- - - - - - ' - ; , " - * ' - , , _ _ _ - - - - - - - . - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - . . -r------------------------ - . . . _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ - TIlE OlLA1LDAILY BEES SUNDAY , FEURUAIy 17. l89. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ] : _ _ ITS 'VISDO ' \ I PROVEN - ! , _ c I , Superior Advantages of Government Oon ! 1 trol of the Telegraph I - ACTS FROM ENGLAND'S EXPERIENCE Private Ownership Expensive and Orde in ; Oompntson , TiE TENDENCY or BRIS JOURNALSM : I Reports of Orimes ! anti Divorce Oases Dis lkc1 ! by the People HOVEL TIES ON TiE HST , ALMNT PLAN Elhvll Albo1's ) Suce , -Hllcr InlqnTl1 M " Iranr-A l'l'er 11 tl" 11 ( lu ll ( -Sll 01 Current I'vcntl . \ Irond , LONDON , Fob , 9-Speclal ( Corrcspond ence of The Bee. ) -The telelrallh service of Great Britain Is , undoubtedly , qulcler , more relnhle nul ( cheaper than that of thc Unltell States. I mnlo thIs stntement after mnkllg proller allowance for the dlerences In ills- tnnces. I costs 12' cents for twelve words additIonal word This nn'l 1 cent for every adtltonnl for Great BrItain and Irelnml-a uniform rate I works admirably , ns nearly nit the postofces are also telegraph offices. As a rule the 11eople ) arc civil nml oblllng , anti the delivery of messages more prompt than with us These postofces , whIch Include ns n rule news stands uml Itntoners' shops , are Rcalerell all over the city , cspcclnly In I.on- lIon anti one has no trCliilO In getting 110st- office orders ! , postal notes stamps , etc. , ns Is too often the case In New York Another r great n1'antngo , of the Britsh system Is that there Is no fUCtl thing as sending messages. " Co11cct. " You can prepay al answer to n telegram , and the boy brings you lW n blnnlt with the telegram when nn answer has heen 11"1 Cor. Again , If yoU write to any one and walt a telegraphic reply , merely Inclose a blank with six penny postage stamps affixed . This saves the trouble of ' transmlUln money or ImposIng on I friend for reily. As managed by the gnglsh goVernment - : ernment there cnn bo 10 doubt of thc wls- ibm of state control oC the telegraph busi- 10m the business - ness. mdccii when yon compare ness before the government took I In charge and now , the old Idea of private ownership eemes expensIve and crlle , SOME STIUONG FACTS. The rcports recently published by the the com- , nrllsh postofcl department on memoraton oC the frst quarter-century oC governmental control of the telegraphs shoull be studied with the greatest care by American statesmen and economists. I shall not attempt to even give a summary of these valuable datn. because , undoubtedly they were cabled over Nevertheless , It would be wel to bear In mind some of the most striking facts. At one ot the bIg city dinners a few weeks ago I sat opposite Mr. W. ii. Preee , C. B" , the englleer-In-chlef and electrician ot British Telegraphic Won- derland. lie was greatly Interested In the q fact that wo counted the population by the means of electrlcly , and , of course , knew exactly how It was done. Mr. Pre 'o In- vite me to cal nt his del1artmEnt which I did , and found much of Interest , though the progress of telegraphy under government tnanagement In England can best bo under- stooll by the results of twenty-fivo years' practical experience. The Increase In mes- sages alone from 6,500.000. . when three pri- vote companies controlled the business , to ? ' 70,000,000 messages In 1894 , tells Its own story. That the number of ofces have Increaeed threefold , now numbering 9,000 , anti the mil of wire have increased from GOeOO to 200OOO-surely this Indicator that tim public Is wel and cheaply served , Fnanclaiiy , the telegraph department Is to- day paying expenses , but not the Interest on the money Inyested. I Is claimed , however , by such men ns Mr. Shaw Lfevre , who ought to know , that the dIvIsion 'of expenses b - - tween the pcat01ce branch and the telegraph branch was at such an arlfcl character . that the two rrvlces should be looked at r ! . together fnancialy , ThIs would show a net annual surplus of tram $13,760,000 to $15,000.- . OOO-n very handsome addition to the public revenues , I never could understand why thr sentIment In favor ef the government taking control at the telegraph system of the United States dos not become stronger As a mattr of tact , In spite of the oftentimes unfounded charge ot politics being mixed wIth , public business , ana public service In both emclent ( and honest-fnr more so than th\ government at some of the large cities. Why should statesmen hesItate , then In g'vlng the entire UnIted States a uniform telegraph service , which would do much to bring all parts or our vast domain together In still closer ties ? A uniform telegraph s rYlce , say of 25 cents per message , Is no more , In this advanced day ot electrIcal appliances , than a uniform 2-cent letter rate was when naopted. N WSIAII 1 , mSPATCI S. In this connection I am tempted to say a few words about Ilress rates for telegraphing In England. The rate for press dIspatches b likewIse uniorm , and Is : ! cents per 100 words between G p. m. and 9 a. m. An nd- dltonal chnrge of 4 cents 11er 100 words is chaled for each addItIonal address to which the message Is dispatched. Wires are also lent during these hours to newspapers , ns wIth us. I sea no difficulty In the government - mont takIng charge of all this huslness. Operators hero , ns wIth us , have their po- Itcnl favorites and Preference , but It In no way affects their Integrity. lIvery I one knows ' that in alt our large journals the two partIes are about equally divided from the press room up to the subeditor's and edltor's olcos , Democrats do good , honest work In junking republican newspapers , and relllblcans do the same in the 11rearaton of democratic news Ilapers. Anti so It always wIll he. STATESMEN AN ) TI I SI'IIICi1ES. Speaking of telegraitule press rates brings to mind an Interesting statement made here the other lly lu relatIon to the Importance. 11erhnps I should say value , of certaIn puhlc men to the several loWS agencies and nsso- - clatlons. 'I'huo manngel of one of these as- Iclatons declared that Mr Glads000'8 re- trement , for Instance , Involved a loss of $10,000 to that assocIatIon , No one seems to take the grand old man's 1ilace PreS asso. I elatons lucre have certain rules anti regula. lens about transmltng the speeches of public uuuen They are all on the list , us I were , some for "verbatim. " some are "two column men , " some "one column , " some "very much cOldened i" ; others "a stick Cul , " and a few others whose utterances are not notced ex. cel1t In local newepaluera Of the "verbatim" list , I 10 Imposible to say whose speeches are most In demsml of the fIg Four-Sails- bury , Hosebery Harcourt or 11lour. When omo at the distnguIshed BrItish statesmen on the "verbatliui" list become too long-winded they are politely Informed by the Press asso- elaton that they must make shorter speeches or bo taken from the verbatim Ilot. I am Informed that the late Lord Churchill was thus forewarned. The hint was effectIve , and lila lordship drew In lila oratorical horns a bit thereafter . lost I nglsh statesmen can. fine their remurks to an hour , because they know they will not bo reported blond a certain length , unless I Is an occaIon of uprerne Iiuuportauce. This amount of talkIng - Ing wi Occupy about three clumns ot sold mater In a large dal-resry stuff , a a ) rule , to wade through The only exception to aU rull Is Mr. Oladatone's. No pent-up lules connne his speeches. They were taken nrbathlI two hour In length , and no paper - per ever complained-so 6ar the repr senl- lIves ot the News association. TENDENCY OF BRiTISH JOUINAI.IS I , Those who. like Mr Dana. are editing ? .eweppre tor "sensible people \ , " wl be : , . - . - lad to learn that In l ngllnll there Is nothi- ing like the demand for reports of sens- : Ionnl murder trials that existed twenty.fvo years ago ThIs Is In part due to the 1111' : atol of the masses and In part duo to the met thnt newspapers nowadays aim at a higher lovel. The popularity of divorce trials , iO ; these authoritIes say , varies with differ- nt dIstricts. The people of some towns want long reports : others arc sats ed with 1 short statement. Of course some notable eaSes still attract general attention , hut the Britsh taste Is Improving. I thInk there has certainly been n decldell Improvement papers. In the last ten year , In the English news- DEATH AND BEnTS. Those enterprising town boomers who sell you a lot on the Instalment plan and ngree to give your widow a deed If you cult your throat or tile trying to pay for It may learn a wrinkle from the London furniture dealers. I have just received n circular offering to furnish I house on the Instnlment plan , with this Important clause , Printed In red Ink : "It the hirer dies , the furniture becomes the property of whoever left to , without any further payment. " I furthermore states that one article or I whole house of furniture can be supplIed on the same system. I all tradesmen would supply artIcles In this way , death would not only be a happy issue Cram ni our afflictIons . but , In the fullest sense , n lIquIdation of our last debts _ EDWIN ABI Y'S SUCCESS. The little colony of Americans be found here nt this season are In n glow of I1rlde and satisfaction nt the enthuslaste recel1' lon given Mr. Edwin Abbey's superb paint- Ings for the roof of the Boston library. On the first day of their exhibition to the PUblIC In the Nineteenth Century gallery more titan half Uw lembers of the Hoyal Academy and people of note In literature , science anti fashion gathered to vIew them The 111c. tures , relating as they do to the Holy Grail , arouse Ilore Interest on account or the Ar- thurlnn . . ' thenter. Legend given at the I.'ceul Of the research and labor entailed In the prollucton of these works only n student can have tiny Iden. Mr Abbey went through a whole library oC literature , German Pagan and Irish . of the myths connected with King Arthur. After choosing the dramatic Incident whIch he thought would best answer his Purpose , he traveled all over Europe mailing rough oil studies anti chapel In- teriors. Matty curious dlsco\'erlcs were made by the artist , along others sOle unique capitals by an unknown genius II a' little church In the south of I rance. Mr. Abhe ) made some casts of these which were scarcely fnlshell before the mayor of the town seIzed the casts and artst I Was only through the Interven- I lon of the president of the ! Royal Academy that ho Was enabled to bring them away In peace. Thee decora- ( lye pIctUres are n new departure from Mr. Ahbey , who haA lon [ been recognized ns the head of his profession In black and whie a branch ef art , curiously enough , Englishmen to not excel In. I was only Mr. Abbey's power of , winning friendship and his modest as to his own ability that dIspelled anything like jealousy or rancor among his competitors. Today. I notice . Mr. Abbey has the benedic- ton of Punch , In the shal1e of a bad pun , which Is the next thing , I suppose , to beIng receIved : t court Says Punch , In COllent- lag on the picture : "Their beauties are many : their faults are few , and when these are pointed out to the AngloAmerican artIst , he gaily replies , 'What's the odds as long as 1'1 Abbey' Which Is true , as none but him- self can be his parallel. " IDElt IAGGAID RAISING TURNIPS. The picturesque author of "Solomon's Mines . " "Jess , " and "She , " of whom not so many years ago the English ! reading world was talking oC as the latest literary sensa- ton , now appears In Ito role of a Norfolk farmer discussing agrlculnral depression , protection , bimetalism and kindred topics "To the Edlor , " In the London Times. Of course Mr. Rider haggard admIts these sub- jects are "vpry dull , " but when some other fellow tries to demolish you about the only thing left Is to hit back ( If the editor wilt give you space ) , and In this way a controversy - troyersy begins and If Important personalitIes arc Involved I Is always InterestIng. I Is not so much ( hue controversy as some of the ) facts stated by Mr. Haggard that wIll Inter- est Amerlcnl' . farmers In a recent article on agricultural depression I mlde the point that few American farmers realize how the BrItish tenant farmer Is handIcapped by his lease and taxation. Here Is an Illustration given by Mr. haggard : "I own a life interest In a farm of 200 acres , whIch Is now itt for 150 a year. The tithe on that farm Is returned in my balance sheet for 1893 at 12G lOs 6d. It used to be more ; probably this year It will be rather hesi. I will b seen , therefore , that as almost the entire rent of the farm. taking one year with another , Is absorbed In re- pairs , taxes and other outgoings , In fact , I pay this { 2G , or the greater part of I , ont of my pocket , over and above what I receive from the land : nor , although careful Inquiry has been mnde , have I been able to discover any certain means , short ot throwing the farm out of cultivation , whereby the burden can b lessened. " FIrst we have a farm of 200 acres , situ- ated In the best .agrlculural . county of England , renting . with good house and build- lug , at $250 per annul ; secondly , thnt the rent received about pays for repairs ; thirdly , that a sum equal to more than half hue rent must be nald as ttthn. Tlth" In IA nr""o.1 significance means lth a tenth ir its produce the - : he paid to the church. This is bad enough , but when I comes to mean hal of that pro- duce . or even a quarter then It becomes a burden that cannot welt be br . This law Mr. haggard wisely suggests should be repealed - pealed , and the burden of the church as- stunted , ns In the United States , by the churchmm at large. PLEASANT FICTIONS. In addition to this remedy , Mr. Haggard lIkewise puts forward the folowing : I would suggest , ns I second remedy , that rates and taxes should bo so arranged as to press equally upon real and personal prop- erty erty.My My third remedy Is that a heavier duty than Is charged upon pure beer should be charged upon adulterated er-that Is , beer made of other materials than barley , mal and hops. My Conrth remedy Is that butchers or deal- ers should bo prevented by heavy penalty : from passing oft foreign meat as English . grown. My Ith remedy Is that , by appeal to their better feelngs or other means. railway com- 11anles should bl 11ersundcd to cease from their present custom of carrying Important foodstuffs and 11roduco nt cheaper rates than they charge to the BrItish farmer Though Mr. Rider haggard Is engaged just now In tile soothing occupations of culivat- Ing Norfolk turnips , anti I writing a humdrum - drum domestic novel for Mr. Astor's mara- zinc , alt the romantic Is not soaked ont of hIm. I It was ho would know that raIlway companies ha\e "no better feelIngs , " white his other pleasant fictions savor too much of protecton to be attractive to people so entirely gone on free trade as the English . For my part , let them brand foreign meat as such. This wouhl work both ways , and pre- vent gnglsh bnlchors passing off ail tough " " and poor meats as "American beef A PElIlt IN THE MILK BUSINESS. I wouhl seem to be glory enough for a modest American citizen to purchase his mik of n real , live member of the House at Peers , to ( make out the checks-which at the most are not large-to "his lonlhll ) , " ant to listen with profound attention to his lordshIp's representatives - resentatves dilatIng with ecstacy upon the sc'entifio qualIties ot "hIs lordshlp's" mind slId tile scrupulous care taken to Insure the 11urly of his lordship's milk. Satisfactory as this must bo to alt householder with young children who consume large quantities of mil , It Is stilt more gratifyIng to learn that this d'slngulshed ' lord has recently dlecovred a new element , whIch , on account of Its ex- traordinariy luert nature , Lord Harlelgh has ventured to name argomu This discovery \ regarded here Q being as imuportant In the dcmalns of idu ) 'sics and chemlJtry as the dl co\erles of Adonis and Leverrer : In astronomy - tronomy , The discovery of a new element In the atmosphere In these days of scientific ad \anc . ' . wilt naturally be received wIth sur- Ilre , and I suppose in a few weeks the sclentic world will be commentng on the greatness and Imporlnce of the discovery Meantime , Ihose who hive within ( hue London distrIct which Lord Haylelgh supplies with Ilk will have additional reasons for reJoic- lug That one 8 brilant In science should engage in such a practical business Is I aged god sign or the tunes ( , and an additional safeguard - guard of domestic health and comfort. HOIEIT P. I'OnTER. Next May the ( Roman Catholics at Boston wil celebrate the Golden JubIlee , or the fiftieth - eth anniversary of the priesthood of Arch- bIshop \Vlliiauna . - GANNOTANNULTnECONTRACr Attorney General Churchill's Opinion on the Penitentiary Muddle LEGISLATURE PRACTICALLY POWERLESS Auljnn1mt to UorJnl Helenuut 'loshcr'A JonlAOen , nut I.er hmo t State lonnl on ItS Rlle-Metholh to Secure ] elet Are Uncertain , LINCOLN , Feb. lG.-Speclal.-The ( ) special committee appointed by direction of the house to Inquire Into and rep t Ipon the legal status of the prison contract entered Into between the state of Nebraska and C. W. Mother , anti ot which 'V , II. Dorgan now claIms to bG the owner , held its first session Friday afternoon , but beyond listening to the reading of the opinion of the attorney general the committee did nothIng , resen'- lag further acton and discussion until the opinion could be printed Attorney General Chiurchuill's opinIon Is lengthy , but necessarily so , as It reviews at length the history of the prison contract and its various phases , The cplnlon follows : "In answer to tile request of your commi- tea In regard to tile contract of the state In the leasing of ( hue penitentiary , peniteuu- tary' grounds , anti convict labor , I beg leave to report : That I fld that the Board of Public Lands and BuildIngs advertised for the leasing of the same , under seton 17 of an act establishing a Hoard of PublIc Lanlls nlHI Buildings of the state oC Nebraska , and defning their duties , approvell February 13.1877 , lThmnd \ in the Sesslomi Acts of 1877 , page HI : ami that In IJrsuance ' of such notice lotce the Board of PublIc Lands fluid BUlhlngs on the 22d day of September , 1877 , leased the same to Wllnm II. n. Siout for the term of six years Cram the 1st day of October , 187. This contract I fluid to bo In exact comlllance with time section oC the statute above referred to. The legislature of 1879 passed an act extentlluig the perloll ( of the contract for a period of six years front the ) hat day of October ; 1883 , upon certain can- Iltons named in the act , for which see acts IS79. page 166. 'hls act was apProved - Proved ) February 2G , IS7 ! In 1883 the legislature , by an act approved February 27 , 1883 , passed an act extending the ( time wlhln which to complete the 240 cells In the penl- tcntar ) ' to October I , 1885. See acts 1883 , page 320. I appears also , by nn act approved - proved March 2 , 1887 , that the contract be- tween the state and Stout , which had been extended ns above stated was assigned to one C. \ \ Mosher , which act upon certain conditions thereIn named , and upon the glv- lug of a bond by Mosher In the sum oC I ; $100,000 with sureties to be approvell by the : Board of l'uuhlic Lauuds and Pnblc I.alis Buidings , extended - tended tire contract for n pcrlod of ten years front the 1st day oC October , 1889 , which act was npl1rovCI March 2 , 1887 , Ullon which day it appears that the said C. W. Mosher executed - cuted a bond In the penal sum of $100,000 , a copy of which bond Is hereto attached and marlell exhibit A. The bent appears to have been approved by the Board of Public Lands and Buildings In March , 1887 I appears also from the contract now on me In the secretary of state's office that on the 1st day of February , 1892. C.V. . Mosher assigned the contract of the state for the leasing of the penitentiary unto one \V. I. Dorgan. A copy of sId assignment Is hereto annexe and 11rked exhibit B. CONTRACT UNDOUBTED Y VALID. "It wIlt be observed that the act of 187 was purely n leglslatye act , and authorized time Boar of Public Lands and Buildings to enter Into a contract which was done In pursuance - suance of the act. There can be no question as to the validity and legality of thIs transac- ton. The act of IS79. whie It Is In the nature oC an enctment of the legislature yet It Is at the same time n proposal on the part of the state of a contract amountng In substance to this : That the slate would agree to an ex- tens'on of the thins of ( his lease for the period of six years from the 1st day of October , 1883 , upon condi- ton that ( Stout would buld anti erect In aged god and substantial manner , at his own expense - pense , for the use of the state , and turn the same over to the state free of charge October 1. 188G , 240 cells . eighty of which should be complete within ' nine months from hue tak- lag effect of this act , and the remainder to be completed by the 1st day of October , 188G , all cells to be built of god natural stone and similar to and equal In quality to those now In use In the penItentiary , and Stout agreeing to receive , Instead of the old contract price , 45 cents In cash or Its equivalent per day for each convict for the first three years of the term of the extended lease , and 40 cents per cay for each convict In cash or Its equivalent for the second three years or until October I , 188G , and upon the followIng condition , that after the let day of January 1880. there should . provIde ft ! each ! and every Ne- uraSKa prisoner one cel , and after January I , 1884. only Nebraska prIsoners should be kept These conditions , as I understand It , were accepted - cepte by Stout and he entered upon the performance of the contract as modified by the provisions of this act. By the act of 1883 extended. the time for the completion of - the cells was "The act of 1887 , chapter 8G of the acts . of 1887 , not only authorized the assIgnment of the contract from Stout to Masher , but legally accepted - cepled of the same , and proposed that Ilcsher , In substance , that In consideratIon of Mosher's receIving 40 cents per day In cash fcr each convIct , and nl10n Mosher's entering Into a bond to the state at Nebratka In the penal sum of $100,000. with good anti sufficient sure- ties for the faithful performance or the contract - tract , which bond was to be approved by the Hoard of Publc Lands anti luldlng > the con- tract Ibould ha extended to Mosher for n peeled ot ten ( years from the 1st day of Octo- bee 1889 , upon the condition that the cn- vlcts should not , nor should any of them be employed In the manufacture of cigars brIck , or In time cutting or stone , except such brick and stone as may bo requred ! ' In making re- pairs or improvements at the penitentiary , and this erection c buldlngs.nd walls for the ( connnement of convicts , anti for the use of the i officers anti guards , 'n11 Ilrohlbltng the employment - ployment of convict upon any of the public buildings , except buildings for . penlentary ! ' purposes. This act was approved March 2. 1887. and was accepted by Moll r. anti his bond given and approved upon that ( day , as shown by the records. That the legislature has power to 10 ( hits I entertain no doubt I find nothing In the constItution of the state of Nebraska prohIbiting the state frem enterIng - log Into contracts with hidlvhluals , and while ! Bll of these acts contain legislative enact- ments , they also contain liro'ialns rehtng ! to a contract , which were , when accepted for a valuable consideration , and In my opinIon the state ha no more right to repudiate Its con- tract than has a private Ind'vldual. CASES IN POINT . "The supreme court of the UnIted States as early as 1&2 , In the case of thus state of New Jersey agaInst Wilson , 7 Crouch , 165 , from which case I appears thaI on tile 9th day of AUGust , 158. the Indians met the deputy cODlnlssloners and delivered to them n ) roposlton reduced to writng , the hasls oC which was that the government sbould purchase n tract of land on which they mlgflt reside , In consideraton of which they would release their claim to all other ands In Now Jersey south of the Hver Raritan . This proposition was assented to by the coiflinissloners and the ( legIslature on thus 12th of August , 1758 , passed an act to give elect to this agreement The act , among other provisions , authorized a purchase of the lands for the Indians , but restrained them from gramuting leases or laklng sales , and enacted that the lands purchased for the ( Indians should not hereafer bo subject to any tax , any law , usage or custem to the contrary thereof , In any wise , notwltim8tandiuig . Under this act thus convention wih the Indians was executed and the lands were IJrchated and conveyed to the trustees for the use of the Indians , mind the IndIans released their claim to all lands In the south part of New Jersey . The Indians couitlnued their tisaceabie contnued II pos- senlon of the land unt the year 1801 , when they became desirous of removing from thl state of New Jersey to StockbrlJge In tbe state of New York. They applied for and obtained an act of thus legislature of New Jersey authorIzing a sale of their loath In that state Tile act granting the 8ale con- taine no expression In any manner respect. lag the ( 11rlvlege ot exemption from taxation. In 1803 the coOmlSlonrs , ole the land under the Itt act JOI\lonel \ 10 one George Parnter and others In October , IS04 , the legislature of the stutt6t New Jersey passed nn net repealing that section of the act of August . 1758 , exeniIflhoF the lands therein luenloned from taxeS' . I The lands were then assessed and the tnSits demanded I. The supreme court of thq' ' United States heM that this constituted a citract between the Indians and the sat cPntraet mptlg I from taxation , and that the Ict ot October , 1804 , was In contrn\'entlu f the conMitiutlon of constuton the United States thor' no slate shal 'pass any bill ef attainder M'b ' post facto law , or law Impairing the ulfalon of contracts ' "In the case of tle : qharles River Bridge company aVarrdi tlrllge company , 1 Peters , page 420. detbrhlned In 1837 , n case welch grew out of I th , legislature granting a ferry to Iarvnra ? colege , anti after td hue Charles Iv r Bridge company , anti thel to the Warren , Urhlge company On page 557 , In spealtng of these acts , Justice lcI.aln says : , , " 'Thls act mlst be considered In the light of n contract and the laws of contracts applies to I. In one sense It Is n law , hnvlng pUHId through all the Corls of leglslnton and received hue necessary sanction . but Is essentaly n contract ns to the oblgatons Imposed by I anti the privileges I confers. ' "In lie case of Woodrul vs Trallal , 10 Howard , 190 , alll Iletermined nt ito Vecem- her . , term , 1850 , the court says : " 'It Is n IIrlncl11e uncontro\'ertell by 10 one thnt on general queRtons of polcy one legislature cannot bh)1 those which shall succeed I , but It Is equal ) ' true amid undoubted - doubted that a legislature may mll ( n COJ- tract which will bind those that cOle . " after I. "This case arose out of nn nct oC the general assembly of Arknnsns chartering 1 state baiiic which charter contnlnCI the provision : , . 'That the hIlts nl)1 notes of saId Instltum- ton shal be receivable In alt palents oC debts due to the state of Arlcnnsas ' "Tlls act was pa3se.1 . In 183G. In January , 1846 , the above portIon of the act was re. said peaietl : In the syllabus of tile case It Is , , . 'The undertnldng of the state to receive the notes of the ( bank conslutlll a contrct between the state nn.1 time holders oC these notes , which the ( state was not at liberty tu break , nlhourh notes Issucil hy the hanll after the repeal were not wihin the contract Iml might be reused by the state. ' "In Cils case It was held , Insofar as thc subsequent act alel11tell to repeal thlt portion - lon of the pre\'lous act mnllng the bills re- celvablo In payment of debts due the state , I was unconstitutonal , being In contraven ton of that 110rton of the constitution of tht United States prohIbitng stntes from Illsslng 'any hi oC atalnder or ex post facto law . or law the ' Impairing oblIgation oC contracts , "In the case oC Irurmnn vs Nicol , \'nlx . . , decided In December , 18G8 , the legislature of Tenuuesseo In 1836 , passed an act creating I state hanl The act provldeul that the notes should be receivable at the treasury oC the state , and ! y nit- tax colectors ail othel' 11blc omcert In all IJ'mcnts for taxes anti other 10ney due the state. On pages 59 and Inges GO , , , tile court says , ( referring to this act ) : . 'That this guaranty was , unti withdrawn by hue state a contract huetween the state and every note holder of the batik , obligIng the state to receive the notes for taxes cannot - not admit of serious qtmestloui ' "Tho , , court closes by saying : " 'gnough haa heen sail to show , as the result of our vIews that ( section 28 of thc chnrter oC the Bank of Tennessee constituted a contract wih the 'wllers of the notes of the bank , and that It was not In the const- tutonal powers of the legislature torepeal the section so as to affect the notes which , at the ( into , were In cIreuulatiouu . ' WITHOUT powlm TO REVOKE. "From these autlorltes wc conclude , there being no provisIon 11 time constitution oC tIme state of Nebraska tb Ile contrary ) ' , that the legislature had power't enter Into the con tract with Stout Ind , pen the assignment to Masher upon thi c9nshleraton expressed , anti accepted , to eIther' ' maim a new , or ex tend time contract w.h llpsher , that when ac- cepteul being for a yalunble consideration , 1 was not wlthlu the plhr of the legislature to annul the contract : that its attempt to dose ' so would bo In cn ; raY.nton oC the constitu. ton of the United Stiles prohibiting amiy state from passing 'nny Mi of attainder or ex post facto law , or law , dmpalrlng the oblga- ton of contracts. ' . . " nould the leg/sl / tire then attempt to annul the contract , iI have no doubt that ( hut , claim would bo male } that the act annuillIuug annuling I would be In ontr vehton of section 10. article i. of this cbnslliton of the United States and this question alone would give Jurisdiction to the federal court , and the queston would there bo determined finally , so thnt I ha'e fnaly \'e deemed It unnecessary to examine - amine any authorites outsllo of Ito au- tborltes . of the supreme court of the United HOW TO REACh DORtTIAN . "The assignment from Mosher to Dorgan bears date oC February I , 1892 , and Dorgn tached to ( he contract ot Mosher wIth the state , and on file In the ofce of the secre tary of state This assignment has never been signed by Mr. Dorgan , but he neveI went Into possession under the assignment , and bas been operating under it ever sInce. This would estop him from claiming that he bad not accepted of tile assignnient " 'he records of the Board of PubIc Lands and Buildings ! 'ow that all allowances made under the contract have been made to C. \V. Moshor , the warrants haye been Issued , as shown by the records In the auditor's office , to C. \V. Mosher ThA nnlv andlor's ofce , . - _ _ nu.'J . , , - ' , . UU"W 1 In the record of the Board of PublIc Lands UUl fluId Buildings . aside from the record slmpl ) ' allowIng the claims of Mosher Is that 01' March G , 1893 , page 492 , Record C. ot the Board of Public Lands and Buildings , which Is folhowa us folows : , , " 'Voiucier at C.V. . Mosher for care oC convicts of the state panltenlary and grounds , alowe(1 ( The question ha\'hll been raised as to the payment of the same , a coninilunication was read , directed to the auditor of public accounts Moore , stating that C. W. puhlc was the proper person to whol payment should bo macIc ' "And on that day Mosher was allowed a warrnt for $3,8 9,20. What this alowed ! - caton was I nm unable to ascertain but the following ' instrumelt was fed In the aurltor's cube : Hon. Eugene Moore , Auditor I'uuhiic Accounts - Publc counts , State or Nthraslm.-Dear ) Sir : Hnv- I ng soul toV. . H Dorgan alt m ) ' right t , title null Interest In and to I certain con- tract for the care , keeping and leasing oC the penItentiary . penitentiary ground and penitentary } /nd ' , com'lct Jnhor hplonglng 10 time state ct Ne- brasica I would re Jectul ) ' request that YOU deliver to him cull warrants hint may he drawn now or In the future under sniul contract to accept his receipt for the same , even when necessary for him 10 sign my name , ali oblige , Yours respectul\ sig . C. \V. MOSIIER. "I find on the 311 of March , 1893 , there was a comununicatlomi from the audior to the attorney - torney general , and n reply thereto hy the ! attorney AeneraJ , dated March G , 1893 , re- . hating to the contract nbo\e referred to anti hue nssigmuinouut . 'rhero Is no douht In my mint that the Board ot l'uhle Lands anti hltulidings had full knowledge of the assIgn- ment from Mosher to Dorgan , and dll not recognlo thai assignment br any direct act There Is nothing In the record or In this correspondence from which , It can he inferred that thus bondsmen , on the bonll executed by MOher to the iutatenf Nebraska , had aim ) ' knowledge or or ever 'comuseruted to the ns- slgnment of the contract wIth the state by Mosher to Dorgan i' ; yt I think there Is no cluesUon that the { act' ) that warrlts ha\e been drawn In th9 njulne of Mosher , with knowledge on the nart If the auditor , and of the Board of Public Lands anll Buildings of the assignment , nail that tile > ' were received In fact for the benefit . ' ' , of Dorgan. MOSmm'S IO.'jDtiEN ' ILELEASED . "Tho foregoing htln the facts as I gather thenl fronl the record I I conclude hint the sureties on Mosher' ) b nIl have been released from all obligatIon .1b Jle ! state I know of no rule of law whCle11Y ito sureties upon a bond gIven hy A can lie held liable for the ( performance of a contract assigned to B without their knowh"l or consent I therefore - fore conclude that , W to , bonlmen upon the bond given hy 10sl ' i t\ the state ha\e been released from al 'I blty , If any , arising sInce the asslgnmen\ \ the contract by Mother to Dorgiun Hespecluly submitted , "A. S. CIIUItCIIILL , . 'lorey General. " . Ilporla or S uric , This country Imports moro cork from the provInce of Catalonia , Spain , than does any other country of the ( world , Many of the cork cutters In thIs countr , , ) are SpanIards , and they tiara I fno faculty of gettng all out of a piee of cork that I contalmus After a stopp or a sole bas been made the smaller clippings are powdered 10 ' ( Just It may be used for packing glassware . In Spain parU- dee regarded a8 unnt for packing are compressed - pressed Into bricks that are uleJ for bullduuig. The 11anlsh cork cutters of this country sometimes Ilnvo considerable ski In making ornaments ot cork. _ _ _ h . _ . Wit \ \ BREAK ( BREAD AND EAT - Details of the Homo Industry Dauqu'et ' Are Now Complete . BUSINrS3 MEN TO LAY ASIDE DULL CARE 'rl'olnl SI\oAI0n and ether Ouut'qt Wit \ ( Invle(1 to lather nt thue 1Rn' , qnt 11Jrll. to Eat , Urlnlt Rnll no , Iorry , The Manufacturers anti Consumers Asso- elation of Nebraska Is making good progress In the matter of preparing for the " 101 ! Industry" banquet to bo tcmlerel to the travellg len on Friday cvnlng , February 22. Thus far 97 invitatIons have been sent out , anti everything would seem to promIse n most successful affair . The traveling men In ni paris of the state are rellarlng , to be present , wih the approval of the houses which they - represent , and I will . without doubt , be-tho largest rntherlng of coununer- clal travelers ever held In time west. Yesterday afernoon the executive commi- tee , of the Ianuracturer amid Consumers As- soclnton ot Nebraslc let to talk over the mater of the banquet nl11 tanks some final arramigemnents The secretary stated that be- fore taking UI the regular line of business he wlshcll to 11resenta special matter for the conshleratol of the memhers. He then pro- ceeded to read from The Bee an nccount ( of the actIon of the \Vounuuuu's club of Bentrlce In endorsing the home Ilatonago uiiovemiiemit. The stand talten by the Indies of Beatrice was hlghl c0lmende(1 and the folowing adoptel : " 'heren } The 'oman'R cluh of Beatrice at reHohlton n recent : meetng ( ndol1tel the folowing Hcsolvel , Thut we . , the lembel'R of the cl.rcnt events lleJI.tllnt of Ito Beltrlco \Vomrman's club , hu > ' UIII use articles n1 < 0 In our own sUite , In lireferemice to those IJefl'rence Inlle elsu.'t'hiere , providing the > - mute us sat- IRflctor ) ' In reRulR ; maId , ) \'IJrens , 'hIR II the frRt t1blc ex- prcslon of the 1III 1utiuiu the women of ZeIJ'IRkn 1110n a lueRton whllh we leem er greatest Imtll-tnnce to the nmtcrhl lirnspt'uity of Ihe state : therefore , ha It Iroslll'I'lt HeHol\ec. 'hnt the Mnnufllturcl'a nnll Cnnsumuners' . \Hloclnton of Nehrlslm ex- II'eRses Its grateful appreciation of the acton of the \'omln R dub of Buntrlce : assures them thnt their plnn for Curthe- iuii. the interests of home mnnufncturerH meet } vIii the heart approval of this IRsoclaton : wlsheH lucIa success In their pln1 oC cnn1al n , until \ commelHl1 thcr wIRe ncton to the conRilemton of other women'a organizatons , flint the womln of the state generally , helevlng thnt I ' such co.ohierattout Nebrlslm wIll very soon become Industrially great. GUESTS TO BE CAllED FOn. The secretary Informel the members hat 97 tcltets of invitation to the banquet hal been Issued. and that hue cstmatell the at- tenlnnco wonhl reach 600. The Inviatons ( have becn sent to the traveling len of the state , rellresenthl Nebraska houses , and to ! the jobbers and manuracturers. Mr. Davis ) cold that he hopell that every member oC the ( association would regard himself as in duty hound to take good care ot their guests , and that lucre would be no crowding at the tables. urthermore , that care be taken to keep out the rabble thnt Is always hanging around looking for a chance to force their looltng way In without Invitations. E. P. Davis amid n. I , . Hodgin were appoInted a commlteo to stand at the door and admit no one except the guests having Invitations. The secretary was lnstfluceL.th notify all < Omaha members or the nssoclaton that they would bo expected to hold back and see to I that all theIr guests were seated before any Omaha manufacturer took his scat. M. C. Peters suggested that a commlte of members bo appointed to receive the guests and find them places at the tables , and the following gentemen were named for that purpose : M. C. Peters , L. M. nheem , A. ChalwlcJ , So mUll flees , \V W. Cole , A. H. Rawltzcr . M. G. Kibbe , James Smead , Clu\rles E. Back , L. G. Doup , A. J. Vier- hug , C. D. Gdney of Omaha , Carl Morton oC Nebraska CIty , A. n. Dempster of Beatrice , E. M. Howe of Norfolk , T P. lummel of Fremont and H. Abraham oC Grand Island. The secretary was Instructed to turn over to tl Associated Charities such supplies as were not consumed at the banquet. The reception commlteo was Instructed to see that no Omaha member of this associa- ton was allowed to nice n scat nt the tables unti all the guests and outside members of the association were seated. 'he tables will bo spread In the armory oC the Omaha guards and will sent 500 people at a time. The newspapers were requested to state that there were a great many people to whom the association would like to semI Invitatons , butt thaI It had been prevented from doing so by tl lack at room. I Is also requested that the parties who have received Invita- tons send In at once the remr cards that were enclosed wIth the InvItations. After an informal discussion of minor details , the meetIng ndJourned. . ABUT READY FOR WORK. With Jltere t nsel In the \Velaro or YOUItOIU. . . An organization has Just been formEd by some Scand'navlan ladles of this city under the name of the Scandinavian . Young Women's Christian Bethany associaton , for lIe pur- pose of providing a home for young working women and supplying them with , meical aid when necessary and taking care oC ( item In other ways whIch lay be deem ell needful for their well beIng. This organ ! zaton will also leek after theIr spiriual needs by giving instruction In the Chrltan rehigiou . I will hllo'wiso undertake to teach young girls the gnglsh language und Impart time ordinary rudiments oC a common school education , besides - sides giving Instruction In the ( useful arts of cooking , houselweplng and otherwise fItting the girls t' ear their own living In an honor- able and reputable way. \Vhen fully organ- laid the assoclaton ! wIll 110 Its best to pro- vile situations for its charge3 , and will also undertake the education of young chidren of both sexes who may ice placed under the control - rid ( of this Institution CCI' Instruction , which Instruction shall also include the impartIng of the Irlnclples of Christian relglol to the children , as wet as to the uuuluits The uslness of the organlzatcn will be conducted by a board ot trustee . The following - lowing named ladles have signed ito articles of InCOI1rntlon : Maria 10lna88 , lannah Jacobson , Blen Nelson , Minnie Selerburg , Mary Peterson , Hida Brodin , Tllo BrodIn , Mntlda Nelson - and Hale l.anrln. I. I , TUO.t , /.I'Wi , nANCROFT , Neb , I'eb. 12.-To the Editor of The Bee : Please answer the followIng In your columns Sunday , February 1 : Can a railroad malts I greater charge for a short haul than a long over the same road In the fame directon If the ( long haul originates outside this state , hath hauls consigned to the annie jiolnt witiulut ( lila state ? Yours to utettlg a dlepute , M. 'IV. COLLII'i'T. Not legally , A CITIZEN'S RiGhTS , COI1DOVA , Neb , , Feb. h4.-'i'o this EdItor of Time' lies : Pleanc answer thus following questloti auid settle a dispute : If a. than is about to be drafted In Germnany as a soidler and lclps to tiuls country , stays here long eruoughu ( ci takt' out hula first anti second pa- pera amid titen goes back to the old country , cami tiau > ' fcrce huliut into the army amid iiake huimit r.rvo ( lie thins as tbuoumghi lie luau never heft there ? I'lease auuswer In ilee mud oblige , IL was agreed to abide by your dociblon , \v. W , ICItONKhtiGhiT. They cannot lawfully comnpei an Americamu cItIzen to serve in ( heir ariuiy , If lie heft Germany purposely to evade Imnlureasmuient hte easy encounter dulhlcuity upouu itis return to ( lie fathuerbamtd. RUTH CLEVELAND'S AGE. OMAHA , Feb. 13-To the Editor of Tue lice : Please tell ltuutti Cleveland's age at her last birthday to decIde a huet. ANONYMOUS , Seyemi years , Elvc-Mlhii Ice 'lrojlluij Itecord hirukemi , HAMILTON , Omit. , Feb. 16.-Clara K broke a world's Ice trotting record yesterday , Site made uivo muilies 1mm 1246 ; ½ , . . . , - - ' - - - - - - - - Is IT A SNAP F You're Looking For ? , Sec thc Remnants f. ; Nicoll is offering at ! L , . . . # , : e ' % : 5 - . . 4 z $ 5 $ 6 ; J11 I j For Trousers ' : ' -L - - $16-$20$25 t , r . - ' -4- Fot' Stilts Fleavy \ VeightsMecliumVeigbts - and Light Weights. , ' tell ' ' abouV You'll be anxious to youi'fi'iencls this offer , That's why we do it. Between 207 , FARNAM South and uxIIxj2 DOUGLAS TA LOR 15th St. _ _ - - - - - - - - - - SYSTE1 ThAT IS OFF' ' COLOR Judge Ambrose Denounces the Plan of' A1- , praising Property. ONE OF THE EVILS ThAT NEEDS A REMEDY Stile Sot Aside liccuiiusc thue AppraIserS Vere 1'rofcgglouumul lmtstt'ad of Jixpt'rts- CIty Fluuduu Itself ilt1t mu tlood SIzed Sutit. on Ilmuuud. Yesterday Judge Ambrose set aside the sale of some property mortgaged by a man named Pierson to A. J. Hanscoun , on time groutnil thmat ( hue appraisement was too low. Foreclosure - closure proceedlmugs lund been Institutcul anti thue sale was made on flue basis of ( lie ap- pralseuiiemit. The appraisers were Owen Siavin alid Napoleon - poleon Bonaparte Jackson and tltey appraised thmo property at. about $4,500. As soon as tIme appraisement was made the defendant flied a tnotion to set aside thuo sale , alleging thuat thuG appraisentent was unuchu lower thuan ( lie actual value. It was also alleged ( hint ( hue two macmi were professlouial appraisers , who hung arouiid tile sheriff's office continually looking for a job to appraise property. While delIvering this opinion Judge Am- brosuo denomInated ( hue liresemit metluod of appraisement as a moit vicious systoni , anti scored Jackson. lie said that as soon as an appraiser was appointed hue becaune a juudicial officer and huoiuitl not permit himself to be influenced or employed by auty party In ( hue case. Before Judge Duufiie a motion Is being argued to set aside a sale on time ground that time appraisement Is too how , ! tcr Ulmsmmui him Groivinir. Jmmlia L. Green has filed another amended petition in time case which shm hiss instituted agaInst Stephen A. McWhortor and now she asks for damages aggregating $23,500. Site alleges that in Aiarcmm , 15ui , smue mucue a uwu , with ( lie defendant by which she was to ob- ( am five hots in tile city of Omaha In ox- ciuange for sectiomu 35 In Washmingomi ( cotunty , Sue says that McWhiorter couisemiteti to assume - sume all ( lie Inctuunbrances on the property , whiicht included a $10,000 mortgage and some ( axes. McWiuortor , site avers , took hosses- slomi of her property , but never eoumveyed ( hue lots. On thus otluer hiand , sIte claluns hue conveyed thit' lots to auiothmer party In order to defraud luer. Moreover , a lake whuiclu abutted emu thin lots vhuea the deal was made huuis sines dried up , auud this land foruuieriy covered withu ( hue water has become a part of the property whuiclu shuoulti huave been in huer IO5SC5BiOii , By thai failure of McWluortor to keep hula part of time deal slue ( luinks she Is etutitled to $22,000 damages. Sue also claims ( hint whien site tuurned over her Washilmugton cotunty property to Mc\Vhuortor Otto of ( lao condItions was ( hat hue shuotuld advance hmer $1,000 to camry on ( Its farni. Site avers ( hunt ke hunts huatutled over only $50 of this amount anti no more , antl thuat oh accoumit of hula failure to fulfill this condition she has teemi Injured to tue extemit of $1,500 , niaking ( hue total damage $23,500 , Si'uit I I ) ( ito Itt'furun Scluniul , Jiudge Scott released two boys from thue county jail on their prounisa that they would head better liven huereafor ( , Their uitumes were Lavalie anti WIllie McVey , nuici time ) ' 'ero uuider 16. years of age. Tiuey lued bceuu arrested - rested for breakliug into ( lie iduop of llerunaui Cohion at ( lie corner of lifteeruthu uimttl Farnutuuu streets last Decuuber anti tahclng a quantity of tobacco. They have been In time county Jail for fifty iliya. On quueslomthuig % thuomii Judge Scott found that they lund beeuu putt with ( hue crlunhmials vhuo were in ( hue Jail , and thtl gave huhmn uimiothuer oiiportunlty to score time couuity comiiunIssiomuers , Claire Cauinon was sentenced to time cc- form c'iuoo1 , lie Is a boy 13 years of age whuo has comufesseul to iureaking Into Iavluluuuin's store in .Scuumthu Oniahia and tutcahliug a guim. ills brothuer. Torn , was also huelul on time chutirge ( butt hue vas lmpllcateul lit this robbery , as hue luau ! tried to sell ( hue gun , htut it was iihiowui thuuit ( lie weapomi was given to huini uumuil hue mild not kitow that it was mutolemi , I he watt consequently tiischuargeil , ArtmuIr Aloxsuiuler , a 13-year-old colorul boy , will also go to thus roorin school , Ills uuuothier guuvo luiimt Into custody because hue was lmmcorriglhile , % % uuuu o ito City's ( ii'hi. . Before Judge Fergusoum a demurrer was argued - gued imu ( hue case of Gustave Collins agaimist this city , lie 1mm suIng for $10,000 for false lmnprisomimont. Souno time ago thmo Board of l'ubhlcVorhus ordereul Collins to connect aim outhouse withi time sewer , Collins conslulerott thuat it was not utecessary (0 tie this , amid refuseul to obey this order , lie was arrested anti fluted , 'ulto case was ahupealeul to ( lie district court , witere thus decision of ( hue police - lice judge was reversed , Cohilmis colusequemut. I ) ' Waitt8 $10,000 to lilaster up this holes jabbed In his roputatiomi by thai hiumuililatlomi of arrest. N Immur Ccurt Siiu.tmcruu , Time jury Imi tIme case of James Iirabets huas roturmied a verdict , finding this defendant guilty of assaultimug Ciurls ( Nehutomu , 'Flue grand jury failed to timid a true bill against Jaumueui Brady , this usohuller who Is Iii Jail chuarged with gaumiblimtg arud kt'eplmug gani. bhing dovicea. Chirluitlami Tautkus huas increased ( lie antoumut of damages be wamis ( rota thus city to 3,000 , Some tiiuue ago ho conumnemuced suit agaimiumt tile cIty for damnages rosultizug ( coma thus 1111. lag of l'opplcton avenue and Fourth street , . , , . - - ' - - - ' _ _ _ _ lie clalurus ( hunt ( lie duuuuiages vcrn awarded to luiun by ( hue city couumucIl , but were never paid. Sluice tIme suult was luistituited ( hue city luas fuilleti to reliiuve ( hue uhirt thuat had been putt liuto ( hue street , amid lui property has been still fuurthuer tiaiiinged to ( hue extemit , iuauuicd , so hue avers. Juutlge 1lopcvcil Imistriucteti ( be juuy imu the case of Svemiuiiuig llageluimiul uugalmist hugh hdurpluy amid Clinches Famumiluig , In whilcit thus pinimutiff suueul for $7,000 ulnuuiuiges for false iuiiprisouumuuen ( , to return a verdict for ( Ito delemudiumits. S iI'JCIXJI IfOItBJhI ) .1 JIIDO1I' , ihuiss of ( iruuvu'somid Muiut , Restore mu 'uuluuabI lCtiuuttti tu , airs. licetuer. NE\V YORK , Feb. 1G.-By a decision ren- tiered today by Referee Wihilaun 0. Clients , Joint Y. MclCane ( hue ex-chuleftain of Graresend , vIuo is serrimig a long termui of imiiprlsonuuient In Slug Sing for juugghing with ( hue registra- ( ion lists of Couiey Islamid , must restore to Its righutful owuuers an estate vnrioiusly estimated to be wortht from $150,000 to $300,000 , Tue estate belongs to Mrs. Catherine Bauer auitl huer tiatughiter , Katie , widow and daughter of the lto I'nuul Ilauer , a welt known Ceney Islamid huotel keeper , whmo died iii Ilue Bloom- Ingale imisauio asyiuni Jamnuary 2 , 1889 , In addition to rellpqtulsiuhuug thus property , McKane also , wlhuln ( sixty days , must file an a000tuiltimig. showIng s'luat Ito huas done wllu all ( hue nioney lIe has cohlecteul In rents amid from othuor sources. Tite big estate foil into huts hands nearly seven years ago. ,1Jcx IIWL4 ui ; i'IIII S TJIICII OFF Sonic of thin lirooklymi Street Umur IOunpioycm % 'thi Itetiurut t , ) Vork , BROOKLYN , Feb. 16.-Tue Brooklyn trolley strike was partially voted off ( huls niornitig. Tile strikers tvhuo were emnployed oil ( hue flroolclymu Ileighuts ulnul thue Queeuis county niuti suliurbamuti railroads must at this local assemnbihles ( hula niorutluig amid declared the strike off as far as ( lucy were concoruied. This was mloiie withuout ( lie comiBent of Ills- trlct. Assembly No. 77 , Souiio of ( hue macmi connected withi ( lueso two roads wIll apply for thtelr hiiaces at once. Suuved 'h'IiuiioIvo5 1mm this 1Ito Iiont . IIALTIMOIIII , Feb. 16.-A private ( ole- grain states that a party of Baltimore men have beet ! shlpwreckcd oti itoamioke island , omt the coast of North Carolina. Th , .tnna , . fl , , , . , , , , , , , In tim not.rn c.tnrmr. taut wrecked a muluort distance from ( ho Island. 'I'lio paussemugers took to the life. boats and roachleul laud , whore they wIlt remaIn until rescued. $300.00 for a Idea. Timia Is the biggest price ever offered for a atcit line or heading for an advertIsement hayden Bros. will give a cluolce of several _ _ _ first class pianos wortlu 300.00 each for the hutcad line adopted and in addition will give orders on their music department for $50,00 worth of music for the next five best ideas , according to mnorit , 'ro secure aim absolutely impartial decision applicants are requested to sign In number emily and to mall corresponding muurnber wltht nrme 'md address to Time Bee office , vlmere it will remain until after the award Is made , Time righut is reBerved to use any head ha. once , Tue following are the facts to be adver. ( iscd : hayden Bros. of Omaha aa thus emily firm In thie world showing a coniieto 1mb of ( hue instruinieiits niauiufactured by ( hue five most renowned lutano makers on earth , Hay. then l3ros. are not tied up with red ( mips reside. ' tIons like regular selling agents , but are fees to make this lowest prices ever heard of , hayden hires , put sllecial streess on the Steinway and Voso pianos hiecause thuey have a larger line In stock and can buy them cheaper than any othut'r muiakea of equal reputation - tation , Do not his misled by any one claim. 11mg the solo agency. Ilayclemu Bros. huavo theiui uilrect frail ! ( Ito factory as well as from this Max Meyer & flro , Co. stock , Meals trade paper are saying iano cannot be sold In a mleparmnent ( store , but asmusilile people whto do not care ( a he hmootiwlnhceth by silly frills are muot so notIonal mind the heat proof of ( hula is that Hayden fires , sold snore pianos , organs anti musical lnstruuuueiuta In one week than : any five music stores west of Chicago huave sold In six months. The niuio trade papers say thIs innovation will be wutclmeul with unusual interest anti hayden Ihios. propoo to keep them guessing. DOCTOR SEARLES & SEARLESI 144" Chronic 2i ? Hirvoiis1 PrivathDiseases Diseases , ,1IIE.vi.ui E'F is Y M . I L. Cnuusullatlou Vrcc. Wocuro Catarris , all diseases of the Noun , , Throat , Cheat , Stomach , Liver , Blood , 8khz and Kithioy Diseases , Fo. male Wunlcnoesos , Lost Manhood , aaut ALL PRIVATE DISEASES OF MEN. WEAl Mgi AltIO VIOTIMB TO hiiOhtVOU3 Debility or Fxitaustion , WastIng Weakness , Im * voiumutuury Loe.ej , with Jfarly Oiecay In foung amid mmddl aged ; lack of vim , vigor amidweameemi. prematurely In approachIng old site , Mi 7.11 readily in cur new treatment for lea. of vItal power , CAi or. or address wlttt stamp for clr , rulars. free book an'I rec.lptu. Dr. Searles aud Scarles , 1410 Fmtriuijmti - I