- - - - - ; : - . - - - - - - - - - - ; ; ; . - - - . - - - - - - - - - ; : ; ; : - , . - _ ; ' ; ; . . . _ - - . _ . I . : , . HI' T . I I : ' " . ( . , . ' I 1" ' , A 1P { , . J t' 1 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TilE OJAILA1I.Y nEB : Frl ! SAY , FEnnUAUY 15 , is. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'I SPBGll1L _ NOTIG18. AItTertlen1fnU , ; for tII.M ( 'oluhln , nlll be n\ern \ tlnlll 12130 p. m for th" eTelllll1 nod until II p. m. for the morllllll Rlld Sund" 111101. . \dnrIAere , by reqnitIng R nnmll'red ( hcel , cnn II\O nnNwer nddrrft.d to R hlllhcrClt letter In care of The lce An- " \tcr eo . ndll e Red nll bn deltcrcd upon Irtsenlnton , of the check enl , . II.tCI , 1 121'urt , nrt h.ecrtoll , 11 n norl liercaifter. Nuthlll taken fur IlB thol : c for IIrrt . IrAt Ilsortul. 'J heMc luhertBclcnt mnt 'un COl8eeu- i th'el1' th'el1'W WAIT1D-iJAL1. . . HELl - - ANTID-M . ' ) mN AND ! 'n\1 * 'o ! : LI. our fecI Irln "rs. Snlnry tiG I" 1:01 : ir niritIi , according 10 ( < Ibl I Y. The I.Itc hlp,1 , Ipr ll. (0. , _ _ : _ Lter City , .Iown. U- \ J .I % SIOMAIUIS WANTD ; hAN ! ) l.\ITIH Rld ! operntors on Chase I' " le ) { . , , . T'vo McKay fit. Ry.Cllelnnd mnehlnl' 'wo ) clIY n. ICIs nl,1 Iwo edge trllnmerL MtN\.ly t work unrltrrI. Hmlh & Jones Ci' , . _ : 'Yrst T'iIlnizin. * lU. 1ltu3 1 : ' - WANTflI-rOl1 ANT ) \'OUI l"I I'X : q \ , srnI yotir , olr" 8111 neckte to anY of Ihe r'fIIi'Ifu , t'Am lAundies ( of On"n : The City ! ' . late tlty , Hllm , Molel , Netwala . I "onler. " Ciy lhlCI or ( ) tnaha . They will "enr our Iride ninrk. The 1lectrle : Tie HenovnUnj l-tIC.IS' (1" I ANTED-ltEMALE HELP. \VANTCI ) , GI tt1 . 1.'on (1 iE1tAb 10Um , WANTCI ) ; mi 01. 1 fIrst cll' . cook ; Gcrmnn prererred wagt t5CO. Ciy rderencos reo _ Ir.ferre ! ! _ ( jIG H. 32nd nvo. 0-4,9 LAIlflH TO 110 I'ANCY WOit1 AT IIOMI' ; LAntf . * Io.oo : Mrnly work ; n'l cum'nMlng ; scnl t6.0 UO.O 8Inml' , Deira3P Ncedleworlt Co. , VelrlY. MIch. 23 ' C-O8 , Z' - - - \VANTL'D. ( 'OMi'lT1NT I.AnY STINOG. rnffer . who ( wrie. llgTgNT I 1 long Imod , and has vot1c etnl"ge , expe' h.1 txl'm1enco In office wok ; etnl\ . oleo ' nn,1 , gIve etl rlenet. where Ile\'lolsly rml > lo'c referenccs A,1rcs. , U 15 , ) ' . C-1C28 16 A I.AY 0PAIH 1PUt'.V1'1O. NOT , \'IA1 of work 0\ willing to Ile\'ot. 1 hou. ,1"ly 10 IU8Inr.s. wilng ; go pay ; must ! e l > rernr',1 to logln 1onIny morhlJ % . AI'IIly ' nfler 9:30 : l " ldn ) ' . MUlll's office . 12 Crelghlon lfock. 0-611-11' _ . _ - ' C-6U-I. WANTgO-\N 1X1'I1tl 1N1l ( ) COOK AND j iauntIrcs. nXIIIIXI'I 8Ia\e ) ' , 151 North launtc.o. "ply 22d street. " C-6:0-16 : WANT11)-Cl1RI , l ? OI G mnInOtSI' : : , I worll : American preferre1. No'thwrst , (0" . 2Sth . nOtI 18)fl. : . nli " . , c3.H. FO1 , ' - . lOlt IU'J-.UUSES. 10USJS : , I. ' . K. DAILING , IJAIt111t 1ft.OCt. U-30 IIOUIES IN A1d . PAITS 0\ TUg CITY 'l'ln O. 1' . DaVis company 1&03 Parnarn. D . -3O 10USI B ; UIXAWA & CO. . 108 N. 1TIt D-310 ST. 1OIt 1tENT-11OUHii OF 9 100 IS AND lAIN ' NT-10U8J I'OI l'arlt nve. inquire nt 4 : So. 1th t.13lit D-31 Felt IIENT-G-IIOOM COTTAGE IN GOOD IU , FOi 1'1lr lENT-C.lOOM , wiIer. $10.0) ' Ier month to good parties . 19 N. 3ih , 1 block fl'ol 1.'nrnol car line. inquire ot toetzla steve store tut 10 posiolilce. > U-31 8ltOOM MODi1tN HOUSE , F\g MINUTES 8.100 wllk from courl house. G. I. . Green , room 23. Barl"r lock. 1-31 - i.LLACE \ , UIiOWN13Lk , 16 & l'-31 Doug. 1'O1t ngXT-2U3 CAITO AVENUE. 1 roomy . moder The O. 1" . Davis COl 1"\ Y. 79G , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ roit flENT-1ODEItU 10.itOOM hOUSE , WITH FOI InNTIODmN 10IOO IIOUS furnace . bath g" . . hot nII cold water : one hal bloct from Forom .tlet motor line : In most desllblc resldeneo' locality In the city- No. 2h ) South 3lh eve. For particulars apply to Home In\estment Co. , 30' 4 Paxton blk. D-M8.0 FINE 1nOOM COINm 1.'LA'r AT iOI S. 16TH street. rnge anti all other conveniences , $0,0 ( feoro Clouser. room 2 , Paterson tilk. . 16.3 Farnam alreet. D-J91 " ,100M COTl'AGO , 86 SOUTH 21ST STHEI.T. 13-533-11' FOIl IEN'r , FLAT IN Tn 1' . E. I.EI S "Iolt ; nil conveniences. including , steam heat : nls Irslcll' . store rom In same block. Call at 12 harley street. D-MSH ALWAYS COIFOI1'AULI - STU . I. 3. 5. i. rom hdit' and fiats . ' central , unequae Tlzar _ ; 221 North 21h st. 1-1.18' , IOn I1ENT . WITH 10AUD , A l'UHNISHED front room. 2019 CalifornIa street. DM621. EL.EUANT NEW MOIiEI1N TACHCD ) HOUSE Ef.EOAr' . everything you can a.11 Cor eat front. nice lawn : 2002 S. 1th el. Only $25.0. lice FiIelIty Trust company , 1702 Fnrnm , t. , nt one" ' . 13-613-15 FUnNISIW nOUSE ; 8 ROOMS : $1,01 MONTh . to responsible pnrly. 3H9 Mason .Ireet . , D- 181 : 15. OR , RENT-FURNISHED ROOMB. PLEASANT 100pM. m DODGE E-M210 1'01 RENT-STEAM HEATED I'UHNISUED - rooms. Ol So. 1th E-291.F2 I I"UIXIRHm ROOMS FOIl HOUSEIUmllNG , man & wife ; rent taken In board. 319 N. E-433 : 17th. - FOIl III3NT FINELY I"UUNISUED ROOMS : front and rear parlors adJoining , with enster and 10uth r outlook ; also single roms ; central location. li03 Do"ge street , corer 17111. , ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E-Mu21 - - 15' - THHEE FunNlSIED on UNl UINISHED rooms for rent. suitable for light houselleeplng. ehenp to rart permanently 10clled : 4 bloks from postomce. Address H 10. Dee. E-612-17' } 'UnNISIED 100M , BATh , $ 6.00. 191 FAi I _ nm. ) -MCI Ii' : Uh.ISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. IAILH FLOOR ; ALSO SOUTH ROOM . WITH flrst.clnai board. 210S , Duglns. 1 ' - 1593 15. ' WELL l ATEI SOUTH FRONT HOmS WITH . ! ard , 17z Volge St 1'-34-16' FOi I NT-I UnNISHED 1100MB WITH board , steam heat Utopia , li21 Davenport Si F-637-20' ] IANDSOME l'UONT ROOMS WlTll hJOAhtD ; lANDSOln nOOMS1'1 IOAHD slpnm and telephone ; terms reason. hIe. Hefer. -ences. _ 202 N. 18th St. F-GIl-la' - UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT. s 1.10NT 100 IS. 181 LEAVENVOltThi streot. G-MM1 15' ' : OR RENT-TUh D AND OFFICES ion ; IIENT-T1116 4S'OHY mUCK nUl.DlG DI0 I'nmam alreet. This buldlnc has a tre , proof cement basement. coinpieto sleam heat. lag Ixtne8. water on all floors , gas , elc. Ap ply nt the ofco of Theneo. 1-910 TIllS MAX unm DUHDNO. N. E. COlt. 11h nnl I"mam , ; rooma. : xo or 44x100 , or the \holp building : steam heat. electric ele. , 'ator : bllllnl will be arranged to sui ln , ! : ant. Inquire 1018 Farlm - atroet. I-M305F28 . _ _ AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS IN 1\EIY S''Nf ON SAf.\IW AND . eomniiaieion. Agenta moilng f2 to $10 weekly. Eureka Chemical & r1 ! Co. . La Cru..e. Wis. J-111 WAN 'ED-TO ENT. WANTIW-9 on 10 UOOM 10US : . I"UI nlsh.1 or unfurnieheci. within wllking distance ot I'ostolce. AldrcE 1 8 , lee office. R-636-16 STORAGE UEST 8'01'01 IUIJHNG IN OiIAhlA. U. I. gov. bonded worehouBe. Houaehold geode .tored. Lowest ratea 101310U Len\CIYorth. M-3i9 t'rOIAGE. l"H.\NI DWtIB , 1U HAHNEY M-3:1 - WANTED-TO BUY. ' - , CI'Y & CO WAmtAN'r8. l'mCHAnD 12 I'AM N -323 W."N''J I-3 SECOND HAND UI'lthGllT pilnoo ; 1J3e elate price. make and where It Le . H. D. , I can see. Scut rom 410 Ill ! -block. N- : - _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ FOR SALE.-1URNITUlt. - - - ) 'on IJALII-FUI1NITUI1U : 0. 2.ItOOM 10Ui with 20 boaideie. n'l of Iwuse cheap . If want- lal' . edicentral : locatioii . At1drsi 0 al. leQ 01 IS 'OR BALE-MlbIELL.NEOU5. GMAN I'IANOS IIDG ; IOn' OltUtNS. Woollrils" lime. . 11 So. 17111. Q-3 : 100 AXD 'CIIClmN FENCE ; hfAhil'OOD pltkel. , C. it. I.ee. 9n houiilas. - Q-3:0 VOlt SAJ.O ; MUST LIE 1 10\'lm AT ONC ; brlelt lumtor , windows itoors . tram. . , at'am flIlliUtOiS. gas futures. C113 , , sufficient for a 49..juuiii holel. nt your own prlep. Inquire I Hamiton lion' . . H.V. . Ocr. 1th and I"arnam. . or 414 H. 1th street ; tel. . 11Th. Q-1621. CLAiRVOYANTS . , u ) : Un. 11. W.t EN , CLAI\OYAN' " m : , , l&le bu.tutU medium ; th year at 11 N - 16th. , _ 8-31 - M SBAGE. ATHH. ET ( ' . ) AAM SMITH. 52 H. 13Th. ID Vl.OOlt. 100M D , massage. vapor , alcohol . stain . aulphurlno stid sea baha. "nlor ' -M 13 16. ) IASAC , MADAMS - D INAHD. 1421 T-M629 1)01)011. I ? ' . - - - PERSONAL , - "ITIS : al0UND , HOLLOW Oi I'LIN. AT A. L Uldeland'a. lo ' S IUb atreet U-l PMAIA BUSINESS COI4EGl1. UTH AND t.l& V-l5G'1U I ' " " ' ' ' " ' ' PERSON AL. ContInued. Cntnue. MASSAO ET.ECTItO TIERlAt. UATlS , chlrpolat Mme. Post , U9j B. Uth at - TIlE UEI.I.I" Si'I'IllhI.T C1S T , MAUE TO order from meuuro ur 1'aram Street atreetU:1 U-:1 : n. HAAS. FI.OHS' PLANTS , CUT FLOW- cr5. Ilanquet , hail . residence An,1 grAve dcora- tona 11 Vln\on \ atret Telephone jau - U-463 ; SWI'ISU MOVEMENT CUltS FOR LADIES U16 Chicago street : consultation. facial and scientific obesity treatment free Mon < n ) ' " . J'eb , U-M312-F2S' XBWLY FITTflI ) DATI ! PAI1LORS. I"ITTrD UATI IAILIS. Turkish and electric balha for mOles nn\ \ entIt. , men. MR"am iloweli. 32 B. Ith Itrecl. ! ent . - U- I0 MI' - VIA V [ CO. . 3U 1m 111.00 , : IWAI.TU 100 free ; home treatment ; lady nUenlnnt. U-333 i \i'T\-C\IT. - : VM \ - mi \ facial hair cnn hlvt \ . lcstroye1 forever , ! UAr- niteed by the ELECTIIiC N1151)L13. Moles Mteel ! gL1CTHC NII. Warts , wens , red nOAl birth tattoos , l'o\'ler ' rind cInder marks , freckles , hlRek fiends , . \\11 'pote pimples and all facial hlem Ihts reman" II.plmpc1 nose nn,1 projecting eRrs rrmrllp , 11st developed. hair , seolr < . . . , , ' , nod tkln teat..I. Pat tcdueed Nervous nnI f.mlie ,1".n.ro cured by the CUrpnthl < In- titute . IOi H. Ilthetflenr . D"ge. U-422M12' ] 1 CAIIINIITI'IIOTOS , lIiiST I'INISI. $1.75 ; F ) days anI ) ' . Cowan's , & Hrolwn ) ' . CO. hhhtilTq , . U- Ir3 MI3 MAIUAOn I'APIIR. WITh ! I.O AtVIliTiSf1. meats an,1 photos or mariAgeAble peolle. m1ny rich ; lists of hocks novelties , etc. . frre. Onn. mis' Monthly , Tel "o. OhIo. U- 130 M2' WANTll : , NI W Ft'1tNiTL'ItE AND ( hil'flTS , to I. Ilken In hn lt lending family hot . l. A,1re , H 16. Omaha hoc. u- Ion Ii. MONEY 'IO ! LOAN-R ± AL ESTATE : ANThONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , Ill N.Y. LIFE . lonns at I"I rates for choice security In Ne bruka and Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W -33 I.n'r INSURANCE IOLIIS : LOAnJ ON or bought. I" . O. Chune . ) lnms City . Mo. W-1 MONET TO LOAN ON 1rI1OVCD O IAJA real eslate. lirennan , Love & Co. . Paxton W-33 bik. : MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST IOATIII. ThIS O. F. DavIs Co. , 150 l aram et. W-330 VERY LOW nATES MAD ON GOOD I.OANS. J. W. Squire 211 l e bldg. W-31 CITY LOANS. C A S'rAII 515 N. Y. LIFiI. y\ , CI'rY AND FARM LOANS Ar LOWEST mten I'usey & Thomas First Nut'l Ilk. 1I"g. W-33J MONEY " LOAN -ON IMIJWVnD OMAhA Iropert Fidelity Trust company , 102 \ :3 ' LOANS ON IMI'ItOVED & UNI ? IP1OYlm CITY , , . ' IMp1OVlm , Smith & Co. , 132 Flrn1m. , , 'W-34 I MONEY 'ro LOAN ON OMAhA HEA ESTATC lt G tier cent. % V. U. Meikle. 1t Na/ bonk bl" W-U CITY LOANS-0O,00 TO6l.00O.O3 NI LOWEST rates. Io\el & Poler , 1t floor N. Y. W-M374 I. . hlidg. . . - - - - . . - . - - . - - - - mONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. MONEY TO LAN ON FURNITURE . PIANOS and all Illn"s of security. Fred Terry . Nom I 43) Inmge block. X-313 MONEY TO LOAN UN HOUSEHOLD I.'UnXI ture pianos , horses : wagons . or any kind of chattel securty ! nt lowest possible rates which YOU can Il ) ' hack at nlY time nml In tiny nmount. 1"IDL'Y LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . Room 4. Wlhnel block X-31 - - - J. II. IADUOCK , nee 1 427 nAMOO 1ILOCK. X31. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE 1'ANOS. horses vagons . etc. , nt lowest I ates In cay ; no removal ot goeds : strictly conldentnl : you can pay the loan oft nt any time or In any nmount. amount.OMAhA MO1tTGAOiI LOAN CO. , OAJA MOITGAOF S. IGth streel. X31G BUSINESS CHANCES DSE. rtXCILtNUES. H. A. WAGNER OMAHA : ECHANGES Y-M267-F23 FOIl SALE TilE ONLY STOCK OF FARMING Implements TiE god town and good farming country In southern Nebraeka. Address I 9. nee. Y-M607 n' IJLACESMITII AND CARTilAGE SHOP VOlt m.ACKSlITH . chelr : C6 feet Ions , 2story brick building ; oct11 nil my stock ant tools. I have the best trade sel this City. On ncoUnt of my other business I cnnnot attend to II. A good man Cltn have the best lay In the west that umler- suinds \ general work. Party wishing to take hold < must have seven hundred to one thousand doilars. Apply to James htooney . IltoMings. Neb. . dolars. Y -6 2.2Q. FOR EXOHANGE. TO EXCHANGE. FOR GOOD FARM LANDS nt actual value In easter Neb. or western Iowa . stock of general merchandise , Invoice $3,100.00 to 1,00.0. , and store bun"lnS. Wilt & .0 assume small Incumbrnce or pay. dlreence In cash. Address A. W. Clarke. l'apihhlen. Neb Z-M9G9 E'liOl'ERTY FOR 1IIDSII. UA. AON Im.Omaha. \ FOI P10IEITY ZM26F WHAT HAVE YOU TOOFF'ER FOIl A GOOD U,70 note ? Address G 1. Bee. Z- 30-18 TO EXCIIANGF3 FOIl OOOD IUM ' LANDS nt actual value In eastern Neb. or western Iowa stock of general merchandise . InvoIces $3,6.0 to 1,00.0. , and store buIlding : will difference In assume email Incumbrance or pay dllerenco a.sme tMh. Address A. \V. Clarke , l'aphiion. ' Neb. Z-MI63 -M93 WANTED TO EXChANGE FOR RIIAI EState , tate , elegant set of abstract books of Dunly , county ; nIce 1lols , lIne penmanship and ac- cunty . L E Walker Ilenkelman . Neb ZM61 lC' ANTgD MEIICITANDTS1I. , 'Ve have fifty quarters of clear land to trade for Ol't.class merchandise : If goods are prIme would put In some cash ; wish to correspond direct with owne' . Address wlh . . lock . box 33 , Obrln , Ken ZMG : 21' FOR BALE-R AL ESTATE. TillS IS VOlt YOU A PERFECT PALC EAST FRONT , \ODJHN IN EVERY RESPECT , - FIE NATURAL TREES \ FIRST CLASS OnDOnJ00D , I WALKING DISTANCE OF DUSNE6S , CLOSE . TO CAl LINE , CONVIINIENTT0II\'L'RYTIIINO . _ - WI11 TARE CHE XiiJN1 PART OF FIST . - FIDELITY TRUST CO , FIELITY SOLE AGENTS. , ' 110 FAINAM ST. I I . I - Rl5.MGOI.2O iiiioX i. HOUSES. LOTS ANt ) FARMS . I.TS ANI J'AIUS. sal . or uade. F. K. Darling . Barker ' block. 85-347 UF.31 EXCHANUCS AND BALESI CITY PhlOi'IIRTY . ( arm. . mefehundl5e. Oarvln Ifros. . :10 N. Y. Life. Un-U I'AHM LANDS. C. 1' lAlmSON , 915 N. Y. Life l -Mm Ml' 1.1ST IIAhtlAIN8 IN LANDS WITH CARROLL LtT DA1UAIS LNDS CA1IOLL 3& . carter , 1 G. min floor N. V. IE-8C-F1 If. Omha l"IE GAIIUI3N LAND G MI. 1'10 : P.O. . 10 per acre. 84 N y , 1 bg. ) 85-914 AUSTI1ACTS-TIlE 1\10N hEED COItI'AFIY. 11-441 lAIGAINS ; SALE on TUAlE I CITY PIOP- alice and ( arms. John N. I"renz"r , opp. : . 0 ' 111.1-1.1133 - WANTS ! ) . 1.0 HEADS 01" J'AMILIS- ' take up tree homesteads In the ned rIver vol- ! icy. MtnneBota. Map showing exact location . section . town and range will be mailed free 1y writing to land commissioner Great Northern . ralnr , St I'aul , Mlin R&lUl lI - "In a Peck : nf trouble-the woman who washes with- ' out Pearline. Her work is never done , and ies never done well. With Pear1- . > inc she can do twice as much , - n and have it done better. There is little work less wear , never the least hahn. I Try Pearlne , and see it rh go for dirt ; when you see dh.t-go for Pearlin . U . , Petdlen nnll some unsentpulous grocers will tell you thi I M GO ns" C ' " ' : same : Iculne : , " IT'S FAtSE-l'carlinc h never . . pc dlcI.H , your pcr ! . SI1. ' . y.'i 1 . . . ) , . ' ' ' . ' Y.M1tS i'VIP 'r In initatiun hc honest-uI"I iItl. : . .MES1 ; nOTEL ? . HOTEL IIATIESIt . 13TH AND JONES STB 15 rooms at ' 150 per day. M roms nt 12.0 per day. Special note ! to commercIal trRvelers. Hoom all board by week or month. Frank 1tilditii . mnno ger. 34 AETNA JOtfE IBUnOIFAN ( ) , N. W. con. 1th and Vodge. Iooms by day or week. 30 MiDLAND hOTEL , con. 18TH AN\ CHICAGO etrects. American plan , $1.50 and $2.0' ) per day . European plal COc and $1,0 per day. Rooms , single or e"Rulr , for families or gentlemen. nt re'nable rntps. I. J , Franck prop. M- 21.FI9 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. AnMATum AND CONYEITnHS lUWOUND : stomge batteries recharged ; electrical and gen erl machinists : superior work guaranteed , Omaha E.ctrlcl Woris . 81 and GI9 S. 16th at . ILI c"ICEXONgl nS ANn cONThtAC. tori for electrlo light and motor plants and oil kinds of electrical construction. Weetcr Sloe. con.trcton. trc. tiled Supply Co. . 418 and 420 B. 151h st. 352 UNDEPTAKR ANVE ALMR3 n. K. nUnKET , FUNElAL DmCOI AND embalmer . le8 Chicago st. , telephone 90 3:6 I ' SWANSON & VALIEN . UNDEnTAKEHS AND emahners. 101 Cumlng at. , telephone 1060 h1 M. O. MAUl. . UNDBnTAImn AND t1m.\L1 [ - e. 111 I.'arnam st. , telephone 223. 353 C. W. IAK I. UN DCI''AKEI 513 S. IGTU ST. 3:9 BUILDING & LOAN AHSOOIA'.IO \ lOW TO GIlT A HOME on SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & n. Ass'n. . liOI lieu 1"g. O. W. Nattinger . Sec. ? 6Z RnAI S IN MUTUAL I. AND n. ASS'N. 1.Y I. ( 1 , 8 per cent when I. 2. 3 ) 'eaf old always redeemable. l1 Fnrnlm st. . Nattinger . Hee. 3C . BUSIESS NOTICE : DAMAGED MIRRORS IESI.VEHED , 119 N. 16 M3 ; - - - - LADIEs' AND JEX'S MASK SUITS FOR 1J T nt Golden Eagle store , 11 S. 16th street. M6OIM11' MG0311' : IOYCLES. 51. 0. DAXON , 40 N. 18TH. 354 O [ AlA BICYCLE CO. , 323 N. 16TH . ST. 355 - - - - STERLING BiCYCLES ; DUI.T MICE : A WATCH Western Electrical Supply Co. , 4 S. M-S28.FI lth at. . - : A. I. DNE & CO. , WHo.ESALE AND IE , tall bicycles , 118 Farnnm street. 19 - - . . - - - - - _ . WILL DAINU1 & 1mb , 11 CAP. AYE.MI MI LOST. GOLD GLASSeS WTH CHAIN mWEEN 20 and 2 on Cuming . )8 between Dodge and Leavenworth. Ieurn to neo oleI and receive . reward. L.ost-639-14' STRAYED ; DARK nAY SlETLi XD PONY ; four white feet . white and gray tnU. 1.ll rl reward I returned to P. . L. Nlcholo ) ( 21 Cl ; r"'ln , Lo't-MGlG . H TURKISH BATHS. TURKISh BATHS ; ONLY PLACE IN CITY ucluslvely for ladles SuIte lo,10 Dee bldg. 3S9 WANTED -T 0 BORROW. $ ,0.0 ; WANTED TO lOllOW FROM P85- \nto party on good security . for one or two years. Address I 1. care nee 001cc. M821 15' DENT1Th. D.NTll' . . 1111. PAUL. 'DENTIST. 20 : DUnT ST. 36 MUSIC. . &Wi' AND LANGUAGE. G. F. GELI.ENDEC BANJOIST AND GUITAR teacher 11 Case street. Ill TIIOROUGII INSTRUCTION IN GEJ1MAN AT TIOlOUGU reasonable rates. Address H. Fischer box 383. . - city. MC31 2. WHOLESALE COAL. JOITNSON BROS. . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN . all kinds of eoal. Correspondence aolel ted. 108 Fnrnom atree ! . 361 CUTTING SOHOOL. TIm ART OF CUTTING MEN'S CLOTHES taught day or evening ; t.na reasonnble. Par- tculnra of Max Morris outer , 140 Farnam st 1120.13 OOAL. D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAt office to 20 S. 16th st. , Drown bloek. 3G SIOSRIDAM COAL. EXCELLENT SUBSTITUTE for hard , coal , and $3.50 ton cheaper. 1603 l'ar. lm street ; main entrance Board of Trade. 361 - ' .OV AiRS . . . STOVE REPAIRS FOR 40.0 DIFFERENT makes of stoves. Water attachment and cue neetons n specialty. 121 Douglas strept. Omaha Stove Icnlr 'Yorks 3S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT BUREAU I. . moved to 15 : Douglas ; furnish beat male and , female help. run M5 DENTAL OOLLEGE. OMAHA COLLEGE DENTAL SUIGEHY , FREE lnulrmary ; dentistry at COBt. 16th and Cap. aye . 33 173-nil )1111 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL 0" ShORT 1jAN13. N. Y. Lie , Omaha. Ask for cIrcular. 350 OMAIA BUSINESS COLLEGE , IGth & FAJIN'M. U-MGIOPIO U-:15623 OARPENTERS AND BUDERS , c. Ii. MOltLI , . APEn hANGING , hOUSE , sign Ialntn ! , brick worlt , plastering ; off . B 1. Barker Ik. ; tel. 735 , shop :1 Izard : lei. 40 ! . . MS1 - WOOD AND KINDLING , TI L. 11. hARD WOOD AND ICINILlNO. )6B 2 : rEJ r BUREAU . SUES & CO" Solicitors. Boo BuIltlIiig , OMAHA , Nab. Advice 1m . : Siockitoldors' II"etn . Notice Is hereby Gh'en that the reglar' ' annual meeting ut the Itocltholder ot the Suth Plate Land company will be held ut the chlOe ot saId company , In Lincoln , Neb. , at 1 o'clock a. m. . un the lirst Wednesday Irst month In March , i.155 . beIng the 6th day . at Jho Dy order of the Donrll of Dlrrctor orter n O. PhILLIPS , Seeretnry. LIncoln , Neb. , Feb f. } S95. Ffm30t RUPTURE PERMANENTLY - (111Tfl1T .011 110 I CURED PAY ' NO PAY UNTil CURED _ _ . WE REU YOU to 8.COO PATINJS. ' : Wrie for hank Reference. ' . EXAMINATION FREE. No Operaton , No Detention from Business , SEND FOR CIRCULAR. THE } O. E. MILLER CO. , OT-308 H. Y. Lit IUdr. , Ol. REB. _ . . . . RAIL WAY \ rilj\ \ IE CARD . , - - - - - - - - I.eae5 L1UIOI.INOTON' & MO IVEI.IArl'c "an811UI.INOTON Omaha Union Depot . 10th & Mason Sls.1 Omaha 10:15am..lervtr : . . ) xpr - I. . , . , . . .9 :10m : 4ZSpin ; 1)1k. hill. . 1.lont. , & l'ug't HnlI. h. : 4ltpm : 4:35pm..Denver : I xpre. 111.'t . Hnl\ . . . . . 4:1f'm : 6:4 ) plu. .Nt'lruslca ' Local . ( .xc"I.t HII"ln ' ) . 7I1m : hllain.Lincoln : Local ( cJcep : Sun&lay.il:23im ) . ' 243pm..Fasl ; Mal ( for Lincoln Inl1. . . . . . . Leases esCHICAGO. \ DUILINlTOX & Q.I.rlvc Omnhl UnIon Depoil3th& - - - Mason " SIs1 . - , Omaha - 4 :4"m. : . . . . Chicago 'eatbulo , . . . . . :5am : 9:50am : . . . . . . Chicago 1' spres9. . , . . . 13pm ; 1Opm..Chlengo : nnl HI. l.uii Eai'ress. l . : O.ln 11:35am..aii1c : Junction . x1ress . . . . 6:10pm : . . . . . . . . . I'"ot Mal . . . . . . . ; IOpm Leaves 1CII1CAGO. M : -81' : l A un Omnlm Union Depot Stilt & Mason . Sts.1 Omaha - - - - - - - - - - - - 6:0rm. : . . . . .Chle lo Ltnilte,1. . . . . . . . 9 :30am : illOam : . . . Chicago } ) lre.s ( ex Sun ) . . . O : PI l.eaveeCIliCACO & NOI1TIIWEST'NlArrtves Omaha UnIon Vepot. 10lh & Mason Sts.1 Omaha _ . - - - - - - - - :0\1. : . . . . . rnstrr Ixprr. : . . . . . . . : 1 : ) pm. . . . . Vrslbul ,1 LhnleI , . . . . . C:3Om : 6:58am..Mo : . Valley Laen\ . . . . . .10:011 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5ISpm..Omaho . ; - - - - . . - Special . - . _ . . 2:1:10 : - - - - - - - - - Leave I I CHICAGO. I. I , & PACIFIC. I/rives OnmiiniUmtion , D."olh & Mason Sir , Omaha ! J A:3' : hlCOanm..Atiantic : lxpre.- ( ( cx. Summdny ) . , . f.CIpm ; C : 5tm. . . tanlle . . .XIht xpress , . . . . . . O:5Jm : 4:3Cpm..Chlcu' : ; Yeslhuled I.lmled. . I : Olpmn IIISpm.Oklahonla : Iiaii. ( to C. D , ea. Sun..lI:3Opm ) : ; = Sun.I.p WEST. , . & : ilanm.Okiahomimn & 'fexnR rx. lex. Sun.hilCpm ) : 1:10pm..ColoradoLlmited. : . . Run..1:30pm . . . : Leaves ' I - - C. . - ST . 1. M. & 0-- IArrlve \ Omahl Depot Itth amId Webster Sts. I Omaha O:2am..Nebrasica : ' Passenger ( daily ) . : :1pI : 4lOpm..Sioux : City hiprcss ( , 'x. Suni1rlam : . CI ) Sun..l r'am :3011 . . . . . . . . . ' ! ! L.anl , Limited. . , . . . . . : ' : Leaven I F. . E. . MO. V. .I.gy. IAnl"es Omaa Depot 151h and % hster , Sta. _ I Omaha ' 210pm.Fat : Mail nnd 5press..11:55pm : : : . 2IOpm.ex. : ( 5.,1. ) W'o. Ex. ( ex , Mon. ) . 4:55pl' : 9:05nm..Xorfolk : Express ( ex. Sunday.1030am ) ; :0pm. : . . . . . . . . .St. . l'nUl flpress. . . . . . , : ' Leaves SIOUX fITY- PACIFIC : . - . Omaha \ Depot nth and Webster Sts.l I Omaba C : IOpm : . . . : .St. Paul . 1imltcd..10:37am - : Lta \ es I SIOUX CITY .PACIFIC. IArlves Laes \ Union Depot , 10th , & . Masomi Hts.1 Omaha E5 . . . . . . . .Slo'ux City : I'asj.cnger..l0:3pm : C:3pm. . . . - . . .HI. E'auiLImdted . . . . . .12:3511m : ; ' IC' = . Leaves UNION 'C : IArrl\e. ! nllhl Cuion Depot 10lh ' & Macon StslOnlahm1 30:00amn : : : : : . -.I ear l1 ; ; le. . . . . . . . . :15pl : : Oam : . . . . . . 'Jv'-ritrmd ' , Flyer. . . . . . . 0:3pm : 2OOpm.lieatmice & Strcnub'giEc. ( ex. Sun ) . 8:45pm : 2:00pm.leltlc . . . . , .PacI o . Espress..10:53am : " : : lm. . . . . . _ . _ . 1"18 tL Mall. . . . . . . ' . . . - 4 :0pm : Lea\"y ; = - WAbASh HAlt.WA-- 'cIA-ri-e ; Omahl Inlcl Depot , lOh" Mason tR.IOmaha : . _ . , . , . . . . . . . . : Leaves K. C , , CM. lArrives Omalma Union Depot , 10th & Mason Sts.l Omaha 5:50am..ICancas : Clty Day Ilapless. . . . . 6:10pm : D:45pm..h5. : C. NiglitEx.Iu.U , 1' . Tmrm. . 1:30am : Leaves 1 MISSOIJI1.I PACIFIC. lArrivea Omahal Depot l5ttmnrid Webster Ste. I Omaha : . . . . . . . . . . . . Loui3's' . . . . . . . . . . . 6t0am : : . . . . . . . . . . . . Louis iIlress. . . . . . . . . . . 6:08pm 5:10pm..Nebraska : LdcI.i5tcx. Sun. ) . . . . . 1:00am : , : .vr' ii i New Draoresg ; . i We place on sale tub ! week a nek line ot draperIes , lace curtails , shades , etc. , containIng . Ing the finest goods and the most beautiful color comblnllons ever shown. These goods 'have been bought tinder the new reduced tariff , and we are prepared to make the lowest market prices. We are now In a position to do the fnest drapery and hade work obtainable , fnd the worltmanshlp will be equal to our for- mer high standard In this line. Will you not see our beautiful collection before the stock Is broken ? as our Iresent reduce' ' prices will carry 'helD ill very quickly. CHAS SHIVEnICK CO. l'UnNITUne AND \pmues. Twelth Dud Douglas Streets "How dy , Stra1ger ! " Is the Texas Welcome Texas will say "howdy" , to you , If you , r. rl down and give her hosplnble citizens hnh a chanCe 10 get acquainted. with ) . leelde being I pleasant place to visIt. It does not toke I back seat a.p.'jeaitlm producer. . On the Gulf Coast of Tea , nay ! " found big attractions for homose"rl ; 2G acra of land I " planted In pears . flIts Iwl r S8,0 yearly . Cheap rates ! tn erec . 4 . 'd 1Jng wInter month5 Now I. the tIme to go. coil on or address U. L I'glmr. P. A Santa Fu r te , Oinama ) . tor ex' cunlon rates and freutco,7 r ? , of Coast Country toIder . IS I } ) t , S 1. a ' . . , 1 e gaping - sore Mrs. Dickinson , of'i'hor , In. , had uu open' SOlO on leI foot which tortured - her for ,4 years. Five of the best doctors could not cure it , but I Mexican Mustang Linimcnt DID. . - . - . - , . . . . . NEBUASI1'S ' NEXT FAIR Boml : of Mnngcrs Determines on Location of Principal Buidings - MAP OF TIlE GREAT SHOW IS OMWN : 1mw ; the FtrlclnrlA Will nnrrRn rd- Exile Nut } 'II"ly ! Heeldl"t oil \ThIA to the l'art thirst ( rnllnl Must I. UOIO -hoard's leetlt Veeicrii.y. The beard oC mnMreB oC tIme . stale fair fnlshQI1 ) Its business II thin city for the r' . ' , vlli leave fee emit yesterday nml time members wl \ theIr hOIs thIs Imioriling. A vast amo'lnt at pellnllu ) ' work has bee ) nccomplshel\ \ , and It Is nOI lIkely that to bO:1l1 bt agalii called together before the Inter Iart oC lnrh. Yesterday afternoon the board Visited the fair grounds and I\nned the locn- tons at Ohio bmillthings . sin ls. emmtramieeo . etc " and long before sUlller , tIme Ihelr Inngln- tons had fUll' equlppe < ) the OilibrtkelI rrounds with nn array or struclurcs that are cxpectcll to to credit , to the blc In "enerl and Omaha II ; : rticniar. These pious were , ts- cussed nt lengl nt the : \lar < hotel last 'c\enlng. alE ) \\Jl the board allJournl,1 It was with a \ry clear \Ien of the general nr rngement of the grouiitls ns they will appear when all Is reatly for the big show. It 10 not un\ely that S0l0 chUges : : may bo necessJry between now amoil the tm when thc carpenlrs and landscape gardeners arc set al work , but It Is nol contcnwlalc,1 , that the filial arrangement will vary mnlcrlal ) from that tecllc on ) 'cslerda ) The entrance to the grounds wl bo 10' calc ) on Ohio north sub e nli Ihout 1.000 feet frol < t'ihO northwest corner , There will be three large emmtrancos thus dh'lthll ; time crowd EO thin ! there wi bi no IkllheOI of a crlsh at : th ! gales : , no malcr how numerous the arl'al iiiay he. First wi be tIle Iatl where the passengers rrom Ih railroad : wi ) Inesongers ho unloaded. A short lstance further 01 , < \\1 he the large carriage gate . nnd still furlher toward time east will be the entrance for thd arrivals hy muotor The drlvewa1 'oa,1 strnlg'nt ncrJ' the rounds nml then turn II time exit. which \iil ! bo located on thin east side. Near the wi tun a branch wi heath ) to ( lie race track and nneller gate will allow entrance 10 Ohms Quarter slreteh. Down un ( lie west end will he the entrance where the freight cars wil 1 1lr load of stock . pU1pl.lns Rl ) other In. cldelnls or the fair wi be run into tlu grounds anti there unlonded. The nrranFement or the buldlngJ has been carefully planliell . and Is highly satisfactory 10 the b3ard. : The buildings wi 11 arranged In oval d'men-Ions. Inside or which will be placed time general onre and time agricultural i : inui nonl hmmiidimigs. There wi be len buid , Ings. To the left or the entrance will be found the fish buihuimig . and further on tlLI devoted to textIle faurlcs. The builtns tie- voted to art , boas and manufactures and the mercantile hal ccmplete the frst half or the bins. At the rIght of the merca.nt'ie hal wlil he the poultry lepartlnent almost directly lppslte the cntrancp ; thou the hortcultural hnl. the pollo and "preFs ofees , and last ot nil . and ) to the right or the enlrane . l.o dairy building. Time ! 'nEral head'luulers w'l h lecatel nt the highest point Inside the in 1 : : wher" C\I' part or the ground ! will bc 'n ' ready view The agricultural hall will b : to the north , ant thl fcral buiding tC 0111cc. the east or the ofce. Sbulh of the buidings wi b3 the on 'mle ! track , with time Immense grand stand on the north or this track . and exactly opposie the headquarlers. Still further sonth and be'onJ time track a strIp or ground 175 feet broad wi be left 'tcr camping purpo ! r. The bcothr and stock pes wi le to the west or the bu'ltng9 , where they will bs readily ace ! sJble to the : ralr.oad" and lie machinery exhibit will bo 10 Iho eastern , or upptr end of time grounds. TI location . ot the exits has not been definitely decided , as thEr : isa heavy grade on the 'north side of the groul1a. and ) thin wishes of the street rall.a ) ' complY : \1 be consulted before a lecslon : Is reached. 1PJT1ItC .MOXOI'OLIES. SAN DIEGO . Ca ! , Feb. G.-To the Editor ot The Bee : I am In receipt of The lice' oC January 3D : , containing an article on Irrigation - ton laws In Nebraska , and notice with our- prlse what woull be "a proper law for Nebraska , braslm , " viz . the Wright law of California. I may not hI out at plac for me , as a former resident of Nebraska , to take Interest enough In her affairs 10 write a little wcrd or war lug on this subject. First , there csn be ne doubt regard'ng the practical bennftts to be derived from the judicious storing or water ror use durIng tue long dry spell that 80 , . many of the western slates arc afflicted wllh. Second , Californians do not , as a rule , seem 10 understand their pre3ent Irrigating systems or laws except to admit with but few ex- ceplon ! , that the first step to be taken In regard 10 a better water system Is the repeal of the WrIght law which , It seems , has worlted moro harm than good. This law has I enabled men to file a water claim as It Is : called here , thus monopolizing tIme supply oC a water shied that cannot be touched except - cept at exorbitant figures. ThIrd the slate I now live In Is a god example cf what combined water interests have done to Oppre3 the grower. Some have gone on the theory that we must have water , no matter what It csts , and this Is at the bottom ut all the trouble ill these paris , coupled with tile railroad power. This : artelt mentions the COt ot water being from $15 to $25 per acre annually . Under the Sweetwater system now operating In Chula Vista just six miles sllth ot San Diego , the average annual cost per acre Is from $35 to f&C , so It can be seen what land Is expected to yIeld 10 pay the grover an ) " . thing at oil. This state or affairs could not exist hnll I not been for the laws protecting Irrigation companies to the great detriment of the people Fourth , I would further caution the people to lroeeclery , slowly on this new venture , anti also to bear In mind that the people of this state , California . all wlnt water , but chenp water , and strict state and munIcIpal ownership , or else the irrigation prollem wIl malt just what they are trying t avoid that Is an nHrleulturli slavery to caplal In- vestc,1 , In water systcm FIfth , If I commllee to represent this Interest . Ilrest should visit CaJcrnhl It would he lIne wel spout as then they mhht , glenn Inrormnlon enough to afford them valuable safeguards for Nebrasltn's first attempt. . S , AnON LE\VIS. llurh'Hu Lhci'u's . The folowing marriage lcenses were Issued by the county clerk yesterday : Name and address Age John A. Bearllon , Omnha. . . . , . . . . . . 26 Annl 1ade. Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 l m1et ' 1' . Coals Johnson county Mo . . , 32 ' I.\wenn hOitwiin. Livingston county . Mo. 18 FrmI , A. Newel , Kimball. . . . . . . . . . :10. . . 21 Kate C. Slmleids Omaima. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 JOSellh Koutslo' . South Oiuulma. . . . . . . . ! O , Mary luloS , South Omali't . . . . . . . . . . 17 NiI ( h.Urolli : II WI ' 'I.ln. MtiISON'ls. . , Feb. I 11.-The Mlnne\f- \s , SI. Paul & Ashland railroad , incorporated 10 conltruct a railway frcm Minneapolis to Aeiii.tnd a dlstanpe or 200 miles , fed ar- tides ot organization with the scretary of state \ today Ill capital btoek Is 2500000. TIme prIncIpal stockholders are ThoJs : Bar- don , J.V. . Cochran Colonel Johl Ii. Knight and W. n. Urown. ! . 1111111' b1 Fire The residence , ot Thomas Hart , at Twenly- ninth alid ( Douglas streets was partially dc- slroyed by fire at noon YCHterday. The blouse . was a double iwo story frame flat , one.lutlf ot wblch wa $ . vacant. The oilier Iart was occu. pied 'by Me ifart's faimsily. jamago ' to . the house , and furnishing was about $00' a- Cull In the huts . Reports from the Wyoming division ot the Burlngton Indicate tile coldest day of the season WelnesdlY. The thermomeler lt 11\ i City Indicated , 28 : Arvada 37 : SherIdan , 22j ; Hanchesler , 32 and Billings . , 2 below "I'afchulu uf Chlhlhooc. , " There wi be a meetIng ot the educational departm ot the Woman's club Deember 16. at 3:45. : Subject for discussion , " 1'ychol. o\y ot Childhood , Chidren's Toys " Grace D. Susdborouh , director . . . . . , . _ , , . , , - " - - - - - " . . - < - - " - ANGLED UNDER - THE IO'OR. 1'11Irl"rnl to .John Ie'tnit7 or font I O""h" . ' 1t.rIIR"trrnnnn. , . Jell : lcNul ) , 1 resident c South Omlh" , using At Thirtieth and 10111 atreets . met with nn accident yesterday afternoon at 4 o'eloel which canted hIs death two hour nnll ) : halt afterward. lie boarded 1 soulhlounll motor train , No. 14 , nt l. ' nrteenth anti 101" - arll , and otter It haul got tInder way , and be- Care Il hall ) 11rocetINl ever 100 feet I. ho I t- templell 10 llU' Cram ont plalorm to the other , and In doing so ho mlsell hL fooling and f1 behnel the cars. The conductor this' belt for ( lie mclormsn IrnWlatel ) rlng thl hcl thl to stop , but before the Ira'n ' c ' u1 he brcuchl I" a rtall1t1 thl ( trailer had Passed over limo hal ) mangling It In a horrible manner. ? t1c'tmlty wan cirriel Into the building occu. McSuly ( urle Ilto bllkln ! OCCI. . IMd bi tii IOn , la\IOr \ company . and bihy- alclnsore ! 'ilitm1mOhlt1. \ The wounds were Iutlaly bound tip , nftr'r whIch McNuly Vas taken to the Clark-en hOlllnl , whe lie 1101 before hInJurlrs Iull ba I.ro\erry . drrsel . : trNul ' c.\m to OmAha Yforda In aim- we to n subpona whIch ! had beers ! rvtd on him : to appear In the district court no I witness In a C.Ut on trhl lIe was on his way : home when tim accident occurre 1. Tite mOIM was In chIrge oC Conductor \11 am SteIn antI Motorman O. F. : leCo ! A Iln' hr ot Ihc who saw Iho ncchlet nlaehll nC hlnme ) to tiit' conductor or motorman. MNuly came to this city Cram Ponns'I- \ula about el11htern ; years ago . anti ho lived here Itcln yelrs. I'I\ ( years ago lI mend tl South Omaha : , where lIe has been employed nt time CUdah I'3cllnl luOii. le loaves a wife anti four ' mal chldren In retluc , clr- eumstnncea. An inquest wIl he hell today. rlcSul"s life was insured Ce\ $ ,00 , In what order Ir company the Iuurancc Is cau fiat bo stated unti the 131ers are 10JI.e(1 over tea ) ' . _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ . 1.1 1. ' 1',1 : 1.\ o For the first time In twel'l' years Miss Sadie 11nrllot nppcnred before 11 Omuhn Imtenco last nlht nt BoI's Iii : L IIa , ) ' ncw to OUI' people > . ' 'he L'issport " b ) Sl'IlhNIROI flu lnl'tl- ! 103' . 'rhcre I ! mnch of interest , Il1h of clover detail 111 nul ) IlllImble situ- nlon ! 11 the .omcII ' , whllh BUtgrsls n so ii icc' o tim t'i' 111 t thlt : 11.Inl'I t , on thl bill. I has a German In\t. nhuut I ( butt is I i'eiihlllii4'iimlt uf " 1'lie Private tleCm'e- ! . very . Irmlllsml 'he 111\alo ecl- . . "tir. Viikinsun'sViuio' . ' " ' lacy \'lklllun's \\llul' , 01' the IUIeeclt "Glurllnn" I nu" " .TIUI" , . " I I ! lirighit without l'ecotlrse tu horsl pIn , nnll for that . l a"OI will not I > rua 1'lat imohiulut' sil'C&'S $ , although thelo I ! CoimSi d - crahle : merit tu time III'l' 1 Is n PlaY for 1 ,10\1"lal's atidionee . np\cnluJ a" Il IOI'S ) 10 the intellect . ' , . . 1II01cci Iithcl IIUI the el. \nt whnt IR mueh mole In tl imnilut It Is I hlesct Iolef fl"om tIme 11'1',1 , which Itsae l : l'mTI.t on time sago unlor , the Ito of falce t'Ohlleti $ . l'olel ) Whie there rc many ludicrous llu- , tun ! , the result I f a woimmii'rfnhly for.eL- fnl : \omPI1 ' ! ntlmlt to Imn the Hlu-lnn border olcor > on I man' : PitSaliort . olhl'r tmn her husbald. tIme letOI ot the play nIls , fllklnlnl In \111 uf the rapidity wll which one acelie of confusion Is suii- Ilosml to follow anolhcl' . AntI the HtrOnlh ot farCe In 101111 In the snap 111 go ini- dent to time de\'ololmlt of tie Story . Thou'- evt.i' , I IH i mill excecdin'ly hiright 10rtrn 'nI of the forgetful woman who.e Imiroe'iieem Ilul o several families into the l1ormost re/thH of , leI'II" : . Inll all with n degree ) of nlllrlHsq t \t Is delightfully flnny. Miss Martinet , who ' tile : ISH llrtinul pla's forgetful "hlow. n wuman who oven could not 11 Inc fllber her tfl mii,1 eli name fol I tme amid ) Inal ) ' 11'ulng that It \IH' SmIth . 1 : Sl' < n t 1/lonld , nthvituitige. She In HO thorough- iy I nn artiste that vliiit've'r she does Ig done wel , hit her actng in the Iart ) of :11' J,11'CY In mueh stromigom' than : ouiy- tlng she has eMsllycI In ) 'lll' > 'he" " In .t Inl21 , a 1IIH.e , about Ilr011. . that al" Ieals to the IntlllHln ( , for char"cler Hlu.leu 110 alwuy : IntI'ctng to time on- lontll" , whether It he at ilcture's frme , ) hy the pro"clnllr or hung' upon th , ' wala of an : melt I nl'r ) ' , Miss )11tlol Is a we- man of exceptional seduct\cncss. rare tart and ) curious tagte Her 11rcselHO : on thc slage Is n Ilrlght , for he In contontnH 10 the eye alll most musical , II 1 word , she Is hnrmonuua. ! Mr. Max lcigmaiu . who haR had quito a : varied I career , cn his wife , Miss Martinet , ha\'lnG appeare'l Iii tlt ) ' of thc flIoUS New York Casino miuccessesu'huetm that PlaYhouse was In thc zenith oC Its fame. anti hitter " with I'hman liens I good Iltt In Fcrdlnnnc1 Sincl1 ; ! . who lu the Innocent victim . of the forgetful woman amid carries vel' ) 1,1' enti\A \ In a Ilnatc IIIul be- CaUM\ of Indlscrotons In Ilmlng 1 wo mun OVI' the HUsm ! : honlcr into French territory on n passport Inlenled , for his wifO. Mr. FIgman , In his methods . mutig- gusts Germnn stage Influences that tend to cOIloto detai , and . herein ho excels , for ho 0laborntl2 lila hart 10 the nlest pOHsl- hIe pint In ordol Ihll 1\1 : Martinet may hl'lnout her chnr.ctll sketch to 1 fimier / . fntr 'hcgrso of perfettlon. The company Is gen- orally cCellnt , Incluln/ , Mi-s. Sol Smith mind 111. Sam Edt'ai'ths holh well known oil : time ' . . ' ' ' 0 ' tmo actO' ; 'rhe play was Iecclvcd with favor . nnd wah judicIous rewrllnH with a view of ccelm'atl the scenes , wi umndoultidhy prove a hrlpht vehicle for e'ploltn ! lie talents 01r Miss Martinet and MI' Figman. Voting J.slloe ' . Inmn I'eneflr. A musical and literary entertainment was given last cvtnlng In time Young Men's Christian assoclnton Iml for the benefit of the Young Ladles' home. ' ' YOUnH Therc was n good attendance. Mr. John Hush opened ( lie en terlailment by delivering an address , In whleh hc male In enrlesl , vigorous and Iathelc appeal for aid tor the Young La- tiles' hmne. Following his speech , a musical program of a vnrled chnracler , IntcIl.erset with wlh recitatiolma . was earlell out , all of the participants . tlclpanlu belnl greeted , with henrt ( ) ' np- 1)1IS0. : Those who colt uart were Miss Emma Gehutleintui. : Miss Clara Genteman , Master .John Gentleman , lilies .Tennle Craft ' Miss 1 la Croft , Miss AmanI , Bens n. MIHi Ella Mclntle , Mica Mary 1yprs , anti Messrs. Jumes Ittish Charles MoriaIl ) " , John Brennan and lames Swift Ills lIes. 51e Daley , who woo eVlenlY stage man- miger , s to speak , Have C vel' ) ' nicely rendered - dered \'rrslon of lie rcc\alon. "GiliiLy or Not Guilty , " heshles executing some piano solos with much brIlliancy . Miss Swif ac- compnnlel eYerl oC tie vocalists very cffect\'el ) ' , - - - o - - - - - - lh'i'tle 11 'rh..1 nf It. Nellie Brown , n colored woman living nt 80) ) Dodge street , was arrellet yesterday en the charge of harboring a girl under 18 ) 'eal. of nge for immoral [ Hrses. . The join In Hr/ / qu slol ( Ii a whie girl 15 ) 'enrl oh'l mind travels under the name 0 Bertmlh. . She related hart of her history 10 the police matron. She said m'hie wits tired , ) ot leadhlH lie life which shp hail , just begun ; mind expressed . pressed r dtslre to reform Ir nhe (01111 Inli n Imnimie ! where good inhiuf'rices woull he Ihrwn nroul' ' ) her An effort wIll he much : today to have her placed In time home of the Good Shepherd. D Hit II , fur . Inll , PolItical candllates mny ho unexpectedly let out In the coI when the relurs come In , hut people who elect to use Hostel } et , Stomach flitters for dyspepsia , liver , kldr.ey or bladder inactivity , constlpnton ( malaral ! comSllalnts or nervousness , are never leU In the cold elsewhere Well may plllclal3 lend their ulHJualfed sanction 10 this time. honored and anfuling . metilcimme _ _ _ _ 1. 0 Gf JIJtJC l7'i'IJS. Frank Davis : Is Inthe city jail for the of. telse oC nlusilg his wire anti iiehgiibors. Cheyr Biker Cholm , n JewIsh benevolent society of this ( cIty , will gIve a Granl masquerade : - querade bal on lie evening ot March 10 at Germanla hail . Tile entire proceeds wil Lo devoted to ciimmrity. A coal hell belonging to John Casey , at 812 Charles street was Ilamagel to the extent ot $0 by tire estenlay. 'fhe fire orlFlnatell from tile bponstaleoua combustion ot I pie of slack : coal ; 'fhree horses belongIng to henry I.elgp or 2812 Leavenworth ( street , were burned early yesterday The horses were In a Imal har back ot the residence , al11 I Is Ihought that the fire was the work ot InccnlllarJ . A false alarm was turned ) In last might . from 'welth anti Farnanu . Some 011 lu try- Ing to cal n nesaeimger turned the crank : 01 tim American District ) Telc.raph Ial : box tin far , and , the alarm of fire coining : In 10 lhe AmerIcan Ustrlet Telegrapl ! llee , a stIll alarm was "ent 1mm. glas WInans , Oscar lel , Thomas Colln6 and 'fhomas McDcnall wtre sentenced 10 terms In the county Jai for slellll fOIO liquor from a salon at Thlrtecnlh al' ' ) Iea\- en\orth. Winans an,1 Uel each received thlrly.day sentences , first anll Ih1lo fen bread anti waler. Collins mind McDonald were sentenced to fifteen days , frt and , mltile ' three on bread anll 'ater . 'he collections ot city taxes IlurllJ January amoulted lu $89.059.64. 111 tIme amount received - celved from time county durIng Ihe sme perIod was $ 7.142.05. This Is eluhly In e. : . cess of the colecUof during ! the lame imerloli I ) lat year. Up 10 date about 73 per cent of the 1891 levy has been collected. 'fhls II considered I fair Ilowlll ; , /nd Is jUlt about the samoa proportion tbat ( Was collected . to this date last year , . , . _ _ H ' p.J' " GREAT nNING ACTiVITY Block hills Again the SCene or Oonsicembo ! Excitmclt Over Pr cio\ Metals. REVIVAL OF UUSINESS ASSURW Mllh TerrItory WnrkNI Over II the 1:1 : , 1)iiS Noet' lti'iiug CIoc'ly limepected 1" , : o1.111 to . ctcc j by tin A rmy If S'rns- llectnra DE. 1\000. Feb. I 1l.-Spocia-Tlmo ( ) ) ilti- gaton which for the hiast thtro weeks hf forced lie tamous I.acknwana mlll on Bald monntnln tl rmaln In n state ot UII'rotluc- t\'enES. h:9 nt last bee Rtlcl , by 1 titsso. limtimm of ( ho Injunction which coimipeilcil It ( to reumlaili ithie , Ore slmipuuioht are beliug Ilinhle 11511) ' to the aiiieltiimg works at 1)eimhs'ootl , nIh ) with tlaucrhmig returns. \\'iiile ( ho severe cold \veatluer has Imitem'- fered to It great extent with ore sllipimiemita , amid work Imi all ( lie districts of the hills , still a coiisllorulbe : , numioulIt of ore Is being ilaily fcrwetrdet ) ( reIn 111mb ) ' tseiii , laiil inoimlitaiiu nnmI Viliou' cret'k , vhmlehl gives cx- relbemit returns ; amiui tlmtito miihiic where this tvorkluigs are under cover are being tlovel- Ohued nuiti lint iii condition to furhulshi a comm. tililioims iuilhlly of ore to ( hue various retimmo- ( 111311(5. ( With ( lie coining of pleasant ivatlmer ( lmertu will be remmeuvt'ui netivity In mmli 1hmue ot mIning imu time Ihlils. Coiistlernble nttemii icml of late lia been at- traded towmiril 51k creek amid the flare hitltti ) creek disti'icts , six or ieei'eiu mlics somitiieist : of ioatlwooih , multi before tue recent colti siiap 111111 deep snows drove ( lie liroabectOrs front those socioius eci'ernl lmmupartmumit iliscoverios hail bsrui imiaule ' ? n tlmeni. These sectiomus , lIke Yellow creek , haul been w'orkeii for years , hilt as mill olTirts s ore illrecetl ( toward ( lie discovery of 'freo ilmililug" botlies or sliver i'elmis , little atelutkiiiins givemi to time largo hom1is of "rebellious , " or siiieloims ores s'liich ivcre' 1hmm : % Ii (0 exist there. hut sliuco tli Yellow erceit nuiti Lackaivamia strikes have beemi imiado it cloaor illIiiCCioli ( hia hiecn gii'en ( lie nbauumioned locatiomimi mtiiul mmllmies of thmoso distm'ictmtvltli time result lImit ( he saino character - actor of ores hmavo beemi foniul there that prevail - vail imi 'u'ohloiv crock. This discovery camisorl a smiunhi-milacd staimipedo ti ) ( hat section of ( hue country , amuil for mmevermi : i'eeics time woods anti billie were full of lurospedtors relocating clii groimmuil and iocatiimg miow , tmntil at ( lie iirc'seult ( lIne lmardi ) ' It foot of tIme country miromi lid t hero renia I ii s uimi atniced , Some i'or' 850011 iirosiiects have becmm foumud , muimil iii 0mb nroimui of claimmms oil Ilaro iluttee- ( lie Liila-ussiys : : fm'oimi ores inkon frommu it imave given rettirmus i'.iuigi iig fromu $260 to tIme ( cmi to $50 1mm golil ; cmi Elk creek , time Mill. lte , all oid woiird : claim , himus developed into a bonaimzu : , aiim ! while its owners : uro hot will- 1mg to state what time ore ii'iii roil , still it is illmowml to ga very luigim. Tiucce are but a fosy _ _ _ _ of ( ho claims whore good huroulmects prevail , for' ' ( hero rime meveu'al otlmers which iuluouhnd In rich um'e , nnml ( lie coining miprimmg ivlll uimu ilotmbtt'mhiy see ore slmhlmmulemlts beiiig daIly uuiatlo front haul districts. Girdomu Cl1' , Churhomuate , Ciaiemia nuid ( lie _ _ _ _ _ diatricts of thmo aomltlmermm I hills hmai'e nil withiin _ _ _ _ _ time Past few weeks reported rich strikes , lund it Is sale to say ( lint willIe gooi ) w'pahmer iv I lb hot bm'l ng a ' ' mu imil mig hoaiiu , ' ' I t uvill bring sumelu activity to ( he mmulimimig iiiterc'sts 31111 lend such n ml imupetus to irosIiciti : 115 amid do- s'elopluiemlt work ( lint every lilt of surplus _ _ _ _ _ labor Imu time Black lhllls will be mibsorhed iii time ilmmiiOVLIIIL'iltS wimicli vll1 be iuaunmmratmuul. , Time colti ii'eatlmer , while it has heIdI ses'ero emi rmimugo cattle , Is not looked impoi ; with gr ut nlarmmi by tile cattlemen. Time heavy smiows iiavo as a gemucril ( lung isomi aecommupamiictl by ivinds which lmavo blowmi tIme siicw 111(0 drifts alltl uhmlcovereul tli grmizimug grounds of time raumgoa , 130 ( lint while young ruuml uinnecliinated cattle may suffer to a comisderable extent , the older ctlo ( vllt liardy ho affctod. I'rot , I'll tt'Icic I iivlt-uh to pcalc. Time surerinten'Jent'o department of tile National - tional Teacimers association irlil meet at Clcvlamid , 0. , February 10. Among ( be features of tIme ircsralmu : ivill be a paper by Simporintenrient Marble of ( his city en "Thio Orgamuizmtiomi of City S3'ttcmns. " Mr. F. A. [ itzpatrick , who was Dr. Marble's lirede- cessi ) , ' , will also be lit attendance at the meetimig and au effort is being made to Induce - duce ilmui : to comae on to Omaha and deliver au address before ( lie hccal teachers. Mr. Fitzpatrick has been imimble so far to give a defInIte nuiswcr to time invitation , but has promised to conio if pcssible , J'ElfSOX.I L 1'JJLI ( ; u.i P115 , J. U. l'aui , St. Iaul , Neb. , is a guest at tile Paxtomm. . Geore A. Brooks of ilazilo Mills is at. time Millard. . f I. M. Ilunuplmrey , Rapid City , S. D. , Is a I'axtomi guest. C. It. Clark mimmd wIfe of Osceola are guests at time Arcade. 5. J. Qucemulmouse , Iiozemaa , Mont. , Is at time Mercliammts , Perry S. Ilale and wife of Arapaiioe ivere in ( lie city yesterday , I. \\r , Akin mind L. II. Mullins of Des Moines are at time Paxon , Mr. and Mrs.Vintiirop Smith , of Pillia- ' dcipliia are gumlats at. ( hits Millarl , J.v. . Ilunipimreys , a Irmuiglit of ( lie grip of Boston , is registered at ( hue J3arher ( remit Norfolk , C , 5. floderan , representing McKay & lligebotv Ileohimug MacimIiie missochailomi of Iloa- ( Oil , Maos. , Is rogistereti at ( lie Barker front St. Louis. a The following iuiembers of the Passport COtiihmalil' are iuiakimig time Darker imotel their hueatlqulirters : : i3atnmiei Edwards auth wife , 1\lise \ Anna hioden , A. F'jgnuan , 0. Figinari , Miss It. Figmaii , T. lirlce , Mrs. Sol Smnitim , Cimarics 'J'hmrapp amiti Fitzgoraid Murpiiy , At ( lie Mereer : A. L. Jolmnsomi , Dotrolt ; (1. Caihahier , lCamisas City ; Low J. Stanley , linriaml , Ia. ; J , 11. hluslmton , F.lirnlolut ; George 11. Ilasleil , Iloatrico ; W. P. Wallace , W. C. \\'ailace , ha Mallory , Greenville , Ii : , ; Id. F. ifiuig , Lincoln ; F. ii. Itumiseil , Deadwocil ; ZulIss L. M. Green , Jincoiim ; A. M. bUrst , ICsneas CItyV. ; . Ii. Jaarlng , Piatsmnouthm ( ; Cmipt.iimi .loiimi S. Loiid , Fort ltOiinSOil ; It. 11. Watzhe , } Iuunbohdt ; L. II. Season , Portland. Nlu'itiuuue , : , iii. I iii' IIothii , At Ihie tllilaril-Jolumi il' . IIi'ensbcrVityiie' ; \ VililritmiVciummtiii' , Monroe ; S. Saunders , llloomnileld. At ( lie Delbono-Josoplm F. ( Ircemu Croigli- toll ; 'I' , L. I layenelt , C'iiiiow'ay ; 11. It. Ioug- hmipi , Neirarikix ( 'lty. At tIme Arcnile-A. 11. WiiItiner , ( isceola ; \v. J' . Nlrliul , Stromsliiirg ; J.V. . Ihiy , a rnliil I ala ill ; Job ii 5k I uinoi , Simi iter , At lImo 7.Icreimzunts-iCtl lInac , l'crmilerV. ; . 1. JilcUinumuluitmi. 1lk Ciet'k ; F. lletrcliy : , lhearlm'n ; 1. 10. ? iiuyt'ri4 , I iL'mlihleVilford l'cui , 1 j'iiion ; I I . A . ) tit LIII , 1 iavcilntt ; Frank ltutchinson , NL'isomi , 'l'liE 115151,1's' altlitEr ; , INSTItUMENTS lilaceml on record February 14 , iSIS : WAII11ANTY 1 > 11111)5. Claus HLlmur , amil , in Is to Jiiin 5S'liiins , n I3W 2-iI-lI , ii t' ri ' MV lii II M t'imieii ii > J hi iiic'iuhiy , W 11 lot ml. lioek 1 , iOlkel'ii 'l'I ' , lot 14 , 1,10th , 7 , 1iaimivlei' nili , lot 5. lIocit 3 , liii 6 , lici.1c :1 : , lots S iumi'i ' 6 , i.ioeii . & l'atteiiioii's 141 aid I o i6.iu iii Ohil'ihi.i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Ii C ) iti'u'rieuu to ( ' , itner ( ham 'cnpnno. iat 23 , biutli I. I I i tim''l'.i ' , ' I" s , .uisi iv . , , . . , GO' ' ) hici liii. Simiiv clii liisl'i.ii.l , ti U iihitt Scimiank , lot 4 , luiol 6) : $ outii Iiimtiimi : . . . , , 1,0)0 ) Qb'I't' Cb.hli 1)551151. Tile H I ) 1.iercer coluipafly to W ' 1' Wyniap , 'V 2 ! feet lot 7. i'loi'i < 122. Omimimiri. . . . . . . . . 11 ii huh amid uvile to Nelirrki Loan erm'I lltmiliiimg miiis'CiLitlOil , hot U , iiat'ic 8 , Al. hiligili's .rmi.'x. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orin LatIl1m'r to 1,1 A hlarstmIarger , w ii , feet 1(4 6 , ldoi It 7" , litiUl ii Onmaimi . . , . ii. . . . 5,000 v A l.'itz to (5 5ummee , lqts IS amid II , tier ii 1. .ttns l'inci' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary i"ahmey aii3 lui.bammil to Slary II Do- limit'y , lot 2 , i'ord's ) arai'a ii'l.I. . . . . . . . . , . . . hElOiH. ii T Strinlaiugii : , n 120 Iet lot 113 In lot 6 , ( 'ni. tid . . , , . . . , , . , , . , , . , . , , , . , , . . Total omiucuat of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , . ) $ Whee iJaby was sick , we gave her Cmistorfs. S'hen she wa a ehIiJ , hio cried for Castoria. When shu bcamno MIas , im ciuni to ( .iartorla. hion 1mc lund Children , aim gave thueiu C.attrI&