Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1895, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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    - .
, ; 1 - , - - - ' - - - - - - - A L I
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I I Foremost Dry Gocd1 Business in OmRba- Onr
i ' t Prices Make OompeUUon Impossible
. -
C\'cryholl : , . 1tn"'f $ ItWc Uo rig UllollleM
E'cry Un-X'w nml AUrnell"o ( 1Ir-
\ . Jnlll , W 'hldl Xu One 1 10 , CII
] ullelt ( ' , oil Sate TOlorow ,
S ! . 1,000 IICrs NEW DRESS (1OOD.
Tomtrrow for the frol time 1,000 pieces
! Irlcty all wool hnportcll ( cilalles , French
henrlellns and novelty dress goods , In new
I , hale ! anll colorings , /0 al :00 and 30c.
i iOO ) ImCI SW SH.ltS , 3C AND 4C.
. '
This eleglll lot consIst or 32.'nch pure
Ik , Japanese anll India silks , heavy all slut
; ? 8Ies , 1Jg ! III er fancy China sIlks for
i , valsl ! ; ro pieces elegnnl Imporlel , plain ' and
; fincy lafrelas , the very latest for skirts , all
'ancy wakt s , Incluclng evening shades and
. black , and 4 b g lot or chaugeablo sl ( , n
. fard wide , \ crth UII to $1.60 , go al 3e and
Ie yard ,
30.lneh ! Instrl heavy skIrting satins worth
j ; Ijo , go nl ISC.
. t BUY lO ISI.IN ? tAD IN NI 11ASI\A ,
! Muslin Inane : In Kearney , Neb. , worth Gc ,
. for 3c.
l' I LIncoln brnd . muslin , le yard j $100 for a
whole bolt.
! 74g fno bleached , lusln , 3c.
nfe , and Plchvle , made same as
I Lnsdal , re y.Ull
lOc fine cambrics , rlhe yard.
; . 42.lnch Lockwood plw casing , 7c ,
worth 12 ½ c.
2 ½ - 12Yc. wld ! sheetIng , l21.jC , worth 20c.
Heady made sheet , : Hc each.
fl 72.Incli bleach double ltn , Irish damask
. ( napkIns to match ) . G9c yard , worth $1.10.
, G2-lnch 8e full harness , double damask ,
. Ic.
rS-lnch rre black danask 30c.
I 72-lnch DSc extra heavy unblelchec damask ,
60e 'nnl
GI-Inch Gc heavy unblelchell damask Wc. :
; rnInch 59e extra heavy rcd border Scotch
n , nn n _ _
damask , I Se
. . GO.lnch lOe mlllortel Scotch turkey red ,
I 25c.
. . 100 pieces turkey rl worth 3c , for Hic
roe ; 110zon ix % satIn fulsh napkins , go at
L $198 $ n dozen , orth $ : .25. !
- 300 lezen , % x3j high finish . napkins , worth
U.8 , for $15 , I
1000 ; dozen fnesl bleach rrncll : napkins , :
worth $175 dozen. go al S\e \ each. .
1,000 dozen large glatJ cloth napkins , ZjC
: each ;
Extra heavy GG-Inch table padding , worth
. SOc. for 51c ) 'anl
GO-Inch padding worth G5c. for SOc yard.
. 300 honeycomb bEd spreads , largEsl size ,
worth $ IC for 69e.
Extra heavy marseilles pattern crcchH bed-
- spread , worth $1.75 , al $ R5c.
A big lot stamped and hemsttched center
t pieces , tray cloths 11oyles ( , ete. , al 1 value.
N. W. corer IGlh and Douglas.
_ . . . d. . o , . . . . n
$ - , : nrl " ' 11 ! Hi . , " . $ fl Iry u nun . LU.
c To tIle many friends we havc made dur-
: Ins our busIness career In Omaha we wish
to be considered tinder many obligations .
w both for their patronage and for good wishes I
spoken Our store wi be closed Monday In
order to InvoIce the goods and 10 perform all
things necessary to the transfer of the
stock to the new firm , for whom wo ask a
continuance or your favors
t'nr.I of 1 Iiiic. ; !
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Forman desire to
thank their many friends , Including the faculty -
ul ) , and his many classmates , oC Creighton
college , for their great kindness and sym-
pathy during the last sad illness oC their
. . only son , Charles E. Forman.
. J'orman.
_ _ . _ _
. Elocuttn.
. Mrs. Myrtle Ketcham-Dalcin announces the
4 opening or the spring term In the elocution
department of the Omaha Conservatory or
S Music. Delsarle system oC physIcal culture.
S Shalespenre. Reduced rates for spring term.
S No F"r Ahout Oolt , flenrve.
_ _ ( _ uh _ _ . .
In the Dace ! 11i1ls-Te output or gold and
S siver from the mines or the Black hills In
IS93 Is as follows : Gold. 221.G75.S5S ounces
with n telnago value oC $4,119,033.27 : silver ,
: 137,915.20 ounces , wllh a coinage value of
, , ; ) $9640.CI. 'flie output for IS94 Is Placed by
censtrvatvo mining men al : Gold , 43.351.76
ounces : coinage value , $ S,23S,166.5I. Silver ,
S 172.39,1 ounces : coinage value , $120G75.80.
S The Northwester line . Fremont , Elchor
& 1issuri Valley railroad . Is the most direct
S from Omaha and its through trains are
S equipped \\'lh Wagner palace sleepers and
Cree reclining chair cars. Passengers for the
Keystone and Holy 'ferror distrIct buy to
Hermosa ; those for Green Mountain district
buy to Deadwood.
S Ticket office 101 Farnam st Depot 15th
and Webster sts. J. H. DUCHANAN ,
S General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Neb.
- .
p -
Inventory completed. Surplus stock must
. KO. Ice pots and pitchers claim attention
S S Ursl : roc sort for 30c. SOc sort for 12'4c ; 20c
for 10c. Sam'l . Burns , 1318 l 12Ye .
, , JUnESC IU lb' XCUnslO s.
t South Via lie WlilBh & ) li&illroa.l.
S On February 5 and 12 , March 5. April 2
S and 30. For rates or further information
) and 1 copy oC the HOleseel < ers' GuIde cal
S 5 Il the New Wabash office , Hlr Faram
atreet , or write O. N. CLAYTON ,
.5 $ N. W. P. Agent , Omaha Neb.
. 1. p
S The Ladies Aid . society or All SaInts church
: will Hive I party at the New 11etropolian
S hal , next Thursday evening , the 21st. An
S. . Interesting musical program will bo presenl-
.5 cII , commencing al 8 o'clocle. Admission , Including -
. , eluding refreshments , 25 cenls ,
, .
A 'ow ' \ ' ,
. Offered by the Chicago , Mlwankee & St.
. , Paul railway , the short line to Chicago. A
clean train , made UII nnl started from
Omaha. lagale checked from residence to
S destnaton. mesnl train service and cour-
S teous emlllo'es. Entire trains lighted by
z electricity and heated by steam , with elec )
S trlc light In every berth. Finest " dining car
service In the vest , wllh meals served "a la
S carle. " The Flyer 1 loaves at 6 servel p. m. dolly
. , rrom Union depot
City 'lcl'e olce , llO I Farnam street C.
S S , S. CarrIer , ciy ticket p agent
S d -
I - 'nnty1111 IcUt ' Chooll to Hello rt for
S . ' l' ( " "llltol.
\ The Hoarll or Fire all Police Commission
S . ers hell a special meetIng last evening , 01
which twenty I firemen were selected to report I
S for further examination on Monday . half of i
these firemen arc appointed for
fremcn al regular duty '
and the others \ \ ' \ be temporarily laced 1 01
the reserve Iit . There are to bo fIve col
h orcil mcn al'polnted , but the comniissioiier
. could nol make their selections at this .
, . ' coull sclectons II meet-
lug Those who are 10 report for regular
; ' duty and submit 10 examination by the city
4 PhYsician are : I. Von flicker . George Bend.
son , Robert Macleod , Frank Murray W. I ) .
S Barnes , Charles 'Iallman , Frel \averll ,
. Frank Stpck , George Huano and J. G. Gor.
S mats ThOSe who are to report for reserve
duty are : J. I ) . Sullivan , I rest Nowhousc ,
S Frank Hardy , John Icemmeruing . n. mis ,
James 'llams , IticliartiValiace , F . O. Garl-
: nor , John Iangel and Ichard Boyle , TI
selection or the men tt compose the colored
conlany wi Ie made In a few days ,
- - - - - - - - . - - -
Tu I" I' illa ( CI lIt 1"1'1 " ( stern I'olul. ,
Via 110 ( UnIon l'aclflc. the 'orld's 1lc ,
3 ; tonal LIne Head the ( lute . To Sal l ran.
cisco from .Omaha , GH hours ; to l'ortlaittj
S from Omaha , 653. hours . First class through
1'ulml1 cars . 1)ining ear service unsur-
. Ilneed. Free reclining chair can. Upholstered -
stored Pullman Colonlbt sleepers daily boo
tween Council Bluffs , Omaha and San Francisco -
cisco , via O. k N. W. and UnIon l'aclfo S ) ' , .
55 tern , without change , conenctng at Cheyenne
with similar car for Portland ; ale daily
between Kansas City and Porlunll , connectS .
S lug at Checnno with ahular cora for San
Correspond ; lime and service to ColaS .
rado , Utah , Wfumlng , Idaho and Montana
points. hARRY 1' DEUEL ,
, k Ilnll. Ticket . \S8nt 1302 Farnam street ,
I"1 \ " . . ' \ i ' '
Trcmtndons OenTnce Sale furiure , Onr-
pets and Rugs nt Very Close Prices
Henlrknhlo UnrgnlllN In : lllnlry - nit
Snnl" Iii Col'o 11111 Tea-Crockery lrllls
8\Ihell to Atom -lnlr U re88lnt
l'rices Awfully Low
Cloo . out ells and ends , cost nol considered -
Irec. InJles' sewing rockets , cane seat , etch
DS , ! .
12 arm rockers , cane scat , each $1.45.
8 arm rockers , cane teat , each $1.70.
2i mlses' rattan rockers , each $1.25.
GI kItchen tables , white lops , each ! 8c.
7 Fold oak sub boards , mirror lops , each
27 upholstered plush ) rockers . each $2.45.
9 carved oak folding beds , 18.4 , French
mirror front , each $ 21.
12 easy chairs , upholstered , each $ :
27 antique bed room suits , three pieces ,
each $10.50.
Cribs for the bable , eaci$1. !
All wool , Ingrain remnants , to chose from
10 to 20 yards , each per yard , .1Cc.
half \ \ eel ingrains . 10 chose , per yard , 3Gc.
r0 Jap rugs , 30x5t , to close , .ach , $1 ,
71 Jail rugs , 2ixGO , to close , each 4c.
IH chenille ruga , 18-32 , to close , each ISc.
I nglsh Jute lirusels carpet , per yard , 3ic.
Carpel lassocls , each 25c.
10 SAI. [ -m\\'EI.HY.
1,000 set' silver plated 1 tea SOOI. lc set.
Ladies and genis' cuff buttons , 25e pair. )
lell buckles , gold and sl\cr-platl 19c.
Heart neck chain , 21c.
Solid silver thimbles , 12c.
Sold sl\er
Iadle ' shirt waist Shills , 340 set.
Gold and , silver double hearts , 2nc.
Silver friendship rings , 25c ; engraved free.
2 gross gold-plated set ring . : c.
SI > Eclaees from 25c 111 : fitted . free of
chargt Mall orders fled prolpt .
CO pr AN } 'fA SAL1.
Gunpowder lea , 20c. I
Sunrled Japan , 25c. I S
SpIder leg. .lapn , 3c. : I
. , . , , . , . . ) : ! , . , . , . . . '
. S t. IO. 'n"n " .1 T..I " '
' ' . . . . . , ' 'uu ,
No. 1 Java anJ Alocha : u2 ' I '
; gallon plehers , 12e.
1 Iuart ! coffee pots , ic.
Dccorled toilet sets 12 pieces , for $3.8.
Violets . le a llozen.
French dress shapes 3c : worth 50c.
Fancy birds and feathers ! e : worth 75c.
Nice triminod hats. $1.50 : worth $ 4.
lurhll the next five days every lady hav-
lug her hair dressed will be given a 'race
sllam" free. Every lady shou\t tr ) this.
Switches thai really bold for $2.50 , go al
$3 : switches for $198.
Anti some go even at G9c.
N. W. Cor. IGlh and Douglas.
. I
Card of Thanc !
I wish to tale this opportunity to express
m ) sincere thanks to t 1 Worll Mutual Ben.
ef association . the insurance department of
the Order or the World , for its promptncs !
II paying the Insurance on my deceased hus-
band. Robert \Cnnek who was killed on
the Union Pacific raIlroad track January 30 ,
189 : The face oC the policy . $1.000. was
paid In eight days from the late of the proofs
oC death and just fifteen days afer hl
dcath. I also wish to tender my thanks to
Mr. Irving G. Barlghl , Ilstrlct superintell-
enl of the World Iutual Deneft association ,
and to t'l omcers and members oC Teutonla
lOdge No 262 , Order or the World . for 1dnc-
hess and slxpathy extended to me In my
bereavement. FHANCSKA WENNEIC.
l'ogtl Attentloii. '
t tt'nton.
All comrades or George A. Custer post No.
7. O. A. n , . are hereby ordered to meet at
their hal al ! o'clock sharp Sunday morn-
lug Feb. 17th , for the purpose oC attending
the funeral or our late comrade. D. C. Smith.
Funeral from residence 2209 Seward . street. I
Carriages wi be at the hal .to convoy all :
members who desire to attend the runeral. '
Dy order or H. H. DURBN ,
Post Commander.
Omcial . J. 13. SAWIIILL . , Adj.
A lIterary and musical entertainment and
ball . under the auspices of the Modern Wcod-
men of Maple camp , and the Royal Ne"h-
bars of Pansy camp. will be given next
Thursday evening February 21. at the new
Odd Fellows bali . on Fourteenth street near
1)odge. An admissIon or 25 cents wi be
charged the proceeds to be applied to help-
lag the Omaha poor. An Interesting pro-
gram 'IS been al ranged. .
Their ulbers . 10 time City 00 tie Increase-
I.h.lll on t harl : )
The army or tramps , or men and boys from
oIlier parts who arc In Omaha without any
visIble means cC support , Is steadily on the
Increase. A comervatve estimate by the po-
lice places the number oC these penn'less wanderers - I
derers now In the city al over 2,000. Owing
to the fact that there are many among them
who Cannot obtain employment or any kind
no attempt Is made 10 arrest them , so long as
they arc sober and crderly. Then too there
Is no place to put lhel , even wore the va- .
grunc laws strIctly enrorced. S I
Durlug the day the cheaper saloons are
crowded with these idier . who patronize the
\\.rl fIres lu one place till Invied to leave.
Some other like place Is then patronized and
so on till midnight , when all are turned out
b ) the closing of [ the saloons ,
Al who comm bo accommodated al time nhice
station ere received there , but this Is but a
smal fraction. The others crawl Into box
cars , sheds and empt buldlngf as best they
can. or \\.le tIme streets till daylight.
These men live entirely by begging
'fhese 1\0 entr , as a
rnle. from house to house In the residence
portons of the cIty. They seldom ask for
work , knowIng its scarcity. They find Ito
dllculy , however . In eating without laboring ,
as most people , and notably the poorer classes ,
nevr refuse ' to gIve them somethIng Very
oren time giver believes that he Is being 1m-
posed upon , but ror fear or refusing a really
deserving man feeds the applicant > anyhow. )
Until the weather changes the police 110 not
expect the number or unfortunates or this
chase 10 dimnimilsim They can only get away by
riding inside or box , and these are too
ciCH-ly walched , by train hands since the order
or the railroads agaInst free rIding went Into
effect last month. p
Par sale newspaper and complete outfit In
a thrl'lug little city In north Aiabamna Great
bargain Address W. J. Sibert , Gadsden , Ala
. &
1onlll :111 I'layI I Crolt lRld on 6lr.ct
Car II el.
Three motor conductors , one on the Park
line , one on time Thirteenth street and one on
tIme South Omaha , were beautifully fm-
tammec Friday nlghl.
A Iapper little slranger boarded the rear
IJla Herm or a coach anl tendered the con-
dlClol' In each Instance I f\e dollar Wiiam
In pamenl for [ his fare , On being asked
whether thai was the smalest change ho
h.l he would reply ) :
"Yes-no , hold 111 , " taking the five out ot
time conlnctor's , hand a 11 ramming In his
overcoat pokel , Then he would fumble
round \ In his pocltels a moment , then cx-
Plain :
" " 'es , thai's all I'vo gOI-thoughl I hal a
nickel , but It has slipped away , " at the same
tme tendering the con time bill again
The light ismm't I time best on time rear llat-
tUrin at nlg'lt , and In each one or time three
Instoncc In question the conductor took time
bIll , buoyed I In his poc el without further
examinaton ( , amid In revenge counted out to
the Ihulam man In time unalesl coins ho
had his $4.D In change. Then he wouil
hop off gracefully [ amid mix with time gloom ,
amid lImo concuetor on reaching for his bill
to straighten It out and amid It to his rol ,
would let aIr u secton or p'rolechnlca that
would Io cWlll 10 the Fourth oC July.
In each instance the $5 bill turned out to
ha a bad one. 'fhe dapper little gentleman
hall made the shift when he took the bill
bacl 'he namel or time , 'Ictlnlzell conduc.
ton are suppressed Iy request , but the man
on the South Omaha lne II sid to Io time
"llyebt rresbest" man on the run , and has
been looking for a iaD 11 smart Is ho I.
, .
Every Pair ofMe&s ' Shoes in the Store that
We Buy No More ,
Vc ( : mmi't Alord I i ; tut ' , Vm're 10uoo CIU' ,
111 J nrl-So "hl' " Are ! i'ouris for I' m
ol"lr Till time W'lmiqtlo " 118
Six ' 'olorrow Night
After time largest season's shoe business we
have ever had wo tale this usually dull
month ali all sIngle pairs and two and six-
pair lots amid Put them on and under four
large tahles In the middle or our Store amid
turn lhcm over to YOI In cxchanRo for
There are pairs or $ G.OO bals all congress
now $ .00.
There ore paIrs anti paIrs or $5.00 bals amid
conrcss _ . , now $100. _ . _ _ u _ . _ uU . . _ _ _ _ . .
'nere are pairs 01 mens "Ul " " " lUlU
congrcss shoes thnl you would thlnle were
dnmaJell If cIored to ) In sOle places
for $1.00 a pair.
\ $ don'l want 0 pair left ot thesr mcn's
fine hoes tOlorrow nlg'nt , so put them all
emi sale for this day ul $1.00.
SOle or them are hall made sOle are
Goodyear welts , htmL all are pairs or our
reGular stock amid sold for $3.00 , $4.00 , $5.00
anl $6.00. Wo carry regular hues , therefore
this Ilmense lot wi bo cleared out for $1.00
' .
a pah'
All day today Ealples or times great bargains .
gains In ) mmmcmi's shoc3 will be shown In our
wlsl window. You can see there whal wo
will give tomorrow In men's shoes for $1.00
n pair.
All the boys button shoes-With time great
$1.00 nalo of men's calf shocs , every pal' ot ,
bo 's' button slices In the store will also be
$1.00 n 11alr.
Some were $2.50 , seine were $3.00 , others
were $3.00.
'Pus'ill , be n real house cleaning and hundreds -
dreds or pairs of mmien'S shoes wi go out or
our store for oue.frh what they were ycstcr ,
day. . WH.COX k DIAllm ,
ClearIng Up Ien's Fine Shoos for $1.00 ,
1515 al lll7 Douglas Street.
rate ( f Sergeant : IrU\fl II 1 : lontlll
BUzz irU .
Particulars have reached Omaha or the la-
mentble fate or Sergeant Drown , 'floop I. or
the Tenth cavalry hI time late fearful hlzzar' :
" " letter > ro-
In Momitamma. "Tho snow , the leler Proceeds I
ceeds , "was already deep , and Il was lifted
[ rom the grounds In sheets , and I < came a
blinding cloud , against which Il was imnpossl-
blo for any living thIng to move. The wlll
readied a velocity of i5 to 80 miles au hour ,
while the t"Jrmometer , as the storm abatcd
dropped to H below zero. Al the very hclght
of the storma which lasted for over twelve
hours the temperature was 12 below zero
Aloul 3 o'clocle In the afternoon . when the
tempest was In its wIldest fury Sergeant
Drown left Ilavre . a railway vIllage sever
miles distant. whither ho had gone In the
early part oC the dar , to return to Fort
Asslnabolne. ills friends became alarmed
soon aCer 1ls departure , and telegraphed time
fact oC his starting from that point 'ho
slorm subsided about 2 o'clock ! the next morn .
lng , amid II was believed at tile post hint : er-
geanl Drown had taken refuge al some ranch
along Milk river , not far from llavre . all
, would show up In the mnormiimig , safe and
sound. But day dawned upon a dreary waste
In all directions. Drown was nowhere In
sight. At stable cal his horse , jaded sore
and fomlorn , bearing evIdence of having
drifted before the blast for man ) miles . came
Into the 110st. A searching party vas quickly
organized . and taking lho track of t J rider-
less horse they entered upon a hopeless
QUest. 'hcy found where the horse hall
'taleu shelter In some brush near Beaver
creek . also the packages which the sergeant
hal purchased. These articles were picked
up about thtoe mies rrom t"le garrison.
Weary days have olapsed..slnce .ho horse
came In , but no tidings or the unfortunates
soldier have been heard. It Is reared that
his remains have been eaten by the wolves
and will never be recovered. The snow drifts
are deep near where the horse stopped In
time brush , anti In that vicinIty faint traces
or foot nrlnts were discovered , These seemed
10 iiidicate that Iirowmi . becoming cold , dismounted -
mounted to find his way a-foot , and Ir possi-
ble to avoid freezing by the exercise " Sera
geanl Drwn was wel known here and great
regret Is expresscd by all over - his awful
Adjutant Grate Hulchlson or the Ninth
caV.lry. Fort Robinson , has been granted a
short leave.
Major Enoch H. Crowder returned yesterday -
day morning Crum a short visit to his old
home In MissourI. _
Caplaln Sebastian Gunther or Topeka , ICan. .
reached ' his GHh birthday on February G and
passed from time limited to the unlimited re-
tired list oC the army.
Lieutenant Colonel James H. Bradford ,
Seventeenth infantry , who has been under
trealment al hot Springs , Arl. , Is stIll unfit
for duty , and has had his sick leave extended
four months.
Time Se\enteenth Infantry Christian asso'
elation , Fort Russell , was organized last No. I
vember with ten charter members , but now I
has a membership oC thirty-seven , and Ii ,
steadily Increasing
Captain Gorge S. 101e. First cavalry ,
who has been detained here for the Pqst two
weeks hy the sickness oC Mrs. Hole , leaves
for his post al Fort Grant , Ariz. Mrs. Hole
will remain 01 the Paxton under medical
trcatmenl for several weeks longer.
Leave or absence for ten days on surgron's
certificate or disability . has been granted
Lieutenant Edward I. Hartwlclr. Ninth cay-
airy I.'ort Robinson this state He was dl-
rected to report his arrival amid dellarture
to the mellcal director or the Department or
time Plate al Omaha.
clltor ' Ymstsoum'a . 111101.1 Stolcn ( 'hlo
lie 'Iaa .
10 .18 ileephumg.
Frlcy night President John C. Watson or
time slate senate arrived In tIme ely and with
him hue brought his handsome diamond pin.
Mr. Watson's dlalmnd lashed with so
much brilliancy that ho attracted the aten-
ton or 1erl Drown , a porter In the Millard
hotel , and It seems that Bert determined
upon posseslng the 11ree'ous ' gem At any
nile . when Air , Walson awoke In the morning
his jewel was not to be round and he notified
the proprlelor oC lImo place , Mr Marl.el , who
Inmldlalely enlisted time services oC Scr-
geants Whalen and haze . Time olcer soon
fxec the thef upon Bert and on searching
Ills trunk time "sparlder" was round , snugly
wrapped up In some papers In time bottom or
time receptacle. Bert was arrested and locked
up under the charge oe grand larceny
Brown has heretofore been regarded as an
homiest young nina
. , -
J'Jrn81ult , to Take
Time Northwestern line fast vestbuled Ciii-
cage train thai glides east ( rein the Union
Depot every afternoon ut 145 ; and Into
Chicago at 8:45 : next moring with supper >
and Is carte breakfast , Every part oC time
train Is BiGHT.
Othcr easler\ traIns al 11:05 : a. m. and 4
p. m. daily-good , too
CIty ticket office , HOI Farnam street.
In inaugurating time "lIre sale" o drugs
and toilet articles , whIch wi pre\'nl ut
our ntore for time Ilxt few ( la'I wo wlll
I distinctly understootl that we do not
propose to Ilcpart hi the main from thc
"regulatiomu' ' unll t'll'l metho or doIng
buiiiesuu. 'l'hal it' , we do not lropOSo ) to
nlopt Illsatonnl methoft or . doing busl.
leI ! , In fnct , It II to ! oldlt ) ' our Inlnos
structnre b1 thu Addition or M.O Preserll ) .
tons that wo bought the cntrl LeslIe
stock or drugs.uu uhal offer some bar.
gains . which wIll Icer too great to
bo I.tul , but which will 1m genull leVOI' .
thlls . When these goods are gone wc
Ihal of "ourb' have to return to Prices
which afford a Icclthnute limoIlt .
Sellul lelle'l eutre drl block At oue.
hAl cot prIce ,
ttSTO STOltOJ.t.Uc" ,
lug ( " I.ot1,2IU''Inal ' Jotjht from
the ( hit Colnn" , ttUr.,1 : l'OIII1ny ,
\1 be sold tomorrow on the second floor , nl
Boston Store , Omaha at prIces llnl really
do nol embody one-temith l1arl thclr vnln .
All the ladies' e10akA-aml jackets from the
railroad wreck , that are soie or mussed In
any way go al SOc each
) $15 CLOAKS AND JACKETS . . $1.08.
All time fine satin lined jackets plush jnck'
eta , capes , musters and 'owmar1ets , from this
stock , g al $ ! 8orh : up 10 $15.
$5 CLOAKS AND AClmTS , $4.08.
Ladies' latNl style large sleeve jackets ,
Plush cques , In fact , all time latest styles
In mules' coats and snoucs , worth $25 , go 11
N W. Cor. Imh and 1)ouglas
. .
TIme Elks wIll give their first rehearsal for
their charity mInstrels next month
The Omaha Turnvreln will give a peas-
ant's bal nt time homey street bal on Thtmrs-
( lay evening , I.'cbrnnry 21. I
Pror. Chatllnln 11el\erel a French lecture
al Irs. J. L. Wcbster's ytsterday , on "Avanl
10 nesulay Bal. " His nexl lecture will be nexl Wed-
A permit has blen granted by the bull1ng
Inspector for another or those business estab.
Ishments which now dignify the northeast
corner of Fifteenth nail Farlm slrools.
Max Spelman , n clJarraler reshllll at
217 Cass street fell down time embnnlolent
al Twcnt-frh amid Harney streets Friday I
nlRht ali severely Injurell his right leg. :
'ho members or the Women's auxiliary to
the Anclenl Order or Hberians wIll give a
select dancing party al Patterson's hal , Scr-
enttenlh amid Parnam streets , tomorrow eren-
The "Triby" lecture In the Unity church
wi bo given at thc ell'ch tomorrow night
b ) 11ev. Elnor Gordon oC 810me City. Miss
Illh L. . Wagoner all Mr. Josep"l F. Barton
wi rurlsh the music.
The Omaha View Improvement club will
hell an Imimportamit meetng al Twenty-sixth
and Lake streets tomorrow evenIng. gvery
citzen who wants Lake amid Thirtieth graded
Is invited. CIty counclmcn rrom the Sixth
and other wards are requested tG bo present
The resilIence or James Dool ( , was slightly
damnpt1 by lIre late 'eslerday afernoon ,
'fho fire started In 1 woodcn coal scuttle
which hind been heft near the stove , and a
spark set fire to lho coal , buring 0 hol ' .
through time hoar.
A guest train Knnsas City extngished the
gas al time Cozzens hotel Friday \ evening , by
means of the Reuben Jay sYbtem , and them
would have been a job for the coron hal
nol another guest discovered the condition or
afnlr In time to rescue the I'ansas City
man from asl)1m3'Xiation.
- .
TIlE laIR IOCT ! 0ITI"leN ittUI'II
Via Hock Isl\lt , Short"t I.iito and 1''slol
. ' ' .
To emIl points In Kansas , Oklahoma , Indian '
Territory , Texas and all points In southern
California. Only one night out to all points
In Texas. Time "Texas Limited" leaves Omaha
at 5:15 : a. m. daily except Sunday , landing
passengers al all points In Texas 12 hours In
advance or all other lines. Through tourist
cars _ _ 'h Via _ Ft. 'u - Worth . . . " _ _ ansi _ . _ El , ! Paso tQ Los , _ , An- _ _ _
geles. 'or ' 11 parlCUlrS , maps . 101en.
etc. , cal al or address Rocht Island ticket
office , 1G2 Farnnm St.
S .lrcl Cltl 00 tim , , nOIII' .
NEW YORK , Feb. IG-In the United
States circuit court today Judge Lacombe
approved the solo oC 15,008 shares of the
Lake Railroad & Iron company of the par
value of $752,400 to Nelson Penn of I3ahti-
more for $111,741 , or 15/ cents on time
dollar , to satisfy n claim or thc Jarvls-
Conleln Mortgage company for 100000. The
sale was made by. Joseph C Wiets fluid
Hal alII n. Conldln receivers oC the Jarvs-
Conk\n Mortgage ompanr. p - S
I.ndleR I.ltol ; of lie Athltl Journal. '
ATLANTA , Feb. IGSnosix Inches deep
In the city . bul thal dd ! nol prevent the ladies l -
dies or Atlanta getting out thc ladles' edition
or time Atlanta Journal. The young ladles
are braving the weather and getting out a ,
splendid editon or rorly-four pages.
Onvrnhtnt Contrmnp'rmt lag ( hnno In
:101 hOI or Supplying thin IllURn ,
Information basell upon official authority
has reached time federal building recently to
the effect that the government I likely to
make n radical chanRo In Indian supplies In
time near future TIme present s'slem of [ dis-
the various
trlbllon among the tnllnns nl
reservations Is to gIve each Imtal his rations ,
cattle , clothing , blnnkels , etc. , at certain
periods ot time year .
Experience has cemonslratc to the infinIte
Ilsgml at limo federal authorIties that a
regular gang of [ white inca make Il a bumsi-
ness to bo In proximity to Indian reservations -
tons just after these distributions are mantle ,
and inasmuch as time unsophIsticated child or
time forest has nn inborn passion for [ trading
and I reverhh fancy to tickle his lonsls with
rorblhlen si iuisky , time result Is that white
men eventually trade thc Indians out or their
cattle . their blankets , ete. , and even the neW
roil fannel underclothes which a gcnerous
gO\'ermnenl parcels out to time wards or this
The recent indIctment or three men who
bought cattle [ rom time WlnnebaRos for n
trilo and sell time steers nt a handsome
profit , has opened time eyes of the gO\'ern.
mtnl to time f.\ct thal they are but a few or
I big ring of tricksters who hnve been chent.
hug limo IndIans omit or their properly for
years , amI that a rallcnl chanpe In the S'S'
tcm oC dl tllbuton Is essential to protect the
Indians fro I further immirositloru
lence , tho' subject or haying the Indians
money and nlowlng thcm to buy their cloth.
lag ali SUllples wherever they wish , has
bren revived and Is sahl 10 have mart time
approval or federal olcials high In authorIty .
as wcl as receIving encour : menl atVmusim. .
A sliver dollar Is as big as a carl wheel
as viewed by the average Indian : nail the
result Is thal the new 111an when recent .
broach on I reservalon mel with time en.
thmumslastlc appi'ovmml or time cOl1per-colored pensioners -
sioners of Uncle Simm
Unler the present methOI the laws ro-
strict Indians from selling cr trading their
supplies ) on a rcservaton , but her I are at
liberty 10 dlslloSO of them , with Impunl ( . ,
Ir the bargain I ! made oft of reservation
soil . Many white humid sharIs arc always
on the ulert to snap ump such chances. I
Is nol an uncommon occurrence for thl later
to Ret a nc\\ blanket , suit or clothcs amid
nnlr nr hntc ( M'n "u " , .1" " , . " " . .
tIny" ; i ; : - for - $1. . Grocers . . amid . trailers . " ahuo u seize . .
the ol > porlunly , nnl , there Is one Inslance
where an Indian traded his entre outfit for
sixteen pounds of brown sugar.9th the
coin Jinglng In their pockets the Sioux , the
WlnneIago amid other tribes know full well
the value of mouey if I they . are nol familiar
wih the value of goods. The proosed new
system or pension Is no Increase or oxpeumso
to the lovelmcnt , as the goods would necer-
sarly have to be 11trehn ed.
Il makes time Indian his own purchaser ,
and while he mmmay get n palm or pants that
\ \ 'iii bag al tim IUces , or get cheated In
some cases when ho docs his own shopping
II Is caimed thai he wi quilt winner In the
ond. \\'iiIle the gay and festive squaw
vIhi ha\e to lalc her own chances In 0 bargain -
gain counter rush , Il Is further alleged that
Rho whit enjoy the Indepelience of selecting
her own style and net Io placed al the
) '
absolute mercy of' time tastes oC Secretary
oC the Interior 1ole Smith. The knowing
ones say that time governmcnt conlrwtors
ali "reservation followers , " who are said 10
bo mualting a soft.tumizig out. of tue Presen
In.1aldng. .tl.lln ! ! :
. . . . . _ . _ , _ _ ,
supply symacm Wil IO tuB "rratCSL muacra mu
tIme new Ilea blossoms Into reality .
Better lIvery vetr : .
Time was when time "glorious climate of
California" dklimot attract tourists. But year
after rear time time or travel sets In stronger
mind stronger every fall and winter toward
this favored rcglou. There Is no climate hike
Il on lhls continent for a winter resort , and
the usual fine service emi the Union PacIfic
system has this season been Iroughl to a
degree or perfection which leaves nothing tl
be deslrcd.
Harry P. Deuel , City Tlcl.el Agent ,
1302 Faram street.
S TVO h.dmO'M - iliaC . , \ro 4)vevlue.
NEW YORK , Feb. IG.-Tho lIed Inl
steamer Phiadelphia arrived rrom Venezuela
'today. Caplaln Peters reports that while cit
Baret last nIght al 10:30 : ho passed a
steamer runnIng al very much 1'luco spead
and Is oC time opinion thal Il Is possIbly I thc
missing City of St. Augustine from thal cl )
I nilglut also have been the Imperial Prince , '
which Is now cleven days out from Sl. Luca ,
Eu New Lot One Cent lU.usic. =
o --S _ _ _ _ _ _ - . - - _ _ - . - _ " . _ - - - _ , .0
t - U
Brass Feet Pia110 Stools
tI U S Solid Adjustlbte. Ont $1 I 55 each - Eboulzed Polshed Wood
. Oue-Thlrd I'4nunfactmtrcr'es Price ,
fI <
. B Fancy Pattern AU Wood Piano Stool '
= . o to match aty Piano , $2.90. S'
; . Oxicidized copper base Stools , wood
- '
c top , ortta1tettat rim , $3.90.
- C
t Piano Chairs , wood seats , $4.67. ; ,
z n .
A. HOSPE , Jr. ,
E - - - - - - - f C I
o : . 0 .
ml , Itlitlouu : . I'ico 40c . ii m.I-
: ccol,1 Editon Little Irene Prco 401.
= Nm3wTitle. tte Queen I eue doaiortbUIlllod ) = .
- - " . - . '
I I- Mrs. J. BENSON. ;
\TO \ have received oegant t
45J , _ new spring goods in Table
. Linens , Embroideries , Muslin
: Underwear , Laces Yandi c
u' : : Point Colan , Gents' ' Ties in
! u ; " 4' ' all styles , Stationery , Perfumes .
' . ; fumes Toiet Articles , Etc
Special Prices on
I S I 4LG ! Fo I I owl n g :
tIW All IIIkui Llnon ( . . . . Hcmstiched . . . . . . ) . 7c
I I ? . Unlulndol'c(1 ( IUl gm-
? 1)rOIdCi'Ctl Initial Jdld ! 15c I
, ' A bukL'n Ilumu 2c InitIal
; j % Idltrl hI kn Inu . . . 2.u . . . . . . . . . . 15c
I : ; . Eimibi'tildemetl Chlffoo II
I : : . tL BmlJollcl'cd UdltCI. . . . Chlf . . . . . Ic
S . ( : ittut'ml ' all liuiomi
L. 4iJj GOlt' ! ! good quality nllnon
u , hUIUtluhcl1 hl(18,2101' 250 ;
) : c- ' . ' line ( limlit ' , 25c
'o 4. : n very Ino Ilultr ; .
I 5' S .iapttinuttu hdkrs f , 150 ; u brok-
I ' .JuJunnlo 36&i initial iidlcts
( Ino
for 19c.
Four.yard pieces rubber skirt facing. . " . , , . , , " . . , 15c
. Heg Ilnr pl'l.c , 25i.
, _ _ _ . . - - - - -
L - - - - - - - -
. , . . -.M . " . h" - " " S - ' " , " ' ' ' . . " " , . . . 7.- = = ? -
Retrenchment Session of Oounty Oommic-
siones : OnUed for Tomorrow Morning ,
Ir8. ( 'untla \lh'j8c.1 lint SII.I : l Ask
1ccr. ' , trout CUI8tlbl0 halley's n11118'
immoim-Cuniinissiniucr Sutton 'n108 lli .
Sent-Bridges for thin 1'11'1110.
A meetng ot time Board or County
CommIssioners ns n committee or the
whole was called ( or tomorrow mmmorn-
lug nt 10 o'clock , to consller the cutting of
salaris or count ) em\lo'e . : Ir. Snlon
stated that Il would ho immmpossiblo for him
10 ntend , and on thal account I Is osslble
that time meetng wi be } osIIIOltl.
Al the mcetng yesterday nrernoon A. I. ,
Smitten . tool his posiion as a fuli.flemlged
county cOlmls810ner. The rormaltl con-
slsted slmlJI ) or a stntcment rrom COlnt .
Treasurer Irey thal Slton was time' cholce
or time appolntvo benrll , of time nmhummlrmislru-
ton of time onth by time chairman , to Stmt-
ton , and or the dIgging tip on the hart or
Sutton or a box or good cigars , arolnt which
the commissioners gntliercil like a flock or '
imumigry dlcks nrountl n hnm1ul or corn.
A conlllte ( report recommcnlled that time
complaint or Irs. Clara Curts ( agaInst Con-
stable Dan C. lall ' bo placed 01 me , ns It
was hell , thai the hoard bad mme power to :
act , a 11 hint ( :1's. Cuts woull ha\'o to lO I
10 the constablo's bOllsmen to oblaln saIls-
faction. AIrs . Curtis' complalnl stated that
aim lund levied some tme ago on the fix-
lures In tIme ell Douglas Street then tel' , anl
that Conslahlo Daley was a111101nl to
servo the writ. Sue alleges that h ( oblalnel
possessloim I ! or time timings , and , uftem' Eellng
thcm , npl1rol1rlatetl time proceeds 10 his own
use . Stenbe.s objected to thc alopton , of
time report , saying thai the only remedy
thal Irs. Curtis hind was throlgh time hoard.
lIe , ras li 1 favor or ! nvestRatn time charge . .
nmul I r rouummu to be true or immipcacmmimmg
: nl , J rOlnl IC trlc , Inlleaclln/
limo otlicer. Sulon was of the same mlll
Tim mater was reconmmuuittetl .
'fhe cOlnl ) atore ) ' was Instrlcted 10 r-
) ' to his order Ihat
Ilesl Judge Blnd ) mOlH orde
each waiter meler should bo charged on n
'ellrale bill , whelher more than one waS
In tIme Ilossession or one consumcr or not
Time county hal , a meter In the court iuamme .
ono In the counly Jai and anolher al the
poor farm , and I each were char ec sep-
arleII was estmated thal time waler hill
would bo over ro ncr cent a month larger
than Il Is mmow Time count ) had armamige-
monts with the watcr company before I
wenl Into the hnllls or a receIver thal time I
three melers huomihsI bo charged as dm0.
shoull onl.
E. H. and Julia G. S. Meyers lave notice
that they woull ask for a right of WY
through the property of David anti Mary
Keemena They claim thal they are en-
timely cut off rrOI time lmigimway Time names
or John Trubr , John Fouls 'amid James
Ilvlngton were llresentcd by Livesey lS ap-
Time finance commitee recommendel thal
the nSEessmenl levied In school district Xo.
G. for the purpose oC receeml11 Ionlls , be
Iransferred Into the sPecial school district
fund , as Il was round that all the bonds
for which time assessment was raised have
been redeemed .
Tbo quarterly statement or the register or
deeds and the semi-annual stalemenl oC the
county treasurer have been checked up and
round to be correct.
A number or bids were received for the
construction oC two bridges p over time Papplo.
'ChrllUoy Jnrv ) 18char rr.
NEW ORLEANS . , Feb IG.-The jury In
time case oC D. F. Timrlmley a member or time
city council , who was on trial for soliciting I
a bribe from the LouIsvIlle & Nashvie railroad -
road failed to agree and was discharged I I
Is salt time jury stood nine for acquittal anI
three for conviction .
" 'II PIIY for the 1'nr.
Parties conencted wih time Associated
Charites arc preparIng a grant miitary
concert ' \ \ hch vii be given al Doyd's opera
house In the near future. The date has nol
ret been fixed 1 , but time concert wilt un10Ub -
edly ba given early next w month
They WIll lie Akeulto I.enll a Jrllllnl
iIuit1 . -S
E\'cr ' worshiper who enters church iloor'
Every , 'orshlptr enter n Iloor
In Omnhn today will ha\1 an owortunly tO t
assist In some degree In the task or sustaining -
Ing the poor anti destitute I , for whom thes
winter days arc bUllcnel with harlthlp and
smuffering. Charity will be . the 11Imo or
every ef'lcl , anti the In\.lnton to lend 1
helplnl hand In time wcrle or benc\olenco will
b heull train every altar.
Al the Public meetng heM nl time Com
merclal , club ln4t : lollay afternoon n plll\
wns rormulatell b ) ' whIch It Is hoped that
the local charlablo orlanlz ton mny b
enablell to contnue Its work throulh IhO
winter. The rePort real by Mr. Thomns L.
mmbnl or time Associated CharIties showed
that the calls for assistance were much moro
numerous than ever belore. I'ns also '
stated thal the receipts hind been bul ItUo
moro than halt \hnt the ' were last 'enr.I
consequence thc organlz/ton rounl itself II
continual cmbnrra8smtnt. anti unless some-
timing was done b ) l > ublc.slllrlcll ciizens to
aslst , many a Poor I famIly must be heft tO
Are hearing the report a resolution was
unaulnousl ) ' allopted requeslng the clerH-
men of tue city to I sul an neal to thin
mcmhers or their various congregtons tO
become members or time j\ssclnlell Charites
amid 81111 In their anunl tithes or $ I as MOil
as possible. 'hls 1111 ) > ell wIll be issued rronl
time IJllIls this mmuormmlimg . a 11 Secrelnr ) '
'I.aughlanll says that t 1000 In em hers cal
hue securll Il wIll Provide the organlznton
with rnnds .umcent to run thel throuHh
the winter. 'fho Ilmbershlll ncl mmot mmeces-
sarly be tallen by one person. I Is recom-
menllel that In CaS3 whl'rl persons cln not S
afford to mike ( n full mmmemmmbersiuip they l'ol
Issues anll each conlrlbuto a certaiui propor-
lion . I Is eXIecle,1 , hint lany well-to-the S
citzens will take lucre Ihan a slnglo mmmciii- , ; S
hershlp , Rll by this lethOI the necessnrY
unds lay he Ilrovldell 10 contnuo the work
of relief which . has becn ulierlal < en by the
organlz3ton. .
- .
Ii'J.sTIh1fX I'I.\Sl.VS' .
/ , , ,
, 'olcrul or Iho 1,111' tclolhortl br
the Orlo."t ( I'"ln""t.
" - " sil IN 1'I'ON. F'c'iu. IG.-SneclaU-Pen-
sloml glntell , htsuie of 1"eb'u\ ; ; ) ' 2. \\'Ire :
XeIlslm : . Origi minI- Sam mmci Shlntz , .
Central City , : lelrlcl < ; n IIen I ) . Norton .
Vom'k , York ; .1011 It. illume . \'lhoo. S"un-
ders. hmicre'nee-Louuis Neals , Uelevue.
Sarp ) ' . Iheisinme-William H , I.aimmb Benl-
11(1. Gage.
Iontanl : Orl hHI-.lan D. Snthelland , .
a remit 1"ll , t'alle : , .
l Hue of 1"clnlr ' 4 were : Xlbr lm . .
Orginal-Chnrles F. Ie'lrs. Slton , CImty2
"Iols Hlhert , \\'est In , Saumlcrs ; .10slal\
Iornn , ' 1'cl'lmlh. 111t
lowl : : Orl lnal-JMelll Aiormison . Stuiart .
Guthrie. increaseS .loselh II. Thomas ,
Ceilni' Fails . Black 11\\ . Orllnal wllows.
L'elal' , 1.'als. .1. i3llss . Cpntrl ! City , I.lnn :
Sarah .J Hal1son. Lc Claire Scot ; ( reissue >
: lary M11115 , \al. Crwford
Colollo , : lnal--Dallcl Underwood .
1\ : \'ta. lucrflnontollo ; De Jesus 1.0-
ICZ. Del NOltc , Hlu Olanle.
D2troll Free Press : Judge Grosscup rcc-
olnlzed his mistake In nppolntng President
Grcenhul receiver of the \Vhmishty trust , and ' -
his hastened to rectify time crror.
FL0SOiDA.'ATfl1Timism Is . time fInest II S <
fI.OHDA Iaustimmsmmi & Co. . Ine ' . . . ' '
tIde imy .
selling " ul ; ly , now tlln . . . . . . . . . (0.mCII . . . . . . . 35c ' , . I , J' .
l'mmtrUMiI-An R. orllcnt of eighteen , /
S uuugum 1 now. . grade . . . . . . . odors . . . . : . formerly . . . . . . . . . : . . sold . . . . . . at . . . be . . . .19c . : '
' - , butt'r mills . glycemlume .
r'P-Inculln lulrr mie. Jlycorille. J
transparent ghycem lime . Oerlnnoln anti others
. Jlycrllne. 7 (
hlgl h''lJo toilet soaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C . "
nox i'AI'ER-Imchtmi1iuig liar , ) ' , , . ' ' .1
PAIER-lnchllnJ lnrd' wmultimmg'515c
ansi , oIlier In" Inpcl' for Koe'ety. ! COI're ,
emOndence. I""I' sold nl 30c Iu 50 : now Bo"
Snow , Lund & Co. , 1
S. E. Cor , 16th nud Fnt'unl. , I
, S r
_ _ _
- -
+ 2'7 ? ? ' 7l' '
i There' but To Oct a correct
idea of the -
One way ortle completeness [ -
ness of our stock and
of the dollar-saving ,
S economics we offer '
, . you , and that is by
S S inspecting thc goods
, .
' 5' .5 and comparing the
. S values , We are offering -
ing some special bar-
. ' . gains in Chinaware ,
S Glass and Kitchen
THE Goods that you cannot .
afford to miss ,
not flliSS.
9 9Cettt There is everything S
to gain in a visit
S tore , to our stOI'C
taU l ulnum , 4
? iwwmrn . { . ? ' ' ? ' ? +
, _ ,
S. 1418 DOUGLAS S.T.
. , - -
, ,
. $ _
X' - ,
, .
1 1418 DOUGLAS ST.
. - - - - . . S . . . . . . . . S _ _ S S 5 _