Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1895, Part III, Page 20, Image 20

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    F . .
I _ _ _ ' _ _ _ 20 _ _ _ _ _ . _ . H _ _ _ 1'HJD ' Ol\f.AITA : \ DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , F.lDBltlfAUY _ 17 , 18m ; _ _ ,
I' . ; . . .
. . r ; ' . . .
. . "
\.uthor of fI\ VrImnor of Zonlln , " 1La.
COP 'rlht ] , 1804 , by nlhony Hopc , ' . _
Is ' In flux , save
Tile opinion of mnn I over
'lier It Is founded on the rock of trite religion -
ligion Whal our fathers blleved we ( lsb- .
, love , but oren our sons shall again rceIvc
n. In oMen IhnD men heM much by magic
nnll ( black arts , now such are less eSIEeme.l . ;
yet hereafter It may wel be that the worll
wi nnlt new Incanlatons and fresh spels ,
tile same Impuho flowing In a tlrerenl
channel , nnlt nver utterly 10 be checked or
stemmed by the cnsures of the church or
the mocking ol 1lsbelevers. As for trulh-
In truth , who knows truth ? For the light of
revelation shines but In a few places , and for
the rest we are In natural darlOess , groping
along unseen paths toward unknoWn ents ,
May God keep our footsteps !
Now In the third year of his outlawry Ihe
heart of Count .ntonlo of Monte Velulo hat !
grown ; very sat , . For II was nbo\'o the space
, vf a year slnc ! lIe hall heart news of the
Lady I.uela ! , and hard . upon two since he hat
seen her lace anl , closely did Dulo Valentine
Itoh ! her prisoner In Florlnola Anti as ho
walet holt 10 alll fro among his len In his hilt- !
Ing pIneo In the hills his face was sorrowful
Yet , contln4 where TOlmaslno and lena sat
comlnb . ! OP11et ant ! listened to their
talk with a smile. For lena cried 10 Tom'
maslno :
"By the saints , iY lord , I Is even so My
father himself haJ ! a phlro frol him thirty
years ago , anti though before iY mother had
loathCI to hook on my father yet now here
nm I nine and twenty years of age ant a
chilI born In holy wcdlocl Never tel le
that II Is foolishness , 1) ' lord
"Of whon' do you speak , lena ? " asked .
Antonio ,
"Of the wlzarJ of Baratesta , my lort , Aye . ,
and he cn do more titan make a love )0.
tlon. lie can show you all thJ shall come
to you In a mirror , and make the girl you
love rise before your eyes al though the shape
were good flesh alit ! hlood. "
Antonio "Alt this , Is foolishness , lena , " said Count
" \Vcll , Ged knows l that , " said Dena. "But
ho did It for iY father , and lS he Is twenty
yenrs older he will bo wiser still hy now ; "
, and Bena strode off 10 lend ! his here , somewhat -
what angry that Antonio palll so little heed
to his vords.
Antonio "It worts. , al foolishness , Tonitnasino . " said
' 'fhey say thaI of many a lhln which gives
n man pleasure , " said Tommaslno.
"I have heart of this man before , " conlln-
ued the count. "a 11 marvelous stories are
told of hll , Now I leave what shall come to
- me In the hands of heaven , for to know l Is
1101 to alter , ant knowledge l without Iower , Is ,
" And An-
but fretting of the hearlbutAnd - 1
tonio broke off
"Hile , then , I you can salely. and beg
111m to show you Luela's face , " said 1olma-
sine , "lor 10 that I think you are making. "
" Iii truth I was , fool thaI I al , " salt An-
tmilo ,
"Bul be wary. for Baralesta Is but ten
mies from the city , and his highness sleeps
with nn open eye. " .
So Antonio , albeit he was In part ashamed ,
learn from lena where the wizard dwcll on
the , bridge that was outside the gall of Dara-
tesla-lor the syndic would nol surer such
folk 10 live Inside the wal-ant one evening
ha saddle ! his borso and rode alone 10 seek ]
the wizard , leaving Tommaslno In charge of
the band. And as he went he pondered ,
nnvic , . . " 1 nm n roo-vet ] I would see her '
N _ , . _ o _ . _ n _ - -
11 , fce run. , " ant lhus sLI dubbing himself fool ,
. . , Ye , 'stl persistIng , he came to the bridge
, " , , of 'aratesla , and the wIzard , who was a
very old man an tall and marvelously lean ,
- , ' - met hIm al the door of the house , cryilg :
' I "I looked ] for your coming , my lord " And
, , - , - 11 took Antonio's horse from him ant stood
- It In a stable beside the house and ed ] An-
Th . tonlo in , saying again : Your coining was
t Jmown , to me , my lord ] , " ali he brought An-
tonio to a chamber nt the back of the house ,
ti haying one window , past which the river ' ,
bell then In food , rushed with noise and
* fury ! There were many strange things In
the chamber , skulls ] and the forms of ani-
mats from lar-of countries , great jars ,
Imsinil all retorts , and In one corer a mir-
ror half 'draped In black cloth.
- i "You Imow who I am ? " aslet Anlonlo
. " ' 'hal needs no art , " answered the wizard , i
V . 'and I pretend to run In I , Your lace , my
lord , was known 10 me lS to any other man
from seeing you ride with the duke before
your banishment. "
"Ant you know thaI I rode hither to-
night ? "
"A yo , " salt the wIzard , "for the stars told
m.e of the coming of sonic great man , and I
. tUned lrom m ) tel and ! watched for you "
. " 'Vhal toll ? " asked Anlonlo. "See , here
Is money ant I have a quiet tongue What
tel ?
The wizard pointed 10 a heap of ( broken and
' bent pieces ] of base metal
"I was turing dross to gold , " salt he In a
. ,
tearlnl whIsper -
- "Can you do that ? " asked Antonio , smlnJ
" ' lord though but slowly ] "
- "I can , Iii ) ,
. "An hate to love ? " asJ'CI Count Anlonlo
. The wizard laughed harsh ! ,
- * "LeI them Ihat prize love seek thaI , " sahl
. , lie. 'I Is not tal ( inc. "
; : "I would It had been , then hall my errant !
- hero been a better oue. For I am come but
: -1 ' to see the semblance ol a maiden's face "
i The wizard lrcwned as he said :
: . "I IHfl } ] oled ! for a greater matter , For
; you have a gre.t enemy , my lord , and I have
means ol power for lreelng , men of their ene-
. - ' - Jnles. "
&i. Amt Count Antonio , knowing that he spoke
, of fame dark device ol spell or power , an-
. '
I\\'eret :
, "I nough 1 enouh For I nm a man of
? quick tcmper , Iml ! It Is not wel to tel me of
wlele,1 things lest I ho lemptet to anticipate
' . "
beaven's IHnlshmenl.
, "I shah not die at your hamh , my lord , "
saId the wizard , "Come , will you Eee what
' - hal b fal you Z" " .
- , ; "Nay , I would but see my lally's ( ace , lora
- t a great yearning for thaI has como ovcime ,
f t and , for all I take shame In I , It has brought
, ' , site hert "
t ,
"You shall He I , Ihen-and Il you see moro
, ' I Is nol my wl , " said the wIzard , and ha
quenched Ihe lamp that burnt on the table
. . suit ! ilung I handful of some powder on the
lung In the slave ; alit ! the room was fled
thick sweet-smelling yapor. Am ! the
- : . with 1 " , sweel-smeling Ant
wizard tore the black cloth off the face of
the mlrrow alHI ! bathe Antonio hook stoadly
. ut the mirror And Antonio 100111It ! till the
- " 1111' lhat enveloped all the room clrared
(1ff from the face of the mirror alHI the wlz-
' ' his hand ntonIu'ts shoulder ,
unl , laying on Antonlo'l fhoulter
- - fall : "Cry her name thrice. " Ant Antonio
thrlre crlell " 1.lela , " ant again waited . Ant
something came on the polshet ( surface of
the mirror , but the wizard muttered
' amid ' for itas nol tile lorm
low ant angrily , I Wal
I . ol Lucia nor of any maIden ; yet Ilresenly ho
cried low : "Iook my lord ! , looltt" ! and An-
. tonio , lool\ng , saw a dim and shadowy face
, In the mirror , und time wizard began to fling
, his boJy 10 ant fro , uttering strange , \\'hls-
: tiered words , and the sweat stood on his lore-
head. "Now , now ! " ho crlell and Antonio ,
\ wih beatIng heart , lastened his gaze on the
i 1. mirror. And as Ibo story goes ( ( vouch not
for II ) he saw , thought very dimly . the lace
j 'of Lucid ; but more he also saw , for beside
? _ the lace was hIs own lace , and there was a
rope about his neck , and the hall-shapN
I : Irms of a gIbbet seemed to hover above him ,
And ho shrank back for an Instant ,
"Wbll more you HO Is not my wil , " saId
- this \'Izarl.
; "Whot Ihol como II only \y God' will , "
- - . - saul cnou Antolio. . "I have seen her face . 1 Is
. nut the wIzard clutched hIm hr tlD ( arm ,
. _ - whispeIng In terror :
- ; . "I Is n gIbbet , and the rope Is around
' your ned ) : . "
. "Indeed , Ileem I 10 have wor I there I hose
. Y , . . . thii'ce ) 'car and I I ! not trawl tIght yet '
" - ' "
nor Is I drawn In time mirror. ,
, "You have I good couragS , " saM ! the
wizard : with a grim snub "I vlhi bho'OU
, wih mle ; wil bho\ you
, lucre , " alit ! he tuug allot her powler 01 the
t charcoal , amid the shapes 11absed front time
' ' 11rror , nut another C1ml , and the wlzJrd , '
wih I great Cry , fell suddenly on his kmiees , I
' . exclaImIng : "They mock me. they mock
- inch They saId what they wl , not what I 1
. will . A4 , UIY lord , whose I lie face In the
mirror ? " and he 6CtI , Antonio again by time
arm."II Is your fnce " salt ! AntonIo , "and II Is
the face of 1'lll/lt ! man , for his jaw has
dropped anti hlk features ate drawn all
, "
An.1 . the wIzard burlll his lace In hIs
hands , and ! 50 thy rested , awhile tIll the
glass of Iho wizard cleared , ant Antonio
tel lho body of the wizard haldll against
hlR ku cc .
"You are old , " said Antonio , "alit ! death
musl come to nil. Maybe I Is n lIe of the
devil , but I nol , face It as a mal sloul , "
But the wizard trembled stIll , and AnIon 10 ,
eatlng a Ntlful glance on hIm , rose to do-
11arl Hilt on the instant as ho 10\'el ! there
eame 1 sllln lout ! knocking 01 the door ol
the house , alit ! ho steed stIll , And the wIzard
Itet his he/\1 to listen.
" ' ' of vIsitors
"la\'e you had warning more
tonight ? " asked : Antonio ,
"I know nol what happens tonIght , " mul-
tered lho wIzard . "My power Is gone to-
n Iglit
The knockIng 01 the leer came agaIn loud
and Imupatlemit .
"They wl beat the door down I yelL tto
nol OPIU , " salll Anlonlo. "I will hIde m'sel
hero hehlnt tim mIrror for I can pass them
wIthout bellg seen , nll If I am seen here It
Is 11:0 enough that time mirror wi be proved ]
IIrhl both for you and mo. "
So Antonio hlt ! lihniseif , crouehlnl town be-
hlul the mirror , amid the wizard , having hit
a small , lim lamp , weil on Irembllg feet to
the door , And presently he came back , lol-
hewed by two men , whoso laces were hid In
their cloaks ] , And one ol them sat down , but
the other steM all flung his coal ! back over
his shoullers , ant ! Antonio , ohservlng him
from hehlnt the mirror , saw that he was
I.orenzo , the dulo's favorIte ,
Ant Lore.1ZO Choke ) to lho wizard , saying :
" \hy tit you not como Fooner ? "
"Thcr was one here with me , " salt the
iiosed. wizard " , whose . air had become again com-
"Amid he Is gone ? For we would ba nlone "
"lIe 1 nl to bo seen , " answered the
\ t'izarih , "utterly alone here you cannot be "
Ant when he heart , ! ths ! , Lorenzo turned
pale for he did not \D this midnight errlld
to the wlzlnl's ehamher.
"But 10 mn I ! here , " salt the wlz'ut.
A low hoarse from the
, 1ugh came man i
who sat.
"Trleks of lhe trade , tricks of the trade , " ,
salt ! he , arid Antonio started to hear his voice. :
"Be sure thaI where a prince , a courtier , and :
a client are together the de\1 makes ] a
fcurlh. But there Is no need 10 turn pal
over I , LOTenzo. " '
And when the wizard heard , he fell on his
Inees , for lie ] mew that It was Duke Valen-
tine who spole.
"Look ! you , follow . " pursued his highness ,
"yol O\VO mo mueh thanks that you are not
hanged alreay ! fcr by puling an end to
you I ehoull please my clergy much anI tIme
Syndic of Ihratesta not n 11 , And I you
do not obey inc tonight you shall be dead
before mornln ! "
"I shah not die unless I le written In the
star ! , " said Ihe wizard , but his voice trem-
bled ,
"I know ] nothing ol the stars , " said Ihe
duke ] , ' 'but I know tIme mInd of the duke of
F'orloln : , and that Is enough for my purpose -
pose " Ant ho rose and began to walk about
the chamber , examInIng tIme strange objects
that were there ; ant thus he came In front
of time mirror and stood wIthin hal a yard
of Anlonlo. But Lor.mzo . stood where he
was and crossed hlmset secretly and unob-
"Whal would my lord , lho duke ? " asked ]
" , n . .i.fli aset
' ' "There uis a certain drug , " acid the .11 . ] (
turning 'round toward the wizard , "which , I
u mal drimmlc-or a woman , Lorenzo-ho can
walk on his legs ant use his arms and
se m to bo waking and In his rIght mInd ,
yet Is his mind a ndthlng , for ho knows nol
what he does . hut does everything that one
beln ! with him may eommant , ant without
seeming reluctance , and , again , when bidden
ho will seem' to' lose all power of move-
ment and to hack ' his senscs I saw the
thing once when I sojourned with the lord of
Forenee ] , for a wizard there , having given
this drug 10 a e rtala man , limit hIm through
strange tricks , ant ho performet them all
wlngh. .
"Aye , there Is such a drug , " said the wIzard -
arm ! , !
"Then give It to me , " said the tule. "and
I give you your me ant fifty pieces of got ] ,
For I have great need of I , "
Now , when Antono ! hoard the Dule's words
he ! was seized with great lear , for he sur-
mlselt that II was against Lucia that time
tulle meant to use this drug , ant noiselessly
ho loosened hIs sword In its sheath and
beat forward again 10 lsten ,
"And though my purpose Is nothing 10
you , yet ' fl Is u benevolent ] purpose. Is It
not Lrluzo ? "
'I Is your vIll . not minI my lord , " said
I.brenzo tn a troubled ) votee
"Mimic shah bo the crime , then ant yours
\ne shal
the reward " ] aughcll the timke. ! "For I wIll
Ilvo her the drug and alma shall wet you , "
' 'hel : \nlon10 doubted no longer of what
was afoot , nor that a plot was laid whereby
Lucia should bo enlrapped Into manage with
l.orenD , since ehe ctmhd net be openly forced ,
A11 ' anger burned holy In him , Ant ho
swore that , saner than suffer thus thIng
to ba lore he would kill the duke there with
hl9 own hand or himself be sla'n
' 'All you alone ] mow ] of this drug now ,
they say , " the duke went on , "lor ' lhe wizard
of Floren'co Is dead Therelcre , give It to me
I . r' .
quhekly. : . _ u'h' _ _ _ mur ' ,
1H we WIZ'UU itmiwei-v " ; '
"It wlr nol serve , my lord , that I gl'e you 'I
tIme drug With my own hand I musl give .
II to tIme person whom you would thus affect , I
ant I musl tel them what they hould to , "
" Iore tricks , " ! sall the thiihco seornlul ) ' ,
"I Iwow your ways Give me the drug , "
a 11 ! he would not believe what the ( wIzard
salt ,
'I Is even ns ' say , " sail Ihe wizard ,
"and If your hlgbneu will carry the drug
yoursel ( I will nct vouch Its operutou , "
"Give It me , fpr I Imow time apl1rarance
of I , " sulcI the duke
Then the wIzard having again protested ,
went to a certain elicIt . and from some hldln !
reCtlS took a smal 11hlal and came with itt
10 t the luke , saying :
"Iliamne me not if its operation falls. "
Time duke examined time 11hlal closely and
also smel its smell.
"It Is time same , " salt he ; "II w1 do Its
worl "
'hen Count Antonio , who believed no more
titan tIme duke what the.wzard : hall said ! , was
very sorely put to II 10 slay quietly where he
was , lOl' If the duke ratIo away now wlh
tIme phial , he might well find means to give
II to time Lad ) ' LucIa before any warning
could be ccuveyell to her. Ant , alhough time
danger was great , yet his love for Lucia and
his lear for her orereamo his prudence , amid
silildenly he leapt forth from behlnt tIme mIrror -
ror , dry1ng his sword amid cryIng ;
"Give mao that drug , my lord , or your life
must answer for I , "
hut fortune served him ill , for , as time tulle
and Lorenzo shrank back al his sudden ap-
penrnce anl ! he was about to spring on
them hehold his foot caught In the folds of
tIle black cloth that hnl ] been over the mirror
antI now lay emi the ground , amid .
falling fop\'nrl , ho struck his head
on tiu' , ' " - marble rim tlal ran
aronnd the charcoal 510\0 , amid , having fallen ,
wih great lor . lay there lIke a' imiami dead , !
Ant with loud cries of triumph , the duke
and I.or"no , bnvlng drawn their swords .
ran upon liimn-KmmtI the duke 1111ntell his foot
upon his necr , ; cryIng :
"Ileaveit .scn.d1 a greater prIze Al last ,
lt renzo. last " I have , 11m : hind his hands , Lo-
Anti I.orento bound Anlonlo's ( hands as he
lay there , a log for stiness , And the duke
tnrned 10 tl : wIzard , and a slle bent his
hllis."O. ,
" 0 , faIthful subject amid aervamitl" salt he
" \Vehh do you rCIUIR ] lY mercy amid lorbear-
once , ly hlr\orlg iY bitterest enemies ana
&nlerlng them to hear mmiy secret counsels ,
Bu.1 . ! nol Anl9Jlo chanced to trip I Is like
enoulh he would hqvc alaln I.orenzo Ind mu
sln'alt al60 Whalhnl , 0 your reward , a flllhul
When this wizard of Baralest" beheld time
hook that ; was Jin DIke ) Valentine's face he
luddenl ) ' crlelnhud , "The mirror , time mlr.
rur" end soak in a heap on the floor ,
trembling In every limb , for he remembered
the aspect of his own face In the mirror ant !
knew thaI the hour of his , Ielh ! ham ! come.
Anti lie feared mightIly to die , therefore he !
besought the duke very pIteously and tel !
him again that from his ham ! alone could the
drug receive Its polency. And so earnest
was he In this lhat al last he halt won upon
the Inke , so that the bike wavered , Alit ! ,
a9 he doubted , his eye fell on Antonio , all
he perceived that Antonio "as recoverIng
from his swoon
"Ther Is enough for two , " Mil ! he , "In the
phial : and we wIll put this thing to the tel ,
BUt If y 'CU speak or move or make any sign
whatever , In that moment you shall die , "
Then the duke poured half time contents of
the Ihlal Into a glass all came to Lorcqzo
ant whispered to him :
"If tIme drug works on him antI the wizard
Is Ilro\(1 to lie the wizard shall die , but
wo wIll entry Antonio ! with us : amid when I
have muslerelt 1) ' guard I will hanl him In
time square as I have sworn , Hut If time
drug loe9 not work then wo mn91 kill him
here : fer I fear 10 carry him against hilt wi ;
for he Is a wonderful man , full of resource ,
amid time people also love hmlumu Therefore , I
the operaton of tIme drug fall , run him
through with your sword when I gIve time
1Anal , "
Now Anlonlo was recovering train his
swocn , anti III orhenrd hart ] of whal the
dule salt , bul n'l ' all. As to time death of the
wlzud he mild nOl hear , but he understood
that the lulo was about to test the erect of
lho Mug on hIm , nnd that I II had no effect -
fecI he was to die , whereas If its operation
1roved ] sufelenl he ! houll go alive , anti he
saw here I chance for his life In case what
the wizard hint ! said sho\hl ! Prove ] true
"Drink , Antonio , " said the titmIce softly.
"No harm comes to ) 'ou. DrInk ; It Is a refreshing -
freshing ( lrnughit. " , '
And Anlonlo dranlIhe / ( 'ra\ ' ht , the wizard
hooking on with partel ! lips amid with great
drops of sweat running lrom his forehent
alHI lheno town his checks to his moulh , so
lhat his ' lIps were saIL when he Iclc thuemui
AII tIme duke , having een that I.orenzo had
his sword ready for Antonio , took his staml
_ _ _ _ _ -
, t (
it:1 : ¼ t I ' L , - _ - - - - ' ' \ 'l }
( ,
, ,
/ ' ,
ji/ ,
by the wizard with the dagger from his belt
In his hand , And he cried to AntonIo :
"RIse ! " And Antonio rose , up And 'tho
wizard started u step toward him , hul the'
duke showed his dagger ant salt to Antonio :
" \vhhl you go with htm to Fornlola , An-
tonIo ? And Antonio answered , "I will go "
"Do you love me , Antonio ? " asked tIme
"Aye , my lord , " answered Anlon'o.
"Yel you have done many wlclut things
, against me. "
"True , my lord , " said AntontD.
" 10 your mind then , changet ? "
"It Is , my lord , " said , Antonio
"Then leap two paces into the aIr , " said
time tule , and AntonIo stralghlway obe 'ed.
"Go down on your knees ] and crawl , " and
Antonio crawled , smiling secretly to himself. '
The tIme duke bade Lorenzo mount An-
tonio on h's lJr.e , and he commanded the
wIzard 10 follow him , ant they all went
out where the horses were , and time three
mounlet , and the wizard followed : and they
came 10 tile end of the brIdge , .nt the duke
turned shary 'round and rode by tile side
ef the rushing river. And , suddenly . pausIng ,
ho amid to Antonio :
"Commend thy soul 10 Got and leap In "
Ani Anlonlo cornmended.hiis soul 10 God
and would have leapt In/1bUt tIle duke caught
him by the arm even .s ho set spurs to his
horse , sarlng :
"Do not leap , " And Antonio stayed his
loap. Then , l\ ; , duldurned I his face upon
, . ,
the wIzard , saylbg"y > 1
"Time- potion works ] , wlzart , Wily did you
lid" And the wizard fell , onhl : \ Il ees , cursIng
hell and heaven , form h coull p iOt see bow he
should escape For tile potion had wored ] ,
Ant Antonio wondered whal should fall out
next But Duke Valentine leapt I down from
his horse . and approached , the wizard , wIllIe
Lorcnzo set his sworJ against Anlonlo's
breast. And the duke , desirous to make _ a
final trial , erled again to Antonio : "FlIng '
yoursel froni your horse " Ant Antonio ,
having his arms , hound , YHI flung . himself
lrom his horse and tell prone on time ground
anll lay there sorely bruised ,
wizard "It Is . " enolgh , " said time luke. "You lied ,
But time wizard cried : "I tied nol , I lied
not , my lord Slay mo , apt , my lord , for I
dare not die , " ,
But the duke caught him by time Ihroat and
drove his dagger Into his breast ti the fin-
gore thaI hrlJ tIle dagger were burled In the
fohls ! of time wlzarls doublet , and time duke
pulled out time dagger , and wheu tIme wlzlrt
fell ho pushed hll with his foot over the
brink , anti the body fell with a loud spIaji
Into the river beloW
Thus tied tIme wizard ol Baralcla , who was
famed above all of Ills ; day for the bl.ten
knowledge that ho a\f"yet ; he served . not
Got , but satan , 'amid his end ! was tIns end or I
simmer And lany days after hIs bOdy was
build a hunlrel mlos from that place , and
certain charItable men , brelhren of my own
order , gave It burial So that he died the
same night In which lho mirror had shown
him the lace as the lace at a dead man , but
whence came the vision I know nol ,
Then tIme duke set Antonio again on his
horse . and the three rode together toward
I'ornloh , all as they wont aglin and again
tIme duke testell the operaton of time drug
elng Antonio mommy strange , ludicrous and
unseemly things to do and to ay , anti An-
lonlo did IIHI said Ihem. Ant he wonderet
greatly that the drug had no 110Ier over him
ant that his brain was clear and his senses
all his own , nor did ho then understand thaI
time duke had slain the wIzard for any reason
cave timid the wIzard had harbore ! him , an
outlaw . ali suffered him 10 hoar time duke's
counsels , ant ho was grieved al time wizard's
'dealh. ' ¶ 'hus they rate through the nlghl ,
and II With time hour of dawn when they
conic to the gales of Forlola , Now Antonio -
tonio was pluled what he should do , for ,
h1vlng been In a swoon , he knew not whether
the duke hind moro ol the potion , nor could
ho tt'l wlh certainty wllether the Potion
would he powerless against the senses ol a
weall girl , as II had proved against his owiu
Anti he said 10 the duke :
"I pray you , my lord , give mo more ol
lhal sweet drimilc. For I has refreshed inc
and fet may Illnd ! al rest from all trouble. "
"NdY , Anlonlo , you have hail . enough . , '
said time duke , bantering him , "I have nn-
other use for time real , " And they wore now
nearing the gates of FornIola Tben Antonio -
tonio began to moan pItifully ) . saying :
" 'hese bands hurt my hands , " and ! he
whined and did as I child would do , feigning
10 cry And time duke laughed In bitter
Irlumph. saying 10 Lorenzo : "Indeed I Is
I princelY drug that makes Antonio of Monte
Vdluto hue aee'lsh chIld , " Ant being
now very secure of the power of the drug ,
ho bade Loremmea loosen the bauuds . saying
to Aulonlo : "Cuke the reins , Antimic , atd ,
ride wlh tit Into the 01) ' . " Anti Antonio
Answered : "I will , my good lord , "
"It Is even D I saw wflemm I was with
thus lorll of Florence , " whispered Ihe duke
In exultation .
"Yel 1 will still hero my sword ready , "
Mit ! I.orenza.
"There Is no neNt. lie Is like a tame (
( log , " said time duke , carelessl
lint the duke was nol minded to produce
Antonio 10 the people till all his guards were
collected anti under arms , amid the people
r ! ralntl by a Brent show ol force Thorp1 1
fore he bade Antonio cover his face With
his cloak , anti Antonio , Lorenzo's sword
belmig still al his breast , obeyed : anti Ihns
they three rode through time gates of I orlola
and came to the dulo's alrce ; and Antonio
II II all that the 1110 ordered , and babbled \
foolishly ! Ilo a bewildered chilI when the
dule aslel him' ' questions , so that his high-
ness laughuedu mightIly , anti coming into limo
garden , sat down In his favorite place by
the Ish pomid / causing Anlonlo 10 stand over
against him.
"Inlleed , Anlonlo , " salt ! he , "I can do other
than hang you. '
"H II 13 your xleasurr , my lord , "
"AntI then .I.uc : shal drink ol . thIs won
derlul tr also anti she will be content
and obedlentjl all will Iadly ! w1 ! Lorenzo ,
LH us have I her here now , nlHl ! give II 10
her wlholl ela1. You do not fret al Ihat ,
Antonio ? You hive nol the obstinate gIrl ! ? "
" ' " Antonio "ste ] Is
"In truth , 'nol" ! laughed ;
naught to the ! " ' ' AntI he put hIs hanll to his
hrl , sayingiperplrxcdiy , "Luela ! Yes , I re
member that name Who was she ? \IS she
aught to inc . , 1 , lort "
Then Lornzo , wemudcreui greatly , amid time
doubts Ihat he laid hell eOcerllg tint power
of the wizard's drug mclell away , but he dId
not laugh I lice the d nice , but loolell on Antonio -
tonio , anti sa'll sally 10 the duke , sinking
his voice :
have "Not died thus , " sheul Antonio of Monte Velulo
"So hue , dies . I care nol how , " answered
the titmice , "I Ilect , I love to ace him 1 \ vlt-
less fool , even when his body Is yet alve ,
0 , rare wizard , I go near to repenting havlnp
done justice 01 yo' I Go . Lorenzo to the
officer of the gqarml . ant bId him fetch hither
the Lady' ' Lucia , and"we w ! ! play the pretty
comedy to the end. "
" , 'I , you be alone ' wih hIm Z" asked Lo-
"Aye , why 'not ? See , he Is lame enough "
ant ho buffeted3Antonlo In the toe with his
rIding glove.J Ant Antonio whmpered : ant
Now time officer of the guard was In his
lodge at thelentranee of the palace , on the
ether side of the great hal , and Lorenzo
turned and went , and presently the sound ol
ant ant presenty
his feet on tIme marble floor of the hal
grow faint and , dtstant. Ant the dulco ] sal
with the phial In , his hand , sming : at An-
tonio , who crouche al hs : leel And An-
tonio drew hllel on his knees quie close
10 the duke , jand looked ] imp In his face with
a foolishm , emptye smie , Ant the due ] , laugh-
lug , buffeted hIm again Then with a sudden
spring , like lbe' spring of that IndIan tiger
which the toill ol DeIhl sent lately as a
gn : to the most Christian Icing I , ant tIme king
for his dIversion mate 10 slay deer before him
at the chateau of mOlD ( which I myszl saw ,
being there on a certain mlssn , and wonder-
tu ] was the sight ) Antonio was upon the
duke , and he seized the philre from the
duke's hant and seized tIle duke's heat In his
hands and wrenched his jaw open , and he
poured time contents of the phlal down the
duke's throat ; ant the ] duke swaP
lowed time potion. Then Antonio fixed
a stein and cOlm3ndlng glance ] on
the duke , nailing hIs eyes 10 the dule's anti ,
tile duke's to his , and he salt In a voice ' r '
commant : "Ohey ! You "lave drunk the'
potion ! " Ant still ho kept his eyes on the
duke's Ant the duke , amazed , suddenly
began to tremble , and ho sought 'to rIse ; and
Antonlotool , his hands off him , but ho said :
"Sit there and move not. " Then , alhough
Antonio's hands were no . longer upon him ,
yet his hIghness did not rise , but after a
short struggle wll' hImself sank back In his
seat and stared 01 AntonIo like a bird fas-
elnate(1 by a snalle Anti he moaned : "Talce .
away your eyes ; they burn my brain . Tae ]
them away ! " But Antonio giant all 'the more
intently at him , saying : " 10 still , bo still ! "
ant holtlng Ul1 his arm In onforeemenl of lila
cornmnamud. Ant Antonio toot ] lrom the duke
the sword thaI ho wore ald tIme dagger where.
with the duke hat killed 1 thin wlzart vf
Baratesta , t'zme due ] maltng no resistance , ,
but sitting motionless wih bewlhlere.t . stare ,
Then Anlonlo looked arolnt , for ho knew that
Loronzo woulll soon come Mitt \ for the last
tIme he bent his eyes again on the 'Iulo'j
eyes In a very long gaze , Int time iluko cow
erell ant shivered , moaning : "You hurl me ,
you hurt me ! " Then Antonio saId :
"Be still and speak nol till I rellrn and
bid you , " and he sUddenly left the duke and
ran at the lop of his speed along under tIme
wall ol the garden , and came where the wall
elled ! , ant there was flight of steps leading
up on the lop of the wail . Hunnlng up tlmeni
Antonio stood for a mom en I on the wul , ant
the rIver ran fifty feet below But ho heart
a cry from the garden , amid hehell Lorenzo
rushing up 10 the duke , and behind Lorenzo ,
who led I maiden In white , Then Count
Anlonlo , hlvlng : commended himsel 10 the
keeping vf God , leapt head lore most lrom
the top of the wal Into the rIver. anti his
bOdy wind , clove 'the water as an arrow cleaves tie
Now I.renzo marveled greatly nl what ho
saw and eamo to the duke crying : "My
lord , what don this mean ? Anlonlo nNI"
nut time duke answerell ! nothing , sitting with
empty eyes anti hips set In rigId smile ; nor
did ho move. "My lord , what ails you ? "
cried I.orenzo. Yet the duke did nol amiswer
Then I.orenzo's eyes fell on the lragmenls of
the phial which lay broken on tIme rIm of tIme
fish Ilnd , where AntonIo hat nung I , and
ho crletl out In great alarm : "The potion !
Where Is time , potion ? " And time duke did
not answer. Ant l.ronzo was much bewildered -
wldered , and In sore lear , for \ seemed as
though his hIghness' senses were gone Ant
Lorenzo laldl "By some means he has drunk
' '
the potiomu ,
Ant he ram up 10 the luke and caughl him
by the arm and shook him vlolelty , seeking
) arouse hmini lom his stupor and calling his
name with entreaties anti crying : "le ' es-
capes , my 10rd'Antonlo ' escapes ; rouse our-
self , lY lord ; ' he escapes ! " hut the duke did
no more than tuft , heavy , dull eyes to 1.0-
renzo's face Ira puzzling Inquiry And , see-
lag time strange thing , time caplall ol the
guard hurrIed 'up ' , amI ! with him the Lady
Lucia , and sho.Jllld : "Alas , my lord Is 11" !
and ! , cOlillng to his , \lghneu , she set her
cool , bolt ham ] , on his hot , throbbing brow
und look perfume train n silver Iltk that
hung lt her tlrdlo and wetted her handkerchIef -
chIef with It and bathed Ills brow , whisperIng -
Ing soft , soothing worts to him , 15 thou"b
he had been n sick womuiemn For leI a woman
have what grudges she may agnlnst 1 man ,
yet he gains pardon for all lS Man as ho
becomes sick enough to leI her nurse anti
comfort him ; anti Lucia was ns tender to the
duke l to the COlnl Anlonlo lmirnself , and
forgot all save the need of gIving him ease
and rousing him from hl stul10r. lImit Lo-
rlnzo erlCt angrily : "I nt least have may
senses ! " And ho saht 10 time captain ol the
guart : hI unmet needs stay wIth his huigli-
ness , but Antonio ol Monte Volulo has leapt
from the vaIl Into the river. 00 and brIng
him here , dtall or alive , anti I will be your
warrnnl to the tlmmke. lImit If he he ns " lien
I Eaw him last he wi give you 8ma1 Irol-
hie , For he was 1,1 a chili for woalnlss
and folly , " And having said this he lured
to the dlle ognln amid gave hIs aid 10 I.ucln's
ministratons ,
Now , Iho Inleman who m"omnniauidetl tIme
dulo's guard at this time , was a Spaniard ,
by name Coroqln , anti he was 'oung , of
hIgh eOlrage , Rut hurnlng 10 ItO Celtic great
deed. "I pray he bo as ho Is wont to be ,
yet I wi brIng him to tIme lee at 1) ' 10r.l ,
time lke , " Anti he ran swl- through the
hall amid , edict ! for his horse , 1111 drawing
his swor.l redo alone out of the cIty and
across time bridge seeklnl Antonio nlI say-
Ing 10 hlmse"Whal : a Ihlng I I take
him I And If ho slays me-wh , I will show
that a genlemal of Allallsla cal 110.
Yet he thought for an Instanl of tIme hOls
whelo his 10ther lved : then he leannCI
the Plain , RHI lIe behl a mun runnIng some
imal-muiile awar ; amid the man seemed 10 be
making for the bIll on which stoOI 1H ruins
or Antonio's house thaI the duke had blrnt ,
Then Corclua set spurs to his horse , but
the man , whom by his ! tallre anti gait Cora-
tua lmew 10 bo Antonio , rnn very swiftly ,
1111 was not overlaken before he came to
the lull , anti he helan to mounl br a very
steeL , , ruglNI path , and ! he was omit of sight
fri ' the trees when Coroqln came to time t fool
And Coroqmma's horse slumblell among the
stoncs ant could nol mount the path ] , anti
Coroqua leaped off his back and ! ran on foot
mmli ] ! the patti swor.1 In hand Once Iw came
In sigh of Antonio rount 1 curve of the
path , three parIs of tIme way up the lull ,
Anti Anlonlo was Ilanlng ngnlnsl the Irunk
or n Ire and wringing tIme water out ol his
cloak , And Coroqua drew near , his swor.l .
In hand , ant with I prayer 10 time holy Vir-
gin on his lps , And he trcmbled not with
fear , but because late offered n great prize ]
amid his name would b lamed throughout
Italy If he slew or took Antonio of Ionle
Vellto , and for fame , even lS for a wommuami's
smile , a young man will tremble as a coward
, lluacs 19r , lear.
, The t lt Antonio stood as though slnl ,
In a tevC ' , ) 'et , presently , hearing Coroqla
trend/le-rls d his eyes , ant , sming klmimlly ]
on : the young man , ho said :
"Vtry slnng are the was of heaven , sir
I thlnll''lh'nl the wizard ! of ) Baratemita' spoke !
truth ammul ] dd ! not le to tIme dule ! Yet I
have ] that sumac lmo\ver which the wizard
clalmuicti ] although the dulo hat none over
.1 , , ' \0 are chidren , sir , and our game
isblInmi ] ) man's buff but al are hlnted , nut !
It Is but tIme narrowest glimpse that we obtain -
tain now alit ! again by sOle clever shirng
of the hiamidicerchief. Yes ther are some
things clear 'cno1 h-as thaI a man shout ]
10 his work amid be clean anI ! true What
would ] you with me , sir ? For I to not think
I Imow , you , "
' ! JoniL 9f. \ndalusla anti my name Coroqua
' anl
' 1 ano&fttafn of his highness' guard , all I
come to bring ) you alive or dead , to Ills
Presence. "
presonce. "Anl are come alone on that errand ,
sIr ? " asked Antonio , with n smile thaI he
strove to smother lest It shoul wound the
young man's honor.
"David slow GoiIatiu . m ) lorl , " salt the
Spaniard , with a bow.
Then Count Antonio hell omit his hant to
the young man and sahl courteously :
"Str , your valor needs no proof and fears
no reproach I pray you slitter me to go In
peace ; I would not fight with you , If I may
avohl II honorably. For what has happened
has left me' mora In the mood for thinking
than for fighting. Besides , sir. you arc
yciung , and far off In Andalusla loving ] eyes ,
ant maybe sparkling eyes , arc strained to the
horizon , seeking ] your face as you return. "
' 'Vhal Is all that , my lord ? " asked Cor-
oqua. "I am a"man , though a young mnn ,
uml I am here 10 carry you to the duke. "
And hI 101"hl Antonlo'R R\orl1 wih tuke. _
saying : - "Guard ; . - < o i Ji- : - - - . . , - . - .
"It Is wih great pain and reluctance that
I take my sword , ant I cal you to witness
ol It ; but.f I must , I must , " and the count
took up his posItion and they crossed swords.
Now , Coroqua was well taught and skilful ] (
but ho dil not know the cunning which An-
tonio had learned at the school ol Gacomo In
Padua , nor had he the strength and endurance
of the count And Antonio would faIn have
wearied him out , and then , giving him
comae alight wount to cover his huonor
have heft him amid escaped : but time
young man Cl10 at him Impetuously and
negleetcd to guard hImself while ho thrust
11 his enemy ; once and again the count
spared " 11m , but he did nol know that he had
received tIme courtesy , and , taking heart from
his Imlunlty , came al Antonio more fiercely ]
again , Int at last Antonio , breathing a
sigh , stfenet his arm ant , waiting warily
for the young man again 10 uncover himself ,
thrust at hIs breast , and the sword's point
entered hart by the young man's heart , and
time YOlng man staggered , and would have
fallen , dropping his sword , but Antonio cast
away his own sword and supported 'ulm ,
stanching tIme blood tram the wound and er ' -
lug : "God send I have not ] < led hIm. "
, And on his speech came tIle voice of Tom-
masino , saying carelessly :
, " 11cm In truth , cousin , Is a good prayer
wasted on a Spaniard. "
Ant Antnlo , looking lP , saw 'ommaslno
and Dena And Tammaslno salt :
"fWhen l"udld not come baell we set out
10 seek youtfearlng that you were ( alien Inlo'
some snare ant danger , And , behold , we
find you with this young spark : amid how you
mlssod .hls llart , Antonio , I know not , nor
'vh'v ' Gaeomo of Padua would say to SUe.1
bungling. "
But Antonio cared nol for his cousin's
worlls , which were spoken In the banter that
a man uses to hide hIs true feelngs , and
lhey sot ' t"emselvC 10 save time young man's I
life , lor' Tommaslno ant Dens had seen tile
better part of the fight , and perceived that
he was a gallant youth , But , as they lended
'him , there care shouts and time sound of
horscs' hoofs mounting the hill by time wind-
Ing roam ! that let past Anlonlo's house Amumi
Tomraslno touehel , Antonio on tIme slmouidem'
saying : 'Vo can do no more for him , amid
hr I we linger we must fight again , "
Then they iall time young man down , An-
tonIo stripping off his coat and maklpg I
pillow of It . amid Hens brought time 'horses ,
for they hind led ono with them for Anlonlo
In case there should be neet of II ; and they
wee but jU11 mounted when twenty of tile
duke's guall appeared 300 years away , as-
telclng the crest of tile lull .
'Thanl heaven they are so many , " sal
Antonio , "lot now we can ly without ushualne "
amid they fet spurs 10 their horses ant lied .
Ali c rtaln of the duke's guard pursued ! , but
only two or three were so \\11 monnted as
10 be able tO come lear them , and these two
or three , nndlng that they woullbe ! man to
Inan , hat no liking for time luslness , ant
each , called out that his horse was founqered ;
ant thus I I was that none of them came lP
with Count Antonio , but nil , after I while ,
returned logolher to time ely , carrying time
young SpanIard Coroqua , titbir captain , limit
as they drew near 10 the gates Coroqnl
opened his eyes anti ( murmlret some soft
sylablet name that they could not hear , and
havIng with failing fingers signed ! the ( cross ,
turned on his side a 11 died , Ant they
brought his body 10 the great hail of time
dUko's palace
There In the great hal sat Duke Valemutlne.
Ills taco was pale anti his frown heavy , unll
ho gazed on tIme dead hOlly at time young man
and gazet ) ( no word Yet he hall ! loved Cora-
qua , anti out of love for 'Ilm hall lade him
captain or hIs guard Anti he la sell lila
hand wearily across his brow , murmuring :
"I cnnnol lhlnl" , I cannel think , " /nll tIme
Lady LucIa sloe by him , her hnml rellng
on his shouhler anll her eyes full of tear
hut II last the strange spel which lay on
time senses of the titmice passed away ; his eyes
again Iat time light ol reUben In IJII , ant
he Islened while they told him how Antonlc
hat hulmnelf escaped amid hall aterwRr,1 slain
Corcqua on the top ol t'e h I where Anloale/s
house luaU . stood . Anll limo duke \ \ 'as very
berry ' ( or Coroclua's denth , and ho hooked
ronml on them till , saying :
"lie made of mo a log of wood , ant nol a
man. For , when J had drunk 111 looked In
lls eyes II seemed to mo that my eyes were
bould to hula , amid Uilt I loolet 01 him for
eommalul , and 10 know what I blwuld dOj ;
amid lhal he was my God ! , anti without his
will 1 could not move Yes , I was then to
him even a& ho hud leere to bo to mae , I
we rode lrom Iarltesll , And ovel now 1
am not free lrom this strange affection , for
ho seemB sll toe by me , and I his yolce
came now bidding me do anythIng , by SI
Irlslan , I should ! arise and do It. Slnt my
11hyslclan to me . And leI thIs ( young mau lie ,
In nIl chapel ot tint blessed virgin In Iht
cnlhtdral , nut ! tomorrow ho sh11 bouloll. .
Anti when 1 stir " ell , and this strange Iree-
lon 19 passCt from 10 nlul hanKs no more
hike n fog riser may brain , then I will exa't the
prlco of his , lrtth from Antonio , together
with limo reclonlnl of all else In respect ot
whleh he sl:1t' In may debt , "
limit ' the Lady l.cln , hearing 11 ! slt
boldly :
"My I lord , I Is by your IteNl mint ! through
your devices thaI this genleman has ! met his
death . , and the barl of It I yours , anti nol
my Lord Anlonlo' , "
Anti at her bah ! anti angry'orts ! nukc
Valentine was routCI , anti the la91 of his ian-
guor lot hIm , anti he glared nl her In wrath ,
cry'n ; " ( Ia to your house , " ant ho rose tip
sllltnh' lrom \'hre he sat lul wenl Into
his cablnel , l.orenza nlendlnl him , Alul ! on
the day after hue walked first behind the bIer
of Coroqua , a11 his face was very pale , hut
his air corposell , ant his mnnlr a1 I was
vent to be. For time spell had pnssed and ! he
was his own lan agaimu
limit Count \nlonlo heart : ! with great gr'et
of time dtath of the ' , ! '
young man nlll was very
sorry that he hall ! ben eonslrahlCI to kill
him , amid lad great blame 10 him sel for
seeking cOlnsel ol time wizard of Blrlelta ,
wheneo had ! eOle Ilealh 10 tIme young man no
less Ihan to tIme wlr rll ! hlnel
Such II the story of the drug which time
\lllar.l . of Inratesta gave to Due ] Valentine
of Fornioli To me I stems a strange talc ,
but yet II Is wel attested , and tlarlls en ns
strong a rock ef tesllon ' as an'lhlng which
Is lold ! concerning the count. Time lrulh ol I
I do not understand , .nmid oren I ponder of
I , wOllerlul whetller ) the wizard or laratcsta
spoke Irnth t , all why the drug which hall ! no
power over Anlonlo bouml the seiuses all !
'lhnls ' of the dlilo In titter torpor alit ! hielim-
lessness And once , \h n I Was thl9 lustng
over the story , there came 10 n ) ' cell n monk
of time abbey of SI Irl5lnn , who was In ohm
man ant ! very Ilaret , alum ! I wenl 10 wal ,
w'lh him In the garden , antI comlnl to the
, fountain , we sal down ! br the basin , anti
l < owlnl thaI his lore was wile . anti deep , I
set before him all the story , asking him I
ho knew of this strange drug. limit lie smlell
nt mime , ant , Inking time eUt thaI lay by time ,
basin of time fountain , he fle.1 . II with tIme 1 '
clear , spark\ng ! water , all drank n little , anI I
hehl the cup to me , sayg :
"I thlnl the wizard of larntesta would
have wrought the spell as well wllh no other
drug Iln this. "
"You say n strange Ihlng , " salt I.
"And I do not marvel , " salt ! he , "Ihal
the titmice had no ewer over Count Antonio ,
for he kncw nol how to wield such \ower.
lImit umeltiuci' tb I woimder that vower lay ] In
to \onter \ower
Counl Anlonlo to hond the mind of the duke
'to ' his wi , I warranl ) ' 01 , Anselm , thnl
the wonderful drug wns nol tlfcul to conu-
lotuiid , ' '
Tlmen I uimmderstoo'3 what Ito ummcauut , for lie
wouultl have it that tIme tiruug was bumt a screoum
and a pretemuse , and that. the power lay not
Iii it , ituit iii the umiauu thmut : gave it , Yet
surely thIs is to c'XIlain'luat is obscure
by a timimmg mmiore obecuire , omit ! fails titus Into
a fauult hinted of thmo logicians. For Imeavemi
uumay well Imave inamimi a ' drug that binds thmo
semises anti limbs of nueli-hmums umot tIme 1)01)1)3'
souuie such cl'ftmt ? And the ancleimts fabled
limo like of time lotus phaumt , But can we
concelvo that ommo nina shoumitl , by time ummore
glaiico of hula cye have such pos'er over
anotimer as to becommuci to him by this means ,
mfmud mio other , a lord amid muster ? Iii truth ,
I lind that hard to believe , anti I doubt
ivhmetluer a uiuami umummy lawfully believe it. Yet
I lcrue' hot. ICmmosviedgo spreads , amid lumen
grow wiser Iii hmiddemi timings ; amid , although
I who write mnay hot live till tIme time when
time thing simall be uumatlo clear , yet it may
ho God's vill to send such light to time mmuen
of later day that , readIng this story , ( lucy
may find in It imothming that is strange or
mimuknown to their science anti skill , 1 nra
that they mumay use the lcnowledgmm God scuds
iii Ills holy service , amid miot iii the work
of the devil , as did time wizard of Baratesta ,
But Count Amitoumio , being by his guile ant !
adroitness and by that strange power whuichi
lie lint ! from the drug , or whence I kumow
hot , delivered out of time halide of Duke
Valentine , abode with his company aim the
hula throughout time cold of winter , expecting
thmo day whmcn lie mumigiut wIn ( hue hand or time
Tnlu T , , nfn on , ) . , hn ratnni in inr , , ,
and calm ! nothing of what hind befallemm time
tluke. Yet tIme duke sluowed 11cr no tender-
mmess , but rather used nmore severity wIth
hOt. It is an evil service to a proud man
to aid him iii hula day of humiliation.
( To be Contummued. )
_ _ _ J Perfectly restores a , u'lcii , mustrous
WPf- color , makes the mmamr umetuluuy , auii Is
clean. Steaming , salt , or 'ruuikismu
PW- limitlms do not affect Cr. It Is as oat-
' ] uiral as nature : daes mmot Iumtereuo
} t.W7jfdd : ! witii curilne and erimphmmg.
iy'qw : ' 1 i.flincl. , a. Light Cimestuitut
* ' - t. Dick Ilrnwui , 0 Gohm L'ioildo. '
'C- ' a. mltqitmmmtm Bros'n. 7 Anli lulomutue ,
4. cuteamummut. Pi'lco $1.50 $3.00.
A tree sample bottle of tue finest rouge , "lnpe-
rmam Venus 'fint" wuim 'so snt on receIpt of 2-ct
292 Fifth ' As'onub , Now York ,
1513 Dodge Street.
_ _
, . i m' ' 4qf , )
ThIs extraordinary Rejuvenator is ( ho moat
womuderdul tIicovery 01' tIme ego. It immu beemm
endorsed by time Ieatuimigscientlmle maim ofEuuou
maid MacrIca.
Hiutlyamu us
' , .
- , ' ' t'i vego.
. 4 lltudymami etopi
" , - '
i' , , ' ' PromatIreness , ,
4 ' '
' .
! ! 4lmm2o : : :
uiEi'omtmt XqO1'I AVIEii
; NtANFIooI' : :
thnstipatloui , Iizzlmieus railing Sensation ;
Nervoumum Twitch mug of 1(10 ( C5 malt ! oilier pamts ,
btrengthmemms , imuvigoruites utmimt tones tlu emitimu
e'stem , flutlyueii cures Debility , Ncryouemeei ,
bmuluaiouui , amid 4cvelopt'S itutil restores weak
orgauutm. i'aius Iii time itack , loses lay day ox
niKlutaroctoppcd quickly , Oy.r 2,000 private
endorsmmmclits ,
l'iouuaturenssomneuutms impotency in time first
ustago , I I is it syunlmtom fsemniumat weakness and
uiarremamueca , It caum be atojipeci in 20 days by thu
use of Iludyaui ,
Tile 110W albc'om'ery va3 made by ( ho Bpcclai'
lstsoftimeold famnouludaiumi rdudicmel until.
lute. it I tiuoumtroimgeb vitalizer made. it is
very powerful , hilt huarmheus. Sold for iil.0O a
packmtgeor ci packuiges f'ir I.d0 ( plain emuied
boxes ) , Written gUarantee gis'euu for a cure , It
you buuysIx boxesamid tire aol emitirely cured ,
cix more will ho remit to you free of mull chuarges.
Send forcirculnrs maid testimonials. Adduces
1O3 MtItEP ST. ,
rt iiw -
is solti umnttsr mumsiu'umo vrhtt mm uiiarmree , I'
smmmtimoriz"d * tICitN only , ii , t'umto Vt't k iIeinor :
Loss of hlraium anti Urm've I'owrr : itn't Mamuluomr
q mmtrkumeat ; 4ighu iosbcsl i-vui : Ilrt'tmmmum bock o
( cmuItilemtco ; , Ntmrvmtusnt'sa ; JsPm ( umtio ; gill lr ) uimms ;
Loss of i'tiwet' of limo ( ieumortutii'e ( ireamma uuu either
Fez , caused iy ovor.t'zPrtmotu , Youthful l.rri'rs , or
Ezcos.u'vo tJmto of 'I'obttcco , ( ) , utmmm or iAtiu9r ,
vltichi ioad to Miit'ry. ( 'oneuumiitlomu , Jnu'tmuiuly
or. , ! iemutii , lh' ruuthi , $1 a box ; six for : whit
writto'a guarumntotil , , curs or refnmtti m'ins ) , Wed s
L'ee Plum tuimie hick Ilt'imdia'ho. ilmtiuuu.zmesms
idyor Comimphimiumt , gur , * titnusi'im lym'pcp'aia amid
ecuatlputiumm. Gi % iI' % "i"ji3 suti emily by
1jiOdman Drug Ce , Omani.
L ocomotor Ataxia ,
or THE
IN HmS udomuAfoRyAr WAt4'Nd'ON ' , D C.
I'rice , Per l'hilal of 2 Irachim , , $1.00
Co1tinbia Chemical Co.
W4SIIINOTON , 1) . C ,
BtND ron gao , , l.a .
QCIA5AW ! / .
Tfl/I ) aIaPK u
_ _ _ _ _ _ -us
fly purehuasing goods nmade at time followin
Nebraska factories , if you cuimmmot : find 'what
3'Otl os'ant , comummunIcato wit ! : thin unanutac-
turers as to what dealers himmimdle their goods :
n.uG. ' ' , itUUT.iI' , I\'i ) 'i'pl'I.\'l , V
Mantmfacturert of all muinds of cotton & burlap
bags , cotton flour sacka & twummo a specialty ,
ci ' tic'cis S.
, ; : : . : . '
Manufacturers of Preton's Caulforumia FlakeS.
Suclule In-anti .if naisung flout & ieat. Do you
lisa Preston's best dour ?
- - - ' -
I : , , ICr.Vu I'OhI'VflII. ? "
Manufacturers of Mrs , ieItiu'a l'ure flakln
Powder , Itrncta & Seir Itittuuni Uuckv1icat.
Sold by cli grocers. 6i5 S. Jltii zt. Tel. 1809 ,
- 4
Car load summements made In oum' ow' refrmgeratoj'
cars. flue Illbbon , Elite lOapuit , Vienna Export ,
and Fnmliy Export , dehivered to all pat of city.
, ' ' . " '
J'lG'J'OUI s.
, ,
- - -
" -
- - - - - - - -
- - - -
Carriage & Wagon Makers. CarrIages , buggies ,
plmnetons & wngon3 always on Imand & made t
om'der. m313-lf , Harney-et. , Omaha.
CJP1"E1 , SPrCI-S , 10.1 ICI.'t'G I'OIrJEfl.
Coffee itoastere. Spice Grinders , 4anuifaotureri "
German BakIng Powder and Gem-oman Dry Hop - ;
Yeast. 3l4.O a. 12th street Onitima. :
. .
- - - - - - - - - - -
S , F , GIL)1 ) ,
Idanutacturer of Gold imledmil Flour , 'i
0.10. fliacim , Manager , Omah.
FUItNITUIW 1'.t ( J'l'flI IS ,
Manuracturers of pauhor furniture , lounges , din. , ' '
Ing iatiies & fo1dun beds. 2Stii mmte , , mid to
Saimier streets.
- -
- - - - -
Over one mumlhiion dollars go mit of Nebrak *
every ) ear for no better lnsumaitct' titan is fur.
nisheil liy the UnIon Llfo of Ommtauima , Agents
% vnnted un every town In Neltu'mttkn ,
ICE .INI ) C.lL.
- - - - - - - - ' - - - -
- - - - - - - - 'I
Domestic & ' .team coal. We imavi' the beet , Of.
fl 1601 Farnaun-et , Teiephmone : omluca 373 , yartl
17c8. J , A , Boo , genlnianager. _ _ _ _ _ _
IIUN fl'OUK , ' , ,
ii llVORK \ ,
Manufacturing & repairing 01 cii kimuds of
clmlmieu'y , engines. v'mmmmts , cicu mimer , , prmntmn
Itresses. hmummger , , eumaftlumg & cmnmplimmgs. 1405.
llownrdst , , Omaha.
Fire ii'drnnts , water & ' gas hilpo. specialal bollep
fi'ont & nttuiugs , street It'y ear wimec'lo , Aroht.
tociural Iron worlus. Office 501 13. iGtIi-et , , Omaha. ,
M'f'r's of Am-cimutectural Iron % ' , ix. aonern
Foundry , Machine mind iiiacitsmaiumm 0i'ork. IOn
gummeers & Contracmorm for i"im' , hoar hmummdung. _
Ommice anti Works , U , I' . his' , & tic. mlmli Utreat
Ormmaima ,
it. I . , 'fJI",1 ' ' ( / , ' ( ( , 'iI , : .u . 'IW.
Manufacturers of fluid cxtrimctn , rhiirs , syrup ,
& trifles , compressed trituu'ntea , 1m3'poderunlo Ca
I.E. , mIil. & eclentiimc' medical nOvtlties , Omahi
.11.4 i"1'ItI'S.1S , ( ; Ui' , , ( 'JCll'i ,
? Janufactmiter ? Jmmttresut'a , , Spu'hng iirt.1 ,1otbe
Fcatltcrs und h'iiiawm. . Nom lb I liii und iichmoia
St. , . Omaha.
-Aiidt'i : DiSTllIF'LEGRAPll.
Time omuly perfect protection to procrty. Exams ,
lime It. Best ihimug on caithm , itetluce. bneuru
rates. 1001 - - - - . - , - - _ _ _ _ _
- - - ' -5
0 Vi' ILl J1 l"I ! ( J1'O1.I . ,
Manufacturer , f4 jobbers of tIe , ct'It'brumted Iluck ,
kin brand sun. , pants , oveu'tuii , & ducit clotij ,
ing. liftl'I-A hinmney-et , Vmmetou 1:451 : Omah
J'I'z-cEYJN ( ; ( SO
, - , , t
Manufacturer ) uf men's boys' clethuimug , pan
shirts 8i overalls. 2.2lh 8 , 11th-pt , 4
r---- = - - , ' _ _ _
. . - _ _ ! ' : , . .1.
) , lmtnuactuiers of oil kinds pumer boxee , , huel
boxes , baimi5mue eases , nuaiiinmi tube , , eta wed.
dlmmg cake & fammcy tmmumty bo'cs. tiruggmtI 4 jemyeIr
buxc , 1105-b Jouie.-st , , . Omimaimuu ,
- - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
tIII1t'I' J'I'TouhI : . .
J , If , LVAHS.-EllRSK $ HIR'I' ' CO.
Eucluvive custom phuirl talimm. ,
1511 Fumrrmanu street. Tebettimomma DOS ,
IL ) "
IIIutY BOJdLH , 011A1A ! , EB.
Factory in I.uulam'illa , Camii C tuality of bric1
guaranteed to 19 lii g0C4 ii ; slimy mEumw.mtaculJ ;
outeide c , thu siatv. henry IMla. .