Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1895, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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TIlE O [ AnA DAiLY BEE : tSUNDAY , FEnnUAUY .17. 1 1S9. _ _ 7
Ccdy Will Leunch Out Into New Forms of
Entertainment for the MEmos ,
Altrnctloll ! Which wm tlo:11 : IhA JloRrds
Jurlng the NI'xl ; evml H"yI lIIplro
Tllrntcr WII110 Ullrle Until Next
11111\1-Cllt'tt the : lulleu.
Dulalo fill has returnell tram his recent
scout or reconnaissnce In New York City
nnl I thc busiest man In Lincoln county.
Ito Is en/agt at the present time In per-
fectnE plan for spring work on his beau I-
ful honl1tctll , "SccuL's Hesl" ranch ! adjacent
to North Platte , which comprises 3,000 broad
acrs of the most fertile valley land In the
Hlt ! Colonel Cody Is an enlhuslastc ! Irrlga-
tonlst and views with consiierablt pride the
Irrigation canal seven Iles In length and
' laterals which xviII this
thirty-five of wi
year convey the wateu of the Plate over
.7 every foot of this vast farm One hundred
anti slxlY IH.'lll of ptllgreel horsea , Clytes-
( Tales , Cleveland lays ana I acm C'S , will be
employed In the cultivation of this tract , and
they arc all fat anti slck and iady for spring
work. 'fho commotluus ranch stables con-
thin Immense stores of hay ant the excellent
alfalfa , whll the granaries bulge with last
'eml' crop of sod corn , attesting the utility
ol irrigation In Ncbrnslm.
Heins requested 10 outline his Individual
ptns for the summer , Colonel Cody sail : "I
wilt take lho road about the m""lo of AprIl
and wIll ope In Phlalelphla on April : : , I
with the largest show that has ever been
: transporlcJ through the country on wheels. II
My company will consist of GOt people and
' GOO heal of unlmuls. At the present time I
nm having ( constructed the largest ! , Portable
ranl stand that was ever built. I will seat
comfortably ISHOO pEople. To transport the
comllan , unlmal and paraphernalia , I will
) ' . Buffalo
require forl-slx 8lxly-loot cars. Dutalo
Bill'sVild West and Congress of Hough
Hiders of the Wor"l Is Nebrarka's own show ,
for the original performance of the enlertaln-
' , moot , which has unquestIonably , during the
last eleven years , played 10 more people
than any other show , was given In Omaha
May 17 , 18S2. I Is n Ileasure to me 10 feel
that this Iiow . the Peculiar product uf fron-
tier life In Nebraska , has attained to such
popularity , having traveled more mile-a , psr-
formed In more different countries and before
more royalty lhan any show ever organized.
DurIng the summer of 1895 I wIll , with this
combination , lour the New England , Middle
and southern states , closing the season In
November at the great Atlanta , Ga. . exposi-
( ion. 1 consider the success of the WII\
" % ' est was In its originality and the Interest
that pertained to border life and warfare
which It SO rallhlcaly portrays. 1 am now
organizing for Ambrose I'ark. my permament
' grounds In greater New ) , another exhl-
* IIIt0n equally original In conception . which 1
, nm confident will commend itself lo the
world as an entertainment
l , , 111l'sure-seel'ln
of surpassing Interest. A great many , who
olways fear venturIng Into new fields . have
l1rdlctell for this enterprise lhe same dis-
comftng failure that was so freely
prolJhesled for the Wil West. Mr.
Salisbury and myself are satisfied
that a grand exposition of the history
of AfrIcan slavery \ ill merit and attract
the attention that will male It n financial
auccoss. This Is the conlempla object of
our treat Ambrose Park entertinment for
, the ensuing season. We are sparing no cx-
4 l1en8 to make this the greatest show the
I. j world hiss een. To ftJgly portray the
! thrIlling history of slavery In Amcrlca In a
manner paraihehing In Its unique features the
story of frontier life which the WII\ West
, : so realstcaly presents , wIll require a great
company. 'flits show will be called Afrlc-
America , or Black America. and will be
composed of 1(00 ; ( negroes. These sable sons
of Ham wi enact this wonderul drama In
human history graphically and humorously I
lp .rlhlnr thn remarkable evolution of the
negro . . - race during Pt'lla last hal of the nine.
tcenth centur ) ' . 'fhrling tableaux rcpresnt-
lug the negro ns I savage , a slave . a. soldier
- and n citizen wilt Inlersperse the enactment
1 ot this historical drama. The pregross of th
race through a hopeless bondage from bar-
- , I barism to civizaton , wi bo replete wIth
Interest , as the pages of history aerate the
' story of no more strange or wonderful vicis-
; i siudes In Iluman life. Thc American .ndlar ,
has been a great attraction In the line of
publIc entertainments perhaps a greater
drawing card l"lan any other species of nnl-
mal , but the Indian ranks mere as a curiosity ,
r the animal that has been most destructive
to the American frommtlersmnn. The negro . In
point of ability as an entertainer , easily dis-
tances commipetitlen. Like Artemus \\'ard'H
monkey . he Id an 'amoosln cuss ' and Is . at
the same time , the possessor of marked mu-
Ieal ability. Every capability of the best
negro talent In America will be fully utilized
In the Ambrose Park exposition. Nero humor -
mor all negro melody wIll there reach time
"ery acme of proficiency. We have engaged
- a largo company of time most celebrated col-
ored olera'and jubilee singers , and each ali
every member of the entire aggregation will
possess musical talent. so that the grand cho.
of 1,000 voices wi be a thrilling perform- i
"Imagine " said the colonel dramatcaly ,
" 1,000 negroes In varied costume , parading
Ind singing In ana granl wave of melody
one of those old plantation songs
"Setnel desCriptive of time ante-war period '
representing a colton plantation , with cotton
tllekers at work and the various occupations
Crrled on by slaves In the ' , oed 011 tmes ' '
time lave driver , the auction block . the whIp. '
plug post and other atures of the old p : .
ternnlsm of time southern plantalon , wi h
an Interesting part of the entertainment.
Emancipation day will , also , be appropriately
rcpresentml. lut It Is Impossible. to indicate
all the varied attractions that 1"1 Ambros
'ark show wil present. I Is , however , easy
to foresee that In n very few months there
wi I ( many imitators scouring the countr ,
In every direction , hum hugging the Ileopl
a1 the 'only origInals , ' But 'Imultatiomi II the
sIncerest flattery . ' and we will be content
In the knowledge that the Ambrose Park wi
be the greatest as veil ns the 'emily original'
"how pOrrn'ln ! the negro as I savage , n
aiuve I soldier and a citizen. "
Colonel Cody antcipates a very profitable
len80n for hath of " 11s great shows , amid , Inel-
d nta1) ' , wi ' mot forget , In the bnsto of 1mb.
I'ersonal business , o advertise Nebraska and
his homo city , North Platte . F. M. S.
ol.n W.\YI ANt ) : . ; W.
1JIII'ltrnlnstn . Jllv ) ( h'tabnut time
IifTt'roimeo . Hem wc.n lllcle I OmiI.simmmeN.
"Ths term stock company , " said Manager
Augtmtin Dal' the other evening , "hns como
to mean somelhlng' quite different from what
. 11111 when I became a mannger In 1869. At
that tme a Ilock company was composml of
much amid women clgagell for a season of I
thlrt.f , ; weeks and capable of playing ammy i
end all kinds or 1mar15. I W8 usually the I
custom then to host al the cl board , .t the
IJeglnnhl ! of each season , the casts of all the
standard plays , and \ the memuen of time coin-
Jlany so cast were expected to play any 01
the parts for wleh they were namel nt very
short ncdice--usuaiiy two days . 'lime bill was
changed repeatedly. amid the character of the
plays Presented yart1 widely. Par instamice .
t 'I lng Lear' was produced tonlghl Iii all
' likelihood 'The Ineen.tnt' would bo done to.
morrow The actor who wore tights to-j
woulll Ilrobahly be called upon to wear trous- I
era tomorrow.
"hioucicatmit-amiml , by time way , Ilat h a tlC
let general ) ' Iwown-nouclcaul Introluce.1 ,
time s'stem now In vogue of engaging plople
only for the run of time t play. lie mild I whln
lie Ont IJrotncel , 'Collecu n1wn' In Lonlol.
end I proved so satisfactory that II has len
kept np ever since. Nowadays oven tO 11roml.
font a manJIer : as Mr. irving frequently en.
gages an actor or actress for only the pro-
ducton of a certain lila ) ' . lie has . of course .
: , . hum own commipany but for Import3nt roles
' or roles requIring I pecular talent ho see
t'jy COmI11Y. " added \ Mr. Daly , "I founded
In I&G ! ulII three of the original mimemnbere .
Mr. Gilbert . Mr. l.wll and Mc Clarke , are
still wih me. Of course whel I began the
old molhol18 of which 1 ila\'e tllo\en \ were lhD
fashion ) , end I have always tried to maintaic
the saml Ilia I -I doubt I any other manl&el
Ins . 'lcce"cell ' aim well. "
1' Me Daly la jUlt now Ilre.entuc a play 11
U ' modern life , called "The Orient Expres "
On time 21st IUlt $ , the very tle actors will
be seen In U le\I'11 Of Shakespeare's Two
'I ' . , , .
Gentlemen Of Verona. " This play has been
seen on the stage very seldom . I was first
produced In London In 168 , and its longest
run was when Kemblo presented It In 1821
for twenty-on nlhl. I his not been seen
In London since the 40s. Here I has never
been Ieer but once , and , that was when
Charles Keen prclucell I In 183G. Mr. Dnly
has prepared his own version of time comedy
and In I he has introduced a lot of songs
and music from other Shakespearean dramas.
What time Theater \11 Offer l'atromis ot
tIme Urnma Iii ( lie lcar J'utnr"
A laugh with Etlle oy-that Is the pleas- ! '
Ing announcement mate by the management
or floyd's theater , who declare' that time new
extravaganza In which Mr. Fey Is starrlng-
"Oft the garth , " Is one of the funniest , as
well l one or the most gorgeously pro-
sent1 entertainments ever wlneed , This
Is what Mr. Fey and the American Travesty
company will appear In at BO'II's theter
thii ( Sunday ) evening , and the three followIng -
Inr even lugs , with malne Wednesday. In
"Off the Earth" Fey appears as Cluster ,
chief clerk to Stag Party , a role whIch was
'specialy ' written for him , and In which he
fairly dellhls. Everybody ll0ws what a
quaint and odd personality Fey posseces , ,
anti nn evening with him Is always to be
remembered. The story deals with the adventures -
ventures ot a pair of lovers , one ' of whom Is
hypnolzed , anti , while In lie mesmeric state ,
fnls a magic diadem , by means of which
Luna , Queen of the Moon , Is called to earth ,
I.una fails In love wIth the hypnotized lats
swain , and carries all the people In the play
away with her to the moon , wllere atvtnturt
or all sorts befall them. Cluster , while out
huntn , In n forest of lunar mushrools ,
kills n sacred white buffalo aId Is condemned
to Imprisonment for 100 years , lie escapes
by stealing the queen's diadem anti therehy
usurplnt her p nvcr. The scenic cnvlren-
ment of th' prodncton Is said to be of the
most novel miescriptiomi. Time first act , which
Is very farcical , occurs In a big delartment
store , which Is fitted n [ like nn immider-
ground grotto , amid Is provided with a mu-
scum ntachment for time purpose of nUract-
utse-Mabunde kingdom on the tipper : amI I
besi He was then no longer unknown , and '
In 1883 set out with his bride and I mn-
nlfeenl equipment. He was not destned , I
however , to I peaceful journey No ex-
1110rer In AfrIca has ever had more thrill-
Ing experiences than these of Dr. and Mr&
Holub among the wildest or savages ,
Mashhmmkuiumnbo The party stood the ravages -
ages of fe\r and the hostIlity Of the
natives , holding the fiercest In awe of the
white mnn's weapons . All along the route
every slight object was of Interest and received -
ceh'01 Its due attention. Indeed . I may
be Iall that nr. Holub's explorations are
of greater amid more lasting beneff to
"eogrnphers nll naturlsts than are the
reSearches ot Stanley or other of the great
explorers because of his valuable spcclmens
and the exact data In the way ot photographs ,
sketches and measurements , which has since
his return enabled him to construct life-like
and le-slzel models of the natives ot fonr-
teen tribes which he studied . They arc
represented ns engaging In characteristic
ocupaUcns , alnt \ Dr. Holub's exhibit In
Vienna amid Prague they were shown among
their limits and villages , which were repro-
duced from the most minute and exact :
descriptions and measurements The collections -
tons occupied IGOOOO square feet of floor
space. Thy were shown In the Crystal
Palace In Vienna amid time largest exhibition
hal of Prague , and attracted wide attention
nmeng Afrlcanlsts , naturalists , ethnologits
anti scientific men gemmeraiiy. Aside from hIs
great achievements he attracts people by hIs
genial , cordial and courteous mnammmmcr amid
everywhere he would stand as n leader of
men. me\'en ) 'eals of Ilerl and hardship In
the wilds of Africa seem to have left no trace
upon him , amid he Is still In the 11rlme of
Mr. Samlel Fletcher , one oC the best known
theatrical agentn on time real , will arrive
here today In advance of ilanlomi's "Fan.
tasmmia. " ! r. Fletcher wIll celebrate his
blrlhla- ' her nml his many Omlha frlenls
are slon. alrenly anlclmtlng a joyous occa-
"Pawn Ticket 210" comes to the Empire
for a four nIgh Is' enagement , commencing
wllh Sunday malnee , February 24. I was In
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lug custom. The scene changes to the sky.
The whole stage Is a mass of clouds , mind the
principal characters In lie play are observed
passing through cloudland on their way to
the meon. Cluster makes the trip on In
aerial bIcycle with an electric pinwheel for
Its motive power. This scene Is heightened
by thin use of electric calclums which give
: rainbow effect. The se-onl act represents
a forest of Immense mushrooms on the moon.
Orllnal and startling electrical effects are
saId to be used In this scemme The first
scene of the third act shows the gates of
the moon by earth light t , and after that a
full stage erect represents the Interior of
I.una's palace of silver anti Ivory. The cos-
tuming of the production Is , It Is claimed
of the rlchcnt possible description. Musical
numbers of a brIght ant popular order
abaund , among them some wlh the following
tnes : "Still His Whiskers Grew , " "I.a
- " " " "Truscallna !
l'-avorla , thin Rainbow , "Trnscalna
Drown , " "I Spy Little Girl , , "Can't Change I
I " "Ph'slcal Culture Girls" and "Tbey're
Waiting for : e , " Three dancing tlvrlse-
ments are Introduced , Interpreted by a
corps of dancers from time Alhambra arid
Empire thealers London , and led by the
premiere danseuse Madelne Morando. Fol-
lowing Is the cast uf principals :
Prince Charles. . . . .1lss Louise Montague
) . . . . . . . . . : Sadie McDonald
Gavotte..Miss . Lillian hawthorne
hurmmm Queen of the loon.JtHs Kate Uart
QUlen Dowager..Miss Lola hawthorne
I'LtlcimCa \\'qlle. , . . . . .1lss Helen Douglas
lalenea'qlle. . . . . . . . . . s Sadie Miner
Charity . . . . . . . ) Vivian Rossier
Charlr nrl\r. H. W. 'fl'etenlcl'
I tart 11 I S. the Jailer . . Mr. Josellh Doner
Pepperal and Prime Minister ' 'oalstool.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Henry Carter
Polka Dot.\r. George C. Cheeney
Eli I Getz.\r. Cha'lel Johnson
I'imililp ' . . . . . . . . . WHHam Morgan
Phiip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . George All
A PaITot.\r. . Charles fleni
ChIsler. . . . . . . . . . . . . .lr. Eddie Fey
The attraction at nod' theater for two
nights commencing Friday , February 22 ,
with a Saturday matinee , wi b
wlh American tragealan , Waler Whie-
side , supported by his own selected company
of legitimate players. The plays decided on
are "Hamlet , " Friday evening , "hticimelicu , "
Saturday evening amid "The 1lerchlnt of
Venlco" ) for the , Saturday mmmatineo . Walker
Whltesilo lies been making large strides
since last seen In Omaho , and has hal time
EerloU1 consIderation of eminent critics I
- - -
throughout the country. lIe Is endowed by
nature with a strong and marvelously ex-
preslvo face anti deep musical voice. , Mr.
\Vliltesido , whIm young lu years . being only
:0 , Is wel versed In stage craft , having de-
voted most ot his time to the completon of
his education for his chosen irofession . Ills
company of this season Is one worthy to
support time star , end Is comllosed of the fol-
lowing people : John M. Sturgeon , Frederick
Vroom , Herbert I'atel. J , I. . Saphore , Car-
don De Anton , O. n. Baker , I.awrencc
Steaner Ashle Miller F. P. Lelomonts ,
George MeCuila . l.el Woltan , Grace Atchln.
son , Mrs Hobert Mantel Louise Linton and
l''nny Mathias.
The noted African explorer , Dr. Emi
Holub , a Dohemlan of AustrIa-Hungary , wi
ileiiver one of his remarkable lectures on
South \frlean life at time Young Men's Chris-
lion association hal Monday evening February .
runy 25. Dr. hiolub's lecture cover many
years of eXIIloralen In south Africa , fllh
central IUrlca , from the Cape of Good
lopa more than 1.000 mies north , beyond
time Zamhesl , In the hnbtats ! Of fourteen dif-
ferent tribes. In his work Of exploration he
hao spent mere lhan seven years mind has
collected many thousanls Of spchnenJ Of
great nlue anti interest 10 the scenlf !
world I Is a remarkable fact In this man's
career that he began It an unknown young
man , wlhout wealh cr inflmmemmce . and that '
he hiss always refused to accjt any remuner- 'I
alon for the splendid material which he hu
freely bestowed upon time mmiuseums During
the tme of IlrellaraUon anti mounting his
Uclmens he lectured continually and earned
over $60,000. all of which was abJcrbed In
time work. lie began hum life of explorat'on '
In 187 , when tie went 10 south AfrIca with
scarcely any resources except thorough trala-
lag In mellcinr and natural history ! Al a
PimY8lCan he at once obt lnea \ lucrative :
practice among the dlamonc diggers 01
IUmberly , anti , say DC every dollar he could ,
he was ready In 1 year to take the field with
Inet eullJnent , SIx years liter hl' re
turned home with bls frt splendid cci-
lectonD and a great store Of informatIon
abeut unoxIllored MltebelADd and the Mu- ,
this production that Lola achieved one of the
SUcc&es of Iler career , supported by a lum-
bar of the present company. P. Augusus , An-
derson whose interpretation et the , Jewish
pawn brol'e was one or the notable features
of Lotta's production. The company includes
Miss Amy Lee , Frank Deane J. F. Sherry and
others equally prominent.
IUtchen ! or Itcnsnton ! 101nUobboll at
Cooict to Supply ii SJectllcJC.
In a recent London letter the correspondent -
ent devoted several sticks to the spectacle
of "Constantinople , " now on at the Oympia ,
Kensington , and -poko or the array or gIrls
In thIs wise : "Wimere on earth do they get
time army or girls from ? " I asle a Kemlng-
ton frIend the other night at mDlymnpia . where
the gigantic spectacular piece or "Constanti.
noplo" Is going on. Talk abut a garden
of girls ! There were groves of them-ne
might almost say ranches for they cam and
left the stage In droves , and what with the
dazzlng scintla lon ! of their costumes limo
gorgeousness of the stage setting , the bri-
lancy of the limelight effects , and the gIlt-
terlns reflections In the water of tIme lake ,
where every girl doubled herself , so to speak
nod Iridescent legs seemed to multiply In
a truly miraculous manner one found I dlf-
fcul to make anything like a tabulated state
moot a. to kind or number ; but I Is safe
10. say there were more than n thousand on
the stage lit one time ; the program ( and
why question time veracity of a program 1 )
said 2,000. Even a novice could see that
these gIrls were not worn out coryphees and
ballet damicers. who Ilad blown kisses from
their finger tips to other generations . but
healh ) vigorous young women , who appar-
enty enjoyed the stupendous performance as
much as the spectators , and but for strict
discipline , would now and then have bralen
Into something like a romp.
My friend was Just recovering from n
rather vIolent transition from time shadow
of the SphInx to the court of Henry VIII. ,
In which nn Indian snake dance was involved .
\o"'r : EO I repeated my question .
"If you lived In Kensington you would
hcmmow " he answered darkly . Still I did
not conmprolmend But just th'Jn seventy
Arabs on horseback thundered across time .
stage In Ilrsnlt of time French ambassador ,
who hall made love to "the wrong girl ; "
the curtain fell with a crash from the band ,
and amy frlent aroused hminiselt.
"Since this precious show lies become so
popular It Is Impossible tl retain , a decent
looking servant of any kind 10useinaids
anll ladles' maids especially are timings of
110 11ast-the kitchens of Kensington ! have
been emptied to ornament the btage of
The cook who'R only "plain" In name ,
And u good face or lorm possesses ,
Cnn IS 1 "Perl" aUlr faints .
In cant though , Iridescent dressea
The houemllhl , (1\Itn cops alli etrin'mm ,
Mi ) ' take the minnie or W / Ihllmlnu , ,
And wear a gauzy pair of wings ,
And caper as I ballerina .
Inlorctnl TRle , , lh time Irrlch Uram-
1111 elm tile "ay 10 \nl1' ' 1'lnU ,
A French paper recently raid "nothing
pas big profits 4mm I'arl nowadays but music
hails and Sarjou , and no manager remains
on goJ terms with his shareholders unless
ho can promise them a new play 1y thIs (
gifted autimor "
The great French dramatist was Inter.
viewed not long since on "Uow 10 write a
successful play , " lie took the 11ublo Into
confidence , and , told the secret at his melh-
ods , although It gIves but scanty encourage.
ment to the budding playwrIght. Ills first
concplol Of a plot Is purely abstract , deal-
Ing more wlh cimiotions and forces than with
penonl and timings having evolved lho central -
tral Idea of the play to b written , he then
opens a fort of ledger and for montls , and
often years . ho collects Incident amid ant
gestons bearing on the problem which he
has set for hlm.el. "Tmeodora , " for exam-
pIe , was sketcbed Iwenty-fve $ year. . and time
plot of "Ohmonda" ( formulate six years before -
tore thOEO lays were written . < and then be-I
were plgHn.holed until the neceJar data
wu collected. I
Time selection of place , period and persona '
comes next to the constructive procees. When
this II once decided however , Sardou searches
ever ) volume bearing on the time and
incidents of his piNe " inl surrounds himself
wlh mumps anti photlaphs until be beomes
Impregnatell with ha 'ery slllrlt and almos-
here at the chosell peed . So great was his
enthusiasm after 1hls" research ot Athenian
history while c91ec lng information for
"Gisnmonda" that I h PAnned for the Parisian
papers I scathlns" " . dCIunclaUon or Lord El-
gin's robberies of time marbles now In the
Brilsh museum. "No one can form any
noUon , " he Is quotr1 as sayIng , "of the extent -
tent ot my InvestWUons respecting the
architecture ot the church of Santa Maria ,
all as for the convent of Daphnl , I hail ape-
cial photographs taken ot the mosaics still
to be found among thb ruins of this spot. "
It Is thus that Sltiol Mtablshea the outside -
side of hIs 111ays before he writes them. This
was not Shmnkespearo's way He did not
trouble hhnsel about mosaics , and not very
much about geography le gave nehemla a
coast ant settled there a colony of the most
lellghUul creations that ever 11roceel\cl\ \ \ from
the brain of man. Between these two examples -
amples the aSlllrant to dramatic authorship
. .
may become somewhat pmmzzletl
Sarllou aeknowiedgs that such legendary
personages ns Theseus , duke of Athens , Slg
geell time choice of this particular dark page
Of mCllae\'al history for illustration In "Gis-
mo"la , " although lie has always been
haunted by a desire to write a play , the
scenes of which shoult be Ill In Athehs ,
CYllrus or Byzantium.
The actual writing of "Gismonda" occupied
only about three months , as I was begun the
last of June anti \ finished early In September
the work b'lng done at Marly-le-nol , his
country villa.
Sardou suggests that the growing taste for
ornament on ! the singe Increases tIme dim-
culles of the young playwright . for It lhe
environment of his play Is simple thl man-
nger says : "The pUhlo lIkes sumplU01 sur-
roullnss ) , " and If the hmiay Is d corl"e he
ofen declines the hazard , as the aulhor's
reputalon docs not juslfy time immvcstment
( lLMil ' If the ItI" .
"The Fatal Carll" wi go on the road nt
the conclusion of its engagement at Palmer's
. lheater . , . . and . _ _ . . next . _ _ _ season - ' .h. _ It _ . . will go lo the
uoslon IU5elm IU. 1 IUlb 'UI.
I looks .S If the tail hat of time theater will
have to go. I has been n howlng nuisance
' that the wonder Is legislation
so many years wonler leglslalon
has not been Invoked before
"Rob Roy" wilt terminate lie run at the
Herald Square theater on March 16 and on
March 18 Mr. rank Mayo's < amatzalon of
Mark Twain's "Pudd'nlmead Wilson" wi be
produced there.
Kuehne neverldge , the one-time wIfe of
Charles Coghlan , the actor , returned on the
steamship Paris last week from an extended
visIt abroad , where ! he went with her mother
after being granted n divorce.
\Vhen Edward larllg n Ind his company
go to I"o"lon In the spring they will pro-
duce "Old Lavenler" , and "Th Leather
Patch , " nnd , petsibly , I time English public
shows a lilting for the works , ono or two
moro of the Harrigan pla's.
Denman Thon1son. who Is now playing In
"Tho Old Homestead" at the Star theater , has
received a very telplng offer from a I.onlon
manager to Present his play In that city. leIs
of senmihng over
Is considerIng the advisability senling
a company headed by OJel 'Wlliiammis.
Th latest report that A. M. Palmer's slack
company Is soon to disband has been denlet
by Mr. Pahner. The compan will produce
" ' 'rlby , " which pail Id. Potter has dra-
matzel , , In Boston ) March 4.
A name has boon folmd for the new play
by Oscar While , wlch will b3 the next at-
traction at the St. James theater , In the
punning tte ; "Time Importance of Being
Earnest " Ernest Js time name of the chief
character In the play which will present Mr.
Wide In a very Imerry humor , amid also
George Alexander res'inore ' as a light come-
dlan.-Westmlnster Bu get.
Nei Burgess says that he has been away
from the stage so IOJgr that he does not be
lieve he coull play the old maid In "The
Country Fair" again to the ! 'tsfaclon of < n
audlenc'e. "I could nd more get my voice
back to th ! part than I could fly , " he
says. He has no Idea t 6f retiring prmlnenty
from the otag& . hlm'ever. "Some day , " Mr.
Durge3sald the otlerr day In Cevland , "I
will find a play tktsUitS } me , and come
, bael . " , . \ i'fi , ' J " " " - "
One must visit soubrette row In New York
to get an iika , of what actresses do for a
living . says the correponlent to the Dramatic
Times. Some are dresunalers , others paInt-
era ot china otbers milliners , while sqme
have addressing envelopes as their vocaUon.
Ono actress Is satsfed to make $10 a week
at making bats , when $50 was refused by
her no less than a season ago. It has been
[ pretty hard season , and the industriousness
of some professionals at other trades show
how energetic they can be.
Miss Nethcrsole has been seen In four parts
during her Chicago engagement of a for-
night , and In her playgoers have found a new
actress of hIgh gifts ' and of uncertain an ,
says time Chicago 'frlbune. That her art I
still In time bud males one repeat the wish
which Juliet breathed In time garden to IHr
foyer , feeling that time ausplc are happier
In the present Instance for its fulfillment .
'rhls breath bud of love b ) summer's ripening
May prove 1 beauteous fewer when next
we meet. " _
American Interviewers and tuft hunters had
better cut the following paragraph out and
Jccjep I In their scrap books , for Sarah Is
coming this way presently : "Mme. Bern-
hardt's latelt freak Is 10 have one of her
reception rooms fitted up with 'surprise' tur-
nlture. For Instance , a very cozy looking
armchaIr , which Is 111acel invitingly In a
11romlnent position , has arms which close up
on the occupant , who Is powerless to stir
until releaed , while another gives the - imn-
wary lounger who sits In It n sharp tap c-n the
head , causing him .to jump Ull with rather
more force than elegance. "
I may be of Interest to state that there are
seven dlstnet ! companies of actors at the
czar's disposal , and seven orchestras , of
which two have 100 muslelan each , two slxty-
five each , and the other three together are
100 strong. One of the great costume stores
alone 'hold \35,000 costumes amid 20,000 pieces
of armor. There Is a dramale library of
6,000 volumes and an opera library with
nearly 3,000 operas complete In every t eta I.
The dramatc college Is practically a boarding
Echocl , with some 125 pupils : , emit ] tie stables
of the department have a complement of 100
horse" . The resources are simply enormous ,
and the staff Is literally nn army .
Miss' Maud hdams Is the leading lady of
John Irews : commipany A good story Is goins
thin mounds concerning her quick wit. While
In PhiadelphIa atondlng a select luncheon
she met , among others , a young man recently
marrIed. who Is nnlpl for 1IIR Inll rnnnprs
; I'i : . , v"hiis - iuomm : ; i- name ' of being ! time ; . . ' biggest :
gest hare In society Ha asked Miss Adams
a number of rsoral quClons , and the
hostess was about to speak to him when ho
received his just punishment from time young
lady he had been bathern ! ! "MIss Alams , "
he asked , "will me If you are married -
ned ? " "I am not.q"Do you contemplate
such a step ? " "I 'har no thought , ' ' "And
why not , pray ? " he < perlsted , "Because I
nr not so easily Pleased as your wile was. . "
"The Heart or l1aiyland ' , " David Belasco's
much talke abou lllnr ' , wi , It Is now an-
nouneed , 1m3 prodtm'meqmat the lerahl Square
theater , New York , ' i October next , uuder
the mangement o ( 'i. C. Whitney amid Max
Bleimiman. Mr. UiPII / , who Is one of the i I
associate mmmanagei"ot the herald Square
theater , fays that M't. Leslie Carter wonlt
play the leading r.le the piece , and that
the remainder of th . , . I1 would be as strong as
possible . This Is th"IIJIY about whch ! ManaSH
A. M. Palmer and 14j. Del3seo recently fell
out Mr Palrel.lad agreed to IJroluce
the piece net laterthan , January 15 last 1
Then "Tbe Fatal 1 'a\t' was hut on at his' '
theater , and ho ngljMr . Belaeco to postpone -
pone the productrHllnt some ( line this
immontim This Mr. , Belasco declined to do ,
and he declared turPler that I Mr. Palmer
could not carry out lila contract he would
make nrrangements with other managers ,
Mr. lalmcr says that he hu alrlady bpent
$3,500 on scenery fer time play , ant tbat
he does not propose 10 let It go wlhout a
strusgle. 1r. Belasco hiss never even
shown him time 11anuscrlpt and refused to
let him hve It when he wished to put timepiece
piece In rehearsal
( : ' 'Ilot Agree un Ih" I ) rapery.
ChICAGO , Fob . 16.-Chalrman nchardson
and secretary , Mrs. Cora Weed , of the Iowa
Monument commission ! returned to Des
Moines this moring. I bad been expected
that ( the other member Of the committee
would be present today and a me'tns would
be held regarding the 1tatuo of Iowa on the
monument The member of the commission
ore divided on the amount of drpery to be
used A compromise Is pemlnc whereby the
statUI will be modestly draped.
- - - -
Dramatic fceno with the Famous Violinist
on oud an Iowa Train .
:1."nl I"ent : 1n"t a\ " ' .1 a l'resent-
Alh Ice tn Tho" " ' 10 1.\ p " -
ralon to.Hlcnll hl'rs-
: oto or ; iitmItiiiri
Several years ago t h art Hemenyl , one of
time most gifted violinists who cvr lived .
1,1. ) ' under extremely peculiar c'rcumstanee9.
never to be forgotten. Of the two great master -
term ! of time violn , Itenmemi3'l anti Wihelmy , 1
have ever preferred the former . Wihelmy
was always the artist , playing correctly , mime-
chanlcaly and with the most brilliant artistic
cie ct. HemE'nyl was ever time true genIus , In-
splret , playing according 10 no let rules . pro-
luclng melodIes never before heard from any
violin , amid ho could \ make his Inlrument
Dpeak the brilliant musical Insplralols that
on the Instant flashed through h's brain , and
sl'rang from his heart. I has been said of
him that throuh his veins ccurel time bleed
of thiC Homanles , and that standing on a
street corner of the gypsy quarter uf I'aris
he could gather together Instant ! every
gypsy wihin the suHl Of his vio-
ln , all of whom recognized the masler hand
from the frt holes on time Instrument. He
lulacd music that they loved , Improvlsel
on the instant No one else had such a
musical 110wer over thmemmm lIe was their Idng
of the viohlim .
Several years ago buslneS called ml 10
BurlnJton , Ia . 'l'hmemice may business took
me to Peoria , I My train heft Bnrlngton It
[ i o'clock In the mmmoriming. I was a biter
ctti winter nmornimmg . amid I was not feel ng In
time best of humor for the Joure ) ' . There
was cnly one passenger coach un time train ,
anti the passengers were very fe , . They con-
slated of Reren'I , Mnme. Hh'e-Kln , amid the
lhree or four merbers : of their concert com- ,
11any. an ohl genteman sitting by the stove
In thl corner of the coach , and mmmyselt.
Hemenyl was furious. Aroused at such on
unseemly hour of the morning starting on the
journe wlhout his breakfast , blng chilled
through on h's ' i'ay from the holel to the
depot be allowed all the evil expressions
within him to get the temporry mastery.
Ho wouldn't sit down In the car. lie walled
up and down the aisle like a caged lon ,
snarling In lila broken gnglsh at the country -
try , nt the aecommcdatlons offered on the
railroad , at his management for routing hIm
In such a dIsagreeable ) ' as to COmll1 hln
to take that train , and , In fact , at everybody
In sIght and cut of sight , amid at everything
that he could poetaibly think of. No one of
his company paid the slghtest attention -
ten lon 10 him. Mme. King , wlh
her head against her husbaml's
Ehuulder , was endeavoring II woo back time
sleep so rudely interrupted by the early
morning start for Peoria. After we had
been on the road nearly an hour one of the
company remarked that he was going ahead
to them ) baggage car 10 smok nemenyl
was even then charglug Ull and down the
aisle of the coach . and while the wild storm
of his wrath had menshreably abated hQ
was mutering to himself the words of his
sti appal1nt discormtenL The man who
had gone ahead lo tie 8moldng car was ab-
sent for a brier moment onlY. lie came
rushing back Into the coach his face white
with fright , and shouled : "There's a corpse
In the baggage car. " Remenyl replied :
" 11) ' Gel , " anti instantly reaching for the
bell rope ' ever hl head rang the bell The
ccnduclor hurrIed In from the baggage car ,
and In the meantme the train Eowed down
until finally It camu to a standstill. Hemenyl
broke out afresh. lIe swore he would not
'rldo on the train. Time conductor . talking
at first persuasively , finally lost his temper -
per , and told Hemenyl he could either get
out and walk or bo c"uld keep still and
go to Peoria on that train. At this point
In the controversy the old gentleman who
hal been sitting quietly by the stove In the
corner stood up and In the most courteous
and palhetc way pOlslble , In simple hut
most effective words , told us all that the
dead baby on tie train was that of his
dearly beloved wife , with whom he had
lived for nearly hal n century , that he
Ilad been compelCl to tale that particular
train , and how much he regretted the tn-
cldent that hat so evidently disturbed them
all. Time personal elect produced by this
l-nUd-mannered olrl gentleman .
gray-haired , - 01genteman.
and the mourful words of his heart-br01en
story , produced an Instant effect on the
volatile spirits of the great musician. Wlh
tears streaming from his eyes be ran up the
car aisle , threw his arms around tIme old
gentlenmaim's neck , wept on his shoulder , and
kissed him , the words of apology amid con-
solaton ( as I afterward learned ) pouring
forth from his lips .in a torrent In a foreign
tongue. laslenlng back to the center ct
hiD car II hnl > ten"y tore open hits violin
case put the Inlrument to his shoulder , and
standing In time aisle be gave uterance to
his thoughts through his beloved violin.
They were indescribabe. ! The members of
the concert compan- time conductor nnd
myself , listened In rapt attention . The old
genteman sat In the corner quietly weep-
Ing. Remenyl's violin wept and sang and
sang' all wept , In the most heart.strrlng
manner. Mme. King afterward told me that
she bal never before seen the old gentet"an
E thoronghly Inspired as on that occasion
When Hemenyl at last replaced his violn
of his temper hind
In its case the storm enmpem'
pIssed , his better nature was In frill con-
troi and going forwerd to the seat occupied
by the old gentleman he sat ' talking with
him during the remainder of the journey
to Peoria L' W. Iui.
11VSI4L ItTllttCTJONS IN 8Hil' .
. \n Oumi-mlas I'nator Leaves Ills Church to
J nI/ " In Concert 'Woric .
That a musician Is not wlhaut honor
save In bls own city was never moore
strikingly illustrated than In time Instnnce
of 11ev. J. A. Iulman of Omaha. Mv
Hulman Is pastor of thin Swedish church
at Twenty-third anti Davenport streets , where I
he ( Is not only pastor , hut organist and I .
perecentor for a congregation averaging DOO
- , - - u _ . _ . _ _ _ .t congregaton , , . . . . . _ . . . _ _ _ . . _ _
on 1unulY UIU UUU iL tile , iiq-vv " . ' . " ' ' .
10 did not come to lila ( magnlcent structure -
ture with its seating capacity of 1,200 , Its
pipe ' organ , and tine equlpmenta 'at a mag-
nihlceimt salary as pastor , nor does he receive -
ceive an extra compensation of 1,000 for
organist anti an extra , tOO ns chorister , but
came to a churchltss , pastorless people hut
I few years ago. le has raised for their
church hOle and benevolent purposes more
than $60,000 . contributed by laboring men
and working girls ; built up a congregation
which might b 1 [ the envy of most of the
ministers of Omaha , In number ant foltb.
fuiness. The principal donation to this mag.
nittcent monument of Mr. hlmmitnman's work
In Omaha has been time pIpe orgamm given
by one at Omaha'a wealthy citizens : , hut the
myaterlous device by which this ( Is operated
by a small Imtrument In front of time Illot-
form was time invention of Mr. hluitmiman .
But not a a mInister , nor yet as an
organist , but A a singer does
Mr. lultman excel . Whie the " .00" on Sun-
day moring are condelning and picking to
pieces the hhh.prlced c"llr In the lashlonable
churcllcs of Omaha the servant girl hams
been getting their dinner at home. In til
evening she can hear singing than which n.
other baritone In Omaha can equal-the Ira
D. I Sankey of l'ne Swedish church , whose
voice lies charmed audiences In' al the large
cities Of the United Slates from Boston lu (
San Francisco . at 111aces notably In Mlnne.
apols , reaching to 8.000 ; .nd 9.000 people ;
and It remains for a Doslon lady , well known
In Omaha , to cal time attention of his neigh.
bars to 'he character of Mr iluitnmanm'a voice ,
which so recently delghted a Boston audl.
once. Mr. lulman Is unknown here ' as I
composer but time sale of one ot his aon&
books In which bolh music and words were
composel 1y 11m. has reached Into the hun-
dred thousands. "This brought le $1,00. "
he said , showing the book , "and on my recent -
cent trip 10 Boston , New York and Brok-
lyn , lasting about two weeks I cleared $345.
This stack of letters Is from cities In a dozen
diferent states urging mae to come and sine.
They give me $30 aumIght. Tuesday I go tu
Chicago to sing for the North Park colegE
and on my return will give a concert 1mm :
Peria and Springfield . ill , " Mr. lullal
bums resigned the JI8slorate of his church and
will remove to Chicago , maldng music his
- . 5 , : _ . . . ' . S - , . _ _ . . : .
. . . ,
. # . - - f f t' . . .
- . ( 0 ' h" r. . " _ . ! . _ " '
I- '
I' BOYD'S--1 ]
. 4 lONI , \ TUHSIA \ ant
Amid iYcditesd
" : - Aul _ WClllcMt _ _ _
I3 TltA \HSTH\ E I
. I COMPANY anti
I ! hit the Fnltnstc , Spcctnc .
1 J ) I
'IB ftNNIWo m\.NS ,
, 's'2 . ' 11 : l'INNmwr tNii4 I
' .t4 'I'll ) : it'Nmimtm' : 'IIl ,
, . 11 1'1':1 . : .
, k. ' 11' ' B\ n l.lll'IU.
" I
I" fl ! ! 100 People , I
1 1 iUU nut thc ? , "J'O
.pi3 . I till Iood , , -
.l ; I 111Il'/I"'h'1 " ' 111/11 ' ,
11 , Ca's n isis lii / ! i { , 'I"'I , , I
; 1)azltny Imarri's ,
:1\1 1):111 .
. 1 , , , ,
.t T""II/'luIII 7 !
( S. ' - , " - "iWJ"'Y''i' j ,
; ; ; 4.\ ' :
- - - -
vocation. He Is still a ) 'oun/ man , but utIle
mora lhan 30 rears ohth Before comlng tl
Omnulma he recei't'r a two 'ears' conrse of
\uell tralnln at time ChIcago Alheneum , amid
has becn Instrucled In ( vocal culture h ) lrs.
CoHen amid on the 111ano h ) ' Mr. Cahu. lila
voice Is a rich baritone of great hewer amid
8)'mpath ) ' , nun to hear him sing one of his
own compositons ) In his library , \la'lng hlb
own accompnnlmcnt , Is an ctueaton In true
eXllresslon. One of the loathing unllertakcrM
of Omaha was hearl lo remarl time other ttY :
" \'hmen that man luHmon sings at n funeral
I er ) ' . No one else cn affect me , " \Vlmicim
was unconsciously a great tribute to his
voice. Mr. Hulman will sll ! In the SL
? slary'a Aveimime Con regatonal church on
Tuesday evening , February :6. nnll the imCoimie
of Omaha will have nu opportunity 10 realzb
that the great reputation Mr. Hulman lies
niado as a singer throughout time Unllet
Stales Is well lerl d.
This aferoon Mr. Tahmer will give imis
fotmrti free organ recital iii Trinity cathedral
at I :15 : sharp. Coimsitlerabie imiter st is bchmmg
mimanifested iii this series of recitnis , last
Stmuitlay ( litre lelmmg ) double time tmttemmdammce of
any prc\'iomms Srmmmtlay , anti as thieve vlii be
but one more recital iii (1mb. series after today -
day , It is hoped that those Interested with
immiprove time cimportumimity of imearimmg time last
two. TIme following prosrarmi viil be givemm
this afternooum :
Grand Mamch..W. T. Best
a Gavotte , G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )
1 , Lnuneimtattomm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gullmmmauit
Andante , Viohlmi Concerto , Op. Cl. . . . . . . .
Oftertorle , St. Cecil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dattiste
Larghetto , from FIrst Symmmphioumy. . . .Spoimr
Selections from Cavalierha flumutiramma. .
Largo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I inmmtiel
Coronation March. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meyerbecr
An exceedumigly interesting program of des-
sical music was given at time opema imouse , Aim-
burn , Febrimary 11 , tim aid of time Catholic
church of ( 'hat place , Rev. D. Fitzpatrick
being largely Instrumental iii time success of
time concert. Rev. Mr. F'itzimatrick has a
voice of unucim rosonmanco amid should time
vimirliglg of timmmo reummove imimim from coumumec-
tion with tIme church in timat town time priest
proposes to devote his attcumtiomi to imiusic.
being ably fitted for time new field should
lie decide to enter It.
Mr. Ralph E. Smmimderland , time second
tenor of the Mozart ? dai quartet , has conm-
posed a serenade for time voice and dedicated
it to Mr. Fred 2. Abel , time first tenor of time
sanme organization ,
Mra. J. W , Cotton returned last week from
a visit to time soumtim immrmch benefited by her
trip. Mrs. Cotton vhl resume her classes
the middle cf the week ,
AUOUT ' 1iII 0 Ehihit.iN Ol'ItItIt
"h'rlstamm unti 1801(10" XViIi Oimemm 1cbruarv _
210 nt the Uetrtioiitimu ; ,
Whmen thmo curtain goes up at time Metro-
pohitamm , Now York , on time 251im Inst. it will
rhiacloso the ship that Is bearing Isolde to
Cornwmuhi , this being time first ( line in mammy
years that Wagner's famous love drama has
been given imere. Time wont has been fittingly
selected by Mr. Walter Daunrosch to immmiugur-
ate time season of German opera to be given
lucre umnder his direction.
Isolde iii imaid to be Frau Rosa Sucimer's
greatest role , ansi Herr Max Alvary , who wilt
make hits reappearance before a New York
public as Tristan , is also said to be an atl-
mnirabie exponent of time cimaractor.
Time mncunbcrs of the troupe that will be
heard have already been anmiounced. They
Include Miss Marie Brooms , a young Scottish
contralto , who limo received her musical edu.
cation in Germany , and was selected to appear -
pear as Ortruml hum time hlayroutim "Lohmoumgrin"
performances ; Fraulein Jolmanna Gatlski , a
young soprano , ivimo nmade her debut aim Rise ,
soil who will be seoum hero 1mm that role arid In
time role of Eva in "Die Meisteraimmger ; " iherr
Nicoinus Itothmmnulmi , who is to sng ; tim music
of "Loimoumgrln. " in whIch imo is repi'temi to
be very remnarkable Herr Frammz Schmwarz , time
leading baritone of time coummpany , who canoe
( room time Grand Ducal Opera at Weimar , arid
is also a court mshmmgcr to time grand duke of
Saxony ; Ilcrr Enmii Fischer ama ] Herr Conrad
Time works to ho pertornmei ] thmimi seaooui con-
slat of"IioValkure , " "Siegfried , " "Gootter-
daoimimimerummg , " "Lolmengrimm , ' ' ' "I'ristarm aumil
Isolde , " "Tannhmmmtmser" amid " 1)io Meister-
singer , "
Ior Limo niUSiC uranmas in tue rmoemummgen
'reiraiogy and "Tristan" special acemmery has
beoum designed by ICauteki Bros. of Vienna ,
and special costmmnmea have been made , 'rime
hlayremmtit nmodel will hot be-followed Irm as-
siguming "Lohmengrin" to time tenth century
Insteaml of to limo tlmirteenth , as iii custoimm.
ary. As tIme customs of tIme thirteenth ccii-
tury are decidedly imioro elaborate , nail hiavo
received time sanction of W'agmmcr , cm.uslommm ,
ratimer ( lien rigid historical accuracy , vhll
govern In this one immstance , immmd "Lohmen-
grimm" Is expected to rank aim one of time best
lro.huictioiis of thin season ,
Time principal artists imave called , and sire
now onroute , Nax Alvary comes from ( ] mmmmoa.
Nirolaua itothmniulmi , Fraimielim Gadaiti , Paul
Lange anti Itmidoiphi Oberimauser are on tIme
Scale , of time Northm Oernmamm Lhoyml line , amid
Marie lirommia ansI Frau Itosa Suchmc'r vhii
heave on tIme 12th iniat.
ifl tX I1mthItiCit oi 'aINUEri ,
fleounimenidistlonms Cc , 'rJmon Who Arim C'omm.
tonmplatlmmg ' , , cmmt fin.
Mr. Max hleinrichm , tine veteran operatic di.
rector , in aim interview regarding singers ,
gave the fohlowlng timnmeiy advice :
"Song singing Is a special art , It does not
follow that one whim a beautiful voice canm
Bing , To sing a simmiple song Is limo most
difficult timing of all , Time fullness of Its
mneaning conmes through tIme exmresaIon , him
Sclmumanrm aumd Ihrahmms every word means
something. As to the llngiiab translations
tram time German , I have irequenilj been
criticIsed for singing tlmemim , There are
translations. but the mmcccl not be eunig ,
There are also .omrme good ones , I cmmnmnot see
why , if the translation Is good , it should not
be sung , for to know time meaning of a song
Onii must know time words. What we need is
poetic traimsiationma into Rimglishm of time words
of Schumann , hirahimmus and Schubert songs.
l'articularly would limb. be appreciated iii
America ; in England nut so much , for
ihmere they are given to ballads. Wagner
says iltiily speak time words as they are
meant amid mis you emmeaum them , Dccli erich
every poem hiss two iimieg to it , For instance -
stance , lntrc'iuctiomi , the description and time
pathetic , Time words should be declainmel by
. - , . .
ny L'at1uice ' ,
tilar , Opernilo Travesty ,
TIll ] I'igrriRiT riTl'Mt.9 $ ,
' 11im : I.OVlI.l liT h'ti-dui im. ;
Tmmn : tirrtlmai m t m siiu' ,
Thu lUAh. huLl i1It ) .
StllI ilk Wlilslscrs ( Ircw , "
" % % 'nltiiig for Mc , "
" 1 4p l.ltilg ( un , " t. , ,
'Tm imseimlimma lIm-umwmt , "
"Time lialmubow Untie. "
I1nl'o talc lIumiu1 , ,
Mtnmy , iamchrs , ,
slJmtt- , , , ' , " jit-eltltfra
, uuir4Jv'flh,1t111Ht4 ! &i
1' 01' nil EXThA\iJ'/'uSt
- _ _ _ . _ J4
Umigtmgc- JJ Vni4hiimtgtoii'
Innmit : hilvtlitln3
. F13B. 22 aiid 23
s4'ru1D4MA'I'INi'i ,
Wr Whthside
Stiiporit'tl by iii own s'levtctl Coimmirmimy ot
Ii'mitlmmimmt ti piaycr,4 ,
Frjday Evc.--"hlnimilct"
Sat. Mat.-"Mcrcltnsit of Vemilco"
Satri rtlmmy Evc--"IIcitciict"
No mmdvammc'o Iii iii iccm.
: iirn I'IIL'\O.itIIX.l I ! tOXIl1t ,
-JAG ) GA- (
( ' , ) mne eni.h . get a test of his iower. A sit-
( tag iItii time irofeosor brags gooi hick , success
ani , is.iirIt.
viiim'iuom'iii : AN1) 2mih'r ) itL.ulR IIS
AItitiJt ) !
Further mmmlii coimvliiriumg Particulars at offie , ' ,
i'oiit itili to e.mmi. lie adi'iee you cii eli time
afinmms of lit. ' .
lie teima you nil your imue.ommt cimeunistances ,
and gIic ) emi niuaio attice dim all mumittem's
of imnioi ttmmce.
Go num. ! see Itlumi. Oils umower viii help you-
To oei'oitm , ' yotmr troubles.
'ro attain ytmii ) m.'au-t's tic'imire.
12)3 ) i-OUOLAS I , " 1' . , OIAhIA.
low abiD8ISI
' ] 7 ,
It vihi not iiecd a very clever woman to
realize thm possibilities of this Low Cabi-
net. htenmmemnber that it stamimis only 50
' .nchmes fromim time hoar and is a totally difter
emit Piece Of furmmiture from time crdioary
liarior cabinets.
Times Low Cabineta have just come into
fashmioni. They are very effective. Time entire -
tire back Is maim of bevel imiate glass , and
( ho effect of aumci m large reflective surface -
face can scarcely be appreciated until it is
The shelves ovum adummirably planned , each
omme being located uvitim a view to its lO5ltiofl
in the general tcimeune or effect. s There is
tii new curved guard on time outer end of
each shelf ,
Time side galleries are of brass-a classio
pattern of festomumed Pillars. To avail of a
very lIght construction extra care Is taken
witim time joiner work of these cabinets , which
is nil of soild mahogany , mortised and ten.
0 imod ,
FUiNiTUIili ANI ) fliiM'liiilUs ,
Tyeiftli and Douighais.
time singer and considered separately train
time music umuitil tlmeir value iii commiimroimemmded ,
Rvery simmger aimould slimily clocimtionm amid learn
to iieciaimnm hmnforo Ime attL'nnhts to sing. A
good teacher of elocution is worth a good
iimany teachers of sinighumg , Time study of thi0
iliano or siohlmm is' ohio necessary , Of course
time violin iii lImo bent , but time piammo is time
nimost useful , anti it gives the Imarmnoimy a
fritter effect , if a youimg mmman begins to study
sinnimi late in lila tennis I niece atucim liii-
portamico upon Iumstruuime tal iraIumimig that I.
iu'ouhfi advise five ( hues tine nmmmount of prac-
( icc giveim to it as to time voice , I eiienhc now
of tine comurr.e to he imursueci by time gifted
ommes. 'lb day Iii Imast wimemi mu singer could
travel nrnumumd ( lie world aim three arias , We
hmmvo : Pioimty of iit'autitui voices Iii our coun.
tryVe want imiuicero teachers , umot liatterers.
wlmose sole clemsiro ( mm to niake nmmommey out of
( lie unitiertalciimg , There are timoumstmnmdms of in- .
conilietemit teachers , aim ivehi as incompetent
pupils , " _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cimmil icr of IiItmIolmii.
Summlthi onmmh Ia ICoven's now opera , now be.
big uvrlttonm for Miss Lillian Itibsumohi , armil
whmichm will be brought out at Abbey's theater ,
Now York , next. May , imims itimasmint for Its scene
of acton , A tableau will bring Napoleon
tipomm lime siagmi ,
Iinugeimo Ymummyc , the violinist , Is amigmigod for
a special appearance at tlme Atmmhltorhunn , to-
gimilier vithm time Chicago orchestra , Tuesday
evening , February 1' ) , Mv , 'i'hmoniiars will di-
nect. M , Ysayc wilt play five numbers , M.
Lscimaunnme , pianist , will assist.
An interestinig event last si'colc In 2-few
Yoric was the appearance of Mr. and Mrmi , Io
Iconscimin , two iussian vocalists of cormaid-
erabio unto iii Europe , wimo wore heard in a
comicert lii Madison Square garht'n concert
hell onm Thursday evenminmg. Mv , Be iConscimin
in a tenmor arid imis vite has a imigb soprano
voice , They were assisted by Mv , Theodore
Salmon , who is quite veil kimown in Onimaba
imavimmg given one or two concerts hone en.
route east ,
Mine. Lillian Nordica , apealcing of success
in opera , In answer to a questloim as to yhat
Olin quality mmmomo than another was required
to be a great singer , said , " % ViiI , mviii , vLii , "
Sime sayim that strommg anal tiiswcryiimg will
power can overthrow alt ordinary obatacle
anti place the iosaessor in a liosilioni whIch
great gifts or even iositivo geemlus would riot
scum ( or her without that inmlomrmltabho energy ,
which mmmtwt cimarmiclerizo a successful sInger , ' ,
"It would be useless to discourage such ico-
pie , arms ] with iIi ( arid time requisite talent
success Is sure to ho numet with , i advise sil
girls who ore desirous of following operatlo
careers to study hmard anti to be obseryant of
overylimimmg connected with the operatlQ
stage , "
_ .4s. _ _ 4 _ -5- - . ic , . . - . . - ' . ' , - - - -