. . * J _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . -v - . .JiitL - ; - " - - - - _ - _ - - - - L. IJ , , . l. 4 TilE OMAXIA DAILYBEE : MONDAY , FEBRUARY 18 , 1S9. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . - - - - _ _ _ _ uu _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ , - - T1 .m OMAHA DAIX BE' . , - n. 1tosIvTffl. 14ItDr. t . . - - . - . = , - - lULISlCt ; : 14'Cn . \ MOftN1O. - = = = = : - : TCfl 01 HU1ICnhl'TIO. ; ; Trt : : 1)aIly nee ( Without ! Ilfly ) . One yenr..S q 1 tniy Ifr nnl ItIfl1a7. , Ono Teur . . . . . . . 10 & fIR Monlhf" . . . . Il . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r co Z'htee M"nthA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 10 IUfl(1fly tIN' . ( ) n 'lar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0) lunlny Sllurday ; I. , Onlrr. . Onl y.ar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l ! I. . Yenl . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ° . 63 Vtid7 IkC . Ono \enl. . . . . . . . . . . . . ot. i . ' IcIs . ( ) mnh . The 1I. fluldIng . ( nulllnl. . , 24th st. aOUlh ( ) msdrn . t11or 111k. . Comer N In,1 21h CounCIl Iflutti . U I'.ntl ! Hireet. Conn'l OI1Ie. 317 ChAml"r of ( om" rc. , ChlC111 Olle. 31 " ' . New YOLk . 10mB 1. 1 nll 1 : ' 'rllun Ildr. \orl. . WnhlngloD. 10i I. ' trtet , N. V. ' . COItIt1S1Ot)1Nd1 I . IIS\O : U.NCI . . pdl. nnd rtattng 10 11eW flfl' MI cnmrnunkatIon' nrWA Al comnmnlealonA t.lllnl . 'Co the C ltor. torlnl Inler 11'011 ) < be n.l..NI : < BtalIss : 1.1:1TlmR. I MI , 1CSImSS . . Ipmllnnccs Ihou1 1)0 Ilre.sp,1 , 10 1.lers 13e lul,18hlnl cnt1lPflY. 010 h. . PtnnA 'CIO , , ' l.e nnl po.lolcl ol'llrs to be made Invlhlo to the orlpr , or the "otpAn ' . b < Till : 11m : I'Unt.lIIINU COMI'ArY. ' - _ u - _ - - , _ . . - - - - _ - - " - _ - _ - . . . - - - - - - 8TATIMtT OF CltCUI\TI01. George Ii. Tnehllk iecietnry ot The 1-0 I"h- Itching enmpflny. Ieln" ituly sworn , iflY 'A thnt , . the nclual number of ( itli nn,1 compl"lp eOJI" or the 1)aiy numIer Mnrln , I"nln : nOd lunny , ! le" taly ! IrIntNl 1 during the month of Januar IUj , wns LiiI I. lolows . . . . . : . . . 1lO ; n. . . . . . . . . . 1 L2O1 2. . . . . . . . . . : ,71 g 18. . . . . . . . . 19,181 , 8 . . . . . . . . . . 20,157 1. . . . . . . . . 19,1i9 S 4. . . . . . . . . U.6n . :0. . . . . . . . . IHO . 6. . . . . . . . . n,190 ( 1 . . . . . . . . . 20,9)3 . . 20t93 22 . . . . . . . 19. ! ' : : 20. . .0. . . . . . S . . . . 7. . . . . . . . . 1.793 & : 2. : . . . . . . . . . 19,81 8. . . . . . . . . 1),66& 21. . . . . . . . . 20.23) , 9. . . . . . . . . . 19C : ! 2 : . . . . . . . . . 20 , i 10 . . . . . . . . . )9C. ; 20. . . . . . . . 21.199 1. . . . . . . . . 19.31 ) .27. . . . . . . . . 21.10) 12 . . . . . . . . . 19,4i8 28. . . . . . . . . 20.29 1. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 20,241 .J3..2 < .3 : ) 29 . . . . . . . . ' . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! ' 24 . . . . . . . 19.IGI 30. . . . . . . 19.:9 : 1. . . . . . . . . 19,5 : 8 ! . . . . . . . . . 20,633 16. . . . . . . . . . 19.318 10101. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .6Ii.GI ) 1 .ess 1lpoll nflcl 2eturnQtl copks . . . . . . . . r,2i ) S Total ' nnl . . . . . . . . < . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611.271 folly . oun..oy. n ' .ere. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.719 ) Gtonr.r n. TZtCI1UCF. . Swor 10 berote m. on,1 , suh.crlb.1 In t 11res- ence tlik : ) dny "r 1.'IIrIArv. 189. S Ioy N , 1. FflIh . Notary I'iblIC. * ' - - - ( " ' 11' i h011 ( fot' 11 Iltcrlnlolnl I t I III 111 : . k tllc ngl'eelll1 10W ) cClters 01 ) GCI' ( , 15 111)1113' ) . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : : I h4 I to be hOIll tlittt1L . . 1flVtl11')4 f 111lLSI3' ( wi hot Iw ( ) L'1'I11Itt'Il to keel ) ! tilt nlxlou Ilhlc ) 1ucl ) 101)C' 11 stis . ' t II'ISl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i.- Coiig1't's wi lias' : Oil II cal ) ) ) atlI11 r to Ill Is two I'eIlllIIIIIIlgvt't ki of Ifc , without Wlstlg al ) IIltflt' tulle Oi tie t 1 I , 1llltlll rlllhlc of 118S'flhI. , r . ' 11 tnl's ( hlla nllllst % ( lS long to 1nke r' UII her 11111 ) to iIgl'el' to lHae ) ( ns I ilk ! } ; . ; to hut kt' Ull'I' ) 1 11\1 I . thaI t I I she cool d nol tight aflet' the Wn. with .1 I ti ) 1 WI ! . . t'clnl'e II It tOO Ilch ( 10lsk cOIr ( s ) to lea\ thl' nll1l11 ( lI1etk)11 nlole so long ns L It Is I 1IIIIn ) tllt It CIUJwt ! ) aI'en UlI1 ) 11 'IIIIg Iii thc slnl ! of Iemedlli IegI. I In lon ? I Fot' the tulle l'lIlg ) ) . Africa Ins : ngaln : .flllplnntl'll ) the norlh Ilole ) as the favor ! . : Ic Hell ! for t'Xlllol'el's ) 111llco'eIC'S. ( \ . ' 'i'Iie Hllul ) 1 , " Jlr he reYC'sed In the Hun"IIL'I' ) tIme. Slnlllg fmll ) ) ! money cOlsllutes a tust fuini. Tile legIslature will 110 wel . 10 ; 0 slow Ihoul dlssllJtlg the county , Hllldlg fUlds to provide seed lln : for 'the ' ll'outh sufferers. - _ _ BX"PI'IRlleltt Ctshinlr-Perler : SClmR to have f0111 I Josllon ) In F11'1' "t'I ' : , Rhnlm' 10 Ihnt OCCUIIIllby ) eX-irt'Sitlellts p of the 1nllel ) ( Stltte24. lie Is hldlen till' t : . _ ( icr n Jlnle : of Sl1)lus Itonot' . 'he state ) trC1124111'y t'llItleI'S are Jre- : . . 1)1'11 for Inolhm' : onslnught In the ' ; legIsllt me IhlH 'eek. B\'el ' true repl'e ' ? fwnlnth'e or the PeoPle wi he Xl'Cte(1 ) ( to sllll ill for . l'lgll ecotioniy anl ( re- fr 'enchnlnt c Bill Dorgan IR the most ncomodntng mal . 11 the state. He Is willing to 110 ltfll'tiliIlg the legislature Hilly I'eluh'e . . 01 hIm jl'ovhuIllg ) ell ' 10lhing Is Fe- S , qullcl that hnl hot IH'e\louslr ) been nll\I'onl hy ) him. ; RecI'etar 1\1lI1ln of the Slate Relief conlllssim his nccounll1 for I'eccilltl , but hot for exiientBtui'es. ' { Iw Ilcoille ) , ft wOlll like Y1' ' much to Imow for whnt nll to whom the mIHe ' colcclell by the * cOI"nlsslon hns hl'en pall out 'Ellere Is 10 touhl . that tile Lnncnslm' : .5' delegation wi exert al Is Inenulr nll tl'lllII ( calJcl ' to 111 the ) hi ) tn'ough 10 hurl ) h' t thl' ( Htnle fall ie1'llllt- : nelO ) ' wihin Iwo 11ei of tile Lilcon ] ; . iostohhlce. 'I'llH ! Is lrfect ' Il llllh ! HO ftit' HH Ihc ' Iln ( OIClI'ICII , hut It . I'n- - mlhll 10 hn seen \1lcthli'I' a 1njrl of ; -S tilt ? leI lnll'e . can bo ellHtel to fnynr . the Sehitlille. sllome. ; : ' 111' IWW ll11iS'elit3' niiI'opritltioli hi ) 11'0110SIS ) ( to Hot INllc ( 7OO ( ) 10 cOlplllo S tl 11flhell Ihl'I' I ) ' hllell 1 I I . 'I'ho : ( ' 24thIllltO ) clllnllell II tile InNt 1IIIolt ) of the \'glltl , Ilclllll gll'lOUt NUlf for : : Itllll ) 111 S(1''V cOllel'toIH. lelllcl ) UII ) 011) ) :7 .100. Competent iiihkltlI's ) esti- lilitti tiittt II ' he 111112411011 tot' less Ilte 1111 (11 ) ) fllNhel1 fi' IIIS thnl 5ON ( ) ( \\113' shouhl thl iegisit- : S t10 tliIit'OiVilttl ' ) ) ) 2aO ( ( ) IWI'O thal Is nelllell'/ l n'I' % ' Ilh ) Hholll ( NIHll ) on I ) 0\1 ( 1 tot join. 'I'IL' II'oIIISllol ) ) t to I Ile'lllllr ) I : locate tile Nlnle ftI It' Itt I.IIloll 1Ult ) . ' 1 111111 ) or fiI ! UPI Its uwn int'rht. All tie thl'l'lll 1111 Illk alllt ) I'elOt'lttlllg tile unh'I'sl ) ' fa'ol 1lncoll In Ollhl ) nl'l Htu\h11111 ) . p1t'iDstt'l'OhiS. 'rh' IIII't'l' ) - Hlr Is a Ixlt.o lIt the nttl' 'alitltai 1111 I shlu11 sn 11'1111 ) % for tile IIXt ) 1lIlI1(1l't't ( 't'al'R. 01111 IIIR 10 l'nsol to lit ) , ietil- S onN of I.Ill'oll 01 ) thll s&'oi' ( ' 1111 . 111 , ' ( ' 011 ) Nh lllllot lit 1II'Illlel I to I IlmiIOI Ollhit Into votIng I'XtrllVzigllIlt 111)1)10' ) ) 11'llloni for tile llI1I'l'l'$1t3' . hr Ihl'oall : of mOIIllolzllg tile stlh , fair , . ? 'rho StOle tIllh1'el'sIty wlnts thl' Igdl' : . hl'o ) to 11111'011'1110 ) ) $ lrHO ) ) ( ) out of tilt .5 tllh' gllI11 flil II 11111101 to Ihll .11111 ) ) I ilreL' . t'hglltils 11 ) it'1'3' 10 I ( ' 0\(1 ( tie ( lfel'ell'l ) Il't ) wcel t.'st Illlltted t ex- . : Ilelll ) ( t.l'/IIIIO.'nl ( 'S 11111 he I COIl- ) - , " II ! hlejlllhiilll. . ill othel' WIll1 thl' 1)141- ) \'t'It3' ! lJl'lts ill'OiJSe ) , IlOtW'htilttall flog S the ) IlllIl't'Ct'lelltt'l tllstress 111 ) ( 11101- ) .cS ytlltC3' ' of tilt Nlltc , to 1'l11 ( \111 \ 11 ! ! tl I. ( 'xtl'ltvnglnt : nnt iIIlIlL'eessitl'3' ( lIds , t'\(1 to tl 11IIt . of Cl't'ilthlli Imolh.l'I' tllf'lt In 111th' (1111(15. ( hm't It Ihout tulle lor ' the 1Ih'OI'I ) to l'ICOI'\ his Ole\tols ) to tile I'SOU'l'l lt itS CO\IIIII ? V'lly , tholll ) 10t tilt Slate ulh'el'sl ) ho ( \ ) 11elot to keep wlhll tile bounds or ll , 1lulur , & 1111'(1)11 tons ? Tl.tT l NTIlTIAll' COlTn.tT , Attorney Ol'neml Churchill hnR eX- 11111l11 onllelblc ( labor m\lllgenll ' Ill llcln\'ollng to ( lame n lilllllie ) ! nrglmelt In 8ulillort of thc lire- te ull't clal1 of W , 11. Dorgan to lie II Iii Il0SRIRfion ) of I legnl contract ns lessee of tlc slntc lleIlhtt'iltIItl'3' , III I his fortiinl I 01111101 , just malle public , he 1nlnlal18 hInt every act of the Ic IRlntl'l In connection With ) the IJllcntlr ) - lease nnd Its lxIll81onR hn leen In Iel'fed OItftVil1ll3' wlh ) the 11'0\1,1018 ) of thc cOlstulon , Hll cnlls by 11t1 ) the Rlalelll'l' obligations to the present cnllnnl of thc contlcl ) , hut len'IIg ' fl'ce from ' counter him flhSOliItei3' fl'OI 11)13' ) ollgllol : to tiit' lnll' . ' ' ' Is the 'rhe whole ! lUCBtIU Out of hOve1.s of tIl h' lslutue tinder the cx- Islng eoilst I LII I loll of Nebraska. 'i'Ile etu lon of dcclslons II cases \'lsIIg lu New . lerse3' , llssnchuset . AI'lmlsus ) nnt ( 'l'eiitiessee back . In the ao's 1111 ( .W' ( ) iit'e no 10re rolo\llt thnl thc ( ' 0)1St ) Ittit loll of tilt' bite solitllei'il con- II loutlrn fedel'at'3' . Fx-A : ' tolcy GCI111 J.ceNl' flllshl111he eOlllllec ou ifl'llhteIltlflt'3' of the nst ] leghsiatiit'e ] wlh IU ollnlou Oil the Inw nlil the ) fIlets II the case of tills so.ealcII cOltrel , which IH Ilrlltll ) : In this issue Ild : whl'h Icnchcs . lire- clseiy 111)sle ) ) ( clncuslll ( . I. . Leese Is ( 'ilIiiIlltlt' ) Ihnt In 111nlllln to ex- tend the original lease of thc Pellitelt- tar ' tile it'ghSlIltlIt't' l)10h11i3 ) excllllell Its nUlholl t I ) llhlr ( ) t t'lWlt logo I nil t 11011- ties , whlHe oplnlonH CI' ' ' ( greater welht , hn\'l' expi'esscd ( Ihelsl'h'es of Ihe SIIWIp : \ 'I'hl' ( ) t'hghIlIil Contract wih Stout WIS nol cul'rell ? ( h ) ) ' the iegis- Intul'I : , hut ) h ) ) lie ( Hlale Bonlll of Iull ( Lliids : 111 Bulllns ! , 111 that aftel' Is.lng ] II'olllnlR ) 111 Ilssllg 01 coiu IIPtt\'e ) 1)1(124. 'l'hls was In UXCI'CI.C of an ex'ul\'e ) I10Wlr. ' 1he legIslnture lanlol cOIHtllonnl ) ( 'Xet'Ci40 ! CXCC1I- t\c funetlls , 111 so WIII , lu extCll- ( log the Iolt contmc It Ill'rll thl' telu , It rl'll ) llttelilltt'tl ) to 1nlc I . ' ' ' ' ' lie' lew Coll'ael-sOllthllg entrelr 'onll ( its jurl $ llclol. 'he 1alli ( ' Is h'Ue wi h IlSIIlct to the st't'oiitl 1'XtellSiOIi. If I lhe iegISlatlIl'e can malw Shell a CoIl- Imct wlhoul InvitIng couhit't ) Ithve hl18 It (11 ) uSI'11 al the t'xec'uthve IIO\'I'I of O\'el'nllnt ( ant mal.p { 'ontmcts Cor ' ' ' ' t4tltte iIli4tItlitiOll w'itii f1t'oI'e11 Ill' \'l'I'Y Htlle Ilsllulon wlh fl\'O'l'll II' 11\'lllals ( hy splelallell lal\'l' net. 'i'lle cOlsllulol. of cotli'se. Coil tellipbltes 10thllg of the 1.lnd. 'I'he leglslatui'o eal'nuthorlze the exeeiitls'e otilcers to cxcCul\e OtCC'S Pller Into contracls wih Slit'CesI4utli bid- tiers , lul I has no cOlsllullonal author- , 113to cuter , Into them itsi'if. So far us DOrl11 Is cOlcrncl. the resull Is the same as that ITh'cd at i)3' Atole ) ' Genell ( flhlIl'eilhil. Dorln Is titider 10 81cclal oliigatiolls to the statu eXC'llt . as te1110rl' ) OCUIJlt of state property , bec\Hc : he ne\'el' iltid a \ 'fllLh cOltmet of anr Ihll 'L'he bonds- mel or ? Ioshel' arc not 10\\1 beclusl' the alleged ' % Iosher coutrcl WIS illegal lud ( the hOHl ( gh-cn 10 secl'e its enforce- I ' mcut Iwwlse worthlesH. On the hart of the state , however , the rlsul Is quite lfurent frol 'hnt the attorney general 'otilt1 hltlVti believe. All woull hm'l us helm'c. Al execntor contract Ilyol\cs mutual : obligations. If Dorgau IR \Hlor no ohlgatols to the state , nelhC'ls thc state to Dorgan , and for the SUIC ronson that thel'e Is 10 blllll cOllrct to which olthol Is a p\rty ! DI'nn has POSSIiRlon of the pentenUnrr by Hufe'jUCC 0)113' ) AU the state huts to 10 to regaiit p08/esslon Is to go nhcnl nnll tnlw control The state Is , ho\o'O' 11 11101 bound to' 1elnlnmm Dorgan for such of hIs 1)'Olerl ' lS Is 10W 11lt of the peulten- t : ' PiltIlt The stnlo would have 10 lore right to conlsclte the 1)'olC'ly or 1)organ tlnn that of any other lan who inay Ilto succcelel ( In squattng on state 11111(15 without a valid title. S1Ll'l'fl IN OEII3111X ) ' . Tile CUUSl ! of silver Is ninln COIn- mnlllng ealist attention In Gerlnny. 'l'ile nlolllon by tile HclchNlng of a rcso- luton instructing the gO\'I'nlent to In- vite international ' ' coiifei'- vie un Inte'lntonal 10Ietll' conCe' ICO to tnlw Iclon for the reimmthiilita- tion of sii'er ns a cireulatimig mmmedinmn 10n sl\er ef'culn lng lelum Is ver ' slgnilcunt ull wi huve the died of rencwlng interest In thIs qttes- ton th1ouhout EuropeS'imiie thc Gel'lll go\'m'nlelt hns 10t given 8113' . 111caton If I wllngll'ss to depart fl'om the I'nlnclal 1101e ) ' tnllgI'ulel ( lilOI'C thnn t wenty 3'C1t1'24 age , Ill which wus 11 fnet time hiihtImih liiov lt silver , tile 11Hposiion InllfcMtell ( favorable to nu iimt'l'mlfltlolllli conference 1ust bc re- Ilu'lcl Is Vt'1'3' elcol'lglng to the cnUNO of bilmletalilsmn . What It o\IIll'H Is thnt the nle1ont which 1111118 the I'chnhlinton ) of Ilh'l' , 111 ) ) which Is .chlcl ' 1111e UII of the 11'1Iu : 1111 Inhol'lug classes , Ihough tWI III'e also 1nnufnctu\ers i hhmtllll I I wllh l I I I , Is : : Ining In Iltucnce I , 111 whnt Is h'l1 or thus clelent In Gm'nUn ) ' 11111l1'8 ) 10 I ( It 1 11)13' 10 I I I t II I ell ! gl'olHun : , ( 'Ilti II t t'lt's. 'rho ( 'XIICllll ' or l'e\ll'll ! 10 the t double Ilnnllll'll 11 bc. 11mg ' ' llIsclIs14ed In Fl'ltilce mimmil II Ht'lousl ) 11NcUHSl'Il PIICO 1111 tIle ) ' ) ' NICIN to bo no 1'11101 10 ( built Ihat t hllWll1s1 I I Is gnliing I I 110111 In I iIlgill mmti . Nolhllg I Is to t hl' I'xplcllel t for Ihl ) lt'llileeIli'mlt of tile l'IItU fl01 the lii't'st'Itt I I gOrnlll , which Is Irrovo- { 'uhlr 1'0 ill Ui t h'll I Oga I lIst I I t , Ilt t whel' I O\C' U (0l1 241'I'l'ltt t h'u gO\'I'1111 I t I ; II Ill Collies lilt ) ) il ° "Cl' I I PI'\ Is ) \'cl'r l'l'USOI to ia iievi' that 1 larger l'I'l'OlIIOI ) or Hh't'I' ! wi 'lit' I fl'utlr of its policy . I tills IIUlHlol ( \ \ ' ( 'I' < Ilhlltell now to time \'oh'I' : or tile lJ ! I Ill I'ingt1oin I It Is nol 10 hu 10nhloil that I wmlll l'C' cl\o 111' . ) ' hu'geOIH 1111 ( II'hnhl ' 1 majo\I : ) of the ngl'lcll lmm'ftl 111 wOI'I Ing ( 'hIHtll. ? 'I'hat I wi 1m I II'Ollllt Isslo In the Il'Xt gdimeI'lmi elect lou b con. cllell ou al ilItlitis. 'rho { nlel ( States wi 1110nhtllr \nlw U fll'm'ahlI'SI10INO ( ( to 11 II\ll' 101 t fl'ol Cl ( ' 111m1)113' for all Intll'nnlolll I t I t'OLlfel'dlmtt to COllsiler the ' l'onft'l'I 'U tl cOIHlleJ' I'ehnlllltol ) of Nlh't'I' , 111 thIs eOtmlltry Calm lie { ' ( iUImtel ( Oil tl do 11 thnt II II'nclcllll to ll'lllg ) nhout Huch I 1''sUI. All lOll'tLt'S iit'i't' 11' In favor If blletnlHI , hut tile l'nl friends of that policy 11 ! OIIJIII ) l to time touiiitry nth'\lllng ) to es- tallsh thai juiiit'y HhlHll'lulHlet 111 wlhout thu ConCITII'O or tIme other great flnlclll anl ( 'lleJ'clnl nnUonl , hl'l'IUtl the , ' Imow that this woull bI'Illg UH to sliver 10n01ctllll. Tile lellto In the senate on Satullay thIs- closed the real IIrp080 oC the silver 10n , whIch hi not to obtain blwutuUs1 , but to establIsh the doctrIne that the govermIllicIlt mny pay Its ohhigatlOlms In 11\1 They ore for the white metal abotm. Whie thc failure of IllRt ) mone- ) tory conferelccR to blll about any IIIlaclcnl ) results may . lomewhat this- courage the hOl1c of an.thll beIng ae- COllllshe < by olothlr comlferemict' , stIll till ) Iciol of time Hl'lchRtl heMs ) oUI I 1101lm which the rent frielids of hi- nltnlsm , CIU rcgard wih 1uch Rnis- : fncion cI1Al' ( 'I . u1't ION Til L'AvzIn. . . There Is imo doubl whnto.e. that the great mn8S of thc people of Nebraska , rellblcnlR , ) olllsts ) ald dC10cI'nls , are In accord wih the llCOIlo of the Ilwlfc coast all ( the Hoe ) ' IOUltaln sinteR In 01111081101 to ni ) fUllln HIII\e : that woull ( legalIze the frntnltl- lent debts ! nlll O\'II'.calllnlhmtol of the Union 111 Central PacIfic rlrmutl , be- elitist Shell 1 flleflSliI'e wou11 ( entnlulln this gelerion nml ia 1) ' gellrltonH 'et 11hum ) thc 111Ien ) ( of 111)'llg this colossili debt imttercst ' ' , It ( 11 , Intl'cst IHl 11'lnlllnl I Is cqlll ( ) ' true Ihat tilt l'lecHol of .1011 'tl. ' 'l'iltil'StOhl lS Unlll ( States Sllltor dOes lint commit the ICllbleal P:1rt3 : ' of Nclrlsl : or Its l'epl'esemttllttves Itt Iho Il lllt\'e to the Incllc I'IIiit'Ollll funlllg schcme. ' 1hl'slol wns elected hot bcClImmsc ho WIS the gnnl111 solicItor of the Union Pacific , hut In spIte of the flel that lIevlml4 tile gl'lllnl alolne ) ' of tile Ullol PmtcIhle . I levIms elected us a 1'llhll':1 ulum tl 1IIItfolI ) of his lHrl ) : ' 111 the Illelle ) ( Iml I he woull serve the IlcolJe ) In the Hl'll te ml flihful ' ns hl hus l'l'ell hIs cO'III'atol : , client IHI cllllo.\'l'I' . ' 1'11 itt telllit 10 mmmake' 1IIIeal capital mmgtiimtst the l'l'llhlcnl ) ) IJI'lr h ) ) tile In- trOluctol of I'CRolutOHI In thc le lsln- tui'i' that wou11 Hel'llng1 ' c0111t II to the l'hn11110nHhll ) of the Hl'I $ ' fundIng hIl , , which was Idlell tl'l las ago by thc nll of the votes of the Nlhrslm l'ellhlc:1 : delegntol II the iow'ei' houRe If colmgt'e'ss , eun deceive 10hoily ( who has , Inll note of the t4tIhiJL'Ct. Ild n situ- ! III resolut01 been 111'lllucel t ( II eel flith mimi wlholt parHsau cnr 1lrls wo fell certain thlt It woull 111"0 ) car- : ned h ) ) ' thc votes of IL good . majoriy of tile rLllhlcnu 1e1hl./ . Bl'lng 1111feRtr I thrust from a. : political 1Inol.I ' that wnlts to Illufacme CIIIIIgn thuntll'r IIHleul : of Ih'cstng tilCIl424t'i'CS of ) arl ) ' bilS , so thnt the selio.toi's nll eougl'ess1ll fl'om Ne- braskmL would he ' ' dII'ected Ilslm woull ilosItlveiY ll'ected whit Neblslm desires them 1010 II time sl'telelt of thc lnllJe 1Ih'oail 11ehl , Ihl whole muatter has been slult'ti'ackt'd at least for n thtmie. I Is to hl hoped , howc\er , thnt thc relHblcnn : mIlaJorIt3' In the legislature wi leave 1 no "ulner- able spot iii time pnrt record hy tmlgIn ni ) Issue which Is hOlll to Ilcole cou- selueltnl In tile Icxt camnialgn. TIl C1111fl1'EIt . ANl ' 11 JIO/.l'1S. ) . . Curses , like chickens , COIl home to. roost. Thus adage rceh'cs striking iustrton In the IlerOle I'ccm'enco or charter mutalon It c\'el ) ' Hession of the legislature. When the ciinrtei' for cities of time mcl'011011n cIIS was Irsl framed In 1887 bj' I committee of city olcllls nll lenln taxp:13e1'S : It was torn up and lutatcd by I gang of legIslatIve wolves . The charter had IISSCl ) the senl tc lS It hlHl hell rained by the Omaha charter conummilttee . but when It reached time housu It wus taken out of its 11'0110' course from thc hllds or the . committee on cities Ill gl'abbol up h" the commlteo on judiciary , or which "Colonol htussuil , " tOW commissioner - stoner of public lamls , was cimairmulul. This action was n part of I conspiracy fomented by maungels of franchised corporatons' boodlnl contractors who were Iilsat1sfol ' with Its provislotis In collusion wih tl : IUg WIS the South Omlhl combine , which wanted to bo excmpte from city tuxes while cu- jo 'lnl uU the benefIts of Otnaima's municipal government , These various Intel'ests were In hu'u also suliported SUll0rled br I gang of laud spect1hatoi's who did not WIUt tile city to exercise the J'lght or clluont omnin 11 i83'iIlg out I Hstel or Pltl'ks. All thcso clelentH found In Colonel Hussol I wllug lull tool. 'l'he cimai'tei' ' ileid hack plnnt tool chl'tcr WIS heh huc Ul ) to the last ( hays of the session mutt ] pluced In the hunds or the 10\I'uor In mutlutcd foi'iii. Tile loss Inflicted by this 1111co 'Of Bcoundl'elsl ullon ) time tuxI'ers amid ciizens of OllhlL can scarcely bo coin- Imlol1 I could not be 'relllnccll by miions of dollars. Iu tile 11'Ht 1111cl the ci'emitioti of n park HYRtem wns 'od se'trfli ' 1111(1 when the delayed . Re\ell years Ill \ city 1111 ( hur time larls \e hl\l to choose Nuch tlcls IS were left Irel' the sub- dh'lslon of fl\ls adjacent to tile city Into scores of athhitlons. had : the chlrter not beeu mull tCII the tracts thlt wcro converted Into a 111 lon I would now constItute I chain of 111'Is 111 ( boulu\lrds , Ind the minis abuttIng wOlld . hl\o hcen ynlulblo rlHhlllCO ' ' . TilotmHlIIldt4 or who II'ollel.tr. ) ' 'hoUHIIUll Ileolln . ' ' ' ruined h ' illS'e13t lug In muldit wpro ( 1)3' ) In\estng Ill llons micl away , llm time husllU:1 ) ceittel' \0111 hn\o 11co fmfe 1llu'ei4tllmelitil In 11'oIJ'I'lr ( wihin cnR ' relch. Instclul of ' l)0H)0' ( ( for ' ' farimi 111)'llg $10,000- out-of-the'wa flrm IIIUl1 tl t ioui'k commlHslon ! wluhl hl\o st'cm'ed huuls In Ile wlh 11nHco1 Ilnrk fur hnlf tile monl' ' hr eminent dOlnln COIltldumlIIittlIII. OIlier clulg's elluIJ ( ' dlmlgln WCI'U ' elglflctl In the chO'lc' whlo 110' \ 1110111111 to 011 II'owth lul ll'os- ) Ilrlr0 ) cut out 113' tile ( , mrlol' mi In : I 0'1. 'l'lmis IN hot tl t \OI'Ht of comiseqliemmces. Once tile wolves of our te'gishmitumi'es had Ilen gh'en I taste of hOOle throlgh till 0 tIll ) lOt chm'leJ' tileil' IUll'C""OI'1 In l't'l3' 1 Ipglslat1o im)1\49 ) NOlght 10 II'oUI . hy I tl bll1lnl ) ( 'OiltefltIll ( ) Over chIlIrtOl' 11l1\llpnIH t lul II I 11111'OtH'lalon ) I coin- hhls ) lHUIJy join wih , them In mlllng tilt OI1hu ciiiii'ler mIll article of 1m I' ! n' lud iloithtIl ) . . 'l'hll Is thc 11'al ( sea fl'ult Inhll.lld ( from the dInner unit Ihmitors of 18S7 Ilul tilt CUI'SO will coulnlo to Jllguo us 10 long us them Itt'e wolves IUI bile . muJc's In out it'jisiatimi'us. Whlt Is the use or Isl(11 the ntorulr gOlt'111 Ollulol ) of time conlUtutonnly or the seed bill ? not Jrnln bi Wily nllilly ) to ' the SUII'10 court for au UK'lul'lo Olllllon' Such 011111011 ) ! have hluU gIven to CO'Ilr leglslu Im'el under oxl101'- dlull' ' cmergl'neles. The opinion or the ntorne ' general \oul 1t1 lolhln : hInt of the lllrCle ) court would he con- elusive. 'I tush'c , . II' SfJN.t ; iiinit I. D1.iILiCI'S. ( ' 'hl RClnlHrni deadlocks ' In Oregon . Ilnho nut , Ia\are contlue , nut ! It Is Ilgllnlll ; ' tb he feared . that the iegIs- lal\e terms . , \1 eXiIl'O wlhont nn : pleton ( , tlus , makIng three vacancIes , all on the \ellblkln side , II the lenlh ! of thc nlxt lII/I'CRS , In Oregon Selill- tor ) ol\h , has for some days hall wihin ole vote of n rl.electon , Tile light ngnhumst hlh 01 the 11:11 of some \elilb. Iclls In the 'leJIRtntue Is hecllse ) of his IIRltoh oil sl\cl' . tt has hll1 ) n t'oimslsletit 4)liitiimt'IIt ) ) of the ( tee Intl UI' lmlcd colnl e of that 1ctnl , l'xIllels , Ing hlu elf ulmrcsel've(113' ( . 01 thIs qiles- 101hclc"er it I II ! bcon heore con gross amid votIng accordIng to his con- viel louis . For this the free silver I'clmh- HCII ! Ire ITnYlll against him amid lhl' ' s'em 11etcrmlnel to 1nl1taln this atti- tllc I\ln If lS I conHcluelcc ( Oregon 1111 111e hut one sl1tor In the sel' ate of thc lext comgi'css. ) In Illho there IR 1 ileck-miitil.iieck mcl hit'tveen Seimrt . t0' ShoU11 and IPII'PRentat\'e Swcct , tile sh'Igle hl\'lng beel ollg on fol' live \uels. Aecorlll ( to the Illpst ad- \'lceR the IHIIIRt hit the idgisltliL'c ! ) hohl the key to thc HIttiIltIUIi . hut Ihl'e t Is 10 111 ia 101 lS to wlnl Ihl'y I 11 ' 10 , tholh It Is not thonght thnt the slat In the sennte whit he heft \'nelmt. Iii nLIIWnrl' tWI ltl'e three l'llblCnn callll1ltlS , wih Semmntoi' Illgghmms lit the i lLnll ( for 1"l'l LC I 01. Ills 1IIIl'IIJ1 COlI I Ilellor Is n 111 Inledlllcs , who : SlLIS 10 1lml't ) 10thllg 10 COiltilleiml ( hll hut grL11 wenlh , galnl11 Inlnlr tiii'otigli Il'ottalll gas fi'amit'hilses. I lie spenl 10nl'\ ' ft'et'iy In sOle of the legis- htt lye districts \11 In tills war h0I\1 24011K' of the t lileliihdl'S ) of tile hegIi4imtt tire to hll lS n tenatorlnl ( 11 Iln tl' . hlIg- guts ought to he I'e.clected. lie Is u 11\ of n hll ) ' amid has mHle : I geOl recorll 11 the seimmtte . . I Is sall thnt republican Sl'lltors n.c consllLrhl ( ' exercIsed over the 11elHloc.s ( In tleso - states , nR the 110ltcal control of thl' ncxt sennto hlngcs upon the l'l'Hnlt of these contests . Iii time sennh' of the Flftr-folth congress the rel1hlcnn ILUtors , Iwhllng those to he chosen from Oregon , Idaho unl Deln ware , wi itmilimber .1 : , whlcl Is two less titan I Injorl ' . Of tile sc\en IIOIIIsts ) 111 sliver senators who wi ho 11 the semite aftet' ? Iarch . , It Is tlught that lt least two cnn be relied upon ) to vote with the republcans to conlrol the oi'gltiui7.atIoiI. lImit If the three I4tItteS where tll'l Ire dllHlocl.s should fall to choose \ successors to Dolllh , ShoUl1 mil HiggIns the C01111cnton of the slua 101 would \ ho hlcl'easell In that : e'eiit H thc rel1blan ttll'elmgtil In the senatc' wouhl be 40 , and the total lelb'shl 1 oftl : ; Bonnie 8 : of . which 4 : wou11 CfnH lute a mljorl ) _ The delocratc ' sti'elmgthi wi be 38. These lurcs shot , limIlortnmice of the pros- emit elcclon .of uccnssol's to thc republ- can senators from Oregon , Idaho Ind Delawarc. . ' I fenntor i.J 'h1j ' showed cxactx where the responsibility for time Inaclou of congress ol'rthe financial question lIes wlwn ho said dtlrillg tilt debnle In the scnlte Snturdny that nhough time dOlo- I C'at ! uo loner have n majority In both 11011508 of congl'ess they put off acton whio they did hl\o It and ln'ocrasti- minted until the power passed out of theIr hnu a. The necessity for 1 li w cmlowerlu time treasury to issue low rate bonds to malntnln the gold reserve Is not I new oue. The pi'csident's Inst luanclal mcsRnge would have been Il- 10st ns tmel ' 10uths ago. Yet demo- crtc ora11 couluue t Intmnte that fault of the that It Is the repuhlcans the pi'esldent.'s recommomlntous have not been lleCbed Those who honestly believe so IU'O rcspeclfuly referred to I Senator huh. Because nearly n hail millIon dolars of state nnll ) ( count . funds have helu tul UI i ) In fulod hauls since the cnnct- 11Ut of the 11el1osl0T Inw Is uo Ir u- wnt alalnst that i1ts Just IS mnn ' , If not i1IOI'e , banks might 1\1'0 faIled wllhout thnt Inw lS with It. .Tust ni mnch publc mono ' might have len tpll ( Ul timid 101 lohabl ) lost alto- gnthel wlUlut thlt law as wih it. outh Dnl.tll host over $ 800,000 by the Ihsc0ulng ) of hcr state tl'eflSlml'CI' , which ' been ' ' hind the might ha\o 11'C\'eutld a llslory law been on her statute books multi ( mfO coel. Coilcidencc Is not to be hcld UI In thIs Iough fnshlon lS causu and effect ¶ 'he legislature wnnts to rlmomber thut tile Inxllum ) fl'elght rle case II not yet nlnlr decIded \\1 that time enl ) ' \I ' to secure 1 final dechlon IR to ( 'ILVI'3' tile it'nihIumg a\11l11 nil ) to the coull of last rClolt. ' 10 IJ'oSIClte this case , will nccesslate In the first plnco ifl3'- n1nt of till expenses of 111 I on UII to the plesent point 'l'lm 1101110 insIst on ImowhlA whether 01' not thl ' have 1 l'lght to 111RCI'lho ) uul enforce mlxllum fl'olght 1 tlS. 11on8urlnl , IIi liimu'igo. ' . loIlO I'nioernt. Speaking ( the damage done to the pUhlo credit ) , ytho present congress . I Ihould not he' Rtl / ted as thrlo..uarters oC I cent on the ' lQiiar . but as thrCe-quarlerl oC a cent on 3 cents , which Is 2G Iler cent . . _ . ' 'lut I.onl ) U.,1&y , " Irimnernl. \lsllnglol Posi . . As soon as Ihlnl9 are 9ufclIt thawed out /101\1 wi b" I broken ( oi' tim 10iteal burial oC I3eu&tpr . Gorman. 'fht'HO tunerul arrangemneilts Li'q In charge ot time gen- tiolnen who I.0t together Illuuly ) tor the temen IIUrlOSe ot dlapasng ! or time setmator . ! Olptur . ini.ltt" , " ' " SOI Job. lln.ds ' CIty fHar. As general tbrney Cor tile Burlington railway 1 11om 11n ! NehraHka , , GCleral MaI'- Ilersol will thrOW much iarger salary than ho receIved while . ho was II " 'olhlnltol. 1(0(1 ( al Unltel1 States lelaleH go In these degenerate daYs , there wIll lie quite us mmiuch as to honor time 011 attnchixmg ono. . to ills lew I'oslton Iulolllhlly 01 Uru\ghtJ , Tlplon Advertilier. A case was doclded at Clarion recenty II which I , vomol sued I rnlst for damages anl obtained $500. ' ! druggist - gist hud sohl lIquor to her husband . hud dOle It continUously on(1 when ho knew the man Wi In the habit oC gettnl drunk and wes spending the money needed by his 'I ' Caml ) ' . By roalOI oC this drunkonloss the man lost his , Position on the railroad I and the wife and family Caled to be SU- portt . Time obtaining oC damages In sim. liar ( clreumHtances was said to 1. without precedent , hut It Is lot likely that the lollle oC that Part oC Iowa wi mourn much wih the druggist because oC his financial loss . neither should they " ' } m'x U } ' . I ! orT 1'SI'rOTOl ICc3rney hub : So far I known , { .01 Inspector - specter hilton Is not 10RIng any sleep nights about thft $ tOOO or $ 5OOO that II l choinicil he OWes time sUte. lebron 1epublcn ! Ex-Oi Inspector liii- ton couldn't find ' n sIngle barrel or oil to reject miler the \ucrlbld test , but ! o I careful to reject the Ilnl1 or the state or Nebraska for 001110 $5,500 In rees colectcl nail wihheld by him Emerson Times : xOII inspector hilton Is. . tilb latest State oncla ! . so rar as known , thai : needs , oIling on hi bomb for n 11efclency. \0 sincerely trust Ihe lme ( Is not far this- lalt when honest men wi 10 elected and aPPoInted 10 flit publo posltuns , nnt Bloomington Echo : Ex.OI Inspector 11. ton Is n 11eaucr to tIme state or over $5,000 , anti he reruses 10 make settleuuient . I Is , In- deed , 1 wonder thai he even left the capitol buildIng when his successor was appolnled. H. should be 10de 10 Ils ergo his ill gotten gaIns by time strong arm or tile law , Cedar luls Slnnllart ( : Fx.OI Inspector 1llon 8houll never have collected hat I $5.000 for inspecting gasolne I he dil hot Intend 10 turn I over to the state. 'lhl clall that he Is personally responsible to the .partles jartes from whom ho collected this moncy Js only n scheme 10 polect him In his dishonest melhod8 , Nebraska City Independent. Fx.OI InSpector - specter 11on Is now posing its n immind reader mlnl anti law Inlcrpreter. lie Is certain that the minds of tile persons who paid for testing Iall le.tng gasoline will ask hll 10 pay Ihel lock . oath then the supreme court mlghl declare the law unconstlutonnl ! COle do'ui ) 'ou mitch ! rascah . amid PRY over what you ' ewe the state. Suck brnzenness Is nsslnlnc. Genl\'a Journal : Governor Crounse appears 10 hnvc mnle one or his few mlstnkes or that kind In hilton's case. Time governor antl the atorey general's ofce nrc working on the case . and Ihliton's bondsmen have been noti- fled that suits will be broughmt prolllty nol- I they do not settle the selo deficiency . and It Is probable that ( criminl prosecuton will soon bo brought against hilton nloo 1artnglon herald I "U1Jn what meat doth ( this our Caesar (1IIon ( ) feed that hue hath growu so great ? " Veriy he ltlh collected eXc.ess fees to the amount of $ r.000 or more nail put then ) lu ills 110clet. Now that he Is no hanger permitted 10 fl 1 duimiummie's or- flee . . .IIH ! fnleth that he haUl slulllercd all the dough , ho sweleth up nod Illoceth a anl chip on his i + louider , . and salh , "dare ye to knock It off. " The state shoul Ilnch hll one In the region oC the gizzard and make him disgorge Plato Center Slgnnl : Ex.OI Inspector 11- Ion Is the first person , masculne gender , we have thus Car heard or. who rears the credit or the state Is rImmed , and he tnereforl Is hold- lag bock from the treasury $5.000 which he collected for the inspection or gasoline. and which he fears ho wi b calel upon by time owners oC gasolne to return to them , but this Is not all. I10n claims that the State Is Indebted to him n thousand amI an hundred old dollars for services rendered , anti Is desirous that the state at once hlqui- Ilul- late the debt : lnden Gazette : The oIl 1nspctor appointed by Governor Crounse Is having a circus with Governor Holcomb on account or fees he claims as his own for his inspectIon oC gaso- tine , which ho fails to cough up. Crounse got square with hilton on on ohl occount by appointing him 01 inspector . and that Is probably nib the interest II had ' In thc mat- ter. Tile republican party of the state will probably have to bear the odium oC Hilton's Hlon's cussedness , and Crounse will polish up his Ilhtnlng rod and get I ready for more repub- lcan ifglmtmming to strike. It may strike him rrom behlnll , next time. Lincoln News : Perhops If time authorities would tale criminal acton authorites fant ! I. Ihiiton . for embezzling public funds he might be Indnce to come down off his or hIgh horse very rapidly . There Is a growing sentiment that the reason why he doesn't turn over the money Is because he hasn't got , it . and the mere fact Ihat he Is a protego oC : Governor Crounse , who Is openly accused or having kept him In ofce so that he could ac- i , quIre enough money (0 pay alT an obligation , oblglon to the eX.overnor , should be rather an incentive - centve than otherwise to prompt prosecu- tion. ton.Oakland Oakland Independent : Ex.Chlef Oil InSpector - specter Hiiton' long looked for report has been mode , and while the state should have recvc $5,000 from him he has the bold effrontery to assert that the state owes him. I took hard work to oven get this report. Ho figures It out thIs woy hy saying thai ho has collected fees on gasoline by which no authority In time statutes IS granted. Mr. hiiiton Is a man of bad record and Gov- eror Crounse , who was In. nearly every way a model executive . made a great mistake I . when he appointed him. Mr. Crounse knew him weii . and It Is saId by giving him this job he had hope to get a $5,000 Judgment of several years standIng cleared up. Tekamah Herald : Frank Hilton . ex-al inSpector - Specter Is tryIng to run a blut by keeping Ieepln/ $5,600 out oC time slate treasury on the pre- text thot there Is no authority In low to in- spect gasoline. That excuse Is too flimsy to be worthy of thought Time only honorable way out is for ex-Governor Croune or Hii. HI- ton's bondsmen to make the amount oC shortage good to the state We believe that Governor Ilolcomb find Attorney General clurelll will see to I that Hlon or his bondsmen are made to cough It up 01 Inst- tute criminal proceeding against Hilton for embezzlement. Al his predecessors accounted - counted for these fees and why should he b permitted to pocket them or blow them In at time gambling table ? Seward Reporter : Probably no ofcial act ever performed by Lorenzo Crounse during his many years oC public service occasioned more criticism than his appointment or L. F. hIlton .S oil Inspector and recent developments - nlentaim , . ) the mater oC . . Mr. . hilton's . . accounts male It appear that tie critIcIsms were very wel founded . I Is slated as n fact that at I the lmo of Hilton's appointment Crounsl hell a julgment , against him for several thousand dolars , whleh las 61nca been paid. I tubs statement ba true , and I has 80 Car been uncontradicted , It puts Governor Crounso In the very unenviable position or having used his oppolntng Power as a collecting - lectng agency even at possible risk to the state We had thought better thing oC Crounse Columbus Telegram : The ex-chleC oil inspector - specter , Jlon , having been chorged wih he- lag a defaulter to the amount oC about $5,000 , pleols that he dId collect this money from oil men whlcll he has not accounted for , but as the collection was clearly legal , the stale has no right to I ; and , that , as he Is liable to the men from whom he wrongfully collected , he proposes to hold on to the swag whl ( the state holds the hag As It Is wel known that JlIon has blown In all the money , enl 8010 sort or n defense was ab- solutely neccssary , we thlnlt he has hit upon about the best In thai box We would not he surprlel , hater on 10 learn that Mr. Jlon has secured the services oC that prince of all lawyers In getting a man out or 0 tight piace itt . B , Georon oC Grcele , Oreeley county Nebraska . - remont Leather : I. F. 1lon. the hate oil In8peclol' , Is holding back a little over GOOO that ho collected on gasolne , whleh he says Is not subject to Inspecton , hecausC not iumclumieul ( In the cnumeralon or the stat- ute. I is evll nt that Mr. hilton Is mistaken - taken , for gasolne Is subject 10 Inspeclon , although a diferent test Is al1111ed to that than kerosene , and thot hos been the can- struclon of the slatute Iy nil slate officials and oil inspectors from Limo tme oC the passage . sage or the act unt 110W Mr. IliltoIm's pre- tense that ho collected the money unlaw- fully anll therefore he Is Ilel'sonoly responsible - slide for It Is a mere subterfuge lie collected - lecled as oil Inspector , and , having cone so . It Is his duly to turn I over 10 the Rtate H the hl\\ ' should fnaly be declared not to cover gasoline the state would reimburse tlie ' from whom money was recelvel , uumd as the additional ten cents per barrel was collected Cram the people by an advance on the price or gasoline , therefore the state Is the best rCllresentol\e or thIn Ileole ) , anl , I would appear to time Leader that the money woull would ( ( much more safe In the handa oC time stale than la the hands or Mc hilton , Another remarkable thing about Mr. Hilton's report , vlz. 1 the number of barrels Inspected , all or which passed muster , not I single barrel - rel was rejected. I makes the Fremont Ileo- pie laugh , for many oC them know thot lfO and 15 test-branded barrels are fled from limo same lank , and many' , Ir not all of the barrels are from three to six gallons short In weight. One house In this city ye- turned over a carload oC oil for the latter reasoim . after weighing the barrels. I 'B also been known that barrels contalrmlrmg'llO have had the heads Ilalnted over and sten- cued over a 175. With luch evIdence before us , It Is evident that Mr. Hilton was not removed too soon , and I Is to be hoped that the new oil Inspectors will I'erform the duties assigned them fearlessly , r.i nnui i'riimr.'t CUSf11MI. . I I Courier .10urMI ( thorn. : ) There have 1cen Ixteen resignations from time present eon- cress . 1 Is unrurtunale for most membeu , of thnt aggregation that they ibid nol resign j before congres ever assembled. I Oobe-n moCRl ( tep ) ! 'fhe Icpubllcnns 10 not \anl al cJlm session or congress , but Ir' ' Cleveland conclUles 10 cal one they will cheerruly co.operltc with him tn time work of correlnl tile mistakes or the plt : ) lndlanpola Journal ( rell : ) \hcn the ibm- ccmUc party wlnt out or Power In 1StO time goverImumlelit was borrowIng ' at 12 go\rnmeul wa 11IC per cent . n .Cr , After the war time republcan PartY rc-eslahllhl , time 111blc credit so that time government was able 10 place bonds at steadily ImprovIng rates until . during h'resi- I'nt A lhur's tmlnlrtrton. It Was offered all time mooney I wanted at 2 per cent , The offer was leclnel because It did not mIecit , the mOnO ) ' . loa democratic mlllnlslroton Is borrowing again at 0 per edit . Cincinnati En.ulrer ( (10m. : ) The trouble with time country now Is calaQ,1y sholtn/ : The monomctalsts , led by thc 11reshlent / ' the United ( iltates . represent that there Is a conllon , of great danger 10 our credit . nail that Ihe 10st extraordinary rCIC1cs and safeguards arc Imccassar3- . Time nlarm Is Illrel ) ' arlfcll The tlangcrons ) 1110)10 arc those who arc crying hunt thc shill ) Is tn fro nnll scaring Impressionable and th1hl PeoPle Into a watery gravo. There Is no danger or n confagraton ; and scares like time present one wi not be possible after silver Is fully re- habllote , ! New Yorlt Evening Post ( ml . :1 : ) TIme 11reclous senate rules were tlelghtll ) ' In lwhlcnce on SnturlR ) ' . All the ; marhianmeimtarl- nfl were agreed that senate rule xvi was nh- olulely fatal to time Incorporation or time cable alcndmont In the consliar amid dllllolatc bill. hut Senator Ianderson cynically said that time "principal merit oC lImo rules Is that we can so rmtlickiy get rid or them when wo desire , " and so the vice lresident obligingly put It to the senatc whether the amemlmeut was In order. I was \oted. : G to 25. that It was amid away went time rules. hut they came back 0 moment later In ful _ dlgnl ) ' . Senator Lodge prolloscd his consular.reform lull as an nmellmenl to the same oct. 'fhls certainly appeared os "germanc" to a con- solar amid diplomatc bill as a 3.000OOO cable line. But muo . It was "nlW legislation . " amuil a chorus or voices called for its rlghl , cxciii- sian. died . 'he rules rc\'I\l anti the Lodge bill 11cd. St. Louis lepublc ( Ilcm. : ) Nelher the democrato mljorl ) ' nor time republican I mlnorlly could do inylhlng 10 Increase the pUhlo contcmpl at their WeakIless In the IJrOserce oC fnancial 011 ! monetary 11robh1S , mocrnls anti reJblcons ) alike were 1m. polent 10 unite on time Sprimuger bonll bill as I came Crom the conmmittee . or to ameml nll pass It or to Present and carry through a 01l1)BtltUte. The people have "hnl too many previous examples or Impolence 10 b sur- prised , and time Incrll'ess or politicians has become so chronic that anger has wearIed into indifference. ( HopI folds her wings. Collective action or any kind from this con- octon Colectve gress longer worth talking about. No- body cares whether the Isms and discords disturb - turb W'asimingtofl all again , or nasa bite quietude for the few remaining thaI's or the qulelule . Business understands that the president - dent will do the best he can to protect the wi fnnnciol standing or the go\'ernment wih the i . antiquated means at S his disposal . J'lW'l./ ; : . . . " _ : I ) ThINGS. Energetic Georgia captured a severe cll among other norlhern enterprises. The youngest bunco steerer In New Yorl's . The 'oungster's success - record Is a 0-year-old. ) cess con\erted his parents into a daily tank show. The Inventory of the estate or time laic Oilver " 'cndel Holmes gives his property Olver as worth $72,117. The value or the books Is put at $ SOt.50. Govcrnment Director Patrick held 0 federal I office 'way back In ' 67. and doubtless appreciates - between ciates the commissions. sentiment : " "it's a dar long time In view oC Georgia's generosity toward Nebraska . this stale shoull couple with its thanks a cordial invitation to all Georgians 10 secede rrom the blIzzard belt and move vest Into sunshine and glalness. Galusha A. Grow , for all his three score yeors and ten Is one oC the st idlest and most vigorous men In the house. He Is more regular \ In his atemtonce than almost any other member except Heed , 011 he Is os much In evidence os any oC those who are no more than hal his age Members of the Illinois national guard , who saw rvlec In Chicago lost summer put In bills for unlrorms destroyed , but the legis- bis refused to allow them. As a sort oC consolation purse the legIslatvo patriots agreed to pay the railroads for tranportng the mita wihout reduction. Tile Hon. Thomas Platt enl Mayor Strong of New York City are not as closely linked os the Siamese twins. The former recently leodershlp or Wil- rebuked and rejected the Wi- han ) llrookibeld. Through the intervention of lam Drookfell. Mayor Strong Droolfell becomes chief or public works , at a salary oC $8.000 , besides hoMing 1.626 places directly In his gift. 'Y. \V. stow died In San Francisco Tuesdoy. Ho was the ablest lobbyist tao Souther Pa- cHIC company ever hind on the Pacific coast cifc nil their legls- Ho managed for thirty years al lalve Io business and IC a difficult mon was 10 bo persuaded to agree to the railroad's terms Stow was time chosen diplomatist to under- toke this worlc. Io possessed more damag- hag secrets oC California politicians than any other mman but he was not d for his reti- Stow was the cence. For over thirty years real power behind conventions which nom- mated governors and other state officials . and nearly every state senator who has ben elected owed his seat to Stow's influence . _ . _ _ _ . SEpt' : ; , , ) " , tlTH' , PUST.U.STIU { . Btllrlco Democrat : luehId Martin 18 on ' of the strong inca in 4ebraska , and imhi ap. iOlImtiflt'nt will be universally received as a recognition of straight democracy over ( ho j hmalf.baketl ciemnent. Simeitoim Chipper ( rep ) TIme appointment of Buiciiml Maiiium as postimuaster of Omaha is cv- j itienco that whiie imrynn and imis foliower5 ' - many ho able to control time ( bCnlocratIo state ' . convention , they can't get within reach of time plo counter. Cciiinuimmms rglma ( them , ) : Etmelimi Martin imai been appoiimteih byIr. . Cievelanti POitniaster at Ommiaha , Mr. Cleveland imaa time extreunely illlplitlent imalmit lately of thisregarthing iiis liarty's wlsimei in mull thmimmgs , it matters not uu'hcthmer thmy be great or trivmai. I.ilmcohn News ( rep. ) : Time themuocracy of Nebraska partakes of the same genersi characteristics - acteristics as tIme gemmeral party- disor. ganizeth rabble , every heather jeniomme of the otimer's nscemltiaicy , bnckbiters anti nilbco mongers. 'ovontler it has ceased. to be a factor of any eonside'ralie , importance In No- brasbau Politics vIien Such comutlitiomis exist. Kearutey hiimb ( rep. ) : It is more or hess uainfiul to note hint ilomi , Jollies i. ilo3'tl takes a iessimiiistic s'iew of time democratio olltlOok In Nebraska since. Imis factional en- , cml luas npiuuimmtetl to time Oniahma hiostmunster- oliiii , . .uuul lids is polities.'hmeIi time other fellow is ill , time commntrl' is for time timiuc ho- hug on tluo imigim roami to thuc , demnimitlon bo'- uvolva . , Mr. lloyd's attack is severe , but lie % .iii get over it. Cemmtrai City ielnocrat : Mr. Martin has Oully got liii thirty Pieces of iiiver. There t is mmoihbimmg serioims tim nuttier , The nmost tin- pomumiar preshmbcmmt that this country has ever hail imas aiiOi II teil t lie most uinpopil br mmmii III Nebraska to tue Poatoihlee in tue state. It Is a lisgraecfmmi appoinunuent , of course , hut u'lmnt else could you expect from this disgraceful fldbitinistiOtiomi ? Kearume ) ' iemmuocrnt : M , Martin is a nietli- omllcal anti stmccessftil business mmmamm , and will ghvo Ommmahma an exceptionally gooh postal service. lie is also chairman of time "straight" demuiorratlc state cOmllmmlittl'0 , and his appointumment as Poatmulaster tlnmlotmltetiiy carries vitIu it immformumatiom ) tlmat ilr. Martin's ' COIilmittem7 is ( ho recogmtzeml orgammtzation at \Vimsimimmgtomi. nmmi t lint its mlelegateut to time mbext Imatiommal convemmtion will ho giveum seats to time exclusiomm of time other feilows. - . - -U.- TIUPJIS LIGhT .i'I'h ) ( .l1' . Pimilinbeimliuia Imuqmmirer : Tile lorrouvlng ) maIm Seoul ieginm4 to u'oiuther why el'eryono hmi itmuows is so uioor. hiotmoehioldVordsI Time moore you Puff a cigar time smaller it hiecomumea ; amid that is ' u. time case uvitum some Inca , l'imilrubohphmia Ilecoril : InbememlbCmCe ; ball is ; mint a celuietery , amud ydt sonic council- 111011 lie there. I'iti'btmrg Telegrnphm "You don't tell nun tlmnt I aim ) time lrettiest'oimlaiu at the recep- tiumi , , am ; yeti liseti to , " potitcil Mrs. Smmnggs , ' 'No , " replied imer husbamid ; "you must re- milemulber that I joined time CillmrChm 0111) ' two weeks ago , " Chicago Tihimtmne : "Don't you find it- OtmChul-protts' hard iimiiiing to umuimlie a living at timis business ? " asked tIme disagreealio , IflhtH. .5. ' - ' 'Yes , sir. " sat , ) time dentist , applying tile forceps again , ' 'I hive lrincipahiy-lioid stIlli -from hand to mnouthm. " White Piains'eekiy : fleporter--Whnt became of that fastimig girl that lou Used to have ? Nmmi4etImfl Mnmingei'-Shio's doing six months _ . in jail for miot imtying her board bill , Harper's Bazar : Niltlreml-Cluariey called lust evening alit ) told me a ghost story that frighteneti amue nearly to deatim , Jnte-Ditl you scream or faint ? 1\liliircd-W'orse than that ; I lund to ask him to turn up tIme gas. Atlanta Journal : "Did you hear that Shorter has imeen losing heavily at the Stock exchange ? " "fins hue beem boiling time market ? " " \Vehl , mme , I rather think inco lme hits lost so heaviiy ho has been ' trying to bear it time best lie knew how. " Adams Freeman : "Young man , " said the " femnaici phyalcinmm , "you are iii a bad way ; I'li continue to call on you. " The mttlffe'er ruiseml hImself on his elbow , looked at her teniiemiv and said : "I've no objectiomm , but 1 would advise you first to see imapu , " Washington Stnr"Trimmins : imami a first- rate 'oice. " saId the critic at time concert. "hilt lie always COmes in lehminml time , " "Yes , " replied the man wlmo lenmia money1 "I gtmess it's force of habit. Trimnmhns notes are alivays overdue. " Phmiladehpbmia flecorm ) : Pickpocket-I would like to have memo trial put oft tiil I kin git a lawyer. .Timmlge-Why , you were caughut red- banmiemb.Vluat could your lawyer possibly say ? Pickpocket-Dat's what I'm cpriou * to know. WHAT HE SAID , Clotimier and Furnisher , He put his arm around her waist , And closer drew her head Unto his own with tender clasp , And looking downward said : "You have'mut got the right man , dear ; He's not quito onto it. You should have Imad my tailor , for Those bloomers do not fit. " - 1)0 1111 P. Chicago Dtspatch. Two years ago . We roared arid cried : Protection , go ! Protection tiled , Three months agone Ve roaretl and said : Free trnle , , begonol Amid Free lie fled. In ninety-six We'll roar nnmb-ohm- Oh , fiddlesticks- " . " Wcll-"damnllno. _ _ - - - - _ _ - , ' " CLOTIIIER ( - Your Moiiy's Worth or Yonr Moiiy lh.t , - ' , - .1' ' "Ot-it of a Job"- In view of the fact that a doflar now Ioolcs as big _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as time bottoirm of a bueltut , and thiat. five of them maico a " bttmmhmoi of liiOllO'j , Ivo have do- "I " i , P oldod to tai't time sjii'Immg . ) ' , ul'Ighlt hiy soil ug the now , , spi'Irmg block of the Imsiotsoll A" " SpecIal , " time boat $5 hint on . , " \ earth , foi' $ I,50--thils ( or thio . I : j Stctsomt Fedaras , too. It tak'os til I but 8fi0 to got tile spring is , . t : ; . - - . , shape imfl1.01y11 mm g - IC I n g SpecIal , " ii hint oqtial to ho -5- host , 811th ( lImO that Ito backed ' z--e' : ' . by enmi' gnmtrnnteo for i1uaiitY sucTJ\c p and wear. . II it doesn't urcar tinti satisfaction I - give no good - JAw4u - . ' as any lint ( in the Imico of the - - cai'tii we svill o'ophaco It t'lthi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ 5- another lInt , ' , S'ti uviil also 11111160 SOIflO oxti'a cute 011 ftirnisiilimg goods thus week , stieht as tIll'cO imairs ( if hue semirumlead SOCkS for 2a , Two 1)airs of simeelni tan sooics lot' 25o , Natural mnoi'lmio sox , 2.ic , or six pairs lot' $1.35 , Cotswold inorlimo genuine Siiaw-icnit hocks , 40u grade , Jor 2Je. Our i'eguhai' $1 ullhaundorod whiito di-cs mthiii'ts , 7i5e. Amnei'lcan JIoiory Co'io underwear , rogomiar $5 grade , for 83fo uier stilt. Amnei'lcan Hoalem'y Co's line ribbed fom'mll fittIng $4.00 grade for $ 'JOO. Besit1o , our 15th street svitmdow whiero thtoso wonderful ' watched this week. bai'galns ut'o dijiiuyed hiouid becai'cfuiiy BROWNING , IING & CO. , Euhtttbhe Clothmkrs , N , SV , Com' , 15th and Douglas , S- S .i