Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1895, Editorial Sheet, Page 10, Image 10

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10 TIlE OMAhA DAILY iflill D : SUNDAY , ltEnnUAUY 17 , 18m : > i .1
: Histol"Y of II Remarkable Crime and the Pursuit -
suit and Punishment of the Grh1inals.
Cleveland MorreU In McClura's Magazine.
On March 12 , 188G , the through express on ,
the flock Innll ] road left Chicago nt 10Hi : I
p. m" , with $22,000 In $ r0 and $100 his ) , In
the Iwelllnl of Kellogg Nichols , an old.tlmo
IMsaenger In the Unltell States express com-
Iany This um h311 ) been sent hy n Chlcagt
bank to he delverell at the principal bank of
Davcnport , Ia. 1n nllton , to the usual passenger -
. senger coaches , the train drew two expreM
' cars , the , frst for eXIJreSS only , Just b hhll )
the engine , anti following thl3 one tor cx
press anll haggage. These cars hall end
doors , which offer the best opportunity to
' trln robbers Messenger Nichols was In the
frt car anl , wns duly nt his work when the
trin stoPllc,1 , nt Jolet , a town about forty
t- miles west of Chlca"o. But nt the next stoP.
which was made at orrls. larry Schwnrtz ,
n brakeman , came runnlnl from Nichols'
cir crying : "The messenger Is dead "
'hn 11""n""r'R ! IfolnRR bodY was found
. - . lying - on ; " the - floor - of - the - car , ; ie head hall
benn crushet hy some heavy weapon , nnll
there was a pistol wound ( In the right shoul-
der. 4pparentIy ho hll , heen ovcreomG only
, "ner Alparenty , . Ills taco \a' Ret wIth
" fierce determination. Ills fsts were clenchCl ,
and the hands all fingers cut all scrtch ell
In a curious way , whlo under the nails wer"
. found what pro\'e,1 , to he his of human lesh ,
' 'e pistol wounll was from 0 welpon of
; :2 calber , It evidently was not the cause or
the mon's ileath . hut ) the hlows ) of some blunl
weallon , dual "rolahlY hter the shot was
fired. All who knew Messenger Nichols were
. surprlsel nt the desperate rcslstnnce hl
lelmoll to have mUllo ( , for ho was n ina1I .
. light man not moro than lire feet five hi
: height , nor wClshlnE over 130 ( 1) ) Jounds , and or
10 great credit among his fellows for Illuck
k. and courage
. 'ho express car \\'aa hnlellotely detached
from t'l train and left nt : lorrls , guarlled ( (
. by nil the train crew except Schwartz , who
: wns ent on with the train to Davcnlorl [
After the frst cursory Inspecton % no one wus
allowed to enter the car where NIchOls lay.
: and nothlnE was lcown Precisely [ as to the
, etent ot the robbery. The safe door
, : had ( been fonnt ellen , and the leer or
the car littered wIth the contents ot the
: An urgent telegram was at once sent to
the Plnlertons : nl Chicago . and Mr. Wilam
I'Inkertoii.'itht a force of detectives . nrrlval
nt Morris en sPecial train a few hours 1
Inter. Search parls were nt once sent out I
In all directions along the country roads and
- up ant dOln the trncles. hundreds of peo- I
1)le ) Joined In the search for the news of
; the mur'ler ' spread rapidly through the whole ]
. region , and not 0 square yard of territory for
mleH hetl een Morris nn I Mlnoolc Staten
. was left unexploret , I happened that the
ground was covered with snow. but the keen-
est scrutiny failed to reveal any signifcant
, , footprints , and the search Parties return ell
: after man ) ' hours having made only a sln-
. gle dlbCOVer ) ' . This was a masle found In
. a cattle guard near Mhiicoka-n mask made
ot black cloth , with white strIngs fastened at
either side , one oC which had been torn out
: of the cloth as It In a trugsle.
- leantmo. Mr. PInkerton himself entered ,
: the car and made a careful Investigation. His
first discovery was a heavy poker , bearIng
. I' ) stains of blood and his ot mated hnlr. I
. - was hanging In Its usual place , behind the
stove. Tlo significance ot this last fact was
great In Mr. Plnltorton's opinion ; from It ho
concluded . that the crime had been committed
. . 'by a railroad man , his reasoning being that :
the poker could have been restored to Is ;
'usual place after such a use only mechan\ \
cahIy . ant from force of habit , and that an L
' assailant who Wnl not a railroad man would V
intro loft I on the floor or thrown It away.
Coming to the safe Mr. PInkerton found h
: that tie $22,000 was missing , alI ) that ether
papers , . hall been hasty searched over , but
Ion uehlnl ns yulueless. Among these was
a bundle of canceled drafts that had been
rough torn open mil then thrown aside.
, Mr. Pinkerton
% scarcely noticed al the mo-
. . moat hut had occasion to remember subl
se'luenly. that a small piece of one of these
, drafts was missIng , as It n corer had been
torn oh ! .
- toof.
All the train hands
Al hants were immediately
questioned , but none ot their stories were In
, . any way signifcant , except that of Newton
" 'al. the man In charge of the second car
Be said that whIle busy commutIng over his
vay-bhhIs anti receipts hG had been startled
by the crash of broken glass In the started !
, later overhead amid that at the yent- I
. . - - ment , a heavily built man wearIng I black
lasle , hot entered time car and salt : "If
you move , the man up there wilt bore ) 'OU , "
Looking tip , Watt sold further he saw a I
; humid thrust thimoimghm the broleen glass and
' : holding a revolver. Thus Intlnhlatet he
male no attempt to give an alarm , anll the :
masked man Ilresenl ! ) left him limider guard
. ot the pistol overhead , which covered hIm
unt short ) . before the traIn reached Mor-
, rIs , when It vas withdrawn. lie was able
to locate the Place where the crime must
hayc been commited , as ho remembered
? that time engine was whistlng for MlnoDlea !
Staten when the strangcr cmiterid the car.
- , . This left about thirty minutes for the mnurh
do . : , robbery amid escape.
m Heturnliit to Chicago , Mr. Plnleorton In-
yestlgated time character ot the man Watt ,
and found that ho had a clean ] record , as
' regarded ns I trusty and efclent man , and
lal three brothers who had bean railroad
men ; 'or years and had always given perfect
atIfuctIoim. Watt's good rOl1utaton ! and
/tralghlorward manner were strong points
In his favor , and yet there was sornetlmimmg
questionable In his story of the somothlnr
hanl , , For oun thing , no footprints wcre
Cound In time snow en the top of the car
Brakeman Schwurtz , the enl '
. - only mon emi time
. . train who hind not yet been questioned .
"delulheaded" : his wily In railway purlance ,
. , back tram Dwenort : the following night on
Conductor Danforth's train , ali reported to
Mr. Pinkerton the next morning. lie was
a tail , flmmi'-lookhmig young fellow . about : n.
with tlin lps ) mind a taco that showed de-
tem umimmation . lit' was rather , dapper In dress ,
0\1 leelJt on his gloves during time conl'ersa-
. ton , Jlr , Ilnkerton received him l easamitly .
amid , a ftc r they hnd been mimnok lug Illeasantl' \ -
tU ! for un hour or so . he suggeBtetl ! to
- . Schwartz that ho woimld bo
woull more comfortabie
with his gloves off Schwartz IccordlnI ) '
' removed his gloves. 011 revealed red marIes
In thc bactcs ot his hands , such as aught
have been minnie by fnger nuls digging Into
. tii ciii.
"IIuv did you hurt your hands ,
Schwartz ableell : r. l'imihcrtomi )
"Oh , I did that : handling baggage night
1)1 fore last , ' cXI'lalnell ( Schwartz , and thel
be related Inchlentol ) ' tilt as ho was on his
way back to Chicago , time conductor ot the
: trahmi ( onlluctor Danforth , had thscoverc1 !
I I valise let by Etlelollr In 11fcoI'enii
tuhiet rooiuu , latcl' In time '
tulet rOOIS day Mr , Pinker-
, ton summunucmue.1 the coimducior
sumloned cOllluctol' . who ull that
time valise rau. an old ' enl , of no value ; and ,
hiavhmmg no ccntonts ho
hl\'Jng , hall thrown It out emi
an ash Pile , Tie Qnl' thing he hal founl ,
In hue valise was n lleco ) t paper that at-
tractell hl Ilenton , because I was mnarhe
wih red 1hmie . marl.e.
1 "allnln" this Illece of paper carefully . ,
Mr. Plnltertou blW that It unit bach ter
trom I 10ncr ulttft . amid at once thought
at the pacle3go In the ( eXI'ref messenger's :
safe , Now , It Is i I remarkable tact that no
hUlan power C\1 : tear two pieces of Iaper ,
In exactr the slme way' the l'aShed ilbrei
war lbres
J wi omity lit pI'fecty when the two original I
I'artl are brought tosethel' There remaIned
no do\lt , when this test was mutc hl the
1esen case , that the piece of paper tcund
* un Condnotor Uanfurth'a ( eabbounll train I
mud beeui torn trum the draft In the txpres S
car robbed the umlthmt before on 1 w-tbuuIII 1
train' Time edge fled , the red hues car
re.po/1eI , and tmmituetiuuuably sonic one had :
brought that PiEce , f PaPer ' tl'OI th" . ono
, train to the uther. In [ other words , sOle
one connecd with the crime ot the pre
"Iou night had rIdden hack 10 Chicago
fortb. twenty-four hours latnr wih Conductor D.n.
' Mr Ilnkcrt n at once orled I scare hoa
lade for the Iluln valise , and also . in
Inquiry regarding limo II0Sengea who hod
0 rIdden 0/ Conductor ) )4nforth's train be -
, tweO Davenport and Clulesgo , ( I the nl&bt
following the murder. The valise waS found
on the ash heap where the conllctcr hOI
thrown I , and , II the course of the next tel
days , the detectives had located or nccounte,1
for all the passengers on Conductor ) al-
forth's train , with the ucellton ot ole
man who hnll rhlen on a tree IJSS , Time
conductor could only recall this iuuan's fen-
lures vaguely ] : amid , while some of the passengers -
sengers . remembered him wel enough , there
was 10 clew to his Iamo Dr Identy , As
I appeared that 10 other of the laSsenrors
could have heen connected wlh the crime ,
efforts were redoubled to discover the holder ,
of this pass.
TiE IIUmET : ThlflOltY.
So great was the Public Interest In thc
crime and the mystery surrounding I , that
three separate , welt organized hlestlgatols
of I were undertaken , Time Hock Island
railroad officials . with their detectives , con-
ducted one ; a Chicago ueWSIJaper , the Daily
News , with its detectives , the other : all
the Ilnkerton ! , In time Interest of the Unied
States lxllreS : compan , a third.
: lr. IlnIerton. ] as wo have seen , concluded
that the crlno hall been committed by rail-
way men Time raIlway olcials were
'natnraly dlslnclnell to believe ill of their
employes , anl , al Incident occurred about
ths time which tur/Jl the investigation In
In entirely new direction , and made them
the moro disposed to discredIt Mr. Pinker-
ton's theory. This was the receipt or a
letter from a convict In time Michigan penl-
ttntary , named Ilunket who wrote the ,
Rock Island railroad ofclals , sa'lnE that !
he cuhut , Curnlsh them with In10rtant In- ,
Mr. St. John , the general manager of time
road went -In IJersOn to the pellentary to
tOke Plunkctt's statement , which was II et-
oct that he Iwew the mel who luau ! com-
mited the robbery and killed Nichols. and
was rIhiIng to sell this Informatol In exchange -
change for n full pardon , which the railroad
Ileolile ) could secure by using tholr inilumomuce.
This they promlsell to to , It his story Ilrov11
true , amid 1Iunk tt then told ! them of a Plot
that had been worked out a year or so be
fore , when he had been "grafting' ' with a
"mob" of plclepockets at county fairs. There
were with him nt that time "Butch" Mc-
Coy , Jamps Connors ( kmuovii as ' 'Yellow-
hammer" ) . and a man Iamed ' 'Jeff , " whose
stm name he did not Iwow. These three
men , 1Iunitett mid , hat planned an express
robbery on the Hock Island road , to be execute -
cute In precisely the mme way , apd nt
precisely the same point al the ronul . as In
time case In qdeation.
Time story was plausible and won ! r. St.
John's belief , I won the hhIef . also , of
: Ir. Melville E. Stone of the Daly News ;
and forthwith , thc railway ( letectlVes . work-
iuig with the' newspaper detcctive , were
Instructed to go ahead on leI lines , regardless -
gardless of trouble or expense. Their first
endeavor was to capture "Butch" Mccoy ,
the header of the gan" "Butch" was a
pickpocket , burglar and all around thlet ,
whose opcratons ! ItCt him traveling nil
over the United States
'fhe police In various cites haYing been
communicated with I to t Ie , pumpos , Mr.
' decided to- do thing the like
Stone finally tote a lke
ot whIch no newspaper proprietor , prhaps ,
ever undertook h2fore , that ts , start out on L
a personal search for McCoy and his : SS0-
elates. Wih Frank Murray , one b the best
detectve9 In Chicago and other deteclves ,
ho went to Galesburg , where the gang was
said to have a sort or adquarters. The
party found there none or the loon they were
after , but they learned thaI "Thatch" Grady
a notorious criminal with whom "Dutch"
McCoy was known to be In rela\10ns. \ was In
Omaha , So they hurried to Omaha , but only
to find thaI Grady had gene to St. Louis ,
Then to St. Louis went Mr. Stone and his
detectives . hol on the scent , and spent soy
ral days In that city searching hIgh and
low .
The method of locating n criminal In a
great cIty Is as Interesting as It 19 i lIttle un-
tcrstool ) . The first step Is to secure from the
locl l police information : s to the favorite
haunts of criminals ot the class under pur-
suit , paying special regard : In the preliminary
Inquiries i to th posslblty ! , of love affairs ; for
t th'eves eVAn more than : honest men , are
Ewayed In their lives by the tender passIon ,
and are often brought to justice through the
aency of women. Wih , so much of such tn-
f crmaton In their po.sesslon as they could
Eather , Mr. Stone and his detectives spent
theIr time In likely resorts , picking up ac-
qualntancG with frequenters ; and , whenever
possible , turing the talk adroitly upon the
man they were looking [ or. I Is a mistake
to i sUPJSi that In work like this detectIves
disguise themselves. False beards and mous-
taches , goggles and lightning changes ot
clothlnE are never heard at except In the
pages or badly informed story writers. In his
expeience at over twenty-fve years Mr.
Murray never wore such a disguise nor knew
ot any reputable detective who did. In
this expeditIon the detectives simply assumed
the characters alum ! general style of the per- I
lens they were thrown wih ; passing for
mon m ot sporting tastes et the cast , and , hav- I
Ine h satisfied limo people they met that they
meant no imarm they had imo difficulty In
obtalnllE such news ot McCoy and time others
af' timers vas . Unfortunately this was not
After going from ono cIty to another on
varIous chews hearing of one member ot the
gang here and another there and In each I
Instance losing their man , the detectives !
finally brought lP In New Orleans They I
hall spent five or s'x weeks 'ot time and a
large amount of money , only t.o find them- I
selvon absolutely without a clew as to the
whmereabuts of the men they were pursuing
They were much discouraged when a tele
gram fr'm ' Mr PInkerton tohl them that
"Buteh" ! l'lcCoy was back In Galesburg ,
where they hall first sought him Proceed-
hog thiher with all dispatch , they traced
McCoy Into I mualoon and there three at
them , John Smith representing the Rock
Island ] railroad . John McGinn for time Pinkerton -
erton agency , and Prank Murray working ]
for Mr. [ Stone with drawn revolvers , captured
hIm In spl ot 0 desperate dash he made to
McCoy's capture was time occasion of much
telclaton ameng the people interested In the
matter . Mr. St , John and Mr. Stone were
conflent , that nol the whole mystery ot the
express robbery would be solved and the
mnumrderer.s . convIcted. nut McCoy showc
on trial that hI hall heft New Orleans to
come north only the night before the murder ,
and had spent limo whole of that night on the
iinoi Central raiiroaul . I also appeared
that McCoy's associate , Commnors . was In Jai
at the time of the robhery , and that the man
"Jeff" was dead . 'fhus the whole Ilunleel
story was exploded ,
Scmne time before this time man who had t
ridden on' the free pass . and given the de-
tlctl'es so munch trouble had been acci.
demltaiiy rounll by Jack Muiiimms
dentaly Mulns , a brakeman
on Conluctor Ihnforth'train. . He 11rovell I
to he an advertising solIcitor. employed by no :
other tban Ir Melville E. Stone , who woull
have given $1,000 to know what bls agent
knew : for the Idl'lrtsh , ! lan hal , seen Ihe
onlluctor bring out the valise containing the
alHmlortnt fragment c the draft , Jut he
had not realize , ! time value of time news In his :
Iiouesson : , ant Mr. Pinkerton took good can
to keep him trom that knowledge , One hint
ot the truth to the Daly News people , ant
the whole story would have been blazoned
ttth In its columns , and the murderer woull
have takel warning. Not until he ham ! seen m
the man safely cl a train out from Chicgo
did ! r , Pinkerton breathe easily ; amid It wm S
not unt months later that Mr Stone borne . :1 :
how lear he came to getting I splend d
"I COOl ) " On the whole city and country
The hlfnlfcaton ot the pas holder re-
movtl the last 11:8lbll that the valis e
) \als
had been tlJel Into the train by any at Con
Iluctor Ianlortlm'um ) laupngera , And yet the
vlr was there I How came It tMreT In I
the course rf their examlnaton two of Ihe
passengers hall tceUlcit to ha\'ln& seen
Schwartz cuter the toilet room durllg the
run. Bmkemal Jack Mulins stated that he I
had ! been In the same room twIce that night t ,
that lime eocouui home ho hal noticed the ( " : -
\ 1
' .
- ' , '
_ _
- -
: -
ls 1 , but that I wan not there when hI went
In first. Other wItnesses In the car were
posiIve : that the person who entered the
rom last before the tml when Mulns saw
time valise was Schwnrtz. Thul the chain of
proof was tightening , and : lr , Pinkerton snt
fet Schwnrtz.
After talklnl with tht brakeman : In a semI-
confdental way for Mme time , thc detective
began to question him about Watt , hIs fellow
trainman. Schwartz salll ho was I good follow -
low , and , In genernl spoke highly of Mm , ,
Mr. Plnleerton seemell to hesitate n little , and I
tht said :
"Can , , , I trust you , Schwartz ? "
" "
\es. sir
"Well , the tact Is . I am a little suspIcious
of \'uutt. You see , his story about that hand
overhead docs not exactly hlg : together I
don't want to 110 hm any wrong but he must
be looked after . Now my Idea Is to have you
go about wih him ns mueh ns you can , see
It ho meets any strangers or spends much
fluency , amid let ma know whatever hallpens. ,
Wi you do I ? "
Schwartz readily consented on Ule oasur-
alice that the railroad People would gIve
him leave of ahsence. The next day ho cc-
Ilorted that Wnl hind met a man who wore
a 810/ch hat , hall unlempt red hair , amid In
general looked II n borller rufan , lie had !
ol'erhearll the two talking together In a sa-
loon on Cottage Grove a"cnle. where lIme
stranEer hall ! dIscussed time murder of Nich-
ole In great detaIl , showing a remarlchle fa-
milarity with time whole affair. Schwartz had
a sort of Jesse James theory ( which he
sleme,1 , anxious to have accepted ) that the
crime hall been commilell by a gang of
western desperadoes , ali that this fellow was
connect",1 wihh1 i felow
Mv : Pinkerton ' il.tencd ' with interest to all
this , hut was less edifed than Schwartz 1m-
nglned , since two of his most trustcd "shad-
owe . " who had been following Schwartz , lund
given him reports ot the latter's mOI'ements ,
malcng it Plain ] that the red-hnlrc,1 despornlo
was n m'th , and tmt no slch meelng ns
Schwartz clescrlbell lund taken 11lace. Never-
timeless , professing to he well pleased with
Schwurtz's efforts . Mr. Pinkerton sent him
out to track the fabulous desperudo. Schwartz
contnued to renller false rellorts. 1 lnaly ,
without a word to arouse his stmeplciomi he
was allowed to resume his work on time ratl-
roae ) .
The "sundown" Put /pon Schwartz after
this reported I suspicious Intmacy between
him and " 'al. and a detective of great tact ,
Frank Jones , was Iletalell to Jot 0 Into their
confden-e , If pCE ble. , lie was given a "run"
as brakeman between Des Moines nnll Davenport -
onport , amid I was arranged that he should
come In trom the west amid layover at Dav-
enlJrt on the same days that Schwartz anti
Walt haiti over there , comlne In trom the
east. Jones pa'el ] his part ceverlY , and
\vzLs soon on intimate terms with Schwartz
anti " 'at taking his meals at theIr board-
log house anti sleeping In a room adjoining
theirs. They fnaly came to like him so wel
thaI they sugeestell his trying to get a trans-
ter to their "run , " between ! Davenport amid
ChlcaJo , Timin was successfully arranged ,
anti then the three men Were together con-
stoutly , Jones oven "olnE to board at
Schwartz's house In Chicago. About this
time Schwartz began to talk ot giving up
railroad work and going to live In Kansas or
the tar west. It was arranged that Jones
should Join him and .
Mrs. Schwartz on a
western trip. Meantime , Schwartz applcd to I
Limo company for leave ot absence , on the plea
that he wished to arrange some family matters -
ters In Pimiladoljmimia. mat-I
Air. PInkerton , beIng informed by Jones of I .
Schwartz's appilcatlomt . used his Influence to.
have I granted 'hen the young man
started cast he did not travel alone His
every movement was watched and reported ,
nor was he left unguarded for I moment ,
day or night , during an absence of several
weeks In New York , Phiadelphia a/I other
eastern cities.
To one unfamiliar with the resources and
organization of a great detective '
organizaton detectve s'stem It Is
Incomprehensible how continuotme "shadow-
log , " day after day and week after week ,
bhrough thousands of miles ot journeyhmmgs
can bo accomplished . The mater Is made
none time simpler , when you know that llere
must be a change ot "shadows" evdry day.
However adroit the detective . his continued
presence-tn a loc lty would soon arouse sus-
picion. The daly' ' change ot "shadowB" Is easy
when the man lllier watch remaIns In one
place , for then I Is only necessary to send a
new "dhadow" trom the central ot-
flea early each morning to replace d
the one who "put time
man to'
bed" _ A' .La the _ night . . betore. . " . Dut I Is very differ-
, , . wmmen LIlO sUDJect IS
Wlta tle , constantly travelng
bout on boats or railways . and perhaps sleep-
I mig In a diferent town each night. Without
the network ot agencies , Including large and
small bureaus that time Plnltertons have
gradually established all over the United
States , the " "
"shadowing" of a man In rapId
flight woull be Impossible. As I Is , nothIng
Is i easier. nothing
Schwartz for Instance , spent several -
era ! days In Buffalo , where hIs actIons were
reported hour by hour until ho bought his
ticket for PhIladelphIa. As he took the train
a fresh "shadow" took It too , securing a scc-
ton In the same sleeping car wIth him and
taking his meals at time same time Schwartz
took his , either In the dining car or at sta-
tions . No sooner had the train left the staten -
ton than the PInkerton representatives In
Buffalo reported by cipher dispatch to the
bureau In Philadelpimla ] . whither Schwartz
was going. The exact form ot the dispatch ,
whleh well Illustrates a system In use In the
PInkerton bureaus was as follows :
n. J. Linden HI Chestnut Street , PhUa-
. Phln-
dtlphla , Pa. : Anxious shoes sticker Drown
marbles other than droppIng eight arrives
put grand Ify marhles articles along or
derby coat ship very tan seer wearing
thest have anti Is rlhhon Inl lust eentl'nl
'uesday for dust to rIco hat and vaiier
Vest yellow Ink get must jewPIT morning
depot oil D. JtOUIdRTSON.
In dispatches of this sort Important information -
formation regarding criminals Is constantly
flashing over the wIres , wih no danger of
any "leak. "
Thus , from ono city to another , and through
every part ot the country , any crIminal may
be "shadowed" today as Schwartz was "shad-
owed" eight years ago , one set of detectives
relieving another every twent-tour hours ,
and limo man's every word anti acton 'be
carefully noted down and reported without
hIs having the faintest suspicion that he Is
under observation. The task of "shadow-
Ing" a peron who Is traversing city streets
Is entrusted to men especially sldled In the
art ( for art It 18) ) ot seeing without being
seen. This ls , indeed , one of the most d11-
cult tasks a detective Is called upon to per-
forum , and time tel who excel 1 In I are given
little else to do. Where n criminal like
Sehwartz , upon who'se fnal capture much le-
IJents , Is being followed . (10 , three or even
" "
tour "shadow3" are empood ] simultaneously ,
one keeping In ad\'ance , ono In the rear , anti
two on eiher sidc. 'he al\ultage , ot this Is
that one relieves he I other b ) change ot un-
slton , thus lesseulng the chance ot discovery ,
while . of course , It hi scarcely 10sslblo for
several "shadows" to he thrown of the trail
lt omice An adroit criminal might outwit
one 'simmidow " but he could scarcely outwit
tour , A "shadow" on coming : Into a new
town whIm a subJect reveals hlmselt to the
"shadow" who Is to relieve him by sOle prearranged -
arranged signal , lee the handkerchlet held In
the left imanmb.
The resul of the "shndowlng" In
Schwartz's case was concuslve. ] No sooner
was the braleeman out of Chicago than he
began spenltng jiIommey tar In excess of his
immcome lie hought flue furniture , expensive
chotiuimmg . articles or jewelry imresnts for his
wife , Inc laid In an eahorate ] lupply ot
riles , shotguns , revolvers and all sorts . ot
ammuiiton , Ineludlnl a Iluanlty of cart-
inimlgee. The "shallows" tOl11 that In almost
every case he IJII for his purchases with
$50 or $100 imill. As tar as possible theae
bills were secured by the detectives from the
persons to whom they hall been paid , hnme-
Ilateh' after Schwartz's departure , 1 will
bo remembered that the money taken In the
robbery consisted of $50 and ! $100 hills . I
In adilton to this It was round by the In- ,
vestgotons or detectives at lhladeJp ) la that
Schwartz was the son or a wealthy , retired ;
butcher there a most respectable nmaui antI
that he had a info and child In Ihladellhla ,
whom he had entirely de3erted. This gave
an ( PP'Jrtunly ' to take him Into custody , and
still conceal trom him that he was suspected
of conlnltUng a wore criumie The I'hladel-
hula wlte amt chlhI were taken on to Chi- :
cage , and Schwartz was placed under arrest , ,
charged whim blgam
: tr. llnkerton went to the Jai at once anti
wlshhlE to kelp Schwartz's confidence a tar
a 10sslble , assured him that this arrest was m
not his wont , at nil , but that ot Jetectves
Smith and Murray , who were , as Schwarlz :
knew , working In the interests ot the railroad I
11eolle and of the ( hlcago 1al ) ' News , 11r , I
l'lnlerton told Schwartz that he still believed , .
lie ho had done all alommg that Wat was the ;
guilty man , and promIsed to do whatever
- " - . ' = " ' ' ' ' - ' \ ' ' '
ho eouID I . , ; . Ofrlonll Schwartz. The
later did appear to be very
much qrno , ant sahl that a
h'imilatbeiplmIa1lavym' \ was coming on to defend
him. The layer dil coma I few Ilays later ,
when a bo , , for $ : ,000 wal furnished for
Schmsarts's \llrlrance , and ho was set at
lberty , la\1rs1hall \ cone so tar , however ,
that It \a , no . consilerel ) safe to leave
Schwartz out bf. J/I , anll he was Immoilotely
rearrested , o1tq ; / charge or murder.
Whether h l lao of long preparation for
this ordeal , 'or because ho was 1 man of
streng charwtor \ ? , Schwartz received this blow
without time " ' lIgtitest show of emotion , anti
went back rte , Ie jail aa coolly as he had
come out lie 'norely ' ) relteste,1 that he
Ilght have c'dn ntervlew with his wife as
soon as !
Mc Pinkerton hall evllence , enouh against
Schwartz to furnish a strong premplon ! of
gulhi , but It was al cIrcumstantal , and , besIde .
side , It 1111 nol Invol'o Newton Wat whoso
complicity was moore than stispecteti . Prom
time Irt Mr llulorton had been carefully
conciliatory of the later Mrs , Schwartz. At
Just the right 10ment , and by adroit man-
olemenl , ho got her under his directon , and
by taking n train with her to Morris , and
Ihen on time next morning takIng another
train back to Chicago he stcceclle,1 , In pre
venting her trom getting the nl'lcl , of her
hushand's 1,1wyer , who was mcanlnH ! mnldnl
thin same doublG journey \uTulng trains
with time design , of cautioning her agaInst
spcldng to Mr. Pinkerton She had come to
regard Mr Pinkerton 10/1 as a rotcctor
than as nn emmemmiy , and he. durllg the hours
the ) ' were together , tsed every device ) to
draw from her SOIO damnglng nllmlsslon , I '
He told ! her that time evidemuco against her
"n.h nl' , nlhn1 , , .i , evllence i I. agnlnt , , 'I
was -i not ' ; in l ' imis ; i " opinion I : u sutllcieiit . I ; to eetabhisit
his gtmilt. He told her of time bills tounll
In Schwartz's possession , of the torn piece
of time draft taken from time valise , of time
immarks on his hands , and the bios ht had told
All thmis ho said , proved that Schwartz lund
Mme connecton wIth timi robbery , but not
that ho haul commi led the murder , or dona
more than assist Wal whom Mr. Pinkerton
professll 10 as time chie criminal ,
'fhe only hOllo of Ea\'lne her husbll now ,
he Impressed Ullon her , was for her to make
n plain statement of time truth , amid trust
that he would use this In her hmuebanmi's Interest -
After IstenlnE 10 all that hc said , and try-
Ing In many ways to evade limo maIn ques-
tion . Mrs. Schwartz at last admited to Mr.
Pinkerton that her husband hal founll a
IMcege ] containing $ .OOO ot the stolen money
ulller one ot the scats on Conductor Dami-
forth's trrln , on the /Igh of his return to
Chicago lie hall kept this 1uIOY. and med
It for hl1 own purposes , but hnl' teen guilty
or0 other chemise In limo matter. Mrs .
Schwartz stuck resolutely to this statement ,
amid would admit nothing further
Believing that ho had drawn Crom her as
much as 1m coimlul : [ r. Plnleerton now ac-
companlell lrs. Schwartz to time Jai , where
sIl was to see her imtmsbanil The flrst verde
site said on entering the room where he was
were , "HArr , ' I hove told Mr. Pinkerton
the whoe ] truth. I thought that was the
best way . for hc Is your friend , I told him
about your fndln the $5,000 under the scat
01 the car ant ! thaI was alt you had to do
with the business. " )
Schwartz gave his wife a terrible glance
as she sail thmis and for the first tme his
emotons nearly betrayed him. Iowlver , he
brace hImself up , and OIY admltl' In a
general way 'hat' ' there was some truth In
what Its wlf ' hiid ! said. He refused posI-
tvely to go Ihto " tl tails , seemed very nervous ,
anti almost 1/nredlately asked to be alone
with his wIfe. Mr. 1lnlerton hall been ex- ,
Ilectn this , "hod ' was prepared for I , He i
realized the 'hoct that would be caused In I
Schwartz's nM "by his wife's unexpected
confession aiM counted on this to lead to
turther almls loll1 I was therefore , of the
hl"hest Impdrtanb that credible witnesses
should overhe1r all that transpired In the
Interview hetween Schwartz and hIs wife.
Wih this el1'In -'view , the rom where the
Interview wast , toO take place had been arranged -
ranged so that nJnumber of witnesses could
see and hear.d without their presence being
suspected , and the ' sheriff ot the county a
leadIng merc\ nt ; and a leading banker ot
the town werJ ! wailng there In readiness.
As soon JmMiett0or , had closed und the
aibel I
husband onclw1twcre 1001 left , alone , Schwartz
exclalmpd : " .
"Yuo fool & you . have put I rope around
'Vatt's and may neck ! " ,
"Whr , harry . I had to tel him something ,
-I knew so much. You can trust him. "
"Y u ought to know better than to trust
anvhotl. . . '
- ' -
Thoman walked back and forth , a prey
to t the most violent emotions , his wife trying
vainly to quiet him At each affectionate
touch he would brush her off roughly with r
curse , and go on pacing back and forth
fi ercely. Suddenly he burst out :
"What did you do wih that coat the one
you cut the mask out ot ? .
"Oh , tbat's al rlht ; It's In the woodshed .
under the whole wood pile. "
They continued to tale for over an hour
referring to the murder and robbery repeat.
edly , and furnishing evidence enough to es-
tablsh beyond any queston the ! guilt of
both Schwartz and Watt.
Moantlmmme . Watt road been arrested In Cht-
ago , also charged with murder , and In sev.
erl eAmlnatons had showed signs ot break
Ing h down and contesslng , but In each Instance
had h recovered 311mselt and said notiming. The
evidence ot Schwartz hmlmnself however In
the Interview at time jai , taken with the
mass ot other evidence that had accumulated ,
was sufficient t secure the convicton ot bath
men who were eondemne : . at the tlJI. to lift
ImprIsnment i In the Jolet Penileimtinry. They
would undoubtedly have been hanged but tor
the conscientious scruples ot one jurynman
\\-10 did not belIeve In capital punishment.
Watt has since died and Schwartz Is nol
regarded as a model prisoner his case bchmmg
peculiar In this-that since he has been In
the ) enlcntury , nearly eight years mmow . he
has never received a letter , paper or any
communicaton from the outsIde world , )
About a year after the trial , Schwartz's
Chicago wife died of consumpton , On her
death bell she made a full confession te
Superintendent Robertson ot the Pinkerton
torce. Sue said nlat her husband's mind
had been Infame by Lime constant roathlE
ot sensatonal literature ot the dime novel
order and that under this evil Infuence h"
had planned the robbery helevlng that It
would be easy to Intmldato a weak lte
man We Nichols and escape wih the inane ) '
without harm In ! him. Nichols , however , hind
fought hike a tiger up and down t"le car , and
hud fInally forced them to II him. In the
fght ho had torn off the masle that Mrs
Schwartz hal made out of one of her hus
band's old coats. J was Watt who fred the
pistol , while Schwartz used the poker ,
Schwartz 31ad given Watt $ 5OOO ot the stolen
money , and hall kept the rest hlmsof ] , He
had carried the loney away In an old satchel
bought for the purlose. A most unusual
IJlaco l of conceah/ent had ! been chmosen and
one where time money hal escapell IUseol'ery ,
alhough on several occasions . In scarciming
the house , the detectives 11all searchlnE
It In their lmamiba Schwartz had taken a
quantity ot tho' ' enrtriubges' he bought for hue I
shot gun amid emylnE timemmi hall put In
each shel one of the $50 or $100 his , upon
which hG hal , ! Ihenlloadel 1/ time powder and
the shot In theJusu'ol way so that the shells
presented the ordlhary alupenranco as they
lay In the drawer.uI alJlearance
drawer.1 The detectives had even
picked out some' ot limo shels ; hut , findhum
them so hue wther cartm'iulges , had fndlnp
thoug' , or probing clear to the botom o f thl
shells for I crumpled.nlJ bill .
Thus about ' 13OUO lay for weeks In these
ordinary 100Ielnllcrtrllges , nnd was finally !
removed ) In the : following \ vay'hib : " '
Schwartz was , III 11 a well known lawyer
came to lrs , ! oIWlrtz } one day whim an order
from her husnd'\o \ deliver the money over ,
to him , siLo II/derstood ) / this was to defray o\er
the expenses ot , t\C \ rial anti to pay nle other
lawyers Superlqtutident Robertson remol-
hers well the ( > 'IiIIc , woman's eummotion as sims
made thl3 sole/n declaration , one calcuatell ]
to compromlso lrously a man lt some standS
linE Ind belong"l to Jn honorahle Profession ,
I bIer body was wastell with disease amid she
knew that hel' end '
ent was near. 'here was a
lush on her face and her eyes were brIght a
whim imatm'hid as she Ijeclaret that not $1 ot ;
hunt money was over returned to 1ler , or eve I
' : scII In defraying time costs of her hu band'b
trIal Nor was 'lor It ever rotured to the u
railroad company , or to the batik : ofihebals ,
who were the realowner
- - - -
l'rap4u'i.mmz . fur Iln I ) ( lerll'Ic )
Chicago Record : The Corporation Mug
mmate-Is 1) carriage ready ?
Servant-Yu , sir )
The Magumate-Ammtl time secret back door Is
unlocked 7
Sen'ant-YC sir
The Majnate-Ant the special train standIng -
Ing all read ) ' at the Itaton ?
Sen'ant-Yes. sir
T/I / Magnate-All right. Now let them
semi theIr , bailiff. I'm ready to ! e subpoenaed -
. . , . ,
_ " = --wx ,
; t. . . ,
Exciting Story of the Storm Told by 1
Ten mlo Plssonger.
, ' tonetor Atanle ( r"'holll Url\CI So\nt1
Mil ( In Ten Immure h1 tIme ( hue-
/ljhl thnt Wonll In\o SmttI-
INI Osrar Wldo ,
Ie , ' . A , Hollcn B'le9 , who Is on hIs 'a'
from l nglal1 to visit his son In this city ,
was a passenger on Limo White Star steamship
Teutonic , which hall such a terrible experleuco
In the blizzard outside New York hnrbor.
Hl descriptIon ot the manner In which their
hopes ct a record pauagt were shalerell I
after they hall ! almost een time sol of
America and the excitng re cue ot tIme shi" " '
wrecked crew trom the Josll Reeves , whie
time storm was still raging and the little
craft was rapidly slnltn ! 11 the angry seas ,
forms n yaluablo addition to Limo Iress dispatches -
patches on the subJect lie writes :
We left I.lverpol at 10 p . I , Jauuary
30 , and reached Queenstown at 10 a , m. time
next \a ) ' . We were greeted with the ghasly
nnw" or thn , , 'nhuln , ! ' Dr thn 1lIm amid the loss
_ . . _ _ . , , n . _
310 Ivcs. WI landed In New York at 10
n. m. on Saturday , Februnr ! . ant time firsth
news that awaited us was that time passcuger
list hnd ben cabled trol gnand ] the nIght
before , anll special Etllons of time New York
palJers had PrePared the publc to tear that
a simIlar fate had oyertalti ims
When wo took our lost bole ] of gurOIJe anti
Illungell forward Into the great Atantc there
was nothlnE to Indicate time experiences
throurh which we were to par.1 hall
heautlful sunshIne and n calm sea , and as
wo uncOil the promenade deck nail watched
time leisurely roll cf the long Atlantic waves
10 congratulated one anothcr on havhlE heft
baimimid time worst of time weather. Fritbay
morning opened with brilliant smmmmslmimie but
time face of the sea hint changed though its
appearance was rather that or rolicking good
humor than oC angry discontent. There was
what the sailors call a "confu9 sea , " which
gave cur geol ship "n uneasy roll , and malIc
wolehlE only possible at an angle of 45 do"
gnes I was mint long , however , before It3
confusion became worse confolntll ; the wind ,
which blew from the somtlmeast : gudualy
Increused to a gale , whIch continued for two
days. Still It was behlnt U9. and we could
run before It ; we slJeke oC our good tortune
amid pictued to ourselves how terrible It
would be If we had to face It. Two days later
that picture became a reality , and
under severer amid crueler conditons
. So
than any we had Imaglnet.
far however our voyage was alended
with but little dl comfort and no peril. Now
ant then some great mountaIn wave woulrl
catch us In the rear and sweep our upper
decln ' , , fifty feel above time sea . from ster
to stein a tew passeners got a ducking , ali
lauglwt over it . and all went merrily along
until Monday evening. Each day's log chronIcled -
Icled an esmcially good run 477 , 481 , 478
and 488 miles , which scmetl to promlfe A
quiche IIssago ) and a certain landlnE early on
Wednesday morning. 'Vo had safely passed
the great Newfoundland banks thout tog ,
and our dllculle9 seemed to be ol'er.
Not that we had had a smooth passage , far
from It. Our soup was always spied hr
the roiling of the shlJ , our plates glIded
gently away from us when not firmly held .
water bottles were pitched upbn sleepers lurIng -
Ing thc dead or night , and oIl the loose ar-
thebes tn our cabins were tossed from sIde to
side like shuttles In a lom , Dut we were
getting on all enjoyIng ourselve In the companionship -
panionship , whIch was made all the freer and
friendlier by these little annoyances.
But while we were countng our chickens
nature 'wM hatching those of angrier brood.
I ' noticed strange electric lights on the water ,
which Have tt a wemrd wild look , as I left
time deck at 10 o'clock on Monday night to
t r into my bunk , but to the eye of the
lal1sman It was a sublime sight , and nothing
more. About a" m. broad , . quick , ! es of
Igntntng IIUllel a Wil anu angr ' lea , anu
revealed something ot the storm that was
brewln . The gale , whIch had blown from
the northeast , wheeled suldonly round and
met us . full In the taco , and even to those
who were below It was cvdent : that something
was wreng with the weathcr. Sleep was no
longer l possible and many were found long
betore daybreak peering curIously through the
wlndowl of the companion way to know what
II i was To go out upon the deck
was out of time question , even had I been al-
lowed. l One of our poor sailors was hurled
upon the wInch by . the hurrlcano antI his Ice
so terribly crushed that I was feared ampu-
tnton would be necessary. Every hatchmenl
was closed , bnt from the wIndows wo looked
ont upon a scene , the awful grandeur of
which It Is seldom the lot oC any to wltnoss.
Round us was a being sa of seething ,
angry foam , rIsing Into huge mountains ,
hangln over us at times tnly fifty feet
above , and then hurlng themselves upon us
with all their rage at a speed of a hunlrel )
miles an hour The papers have been full ot
the accounts of this storm.lnd blizzard , as
II was known upon land , und we learn now
that It was one ot phenomenal severity I
hall an area ot 1,600 malIce . with a wInd force
of seventy miles aim hour , as compared wlh
but fifty mies In the historic blizzard of 1888.
It was one ot these tropical electric storms
which arc generated In time West Indies and
which devlol ) most force and resistance on
the 'western edge of time Gulf stream , time
very part of tIme Atlammtic 1mm which vo cmi-
countered iL
If it be a fact thmat we have "mmo weatlmer him
Eumglammd , but only samples , ' ' we lmrofcr time
To drive our ship through a hurricane like
that wouiul imavo been almost certain mis-
aster. It was aim unpleasant altermmatlvo to
have to break time proud record of time 'i'eu-
tonic for a quick passage , but our bravo ammml
sieillfmml captain , true to his resionsItuulIty to
consider first time safety of hmts crew , refused
to face it , anti for forty hours ho stood by.
510mph ) ' hmolrilimg imer head to time u'inii amid
giving ims a pace of about two knots time hour ,
Yet so bravely diii our good ship ride upon
that stonimi thmat them was scarcely omrn immo-
imiemit of anxiety aim time part of time passemi-
gem ; "How vell sue beimmives" was thmo word
that feli fromim every lip , and it was not till
we reaCimei port ( hint we learmmed that orders
itmul been given to iaummcim time lifeboats at a
mmiomnent's notice
But we imami not yet seen tIme worse.
Wemimmosday muprning brougimt a uiev
terror , Time temimperature bad fumliemi
rapidly ommd we were 1mm an arctic sea
with a tropical storm. Time strong westerly
gale caught caclm wave and lifted It in cloutle
of spray , viiicim , being immetamitly frozemi ,
swept otmt gammgwaye witim clouds of Ice ,
settbhmmg omm time bpars and rigging anti sIdes
of time ship and coatimmg liar as timickly as
timougim in time midst of an Arctic voyage. I
met our ccond mate rooming frommi hits fomir
imomir' m'ctclm on time quarter deck , mis merry ,
goorl-imumnoreil a fellow as every stelmped , antI
miesplto his suffenlmig hula immmmiior broke ommt
wIth ( hip remark , ' 'Aim , slrt It's terrible
work in a blizzard like timis , I imave a great
mnhmmti to chuck it all imp when I get Into hart
and study for tim iiministr ) . "
On W'etbnesday nighmt time storuui left almost
as suddenly as it cammie , amid our heroic cap- ,
laIn , 'hmo bind never left time bridge for '
thmirt-Olghmt iuours , imopemb for rest , On 'l'imurs.
duty mnorumiumg we once mmiore ateuped out upon
tIme deck ammtl found a sea almost as cainm am d
( ho Timammies at Londoim lirhdgo ammd a sky am
bright as timat wimicim shone over time old L
hiemid of Kimmeale just a week before ,
Ommce ummoro our huopes were raised ; by
in , we u'ero aimumoat wbtluin gunsimot of 5ammd '
Ibook and we iooketl with confidemice to be
blo to read our mnoruming liapers in 'es
York CIty.tgaiii , however , we hiatt reek'
cued witimout our host , and even atrammger au !
ruulUres , it not greater hmerli. awaIted u :
on lime fohlowImmg mu ) ' .
Oscar \\'Iitje was disappointed wIth the At
lantic , lie imutgimt have bad occasion to cimamig
imls nmtnd lmad lie seemm it frommi time deck o f
time Teutonic on tlmat FrIday zmmorning , "Tot
muon ) ' cross time Atlantic for twenty years , ' '
said our duet officer , "amid umeyer see a ugh I
iiko tlmts , " Time log Imut up omm Thursday imoom 0
showed but 136 uniies to Sandy hook , and b3 r
l. imm , we had knocked off all but about i 4
few miles of it. At inst we titotmgtmt eve weri ia
out of our troubles ; every one began to acl
tip , end prepared to land early th next
morning , IL stems now as if we were only
at limo beginning of our amiventmmres , Just before -
fore ubawn a "chmaumgo canie o'er the spirits
of our tireauums , " anul once iuioro oumr hopes
were to be dnimetb , We hmmmul come again into
thia midst of time storm , time vorii of wimich 'ae
increasetl by an Imimpenetrable mnht , Our cap-
taimo wisely decItleti that discretion womilul be
time better port of valor , and for tie firrt
timno time Temmtoimic beat a retreat. it would
imave been fcculhardy to have faced emmch cm
hurricane tinder sumeim commdltiomms , and accent-
Ingly our slulli's imtati was ttmrumu1 to time
southu , After ten lmotmrs it was fommn'.l tlmat
time sheer force of the wlmutb hint ! drawn time
Immige vessel no less timan sevemit ) ' miles ,
This continucti thunlog Timumrsdmmy night , amid
otmr sleep was uhistmmrbed lm' strange Cotimitis ,
wlmlchm eve imeard afterwards vere caused by
tIme workimig of time winclm to keep it fromui
freezimmg , time sommmb of mmmcii cverhieati hmackimig
away tIme Ice numb simovellng time snow frommm
time gangva ) ' , accompanied hi ) ' the umieartbmly
uroan of time fogimormi.
As soon as it vas light I tomiclmctb time bmmt-
toil of time electric bell , "Vltciro are \'e ,
stowumrmb ? " "bomm't ) kmmos' sIr. " ' 'W'imat's time
immatter ? ' ' ' 'Von .shmouuld ito on ( leek , sir ; tlmere
tire tons of smmow emi declc , sir , " ho replied , iii
luis Emighisim , defereiitimml niamimier. Timls wes
cluoerfuii . hue haul lmeard of belmig siiowcul
imp cmi ml. trahmm , himmt to b ammowemi 1111 ( mit hit'
Atlamutlo was comimetiming qmmito hovel , lh'imig
veli fortifleub inside os'Itlm a smmiistaumtiab breakfast -
fast of pom'ridge , smimnon steak amid mnmmttoh
0111)1)5 ) ) , antI s'elh luadtieml etitsimbo 'With iii ) '
heavy muster of irish fnicze , memmow shmccs amid
Labraulor gnummtlets , I vemmt Oii deck. It vas
a eight mnmcim as few imave mmccii. Time smiow imail
' - - - , - . .1 , - , , , , t , . . , . . . . . _ , . . , . - . . . . . , _ , , , . , .n,4 $
. . .
tim whole sea. It wan not mmmi orthhmmary fog ,
but ; lmmmhib ) ' a demise ' , ipor guimmerateul imy I hue
h mlg' cc t uml.erattmfe : of Imo u ater , wimicim , 1 clog
I mmuutammtly fm'uzumm , vas ml m'ivemm mm iuoui time hi iii
by timu strommg vesteriy gale in mcimowers of
flue ice. 'Fime timcrmmmoumiu'tcr stootb at I degrees
below zero , lmavimmg nisemi femur degrees dtmrimmg
time last huotr , Every rot ! mumul rail amimi sitar
was covered with a fringe several inches
deep , amid great. snow lmeaims lay tihl impomi
time Pooh ) . \\e were ( lien partially covem'ed
by lammtl , anul time waves were smmmalh comapareul
vtuim Imat timoy votmhl lmave linen 1mm limo opuimm
Atiauitic , himmt still time ) ' loohed like a uteries
of mnommmmtatmm riulges , timehr bIts being clear ,
bmmt timeir s'alheya simm'otmubcul 1mm thio ice midst.
One's bearb aiim ! mmmmmstachmo frozu as lmartl as
minus , amid it wits immilosslbio to ala ) ' emi mleck
though time gramidemr ( of LImo acemme iasses de'
It was evident there was no hmope of reach-
hug lrnrt. W'o coumlil muimiilmiy go emi miss'o imail
hitemm for the last tiftecim imotmrs , uumuvimmg slowly
backwards amid forwam'ds , like tlo : limig : of
Frmtumce , i'imo mmmarched his army tip time Imili
ammul tiuomm Ime mumarcimed Ilmeimi domvmm ngaimm.
Thieve was umothummg for it hutit to umuiko ourselves -
selves no chmcerftii mus we coultl under tIme cr- !
cuunstamiceS , amid mill tlmo Mark Topicylamim of
oimr mmatures had to be called immto ftmit play.
We hmad ammoomug our imnssommgcrs sommie
wimo were 'htitluig time states cmi
lecturing tommrs , antI it was stmggeatcti
timat imey sliomild favor mis vitit ( mmli dress
relmearsals. There were proposals of tableammx
vivaumts , etc. ; it. was even auggesteul that a
discourse out bimetahliemu might be endurable
under ouch clrcumnstammces. Ommo true berm-
factor to imis species entertahmmcd mis several
timmies vtii arosanmithm's ' 'Ibaby cmi time Suave , "
but ei'en ( lust could miot go emu forever.
Time cold vas intense ; not imavimig time steaumi
for lmmmrposes of locomotIon , wecotmld , not Imave
it for purposes of imeatluig. Time salcon , library
and commmpanlon way vere like ice lmouses ;
time smoking roommi was time only plmmce In
s'imlch tIme temiiperaturo cotmid be ralsd by
artificial hmeat , amid sommoe of tie dlii otir utmimcst
to keci ) tIme "pipes' ' always going. Ummt wimat
wan discomfort to time passengers was cruel
sulferimug to many of the crew. Time vatchm
in time crow's mist imad to endure two hours
at a stretch : in that fcarftml position , and thme
time doctor semit imiumm to beui and atimulnisterod
Imot potions , while our brave captain had ye-
mahumem ] , with trmmo Spartan hmeroismmm , at hmls
post of duty , never hmavimmg left time bridge
since 4 p. ma. emi time previous day , timouglm
botim his nose and cheek were frostbitten.
immce Iamidummg mve Imave learned timat 1w has
lost time sight of cmmci of his eyes.
Timero was anothmr seriomms aide t our pa-
sitlon , We were mmomr forty-eight hmCura overdue -
due , and we kmmeuv that friends on shore
mtmst be grow'mig lncreasimmgly anxious. We
could Imagine the many hmo'artslnklngs as
they looice:1 : at time miiorning papers to find
"No News of time Teutonic.Vc were within
, . , , , - " a. . , , . th , ( n1nr1flhi stutlnmi. ( liven
t hirty mInutes of clear way , and tidings
c ommiui have been flashed to Europa and Anter-
l ea wiitchm wommlti Imave set at rezt mommy aim
amixious fear , Timere was no hope tlmat we Imad
been spoken ; ommr friends little lcmmew of our
safe liOshtiOfl , for all they Icmmew , we mumlghmt be
i n time mmmiddle , or e'emm time bottom , of time
Atlantic , and the ghastly miami's wblcim greeted
timeni and us on tIme day of our arrival at
Queenstown Cf time wreck of time Eibe would
not tend to lessen their anxIeties.'m'lm'le we
were comfortably seated hum a gilded saloon
enjoyummg a sunulitimous rsiaSt , cbmatttuig in the
library , or joining in time hIlarity of time smnok-
lug roonm , wimat vouli : sm'o not. hmavo given for
timat pomver of telepathy , so' Interesting as a
sctentiflc speculation , so useless as a vraetical
aId. ' 'If Spooks Could Comumu to time Atituntle' '
might be a profitable subject for Mr. Stead's
next book. It would certaimuly have commiforted
ninny a one arnomig us to have been able
to send assuring tIdings by sonic cucim gimostly
At 1:30 : , just as we vere sittIng dowmm to
lunch , there were signs that the fcg was lIft.
lug , and in a quarter of an hour we were
mnaiciuig full slCCtb for Sandy hook. Surely
now \ve slmould be imbue to cable our safety , if
not to baird that night.
But timere was still anotimer aubvemmture iii
store , riot ! this one put time crown ormd ilowers
upon ommr wimolmu voyage. W'itimium mmii hour of
our fresh start , I. c. . at 2:30 : p. mum. , we
sigimted a ecimooner hmalf a mmmiIe away , ilyhtmg
tue st-nra amm:1 : strijios upshule dowmm. It wits a
signal of distress. As mve caine umoarer we
found umime was Imalf filleul witim vmmter armul
at times she was comnfuietiy under ( Ito
waves. Five or six inemm etooui orm time deck
wavlmig tlmelr garments amid simouturmg franti.
caliy ,
Our gallant catutain at once gave orders to
uoar up to 1mev ammd calleui for volummteera to
moan time lifeboat Time blizzard was raging
at its worst' preparation wits nmado to lower
tlme starboard boat , but time kecum frost hind
made every rope as lmumrml mis a rod of iron ,
every few yards blocks of ice Imad to be lmtmckeml
away and fully imalf an hour was spent lit
getting 1mev floated. Six of our nuemm Instauutly
steppeml Into her anti eimtleavortdd to reacim the
shmihchmmg simip. For Imaif an hmomur time ) ' bmttletb :
wIth that fearful storm timid Itme Intenseft
exclternemmt of ldassC'uigers and crow , imut at
leumgtim thuey vere olmltgcml to lout back , two
of them belimg so severely fromtblttemm timat
they were ummahilmi to utrocecul , Another crew
was foumid ammti a second attempt was mmmmdc : ,
bmmt only to almare time samimo rate ; it s'as limo-
posslbla to make mmiore timami a few yards
against suclm mvbmmd amid wave. 'fun schooner
all thmlmt time hint ! imer trysail set tO keel ) her
imead to tlmo whmd , but. tluc fom'ce of time wummul
drove lien trout tie and at timtmec uime wits oh.
mmmost lost to sight , For tms'o hmours we
careemmed aroumuti bier , untIl at lengths % ve cOmb
so near blunt our captain elmouteth to timemmm to
' 'hut down lImo trycail' ' mind "get tIme boats
along shule. " Iuleamutlmne time Teutoumhc swept
roummd auuul made a barrier between time sink.
log sclmeoiter and time waves , time imien put
out timeir two dories and icapt immto them ,
It was a fearful sight , their boats
careemmed like cociciesimells as timey were
lifted mmioutmtaine high and therm plunged Into
thmo abyss. After a quarter of an lmommr of
almmmost breatimlesmi excltemmmeimt , one of time boats
was got alongside trod eccmmreui by a rope ,
life belts were fiuumg over anul four mneim were
saved , Timero vcro yet five mnerm in time ccc.
onti boat , and at one tlrmmo it seemumed tie tlmeugim
we ahmaulil lose them , time poor folloom's had
been twemmty lmoUrs half umubrnergeui iii thmti
Icy water and exposed to time biting cold ,
It Ea's mmmucim for humnaum eumdimramice tbmat timey
were able to pull at all. But pull timey did
anti , amumtd rlmmgiag cheers , tlmree tinmes reheated
heated for bravo and noble Capiaimm Caum
eromm , time sm'lmole of time nimme meim were saId )
hauled up time side of our chip and sat care
fully temomied Iii time umoepital of time 'I'cmrtonic '
\'e had passed thmrotmghm stormmm anti peril
titrougit wlmletmi we hail lueefl mm'mcrcifully sayed :
but time liower of our adventures was time ea'
lug of the crew of tlm Josle Iteevee , Our j03 I.
1mm our cmvii salvation auded ! time keenest zes I.C
to omit joy iii beimg : able to cave otimers , omit
I timlnk every one of us felt Intensely timank
ful that time stormum , whmicbm macdc us two mimy
late , timrasu' ( hula opportunhiy in our way.
It was mmow toe late to reach Quarantln a
timat night , and at 7:30 : p. m. , our ummebmor wai
dropped amId the cheers of thme paceengerd
who were sealed at dinimer.'e' had Imalsem
Fire island a about ; 3O p. in , , arid bmppem
' . .
- ' -
- - -
' '
- =
we htl been sighted nnti news of our safetY'
cahlcl to ixotit conUneuts , butt sue ewe nttcrormtr-tt *
learimNl , the signalman was unable , to distin
gumleim mis in time fog , Tim tenth luight was
spent on board rut rest , and at 7 a. in. time
btmgla . , oys blew timeir cheerftui blast , sumumon-
ins us to an early breakfast in vreparation '
for a boiling. '
It was a strange sight tlmt greeted us as
we emitereti timat beoumtlftml New York harbor.
Time river seemed oumo mass of ice , anti it
ceermoeml Impossible ( lust we coimlil force oimr
way ump. Slowly , however , we were able ( a
steam along , with otmr good ship encaseml in
Ice anti snow , and at 11:30 : on Sattmrdmty
tiiorning. after omio of tIme most unemmiorabie
voyages ever made by one of time. great At-
iaumttc humors , we cauumo alongside the uboek o
time \\'Zmite Star coinpOmi ) ' , A crowd of fox.
mime watchers awaited oumr arrival , amid we '
mlisemnimarhceml nmntt ! rimiglmmg cimeers. Time tcr
riijltu imews of stormn ammul disaster thmat reacimeti
mms , amumi time umnccrtniflt ) ' of time fate of
ha ( laccoguuc flileti tie v1tlm mievoumt thankful.
tress to liimmm who "imohtbs time waters in time
imollow of I lie imanti , ' ' thmmut mmv's hat ! been a
happier hot. lIumuammiy spcaklmmg , It is to ommr
brave nut ! smutTerlmig captaimm anti tIme splemullil
elmip lie coumumumamuleul , timat we owe ottr safety.
A lltmg for barrels comustatlmig of a limbo .
coumtaimoirmg timreatbs of asbestos roumbed iii aim-
tist'hmtie hiqimitle numb arramigemi to deprive ( lie
air cmmmeritmg time barrel of all forums of gc'rmmis.
An apparatus cmi tIme sammmn primmchiuio limO ) ' 1w
umseub for amihmpl'immg sick roomima V. him sterii-
mcml air ,
- - - - - - - -
A cumslmiommeib sluice antI rmmnncr attachimument
to timable bicycles to be rimum oum ice.
, ,
Prepared accorliuig to the fernmtmhmu of
Di. 'yr.,1 A. 1 1AIM0XD % ,
In hIs halmoratory at Vnshlngton , I ) , C. '
The nuost wonderful therapeutic
dIscovery s.nco time days of Jenmier.
Time ; duysiologicsb effects litodmmced by a .in- ,
gb dose of Cerehirine era arceicratlon of thu d
liulse with feeliumg of fuihuese amid distention
In limo Imead , oxiuilauntioim of eltirita , 1mmcrecc4
uriumary excrctiomm , angummeatattomi of time cx- '
Itimisivo force or time luliuuitter imnmi perietmmitie
actIon of time immtostinee , immereaco in nimmecuier
m'tremmgth ammti cummiumeance , increased rower of
Viclon in elderly htroluic , and Imtcrcutaed alPetitS
nud digcetic'puwvr ,
Dose 5 drops. Pm'ice , ( 2 drachmmus ) $1,00.
W'nshiingtoim , I ) . C. ' I
Scnul for hook. 101
KUhle & CO. AiNT FOn OMAhA.
health until Rcuuaty , Youth numd Love , It
takes a wom.memomi to kmmow a wommuimmu ,
. ,
A SoiuiitLfimz Disovory by a Wa-
amitimi to Cure ' % Vomnamu ,
onien 01 RH Roes , Rhlenhion ! '
MME. M. YALF , Qiieemi"of Beitibty ,
s'iio huH iectiireil iii all of tIme ProImliImOltt
cities of time woviu.l before vast audI-
dIces , miiid , tins becti It'OIiOhImiCQl hsy nil
mie\m-sInbuirg ) to be time hiloict Porfc
V'mliIflfl iii foi'mim itmmul femmtui'e nos' living ,
I4lmemtks to time womumen of time w'om'kl and
cwmfesses In timeimm flint lIme sei'm'et of her
heftily Jies lii imem'fect imemillii-tnd : tbmo
micc't'c't of hot' Imemuhihi lit'g iii tIme use ot
her own i'emnetltes. AIUOISg timemmu-Frumit-
CtIi'it-iICl' gt'emtt mummil vommuk'i'til tommIe for
cimi'httg mill female mtllumit'umts mimmel buildIng
tilt time systemi ) . Fl'IIitctht'mt l'estol'CH till
s'enk ol'gmtns to jel'fCCt imemltii. : It cui'es
the ummmtui' cOhflllflhlmts of 'vommmen that
ouuly wolImemi kIlOW of. It l'CStl'e14 time
vItalIty , ihiaketi the oyea bright , ( Ito Stel )
elastic timid ln'hmmgs the 1)1001mb ) of lmealtlm
to time faded c'hmem'l , It u'emmes'n time mmei'vo 'u
tomie anti imumkes lime flesh drum , immut'tl nut !
velvety , Iii fueL us iusmm Is the z'oyal
i'mid to ic'i'fec't itt'althm niitl beautiful
'oullitmilmOl , I t cures tlmcit' t'oumipialmltml
:1 : mmmi mm ei'OtiS I r'oiilit'mc , o f mt mmy mitt I u m'u a lid
revives time 'ltmthity w'lt.lcim is Iimckilmg lit
mill such crises I'ot w'oiumuii of util ages.
A. cllscovt'l'y by tt W'OIhilthi to ctii'e a
vomImaIm. I'i'lee , .1 ilci' bottle ; ( I ( or 5.
At drhigglstm4 01' by mail ,
? timmie , t1 , Ytmit' , licitli Ii nimil lCmlIhly ) Hl1tt-
clahist , Yale ' .I'eimmple of' Renalv1 1 Iii Stnto
st , , Clmlemigo.
Teeth Without Plates
Zm'I , {
I ( liii aimmi b1mnmmaumm St s
2'oI ,
luli Imel q'emmtim , , , S 5.00 SlIver FIhilmqpm , . Si.O
imest 'l'oetlm . . , , ? .iO I'mmru Gold FIllings 2.Oj
'I'Iitim i'lmmt it. . , , . IO.OJ ( bid (1ruwums,22k , . . 0.0
i'niumicss Extrmtu'mm &oc brIdge toutim.tootim 0.00
TJeth Out In MornIflg ,
New Teeth same day
EaTily , QUICklY , Permanently Rostorcd. '
Veakfleus , ,
. DoIiilty , miami all time train
of uvii ftonm early errors or
' ' later cxmeMe this results of
- overwork. ibcmiclB worry ,
eto , im'uhlstreotfm , devei.
opneutmtudtoueitivCmmtt ,
. . , every urKuin emit ! bortioa
_ ofthobo'iy , SIumj enst. .
tTui's \ ! ; uiethudi , juiuirdi.
t U ! ate tmnproemeut. .een.
FaIlure impoemlitle. i.0tX references. book , pm' , ,
expimiuttion timid proofs maIled ( cealed ) Lye. .
ERIE EDIGAL 00.5 Buffalo , N.Y.
" . ' - - " . , . - ' , . ' . % - , ' 1