Rhort. 1 purpose to stand by this govern- ment until its finances lre placed upon n sure and , permanent foundation. Wall street Is scenting this sort of significance In the bon tnansaction . and may soon draw very encouraging conclusions therefrom cnlcu- hated to develop 1 much healthier tone In the financIal manluets. SUGGESTS A Dn.I.IN OF COIN DONDS. The failure of the house of representatives - Uves to adopt - n gold loan hill Is a most , disgraceful miscarriage of legislation . hu- ' mutating alike to congress and , the nation. As the question turned upon the quibble as between the terms "In coin" nml "In gold coin" and , It may he just possible that the house will attempt to tedeem its discredit by some other form of bill . I would lug- rest that congre pass nn net authorizing ' the Issue of $ .20,0.0 bonds . the rate of Interest not to exeeM 3 per ccitt payable m "coin , " the holders of 1111 bonds to have the option when the government makes payment of principal or Interest to demand gold or silver coin or legal tender notes therefor. $ CS5.0OO of said bomll ( to be held In reserve to provide for that amount of outstanding bonds the holders at such bonds to hove the option lt or before their maturIty to Convert them Into the b3nds authorized by this act. bearIng 2 ½ per cent 2\ Interest the 5O.OOO.OO3 remaIning to be Is- sited nt lie ( discretion of the secretary of . 'he treasury with the consent of the presi- dent of the United States for the purposes r- named In the funding act of 180 and the resumption - ) , sumpton act oC 18i5 , all other provisions In Said acts to be repealed on the enactment of this measure. The first half of President Clevelan ad- < < mlnlstrton certainly Il'oved very ,1sas- trous to the business and labor Interests of the country as I was full of object lessons of n drastic character. The president has now commenced on the last hal of his term of 0(11cc ( . and there are not wanting Indications ( hint his policy will be to restore confidence , so as to bring back a return of nrosllerlt his object lessons hereafter will bo dIrected to the memerl of congress anti , not to theIr constituents. This Is one eel : reason for the belief that the winter of our distress wi puss smoothly Into n cheerful lmmer. - . - - - EXCIt.NOE lt.tTES I ( I'T VI' . Ir0811cct8 \Itilruwll or Uol' for r it 111111 I lea Ceitt' . - LONDON , Feb 17.-The probability that , : rome rold wIll ho taken from the Bnnl of England , for the American loan served to sustain the Itos for money luring the past weel 'I'ho stock market was rather In- , fletise . but there Wil I distinctly stronger : tone ! enelulh' . The prospect of Gelmnny Initiating nn International monetary con- rorenco favorably affected nil slver so- cunities. I"oreln stocks especially Sputa- H\mn- ) . Ish. ( were thai ! 1010 railway securities ? : were slow . but ShOWl'll I slight ImlJruVe- ment. The murlct fur miling securities revived cOlluliombl ) ' . lurlf operators ' no- Sn med 11 'lnj ami the inn ilce t close,1 Iln ' and 1IIlo 111 'lnt. Cnnlclll lacHlo . tlmrel foil 1lll Oft I1'esH11 to sell by Canadian hollrs. ) Grand 'l'ruimks iluctim- ateuh1 . but lt the CIOHO were hettol' the I , halt yen Ir r(11)lrt not having renlze,1 the - . worSt . Anwnicamu worlt expectations An1rlcnn railway He cIlII1811'n 11111 lollultell by Ito ( loan IllOSpeotl anti the "ealnAs wet \er ' 'mmli. 1)cnver I'enmuutyivatiia and Union Pacilc Ihowe,1 1 fractional ndvuuimcc. lost of the others declined. Erie IleO111 anti Nurfol < & Westerns were 10wn Iller con t. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . I.ONN TIAlm IWU > W. 000' IIJnll' for South " 11.10:1 ; : l'roduo Inrll I I ! tin PI't \.1 ( . LONDON , P11) 17-Tho weather his been severe , but . ( lie demand for consumption has not beemi active. Mlerl are using up their I t stocks . There was a good lemanll fOr : ! South \merlcun Ilrolucts , to cover ot better . I'rles , which were otherwise umichmamiged. . 'fhe weakness In the ( American flimmucluil . Inalelnl situation indirectly affected the imutuket . 'Vhle wheats were sparingly offered , Hus- . sin sluippcrs were firma , hut the iiosltioii WI \ posltol ! gemmeraiiy dull anti rnther cheerless. Parcels - . cels quiet. Spots. sios' . lied winter 11\1 eels February anti March : Is. Flour ( ratio was slow. .laize . late rates . about GII ( , 'iiti ) Wil lnlze. rtes. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ delrer tleinunth , Mixed AmerIcan , Iehinumiury- arch. quote(1 at las In barley the f.II'mer fair htlulry comitimtueui. Oats firm at full t futes. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . JtE'II.W Ul 'I'IB : 1 NIISnm TU lm. - . Very lul RII VnllltnclJlry . lurln the ' . . . . l'lut.k. lui/uNCIIESTE1 ( . Feb. 17.-I.ast week's . trade ' duhi amid . wus nry .lul unsatisfactory . , There . \\'as little bUsllcsl amid the Imll 'r were nlwl's ruinous. Time quantity of hUe 1 ' , , Inchller ) ' end thut rUlnlng on half ( line Is Increusln 'I'hte queston of 1 ! leral re- 11ucton or \\'acel after Easter Is being die- p ! . cussed. Such I reduction woul ] mean a general lockout. 'rhere was no changes In - the nominal Iluotltons of yars ehlllls anti distress Ialel Inade very irregular - prices. 'fhe eOlltnllt cotton Inluslry Is doing relatively much better ( bun the lint- . Ish. ( - _ _ . _ _ _ _ .t \ 'ro.1.1 lu Icstmrc-ctiumi ' SIOUX ALI.S , } "e1. I-Speclal-U. ( ) C. Ffl'tse , 1 dry good merchalt In tub city , , 1111 secured 1 flatent upon nn invention . . .hlch II 1 novel affair . H is un urrune- J . - ment which II burled with the body ot the hot Ileron lupJoe,1 to le dend. Shoul the peeon come to life anti move n he would surely do In electric bell on the oulsido Of the grave \oull ring and continue for forty. eight hour . 11lrln which time the un for- tUllto IJeron could ! e relieved . An nil tnhl ( Is nile atache.l . to furnish nil for the unfortunate person to breathe whlo In the gromunti . The undertakers of this city Bay that the Invention II n : practicable one - - . . . NJWl.IM..IMi J.V 0.1 L(1"JIiVI.1 ( . SUID Thtre to 8ponll the Winter anti Somu to I.ocute. LOS ANQlTES . Feb. 8.-MII ( Corre- spondcnce-Tho ) carload of clothing and Provisions shipped from Lon Angeles 1 day or two ago to Lincoln , Neb , for the suit- ferers from the 11routl In that state , was gotten tp throuJh the personal efforts of Colonel Henry : Osborne of tIme Evening Express . aided hy his paller. The olces of the gpresR were the ware rooms of the contributions for n large part oC the time . the sacks of potatoes dried fruits . clolhhlg anti bundleR of bemhfing ' { . shines anti other like. portables were staelce tip In the cube. One of the most cheering letters of the whole effort wan that received from T. I. Duzan . the freight In < passenger agent of the liur- hington toitti' . which waR ns folo\s : InJlon ANlH I.I'S. : Jaim. 2i Ib9 . -Colonel 1. : Osornt President { \'enlnl Express . City : Dear Slr-l see In this nmornlng's lernh I a card frol Mr. John : I. Crlwle ) ' . nSlltllt general freight ngent Southern Ineilc comnpumuty 11lrcs , e,1 to you , offering In hehalf of the company he represents to transport from Los Angeles to Ogden . free of charge . contrlhuton for thl stiffening pcople ) of Nebraska. lie says he calnot Nlleal for the ( lines cast uf Ogden , anti also lint ( his or r cover only one carload , 1 desire to Ray for the Burlington route that we wil transport flee from Denver any such contributions which our connections wi deliver free of charge to us nt lint ( point . ho It one carload 01' fifty. Our rel- ulnr freight train service frm Denver Is faRter tItan Cnlorlin pasemmgei' train serv- ice hut If necessary we wi give thes con- trlhutons special expedited , service. These shlpmelts can go via either Southern 1n- chic or Sllta AO . \Ve will talus care of them from Dcm'Cr , The IurlnJton road , ml\le the state of Nebraska Inhaltnble , antI , we mire reldy and anxious to ali her people In distress. I have wired our general I ,1streps. . frclilmt agent lt Onmhrl to wlro authority tr hoth SOltherl 1lcllc anti , Snll\ Fe to bill these shlpmelts I ) . II. over our lines. Yo \'s. truly , T. H. IU'ZAN relght and Passenger Agent . 11\1 lalenJer .Aent. Besides securing the 10ntlIhutons of SUII- lilies . there was a consllelhlo sum of cash sent to time gXllrss. TIthe amount agAre- gated over $30. I WIR forwarlpl to the relief commitee lt Ltncoln the idea I being that I haul beNt ho Ufe,1 , to buy coal near ( lint place ) utndei' tIme 1,1vUltlgCOUS condi- , tmt . tom ! ( liSle . than to speml It for other neces- caries here. Thieve were I lumhel' of mcet- Ilgs helIon the matter about the city Imong tIme former Nebrnumkatis . n 11 the \Vomtmtm's Hllef corps of tIn' Grnll Army of the lteputblic . anti the Sons of Vetemnims . nt which there were preent n imumbor oC slcahcers anti mich money waR rnlel. sllealcrli boneekcn . n contractor alt ! ul11er of Omaha. II In Phocnlx.rlz. . . looking over the cOlntl ' timere with I view of lot'ntumtg In thnt place 10Cntng 1 Heldlclc of Omnha has transferred - ferred hll interests In Los Angeles In time meiil propert . line to the Nebraska 11\1 California Heal Estate company , I colonl- zatlomi company recenlr formed , comprisIng - znton lmber of Nebraska capttaiists. 'rho ! coni4luleratiofl mentolod In the Iced Is conRhlernton $ $115.1G lr. Heltlek has recenty made some notnhlo Improvements to his property In time northwest section of the elty. Three familes have arrIved by wngon at E,1I , ' . N. J" to locate In the Pecos vlle ' . , The palt ) . was from Chllrn , Ne ! I , ' . . ] ' . comprised F. O. Messenger nn family I.V. , Eddy . and Hcv George \ < . Hemle and \ flml ) ' . Time later came to take charge of the Baptist church nt E'II ' ) ' . They came IW Grcely Pueblo Trhnithnd . T.as : VegaF anti Itosweli. They will tithe farmR. and go to work on Irrlgatel . land. Calltaln N. P. I.lleen , Clayton Blrgess and A. LIIgren of York . Neb. . have ar- rivet at Eddy , N. M. to locate on Inlls In that valley. They were In that country about two months ago , and selected their lalls at that time. j. P. Burnett oC Greenwood . Neb. . has : arrived In Whittier. Cal. . near Los An- geies , with his household anti farm stock Aeles and effects pacltcI In I car whloh he char- te'e,1 , to carry them amid his family through to California. In one end of the car were two line driving horses and 1 cow : In the center were ' crateS e0ta1n'ng thoroughbred Pohanti-China pigs , and stacked ahove them were crates of ehlclcens anti n ! nl- teso family cnt. A farm wagon . road spring wngon. tall buggy bale hay and furniture filled the balance of the cnr. Seven families accompanied , them to make their homeR In southern Cuiifornla . Five of these families went to Bisinore In San Diego county . where they will locate . pcrmancmttiy. ! H. D. Estnbrool of Omaha one of the owners of' thc Alice mine at Perrls , Cal . recently mine. visited this country inspecting his H. Inrtwlelt of Douglas county. Ne- braska , Is visiting Lancaster . Cal. . with n In that . view of settling placo. C. H. Trent. wife anti daughter of Edgar . Nob. . are In Los Angeles and say they intend - tent remaining permanently. N. A. Coleman , George Iloss George Keefer Jacob Stutsman . Frank Barker and George Colemnaum together with their fam- ( lies . have arrived In Santa Ana from Lin- coIn Neb. . and say they wi make that place their home \V. L. HN of Long PIne , Neb. . Is visit- Ing southern Cnlifornia. . ! r. and ! Is. J. Hoxlo of Lincoln Neb. , are visiting friends nt Santa Ana wih whom they are pas31ng the win tel' . time D. coast. W . Iluffs of Lincoln , Neb.1 Is visiting . I'BSTJnS I'RNSIOYS. \'etcrul or the Lale'ar Relemberod b. III crnernl ( overmemnemmt. WAShINGTON Feb. J7.-Speclal-Pen- ( ) slons granted . issue oC February 6. were : Nebraska : Orlgiumal-Wiiliamn F. Con- well . Nellgh . Ammteiope Incrense-Henry C. Lewelng.Yestern. . Saline : James F. Beezle ' . Omaha DouHlns. Original wid- ows etc.-Charlotte Day Ltncoin Lan- clster : minors of Joseph J. Johnson1 Bar- 1ln. Richardson ; ( reissue ) Mary E. Wilt , Lincoln Lancaster. Iowa : Orlglnnl- fton J. PI'lngle. Knox- yule . Marion : William Cunnimmg . Ciarintla J Page. _ Additional-Marvin . . W. ! _ Hlwl ! , l. ' ; ( JroveVrlgmlt 'ivItuiam J. Eagle urove.rlrl : Wiiam , . Jiutimmay . Ireton . Sioux ncrease-John Erb , Keo- huh . Lco. Original widows , etc.-Ada E. North. Iowa City Johnson. Colorn : Orlglnal-Fmncls B. Chaplin . Stonewall . Las Atmimas. Original widows . otc.-Ireno J. Frost Denver , Arnpnhoe. Wyoming : Increase-Wiiiiain W. Lane , Cheyenne Lnramle. Montana : OrhInnl-Thomas A. Blain , Diumond , Chty1 - llelghel' . , Ileim'y l.fl9 tl ' 'sn e"til HOUSTON To ) " Fe ! 17-Local stockmen - men estimated ( lie present cell spell will cause 1 25 per cent loss a- on elt tc. Karl's Clo\er Root , time great blood purifier gives freahness all clearness to the complexIon - ! Ion and cures constipation : 25c , 50c , $ .00. Sell by Oooln.an Drug Co. c hI'E.tTiIIJt POIIJW.IST . Fair , Probably ; Slightly Cooler In Soutllrn 1.1111' ( 4 Ir : c'brakut. WASh INGTON . Felt . 17-For Nehrnsl < Fair : probably Ilghty cooler In southern northwest wummds Ilorton : Ir I I\hissotini-Fair : cooler In the vicinity I of Knnsls City : luthwest winds . becoming northwcsterl' . For lown-I"nlr ; slightly cooler : northwelt \In s. \ For I South Iakota-F'air : northwest winds . winds For Kansas and Coiorado-Fair : lorthwest 1.11,1 UN'or" . OFFIE OF TiE WENlJEH BUREAU . O : IAl\ , I eh. 17.-0mnhl record of toluper- perature 111 rainfail . counparetivltli the t'orrespontiimmg tiny of the iust : four rears : 895. Ib91. 1SI3. 1&92 Mox'tntitfl temperature . 45 40 37 f4 1ax'mum f 1Inimlm ienmpermttlmmo . . 21 22 t 27 Average temperature . . . : i ; 3t 28 O Pr\cl11taton \'cru . . . . . . . . .0 .OJ 'I' .0 CO\llon of tomllerture an,1 , preclplntol "t Onmhu for the day amid since : llroh 1 , 'gal I : Normal temperature . . . . . , . . . . . . . . ' gXCI'SH for the . In ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Normnl Imreciittation ( . . . . . . . . . . .03 Inch Delcltnc ) ' for the ( .Iay . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Ileh 'l'otnl preclplnton Ilnce Marel 1 16.fo Inches 'lotnl Uelceney ) ( since March 1. . . . 16,21 Inches 1I'I'ur' rruU (1101 Ht.t014 'u K I' . ' , I , ' 0 " i " U" . " . (4 ( - ' STATIONS . cB 5 0 e. F ) TTE or B . _ . : : % VIATiJiIit . _ _ _ i : a " ' e 1 1 Om al u. . . . . . . . - 45 - ( Clear = Norlhl'lnlu" . . . 3' U .on Char . \allnIIO. . . . . . 10 4U T ( ' lear. Chlculo . . . . . . . : 10 .11 Smiowietg. ! nowlnc. SI. Lotus . , , , . , . . Lnll. . . . . 3U 42 .OU Cloudy . SI. l'.itu. . . ' . . . . 24 : U .01 Oold . Uavenpor ' o . . . . at : : : ' Cloudy . 11111 City . . . . 42 4 .01 Partcoudy . Doamyvr. . . . ) . . . . 3K 4U ( .IU Ilrlcoll Salt Lake City . . . . 28 32 .UU 011. . " Sul lalIICI CI . ) . . . . 21 :1 : 42 .uo Clolt ) ' . hicit'out . . ) . . . . . 31 4 : T COIU . hismuarch . . . . . . :6 : I T Cloudy . SI. \llcoa\ . . . . 2 20 .04 Clear. ) ChCQIIO. . . . . . . 21 3 : i , & .OU Clar. I'lricloud ) ' . MI.w CI ) . . . . . 34 3t .00 Clew ' . . ! " : ' -eliol. . . . . . 4 : U .00 I'artcloutly ; . - IUdlli trace or IH'lllllon. _ . L A. W 1.I. Obbcryer . . - - - - - - o- ' - TiE FIELD OF ELECTRICITY Gradually Acvlnoing on the Domain of Steam Locomotivcs. IN BRANCh LINES AND TUNNELS Trlnsn\s810n or I'n'orovellcs In Motors -An Artesinim Welt Idea-Lila : or -.n ArtcsllU01 Ile\-Ufo lectrhut Muchllcr.-Chcllll T lllllolC . The successful competition ot electric street car lines with the steam railroads In sub- urban tramo Is now n well known fact So serious have the 10JslS or the latter been In this field , says the Boston Transcript lint two years ago the Boston antI Ialn railroad officials were considering a lllan of substiut- lug electricity for steam on several oC their Ihcrl lines , while the Old Colony road Is known to have contemplated a similar mon' ment. The consolliaton project , since con- summttell , was very likely the cause of the 110stponement or the enterprlsc. In his stntcmenl before the railroad committee - mittee of the ieglslature In the winter ot 18D2 , lresllent Choate , of the Od Colonr road , stated thai he was In favor of aim amellment or the laws so that ( all rairoad companies might be alowed to expcrlment with electricity - tricity as n motve power. Ito added that the generating of electricity for power from coal was the most eonomical use oC the letter - ter , whie Its use In lie slenm locomotve was the most wasteful But lie Now York . Now Haven anti Ilart- ford , road was lot behind the other two roads mentoncll In the matter . ( or-as stated at the tmo by a blgh officer of the compan- whcn Inereaslr.t Its through line to four tracks , two of tmemmm were contruclCl with a view to the ( Use of electrIc traction at soimme timne. tme. In England the opinion of railroad man- agcrs Is turning In favor of the use of electricity - tricity for traction on alt railroads. The record of the operation or electric locomo- tns there has now exteJ.1.d ever . t suncent tlnme-simico the opening of the city all South .ondon ( ( underground ) electric railways . No , vember 4. 18DO-lo show electric locomotves ( used on this road instead oC motor cars ) to 10 superior In economy amid equal II relia- bity to steam locomotives. ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES. mectrlc locomotives Ire thU9 far so few that It seems Justifiable to melton fame oC those under construction . and others that have been designed for a lefnle service . In order to show that the use oC this kind of en- gine Is now viewed by practical antI qualified engineers as a mere experiment , but as the begInning of a great Industry. SInce the work on the locomotive for the Dalimore & Ohio railroad began at Lynn Iass. . thc Thomson-Houston Electrical company - pany has furnished the machinery for two or marc Iccomnotives which have been constructed - structel at flaltimmmore . also for use In the new bell line tunnel "ho power house Is not yet compieted. however and the electric traction Is not to be In full system likely ful operation much before spring. The exterior form or the new locomotive Is nearly the same ns of that previously men- tonel as having ben exhlblel at the Colum- bian fair. The mountng consists of two rocks ( of two axles each amid four motor ' , of the gearless type-one to each axle-sup- ported by sprIngs of such form that the trucks are free to adjust themselves to curves The motors are of 200 horsepower each. The entire weIght of the locomotve Is at least 100 tons amI Its tractve force some 1.200 horse- power. I Is ' fitted wIth air brakes the air being supplied by a email auxiliary motor In the cab. I Is said that the speed may be varied from the slowest movement to above forty miles an hour. Recent information from Europe shows that electric locomotives are becoming rivals of the steam machine , not only for tunnels but on the long . lines of surface rairoad\ Some two years ago the Helmnn locomotive was placed" 'n the tracks ns nn experiment ; and It has proved so satisfactory that once of tIme older railroads Is reported to have ordered several of these engines constructed for its use. This machine however Is not properly an tlectrlc locomotive . as It carries the usual boiler and engine to run the lyn- anl that furnishes current for operating the motors whIch give motion to the wheels on the track. There Is said to be great ! all In this form of locomotve In time steadiness oC movement derived from the electrical bat- ance. Late scientific journals In Lenten report that ( one real at east ] has posiively adopted electric traction . This Is the Parls.Lyons and Mediterranean railway . which according to the L0110n Engineer Is now bulling clxty electric locomotives , each capable of per drawing hour 800 tons at n speed of fifteen miles A UNIQUE MOTOR. An altogether unique locomotive ( or ten- tier has been leslgel for the North Side Passenger railway , a street line In Chicago. There Is n double track section of ole-hal mie on this road In Ito heart of the city . over whIch Il Is necessary to run Its cars but on which the company can not obtain trolley privileges. Twenty-five cars nn hour It Is estimated . will pass over this section In the busiest portion of the day . If the proper means of moving them Is established. Steam Is evidently out of question . while the great number of horses required for the transfer must greatly interfere wIth other users of the ( streets. To effect a passage over this powerless hai mie In the reahest anti most l ohlc"tonable manner. there has been de- vised - an engine conslslng or truck bearing 240 storage bal cry cells . antia _ small motor , only sulclent to switch the truck Iselr , On arrival at the enl of the troliey . the car has a truck coupled on behlnl : and the conducting wires from the batteries. being _ massed . arc connected wIth the electric con < lctors oC each car . so that ( the motors are operated by the battery current instead of that from an over- heal wire. Forty trucks arc consilered nec- essary for this service. I the railroads see fit to introduce the trolley on the long lines on their own roadbed - bed . the passeuger ( the only other party concered ) . will certainly make no objection : for the ( substitution wil free him from lie serIous annoyunce of smoke cinders and- ' to a large extent-from dust and noise. 'Vlh the recent Improvements In storage batteries and other apparatus for storage traction . there seems to bo no justification for inflicting on our cites elter ) the electric - trio trolley or . worse yet steam for oper- ntng any It 111 of a road-surface. unler- ground or overhead. lint It Is not so certain that the present steam railway companies arc to ba driven out of the passenger business. They have one great advantage over their prospective rival anti lint Is the possession of a right ; of way and a laid track that Is all theIr own , They are subject to few of the InconvenIences - Iences that arc Inseparable from operating a railtoati on a public railway or through the ralcoa , , streets of n city . This wi enable them to alopl the trolley on railroads connectnl cites anti run trains at a higher rate of sliced and with fewer obstructions be tIme ordinary than cars can run on orlinary trolley line . Anl speed and cheapness are the elements lint ( will tel In the end TRANSMISSION OF PO\EH. The first of the big dynamoa to transmit the power from Niagara fall has been set up on its base In the power house alongllde the canal Is that takes In water front the rushing river just a little way above the horseshoe fail , I la of the modesl capacity of 6,000 horse. imover unl embodies the .two-phaso" plan of the latest briiant electrical Inventor , Nlkola 'Fesia Meatutiumme . DuIlio Is growIng excited , and Is already hotly engaged In a discussion - cuss Ion over rates power lines . ele. But there are already a great many plant In this country at work sending power over overll mies of wire One manufacturing company alone has lately Instaled about ten "poly- phase" IIIant8 for this work and has aa many more going hum . The San Antonio ( Cal ) Light alI Power company has been ( rena- mltng power n distance of thirty miles lt 10.000 volta some years It recently tested Its ability over a nlnety- mll circuit with perfect success. The Roaring Forlc I Electric Light and I'ower company has hen transmit- ( log power four mlea for six years. The ' Gold King Mining company transmis 1.000' horie-power ten miies . The Sutro company has been transmitng 30 horse-power some four ml ' for five years Six or the wheels here work under I heal of 1.6S0 feet and one wheel under I head of 2.100 feet. ' 'bll Is four times the ( height of the \llhlngton inonunment A Dazzle with a tip one.hal - - - - - - Inch Indlnter gives 100 horse-power on the water wheeh Thus Heland ! ( ( I , ) Electric LIght and Power conlJW has been transmitting - ting about 800 horae-powr nigh and day for the past year n dlstaie ot reven m'les ' : total expense for repairs ( luring that time , $10. $ I would do a mulch larger busines IC there were mora calls for the power. The l'orthnd plant transmits power from the Willamette falls to Portlanti . Ore , fifteen mie ! . The Coeur d'Alene plant has been running sue- cestuly for three years . supplying the town Q Uurke , Idaho , with lght ( and power. The Slandarll MInIng company has been transmi- ( ting light anti power n distance oC thirteen mies for nearly three searS. The Caroline Mining company , near Ito ( summi or Mount Snemes , Cal , In the region or perpetual snow . has been supplell with light anti power for the Past four or five years tram n waterfall four mIles below ThIs ! II\lne cannot be operated - ated with tucctS b' any other mactimed . I lf ) wou"l be simply ImpossIble to enumerte all the other new schemes for electrical water power transummisslomi some oC which are now II ( shape , Eke that at Austin , Tex Whie many of them will be succcBsful , others are , loole,1 , to sharp ralure , for various reasons nol the least of which Is the uncertainty or the low and the certainty of seasons of .Irouth. .Irouth.NOVEl. NOVEl4 EI.ECTIC IAn.WA Y. The demand for a light and Incxpensl'e form of electric rlw,1 becomes daily more pronounced , amid \'nlous wars of meetlg It are being tried. . \ Mayweed . Ill. , a frm of tn Plato manutaclurers are using In their factories an electric loeomotlvo derh'lng Its Propelling po\\'e from n storage battery. . The locomotve Is five fet In length , thIrty Inches In width nail forl-our Inches In height Its weight Is about ,000 pommntle. The baler ) ' consists or twent-four cels ami Is charged on the premises from a generator , whIch Is also used for sUPlllylng power to motors running - ning mnchlns In various portons oC the plant. The locomotve has displaced ( hnnd labor In pulling , smal cars 10alle with tl platt from one part of the factory to nn- other. The 111ant cons sts or I number of tie- taehe builditigs . and the mallude of the operatons compelel the alollton , oC some sort ot mechanical 110wel In transferring the heavy Immaterial betwecn the several depart- ments. This Is one Inttrestlng variaton ( from old Ideas. Another Is In what appears to be suecessCul operation at Waterport N. Y. I Is a cross.country line . but emplo's storage batteries also The track has a slnglo T ri , with two guide rails elRhteen Inches ( apart running horlzontnlr beneath It. The car Is provldel with two wheels In the ( centcr , : bearing on the T rail . wal four guide wheels ' depending from the car rrme running horI- zontaly \\Ih bevel edges upon the rails. The use of these guide nails and wheels Is to keep liD car In aim upright Position when statonary or running slowly ammti to ( prevent Its lea\lng the track This Is further aided by the under flanges on thc guIde wheels The car In Ino Waterport has fifty cels of storage battery and a five her e-power motor. 'he car weighs four tons empty Inl will seat twenty-Caul lssengers. On a recent trIal trip It carrel twent-thrc passengers at nineteen mies aim hour at nn expenditure of three anti one-hnlr horse power of energy and as a result contract has IOW been given I for four miles across a rural region. J that agan : proves practical some forty mies are to be equipped. The ordinary structure Is a row of single posts twelve anti one.hal feet above the surface with fifteen feet at high- ways anti eighteen at railroads. The exten- sions are to use water power. I Is evident that the problem of such light roads presses for solution anti that electricians are likely to fnd plenty of work In this Ilrecton as well ns In handling cnvertel steam roads. A NOVEL IDEA. Tn a few places artesian wells are utilized to run electric light . plaimts . and It has \ boon suggested lint I reversal of the Idea might be useful In etablshlnt motor plants to operate pumps by means of which water could be widely dlstrlbul In arid regions. A GOO-foot well can' 'o unlc for $1,500. I takes 27.54 gallons or wler to cover nn acre ono Inch deep. A I5-hor power motor will pumll 7&0 galons I ml.tuto and rise the water fIfty feet. Seven hundred and fifty galons will cover forty 'hcres one Inch deed every twenty-four hours , -or 280 acres every week. One well will fmnlsh ; water during the Irrigation season , frorl May 1 to August 31. to cover 280 acre seventeen Inches deep. This Is an abunlanr for almost any cr01) and a great deal m r than most crops re- Quire. The water could be' pumped Into n ditch or reserolr. ' 'ho well could be sunk where most convenient . os the power comes - Jwer to It by wire from- the central staten or power house. One thousand-horse power will run fifty-six 15-horse power motors and will alow 15 per cent loss for transmission of power from dynamos to motor. The lines for transmission , including poles wires , etc. . would cost from $8,000 to 10000. Thus 1,000-horse power would furnish an abunlance of water for fifty-six times 280 acres , or 15,680 acres . about twenty-four and one-hai sec- ( ions . at a cost not including ditches and reservoirs , of about $160,000 . aery little over $ tO an acre. The total operating expense - pense Is estimated at about $1 an acre for the season Where lighting plants or trolley roads are running It should ! e easy to get the power current for the motor. LIFE OF ELECTRICAL MAChINERY. In putting up a new plant of any kind I the purchaser Is anxious to know how long It will last , emi an average so that allowance can be ma < e for depreciation . sinking fund and other items of maIntenance and renewal In con- neeUon with loans from the ( English local ! OVerllent board to municipalities for elee- trlr lighting purlloses It Is interesting to not that the conclusions Irrl\el at . after laborious investigation of the probable life of various electrical appliances , are that eleclrcal : meters are good for five years , storage batteries for eIilmt arc lamps for ten . boilers and InsulatIng - lug lalns for fifteen , engines and dynamos for twenty , bare copper mains and culverts for forty anti buildings for sixty. After strl- ; Ing an average It has been deeJle to lend for forty years on haimda buildIngs . culverts and bare copper mains , and for twenty yeJrs on other apparatus. The rule arrived al seemed to be rather an arbitrary enl , as the different classes or apparatus vary so largely among thienmseives. 01 Insulated mains , ) Instance , . . rne . of course under the healing of insulated unaimus but It would be asurl to estimate their life aB low as the life of 10st other insulated conductors In fact they seem to bo on n par with the bare copper - per mnains the only factors of depreciaton to be reckoned with being the Iron pipes. I I 10 bo noted that overhead wires do not figure 10 fgure 'In this Ecale. They are notoriously short- lived . antI moreover. are not allowed as n eneral thing In Englautd ] . which . a a result . Is still woruly behind In many branches of the electrical art. TELEOHAPI LIFE ON THE FRONTIER . Cowboys have long found I a favorIte diversion - version to mnlto a mark for their revolvers of the glass Insulators ( on telegraph hues : In- diana have etolen the wire and woodpeckers antI , ants have attacked the ( hioles but there are eOlctlnes other drawbaclcs Albimquerque N. M. . like lauy other fronter stations , was the scene of strange experiences In the early days of telegraphy. Mr. C. M. BaIter the well known superlntel.4ent of time Postal Telegraph - graph comnpaliy . tells of a hair hour replete with new sensatons ( that ( he once passed In that neigIiborIiooti ' About that perod : it perol I fell to his lot , while -pch truetng ( new lines . to arrange for right of way privIleges. This was often n tedious al,11 comparatvely uneventful - ventul tasl" , hut 01. this ( occasion the monotony - notony was relieved , y ; nn entirely novel program Mr Baker ball encountered a batch of Inlians of the toughest type As Sven as he stated his terms they Jumpl on theIr itorses and with unear1hly yells began careen- lag al full speed arou\1 'the baggage car In which Mr. Duler Eat Ilon In the desert and tired tImOr : sJx.shooter alternately In the air and under Ito ( car , thlnltlng to "talte n rise out of the tenderfoot , " . and to scare him Into a better bargain at tIme.same . timmie . Mr Baker however lit a cigar. plaqidiy went on amok- hog and loke,1 as It hel had been yearning for that sort or tllni , from childhood . When the Indians saw It was of no use hey again came down to bargainng ! anti . eventually , ! I. Baker mare a satisfactory settlement . though he confesses for awhie he regarded appearances lS deal against him. NEW USE O\ ELECTRIC LIGhT In Berlin the use ot glow lamps attached vehicles and time horses drawing them Is now so common lS to excite no remark The lamp Is enclosed In 1 silvered reflector . and 18 fed from a somali ' .aler of accumulators carried on the vehicle The wIres are en- close In smal gutapercha tubes . sewn to the harneas and made exceedingly flexible . The battery consists of four or six plates having I capacity of twenty IIJere hours. I la convenienty earrle,1 under the coach- . man'a aea ( . The iustraton shows only one of the numerous adaptations of the electric lght for this 11urlloae ; other may easily \ Imagined. , - - - nmRC1AL AND FINANCIAL l - Wheat Bu1s Placed ( Their Faith in Smn1 Fnrmers' ' StOOKS. CORN IS COMING IN TOO FREELY Tlnt Cereal UrOllllrl Ilto Its Nutnr.ll SecoJelar ) ' I'u llun suet lrcRlo 'calt In S'mllithy with ' .hieat- lu.lng ( 'rIces . CIIICACIO Fob . 16.-The markets were weak , wheat more especially 10. Com- I bared with the closing rates of yosiertiny . wheat Is about lc lower , coin % c lower onse lower and 11rovlslons 10c dowut . The faith of the wheat bulls restet upon I foullnton , of trust . II the estimates of smll reserves II ( fal.mers' hmnmmtls . antI tIme 11rcsent rates of rccelllR , tellllg to ( littler- mlno the belief cnused tIme selling of 10uS wheat , which preclplntcd touhay's decliume. Corn IR coining In too freely for tIme Imoult wanted for Shl1111lg 11110Sl'S. anti pro\lslol ! tune feelng Ito effect of the heavy receipts of hogs. At Ito opelhl ! the whent market trcIlers 1001ce for about 2.0).OJ bum II receipts . . but It quickly flced about 111 becaileelit. . Mny wheat ollenol with buyers at t'i4c' all some sales itt the same tme lt &fl1.c . Before forty- lIve mlnutcs of lie Iesllol haul gOle ! ) ' It win / tOWI to 2c. rite wealmCfS was the outC0l0 of the Ilcrense In the receipts nt Irlmlry , Ilrltets this . ueek . Iclll to ( the Jolef that tIme II.e\'loul failing elf In ( lie mlrltct wits eltl'el ' Ihe l'cIult of the sc- \'cl'e wemuhmer anti not of 11 ' Rcm'elt In Il'st htauttls . 'fho foreign nmarkets were nbout stead ) ' . Belhlos the hlcl'cnslng prl- ninny mlrlt receIpts the quite immoderate export clelrnncel were ! cwse ! I Intel' uf disctmuragemnemmt . Brl < Rtreet's stltelllts uf weelclY clearances of wheat 1\1 101' f'om 10th coasts showed n totnl ( of 5,572,000 bu. this week . of which 1.WOO ] ( itt. went from the l'ai'iiic Ride. 'Ihe'ester Ilrl- many mnrlelR reeelvel a total of 107 P00 Inl. . aAnlnst : ! .oJ bu. 0 : the connespoimmlhig duty of last ) 'eal' . Export , elenrnlcel ni the Atanto lenbonrl for Ito twent-four . hours II wheat Ind lour together were 225,000 bu. 'flip feature ! ' , : .0 'il of lie I'Ilng was the freedom uf the selling. Luumg wheat clInic out Irt ( II lange lots alt that on- eottragcti the , ' , coUlgc,1 ( sCllllni crowtl to add to their offenimmge . thus swellng < tIme ' \Hltty for sale to nnxtont which cnused 1 fur- ther ( ! relit 10 52c. 'fhe Inter price was touche,1 lout tel minute" fl'um the "Ius ! and was \lrtuII'ii i'ecove-lcC ; 1" , - - the latest trading being lt 2c. Corn dl'opped Into Its natural secondary positon ) ( toll ) ' Ild Lccnmo wenl In ( sm- Ilnth wih vhment. There were reasoims renlOIS other ( luau the , Irlil In wheat however for corn soilng < own. The mo\'ement from Country Ilolnts Is increased anti of the ( re- coillts . now arriving hel'e n con hlorle II.oporton Is bought to HO to stone the shlppllg lemnl ] not being sulclent to asorL"l all. Mmuy . which closeti yesterIIY at from 44c to .I i5c . opened this < moring lt Hc anti nt encl began to drop off more leelleI , ) ' . J sold down to 4ht4c and , some of It lt 44 l-lCc. Primary market receipts were 31 .0 bu. . nglinst 39 .0 ] m. on the corrcEponlnJ mlay of the year before. At the decline shorts were said to be buyers antI ( lie longs were selling. Oats were 'ulte active anti met with avery very Jood sale for Saturtlay. The feeling was easy . Inllelced entirely by the action of corn. The early marltet could be called quite 11mm. Updlo WIK reporte,1 , to have hought . quite freely . covering short snles. May started , nt 29c. 1011 off to 25c . anti closed at ( list prIce bill. "he provision market was steady nt the openIng but weakene,1 later In sympathy with the wealmcss of the grain mnrltets. Pork anti lar,1 were relatively Welitel' than rIbs nod the prIce began to give way pork closing with 1 net decline of lOc lard 7c anti rIbs off only 2u/c. Hog receIpts 2Yc. were 22.0 totlay an,1 , the total receipts for the week were 236,000 head. The receipts - ceipts In the similar week a year ago were 130r0 heml. Estimated receipts for Monday , : " 'helt. 30 cans : corum 326 cans ; oats 2 cars : hogs , .12,0 head. . - The leading futures rungC as follows : -Xrtcle . I Open. I ItizIl. I Low. I 01033. - - - - - . Wheat.No 2 Feb. . . . . . . OglO 50 ' 40 4t $ MI3. . . . . . rai nmo : ' 2UG % 52) July . a1) ) ( b4 a3 % Corn No.2. : : : . ! 14 13J I : ; Feb . . . . 421 ' 42 425 ( 42b Mny. . . : . 443 441 ( 441c1a ! 44 .Ttily. . . . . . . 44k : 44 ; 44 44443 ( Oats No. 2. . . Feb. . . . . . . . 27d ( 274 27 27 amay . 211 29 2R 289 Jumie. . . . . . . 28 28 28 } 281 Pork per bbi May. . . . . . . . . 10 223.4 10 25 10 01 10 05 LaedIO0 lbs May. . . . . . . . . C G21 0 G21 0 12 0 55 Short Ribs- . May. . . . . . . . a 32I 5 32I 5 25 5 27t Cash qtmotatonavere ( as follows : FLOUIt-I'ntpnts , 12J.0t12.65 : Inter mltrnighuts , $2.001f2.50 ; spring Patents , 13.00113.25 ; tinkers' , eJ2.'O. WIIIIAT-No. 2 sprIng , t2 ) itfOIc ; No. C spring , nominal ; No. 2 red. 49i4.fi5Oic. COitN--No. 2 , 4ethc : No. a yellow. 4I'hf31114c. OATS-No. 2 , 2cc ; No. 2 whIte , IlfJI2c ; No. 1 white. IO3ic. ltYfl-No. 2 , 52i4c. ilAfll.IOY-No. 2 , SOc ; No. I , 53fI544e ; No. 4 , 53 ½ c. FLAX sggD-No. I , $1.40. rIMOTIIY SIEI-I'rimno , $3.t3. l'ItOVISIONS-Mees pork , per bid. , hh0.OOiliO.I0. per II lbs. . 16.00. Short ribs , elties. loose , (5.moljo.mI. Dry salted mmhoukleri' , trnxeh , $ i.62',1.tiJ 4.75 : short clear sities , boxed , 15.40(15.45. WIIISKY-JJislIlers' Ilnislieti goods , per gal , , .7 .7The following were ( lie receipts mtnd slimpments ( clay : ArtIcles. ReceIpts. Siilpmnon ( . Flour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 12,000 \Vlmcn ( , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ) 3,0(10 ( Coni , bum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112,0119 SitlOO ) Oats. 'atm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304,00i ) 1111,01w , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ) 4 .tdOi ( tanley. ( ho. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,000 0,0110 On the Pro iumca c'coluanti tol'ty tlm bitter mimer- ( cot was sicumtiy : creamery , 1'2el'23jc ; dairy , I ) tO2Oe. Eggs , ( ; 231.t23Jc. NEW ) .OI(1C ( tlCNIIlttL CitltKiiT. Closing ( ijimotatlomiti nit ( lie I'rlnelpat Corn- uummahltle. mimid ittiples. Nl"iYOItK , Feb. iO.-FLOULI-Ilecelpta , 13,500 bbis. ; exports , 3,100 ImbIs. ; sales , 4,100 pkgs. ; dull anti lower to sell ; city mlii patents , 14.00114.15 ; city mIll chars , $3.25 ; MInnesota batters , $20011 3.60 ; spring how grades , $1.90 ; spring , txtra , $1.85 112.15 ; winter patents , 12.50113.15 ; winter straiglmta , * 2.31112.75 : wInter extra , 11.00132.2) : winter low grades , 11.00112.25. b'otmtiiern ( ( our , itoh' common to fair extra , $ l,800i2.40 ; goal to choice extra , 12,40112.15. ltye mlour , dull ; sales , 200. blils. ; superfine - fine , 12.55033.1.0 ; fancy , * 2.70413.00. IluclCwlmcat ilouir , , huil , l1.GSffl.75. 1iUClC\VIhiA'1'-NoaiInal. COlON alt , i.-lmmli ; western , dull ; yehlouv western , 11.0811mb ; Idramuiyuu'ine , (2. ItVE-Itili ; car ioti' , 55c ; boat itiutle , & 55Cc. hiAitl.EV-Neglt'cte.l ; No. 2 Milwaukee , ClfJClc ; ( wa-mowed. stale. Gmc ; L'aaiuiian , 70b 2'c. ' IIARI.Fv : MA bT-Noiultmai ; % 'estem ii , 70fJ7c ; slx.rowcii. 73f7tc. V'lilA'l'-Iteceiptt' , 3f/0 btt ; exports , 12,100 bu. ; sales , 1,4'J0,04e1 liu , ( utuies , mMi ltu , epot. fpot uveat.en ; No. 2 red , In store mind tlevtmtor , Sttc ; afloat , 57c ; f. a. b. , % : No. 1 norIit'rn , CGio del Ivere'l ; No. 1 hard , (7c , iei iveitil , Optictie om.emti It slitilO steadier on ( ho & 0i,000-ium. increase - crease 1mm ( lie weekly exiorts , but soil oft , ub' mteiuc 11(1) ( ' tinIer active lIquidatIon , closing ss't'ali itt ' ,11c net bee. Exporters ihil a nmo.ieniue ( iueln'es in ctmi'li wheat : No. I neil , l'ciim tInny , CIOM'd itt tOe ; Mtrcld , t6'ft.jGic ' , closed ( : auui , 57 ll.lG415Sc , iLsed 5ic ; Juan eloet'd 57im5711o ; July , r.s 5.l6tOtic , elobel SSte ; Auttusm , tS11t0e. closed &Se ; teptt'atber closed 5se ; liecemlier cloet ti Gle. COltN-ltt'ceIpts , 1,200 bum , ; exports , none ; sales , 170.000 iju , ( utum's ( Intl 10,000 lam. 51,11. li'ot weak ; No. 2 , iSo inelevator ; seammmer ( nihxel , 417a in elevator mind 4SIo delivered , Options followed ivliea ( clomeiy immmd closed mit % tP,1.o net hiss. lug esilmitatem , for tomorrow also lumped ( lie mullIng ; l'ebruamy closeti at ISo ; May , 4Sti(1l8c , eloed ill 4bt4o ; uiiy , 45j4lc , cioitu.l at 48c. OATI4-ltecrlpt'I , lQ0 bu , ; expmis , 200 liii. ; stiles , 0O00 mm. futures ItnI 21,000 liii , spot , i' ° t duui ; io 2 , 'Jaie : No. 2 tleliveted , 3ic ; No. a. 33c ; No. I white , 'Jill3imlc ; No , I wIllIe , lOtte ; ( nick , whIte , 38(14c , OitfonC ( tUhet arid weakr ; cloneit ( net iiedlne ; it'uim nary cloeeI it 33(1.e ( ; ltiarcim closetl UI 13c ; May , 131133'&c , cioteti at 33e hAY-Quiet ; btmlpping , 4StIQc ; good to choice , 550i Wa. liOl'H-Steady ; state commncum to choice. old , Ifilo ; now , C11llc ; I'uicillo conitI , old , 3',1.tih' ; note , SUlle. lullEI4-Steiuly ; wet sailed. New Orlutins , so , iectttl. 45 (0 Cl lbs. , 4ljIc ; Teaus dry , 24 to 30 hi. ' . , itiltIc. l.lIATlilli-Qulet ; solo , Buenos A'rce , lIght to Imeavy , 14(411l7c. ( \VOOlr-Quhet ; , lomestic , l6028c pulled , lOfilic , l'ltoViI4lONi4-lmoer. sioui fanmuly , Sl0.0)OJlC.t0 ) ; estuit mes , $1,5tP0.O0 ; beef humus. $17 ; macked , 18.00(110.00 ; city india umiese , llO.OOlflS.U1. Cut tuteatH. flrnm : tlettiel bellies , $3.tOfjtLQO ; Pickielt bilotildeill , $4.71 ; plritieti hams. $8.tiJt0S.0. Pork , fairly active ; itew mee's. ull.2511l2.O0 ; ftuuuiiy ( , oli.Cuilll.tiO ; short cheer , $1300111100. llhTTlli-Flrnm uet'sern dairy , iOlJllc ; western creamery. 11(4 24c ivestern factory. 5h11t4c ; gigins , Cic ; imItation crtitma.'ry. lOtilse ; state dairy , lOtiCle' state crettmnery , 1311111c , c1IEi1sg.-utet ; large , ShIltic ; sinumll , 9(11i2c ( ; part skims , 3B84cm full skims , mmftiitc. iIiM-btcaIY ; state mtn.l . i'eanoyivdmnia , ICc1 Ice house , istilic ; western Irceim , 200J25c ; south- era , 231t ii4'i1.c ' ; receIpts , 3,715 ikgs. TAIi.OW-tuui ; city , 4'4e : country , 4c. TUltl'iNTINFI-l\rm at C1t3i(4c. ( ItICE-ifteuti ) ' . domnustic , fair to extra , 4tJ Cc ; span , 414(14e. MOi.ASHI3-Heady ; New Orleans , amen ke ( . lIe , good to choIce 330J38c. OltANfllis-Nonmfnai ; Florida , $2.00Zj4.50 ; others , $3.25415. l'fl'nltOlEl'M-NCmInuml ; i'nlted closed at $ l. ( . & bid ; W'asltlngtoa , Ikls. , $ G.lOtii.10 ; bulk , 11.80 , ro'flnetl New " , 'rrlc , $4.01 , i'hlluuI1pimIit find Itch- ( ( more , (0 , l'lhiuitelphia anti iiaIumtuiC ( , bumlk. 13,03. lPSIN-h'irm ; straineti , c'oninion to iool , $ l,9V jhi.124. ai13 i'Al.P-.rl Iron , quik't : ficotelu , $ l9.0'flitOd : tmitnlenn , $0,5Oi3.8. Ce5.ier , I'uIet ; truleei s' Price , $ .Th. liet1 , ateaibmokcr ; prIce , 13.4211. , t'iate's. nualket. wnk , 00T1ON 5111:1) OlL-Immnctie at nmninalIy uinc'Imammge.l . pi-Iues ; irImne crtmle , 22fl22'bc ; oil Crude , 10f121c ; leirto suinnitr S'cllosv , bumtter gmdes , : sOcOe ; primno wiultt' , SOIJaIC , OMt ( ( A ( IhiliiAL .iAllll5I' . t'ommtiition of Trails tinti Juinhumtloiti on 'tthlfl muimil l'mumcy l'ro.luut'e , iltiTTllt-euhiej stock , Sc ; corniimetmi to fair , lOPlIc ; fair to good country , lUl2' c1 cimnho to fnnc' , iHJhOe : gathierti Ct'eamntry , ISe ; Sdpaimilor crcnmmmer , 10(32Cc , : ( , ( - ' . fresh lalti , 22IIhe. 3.1 Vii l'OttLTlt'-ChIckcns , , BIfiCe : dmteii , ( Cl tiiikey , Cc ; liOsti' toimis , 5. geepe , Cc- , Dlt1ugl ) 1'OtlTRY-Cuifcktns , fair , CflC'1.c- ; c-IioIc large , Gi(17e { ; choice Smmunll , SOuse ; ttttkeys , fair ( u goal , i.tlS'4c ; cliIc , ' lietvy , S'4Oe ' ( ; choirs , anmali , 1fl0i1.e ( : chicks , fatr tti gooih , 7'4t0e ; ( atte5' , ftili tlressel , 3(11Cc : gec-se. lair to good , 7ttSc- : fancy , fumll tlreFm'di , ifi10e , tIAMII-iiltte it lag teal , er (105. , $ I.t(3l.s ; gmeen u1ng teal , icr mioz. , $ l.BtIl.t'O ; , bick , niixetl , en mioz , , 11.00(71.23 ; caimvtestack , $4001 ? 5.00 : timnihitti. amai Fttl hush' , $2tCfI2.i ; small rIibhts , TtcllI.C.o . ; jack ralblte , (1.25(31.10 ; 4.5tlIr- Ic-I' , Goc- , \'tiAt.-ChioIo fat , 70 to ill lbs. , are quieted tmi COlic ; huge mimid t'tnrse , I11ie. 1'IlliflSt-\'isconln full e'rcnnm , cuimuIr A. lIt ; twIns , 1I1c ; Net.iaiia . nmii hewn , ( till ( reCtum , lit' ; Ntiinnslti , anti Iowa maim t t'lcliii , ( I S ; Limo- burger , No. 1 , lIc ; brIck , No. I , lie : twlts , No I , lIe. hi.Y-t'llniti Imay , $5 ; nihilnn,1. $0.80 ; boa'land. IS ; use strati , ( C . Color mmmnkt ( lit' pm lee on 11)0' . ltglmt shatles ccii ( lam beet , Only top grades tiring tot' prices. l'iUflONS-Old 1.hmtii' , ter thc.z. , 75c11l.t0. lIT ltlli0. i'O'i'ATOflSttgtenim uttocit , cat lots , ( Sc ; small lots. Sec. 01.1) lIIANS-i innd-plclatl , navy , $ i.0072.00 ; l.tiiun binmis , per Itt , , 51 c , ONIONS-On onuler , 01,00(31.10 ; per ImbI. , $2.Z ElIot ) . ( ' .liItAflli-On orluus , Ce' . CEliil'i'-l'er ( dci. , t.OilEOc ; CalifornIa , 0011 $1.00. S\VlilIt' POTATOIS-aood stock , $2.50 ; lCsmm- sums. 12.00112.25. lililI'l'i--l'c-r lii. , $1.i0. CAIltOT-i'er bbl. , $2. ( ' .i'1.ll'1.O\'lIl-1'er emate of a doz. and half or ( tin , loz. . $2 23. llouti't.it.'i : LlSli'er lie. , ( GTe. l'AltgNll'ii-l'en bid. , 12. ltt'l'.ii.'ii.S- lit. , lC. 1'AitiI.my-l'er : , loz. litinchee , 13c. vu ' I ( N I I 'S-I 'or ill. , $1.80. Sl'lN.t.Cll-l'er ltd. , $380114.00. l'iE i'LANT-l'er tlos. , 8Cc. FltPlTiO. I'IiABS-\'inter Neills , none. AI'I'l.1-Ciitico stotk , $ I,001i.7 , , . ( iltAl'lS-Concoitt , none ; Cialagas , per 6. to CS.lb. td > t. , rr'ss. $ t0.O5l10.0. 1'ltANtiIltIlES-Jerseys , fancy , * 11.00(311.80 Icr libl , TllOI'ICAL FltulTg. Olt.Nqlig-ttmtIuts ( ( , tIer t.o' , * 3.75111.00 ; Call- formula. navels. Pro ; m'eetlimmgs , $3. ltNANA5-'liolcp stock , (2.00(32.50 tier btmiciu. 1.i11.IONS-Mcsslams. sIzes 200 to 360 , choIce , $3.25 ; famicy , $380414.00. M1SCILLANEOUS. OSYTllt0-Meiiumii , per can , ICc ; horseshoes , 20c ; extra stimui.Iartts , 21c ; extra selects , eSc : c'ttn- lnito. stIects , 2Cc : New Yo'k ' coumntm' , lOc ; bulks , stanilnml , per gud. , $ l.iO. N1W tlGS-lxra : ( fancy , ICc ; fancy , lie ; choice , 12(31St' : Citlifonruin. ( age , Sc. luoNmv-Nett' : 'a'ork. ISc ; think , 14l13c ; ( 'all- forum , iCe ; sraiael , 4 to 10-lb. cans , lien lb. lOt' , M..i'li SY1tI'l'-Gutllon jugs , ler do. , $12 ; ltixl , . 5gaI. ctiiuut. $3. NtTiO-Alnionls. lIe ; llnglisim walmmtmts , soft- shelled , 12c ; standaris , lOc ; tllberts , sliCe ; itrazul nuts , Sc. s.ugit XRAST-Ciitmiee ) shiite , ter bll. , $ i.80(3 5.00 : et'r f lil. 12.50(32.73. MINCII MEAT-Fancy , in half bbls. , per h1. . 511.0 ; 10-gal kegs , Cc ; condensed , lien case of 3 , loz. t.hgs . $2.51. CIDfllt-I'ure juice , per bId. , $5 ; half ltbl. , $3. IIIIS AND TALLOW. 1ltll1i-No. 1 green hides , Ii1.(1lc ; No. 2 green hIdes , Ce ; No. 1 green salted lildu's , Sc ; No. 2 green SItItIMI liidctt , P1c : No. I gmeeim m'altel hIdes , 25 to 40 lbs. , Sc ; No. 2 green eaite.1 ( titles , 23 to 40 lbs. , 'ile ; No. I veal calf , S to 15 Its. , Sc ; No. a % 'eai mhf , I ( I ) 13 ilt. , Sc ; No. 1 dry htmL liies. ( 6c : No , 2 dry mhhat lities , Sc ; No. 1 try salted lii.ieq , Sc ; titrt cure.l hlties 1c per lb. less titan fully cured. smli.IEl' l'ELTg-Green malteti , tacIt , 2511G0c ; green salted slmeumnings ( ( short vooled early skins ) each , SEIlSc ; dry m.ln'aniings ( short tmooicl tam ly skim-is ) , No. 1. atcim , eqiOc ; tlr' slienrlings ( short woolt'd early skIns ) I'o , 2 , each , Sc ; dry lilat Kansas and Nebineka butcher wool Pelis , .er II ) . , actual weIght , SiISc : tIny Ihint 1ansas minI Nebmaska mauirraln wool polls , per lii. , actual weight , 4(3Cc ; tiry flInt Coloratlo tnmtciteiut'ooh ( i"Its , Per Ihi. , netual weIght , 4f6Ec ; dry hint Colorado mumrrain wool 1)01(5 , 11cr lb. , actual weIght , 4(4Cc. TALLOV ANt ) GRIIASII-Tahlpw , No. 1 , 331c ; tallow , No. 2 , Cc : grease , whIte A , 3114mc ; grease , whIte Ii. Cc ; grease. yellow , 3c ; grease , , lnmk , 2'1.(43c ; old butter , 2(32,1.e ; beeswax , priiime , 170320c ; rough tallOw , Ic. Lierpoo1 Markets. LIVERI'OoL , Feb. IC.-i:30 : p. mn-WIIIiAT- Siot. steady ; demand loon : No. 2 red , winter , 49 Gld : No. I reth , spring , 55 211.0 ; No. I hard , Mnmiitohn , Cs ii ; No. 1 CalIfornia , 5s 2.1. i'im- tort's cIsed mttealy , with i'ebrunr' nod Muirchu (4(1 ( lower and other mouths uncliangeti , liushnees hiea'lest on sprIng positions : Felruary , 4e C'ti ; March. is 6 ½ t1 ; AturlI , is 7.1 ; Marelt , 4s 7'ftl ; June , Is 704d ; July. 4s Sd. CORN-Spot , firimu ; American mlxeI , new , 4s , , Futures closed liriim , with nc-ar positions 14'I higher and distant positions unctuangeil to ( , I higher. IJusimues lieavlett on early tuoshthons. February , 4u ; 1.ti : March and April , 4s 04th ; Clay , June saul July , 4s Id. FLOUR-Stonily : demand moderate ; St. LouIs , fanc' whiter , Ss Cd. l'IAS-Canahian , Os. P1l.OVISIONS-lmacon , qumlet : .lcmanui poor ; Cunierlnad cut. 28 to 30 lbs. , lOs Cl : short ribs , 2 $ luis. , lOs ; long clean , light , 2 $ to 45 itus , 215 6.1 ; bug clear , heavy , 55 lbs. , a1s ; m'liort clear backs , light , IS 11)5 , , ICe ; short clear mlhuhies , henry , or. lbs. , ISa Gui ; clear bellies , 14 to 16 lbs. , lIe ; shoulders , square , ml to 18 lbs. , 2Ss. Hams , short cut , 11 to 16 lbs. , 59s. lieef , extra IndIa mess , ale ; utnitmie Inuliut mesq , SIn. Pomlu , prime mess , mine wcstern , Sb ; Prime mess , mnetlium , 4Ss 50. Lard , cteadpnlmne ; western , 3m ; rehined , 1mm Ititlis. lie Cd. TALI.OW-FIno N. A , , nominal. cli E1Slulet ; moderate , teninnul ; finest American white , 45s ; finest Anierican colored , 41g. ltUT1'llt-FIaeit United States , 75s ; goo.I , SOs. 'rtyltl'gNTINC-gmirits , 21s Cd. 1tOSlN-Comminin , 4s. COTTON slgl ) OII-LIu'erpool refined , iTs 6th , LINS1lt ) OII-22s. l'i'ITIlOLlOUCI-lteiimucd , C'4ti. 1tIFIIIGEI1ATOIt 1lI'IFW-i"oreauarters , 4'40 ; Imlndquartera , S't.i. 1101'S-At London ( Pacific coast ) , 2 lOs. St. Louis Geumuniti itlarket. ST. LOUIS , Feb. 1C-FLOUI1-Deatl , dull anti unchanged. \\'It41AT-'iVas heavy , witbu a selling pressure whmlcit pmit time close Ic below 'esterdao ; No. 2 red , cOsit , & 0',1.c ; July , SIc. COith'-FoIltn'ed rtieat , closing 1hc off ; No. 2 mlxe.t , cash , 40c ; May , 4l1EI1l'4c ; .htily , 4lTtc. OA.'I'S-Iull utaul lower ; No. 2 cash , 21ic ; Clay , 29'Ec. ILVE-N'o. 2 east shie , held mit 7c anti Sic bid. I1AItLIIY-Uiiclinnged. llltJtN-i4earet ; Cle east track , sacked , FLAX S1II-lt.37. GItASS l5lgL-Ummcliangcd except choice clover , 11.10. liA1'-Qulet anh , firm. litJ'l'l'flit-Uacliutuigc.l. IGOS-22c. LIlA i)12.Emie. Sl'iM.'i'Ilt-12.Vl. COltN CIlIA l.-h1.OOl.35. \\'ii II4KY-ll.22. . cov'roN TI ES-CIc , 11Mwil NO-i1'(3lc. I'ltOVhtiiONiO-l'om it , sendarul mess , jotui.lng , 810.1211. . l.artl , triine mulesm , $5.30 ; choice , 10.4211. . Dry baIt uiicutte itnil luaton , uncliaagc'tl. lti'Ci4i i"ru3-vlc.uir . , 3,000 1.1,1g. . ; uvlicat , 7,030 hu. coin , 24.00. . ) iu. ; oats , 25.000 hu. i4llll'itilNTII-Fiomur , 77,000 tilc , ; wheat , 16,000 lu. ; corn , 28,000 l.u. ; Oats , 12,003 bu. lhuiltluumtro Market. hiALTlMOlllI , I'eh. 1C-FLOL'lt-lull : receipts , 5,179 I.i.lc . . , ; sliipmiienttt , 191 bitIS ; sales , 180 iiile , \S'lllAT-S'cnlt ; glot nail montim , SGi4J3G1e ( ; Claiclm , 5GEjITe ; Clay , & 0I15S'hc ; No. Ireul , (21,1.11 53040 ; m cccl tIn , 11,019 itm , ; cli ilifl'ittll ( , 45,000 1ui. clock , 731,103 iu. ; , 'tuthuomn tvht'at , his' , cumuuplc , 561151e ; euouthmt'in whucat. on grade , 5i',4uUSlttc. ( XilN-lasi' ( ; epot mtn.1 month , 461401 ISo ; March , 4604(4 I015c ; Cluty , ( ( Sc ; lteuimner mnixt'iI , 4Glao iuhtl ; I cct'ipi c , 3,055 bum , ; clii itmat mtts , 23,71 I bu , tuhocle , 394,514 ho , ; salts , 31,000 tim , ; southern white. 41.11 lOt' ; ouil lieu n yellow , 11111Cc. OAT-Quiet bit , very steady : No. 2 white wesheimi , 25l1.ii30c ; No. 2 tutixtul , 34(33411c ; It. ceii'ls. 3,1141 liii , ; bItiluididlitIl , 25,714 bu , ; stock , 306.734 ho , ltYli-luactlvo ; No , 2 , &GEJl7c ; receIpts , ill bu , stock. 32,011 ( mit , l(3C3-ifteuiuiy and uncluauigcd , CiilIhi4l3-Unehiumngcd. 1611114a5 ( II ) ' .itmi'Ue'tc. lCtNIOAS Cl'rV , Fb. 16-\'hhiIAT-lisher ; Na , 2 hianit antI No , 2 red. tIc ; mt'jecic.l . , 411115c sanmiule sales , C. a. Ii. , MicshsaipI river , No , lmaml anti red , 86(4 SIc. COItN-j1tc lower ; No. 2 mIxed , 28(32Cc ; No. I whIte Clc. ltYU-Fhnmnt No. 2 , SIc. FLAX i4iliil-l"lrmmm lIt 11.30(31.31. iiit/tN-luil , mt 64006Cc. ll , % ' -Icnhi' anti unchanged , iiyTTlIit-1"Itmner ( ; creatmiery , 11tj22c ; daIry , 12 (3lOc. ISC.OH-iitenuli' anti uncitnngcl , , 1tliCIill'TH-'iVIicai , 1,000 1w. ; corn , 27,000 Iiu , oem , ' , 8.OCjO ho , HillI'CiENT-Nono. New % onie ilr9' Clouds Clitricet. NEIS' VOIlE , Feb 16.-As usual on lOaturtlay there has betmi a v'ry tiUhet dletnummul ( or dry goods. A unotierate quoia of ortiera were mu- celtcut by mail an'I telegram , but ( lIe aiot do. manul was uimeu't-n anti quiet. 'rhiero was it gou1 unou'enient 'to account ( f ciii ortiers , TIi , outlook us reilt'cte.l by Ihosa In riosest touvh with con- - - - - mu - - AOPECAt-TY $ CIfCABB MILLET AND CA9E CLOVER. TIMOThY. ac. . I2LLW , 14t0iWJ Union Aye. , lCeasai City , 21o. . 1 ' 5 k siIImiCIIS repmt'.tute I as P"mhelfl of a season's Iu'shli ! at g'"l at' , age. I ' mnthitg cithe , qmmtot ' ant fimni at 2 5.1Cc ltulc for tilt , week1 $31,000 I ptOcea , of which iIoeu GI uiuntea. OCl.tht.t itVh M t ( lilt . 'i % , Ill Eli' , ) , ( iiot 'mliii I lie ftcriuigs iVero All 4 'ituIldOhl t7i % , 1)c SATththAy , Feb. IC. " TIme receipts today weu'e i,13 cattle1 1,590 Imoge anti 317 PhiC'l ) , at nguuins ( 2,143 cattle , 7&l.i hiog.q anti 837 sheep ott Satuntlay of inst veek. TIme receipts ( rolls Jatmuutir' I to date show ma lose if 22,8S2 cattle amid 2J,169 simem'p anti a gniui of $1,101 hogs , as compancti sVItlt ( lie satne Period last year. 'i'CiIlY lih.'Ell'TfI. ( Cattle , lIars. ( Sheep , Iiec'ciptie this week . . . . . . . . . 7,761 33,002 I , ,1 4 ltt't'eIpt last week . . . . . . . . . 5,010 22,014 1,107 samn uu'edc IStI . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.614 2,1,431 10,303 Suuulue week 1503 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.733 22ttCi 9,043 C'.tTT.E-Tluere were forty fresh loads of . cattle in tIle O'artiu * till ( tild , afiti tIme PnoPor- , , thou cf steers nhmmomig time nilenilugs % Vat' . If 11110 tltimig , a little hunger tliaim uustt0l , ' ] 'imo ilemitahitl % 'ns good nhmul ( Ito offt'l imigs were ntiouit mull clenumeul Ill ) eatly imi tlue tiny , Soumm of the cattle were lirl'ttC' gooii , nluii lie ithghu as $ l.8 s'ni , luiuitl for emut' hiitiueii. i'mices ( liii hot siiotv mimuclu elmnmmge fromum 9'esteniha' , ( lie unnnlcet being steuulhl' to stI-omig. Over onc- iiiiir of ( lie offerIngs ( 'nought $1 om' mmitt'L' ( , There vcre about fourteen louutlum of cow . " j stumhf ill time ) 'artls , nail ( lie mnarhtet oil ( lint class of cattle was stromig antI native , E'eh''tiiltig . . uvus : sold In i ooi sngtuim. Tlier 'i.ei.e ii fe'i' huenml of cou's p0011 etmiiglm to bring $3.33 , but tile guest 1)14116 of ihie itleti u'itngcti hetwcen , $2 null $5. Quite mu hutiiihi of htelfers soul as hIgh ns iiTti , lltillul ntiil rotmghi Stock tact with reauly 51110 itt futlly steatly lunlees , Veal calves uvere lint vely pleimi nimml lime Imiarluet s'nS ilrmn iii ( lie fact , of a good 1c-mnnmmtl , There uu'ere tic stockers anti feeders nitmong tIme fm'esIm receipts to nmmm0uint to lIlt ) thiiimg , tumid ( lie deinaimul flt ihic' snume ( hue 'as light , as uiummal all (1 Stutlinilay. , IlOUiiTiuere ut nut It fain ruimu out hInge for it list- itnitI ) ' , t hei'e leliig ci xl ' fe t'Clm icumle meporh ni iii. TIlt' iuntrnrtlnn of light iuog uu'n' bum go mumiul ( lucre teas nothIng mis gooti mis iit ( ' till latti 0eatertn' . Time nmntk't watt fnniy ( actIve lit liii nuit'tmmier' oC to over 0't'sterla S lti Ices. 'l'luo local i'uit'kem' tu ore g.ti buyers emil ( hr tutferiuug , w"me miii taken I Ii gn.uul 5d'I isotu. 'l'iue I ighi t II ugs mm'eiiugiiig fntumu 1:4) hO 1914 hue. tvtnt lit fotium 83,0) ) I. . ) $1 S. ) . itlehitini tu tight , lImit iiibel loads ureriugumug froimu 2114 to 23.1 . lie , ttm-tuuigiit fruit $3,8d to $1.93 , tvlile ( teO lontig of pretty fumln Il'av' hogs ( Otielied 14 , a IuIch u'as t lie I op lurId' paid. A t the ei'nliig of I ii , meek t ii. ' lest ltngs I a I hut' 'am'I' * solti at $3.00. 0mm 1'tm'gtlu , ' t ii 11,11 mince auivmttucel i n IO5 , anti \'ellit'muin' , $4.10 trite rcuueiteul , Aftei' ( tint tim , , mnark't ml rupe.i heick nmml I I tune t lie Imi guest lurice p11 Il liii I iti' last I lmu'cc' uIum's of t hue icc-c-k , Tim luilk of till ( lit' huogg I'm ( Ito yanle ( ti liii' soli mt fmoimu 03,7(0 ( I , , 03.53 , as uuguhmist ( room $3.63 ( a $3.80 3'esteiili' unit fronu $31.1 . Li Si at timci chest' of Inst tveek. S'lliSlll'-'l'lmcre were only ( tic ears lucre tmia , \t'Iuic1u sull lIt flint t steal o' lurlees. Fti in to eliolc , luau iv's n me quom itlie ttt ( maim $2.75 to 13.00 , fal m' to gotsl tic-sterns rut tnuinm $2.50 tn$3.80 , ceiminutun anul .tnriz Inon I'ni ttO1 t , 5C. . , . iron , ! to etir 41 to 100-lb. lammubs fruumi $2.3 to $1.03. t'IIICAU ( ) LIVE STOCIC , I'cmt.Ieiiey of l'rlce I' . lii 'tellers' Favor at I'retent. Ii ClltCAaO , rob. 1G.-TIuc tlay's receipts of cntuit' acre fltilimate.i at 1.003 heal , maichng 43- 4 321 lueaui for ( hue week , uguhiut ; , 40,401 head for ilue lurevit.uis i'eek , 61,837 a year ago anl 59,213 two yeuirs ago. Suuiptiments for ( lie icek nrc mtiuouit 13.0)0. tmgahiist 22,437 a year ago. 'rhucre tvci.e hutmyors at eteulY , itrices for ( lie offerings , inc-sac-ui ( 'cf nnui siuiipln , , 't'ers selling on it l'a.i' ; , uf from 13. 13 to lIP ) . ccii's anti tuuiili , fmiut , . $1.4) to $4 , amil 'V'xns cattle at front 12 to $4.40. ( 'ontiimut'l nmolerate Iec-ehmts art. louk"ui for anti ( it' teimuheocy of vriceu I. iii m't'ilciut' favor. liar Ic-COlItIS w'ru' atotit 22uk10 licah , muiaking 225.0t ) lieittl for ( hue tyteic , or 55.000 uimeie ( loin for Irust week anti 100,00' ) more than a 5"ar ago. Tim immI ket tins stu'oiug tmimti'r god hmi'hiug ( or beat mind sIiluping nec-taint. It nuiviiimct'l Sc at the stan , mtflut tiumut I iuilrou''mimemmt was not lost. Cutlil- mmmiii to t'i'i ' me iiea\ ' ' hogs soil it t froni $3.90 to $4.55 , anti comumutun In clituico light brought trout $3.75 to $1.10. 1"mm Ii (0 ( $4.23 bought tlIC gm-eater Pull t elf time lmog't. l'nlcee are a simile louver than tlte else e ( last tick. 'l'tuem'e tt'uts a fimlrly steaii' market for sheep mtmul luinii mut ( m'oiii $2.33 I a $4.25 for I'iit'el ) ii nut itt final $3.23 to $5.40 for tIme latter. Conumumon ant iiueiiumuu gruititus art' lower than tlme' vere a. veelc 11g. . Iteceilute for to.tay verc estlmnatel at 1,500 limit , matting 67,312 heal for title iveek , agaInst 61.470 Inst icc-c-k no.1 . 55.80) a year ago. Itecemptit : ( 'attIc , 1,000 head ; hogs , 22,000 lucatl ; sheep , 1,800 luoatl. _ _ _ _ _ liiitsuiq ( 'Ily Live Steele , KANSAS CITY. Feb. 10.-CATTdI-flecelpti , 1,000 lueal ; simimiut'ntit , 1,50(0 ( heal : mnaiket strong , to mOe buigli'r : Texas steers , $1,0l.)5 ; Texas cows , $ l.00012.S5 : ; ColoiaIo steers , $3.ilii.l0 : beef steers , (3.25(35.00 : natIve cove. 41.25113.90 ; stockers anti feeders. 03.25(34.00 ; bulls , 02.23F3.S3. IIOGS-lteceimute , 6.500 hit'mtti ; siuhmumuuentit , 1.100 iit'a1 ; market 8(31Cc luigiuci' ; tuuIk of sales , 83,70(3 3.90 ; Iueat'hes , 13.73114.00 : tuackers. 53.70(14.01 ; misc-el , 83.80003.53 : lights , $3.Cllea.7l ; Yorkers , $3.55 (33.75 : ulgs , 13.20003.63. SllEil'-lteceiptmm , 1,400 head ; shIpments , 2,400 heal ; martiet steady. i'd. 1.omils l.ts'o $ tocIc Market , ST. r.ou.s , Feb. 10.-CATTL1C-lieceipts. 500 head ; slmipnients , 1,000 luenti ; market dull , steady at last qtiotationn 1lOCi-1teceiits. 2.000 heath ; slmitunients. 5,000 heath : miii het strong anti lOc tiigluer ; goal heavy , , $405014.10 ; goal mixed and muiehium , 13.95114.05 ; goc'l light , 53.85(14.00. Sll1ll'-itecelpte , 1,500 heal ; shipments. 300 head ; tauurket quIet , steady at yesierday'a figures. $ tocle iii Sight , Itecord of receipts at ( hue four principal mar- kcts for Saturday , February 16 , 11.15 : Cattle. liege. Sheep. liouth Onmnlma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 22,0)0 ) 1,500 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,130 1,590 337 Kaneas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000 6,500 3,400 St. Louts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000 3,000 800 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,130 20,036 3,737 RJR : FOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. comics .tren l'ItE'ENT0 Oolds Bore Throatl Influofiza Bron- , Coughs , , , - chit s , ifllcumohia , iwau1in oh' the JOintI , Lumbago , Inflnhh1lnaton , UY1TS , EJRaL WA , FROSTEITES , CHILBLAINS , HEADAOHE , TOOThAChE , ASTI\1A1 } \ DIFFICULT BRE1THI NC , CURES TillS SVOItST PAiNS In ( mom one to twenty minutes. NOT ONE MOUlt after raadha thIs iudvertlueinent need an'ono OUFI"Efl wirii i'.tmN. Iliniwmty's iteady littler it mu miine , ( lutro for E'tmny l'istn , lriltI , llrmmlsre , l'ethui tie the ltimcic , Cheat or Iliittui. It iSdiS tim finS tiimd hue ( ii , , emily l'AIN 1(10,11 ( IlY , I runt Instantly stops time most excruciatIng pains. allays inflamation , and cures commgestlon. , whether of the Lungs , Ottoinach , Jdowei , or other glands or omgiunc , by one atpilcation , A half to a teaspoonful to half a tumbler of water will in a ( ow nmhnutca cure Craimitue , spas. ma , Sour ( ( ( onmacim , Itearthum n , Nervousness , Eleopheecimees , Itiok leaulnche , iIarrltea , Ilysen. tory , Colic , Fiatulemucy and till Intozmiai paIn There is not a memettial agent In all time woiiul f that will curs ( ever nOn ague anti mill other ? tl. ianlous. Ililious amid other fevers nldot by IIAD- WAY'tO i'll.LlJ , so quIckly as ltAlVAY'H ( tEA- DY liiOlilit" . A Jlilloit1' liUilo-1thIij5 , psnJi1 cmtriitonfgeut for } ervoucorZ.c' , haul , ohi. , iiratlms Ltiustmtuimmtm , hisoIessuuj , .spccia , etc stuei.ii Neuralalam 1,140 lot B i'iat.ua , ( ltt.u' , I6tdmur ltlaardsru , 4 Ia ii's- let'ia ' Aaomts. , AmitIdota ftc 4hlt'dh , nm.4 . ot'I.ei ixcosios. lrk.ii , 10 , 'JAaau&Jceasn , L'Jorsocgat , C TilE MIUOLD CHEMICAL CD. 4 , . -s ; mr.i z u'- ' ' rIIiCAO3. For sale ny all druggisti. Oaishs _ FWTUKE PIFIMANENTLY r. \ CURED PAY ° ' ° , ? t\ ; NOPAYUNTILCUREO n- WE Still YOU TO 8,000 PAT1CNIS' ' WrttofonIlankRefCrCUCOB. . - _ , - EXAMIUATION FilEt. No Operation1 No Detention from Business. SEND FOfl CiRCULAn , THE 0 , F : , MILLER CO. , 307-308 N , Y. Life llIdg , , OtAIIA , NED. 'Teeth Wthoiit Plates BAILEY /1 , DEIITIST , l'axtomm 111k. 111th utmiul i&irmla'n 5th 'I'ul. t)00 , Fuihi i'l'cottm ( ' , . . $ 5.03 I i(4ilyei' ( iililiigs . , . 11.00 il's5 'i'tut'li ( , . , . 7.53 I i'tmm'u fitihti l'ihiimugus 2.0) ) 'l'imhi , l'hutt' : , . . , . , 10.0) I fluid Cruuvtms , 'Jk 0.00 1'ioImtitm' Extritc'im f.Ue I iim'itigu tuutlIkwtil 0.00 Teth Out In Mornl'g , New Teeth same day ' - ' - . _ - -