Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1895, Image 1

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    o , , , " ' ' ' ' ' _ ' ' -'l'W-.F . . . . ' . _ r..i"1. " . . ' . "p- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 'W ' ' H . . , " " - " . ' ' ' . . " p. . . . : . " . , . " " _ ' ' ' ; ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' . . - . " . - , - - _ . . i . . - - " . . ,
- . , . , "TI-E . DA.LY . " " . - . . -
_ _ _ _ Es : _ _ r.AJn.ISIIED _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JUNi _ _ _ _ 19 _ _ , _ 1871 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OMAhA _ _ _ _ . _ , _ rl'lURSDA _ _ _ Y [ OUNG ; I FEBRUARY _ _ _ _ 14 _ , _ iS9t. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SNGLE _ _ _ _ E _ _ COPY _ Fry CJN rs.
- - -
- - -
' . Rcmrins of the Celestial Fleet Embrce in
the Spois of the Plnce
,1In Contnuo Tholr "Ictorlous l'rnjrc88
Toynrl tim C'lltll ' lt the l'cesthll
J II.lre-\n I Uncondi.
1unnl Surrender.
- .
YOtOIAMA , Feb 13.-Intefllgnce was receive -
ceive here this morning er the surrender ot
the Chinese torts find war shlp9 at Wel.Ial-
'Vel , The 61rnnIer , Is complete anl the
Jlpanese are In full possesslen ot Wel.Ial-
H hs ofcIaly announced , that Captain Nuros
of the JapaleFo qualron operatIng at Wel.
111.Werellol'ls that en the 12th one or the
enemy's gunboats npllroachtll the Japanese
fleet nyJng a while nag. When communicaton
was hll : wlh her I was ascertaIned th1t she
brought a message train Admiral Ting ot the
' - Chlneso navy , alering 10 urrent1crVeI4lnl .
Wel anI his vessels provhlng that the lives
of the soidleri. , crews and foregnrs were
secUred. Call1nln NUros alds ( that formal stir-
< ts
rcmler was yet to be arranei.
LONDON , I'cb. 13-A dispatch to thc
Times from Shanghai says 'II Is reported nt
TIea-Tsln that the Chinese war ships Chen-
Yun. Chln.Yuen and Kwang Ting arc slil
afloat al Wel.lal.\el. 'Thelr ImmunllY from
Iestructon Ii Im rlbet 10 the fact ot the
Chen-Yuen having netting to protect her
from torpedoes and the other quick firing
: guns enabling them 10 resist the attacks of
the Japaneec. The same reports also state
that the forts on Llu Kuug Tlao Ishml are
still In posses Ion or the Chlnc9
The commander or lhe Secontl Japanese
army , In an olcial report ot the operations
or thaI body before Vei.iIui-WcI , Inys thai
its losses from llo 2lh ot January to the
Is1 of I February were 83 killed , including five
ofcers , anti 219 wounded . , including General
Oer antI , three other officers , During the
sale period 700 ot the enemy were Illed ,
- -
. M4t11. AII'IOI& 1.110.JI'A . .
1. -
. I x'leerctnry I,4ter HccolCI with Every
, Murle uf tIM liictttii.
VICTOnIA. B. C. , I eb. I3.-The sleamshll'
Emprcss oC Chinn arrived this morning with
Yokohama advices to February 1. They are I
\ ' interesting us showing lho events which lell
ii . , up to the Wel-Ial-Wc conquest , and the
preliminary work of the pcace commission. ,
The third Japanese great military expediton' '
was launched January 29 , win 1'1e first de.
tachmont of the newly organized army corps
Pit ( sail fro/ ' 'len bay In nineteen lrnspor
vestels , convoyed IW strong naval forces ,
Their destination vas un Inlel al the cx
trcmo easlcrn point of the Shan-'fung 1)OIiifl
sula lel' Yung-Cheng. A small squadron
wal sent on the same morning to the Port of
Tung-Chow , seine forty miles vest of Chee
.a. . Foo. , with instructions 10 open a heavy bom
bard \1nl ali make a show of attempting tu
land \roops. The invaders consequently en
countered ito vigorouS 01110silon ) al the spot
they 'Inll chosen. The transports arrived : \
dawn on January 20 , and beCore' e\enlng the
soldiers were all on Chlne boil. A baler ) '
' of four guns opened fire rrom smal earlh-
works as the first boat approached , but this
. was sleuced by a few broadsides from
, Yayeyama lCwaii and the defenders , about
400 In number , scampered Inland , leavll
their artillery. Alhough , a severe storm dc
Inyed the 10\'ements of the Japanese the In
1 f nlry advanced the same night 10 Yung-
Chong , eight miles from the coast and about
hyonty.vo miles cast ot Wcl.iIal-Wci. On
the mornlnl of Jannnry n : a second flotilla
of twenty ships arrived , bringing the balance
or the corps , which Is now undcrltood to con.
slat or the second ! grand dl'hilon of the army
from Sendal , under Leulenanl ! General
Sakuma , and a brigade , taken from a large
body stnUoned In the Lice Tong peninsula
Marshal Oyama holds duet coinniund.
MAICH TO 'fl IN''EnOn ,
The march to tie interior was proceedet
- ' with until a considerable 11crlon ot the troop1
were 01 Yung.C1ung. , urlher progress cast
warll was deferred until Information could be
received as lu tile probabites , of InterruploJ
on the road Wel-Ual-Wel nnl , the aclul\
condItion of the passes over the intervening
A ranges and hills. I was learned ( ruin scout.
, lug pales that the cnemy were posted , In
some slrenglh al Inefhan on tile coast road
to the naval station , and at COIlo , on the
more toul/ern road. January 25 the JlllleSI
advance guard was still I at 1llulsln , nv' "
mies beyond Yting-Cliclig , Ilul the b.1lJnce
. , that
or the corps was .lslrlJle,1 between
point. and the landing Illnco on the coast
} ExSecrctlry Foster was treated with es-
neclal cOI'lesl's durIng his hay' at Toille
and - ICobe. iiiriiig ) lho first ( lays ' or his stay
al Kohe Mr Uoslcl' exchanged man ) ' lele ]
grams with the Chlleso governnielit. The )
wcre believed 10 be In reference 10 the power
all authority of Chang and Shao , tie Chinese -
nese peace commissioners , regarding which
the Japanese were all along very doubtful ,
and Ila/'lcubrly as they were by no men
convinced lt lho integrity or China's lnteii-
tion. Mr. Foster WS given 10 ulHlerllaM
that , unless olplo Ilo\ers were guaranteed
by their ! eredeulials , , the envoys would not
even bo all miled 10 n hearing. ' 1he diplo.
entitle conlesl1 be stubborii. At this date
China does nol yet s el 10 realize that Japan
will llemanl , cession ot territory , alil It Is
anticipated that the hlnlalon or losInG nay
or 'l"r contncnlnl 10mlin Is 1010 than she
wi be wlln 10 enilure. ,
The ChlneE generals are Etrlvng ; 10 llb- ,
lodge 1leulenant General Itatsn from lila
od\'anc'll posItion at IIal.Cheiig , wlh Ircnter
IlerlsleIY than they have shown at uuy Ilrc-
ylous Iliac. ' 'wlcl ( lurIng the month or Jan-
wiry : bdy of 14,000 men has been led ,
against him rrom 1.lao Yang only to ho
disgracefully repuhell The result or hell
ItncllS to the Jnpauso was I loss of one
killed and about ' wounded .
, klul nnl tIxly wou/led.
NO JUNE13'EItE smm.
- Admiral Count Kawamura , for many years
the head ot the Japanese Navy llepartment ,
l1ubUhcs on emphatic denIal or a statement
cent out by a rcrehm correspondent at Port
Arthur thaI the torpedo boat snllt ten Stinks
l1e : wIth Icople. , The Ilmlral was on board
the JoUnc.e warship durIng the whole en .
I gagenicii1. He aErl II was totally Impossible -
sible for anyone jccompan'Jng the land ,
forces 10 ceo what was done 01 the water.
As a muter tr fact , he sllnefl l that 10
Chinese vessels were sunIl. One Was chaiel\
but H ran ashore before It could be caught
anti Its occupants all lanle,1 , , all escaped
For the first Iliac In several years , the
Jal1Jse government'ti budget has been ac-
cepled by Parl'amenl , wih scarcely tin
omelhncnt 0111105110n , proposed , a 111 virtually without
The two ( AmerIcan olh'enturerWlhlo all
Howle , who wee arrested In Japan while 01
their way to ChIna , with the avowed purpOie
of Inllllatng the Japanese navy vthi their
newly Invented explosive , and wIn were released -
leased on giving 1le'hes , ' that they 1 QuIll not
Itel1t t' proceed to heir ( 'Je th1lon , have
nevertheless e01111 < tel their jurne J ) ni "rIg.
Inal ) ' prol1oFrl , anti are . now pulin ! 10-
fther their destructive machinery In 'flen.
' .lu.
.t _ .lu.I hu been thought that IS9 would \
- ' J311an' earthquake year for the last half erR
R century but Ibis year baa started In wih
11 apparent lelcluhlton to win the belt. I
tcucely a sIngle day of January passed I
without dIsagreeable ul'heavoh. ' Their 'reo
quency Is causIng , grelt alletr.
- - - - - - - - - -
"tuh'lh' , ( ' " "oil/ I II I I".h. I
s'r. l'E1'lmSIUIO , Feb. i3.-AItatiun 0'
1 JIrlou3 nature has occurred among tlo (
students Ir the Moscow unh'erlr , The
prluclpal agitation hu beeu In the husbandry
In ; 11uto 'hichi . In COllSelluem'e , 11 be
closed. A large number of students have
been nrrl aed for ParticIPatIon In Ihl mon.
meal 'l'o Iltborllel of the unlvuly nt
. ' , . . -
SI Petersburg have issued a warning 10 the
stildetits of that Instltuti.n to abstain from
< Instut.n
taking part In nil manifestations under the
severest penalties of the law
lUII.I : ' flAil TU EXPL.ttN.
Sinies thirst lie I'evcrl'romicd Amnesty
for the Iyiiiiiltiir.h.
LONDON , Feb. 13.Tho debate on the address .
dress In reply to tIm queen's speech opening
Parlament was resumed today . John
Clancy , member from North Dubln , a mom-
bee ot the Parnelte teclon or the Irish
party , mo\'ed an amendment to the address
declaring that the time had arrived , when
the cases ot alt prisoners convicted under ,
. , ' been
trenson.feony and who have for many
year In Prison for offenses arising from insurrectionary -
surrectonar movements can bo al'/nntage- ,
ousl' reconsldereJ. '
Mr. AS'ulth , the home secretary , In rl
sponso to the remarks or Mr. Clancy , do-
dared that In vIew of the atrocious character
ot the crimes ot the men In prison , which
nilghit have inflicted untold misery upon
helpless and , innocent persons , hc was unable
to 11\18e the crown to exlcml the clemency
10 which the resolution 100keJ.
Mr. Asquih concluded wllh the remark
thaI neither Mr. Gladstone nor Mr. Morley ,
chief secretary for Ireland , ball ever given nn
implicit promise thaI amnesty would , be
Granle .to the meu convIcted ot these crimes
M. ' . < Morley followed , Mr. Asquith with n
Personal explanation of time speech he male
In I.eln81er hail , Dubln , and which It has
been all InplCI amnesty would bo granted
10 the men In prison for tithing Part In ihyna-
mite crimes , HI declared that nol a single
word ot that ) peech had auy reference 10 I
these men
Mi' . Morley said that he lld nol say that
Prance hal , amnestied communists antI that
Amcrlca hal amnestied seceslouls1 nail that
he (11(1 ask whether the only peolllo for
whom there should , be no amnesty were the
Irish , but there was nol a single worll In
that expression that any sensible man coul.1
Interpret as referring to < ynamlert , Here
Mr. Morley was greeted with cries ot "Ol !
Oh ! " from Parelies all cheers rrom olhers.
Nlrweglnn Left Takes its Stn"1 on time Con-
Itltu/lou or Limo COUl try ,
CnnSTIANA , Norway , Feb. 13.-The
members or time left In the Storlhlng hehl a
leetng yesterday and drew up a reply 10 the
Idng's letter to the president or the Siorthing
In which his majesty specified under what
cOlltcns the radicals should be invited 10
form a cablnel The reply alludes to the tun-
tamenlal principles ot lhe treaty of KId In
181\ 1 when Norway was reunited with Sweden ,
which principles , the reply says , hal been
repeatedly insisted , upon by the Slorlhlng ,
namely : The sovereignty of both countries In
all maleIs nol described In the treaty as
common 10 the union 'fhe members ot the
left then declared thaI they would not oppose
lho opening lof any negotiations between
Sweden all Norway cOlpatbJe with these
principles. Hegardlng the Idng's statement
lhat II was his intention 10 select his constitutional -
lutonal advisers Iron among the members of
the majority of the Slorlhlng , the members or
the left say that they asumo that according
10 parliamentary practice negotiations will
have to bo opened with any premier chosen
by the king , acting In agreement with the
majority of the Slorlhlng. The reply was
delivered 10 the king 'last evening.
- -
Scheme for Rn Intcllltnlal ExpositIon of
Arls nlli I imdtmstrle'i.
CITY OF MEXICO Feb. 13.-The city
council has been petitioned for : n appropria-
ton anti the customary privilege for the
holding In tie city or Mexico during the
next year of an exhibition or arts and Industries -
dustries , with I deparlmenl of foreign ex-
hlblls. whIch II Is expected wi bo occupied
by the United Stall3 , England , France Ger-
many and Spain for the furtherance of International .
leratonal trade relalons , Tim director
general will bo Senor Ignacio enjarano , n
wel known Mexican capitalist , and the chleC
of the foreign department Viscount B. tie
Corancly who Is al present In San Francisco.
A joint stock company has been formed
with a capital of $ GOOOOO 10 Inaugurate the
expositon , large blocks of stock being taken
by UnIted States capitalists. The exposl-
Lion 11 run for six months or more , and I ,
Is expected wl be a factor In the bettering ot i
trade relations between Mexico anti oilier
I.\ WAi IXI.I61 : DtM.tOES.
8ulll time Ste'un.hlll Co mp"ny " 'hlcl
Irilhl Them In Irllh I I ( 'out nilila.
VANCOUVER , B , C" , Feb. 13-Through
their solcllors , Wilson & Camr.bel ot thIs
city , Crustun , Muller and , Johnston , the
three Hawalal exie ! , today commenced suit
agalnsl the Canadian.Austrahian Ship company -
puny for $ GOOOO , damages ends have been
put up by the company FO lhnt the Warrluoo
will not b libeled. Colonel Peterson , United
Slates consul here Is meanwhile providing
far them until CIte recelnl of nA frA , , ,
- - - . ' - - 'n. _ - 'I
\ \ Ii in g t on.
Whcn shown the dllratch received by Mm-
Ister 'hurston from Mr. hutch , minister of
foreign affairs ot hawaii , Cranston declared
the charge 10 be untrue and said II was the
first om cIa I announccmenl he had heard or
n charge against them
Tlrhlx C"llturl'I " 1 1.11. I
LONDON , Feb. 13-A elspalch to the
'rimes from Cape Town reports the arrest by
the police there or ranlt I Tubox , alias Frank
Taylor , who Is wanted b ) the London polee
for hwlndlng In that city. 'farbox , who was
alone time leader ot the nctorlous Johnny
Irvine gang In New York City , was arcted
some tune ago In L011 ' n but jumped his baIl
anti led to Soulh Africa ( In company with I
Wilam Carrel WOtdlanl , who vas arrested
at the same tme uo 'a/ box and who also
jumped bail . They wrro arrested In Cape
Town but hy some unlmown means managed
to effect their cscal . According to the ( above
d'spateh Woodward Is still l large
Ihu : I'I'.rl&II" ' 1I4iii ) ' 01 I 1Ife Ilelt.
IONDON , I'cb 13-A steamer arrived at
Margate today with the body ot a woman
whih had hem plclel , UI ) In the North sea.
Around the belly was a life belL or tbe mhe ,
anll attached 10 II was I atcbel containing
money pa5enger. , I was evidently that or I first cabin
LO\gSTOf'1' , I ng. , I'eh 13.-'l'ho body of
A. L. Locllnrl ( t New York who was a
cshln passenger on the steamer 1lbe , has
been recovered . I was brought I to this
\ lace lola ) _ _ _ _
U'lclilul I H"'ul" . I hn S..er11 . I ! w I , r. . .
ImrIN , Feb. 13.-'fhe HelchEtl ! has
adopted a bill repealing the clause ot the law
conferring exceptIonal pattern : on time go\crnor
of Helchslnnl , ( Altace.Loralr ) . The major-
Iy on the \ot ( . com\ttll or members It the
lslnnhe party , the roclalsls and the ccn-
trlslf 'ho minority was comp03fll or ( lie
coimservatives , the Imperialsts and the national -
tonul liberals. _ _ _ _ -
1'1110 Af""I" , .iI ly thlll' iVc'ii I her , I
nmm , Feb. 13.Thoope's health las
been slightly affected by the claml ) , chanGc-
able weather lint has recently Ilre\'nlell hcre.
lie Is , however , nol confimieti : tl his bed , nor
Is h' prevented , from ntellng mass , but his
doctor has ordcell him 10 take the greatest
care or himself , amid not hold long recel1.
lens , _ _ _ _
. c -hln. . . 1':1" : ' S " ? 'artnlr. I I I .
NAGASAln , Pci , , 13.-'rhc Chinese envoys
who returned heN ( ruin Ilroslhna < rer
liii wIng \een Itifo i'iii.1 b ) ' the I Jupanese
r.presentntlve that their powers were mint
r"1I'taltnl\e powerl \ 101
c'oimsiiirred I ( till rlol/lh for Ihel to untier.
tmtle lace Iciotlnl / OiS , heft here ) 'l' t-
day f\r ( hum . hl\lnl been onlel"11 bavk
( lisle ,
by Uul' govmiinient _
, \rlnnl , , , t"h''lu tn UU.H'I ,
MOSCOW , I ch. 13.-.civlees . have been
rectivd here from Kara I to the effect that
uunbu ot wrelchc't , starvIng Armenians are
rr'iUl Into Hunla from the Erzrotimn I and
hulls d' Ir ct.s. A bid harvest has teiult'd
In in'ms'e , distress tl hundreds of ArUlenh18
lu Aila Jor.
Three Killed , Two Missing and Ten Ser-
ously Injured nt Lynn
Building Colinitctl nlll 1'lre\ll 01 the
Liulih.'rs l'reclpltnte.l tl lie Urnl11
-4tSMlMiflhiCe SU\ 11'11 front
Slrrtllluj Cities .
LYNN , Mas" , I'eb. 13.-I lre' broke out
about 8 o'clock tonight In the bas ment of
'a lhretslor ) ' wooden bulling cccupled by
\v. Henry Hutchinson , hardware , and spread
to adjoining property , enlalng a loss ot
, kIlled , ten Injured
$100,000 Three men were ki et
ant two are missing , SUII\ostd to be burned
In the rulna. The death are : Cal1tan ! Henry
Skinner , chemical No. I , 28 ) 'ear old , mar-
rlet ; Thomas Murphy , hoseman , 22 years
old , married : John Conln , heseman , aged 28
yens The mIssing ! are : George Buler , fireman .
man : - Kimbal , n clerIc , supposed 10
have been lu time bulling when the fire :
broke oul. The Injured arc : George lltleton ,
ot steamer No.3 : Wilam Hunt , ot Hose
company f9 : WIam : : lnlon , oC chemical
No.1 : Charles Corsen , engineer ot steamer
No. - : George Center , Nichols Webbcr , at
hose No. 3 : Leo MIller , oC hose No. 4 : A. C.
Moody , of hose No. 3 : Lorenze Alley , driver or
steamer No. 2.
An Inspector was also Injured by falling
debris , but nol seriously. The blaze started
near the paint room , In the Hutchinson builti-
lag , antI promised to do but slight damage
for tIme first hal hour , durIng which the efforts -
forts of the firemen were con ned mostly 10
the basemenl and first floor ot the buildimig.
As the conlagrlon was In the very heart
of the mosl dangerous district In Lynn n
seconl and thlrl alarm fiat teen rung In as
a Precautiomi.
When lho fire hal been burIng hal an
hour wllhout warning a terrific explosion
occurred , which sEeme,1 , to split the building .
from ' bottom to top The upper stories separated -
araled anti 'lho long ladders , , on which several
nremen stood , slipped and tel into the cavity
and the men were hurled 10 tIme pavement ,
benealh. Then tIme building fell , a mass of
ruins , and with fresh energy the lames began
10 spread.
The next buIlding was occupied by Peter
Connoly , a wholesale and retail shoo dealer.
This was wholly destroyed , and the fury or
the names was chcclred. Assistance was
lhen summoned rrom Satmn and Marblehead.
Thc names swept on 10 the three and n hal
story wooden building , adjoining occupied by
' 1' . J , Ready , dealer In new anti seeond-hanl
furniture , and Par.ons & Llclte , barbers.
This building was also total ) destroyed.
MeanwhIle assistance arrived. Tons ot water
were poured upon the names all they were I
finally checked , after having raged for three
hours. Total loss , _ $10,000 : Insurnce. $52GOO.
Incc\llllcs CIU O the OCHrnlton of Two
IIi1'lileNs 1 I II I & .
MISSOURI VALLEY , la" , Feb. 13-
( Special Telegram.-Early ) this morning a fire
broke out la the provision store or ElI Watkins -
klns , In which considerable hay was stored.
Before water could be turned on the building
was a mass ot flames , igniting an aljolnlng
store building. Bolh are total 10"se3 , aggregating -
gating $3,000 to $4,000. Tiny loss Is covered
but partially with Insurance. Inc ndlarsm ! Is
thought 10 have been the orIgin.
Chlcnto ) Street elI Hll. Burnell.
CHICAGO , Feb. 13. - The car barns
ot the Lincoln avenue cable line
have been totally destroyed , causing a
loss of $300,000. Of 120 passenger and
grip cars stored In the barn , but tuna were
savell. The nrcmen managed tu confine the
flames to the storage barn and time power
hOlso was nol Injured. During a portion of
the time there was grave apprehension
lest a tank containing 3GOOO gallons or crude I
petroleum , which Is used for ruel should
become ignited , as II was but a few feel
from the blnzlng barn The fire was Under
control before the tonIc had been placed In
serious danger. 'fho lIne will be seriously
crippled The insurance Is about one-hal
the less. The dnmage to the machinery In
the power house Is very slight.
Llrge C 0,1 : mIuiIlor4 mimrn'ie ,
JOBS 0" . Feb. 13-The tcrrls Coal ccm-
pany's large mine hoppers are burning. The
loss will reach GOOOO or more , Several car
on the railroad are In names. These were the
largcbt hoppers In lie world and 900 men are
now idle .
Time fire originated In the weigh office and
Is supposed to have been Ign'tel by an elec-
trio wire not properly IIulated , FIre exln-
ulshlng facilities were Inadequale. The Ca-
paely or the hopper was 243 cars per day.
Eight humirell men will be deprIved or cm-
ploymenl with no prospect ct securing work
elsewhere , which with the existing suffering I
of miners In the valley on ncconnl or depressed - '
pressed buslnCs and conflicts or various kinds
amoug coal workers , malles the situation assume -
sumac a 1010 appalling phase ,
111 : llhll" Moro Unrncll ,
hOT SPRINGS , S. D" , Feb. 13.-Spechal (
Telegram-Crane ) Bros. ' fine stone building
and large stock or general merchanllso , was
totally deslroyell by fire last night , Involving
a loss or $12,000. with Insurance ot $ ,000 , as
follows : On stock-National , $2,000 : Niagara ,
$1,000 : 1"lreman'H Filnil , , $1,000 : German
American , $2,000 hluildliig-$3,000 In Nor-
wich Union antI Northern Geol work on the I
part ct the fremen anti lie excellent water '
\ork3 prevented other buidIngs being de-
at roy cii.
IIM'IR/rIIO tno 'lllo.lnn.
INDI.N\J'OrIS , Feb. 13-The Indian-
apols abbatoh' urcred I loss well up In
lie ( lhuUR:11s this morning , caused by a
gas epittslon. An emplo'e nnmel Henry
'rellJH'h' , who struck the match thaI
caus"1 thin explosion , was horribly burnel.
Ils face was let raw and his right hanll
was coolceil. \nolher emplo'o was also
He\'erely burned.
1x/.h.I Fire lt $ ltt 1,111
SALT LAKE , Feb. 13-lrlre tonight de.
stroyed the clothing store or 1.lllllm &
WaIHstCln , the "cltuell ) ' 1.lquocOlpnny
tlol' , Smih's drug store and Sam I.ovs
tobacco and tal' store. I.OSK estimated ) It
' 1ll : Insured.
1'lr"\WI I"u.t hi' " "IIIW"ls. I I .
LONDON , ont" , Felt. 13.-The Dundas
Street MethodIst church was destroyed by
tire lodny. Fire Chief Hoe mil 1"lreman
: Jcnonall anti Slhlclero seriously If not
fatally hurl by allnH walls. Loss , WJO.
- .
. \ l.rleUI , 11 1'1111 In 1111 " ills'aIIor.
SCOTT , Kun" . I'ehi 13-From n letter
from San Salnldor r'cdvel her tOday II Is
learlel Arehlo lcCurtcr , a welimown local
hl'hlKC contractor , II 1 Irlsoner ut San Sll-
vu'loe exile from ( uah'maln
\ulol' UR an exie ( on ac-
count of IlolII\al amid other rClsons. The
Idler lats Mt'Cnrler't mechanical effects
hll been ConlfllIPII by the government
amid are under guard In the Ilrlsou. lie Is
iirohmlbitcil from correfondln with any per-
( !
lion oulslio the r'puhlc. Ic\ordlnJ to time
Iwnal letter rccelvell friend. , \hlch was written ly / per.
Mots'iiii'mla .I Ft"/\II \ \ ' , 'sseI _ , Pi'Ii. 1 .1.
At I.ontltin-Arrived-Lydian Monarch ,
from New York.
Al 1.lnrl.ool-Arrlnd-Numldlan . , from
I'orland , via halifax.
I.ondou At I \'ork-Amyived-Mississippi , , from
. \ t Southumlltol-Arrl\cI1-Eml , from New
At Ilamburg..ArrlvedEdam , from New
Yerll. _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _
. .4iv lIC5f4't'5 Ntii ' C hl.t .Jmmtlre.
SAN1' I"E , N. M. , Pcb. IS-Ghleon D ,
] Jamita. just tuuolltel to thee territorial so- I
preme bench by I'resideht Cleveland \ , , Is a
native of St. I.ouls. He studied law with
the famous I rums nnl , Irlluael from the
law cepnrtment \Vnshington unlverlly
In 1877. Coming to New Mexico \ In 186 , ho
lS. Comlnl !
has since made his home In Sliver Clt ) . He
Is reconlzed aR one or the ablest members
or the southern New S Mexican bar .
.issvcI.i . TVI ) - l'JWSl Jl ; TlWl.
Large Number I'romlnont New8'per
, 1111 In Attcmiiinticr .
CHICAGO , I eh. 13.-Thc second annunl
rneetng or tIme Assoclalell tress wns held
In Recital hall nt the Audiorium todn ) ' .
The attendance or members was Inrge. In
calnl them to order PresIdent Victor F' .
lnwBon congratulated them 01 their ability .
ity to rise superior 10 the wl'nlher Those
prefent ; wel'e : S S. Car\nlho , New York
World : Horace While , New YoI\ Evening
1011 ; Albert J. Barr , PllsburJ Post : Fl H. ,
Perllue , Cleveland ] Leader ; Jumes H.
Scripps , Detroit g\\nln ! News : Jrellerlclt
lriscoli , Sl. Pnul Ploneer-P/'ess / ; ehnrls
Driscol St. Lotus Hellblc : I'runk B.
Naves , \ \ / Ishlnlton Slnr ; lon , Ila'lol
MrMIchmnei , I'ltllitdtlpliIa. North American ;
: . II. Cnbllnl 1hllll . Atnnla llhla Journal ; \'aiter !
I. I.
I orl'ster , LouisvIlle Comlwrcal ; \ . H
Michiaclis , Chmiciigo Fte Presse ; lentr
lehnel !
: ChlcUIO
Walel'on , Ioulvle Courler..lournal : h
Hoslwnler , Omnlm 11se Charles Timne.y ,
\\'imee'himig HeglRler : J. h. . Hul , \'heelnJ
Inleligencer ; L.V. I . Nieman , lwuultce
Jotmrnitl' J.uclen Swift : Unneltll : Journnl ,
Tournll'i I llitskotte , Nui'Iiville , Blnner ; James
D I , liege , ) ir. , Seattle 1ost-Inlellgence/ ;
Charles g helnNI ) ' , ( 'le\elnnlllllll Denier :
A. hltiegin , llwaultce Sentinel : W. A.
luelln city Jounll ; Colonel K.
G. Cooper , Dcn\cr ItepnlmiicnnVlttemi : Ic-
DOIIII , Knnas City flmes ; A. g. ( Iurltl' ,
Suit . i'rnhmcisco ! Chr1."cleu' ! : A. , T\lt ! I , ( m'
wnumeee 1vemimng \ ISlonSI i Jonn H. \ ii-
son , Chlcngo Evening Journal : Arthur Jen-
lens , Syracuse Hernll : T. D. Ellison .
Columbus , 0" , State Jotmrnahl ; . D. Irlcl , .
ill , ColumluR I \ llnl Dispatch : lion.
' . ' ' ' ' "
Charles 1. 'I'nft , Clnclnnut ( 'lneR-Slnr'l
Robert Slmmmpeon , Illsburg Commercial
auzele : Adol11h S. Ochs , Chattanooga
'lmeR : Chnrles H. Williams , Indianapolis
News ; Charles F. I Nixon ChIcago Inter
Ocean : Franlt I' . lacl.elnan , 'fopelm State
Jom'nul : J. N. Omirver. 1'srftt ! 'i'rniiscript ;
Wils Abbott . Ch' ' cage Times ; 'IV. C Iltill ,
Terre Hnute engo : \\nshingIol liesing ,
Chlcao SlaulR Zellun ; Emory Mclchael ,
l'hlliulelphila North American : E. W. , II.
Phllll(111hll . Coleman , Milwaukee herald ;
ChurleR W. hhitstirook . BasIon ' 'rnvelel ,
C 0 , Slearl 1IIIIIailols Sentinel ; I. F.
: Muck Sunduslt HegIRter : Deln\nl Smith ,
Porllnd Oregumiinit ; C. 1' . \Valker , Pils-
burl Dispatch : Jamcs ir. AtcNeelv . Evans-
\111 Journal : John Sehroe/'s , l. Louis
An.clger ; hugh lume , San Frncisco
l'ostVilliant ; Druhe SI. Ills Amerlm :
A. G. Bornton , Detroit 'Free 1I'ess ; J.
: Inrkhrel , CIIlnnntol " hlll , A. S.
Blcl < ham , Dayton Journal I \ J Kentnr ,
St. Louis Die ) \'cstlhelie PORt : 1. ' . P. . Lane ,
'l'olelo Iliade : William C. Warren luffllu
Commerelnl : D. \\llnm : . ' , St. Louis Globe-
Democrt ; St. Clulr leElwny , Hrookl'n '
1l\le ; A. P. T.angtry. b'pringiioltl. Mass. .
Union ; Hrm\onl Merni . New York Press ;
John A. McCnrlh ) ' . Troy Standard ; C. P.
1ooll New Orleans Times-Democrt ; Hon.
Charles Emery SmIth , phlalelllhll Press ;
James Hlt'eromi. jr. , lhladelph I Inquirer :
Foster Coates , New York Advertiser : J. \V.
Scott Chicao Herald ; Gemiral Felix Ag-
ntis . hl1more American ; John S. Baldwin ,
Worcester Sv' ' Chnrles D. 1'eurc , Louisville -
, 'le Courler- ournll ; Geoft : T. Alen ,
Terre laute EXllrcss ; George H. Matthews , I
Bufalo Express : Per ' S. , U'llh. Clncln-
nati Commercial azetteVihiiant ; C. McBride -
Bride , Cincinnati Enquirer : , ' . I. . Watson ,
houston PORI : W. I ) . Chnndler Concord ,
N. II. , Ioritor : Colonel H , , G. Low , OalveR-
ton News und Dallas News ; Colonel Frank
GrIce San Antonio Expres ( : Del Keiser ,
Tojeku. ) CapItal : II. C. YOltrle e. Toledo
Conuuerclal : Frank A. . Rlctuldson , Haiti-
more Sun : C II. ( 'rusty . Baltimore News :
Harry S. New. Indlnnupols Journal ; Major
\ V. J. Richards . Indianapolis News : 81ason
' ' , \ -Joumnl' 'IV.
'lhomp80n Clica o EveningJournal \
J. Mur\lh \ ) ' , : llnnenpolR Tribune ; WI\lam \
Penn Nixon , Chicago lnter. . Ocean : H. I
KltRon , William Dnws n. . SI Paul 010b1 ;
L. . \Y'sel 11" . Omah Heel G. Seymour ,
New York Evening Post.
Quite I number of othem , paper were
represented by proy. othe' report of the
Board ot Directors and thllf thcenernl ;
manager hal been given to each , stoclt-
holder. They fhow 'In detail the nnan-
clal condition or ) the 1 nsociation . with the
reelpls and expenditures for thin mat sev-
enleen months up to December 31. 1811 I , and
that the Income wa now mOre than Slt-
dent to cover tIme oula ) ' .
The following resolution was presented :
"Uesolved , That the tel'ltory of the Asso-
dated I.ress shall be divided Into foul' grand
lvlslonR. The caster division shall
comprise the . states of Maine , New Iamp-
shire , Vermont Massachusets , HhJde Is-
land , Connecticut . New York New Jersey
Pennsylvania , Delaware . Marylan.1 all
\Vesl VIrginia. The central division shah
comprise the states ot Ohio , Indiana . MIchl-
gun , Illinois , \Vlseonsln Missouri , Iowa ,
Minnesota , Kansas , Nebraska , Scotia Dn-
Icota North Ialola , Arlt"nSIR , Jentncl ( ' ,
'rexas , Oklahoma anti , Indian terrlo ! ) ' , The
westen divisIon shall consist ot Arizona ,
California , 'Y'omJng , Oregon Colorado ,
: tonllna.VaRhlnton , Idnl1I , ; Nevadn. Utah
nnl , New Mexico. Time southern division
shall consist of the DistrIct of Columbia ,
Virginia , North Carolina , Sputh Carolna ,
Georgia , Florida , Alnhamn , Tennessee , : [ s-
SISRlppl anti Louisiana.
"Hesolvell , That the members or the Asso-
clntel' , press In each of time said grnd divisions .
vIsions shall elect annnaly al the itnnuai I
meotnl a committee of five membe/s , Who
shall act la an ndvlsor board anti shall
recommelul tram time to time to the hoard
or dlrecllrR such improvements tn lie ( news
service nR In their 1Uln.1lnl seem deRlmllle
I and shall nresenl from time I time to the
board or dIrectors Slch suggcjmtions for the
Iromoton or the general' welfare and the
interests or the Associated press aR may
seem wise to them. "
this 'l'hie : resoluton was adopt . after - adding
"Pro vII 1,1 , , In else a change of grouping o '
' In' the dcl-
states shall he deemed desl'ahle ) % cel-
clates of nnv stale or territory this execu-
( lye commilep or the board of directors
shah hve lulhorlt ) to malte . such changes
na may he cesh'allle , " .
These ndvlsor 10mmiUpea were on.
painted : Etcetera Division-P. \ C. Dn'le Oil
City Derrick ; Arthur Jenkins. Syracuse
Herald , : A. 1' . IfnApv ! , Springfield \nlon :
Foster Conte New York . .Commelell
vertsel ; James lverson , Jr. , Phiadelphia
Central Division-D. 1f. IIU1er , St. I.oul.
Globe-Democral : I" 1alItbrelt , Cincinnati
Volkshlutt : harry S. Ne.w Indianapolis
\olksblaH Olorge Thomnlon , 131 Paul Iis.
patch : H. HoseWlter Omaha .nee.
\VI ten' DIvision-H. G. Cooper , Denvpr
Henuhlcnn : James G. Jlgel jr. , SP'lo
posthiitelligpnrer : Hugh Hume , San Fran-
Ilslo POt-Tnlell/pnlpr ; . . MI , Sacramento flerortl-
Union II. 'IV Icntt. Porta",1 , Orcto.I"n
Soulherl Dlvlslon-Fmn' 1 Naves , 'IVasim.
ington Star : A. S. Qehs , ( hltlnooa
' Invton : O. B. Ba-kelp. Nashvlln BRnner :
1'ao lt ltrtlcei' . New Orleans 'flmeR-Demo- I
crnt : TI. B. ( nbannlR , Alailn Journal
TIme following were nnanlloullv re-elected , !
directors : Victor F. J.awsqn Ch1r:10 Hec-
01,1 , 1/11 Daily News : Chrl W. Knapp ' "
Rt. Lotus B publl and 1 I 12 Younl' ,
San Framiehca Chronlllq , Thomas G ,
Rln " . New Orleans PICtnne , wa' puh
stitimteil , for B II. lut ' r ) Ir the Buffalo
ptlnlel , who 'lectnIll ' re-eleoion.
After trnlneln some l'lrlne" referring
otlloimrncd. 10 amendments of the by-liwi3 . , the meeting
/ 'rims second nnnual banqbt of the neso-
rlnllon peconl Wrl hplll lanrllrl the Grand ,
I'neiflo hotn Colonel Cla'on Tctkhnel
or PhiilacleInhii'i. tr sll , , its pMlto brlrl\ ' .
"n.1 . Phlnlplnlu'l 101 folrW'Il Iv Vloto W. T'Wpo' antI ,
Melville B. Rlonp or ChlnllO , lon , CharieR
Meh'lo Smith of Jhlndllhla } anl , others
] 'UJ.JI.I. lP..lS 1lftl.ltIW ,
'lhl 10 WI Not him limit Olyhon thin
Mmirshm .1 ( 'ailed lIt Il (10. .
CHICAGO , Pcb. 13.-'ho contempt rule
against George Id , PuIlnan 10 the Debs
case was l'smlsaed , , today by Judge Gross-
cup , : r. I'ulman e1P1lnl , that ho was
cast recovering from on 'attack or tie
grip , and having prevlouh' Irralgel for
a vaeatiomm In order to obtain needed rest ,
he trent east lalt 'furs.ll . ) ' . I was under-
3t00l ( hint lie ( countel for the ( defense had
caused n Ilhlloena to ) ie l buel for him as
a witness , but that It Iad not leen served.
After hut arrival In New York. he learned ,
lint an n\omlll was hl'n mantle to con-
slrue his leparlure 18 1 dIsrespect , to Ihe
rourl ( nail , he nt once Bent ward notrylng
lie ( eourl of hIs Inte/Ile,1 , hlnldlall 11-
turn. Judge Oro' scup expressed hllelt lS
siitkfleci lint he hail nOl intended or com-
mllp.1 any contempt or court and at once
dismissed the rule , .
I"IRrll m tin Pt lea 01 . " ' S''lnr.
SAN FRANCISCO I.'eb 1The Issocla-
lee ( or California wine growers now con. I
trolling the market for California vintage
recently sold 1,0,0 gallops of new wines
lt 12\ \ cents and have Hldce al'uncel the
price to 15 cents , at which rate It has sev-
oral orders for large quantities.
C hlli InJ'rrl I , " 'hl. ' o".ln .
HOT SllNOS , S. 1" . Feb. 13-IRpeclal (
Telegruni.-Tme ) little daughter or ' llllaln
Philps was BO badly Injured whIle coast-
, I InK that \ Is I"mllht , shin "nnnt 1110111
Ocmpromise Effected . Which is Not Entirely
Satisfactory to Anyon9.
- -
Iesolulon or the " 'IYs tutu 11ln CoHi
mltee Adopted \ b1 R'ole ot Eight
to Ih' " , Four Uellcrn's " 'ut-
. lag In tIme Minoriy ,
- I
WASINGTON , Feb. 13-Tho house corn- '
mlee on ways and menns voted today to re-
port 10 time house a resolution prnctcaly as
agreell upon b ) the subcomuniittee. The
vole was , yeas , 8 : hays , 6. The resolution
Is as follows :
"Itesolvetl , Dy the senate amid house ot
representatIves ot the ( United States In con-
gress assembled , that time secretary ot the
treasury bl and Is hereby althlrlzCI 10 issue l
all dispose ot nt nol less titan par In gold
coin bonds of the Unlel Stales with the
qualities , prIvileges and exemptions ot bonds
issued tinder the act approved July 14 , 1810 ,
enttcd , 'An Act AUlhorlzlng the Hefullng .
of the National Debl , ' to an amolnL nol cx-
cecdlng $ GflG,21f , bearing interest at n
rate nol exceeding 3 per cent per nnnlm ,
Ilrlncpal and Interest payable In Unled
States gold coins of standard weight and
nneness , said bonds 10 be made payable not
moro than thirty rears after llale. Pro-
viled , however , thaI no part of the proceells
of the sale or such bonds nor ot the notes
releemed wllh such proceeds shal be available -
able for tlO paymenL ot time current expenses -
penses ot lie ( government. "
The vote oC 8 to f on reporting the bill
showed party breaks on both sides. Among
ito republicans Me srs. Heed or Maine anti
Payne ot New York wcro for the bill , Mr.
Hopkins of IllInois against It , antI Mr. Oros-
venor ot Ohio refrained from voting. Among
the democratE the division was even greater ,
Iessrs. Wilson of West Virginia , Turner of
Georgia , Tarsncy ot Missouri , Montgomery of I
Kcntucll . Stevens of Massachusetts and
Cochran of New York votn : In lie nlrma-
tve , anti : lcMlln of Tennessee , Whiing ot
lchlgnn , Bryan of Nebraska nod Wheeler
or Alabama In lie ( negative. Mr. Bynum ,
democrat of Indiana , was on the floor ot
the homo while the vote was being takcn ,
but did not appear 10 register either way.
Mr. Dalzel , replblcan oC lenns'lvnnla , and
Gear , republican of Iowa , were nol II.esent.
Tint vote In full IS as follows :
For the Ilill-AlcMilhimi , Tarney , Turner ,
Montgomery , Stevens and Cochran , democrats .
crats , and heed amid la'ne , repimblicamis-8.
Aalnsllho 1I'- llllln , Whiting , h3ryan ,
antI Wheeler , democrats ; hopkins , republIcan
of Illinois-S.
A minority report will be made by those
who voted against ( lie bill. I will probably
be written by Mr. Bryan.
There was no talk about time
. amount or ( line which the riles comnalt-
tee would be asked to give for debate In the
house. A provision agaln the redemption or
national bank notes by the treasury which
natonal ) )
Secretary Carlisle had . requested yesterday ,
and which lie ( subcommlleo had : recommended -
mended , was passed over by general consent
and nc acton talin upon I , 'as I Is thought
best nol to cumb the reselulon ! with too
many propoeiions. ( 1 may be a subject of
future acton by the 'c'omUill e , ' 'h3 resJlu-
ton ( prepared by Mr. Whfsler declaring : the
enaclng ot the presfdenl's recommendation
10 be an abandonment of bimelalism and
therefore Inexped'ent and Mr. Br'an's reso-
lulon for the payment cf all government ob-
lgatons In the coin most convenient , were
\'olel down , ns was : tr. Cocllran's prope31.
ton for more comprehensive authorIty Ie the
secretary , but the voles were nol recorded.
There was no formal debate . Mr. Cockran
said he would vole to report the resoluton ,
but would reaerve the rghl ! to offer an amend-
menl In time house. Mr. Reed said that the
plan was none of h's ' making ! nor choosing ,
hut that under ( lie circumstances he would
vote for I as a scheme whIch might result In
seine relief to the treasury , the ugh he was
nol hopeful that I would.
The resolution will be called up In tie
house tomorrow by Chairman Wilson as a
privileged question , leglslnton irom the ways
amid means committee having time right or
wa .
way.Mr. . Coellran , democrat of Now York , of-
reted an amemlmenl providing for Issues of
3 per cent gold bonds to be hereafter sohl
al publIc competition whenever the necessity
10 protect time gold reserve or maintain the
parity between different kinds of money.
This was defeated by the negative votes
or the republicans and lessrs , Wilson ,
Turner antI Stevens , democrnls , Although
! r. CccI < ran reserved the rhht ; to offer It In
the house , he says he probab will not do so ,
as It would jeopardize the success ot time
committee resolutiomi. Mr. hloplins ot Il-
noIs , the republican memher who voted
against time resolution , Rays he will nol malco
a mlncrtty report , but will oppose the measure -
ure on the floor oC the ( house.
"I object to II for mnny reasons , " he caud .
"It discretllts all other obligations ot time
government by Its stipulation for time pay-
menl or the bonds In gold and It enacted
would make II Inpolslble for lie ( govern-
menl to float any booths In future without
the goltl Proviso. Moreover , to make lie
bonds payable In gold gives to lie holders of
bent ( an incentive to drive gal 10 a premium
before tIme bonds mature. Neither do 1 be-
10vo time term or time contract for this ( Issue
Inor time policy ot negotiating with private
parties for time aale of bonds can bo justIfied
or Ilrranled In any way.
The report which Chairman Wilson slb-
mltell for lie ( majority ot the ways and
means says : commillee describes lie resoluton and
"Tho message or tIme president , whIch Is
herewith appended , comlunlcles ( to the (
hOlse time condition , at gold In time treasury
available for lie ( relemplon , ot -the govern-
menl's legal tender noles anti tIme main.
tenance of time parity or Its coin circula-
ton , and the reasons which compel"
at the present ( line , an Issue ot bonds
to r:1110nlsh nail , malnlnln ( that reserve :
also tIme general terms of a contract mallo
under a11horiY ( of section 3.700 or lho ( lie-
vlserl Statutes for lie plrchaso ant delivery
to the treasury or a stint slightly In excess
of f65OOOOOO or gold coin , to bo addCI to
the slocle In time treasury , which amounts 10
only $12,217,081 at time present time . The
committee have hatl time lene t of a conference -
once with tIme secretary of time treasury who
exhlblerl 10 lhem the original contract en-
terel , Into ly himsel on lho 8th ot I'eb-
rlary , and explained Its details to them , A
full anti con1lelo copy or Gahl contract Is
hereto added.
"From a reading of this paper It will I
seen time Irrangement of the secretary with
parties 10 time contract effects _ _ the _ purchase
ot 3,100.OOO olnees or slanllanl gold coin or
t'"e United States ( amounting 10 $55,110,275) ) ,
01 least one.hll or which audi be obtained
In and shlppel , from Europe , For this gold
coin he has contracted 10SIO to the 11artes
tnrnlshlng II , lmIer authority trom time act
for tIme reslmptlon of specie payments ( , op.
lrOvel ! January 14 , 1875 , 1 per cent thirty-
year coin bonds ot time United StateJ at a iIce
which realIzes 10 tlem interest al time rate ' .
of 3 . per cent , But the secretary ot UIO.
treasury has reserved time right , If
authority be given him by congress , 10 sub-
stllte any honls or the ( Unied States bear-
big 3 per cenL Inlerrst , of which time principal
and Interest shall be specifically payable In
United States goll coin of the present WOII"lt
anti fineness , said substItutIon 10 be made
wihin ten days from time date at the con-
tract. 1 Is lie ( object or the joint resolution
herewith submitted to give 10 time secretary
or the ( treasury authority 10 substlto such
bonds to time amount of the contract
"The saving 10 be effected 10 the government -
meat , 8 set forUm In time Ire ) ldent's mel-
sase will be $539,139 her year for every year
Ula : IIPr remit bonds rim , arid ot Iho amount
. , . _ , . _ _ .
- ' - - 4't ! a gn' W.t
of $10,170,770 81101\1 lucy ruin thirty ) ' ( lr !
As It Is nol believed by the committee the
Isslo of inl specifically htanblo in golmi
by him on ( hue lt7t tmltlnio. It is chmanged ,
made payable In coin under its pledge anti
liolicy to vreserve time parIty of ( lie coimis
of tIme two muetnls , ( ho saviuig of this large
vIl1 impose nuiy atitlitiomini burden of limt-
bility upon the govermitmient tItan if tile ) ' arc
amount becomes a matter of substantial nie-
mcmii anti advnminge ( to ( hue govermitnent , anti
as time htarties to take time bomids are umitler
contract to furnish golti cola for them it
setmils no hinrtleimlp on time govermimmuemit to
contract to haY timene back in ( ho seine coin
tlmnt time ) ' furnlshel to it. "
The contract was inatle a part of the re-
Time following minority report was stilt-
muted : OwIng to the limmthteti thumie alloweti for
prcmarimmg a report , time undersIgned , tiisseumt-
ing mnemnbers of the cmnmnittee , are preeludctI
frommi hmrereuitng their vien s with that olabori-
tioui which the intportance of the simimject
would otherwise Justify. Ihuit ( hey beg testate
state briefly thm most Iniportamit reason which
httl ( imemu to disapprove of time mmieastmre receumi-
mmmendcd by time majorIty of the comniimittee
First-Tue issime of bcntls of nmiy kimiti is
emily micetirtl to replenish time gold reaerve ,
anti time gold reserve only neetled replenishing
becaumse ( he cecretary of time trcasumry re-
tleemus Unteti States amid trcastmry notes in
time kind of cola st'hccteti by the note holder ,
Time ado hmoltier has np legal right to ciuoose
the coimm iii wlmichm tIme obligation shall be re-
tleenicd , but has been permumltrci ( to exercise
( lint right by a policy imiatmgumratetl by ( lie
Treastmry thepartuiucnt at cr soon after ( lie date
of time rcmttmmihoii ( of specie PaYmiielmts , Time
opinion of time secretary of time treasury , recently -
cently given , is clear uitoii this point. ( llere
is imiserted time opimmlon referretl to , Prevhotisl'
Pu bits ii etl. )
"No one contends that the cxecumtlve tie-
partment of time governmnemit can hind ( hm
gavermmniemit or pheulge its faith amid credit
by time adoptlomm of smchm : a PolIcY. 'To so
hold vould bo to assert that time executive
can nmake anti repeal laws without time comi-
ctmrrenco of time semmate anti hmotmte of repro-
sentatives. Believing ( lint time secretary of
time treasury has by law tIme right to redeem
tiio legal tender imotes payable by the pay-
meiut of either gold or silver coimi , whuiciuever
is mutest convemuient for time govermimnent , anti
believing time exercise of thmis tiiscretion by
time secretaty of time treasumry Is absolutely
necessary to Protect tIme goverminient ( remit or.
ganized anti umiorgammizetl raids umpomu the coin
reserve , we are mmot wilhimug to entiorse , di
rectly or by implication , ( hue mitimnimmlstratlve
lohlcl' whmicim huas precipitated time huresemit
ilnancial comuilIons. ( Neither are no
willing , by autborhzing bontis for tIme
ptmrchmaso of gold , to idetige time
govermmnient to a policy whmlcii discrlmmtimuates
agaimist silver as a stammmlarI muommey and ccc-
ognizes iohd as time emily money of imlimmtte (
redcmnptiomm. So long as time note hmoldor is
ahiowetI to choose time coin imi wimichi hue is to
lie paul , so bug will It be futile to attempt
to mnainnimu time golti reserve , 'IVe have no
hesitation In deciaring , it as our conviction
that there is no remedy , permmmanent in cimar-
acter or promising restilts , except an imnmmie-
thlato exercise imy ( lie secretary of the treasury -
ury of thin right. to redeem Umtitcd States
notes anti treasury noics in staumfiand silver
collu whenever it iii moro convenient for tIme
governmnent to the so , and we ftmrther believe
that time greatest danger which cami poseibly
follow such a course is infinitely less than
time evils which are certain to follow an ad-
hmerence to the present policy ,
"Second-If we were willing to authorize time
isatmo of bonds at this time to purchase gold
" 0 trotild still be opposed to bonds payable
specifically In gold. because an issue of such
b'onch would either pledge thme governmexmt to
redemption of all obiigations in gold , or imialco
a discriminatiomi against coin obligations now
outstanding. There is no question that the
issue of gold bonds new 'Would at once be
fohiowed by an act nmaleing cxhstlmmg bonds
payable in gold , anti it wouiui be umrgeth ( lint
It would lie dIsastrous to depart frommi time
policy of gohml bonds when once imiaumguraecl ,
jimst as it. is mien urged that it will be dis-
antrotma for ( lie goveronient. to resumnie a. discretion -
crotion w'iichm hums heemi tenuporarily surren-
tiered to ( hue notehuohtler. It is impossible to
overestimate time evil inuhueuice whIch woulth
be exerted by thme issue of goitl bonds by time
government , because such an action would
naturally nail necessarily encourage , if not
actually conmpei , time issue of gold bonds by all
nubiic antI prIvate corporations anti time manic.
ing of gold contracts 1w individtmals generafly.
Such an increimsed strain upon gold tvotmltt
manIfest itself imi a fumrtimer rise imi time ptmr. .
chasing power of thm dolimtr tumid imi a ftmrthuer
antI distressing adthition to time load of debt
hOW borne by time people.
"Third-Time imminorlty is Opposed to time iseuc
of bonds running for thirty years.
"Fourth-If we were whihimig to authmorize
time issue of thirty-year gohul bonds we would
still be opposed to recogmiishng or ratIfying it
contract as imarsim as its terms and as imperious -
ous in its demnands as ( lie contract lnshsteui
upon by time bomid purchasers.
' 'Fifth-If we were willIng to approve of
suchu a contract under ordinary cIrcumstances
we would still he opposeil to approvimig it
st'imen mnatle by a sovereign govcrimment witim
foreIgn financiers , ummuler clrcummistances which
suggests a desire upon time part of time cmmb-
jects of another country to pumrchuise a cimnnge
in time financial poticy of this nation for a sum
stated. If further reasons were necessary
they mIght be found In time fact ( hat time
contract provided for time sale of time cohn
bonus at about lOi'4j , wimicim would sell
in tIme ntarkct at about $1.19 , lit tIme fact that
time contract agrees to sell thirty-year gohul
bonds drawIng : i ver cent. inte est for lets ( haim
time go'ernment six months ago staid twelve-
year coim bonus , anti In time atlthitional fact
( lint foreign imivestors ore by time contract
gIven a lweference ever American immvestors
Iii time pmmrcimase of ammy bonds wimicim
may he issued before next August and
are also given a Preference now over time
American imivestors who but a short timne ngo
stood reatly to nurcimaso more bonds ( lion were
( lien offered. WILLL/tM J. IIRYAN ,
Mr. McMiihin mind Mr. Wheeler , while this-
semitlng fremmi time majority of time cotnmiilt.
tee , reserved nun expression of their views
ummtli ( lie ) ' have aim cpportuimlty to present
timemim more at length imimon time floor of ( lie
'VEX'L' ( IF TilE NEtV lINi ) CON1'II.tCT ,
tiiil Dommiis of ( imoTriiimuictlomm for l'rttect-
liii : I un Tremustiry ilcservo.
WAShINGTON , Feb. 13-Timo full text of
time bond contract is OS foliowu
This mmgrevmcnt cmieretl ( Into thIs 8th tlay
of February , Th95 , between time secretmury of
time treasury of ( lie UnIted States of ( lie
first h'art mind Messrs. Aug list lielniomit &
Co. of New York , omm behalf of Ztlesuurs , N. M ,
htoimscimilthui ( & i3ommit ( if Lommtiomi Hmmglammil ,
nail thmemselvtnu amid. Messrs. .1. P , Morgnmm
& Co. on belmmuif of J , 8 , Morgnmm & Co. of
Lontlon anti ( imemnselves , hurtleS of thm mccc.
ommti part , tvitnessetim
\\'imvrtiaui , I t iii luovlletI l' tima revised
statutes of tIme lJmiitvil Smiemm ( ( ( sectinma 1,700) )
( mit time becretary of time treasury may html'-
cimamcc colmm with ttn' of the bomids or muotcuc
of ( tie lJniial Slates iuomilmom izem.i by law at
such rates timid upomu smmch terimm mis Ito may
( leent lnos ( n lt'niizmgeoums to time public in-
tcresim ; amid time secuetary of time ( reumcmmm'y
hOW iieemiis that aim emmicigency exists , in
wimich time ltmiihIn iimterestmc require ( hunt ume
huerelimaiter imivitlfd coin itimmmlh lam inireutaseil
with time iiotutmlt or time L'muit'ml tititen at' time
thescriptlomm imemwiimni icr nnemmtinneul , author-
Izetl (0 be issuu'nh hailer lime oct emititieti "mimi
act to irovtule for time rvm'ummmptiomi of liutelo
lmaymnents , " ai'miroveil January II. 1b75. ielmmg
boimds of the Lhmmited States , tlemerhitol in mmii
Lmct of cOtugress. tipitititeil J lii ) ' 1 I , 157cm , 'm
titled ' 'Acm imet to atmtimorize limo i'eundimmg
of time natiomiumi debt , ' '
Now. timemefora. time anihi parties of ( hue
second vail imerelmy agree to meil mummul delIver
to time tlmuit"ti States 2I00,0) ' ) cummmmc''uc of
stantiarti gold coin of thmr' united Simm Ins at
tIme rule of * 17.80111 hum' etmimice , ltab'imble in
Unieil ( States 4 per cent timimty.'ear e'mmiom
or reglmctereil bamitluc , mcniij Iu'miil to lie titled
Vein un my I. 1(95 , aumtl mntyaiiimi iii time pious.
nra of time Ilimiteul Stiutes tufter I imlri ) ' years
from dub , issusil mmmu'hmr ( he nets if comm.
gress of July 1 I. Th70 , .lummmtmary 20 , 1171. amid
January II. 11i75. la'nmimig intemest Ut time
mate of I her gtum 11cr mummtmummmm , huitbo huur-
IE'rAJLH Oh' 'I'1113 SAt4' .
First- Such liurclmaso amiti snl of gold
coin being made aim his following commihi'
tiumms ;
( I. ) At least ( mne.muIIf ) of all ream dells' .
ererl imerelnumnder idmall lie ohtnlmied Iii ant
huippE'tl ( rain fltmrnhte , i'u ( lbs slitpmui' iiii
, mhmmtllnOtii required t'i vxcce'l iOOtiVj ouumccui
CContinued on Filth I'agei
. , -L ? ' , " . . _ _ : _ : _ : . _
alnplo Extravagance that Obtains Ill the
Management of State Institutions ,
lmistitmto ( for i'i'ehu.m % iimulel 'nimtii a
Ileatricu Sc-ri es mus aim lllmuctrmtttnim of
( lit' Course 'l'uhtvii , iii % hiilimtmtiiu-
lug l'umhhlo Cimmurhtlem' ,
LINCOLN , Neim. , Feb. 13.-Speeial.-NC ( )
broska has thirteen imusittmtiomms ( , not count-
lag time State university , amiti tiilrtecmm is nit
tiniticky miumnber , a fact bug since disco'-
emeti by ( lie taxpayers to their sorrow. For
time blemmniummu whmicli vilt close 2ilnrcii 31
these immstitmmtiomus will Imave cost ( hue state iii
roummmti figures $1,000,000. This emmcrmumouis
summit hums beemi expentIeti for thmo ( rentimieimt ,
care , nmaimmtemiutmmce ammO Immuctrumetlon of 2TG
mmmcml , woimmeim , boys amid girls mimiul tmabie ,
It may strIke time average taxpayer in
these throutim-srickemu ( timumes that there is
soimiotluing rittlicaihy tvrommg iii a sysemmi ( tiumit
requires time expemmtliuro ( of $500,000 a year
for time care of less thou 3,000 people , mt
hariro miroumottiomi of trimommi utro children. ammtt
: ( are kept in tIme chuenpest
forni of clotlilmug ammti fetl lupomi time mmiost
simnple footls. 'i'luo foliowlmmg commup irntvo (
statemnemuttihi throw a little light mipomi time
imreeemmt systemmi iii vogue lii timis state. 'rho
first colummmmn of figures refers to time umnmoumnt
of mnommey aplmrolmrlmttetl for these thirteen in-
situmtiomms ( for tiio vast two years. Time see-
ornh columnmmi refers to time ammmomimmts mitiketi for
by each ilmstittithon for the conmimig two years :
I mist htum tion. A pmromIt ia I mu. .tsited.
ihaz'ttngs . ' , sylumnm ftir tIme lmusuuut'.tIli.C0 S h5.O )
1.mncoln hhtt'itltai for timO insamie. l32O h9itii )
541a1e i'cmmitemmthar' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m23oIa Imaoaa
Norfolk . \syititmm or time Iimsammt' . S3.I ( ) lii C2
Keamney lnihusrIii : School . . . . . . . . 55TI ) ICSGC3
hmeatrice lmistiuimte for F'eebIe
i.tinileiI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TC.IOi iCtl,4t
(1 i'iiuitl Iinuiil iiihters' I tiimiie. . . . . . ' , I 10 hito,0t )
( tmimniia liustiluite for tIme tettf. . 3Tmo S7,56l
Nirzmsktt C1t Asyhuuui for time
hiIiiuil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,500 07,100
( temieva Imitlustrlal t4ciiooi. . . . . . . . . . I7S31) 40'Jtt
i'ru Noiuiitit gchmo'h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.1) ) &hIH
! .inc.iiii mmomime for the Friemihi8 , aaooo 12Tf4
Mmhrord lnthtusti'lnl hlonte . . . . . . . . . 2.T50 tCGlO
T9tmul . . . . . . . 'I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GO.7fi $ ieOaGi5
hero are thirteen mmiodest requmests for in-
creaceil approprIatIons , to ( ho anmount of
$348,911 , as ccmiiparctl with ( lie appropr ations
of two yeara ago. It is to b ncteui that time
only two institutions which ask for lesa than
( lie legislature gave thueni. two years ago mire
time etate penitemmtiary anti the Giris' Industrial
schmool at Geneva. Batty popla miatmmrahiy
wonder lion' it is that with no apparent iii-
crease 1mm imimnates , om' at least with such a
small prcslectve : increase thoU time nummmmher is
imandhy to Ime taicen into consiticration , these
institutions can demand , uummui omhy : too often
receive , imch large imucreases iii their appro-
priations. This mmmatter can be better un-
dersteod by taking tIme history of eaeim of
tue inst'tutioims amid rtunmiing backward .
through a Period Cf years. Au easy example ,
will be time Institute for thm Feeble Mlmitietl
Youth at Beatrice. In referring to tluo Beatrice -
rice immstitution it niust mmot he imuterreml that It.
is an exception to time rule. Time state of Ne- '
turaslca huts been ourateomHiy ( swlmtclhcti-tna
uarge ma3ormiy oc time contracts me miss mom. icr
tIme past quarter of a century. The state
house , ( lie penitentiary , the dilapidated. atruc-
timres at time State ummilversit' ) ' , mu Hastings , at
Norfolk , all atteit to ( hue fact ( list tIme state
has never received but a smmmall ammiommnt of
honest work for time large anmoumnt of cahi it
has Invested in its public hulhdummgs.
limit , ( aide ( hue insiut'on ( ( at Beatrice as a
starter. Time legislature of 18S5 , by a series
of log roIlIng bills , provided for new immatitmu-
Lions at Norfolk and at Beatrice. Time neat.
rice instittmtiomm 'wits designated as ( hue loath-
( mite ( Cr ( hue Feeble Minded Youth , Imi order m
to gve it a start in life time hegislaturtm up-
proiiriaetl ( out of thue general funmi tlmo aunt
of $50.000 for tIme erection of time buiid ng. To
provide a fumitti for ( lie maintenance of time In- '
stlttmlon ( the legislature enacted a law thi-
recthmig time inmiositicn of a ( ax of one-eighth j
of 1 mmtlhl on every dollar's worth of taxable
ircperty iii time state. Time iegislmutors , who
evidently timemmmselves tootl cathy In need of
( lie variety of instruction ( o be given at tIme
institution , imonestly or dishonestly. lehiCve(1
thmat time one e'ighthu mmmiii levy would serve to
nialtutaimi the immstitumtion.
On Jumno 11. 1885 , ( lie Board of I'tibhlo
Lanuls and hluihtiinge ativerieeul ( for plammuc anti
specifications. On July ii , 1895 , ideas prim-
pareti by C. F. Drhscoii were adopted , and on
August IS of that year time contract for time
building was let to Ii , hI. Salisbury for $15-
444. 'rime plans called for a two-storP bride
htmilulimtg , 141 feet In length , with mmii average
tvldthm of 91 feet , Time building was ercceil (
unon fortY acres of grounti donated ( ci ( hue
Sae by time city of Beatrice.
Work on time muew buIldIng progressed
'ery slowly , but in Amigust , 18S0 , it wait
nearing completion. , On August 12 the
State Board of Public Lands amid iltuluduimps
nppointeui J. T. Armstrong of Ileatrico so-
perinemmdent ( at a mmaontimly salary of $125
mmntii time itt of Jaimtuary following , after
wimiclu hue waum to draw a salary of $2,000 per
anmmummm , Ahimoumgh ( Armstrong's salary corn-
mcncetl on Auguust 12 , ISSO , anti althmotmgii
lie at once comnmneimceui to live upon ( Imo state ,
even to time extent of chmnrgimmg imp to Ne-
braslcmt his mmmoa ( , grocery , bread anul immilk'
bills , anti evemm nutted time aate ( to lay imi
imireul gIrl , ( lie immstitumtiomm mmot formmmnhiy.
opened mmcdli May 25 , 1887. nut italore ( lila
( late hind comime nroummd tIme legiblutmmro of 1887 ,
imati appropriated $20,000 for a mmosr htmhlthlmig
on time groumud that time old one was ulrcady
Althmougit time institumtIomm was not openeti
mmnih May i5. 18S7 , time state treumsmmry was
nando convemilent for time smmperlmmtendcmmt , for
It Is discoveroul by a reference to ( lie svar-
iamit rcgimmier that Superhnteimthemmt Armmistrong
began tlrawing warrants niumi tcehllmmj ; timeom to
( lie First National iuamuk at hlcatriec mimaimy
imiontlus before a single imubill hind imoen re-
ceiveti itt time immsthtmmtiomm , Time fouiost'ing are
fOiiiO of limo bhhis satlilicti mmpomm ( iii. , state :
M. 'I' . Clmapmnmmn , ncci't'lcemc as cook. . . .5 15 (0
( I , I' . i'emmthlcon. ( mliii of nil work ,
services ( or Marcii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 00
. ' ' ( larch . . . 160 5
.1. 1' . Atimisti oit , sumiury nm .
I ( vim mm I tromi , , lieu scimih em mmmi ; mn ii of iii 1-
ot'8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190(1
S. 13. ItIgga , postage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 75
\'t'iihiitmmm Jitmmmij , hdummmlc books nmmd ( uiiice
m'tmipiieum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 (5
hiciiiersnmm'mmhlCem ( , gm'cicerles. . . . . . . . 78 03
:11. ' 1' . Cimapmmimn ; , i.t.t vic mc Os rook ttr
Jammmmlr : ) ' , Veiirtmmry omit Mmtrchi , , , . . , 11 50
C . I I . I 'etiul it ton , mint a a f mm I I vcmm'k , ( am'
January , Febmuumiy nimtl Macelm . , , . . , 70 00
J , ' 1' . .A nmnutti omtj.r , t'mmhmtm ' ( rommi Atigmiuct
12 to .1 um mimmnly 1 , iti7 . . , , , , , . , . . . , , . , , , , , 45' 3'i
J. 'F , rmmtsrnmmg ( , smilmiry ( or .Jtmmmumziry , 100 CS
I lvii n & M elCum y , immi'ui t ( or Jmnmmmmmtm'y ,
Fehm'unry ititti Mimmeim , . , . . . , , , , . . . , , , , . 51 II.
\\'iuib iiremmt ( 'ofli mmmiii iimite ( Omimi , may ,
coal for lercmniuem' , Jmtmmuumry , il , .
rumor ) ' antI Mmmreim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 27
These arc a ( ow rommiple vouchers drawn
by $ uperintemmdont Arimtromigtor time mmtuntlimi
before time mmmstiuuunmmm was oitcmmeum , me is hoc.
to hit inferred ( or a immoiumeimt ( lout he diul
miot have time right to ima lila own ilvimmg cx.
hucimsee out of time slate trenaury , taut It mmmay
reflboumauily lie iimfcm'mvd ( hint lie exhmlblteii an
unilmio iitste : in ida ulceire to avail imimnacif of
a soft mcmmmip , 4
\Vhh/t'l' TuB l.h'Y PRO'ilED , ' C
Bid. at aimy rate , time insilumtion ( was
oemmoii May 25. 1887. and ( coma ( hat date
began a mmmost reckless expenditure of time imeo-
rile's muimney , 'lime rine.eigiuii of a mmliii levy'
s'as amcseaseml aim mutual , hitmt it mill not realize
by mrmamty titoUsammils of dollars ( lie nnioumms
( hunt thuc friends of time Iimsittit ( ion ilesiretl ( a
cxpommtl. For Immatance , time fuilowlimi tmmiimm-
hated etatemneilt shout's time levy for time years
nammied , together tutu time iixeim : ecuilectetl :
Yitr , bevieti. Collected.
110 CC ?
I . . , . . . . . , . , , . , , . . , . , , , . . . . , , . , . ' ' . ' ml t. + i $10,428
Its ? . . . . . , , . , . , , , , , . , . , . . , , ' . . , , , . , , , . . sOd
1bs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ? . ) 1 B,703
i i'sJ , , . , , . , . , ' . . , . , . , . . , , . . , . , , , , , . . . ,
I' . ! ' ) , , , , . , , . , . , . , . , . . . , . . , , . . . , . . . . . 2'b 42,418
15'Ih , . , . , , , . . . , . , , , , . , , . , , . . , , , : . _ . % 2
2t.i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 35 1,4T *
l'3. ' . . . , . , , , . . . , . , II n
ibal . . . . . . . . . , ' . . . , . . , . ' . , , Zeoci 41hla
in order to malu UuI II. irnutisonic ltDhfl9
: :