- - ; - - - : - ; ; - - - ; - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - . ; - - - j . : : - - - - _ - - - - . . - . - T ; ; ; - , , = - - - - S- " - : : - - - - : : , - . - - - L _ - _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAHA DAILY DEE : 'rIIlTHSDAY , BRUAnY 1.1 , 18mj. : I . - - - . ' THE OMAIA DAILY BE" I. COUNCJITi lrtFI S. OFFICE , . . . O. 32 PIMUL IT1tEtT. - - - - - - Delvered by carrier to Iny IMt oC the dty. . IT. W. TILTON , J.usc TrLETl j8-I3unes , ' . ome . . No. , 43 . ; night 1Itor. : , , . - . MI'UI : .1WNTWS. Orand httel , Council murs , reopened Oct. t. Mart heal Estnto agency. 639 nrondw3) " ) & ' will be The "naza or National 1011)ays" wi k heM In the EIEman bul"ln February 21 nnll 22 , by th ! Uroalway Methodist latlie One luntel ) teams were working yetterday on the Union avenue fill . anti the number 01 shoveler had been increased to half a dozen ) . The funeral or Emi l. rert will take place next Sunday afternoon nt 2 o'clock from his residence ) . 12G leventh 1 avenue , Hev { , O. W. I . Snyder omclatn . lans SChmlteln , charged with ' obtaining money under false pretences , has been again continued , this Ime until next Welnelay , nt the request of the thfeiie. J. II. lCclIcy . charged with ! saulng V. Hurt , In his ! store , on West Droalwny. Was dltchn/el ) yertenly In police court , after numerous ontnuances of the case . The Valentine Facial of the Western Iowa college will be given Satlrday evening . Feb. ruty IG All ex.stleents ) are cordially In- vll1 to bo present. No refreshments will bo nerved. A nro caught In the servant glrl's bed nt the reIdence or P. Wind , 713 WashIngton avenue , yesLerlay ) morning. The bell was en- trely destroyed , together with name clothing belonging to the girl. A commIttee . consisting cf E. C. Panons Oeorg Wllam : m and Wid ( Oaln , has been appointed by the Ganymede Wheel club to ' Investigate the advisability ) of having a hi- cycle race meet next summer. Lemuel COlrll died nt the age of 62 years Tuesday , at his residence 21 Logan strtet. Tha funeral toe ] place yesterday afternoon , anti the remains were buried In Ilslde cam- etery. Ie , . A. Overton cfflclated. J. D. StraIn the janitor of the 'fhlrty-sec. onr street school bulltllng . who was Injured 01 the motor lIne Tuesday IIht , WIU rcst- lug Csly yt stcrcay , and n few scars wIll probably be the worst result oC the ncclclcnL J. B. Sweet had ) n wrIt of rellle\'ln Issued yesterday for n "iilclcle-In.tlie.slot machlnc" that was bought from him hy J. F. Conley formerly bartender nt the Transfer saloon. Conley hail . never paid for I , so Sweet claims but , hal ) It stored at his house 2018 SIxth avenue. The machine Is now stored 11 Justice Vlen's office. The wolf that his been makIng his residence - dence under the city Jai came back yester- day to look after the pIece oC his tall which I'atro ) Driver Sandal took ns a memento Tuesda . anil collided with n farmer and n pitchfork . The county audItor now has the cars and a farmer has the $5 bounty while F 1r Sandal Sl retains ( ha tail. J. V. Sadowkl has led In Information against John Ford . charging him wIth assault - sault and battery. Buth are ralr < all men. and Ford and : his wIfe had the misfortune not long ago to be mixed 11 In n lot of unsavory rumors. I Is claimed that Sadowski was cIrculatIng one of these runiors . and that Ford sought revenge by the nste methoj. Dr A. B. McColm , n physician and drug- gist livIng nt PersIa was bound over to the grand jury yestenhy on a charge oC vIolatIng tIm UnIted States internal revenue mows. le gave n bond of $200 and was released lIe claims that he Is the vlcfm of a mis- 10 take , that ho secured a government permi , but It failed to arrIve untIl after he had sold somt liquor. A correspondent to the SI Luie Globe- Democrat from Nevada. Mo. . wrItes that Rev. E. W. Allen of Council Duls spent sOle lIttle tIme there a couple oC weeks ago , lookIng up tIm roccrd of Dr. A. I. Carter also oC this city. Dr. Carter formerly lIved at Ne- vada . and the correspondent . gives It as his oplnon ! that nothing was obtained by Mm- Allen that would reflect on Dr. Carter's char- acter. - Ted Keller. : young man who claIms to hal from Omaha was ht In Tuesday night at midnight and lodged I the county Jan for breaking open a box car 'on the MIlwaukee r al at Neola. Three pairs of shoel'ere m found In hla possession , which are ' said to , ' . , . have come from the car. , A report was re- relved at the sherIff's ofce 7esteray that isis pal , larry Horton , was In custody In Omaha , and Sheriff laz ; brought him over. Encampment No. 8 , Union Veteran Legion and La 11 es' Auxlhiry No. 17. Union Veteran Legion . meet this evening RemIniscent papers wIll be read hy Comrade Hugh Whit- boll , company A. Twenty.nfh Iowa "Look- out , Mountain , Missionary RIdge and ! Ring- Roll Gap , November 24-27. ' 63" ; by Comrade Paulson . company F , ' Ninety-eighth OhIo "Wolnled , ! and ) a Prisoner " To the lIbrary ' has been added sInce tha last meetng : "Hoster oC Soldiers . Sailors and Marines In N braska , " "Hoster oC $ olllers In Iowa " Official ) United States Army Register for 1S9. Official United States Navy amid MarIne corps 1895 , and thirty maps of recent surveys oC battlefields , giving posItIon of troops en- gaged. TIme latter are the gUt of Senator Allison . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \Vo have over ' 300.000 to IrIan upon Im- Proved lawn Carms. Farmers desirIng loans can save' money by dealing direct with us , , thereby saving agent's commission We do ' not loan on wIld land , . nor In Nebraska Luc & Towle. 235 Pearl street J.1WSU..1 1' . ' U. ' ( l U.'IS. ' Ragsdale. Miss WIlson Is the giest . or her friend , ) lss City F. . G. Mont. \Veils left last even'ng toDulo D.P. and E. A. Wlcleham have gone to New Orleans , to bo gone three weeles. UnIted States Marshal F. P. Bradley and Assistant Postmaster Ell Dowman left last evening for Topeka . Ken Miss Derthn ilayliss . well known In Omaha and CouncIl Jurs musical . cIrcles , Is a member - bar of nn opera company that Is now pre- sentng De Koven'a opera , "Tho Fencing Master , " throughout Iowa , , - - - - - - - - Mr. ann airs J. U. wansworth have Ilr. llt. . . returned - turned from an extended New Yerk visit. visi. Mrs. Walsworth has been putting In several months studying vocal music nccomupami'eti aecomlan by Mrs. Ilanl ( , a , , el Imown musicIan from _ _ _ _ Lincoln , Neb. Mrs. Cortand E. Palmer or Colorado Springs , best known by the name oC Catherine Van Arnheln , which she adopted when she went on the concert stage . II visiting her parents Judge and Mrs. \V. C. JanHs , on Third avenue Chll'ly 111. The l'lgrlm S\ter wi give a charity so- eal on next Saturday evenIng In the Royal ' rcanur hal for time benefit of the poor A cordial Inviaton Is extended to all Commercial - cial l'lgrlms amid theIr friends and to all members amid friends oC the Acalemy : The oncers ot the Academy are : Senior Instruc- tress , Mrs . F . E. Sheparll ; Junior Instructress , ! rl. l. 1. laworth ; prelector , Mrs. M. F . Hohrer ; guide , Mrs . A. W. Johnson ; scribe , Mrs. C. L. 1allel : keeper 01 Inance , Mrs. loward Franklin ; Inner . entlmmel. ! n. W. A. Travis ; outer rentnel , Mrs. J. M . Calllbel ; organist , Mrs. C. 1. 1)'er. C. O. Saunders' class "at " Saunlers' clas house Broadway - way Methodllt Episcopal 1 clmrch , this ( Thlrs- day ) evening 'ho followIng given : ' Colowlng Ilrogram wIll ha iualc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1nndolin Club Recitation . . . . . . . . . Miss .Mandoln Cornet Solo . . . . . . . . . Mr. George Iilekrmell Vocal Solo . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. W 8. Ilekne1 Guitar Duet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ilsdon . . . . . . . . . Mesarim . Uearlek unit \'oodaril RecItation . . .llessrl. . . . . . . Miss Blanhe 'ebb Vocal Solo . . . . . . . . . . Miss hattie Palmer tusIc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \lanilollmm Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .llnl\loln Cllb Heudln . . . . . . . . . . ra. Eva Lyons .11 IVIL Vocal Uolo . . . . . . . . ? , lrs. A. 11. Sveetiimg Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ulleys' 1. 8weetnl , ' 1larrll0 Llo-n. . . . .5) ) ) The followIng mlrrlage licenses were Issued ' by the county clerk yesterday ; Name and address ! . Age. Rudolph Handke , Undrwood. . . . . . . . 26 Olga Stodt , Underwood. . . . . . . . . . . . . H hue Camille. jr. , lotawatamle county , . , 37 Lucinda E : FIsher I'otawatslie county. 26 Ou beating stoves for rm and Cor sale at t ' tuucl UIUIXs Gas company's office , : I 1) . . - - - ' - - - NEWS \ \ FROI I COUNCIL BLUFFS Emrt to Make Political Capital Out of the Union Avcnue Gading. : KELLER AND SPEMAr DIDN'T ' DQ I AT ALL _ _ - I Mayor Clcmm'er Only lnclo the SIJle tel that ii Jemoc'nlt 11 J'IImpIo3 ' cd-Once IC.'ller WaN Not Het ems Ilht lellolY , Some attempts have been made within the lat few days to make politIcal capItal out of time fact that Mayor Cleaver wanted ) John Uarhyte employed to look after timework work 'of gradIng Union avCmmtle . but that Councilmen Keller ) and , ) Spetman , with their usual watchfulness over the city treasury , prcventeJ this useless expenditure DC the cIty bids by requIring Street CommIssioner Avery to do the worlt. There Is no dls- 10 positIon on the part or the democrats ) to inJure . juro Mayor Cleaver , for bo Is not n candidate - date for re.electon , at least nt present , but the talk was merely Indulged lu to give Keller n reputation as n watchdog of the i pUblo treasury , which might be useful to him In his political aspirations . The fact 01 tile mater Is that when Mr. Avery was requested to 10 the work he objected - jected , sayhl' thnt ho hall all he could at- tenl to lu lookIng after the streets . Mayor Cleaver then sugestel that Mr. Barhyte be employed , but nothing was said about what ho should b paid. Mr. larhyte Is n demo- emit so that the mayor could not possibly have hal ) nny intentIon of benefiting his po- ltcal friends at the public expense. Keller and Sllctman very wisely Insisted , however , that Aery was amply able to oversee tImework work nnl lie undertook the job at the dl- . recton of Keller . lie admitted to a news- paJer milan yesterday thlt so long as everythIng - pa\r thing Is frozen tip , as It Is now he hal very lIttle tu ca. but said that when sprIng came the council would have to lowe after some one rime to do the ' Union avenue work A lIttle translcton In the city council last fail rather tends to. Indicate that Keller's eyesight for the cIty's Interests has . been sharpened by the nearness of the city elec- tiomm . At that time , It will be remembered one of the republican allormen suggested that as thee was Ito for the , h""lh Inspector to do during the winter mOlths the services ofV. . n. Keimmlm who imeld the office , might very profitably bo dIspensed wih untIl spring. But Kemp was I deimsocrat and not enl Ir the six democrats .n the councIl could bo foull who was wilung to cut oft this Iselesa expenditure. Keller made a sp eh. In which he hotly opposed vacating time office for the winter on the ground that ! ' the streets anti aleys should be kept llst ns cleats during the winter ns In the Slmmer , so that danger of an epidemic might be averted In time spring. A resolution was passed by n strict party vote that Kemp should retain the ofce during the life of the cIty council , no matter what happened. TIme alleys were never In very much worse condItion than they arc now In spIte of this lmrecautton . In n nlmber of them Placards ) mny be seen announcing " $5 firma for any one who takes away this manure , " the owners having concluded to sell It to nursery men : \1 others , and Councilman Kclier'u eagle eye Is largely responsible. GREATEST OLUAIC SALt : ON HEOlD. nOIII ln flroq. Today , February 14 , one lay only. Your ch'lce oC our entire stock of Cloaks , $ 5.98 each. This Includes every garment In our Cloal Department Ladles' Cloth Jack- eta that were $ )0.00 to $ 20.00 , MIsse3' Cloth Jackets that were $8.00 , " 0.00 , and $12.00. Some ChIldren's fine Cloth Long Cloaks , In ages G. 8 and 10 years that were $10.00 and " 2.00. All nt one price. De your own sales- man. Take your choice today , $5.98 each. i We guarantee every garment of this season's I malt and all with Immense large sleeves. ! ! 36-lnch L. L. Unbleach Muslin , 3c yard. 36-lnch nice soft Bleach MuslIn , le yard. ! I 8-4 Lockwood Unbleach Sheeting . 121c ' yard. 8-4 Locnvool ) Bleach Sheetng , 15c yard. Just received , new line real ) HaIr Cloth , Fiber Chamois , Grass Cloths . and at lowest prices. N. D.-Al Union Avenue graders' checks , cashed whenever presented. DENNISON DROS. . I ! . Council Bluffs. AI"lher Day 'Finds tie still soilIng frames and pictures at half prIce. Today wo wIlt Increase our line oC moulllngs and we cannot Cal now to please you. Hemember they all go for just hal the marlct price. Open every evening. II. W. S1I11 & CO. . 45 ! :111n ' St. Got Out ' IroiigIi ma Stole . George Murray . WIlliam Wbltney and James Thompson have been occupyIng the sky parlor nt the city Jai fer the past severs lays and their meat anti ) drlnlt has been bread and water. This menu was prepared for them at Judge McGee's order on account oC time In- tense anxiety the had manIfested about get- ting Into mid. Yesterday noon , aCer seven days oC the very silos diet they began to hanker after the thesis pots oC Egypt mind de- termlnel ) to get there by an air line. While Deplty ) larshal Anderson was sitting alone In time marshal's office ho saw one oC them slide down the stairway , aisti he went for him. Two oC them got out oC the door In safety before he could reach them , but Murray chanced to he the last ot'tho procession , anti he was nabbed. An Investgaton showed that with n knife 01 seine other sharp Instrlment tIre vas had cut a Ito halo In the board partton ! which separates the middle cell where they were confirmed from the front room and hal crwle' ' ) through It. TIle hole was so smal that It seemell hardly possible that the ) ' should ha\e gotten through It , but tire fact 1 remalne that they were gone. Before going I cown stairs they discovered a rare treasure : In tIme shops or a barrel of whIsky that had been stored In the jail buIlding ever since It was stolen Crom a boxcar n year ago and they each took a liberal Iram out oC I. No blame can bo atached to Mr . Anderson , for the upper part of the Jai Is In such n notoriously - ously unlafe conlltol that the only wonder Is that prIsoners do not make their escape of Ic mm e r. 1'l CAI. - TO ( LOS I : . , Our "llcl < nt Sheot" uIII i'iliow Cases I..H Thul time I'rleo or time . \IIM Iii 8-4 , 0-4 and 10-4 hemmed sheets , I rul oC time Loom and Loclewood sheeting , worth from 69c to POc each , to close at 49c each. 42 611 45.lnch plol cases , worth 220 anti 25c each , to ! O at 190 cmtcim. MUSLIN UNI > lWEAI AT GHEAfLY HEUUCED PItICIS. Fowler Dick & Wale cr. BOSTON STOHE. , CouncIl Bluffs . In Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that good laundry , " and Is located at 724 Broadway I In Lubt ! aboJt this try It and be convinced Don't forget name and imummmber Tel 157. Davis sells drugs , Ilalnt and glass cheap Neatest drug store Taylor's , Grand hotel. Icll VI' fur . Iucl , ot I'lolr. I.wrenco Hansen , n Carmer of Boomer towmiilmip with his brother and n hlrell man , left CouncIl Jurs for their home Tuesday e\'enlng at 7:30 : o'clock with ten sacks of flour on their wagomm . They were followed hy a couple eC len In a buggy Wl10 passed them near the poor farm and then waited for them to lass As ! hey did so , one of the len wIth the buggy grabbed a sack oC four out oC the wagon , transrerred It to his buggy . and drove off at a rapid gait. Hansen claims the men In time buggy threatenl them wIth revolvers , but tbls Is rather apocryphal , as the only . recc.ledlon they have Is ot somethIng that shone In the hands ot the hlghw8)'len. Hams- sen and his l'mllanlons tolowed their assailants - ants all time way to Crescent , where the buggy was overhaule by Denver and M . A. 10ugh , who chanced to be In their store The occupant turnel ! out to be two men Imel ) lowcrs who lIve near Sandy Point They were taken before Justice n. C. Me- nay nt Crescent and given n trIal by jury on the charge of Inrceny. The first jury liming and another was ImmedIately empan- eleti The second trial was still In progres at last accounts yesterday ) afternoon . It i1'LjIiLItjAs : ii INATI COV"C1bM II"N rRIH'I 1' i.h ' ! In tf Y"rlnul 'nrlls nlll t'clt'gstes l ilAen. The republicans oC time various wards hel caucuses last evening preliminary to time city convemmtlon . which Is to be heM In the court house next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The meetngs were marked by unusually large atendances and great enthuslasni Partcu- larly was this true of the Fourth ward ) , which has not ordinriy been consllerlll n very demonstrative ward from n republcan stand. point. There sere )25 repnblcan voter present . Councimen were nomlnnted In the Tlmirti Fourth and Sixth wartis ) . W. Il. Drown In tire ThIrd and L. M. Shubrt In the Sixths received their nominatons wIthout any trosm- bie but In the Fourth Dr. J. )1. Darsow : only won after four balots had been takemm There were four candiates ) In this ward , the other three being T. C. Jackson , Smith Saunders amid E. E . Ia'ne. On the first ballot the rol. alIve strength was as follows : Darstow , 41 ; Mayne , 2r ; Jackson , 30 ; Saunllers , G. On the third ballot Saunders droppci ) 1 out and immue- Ilately after Jackson wlh < rew. On the fourth ballot Barstow received 83 votes and Mayne 41 , noti ) Darstow was eclared ) noimml. miated The folo\\.lnl were the delegates se- I lectel In the various wards : Ward-Thomas Johnson , J. C. MIt- chel , Carl Morgan , I , ' . J. Schnorr , O. ii. ! cctt . Henry Stevens , Mark Sears , A. Del and S. D. . Smmyder Consmnlttcemnen-Flret pre' clnct , Carl Ma'ne : Seconl precinct , S. D. Sn'der. Second Warl-George ) Gould E. II. Lout- gee C. S. lubbarl , 0.V. . Graham , J. C. linker Charles Swain , J. 11. l'ace W. S. WI- I\ns. L. A. Gray , C. O. Baird Delegate.at- large , \V. P. Daker. Conmmmuittcenmemr-l"Irst precinct C. S. lubbrd : Second precInct Theodore - odore Guittar . Third Ward-George Maync Dr. O. V. ' . Gordomi . N. C. PhillIps . Wilam Arnd , \V. E. IiaImmbrlrhge WIlliam liaverstock C. W. Tay- lor , James Armstrong , Ur. V. L. Tre'nor. Comnmltteemen-Flrst precinct , N. C. PhIllIps ; Second precinct , Wilam Armstrong ourth Ward-Po J. lay . A. 'f. Filcklngor . Slack Peterson , Eu I ) lCorti ) . E. I E. hart , A. S. Ilazieton . John 1.lnll. F. II. 11111. 1 lth Warll-I Cammmmlng T. A. rhrevIck Ovlde Vlcmm T. J. i'otersomm A. D. Hart O. E. Deswlc1e. Peter Similtim . g. S. hart , Peter Jacobson , H. Sanlwlcl { , E. S. Allen. Com- immitteemnemi-F'Irst precinct Ed Canning ; Second - end precinct T. A. Drewlcle. Sixth Wnrd-W. I. Dudley . Forrest Smuitim O. W. Turner , James Arthur , A. C. 1nrdlng. F. Stevemmmomm - Uuhbot , ' 1 hIId ' 1 ittic Prank Naprovenek'A ' place was broken Into by the\e. ! again Tuesday night and when he awoke from an eli night's carousal yesterday morning he found that hIs watch , a slit of clothes and an overcoat hal been stolen. Sely 10ugh. who has bean sticking to him wIth all the tenacIty and ardor oC a bull pup to n root , mad his pockets filled ) with all kinds oC money all vIsIted the saloons call- log everybody up to the bn wIth a surprising prodigally. \Vho stole tire watch and clotim- Ing Is an entIre mystery but yesterday morn- log 10lgh came back with the overcoat and threw It In to Naprovenel . saying he hal found It. After the place was broken Into Monday night a knife was found lyIng on the floor . with which the lock of the trunk hae evidently been turned. I was traced up and found to belong to 1ough , but how It cale there no one knows. Another atempt was made to burglarize Naprovenek's place last evening about 9 o'clock The thieves broke the back wIndow . but Mrs. Huntington . who lives next door heard the noise and went out , frightening them away. Teamsters working on Union avenue grad- log can get their checks cashed at Dennison Dros. whenever presented. DennIson Dros. will cash all UnIon avenue teamster's checks whenever presented. Dirt haulers' checks cashed at. Dennison Dr09. _ Wil I'rosont mm i'rogrmmm. Next Monday the Ministerial association wIll hell another conference with Colonel Reel oC Janawa wih reference to the pro- posed ChautalQla assembly. Between now and then a program Is to be drawn up and presented to the colonel for his consideration. Tire programs wIll cost not to excead $3,000 , about hat of what the first asembly cost. This does not mean however that the pro- ! gram will only be hat as Interesting . for I lectmrrers musicIans anti the other attractIons are considerably cheaper now than they were then , and I 15 thought a One program can b3 presented at very rosonable figures. The ministers have high hopes oC being abh to brIng about a deal wIth Colonel Reed. Drackett Is excusable for thlnlcng that yesterday was ValentIne day. Everybody In town was there buying valentines , and he was a little rattled. Duckwheat cakes loaf sugar syrup one of the breakfat dishes at Pearl ChOD house , 15c. . llSS 0.1 tSCSG IlJI.1iI. Cnhrorltl Strm'l I amid Irrlntlg Ditches Olt or Thrtr 11" " " . SAN FRANCISCO , Feb. 13-The general rains for the Past few days throughout the state have filled time streams mammy over- flowing their banks The Fresno Irrigation : canal has left Its channel and many vineyards - : yards nre unller wnter. IC the storm which has ceased today shol 11 recommence tomorrow - morrow the city oC Fresno would be In wou1) lmlnent danger oC noodlng. As It Is the catmnmtry Is Inundated for miles Iroun,1 , the IrrIgatIons ditches. Numerous washouts are rellorte.t along the line . At Galete the hlet need of time season his swept down the river banlts anti washed out the Southern - era 1lelfc track . A passenger train ran Into the wnshont In the Illrlmess anti was badly wrecled. Time train WIS n double header and both engInes , two baggage and one express and mli car were over- tlrnell Into the water homily injurIng the fIreman , who was caught uneler time tank. 'he In.ll. const weather fnreqt ,1enmno " weather. iiiat - time . storm . Is'os " n aid - Thifi"h1'm j . . 1I'E.-I'JJIICU "UIlW"S' Snow hurrIes RII Nurth 'hub for " I' Ii ma s lea. \YASlINGTON , Feb. 13.-The forecast for Thursda ) ' I ! : For Nebraska-Snow flurrIes ; north winds. For Missouri and Iowa-Generally fair ; northwest winds. For South Dakota-Threatenlnr hut probably - ably without snow ; variable 'winds . 1"01 Knmmsas-tnow flurries ; probably ) slightly north winds. cooler In the northwest Ilorton ; Local Record. I OFFICE OF TIlE WEATHER DUm AU. OMAHA . Fob 13-Omarm record ot temlJer- pertul'c al11 mlnCal , compared with the corresponding day ot the Plilt four years : 189 : iSSi. IS93. IS92 Maximum temperature . . 21 22 40 44 Minimum temnlmermtture. . . . 5 10 30 21 Averlge temnimerature . . . I 16 3 34 3 Irectl'ltaton . . . . . . . . .01 ' .Ot .0 Conditon oC temlerntlre amid ' precipitation preclplnton nt Omaha for tire day anti since Mlrch ' 1 , 11-91 : Normnl temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . n lclency for the day . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Normal precipitation . . . . . . . . . . . .03 Inch Utlcleney for time da ) . . . . . . . . .02 Inch 'fotal precipItation since March 116.6 Inches Delcleney since March 1. . . . . 16.12 Inches Hl'llrU 1101 Oilier Slltou I mit a 1' . . \ ' ' : s " 0 " - I "I : bTATIONS . V5 STATS or e. . ; < j " ; : bTJT . a B ' : _ _ _ 'h - - - - - _ _ _ Omaha. . . . . . . I 2:1 : .1 I'amncloudy . Nurlhl'IMte. . , , . , 12 lii ! . 5nowmnr. . . . I. Vaictuttuse . . . . . . . . . . . \ HfOWI. Valelllc. . . . . . 12 14 .UJ Siiowimi&r. Chleuo . . . . . . . . . 20 1 T. Cloudy , SI , LIII. . . . . . 18 22 ' 1' . Clear M. 1.II. . . . . . . 2U 21 .0(1 i'lear Oa\'cullorl. . . . . : U 22 ' ' Clear. lillSIb 'tty. . . . . . 22 2' ' ' Cloudy , Denver . , , . . . . . , . . ' Olu\"r. . . . . . 2 4 .UI Clear salt Lo'ioCIty . . . . : J tH ,10 Smuowimm . JalhICly. . . . . . 12 .UI 810wlll. 1.1. ' . . . . . . ' t -1 .UU Clear . tI81Irck. , . . . . . 12 10 .UO Clommdy . S ( . Vlnccft . . . . I 24 .00 Coml . ) Che'clle I . . . . . ' 2 Im . .UI l'mmrtciou'Jy : Miles . lmty. . . . . . . . ' 14 I .01 .UI ) Clear ( tittTL'btonm. . . . . . :0 3U .UU Cloudy. . below zero. "T" idicates trace DC precipitation. rrcelplalon 1 A. WELSU , OI.ernr. PAPA PvL [ { WAS \ POWERLESS - - - - His Daughtr Mlrrioll uf f Man of nor Choice Do'pi Pantal Waring , - : fS MON S SOCIEl I StAKE UP ' - Alhlrt (1. f118h and :18f"h .1lno 1'01 Quietly UII(11 Iii aimmr1inmJe nl ! time Hrldc'8 I'"thr 111.11 with Useless \ " . U8I'lcI"r. , _ I , ' , , DES MOINES . Feb. I-\Speclal - I ? \ Tcle- grnm-A ) sensation In socey { circles was ' occasioned ) today when I became known that Albert G. Maish and ) Miss Sarah Jane Polk were married at noon and Immediately took a train for Denver. The ceremony took place nt the ChristIan clmurchi ne\ I , O. Ireelen ) officiatIng . ant only three or foul intImate friends wlneuel ) It. The contractng parties are among the best known people In the city. The groom has been a ' rising ) 'olng Insurance moan The brIde Is time dalghter of J. S. Polk presIdent or the Des MoInes Street Railway company , anti one or tIme wealhiest men In the cIty . lie has long been opposed to the marrIage oC hIs daughter ! with Malh , anti rorbale that genteman entranc3 to hIs hmonme But the young couple contInued to meet clandestnely and the culminaton came In their virtual elopcment today. Maish 15 27 years old and his wIfe 22. They wIll return In R few days ) anti take imp lIfe In a home prepared by thennmselves MaIsh havIng engaged wih a leallng insurance comllany of this city. I Is reported that the young woman's father Is exceedIngly ) angry anti threatens to cut her oI wIthout n shilling . l'OI.UCISA mlOHU CO I"AY. Anlult 1Ic'tinic lit ( 'uniliur 111h1R "hows tIme CorlHl'ullon i to tc t'r'pcrou8. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Feb . 13.-Speclal ( . elhteenth aimnual session Telegram.--The ) ! nnnlal ot the American Poland Chinn Record company - pany was called to order this afternoon by President J. V. Wole oC Limmcoln Neb" , wIth over )00 breeders Cram all parts of the cmiii- try In attendance. President \Vohte's an- nnll address was well received , amid showed time comllny was In splenll ) shae. The report c Secretary McFallen showtd tire total business oC the association the past year amolnte to more than $7,000. lie makes many recommendatons as to the details or tire conduct ot the affairs or the com pan ) ' . amid that all dividends be pall In supplIes and registration. The Ilectlon of olclrs reslled as follows : Prcsldemmt J. V. Wolfe Lincoln Neb. ; secretary . W. W. McFaddemi . West Liberty ; treasurer . I ) . L llowarti Jefferson . Ia ; vice presidents C. W. Jones Michigan ; J. C. Show Illinois ; C. F. Hobe. Iowa ; Elas Galop California ; C. If. Murphy . Minneota ; \V. W. Steele Texas ; D. C. Miller . SOlth Dakota ; D. Gllison . MIssouri , sourl ; John Gimore , Iowa ; M. Liebimart Nebraska ; W. M. Lambing Iowa ; L. M. VanAuken , townV. ; . A. Jones Wisconsin - sin ; board or dIrectors . H. M. Sissan , Gales- burg . II : R. J. Johnson lumbolJt , la. ; amid A. J. Lytle . Oskaloosa la. A commitee on relncorporaton was also ntthmd. " (1" THAIS ItOmmttlClOO'iLESSES - ' , . . Charles Inlenll lccctvI11 1 l'lve.Yelr f'nlenco for the , Un , cl Ie" . OTTUMW'A . la. , Pcb. , 13-SpecInl ( Tele- gram.-Charles ) Batemnan the ex-Wnbash brakeman who was arrqted , ; on slsplclon of having been one oC the PQ" , traIn robbers near this cIty , on the night oC January 12 , I confessed to the robbery b and his attorneys - i neys entered a plea of guIlty , In dIstrict court , this . moring. ' He was at once sentence to five years In the penitentiary nt Fort fd1ion and wi betaken : taken there thIs week. Dean \ implicates Ely who he claims , instig'ad and p annel the whole affair . , . anc Inslgat le ' tves believe Datemnn was only a tool Inthe l hands oC Ely. In his confession to the grand jury he de- cared he hal receiver cnly $111 , and Ely but In . Interview' this . took the rest , an thl morning Ing he significantly assorted to n reporter that when he finIshed his sentence at Fort Madison he would sleep on n feather bed all rlht. le disclaims any knowledge of Ely's whereabouts and says that Ely will never be taken alIve. Officers believe that they will locate Ely soon. S'ater l'Illno sit Jefferson. I JEFF'ERSON , la. . Feb. 13-Speciai ( ' Tele- gram.-Lack ) of water Is causing abwlute distress In this part of Iowa. Rivers creeks and wells , heretofore unfailing . have become dry , and In many towns In thIs section the supply oC water Is so somalI that entire neigh- borhoods are Cerquenty depending upon one iveil. Goose Lake , that a year ago was a body ot water coverIng an acre two mIles epuare and upon which a steamboat plied . Is now absolutely dry. One oC the Twin lakes , n popular summer resort , Is nearly dry. Farmers In many places are experienc- log great difficulty In gettIng sufficIent water for stock and are oblIged to drIve their herls mIles each lay to water them. Could Not Ito ltd. MASON CITY . Ia . Feb. 13.-Spechal ( Tele- gram.-Another ) chapter has just been en- acted In the alleged Sayro adulery case. Sheriff Hoylan receive n telegram yeSterday from the sheriff or Brown county . South Da- Ilota , to arrest S. D. Syre and Jennie Sayre charged with adultery , preferred by Charles Sayre brother oC the Iotor. The sherIff or- rested hi/ man at Whiten , but the where abouts oC the woman arc unknown The doc- tcr was arralgnel ) efore layer Mor : of El- dora who released imimn holding that the In. formaton was not sufficient to warrant his detnetion. _ _ _ _ _ Coii'lcteii nt Holll ! Liquor nt 11.Tr. . MOUNT AYIt , ha , Feb. 13.-Speclal ( 1ele. gram.-Dr. ) J. T. Merrill , a druggist one of the sharpest liquor law violators In Iowa was convIcted lest ) evening oC selling lIquor . Tire trial lasted two days and a malt . amid It was the most Important anti ) excItIng case held here for 'ears. There was a large array of legal talent , anti the case was fought des. perately every Inch. The result I a clean , clear vIctory for the Law and Order league . Tire evidence was overwhelming , yet one juror beh time jury out eight hours Farmer Injured hy n I'croclouiS 1'11. MASON CITY . Ia , Fob 13.-Speclal ( Tell- gram.-A ) young farmer named Franle Col- lins . lvIng near Geneva , was ' severely Injured Monday evening whie attempting to catch n bull that had broken loose In the barn The bull rosined at him , kemopklng hIm down anti trampling him under toot Chares ! \Vatson. a young man werking for , Collins , happened In at this time and saved Collins' life . Though badly InjuredIre wIll cover. I CrcHlon AllllrlJII' ' ( 'orruiptioms. CRESTON , Ia , Feb . 13.Speclal ( Teic- gram-Tho ) republican ely convention tonight . night resulted In the selection oC J. I. Scurr for mayor , George Evans for treasurer D. A. Porter for city attorney ; and Colonel Wilam Jones for assessor . t Smite lotbors Streak Jail . IOWA CITY , ha , Fel 13.-Speclal ( Tele- granm.-Jobn ) Adams and 'ames Wililamna . two dynamItIng safe crckers , who blew lP and rIfled , the THOu Lumber ' company'a safe , broke Jai here last night , and are still at lIberty. _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ Got Irllk Ri' I"rnze to 1..lh. HARTFORD , Conmm , Feb. 13.-Wilbert Perry tiled at the Hartford hospital last night. Ills death ends the career at the man who was said to have been time brightest scholar that Yale university has graduated In the Ilast twenty-five years. Ils down- fall may be said to have begun when he was elected representatIve of hartford to the gen- ernl assembly In 1883. There h termed vices from whIch he had never been able to free hImself and since then he has been a common drunkard. On a bIter cold night a week ago ho wandered about the streets drunk and fell ehausted In a vacant hot Oath Iris han s antI feet were frozen when he was fouud - . JCIWt'llT IJt ( } "IW1 , rUl.4 \ ' /J. A. C. lr"bury Int nlh to Win limo Cup ; at huron , ! I. NEW YOm , l eb. 1.-A. C. nrallbur , proprIetor of time Maybrck kennels , nsle' wood , N. J. , arrived today on the White Star steamship Cevle , from LIverpool , and has on board the steamer tour gre'hounls ) , two rough.eDtel collies anti ' ) two old English sheep dog ptmpplosVIthm one rrlyhol\l bitch he intends 10 win the first Amerlcnl Waterloo cup which Is to be run for on October 8 , next , nt Huron , S. D. The dog ! the Butter Print by the renowned ) Herchel , dam Green Fly by Grcenilck . The olher are white facell Jim , n red and whIte dog sweep a black dog and Ben Nevis , n brllle , ni slretl by Page Boy out oC Tiny 1ura. The collies arc Seton Snm\ anti Selon Ash Lenf. ScHon lero , the sire of SeCon Snow Is nQw owned by J. Pierpont Morgan. Salislmury ateriircsAltuimuito. Monroe Salitbmmry the celebrated California trotting here tunis , anti ) the owner tf Directly , Al" ammtl ) other famous horses , was In time cIty yesterday , enroute from entucley ) , to the coast Whie here : Ir. SalIsbury : lade arnngements wih Clinton II. lirlgga to take charge of Ahansito . 2i3 : % , th corning ' season Mr. Salbury will race throughout the big circuit . lIe sal ) that he thought Alamlo one of the greatest horses of the ago and he thinks that he will break the stut record with him before the season h far atlvanced . Alamlo will he shlppel to Pleasanton , Cal . the first week In March , Mr. Salisbury also remnrkel that lie hn,1 he.J,1 from his foreman at Ileasnnton that iris Dlrect's 2-year-old cols , six 01 them , are all doing nnely anl going very fnet Too Soon , one of them , he says Is the fastest colt he ever saw and ) he' will bring him cast this spring. Morris Jones oC He,1 Oak , la. , and a part owner oi "Sweet Little Alx , " commits over to see : Ir. Sahisimurry . who left for the west on the afternoon Union Pa- cfc train _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (11" ) " " " .nICt I. itub . At the meeting of the Omaha Kennel club held at Dr. Whinnery's office last evening officers for time current year were elected as follows : Presllent. Ur. J. ' C. Whinnery ; vice preelent ) , J. 1. McTaue ; secretary , C. I. Marston ; financial secretary , Chnrles Fremrzer : treasurer . FrederIck Hath : boarlt 01 directors , Messrs. Whinnery , McTague , Mar- aton Evans , COllonn and Peter j'renzer. M . H. Cryer of ! Phiadelphia was elected delegate to rellresent the club nt the annual meetng ! or tire National Kennel club , to bl held In New York In April. Time matter oC holding n bench show In Selltember was exhaustively dlsctmaaetl . the unanlmols verdlc being In favor of the ex- imlbitiomm. Many letters oC Inquiry were read from tioggy men or Topeka St. Joe , Kansas 10gy . ! CIty . Lincoln I'romont amid uller cities . mmmiii ) all evinced a leclded desire that the club should give a bench show In the fall . Many ot the men ha\'o ties to enler. anti the pros- Peels for n probPeous year for the carmine lovers could ) not bo better. Chllco to See time ( 'hisnmp1on . . Lentz & WillIams are rqpllly completIng their arrangements for the Scimaelter-Ives billIard match , which will take plac3 In time hal over their Popular' saloon , 118 Farnam street Thurslay evening I February 2) . TIme match wIll be on the exhibition order , of course . but on its ' merIts , nevertheless. I wilt be 500 points lP , 14-inch balk llmme . and a rare treat for the local lovers oC the cue and IvorIes. The two great bllardists arc touring tim country . and their entertainments everywhere - where arc attracting large crowds of both ladles anti genitlemnen . : Grlml Get Unlll i'arlc. Thomas Griffin . the well known CalIfornia turf man has about closed n contract for Union park Council Bluffs . and will at once begin preparations for one oC the grandest trottIng sessions ever gIven In the west. Full particulars oC Mr. GrIffin's program will be forthcoming Ir due time In The Dee. Horsemen generally are munch pleased that n man of Mr. GrIffin's reputation and excep- tonal abIlity has at last gotten control of this excellent course. - - - Fortune for me Hail I'layer. TOLEDO , 0. , Feb. 13.-GIlbert Hatfed ) , formerly of the New Yorks , and who played third base , for the Toledo club oC the Western league last year . has been left a fortune of $70,000 by his father Hatfeld signed wIlls LouisvIlle for this season LOllsvle . , . 7'IIU F.l rUlcrES 1' ULLEI ) X1Il UGl One OU18hllr anti Two Seclll Choices Got the u.t or tile 11on01. SAN FRANCISCO . Pcb. 13.-Barney Schrieber won two races anti just missed Shrieberon anl n third by a nose. Draw Scot came with I rsh In the last race tinder one of Felix Carr's gile-edged Inlshes , but Realization ! had enough left to win by the scantest of noses. Mete and Hnwthorne were the only favorItes to win. Sllmnrles : First race six furlongs maidens : Fav- ory. 10. Heinrchs (5 ( to 1) ) , won ; Nor- bhich . 95. I"IYln (3 ( to 1) ) . second ; Sadie W. i05 . Grln (4 ( to 1) ) . thrd Tine : 1:26. : 'Vldn , Pronto Banquet anl Coquette also ran. Second race sx furlongs , soling : Motto . 101 , Jlynn (211 to 1) ) won : Currency , 99. Slone (15 ( to 1) ) , seoon : Queen IC Scots . 101. Coelrn (11 to I ) . timrtl. Tn1:26. : : . Raindrop , Tmpheton Little Bob , Esperance amid Steadfast also ran. 'hlr.1 race , mile and I mtixteentim Imantll- cap : Iiawtimomne . 120 , Carr (7 ( 10 6) ) . won ; Volt . 10. Grub (3 ( to 1) ) , 8:00nl , ; Aricus . 10) Flynn (6 ( 10 1) ) , third. Time : 2H. : ( I.- tiatImi . Gusse , Ernest and cleert also rn . , Jolrth race seven furlongs , selling : 1,101- lie King . 84 , laom (3 ( to 5) ) , won ; Iconvie. 101 Chorn (1 ( to 6) ) , secolll ; Mmmytiay . 101 , Cockran (0 ( to 1. ) thIrd Time : 1:41. : May McCarthy San Luis Hey , Normnndle and Lonnie B also rail . l lch race . five furlongs , selh : Real- Izntlon . 101 , Flynn (2' ( tu 1. ) sven Brw Scot 105. Car ( even ) , second ; Monltn . 102. Cham (2 to 1. ) third. Time : 1:09. : Catch 'gm , Sir Hchard and 'albott Clifton also ran. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'IHt 'rell' for ( temmnslumi. Manager MeVlte Is certainly ) getting a fast team together to represent the Gate CIty this year . Yesterday ho nlcel no less than three cracks to his Ilrelely Cormldl- hie teamsi . two pitchers anti a third hUH' mnn 'l'he pitchers mire George Dmtrby . with Omalm In 18Ul , and Balz , for- merly with Baltimore anti Intlianmtpoiis . liesident these men luln , Minmrommpolis' last tel ' un thlrt baseman , WIS also sighed 1111 Is a great pllyel' . anti the only wonder it I ! how Omaha Kucceecec In getn himn 'rhe men now algnel ) by the local manngement Inchue ) Hltehlnton , Irst hose : 1,111cc . secund ; 111n I I I alHI Ulrich tll.l t ; 'VII h. short : Shncrter left ; Siagi ! . rIgimt ; \'hlien. mllle ; Clrrlth , lnrby 1mhz . Un- cerwood and DOlnely , pichers , and 'Vhnlen and Llunln , catcimers I.ct'r for . iIiCiIhIlN. .J""ulhlo. There Is I letter ) on the sporting etiitor'mt sleek for Joe \Valmehm , captain of the Omahn bal team . Ibis . ' , 'iihiitss Horne UCI" ' . WhEELING , W , Va , Peb.I3.-10n. Wi- lam Berne , prominently connected with time Inulness Interests oC thIs cIty , tIled this moring oC pmmeumomrla aged 80. PLIJG TOBACCO. Consumers oycheiviri toacco w arewillin to paeJ ! a little more than te price charged fbr le ordinanj frade tobaccos , will find this brand upetior to all others IiLWARE Of IMITATIONS. . - - CONFIUID ? ADRY'S ' STOny Defense Stggoml by the strength of the Prosecutioii' $ Uo ( , - - EVIDENCE Of TIlE IACKMAN VtLAlE ItnoekrlnTI I10I for the Intanity 'Ihtetiry Ad"Ile"ll 11 time U..n81 , tn tl' iIni'- ward turlllr Trlml-V.Itncssc for the tetcmmto UClllr. MINNEAPOliS , Feb. 13.-Tho state In wilding tip Its case of murcer against hury Ilywltl today ) Ilel\rell n body blow which staggered thC ulefemsac . The first wines In. trollueell this mornIng was none othtr thnn Peter 'alhahie . the hackman 01 whol In\ ) . mud Fpokel to Adry as being willing to as' slst In the ProPosed crimsse . Vmilialle's testi' man ) ' Was 10st dam.Ilng te the defense , rue I corroborntee ) In a strong way one Ilortion of AMy limmywmurtl's remlrleable story nlHI thus l'eIHlerc thoroughly untennble the tie- fcmsae's Pet theory 10 Amiry's ) . , \'alia- fClsc's as AII"8 snnlala. - lie testified that larry la\nnl hal 111' Ilroached him with questions ns to whehr he hall ever "Ilone nn'thlng" nnI so whether his conclenco hnd hothere,1 , him , Ilyward hnll later asked ) Vnlale whether he would thrive n hack Into Lake Cnlholn nail let the Occupant Ilrown for n anna of money , "I toll him I Wl9 no swimmer , " Fnld Volta- lie . "alH ) that Was about the curd oC It. " This II the first coroboraton of tIme stories or Iliixt amrti Alry , obtained from ' Blxt nlli f'om an entre ! outside source mmliii ) lxhlblte,1 In n strikIng way Iayvartl's ! stranely careless way of nsklng I a crlnm I mat Iii g quest ions nl ) strait ) \ I mig dnmaglng statemmmemmts That n man capable of concoctng so cnnning nml : ltrlcalo a plot sholll have made so many conndnnts seems almost as Incredible as that he should have concoetel ) tire Plot at all . Mr. Erwin at once rlcognlzlll the FUprlme hUIJortanco of this testlnon ) ' anti tried to have It stricken out entIrely. Time court howe\er. reflsed to SIS' taln his objection and thin evldenco goes to the jomnrmmal. I was n knockolt blow reo served by the state nnl the very last , SOUNDED TIlE hACK IUVEH. Mr. grwln's . objections inmuvlng beers over- rtmlcti . Vallle said : "harry had a talk with mime at the Ozark about 4 01 r o'cloele In the morning In my carriage lie qlestoned le ns to my conscience mtmmti whether It wonrld ) follow me. lie aslw ) me about drh'll ! wOII a laico wIth sonic one In the hack anti then Jumping oI and leaving them go. 1 tel ) him 1 was no swimmer. lie then aslw ) inc If the team was fractious . and 1 toll him I \\'ns. lie asked me what I wanted for the tenm and I told him. Sin nol,1 , Ip Ir I .n.1 whnt became of tine ' teanm ' after he - bought - ' t I told him I dil not lie then aslIII mo I the team running away would do up the whole rig anti I said 1 wotmltl. " "What did yams unmderstamnd by this Ild YOI Inlerstanl ques- " ton ? "If my conscience would hurt le ? I understood - derstood him to mean IC 1 would kIll some- body , and I told him I would not have any- timing to do with an.thlng that would killer or hurt anybotly not IC I Imo\el It. " "VI ) he menton nny place near a lake ) to drive oft ? " - houn. "Yes " , 10 spell oC the bluff near Lake Cal- Simon Gilelson , n pawnbroker tel ) of the advancing larry $ 0 on three clamonl rIngs that hnve flgmmrptl In lurpd the tcstlmnony . \VirIle the transaction was being conchliel llarry lied 'flaslieti a roll , ' ' time nmssount of nmonmey in whulcim Gittelison coulti not deter- nslmme. harry oftoms camise to Irma for "lucky nioney" to use as a stake in gambling. Mrs. Ensma Goodale , a trance nnedluns , doIng - Ing busIness unmtler tIme cognomen of Mme. Paterson , was an Interesting witness. Harry had come to Imer alone and asketi imer to tell Miss Glmmg when timat lady simould call that alma would wimm at gambling , She tie- nmurred , but lie told her If sue tiiti as ire asked sire wouitl never hack for money. Against time advice of her lmusbanti she consented - sented to do as Harry asked. Accordingly wlmen Miss Ging came with Harry she told her that she would be very lucky at cards for thmreo or four days and then would lose If she played. TIme next day Harry camne antI told iner tinat on the strengths of her amlvlce Miss GIng hati let hminm mayo $550 to go to Chicago and gamnble. harry said that wIth other amounts he had secured fronn3 Miss Ging in all $1,37L Mr. Erwin asked her If she know what sine said or did while in her trances. Sue re- piled that sime did not. lie lmroccedetl to ask sonic other questions about time science cit clairvoyance , Last tlrey were simut out by time state's objections. SIne denleti being ac- qirainteti wIth Amiry , but knew time fatimer of tire boys. 1115 COURSE AS A GAMBLER. Patsy Garrity , a vell known local faro dealer , threw some light on Item-my Itaywartl's gambling operatIons in Minneapolis and CImi- cago. 0mm November 3 1-larry Imati mmiet imlmn on time street , and comnpknining time limit was too low In time Minnmeapohis gammsbiiag houses , proposed a trip to Cinicago , where it was hlgirer. Garrlty nigreemi to go if Harry woulti furnish time tmamisportatlon. lIe was given a $20 bill to get isis tickets. Whmems they arrived ins Cimlcago tlney fotmntl every'- timing vas shut up. Garrmiy intemntlemi to return - turn the next day , but. missed his trains anti came on tire second day , He founnd Harry on time train , They talketi of Mommte Carlo and etimer gamblIng topIcs , anti tlmen harry mad simowmm imins a large package of mmsoney in Iris coat pocket , just aflasim of It , asking If lie would lIke sonme of it. Garrity mmmimniitetl that he phayeti amid dealt faro at a hoc-al house. harry was a very lucky player , ire said , and sometimes time gamnbling imomnses imani to reduce his linilt , lie imatl won as much ac $2,500 at a sIttIng. Mr. Erwin attiteti hnimn mow mucim Harry imami won in tIme past year , but furtlmcr evidence hr thIs dIrectIon was simut off by objections. Time prIncipal object of Garrity's testimmsony was to show timat Harry returned from Cml- cage November 6 , as Atiry ismmti testIiietl , mmmiii thmat ire brouglmt back MIss Ging's nmoney wltlm mini after telegraphing her timat all imati beers lost , Wriilua to EXICGtaflt ) t ; Many Imsterzmal ronutidies are lmeinm skillfully d ! nflil tcllbiy mmttvertlmt'tt , mroestimtm.tt , , , Shitrt'mm b Labor , Lc'ssomm t'muiiis of Chuilti-htlrtii , , .g one , , amid wtthm tt'ottler/ttt * tmmcunmagttmmcv to remu. ' , e late pacts mtruia t loin. Comnromm m.omtio t.hnoimltl LL teach itmi 'vrmmutmmi ttm mm t a ltrol'mmrmtttn atlmmitteti f"r.MEI'STJtJiL HIsoleIs-htt wiii molt i ? prepare Lhru systt'mms for Clthlt.tirmhr , on thrum tI c. eumttrarv , ( tmtrmttti rmethleg at tliia tlnto manse V. ) t inmnmc'rhl liar life. We emsrmtestiy say 5ICSVA5tC ; t j r itt I sinctn : timey cm , a flat , itt Cml. en ti-itt ; t" utertoti , tto mm in I liossi nile gooth , until timot r mm.e .L . : i miunmy mirovo Tmittmt , 11 is only t'y m Phitcat r.x. retmr , tretstntomfl wttiia mmrlent , ihus relax. ti ( t ) tti mini , ftnmmig nit Ilto n'nrt , , lust ulto lmuur e4 ) of Chmtd ! birLlu it roltbtt of Us tom-air ; 50,1 510 t. t ) retimeit , till t'nrthi stoes this butt " IIIOTII- , , ; ; Elt'H I1II1NJ ) , " it'or furtijor mnzorma. , thou aldroa Thmo IIrmsihfieitl lieguistor Co. , .ttismmta , ( Is , - = - - - - - - S'1ILI Ii' L1NGIRS. TIi Attcr-lmIeots otthuc drip Seem to lie % % 'mirr..i Titan tim ) 1tsif , Tisem- are moore weak , tirc'ti nurti nsim ilowni hicoiuie train ) ' timmuri iia'e beets seen huefore ins five yemur , nusui Owinig to clue ; meeiah ettusso ; - that enitse Is time grip. GrIp ii ; hot as se. vere tisla yemir as In tue past , but it is very hsue'aletst anti quIte as asmnoyhtmg , It leaven the iterson weak , smnluject to t'lmllhs withi occaslommel hituahmett of imighm fvcr , restlessness - ness , hack of npititebatl taate its ( lie umsoutW numtl p.milsst tirm-ougitomit thso hotly. 'rise votat lining about flliii itt getting tivet' It , militt even rifles' it tru broken , it Is veclcq , sonic- tiisic'tt iusomstins , unmi evens years , liture time imersoms ( silly recovers , lIc're Is t-lis-t' time great dmsngcr , time great tiremuti % % lsicis atteustis time gnu arises. It leaves time 1)0th ) ' wenk , oftens brokemi nttt ( thit5i to all time attacks vitIt'im uisa % ' cousna iii after ycitrim , It oCtets rumimma time him' , Now , tlmt'r Itt cushy way to overedmime tins flltc'r.effectmt of ( lie gm-Im , niliti tluat is to lttmihii tnp the systemsi by mm gesmulnne mttisnmt- mist truth It m-egmmlmsm , its health nod ptremsgtIm Tiscro is siothmlmmg s'lmicim will tb flits so velL nut tim-c 'vlslskti'v , mmmiii tlmmr lit butt one' Ilium msmemhiclnnl lniskev in America , ahtl ( lint Itt I ) tmffy's Pmmre 1malt , 'I'imomlsnmstls or nutateunenmta comild be lvens cotsceriilimg PeoPle % htt ) Ismt'O been hi' night lirosmmmd to lwrft'ct health titter itmuftes-Imig froums tIme grIp iii its worst forums csitirehy throtmghs its usse , Cure imhncsmtlti itt' tmikens thirst iso other stinismslammt lit imseil Iii Its iulict' ftii' tiscre Is sin atirer winii'lm vihh muumsw'r time 115mm' linac 50 well Sousie mls'mtgglstmu or gm-ocermu oftems seek to utuslistittite cousismmous wisiskiems hUt Ins a disc of afteu- effects of time grip , yots caumumot tic' too careful , mmhsd alsoulti see- cureoniytim e hcutt. DOCTOR fSEARLES & SEARLESI " - Chronic . : , Nervous , Pris'at llscass. ; ,1mI tAT.l ENT ISV MAIL. ( 'nmsmiltmmtiuil Iret' , Wo euro Catarris , nil elicoasos of the Nosu , Throat , Chest , Stomach , Liver , Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Fo- iflalo Weakneesos. Lost iminhiootl , anc. ALL PRLVI.TE DISEASES OP MEN. \ViAl I.II1N AitiI V1C'llOlS TO I iiitVOU Debimmty or Exlsauutlon , Vatttlnc 'Vi'ealtnesm' , ins voluntary Loit'e. , with Eariy . ) ecay tn YuUni5 cmiii mnmddhr aged ; tack of vIm , vigor ammthwcakeaei prematurely ma approachIng old age , Mi yett,1 readmiy to cur new treatment Cor its. of vital power , C& or or address with stamp for dr. cohort' . fret. book mint i-ec"lpt. . Dr , Sar1cs and Scar8s ! 1410 F'tnmmttmn ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OnnitmimaNob _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iI-1w I ( LrE 28. . C. WET'0 1IE8V AD 8A1IT TCATME1 is tsitl tinnIer tlOeiti'O written etsot-nuntee , by auilmorizr'd monta only , t , , cuwoVcmtlc iIcsnor ; iiiia ( mf llrains mmnmtl Nerve l'owt'r : 1ot Ainnmitootm ( mmiekmness : Night Losses ; h'vil Iremnmum : Lmmck u ( , onfntlenco ; Ni'rvonssnemumu ; Lmmaniuiitie ; till irnlnns ; Loss of l'tiwernf tinoIonmoratkoOrt'mmnsirt , cititer FOX , cntmst'tl lyovor.r.xertiott , 'ttutIuftnl Lrrqrtm or lizcesem'vo Use at 'l'ohnmeem , , Opium or biqmnr , 'myimich lends to Mii'ery , ( , mmmmmiiuitin , hmlsanmitr anti 1)tsatim , fly mmmii , St a box ; six ftir SC : wit written etmarmtntoo II , euro or rofmsiid nattmiey. 'Wimt'i Liocs lIils corn tIcl hlettinehnn. ltiflormsemt'ss lAyer Complmmint , Hour i-tttmnmsris Im"tepsia ammtl onstipatiumm. G UAIt. " . N'CiIh3 Leatmec'.t emily by Goodman Drug Co. OnnabL tt'I.o" : : : : ; cni&-I TRADC aRK - = " ' I Is OUPili1E" Cures time erects of self-abuse , excesses , - emissIons , Imnpotenoy , 4 , varlcocelo mmnd commati. 1.L. : : : : ation , nix , One ( Or dollar $5. Foci m . ale by TIlE GOOD. MAN DRUG CO , I BAD COMPLEXIUNS 1'Imupie , blackltetttl5 , red , rotughi ititti oily 41o mind barutld , dry , thin , crud mitimmuig imtir , mmmd simple baby bleunrishi- . an-c ilrcvcnmtcd and cured Ly CUT ! . ctjmta titiAn' , mnost effective skimi. c . liii rifyiuu g mtnttl bt-anttif'itlg soaii Ins mitt. svorhi , lit u-cit aim ilmircet mind Fwt-ctet of toilet tmnmil en - , , . , ,1.i thr'ttiiiommt time itarid. nturoer Stockholders' Ueetlmmg. Notice Is hereby given thirst the regulaa annual mneetimsg of time stockhmoltit'rs of thu Souths Plntttc Land coimipanmy will be held at ' time ollico of saId eonnmumny , lit Lltmculms , Nob. . at 11 o'cloclc a. mu. , onm time timstVednestiay -1' in Mar-elm , 1895 , beIng time 6th day of tim - mnnnthm. Dy order of the Board cit Directors. fi II. 0. PII1LLIL'S , Secretary. t Lincoln _ _ _ _ _ , _ Neb. _ _ _ , _ Feb. _ _ _ _ 4 _ , _ 1115. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F4nnIOt _ _ _ -4 ' GEO. P. SANFORD , AV. . RIEKMAN - , l'resldent , Cashier4 First National Bank 4 of COUNCIL BLUFF3 , Iowa. Capital , . . $ iooooc l'i'ofits . . , - 12,009 , one of Site oldest l'anlea in time state of Iowa. , ' % so , solIcIt ynmmr busincits art. ! comleetmons , Ws i's ) a per cenmt on timnie demiositi. We svllI ba 'i ptease,1 _ _ _ _ to _ SOC _ amsI _ _ servo _ _ soc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Dluffs u.iiISmNiYS CLEANgr ) VAULTS ( 'i.V..th'ID. , i.s : imumkatw. a.lronmer'i.sinroatIsvoy , LAitfIli l'BIVATfi hJAhtN FOR itfiNT Nl court hmoue.Apsiy mmtflco olOce , Commnchl Plnaffs. 000iOiItL WANTS HITmL'FiON FOR 011N4 dat Iioueewomsc ; best at tetereneca. Address 15 .2jiyo : tjlikit , A 0001)KIT'hflN Gulf , WANTI1D BY 111W , , Jacob , 8inns , 316 i'lutmter stm-cet , FOlt It IN'1' , lehtON'l' jtooan , NICSLY FUR- . mtIFime,5 ; stt-mm mu itea I ; cent-tn it-it t to motor I mmmQ ; gtiuuiemat'nm itl'ferrc-d. Atltlmcstu ii it , lice omlice , p- . Z ; : - _ COUNCIL liLU'FS . & - ? . ; d1 : ' SE.M ! DYE Y1O RK - I- cOU iFS All icintis of Dyeing , ffc 11sr ' J . 1 - J _ .ELI. t - . stmmlusetl fabrics made - = cO'i'C WO , - to look mis gocti as t- - V I. crew. Work prornhstly A . : ' . - - - I I. . , _ _ ' - tionu amstl deilvereti - ! 1I ! E O.4.MACflit 4 . . . ' - ' - , l'g'ajis'Iotcir' . . - . , ' . 1.e : , ' ' _ ' . - - - - - . - - - . . . - - . _ . . _ _ _ ; I---- , . ' . Broatiusay western hit- neat' tot Council North. liiuiCts , loss a. Tel , 112. - _ _ - - - - I L _ NU _ _ Up Church Novel miiiimttt.-tir Cihtci' . Parlor I p tllilnlemitH : 101' Hocict1s , i I I j al s sodImels Oh radeipt mid 01 hollies. 10a by Sent tile Pastimes I. I I I U Hem EnertainmnI Go , , Council Bluffs , iowa u L _ M I R I W M Wi I . . . . - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - ' . . - - - - - - - -