Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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'rIlE OMAhA DAILY : UEm : SA'ET IAY . IEBRtJA1Y 16 18n . ! t
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COU-iCIT. BfiU1'I.
OFFIC : , - - 1:0. : 12 l'gAHL 3TItE1T.
- - - - - - - - -
IJtll\'erll by corl r to nlY part ( C the el )
n W. Tl.TON , Lesset
'rt.t I'IONC8Ius'lcs ' crncc . No , 4 : night
edl ' r. :0 , : 3.
L _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.1J. ' On .flIXT1U.Y. .
GrAnd , Council Dil Is , I. I P. clnr ; ( . pral"
Maya : ( ( enl slall' I ngflcy. & : BroadwJY.
John IorI I , who nnullcll Vlctrr 8aI"w91 :
a few , laYI agu , comc II' nn,1 Ilahl his One of
r $9.10 In police court ) 'eslerlay nlrnlng ,
The rpuhlcnn city converUlon will be heh
at lhp court house lhls aftcrnoon At 2 o'clock
to lomlnale canllhlntet for
mil park commIssioner.
I : . A DoWer ; , who heM tip I.1vence Han. '
sen for a sack of [ flour a few nights ago on
the Crescent CIY'1 roall" . waR sentence,1 , to
twenty days ; II the county jail.
'flisr. will b' a banquet 0111 Rpeclal corn-
mlnlcaton o luIs City lodge No. 71 , An.
dent I"re 1111ccellell IEbns , this evening
4 for work In the Ihl'll ( legret ? . Al Master
Masons cor'\all' Invie'\
A. C. Graham . H. 'rullbul nn,1 , J. S. On'rl- , ns n cOlnmlloo or thn Cion Hlewort ,
have Ilrllare,1 , n suitable expreeslon of [ ser
row nn,1 , sympath on the death of the son oC
their brother Ilnslnn , 1 1 Hac.
Tlw arguments of the ntorneys In Ihe case
or 1lrkcncnl , Jones & Co were commence,1 ,
In the 1htrlct court yesterday and occupied
n.'nrly ti'e entre lay The caSJ will prob-
nbiy H 10 the Jury this morning.
The I fmbers of C 0 I. Sannlers' 111by
school class gave nn enjoyable Valentine
"odsl at the II'oalla , : Met itotlist ehlrCh
l'hursday \ ' . An interesting
Thurday e\'Cnln Intere5tn plllrlm
tC niical ! lumbers and , recltltons was pro-
1011011 and reCrcsl\n nts wore served.
Buton nnll Osborn , alias Ieler. Ihe two
Omaha young len who broke Into n t
woulleq cur nt Npola nn ! blole 1 le slioe .
wcro given thirty cals In the county jai
) 'pcrtay ( by Justice \on. Thc burglary
case wi prohahly ) hI Ilshf11 ) against them ns
! on os tby have scrvcd nut their tinie.
The Illlnlrlal , bchaol , whlrh lill lot meet
last Hallrtay al account oC the 5lrlnlss of
Mr. and , 1lrs , henry ! zonr. wi meet ns
usual thIs nfernoon , : II anti , Mra. ! el.olg
are soml'whal improved hit are nol nblz to
tale charge ) 'ot They hnv 111Ie arran e'
ments for others to be present ant look aBlr
the worl"
. .
- - -
Charles Byrd and James holder Iwo young
felows who have been mixed up In , repeatcd
Jlolce court scrapes , were arreste:1 yesterday I
on a charge of stealing three pairs of hoes
' from William Asmus , a hoemaler nt 631
' South Main street , February " 7. Deputy Mar-
filial , Anderson went over B 'rd's premises and ,
found one pair. which was identified by the
owner. Byrll's last serape was the theft of
somc caps rrom the Boston store.
Deputy Sheriff O'Drlen telephoned 10 SherI -
I Hazen from Avoca yesterday that the case
of the slate against AI Brown or Center town-
ahlp had gone 10 the jury , which was still
deliberating. Brown was ocusell of stealing
n lORd oC hogs from Hchntl laclcl and sell.
Ing them In DakIn nil , Giles Puryear had a
trial In tHe Avoca court yesterday nn the
charge or burglarizing Eeveral Oatan,1 ; , hous , '
and his cao also went to the jury In the 'I
o\'onlng. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I
We have over $300,000 to l'mn upon 1m.
proved Iowa farms Farmers desirIng loans
can save money by dealing direct with us ,
thereby saving agent's commission 'Ve do
not loan on wild lands. nor In Nebraska
Lugee & Towle 235 Pearl streel.
1'JUSUSAI. 1'.l.I.I/'ll.
President N. W. Wols of the molar com-
Jany of Schuyler , Neb . Is In the ciy ,
' A. W. Wyman anti Henry Ouren are ex-
- - pcctell home from a wlnter's visIt to FlorIda
next 'Vednrsda . -
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Keelne are expected
llnthla weel from a visit or several'
weeks nt Fort 'Vorth , Tex
MIss I mly telfsnlder , sister of Mrs. M. E.
Sutton , on AVCIIO D , left this week fur her
homes nt NIbs , Floyd county , Ja.
John Field , who has moved to Lincoln recently - ,
centy and taken the agency for W'clr
Seamans & Benedict , Is In the city.
Mrs George A. Keelne and chIldren wIll
- leave Sunday for Florida , to spend the rest
of the winter. ! I. Keelno wlJ accompany
them as for as Kansas City.
Mr. J. E. Harkness was reported last even-
Ing as quite low and his friends are very
anxIous. His daughter , Miss Bcrsle Harl-
ness , who Is with frIends In Minneapols , was
telegraphed for yesterday , and Is expected to
arrive today.
Frances A. Moore , one of the nurses It the
% 'oman's Christian associatIon hospital , has
recently received an otTer or a positIon nt the
heat of a training school In lell lrne , Aus-
- traila . and Is now debating whether or not
to accept It. The offer was secured by her
through the assistance of a friend In Boston
and Is creditable alw to the lady herself
and the Institution with which she has leen
. . . 't'8 Vsur.luy Quiet .
In most stores during Inventory , but we
have not experienced It that way , and atrl-
bule I to the numerous bargains offered In our
various departments , which wo shall continue
as long ns they last.
4G-lnch French sergas ant henrletas , were
7e now 39c
40-lnch French Bongos and henrletas , were
&Oe , now 33c.
All our dollar novelty dress goods . reduced
to Oe.
Big reduction In black goods of all gralles.
All wool remnants at a great sacrifice.
7&0 anti 85c fine cashmere hose , ribbed and
plain , 48c
580 and 60c Englsh cashmere hose . ribbed
and plain , 3 for $1.00.
See values In misses' and _ childnen's hose
lt 17c , 26c 33c.
Lipton's No 2 and 3 Ceylon teas , half
price , 300 and 25c
Healy made sheets ant piow cases at less
than the cost of mueln ,
$1.00 shrunk wool skirt patterns , 50c : $1,25
nun $1,60 quality , 76c.
, - U-lmWEAH.
Council luIs , Ia.
Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that good
laundry , " anti Is located at 74 Broadway.
I In touht aboit this , try It und le conrlncoi.
Don't rorget namc anti number. Tel. 157
JomrKto IroU" .
Jr Poulson , whose husband was a member -
ber or the polc force a few years ago , called
on the cIty clerk anti city attorney yesterday
and tried 10 get a warralt for the arrest or
her husband. : List Sl ring she amI her hns-
baird fell out. Of late ho has been lorcln ; his
attentions upon her , In SII of an agreement
that he woull stay away anti let her alone ,
and she has sought the Islstaneo of the city
authorities. The later could not see that
lie hall violated any law , rind she welt away
without any information. A suIt ror 0 dl.
vorce will probably be tire OUICOIIO of the
tltculy , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'ould you have lure food 1 Use Dr. Price's
Daklng Powder , as It's absolutely pure.
, : lllllll I 1"1001 " ' " ' ,11. t
Jv , I'lnnell's saloon , the California house ,
corner or Tenths street and Broadway , was
entered by burglar Thursday night. They
smashet a glass door open and stole $10 In
cash that bail , been hidden In a beer mug .
'fhe cash drawer was emply anti was not dls-
turled , The job was evidently that oC some
one who knew tIre 11roprlelor's habit or hhl.
Ing his wealth under 0 grovler Three other
growlers , or the bulldog variety . were there ,
but none of Ihem knaw anythIng 01 the
burglary until yesterdayrmrornirmg _ .
-iii ; ; 5 ' Oxfords and low shoeswant to get
ril or Ihem-have a lot of them. $3 Oxfords
at your own Ilrlcl ' I you want 10 buy shoes
cheap , cod shoes at tie cheapest price. go
to _ _ _ _ _ SAHOENT'S.
Gas treating slaves for rent sod for sle : t
Council l Blulb Ou company's otilce.
Use ElI l'ettljoirn's Best brlakrat food ,
only lOc package , at ilrown' . O. 0. 1) .
I&la sells drugs . paint and glass cbeap
- -
Wtrk ( f rming Union Avenue i Being
FuihI TI'iougb ' Hnpldly ,
( heorgir Ievl SU,11118 R lruln Leg Whlo
" orkhng N'ar 1 1)angerutrhusk ' -
"ruhnhll ) . uf Sonic Otis linIng
It II" , . N'nr the l'lnco
Ever snM ! the Irst day the number of
wending lon to find employment on the
Union nnnue grading has bee steacly In-
cl'eslnl. Orso hundred ansI ninety teals
Were nt work yesterday , and each one ral'-
lied , on tn average , len yards clnlng the
day Twenty.Ove thoU8111 yarns are to be
carried In all , so llut at the rate the \ork
Is now progressing . I will bo complelNI In
about t\/o weeks , Instead of two 10nths , n
was al first 8111posel , lnch driver has n
Illmbor chaltell on tIn , side of his wagon ,
and . the overseer has n book wIth each nisirn- I
bel nnd the capacity or the wagon marked I
OipOflitC'Iren a load Is Ileilslell he gives
tIre drlter a lelet correspondIng with the
capacity of the wagon. These tickets are
c\hCI : at the CItIzens' National bank. Last
evening the tillIng was finished , down to
Fourth n\ cane Tire healvest till wi hare
to hu made between Fifth annd Seventh nvc-
mate ani
George Levi , living at the corer of Ninth
a\nlO anti Thirty-sixth street , hall n leg
broken yesterday afternoon whie working at
tire bank near W. W. Wallace's house on
Ilr street. Ito was loading tip his wagon ,
when either one or his horses kicked him or
a big lump of dirt rolled tlowri . and fractured
his right leg just below the Imee le vas
carried 10 the omce of Dr. Janney , where the
Injured ' membel' WS set anti he was taken
borne. lie has moon working on the Dodge
plnce near the riven but thollht he woull
earn a little loney haulng runt to Union
avenue. ansi mad , olly been working a slay or
two . John Doll , who was working wllh him ,
sustallet a hall cut on the head at the same
time In Homo unlown manner , hut he WS
lot rlsalled. !
When I.evl was taken to his home It was
- . . . . . . . . , . . .
lounl that ism 10lFe was nn 'tling out an In-
\'Itng place The houEe consists of only one
room , In which the man , his wife and sev'
oral chidren cat and sleep I was furnished
very meagerly , time only thIng In the sny of
a hell beIng a bed lounge Levi has hal a
great deal oC trouble , and one of hla boys Is
now recovering from the effects of a broken
arm.An examlnalon b tine bluff where ho was
working shows that nil tire men who are get-
( lug their dirt thele are In excellent luck nol
to have been 1lct nlreany. In one place
there Is a hollow nearly ten foot deep In the
sIde at the blriff , which towers upware nearly
fifty feet In n vertical directIon. Whoever
goes lear the bank Is In Immlnenl danger
oC Izlng overwhelmed wIth an avalanche or
dirt , anti It scorns vay likely that one of the
fatalities which have occurred occasIonally
In work or tins 11111 will le reqllre,1 , before
the proper safeguards \1 bprovltet. .
A snot Ire ' 11 Clnal I : Ic Sn le.
Owing 10 the success 01 our big cloak sale
last Thursday , we have decided to repent tine
same again Saturdny. Any cloak In o\r
slorf , Saturda $5.S each.
This includes everything In cloals Do your
own salesman Tike your choice , $5.98 each.
We hope to sell eVery winter cloak lodny.
Don't miss it. You may never la\'e such a
chance ngaln
Largest stock oC wash goods In the clt ) . .
New prInted clnles , new percales , new
ducks , at lOc , 12'c ant lIe yart ,
-lnch unbleach L L muslin , 3 % yatI ,
Nice soft finish bleach muslin , 5c yarj .
Black ant white mouring prints , 5c yard.
I will pay ) 'Ol to look around before you
Saturday evening we offer 200 hal wool
novelty dress patterns , 7 yards to each pat-
tern , at less than liaR the regular price En-
tire dress pattern , 98c. Don't miss this bar-
gain. Only Saturday evening.
Counci Bluffs. I
Mrs Ayres of time Iowa Manufacturing
company returned yesterday from a very suc-
cessrul trip into MissourI , In the Interests of
the eempany. This manutactur'ng' enterprise
has been quiety but surely growIng , until
now I Is one of the most far ' .reaching or any
In Council Bluffs , Its shoulder braces , skirt
amid hose supporters being In demand
supportlrs lelng temand throughout -
out the west.
Men's cork solo "hoes , $5 , now $3,25 : U
carl soles , $2. I don't want Ihem Come
and see for yourself at SAHOENT'S.
- -
U9 ( Eli Pett'john's Best breakfast food ,
only lOc package , at Drown's C. 0. D.
Two S""I Fires .
At 1:15 : o'clocl yesterday morning an alarm
came In from box 42 , and the fire department
went to the corner of Sixth avenue and I"lf-
teenlh street to extnguish a blaze that had
started In the shanty occupied by Mrs.
Magner. They could not save the buiding ,
anti although the loss was not to exceed $100
It look from Mrs. Maner , who I qulo old ,
all sire had In the world anti left her without
a home. The cause was a defective flue .
Aleut five minutes after a fire was found
to hove started In time store room or the hotel
on the Pierce street side. Time damage was
confined to $100 on the buiding enl $25 on
tire stuff It contained. The flarrmes
stuI conlalnet. lumes were ex-
tngilhed sa quietly that the Inmoles or tire
hotel , many oC tirern were not awokened
The Injured properly belongs to 0 , II. Simons
and was Insurct ,
Would you have a llreng baking powder ?
Use Dr. l'rlce'8. It's abtolutehy pure.
Sluuhed , ' " 01101'8 ' . % 'rrgori.
One of Ii. I 'V. Jackson's mal wagons was
smashed Into kindling wood yesterday mornIng -
lag hy one of the big wagons or the Council
Illimife Fuel company. I was standing at the
Burlington depot waiting for the arrival of
tire mll train when the fuel company's team
came tearing along Pnmtin avenue from ourlh
street anti collided with tire mal wagomr. I
was entirely destroyed , but time horsls es-
coped Injury. _ _ _ _ _
Tire I."t Few ni'
o Sargent's sale ore going 10 be dandies .
I have tire largest and firmest stock of shos I
bought for spring that ever came to Council '
Bluffs , and I want to close what I have . I
do nol want Ihem : price no object Come and
see for yourself I you have the casim At
_ _ _ _ SA ItO EN ' ' .
'fhnt hail I'rlco Sale ,
Still goes merriy on , All frames pictures ,
etc. . just hal tire marllcd llce. Tube
paints &Ci ; artists brushes Sc.
II. L SMITH ! & CO" , .
45 Main street
Buckwheat cakes , loaf sugar syrup one ot
Ihe breakfast dishes at Pearl chao house , llc ,
Neatest drug store. Ta 'lor's , Grand hotel
II' P Ynu Vary I neuinrts 'nl'
No bus'rmeas man In tire country will long
cue 10 be wlhoul a copy of a emaIl pamphlet
just Ilublshed , with the title o the "Unie
Stales Income Tax Law Sllplled for Busl
nlSI 1en , " by Mr. 'erdlnanJ A'ymnamn ,
member at the Sufok : bar. I Is the moat
hanty , useul and valuable handbok of the
season With a copy of Il on hi , desk , every
buslnel man can , at a glance , acertain just
what be iran get to do In making a return to
goverment of the sources and Imount or
iris lucerne upon what he has and upon what
he has not \0 \ pay the Income Isx. I la
equally useful for corporations , Indeed , for
everyone who has an Inconw , whether hangs
or small . I Ii intended to save time , ammx-
loly ant m ney. and even a cursory glance
wil prove Its vlluc fnl useulnt !
I'lnninclni Strnernipnt for Last " nr-PreI'
dent ( ilhh mm's . \ddre .
The annual report of the Board of Trade
for 1894 has just been issued , ant Is , In substance .
stance , ns follows :
ReceIpts and disbursements for [ the year
ending January 1 , 1895 :
Real slate I Fund 1teceipts-Iimmance In
hanls , of S. A. lcWhorter , treasurer , Jan11-
ary , I , lS9t , ; & 32,4 ; caRh received for [ rents ,
$17,5S3.20 ; cash recelvell for [ bills receivable ,
$5 : cash rocelvd for transfer fees $0 ;
cash received for dues , $10 ; total , $18 470.64.
Real slate I I und DlsbmmFsenients-lnterest ,
$3,003 ; office expenses , $330,88 ; salaries , $82 $ ;
books stationery anti printing , $225.20 ; taxes ,
$3,017.p2 ; supples anti expelse of blldlng ,
$7,883.18 ; Insurance , $ S6l ; cpenses of elevl"
tar , Gt3IG ; truslee account $200 ; balance In
hands or treasmmrer Ufal ; total , $8.40 61.
COl pan Ftmnsl-Amonmnt 01 Irand ; 84.
Heal state Frmnd-Arnosmnt on hanll Jall-
any 1 , 189t. $832,1 ; amount received [ rom
secretary , $7.G38,20 : nmount pall on vouch-
ers Nos 2GS to :015. $16,959.34 i balance on
hand Janlary 1 , 1595 , $ l11,30. I
An arIdness by President Gibbon Is printed
In the report the principal feature of which
Is tire following mixture or regret Iml hope :
"The hope or eslablshln an active hoard
of [ trade , In Omaha , we regret very mich to
admit Is thus far blt a rOlil Ilellslon , We
are practically making no heallway. Omaha's
geogrlphlcal position , In the very henrl era
a Iraln prOllclnl country , offers unusll
nll\antlgeS , and still whie Chicago , St Louis .
Milwaukee , Minneapols anti Kansas City
have active boards or trade , Omaha Is kept
Olt or the business un accounl of
the unCnvcroble ! n anti Olt rates made ,
! y the transportatIon commnpanies. \Viny thcse
conditons should pre\al Is n 11roblem that
olr enteflrlsln citzens should solve. Omaha
can , anti In tmc no doubt sill , overcome
these obstacles , hut I wIll take united acton
al the part or olr cItizens , a commellllble
characteristic that has not In the past manl-
tested itself 10 any considerable degree In
the Members of the Omahn Board of Trade. "
- - -
if.lIfIClEt ) A .11WU" TU.I.1U' .
W"lhy I" , . " Viriowiterlmnc'ti the , \11) ' I
nf"e"r ) ' Vrsllre'rs try 011. (
CI.INTON , l. , Feh 15.-Special ( Telegram. )
-A romance In which time hero Is a genius of
the \ \ 'earyValker type has just been cii-
maxell here by his marriage 10 a pret . anti
wealthy widow. after n decidedly rocky cours
oC tru2 love. Svral months ago a poor , pennl.
less tramp , George Heed by nammie struck
the town or Delnar , Ihls county , drifting In
[ rom nowhere , tired and hlngr ) Something
In hs ! makeup or distressed condItIon pleased
the fancy t1 Mis. ! Ann Parker , a cmely ant
weil-to-tio widow of that town , and he found
much favor In her sight She lok him In ,
and together tirey planted slrrnsbbery hoed
In the garden , walked In the twilIght and sat
In shaded nooks during many haplY amid bl ' s.
ful weeks The widow had consIderable prop-
erty , and his trampshlp helll enjoy it. All
went merry as a marrlago bell unl'l ' the
wIdow's relatives InterferN. tint the tramp
amI his lady lore were defiant and brooked no
Interference wih their dome3Ue relatons , and
served notice upon the we rid to mind Its
own buslne
But tire relatives were determined , and two
weeks ago had Heed arrested for lewdness ,
ant tIme court was asked to appoint a guardian :
for lrs. Parker The tramp was convicted ,
on time charge and l'entEnc by JtrdgoVolf
to nnely : days In the cOlnty ji , But his
stay In dlrance vie was short. The buxom
widow . having enjo'CI his society Ccr some
timne . was loth to part from him , so she appealed -
pealed his case to the upreme court , fur-
nlshrd bonds for him In the sum of $500 .
produced I lIcense all a clergyman and was
rorlhwlth unIted In marrIage 10 the object or
her affections ,
1rlle Ersrp 'nter JU I"uty' llhled.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la" , Feb -Specal (
Telegram-At ) Dayton today I bridge cn-
penter namel , Sellers was instantly Idled b )
a Northwester rreght ! Iraln lIe was thrown
forty feet from the track , ant was dead when
pcllet : up. .
Mix the flour wllh the baking powder In
a dry state and always before sIftIng. Dr.
Price's Baking Pewter Is best. - .
A.u ri : .vJi.1sn.vr.
"Uncle Tom's Cabn" ! closes a successful
engagement whir two performances today . a
matinee at 2:30 : ; and the evening performance
at 8:15. : At the matinee the usual scale oC
25 force. cents for any seat In the house will le In
Today Sadie MarUnot and Max F'gmmtn , ant
their elegant supporting company , will close
their engagenment at Doyd's theater by giving
two performnmances of the brilliant comedy ,
"The Passport. " O all the higher class ot
ccmeles that have been seen here at the
Boyd thIs season . none can : surpass "The PalE-
port , " as performed ' by the Martnot-Fign1n
company. Miss :1artnot. as Mrs. Darcy , Is
simply resplend nt. Her olliy to fully make
the mot of a character of this kind has
len shown by her record of the past , Throne
seems to be no woman on the stage today
who can compare wih her In presenting the
sweetness and tenderness of a gIrlIsh dis-
position without making the character colorless -
less or vapid , MIss Martinet occupies I pol-
ton on the stage wholy her own , und has a
leg'on of followers ,
One or Ihe funniest or quaint comedians ,
anti a header In hIs line , Is Eddie Fey , who
will be seen at the heat of his ow company
at Boyd's theater for four nights , beginning
Sunday next , In his most successful Imper-
sonaton or Cluster , In the latest good tiring
In the extravaganza line , "Off the Earlh "
As Cluster , Mr. Fey makes one of Ihe 'hap-
pleat hits of his career , ant as he Is surrounded -
rounded by one or the largest and best
equipped organizations cf its kind ever seen
her ( his performance Is all the more en-
joyable. There are enough pretty girls , pretty
costumes , pretty melodies anti pretty scenic
effects In "Off the Eorth" 10 equip hal 0
dozen smaller organIzations. Mr. Fay Is de-
lermlned to be seen at his best here and
every stitch ot scenery , os well as all tire
electrical effects used In the original produc-
ton , will b seen here. A specIal ladles and
ciriltir'en's matinee will be given on Wednes-
. The sale or seals will this
: . wi open mornIng -
lag at ! o'clock.
One or tire special features at the Midway ,
Elghleenlh and Capitol avenue , last night was
the fencing which was thoroughly enjoyed ly
all , ont added quIte moterlaly 10 tire regular
otractonu , The new dance In Ca'ro street
also came In for much worthy praise and was
more oppreelate,1 , than the femole Impersonator -
tar the nights before There were new
tanCl3 ont songs Introduc-ell In tire Irih vI-
loge , I Sccltlh dance , with bagpipe , ant all
the accompaniment being atded. These at-
tractions wi be repeated aga'n Icnlght , and
the management hope to have arrangements
completed for others.
Every one of this large crowd evidently en-
joye,1 " 011 Own Midway , " os alt were loalh
10 ge , anti , almosl all waited until tire last
parade warm over Tonight wi le tire lat
night mind all Iholo who have net yet visited
the MIdway shouhl avail themelves or the
opportuniy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . -
Silo V.el r'ii \x , I
Thomas and Alice Alklus were arrested i
yesterday for creating a ( Itturbance In the
Alnscow binds at ourleenth and I.eaven-
worth. 'fhe ) ' are old orenlllrs of the law and
the dlsturlmnce was slurtelly Alice . who
went on the war lath with nn axe , looking
for hier rccreunt hUlhllll , Thomls was located -
cated In sumac rooml occuplell hy Core WI-
corn ant , not re lonllng Iromllty 10 hIs
vife's demnnls for him to appear , sine cUt
time door down and Hlarlell aflpr the Pair
witin tine axe An oller was called . but before -
fore he arrived the husbanll antI wife had
come together In a Ifle emncounter 'hey
were finally separated , and aemmt to tile
ton. .
" ' , "tNI tn Ilrn Iu UOllh.
Mrs. Charles Arnold , living at 70 South
ourteenlh street , ) yesterday during a lem-
10rry Ill or insanity , came near destroying
herself anti tine house sine lives ,
! 101 Ihe lve ! In isI.
Arnohll mimi hnH become deranged from
time effects of sickness , Inll during the ub-
hence of her husbunll she set tire 10 some
lathing In her room But for time timely
discovery of the lire ho would , I ha\'e Imeh'
lured to death , Mr . Hemlck , who lives
on the first floor of the building , ( } lco\'erlll
time Imoke coming OUt or the doer , nnd ,
runnlnl upstairs , sine succeeded In puttirmg
the lre out before It had made much headway -
' .
Forest Milling OompnnJsJ3Fgc Iowa rlnnt
Wholly Deroed ,
Dero'd .
Cnu ( } h ) ' SJrk frul ; ; , : rsLi 1t'(1 Two
Uulh'l Igniting . , ln , jVotkLorot
l'IC ) alll. 1olu ,
l'rsrtlrnlly II.urcll.
CEDAR ALLS , In. 1 . I'.eb. IG.-Speelnl ( Tel-
egram-About ) 2 o'clock tins morning the
extensive oatmeal mull of [ the Forest Milling
company was discovered to bo on Ore. ThQ
Ore Is supposed to ha\'e started by n naIl
getting In between two rollers which run In
opposite directions , causing sparks to start a
lame , This was rapidly conveyed to other
parts of the building by the grain conveyers
Great difficulty was experIenced In sving
the adjoining IHlmp factory of harris & Cole
ihros . , owing to the waler h'llrants In time
vicinIty being frozen Less , $50.000 ; InLur-
ance , $15,000. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
C"I.\ U.I'Y vIiddiii IlSI : ' . A SUIt.
Iecehed" ! nnlln,1 lollr I".urlncn nlli
. \I is n " "III"1 trim mrs III II.rul" I ti ,
NEW HAMPTON , la. , l el 15-A very
Ilecular law stilt Involving a 110lnt which
steams 10 have never been Ilechlet by nny
court In Iowa , has been on trIal hero for the
past severn Ila 's , L. II. Woler. ex-con-
gressman , also well Imown as "Cnlamlty"
Weler. owns n tannin n mule or two south
of lawn. Being a Ilairon of home institir-
tons nl,1 , a grnger nt henrt ' he had a cer-
mum amount or hay Insuret 'In the Cirleka-
saw I.'armers lusurance COmln last Ren-
son. The Chicago & Great Western rol- :
road crosses a corer of his farm , anl during
the dry weather last summer a fro was
started Ihat consumell an amolnt of ima3
eslinalell nt a value of $200. lie flied a
claim for damages caused hy the ralirmiti
comlnny slnrlng the Ore , and after a tme
was allowed nearly $300. which omount CO\
erec the loss upon the hay sured In the
Chlcls County Mutual . At the same
tme he was negotatng with tire l1urnce
cOlllany for tire payrmient or tire loss ant
within a day or two after the dale or sette-
ment whir the rairoad company ho was 11hl
$00 for tire loss by the Insur ce comlalY , ,
Ihcrehy receiving double pay for the hay
consume < , When tire Insurance comllny
Icare,1 , of his having also recel\'CI pay for
his hay from tire railroad they began acton
10 recover back the $100 pal by tirermm Ills
$00 < Ils
defense was Ihat he was entItled to pay for
damnges caused by tire raIlroad comnmpany's
neglect , also for the amount or immsurance
hecans he had paid a premium for such
Insurance lie took the grolnd that Ihere
was no distncton between hIs positIon than
Ihat which followed Injur to a lerson who
was Inslred agaInst accldenl. The case was
sllbbornly ought , bul JIIIe Fellows de-
clued abwlulely agalntt Weller . giving n
judgment for the amount oC tnslranc lald ,
The case has been appealed to the slpreme
cou rt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
They . \lall "Islt the 1.1118 nml Wurn the
I'ropri't.5r4 tt , Obey time I. , , , .
SIOUX CITY , 10. , Feb 15.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-The ) same wbmen' ' who created a
sensation yesterday by maldng the round at
the saloons and ortprlng , that they must
close or conform to tire inv made another
circuIt of Ihem today , calling on aleut a
dozen more and reading them extracts from
the law , notifying them that next weelt In-
junctions woull he sedurefi against those who
did not conrorm to the strict letter of the
law. They were locked riimt or some of the
places , and In each case they formed In line
anti slng , "Olory tb 'oi , " exclaimed tire
leader at 'the first "place that w's found ,
locked , "we have elated ole saloon already , "
and they sang time doxology and moved on '
Ten minutes after thc proprietor was handIng - ,
Ing out tie drinks to his regular cuslomers :
and discussing the experience. The day's
work was closed by n cal at the mayor's otce
In the city hal to tel of their shameful treat-
meat by the polIce , and the ) ' found time la'or
not ot home. They dlsperset wIth tIre uncer-
standing that they would make another round
each day till all the saloons have been vlslet
Plot to LllorRto the 1'.lnnor tn the Fort I
Sledge Jail covorm1.
lode .Jal I
FORT DODGE , Ia. . Feb. 15-Speclal ( Tele.
gram-A ) plot was discovered this afternoon
to blow the locks cit the Webster county jail
and liberate the prisoners. The officers got
an inkling of the scheme ant searched the
jai , discovering a large quantity of powder.
A stranger from St. Paul , named Frank
llanley , was arrested , and confessed lo smug-
glng In the explosive. Bob Allen and John
Domeska , two toughs c ; the town , are 1mph-
cated also _ _ _ _ _ _ _
J\ . .1 , McCrary Succeeds , "ilte Crispy ,
DES MOINES , Feb. 12.-Speclal ( Telegram )
-Governor Jackson today appointed A. J ,
McCrary of Keokuk dIstrict judge , to fill the
vacancy occascnc : by time dealh or Judge
Casey or Madison. I Is stated that the buol-
ness of the court Is In bad shape , owIng to
the fact that Judge : Casey had taken many
cases under advisement and neglected to pass
upon them. They will have to le retrle
Ever since Judge CaseY' death last wee the
jurors have been loafing around the court
room , because there was no one 10 tlscharge
them and no cne with . power to adjourn court.
lawn " TcuchrrH' Convention.
FAIRFIELD , la" , Fob. 15.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram-Flve ) hundred delegates are here at-
tomid'ng the meeting of time Southeastern State
Teachers association. State Superintendent
Sobin delivered an address at the opera house
last evening before a large audience. Four
meetIngs were hel today by various seclons ,
At the general meeting In the afternoon addresses -
dresses were mode ly Presltent Seerley of
th State normal school , Cedar Falls : Horn . J.
S. McKenney or Fairfield , Superintendent
Mullen of Washlnglon , Principal 1ummel oC
Bnrlngton , Superlnlendent Meyer of Kckuk ,
Senator Harsh or Creston anti others , This
evening I'rof. Wilam 10wley Smih of
Peoria I" , gave 0 lectue on education .
1'0111 t rozen to lie ills .
MASON CITY , Ia. , Feb. 15-Speclal ( Tele-
gram-Ben ) Sweetl , "vho lIved near Etora
on tine Macy farm ! JjilU over the line In
Orully counly , dlsappeayet Momrday . 011 to-
day was round dead ! simm , a hay stack on tire
rarm , wlh one emnty Ilcohol bottle and an-
olher with tire comstedtpartly t drained lying
near tire hotly Tlreraeceased , was 28 years
or age. lIe was or ppvpgian parentage ) and
iran , been In this cOlntrf a numler of years
I Is not definitely JrVI whether his death
was producell hy e.'qpofimro or suicide. Some
are Inclne,1 , to time \llef that there vas foul
Ilay.le was not kndwn to have hall an enemy.
The coroner or OruudYfcounty was notlell
and the botiy'taken to fundy Center where
an inquest was meld . j (
Aged Iowi 1.lui , ' Uurnell to 10lth ,
CEDAR HAIJs t . , I eb. 15-Speclal (
Telogram.-Mr. ) Arrllralven ! , a lady about
80 yeal old , was blrtc1'd to death at Greely
yesterday . She was : rQJ In tire mouse , anti
her clolhlng caught , fIre In some way , She
was unconscious when . found , and soon died.
Women always . prefer nr. Price's flakIng
Powder I.s absolutely . ! " pure.
Thlnl the lUulH J."
SIOUX CITY , Feb 15-Speelal ( elegram )
-A case InvolvIng mony thousalds In bonUs
was up for trial In district court today , It , Is
enlte Haber flew against the Inllependent
school district or Sioux City , An old e.ldal
will be brought to lght In the progress of
the suIt , I dales from the tunes when
school boards were not very careful In use
handlng of school aecurflies . flew bought
$10,000 of these bonds , and now the district
refuses to pay them , on the ground that they
are fraudulent , 0 , G TretwlY , a prominent
lawyer , was a membr or the board at that
lme ant Is supposed 10 have been In IOle
degree responsible for the illegal Jssue He
Is OUt of the c\y \ now , and will not testIfy
at time trial , alhough ime Was counted on 3
the most 1ulportlnt 'lneal by both sides .
- - -
FROM ' THE ' ; 1LI1'1' ' .
Paine's ' Celery Compound Has
Made Us Well !
We \ Advise the Sick to Take it ,
Say the Clergymen :
Be rcpared [ ) ( for the Danger ! Season .
son of Spring.
Aggress Christianity - is l'os-
SilICVith \ 1 Ecaltlt.
Pastors of All Sects Preach I
East and West.
" - HACTIC.\L worl dhitlmm .
' ' gnrhsimea lhe 111 llt. iac- ,
J I f Ji Irlnl sermeas : today are I
' - . It n 11scolnt , : lnlsters' '
f of the goiei : S Ir by a
, t . , l [ , wel ! eoncertod Ilbn. are
r , . , rt . now Iluttng tremenlol
, .t . jli' v emmergyhmtotlie cau e "f
, ! ( i I 'i'f P 0,1 , go\'ernment and plb ,
. ' '
" " Ic he1lh. .1grl's I\
Oi O/ , ' 1) ) ( 'imrlattafflty eeemstob
- - ' ' the untie oC every tiemmonml-
t - { prlc Ienoml-
"r I r J' , .1 'f ' ( mnatorm.
. " = j : . . I"lat cleslell , callow
( ir'ckd , weal iegetl , , va-
terey eyed clerg men are scare ; "I rang ,
vigorous , clear heallet , manly fellows arc en-
terlng tire pemmiinarlcs.
Thnt a wel mal Is a better man thal . a scll :
anI Is no longer Ireresy
Publc baths , fresh all exclrslons , open
parks slnlghl , pinyalcal training and proper
, mellcines for time sIck arc aIr contrilutng to
the work cr home missions
Al sects appear lo be entering with unusual
I nctvty ; into a practical reformmmatiomn . Last .
I week In Boston one of time greatest of its pin- .
pit orators preached' ' upon clean streets ; In
New York the chlrches Inavo been breaking
np political corruption , Money Cram the cDn-
trlbltol boxes Is gding Into hospitals. Many
a young clergyman today takes a year or
more. not In a trip to Enrope 10 hear mlsc !
anti , 5111' calhedral architecture , and "round
cut his elncaton , " but In a plain , mmnatter-of-
fact medical school to lear anatomy and
Most umrogressvo ! mInisters In every denom-
IlrOlres9ve tenom.
Inaton today arc recommending to their Ileo-
pie tire great remedy that people well .
earnestly endorsing the work or Dartmoulh
college's genrous scientIst , anti frankly lend-
lag their Inluence to Ihat of tire lest physl-
clans-advlng ! generally time use of Palne's
celery compolnd now that tine "danger lea-
son of spring" Is near.
The proprietors of this best of remedies now
rurlsh n great quant'ly of testImonials rrom
clergymen In every stale , anti almost every
city and lawn In Iho country from , \hlch the
following are taken at random :
From Somervlo , Mass . Doslon's wealthy
ubnb , Charl Cromber Bruce , one or the
allest young pastors In Ihe state writes :
"I am nearly : years of age and weigh nor-
maly HiS poundsatpressnt my welglls 1S * .
My sickness took me down to 134 % , so that
you see that I am getting bJclt to myself , ant ,
God willing . shall soon be there.
"I have . been a very s'ck man , but owing
to the good neE of the supreme powers I am
now on the royal road whose end Is I perfect
healh ,
"After 20 rs or exesslve labor In
'ACer years essl\e studyIng -
lag anti , preaching , I wls elected 10 a IJosllcn
In I imlgin school In Boston , but the work laId
on me and I grew I , The illness laste,1 for
about a year antI a malt. But now I am so
that I can see the end , anti , a more thanlfnl
man you never saw. A gentemen who 1\'et
near me began to use Paine's celery c lnpound
and It built him up I theught of this and
soon I was led to use It , ant It has brought
me out all right. "
Mother Theresa , wrIting from St Theresa's
academy , near Peoria I" , says timat they have
given Pallls celery compound n thorough
trial anti round It to be all lhat Is claimed for
It. She adds : "We small continue Its use and
also recommend It 'to cur friends. "
The folowing testimonial from 0 man /
widely knOwn and beloved . .
knwn as Rev. T. F.
StatnfTer . pastor of the Faith Reformed church
of LIncoln , Neh. . Is a most positive proof cf
the wonderrul medicinal power of Palnls
celery comlolnd : anti Its great superiority
over ordinary sarsaparilas , tenlcs and ner-
"For nearly a year past I have felt myself
running down My nervous s'Elem was grad-
ualy growing wcrse : I had slight symploms
or rheumatsm , ont was Iroubled a good deal
at times wIth Insomnia I felt thal somethln
must be done , and concludet to use Paine's
celery compound , After the first few days'
use I began to Improve , ant I am very mich
better now. Indeed , I feel lIke myself once
more . All symploms cf rheumatsm are dis-
appearing. I can sleep well .
wel. my nervous sys-
tem Is rapidly improving ant I believe a ratl-
cal cure .Is beIng effected , Paine's celery
eompount Is 1 splentll remedy , and I )
conscIentiously comment It to the surrerlng
In hike cases I rurlher believe that Ir tins
medicine were taken In time It would Eave
many heavy doctor's lls , I have never ued
o remedy or any klnll that met its promises
so well and so readily. "
s wel readiy.
Rev W. J. White , D. D" , edItor of tire
Georgia Baptist , says : "My wife was In poor
health. I think It n sort of general dehlly
which caused severe attacks or heart palpita-
ton , She was favorably Impressed with
Paino's celery compound and procured It I at
once. She felt benefited rrom time first bolte ,
anti , I Ice a declteil Improvement which Is
gratylng , We have spoken of tins medicine
10 several friends , anti several have already
used It upon cur recommendation , " I
Rev , T. F. Martin , rector of St. Anne's
church at Nashville , gives his people confi.
dence In the great curative powers of Palne's
celery compound ne says :
"During the Lenten season last year , which ,
on account or mulipled services , Is very try-
Ing ant laborious to a clergyman , I became 10
run down thal I feared I would not le stile to
holt out 10 the enll Having seen accounls
of the efficacy of Paine's celery compound In
simiar cases , I concllted 10 try I , 1 was
soon deligirteti 10 find that It
dellhl(1 gave me new
vigor ansi by the use or one bottle , I was en-
ablet to get through time most laborious part
.or the ecason , Inclullng Holy Week and
Ealerday , wih ease ant comfort , I attribute
nmy relief to Paine's celery compould , I keep
a bottle or It on hand anti wh never I have a
return of the feeling of exhauston from unusual -
usual labor I take a few doses . alwaye with 1
pleasant sensation at relief , "
Among tire many ahle minIsters In lie up.
per Icwa comnference none Is better beloved
by his church than 11ev. Ii. F. liermy. Reader
of the great good that Paine's celery cern-
pound did him ,
"I or Ihree year I have suffered from Intll.
geslol , constipatIon and biliousness . I have
taken three holies of Palne's celery compound
anti find myself \onderluly irelped I reel
rested now monmmlngs . anti , no longer have any
tired and stuplll feelings. Therefore I take
great delIght In recnmmmnerndlng i'mine's . celery
compound de" " to all suffering , train these dlor-
11ev Wilam A. Smih or Groton , Conn" ,
after years of work Is still weD and active ,
le write :
"In my early days , by great and prolonged
mental EUferlng , I broke down In healh and
- . - . . - - .
- - - - - - - - - - - -
became I dyswptIi ! b'lnK , obl/ Hl OUl time i
I. glv < trim my work In the mt" t'rr on aCC u"t
ct ill-health. Im now 1 : yat at age , anti
111rlr may long lIfe lrre ! uIertd greatly [ rom
dspella , lorl.hl'H , constpalon nn'l in-
somnl , : t time I , thltllnr 1 shoulll die ' for Ih
want oC balmmmy sleep. I amid ( It Is : ouller 10 lt
that I aflve ted ' ' , all that I have bin
throlgh ant , a1'e today \lh ni t1atl lave ( n
"I ha\'t tl'lell an tailless amolnt of mellI
clot . hint lately I hl\o been : tIln ( I'aine'S !
color ) ' I'ol'punll. and marc all lalh In its
moris aD Pllalloll In my crntn' . By thl' me
of o\rl hotlts I so Car rrcovern1 1) ' ) hcaU
u ' 10 onshler mniyelf n wel lan for m , Cgl
I reallalcs tht lver , stomach anti bowes
wihout amnqtrestlon , My appetite Is ncw
001I ' tier ) is I refreshlnr , I ' liver acti\o
ann bowels regular , anti my crutthe ! not
needed , R I con walic without n ataff. I our
daily Increasln/ In slrongt anti In\rovlng
generally , and hl'e that my 'O\11 ! will simon
bo renr"'ell Fa that I caner ! , nit In ray try-
gone dns 1101110 art burl'rlso,1 nl ray 111'
Ilro\'ell allpearalce nn.1 nct\ly , "
NiI' YOI { CITY C H\ mN ,
Intll'lewt11 by a reporter In tht cIty the
olher tiny . n large number of clergymen t. . .
lu'essNI tine heartest Inllorsemrnt or Paine's
celery COI 110 111 , Tire Intel'I\/ were pimb-
l het In the Worll , Here arc n few of lhel :
IeI. 1 ! L. Oranlenard , pastor of the
French IrebYlerlnn church , wino Urea nt t 13
W'es't trth l. slll : "I hwe [ rqlel ' beCmm
relt\'ct or nt\'OIS arfeclcns by tIme \IP of [
Paine's celery eOIIIOln,1 1 think ! I n 10st
r lahle reINI ' and shall recomlent I wher-
ever I have ' nn oplorlll ) ) . .
He\ , H , 1 Wlnn , paslor of tire AbysinIanm
cirmrrch . Fall : " 'My career as a Ilnlsler of Ih
goepel has hren lrnnnpereti , by tine fact that for
years I bravo surferel , Crol neronsn ' ss , I
con"1Ie,1 : : , r.e\'eral specialists , who In'atell I '
eas for 10nths : , hint 1 minimal say that Illrlng
tIne moat few \lols I ha\t rcce\'CI lore
brneO Crol one bottle oC Paine's celery conmm-
pounll taken , " titan rrOI all the other 1 ' llclncs
Tine recent Indrrtlent or the great rrlell '
1)3' HeI r. . \ . Otmeliet . Ie\ ' . : lr , Lainti and
other plolllnt divines ha\'e so rectntl ' heen
llblshed Ilml , that the ' are fresh In tire public
Hn O. A. g 1HY ,
He\ , C. A. Emery l of Pllslell , \'t. writes :
" ' ' , imest nmmti ! .
"Paine's celery compoun,1 Is tine best I'l
cine to he Conni all Iery I cheerfnl ) roc'l-
mrml It 10 all who art In n rUI dnwn or e'-
hallrl conditon , t have twice Ise,1 , I with
10st satisfactory roslls , For fire years amy
work has been very hea\ ' , especially so dnr-
Ing the last two 'ears. My con\'lrlel was
Ihat Inlcss I fal 11 10lethln to helll 11 I
11st give Inn m ) ' worl , as a mnminlster . but I
took Paino's celery comloull and last year
connie Olt nil right'ltitout a vacation of so
luch as : one Sund : ) I recolmenl It to all
as a wonlerfll nerve restorer
11ev , B. S. Crosby cf Brmnsinton , N. V. , says :
"It gives mmmc great pleasmnre to add roy testi-
many to tire effect of I'aine's ceicry commmpotrmnti.
For elgimt years I brave suffered great Inalmn In
may back , Last Almrll I was so weak ani
miervotma tirat I arramngeti to go to Momntreal for
treatmnmenmt , btnt tirree slays before I expected to
go a fnienti of maIne imrgeti mime to take Paine's
celery comnpoimmmd. I went tlrat tiay anti
boingint a bottle mind cemmmmnemiceti to take It ,
anti before I mail taken tine first bottle I 'as
free fronim paIn In Tmiy back amnti couhil sleep
sound , ammti ama able to pncacim every Simntlay.
"I will gladly answer any one wim may
write to mao abctmt it. I tnimst yotmr lnmslneos
vIll contlntmo to proepe-r untIl time afluIctcd ones
or the entire nation small take Paine's celery
comapoimmiti amid berevltaiizeti. . "
Rev. Dr. .1. F. hall of Maimntville Is one of
time best known ministerm , in soirtireastern
01mb. Mrs. hail , whose life was despalretl of ,
% -as restered 'tO inenitim by Paine's celery corn-
lotrnci : Site writes :
"Time grip matie a wreck of mnmy natural good
inealtlm. I smrffered freon continnmal imeatiacise ,
'lrIclm notinlng relieved , amid from nrvoummess
whicin prevented slecp anti caused rmme to lrave
palpitatlon of the heart wimen startled by army
unexpected noise or soimmiti. I irati distressing
1)0105 in rmny back anti sltie , was constipated ,
bil'osms and sallow complexioned. My psilie
was very changeable , sonmetimnmes quIck and at
otirers scarcely perceptible , apcotIte poor , with
a feeiimmg of languor anti weakness at tinmes
ainmost overcomnimmg me. It seemed as If every
organ in mnmy body woe tilseased , amid I was in
despair of ever being well again. At tImes
time grave seemned very near. I can never sic-
serbe amy terrible sufferings , anti it woinhti
hmavo been a great relief to mayo excimarigetl
worlds , hint hike every motiner , I would look
upon my baby bay and ciimmg to life ,
"Not moving mnucin faltin in advertised mcdi-
cmos , it was whir reltr tance timat I began to
nnse I'ainc's celery comnnpotmntl , bmmt after tine
fIrst dose I slept well. My imnprovemmment was
rapid ; I took six bottles and gaIned between
,20 and 25 pounds In weigint , amid now I ann
flealmy , rimtitiy cheeketi and clear conmphexloned ,
tlse wontler of all my friends. I do mmiy own
work mind assist my irtmsbantl in iris labors as a
minster of the g5iel. I always tell the sick
and smmIfenlng wisat this grand compotmnd inas
done "
Rev , Percy T. Fcnn , rector of St. Joirn's
at floonton , N. J. , writes :
"It gives me great pleasmrro to comnmenni
tlto usa of Paine's celery comnpoimntl to nIl
those who are suffering from nervous troubles ,
I Inati suffered for two years witlr nervous
prostration bretmglrton hmy overwork anti cx-
cesslvo stsmdy , and titsnlng tir's time mom ] tnicd
aimmmost everytmnlng in time way of mnetliclne ,
besides belmrg treateti by arm eminent specIalist
In nervous silseares , hint notirlng imelped me
inntil I used ialmme's celery cornpomnth. This
renmetiy has been of great benefit to me , and
I small always recommmncnti it to all sufferers. "
Tire fact is , Paina's celery comnnpound nmakes
people weii. Try it and be convlned.
I'residcmmt. cashier.
First Natlo nal Bank
Capittul , - . $100,009
Pi'otits , - - - 12,000
Oaa of tire oldest honks Inn tire unto ot Iowa ,
S'e solicit your busmnt's ansi colmectmons. We
pay C per cent on tirno depoults. yQ'o vili be
pieascd to see and servo you.
Stoelihmoldorru' Mootlmig.
NotIce is hmereby given tinat tIre regular
anriimai meneeting of tire stocklmoltiers of tine
l4outlm Phatte Linmiti commipamnymviii ho hselti at
tire cilico of riaitl company , in Lincoln , Neb , ,
at 11 o'clock a. ne. , on tire first Wetimmcatiny
mm Mnrcim , 1895 , beIng the 6th day of the
month ,
By order of the Board of Directors.
It. 0. PIIILLII'ti , Secretary.
Lincoln , Nob. , Fob , 4 , 3893. F1m301
mJ iu Ar' AJ.I4Ain0UTCflMGIi'G
s vi HU thu Fcattmrosttnd jtcrra'jv.
lumettrlsmres , in 1A ) , , ttouk foe a pmnrnj.
, Pols Ii. Viisiltsum' ' , IC ? tY , 424 It.N , 1.
Imrverntur or % 's'ts.xIbury's i-'ucirii miosse , .
Special Noticos-OOIIDCII Bluffs
ii Burke , at W , to. homer's , 5t 13roatimi'ay.
court house , Appny sit lice olilce , Council Irlutg.
; - : RI'l''im mN ( ml htb 'ANTEi ) DV
Jacob r-tlrnnrs , ant l'immmrer Street ,
FOIl htCN'i'l"iIONT itooM , NmemL't' FUll.
nisised ; stt-ntrn meat ; ctnmvL'nit'nt to msrotor limit ;
centlstinen preferred , Adsimesis 13 itt , litt omrmce ,
I.fls-es1It1-flliCTON , t , 0i10 Irl'EltIArnivea
Crsr.iireitIiIn mip.t , 10th & Mrun Ste. Orarsha
Ia.lkmrn. . . . . . . . . . . ic'mser Rxpr.q. . . . . . . . . . . .
-Li'nI mk. lulmms. etlt , , , ' l'rg m mna , rIs , 4 r'pm
4:35mm : , . , , , , , , . , , , Uctivet' Ixpres . , . . , , , , , , , , 4nluprn
C. I'-pmtm. . ? ' , 't-lniiea , n4-i , I , e-m't Ssrn'tse ' : ) -4mnn
$ d..nsmn..I.tnccmmn l.ectil ( esccpr Stsnan > ' ) sll:2rsm : -
:4pmsr.m'nt : Mall ( fer m.tncoln Daily. , . , , . . . . .
h.esn p.m eInmc.tco , lrt'miLlNU'roN . Qi.mntvt'
Or'm.slvrrumnmon Dcioi , lCtln & itlat'on Sta. Omnnrh.
4 : ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Vetlm'iite . . . , , , , , , , 9SOamim :
S . . . . . . . . . . . . . xnm-i , , , . , , , , , , , , 4 ; rsmnmn
I .i.nii ; , . I , Is - ig , , sntn e'm. I tms , Iti'rt- ' , ' , . . S
iI : SOanr. , , . , . . , I' , sunmtt Jtsncuon 1.eea , , . . . , , , , SrlOpmii
. . . . . . . . . : ' ' ' l'rist 2t1sri . . . . . . .
ic'fl'c ( 'ill'AlO , Sills. & Fm' . PAUL.lArrU'e
, , Orntalntm Unions Depot , rothi & .ini'nn lmsj Osmnrmhim
: . . . . . . . . . . . . i.tmnmntn'tl. . . . . . . . . . . OtiGama
LtiQ.srn..CsIcngolipreNcx ! ( , Semi ) . . , . COpnti ;
l.crmems t'ltit''uo &
UmniatnalUnmomr lt'pit , lOut & Mason .Ste. Lnmusha
: ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . h-iIncss. . . . . . . . . . . 5IOpnm :
4 ' , . . . . . . . . . . . , . l.hnitcl . . . , , , , , . VnlOarn
: ' . . . . . . . . . . . . vaumey . , . . . . . . . . . . . :
t.:4pnm : , . , . , , , Omnamta CtsIt'ago Fiscelal , , . . , , , 2:11pm :
Isi-e ( . 'iIiC'AiO.R , 1. & l'ACbFiC' . lrl'r"
Omnamia Ummicn I'em't , Ohms & Mis.on Sir Osuahim
- - -
rAes& : ' .
ml : t-Oanr. . . . ' -
( : . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' rtpn-'is. . . . . . . . . . . . 9:50am :
macpm..lnIcn'z , 'etIbistei 1.mmonme.I , , , , : COpmii
1lnnrm.OUmnmmona : : . uo U. U. cx , guis..ii:3Qprn :
& ' 1'cess I'r , "i. eunimI:3pm ) :
r : lCr'nm..Votam-aia ' t.trtittel. . . . . . . . . . . 4Opni :
I.i-sers I C , ST. 1' , , M. & 0. lArrlvee
Ornatnimi _ Ihliot lctmn flsmtt'tliter i4te , Ornsnmnsts
I. : ? -s : mn..Net sn alert 1 'is sit-ag's' ( ths il I . . . . S :1 : 1pm
I Finn. . .ior5x Urty lpn cs P-S. Sunn. ) - . .11 :5ntn
crtm'rin : . . . . . . . . . . . .t b'atrl h.Immnitntt - - - - - - - - - - : ' .
( isrmttrsrni iei't 1tmn , rnilvm.ster St s , i Orsmaisa 7
I : iCIitn5. . . . . . . Unt iatl rimt'I ' I : mnr-pq. . . . . . . I I : t'Sntmn
? : ncmtmn. . ( r'x. tilt. ) ' ) 'O , mIx. tn' hers , ) , . 4:15nmnn : - '
5Ornrtn. : . . ; tn foit Cpsecs ( cx. mtmntiay ) . - .10:30-isa :
; . . . . . . . . . . . r'ritsm : , . . . . . . . . . :
T.t'at- I I-iitflJX s'i'rv & m'cIFw , i7rrrlve'i" 4'
Ursmahal hepot 11th ismid'ct't.ter lits. Orrsrtni :
, jntnm. . . . . _ l'tstri I .ttmn t tt-ti . . . . . . . . . . . no :3I.mstn :
I.ent,5 , I 8lotlX Ui'rV , t l'ACmI'IC. lAnrives'
OrinamtalUrrr"n miepot , noun & aPseon tits4 Omnmamr.m
GClommn..ttiosrx : City ' , , . . . . . . . . . :
& . . . . . . . . . . . . l'atri . . . . . . . . . . . . :
ieht-cs I'NlN , m'AiFIC. lAni Ive'
C.rrrtmta Umrlomn men'ot. lOtln & aiaeon ste. Omnmtttm
hOOta5. : . . . . . . . . . . . i-asrm'y U'pr p"m. . . . . . . . . . . smlpmmm
: . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( " iastd Flier. . . . . . . . . . . . & : O3pnm t
2flUpsiiItc-atr'ncc : .0 i4tr'rtih'g nx. ( cx iUn ) . 8:45pm :
: . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . ' m : ntn . . . . . . . . . . . . :
: . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ' , 1ramm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4ronsmn :
h.rnves I w'n.tuir lt.tilWAiArrivei"
O.msamna 't'nit'ms rcr't. lommn , c. amnmomm'gtsiOnnsnhm
3lCltnn..t. : nttintciimtmctsn ii.mi . . . . . . .12:31pm
ICttvet' hC. , Fl' .1. & C.Il t.nrIvea
Osnalnts tlrimomLrepot , lOris & Mason mitns.i iaha
: Otimn. . . . :1nnenH : City many n1nn . . . . . . . . Cllpnmm :
9:4psrm..h.C. : NigIrt nx. -mtt U. I' . 'l'srtmms , , Gtoumn :
Leaves l'MiSSOURl l'ACIFIC , iAniiv
Onnalini ) I'ot r3tts antr'phstes' Sts.Onirsh.L . .
1Olllam. : . . . . . . : : .
C : OOmnsi. . . . . . . . . . St. ittsrl mi.n's es , . . . . . . . . . . 6eSnnn :
& : Iopmni..e-cliram.a l.ocal ( cx. umi ) . . . . . COtann :
, -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- tb'
tb'I I
It' r
' . ' ' ' .t t tL. _ ,4 - ; ; , t1
, -
, -
t _ s--
. ' ' EM
, ' ,
I'lsta ( o0(1 t4muustrltnhi'Ii
Clean Sweep for the Blood !
'l'ine ( ootl inimmrnn i-it tnmn innss beers a pm-riot Itioner of
rnctlicisno2yem1r nmmd irnis rammed oven it tboua-
No rmectl of gtlmng to tire 1101 l4prIsIgN of
Arknssmm4nme4 tin c'istnwlner'c when 3'Onr crimm mo
csmnc'tl nst Itomnmo ( ml' tlsoVorwt Jticu1 l'oieon
man or womrsamn ever tecanmno : mi vmctlnm ofwitlrout
thru nmso ot' mrmes-ctrry , nrscmrlc on' rnm' otmner minIma-
oral mnokonn. Se'mntl * : .oo by I'.O. money order for
U butt Ic of mnsetiicimni' . I t orsty ri-qinrres fronr 1
It , 3 mottles to cur a It iiiti-rrso , fromrt I veek to
10 years stmimmdlmmmr.
MD , ,
Coistiell HislirPi , lown.
P.S.-A wm'itiens gismnmomntt'o gi'vmi erich pur-
elmaser to rcfsnmmti money imnless cured ,
4 feet hong-04 inches wldo
Domr't bellevo tlnat bccauao
are thro bcstdeslcs thmv'ro time most expensive ,
it's mmcl. tmiro. Wu'vo just comnpletctl
ft mmcmv limo of inrlmstamntitLh ( itisko-unirsually
iramstlronne 1mm ntlmlretrrImmco : rtmrd low 1mm lriee.
We , tim snammufnictmnroms , sell t tue mann
wino usons tire dosg. Tirumo's where thro saving
cornea In.
New designs in our well known hilgir grade
desks , oflict , clmainin amrd limro crtbluutt nail
metal work , Crttmiloguo 1rec.
A. H. ANDREWS' & CO. ,
215-221 Wabash Ave,5 CHICAGO.
. '
"Howdy ,
Stranger ! "
Is the Texas Welcome
Texas will ersy "hlowsiy" to you , If yo titil
run down and give item irospitnble citIzens halt
chance to get acquainted witin you.
Besides being e pleasant place to vllt , it doei
Irot trtie a hack seat as a wealth producer. On
time Gulf Coast of Texas may be found bIg
attractions for bomomeekoru ; 20 acres of iaari
mlantcd In pears , nOte owner SU.CO0 yearly.
Chreap rates In effect durIng winter monthi.
Now Its tire tIme to go , Call on or asidrees B. Xi.
I'ainsrer , 1' . A. , Santa Fe route , Omahra , for ix.
curslon rates and free copy of Coast Counmtr7
Ea8IIy , Quickly , Permanently Restored ,
- , Norvonaazieap5
e. Iebtllly , nmrsi all tine tn-aim
' . of evIls frorni early errors or
. hater exsesso tire m-esultsot
overwork , I it1cness worry ,
etc. Full rtrersgtlm , devoi.
oprmmemrtmimntl torte given to
. every sm'jzrtr , miii pontloa
. ) . . .
-3 Ati ;
' ; I t i t IVI I inc immismomenresit : seen.
Frilisrro Imnilto : , tide , 2.0I ( I eferi mrclS. flook ,
cxpianmxtiunn ; urti ProofS ntmaiirA I sculud ) free ,
ERIE MEDICAL CU , , Buffalo , N.Y.
, j rjL1Thd . ' . , , STEAM DYE WORKS
2J : : 4 id
. . _ _ ! . _ _ _ _ new , WCrk promptly
Ifluif a , ZowaY TeL
- . - /