Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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'I . . . . .
: . ; 1
I r _ _ _ 8 . TIlE OMAhA DAILY BEE : TIJIJBSDAYLFEBRUARY _ _ 14 , 805. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tennessee Lawyer Runs Off with a Danghter
. Whose Custody Was Denied Him.
8trr FRther Journeys ; from the Snnny
80uth to TRko R .Ittlo Girl from
Hot Nntl1rRI FRthrr , hy Uhorn
r . Ilio WR'I Htolen.
DurIng the last few lays n. man has been
In ! thIs city on a mInion , behlnll which lies
a slory. The man has been stopping at the
* Mercer hotel , registering ! \ unlor ( the name of 'I '
111 D. Sullivan , Louisville , Ky. " He Is In
. ] who was kill-
I ? search of It 7-year.oll gIrl ,
napped some three years ago. The girl Is
tim daughter ] of his wife , anti she was taken
by the former IiusharnL 1 ] This man has been
c traced to this cIty , and Il Is thought that ho I ,
' Is here now.
: Some eight years ago there was living In
h : the city of Chattanooga , Tenn. , a newly mar-
rIel COUIlo ) nametl Young. The husband was
. It lawyer , and while ho was consiliered to be
somewhat Wilt ] In his ways , the frIends and
I relatives of the couple hoped , ] that the two
would have 41 joyouS fulure. Jlut not very
I long after the marriage the husband began to
; IIIlreat his wlte , and the abuse was carrlell
10 such an extent : ' Ihat at last the wife ap-
r pllell for It dl\'orce. About three years after
- she was married , the wife again found herself -
i : , to her fathers
4 self a single woman anti went
hous3 In Chattanooga to lI\'e. As u result
, : of the manage there was born II little girl
. who was namel Ualsy. This child wall
. placcc by thc court In the custody of the
- After the divorce had been granted the
. ' former hmhnnll was accustomed to visit the
house In which his dlyolced wife was living
In erder ] to see his daughler. One aller-
4 decree ] of divorce -
; noon , about a year alter
, ' he as usual
01'1'0 had been Issued , cnme
r and asked pcrmlsslon to take the little girl
to a grocery store about a block away to
, buy her some candy. The request was
rrnnt,1 nnil ! the father and child left the
iolIsL' . - Instead : f of gaIns to the store , how-
ever , he boarded : a street car , and since
thcn neither father nor child has been seen
: by the mother. llelallves of the woman
; . Eaw them gettIng en the ( car , but Instead
; of following him they went to a lawyer to
. attempt ) to get the chilli by legal proceedings.
, . Young , however Immediately left the city
; with the chilli , and only traces of them
ha\'o been found since that ( time.
About three years ago Ihe divorced woman
was wooed aiid ; won by a man named Harris ,
wh : ! Is a mahter mechanic In one of the coal
mines in the ( neighborhood of Chattanoon. ! :
She was grief : stricken at the 1dnaplng l of
, her daughter and her health was suffering
on account of her continuous rrlef. : Drood-
Ing over her loss had brought her to such a I
condition that It was necessary to coun- '
teract Its effect , and her husband finally
. . promised her to do all ho could to recover
the chlld. The hope of again seeing her
. . daughter that was Infused by this promise )
. hall the desired effect , and 'Irs. HarrIs has
now almost recovered her henllh.
1"01' Ihe ( last three years the ( two have
lived as economically as possIble In order to
save as much money as they could to begin
' the search for the kidnaped l chlld. The
search was begun several weeks ago. Harris
, went to the home of Young's parents ) In At-
' lanta , Ga. , and from his mother discovered
. that Young had gone to Guthrie , Okl. Hc
- . was told , however , that Young had left that
" city and was now In Omaha. Harris reached
, , this city last Saturday and continued the
- . , . . search here. During the daytime he has gone
I . . .t . about with Detective Haze and In the e\'en-
J. , Ings he has been vhltlng ( places of amuse-
I f' ment In the hope that he mIght run across
the man he was In search of. lie was so
confident that the man was here that Mrs.
. Harris was gent for and arrived In the city
! . . Tuesday morning hIiirris has seen Young '
t . A only once . . . and although he Is euro that he
. ; , would be able to recognize him It was thought
: ' advisable to have Mrs. Harris here to Iden-
' < / ; tlty him If he was lound.
. : r Harris has a photograph of Young which
i ( : he bas shown 10 a large number of people
In the clly. The photograph shows Young to
. ( be n. man of about :15 : years of age- Ills face
. : Is thin and shows marks ef the dissipation
; , he Is said to have indulged In.
. . Several people to whom the photograph has
) been shown claim to ha'eseen - the man
, lately. Emllloyes oC the ( office oC the clerk of
. . t . the district cOIrt : say that they have seen
" him In the olllco , but do not know him. A
man answering his description Is a frequenter
. oC the Paxton hotel and the employes stale
positively that he Is the original oC the pho-
- tograph. They do not , however know hIs
: > nallle. Harris hlmselC says that he saw a
, man In the saloon of the hotel who he Is
sure was Young , but he did not speak to him ,
, . . as the Ilfll1\ary object cC the search Is to get
: . ' the chlld.
I HarrIs has visited all the orphanages In ( ha (
: neighborhood oC Omaha , but so far has not
seen a child hat ( answers the description
; r oC the lost one.
11 { , It will not . be yosslble to arrest Young on
. . tile charge of Wdnaptng the child as It Is his
4 , own. But as the courts have given It 10 the
mothcr an application for a writ ol habeas
it , corpus will be made to the county judge 111'0' I
vltIlng the little one Is located.
Hlnhll : N4)14
1. ; In tIme cars , sometimes 11. roaring , buzzing
, , sound , arc causell Uy catarrh , thai exeeedins.
, ly disagreeable and very common disease.
, Loss of smnhl or hearing also result from
i catarrhm Hood's Sarsnparllla , the great blood
4 . purifier , Is a peculiarly successful remedy for
tf this disease which Is cures by . purifying the
: I blood.
e -
- , ; HeotI's Pills are the best after dinner pIlls ,
' assist digestion prl'vent constipation.
Fine fencing at Midway Plaisance.
, o
Till : Ulltl'O'1' ; StIU'ltIItS 1l0UTE
? "In Uuulr 1011111I1 , Hhorto lAne nllli .IUtOJt
r ' 1111I0.
To Kansas Oklahoma \ Indian
; - nil points In , ( ,
. Territory , Texas and all poillts In southern
j California Ollly one night out to all points
f . In 'feus. The "Texas Llmllel1" leaves Omaha
, III r.:1G : a. m. dully except sunday ' , landing
I I1l1uollgers at all points In Texas 12 hours In
, advance oC all other linE's. Through tourist
. - cars via Ft. Worth and EI Pose to Los An.
- \ geles For full particulars , maps , fohlen.
etc. , call at or address Hock IolantI ticket
; office 1G02 Farnaimi 3t.
- I CIIAS. KENNUDV 0. N. W. 1) . A.
J , ! l'll'IIAUllt ( ) 'l'ullO
. , Time Northwestern line fast yestlhulcl Chi.
amigo train that glides cast from lie ( Union
, Depot every afternoon lit 1i:41i : and Inlo
Chicago at 8:45 : next morning with supper
and Ia carte bn'altfast. E\'ery llart of - the
p " ; ; train Is HlGIlT ,
, Other eastern trains at 11:05 : a. m. and -I
p. m , dl1l1)-good. too.
. , , City tlcliet onIce , 1401 _ Farnnm street
. ; . -
i ' 1 ho Unrlllltoll . $ humus Limumugas : ; 'I'lmo.
m , ltllportant changes In the Uurllnllon's
. . service 10 Chicago ; , St. Louis and lansas
City are made by the ( schedule effective
Lj \Vedmiesuhay ] . February 1:1. :
c Sea time tables III another column , or call
* : at lie city ticket olllce , l32t 1"IIrnall1 " st. . amid !
? r get full Information ,
- - - -
' See the : 'Ihwa ] ) ' tonlcht. GOal ] music
t , o
TIm CJW.l'I'S'l : ilOTE1 ,
LurclaL II'rlnlrknllo" , Opens l'olJrunry
, mit : ) , iima : .
A beautiful stone , fireproof structure ( ( with
: . alt modern Imllro\'emelltB. bIJuatcll In the
heart of lie Ozark muountalmumi Mild and
- brllCIlI ! Cllm1te. Wild emil ' beautiful scenery . :
Unrh'lIl1ell Inelllcinal wateu. 'l'hru'lgh ' tilr.ep-
era over the St. Louts & San 1.'ra'IIeo 1'11-
I way between St. 1,0uls Dnll Eureka I SprinGs.
Wrllo 10 tha lIIanDgH for dcscrlpt1\ (
pamp1llet rates , etc.
. : Midway tonlgbt. Armt.ry , 25c.
: DIED ,
. I _
MOrtInSON-lIIl's. . Mllr ) ' , Irn'rlllll' 11 , age
, b\l years 2 lIIontha nn,1 , II tllI'II , at thin
1aum\ : lit her II 11I1IhtCI'11'11. ; . Morcnseim (
hear ( \Hfman Neb ulwral ( room the (
. 7 nUllbh I.utherall chum ch , Twellt . ) aeceuu1 ! ]
ii end aYCI1\\'orlh stl Cctui , . Thiuriday . . l\b-
. mary H , 1 o'cloelt 11. 11\ . ] lIt rllllmt lit
u I'lobpect HIll.1o'rl u4 cotdlaUytnlte \ < 1.
Contrnetors Mnrphymsnci : rnnnln IIrln\ \
Hlled for F'iulsa , Imlrl8onment.
In Judge Hopewell's court Svennlng lIage--
land Is trying to persuade ) 0 jury to award
hIm $2,000. whIch , It Is designed , shall be
paid out of the pockets oC hugh Murphy and
Charles FannIng , for false Imprisonment.
In 1892 Murphy was paving I.ea\'enworth
street from Sixteenth to Twenty.nlnth street
with brIck , The street hM been paved with
cedar blocks , and before pullIng down the
brick pavement Murphy WaS tearing up the
wooden blecks. Charles Fanning was the
foreman of the work. One Sunday In the
month of October when the ( street was filled
with n lot of the blocks S\'ennlng wandered ] ]
forth and , ] Into the street to lay up n stock
ef thin blocks os kindling wood during the
coming winter Ho was busily engaged In
this occupation when Fanning callie along
antI noticed him. lie IInme.lIately ( hustled
anti found , a policeman allli Svcnnlng was arrested -
rested end ] taken 10 jail. When hIs trial
came off In pollco court S\'ennlnl waS acquitted -
quitted and ] rele\8eI1. :
Svennlng claims that he had the ( right to (
take the blocks allll that the only purpose
the pallllllTs ] had III attempting to deter him
allli others from doing so , was because they
wanted to- sell the blocks themselves as
kindling : : an1 ; realize 11. neat little sum thereby
In t\rlltlon \ to the contract ( price for the
pt\lng. : Ho claims therefore , that he was
wrongfully , unlawfully ] anti , mnllclously arrested -
rested , with force anti ] without reasonable
cause. Deshles that , after he was arrested
1m WIIS placed In the open police wagon and
conveyed to the city jail through the public
streets , whereby he was hrought Into pub-
lie scallllal , notoriety , Infamy and disgrace.
lie furthermore suffered great anxiety , 11\1.
milia lion 111\11 pain of hotly anti mini ) while
ho was In jail : and expended a large olllount
of 1II0ney before [ he obtained hIs release. He
challis ] that ( before thIs occurrence he haul
never been arrested or charged with any
crime , nor e\'en susprcled , and hall always !
been looked upon by hIs relatives , friends
anti acquaintances liS an honest , respectable
and law abiding clllzen.
Murphy ; \ denies thai there was any maliciousness -
ciousness whatever Illsplayed In the arrest of
' ullder the ordInances I
S\'enlling. lIe says that
he was compelled to keep the street In a
sao [ condition and clall1ls that It he allowelt
anyone to COIIIO along and pick blocks out
of the middle of the street It would have
' condition. Fur-
soon been 11'1 a dangerous
thermore. If he allowell S\'ennlng to take the
blocks his action would have Induced anti encouraged -
couraged others to commit olIeuses on other
portions of the street. Therefore , while
S\'ennlng was acqulttell In police court the
arrest should be considered entirely justifi-
able. _ _ _ _ _ _
Mrs. 1'1Ico'nsVcr. .
Mary A. Pia.e has filed an answer to the
allegations made by her husband , George ,
from whom she Is seeking to be separaled.
She says thai George has never adminIstered
10 the wants oC herself or chllrlren , but that
during the greater part eC their married life \
they have been obliged to exist In destitution
anti \loyerty. \ She clallno that she has always -
ways conducted herself as an upright and
virtuous woman , and denies that she Is un-
fit to have charge of their children. She al-
lagos thnt she ' has always acted as a. careful .
ful and prudent mother , and has labored by
her own personal exertions al all kinds oC respectable -
spectable el1111lo'ment , In order to ul1Port her
children. On the ether hand , ho was never
able to earn enough to support himself , and
has taken money from Mary. She avers that .
once she had been compelled by h'm to apply I
to the public authorities for asslslance She
prollhecles that If the clllhren are given to
him they will hive In poverty and destitu-
tion. ( and will finally become objects oC public
charity. If the court will not pace : the children -
dren In her custody , she prays that they may
be given to her. alster ! , \Irs. ! C. J. Coons ,
who lives \ at Sac CIt. The hearing of the
case has been contnued ! until Friday , February .
ruary 22. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'sVIIIIS * nil , \ \ccountlll ;
Henry T. Clarke ] wants Hugh Murphy FreJ
W. Gr-cy. L. C. Burr , John T. Clarke , and
Naugle & Co" , , whq . some years ago were
operating under the firm name of Henry T.
Clarke & Co. . to appear In court , In order
' accounting mIght be made between
that _ an _ - . . - . . . - ' - - - ' - . - - . .
the members. Tile memoers UISSOI\'eu pan-
nershlp In 188S , but Clarke WaS Instructed to
keep up the business oC the firm under his
own name , am'mne ] the collections and \lay \
tIme debts oC the firm. He has collected $32-
664. and has expended $32.751 , which heaves
the firm In debt to hIm In the sun. of $ S7.
UIRtrict , COliN ; 1' ol.s. .
Daniel C. Baker , who was convicted several
days ago on the charge of grand larceny ,
has med a. 11101'0n for a. new trial.
A motion for a new trial has been med
In the case of Wilhelm Haman against the
Union Life Insurance company. The Jury
returned a. verdict for the plaintiff n. few
days I1go.
Yesterday nernoon [ [ Judge Scott took up
the case of James Bra bets , who has been
Indicted on two counts by the grand jury
for assaulting Chris Nelson all August 1. of
last year.
The trial of the breach of promise suit ,
brought by Miss Anna Geiger from Vienna
AustrIa , against EI Schmeiser , publisher of
time Omaha TrIbune , . Is set In the district
cmurt for the 20tll Insl.
The case of James Drennan , who Is chaned
with having assaulted Selma E. Johnson ,
was given to the jury at noon yesterday , and
no verdict had been returned ; when the court
adjourned In time aHernoon.
Yesterday twenty of tIme twenty.elght cred-
hers oC Julius Bamberger , who failed recently -
cently , elected Augustus Hatches assignee ,
of the estate. The asslgneo was Instructed
to sell the stock of Bamberger at a sum
not less than $5.890. Damberger's total In-
debte'ness ] Is $1Ii,131.37.
In the case of Ezra F. Ringer agtlnsl : John
Llnderholm the jury lias returned a verdict
for the defendant HInger had bought from
the defendant :1,000 : worth of shares In the
Edwards 011 Burner company , whIch he' '
claimed he hal been Induced to buy by false
For 40 years Cook's Extra Dry Imperial
Champllgno has stood the ( test for purity and
its decllclous boquet.
IIt.ttcl' I'cry : Yl'nT.
Time was when the "glorious climate of
Callrornla" did not attract tourists. limit year
after year the time of travel sets In stronger
antI stronler every fall and winter toward
this favored region There Is no climate like
It on this continent for a winter resort , anti ]
this usual line sen'lco on time Union Pacific
syslem hns this season been brought to n
degree of Ilerfeetlon which leaves nothln tl'
be desired.
harry 1' . Deuel , City TIcket Agent
130 Farnam street.
. . -
I1uL1EEHIHt' : ) ' XCUltSIO\S. .
80llth "hl lie Wllh..h IIl1l1rllal1.
On February Ii anti ] 12 , March 5 . April 2
timid & 30. For rates or further Information
and n copy of the 1I0meseekers' Guide call
at the New Wabash oihce ! H15 Irarnam
street , or write G. N. CL4YTON
N. W. P. Agent Omnalma Neb.
1t ) 1't'IIT AI/allt Uohl IIra"f\I.
In the Blacl 11llls-The output of gold and
sll\'er h'om the mines of the Black IIIlIs In
lS93 Is alS follows : Gold , 22l.671i,858 ounces ,
with n culul1So value of t,1l9OS3.27 ; sllvor.
137Jlli.20 ! ounces with a colnago value of
$96.510,64. ) The output for lSJt ! IB placed by
conrervath'e mining men at : Gold H3.351,7l6
ounces ; coinage value $8,23S,16G./it. / Sliver ,
172,391 ounces ; coinage : value , 12067580.
'fho Northwestern IIno 1.'remonl , lWthorn
& Missouri Valley rallroJll , Iti the most direct
from Omaha miami Its through trains arc
elJulllpetl with 'I\\ner \ : pllilleo bleepcrs allll
tre9 nellnlnl ( chair cars l'aseemmgers : for the
cyslono ( amid holy 'nror district buy to
lIermoea ; thmoo lor Green \Iountilin ; \ district
buy to lra\wect \ ]
Ticket olllco 1401 Pllrnam st. Depot 15th
end \'ebstgr Us. J. H. 1Il'ClI\NAN ,
General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Neu.
. .
To )1'rj'l1l11"'Tolllllltl : ; t'u'Hlllctell.
The second Ilersonall conducted excursion
to Orlon : will leave : Omahl : Tlmurmiay . 1.'cb.
rUliry H. ut 435 : I' . m.
Only $35 10 'raCOllla , Portland Salem : 0 :
For further Informo1lpn call on er udl1reu
M. J. fowling . ( ' ty I assmmg9r ! ; agent I , lIurllnt
tm route , 1321 1 Farimaiui fln'el , Omaha , Net : ,
- - - -
special : I1Uractloll1 III time MlllwlI tcutgh ;
Making the Biggest Record on Earth with :
Oook's ' Olothing. II
New 1Jrc8 Trimmlll ! ! Just In-Nev Sills
anti nrt'8 OOOlls-ltxtrR SIIIClnl IInr-
gains for Tomorrow All
Over the Iore. ! ;
. ' .
All of M. [ . 11. Coolt's overcoats anti ulsters
must go this week regardless oC'alue. .
All the I1Icn's $5.00 overcoats and Waters
All the men's $ BliO melton and frieze overcoats -
coats anti ulsters go at $1.25.
All men's $10.00 kersey anti beaver overcoats -
coats , In all shades at 500.
All oC Cook's better gralles of overcoats
RlIII ulsters to be closed out at once at half
price amid less.
All the boys' ulsters and cape overcoats
must be closed out this wel'.k. The klnll
Cook sold for $1.00 to $10.00 are $1.liO. $2.liO
anti $3.liO.
We hnve pickel out 185 men's suits from
the Cook stock , ranging In value from $ S.liO
to $15.00 , In grimy che\'lots and casshneres ,
to be closed out this week nt the low price
of $ .1.25 11. suit.
Tomorrow begins the greatest odd pants
sale In the worll. ] Coolt's pants that he
prIced fit $1.50 > to $6.00 10 at 7lic , $1.00 , $1.0 [ ; ,
$2.00 , $2.0 [ ; and $3.00. They must go amid go
To make room for new spring purchases
we are sacrificing all winter goods.
COLORS , sizes 32 to 44 , al $1i.DO , well worth
from $7.liO to $15.00.
AT $2,19 , worth from $3.00 to $6.0. [ ; These
are odd waIsts that must be closed out.
ULSTEHS , ALL WOOL , adjustable capes at
$ UI ! , worth from $9.00 to 1500.
157 Ladles' double weight ! tersey Jackets .
small sleeves at $1.4J. ! These jerseys were
lot merly sold at from $4.\0 ( \ to $10.00.
If.YnF.N. . nnOL ! 0\1'\ : itA.
- - - ' - - - - - -
NEW i SS-TitDi IINGS------- ;
5,000 yards of new jets to be sold at
bottom prices.
Fine jets , worth ISo , only 3c a yard. Jets
arc the 1110St popular dress trimmings this
season and this price 3c , Is n beauty.
Fine jets , worth 18c to dOe , go at lic , 7c ,
8c , lOc , 12c , 15 a yard.
Fine jet garnitures , worth $1.25 10 $2.00 ,
arc only 48c and 75c each.
\Ve have just reeelyed over liO new styles
of those fancy eatherette ] goods In paper
rachcs wall pockets hair receivers , photo
cases . leather cases , card cases , comb anti
brush cases , match safes , etc. , your choice
Sc . 10c anti llic each.
Special sale of fine handlterchlefs at 3c , Sc .
hOc and 15c , for finer handkerchiefs lien arc
ever solll for 25c to 30e.
Black China silks 21 Inches wide 25c 'arl1. I
Black India silk \ 27 Inches wide. 39c yarti ] .
Black taffeta silk \ , 20 incites wide , 49c yard.
Black lining silks 20 Inches wide 2Jc ! 'arll.
Black satin duchesse 22 Inches wide 6ge
Black satin de Lyon , 20 Inches wide , SJc !
Black satin regenee , 24 Inches wlde.98c
Black satin mevellieux 21 Inches wide S9c
Dlack royal \'enetlerre , 21 Inches wide , 98c
) 'ard ,
Black moire silk , all sIlk \ , 5De yarl ] .
Yard wide black satin , only 59c yarll.
Yard wide black loraye silk , SOc yard.
Yard wide back ] India silk , life yard.
Values never offered by any house In
It-Inch : black fancies worth 25c. for 1211.c
IS-Inch : black herring bone cashmerelong
Sebastapol velour frosted benHnllne , 25c.
40-lneh all wool henrletta 25c.
46-lnch all \ uooI ] extra heavy quallly Ger-
man henrietta , 39c. !
40-lnch all wool figured batiste fine quality ,
worth 69c , our price ) 35c.
38-lnch pure mohair ( figured ) . 35c.
46-lnch Frederick Arnold's best , grade
German henrietta $1.00 Quality , 60c.
On the bargain coullter.
Fre3h bargains every day. Bargains In the
kind of goods every one must have such na
mtmsllns , flannels linens , cheviots caiicoea
cottonades shmirting etc.
Splendid stock of fancy striped muslin
plain and colored Swiss In all the newest
shades white and colored figures , French and
Irish dimities , tarlatons In all colors hem-
stitched lawn nalnsouk checks figured
pIques , etc. FIne linens and linen lawns.
The most complete line and lowest prices ob.
talnable. Come anti see for yourself.
Novelties In fine table linens , napkins and
towel \Vhmy send east for fine linens when I
yomi can do betel' at home ? The linen and :
white goods department stand on their merit
for qiuahity style and price. What more can
you ask.
'I' htow in R 1'ItIaIo1'IigIut Through 1'0"
orly , Accident mind oll"ot. .
Mrs. Ella Lyman , a widow living at li07
North Twelfth street seems to be havlug a
hard time oC II lately. She has been support-
ling herself and a. small son by taking In
wllshlng. A week ago last Saturday she was
walking down Cass street near the school
building ! , antI slipped emi the Icy walt , breaking -
Ing her right aria She went home , but ha\-
Ing no money did not send for a surgeon.
That night nelHhbors heard of her mlstor-
( tune , and the next day time city physlcllII :
was called In. He said that It was n case
for the county to take care of , alld leCt with-
out doing anything for the woman. The next
day Officer Storey , who Is patrolling that
part of tIme city , learned of the woman'a mis-
forluno and destitutIon , and IlIIrchased coal
for her out of his own pocltel. lie also got
a doctor to l:0 : and attend her , and about
dark Monday eveninr : the county physician
called , hut \ then hIs services were not needed
1'h county lIuthorltles ( were notified IIlId
arree,1 : , to alto ( care oC the case. 'fhey have
sellt her sainI ' provisions , and u week ago sent
her n half ton of coal that would hot burn \ In
any stove. 11 Is the rEfuse slack that ( comes
from time mlulng dumps , IInd Is fit for no
other pumr ese than 10 be used In furumaces
whc-ro lucre are big drafts to make steam ,
'I'ht'omall has to heeJ" " fire all IIlght , and
this slack emouhlers hike \ an ash heap , giving
out little heat , but Illenty of smolle. The
neighbors : say that Mrs. Lnnun supports Imer-
self when she IB able anti ] they are quite indignant -
dignant lit her treatment by the autimorities
"I have been affilcted with an alrectlon of
the throat from chlllllHiJd : ; , Cl1usel by diph-
theria , amid have used ] various remedies , but
have never found anything equal \ ' to Drown's
[ rouchlal Troche3.-He\ . G. M. F. Hampton ,
PilCeton Iy , Sold only In boxes
The l'namld Pile Cure Is time safest and
surest pile cure on Ihe marltet , because It
contaIns no mineral polson nor opium nor
cocaine , but call be used wllh absolute
safety I and certainly of cure.
Many lihmslclans are now using the I'rra-
timId ] 'IIt ! Cure In piacil of surgical operations ,
bcltlg IJalnleu , rOIl\'enlent to misc . and tIme
patient can attend 10 his dally occupation
while time cur ( Is being \ lIIade , as It Is used
al night , mind mme adllltlonni treatment Is
ruecssary :
Ur. Whartou says the Pyramid Pile \ Cure
will \ pro\'o a blessing 10 manldnd , when It Is
rememberCt ] that heretofore a surgical opera ,
lion wait considered tIme only euro with all
Its Imlnr . ] to 11ft' , Intellie I'aln antI expense :
of from $10 to $100 , 10 say ! mlhlng of the
ponlblo return of the troubl The Pyramid
Pile Cure clsls : but $1 I lit criy drug store.
anti dries the work quicklY auth safely If
your drugIU ! : ( ha-n't It In sto"c : luk hltl to
Iet ! ; It for you rom \.holualer. .
A ll10lt on causa : amid cur of IHles will be
nsllml free \.0) \ al\dnuslnct l'yrallllJ Pile Co" ,
.ll11l1n ? , .111.h. :
Army Officers W'lmGtAro lIoUere,1 About
( lie beconmc TAX.
Army officers geller/llly / arc considerably
pcrturbell over th\'reoent ruling oC the attorney -
torney general on hue , Income tax , In which
he holds that not only officers receIving
over UOO a year were subject to the tax ,
but also those whose perquisites bring their
income to an excess'df tai amount
Colonel Stanton at headquarters yesterday
said :
"This rnlng affects all brigadier generals ,
colonels and , In facti all other omeers whose
Incomes amount to over time sum specified ,
no matter what the source oC such excess
may be. I appear , that there Is something
very arbitrary In this ruling , but a we have
as rei to be offIcially potfied of Us full
meaning comment would be \remature.
"The fact remains , however that time attorney -
torney general's action meals thai the com-
mutation of qlarlers and time mileage ' ai-
hawaii officers are Incluled In computing an
Income. Ordinarily only mnjor generals ,
brigadier generals anti colonels who have
served ten years or more wouhl have an In-
come of more than $4,000 a year. Unlcr
tIm . decisIon of the attorney general the list
wIl Include all officers of the rank of major
alI ] above , anti some captains. "
Another olllcer remarked : "The whole
thIng In n nUIshel Is thnt officers arc com-
polled 10 pry out of their pockets the amolnt
necessary to secure trnsllorlnton when they
are ordered on duty 10 some other station.
When they reach their destnaton they file
with the \aymaster their vouchers for tulle-
age , and before this can be paid the pay-
masler will have 10 dellncl 2 per cent of
1he amolnt , pro\'IIC the omcer's income Is
more than $4,000 , even though the officer's :
expenses aggregrnle 101'0 than he Is palti
Another case Is ns follows : In the laler
of quarters , nlhough the go\'ernment lIIay
fail to supply an officer with nnrlers , or he
lay be onlere on duty In a city , that officer
Is given 1 certain sum oC loney for com-
lutaton oC quarters , and mlst then rent his
own house I this commltntlon money
nltl ] to his 1)0) ' proper brings his Income
imp to over UOOO down falls the 2eI' cent
Income ( nX.
" Iii another quarter , too , It would seem
that the mlulant general Is occasioning
some concern , as a contest Is now going on
between his corps and the Inspector gen-
eral's departmenl over the In pecton of
college work hy officers of the army. This
luty has for years been perform by olll-
cora oC the last namell lepartment , hut the
adjutant general believes that Inasmuch as
the omcers are detailed for this duty b )
his deputment that It shoul ha\'e the stupor-
vision of their ( work. "
Ollicers oC the line though , do not con-
cur with him , for Ito reason that IC In-
secton by his deartmenl of officers emi
college duty should be made because the (
orders detlliing them emanate there , then
he could go further and ask to perform In-
specton duty no malleI' for what duties de-
" V
Arm ) ' Niles mimi I'erAohmaLs.
Lieutennt Jnmes Arrasmllh Is attending
the Mardi Gras carnival at New Orleans.
Colonel Sheridan , brother of Phil Sheridan ,
Is at work Ipon n biography oC the general.
Halsey E. Yates of Lincoln and J. n.
' \algh. alernale , oC 1Ialsmoulh have been
aPllolntell cadets to time military acadcmy.
Major Edward G. Fochuet Sixth cavalry , '
reortell to Governor Holcomb for dnly per-
taming to the Nalonal guard of the stnte.
Ex.Sergeant Robert J. Lee company Ii ,
Seventh infantry , has re.enlsted and rePorted -
Ported to his regiment at Fort D. A. Russell .
First Lleutant Bard 1' . Schenclt of the
Twelfth Infantry , Depllrtment oC the Platte ,
has reported for duly at Madison Barracks ,
N. Y.
1.ocntcd n Haiti Well.
As an Instance of the necessity oC some
sanitary InspectIon aside from that of food
and milk . the commissioner oC healh cites
the case of a well near Thirty-third and half
Howard streets time contents of which were
recently analyzed. The analysIs indicated
that the'ro was more than twice as much
free and allumfnollt ammonia In the water as
there should be In water thai was fit for con-
sumuptioum. This indicatedi that the water had
been contaminated by the drainage from some
animal deposit anl was emllhallcaly delrl-
mental to heallh. Its continued use , the commIssioner -
mIssioner says. would lay the foundation for
an epidemic - typhoId fever as well as In-
fammaton of the Iddneys. There are n
large Ilmber oC familIes In the neighborhood
which use the well . as there Is no water main
on that street. The attention oC the Board
oC Health was first called to the well on ac-
count oC an unusual amount of sickness In
that locality. ,
Buto rck's Mntoh Pattern Fashion Sheet
anti Delineators Received Ycstardny.
1'10rm018 Clt In J'rlet of tIne Crookory-
Ldlc Ctonl'R , Mlsklll 1 filIti' )
Clo"k . -llr NOW nt :00
01 lie Dohlflr .
Only a few days more anti the new concern
wIll take possession ; we must reduce PrIces
terribly from today ] on to reach the figures
set In . terrible cold
the contract of sale. The I
weather of a \\'eelt ago kept lots away amid '
trade was large , blt not so large as wo
needed to get the stock tiowum
CLOAK DflL'AltTMlNT. ; \
Any cloak you see tip here will be soh ] at
less han ( half value ; don't miss the chance.
A lot of
$ lS.00 AND $20.00 JACKETS.
Anew gools this wlnleri ( ; no old Pltunder ]
$7,60 'fO $10.00 JACKETS.
Latest amid losl approved styles , choice
1'OI $2.9.
Mutfs , furs , sealskins , fur capes , etc. , at
any lurice to move this out.
\ I."ums' UNDEItVEAIt.
Children's antI muuisses' fne gnglsh cash-
mere hose all sizes , regular 7lie goods , for
Ltmthlcs' fine woolen hose with ribbed lop ,
t" 35c Itl\l , for llic.
Lathes' extra heavy woolen , jersey ribbed
umuitlorwear . natlrl color j5e qua Iy , for 33e.
Lathes' hue woolen combinaton sllts ,
natural color , the ' 3.liO and U.OO Ilnaltes
for $1. !
Are to be wiped out , not 1 yard Is to be
left to tel that we were over In huslness.
'Vo Inlte just four lots for tom rrow. all
they are the cream af the stoclt.
4lot of novelties , actual value 7lc. arc
now 13c.
liO.lnch canvas cloth goods , worth $1.50 a
yard . arc now 69c. .
lit.lnch che\'lots , a close price was $ l.jli 11.
I yard , but we mark them JOe. !
Extra quality camel's hall' cloth , our regu-
Inr $2.00 and $2.5 goods . are now 98c.
21.lnch black ] gras grain and 21-lnch black ]
Fole l ' rncalse , $ l.liO , for 76c.
21-lnch black surh , S5e grade for liOc.
A good qnallty black surah for 35c.
Black are now 65c.
Black satns arc now 25c.
All the 2j-1nch colored China sis anti
all The colored surahs arc 10W .Wc ,
arc All li9c. the $1.00 , $1.25 I " ale Francalse silks
- a--
FerrIs wheel Is the real thing. Midway.
Looking tutu the ammittor.
There Is a prodigious protest being regis-
tered by some of the hotel proprietors who I
are compelled to pay $30 for n license for
'their runners This Is due to the acts of
some of the drivers emplo'ed by laxlon &
Sharpe. I was decided that thIs firm did
nol come under the provisIons of the ordinance -
nanco as they were simply doing a transfer
business and they were 10t caled on to take
out 11. lIcense. Now It Is asserted that the
drIvers en110)'el by this company also act
as runners for \'l1rlous hotels anti thus sollcl
business for these establishments , savIng the
expense of a license. The matter Is being
considered by a council committee and If It
Is found thai the charges are wail founded
they will recommend a remedy.
Midway Plaisance. . Don't miss it. Fun.
\Vitmits the City to 'ny.
Mrs Ella L'man wants n slIce oC city
funds In compensaton for Injuries alleged to
have been caused by n fall on a detective
sidewalk a cOlplo of weeks ago. She claims
that there was a bad hole In the sidewalk on
the north side oC Cass street , between Four-
teenth and Fieenth , which was rendered
dangerous by n quantity at Ice anti frozen
snow that had been allowed to accumulate
She slIpped and fell , breaking her right arm
amid dislocatng her right wrist. The matter
has been referred to the commlteo on claims
and the city atorney for adjustment.
e "I"/9"/O ' ' 'I 'f't@
' I U A Condition of
1 : > ; Perfect Ueattb
' 11 " 0 ! is indicated when the pulse is
S - - , and when the
l i 9 , i - strong steady , e
, .1 eye are bright and the mind j
S . L clear , when the heart-beats are S
% _ i1 S strong and regular , when the
: \ . _ _ _ _ _ - -i 1 q ; step is firm and elastic-when , S
e L .h in fact , each and every organ of
11 the body is performing its pro-
I LV per functions in a proper man-
: ii nero If these conditions are not
present , something is Wrong , Nature needs help. At . such times
% will be found of great benefit. I will assist Nature to repair the ( \
waste which has taken place. I wi repel disease while this 5
a , ' . building-up process is going on This is the dangerous tme , the
time when the germs of disease find lodgement in the weakencd
t tissue. OZOMULSION prevents this. I doe so because it contains ,
. Ozone and Guaiacol These agents are death to germ life. I 5
also contains Cod Liver Oil , which supple the material for the
' building-up. It is thus a fOQd as well as a medicine. S
I is the kind that Physicians Prescribe
\ forCo1ds , Cozgl2 , COl8UJIJtOl llI all P"1ollrJ' (
C01Jlaintsj Sarofuia , G0wrul Debility , Loss Plash ,
Aizteinlu , and tell V'utiiig Diseascs.
Handsome nwtrated Pamphlet Flee. T. A. SLOCUM CO. , 183 Pearl St. , new Ycr } ,
. "I # II ( " < gtlt9'I'O
KUHN & CO. , .6th . and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
- -
MciEW Teeth Ylithout Plates
' EW
maThs oms- i . . , BAILEY
IITIF ONtY t " . ,
_ SPOIALI6T I I , 'W' "
- " ' ntr i ,
_ S ' - . ; , . " 11 r.
' '
. , ;
. 54. WIU TIItAT8 ALL 'I i I - . / : , : % ' DETI
TIKATI -V l'axtomm 111k.
I ' C'V l'axlOIk. ,
V. . . , PaVATE D.SEAES , lllhalllll.\WI sa
' ' . , .
W'ukool and ccrl 101. 10Si.
Iomduu.of l'tmil Set Teotlm. , . $ 5.03 sliver Phiifrmg4 . .
OldOUIONorLY Teeth..f .O Ill1illi
lv' flu E3 0 N LV Best T.wtl. . . ' .51 IUIU ( FII\I i : .01 )
. l vI'r1 ( uro ulrlnw , d. 'limhmi I'lal' ' . , . . . . . In.o . ) Oull ( ( IUWIl8 , 221c . . 11.0)
, ss. _ t V . - . , Si : I D ! years ytmirs , , eXI'l'rlol'cu lrMl lullllos"I'\'ao'l \111 : . flC Ilhl u totittitootlm (1.0) (
, . . .a 1'1. .tD\ \ : : ' : , h. . T cth Out In Mornfr g ,
tM.tII.t. XJU. : New Teeth same day
- - -
r 1' " U ' . 1 _ , . , . 1' . . . - . , J . P # 1. . ' - . -
J f : ; { ' !
J ! D t' . . * t ' I l ( lQ , . . ' , .t " w , . 4'm \ > . :
> (
" ' .
, ) .
"il = : . . f'f )1" : 'f'
Pot' 8.ulc by 11 1.1':1 Ci.LSS nealol' iIuiiiifmtetum'ud by tim
r. . fHCE M RCAln-I.E CICAR CO" ,
P. 'UCtJI' ' Np. :011 : St. J4u13M.
. ,
. - .
Sntnrtln 15-
DAY. I 1
Its unfair to sy we'l % JI i 'q
sell pant , Saturdar- \ F
\Veln almost give .
them awa y. I ) t
I ) j tI I ! i
PANT # J ! ' .
Saturday. I , , , ,
a- ' ' j7 ,
LOTiIVNc Uous , [ sI Z/9
- - - - .
. _ _ . . _ . _ . _ _
( - ct.I ' ! . . " ! ' ' \ "
Yes , We Have Evet.ythil1g
Spec il Bargains for This Week.
'Vo have . not time I'oomlo show OUlsbut
r nss\.o 'Ot tIme II'ieo ) mOIto"cl 18 well
: V \ . worth double the price offci'cd.
* CD A 81(1 I ( Cholfonlor fot' . . . . . . . . . . $ 7.00
. A i ) Uphol8tet'ed Patent Heck-
a 5U
r s . Ci' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.50
-V S. 2'L5 Um'd wood Bedstead CO. . 2.00
14 ' . A $20 hlt1wo01 Bel'oo\ ( stilt , 14.50
' ' C A $ : : Hanging Lamp for . . . . . . 1.95
. - V - A & 2 High ChaIr fom' . . . . . . . . . . 98e
- : g t A $50 11'10' SuIt for. . , . . . . . . 29.00 V. .
i : ' rq A ilie DecIJ\tcd ] CusJldO' fOI' . 340
I ; r' A itait' of Nottimiglmammi lace cur-
s talus . . . ottnghamlneo . . . . . eU'- . 96c
: : . CD A good SmYI'1 HIg rO. . . . . . . 75e
. -V. . ; k p A good lantel olding Bol rOI' 1.60 V
'Vo have n few oC those Cho
l _ _ - nlo Couches left . which wo
g _ . - trill ole u out at $6.48 oaehj ;
- i : rcgulm' pl'Ico , $11.50.
-V % I- . Remember give you the best of
' . . V
TV I 1
II\ cvol. .thing- V
. I- BEST 1f 'nluo. nEST lu sOI'vlce.
g.p1 ' S BEST lu torms.
i.i : ; - s
VV . V , V V : e Also rcmembor..thmutt geods were . never
- = _ so CHEAP 18 NOW" ' Ild .that they
cannot possibly bo che ' .
n c ) pC'
: I , o
V : ' c _ ) - Our Tertts--Cash , or . .
: 81v rtI : I ! : p , 1'1 i 81 per wtnlq ; t. -
' , .
- UI' (51 Ier lollh.
; : $ : I worth or go"I- , $1i . . ( lur week
( PuS $1.00 n lontl
530 , vortImor , $3 ' wevkl
8:0 .orth Good : I'U'O'ld
, , , . .
( . 81 00 II Illlth.
" 'It Ii I wide silk ] IJ'\11119 , lllt nllllnt sprIng 871 worlh or Good OI , . . are . 10' ; wI .
cml mull u'ouumudutro stuhhimug lice luot. calecs ( l.or IWlllh
es ' . , . ,
elges ul ronneuro sulng lt 8100 worth or goutiM ' 113 week ;
amih iveli thcy tititY. Aside fem time J0(11 'T ! , :
I I '
weI Or tt1i2 liiiIiIiL
above they' imeavihy fri igad , urc tip- ( : IIH nlltl
thmeyro hel\ly ! P- mvitIi of , $311t : ) \VeDic
hmolttttirtI w1tim best steel P81:1 COlllo SlllurVeDic
holllet tOllelUO ' ij.5
( ba. month
, atmd ititoguthuer the miuost . 1' JI.I . per
pritmg. II uro u1 ? "mobt 8130 worlh of ' , . '
sJrln et.1 week
ltmxat'oums lmICCC of furmmltmmio for 121 wo .8110 gOII' ! .IIII' woull ;
1IIlces fllltme
Inxaols . , , Ur S ( (1 or imi'itth&
' ' Our tmr ltll" I . .
0'01' olTell. 011' . 45 S"oo of , , , ' . , ' ,
this week , \ \ \ ulna12 worh ( 11010 8r 1'1' mv.m'kj
Irle ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ; . . . . 250 Worth Oignott. Or 'Io ( m'e , I'm' w'olel nWllth .
Saumio tmtuttuy-bargnIm. CoticIm - covcrctl imrlco. . . In . . . $ 6 . 48 SIOworlh IfgIOII..IIII'T : 10a' montl' -
SemI 10. for Our 1llmmoth I1ustlitet Cutnlogime .
O/t'it Saturday EvCiugs Untl IO O'ctoci.
. .
. V ij . . k _ V
' . ' IL'E It I Is bohuuz 111 i hy tholl'lll or IUlles Ilolthl' . 1 II lbs
CA'O.I'T . . f rUNI' . : \ holur . kttly's : fr with t Irrulliar , rrua ( IIny call1O. It its mints
nnl.elaba.llovcr fails , gmumrmimteo : ; whim every tJIUo , Hurt , 1 I day : 'lhil IUlh11IO : ts far 1IIorior 10
, ,110 , al every bottle hteu.iied anti imovtr , IOioi 1(14 ( eli'jumtitlm. 3JI tnt all iuIllui I Ill IUI II I. I'rlcu. J.UU
IJur uolUe. U your Irug ' lsl 1001 not IWo tl 11 . : J.Ol ' ) II 1. < wil turw.lrl you a tJltn ty UXlrJHt
\ OiMOLE Oleo. OmlhB , Nub . , .uk" ,
- - - - - V .
o 0
U . U
Li Success itt Life ,0 ,
U . Q
LI depends on little things. A Ripans
o Tabule is a little thing , but taking .
o ii I
o one occasionally gives good ciges - D
o U tiol , V and that means good , blood , 0 ftS 'V
o and that means good ' nand 0
LI 0
D bnlwn , and that means success ,
o . . . 0
Elpans TaLulul Sold , \ ) . ' drUII.I. or . \y math .
O D [ I'UIII IC npans . l'lwllr.1 Ice 11 I'oml..n Iellw 1 ) . I" " j I' _ : . 'I' sent ; lmm " lt . ' \ho . . . ill. \ ' . I-I
r ! 'EL ' DLJ
I ,
V S V V /
- - - - - - - - - -