r - , .o . - . r _ I : G TIlE OMAHA \ DATT..IY JJEE rrIIPUSDAY ,111nRU.AnY . . . _ _ : , ] 14 , 1895. ) _ _ , . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i lMERC1AL AND ) FINANCIAL - - Corn Took the OthEr Chain Markets in Hand YcstErday. : WIIEAT OPENED UNUSU \llY QUIE1 - - Ahout om , In Sympathy with the 1Iulgc In Corn " 'hrnt lIe ( ! . but Hcellllrll nit Vrn.I lr < , 't'l Url'ortf 1'Pll ! : "Islhlo $ IIIIfccrnlc. . i CHICAGO . Fcb. t3-Corn took the grain mnrkets In hand emI excited them for n & whie , but whent In the cnlI shook ItRelC ooi4e , with n loss for the tny or Vic while corn Is from ! , C 10 % c hhher. 01InY'8 re- cclpls oC hOl9 ) numbered only 2,0 head and Prices oC pork nre hhher ly lOc for barrrled , nail Cram 2'J \ to ac for ribs. Whnt Opened very quiet and front 1'e ; to Whc : for May , ns against te nt the . c03 or the market on Mopilay. To 1 con , ' siderable extent the market Icrms to haVe o'lro\el ' Ilseir down 10 I slrUJlle he- . lwern tlioe who have a1ritdy h'ouiht the vlllhle RII'llly ' 101 May delivery 10 retain po"sellion or their 111'ehnsrs , nlli nn nl- tempt oC some others 10 decry 19 value anti make them drop It. The price declined : ' to & c early In the day , hut nlout noon rose to 33c . In sympathy with n bulge II , corn nt that time . hut on flrnhlbtreet'i reporting - porting n dlcrense ! oC only 11.00 hIE for the week In the world ' stoc1i . selnR wnR renewed and a decline 10 r.11tc look plnce. : 'Vealmess ) was dUe In some measure 10 the nllorls ) ( Itm the seaboard or lack of lc- mnnl from the exI1orter. . Corn wns very Irregular and worked up and down over n range or lc per bu. I I WitH wenlt lt the opening , then Ilrong , ' from that wenk again. and finally wound up frm II 'IHlc to 5c for ? . Inr , comlIrrd wih 4Jc on Monday ateraoon. The open- Ing price wnl from H'c 10 h1c ant It rather dragged Int It WIR reported about 12 u'cloclt thn t there wan In active demand al SI. Lotus for corn to JO .nll by rail , on which rcport It rare ( qulckl and rather ' excitedly 10 45c. Some InquIry was reported - ported for corn for Dubuque lit . . anti ten . cnrlonds were Fell 10 HO there. IaRlern Rlvlces were lu the fCecl that their recent sources or supply were drying UII and they ( 'Ileet to hlve 10 draw from ( 'liicao he- Core long . I3railMtreet's reported the visible stiiply > reduced 20,000 hu. as eomparell wIth an Increas ! of Ir.1O lU nt the poInts Included - cluded In the olclll vlslhle supply reporl. 'fhe oats market was actIve durinA the greater part of the sessIon and quite n gooll busIness waR trnsacled' During [ the early part oC the day the feeling waR eas ) ' . Later however the Ilemanl improved . anti . with the Intucnce oC IL' recovering market In corn . prices rallIed and closed a shade firmer. May salt from 2 lc to 28c and up to 29'4c . closIng at from 29c to 29 c. Brad- slreet'R report showed n decrease of ; 0,0 hu. In ants and that wIth a decrease of 71,0 bu In the stocks of contract oats In store , also helped 10 111 up the marltl ProvIsions rose In consequence or the good dcmanll for hogs and the better prices II the yarlls. Such confidence anti demnll for the raw materIal 10lwlhRlnm1nA Its . extreme , plentituinss . gave the market for the products Its firm lone. The strength In corn assIsted to sustain provisions and the packers lent their 111 In encouraging the bUvlng. The receIpts for tomorrow arc estImated : Wheat 71 cars ; corn , 2 cars ; oats . 20 cars ; hogs . 30,0 head. The leading futures rnngel as follows : t "l ; I . n. I iIi ; . ii..ow.I _ ci ] - - - - - - - WI > cltNo.-2 J'eb. . . . , lowa WJ lm /o Ma } . . . . . / : lH : a G July. . . . O4t c4 ' 6H' 14 'G / : ! ) COn No.2. . . J'eb. . . . 42 ( 4n : , 42 42 Mny. . . . . . 4' ( , 4M 4 44U(41 July . . . . H } ( 44t45 444 44 ' Oats No. 2. . . . 441iH6 J'eh. . . . 27 27I 27 27..j Nay . . . . 26JI 20 2S : / Juno . . . . 2B 2SJ' 2B 28 ) 21J1 Pork Per bbl Mny. . . . 1021 10 323 1021 1021 Short Elba- : May Ybs- . . . 0 G71 007" 0 06 005 Lnld,100lbs . .tay. . . . . . . I 32 535 t SO 5 32 Cash quolntons were ns follows : I'LOUlt-Iuil and . FI.OUI-lul unrlanlld. WltlIAT-No ; : i sprIng . & 3.i5Gc : No.3 sprIng. nominal : No.2 red , Ii0)ij5lie. CHN-No.2 , Wc ; No 3 yellow , 4OJ4ic. . OATS-No. 2. 2Stc ; No. : whIte . 307 14Ic. , RYIO-No. 2. 52e. ; UAIU.ln'-No. 2 , rCe : No. 3. t. o. I , . . e : No. 4. tc. Wi FLAX SFBD-No. 1. $1.41. t TIMOTHY RFED-I'rlme. $ : .15. ; ( . I'IOVIHONAMess pork per.bbl. , nO.l0@10.20. , I.nd. per 100 ( Ihs. . 1G.57G.fO. Short , IHs aIdes. loose , $1.l0@5.1r Dry snltcil shoulders. boxed . U.C2\HI4.75 \ : short clear sides. boxed , $5.45 . . 7 @ 5.W. VlIlSKY-DlstIilers' Inlshed goods . per gal . $ .2. , . Tie followIng were the recctpii and shipment " t01ny : , . - Articles. 'ccelPts , lhlpmentB. ; ; > . . . . . . . . . . . W./l 1 ; h Wheat bl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : / ; . Corn bl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lR.2:0 , 1//R . { OttiN. . bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24U.400 tO.2RO . 1).I.bl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.1:4 110.1:1 10.UI - Unrl..y. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . 111,080 20,22.1 , . -On tIta l'roitioi C'Chatwa tOLlay ( lie batter ! nir. ket was Rteally ; eram.r ) ' . 17d2le : dairy. 10 20e. Fggs . lower dntr. FIIR. lower ; really fresh . loss off cnseH 4. . rlurned , :3c. oI NEW YolK ( HtNI I , U. \IAltU T. . Closing Jiiotzitloii.t on the Cl081nl Qnotlllol Principal Com- iitoilltlc'i and Staples . ; NEW YOlK , I'eb. ] 3.-FI.OUI-n.e.lpts. 13,300 bbis. : exports 4.90 bbls. : s3les. ] 8.8' pkgs. : Market stenl1y ; patents In mOllerte de/nl\l' ( ; slicing bakel's' and wInters : an willter In lemnnd and Ifn . Export Inquiry saudi. Sonthel lour , tlull. : Hyo flour ; fairly actIve : sales . 80 bbls. 1luk- whenl flour. quiet nt $ l.6tI11,75. lucl - . 1IlJPKSVIIITQhilet. ; .C(1.7 4fH1c. OIN M AI.Qllet : yellow wcstern . $1QSIJI.1o ; Ilrandywine. * 2.90 : sales . 20 snells 1.10 M YM-Nomlnnl : car lots . Ole ; boat londs. l@ .f . IIAItL.flY-Noml.nni ; Milwaukee , G4rjcc . two- llwaullee ; - . . CHICe two row"I' ' st8le . GOfjGlc. ' s1x.roved l1A1tlBY . 7Otf7Sc. . : T-Nomlnnl : western . 7Of75c ; : WI fA T-Ieeelpts , 2,2 bu. ; exports. 51,900 . bu. . uprt. 7.90 ; saIes 1.71.,0 bu. futures anti 83 , O ) bu . : shot. Ipot market stcatiy No. , 80OJ .pt. Spt RI'ally ; 2 re,1 . In stote and .le\'ltOI' . r6'c ; afloat , rS.e ; t. . o. h. StO' We ; 2 : anoat ; No. . . . 1 . uorth.rn. 65\ \ . .1lvereJ ; No. 1 hard . t o .h.lh.l. . I. Ol > tons were Ir1r nl Iho open. lag owing to modemte tnI fOlcln buying hut trade f ' , % c Wns very lght all tiny anti the ilucttintlons trdp nnr- row. ltfter brief militIa ) ' fuctuotonB Af"I' ! Ihlla r.aelon fliarket c mIlIeu nn frm I/to cables Inll sympathy nmrkp 1 corn. only tu sell oft unltr the small ' wih , , unll'r d.erl'Je , ' Hmnl . , Iimtistreet's snrlVs stock anti elOieI , , JrIHtrft's hhnciiino I y worhlH dO",1 : ; . " Ilehane ; No. 2 red , Vcbrtinry ' , . . 11 1.'e'runry , closed 1 nt bIl. : March . . . Marll. 7hI57c. closed nl 6mc ' . , fr7He. clos.1 ; :1 ( ) H5 9-IGI' . l'lo"lt itt r8' . : June closed nt r.8"e : Jnl ) ' . C3t t'f 1 , , . I'l' , closed nt rH'r ; . \uln81. W1U1We. closed at (1(4c ( : Hr"tl'mb.r .lnR"11 : l & 9e. * : t COIIN-ltecelpts . 7,2(1. ) hu. ; elwrts 2.701 tnt. : . , anlos . 3Q..I ( ) hu. futures nn I UOB 1m sllt. . , Silt : Innrket quIet ; N ) . 2. H\io \ In tIevator : . strainer mlnll , 41t ' . 3 , . le\tlr st.nmrl' : No.3 4'e. Options op.nl.l . steady ) ' hut quIet raid dl.playell hit lIttle feature . . until the ' 'Iwlrtell export Imrlll'o ot 20.Oo ) lid . i tn St. I.ouls cnur'11 a. shan zttivnnee. 2,0 1 shan11'onr. . 'fh. cllBO , , Wl at % 0 net gun . ' 'h. cloo wait nl 48'o : May , 4IHH9\e , closed nt 4ge ; July. 4SHH.I. ? closetS nt .9" . ' . OAT0-hteeeliit. 21,000 hu. , OATKI..h'I. 21,0 ; fnlrs. lC.fM itti . . futures nllli & 7.11) 1m. ROt. Spnt market Ilnlll ; No . 2. 330 No. 3 tiehlvered : Ni. lel\.I. 34e ; Nn. 2. 33c : No. 3 While . 36\H1371 ; Ni 3 whl. 3.e ; tmrk. r , whit " western. 3HHle ; track , while slate. 37fP lie. Options quiet hit Irmer wIth corn. clasing ! HiQ ; net ollmnl' : ret fllf' lose,1 nt CloNll1 ; Marvi closed ) , nt 32 f33\ . eloell II SIc ; May , 82'6:0. IIAY-Iull : shIppIng , SOegootl ; to . 5 ; , @ IA . Y-nll M I 011 \ cholc. ' lOPfRtpnll ) ; state. common to choice oM , i'l ' , UHo : new 1.nno'I'lnlo. lie ; Pacific cnl , 011. r I - 1'f7c : now. Mule. J , 1I1PIt4-Qutet ! ; wet . Rllnl New 0 inns , seloflcti. . . P I 10 CS IhH. . f\n. , ; lurnnH Ayres , lrv . It ) 10 24 , I" . . . 101 Tesas \ Iry. 24 itt : lb. , 7ti5Yc. : 1ic. I.iIAT1IBIt-IeiiIv : hrllock .ole. n. A. , ilht i . , 10 heavy weIghts. H @ 1. IIht ' , lift2ie. ' .VOOI.-.Qulet ; .bnwslc 1..cp , lC(2&e ; pul ell , l'IOVIHIONRnl.t. oll.t : fnml ! . $11 001112 M : ofU extra meu 1.Mf .0 ; beet hnml $7 : city elm lnllho 11. " . 16.Oens.00nlllfl. ; . f&.Ofl 0) . ( I , meats , lIt rn . l.arl. . steall ) ' : western st"UI ct"11 , nt 16.9h : sates. 2:1 tiereei nt $6 85. t i ar.I\ ' ; 11",1 16.90 nominal : Mnv. n nominal ; rIOn"II , . .tp"IPllk , .Iul . hut firni. . 11''JI.-Uul and wrnk.'r : w.aler unity 10 . I e 115j ; w.t.r cnnme/ . 112f. ; w"Jh'rn , ) til ( lor 81HIHc : 1:1ln 26 ; Inilta'Ioo rreanie , y 1 Mf8 ; .tnle daIry . 1061SI ; state creamer . 13 , : (190 . . 1 (190nl I fr.Rtrn"v : Inrl" . 9fll e : sninil , DIJ ' ? U ! ol skIns , 31ge ; full 8k'mH. 211314p. c , l00ISI."I\I state anti i'enn"vlvnila. , lOc ; let . ) 'ntipp. 1:4. : we.tprn fr.ah , 28621 : outh. , ( . 2o2c : reccIntB. ' a.l7k. . . , , 4e. TAILfl'-Weak . ; cIty , HH\c ; count 1' . 4\.c \ ' fiI\OLBI'M-NOn'nnl ' : l'n\p,1 cl'o"1 nt $1.07 ukAI VashIngIon. Ilo. , $0 . 900.lt : " 'nohll"1 "I. ' bulk. 1.4 : T'lnp" . New Yo'k $001 : l'h'lrdclph'a ' tiptl Hnlhnore , fG : l'hU1llrlphla and I.llmore. . In bulk. 13 to. 11051W .8I..slv. . , nOfIrlrMh' ri'ill'gNTINI-rirm : 9E130ie. T.IP :1f3 I. . 3ITC'I5-l4tesdy' domesli" . tn" 10 extra . 4IUI'Ac . b JOI.AH $ . I f-Rlpnll'j ; New Orl.an. . open kettle. rood 10 eInlrp. roll . .olr. G" " . ( .o.rroNsIuFlOlI.tes4y ; rlme crude . ea , ! , ; .rhn. yellow . :6 fn7c. < ORANngS- ; tane . sound. $2.00J4.S0 ; . 0ti'C1.4W71 60. ) ( flMT.1.i5.-PIe Ir.'n. heavy : Snitch . $ i9.1t24.M : : : I.Ph lIn. hrRfClrh. t9.ft2t.MI , Amerlctsn. $9.tU2.t,0 . "oppr. .1.'lv. hr.kf ' , , , price. . n.75 ; nclanJe itries. $9.6M9.70. 1.end. ( iUIt't ; brokers' t'rlpe. $3.02t : px.hRnle ) lhrlce. \tkel' 1.02px.hRnle I.rle. i tLlst4. Tin. Inl : stratta. 813.7041l3.$5 : \lal. . . 1.ni. ' fp.\rr. . .aam".III. : ' 311. 0nIs on "dce : ' toni June tin. IU.2j ; 10 toni Feb. . . Mlnry. $13.3741 : 20 tOM March . $13.30 ; 21 tons . CX-UOlt. * h3.40 ; f.O lbs. . 'cbrnl copper $9.75. U I\t OJJtLAIU : ( T. ConlI1lon or Trade anti Qlolatou : on tnplo RIII Inlc7 I'rotlco Te CIHt mlket Is I rather uneven Just nt the present time antI Ilmeul 10 quote. While some Ilenlrl cln'm 10 have solI as hhh as 2. ethel are only quotIng : and 23e. The break In the mnlkeL ent wi have n tendency 10 turn eggs In tbi direction , while the mider weather will also tend 10 Increase the arrivals. These are the lear features of the market , whIle tie : bull t.ntru atc Ihe present light receipts and faIr .Ie- monlQnotnUon. . : IIUTTIlt-Culled tock. 8e : common 10 fair lOiJllcl : air to good country . IZI12\O ! ' ; choice leone fancy , h51' ! 1 : i ; , ithrt r"nmetr , SIc ; separator l hIY. \ 19412)c. ) 1'UUR-HlrlcU" fre1i ini,1 l. 21I2le. J.IVr I'OtYlTitY-Chlckena. 5ly16ilc : ducks , CI ; turkeys . Cr : iiat'y tonip , &c : geese . ho. IJmRII 1 l'OLTlY-Chllllel. ! . fn'r. ca6lic ; choice large . 61Hllc ; c"ico olnl , 1(3c ; turkeys , fair to 1101. B 4(9140 ; choice heavy , St(19o \ ; choice I&'tc srnttii . JOfIOYc ; dUck , faIr to geed , 7fJ8el \ $ fancy . full .In's.CI , U 10e ; geese , fair 10 good . 7 % f81 ; rane ) ' . ( till t..cl. < Ulo' Icese . < All - lhIP wlnl teal tier , dnz. . * 1.5017155 : green wIng teal , per dlz , . $ i.25iTlr ) : ducks . IlxclI , , per iloz. , I1.0f1.25 ' ; carwasbacke . $1,0)0 1.0 : molArlls and red lucais $2.501775 ; small rnihuts. 7Scml.0 ; Jack rabbits . $ ,2\1.6 ; ' 'lulr- rel- . SOc. vliAl.-cioiee : fat 70 tn 10 ls. . are quoted nl Gfle ; large aol coarse . :1 Ic I Clt"RI'-WIRcnnRln run er.nl. Young A. i3ct ; twlnq . 12\\c ; Nehrakn anti IOln , full creAm. lel N..rakl and 10WI , tart skims . ShOe ; 1.lm' hler , Nn. I , lie ; : . Inrl . I , lie ; Swiss. No. I. lSc. itY-tIllaflh1 hay . $9 ; mltilnnii. S.50 ; lowland f8 ; rye straw fC. Color makes the IIlco on hny. 1.Iht Rhl.l. lell the best Only top grades bring top rl" . . 110ON50hl : birtle . per doz. . 7SSO. $ VIIUITA1ILI14. nlonA are In very light supply on all markets ! nl ali lte euninauntling > good RU\ . \ ees. Quotations : l'OTATOBH-Wesler stock car lots 6 : ; small lul. 70c. Ol.\ ItluANIu-lraai.plcke.i , navy * l.905J2.O0 : J.Inl I'nno , Ier , ii , . . 51,40. $ .90(2.0 ONINAOn trt1eriu . \c. ; per bLI. . $ li' , ' . ( ' . \lilt.UlI-0n orden. 2c. ( 'll.Iit'x'-l'er . : .101. ( s'c. Hs.llT : 1'OTATOIIO-Uoud stock $2.50 : Kan ens. n.2. $ 1III'T-1'er ihil. . $1.50. ( 'AltltOTl4-l''r ILI , 12. ( Atll.U'I.O\H-I'r ( : crate oC I tioz . anti hall or 1"1 ilnz. . $ 2,25(12.50. < hlOltSlitAllHII-ier Ih. . 6477c I 'A ltsNh I ' 8-I 'ei ' hbl. , . 1. IINI'8-1.I' h\ $2. ltt'TAliiG\-t'.r lb. t , 1'c. l'AltHl1Vt'-1'er tO1. hunches 35c. 'rtINIIH-lel l I hhl. , $1.50. HIINAtt-I'el hbl. . I.W. al.0. i'iiu 1'1AN'1'-I'er tIoi. . . COUCOc. ' . fltl'ITS. rll'ITS. Uellrt" r.eel\.1 . from IIAt nil sections ot the south hlH.nte , that the crop nt early futlits. ns .nrl' wel nA Vt'eltibes. hns been cut down Inll lIe- etayet . antI that nothIng of ' - Rtr'II. 011 nlhlnl In ) n"-Iuenrc may he anticipated from 11.le ; In March or AI'rt. A letter \ \ . ieeelvett ' . , ' ' , ' . . leth'r1. le.el\11 1Iln hl\'e\'r. front Nc. \'nlll. Mo. . . which ' 11111s OJnha wlh n great many hjt'rrkw . NnY'1 ' that there hAl , been 10 damage Itt that 1 > llnt. Then' lulls Ie'n n good 1 tlt'al ot . an,1 , ' col,1 ' .llnt snow sl.ncolI weather . which hAS kept the fruIt buds fl"l ttuh tIng . anti thus Inl Ir"/'II , them ( coin being itijlitt'tl 1) ' tla : severe II'I. Oilier F'etto may Inll ! hut they have : ol.n more "ri I'U Inn hurt . nfl'l ' In 11C end I may turn out that thPe are ( 'Odidgil early fruits I anti tonR : "eg'tables to supply all emands. Quota- I l'IAnR-'lnter Nellie , none. ; AI'I'I.C8-Clmtee sitick . $ I.0Of4,25. ( IItAI'MS-Concord , none : Malagne , per 65 10 G8-lh. bhs. grou'u. $ I0,00tflO,50. CHANUImUES-lrseys. . fancy . $ ll.00jl1.0 TROPICAL FUUITO. OItANGES-Florlilas. per box Z2.7G1,00 ; Call. torla na\el. . f3.r,0 : secdllnga , $2.711,0 Cal. UANANAH-Cholee stock $ 2.O02I0 per bunch. I.J' MONHNcw l sslnn8. lzes 30 to 30. $3.5 l H.o. l'INEAPPLESll doz. . $2.10f4.0. MISCI-LLANJOUS. : : neportB ( rein Jnlmoro indicate thai the oyster situation IR going from hfL to wor.e. Thc con- tlnuei cell \.alher has made I very dlleul to secure stocits . nnll unites there Is 1 speedy change hIgher prices are looked tor. Quota . tions I OYSTEn-l.dlnm. per can . ICe ; horseshoes. 20e ; extra stMllaT1. . 21e ; extra selects , 2.e : om. pan selects. ISo : New YOlk counts , SIc : bulks , stnndanl. per gal , * t.25. NBW FIGS-Extra fancy , iCe ; fancy Hc : choice 12'13c ; Caloria bags . "c. HaNDY-New York 17c : dark . 14ii5c ; CnU. fornta Ice ; strnlnetl . 4 to 10-lb. COils H15e lb. . 101' JAII.E SYItUI'-lallon jugs Per doz. . $12 : Ixb ) ' . S - gnl. cans. $3. NUTS-Almonds. lIe : EnglIsh wa1nuts soft- shelled. 12e : standards . lIe : filberts , 111Cc : Drz:1 sr- : < tilits. Sc. sAUgl-t KIt\ UT-Choleo white. per bbl. . $ , SO@ 5.0 : per halt bbl. . $ 2.50112.73. $ MINCE UAT-Fnne . In halt bhls. . per lb. . rue ' : 1O'gal. kegs. 6e : condensed . per case ot 3 doz. pkga . * 2.W. CIDEn-lur juIce per bid. . $5 : halt bbl. . $3. HIDES AND TALLOW IUDE5No. 1 green hides 3lia4e ; No 2 green luide . 3e : No. 1 green salted hides 6e : No len green salted bides . 4c : No. I green salted hldl9. 25 to 40 lbs. . le ; No. 2 green salted hides. 2S to .0 Ibs. . 4e ; No. 1 veal lren . 8 to " Ibs. . 8e : No. 2 v"ll call 8 to 15 Ibs. . Se ; No. 1 dry hint hilies. t : Nn. 2 dry flint hldc. Gc ; No _ 1 dry salted hides &e ; part cure hldeB. ' \c per tb. loss than fully cured. 81111111' PELTS-tlrecn sailed. each. 251160c ; F1 I.TROr.en sal"l. . 2 M green salted .henrings ( short wooeJ : early sklna ) , each S11lc ; dry Rh.nrlllgB ( short wooled early skins ) . No 1. eneh. SfulOc ; dry well ( short wonicil early skilis ) . No.2. each 5e ; dry flint Kansas and Nebraska butcher wol pelts , per lb. . actual weight & (8e ; dry flint KunsR antI NeIraska murrlln wool pelts . per lb. . actual weight . 4fCe ; dry flint Colorlo butcher wool pelts. per ii , . actual weight. 4(6'c : dry flint Colornlo murrain wool pelts. per lb. . net\1 wlllh t. 411Cc. TALLOW AND GREASF-Tallow. No. 1. 3e ; tallow . No. 2. Ic : grease. WIllie A. 31i4'4e ; grease. whie B. 3c : grease. yellow , 3e : grease . ( lark. 2113c : 011 huter. 21)2c : bee.wnx. prIme 1620 ; rush tallow. 2c. 2@2\e _ Funs. I"UnS-Uear. black ; No. 1 large , $2 .o1 2.o : No.1 inedltlrn. f5 ; No. 1 small. $8.0f10.0 : bear black. yearlings. No. 1 large. $ 12.00(113.50 ; No. 1 medium. no : No. 1 small , 17 ; bear. llnck cubq . No 1 large . $6.OIU8.0 : No. $ medium , $ ' .0016.0 ; No. 1 small . U : I.nr. black. Montnnn anti Rocky mountain No. I large. * 18.001120.04) ; No. I indIum. S1 : No. 1 email . 10 : hear blnll , . Montana 'enr- hinge. No 1 large . 12 : No. 1 medium , $8 ; No. 1 entaIl . $5 : bear . black . Montana cubs. No 1 large , 16.6 : No. I nie'lluin " .S ; N" 1 small. $ ; hear . silver tip. No. I large . $2 : No. 1 mt'tiiurn. f2 : Ne 1 small. $8 ; bear slyer ' tIp . yearlings , No. 1 large. Ill : No. 1 m..llm. $ & : No. 1 small . $5 : bear. slIver tip . cub" No. 1 1111" . $6 : No. 1 m..lum. U.C. : No.1 small . n ; hear brown No. 1 large . $20.012..o . : No. 1 medium. 16 : No. 3 small. $12 : b.nr. brawn. year. )1.r. Ilags. No. 1 Ilr . 110.001112.00 : No. I m..Hum. $ & ; No. 1 email . 16 : hror. hrown cuh. No. 1 large. $7 ; No. 1 medIum. 05 : No 1 small. $3 : lodger. No. 1 large . S.OOiI.r ; No. 1 ItiPtituifli. . SOC' : No. email. SIc ; fisher No. llnrt" . SS : N' . 1 median' . 16 ; Nu. 1 smIth . $ : ftc silver. IR 10 roloIC - cordIng to lieiiuty No. 1 large $100 I : No. 1 ! 'm"ll .ini. fGO : No. I small. $50 : fox. slh'er. palo. according " to t beauty Nn : " 1 ' large , $50 : 'No. 1 medIum. $30 : No. 1 small . 12 ; f : , . crOSR. No. 1 large. $ : No . 1 inetlltirn 13 : No. 1 small. $ ; tex , red . No. 1 large. $1.6 : No. 1 medium. $1.2' ; No.1 small , $ ; fox. gray . Nn. 1 large . SIc ; No. 1 m.llum. SOc ; No. I Rlml , .Oe : fax kits . No. 1 large . SIc ; No. 1 medium . 40c : No.1 small. 3e ; Iyn > No. I large , $3 : No. 1 medium , $2 : No. 1 siiiall. I.M ; marten No. 1 1 large . f2 : No. 1 ma- tlinn , . $1.0 ; No. I small . $1 ; mink 'No. 1 large . CiCe ; No. 1 mehlum. 40 ; No. 1 entaIl. ISo ; mink. dlrl' . No. I large ISo ; No. 1 medIum . 4c : 1' . 1 small . SOc ; mountain lion . pert.et head anti ( eel . No. 1 large . $1.0(2.0 : imperfect 8k'ns , 2.fM otter. No 1 Inrl' " . $8 : No. 1 medium. 16.007.0 : No 1 .1:1. $5 : otter. pale . No. 1 large. 1 : No I medium. $1 : No. 1 small , $ : raccoon Nn. I large , . oiiOcI : No. 1 medIum We ; No 1 small . ISo ; raccoon , black as to beauty No. 1 large . re(12.0 : skunk . black cased nar- row strlpeil . No. 1 large . SIc ; No. 1 n'.etlluni. 40e : No. 1 small . ISo ; skutik broad striped. No 1 Iarg . 20f25o : \ol\'orln. No I large . U : No. 1 m.tlm. 13 : No. I small . 12 : wolf , mountain No. 1 Inre. $3 : No. I nleiiiutn . 12 : No. I small . $ .6 ; wolf prairIe . No. 1 large . C.iCOc ; No. 1 metitum . COo : No. 1 slush , He ' : bearer 1'11 sllu No. 1 Inr " , $ , Of6.0 ; No. 1 nielium. U.r : No. 1 entail. 12 ; heaver kits . No. 1 large . $ : No. I me- IHum $ F : No. 1 small , TIc ; mu.llrtR , winter. No 1 large . 8 110 ; No. 1 m.d'uge : No. 1 email . 7e ; , inuskoitte . fall . No. 1 Inrge. 4jCo : No. I titetiluni 7e ; No. 1 small . 6e ; mu.krlt. kits. ( Ic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cotton Rrkrt. NEW OItI.1IANO , FeIi 13.-COTTON-Dull ; sales . 19,9 ( ) hales : Vt'lruaro' . 13.-CO'ON-Dul hll ; Mnr.h. $ S,2S45.2C : . \Ial , * 5.22115.21 : May. f5 29l15.0 : July. 05.40115,43 ' , August 15.41115.45 ; S'ptemllr. t5.W' 6.1 : October . $ 5.54(15.56 ; Nuv.mh.r. $ 5.50115,1 : mhlllnl S 1.Ce ; low nilililling. 4 - $5.r'f5.61 ; 110,1 oiillniuy. He : net l.celpt8 , 1.56 bales ; gross . 1..11 hllt' . ; exports. ccwistwise . 3,49& bales : sales . 5I ( ) hales : otnk. I0,126 luau's. I'JlIV'OitK . 1.'eh. 13.-CO'ON-Dul ; m'd- ' tiling . r.c ; net receipts , none ; gross . 2..3 bales ; C)45)rtit to the contnc'I , M hales ' : forwarded 1,0(4 hoh'H : sales . . 310 bales : stock. 12.636 bales , ; , tOtal t.Kn ) ' , net receipts . 50,569 hales ' ; exports to the ! nlnelt. 13 1.'le ; stock , 9& .61 halt's. 'ho market opened quIet wih Imo months ( 1 plnt los'er . 'h."lerl markel from start to tnlRh was lol.rblyrm , closing dull . however . \ , Ih prIces . showing I nt' 111'nneo ot 1(6 luolals. Total cities , rOI bules. In the nr.rnn the market improved on tlit' New Orl.lns estimate for tnmom'w S , ( ) Ilol"H 10 1,501 luales. against 6.345 tales In.t week . Trn'Hnl today ) ' has IBen chl"I ) ' ailing ldriukeis. , ' na81t.,1 by n few BUP- Ilrll , nu-lers , f.m New O'I."n. IlVlIflh'OOI . Fob , -COTTON-Spot. . outlet : fair .I.mnnll : prIces .1'1,1' ; Amerian mhI1\n . rnlr. 3 : .321 : ' :11 S 6-32,1 , : AmerIcan mihillnt : . 3.1 ; low taIltlinir. ! : 11111 ordinary . 2d : orli. nary . a l7.34I. TItu- a"'R ot the .1AY were 10.0 1'1. . . of \\hleh Jm Ioles \\1 tr ' ' .ulnton end export on,1 ielulll ' ' . 1 9.101 IHI'8 Am.rlan. ltcceipts. 12.001) tales. I including 8.00.1 lutult's Amorl- can J'utlr' 1'\'ned dul ; closed ulet. hut RIOIly : no Rlwcal $ influences : AmerIcan mlii. tiling . I. 3d. . f. Jcl.llrv. Z J0-CI12 r.6" : I'.h- runrv IPI ldnr'ii. Z 59.(44II r-411 , : Mnrlh and April . 2 (01-54(10 (1.CI'1 . "rl onll Mi . 2 C2..M ; May Inl June . 2 63-r411 : JunA nnll July ) fQ3 l.G'd ; .1ulv aol Mutruit. 3 : - ( . ; August anti 2(31.6'1 . 3 3.U 44d ( - : Helt.nl..r . Inll O iol'er . 3 4..41 3 & .r.I ; Ot'ttuls'r nn,1 Nn'elatr . 36-r.l. Tle I.nllen of lcslavg deliverIes were COO bales new dockets anti ] 0 hales t'ld . dackeli. Oil )1.r..r. l.NDON. Feb IS.-IITHO.lml-Spt. 4d ; 8plrl. . 5.1. CAI.UTA I.INBf ED-r.brnl shipment . vI : cao' ' . ? 2s ( "I. np' .s r. l.INShli100 on _ 2Is. " NTWflllP . l"eb l3-P1ITIlO1.EUM-iS . % paid antI 5ler' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ne\ . Ruin or the "IIRIO UOII" , (1 1 ( 00 , Feb. 13.-Just n. the I0afl ot Trade adjourned today . notice was posted that the directors hnll pn..1 1 reflulon that any macrn- hcr of thl association making l > urhASC or sales during tr.llnl hours orIginating In put ot calls , should 10 considered guilty ot dishonorable con- ahoull ln lt"1 luly > duct and punished nccrnll : ) ' . STOCKS AMI IIONIS. Trndln/ In IccurUlc ! \cMcr.lnJ ' ' , " \Uh- ' out I' 1-Imigin J-'rRturc. - NEW TOnIC , Feb. n.-The .hnrp speculation on the Slack exchange today lapsed Into stagnancy - nancy . nnll the tn.lnl In the u nAly active list wag wIthout n sIngle feature 01 Interest. The chief factors ot the t1epresson l : were the un er- tnlnl ) ' " ltIchi pre\nlCI In the street nA 1) the terms ot the contract bettvcen the ' lerm. hn.c.n government COil the llnll ) 'nllcnl. nnll the doubt felt nl to tIme passage or the gait ) hl.nl bIll the latter hn"- nJo hi lag 1 ilci'repslng Inturnco on the t ! market The large "I'.rton are holding aloof for the present . tig'prurendy ; , 'plllS r'r i'c 1",1 i"ttICiflQnt Qt ilo Illn\I : : ; iancinl ( Ut5ti1di % t.toro "making their ndlni 1Iulcnl 4u"1011 game . " I I. the room trntleru who are 110lnl lmilneps . their transactions 1.lnl supplemented hy MIca or Purchases of small lots h.1 h ) ' out llllr. who have grown tire,1 01 awaItIng for profits hit I Ir"ll IrolB dill not Irown . l.nl10n IHII n trifling LI.lne9. which consisted maInly or light intreimasee of Ht ' l'aul nnll , LouisvIlle & Nnah\le. American To- hnero futnlhel time enl ) ' h'pee2truCular mn\em"t ot thp tiny . hr.nklnl MI ler cent , 10 87 . . rallyIng tl R . , anti elo.inl nt time lowest point touchieti Time 11'dlne was Ixplnlnrll II one Inrl as title Lethe the Ihlll I ida t inn ot n Ilk ot the a""k h.1 by nn ol.mtor < \ ho wnR dissotlefleul wih tile loan. nK.m.nt ot the company , antI 1) ' Another nf ilue to the IllclRlon ot Chnncrlll 1eOl of New Jrr- huey allowing time Inking ot tPtmon ) ' In the Routh In hehnlt , ot lie In rl.nllent tohneco .I.nler In their suit against ( tue trut. Tolalco , Ir.rlrrclI , ' . uleclinetI 2 cent , monkS nll'nnr..1 1 luer cent nnll 11.cln.,1 leI rlt log I net Jcr ot I per cent. The movement In tile r''l of the l.t'n. . nnrrow anti the market tll irregular An.1 unmuettlul 1 throuKhout the thy . In lie late dealings the trailing WM In .om.whnl l't'itt'r tone . 11,1 , tIlt market dosel .t.ally 10 IN.tlr . firm. ( 'hlenlo Unit nl1\nc"ll % Per . cent " .ln.1 l5 \ p. . .nt. and . closed nl n recovery ot \ Ilr I\i . I.nt. Sugar was boat largely , I.nl In , hut liitctitnteti wIthin n range ot . huer . c.nl. stowing tueol.1 . leI n 10" or % icr ' cent on ) . .terlln ) . Time Irl.1nl " 1'11 In honll. toulny WIR dull anti IIp\il1 ot Int.r.t. There wer no material changes either way among the RIeeulnt\'e , teMP's. /monl 1\111 : l'oeut's l.llon cable AS : Time stock mnrkl'lR ol'nell , lul 101ny. but elose.1 II- t\c 111 strong. Time rally \ \ 'as maInly owlll to time rise In teniperatitre. Americans were hoU.r In revived hOles thnt the r"llhl.nnR unity help pass t 11111 h0111 lull . There \ i nR II sharp rail ) ' , ' . ' ' ot In Ornnll Trunk anti l'nnnln Incne on ! u'lnl lime former. Hmli transactions In the new Amer- il'n loan hnnetu'.I ) ' Ir.urr.II , ot half Ir.ntum ( in whnh'\'r Price tIme ) ' mn ) ' I'a I'roulht ' out nt , gold nr ' Irlc. l'arls exchange on London IR go\ still rl.lnl. 1111 the hnlroo I. l houynnt , In' sti iinnnee Is attracting ren.w.d attention. ntrnctnK . ntent"n Ilnn Innl.o Bitimti nn tact ( ' lIs'ul Int'nrt iluty 01 .1\'el and gol.1 . or u fiesh loan IA Ixlcctlll. The rolowll were time closing quotatIons on time Imlln stocks at the New York exchange today : - Atcltisoim. . . . . . . : : H Northw.Rtern. . . 2H Ailnuuihi llxprese . 142 N. V. 111th. . . . . . . . . . 131) wa.wr : : : : : . . . : : . : f N. i.d : ; ? . : : : : : : UX Aumi . Express : . . . ln N. Y. &N. } . . . . 2\H lialtinmore &Oltio . ( I2i Ontario & W. . . . 1\ lallnorOhlo. lallnor ! CIlh : I'aciiic. . . 481 Oregon hnll. . . . 0 Cnadn ( oumtbit'rti . 41 OregOn Nw. . . . lt " Central ! olt"rn. . 13 O. R. L.I 1. N. . 4 % Ccntrllnclc. . .1 . . . 11 : % laelle Mall. . . . . 2H ( 'ChIcago Alton . . H1 1' . B. \ J . . . . . . : % 'Chl . . ale Alol. . . . . . . 7014 .lltRbur ; . . . . . 154 i Chicago Gn8. . . . 7IJ : $ Inllnl l'alneo. 154 Chlealo Consoiitiatett tlas. 127 _ " ! tea I ! > . . . . . . . _ t1 C. C. C. &St. I. . . . :3596 : ii. n. W. . . . . . . II ; Colo. Coal & Iroim . I t R. ( I. W. pftl. . . . . .It ; Coal' Cotton 01 c.rt. . It % Hock litlanti. . . . . ! Colon Delawl" ' 11t. 127' St. Pal : I . . . . . . : ! { Del" , Lack . & W. . lrU % do umfd. . . . . . . . 17 D.t ii. t ; . 1)1(1 . . . :4 % St. 1' . & Omaha. . . : n ! D..I 0.1 C. F. Co. . . . . t't .10 1)1(1. . . . . . . . . lOR : rle. . . . . . . . . ll ' ' Sonther PacIfc. 17 ! ( do hufil. . . . . . tI Sugar Itoilnery . . { O ( % Fort \Va'iio. . . . . 10 Penn. Coal . k Iron. HI % G. Northern nfl. . 100 Texas Pacific. . . . H % 'c. , \ E. I. pft. , . . . \0 T. &O Cenl. . pfd. . 7U ) hocking Valley. . lit Un ton 1.cltc. . . tl ! 10ekln Centr.lt. . : U. S Jxllross. . . . 42 lthol . . . flumliltit . . I ( W. St. I. . \ 1. . . r'S ' SI.I. . T. pItt. . . . . 22 % dOJfd. . . . . . . . 1 : . Lake 1rlo & Vest I : Wels 1.'lrlo Ix . . 1U2 do Jrto . . . . . . . . 70 WrMem UnIon . 87&S ( Lake Shore. . . . . . 1:7 % WheolnG.\ E. 0 1.:11 Trn t. . . . . 2 ! ( % do pfd. . . . . . . :1\ : Louisville & N. . 62 % M..I St. L. . . . . . 2t t. . . N. A. . . . . . ,0" U. . . it. G. . . . . . 1 Mtnitattan : Can. . . 101 ) ! ( G. J . . . . . . . . . 21 lanhatm & . . . Ii 0 ) N. L. . . . . . . . 11 Michigan Ccitt. . . 12' ( C. F. & 1. . . . . . . 24 Mlesourt Pacific. I . 2114 do old. . . . . . . . 75 Mobile &Ohiio le. . 11 / % II. \ ! . C. . . . . 21 .NaRhvlo Chat. . . tJ T. A. A. . \ N. M. . 1 NatIonal Cordao. M T. St. L. & ICC . . 1 Natonal . Cordac . . . . . 5 : . dopfti. . . . . . . . . . 7 N.J. Central. . . . 87 % 8. It. R. . . . . . . 10 . N. & . p1(1. . . . . lUt do pfd. . . . . . . . : I' North Am. Co . . : 't I $ Am. Tab. Co. . . . Northern PacIfic. . 2l do phi. . . . . . . 87J lette. No.I'ae. pfd. . . . . 2J . St. I' . , 31. & M. . lU6 p.l' . D. . . 0.1 . . % ! . bid. The total sales ot stocks today were 110,000 shares including : American Tobacco. 16.M : American Sugar . 2.r0 ; ChIcago Gas I"o : DI.- tilling & Cattlefeetling. 4,40 : General Electric tiing 5,80 : Northwe.tern. ,70 : Ht. Inul , 8,200. New Yurk . \h > o ) ' Ulorlot NEW YOI7I. Feim. 11.-MONEY ON CAI.l . Easy Al 112 \ Per cenl ; last loan 1 % per cent ; closed nl 1\ ½ \ per Cent ' MEnCANTJLE I'APCIt-3j115 \ IHE - per cent. STERLING EXCITANGIS-Duil anti n shnlle flrmneO wIth actual buslle'H ' In hnnkerH' bills ot U.S84.6 far demlll an.l nt $ 4.5eIt14.S7 ; for sixty \ days ; I > st" rates . 14.87L114.S8 and 51.891) 4.89'4m ' : enmmorelnl bills . l4.854it4.155. \ SILVER CtRTIFICATES9e bid. OOVEHNlgNT BONDStrn : utnto bonds Inactive : railroad bonus . quiet and firm. ClosIng quotatlonH on Inas were na follows : U.H.Sts. r . . . . lll D. . \I. O. 48. . . IO ) U. S. 58. coup. . . . U6 ErIc 2dB. . . . . . 00 ) U. S. 48 , ret. . . . UOI ! 'u. 1. & S. A. tie . . n2 } U. S. 4iu.coup. . . . 11thj ) , G. U. & I. A. 7s . . tOI .U. S. 28. reg. . . . U5I. & T. C. 5B. . . 105 ' I'acIilc reG. 'U5. ) 100 do 0. . . . . . . . . 102 Ala. Class A. . . 104 % 14. I. & T. 1st 4B. 80 . Ala. Class Ii. . . . 105 102d4R. . . . . 455 ( . Ala. Class C. . . U4 ' 1ltlal UnIon Os 11 'Ala. Ca8R Clrrene ) . . . 1N.J. . C.Uon. Os. . . ll ( 1M' New Con. (8. 12 ( .No. Pnc. lsts. . . 11 % . . Nw 08. . . . JOO d0211R . . . . . . R4 % .ll . C. OR. ( . . . . . . 125 N. W. Conutols. . . . 11 . N. C. 4B. . . . . . . Oil do S. F. Deb. 6a. IOU S. C. uonftmmmd . . . 1 % 'n. . G. WeBl. late . 04 % Tcnn. new st Os R4 .St P. ConKols 7B. 124 'Tenn. new Ret 68 loll do C. " P. W. Sit . 100U 'Tenn. old ( Is. . . . (0 ( . St. L. . . I.M.non.l. 71 Va. Contlrte . . . 8JS St.L.\S.F.Gel.t. 10:1' ' do dcf"rr.II. . . I Tex. Pac. late. . . " : I Atchison 4s. . . . 04" 102118. . . . . . 22 Atellaon _ . . . . . . 17 % U. 1' . lKIK of ' 00. . 10334 Canada So 2dR. . 10-1 . . West Shore 4s. . . 104 C. P. IstaOf ' 15. 100 % So. R 15. . . . . . . 0634 . 10. 1. It. G. 7s . . . I- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S hid _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10ltnn Stock Quotltlon1. DOSTON. Feb. l-CalloanR. 317S per cent ; thno 10nnH. : : " (4JI per cent. ClosIng prices for stocka bonds and mlnln 8hare8 : A. ' 1' . & S. F. . . . 334W. 101cc. pM. . . . 4tHi Am. Sugar. . . . . . 00 Wlo. Ccitral. . . . . . : % Am. Sugar pfd. . . 01 } 1180n Elec. . . . . 2 : Dav Slat Gait . . . 1134 ( en. Jlc. I'fd. . . tl7 ltellTeloplm000. . . 100 AtchlR m 2d8. . . . 1754 Itosiomi . . Albany . 2lS Atchison 4s. . . . 14 10slon. Itoston , kMaluo . lOl" ( Now EIIlald : 08. 10354 108tOl o . . . . . . . 1l2 - (3t'ii. Electric 6s. . 10.\ C. D. & Q. . . . . . 70(4 WIR. Cent. istut . . . 4754 Flchhlf . . . . . . R4 AtlantIc. : . . . . . . . 30 Gen. Electric. . . . . 284 Uos'n J Monlana 3Ml Illnoll St"el. . . 42 . Iluitto . . no.tol. . I" Mextean Central . it Calumet .te liccIa . 20 N. ' 5' . & N. E. . . . 2UH CentennIal. . . . . ! :0 Od Colony. . . . . 180 Franklin. . . . . . . 124 ar' . Short Lino. . 4 % lnoriuarge. . . . . . . 754 ltutmber. . . . Lno. . . . . 4104 Osccoia. . . . . . . 21" Union l.neIOe. . . 1354 Quiticy . . . . . . t103. ! WOBtJIJ. . . . . . ( II 'l'amarack. . . . . . . IH do \fd. . . . . . HlJ WolverIne. . . . . . : It Westlnglt.Elec. . . : ln _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 80f 13'r.tnclson Inll : Meoe . : QlolltonO SAN FIANCSCO Fob. 13..1hu official 0103111 qimotatlona lows : for Ilnll ; Ilooks today wor.i . as 101. Alta.7 Iale & 3iorcrosa . 81 AlrCS . . . . . . . . 21 , Justice. . . . . . . \ Uelcher. . . . . . . : R Mexican . . . . . . . 72 llelet . . Ileiclter. . . 74 ? 'iOflO. . . . . . . . . 22 Bodto Con. . . . . . 01 Mount Illblo. . . . 10 1lllon. . . . . . . . 10 Otlhlr. . . . . . . . . 16 I Illwcl' Comm. . . . . 1 Overinmin. . . . . . Ii Caiwlonia . . . . . . 0 ( I 1.0tosl. . . . , . . . . 60 Challenge Coti. . . . . 31 8av8:0. . . . . . . 41 ChoUar. . . . . . . . 51 Sierra Nn\ln. . . :0 Commiide'nctm. . . . . 100 Silver 11. . . . . 5 Con. Cal & VA. . . 211 ) Silver Inl. . . . . 10 Coti . Intperimti . . . 1 UnIon Con. . . . . . . U Crown Iolnl. . . 40 \ utah Con. . . . , . . 6 Ooull.Cury. . . . 2 ! Yellow .Taclcet. . . 45 Silver birs 599(615914c. Mexican dollars . 48" 049C. Irafts. Night , lUo ; telegraphIc. IH : % " . I The Julia Mlnlnl com I ! ; " ) lt'vled al nBSOSS- I of altaru . ment $10 a shlo : today - NIYurlt 11f1fQuotlUons. . NFW ' 0ti1S . I"eb. 13.-Tho tolowln : au II' closing tubing IIIOt"loIBI : ilulwor . . . . . . . t Ontario . . . . . IOU Cholor. . . . . . . . . 30 Olmhiir. . . . . . . . . . . 131 Crown 1.0Int. . . . :5 l ) ylolth. . . . . 26 Con. Cal. & Vs . . : nl Qutekaiivor. . . . . 100 Ieadwood. & . . . . . 4n do ) fd. . . . . .1300 ( IouiItl . ' Clrr } . . 26 Sierra Ne\a'II. . : halo & ' "reros8. 70 8t:111111 : . . . . . 210 ( lom..ltako. Inlo ' . . . .17/0 Unlol C..I. . . . . . 40 Mexlcun. . . . . . tt Yellow Jacket. . 40 1.011101 Htoel Yuol"UOII. LONLION , Feb. 13-4 p. mum . 1101In : ; Comm. l'acltto . . . . 5ij ' 8t . l'attt coin. . . . . 60" . Erie. . . . . . . . . . . 10(4 ( N. Y. Central. . . . 102 Erltm2ds . . . . . . . . tl % \ lellKylvaula . . . 5134 Ill . C""trnl.0 . . litmadimig . . . . . . 4" ldvilcaimortlittary31134 _ Mex. . Cuit.uuw h. 3054 BAl SlLVh0hl-27d per ounce _ MON ' a'-\ I.r fenl. Thu rate ot iiscount In the open market for short and three months' bl8 I. I\ per cent l'ln"ncht Nottui. 10HTON. Feim . IS-Cearlnss. 11.166.359 : bal- flares . 1OW.3f9. hI/eI.TIMOIIII. Feb. l-h'lrlns. , $ .bC ,31 I ; 1.lunees. $305 . 420 . NEW "m'Olth'C. I.'cb. IS.-Clearlngs . $77,298,716 : - $ tialunce . U , GUn III.AUfI.PIIA. Feb. n.-Clearlng. . ,716.- 56 ; bimlaimccs . .5,951. . I.ONlON. Fc it. li.-Tte amount of bullion \\Ih- drawn from the Blnk ot ngland 01 balance today was UIO.O. ST. LOUIS. Fob . 13.-Clearings . 1,34.59'1 ; hnl. ancas. $ :2.10. Money . t67 per cent New York exchunse wo premium bid. l'orel1 , . 'II"nelal Aflair. lJlIlllIN . . Feh. 13.-Exehange on l.ndon. Igiit days' . igiit . : marks 4H pfg. Slshl LONDON I"eb. . - ' , zn.-Ccneolv : fur mane . 104 6-16 ; console for account 104" . ( laid nl iluenos - A'n' . 243 ; Mutirid 5 : Lisbon : : ; Ht. t I'eleiiu- burr , W ; Atiitn . . 71j Rome 103.21 , j VIenna , 103. OMAHA LIVE . lDCI MARIETS In omo Oases a1 Got nn Advance of Ten Ocn ' ' oof Steor. "t EUYRS WERE " 9ThTE UMnCUS : tlrJR Top 10/1 Warn No as Itcavy ni Tnrsd" lnt(1) ' l'rl , ' for All That- All J't'n 1 nptietl J * Iflltell Vl5DN158flA'V , l ' _ The receipts today lucre B7 cattle , 7,2t eJr' 11 tort.three ! help , n,9 against 1.49 cnlt'I ) ; U hogs anti ill sh.\ ) esterl\y. RII 2,310 cattle . S.MI hos nail 182 Rh.el' on W.ln.ln ) ' or 101 week . 1 will be not..1 that the recelpta ot cattle ate mteh below the run ot a week ago. The recCipts for the three clays of title w'rk fet UI' 4.11 rattle . 18,0 hOI nnll 81 lteep , n Ilnln.1 5.3:8 cattle . 12.620 week . hog anti 182 .l.rp time tr.\ hal lt list t'AT'TlII-Witim only Iwcnty..lx loads nl cattle nil 111. there W"1 Ictruily enough at any kind tn rstnhlsh n mnrket. \A usual when time recctlts . are A light nl.thhll thnt the Ln'ers'rr. . com PC1IM1 1 tim have Lrltlht good . 11lcea. anti In Rme cast's I'l.nen thonght they ) gal nn advance ot lOc on Led steers , Olhcr Ioull see only n .1.ly to strong mnrket , whie the hohlerB ot hen\ ) ' cattle reportei n .Iow mnilet on their kind or cattle . AI.mt \'er.thlnl was eh.one.1 tim . h.flro ' lie clo'e .Afe w heRI sold nt $4.15 , time hllilst price paul , . butt the buIlt or time offerings Was Cal ) ' 1111 " 11'nh to luring ' 3.0 to I ill.t. GOWR antI mlx.1 Itutcltcus' stock w.'r. In light SUtltl ) ' antI the or.rlnA"l'ra snntl"1 ( tIm In short order nt n little strotmgt'm' prtcm's. 'hPo1' ROla Inquiry tor stockers nhl te. I. . . . hut ther wrro very few In , 'ho mnlk.t dil sales not show ; Itim ) ' mnlerlal change. lelr"Rentnt\o IitiliO ' STIIISI1S. No.ev . Pro No. " y . Ir. No. A\ ' . Pr. 1. . . S ' 0 tm. . .1012 $3 r. 20..13l $4 Ir. 0 1. . . 810 30 R..lll ) $ . . Il.llOl 410 2..10 3M lC..IOIO 3.0 . 10 . . .12O 410 3. . 733 3 5 I'm..1070 3 s 21. . .1151 4 15 1. . 9iO : r 8..1218 3 85 19..13 42 2..990 3 r 12..IH 3 s 7..130 435 : . .182 : : * to 3. .12. COWS 4 0 1. . . 710 I 0 1..110 1 : 1..190 2 40 3..7i6 ; t 12 G. . 98 35 G.OH 2 fO 1. . 7GO 1 40 2..10. IS 12. . S02 2 ,0 8. . 82 1 r 1. . . 700 200 21. . . 3.37 2 ,0 G. . . 090 1 G' 2. . 98. 2 0 3. . 'J6 2 75 1. . 8iO I 65 1..1020 20 2..108 2 . : 3. . 973 I 6 , ' ; 2. . .121 2 0 1IOSI . . ) 2 75 3. . 866 t 70 1. . 9 20 2. . . 810 2 7 : 1. . .80J 17 1. . 910 20 13 . . . 810 2 75 I. . 84 171 G..191 2 20 5.lOS.'t 2 S : 1..10 1.1 1..90 ¶ 220 10.13 2 ! 1. . " ( J 1.5 1. .1 ro 2 25 3. .lO 2 ItO ' 1. . . 060 1 75 1..1010 2 25 3..1016 2 IO 1..1210 1 S 1. . . ISO 2:5 6..9i6 3 0 8..90 ( 1 SO I. . 9iO 33 9..1012 3 0 4. ISO 1 00 I.iOf(0 23 1..1120 3 25 . . . b 1..lor. : . . .120 s 12. . . 5(5 I S 1. . 980 3.0 l . . .lorO : 3 : 3. . SOt ) ] 85 9. . . Dl : 40 ' 1..10 33. 5. . . 88& 18 : I. . . U2G 240 IIEIFEIS . 4. . 3iO 1 2 2. : . 3i. 1 : I. . 310 23 : 4. . . 40 1 ro r. . 418 170 2. . 830 2.0 1. . no 1 f 5. . 450 210 10. . . Ca 3 O. 1U.LS. 1..12 1 7. 1. . 82 2 10 1..130 235 2..lO 1 7. : 1. . 9tO 25 ] . . .1530 2 GO 1..13iO : 0 1..1310 : 25 1..li60 . 275 1..1OS0 . 20 1..1260 ( 23 1..H60 2 ! 2. . . . 110 2 r 1. . ITO . 2 3. 1..130 3 f 1 : : : : ] .00 210 STAGS. 1..10 2 s 31..HiC 3.0 CA liVES. . CAI.\I 1..530 . . 16 7..38 270 1. . 20 37 : ] . . .31 1 75 1. . 10 ) 3 O 1. . . ] ( ) 4 t 2. . 9 : 0 2. . . 110 30 1. . 12) ) 4 W 4. . 80 : 40 1. . . 160 : r. I. . 10 4 m ) 2. . : 240 1..10.3 . . 1..21047 : 7..101 . Zf l..HOW STOCKgnS Miii FEEDFH . t 7. . 142 1 : 1. . . 110 im 1. . Ci3 2 G. 1. . 40 20 2. . 44512 ( 50 6. . 8t5 27 : 1..430 . 2 ( ) 1& . . . b6 525024. . 84 275 3. . 113 : 0 4. . t5 26 1. . 411 27. 1. . &o 2 2 3..t12&0 . , 15.8 . . ' 280 1. . 40 225 8. . 70td2 m 1. . 0 28 : 1. . SOt ) : 2 2..C50 ' 2 G 8. . G31 291 4. . 740 : 2 16. . . m : ,2 , GO 3.1033 3 (0 15 . . G2 2 35 6. , . ti8 : 6 20. . n. 3 00 4. . C5 2 40 6. . - Gl 3. . 656 : 0 2. . n& : 40 2. . . 031i f G' 24. . 839 30) 4. . Co7 240 1. . 410 . 2 65 10. . t96 3 po I. . 6G : 40 2. . . 070 , ? c' ] C. . 8i6 3 P6 1. . 850 240 4. . 403C 22..10:6 310 4..475 240 10USThero.re II r t-I\'e fresh loads on sale of about the Rnmeilclerl qUllty as yesterday - day thoulh there were mQro light hOIS to3 . The lop hOI were not 09' ' heavy 18 yesterday . but \.r prime for all ( lint , Eastern markets were blter. flint ns the den/nl' / here was \ ' ' faIr with not overly large receIpts . time natural cense quenee coull safely waA bt \ d' : ii ) ' ft : . ' r. The and market itctiwe at ( lie advance. Tllerhngsive'leprarLlcshhy all soul at : early lmour.Tliere were three bails 01 hOl8 In the yards good enough to bring H.I0. the tOi price ot time dn ) ' . Yestertluiy time top liege went nt $ .0. end on Wednesday ot tnst week ot the same imrtce. Outside or the top loads . hogs weighIng 2' Ib9. up sold la'gely nt $3.9i 10 H. whie those weighing , 2 Ibs. and unll.r , went hit $3.90. and from that down to $3.5r. The bulk of all time hogs 811 ul $ .80 to $3.95. ns against $3.C. tl S3.S 'eRlerllay. and $ .75 to U n week ago. Representative sales : No. Av. Sh. l'r 1'lo Av. Sh. Pr. ] . . . . .40 . . $3 5 : 6..27 . . $38 87..13 . . . 3 ! 51..216 . . . . 3 b5 2.8 ' . . 360 06..ISO . " 3 8 : . . . . . .141 . . 30 76..231 . . . 160 38' 8..13 . . 3 GO CC.2 . 12. . . 3 s .8..17 . . 3 G : 81..2 120 3 s . . . . . ] 6 3 G. . . . . . ] 40 38 94. . . . . . 139 . . 3 70 95. . . . . ' . . 38 : 'JO . . . . .164 . . 370 74 . . . . . 210 40 35 24..185 . . . . 3 : i 70 . . . . . . . : 8 88.9 . . . 20 3.0 59..207 . . . 60 3 s 3..233 . .0 370 93..228 ItO 8754 79..358 . . . 40 3.0 . . . . . . .21 . . 3871 13.7 . . 370 . . . . . ] . . . . 39 ) 70 . . . . . 167 80 370 . 6..21 . . 390 8..230 . . 37. 25..220 . . 3 90 4..28 . . 37. 79..201 . 40 3 'JO 72.G ; 8 37. . . . . . 40 300 ) 5..X . . 3 W 70 . . . . . 231 . . 390 ( 72..20S 120 3 7 : 21..202 . . . . 3 'JO 4..113 . . 375 10..210 . . 390 . . . . . . . 3 75 6..2 . . 300 59..174 40 37. 56..239 . . . 390 . . . . . . . 375 25..219 . . . . 390 . . . . . . . : 75 8..18. . . 3 UO H6..1Hl .0 375 86..201 . . . 390 8j..199 ] 0 3 60 . . . . . 8) 390 W..l O 8 3 bO 71..2G. 40 39. 01..161 . . . . . 380 ) 7..26. 40 395 . . . . ] . . : 80 70..2U . . 39. 59..10,9 12 380 7..222 81 3 Dj 52..I'J7 . . 80 3 80 . . . . . 40 . 395 " mo on m " . on , . . 79 : : : : : : : : io ' .0 . 3 i B4:2 : : : : : : : : . : : 3 D5 : . . . . . 0 : SO ' , 53..232 . . . 121) : U. 84..17 . . 3 80 81..230 . . 39 : 36..192 80 380 67 . . . . . 251 . . : 95 63 . . . . . 186 160 380 50 . . . . . 215 . . 39. : . . . . . . 80 380 1..2G ill ) 3I 7..16 . . 380 1..21 80 4 O 37..IM 80 8254 41..219. . 4 0 C . . . . . 198 . . 3821 &t..2.1 . . 4 0' ) 17..233 . . . 385 56 . . . . . 353 IGO 4 ( ) W..2G2 40 385 2..2 : & . . 4 0) .0..19 12 38. 7".25) lCO 4 C 81 . . . . .391 80 : 05 45 . . . . .29 . . 400 67..201 .0 3 05 19..20 . . 40 } 78. . . .20 80 3 85 M. ) . . . .273 . . 4 O 4 . . . . .2' ' 120 4 05 45. . . . 4 . . . 40 : 17 . . . . 108 . . : : 85 61 . . . . . 203 . . 4 07\ 71 . . . . . 207 SO 3 : . . . . . 10 4 10 S.Jq 40 3 8 61. . . . . ' 9 . . 4 10 23..234 . . . 3 : 72..2& : . . 4 10 Dl. . . . . . . 156 . . 385 SKIPS AND CULLS 1..20 . . 250p108. . 23. . . , , . 73 . . 275 PIS. 10 . . . . . 91 . . 33 ' . 17 . . . . . 84 . . 30 13 . . . . . 113 . . : 40 3. : i . . . t . . 30 : t ; . . . . . . . 3 n 26. . . . . 71 . . 30 84 . . . . 123 . . 3 G 19. . . . . 86 . . 3 ( ) 91..136 80 : 5 3..10 : . . 32 ) 87..130 . . : r. 12..1. . . 3 25 1..1& . . 3 & 7 . . . . . ( / . . 3 : IihIFiEl'-Thero wait only n part ot n 10nl1 , o she.p on the market but they were good . anti "lI , readily " to I park.I' nt a good strong 1 > 1. . Fair to chalco natives ore qlntNI nt $2 3.COI : fair to good ieCsternt. U.60f3.r : mmmon anti stock sh.rp. su.raoi2.25 ; gaul to choice 4) to 100-lb. Iambs , $2.IO474.5. J. Iellresentutve , sales : No Av. l'r. n natIve rnd . . . . . . , . , . ( . . . . . . 10 U 25 , OUICAUU 1 n'r : ITUO . In CpUlo There Wttiflfl \dvpnro of FIre Celt , ! In V"lnl I Or\llc . . CIICAOO , Feii I3.-Tj Ille timere was an adVance . Vance today of from 61 to lIe In all useful grtitles , I nIl tmlllg was faIrly actIve lt time higher prle.s. The advance at Ihe cost and the continued 1 email Irrh'II" beta anll at western points were the InluvJler $ that game the local market n boost SaiceAverl 11lncl"nl ) ' nt ( rein $3.75 to $ for Ihe kinds taken hy tlrt'ssei beef m.n anti shIppers with . ( ronm U.4 to 11' ) the cx. treme runge of quolatiutnmi. ! Con's. heifer" end bulls w.ro Illbl" nl r..n $1.50 to $ $ for inferior to extra . anti there woe Inquiry for stockers und t"II.r II trom $2.2 tti.3.I. < liege were worth bc IOI.X" wt. more titan at the close ot yesteulity's mlrlst Inll tram 150 to lOc more than . nl the lowest time : oI11a ) ' . liuyers \ ' 'ro.tlng 10 pay ( ( thin $3.40 to $3.45 for prime heavy un'l rrm \ay . _ . U 2 tor the he.t liItt welhtR. The arrivals were very liberal. but the stuff uPII.t ' 1 10 IonIc cheap 10 bu'er. antI Ihey took everything olcr.1 II that nll\nee. 1'n\'y anti m.llm weldlto sold larlel ' al Crom $1.1 10 1,35. awl the greater pnrt of the 16 10 20)-lh. hot ehnnl.1 hJrds within /nle ot trol * 3.143 to $ .15. Ioor n.lh und mixed and 11001ght Ilhls" sold around $30 In sh , . " the increase In arrivals hail "oene the effect inllue8. . 'Jht choice to fancy qualities 1 1111 nol show much change . but common to I > rely tall gratr said about lO lower. Nol much stuff remained In lell , , ' hands. Hales ot sheep were on n basis ot from $ .75 10 $ .f for common to extra anti from $3 6 10 15.65 for lambs , Sh'er' sold rnoeIl' nt trm 1.S 10 $ .S anti from U.7 moat to $5.f took tOrn great.r part ot the lamb . Hr. l.otui1.tVu Stuck ! nrllct ST. 1.mB. I"eb. 13-A'I.r.n.ce.pt. . 3,2 ' h.n ; siil1iaeflts , . 1.7U heal. MUlket neth'e. Natives . lIe higher ; Texans . S 3i higher ; irUS8'rs niaklng the lurar"t gain ; natIve .t''n. 1.OJtt lakh'l II\n natn' , 1.10)-hue . $3.85014.37'.i : cho'co .lh'Ilng , .Ieen 1.2)\b. * 4.50475.00 ; atkell nud feederg . $ 2.luOjI.S0 ; cows . U.0 3.25 ; TunA steers grasoers , * ) giotts. . tetr. " \ "II. U.nU3.25'hd light . Ubtl3c. Irn. ( . grass \il. " . * .0 ( .M ; fcutI \ helfers . $ 5,1 $ 100-lrc'lllta. . 7,0 Iell : sbipnients , . 1.40 heath. MnikH actIve nnl , .trnnl. lS(20c higher. UIN"I m.HII weigiuts . $ .2'(4.3 ; ntltetl . $3.31) 4,2 ; l h. $3.IO$1,05. $ ( RI" I.I'-nel.lptl 1,300 bend ; .hlfmtnls , none. Market I0 higher : Inml , , $1.754J4.145 : Ilh c mnIxesi . 130(4. : , ; ; native he"I' U.7&t4. $ .8\4. : . : coiv % 'ork l.item Stock iluitkeL NiI'tV TORIC , l'clu. l9.-IiI'iflVhS--1teeipie , 3,203 hc'ndl $4 cars ott Fahel sleers , 20cm lmmvcr ; oxen , 104720o lowem' ; dry eons , 25(15Cc lower ; hut- the SteerS , 1)000 to gcx'1 , * 0,00475.151 Cherokees , $ l.00E74,05t stockers , $2.CO1J.SO l oxen , 2.SOlJlt' ) ; hulls , * 2.70(14,00 ; uiry c 'as ' , * 1,50103.50. SlllSlSt , ANT ) l.1iliS'-lteelpts , 1,80' ) lteu.il : 20 ears on Fluid inimiket slowh imoth slmcep anti latmih.ts % 4754u , lewd ; sheep , poor to ; urline , 13.2..5J5.0J : iambi , eoamnton to chmr'ice , $ I.00t13.2O , lIOG8--IlecClimt , 11,24'S tmtnit immt'ket dull nod c buver ; Inferior to clmoico , $1.4)4.75 , Stutc lii SIgltt , Record of receipts mit ( imp butt' principal mar- 3.cets . for WCtiflCS,1i19' , 1'ebniary 13 , 1515 : Cntti" . Itimes. (1lic'cI' . Sc'uttlu Onmaiia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $71 7,21 I 41 ( 'imiengo , . . . , , . . . . . , , , . , , , , . . , . , 29.000 10.51)0 13.004) Eansas City . . . , . , . . . , , , , , . , , , . 2,200 14.000 2,1403 St. Louis , , . , , , . . , , , , . . , . , . . . , , 3,200 7,0(4) l.03 'rotnls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53,271 ssil 17,213 % 'Oi. ( it titZlS't' , llevicmv of Cite Trittlc , of the 'cek by a litittii , itumrnmil , BOSTON , Feb. 11.-The American Wool and Cotton httporter will say tomorrow of time wool trotle : ' 'At ilrst glnnctm the mnmlcet voui1 seem to 1e rather tiumleter titan It mios last 'erk , which nilght l'erimnps ' be flttllititt'Ci to tIme weather interference - terferenco i'itit traule , time cell iav0 withm tile accompanying blizzard hiavitmg been In evidence for about half of tue Imerioti ; mmt'vertheicps time innate Vitnlhty of time mimorhiet Is such that It requIres a lower temmperaturo ( loin tin' nilmmiimmuni of last week to verb' sensibly ult'lmtYmhs It , sti % e ittitl ( lie vohtimmio of litisiness trimneacteul during ( tin hmeritet under review to lmo quite tip to the Ivecith ) ' a'erimge since .1nntiar' , that Is to Ca ) ' , mihwnrtl of 3.Ou)0,000 ltg. of nil kinuls of wool , " 'e tlmml , , hovi'ver , no timaterliml cimatmge ho mar- hot conIitbns. As we ittuitl Inst leech , time tie- unmmntl lit in character qmiihu.u general and incluties every sort eniiimomceti in the list usually oiTu'red imere. With the large aggregate saleS since New Year's , stocks of certain kinIs must , in the mmaturo of thiitmgi' , have iteconme ennsluleraltl ) ' tie- pleteul , ) Ct tuomeimon' . or tithm'r it lies lmee.i ftunti When stock hind been wanted it iota always iteen fortimcotmmlng frummmm one source or anotlmt'r. The niarket iioltla very StentI ) ' , 'itlt no ciirmnge In qttmmtntions , Sahe tmf time weak , 2,256,000 lbs. tb- tmmestic anti 810,501 lbs. foreign , naukinic a. total of 3,111,500 lbs. , against. a total of 1,953,540) hue. for thu enrreslmcmmding week last ) 'enr. Timu' sales i.ince .Tnntimtt'y 1 , 1895 , mtmmmoutnt to 20.975,950 lies. , agaitmet 14,816,60' ) his. a year iug' ' ) . Sales him I'ltii- atbt'lphmla , nirgeegate 1,192,000 his. ANT\'h5ltI' , Feim. 13.Timerm'ns a. hietter nt- tentbanco at time wood sales lucre today ntel time bidding lens better at uncimomigeil prices , Ttu' ) number of hales offered ivas 2.300 , of vhtcim 1,04.42 % ern s1,1. Ilmienomu Avremt , 357 inhes , tm ( IC lIctil' Cf 25c : iiontevilecu , 225 l'tleu , at If SOi'OIlr ; Aunt. tmmmlian , roe lemiem , at 4t Ii54ctiiSt SOc. The ioeks consist of 500 bales of Itlver I'lata and 1,100 bales sit nib rice , Ltverptol iur'cetq. LIVERPOOL , Feb. 13.-V'l I EAT-Spot tmteuitly ; tiernanul poor. Na. 2 reub winter , 4s 614,1 ; No. 2 rel sjuring , lu ; 1ul ; No. I lined iInnitctln , Sum 2141 : Cal fornln. stocks eitnuutteib , Futures nlu4'flel Steflul ) ' , with near anti tbiutiant positions % 0'54d Imiglier , anil ulietant Positions ' .4,1 imigimer , hiusimmers hmeat'lest tmn spring positions : Febrummry , Os March , , Os 6)ih : April , 4t Sd ; May , 4s 71,4' ; June , Out 7'l ' ; Jill ) ' , Os 0.1. . COI1N-Spot tutecitby ; American mixed news , Is i.f,1 , , Ftittirauu twntu1 steady w"tim near niti dietmuit posItIons mtncimaaged to % tl imighier ; boat- fleas heaviest on sprng POsitions , Ft'iuruary 4s ; Mitreim , 4e : April , 4s 1W ; lila ) ' , Is 14t1 ; Jumie , 4mm 'StI : .lUi ) ' , Os ti. Ic1.OUhtStenm3y ; tlt'mnani moderate ; St. I.ouis fmmncy ivimmter. fe Cd. l'ltO'lSIONS-licon , quiet ; demanb poor ; Ctiimiberlantl cut , 2.3 to 30 his. , Coo Gd ; short ritus , 21 lIes. , 30a ; long cle'mr , hig'imt , 23 to 15 lbs. , 21s ; lommg dear , heavy , 15 lbs , 29.i ; hmort clear backs , hiiimt , IS lies. , 20s 6,1 ; short clear mmiitldlitmg , imeavy , 55 lti , , 2ls ; clear bellIes , 14 to IC Ii's. , 35e. Olmoul- 'hers , sulimare , 12 to IS lbs. , 23s. Ihmirns , short cut , 14 to 16 his. , lIe. Tallow , fine North American , nominal. heel , extra India mess , GSa Cl ; prime mnesa , 57s Cut. Pork , Prlnme mot.s , line western , Cli 3.1 ; western meulimim , tie Ott. 1ard , lirnm ; prime ivemutern , 4la ; refined , in l'atla , ISa. ( 'IIEESII-Firm ; tlt'mnand Poor ; ilnest American , White , 40e ; finest American , coloreul , Ole 14,1. I1UT'i'EhO-Fincst iTnitci States , SOs ; good , tOe , Tt'lth'IINTINI'-Splrlis , lIe Gui. 1081 N-Commmmn , 4g. COTTNSilEi ) 011-Liverpool , reilneul , iSa Cd. LINS'ISEI ) O1L-2ls Cd. I'ETItOI.ISUM-fleflael , Cd , ItEFItIGEItATOIC IIISIIF-Forequartera , 414(1 ; hindquixttnrg , , 5ti , IILEACIIINU POWDER-lInr'wocmd , f , 0. b. , LIverpool , 7. 1101'S-At London ( Pacific coast ) , 2 iSa. Coffee iharket , NEW YORK , Feb. I3C0FjcEE-Conrnctmu ( opemicd eteiid' at On advance of 54715 poInts ; simlea , 2.000 ( tugs. by noon , Including : Macelm , $14.15 ; May , $14.40 , awl September , $14.40. LOclill ) ' the market Itt very dull. The oth'nnce was due to mm- expectedly hmtghier quotatIons from Ilavro amid llamt.urg , bilL as these markets were also 'ery InactIve , as indicated by sales of 4,000 bags and 3.000 bags respectIvely , it. was arguetl here that time European advimnce was not of a substantial character , Tim newts from the street ims to tIme spot coffee market was not encouraging , with No. 7 , Olin , quoted at ICc nominal , an , ! time market lnaZtIm'e ; warehouse deliveries horn New York yesterday , 6,501 hiags ; New York stock today , 191,448 bags : UnIted Stnteme stock , 221,953 bags : afloat for the United States , 252,0)0 bags ; talnl 'lsIiiie for ( he United States , 473,980 bags , against 457,301 bags last year , Options opened steatly at 54715 polnin advance ; ruled tame ; iutm'ance duo to hiigimer Furohan Ca. iiien anti small foreign orders ; closed tiuhl at 3) ) ) 0120 POInts advance ; tunIcs , 0.50' ) bags , incluIine : Fat runes' , 814.65 ; Mardi , 814.551714 70 ; April , $11.4) ; May , $14.40 ; hecenihier. $ il.404714.43 ; spot coffee , lOb , , luhl ; No. 7 , $16 ; mild , quiet ; Cordova , 516.73 4719.50 : sales , f,00 bags Santomu , Nos. S to 8 , spot , * 11.5704 ; 450 bag. , Mnracabo ( nail 400 bags Central American , p. 1. SANTOS , Feb. 13.-FIrm ; good average Santos , $15.50 : receipts , 4,000 bags : stock , 12,200 hinge , ISAMIIUIOG , Feb. 13.-Steady ; prIces % 11I pfg. imlghmer 1110 JANEIRO. Fehi. 13.-Quiet : No , 7 , Ilin. $15.20 : exchange , 93tl ; receipts , 4,003 bags ; cleared for the United Stimtemt. none ; cheered for Europe , 1,000 lint , , : gtock , 165,000 bmge , IIAVRII , Palm. 11.-COF1"I'SM-Opene-l firm , Unchanged - changed ; at noon. steniy , (1mm , if ; at 3 p. m , gteady , unclmnngnti to 5I ailvance : closed steady at % 4fIf net advance ; pales , 9,000 bags. St. Louis lienermel Market , ST. LOUIS , Feb. 13.-FLOUR-ISasy , show , un- chmangeul , WIIIIAT-Duil , but for a brIef spasmodic fluctuation with corn , closing 1-ICc off ; No. 2 reil cash , 5lc ; February , 51c ; May , 5254c ; July , tiThe. ( JOEN'-DuiI , limit firmly higher by 140 ; No , 2 mIxed cash , 4014 ; February , 40c ; May , 41c ; , Iulv , 423.c. OATS-Steady ; No. cash , 30c ; February , lOc ; May and June , 29c. liVE-No. 2. ioll east side , 5Cc. IIA1tL1CY-Quiet , unchanged. 3lltAN-l"irm , quiet , FLAX HtIED-$1 38. CLOVER tllCEi-iMwer : choice , 87,75178.00. TIMOTItY SIED-$5.25Oi5.CO. hAY-Quiet ; ltrime tum eunIce praIrie , 83.00170.03 ; prima to CIwiec timothy , 89.t0iIlO.&O. IIUTTEI7-hligher ; fancy 111gm , 23012554c ; se'par. ator creamery , 104321c ; good or choIce dairy , 1310 17c. . 11(108-Lower , 23c , h.EAI-$2.95. $ l'EiJI'Illt-OI.95. CQItN ? iiEAh-1.9047l 1(5. Will ShCY-I.22. 1li ( I NG-4(0i 5c , COTTON TilCiO-GSc , 1'0hth'-8an.iarul ( macsit loltijing , $10.25. 1.Ahth-l'rirne str"mnm , $6.40 ; choice , $6.55 : dry salt mente , ioxe'i , ihirmtileiie , $4.50 ; longs , * 3.1754 ; rIte. 81,50 ; simotmt , $5 $ 4254 ; itncoi , lacked shmouitirl , $3.370g5.3754 . : holmes , $3.75 ; ribs , $38754 ; imorts , $1.0) . 1tICEhl'T8-FIi'ur , 3,000 itds , ; wheat , 5,000 iiu , ; corn , 7,000 itU , : hunts , 14,000 Itu. iOlliI'3illN'i'8-Vhour , fi.0O huts , ; wlmeat , 12,000 bu. ; corn , 13,000 bu. ; oats , 11.000 him , littbtluture ( , rttin % Ihlrket , ilAI.TIMOIOII , FrOm , 13.-FLOU1t-Dull anti tin- ciiangetl ; Ceteipte , h,201 ) itlile. ; shIpments , 2,185 lute , : , 'mthea , 125 ijltlit. \V1IEA'l'-Iite dy ; ipot end m ntlm 17c ; 3Iarc' , 57t4(457do ; May , s83ir.S7u ; stcuhluer , No. 2 re'l , rlo054c ; receiiits , 411,054 iju , ; sttmck , 730,278 bu. ; gait'S , 1,045) 141 , ; soutltermm whmetit , by thimnilmie , 5410 tIc : ttttititern s'lmeat , tin grade , 51l41157'.Sc , COltN'-Finm ; spot and month , 471747c ; Marcim , 471h4747t4c ; Slimy , 48GO4Sc ; steamer mixed , 4G54c iiiti ; receipts , 2.301 bu , ; , utoclc. 500,238 bu. ; sales , 1041,00) liii. ; tuoutliern white , 490JSOc ; itoutimern yth. low , I'OuZltIe. OATS-Easy : No. 2 s'imite , western , 3554473Cc ; No. 2 mIxed , 31tj3454c ; receipts , 7,473 ho. ; stock , 217,745 itt , . ltYIl-InactIve ; No , 2 , & 6$057c ; ittock , 32,553 hu. hAY-Quiet , htumt 'ery simm ; good to choice thmnn1ty. $11001113.50. ( IItAIN lltlCICIhlTS-Inchlned to be easy and unciiminged. SUGAIt-Quiet tmn'i ' unrhnngei , Kutsss lily Ilturlcets. 3CANHAS CI'i'V , Felt , i3.-W'lilIAT-Eamty ; No. 2 liaril , ItS4153c ; No , 2 red , 5241r)3c ) ; rejected , 47471)Ic ) : soimmitlo minies I' . o. it , 2.llsS'sstppl river ; No. 2 until anti No. I red , tic , COItN-Open"i , luli , cloitetl firm , % o higher ; No. 2 mixed , 4054114he ; No. 2 whIte. 410112g. OATH-Firm ; No. I mixed , ItIc bid , ZOo asked ; Ntm. 2 white , 30c , ltO'II-Firiit : No. 2 , tIc. FLAX ShiED-1)uli. 81,50111,31 , hIltAN-Sttsul } ' . C64761c. IIAY-Stea'iy , unchanged. ICUGS-Easy , SIc. htEl'llll'T-W'hieat , 3,000 ho , ; corn , 7,000 ito. ; Oats. 1,000 bu. $ lthl'2.IICNTH-Wlieat. 15,000 bu. ; corn , none ; oats , none. lii Iiu'auKco lllmtrkcee , MII.Vi'AUl'ClCIC. Fci' . 13.-FLOUIO-iull. ' easier No , 2 33c No. \'IIISAT-Hitaiiu : strlng , ; 1 iiortln'rn , 6254c ; May. 54c , COItN-Stead ) ' ; No. 3 , lie. OATI4-Steai.iy ; No. 2 white , 31c ; No. 3 white , 1IAItLIIY-\Veak anmi lower ; No. 2 , 53o ; earn. $ dte , CltiJ 550 , lt'1-14tuatt1y : No. 1 , t2'5e. 1'IUVISlONi4-ifteady. l'.irk , $10. 1.ard. $6.50. ItECfllt'Tb4-l"hour , 3,140) bbls. ; wheat , 10,40) ha. ; bmmrlu'y. 8,000 iu. Hllll'MFNT-Flaur , 6.000 iiiils. ; wheat , none ; barley , 040 to , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'Erleco % Viuest i1rkt , HAN FBANI'IIICO .3' ci , . h3.-WIIIAT-Easy ; Iday , DO3c ; cleared , 56,816 ceotals. lIE LIKED IllS \\TIFE'S \ \ ' NIECE Schoonia'nm ' from Iowa Causes the Break. ing Up of' Join McArdk's ' home. II WAS FORCED TO RESIGN AND LEF1 lie Sonit 1'cmit , Too , bmmt Viuctiter Tlu'3' Are Together is Not $ CImOWit-ICtter to 1ll % Ito Silying lie ' * 'untiul Nem or Itt'tttri , , The people livIng in tue ilnhnctliitte vIcinity of Millard are greatly imocket1 over a sciitinl concernIng one of the Imiost hirohul000t youulg 111011 In that part of lime county , 011(1 time gossips have been blisy regaling themselves slthi time detaIls of the affair ever since the uiucts becatimo knoii'im to time Imlibflc last Mali- dl ) ' . The affair itnpllcatcs Jolni McArdle , a pronbinclmt young farliber ih'iiig three allies northwest of Millard , anti his wIfe's nIece , CarrIe Gatishiban , who imas been teachiiug ached in McArdio lrccluict during time past tire years. MeArtilo has uleserteti Imis wife anti flve small chIldren anti time school limit- tress has disappeared train that locality. Thmo story , as rehatcel to a lice reporter yesterday - terday afternoon , Is to the effect timat Mc- Anile is cue of ( lie school directors in that tiistrlct , nail tvo years ago , titrolight itis efforts - forts antI Influence , Misi ( latlslnanm'as Ciii- pioyetl as teacher , Site is a youtmg womnan almout 24 years of age , fairly good looking , vehl educated , and quite entertaining. Time MeArdle ltoiime Is locateti about a half immile from tim school lmousto ahiol Miss Gatlsmmiatm boarded there. M'AEDLE LIKED II0R. Shto soon becanmo quite a favorite with the McArdle family , anti Mr , McArtlie hiaul her considerable attention , whIch vas at. first ascribed - cribed to theIr reiaIolishmltm. During ( lie Va- catlons Itiss Catlsinati would put In hier timno wIth her harents , whip reside in eastern Iowa , anti at tueicArtile. . hiomnesteati. John took her back and forth to Mihiarti , anti it Is alleged that thiritig the storlny perIods of weather ho would escort her back alid forth to tier echiool , Thmihigs Progressed in thus banner until several weeks ago , vhiemi tue actions of the Couple becanme such as to cause gossip , and mtmany ugly runiors begami to float arounti in that locality. The talk ctilniiimateti in a macclIng about three or four weeks ago of the school directors , and imlider the force of pros- stiro brotight to bear upon ( lie directors by their vives anti daughters alid the scaiimlaiized nelghibora they tiemnanmleti that MIss Gatls. mall resign , which ohio tiid , anti three weeks ago last Friday site left , alleging that sue was going to return to her Iowa hionme. A 110W teacher was installed in tue school on the next Mantiny. Mrs. McArdle' hopeti that timings wouhmi soon resume their former pleasant state before ( lie advent of her niece Into their home , but Mr. McArdle seemed to ha mm. changed man. lie appeared to he In 801110 sort of trouble , and , on or about February 4 , his told hIs family ( lint lie was going down to Millard to transact - sact some business , That is time last. they hmnvo seen of him. A neighbor saw McArdho on the tralmi for Omaha timat day , but. did not talk to htimn. lIe appeared to be anxious to escape observation , Late last week Mrs. Mc/trdle received a letter rmostmarked from Lincoln from lice hmusbantb , conthining a check for $600 on the German bank at Millard. n this letter he stated that it would be useless to try to locate hIm , lie told her about imI business affairs anti said that the enchosed amount would be sufficient to liquidate his indebted- ness. Mrs. MeArdle consmllted liar brother. I'eter Mangohd , the Bennington banker , and on investigation It was fouled ( lint when John McArdlc went to Millard imo drew from ( ho bank $1aOO which was standIng to lila credit. This left a balance of $1100 , which vas drawn by his vIfe and used In settling UI ) their Indebtedness. MAY BE TOGETUICR. The affair was kept quiet by the Inter- oted partIes untIl Mr. Mnngold began Investigating - vestigating Into time affairs of McArdie and ho flnah1 related the story to a friend. Then it soon became public property , and the neighbors have done little else since then but discuss the details. It Is not known where either McArdio or Miss Gatismon Is , but many of the neighbors have concluded that they have eloped. This lacks confirmation , however , and may not be true. MeArdle is a gocd looking , prosperous farmer and polItician , about 33 years old. vcil liked by lila neighbors , and lie had a fine family , consisting of a wIfe and live chit- dren. Tue oldest chId Is 6 years of age , and ( ho youngest 6 months. Ills home relations were of the most pleasant sort , and there seemed to be nothing to mar a happy life. He has held township and district cfllces , and \t'as aa Influential citizen. it Is said that. lie recently purchased a valuable farm near Elkhorn - horn , and his affairs were In fine shape. Mrs. McArdlo is taki to own the home farm , and. sue is not left in poor circumstances by any means. JI'ES2'EII'RNNITh'S. . Vetoraa'u of time Z.mete War Itanienibored by tIm Geunrat Government , ' yASIIINGTON , Feb. 13.-Speclah.-Pen- ( ) sions granted , issIhO of January 31 , were : Nolmraska : Orlglnmtl--Edwnrtl .Albm'Ight , Granti Island , halt ; John McCarty , Ruin , Richardson. Increase-Jackson Chapman , Wooti River , Hail ; James A. McAllister , Somerfiehil , Custer. Original witbows-Sarahi Piggott , Kent , Lomlp. Iowa : Increase-William Fulton , lien- toneport , 't'Zln huron , Itelsmmue-Leonidmms D. V'lison , Lenox , Taylor , Original wltiowim , etc-Ltinor of William Adair , La Grand , Marshall. OriginalGeorgeyasson , Boulder , Iloul- ( Icr. _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ Amtl-'omivlct ( motI t.aiv Umcnmmtitltuthomittl. CLICVISLANI ) , Fehi. 13-Judge Noble , Ia common pleaH court today , Imanulemi down a decision which impeaches the c'tEtitutlon- nlity of ( ho Ohio ittatthte making it unlaw- ( iii to imeil convict undo goods mnanmmfac- tureti In thi& pricons of other ittittes. without - out first obtaimiing a license from the see- rotary of thai imtnto tot Ohio , luitlge Nohiho hioiti ( limit the constitution of the United States reposed all tower to regulate interstate - state comlflerce in congress anti any state law which Interferes in ntersiate comim- merce is unconstitutional , Time law corn. iohilmlg ( he le of gootlmt made Iii : mnnther imate to be hicensetl. while goods rnatle In Ohio were minburtiened wait a. tiiocrliiiIna- ( Ion , and tile court held it unconstltu. tlonai , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'I'll Fee I , itl let ed for t Ii a $ tv r I a g Lynch I , m MT. STERLING , ICy. , 1 ° eb , 13.-The Montgomery cotmnty grand jury , after being in imeimimlomi fifteen days , lidjOtlrhlotl , rettbrml. ing 100 Indictlnents , thmree of which vere for thtc i'nclblng of Torn JIIair , Jamnes Roach Richard 1"oremnrtn anti Charles Sletiti were inilictetl for ( bits crime , l0ledtl Is a son of the sheriff of ( lie county and line tlisappenretl. Foreman anti itoncli we're lmroughit out of jail for hull , limit they walvetl bail and will remain In jail until next court. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( Ifileer ( 'ntuatceti . .f Iimimropt'r ( 'otmiluci , MIL\vAuKEl , Feb. 13-1)r , William lCernpster , health otlicer of tills city , has been ( otinti guilty of ovcrboarlsig an'1 tyrarm- nical coesduct , improper treatment of ) ma. tleflhiu at the Isolation iioshJtlil iinti of ir. regularity in eohmntctlon wIth ) hoelmital fees by time committee of time comnmnon council today , No rccomnrnentiatfomi Is mnittie , the mnatter of removal lioing left with tIme corn- mlttec of time couticil , Rats , cockroaches , water bugs , etc. , kliled with Steam's Illtctrlo Paste ; 25c , - - - 8ugar ilmirket , NiSV' YOhthC , Feim. 13-HeO.'elt-llaw , , steady ; fair maiming , 2 li-iCc ; , 'e'ntrifiigmil , tiC test , Ic ; ule , 4,3)0 ) bags centrifugal. 91 test , IC ; GO' ) ititul . jimoimumices sugar , 1)9 lest. I 7-ICC ; 1,704) hiit1. no- lasses sitgat' , 03 test , I1o lot bond. I.ONION , I'ei. . -HUIAIt-QUit't ( ; trices nominal ; centrIfugal Java , lie ; 2tuscovado , fair refining , Dc. . - - - - A BPECIALTY CRA88 MILLET AND CANE CLOVER. TIMOTHY. T. - . J5.4LLw : , 14103.13112 UnIon Ave. , Ksaus Cttf , Mo. . _ - - - L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - S3UO.OO for a.i Idea. This is the bIggest price ever offctd for 4 , atch , line or Imeiding for &n advertisement. Ilnytien Ibros. mclii givb a choice of several fleet ciasi p3ano worth $300.00 each for the head line adopted anti In addition will give orders on their mtuaic department for $5O.OG worth of music for ( lie next five beet ideae5 according to nierit. - To secure an absolutely impartial declsio % applicants are requested to alga In nttmbee' onl' anti to mall coreeepondimmg numnber with name qnd address to The Ilco ofllce , where It will rimnln until after time avard is mede. The right to reserved to use any iieatl line once , The following ire the facts to be adver- tistt.li hayden Tiros. of Omaha a' time only. firm in the wcrlil showing a coa.ucto ! line of the InstruImments niallutacturetl by the five most renowned plauio makers on earth , hay- tien liros. are not tied up with red tape reetric. ( bus like regular selling agents , but are free to make ( lie lowest iriceo ever hoerd of. hayden liros. mit epecial Streess on time Steins'ay iuntl Vcse pianos becatmee they have a larger line in stock and can buy thiemmi cheaper thiaii ally other limakcIu of eqtIal repu. tatlon. 1)0 hot Ime misled by any one Clalhil- lag the sole agency. Ilayden lircmo , have themn direct frommi tOme factory as veiI as from the Max Meyer & lire , Co. steck , Muelo trade papera are saying lane caminot b elt1 in a department etoro , but selisiblo imeopie who do not care to ime iiooilwinked by silly frills are not so notIonal and ( ho bt proof of thl is that hayden Ilros , sold more tubes , organs anti hmittsicai instrttnients In one week than any five music stores west of Chicago have stld In six months , Tlte mush , trade papers say this Inhbovatltmn will be ' 4atcheil with unustlal Interest iunmi Hayden Ilfos , propose to keep them ucsaIng. 'E" P ES /tlbOUTCttANllNQ ( .5 II 55W ( tie Fcsumros int'l ltcmiatv- log hilommmishmei , in 150 p. tuiutmk foe a stamt' , .luiuut II. 127 W. 12(1 i4t.N. t. lmivoiihit' of Wtmoubbury's Facial Sumw , PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES fly purchasIng goods nintle at the followIng Nebraska factories. If you cannot find what you want , ColiliflUnlcato with time nianufac- turers mIs to vlint dealers htant.ilo ( loft goods : J1.tS. JIUIIL.II' .1.vJ ) TH'117. BEHS OMAHA BAG CO. Mnnufaeturero of all kInds of cotton & burlap togs , cotton floir acke & twine a specialty. CIA 'iG 610 S. 1ItIt't , flItIfI I1" , I . ' 4 2' IY ) C ) I ) , . } 'I. ( ) Ull , 7 .174 Sr. VIM. PRESTON & CO. Manufacturers of Preston's California Flakes , Sickle brand self rlslng flour & yeast. Do you use Preston's beet dour ? - - JLlIING 1'UII'JJi7it A. F. KEITH CO. Manufacturers of Mrs. KeIth's Pure Baking Powder , Extracts & Self lusing ltuclcwheat. Sold by all grocers , 618 S. 13th at. Tel. 1809. 101117 $ J'flIfII7.4. OMAHA Car ion' shipments made In our own refrIgerator care , Blue Ribbon , Elite Export , Vtenna Export , nail Family Export , delivered to all parts of city. cI icr.i ( in P.1 cro1lrLs , FROST & ILARIIIS. Carriage & Wagon Makers. Carriages , buggies , phtmetons & wagons always on hand & made t erder , 1313-IS Ilarney-et. . Omaha. COFFIIL ? , SI'ICES , 11.1 KIZ.'O l'f ) II'DEIC. - - CONSOLIDATED COFFEE CO. , Coffee Roasters , SpIce GrInders , Manufactureri German BakIng Powder and German P17 hop Yeast. 314-16 6. 12lm street , Omaha , PLO UJI. S. F. CILIAN. Manufacturer of Gold Medal Flour. C. 25. Black , Manager. Omnah $ . FURNITUIW J."JCr0111E24 , OMMIA UPHOLSTERING CO. p.manufacturers of parlor furniture , lounges , din. log tables & folding beds , 2ltli ave. , lloyd to Saltier streets. . ' ' , INSIJR.IN'L' . , . - UMON LIFE INSURANCE CO. Over one nmiliton dollars go out of Nebraska every ear for no better insurance titan is fur. nlsheti by the Union Lila of Omaha. AgentS wanted In every town in Nebraska. ICE .INI ) COIL. SOUI'll ' ONAHA Ao COAL CO. DomestIc .6' steam coal. We have the best. Of- lice 1601 Farnam'st. Telephone : Office 813 , yard 17CC. J. Doe , gen'l manager. IJION 1i'OHI1i. INDUSTRIAL IRON \I'ORKS. \ Manufacturing & repairing of all kInds of ma. chminery , engines , "mpu , , elevators , printing pleases , hangers , shafting & couplings. 1400-s howard st. , Omaha. PHOEIUX FOUIIDRY CO Fire hydrants , water & gas pipe , specialsl boiler fronts & fittings , street iCy car wheels , , Archl. tectural Iron womks. Office 307 H , lGtm-st ! , , Omaha. . PAXTON & VIERLIHO IRON VORKS. M'l'r'c of Archmitectural Iron Work , General 1 ° oundry , Machine and Iilacksmiihi Work. En. gineere & Contractors for Fireproof Buildings. 0111cc antI 'Works , 13 , I' , By , & Ho. 17th Street , Ornalta , .11. 1 N fJJ".t UI' UJ1I.'I'l ( JtI7.I11S 1W. iii MERCER Ci1EMICALCOMP2HY. Manufacturefe of fluId extracts , ehixire , syrups. & wince , compressed triturates , hypodermic tab. lets , pills & scientific medical noveltIes. Omaha. - .UJ A"i'IUIS. " I1. ' . CO 'I' . , ( ) ICIJIAI , : GDOuP. - Manufacturer Mattresses. Spring Beds ; Jobber Feathers anti i'ihlawa. North 13th and Nicholas fits. , Omaha. NJJIIT Pl'.ITUII , J"IIiIf $ I1ItJ'iUI' . - AIERICAN DISTRIGT TEJJEGRAPII. The only perfect protection to property. Exam- Ins it. llest timing on earth. Iteduce. insurance rates. 1303 1)ouglas'st. OI'IIl.l1.I' J'ICTOIIIIC. ( , RILPATIIICK KOCh DRY GOODS CO. Manufacturer , & jobbers of the celebrated Buck. skin brand shirts. pants , overall. & duck cloth. ingllOi.3'hiarney.etFaCOrYEast _ _ Omalma. IATZ.NEVINS ( CO. ManufacturerS of men's & bo'e' clothing , pants , ehirts & overalls. 502-212 H. Iltii.st. - 100lJ Jlft Jil0V10.'i THE OMUtA PAPER BOX CO. Manutactuier. of all kinds paper boxes , ihei boxes , m.amitlle cases , mailIng tubes , etc wed. ding cake & fancy candy boxes , druggist 4 jeuvelro buxemt. 1208.10 Jones-st. , Omaha. Sillily' J'.ICTI'JIJIH. J , II. IVAS..JEflRSKA ShIRT CO. Exclusive custom , hirt tailors , 1118 Farnam streei Telephooe * 0 * . _ _ _ _ _ _ = , = - - - _ : -r --J vi 'i'll ! 1"J Ill ) J'l $ 'INi JSUIVIC. IIEIIRY BOLL , OIAIR1 ) EB. Factory in IMuisIillo , Case Co Quality of heidI guaranteed to 0 * a. goOd as any mav'JactUrsul outeid e. ( this sats. : henri Ikjtlil. a ' . ut : . , ; :