Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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_ _ _ _ _
01 oslng Cut Cook's OIothing at Half Oook's
. Prices.
I . -
nfl rltRlnll In MlIlIllnll nlllt Shrctlnltll-Thc
. \ lIot JI"hnmto " J.lllo of " 'nllh nomls
III the ' 'lIt-ttcCI' Your lye : on
. Our Jlnrltllln Counlcr.
The greatest cut prlco sale on recon1.
There's n young ! fortune In these prices.
All M. II. Cook's $8.50 to $ I2.IO men's suits
r go I.'rhlny allll Saturday Rt $1,25. $
. All of M. 11. CXik's $15,00 suits Rt $1,50.
Cooks $18.00 fine Prince Albert cults $9.00.
I Boya' long pant suits Riles 12 to 19 , $3.00 ,
. $5,00 and $1.50 suits for $1.50 , $2,60 and $3.15.
' Cook'8 knee IJant ) stilts Rges 4 to 15. nt half
prIce , 15c , $1.25 anll ( $2.50.
. Cook'8 mau's overcoats and ulsters must go
regarllless of cost or vAlue. Any $ GOO over-
coat for $2,50 : $10.00 , $15.00 and $18,00 overcoats .
. coats and ulsters at $5.00 , $1GO and $9.00 ,
, Men'8 troulers from Cook's stock nt half
' price and less ; $1.50 , $2.50 , $1.00 nllli $5,00
. pants At 75c , $1.25. $2.00 and 250.
- , Coolt'fI men's jean pants hAlf price , 50c 750
r nnd 100.
: The few fine overcoats left from Cook's
stock Are to be closed out nt once , without re-
garth to cost
, ; Ceok's mncklntoshes hat [ price , $4.00 , $5,00
anti $6.00.
, Cook's rubber coats hair price , $2.00 and
. $2.50.
Cook's leather coats , U,15 and $3.00.
. Cook's satchels And travelug ; bags half ,
. i
. Cook's entire stock of hats anti caps at SOc
on the dollar.
Bargains In the 1iflI I of goods you want
New ones every day. Special bargains In
muslins , flannels end linens , chevIots , call-
, COB allll ( shlrtln/s. / cotlonades , etc.
, 8.4 PcpJ.erell sheeting , worth 20e , for 12'he ,
Fruit Of the Loom muslin , worth 8Y.c , for
6c.I lne brown shirting , worth 7lhc to lOc , fcr
6c , 51/.ic nllli Gc
On white goods we make the lowest prices
and carry the most complete as ortment , An
entirely ! new line of fancy striped lIIusllns
anti colored Swisses , In all the latest shalles :
fine linens and linen lawns ; new white and
colored piques ) ; French nllll Irish dimities ; all
colors In tarlatans : hemstitched lawns ,
; checked nalnsoolts and figured ! piques
You neell so no further cast for line / novel-
lies In table linens , napkins aoL ! towels , for
our linen department will compare with any
such department In the country , both ns to
quantity nnd quality , and styles and prices
The nicest , most desirable stock of wash
goods you ever laid your eyes on.
We have everything ! new of domestic
British anti French manufactures
See our line ! : ! cf Manchester cloths at 20c ,
25c. 29c and 350 YI1.
Also the nohlJlest thing In cotton goods ,
Golf cloth , at 21c.
Domestic dimities , elegant showing , at 12c !
anti 15c.
Duck suiting nil colors , and designs , at lOc
and ISo ) 'd ,
l'eblJled duck suiting , the very latest 30-
Inch , at luc yard.
Beautiful swivel effects , In Manchester cot-
t tons , checks and stripes , 29c 'ard.
French Japonelte , 30-lnch , patterns and col-
erin ! ; ! Inimitable At 25c yard
Jaconelts , In fiOO dIfferent patterns , and no
last season's styles at 12 % c.
Domestic sateens , elegant cloth , colorIngs
perfect , 10c and 15c.
French sateens , never saw such values , at
ISo , 20c and ,25c ,
The wash goods department solicits your In- '
specllon , as we assert we have the most elaborate -
! orate line In the wost.
Via Itockfs1tttt1 Iihortot Line anti FatoJt
'I It ) ) o.
1'0 all points lu Kansas , Oklahoma , IndIan
Territory , Texas and all points In southern
Callrornla Only one nIght out to all points
In Texas. The "Texas Llmltel leaves Omaha
at 6:15 : a. m. dally except Sunday , landing
' , passengers at all points In Texas 12 hours In
, advance of all other linE's. Through tourist
. cars via Ft Worth and EI Paso to Los An-
, geles For full particulars , maps , folders
etc. , call at or Address Rock bland ticket
office , 1002 Farnam St.
: JlUUmH lou n ' I XCUItSION .
Snuth \ 'hIho \\'nl"8h ' Unhiroati :
On February 6 and 12 , March 6 , April 2
: and 30. For rates or further Information
and n copy of the Homeseekers' GuIde call
nt tIm New Wabash office , 1416 Farnam
j street or write O. N. CLAYTON ,
'N. W. P. Agent Omaha Neb.
) .
, No Venr , . AllIJllt ( old Urllorvo.
In the Black lillis-The output of gold and
silver from the mines of the Black hills In
1893 Is ns allows : Gold 221.61fi,858 ounces ,
with a eolnago value of $4,119.083.21 ; silver ,
131,915,20 ounces wtth n coInage value of
$90,640.04 The output for 1894 Is placed lJy i
_ conservative mining men at : Gold , 443,351.116
ounces : coinage value . $8,238,10G.64. Sliver ,
- 112,394 ounces ; coinage value , $120,615,80.
The Northwestern line , Fremont , lkhorn
; & Missouri Valley railroad , Is the most direct
from Omaha , and Its , through trains arc
, * equipped ! with Wagner palace sleepers and
, . free reclining chair cars. Passengers for the
. Keyston ! and holy Terror district buy to
t Hermosa : those ! for Green Mountain district
buy to Deadwood i
' , Ticket ! ant co 1401 Farnam st. Depot 15th' '
Ilial Webster sts. J. Il DUCIIANAN ,
j General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Neb.
- - aTe -
' ' To the 1'lIctnc Coast and " eu'rn 1'011111.
: ' Via the UnIon PacIfic , the Worhl's Pic.
: ' " , tonal LIne , Read the time. To Saa I ran.
' cisco from Omaha , G11h hours : to Portland
from Omaha , G5 % hours First class through
I ) Pullman cars. DIning car servlco unsur-
pasaed. Free reclining chaIr cars. Uphol.
' stored Pullman Colonist .sleepcrs daIly between -
. tween Council DlulTs , Omaha nllli San I ran-
; cisco. via C. & N. W. and Union Paclflo sys-
, tem without change nt '
, , conenctll1g Cheyenne
with similar cars for I'orllllnll ; also dally
, between Kansns City anti Portland , connect-
.r Ing lit Cheyenne with similar cars for San
' rnnclseo
) , Correspond ; limo anti service ! to Colorado -
ratio , Utah WyomIng . Idaho and Montana
points. HAHtlY I' . DEUm" ,
, City Agent. 1302 F.\rnam street.
, .
. 1' ' ttttint tu ' 1'lIleo
: The Norlhweslern hue fast YestllJ\lleli Chi-
i t cngo train that glides cast from the Union
I ; r Depot every afternoon at 5:45 : and Into
j Chicago lit bUj : next morning with supper
and 1.1 l carte hreakfnst. Every Ilart or the
_ _ _ 0 ' train Is HIGIl'l'
c Other eAstern traIns at 11 :05 : n. m. and 4
; p. m , dally-good , too.
I City ticket ontce , UQl Farnam street
a -
'fhu IInrllllJlun UUUlo ( 'hlllll'll' : TIme ,
' t Important changes In till Durllngton's
, service to Chicago , St. Louis and Kansas
- City are made \1y \ the schedule effective / '
' Wl'tlnesda ) ? . February \ 13 ,
. Sea thul tables In another column or call
t at the city ticket olllce , 1321 Farnam st , . anti
t cot full information
, . , . . . . . . . . :
F ' " ' ' ! '
'l'hls , Vu5 the 110w
In tim course of 11 conversation yesterday -
' day an old mlJloyo Of the gasoline company
! m east some light on the Eouree Of the lamps
' that the city Is payIng for but which have
never ben ! ordered by the city council 'rlu
, ' tllllJloyo stilted that there were cases where 11
councilman asked the company to put In n :
lamlJ , \ \ Ithout the preliminary of a rrsolu- :
tion anti tn these casts the request was UiU.
ally grllnted. Councilmen had claimed that
, ibis people were In 'hurry for the lIeht and
. they IIII ! not wnnt to walt while the resolution -
tion was going to the mayor IInd back again
: and If the company would SO ahead anti IJut
' It In It would come out all right In the end
. The lamps that have been put In on the per-
eonal rcsl10nstlJllity of councilmen w ill be
' ' ordered remu'e,1 alHI the nmount charged for
t thelll will bo deducted from thll company's
bills. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
. Mrs. T. S. hawkins ChaUanooga , 'roan .
IIIY8 'l hlloh'lI > Vltall1er saved my IIfl1 '
. .1 consider It the belt remedy for II debllt.
, tatel' ' system I ever uiell. " For drapel18la.
. liver o'r kidney trouble It excels l'rlce , 75 . ' .
. - IGIII by Goodman Drug Cu
' . . .
Local OpposItIon III I'rnmtll"t to Collection
of the Income Tits.
According to well founded rumors the
fabled disagreement Of the monkey and
parrot , frequently used as a metaphor ( ex-
pressh'o of a lively time Is liable to bo
enacted In Nebraska shortly after the first
Monday In MArch unless the people subject
to the Income tax change their mInds and
comply with the federal law
The returns thus far made to UnIted States
Ile\'enue Collector North , by business men ,
corporations and people who Arc blessed wIth
n barrel of the "evil root , " Arc Very tow
In fact , the unnnlmlty with which citizens
of means are Ignoring the lAw has caused
Uncle SAm to stroke the little bunch of
whiskers on his chin with a medItation that
Is said to be IInblo to develop Into Indigna-
than and subsequent action that will result :
In a number of prominent but procrAstinating
citizens being called to account next month ,
when the time for malting returns to the
collector expires.
The law requires nil who are subject to
the tax to make nn accurate return of their
Incomes etc" , not later than the first Monday -
day of March , 1895 , and Jrovhles ( that In
event of Inadvertence so to 110 the offenders
will be compelled : to pay the pennlty.
Chief Deputy North yesterday said that
the results of the canvass to date were
very slim Only n few had responded or
even sent for bIonIcs , AIIII the collector docs
not regard It as his duty to go hunting after
peoille subject to tIm law It Is their duty
to apply for the blanks , flit them out ntlll
make returns proml1th' . Otherwise they
are subject to the wrath of the government.
On the heels of this olllclni announcement
thAt returns are coming In very slowly Is
an Interesting rumor , verified by n citizen
at prominence , thAt many wealthy Omahans
arc going to Ignore the Income tax law and
11IIsh anI of their number forward as a mar-
tyr for a test ease and ellllFavor to knock
out the law on the ground that It Is an
unconstitutional enactment ,
It Is Iurthermoro said on good authority
that several men of wealth residing , In this
city have agreed to pool their spare coin
arid create a fund to carry the case to the
supreme court of the UnIted States If necessary -
sary and fight the laconic tax measure to
the bitter end.
The federal authoritIes on the other han : ! ,
say that they propose to enforce the law with-
ont fear or favor ann regardless of the social
position of PeoPle \\'ho are subject to the in-
com\l tax.
.IS"'IJ IJSCI ,1J ixri .
That incomparable fun maker Eddie Fay ,
will make his Initial bow as a star nt Doyd's
theater next Sunday night , when he will be
seen as "Cluster" In the fantastic operatic
travesty entitled "orr the earth. " llr. : Fay
Is well remembered here ns the principal
comedian In the "Cr'stal Slipper" and "Sin-
bad" companies , and thousands of our theater
goers have laughed till theIr sldcs ached at
his funny antics , hIs clever mimicry , and
his IrreslslllJly funny burlesque In\p \ rsona.
tlons. Eddie Fey has a unique personality of
his own. Ills methods of producing laughter
are original with hImself , and he has no
successful Imitators , The character of "Clus-
ter" " gearth" his
In "Off the Is one after
own heart , and he fairly revels In It. He
simply fills the surrounding ! atmosphere with
fun , until his audience Is laughing with him
and nt him , and all around and abut him
llr. : Fay has the advantage of being surrounded -
rounded by one of the greatest extravaganza
companies ever organized , comprising nearly
a hundred people. The scenic environment
Is said to lJe the most elaborate ever seen
In this city The engagement Is limited to
four nIghts with matinee 'ednesday. The
sale of scats opens tomorrow morning. I
A large , jolly crowd gathered at the armory
last night , and It was not only a grand SPei-
tacle , but very Interesting-the crowd of
sIghtseers , the gorgeously decorated building
and the quaInt , old Midway whIch Is becom-
lag more and more IIIte the original. The
grand parade , which opens and closes each
evenIng's festivities , was the wonder of all
Here you see the Congo Free States' l\1'lItary
band , the ColumbIan guards , gray clad Apal- I
103 , the coy maidens from the Japanese village -
lage , lovely maidens from the Moorish palace ,
howling savages from Dahomey bonnie colleens -
Icons Irem Donegal castle , flower / girls and
fakirs from the streets of Cairo and sturdy
mcdchen9 from old Vienna march In brllllmt :
array. The only great Sahara camel at pres-
eat In the state. All or the booths were well
patronized , and whllo at times the jam was
Indeed IIIte the original MIdway , everybody
scented : to be well satisfied. The MIdway
Plaisance has certainly been reproduced wIth
much cleverness , even to the turnstile at the
entrance , the Ferris wheel In the middle , the
red coated guide sellers and Innumerable
other little details that are Interesting and
ainucing . There will be only two more performances -
formances , tonight and tomorrow night.
A- special matinee for Indies and children
will be given at the Empire at 2:30 : today ,
Itusco & Swlrl's "Unclo ' "
Tom's CabIn" being
the attraction Tim usual price of 25e for
any scat In the house will be In force. The
usual Saturday matinee will bo given to.
nC'o..t COJ..nrsolJ. ;
Are the good qualities possessed by 1100d's
Sarsapnrllla. Above nil It purifies the blood ,
thus strengthening the nerves ; It regulates
the digestive organs , Invigorates time kidneys I
and liver , tones and builds up the entire
system , cures EcroIuln , dyspepsia , catarrh
and rheumatism Get Hood's and only
. , Hood'l
Hooel's Pills cure all lllver Ills , b1l110usness ,
JaundIce , IndIgestion , slclt headache 25c.
1I111"IIIIrs I.oot IL Store ,
Burglars broke Into BIshop & Osborn's grd-
cery store on Military avenue nt the terminus
of the Walnut Hili street car line
Wednesday night and stole about
$100 worth of supplies. They took
nearly 1i00 cigars , a caddy of tobacco ,
several sacks of flour , n canister of coffee ,
some tea and numerous oilier small artlclea
An attempt was also made to break open time
safe but It seems that the thieves were amateurs .
tours and did not accomplish their designs ,
Ir"clor,1 Court Not ell
n 19 generally regarded In federal circles
that Euclid Martin will \ accept the postmaster-
ship :
Assistant District Attorney Rush and Chief
Deputy Coggeshall of time United States
marshal's alice have returned from Geneva
Nelllo A. Baldwin of Geneva , arrested for
selling liquor without a license , has waived
examination : and given bond for trIal nt next
term of federal court
Dntteriok's ] Match Pattern Fashion Sheets ,
and Dcltne wrs Received , Yesterday.
Enormous Cut In l'rlcc. on Evorythln ! : In
tbo Storo-Not n ollnn Worth" tc-
served-Everything ( loci for
Little or NothIng.
Only a few days more and the now concern
will take possession j wo must reduce prices
terribly from today on to reach the figures
set In the contract of sale. The terrible colll
weather of n week ago kept lots away and
trade was large but not so large as we
needed to get the stock down.
Are to be wiped out not n yard Is to be
left to tell thnt wo were ever In business ,
We mAIm just four lots for tomorrow and
they are the cream \Jf the stoclc
A lot of novelties , actual value 75e , ore
now 43c.
50.lneh canvas cloth goods , worth $1.50 a -
yard , arc now G9c.
54.lnch cheviots , a close price was $1.75 n
yard , but we mark them 90c.
Extra quality camel's haIr cloth , our regular -
lar $2.00 and $2,50 goods , are now 98e.
24.lnch black gros grain. and 24-lnch black
Faille Francalse , $1.50 , for 75c.
21.lneh black surahm 85e grade for 60e.
A good quality black sarah for 35c. I
Black Pentl-lle.sole are now G5c.
Dlack satins are now 25c.
All time 21-lnch colored China sIlks \ and
all 76c colored urahs ' ! are now 49c.
All the $1.00 , $1.25 Faille Frnncalso sllles
are 69c.
- .
Nonstrllccr l'roRcculln a Striker for As-
sI\ult-lIorlJro the J.nw Iteitelit's
As an aftermath of the packing house
strike which occurred at South Omaha last
SUl1lmrr , several suits have found their way
Into the criminal courts or this county.
One of these cases ts now being tried be-
fore Judge. Scott , In which James DralJets Is
being' charged wIth assaulting Christ Nelson
DurIng the strike his case was I
one of those considered by the
grand jury. He was Indicted on two
counts , first for commItting nn assault with
Intent to do great bodily Injury with a dangerous -
gerous and deadly weapon , to-wit : A wooden
stick : and secondly , for assault and ballery.
At tim trial yesterday none of tIme wit-
nesses for the state testified that Nelson had
been struck with a wooden stick , and only
one tesllflel that the weapon used was a
club.Vhen the state rested the attorney
for the defense arose and moved that the first
count lJe stricken from the Indictment on
the ground that the state had not proven
that the assault was committed with the
weapon named , a. wooden sUclt. The assistant -
slstant county attorney held that the namIng
of a weapon was superfluous and that the
statutes provided that an Indlctuent should
not be Invalidated by , tIme fact
that such surplusage was Incor-
corporatel In the Indictment , and
read the section of the statutes In which this
was laid down. Judge Scott was of an opposite -
poslto opinion and waxed .oome\yhat : , facetlous . '
In his colloquy wIth the county attorney.
lIe Intimated that he considered the exlst- :
lag statutes to be worse than useless and
wished that they did not exIst. Assistant
County Attorney Day thought that he could
find authorities to contradict the court's
opinion , allli he was given unUl' ' this
morning to do so. -
Those Three FIgureR.
In answer to the pellllon of Frank Holou-
belt , asking for damages from the Swift
Packing company for the loss of three fingers ,
thfT company alleges that the accident was
caused entirely by the negligence of the I
plaintiff and not by any fault of the , com-
pany. Holoubek claimed that he had slipped
on a wet floor and In falling thrust hIs
hand Into sausage machine , which transformed -
formed three of his fingers Into wlenerwurst.
The company alleges that In order to carry
on Its busIness It Is necessary to keep the
floor of the room wet , and that when the
plaintiff entered Into Its employ he . knew
this fact. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CuntCRtlnl the tiliahin
In Judge Ferguson's court room the Na-
tional Wall Paper company Is tryIng to 01J-
tale n judgment of $720.50 agaInst the es-
tate or George R. heard , The amount Is
the aggregate of three bills Incurred lJy
Beard before his death and assigned to the
plaintiff. The administrator of the estate ,
Thomas J. Beard , Is contesting the claim
on tIme grounds that the plaintiffs had pre-
sentel the claim to tIme county court and
that ' It had not been allowed
- -
Jlstrlct Court Notc
In the coummty court the will of Mrs. Mary
M. Cow has been admitted to probate
Yesterday JUdge Scott revolted his order
which sentenced Willie Haley to the . reform
school The boy's sister has promIsed to keep
him out of mIschief and he was released under
$200 bond.
I Deforo Judge Dume tIme case of Alfred For-
man against Samuel S. Campbell Is being IIr-
gued The defendant sold some property to
the plaintiff but failed to give 11 clear title
and the latter wants this little oversight rec-
Yesterday the grand jury heard IL num-
bee of witnesses In the case of James Lee.
Leo was arrested last December for stealing
an overcoat from Germanla hall while tIme
owner was lost In the enchantment of n
waltz A number of prostitutes have be'en
summoned to appear before the jury
NlIlI1ell the Conmmnittees
At the meeting of the Dullders and Traders
exchange , yesterday forenoon , the committees
were appoInted to go to Lincoln and endeavor
to secure such legislation as Is favored by the
exchange. Messrs. Charles Ileindorlf Louis
Mendelssohn , J. F. Tilly , Oustave Andreen
and John A. 'Vakeflelll were named ns the
- I
. ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; ' ' BRAND
Collars Cuffs
_ _ &
1 o
_ _ _ _ AT YOUR
needless nnnoynncc. Write for our SOUVENIR 0(0' FAshions , it
gives the rcmc(1y ill few wor s. CpM's , frc by 11Iai/ .
CLUETT , COON & CO" , MAKERS i Faotorles , Troy , N. Y.
4Ii 1 T1i all TIil nervous , Yanou. iteuaoVeak ltc.iedy 1omoryl.ou4 cures quickly ) immilt permenontly I'ower ! .
111' < lD hu. Wak tulnu" , Luat VU..IU . IIIIIUIl emuts-
.10IIIUTllllruanu.lwpotene ; , lioll wapclugtilseaaos : caused : -
cd 111 ) 'ulUhful C"rrura ur "cu."a. . Cogithies : no
opiates . lsaucrvetunlcmndbhuud builder. Makes '
Ibopalo : anll run Strong and plump. " .IIU , curled In
A Teltpucket. iii rerboxiotorS5 1I1mlLllpreplld"ltb
, . , I' , n"r.ttenICUIIUI1100 tocuroor money refunded. sVelte us ,
1 _ D. . . . I , ' ' DU. _ DU. M . DU : ; rrs . . ae"J.T Onanelal book , r000runeeL sealed plstn No wrai'per.wlth e1.arc.fov : : coasuta- trill' , :
IGII. ! . . 11IC/Jr , ef l.nhta000ns . Sold IIr our Olenl. , oraddrcn , Neryo tiee" Co. . ) 'uonlo'1'ewplo.Cblepsllo
Mo1 In I Omaha IIr " MCouaell : . KII" . & Co anti bl' Yltkua I ercbAQt , Vl\lnlltA
charter amenclmenbolnmltte ! They ! will en-1 , I
Ilea VOl' to defeat the amendment placing the
offic ! of building Inspector under the control
of the Donrd of l'ublcWorks. ' The committee
on the canal propoiltlon consists of Messrs
Wakefield , lJelndotrtl ; Mendelssohn n. N.
WHhnell and C. A. Lebeck. They will use
theIr Influence 10 'cure the passage of the
bill that gives county governments ; the necessary -
sary authority to little bonds for purposes or
canal : construction 'Messrs ! LobCik , Wake-
field Mendelssohn Belndorrf and Wtthnell
were appointell as .a committee on butterlno
and stock yards matters ,
Time 1I1011crn JI1.I1I1I1.
ties testes medicinally In keeping with other
luxuries. A remedy must be pleasantly no-
ceptable In form , purely wholesome In compo-
altion truly beneficial In effect and entirely
free from every objectionable quality. H
really III ho consults a physician : If consti-
pateI he uses the gentle family laxative ,
of FIgs.
Syrup _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
Not Yet Iech.Ieti
Euclid Martin , In speaking of the Omaha
postmnstershlp , says :
"Not having sought the nnpolntment as
postmaster at Ontaha It' seems to me that
1 can reasonably claim n little time In making
up my mind AS to whether or not 1 should nc-
cept I frankly say that I nm not Insensible
to the compliment conferred In the appolitt-
meat and prompt confirmation , coming ns It
dill entirely unsolicited , and also recognize
what Appears to he a rather general sentlnient
of satisfaction among the patrons of the ontce
- -
anti the democracy or the state . as ! evIdenced 1
In personal 'conTatulatlons ! anti letters and
telegrams quite numerously received
" 1 apprecIate time courteous treatment cc-
ceh'ClI at the hands or the press of this city ,
but not having considered the question at all
there was necessarily a number of things to
bo Investigated before I could accept or de.
cline the nppolntment. Progress Is beIng
madl' , anti Inside of 1\ couple Of days I shall
decide definitely whether or not my business
affairs will warrant mae In accepting the ap-
polntment The Boyd Interview hAS compll.
cated matters. OtherwIse would be able to
give my definite answer now. \lr. : Pnrlln ,
my business partner , has kindly left the no-
ceptance of the political olllee nt my 11l15poSo.11
If 1 want It and my lJuslne93 affairs can thus
be satisfactorily nrrnnged. "
Lunch will bo served tol5y nt the First
Presbyterian church , Seventeenth and ladge
from 11:30 : to 2 o'clock for 25 : ; cents. Evuy'
body come
. -
1JlIth . .r II. L' . Smith.
D. C. Smllh ( lIed Wednesday night tram the
Injuries received by falling from n street Mr
rc-centb' . Mr. Smith sllPII11 ! ! nnd tell while
nlhhtlng . from a car , and strikIng the Pave-
ment on his head And shoulders sustnlned injurIes .
Juries which cAuseli his death
Mr Smith was 51 years of nge. lIe was
a. native of VirgInia anti enlisted In the unlou
ari.ty . after tIme breaking out of tIme var .
After Its close ho moved to 51 Louis , nn,1 ,
came to Omaha finally about twelve years
ago lie was a member of Custer host
Grand Army of the ltl'publlc.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
c ' 'What ' .fa I eat ? "
, . ( )
is a question often asked by people
; ; , suffering from Consumption and
other wasting diseases Good plain
wholesome food-such as beef , mutton - '
ton , milk and cream-is the best.
, Anything , in fact , that will nourish
" , and ! strengthen the body. But some-
( 1d)1i ' \ \ ) 11 I , I times such food will not answer.
m The progressive emaciation indicates
that the nourishment found in ordinary food is not sufficient
What is wanted is an extraordinary amount of nutrition in coIl-
( centrated form. This is found in
, Ozomulsion
It is a rich , liquid food , made of Ozone , Cod Liver Oil and Guaia-
, col It is pleasant to the taste and can be taken in quantities sufficient -
cient to be useful It is the ideal food in wasting diseases , because
it supplies the most complete nutrition with the least difficult digest-
ion For ihese reasons
Ozomulsion is Prescribed by Physicians
for Colds , Coughs , Consumption and all Pulmonary Complaints -
plaints ; Scrofula , General Debility , 4oss of Flesh , Anemia
and all Wasting Diseases.
: J
Handsome n1ustrnted Pamphlet Free. T. A. SLOCUM CO" , 183 Pearl St" , flew York.
$ @OO@@OO
KUHNA&&CO. . , 15th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
, _ -T' . . . . . " . _ _ _ , _ , - - ' - . . - . . " U _ " -
Yes , We Have Everythi11g
Spec ! 11 Bargains for This Week.
Wo have not the room to show cutsbut
1"1 assure you thc price mentioned Is well
( ) .
't worth double the IJrlce olTere
- CD A $15 l CholTonlor lot' . . . . . . . . . . $ 7.00
A $ i ) Upholstol'e Patent Roele-
, Ct. ! . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.50
- : : ; ' A $5 Hat'dwood Bedstead to , ' . . 2.00
' ' . . A $20 hardwoo De t'oom suit , 14.50
I . CD A $ :1 : h hanging Lamp for . . . . . . 1.95
. I ) . A i-21I1g-h ! Chah' fot' . . . . . . . . . . 980
- I - .T ; A $50 PUt' 101' Suit fOt' . . . . . . . . . 29.00
'I I riQ' A 7Sc Dccomtc Cuspidor for. . 34c
I A pith' of Nottingham lace cUt.-
- ' I " 1 - talns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 950
. . , ' I CD s-t t ) A good Sm.vt'na Rug fom' . . . . . . . 750
I i 9A good mantel U'oldlng [ ! Dell for 11.50
I . 'Vo have a few of these C..ce- : :
- I - - : nlllo Couches loft , which wo
a - : % will Cl08U out nl $6.48 each ;
, I : : : : r I'cg-ulm' pl'ico , $11.50. )
- : , ) . Roinomnbet' wo give you the host of
: 'Tt ' evol'j'thln"-
. - I -d BEST ht value , BEST lu service.
- t : BEST Iii ternlt
t - ' Also t'cmemhol' thntg-C'o were no\'ot.
. I " ' so ChEAP ns NOW , and that they
- . cannot possibly bo cheapot' .
- n )
- \ g.
I - Our Teru1s--Cash or
_ I
2 C )
= - I : : r . , ' ' . SIrweolq ,
, stm .r id's ' ) : : " ' I ; pit
- : . HI'SI Jt"rlllolith.
sets : worth ur goiul . . JojII"ill I I. r w"re
Hr 11II0.110 II .1)011111
8110 worth ur InOlI , S1 : 1"1' 'i odd
Ur 91\00 \ n 1II01ith.
BiG worth of goods . Sr.1I : Jlllr ; wllllk.
Wllh wide sll\e \ bl\luls , slllt pip I nil' . spring I Or Sit IlOr lilulitli .
cdo : , nil rOl\lllllUO ( selling like hot cakes 8JOO ) worth nr go'.iti : , P.Iol : , . . .r wc"t"
nnu Well they iimay . Abide frOIll the Ur ru , : : JtHr ulllilth ,
11ho\0 tllI'y'r born-lly fri , getl , are UII' 81:1i : worth of /ouU , 8:1,1UJ : ( IlI'r wel'le
holstered hest steel tell1lJercn Ur 1III1II'"r lIIuuth
lrtIlP. ; timid IIro altogether 1 the "most . ,
" 81110 worth orguoci" : lIB per week ;
, . or furnlturn for ' 21 wo
lu-arlHIB pIeces Or alu I I'"r ' ccc" itt Ii
ever olforcd , Onr . ) : ) 45 " . , 5li ' ' vec'k
onr3)mmrahl$1245 S"oo wllrth ur:01111. 811'1' wo ;
prlco this . . week . . . . . . . ho\\cver. . . . . . ( ir 8:0 : Ior mouth
I ' . . . . . . . . . . " , , " . S : : O worth olgnutii . IIIIlJ IIIr weolq
Sanie Couch - covered .t let . $6 . 48 I 0. . 8:11'Jr : mouth
tupostry-bnrgnh' twice . . . . . . .
Semi 10. , ful' OUI' l\lal11l1toth \ IIlnstri1tcl1 Catalogut
Om Saturday hveuugs Until fa O'c/ock.
. # 7iilUo
. . . -
- -
- - -
- - - - - - -
- - -U--- - - - - - - - -
- . ,
' - - - : - - - -i : : _ . . - -
CONTI ti/k' 1'P' '
Cor1ler 151/iandDouglas _ _ Strccls.
p ant StBIIEIZT ; on10rrO\V , ve sell Pants-
that Ineans another sale ,
" \ \ . . _
with all the drawing fea- I
. . . . ' , frC
' ( tures of never-to-b
" < \ r our - - -
. . . _ . ) _ tl : < ; . - : ; : - forgotten overcoat and Slut
" sales-Greater than either
. \ . of these--for cost or value
\ \ has not been considerec1-
sit fil// I To reduce the stock is the '
, : . 4I I object-let the price be ,
.t ! what it may-Nothing is reserved ,
-All sales are for cash only. I
Cassiln re. Pants . . a , . , ,
Cheviot Pants. . . . . $2.00 ' ,
\"Vorstecl " Pants " * 4 .
2.50 &rar : l1 : 4-
All our Pants. . .
All size Pants 1aJr4a. : t4'L *
All style Pants. . . 2 75 '
'rIIE ;
. OO
Pants so cheap . . . 3.00 _ J
that you can't help . . . 3 .50
buying at this the o. . 4.00 1
greatest Pant Sale . :
5.00 ,
. . , 'I
ever held in Omaha. - . . , - . fl' ,
- - - CONTIHrfNTAl _ _ _ _ _ _
Boys' Knee Pan ts- < , :
- .
- - - ' Tomorrow we will show you pants
' I for small boys in three lots at prices
' ! you never dreamed of--you've often
' seen these prices , but you never saw
, such pants at these '
, _ - ; ' riccs--Knee pants . _ . _ 51'J . . :
/ in three lots for dress
I . - = - : : ' ' - - for school - - for . 7 5 C
0 " 0
rouO'h - - non reserved -
served ' ' '
- - everythinO'
' _
B at these ' "
Boys' goes 3 price _
Long Pants-
- _ _ _ _ _ . . "
Divided of the grandest into 3 $1 . 5 0
lots for Saturday - I , , . ,
Costor value isn't . .
thought of-to be 2.00 \
rid of .
prices do the 2.50
business . . . . , . . ' '
B oys ' a.1.11 C ! S S-ncarlyliOO Wo have tt
Boys 2-piuco . Suits to clear out SatUJ'-
day. They arc fine bat'galns every one \ .
of them- , ' I.
Dress and School Sults- $ ' . 50 I
. . . . $2P
That we always got $5.00 for.
NoblJy School Sults- . . . . . . 3.00 , 9 _ ' , I
\ . .
$ G was a very close price. - - ? . - . . . . ,
p"-- .
FInest Dress Sulls- . 50 \ CcPRljlt'r.
. . . . . 35(3
Always $7 before this , now. _ liig ' ! : ' I
. Just Half Price. -
Teeth Without Plates
DElli IS r.
' lOUt INeiI I : : , rll.'n Si
2'o ! . IOS , ; .
Full Sot. 'l'cothi . . $ IiOJ Silvcr FiItIilt.s \ ; . . . $1,0' )
lIeht 'J'eelli . . . 7.a : ; 1'111'11 , . Ou\lI \ 1-11I111Is 2.UJ :
' 1'11111 I'lull' , . . . . . ' . . . 10OJ Gntel ( UI'U\\'lIy \ , : ! ' . Ic . . IIOJ
l'ululu , xtrllc'lI I We IIl'ldlo lucUhtllutli ! .IOJ
T2eth Out in Morni' g , I
New Teeth same day
! rnOltl'S : Dr QO-GBlaIg ,
n.l' : nJIt cnrol' , " nllont for Nertou.orct ( : : : !
lIon .oho , Junta 1IIuu.llon : , SIecfliecJJbs' .
. . . .odr.1 or Ilonornll'buralillolul.o for 11"0'- '
B tnnt..m , ( Jout . Kidney 111'01' < 10" , /lfld
, ' ' , , Anteittlu , Mit , ito , for Aio4ci10
, : : , Ii : ejt'Iuor \ C1CUI1td. : i'rluu : , \ ' . IA und 80 ctaCo. :
Cilol 6I\"eul. ,
11I I \'Iest.rn r\'enu . r.IIICAGD.
For ialo by all 4rulnIst.l , Oitbi-
% ti.Alaflr1'CuIANGl.a : ; :
. I lie FeatlIrel tuijul itciumoy-
hug" . III IW 1' . huule tu , ' " stam ; ' . a :
.101,11 U. \ \\.IIo..r . 127 Vi. 42.1 St. , U. Y. '
IlIvuutor or Woodbuu"s Fuclul 130111 : /
- - -
o 0
o , D
[ J S1-1CCeSS ill Life [ ]
g depends on little things. A Ripans
D. Tabule' is a little ' thing , but taking 0
o U enc ' occasionally gives good digcs . . 0 [ ]
o tion , and that means good blood , Li
. U.
n and that means good brain and 0
' 0
H brvn and that means succes1 '
' 0
. Hold Ly drUGKlsl. or by mall , 0
1111am' TaLules . : . . . . .
O It time . Nlco 1.0 : cell" 11 , I.omj . I. antI . II. , "hu , . , Ht " ,
D . I'lln. lhuJlII'ill CvmIOJn r. /I'I''f / : - ; : N y 0
- .2 . ' ' ' ' ' , " - ' . - . - . - , - . , , s1 _ , , , . - . -