a 'rUE O\AIIA \ DAILY BEE : S : : ND.AY , EnnU.An.Y . r . 17 , 189 ; , r , - - 33h _ - . , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . - - _ I' ' = : - - - - - - . Write Samples for 1N . B . F AI' , : CON , R : All Mail Oil oun . " , , Orders New Closing Out Ladies Cloth Jackets 0" . . Wash " At Almost Y o , , . frt ' O"\Vl Price Pr0111pt _ _ Goods. . . , ' New Wash Dress GoodsoAtte11ti . a I . . . 1 - . - - . . - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GREAT . BARGAINS IN WOOL DRESS GOODS TOMORROW - - - - - - - - - - - : . - = - - ' . ' - - - - - - : - , - . . - - - : . - . . . - : - . . : : : : " - - - - . We are going to close out aU our Ladies' Fall Cloth Jaclets at some price , We will carry none ever , no matter what the loss will be , We would rather give t them away than pack them away. Remember we are not offering you any old styles , but the very latest novelties , with extra wide sleeves , in nIl the cloths , such as Beaver , Cheviots , Diagonals , etc , etc. But here are prices that must make you buy : All our $10.00 Jackets for $2.76 ; all our $1(3,80 ( Jackets fop $7.4S ; nIl our $20 Jackets fop $9,9S. Tomorrow we will place on sale our first shipment of the very latest styles in Ladies' Shirt Waists ; this is a regular $2 Waist , but we will start the season on them tomorrow at $1.26 each , Look at the prices we fl"'e making on Dress Goods [ or'tomorl"ovthis ; department is sure to be a crowded one ( Wash Dress Goods.-OuI' stock of new Wash Dress Goods is now the most complete in the city ; we have now a full assortment of ( all the most desirable fabrics , the latest designs and colol's. No one can afford to pass this department without looking over our new wash goods. You will find our stock the most complete and our prices the lowest. We desire to call special attention to our second shipment of Imported Zephyr Ginghams that we will sell at 19c a yard , the pegulal' price on these Ginghams is SOc and 38c 'We have many entirely new patterns among this lot. Our new Jaconets are the delight of every lady who sees then1. The price on them is 18c a yal"d They are the widest goods made and the very best grade. Our line of Printed Dimities is very neat and handson1.e. We ape showing an elegant line of Dimities at 1Sc ; others ape asking 25e for then1 We have a beautiful line at 1Bc ; beautiful goods. OUI' new Percales at 12 /c and 18e ape indeed worthy of your inspection Take our wash goods stock all through . , you will find nothing but the most desirable fabrics , designs and colorings the very latest and t r out ' , pl ' Ices are undoubtedly the lowest . _ _ _ _ . . _ . . , . . _ - > - - I.t- ! F. _ . . . - - _ . , - ' , - : ! . . . Ladies' Cloth Drapery r.oods Blacl1r Dress ® to..oods . u V' l u. 3J'0 New Wash Dress Goods - Wo tntro great j )1 ens 1 ire ln } Jlnclng before you tomOI'I'OW full hno of [ the I -Iatost amI most ( losh'nblo Novelties in \YMh Dress Goods. You will find Oul' stock by far the most complotu In the city , and remember ' net ihowiu of lnst sensons' . \ wo ore ahowiug you any pat ' .q D epar t me1il t - tOI'lIB. Our goods nee all 11(3W , all the moot desirable weaves ILnd colorlugs , nld every : picco iH selected with the J ac 1 { e t s. Depart1H'tent . . . greatest of care : our pntot'lls ! ! volt will find \I'Y ; neat and haudsome. Do not buy totJ't1uug in \Vash Goods with- . : ' ' out first looking ' OUl''llst line and bear in mind that what show ' ' all this seusons' latust ONE OF OUR BANNER DEPART.out over our \ , wo you are designs For one week , beginning \ Monday : morn- t _ turd c.olol'ings. : a'N'1'S Ge11uine - GI11111If1iSVo w111 place on 0\11' counters tomOl'I'OW the seeoml shipment , nS' , Fe\ \ 18th , we will offer the follosving GittgItatl1s- , ' t hUiot-ted ( - tomu'roTy ' ' We are going to close out our entire . of ' GunUllle ' 2uJh ' ' . This 0\11' ( Im\JOl'lcd \ Lcphyr ) Ginghams. shipment Paris Dl':55 .lttcI'ns at L its than _ includes many new and handsome colorings , bosldes many of the desirable staple Cheeks which will have great stock oC Fat ) Jackets tomorrow prices \u-galns \ In DI'allcl'les : Half 1'rfsc. demand this Hmumn. 'l'his Is possibly the last 6hlpment of them that wo will sell at 119c. If you want any of This Sate 1 Cnuuot But hlcreaso Its these Ginrrl1l\ms you . had batter . com tomOl'I'OW . and got the best choIce. . You are no doubt well aware that will do It.'e do not care now what Cretonnes worth rall , 25c : ; . 3e : ; nllll " ' other I houses arc \ asking I 30o to Sao for f these I Ginghams . \\T 0 are offering the 1 same goads : to 'ou at 19e. ' yard. We Ill'r11 . loll , all III one lot 180 2,0 ; : ; Hlch 1"I'CIlCh null CcI'IlUln : Dress . I lI1g go you per yar price they were formerly . 01' what they ' 11 t , per ) : Irll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Populurit ; Lay In a big supply now. ; l'alll'I'II4 ! ! at $9ia. ; ; ' ' ' Our soleotlo:1 : of this class of spring goods Is certainly the cost us ; wo arc not going to carry any PlaIn 'hlna Silk , 32 inches wide , NOW J11C011etS Di1ri1t10S Etc.west . 350 , , r ' ' ' , ' . . . . . . . . . --most ' . ' worlh fOe , for , ! .11\11. Full pattern : In each-uo two alike , . west cum 1 Aeto ever . .ShOIVIl.Yo can suet you iu any design , o\'er. Here arc the prices that will 'PII' ) 'Vu at ( , , du . lllIlncd t 10 doc : them all I I out 41- ( , = nch t.5o quallt PrletI.ey ) . s . . . Surah . . . . . . . . Twills . . . . . . . , 'rrr Q 1,00 ill any color ( , or any gol'ado you may oslt.o [ for our .raconot llI'O the pride of [ Omaha Every lady l who has seen . Jute Curlalll t I G ooh s ! . 56 ( j ( ) Il1ch,9 39C - them admits that we are the people ! onVash Good this ! 'ea on. Ask to see our Jacol1ct Remember wo startle you : wlde'vurtth tOt . tor per 'III'l1. this weel Choice designs In Crepe show you only the very best grades , and out price is only 15c a 'ul'd. Lt\'e Curlnlns , 3 yarl1" long . effects , l'OIla.h effects ! smooth \ ell'ccll46lnch ! Prlestley's camel's hair , :1. . 00 flare you seen our Printed Dimities ? If not , ask 10 see th01l1. A handsomer lice of roods were never All our lal1le cloth Jackets worth Ulloto . $1 , all In ono lot 490 " ; ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( $2.0quality ) ) shown and our colorings arc the lalest. No one can alford to our line of Dimities without ndmiring our that sold al UO g-o on sale 10- lit , pCI' pall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pass $3 75 h4deseent : l'l1l'l'lH. sill , 1I11xed eneel ! : , g'1'and'dlsplay. Our In1ccs on Dimities this soa.ol1l\ro very 'low-in tact much lower than you will lint ] thom morrow ror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! ( ! tc" , Ull' The cholCt'HI lot oC patterns GO.Ieh ! : Prlestls wool.noveltles , 1..00' oisew hore-ana ! you get the largest solectiou ( to choose . ff6m. Tomorrow wo will' offer our 2.1c Printed Dimities All odd IHllrs Lace Curtains , Inelud- _ , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,00 . . . ; „ " - . - . r (32.00 ( quullt ) for Itc yard.Ve arc also showing IL line of DUl1ltIes'lt 1'53 ' that are really good value at 20c. ! All our la les' cloth Jackets ' , . over offered-s . 1 \ ot ' e. $ : :1"0 : , 1100 ! ; " y : 10 , - , g ins I1no I3I'usscls Irish points , etc. , worth $ 20.00 , S ° _ ; i.OU : ; and $ : \.00. \ ; , II-Inch I'rieslltiy's crepe effects , J. 00 prfflted D UC 1 f.S-Heason. : This JlOIJllhu' Realizing cloth the will fact tliik that ] season , theee strain ! will bo bo a the big reigning deutatd dress for ; Ducks goods wo fabric lave of [ just the tomorrow that sold 1.nt { or. $10,50 . . . . . . . go . . . . 011 . . . . . Hale . . . . . $7 ' 48 up 10 $23 : ! per pair , at one - halt price for _ . , _ _ " ( $1.7 qualll ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . got in n big supply , induding all the dark and light culorf11 g s.Vo have indeed nn elegant assortmcn t \Vo are this weel . - . , AT , MONDAY AIL GO ON .Ub : , showing . only the best . grade and our pl'ico is only 15luynrd. ! : Bo sure and got the best erode for all ergots All offered our tomorrow $ ZQ Jackets for. . will)0 . . . . . . . \ . . . $9 , 98 II-Inch Pries they " ship Cords , 1. 00 will shrink i I and ratio , in washing. I . 0 7 5 l.G0 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' - $ . ( $ quallly ) Percales . _ Everybody who hM soon our stock of ot.'calos admIts that wo have n larger and better nssort- iiier = Patter1 . mont than all the other stores put tO t11CI" \1 o do lenow that wo are seIliu ! : ' nn enormous On sale tomorrow-the latest designs In Ml11111ery 46-lneh ) all wool French Serge 1. . 00 qUllnl1tV of them and wo are showing the right 9ualit 3 'and right patterns and thc right 11l'locs.Vo arc show- this season's _ . . . . _ ( $1.50 quality ) . . . . . : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ing over 50 different patterns in all the nosy and stripes und slllull IIgmcs. Our pl'ico is 12c ; tar the best goods in too llln.rlcot.Va have ! just received ourpgs , line of finest ! dark colOl'cd PCl'oalofl. They are just D t 1H-1Ien t . e 42.lnch Prlestley's wool : Melrose , 1. the t.hingfor Ladlos' 'VI'uppel's and Shirt \Valst : : ! They come in navy blue with small neat dots , stripe und . , epar .A..I..l . _ L. IttltlgS- ( $ tso quality ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 figures ; also in red ground , in dot stripe and figures ! ; oleo some very net patterns in dark wino . grounds . PThis : : ! L ales . , , , , cloth leas soft as finnnol und is very fine , ln tact the finest grade ever shown. Our prices 011 tIllS cloth is 15. . SECOND FLOOR . Best , 3kIvt C" ,1111)\ . . . . . . . . . . ( yard)4C ) 44-lnch ( $2.00 quallly Priestley's ) . . . . Corkscrew . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 1. . 00 New yard Spring Ask to see our Pl"t.t1tS-JI puliol'ns. ! t received ) pattern our new each styrR1111 one ) ' urettler : \ cclorlms than another. Sprln/i / They l'rlllis. are the Wo best can goods show too you and over to start fifty : Sht W at sts j . All our winter mllllller must . be sold to ; the season with thel1vo will offer them at 60 yard but they are rggulnr 8c grade ! . 'I'omorrw wo will clo.o out odds and elllls make room for new spring goods . which All our "Oe Silesia nUll 1'el'1'a1l11II-I , 20 pieces line all 'wool Imported In Dress l'uttel'lls otSut.'IIS ! anti Mulls and Organdies ; : 10yardsIII each p.Ltteru. SOI1\O ot them are worth $2.50 , but wo will offer ; . ! 'g Serge , Our GOc qUllltty on sale'J them tomorrow ut 85 c.fol' a whole dross pulterll. ' . We will start them tomorrow by are du'ty ' : arriving I I . v all slimes : ' ! , ifondt ; at. . . . . ( yarde ) ) Monday at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? 7C . . . . r _ oITcl'lngour f2 Shirt \\'ulst" ' . . . . : _ " ' - , , - " " " ' - " ' . " " . _ - & - iOJ'i , : " " " ' . . , . . " . " " for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 ' 25 Fine mOl1l'nln/ Rood : a sl1eclaltY. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a t , UNIVERSITY A TlILETIC CLUB , ; ) . - ' 1 New ssociation Which Starts Out with s Dual Fuuotions on a Grand Scale MAN ! FEATURES OF TilE OF.GANIZATION around Alrl'l\lI ' ' ' ' , AlrrndySecured-Arrangrtueute for Omni Stlllld and Other Hulltlinga- St Hase 111th nuId Foot nln G.le5 for the ComlllS SCluon. Numerous attempts have been male from lime to time to establish an amateur ath- tme establsh lotlc club In Omahl. For various reasons none oC these attempts have met with the success desired. Just what these reasons are It Is . at present needless to sa ) Some time ago a number \ oC young men got together and i after discussing the need oC puck organiza- ton as mentioned above , and aCer canvass- Ing the attempts already made looking tor ward Its establishment , conceived the Idea oC starting a club \ which would combine all the essential elements oC both \ an amateur athletic and a university club anti thus ap- peal to a much larger constituency than either one alono. A number oC meetngs wore held and the various details discussed until It appeared to be a porCccly feasible thing to do and It was unanimously decided 10 put the 1)1:1 : Into immediate operation. Articles of Incorlloratoln embodying the main features cf the two classes oC organiza- tons were drawn UI and adopted , providing mnons- other things that the name ot the new organization should bo the University oC ' Omaha. Probably no better idea oC the exact purpose - ' pose oC the crganizatimh can be given than by quoting from the articles thcmse'cs. Article Iv provides as follows : "Tho general - oral nature oC the business to bo Iransaclod by this corporation shall be the maintainIng - bug ot al athletic park and also ot a club bulhlnl or club room In the county oC Doug- las , In the state oC Nebraska , for the use of stockholders and others under proper regu- latolns to bo adopted by mho board of di- reclors. Said athletic park and club house and club rooms and the proceeds thereof to be used for Ibo purpose oC establishing and promoting amateur athletic sports ot all kinds . and for Ibo purpose oC creating and fostering I more extensive acqualnlance- Ihlll and social intercourse among the col- lege men oC the state ot Nebraska " I will bo seen that the purpose oC the organization Is as much 10 further the Interests - terests oC amateur athletics al anything else , I Ul.'ed , until next winter I Is the intention to devote the entire enerGies of the club to the interests of outllcor amateur athletic sports . An view oC this fact two radical departures have been made from the plans heretofore followed 11 this city . In the arst place the initiation fro has been reduced - ducd to $5 , and the annual dues thereafter to $5 per year : the initiation fee comprising also the Innual due for the frt ) 'oa ot memberlhlp. 11 addition to this the stockholders - holders cannot ho assessed , so that file highest . est amount for which n member may become liable can never exceed the son of $5 In alY 010 ) 'eal. This , It wl bo Seem , Is a radIcal departure from the policy heretofore . adopted by athlete clubs II thus city . There Is also I radical , depariliro from the lines oC the ordinary university club In that there are honorary and associate mem\cr \ lS will appear from the following quotation from article 6 : "Tbo stockholders oC this corporation shall be known ss active , ASSO- cale and honorary as follows : Any male person who shall be a regular graduate oC the colrglato 01 any professional depart- ment oC any reputable college or unh'cnly. or who shall have been at least Iwo years actually engaged In the pursuit oC collegiate .or professional studies In I reputable col. lego " 1 ullv01lty , mi ) become an active member. Any ) male person of the ago oC 1 years or upward who shall bo oC good repute may becole an associate member. Any male person ) who baa attained dlatncton tea- ' 10rly oC the board oC directors la lunclent t enable hint to I membership In this cor- .at/ pOlton , may become an honorary member. I Provlded howevcr that In all cases It shall be I necessary prerequisite of membership that the candidate shall have purchased and paid for In full at least one share of the stock oC this corporation , and provided fur- ther that the application oC every candidate shall bo approved \ a majoriy vote of the board oC directors , and provided further . that the present board If directors shall have power , and Is hereby directed upon the first Monday of January . 1896. to prepare and execute an amendment to these articles of , Incorporaton , providing either for the con- tnuanco or the extinction of associate mem- borahlps In thIs salll corporation. " I will be seen from the above that the purpose Is to try the experiment of having associate memberships \ without incorporating the provision absolutely Into the articles until the success of the plan has ben demon- slrated. OC course these associate members who join during this year will retain all their rights as members so long as they com- ply with the regulations the same a the active members , the honorary degree will , oC COllI'Se permanent. 'Chese are the main features oC the new club . The plans for the coming season are already made , and cer- talnlY hold out alluring Inducements to all the amateur athletes oC the city. Grounds second to none In the city have already been scoured and arrangements made for the erec- ton oC fences , grand stand , and other necessary - sary buldlng . Correspondence has been going on for two months with all the lead- lug universities of the avest Including Mich- Igan , Chicago , Northwestern Iowa , Minnesota . Kansas , Nebraska and , Grinnell college . with the object oC arranging a series of base bal games with the best ot them In Omaha this spring The \asl \ bal manager has already commenced work 01 a midsummer trip for the bate bal team , to extend to the Pacific coast : and occupy a period oC about Iwo weeks , while the Coot bal manager IJas ) practically arranged a' trip for the root bal team , which embraces all of the principal cites between Omaha and Seattle. During the summer and Cal the entire attention - tmtlon oC the cmcerC oC the club wi be directed - rected toward the success of the base bal anl foot hal teams but \ as son as mho feet ball season closes club rooms will be fitted II ) town town and maintained In proper style for the use oC the members 'rlue3e In brief , nro the salient features of the hew organization . and If any one thinks It has not backing which will command for It the respect of the ccmmunlty let him glance over the list oC charier members , as follows : J. C. Cowin , Victor n. Caldwell . H. S Hall , W. D. I McHugh , Joseph n. Clarkson Robert W. l.lrlck. Isaac E. Congdon Frank Crawford , Charles L. Tholras , I.Y510 I. Abbott - \)01 \ , Hugh A. Myers , Albert , W. Jererl , J. W. Uroateh , LeeV . Spratn , 1. N. llc- : Grew , J. J. Mc lulen , S. G. Y. Grlswolll , John I. . 1ere : , John I. . Webster , William 1' . Nelson Randall Ilrown The cmeer for the first year are as fol- lows : President LYElo I. Abbott : vice pres- , Ident , rank Crawford : secretary , Charles ' L. Thomas . and treasurer . , HuSh A. 11)'ers. II'OIht Four h\twrvc"o.1 \ H'llurl lulI NDW YORK , Feb \ . 10-Tho Atlas line steamer Alps , which arrIved this morning from Welt Indian ports , brought from Port- au-Prince four distressed seamen belongIng to the schooner Hattie L. Sheets oC Phiadelphia , Call1aln lellards , which was run ashore hi save her from sinking on the morning of January 2 : , near Jerml . 11ue Sheets was hound ! rote l'ort . au-1'rlnce for Aquln to load logwood for Delaware breakwater The yes. sel sprung a leak and they were compelled to beach hl'r. Nearly all the rigging , sails and fittings oC the vessel were saved and the hull was then set on tire. The Hattie L. Streets seas of 18t tons . register Standard Oil ( nhh'l' tip n UI5 l'outpany. CICAOO , 1'eb. 16 ; The Standard all cent - tngent bas obtained control ot the Chicago Gas Light and Coke conupany . Following out the flan which has recenty ben adopted six directors oC Iho company resigned , and their lllaces were fled \y \ Chicago men representing - the Standard 011 interest Ins 01 $ , and beaded by Robert T. Lincoln . Mr. Lincoln Is slated for the presidency . . I.arro Wonlen JII Atortlug ' VI" FAIRFIELD . % . . Feb 16. The woolen mill here which Is one of the largest iu'the state , ant which hal been closed down for more than eighteen months , will resume operations galn. A contract has ten closed with H. C. Cowglll . Frank Hill and A. H. Baker woolen mill men oC Carthage Mo. . who have leased the mill for a period of two years. I Is expected that a few looms will be started by March 1 , and by May 1 at least l 100 looms will bo In operation . -s- CITY Olfl"IOlALS INDICTED. Rumors that Are IIHlnanty .Denled ne- ! lrlln ! Ex-Mayor Giroy and Others ND\V YORK , Feb. 16.-Officials oC the dis- trict attorney's ofco were 'mute today when asked as to the truth oC the story that ex-Mayor Olroy , Inspectors Williams , McA voy and McLaughlin had been indicted by the extra- ordinary grand jury which yesterday adjourned - journed until March -i. Assistant District Attorney Lindsay , who with Special Deputy Attorneys Rolins and Fox , has ben acting In an advisory capacity to the grand jury refused absolutely to discuss the matter. No indictments were handed In 10 Commis- sioner Ingrabam when the grand jury adjourned - journe yesterday , and It Is not considered likely that they will \e \ handed up before the grand jury reconvenes on March 4. At that time It Is expected that from filly 10 seventy- five indictments , some oC them of persons high In authority , will be presented. Thomas F. Gilroy . jr. , a son oC the ex- mayor , who'll I clalmc was indicted called at the district aHorney's office early this morning H& was laboring under consider- able exciement and was vehement In his denunciation oC an article In a morning paper. He said : "The publication so Car as my father Is concerned Is absolutely false and a lie , and steps will bo taken at once to , sue time paper or papers which printed . . " I. lie had a long consultation with Chief Clerk Unger oC time district attorney's office . and some papers , the nature oC which could not be learned , were drawn up under the direction oC Mr. Glhroy . Ho staled In an- swer 10 questions that he had nothing whatever to say about time case , as it 'is yet lee soon to tal . o Bl l'E AV/US U } 4 SLIDE Adobe Surface on the Unrr1m1n 11111. 10 CIlr"rnhl IhUtn : Its Position. OAKLAND , CAI l. , Feb I6-Portions oC the nerryman his north oC Berkeley are sliding toward the valley. About five acres have thus clans-ed. The foundation oC the his seems to bo sold enough. I Is the adobe surface stratum about thirty feel In depth which Is gradually settling. Engineers and others who lava examined the shifting area before say that the dlslJlacemunt oC earth Is due to the rains and not to any sinking oC lima hills caused by volcanic or other subterranean - lerranean ferco Considerable damage has been caused and some fears arc entertained that time gradually descending mass may some day cause disaster - aster to lCe Iml properly. The residence cf ItV . Darius built on the shllng earth has moved six Inches out oC plumb , and the main pipes oC time Alameda Waler company have been \ twisted and snapped In nearly 100 Illaces. . - IHulcnlS Brake Into time ( Uris' Itoons . 'VILKgSnAnRE , 1a. , Feb. 16 . Trouble has ) broken \ out at the Wyoming seminary at Klns-ston. A few nights ago a party ) oC students - dents broke into several rooms In the remalo department I Is said the boys were Intoxl- clet. The screams of the girls attracted \ Prol. Lake but when ho atempled to go 10 their rescue be found that his room had been fastened lie burst the door open , but In the meantmo the students had opn , to their , rooms Prot. Schrague has expelled time ringleaders - I leaders . I' . Ii. Lucoek , n. W. Imer and David Reese , and It i said moro students will bo expelled. _ -w- J'lnrlnl' ' and Cripple ( 'reek Uoatl mold . DENVER , Feb . IG.-The News announce that Colonel John C C. Montgomery has nego- lated a sale oC the Florence and Cripple Creek railroad to 1 10ston syndicate for $2,000,000. The read . which is l forty midles long was built lr ely with money furnished by D. 1. MolTat . who Is time hea\lelt sieck- holder. I has been a dlvldend.payer from the first . The names oC the purchasers are not given - JOINI'RRIDC ' EXONERATED Mine Workera Give Him a Three to One Vote of Confidence , MARK WILD DRiVEN OUT or TUE HAL Denounced ns B Dom/orue and Self - Cott - reseed CorrulUonbt-l'ellna Elected President of time Union mind Camm eron Miller Vice 1'resldent. COLUMBUS , 0. , Feb. 16. John McBride tOday by the unanimous report of the com- mlteo of fifteen , was reported to have been not guilty oC the charge oC corruption In con- necton with the hocking Valley railroad strike. The comutltteo's report said that Mark Wild , the railroad man who preferred the charges , Is a demagogue and self-con- fessed corruptionist Thereupon a resolution was adopted , extending a vole oC confidence to John McBride and ordering Jlirk Wild to leave the hall Mr. Wild endeavored to ob- tain time floor , but the demonstrations against him were so pronounced that time presiding officer advised him to withdraw Immediately , and ho did so . < The convention then elected P. H. Penna oC Indiana president Cameron Miller oC Ohio vice president and re-elected Patrick McBride - Bride seretary-trealurer. 'fheso elections were a complete vindicaton of time men who tool : on the part of miners In the settlement oC time strike last summer Mr . Miller . In presenting the report ) In regard to 11' . Me. Bride , said that the committee \ ) ICe ho had been discreet 1a handling the strlko. The vote was 121 10 44. The vote of Wild leavIng - lag the hal was 223 10 7n \ . started , ,11 Non-Union . ) fen ST LOUIS , Feb 10.-The spike mill at the Tuber Iron works , East St Louis , Is being operated by stew men , with machinists filling time places of the boss rollers. Only two oC the striking steel workers have gone back to work The others arc still holding out and claim to bo more confident than over , as , according - cording 10 their slaleptents , the new men In the mill are doll ! ' such , unsatisfactory work that the plant canlD cnlnue In operation more thal I few dayq o . , " . lWJJ.JSl .l VQU"LlH.l1 " B.ll. Hanchor Rosin itlifp , Ills WUe nli himself In Moahulls. IEI.ENA , Mont . Feb . 10-ln a lonely cabin on a sheep ranch In Cusler county , thirty- five miles from Iho"t tifsrts ! of Terry , Rancher Bonn shot : and kle' ilJ 'y' i wire and then killed ) hmmaelf ( . Both had ' \ lain , dead several days before being discovered . "Henn came 10 I10n- tans treat Nebraska , ( and has two brothers living In time nelghbahooj. his victim was his second wife Ndlnotve , can bo found as they apparently Ivc'Jlappl ' ) l'hool Boy 'frl. " to lnnI Ilm rt. TROY , N. Y. , F 11' l6.-Ernost Winters , 10 years old , alt 'pupted ' suicide In the Parsons public school Hoosack Falls. The boy was reprimanded by his teacher for disobedience - obedience and shut 111 In the cloak room Some lime after the teacher found time pupil suspended from a hook and unconscious WInters had buckled a skate strap around his neck and tucked a mitten betwEen the strap and his neck to make the noose tight. Mr. Dillon , the teacher , released the toy and succeeded In . reviving . lulu . l'rhmruss Nlnl0 from Tahiti . SAN FRANCISCO , Feb 10.-San Francisco - cisco Is entertaining 1 live princess ) . She comes out of limo wide I'aclnc-h realm Is an island In the South seat . The prilces Nlnllo Is a scion or time famiy oC "om are , rulers In Tahla for nearly :00 years . She came by the Mariposa and Is accompanied . panled Thus far On a journey hal around the world br two retslncrs who wi stop hEre , however , and the lady will continue the journey alone. Silo will remain In this city soma time , seeIng all that Is to be seen. She Is going to France , oC which country her royal family Is now a nsloner. When she starta cast her retainers will return to their Island homes. EITJ UI.I - . 'Ilanr. - - Suceumbell to the Comhillol lreclS of Grip all Ilroucblts. NEW YORK , Feb 10.-Prlncess 1aulna , who arrived In New York on December 22 last , has since that title been the object oC great interest tom thousands In this cltr. Princess Paulna was born In Holland In 1870 and during time past nine years has been seen and fondled by nearly all the kings and queens oC Europe. She was brought to this country under a two years' contract br Manager 1. Prector. The princess was exactly seventeen Inches high and weighed but eight and one-hal pounds Two weeks before her arh'al she had an attack oC the grip ald was laid up for a few days. She soon recovered and on January 29 gave n special reception , attended by nearly 100 wel known physicians and surgeons fume was taken ill again I week ago and was pronounced - nounced to be suffering from bronchitis , hut It was not until Thursday tint her life was deppalred of The princess tied lt 9 oclocl : resterday morning and was placed In a little white casket no larger than would he required - quired for a I-year.old child. The remains will bo taken to Holland for burial. Clmrle I" . Abbott . the lor8elln. WORCESTER , las ! . , Feb 10.-Charles F. Abbott , one or the best known horsemen In America , died of pneumonia at the city hospital - tal last night after a brief illness. Ho was 62 years old and lived at dllerent times In St. Johnsbury Vt . Detroit , Miclt , Denver . Worcester and Saugus , and was for seven years engaged In the ranch business In Texas. Last season he was In chI : ; " of the western stable ot .10111 ) S. Gray , the well known Ken- lucllY breeder Embezzler Coounlts Snlclde . SPRINGFIELD , 1" , Feb 10.-C. J. newman - man , agent of the Wabash railroad at Hver- ton committed suicide yesterday to avoid ar- rest for embezzlement . He had embezzled \ a considerable sum of railroad and express money to further an invention . Death nt a 1.111 lulroa.1 Alan . NEW YORK , Feb l6.-Percy H. Payne vice president of the Delaware I.ackawanna & Western Railroad compan , died at Home , Italy , yesterday . ) SE 1'EN1'11 11,11' d D I'Il1'T1Sr',4 ' . l'resldenl's Statement lho" Great l'rogruss Slues ' rho I J.tt 111011 : . RATTLE CHEI'K : , Mich „ Feh. l.-The general conference oC the Seventh Day Ad. venlsls convened lt the ' 'IIJeraele reslcr- dnythe president Elder I.AOsen : , preskling . . ) re8Idlnl. One hUllred and twpnty-flve deleHates lre here representing more than forty Iluto conferences chin mission cOllterelces Itelds . President : Olsen's address slliell tint llne the last general conference two years ago , sIxty 'ear. state and local camp meetings have been held ; sIXI-two persons have been ordained 10 the ministry and , the mer\erhll \ > oC the denominaton has increased over 1,0J while nlnct-scven church huldhllS have been conHlrcted In \'arloul countries including the organization of Ivo churdws lueludtnl bourne . Australia . and its suhul'b . More : than 1 dozen Hchools and academies havu been established 11) the ll'en estlhlshed ) general cOnference the past few years and as mal ) ' stile and church schools . The publishlnt , ineresls . pUblshlnl Inll'rests were reported' In substantial rClolletl' a lubslunlul condition ( and much of the lernlul ot time society had bean \ prlnled and dianlbuted President Olsen thinks that much more should bo done In time line of mcdieul mis- slonal' work In the ( uture . More has been accomplished In this lne the I.asl two years that during all the tine previous At present - tint eighteen persons are under appolnl- ment for different fields In this Itnu of work lie recommended lar ) ; : plans for the work among the colored people ot the south . The conference of Oklahoma , with Heven teen churehel and O members . and b'lo rids , with seventeen churches mind , WJ ) mem- bera , were admitted 10 the conference allll their delegates seated. ConlnltecJ were 1II.olnted and the meeting adjourned till Sunday , At the Present dote there are 121 ministers engaged In . the Adventist work Told Where t l'lnd the I Ill y. C.\nTIAOI . Mo. , Feb. J l6.-J. H. Turner , living two tulles down Spring river , found I _ t.auc bottle In which was a note signed "W S. Jackson " and reading : "Whoever ands this will find my body above \ the dam In Spring river. " I will be remembered \ that Jackson Is the Carthage contractor who mysteriously - teriously disappeared In Kansas City during Priests oC Palas week . early In October . TES1.I.1W.1 N(1T .IU.1UTTEU. Efort to Provo Claus Jllxt R Liar Felled ' . for the 'rlmo uoing. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 16. The defense In the Hayward murder trial came up smiling today after the staggering blow dealt It yesterday - terday by Llveryml : Wilson's evidence . Tlo reason for the smiles lay In the confdenco that the first witness this morning would completely shatter the evidence oC Claus A. Dlxt by her testimony. But there was I slight slip In time calculations of Mr. Erwin that prevented for thc time the full fruition oC his hopos. Time wlness was Miss Maggie 'achter , who Is the stenos-ral'ler . of Bllxt'u attorne ' On the day before DUst.s confession ; the attorney took hel' Into time prison for time purpose of taping . down a statement oC the prisoner. No one else was present at the time all age tool down such words as the alolney dlrecled. Erwin then read flol b statement imputed 10 Blxt saying thai ho and Adry Hayward had , planned the II'delo and had out to Labia Calhoun hal gone to arrange t'o details the week lmeore He asked Miss Wachter oC Ulxt had made the slalement that ho had just read 10 his attorney- . Before she could answer the state interposed In ob jection on the grounds that whalevcr statement - ment had been made by Ilxt to his attorney was inviolable under the state slatule. Time court aurally ruled that under the clrll' stances the evidence was Inalmlssahle , but \ gave time defense until Monday 10 produce au. t'noriles which may change his opinion Su Miss "acher was dismissed and the 51(1 01 which the wounds oC Miss Ilss Gng were limue- . trated was sent for. : Three physicians were put on the Iland 'hy ' the defense and asked . ald asllc hypothetcal quo's. tlons bearIng on the question oC the fracture ot the slul. Dr. C. H. Norred thought It hlJhly improbable that time double fracture had been caused by the fall from the buggy \ a8 explained by Ilxt , Dr. S. Li . fence ! thought It next II hnposslhle Dr. D. C. Myers anti ho had a lonE army experinece but he had ( never Imown oC a case where a fall ot three feet like the one described had produced such fractures oC the skull . Court then adjourned until Monday . , morning , - - - - - Oll'l.I.\ fSlltJU JIUl.ncu. . Two Innelroel Little Onr" Tnrnn:1 Gut In Iln ( old. "HITB 11.\1S. N. Y. , Pcb , 10.-The \S'pm'teltestel' 'Iemporr ) ' Home on North Itl'cet. about n sidle from the county court hlse , was totally destroyed by . lire last night. 'l'ime building contained 20 children ranging fem 1 to 1 : ) eall of age . besides a dozen tpal'hem 0111 ' . anl nurses The home was In char : u oC Jamel Pierce , wim , : 1f the ' lupcrlntellllt , cull Miss : Dicfonald . as- slstmit Mr. Plerru had been away nit day nll , returned 01 a late train utter the lulhlnJ11 In ruins A\o:1 \ 10 o'cloell a watchman dlsco\'clec time roll my to he amass mass of Ilamnea. Time lire arliuutei ( from n dofect\'o line . .1 thai hour the little ones were Found Islcell. 'Jhuyre awakened ' 'ned I ! ! quickly al 1OKSlhlu and hUl'fel1 from time . ' , , buildhmg hey wen first taken Irt ; 10 time luundl'Y , but . the ! meal ' ) ! 'carne ItO intense they were transferred to the school bourse An alarm was sounded In time villa"e and the enlro fire dCllal'lment of Whlo via" ! 'lnln/ 111 l'eslund"l and slllried for the Ic'no , 'l'imey hii gone hardly half a mie when they ware loll time the vas out and returned , to their hou l's. A telephone cull was edit In that unless the del1artmc11 laslnod , time whole institution would lIe In usimes . A secolld alarm was sounded , and time .1e- urrlvulruUmu mnain biilblingut'w , " 'hcn thu ) ' Ilcheis aei- arrl\'od the mlin . which Is \ ' - IJ1.IIIA II\- ont -live feet vomit and Iw feet dce m. was I mass of llamea. I was only posaible to save the buildings ati otning the homo , std ) thtH was done with Iflcul m ) ' . Most of the chldr'n'l wearing lparel18 destroyed anti time children , many of whom were sick , Buftercil considerably from time cold . ' 'h. home was establlshed about Ilftceu ' 1'ltahlshlllloul Itcen years ago York. Imy' wel Imown society ladies of New 'OXUI Oil Wlreloulo IlurnruI DALLAS , Tex . Feb J . . Fire destroyed the large warehouse ot time Waters.Plerce Oil company , sltuale In East Dallas , containing 600,900 galous or oil. Lemma unkuown ; nu Insurance - surance - - - I\AS \ ) nUNC UP ) BY fIS TI IS Authorities . at Honolulu Revive the Methods a of the Dark Ages , ( i HAWAIIAN PRISONER FORCED TO CONfESS - T Davies , nn American CllzOl , Said tn Iraq Deell Cruelly Tortured nn.1 COUlolOt to Give Ul' Inrorlllton Concerning - cerning Limo ltovulutluu . SAN FRANCISCO . Feb 1G . The Cal prints the following startling story from Honolulu : The success oC time Hawaiian government In conducting the treason cases was duo to time crhnlnatng evidence given by Captain Davies of limo steamer Walmamiolo . The manner In which this sworn statement was wrung from Davies Is interesting as showing time pecular legal process at present lxlstn ! In time Hawaiian tclands 1 . Davies alll , his .mate , Knudsen , were arrested on time morning or January 6. Knudsen made a con- feulon , telling what Ito ho know Davies , who Is an American citizen , reused to give information and while his any Informaton , , whie protesting Innocence , demanded an Inlcrvlew with the United States Minister . Davies was then tallen Into the prison yard where he was shown two ring bolts In the wall above his lmead. The udformed InquisItors of the goy ernment then gave the captain to understand that If a complete confession was not rorth- coming he would be slung up by time thumbs. Davies did not fnch , but determined . t mined that i the Amerlcal minister could ; not come limo consul general hould bo informed - formed that ho was an American citizen and wl8hed to leo Imhn Il protests were In vain his legs were hound below mho Ilees and gds thumt3 were lashed with whip cord to the ring bolts. A box was placed below , him 10 that limo man's toes just touched it . Davies was stripped to the waist . while Mar- shal lIchcoclr , Attorney Gcneral Smith and Surgeon Cooper with a stenographer , awaited lima statement which they believed would be shortly forlhcomlng. They were mistaken Davies would not weaken Sweat oozed from every pare . The strong man In his agony begged I drop ) oC water 10 cool time thirst that consumed limn The tendons ot the victim's limbs stooll out like strands . DC rope : bloom vessels knotted on Ids atmd and legs swelling as J ready to burst with congested blood , snpIreEEe,1 ) , ly his almormal position. The tormentors urge ) him to Implicate all known 10 b politically opposed to their mClhojs wlhout avail. lIES ) refused to surrender the secret ho hall sworn to protect. At lat , when It was alllHlrent hy his respl- ration that It would be ) Impossible 10 hell ont longc'r , nature succumhed and Davies , cursing time ! lends who were torturIng Imhn fainted . Dr. Cooper used salts oC ammonia U , fcv'e time captain , who ( hal passed / into Cmo l'alnleS reln1 ot unconsciousness , As Eon as he revived two convlets rlvlvcd negro cOlvlcls suspended hll again b ) the thumbs This Inhumau operation was begun at noon . anl It was G , o'clocl In the evening before Davies , more deal Ihan alive , made the statement which respiled ) him from mho Inhuman barbarIty or his Inhuman torturers Anuther case oC cruelty was brought out In miiary InquIry. A young native known to ho intimate with Carl Wlldemaun wu handcur , I. Then with a refinement or cruelty which woulll shock I Persian satrap , ho was placed In I tacit of Ice coM water. lie was kept there unll time circulation oC the blood almost ceased , and Dr. Cooper , who ap- pears In the unenviable light of an arch- Inquisitor. declared that ho was almost dead. The chief ot police . Marshal Itchcock , bal the young Kanaka taken tram the tank , and after being restored from hla condition of sDmlcoI6clousnes. the torture was adudmds- , tered again Flesh and blood could stand nu mON , and time confession . was made Hhel'l Uylll ; tromp Cull II Now 3Jmrlco. A1.iiUQUERQUE N. M. " . , AJ.UQUmQU , , I"eb. lo--Tire ground II covered with snow four to sic inches deep , and many sheep are dying 01 the mountains anti 1llln from the cold and lack oC food - . .r r. _ ' , .1.