- - - : - . - ' - ' - . . * ' ' - - - -r-- - . t. -w , + - - ' , r- , . . ' 'n ' t ' Y * f , . ' . " ' . " ' lJ - " 'nr't . Y i ' 1 : I - III . TIlE OMAIIA DAILY ' BEE : WJDUSDAY , FDUnUATI.Y 13 , lS9. 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .J - - - - - - - - i8pEQIlL : NOTiCBS. Adtertl8fmIlJOI ! ! for Ihelo ( (011m18 "II 10 nkrl until 12131 1' . m. for the evenIng Rnd .mtl 8 , . . m. for the Inorulnj Rnl' bund" , cdllol , F Atv.r1JMr ; ! ! , 17 rrQlefUIJ R nomlfrcd ( lce II , cnn 111"0 Inll"er ! ! Ilhlrefe" to R Inllllrel leUcr In enro of ' ho Jf , A- Mtcr ! ! II iithtreeit will ho "llvfre" Upon lllre lJ0n l.rlrlh.UOI or the ehlek onty. Il.tef , 1 1-e" "urll , nnt hl , crtlul , 10.ord licrcnttcr. Nolhll ; I.kol for ls I ! tlnl : lo for Ir t IISfrtol. ' ! helo udtertsolenl mUlt .ln conften- U"cll' - - . : W Al Thl-bAL. HEl' . W.\NTrm-I tmN ANt ) 'nAMR 't'OlM4 our fccd KrlnMn RalAry $ i5 10 $ ZO ( per tllh. $0 according . 10 abfltty. 'rhe I.lchneld ? .ttg. Co . . aIlly nrcorln , . - 'Vel eler CItE . Iowa. I-M9".F21. ' . ' ' . 1'1tT11FIt AT " 'ANTrm-3 I.'ltRT l'I\R l.tMlElS once. Free & Black . 313 SI 16th IClh.IC12 SIO"MAO.S WANTi-D : . ND-- : In,1 , upeator . on : 11,1 , ! Mc- . . . . Two Mca ) ' tlt ] C y'Coi.tIand machtn R. ! I. Hay'olJlant Irlmmer itcat1y tet " an.1 two etlge HIrnly , elk giiarntitep.1. . et Hmlh I Jon , Co. . Veet Pullman , III. fl-M6u1 _ 1' " ' . \ ' : - - ) MmlCINI UCtJml AT modeal" \NTI'U--OOO slar. 'hose thr wrote "pror write ngain Mohawk Mcdlc.no Co. . 1IWSII % - , CI : ' - - - - . - - - WANTID-'Ot ANT 'OUI 1.'UnNJ ! TO , wn1 , your trnlie.1 ifilk necktlM to anY or the following , ale.1 1ntindrie or Omhn : The City ' rolowln IHeAI. ( strll , I , N..bt.ka lalntrles , Frontier : , Ont" Cll ) ' . Chicago leI Omlm. 'he will her our . trate innri. The rctlo : Tie Henuvntlg C. . ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B-IC.IS' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vtNruri , T.tt1SAbAflY 01 COM- . : , , . goods to Ih" Irade ; mipion ; , in Intniuce our l.rrmnnNtl poSItion ; . tate Wets lne ; 'Jlfu'ant WOlk. \I.lres8 , , Wlh positon nlnJll , King Mig. Co. , C 4 fl-162O 1t ' , - ChlcK" 1-M620 1' - - - WJtNTflI - > , lOOt ( ALh.AttOtiND HUTCI tEll : WAN't ' . Christian nian (1eire(1. ten r perlen.e ; Ileslro. ) (18' Chrl.tnn lan Adlros" ( wlt.t n'Crelc" ! anti , mllr ) ' desired , I . lock "ox t. ; . WoOlb ne , In. U-IOIS 13' I , ANTED-FEMALE hELl' . i WANTI . G1ttt 101 (1Ni1tAL 1015n- . w"rlt ; lust be n first c's cook : Ocrman prercrred ; wagen : $5.0. ' city reCercnccs re- qUireI. I lC S. 32nt ave. C-4 L.l)1I8 TO 10 J'ANIYomt Ar 10 m ; I..II , $0.00 10 $10,0 : "teul work : 10' cam'Rslng ; "rn,1 tntnp. Dclrny Needlework qo. . , Deirny. C-508 : lleti. 2. . : OR BEST-HOUSES. ILOUSEH. 1. " 1 { DAnLING , ; lAHKtU IitOCK. D-:03 4. liOwllH IN AI.I. I'AItTS OP TIlE CITY. . ' 'UI 10USIS . 1nlls company , 150 ; l'trnam. D.-30 10UI1S ; ImNAWA & CO. . 108 N 16TH D-3IO ST. ioit ; : NT-nOUSI OJ i ROOMS AND lAnN FOi t'ark nve. Inquire at 422 So. lStt .to31 l'On IEN'-OHOO1 COTTAGE. 1 : GOOD HE 1'lr , city water $ . ) pel' month to goot parties. lU N. : th. 1 bloe train I'arnnm car line. Inquire at Stoetz1'n stove store , next tl Postoilice. D-31 8-ItOOM MODEflN 101SE. FIVE MINUTES 8HOOM MODFlN liouco Vacant December 24th. G. I" Green. room 28. Barlter "Iocll. D-3U 10USI S. WALLACE , DROWN I3LK 10 & Doug. . - 1-31 FOIl N'-2U3 C\IITOI , A V NU . 'J rooms , Iflodetil. The O. F' . Davis eOIIJn ) ' . rOIS muter. I-796 l'On IIENT-MODEEN 10.IOOM BOUSD. WIT1 . furnace. balh , gas , hot and cold water : one. . unit hloct from I'aram Rreet motor line ; . In most desirble "esltonce locality In the clt- No. 220 South : lh aI' . Fur partculars apply 10 Home Investment Co" , 3Qt ) 1'.ixton . hlk D-M80 - t D-11870 ) FIND 7-lOOM COHNEl PL.\T AT iOI S. lC''l etmeet , range and all other conveniences $30,0. : , nnt teorgo Clouser room 2. Patcrson blk. . lC23 larnam .Ireet. D-M917 .nOOM COTTAGE. 80 SOUTh 21ST S'rnEE' ' _ D3315' FOIL HEN' , FLAT IN THE P. E. ILEn ' block ; alt cOl'cnlcnees , including steam heal ; also Irt-cass stet room In sne blok Cal nt 12 homey Btreet. D-M57 ALWAYS C0tFOn''Am.t -STEA I. 3. G. 7- room houses and flats. ceatmal . uneqnnlod. _ ' ! wrL 221 , prth . lithat. , , D-I 1-IS' FOR IET.'I''U nOARD , A FU INISUrD tNn room. 219 Cl rnta'treet. D1tG2 .1. FOR : RENT-FURNISHED 300MS PLEASA lOOM. 1919 DODGE. E-M2jQ : IOO1I. FOIl RENT-STIMM HEATED X'UlNlsum rooms tot So. 13th 19-294-I'29 ; a l'UINISIED lOOMS FOR HOUSEKF pING , man ro vIe : rent taken In boatS , 319 N. 17th. & roll RENT FINELY FUlNISBED nOOMS ; front and real pnrlurs adjoIning , with eastern ' and uoulher outlook : also single rooms : central locatIon. liO Doge streel , corner 17th. n-M.21 1 : ' - Tlnrm FUlNISmm on UNI.'ltNISlm rooms C\r lenl. l'labl for light housekeeping cheap Ir party permanently located ; I blocks _ _ _ rrm postoliice. AdtI..s 110. Bee. IU-612-17' tJl'tNIlLED HOQ1'ilS AND , BOARD. : Uh.I HD ROO1IS : DISm.\I.E n0031 FOIl TWO \S'ITII flOAIlD r 2510 DotbU'et. . WITI 1.- : -12' PAItI.O1i I'I.OOIl : ALSO ; SOUTH I'tOOM WIT I fr.t.cas > "uard. 210 Douglas I'59 - n. . ' UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT. i FRONT nOO lS , 161 LI1.VlhNWOltTII I NWOnTI . street. . G-M.n I : . : OR RENT-SiOR . . AND OFFIOE Iron III2NT-TuH .STOnY mUCK UUILUING til l"mn.1 8lreet. ThIs building has . tire. proot eleot "a8emen\ complete ! steam heat. mm ; 1"'lre > water on all noors gas. elc. Apply - ply at the orce at TheUee. 1-910 TIlE MAX MEYEn UULDNG , N. lb. con. hilt and Furnam ; rooms. 22.10 or llxIOQ , or the whet ? huIiUing : . steam heat. electric ele. \'alor ; bulhlnl wIll be arranged to cult len. - lnt , Inquire 1018 1llam BU'eel. 1-13012 AGENTS W JNTED. SALIISMEN ( AGENTS MAln ' Y en ) oeling BUIS 10 order lilt ' ) . pants $3 . shirts U. Ildilntoahes $3. Hunter Tailoring $ . Cia- ( cianath. O. J-IINIF14' AG1NTS IN t"Bny B1'Ar ON SAI.\IY AND romumimisslon. Agents making t2G 10 $6 svcekly Eureka Chemical & Mfg. Co. , L C.e. . W18. J-1mt8iS LAUY ATS , ItUm U IJNIHltfI.tfl. I ment : quick sates : big profits : , catalogue rree. Mr > N. H. Little Mrg. Co. , Cimtcugo. Ill. : i-MUlti 13' WANTED-TO . RENT. - - - - WANTlmOl 10 noml 101SI' : . I.'un. nl.hed or unfurnlelmed. within walkIng distance oC 1'08tolcoldl CBS . - - U S. lice - oilic. . 1-M597-I3. . WANTL'I-NlCt2iYFIi11NIiIIiLE ) hOUSE on WANT1l-NIm.Y FItNIHIUDOUSE Ihlt fOl' ) 'oung married coul.le. A < tresjcd , lies ! : I ' _ STORAGE. ImR' STOn\GU UuhI.DING IN OMAhA . U. H. aOI b < nlc warchouse 10usehrhl goods Itore < Lowest r.lca 13,101S Leavl'nworlh. : - It ITOl.oUr. l'IANl , - BWWtS : 1:1 IIARNIhY. : -21 - WANT ED"TO BU. CITY $ co W AIUAN'I'S , L'ltIClIAItllliZ N-323 FAM WANTUI-3 I IICONU hAND UL'RIOliT , pianos : please state ptlce , malle nli where I " , can block. be ecn. U. 33 . Scott . - ooons (3 N- Ramnm lZ _ . - - - - - ] OR. B LE : ] URN TURE. ran HALIS-FLJFINL'ii'IlIh O 2.1001 : HOUSE FIIu > ' 1'1 I of hmouso chcl ( Ir wunl. cdicentral local 1 on.tlrcs , , a 61 . Ueo 0-311 1 1'Ot - \ NEOUS WGM.N I'IANOS. UmnGWOHT Ola.\N ! WOldLrltge liros. , 11.S . hIlt. Q-3 : hOG .ND ! ChICKEN FENCE : 1.t1tL ) WOOD li r 10G . . C. it. Lee pa , 3)ulmmm. I.\rD Q-3lG - - - 'fWO 1"1'1.1. lLOOlmU Hi' lNArD I'IJL'8. In'lulro 11110 Gent Iluble.i 1th Q-2iGil atid . Cuss. 13' . - lt OY 'T ? : U , WAntlN , ( IAlt\OYAN' . I : . _ 11110 business ledlum ; 1h year at 1 N. 14-El 16th. - - 1mIA5BAO1' . ; , - - JJATHI3. . ETC. ) ) ' i'i'li , M : : w1. : ) JIOl. nOD ) 3 i massu\t. \ ' apOm' , 1cuimol l , acam. lul"hUhto 4 L und sea \ahs _ 'i'-M573 \ ' TUlUSH DATHB. ' 'UI1I 1 UA'1'Wj : ONLY -VL IN CiTY uclua"'el for hltltl Butte 100.b3 Ueyl 3G ) . . - - - - - - - - FERSONAL. ' )4ASSAGI'ZlhI.ECTRO TIIULflI.t14 UA''U9 , chtropodl.t. ! Msue. l'osl. 3i3S 1. S , Itl at. U-3 ' $ II ) ? 1 : EIPEIII.Y CO3tSET , I : . OIC tfl 1 : jaul ( u l'"rall att6t U- ' , ' FERSONAL. . , - Contnued D I1ASS. rLOI1IST . PLANTS CUT FLOW- f Banquet , hail , resIdence Ind grave decor- . . 776. tons 1513 Vinon Blret. Telephone 7GU-C SltATES GROUND . 31O1.LOV on l'WtIN AT A. I , . Undelend's. 10 S. lUh street. U-1 SWnDSI MOVEMENT : CURE POll 1.Dn IUO ChIcago Street : consultatIon . facial Sal scientific obesity treatment frco Monln's. U-2t302.F21' 1' eb. Nl\Vl.T IITTI I IATI PARLORS. Turkish And electrlo baths for ladies and Ipnl ' 11 n. Madam howell , 320 B. 16th street u-tUoo ' 34 no VIA VI CO. . a4n lithE m.DO : lUAI.TI 100K I treat htma treatment : lady attendant. 11-932 , IAHnAaF PAPEn. WITH 1.000AflVI111T1511. mentl and photos or marrIageable people . Inn ) teh : lss Rnt or books. novplte" ! . etc. tree . 0mm. nels' Monthly . _ Toledo. _ Ohio. elCi 2t430 _ .1 ! OMAhA 1lSIN SS COLItGE , 11 : AND Farnam. U-M51 I"2 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST co. . Ill NO. LIF'lI. II'aa : at law rates for choice securIty in No- "rukn and ' Iowa farms . or Omhl . city ropetty. E'iilh lNSUit.NCI'hI'Oi.ICiES LOANED ON or bought F. O. Chesney , ICnn.as CI"V Ito. 3' MONEY TO LOAN ON IMI'IOV10 ' OI.lA seal estate. lirennan . Love 8 Co. . pnxton W-3 . b1k. 5 MONEY TO LOAN AT 1OWEST RATES. T1t . . ' . , ' ' . W-31G o. F' 1.lls Co . 155 l'nrnal st. VElt % LOW t.TqD'F ON OOOD WANS. J. W. SquIre. ! lIce bldg. W-331 CITY LOANS. C. A STARR. 61 $ N. Y\v 1.11"ll. - CITY AND VAI12.I LOANS AT LOWEST ClrY FAIM t.O.S rlte ! I'usey & Thomas , First Nal'l hEr. bldg. \ MONEY TO I.OAN 0 : IMPROVED OMA1A properly Fidelity Trust company , 1102 Farnam. LOANS ON IMI'tLOVEl ) & tNlt'IWVEO CITY property. W. Farnam Smith & , . 13 Farnam. W-31 MtNIUY TO LOAN ON OItAiIA flEAT. ESTATE MlN OMAIA n . at 0 per colt. W. U. Melle. It Nnt. bank \V-342 bid. ' . - - CiTY 1.OANS-OO.OO TO $10,000.03 AT LOWEST rales. I.OANS-O.OO Powel : Poler , 1st floor N Y. W-M31 I , . SlUg. MONEY LOAN-OHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , lANOS and nil kinds of security. l'ret Terry room Itnts 4:0 IAmge 1 block. X-U MONEY TO LOAN ON 101RE101D FtlNI- 1INEY IUle. 1lanos. horses , wagons. 01 any kln,1 , ot . which lhalc security at lowest pIsslhle rates nm can pay back at any time and In any nmounl FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , 1000 4. 'Ylhne1 "lock. _ _ _ X-3H _ _ _ _ J. B. 1ADDOCl 100 ( t21 lA1GI UtOCK. X31 MONEY TO LOAN ON l'UnNITUII. 1'IANOS. bnr.el. wagons , etc. , it lowest tales In city : no removal of goods ; strictly conl1lenlal : you can pay the loan cit at any time or 1 : any nmounl. amount.OMAhA MOnTGAGE I.OAN CO. , 01lA1A :06. S. 16th street. X31 ' ; BUSINESS OHANCES. 2UDSE. EXChANGES. II. A WAGNER. OMAhA : msr. EXC1ANGES. Y-9326-FZS ! FOIl SALE Ott TRADE ONLY STOCK 01' drugs In n town of 1,000 In eastern Nebraska. . Address (3. 49. Dec. Y-Mi62I3' FOIl ALB. 'm ONLY STOCK 01 I'AlmING lmpiexpents In n good lawn and good farmIng Bec. country In southern , Nebr nnt . A.Idress Y-MG071 It : . 9. TilE EARNING POWER 01 TIg EDI- THI Itlnctoscpe aa nn exhibition feature - ture I" "omelhllg enormous In pro- portion to the amount or outlay . From one exhIbit or eight machines n total at over 38.000 WI taken In during n perIod or considerable WIS less than Ihrce monlhs. For terms In.1 pries address Eoison Klneloscope Co. , 109 S. lClt street . Omahn Neb Y-M9J6 1. FOR EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE , FOIl GOOD l'AIM LANDS nt actual value In eastern Neb. 00 western ' Iowa stock'Ot 'general immerclmandiso Invoice $ .6.0 to SOQQ.I . Gnd store huhidiog. Wilt assume small Incut"rnnce or pay dlrfrence 10 cash. n.ume Address A. W. Clarke. l'apllon. Neb - ) & 1 I'ROI'I3IITY FOR MDSE. II.A.WAONER.Omahla. : PROprITY ' Z-M2G'-FZS 10 ACRES 3 % MILES FROM P. O. WILL TAKE house and lot ns part paymenl. Big snap for tor fruit farm or garden. Fidelity sane oe Clr sarten. I"IdellY Trust Co. . li02 . Faram st. Z-M426 - - 13 WhAT UAVE YOU TO OFFER FOIl A GOOD $1.0 note ? Address G 17. Dee. Z- : TO 12XCIIANGIh : . I.0t aOOD ) PAlM IANDS It actual value In eastern Neh. or western Iowa Block of general mcrchnn.ls . < Invoes ) $3,500.10 to $1.0QO.O. and store "ullng , : wi musunme small Incum"rlee or pay difference In nssme clsh. Adtress smal A. " ' . Clnr1 , t'apltlon. 7-M969 Ncb. WANTED TO EXChANGE FOR MEAL ES- tate elegant set ot abstract books oC Dundy . county : nice piah4. tin' penmanship nail .uc- curate. I. . E Ilnls. 'aiter. Denkehnan. Net , Z-101 lC' FOR SALE-REAL EST ATE , : TIllS IS FOIL YOU . , A PEIFEl" 1.\IACE. - , EAST F1LONT , . . 1tODElN IN - \'I'Y nESpECT ' , . - FIE NATIJAI , THEES . I. FIRST CLASS NII1GIIIIORIIOOLI . I I WALKING DISTANCE OF ' 1IUSINL1S . CI.SE TO CAn I.INI , . . - CON"I NINT TO IVEIWTINO. Whl.I . ' 1'\n CUE.\1 IA ) I.OTS ' . . PART 01" I'IUST - FIDELITY TIUST c" ' l'lELITY SLE : : AGCNT . - - li02 FAlNA : ( ST. RE-MCQl.O 1IAIiQAINS . 11011855. I.O'1 AND FARMS . 10Um : FAIMS. sale 01 trade . x' . I . Dllln ! Ballier "lock. m -3n UXC1IANGUS AND 8AL118 : CITY 1'ltll nTY , CXCIANGS , . Gnn'll lros" 210 N. Y. Life IU-3 UAI1GAINS : BALe on TR'I IN CITY PItOl' . erles and farm. John N. ' j'renzer. opp , 1. O. - . ' EE-M633 : LIST BARGAiNS IN LANDS WI''U CA11ROLL , IL Carter , It. 6. main 100r N. Y. Lire Omaha 1 . . m -SC.Fn VINE a\nn N I.\N , 1 ; "r M' I' . 0" , Uf per aero. un N. Y. L. 1tg , 811-tift : AIJdTIIACTS-TIIId UntON I&CD C03t'ANY. : ll - I 1 ' hEADS : 01" " 3"A2.ltI1r2i4 ' W'ANTI3L > . 1tOi ) JI'\P ! 1.'AMI.I t 'r WANTI tree lionmeltends In the leI , . .ileral. . Ie ) ' . Minnesota. Iop stowing exact loralun , stclon , lown ant ranEe wi "e mulled free "y writing 10 lant 'omlle > loner GI "ea I Northern wriing rlwa , Ht. i'aul. Minu 11L7-.1Jl71 11 - L"AI1IE LANPS. C. r , IlAltIUSo2O' . z N Y , ' . ± ! ! e. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - JUMI3 : 1. ' 'r NG FOIl C1--pnOI'rIT' : 43 acres Dt the In.t acreage near Omaha , only 4 miles ( ron I' . O. Cost ! owner $ N.O WI . .1 very chet\ ant take hal In city property . Fidelity Trust Co. . & .Eenl > 10 : Frrnm at . l { : - ln 1 ' 0t lALE ATA SMUI'lll 10 Allm I'AltM ! struT OnmaIma A tins ImlJovc 16 just t 1.11) ' - cl.ht mlu aoulwPBr llou City ; 10 $ CUIII . ) bllnee live ) 'ea\1 at 7 per cent : also 3N utrl fine Intid ' at Il.OG per acre l same section , house and three lots Cutside and cash for a Life hem * bIde. insIde. : DaunportVmterman E . U,1' N. y THE Animal Extracts Prepared accorJlng 10 the formula of Dn , 'Vr A. ll.UD1ND , In his laboratory at Washington , D. C , The most wonderful therapeutc discovery 5nco : time days of Jenner. CEREBRINE ' . FROM THE DRAW . MEDULLINE , . . , FROM THE GPINALCOID. CARDINE , . , . FROM TIlE HEART TESTI N E. . . , TiE . - - - - . - - , FROM THE TESTES. . . OVARINE ' FROM THE OVARIES Time physiological elecl ! Tiroduced by a sIn. RIo dose of Cere"rln. ale accelerlon 01 the pulse with ) feelO of fulness and dhtenton In the hcar , cxhlnralon or SpiritS . Inccarcd urinary excretion , augmentation of the ex pulsh'o force of the blallder and erletailc action of time Inleetnc8 , Increase In mnstulOI ncton nUll endurance IncfMe.1 . power 01 vision In elderly Ieople , hud Increaled appetIte . anti dlgeto l'owcr. I Dose G drops , I'rice (2 ( drchm ! ) n.O. ' . . . CIIEM1CAIA CO. TilE COJ.umIA : CII : lCAI. Wnmeliliigtoii . n. e. Semi . for iiooic. 101 KUhN " CO. . AO NT FOIl OMAhA. , - - _ _ _ _ - - - - - . - - HOTEL hOTEL 1lAItKCl , ' 18T11 AND JONUS ST. JOTgl lA1 { I. 1TH JON. 15 roms nl SI.5 Per .11) ' , 1.0 rooms at $ , Oer day. Special rates $ commercial trn\'clet. loom and board "y IHek or month. Frank IItI h , ant boart manner. 31 AETNA 101J UUnOl'IU ( : ) . N. W. COlt. 1th and Dodge. looms "y day or "Ieel 35 MIDLAND lhOTl2T . . COH. 10T1 AND CHICAGO Mlm.AN10TI streel American plan , $1.10 and $2. ( per day. European 1lnn. too un.l SLO ) per 1ay. Hooms. single at ensule , for families or Gentlemol , ot reasonable rates h. J. Frantic , prop. - ; . :1-.FI ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. , Al1AT1lES CONVlm''EnS m WOUND : storage batteries recharged : electrical and gen- erl machinists : superior work guaranlee.\ Omaha Electrical Works C17 and GI9 S. 16th sl. Ecetrlcal nnt . , 3:1 : 1hLECTE1CAL ENG IN 115115 ANt cONT1AC- lors for electric light and , motor 1,1ll anti , all kinds of electrical construction. , Western : Iec- Ircnl Supply Co" , con.tnclon. t21 ' R. Ih st. LI UNDERTAKERS ANJE rALMER3 IL . K. IJURKET , FUNERAL DIItECTOI1 AND 1. I' lUm.gT l'UNEIAL DIH CTOl el"alner. ' lIS Chicago St. , telephone SO. 358 SWANSON & VALIIdN UNDIhI1TAIlEJIS AND embalmers " , lOI CUlln ! st" telephone I060:57 : M. O. MAUL . UND\ITMCET AND L11M. I- Cr . 11 l'arnam .1. Irlcplone 22. 35S C. W. IJAIUII1 , UNDFlTAlBl C1 S. IC1'13 : r BUILDING & LOAN AS0CIATIO ' hOW TO GET A B011 on srCUlU GOOD Interest on savings . Aptly 10 Omahn , L & D A53'n. . HOI neo bldg. Alp1' , Yo NutlnEer , Sec. 32 SIAlES IN MUTUAL 1. AND I ASS'N. PAY t 7. 8 per cent when 1. 2. 3 ) 'enr old . always .edeematle , liOt 1.'arnam at. , Natlinger. Soc 363 36 . LOST. . LOST-GfllhYhIOl'ND 1'1'1 0 MO 'IS OLD : fawn color : return nat receive rewar.Geo , Forgan 3157 Fnrnam street. 611-12' - - - - - - BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MInOI IESILVEnrD , 71 N. 10 363 LADmS' ANDMI1N'S MASK SUITS FOIl nEXT ut Golden Eagle store . 11 S. 16th street . MC03111. BIC YCLEB. . M. O. DAXON , tC2 N. 16Th ! . 351 OMAhA BICYCLE CO . 323 N. lCTn ST. 3:5 : ' STEELING UICYCLES : BUILT LIKE A WATCh Western ElectrIcal Supply. Co" , , 42 S. 15th se - _ . - " ' 1-8 S-FI5' A. L. DrANE & CO. . WHOLESALE AND REtail - tail bicycles . 116 E'arrlamstreet. 191 ' . ' WILL BAINU11 & 11110. , 1U CAP AVE M21 DEN''lT . nn. PAUL DENTIST. 20 : BURT ST. : C MUSIO , AU' AI'T LA12GUAGE. 0. F. GELI.ENI3ECIC. BANJOIST AND GUITAR teacher , 191 Cass , street 91 WHOLESALE COAL JOHNSON DlOS" . WHOLESALE DEAI.EnS IN all kinds or coal. Correspondence solicited. lOIS Farnam street. 301 CUTTING SCHOOL. TIEd AnT OF CUTTING MEN'S CLOThES taught day or elenins : terms reasonnble I'ar- ' Iculars ot Max Morrs . cutter , 116 l'urnam nO-19 sl. ; - COAL. D T. MOUNT lAS REMOVED HIS COAl office 10 :0 5. 161h at , Drown block 3C Sll IDAN COAL . EXCELLENT SUUS''ITIITE for hard coal , mad $3,6 ton cheaper. 1603 1.'ar. nom street : main entrance Board ot Trade. 301 tTOVE l.l . STOVE REPAIRS FOR 40.0 DIFI.'EnFN' 1 makes ot stoves. Water attachment und cugo- ; ntelons n .pclnl ) ' . 1207 Douglas slreet. ' Omaha Stove Repair 'orks. :67 EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT DU1E\U HE- moved 10 1522 Douglas : furnish beat male and female help. MIII h3 DENTAL COLLEGE. OMAHA COI.LrGE DENTAL SURGEI1Y. FIlED infirmary ; , dentistry nt eosl. 1.11 and Cnl - ave. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORT hAND . N. ' SUOIT lAND. Y. Life. Omaha. AsI' for circular . 360 OMAHA BUSINESS COLLEGE , 151h & P\IN'I. . " U-M5261"21 CARPENTERS - AND BUILDERS.- C. 1' : . MORI1ILL , PAIEn IAN < NO , 101/1' : . sign palntnK , brIe worlc , plastering : ar" / . I , Barker BI . : lei. 73. ; shop 21 Izamd . : leI hm 4iS , . : rE r 1UitIAtJ. SUBS & CO. , SOII1'ttOl'14. Boo nllhl\ ( , OMAhA , Ncu. At\'lc ! F'RFE. DOCTOR _ - \ SEARLES & SEARLES ' -S . Chronic , ilervoas . , ' Pilvath ) , , lrlvtnDscases : Dscases : , 'rIlltTlEN'I' : uMAU" Comaimitatlon , Vrec. 'Vo cure Catarrh , aU diseases of the Nest " , , Throat Chest , Stomach , Liver , Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Female - male Woalmcsses , Lost Itlanliood and ALL PRIVATE DISEASES OF MEN W1AI' MEN AIm VI & ItS TO 111WQt : Debility ' or Eihtaustloa . Wastng 'eaiaeas. In voluntary Losses , wills Early Decay In young and middle Igel : lack ot vim , vigor ontlfukened prematurely hi IPpr.chlnc old ago. All ) eld readily ta Cur new treatment for loss ot vial powe CA Of or address with stamp for ell CUIf. Ire bk ano rec lptl. flr Searles and Qoislac 1410 1'nmmrtm ' SearieslHJ ; s/I . mJUU.LSUd UUU SJI1111UJ1 Oiummla : W ' - 6101'\h0110 , : leetn . Notice Is hereby that ' Iven the regular annual meetIng ot the slockholders ot the South Platte Lnd company will bo held al the olcat said compahly . In LIncoln , Neb" , at 1 o'clock a. I. on the frsl 'Vednesday In March 1895 , being the 61h lay at ho ZflOlmth Dy order at the Board of Drectors , I R. O. PUI.LU'S. Secretary. LIncoln , Neb. , Feb. 4. 1895. FLII3O rrn UNION PACF1'1NAY ! ' : ' GO IN 1U ; Western Trunk LinM. > Seem to Do o the Point orAIreeing . , - ' 01' CONFERENCE IN ; PJtI1 ' . \ VEST ERDY . 0011:1" or tlllrrdri' ' "I no to Ult\r to I'mtrley "lh''i , 1o ( Irthmile l'rnl.lo- Wlfi.1ll' Irum 1 Cnhhnlt * la3-a. , " - ! - Chnlrman n. D. CaMwol Is an optimist Dr the most pronounced typo.'hten the lower- Ing clouds Imleatell absolute disagreement on the Itarl ot time woster trunk Inef he was foremost In predIctIng harmony ovontuall' , and im assoclalcn ns time result et fightIng over the dIfferences whIch separated : the sev- orl Ilnas . The wisdom ot Chnlrman Cal- ! wol scomlngly Is about to be exemplfed , for the progress made ) yesterday JustIfies the as- serlon that the Union ' Pacfc will become a member ot thc Woste'rn Trunk Line Passeu- ger conminlttce. Alhough the hines , Colmmpoti- tcr3 at the Urlon Pacifc , have openly rhhl. eulefl time positon ) the "Overnnd" ] hns main- talnll regarding absolute equaily In lImo ns- sedation . thty have secrety leen "swcalng blood , " so to speak lest the Union Plclfc shouhl fall to sign the nssoclaton ngreemeut , and overtures have been loathe aimfi cantos- slons sUlgestee that " .oull , ! bring time several roads hearer together In the generl plan of colmm prom Iso. I was these Ilrerencea whIch broughl Chnlrmnn Caldwel to Omaha yesterday , and as.a . result of n lang conerenco hud wIth ' General Passenger Agent Lomax , later with PresIdent ClerIc and General llaer nck- Inson amid thc BurlIngton omelals. Mr. Lnnmax. 2.1 ; . Smih of the U'tlnglon n - ir6 1i ; - tvell . chairman of tIme Western TrUnk Line ' cammltee , ler' last evening far Denver , where the ) ' wi hold a final cenerence [ with the Denler & Rio Grande al\l Ho Orndo Wcslern officials with n view to fhaly tie. ee- cldln/ upon time details cf settement , Before leaving ! r. Caldwel , In an extended - tended Interview with the raIlroad reporter af The nee , staled . thqmt for some tune the Ho Grande Western representatIves were favorable tu the lIftIng ot time boycott against Ihl Unlen Pacifc en rutnd trip busll'SS , but they were not advised as to the lOSItIOt1 of theIr cominectloimti. I was this doubt and un- certainty whIch causel the contInued mlsun- tlerstandlng between the various lines par- ties to the b3ycatt. "Ha\I'e\'er , " saId ! r. alwe\ ! , "I . nRY ) say thal , the Burlington and Hock Island lale IJraclcaly agreed to the Irng ot the ba'cott on round . trIp business and wIll yIeld to thc Unlan PIcfc Its rlht 10 close Intermediate gateways , which tle ) ' halo tacity admItted Is a correct prlnclplo. Thc Union Pacfc has contended that It could not open Its Internmpdiate gateways 10 the lines parties to the ba'cot and maintain its positIon . and this has practically . been agreed to far the salt of harmony. With this setle I emily devolves upon the Union Pacific to became a member of time association , as this romoles all Ihe dterences between the lnes , The Union IJcifc wi maintain Its present Jaslton , wlilo ' he hues Interested 1 Iii gllo Il reprehenItIqil \ on round trip bus- repreentJn iimt. . hltss. ,1 ' I" "Our trip to Donyerlls : nlt so Inch to halo an uneel'slandll ! lo differences , hut 10 see what can be dOP t toward giving the Rio Grande Weslerl just representaton In the snbcommlteo t. bi organized In the west The RIo GrandliVostern la somewllit remote , and Il Is le43 1nIrested In an nssa- I elation tItan trunk llnfta , but we , hope to , bring about an ilnq 'ldlng ana /naly I close Ult the membdshlJ , of the commlltee. ' ' Tim Missouri , JnJlsaW 'fexas has ngroed , to , 'ecome a member.immcrunlc tne cOmmIttee - , lee , with the mintleretuimlIng t that the southwestern - western cammltee . \ ! Lib' be located In SI Louis , and the Missimrcii clfe hal aulhQr- 1\ssIrl Ize me to sign Its nneto the agreenlent. no , soons Its cClpet-8.whlc.h Includ tIie , ; Un ' to ! ! lnacI , , becolnO' ! itn3b \ " ' , ' , ? " fecoll .e' r\tmb9f.9.t "lhp'pomfI - , ; tee ; ; Under these cltqitanc s I feel hopp- : tul that the UnIon--Pacific . , sIgn the agreement antP that 'dtfr tll > to Denver will fnaly concluddvimatlmis : been a long drawn Olll eres : ct lm1terest'n'afld ' instructive xiiet. Ins. " , . - 1'tSSINGI1h HUlNISS : l'OOU , ; " C.ulteru LInes Take I Iloomy View or the Outoo : CHICAGO Feb. 12.-\11 demoralization In east bound freight rates contnues and Is 'growing steadily worse. The rate of W : cents betweeim < Chicago ! and New York _ was emit ! by several or tne eastern lines today and the contracts were for small amaunts ot business' ' - al lhal. . Passenger busIness bn .bath eastern and western roads Is at low tide now. I has not been so poor as now' for ' muany a da ) " . There 'Is practcaly ! business being done , and many of time managets : : are feeling down- hearted over the outlook. For two years earnIngs have been failing away from those of the prevIous ' year and now 1895 Is making a poorer showIng than Its predecessor. The thIng cannot keep up In this way much longer wIthout puttIng one ar two of the weaker lines into a rlous predicament As soon as Chairman Caldwel of time West- tem Trunk LIne commlsslQn relurns from his mIssionary work among the Colorado lines he vIiI be asked 11 cal a general meet- lug of the commIttee lines. I he succeeds In brInging time Colorado lnes , into the fold the maters whim time Union Pacific and Mis- souri Pacifc will be taken up. I the Cci- orado roads remaIn on tIme outsIde the cum- mlt o will take acton lookIng to the l'reser- , vatlbn of their Interests wih thl Colorado lines. wih the Union Pacific and Missouri Pacific as outside comp ttora. Sl I.IU A : l\Xl'JmSS COMPANY . ol'lheru l'miellle MI'Y II'S UUllor thin Cou- I t'nl nf tho. inurlcau. IUWAUKEE \ , Feb. ,12-Iteceiver4 . ot the Norther Pacifc raIlroad are neg.tatng far ' the complele sale Dr be Norther Pacific Express company. Bds have Ieeu received trom the Amerlcau , lie Adams and the United Slates Express cal panics , The bid lade by the American Express company Is the hlJhesl and time deal ( with that company lay sharty be closed , with time consent at the court. Receiver Payne said no definite arrngements hall been made The amount offered by time American cann t be learned . The value of the express department for col- lateral Is over $300.COO. JUdge JenkIns Ils given consent to a plan of time t Northern 'Pa. clfe receIvers to en largo the campan"s tacl- tIes for the han lng and shipping of coal trol the lorl , of Tao ma , \Vasli. UrcIh''r fit' I l.mrn P.tet'I COIIJI ) PITTSBURG I eb. " :12.-Tho : Linden ' 'el I COlhipalm a large cdncr ) of this cIty , hn gone Into time handiotl ( ) a receh'er. The ap- plcaton i was made 1 h)1 large holders , who cialinpd thal owing tci ; .nnanclal stringency the campany was 1111hl" to meet its ohlg.- tons as they rnaturettpd Il was feared time valuable ] ) maturetTd , pa rltceI , Henry Warner was appointed ceIvor. ,1'im. , liabiltes are I OOO , wIth estlate.1 . assets ot $685,000. Tjtoimipaimy [ , vas granted an exlenslon two . yengo. yel , Ifgo. 111 As hnr , slo it.hl"r , . 2.hi'vtiimg. TOLEDO , Feb. 12.f time annual 1105tt/ 'pt time Ann Arbor Jto khol ers here today time mater ot time aloadrptlon , ot the val road was postponed 'jr'tlmtrty day pending decision of Judge ltks 1 as to which mortgage shal be for6 laed. The old hoard at directors was re.eJett'l except that WI- Ilm D. Connor uco d 5 A. A. Soper TIme' dlretter - , I'c.elected the1 old oflicera . : 1"1\1) , Nlt" , . Talking of salarIes , President Clark raid sterday Iiat he remelved only a salary 13 receIver , and that his salary a. IJresldll ternllnated when the' Union Pacifc passed out of time control at time company amId . IntO tAo hnnds at the coUrt . ' I I Time pay ot a go\erpllent director of 11e : Union Pacific Is $0 per day , and 10 cents , mieage , tram whIch he 'Is expected to pay ' his expenses A car amil attendant Is pro. \ 'Ided time director \ \ : hel'pn official ! upec- Iopj . bul the dIrector must JrQvlslan time toe at his yn exmnse. 0lcer8 ot the' cOmpany are .so cOIlc11c to do the Sale , alhough there is a general IIlresslon abroad that this company supplies' the larder wlh everything suitable to ll omeer's stomach at company expense 1 Rheumatsm ! I primariy caused by acIdIty ot the blood. llood's Saraparia IJurlfe the blood anu titus cures Lime mllseaso ! . FOR THE NEXr STATE FAIR. I'relltuIInTy Uccblon R1 to IUnll or 1 I Ill- tugs niI } 'cncIn' . Ino 1"encln\ The executIve committee ot the Com- morclal clnb , OmAh : DrivIng Park and F'air assoclaUon and the Slate Hoard ot Agriculture - tlro held a meetIng al time : llard hotel last nIght to dlcnss In nn Informal way time work of preparIng for the next slat fair , which will open In this city on September 13 A toporalthlcal mal of time mite selected for lie faIr grounds has boon prepared and the lon Interested In the succesl ot the faIr are enthusIastic over the locatIon , nil of them agreeing that It Is an ideal IJace ] for such 11 Importanl expositon of the products at this state , The grounds are to be Innllscalel as soon as l'osslbla and wIll 1)2 sown wllh the finest ot blue grass. Street raIlway tracks are to \0 bui out on Center street and the "arlons raIlways are baking preparations to slit In ample sidetrack anti s\lchlng facilItIes. The preliminary work or puttIng up tim' but.lnss will bo begun at the earlIest oppor- tunlY , and as soon ns the weather mol rale sufficIently tIme commlteo wil select time spats that arc to be covered by the air \ul"I , Ing , and compelent architects will be em' llOYOtl to design the finest nlll mO'l 10.leln . strtmctttre5. In Ilscnslng time ttlerlal with which time llhlngs arc 10 b l con3truetCI Il was prctcaly decided . by a majJrl ) ' 01 these presonl that the besl immaterIal would be Iron. A new design ot Il'esaell iron for buidIng purposes was ditcimatemi. , This Iron can bo manuacturell 10 re3emblc stone or brick nnd Iresents 1 gael nlpetnCe , anti woull mnke time buIldIngs lire proof. I was suggestll that all these hulilng3 , be palnloll . white , mlllln n mngnlfcenl "Whlto City . . hut seveol of the gentemon suggested that ' amul tbought unlormly was too lonotolouS alll that cOllIe ot the bulltngs shou\l be coim strueled at brick to vary tha c lors. Il Is nice about eccldct by the members of [ the Drll'lng associaton 10 build a flume club house for Its own use during the races , hut durIng time fall time cub house wIll be turne1 . over 10 the omcers at thia Agricultural so. clety. Au ndllllslra lan buIdlu ; Is to be erected , where the olcers of time fair will hale theIr meetngs and transact nil their ot- ficial buslues. fcal I was thought that the best mnterlal to enclose the grollls woule bit n closely woven wire fence , which wouhl , gIve the grouml mare the alJpearance of n public prrlt than vottll grounds surrounted by an unslghU woule bight boull fence . Olhe details were dis- cussed by time members anl Ee\'eral other similar meelngs are lo ho imeii. , The Haar.1 . simiar \grleullro Is meeln [ al the 11ard tm ' close Imim the hlslucss which hns nCCllllalet since time last fir and lhe ) " will immeat again this moring at ! o'clocl : , when I Is likely , that smiperlntendelits of the various dopnt menls wi be appointed for the ensuing ) 'ear. _ _ _ _ _ - OMAHA'S IIDW A Y PLAISANCE. I nlcrtnlnlolt or 0 1me I' . 11. : O. Society nt < ; mtmtrmhi . . \ rlory 13th. Omaha has a " : I\lwa ) ' Plaisance. " I Is not 1\ mie lang , for It Is at the Omha GuarJ armory buiding , but It has a Ferris wheel Moorish palace. Irish village , Old Vit'mmna , DahomEYlage , Street In Cairo and Dcimty Siio' Irs. , Back , who has been superintending the entertainment for the P. E. 0 society , has certainly succeeded ad- mlmbl In relroduclng In 1llaton time great side Ehow of time World's air. 'Cho enlertalnment Is for the charity und ot the Eaclety , anti ' though this saclety pr- sits In mainlulling abwlule lence as sis the slgnlfcaten of the timroc letters thal designate It , nolJd ) denies that Its ch.rlt ) " fummd . and all Its other unds , , for that male arc devoted ta the mosl worthy eb- jc'ct. jc'ct.One who vIsited the World's fair would have no dimulty In recagnlzln the onter- tainmiic'iit i at Armory hal as a cop ) ' af tIme great Qlg1u:1 The Ferris wheel i nol to high , but any 200-ponnd mal Is invited te . : , take n rile In I anti Is guaranteed safety , and II the Moorish theator-there 'Is no Moorish . theatcr-timmlre I ; 10 ace , kin vontr , but 'In" the Morl h" palace , for which Jim \len' Is 'cryer uld tlcl ( t seller , ' 'ih a fez. . . that 1ma1es him n goo . . copy at a sultan 01. something 'of ' that kInd . can be found a sight 'orth a" nl kel " In the Irish village three pretty 12-J'ear-old girls. one In a ballot cestume , give a dance that a large company always slaps to wl . lies S. less. The Street In CaIro . has Its camel and its ' the Show hns In circle bride 'hl lealt ) a a dozen and a half Omaha emale celebrities In all 'sorts at ccstumes. The "ColumbIan Guards" are Omaha Ilgh school cadets , who bolt just ns dignifed nnil push Sedan chairs wllh even more agility Ihan their more illustrIous - rotot'pes. l VALENTINE WANT3 IT. hopes to 10 Seremmmt-tLt.rImt3 ; or time Next Ptt" . E.1. Valentine of West I'alnl Is al the MIllard . and In response to a question said last evenIng thal he was an applcanl for the pslton of scrgenat-at-arms ot time nest sen- ate. 'hls would ' be a reappolnlmenl for him , as he held th's ! position from July , 1890 , to JulY. 1893. II ValentIne was In Washington In December and filed al that time notice of his "claim. " lie Is quite hopeful that If the next senate I organlz by the republcan he will secure the position of "third senator" front Nebraska He scarcely expects that the mater \'I be decIded btore next Decenmber far 10 does not believe there will be an extra sesslen o congress. I there Is one he belIeves I wi be forced by the atmtl.admin- Islratnn tleniocrats anti he doubts whether their influence will C\IO : the gavel . to make a noise as soon as they . wiuh ] 'l nso.V.u. P111.1 ( JR. i I' US. J. L. Esmay of remonl Is at the Delione. \ \ ' . II. Ryan at Jackson Is registered al the Paxtorm Mrs. J. I. . Baker at Lincoln Is a gnesl at the Murray. A. S. Gnsln of Kearey Is registered al the Imlurray O. E. Pence Is registered at the Barker from Ienver C. T. Brockway , Lincoln Park , Lincoln Is II the Barker. ' James Taylor and wIfe of Auburn arc Del- I' lone guests. ruesll. Miss Eva Johnson Is regIstered al the Bunter trom St. Pou ] . II. Whltmare nnd wife of Lincoln are registered ol the MIllard. Ten members ef Morrison's FOlsl company are quartered at the liarker \v. II. Dearing a 11 wIfe of I'lattsniotmtii are guests al tIme Merchants. Munro Saflsbmmry t he great CalIfornIa horse- man , WIS In the ely yeslcrdu elrolte to his home. \ \ ' . J. Fielding , business immammager . 11 ad- "anct of Eddy Fay's Off the garth company , Is siOP1IIIg al the l3arrer } Mr. B. E. Jenlfer , duet cleric of the Uall- lore & Oho ! railway office In this city , wlh his wlCe and child . has taken rooms at the Victoria CDI tile wlnler. At the Mercer : I'rank hamilton anti wife , St , Louis ; Con Icirk l , Grnll leland : O. Guiia. imer Kansas Cly ; B. A. RUIPf , Dubu'ue. In ; g. J. George , Charles , 1Trclmm , . A. I , . NleJls , a. I' . Ilogan . Chicago ; I , ' Ii. Otto , OalIa. . ; H , P. Clark , Chicago : A. n , hunt lansas City : 14. J. lavlne ) JcCoo ] Junction : F. 1. Cullotmm . Nel , Yorl ; Charles W Chase , Stanton : J. \ \ ' , Hewitt , Partanll : James 1'llhee. St. Paul ; Ii. n. I Petlbone. Mlnneapolhl : JV. . Story , Cinelnimati , :1'11'0,11" : I I thn 1 I 'it . 'is. Al tIme Delone : ' , ' T. \\'ernl. C. . \ . Schale ] , Pawuce . Al time , \mcrmde : C. W. Grinnel , Wu\'crh' ; I. F . fHrlelln , Salem : J" M. Hellnger , Holtree ; A U. JreelerA. Ultslmlj ; UeorgJ Crewel , J. 1. : Ioole , 1.lan. At the Mlllard : H. C. Bas et Olhon : Miard g. J. James , Pawnee ; F , J. Joy , Jlemcnt ; M. e , JI ) ' , Ualwtl City : BI A. 1alIs , ( lnll Islanl : P2 . lelnt'e , Seward : J. 1. ' Diusmore. Sulon : W. U. 111'tO\ Crete . At the Melchants : F . 11 MUllln , hart. InHtcn : II , I' l'etersommVtmmmtide : Jamli : MadRen , J. J , Iteed \\'akeilmlti : J. \ ' . Land. cr4. Arc dlu : George Hlpe , 0S' . cl'\'ery : , l.hwolnj H. I ' % V. Poler , Fulelton : I. H. Sorrlel , : , Geneva ; J. A. Anderson , Vaiioo . . ( him I ho < ohl 1101lc11 candidates mar bo unexpectedly left ( out In the cold when the relnfns come In , but IJeople who elect to use hIostetter' " Stomlch hitters for dyspemsIa lIver , Itldne or bladder inactIvity . constpaton malaral : complaInts or nerlousnes " . are never left In time cold elsewhere , Wel lay ph'slclarl lend their unqualified sanction 10 this tIme' honored and unfailing medicine , _ , _ _ _ . _ s _ - . ' I CITY COUNCIL l > ROCEEHNGS ) It i Protosod to Keep Tab tn the Park Commlss'ionors. 1Un SUBMIT VOUCIFRS WiTh I EILts City 'rrrnmmrer l'ommtmil to hove 11"lo I MIt- mime tim Ilylnl Iht Tln . II lllnl Itt ll ) ' Tl\s Wrre it.liimthmmclmt- ) Itlht or l'ollc'im ilorit : . Contrary to recent I'recdents time regtlnr meeting ot the city council last nlh WM a rather monotonous affair. The mOfl 1m. porlant tcltre was time adoptIon of a rcommi- menl1Hlen trom LIII fnlca : commlteo that hereafter all cl ) ' Ilel1artleut be coml'elell 10 submi the original bills for snpltles In ( OlbClol wlh the voucimers. ThIs actIon Is directed Imiallmly al time Board of Ilrlc Corn- missioners alit ! the Library heart , which hal'r prevIously 1lllcll their own hills nlll slmlllr submlUcIllhe O. \1 vouchers to the cunCii . The sammie e ml'lel ' rlbmlt 1 the foila'- Ing comment on time remtri. ; or the ciy tress- titer . which was referred to I al the Previous itt eating : "Tho report ot time cI ) ' trlaSlrer tar ISI' ' shows th1t il per cent of gentrat taxes for the year were eoltelc.I , blnJ about 1 Ier remit los Ihan In time IJre\'lols year . 111 , ! that durIng 1894 $ H7.725.50 Epeelal Inxea weN paid alit ! $2i(1,450 sp9clai ilhmprovemnent bon < s were redreimitol , redlchlt the total of ueh bammdcmi G" Ihthbtet1neas from $1S76,09 ' to $1,677- 677."Ott "On time Isl of Jnuar . IS9 , special taxes ) ct all Ilds : outtantllmg , ole.tenth of which becomes tue each year , were about $1 I , ! : - 518.93. The city Ireaslrer ala ) shCws that the regular tax calectons were as follows for time ycare lentoned : 1S92 , collections to Iecmber 31 , $68:3.0 : 1S93 , coleclions to cunber 31 , $ l3IiI8\i ( \ ; ISII : , coleclons 10 Decmbe 31. $620,706.92. "A coml'arlsol fcc Jnnlar ) 18:5 , [ rom time city trr'astmrer's amce , Is ns follows : legull lax coleClons , Ianunry I 10 3t , S93 ] , $16- 610.39 ; regular lax collections , Jaluary 1 10 31 , lS91 , $ t7,26i.63 : regliar tax coltectiomma . Jaimmiary 1 10 31 , 189 , $21.481 [ t I 1'1 be seen h ) time above fgure thal lho Elalclnnt Ialle at time last ] council imi 'ettmig list ( over $ : , OOOOOI at tuxes of [ time city of Omh ronCU9 , " were unpaId and delnquenl vas cr- Time contract ami ! boml ot C p BnJle ) for repalrlnl gasoline lamps was : al'pro\ll City Atur ) ' Counci sulnnlted a written opInion In which he held that time Board of Fire al1 Ialc COllnlsslou..s had the right 10 regulate time salarlcs of members nail cm- cers of the fire eeparlmenl acccnlng 10 Is judgmcnl. ThIs was In repouse 10 I request tram one ar two counclmcn who look time view that the ! i > exml had na aulharl ) 10 Increase - crease the salary at Limo chief wlhout time ccnselt of the comttmcil. Mr. Counci , In anolher opinion , slaled that Iercer's rC3alllon Inslruclnl ; the bolcr : Inspector - specter 10 cal bul one mmicuting of the hoard of examining cnglneer : a maulh was nol In conflict with tl charter. Time .csolulon was ndopled. Complrolt Olsen submltc.tl n comunmunica- lan II which he slaled that the bills for street IHhln Inclllel ] Ihl.tecn gasalne immnps which liath ncyer been o"le"ctl by the cottncS ! . Time maieI was I'Herrel1 for Invcsl gatloim. The reqlest of the Board of Healh that the expense of removing dead animals he Iald from time general fund wits reerred'to the finance commltUee. The Apollo club . asked permhslou to use the vacant room emi lie ffh hoer of the city hal on one evening cacti week , This waa for the purpose of rehlrsab for the , \prl 6estl- val. The rCllesl < was .glnhl against Ih" opposition of ane er two lmicmitmer. . . A rc'soluton hy Klent tU.e ted tlc ) street C mmhsloner 10 mlry the sheet ratisvt : car _ pany to chose time openIngs ' tim time ttreets be- lwcen the cable trcks. I was referred tIm the commitee an vlitttiqts and riways , SOUTh SIEIS AND UNION DEPOT. Tom Lowry appearemi before the cOmen In behal ot the South Side Improlmnenl club , lo ' .prcsnled a Iesolulol whIch was passcd al 1 , recent meetIng of the club , time 8ub- slanco ot which was a request thal a commlt- Ice [ rom , Utl el ; anlzalun shauhl he allowed to accampan tme counci comm1ttee when It held Its conference with the railroad . ofel\Is In regard to the completion af the union do- pot. The ( Icslrulpermlslon was grmitmteJ. The 'commmptroller was autharlzed to setl the claim n cf W. II. Jackson agalpst time city for $0' ) . Ja'l 1 sn : Is I e pI prlc or at the l'ar her shall at Fourteenth aUI 1..lrnam streets which 1\'a3 10aded by time bursting of a hydraht. , Ito claimed daimiagcs : lnoullng 10 $ :1 : $512.On a commltea rccommemlalon tIme pet- lon at Eresl Stuhmt In wblch he [ Jratestel " license the agaInst aying n runner's lcense on grotmnd lhat Paxton & Sharp wcn nol comp - p led . to tm.ike l oul a license , was place on fe.The The bill of Limo Omaha Gas ManuIactrlng cOmpany was allowed after $ I1.S0 had been delluctcd for iigimts not burning. 'he pelton of IlrOIJerly owners asking that tIme city shou\l rea vrtse for bids for re- paving Sherman avenue was pac ! d on file. A T'salullonJ' Calm Uthorlzln , clg.lr and drug stores 10 put In nlclel.ln-Ihe.slot machines was referred to tIme cammltee un polce , Amang the measureR Inlroduced was n union depot orclnance hy Kment. ' 1hls was very (111al 10 the ordinance that was ntib- mlted tt time old counci just before tre end at time year end provides for time cemltlelon of the depot at 'Ccnth and Mawn streets The pro\1510ns arc lhal the railroads shal release all claims for Slteclal ; viaduct taxes paid , as wel as time bonds originaly vated , whie the real estate adJuslmcnls are l'rov\led for along ' 'Ccnntll compremhe. " the lIne of the "Ccnll Mercer Intl'ollucell an ordinance : repealng the veterinary or lnance. I CUFID'S BuD WORK. . \lulhol' l'haJlor In Iho 1'ltieu 1011.1 IlnCIIUI' I I ' . The employer ot Mrs. Mary A. Place , the woman who Is suing her husband I , Geere ii. Piace , for a dIvorce anti for time custody of the children , culled at Time Lice ethics and etateti timat liiolt Of time chargea nmamie tmy l'lace against Im's ' wife were entirely falea , lIe sald that l'lmtce imad imot carimemi a cemmt to Imis crrtiln lZnowlcdga for time Past sIx , mmmosmtims ; that insteami of beIng able te maIn- tam imI vifO amid children , ito lmas repeatemily tried to borrow money CF time wonmaml , who was hard workIng anti reeieclnhic , en ! wime was tlolng time beat simo could to jmrovide ( cr herself cliii imilm1rCm1. "To timow that lie is utterly unable to vro. "tie fcr , time chIldren , " slml 2.11's , l'laca's em. ployer , "it is only necessary to state timat when I'laee took the children away from Mrs. Place , cmi remmiovc'd timeIn to fltatrice , 011 time day following Ime 'rote a letter to Mrs. Ilaco imeggimmg imer to send imlmmm some immuney for limeir slmpilom't , Mrs. l'iace wanteti to get time clmiitlren back again , but in order to CIl cnl his wherab'1uho I'iace aiwayd mallet his ietters cmi a train anti wrote Imis i'tte that it sue wahmed to ColnlmiunlcittO with Imlni site could do so by atitlretsing a lettcr to the Omalma poetolilee an ! time letter rotmlml lie forwarded to imlm , Meat ot the iLttera Ito wrote to his wife itere iieggimmg letters aric. imig for eitimer moilney or clothes ( or time dm11- miren , It was not uimtii last October that Mrs. Place was elite to rocovcr time nimllren , whlclm site tilt ! imy miteaiimmg tilesml , ar.d when aimo dimi so time little timings were covered in rags , mmwarmmlmg 'witim vermin and imaif starved. " Mrs. llaco's ctniimlo'er says timat 11 would be time helghmtlm of ormlElty to allow ii3r imus. hahn to taito time cimlltiren frommm her agaIn , as they are nomv imimg well fed , well clothed amid properly looked imfier In every way. Ilotmk.'mI lee Ilimmim' , . iictlh , Fred O'NcIl amid Ceorge Stout will collide Timuretlay evenIng itest at lilumn's hell , 14011111 Ornalma , They wIlt box fifteen rounds Icr a stake of $200 , They imro Iii condition to justIfy time expectatlurms of the dead gamsa that a rattliimg good mnili in ( ofliicornlllg. Etout Is an extreint'iy likely lath. but O'NeIl Itams I ralmied to time letter , and will lIkely 'atso tile ) 'DUIIg Corilimllsker to iommg ( or his natlvo heatim , up time river , JavkS'Ilkes lass been chosemi referee. ui'amis. . ' _ , &r- , .1 . , ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c = ' 'F 't rst , ' ' , ' ' ( * h a /4d1 i-i. A. Goon , 21. 1) . , of New \'ork CIty Ii knowlm to tit Inedicai professlalm altd to tile tmmiiiIc througimomlt time cImItro land. il has bath fill opportunity 01' st'eiimg PeoPle's mmoetis , imntit as professor ef stlrgcry 1mm time IjImItem ! States Medical college anti Imi his ettemislvo tractlce. III smeaklimg tttQtht Ohme of hIs lot- tlents vima was aihllcted with time Imiami terrible of all lmmtlern immalathies , lirlghit's thlsease of time kIdneys , ho saId : "A cimemiiIaI amid mnIcroscop1ei esosnlnatlon of time imattent's tmrlmmmo revealci qmmammtltlos of miihtmtmicmi aimmi gmammmilmir tithe casts , commflrmmming liriglmt'mm disease. , fior tryIng mill of time otimer reniemllcs 1mm vaIn I diracted imini to 1155 Wmirmmcr's Said Cire. I vati greatly smmrprlsttt to observe a decideml Inmprovcmcmmt within a immolitim.'ltlmln four lmme.tmlims ImO tube casts rotill h found , nmmd only it trace of alhmtmen , tmmiml , as he expressed It , hat felt ierfectlY well. ' ' ' I ) ; . Gtmimn's cxirrIcnco 0111) ' cohmflrhmms wimat 1' Otlmcr pityalcIahls anti mmmililoims of Imeolilo lmav klmown for nany years : timat. for all female I romlimics , mm I I l Id lIP ) ' ti liii emil I lee , nImmi even iirigimt's disease ttmclf , there Is but one statmd- arti , omme vell kimown renmedy in the world , atmil ttmmmt \\'nrmmer's Safe Ctmre. If you nra Rmhff'rllmg fommi any symmmptotmms , such mis imaln 1mm time back , eccrmslommal Imausca , ImaIns 1mm tIme mmmmmselcs , beaCIhlgIiOwit seneattolls , or any of timoo tlhmrnlttakiihmht ? signs which limmilcato tIme colmmitmm7 0mm of timla great trctttiir' , yeti tmimumlitl hot micla ) ' a mmmommmctmt , tmtit Ito variieml In tlmne. j 4t .i'i ' 1' , ( ' ' 5' p IL $ 1' I e : fi f j Yale9s Skin Food , Removes wrinkles and all traces of age. , It feeds through the pores and builds up'tlic fatty membranes and wasted' tissues , nourishes the shriveled and shrunken skili , tones and invorates the nerves and mus- CCS , enriches the impoverished blood vessels , and supplies youth and ciacticity to tile UC- tion of the skill ; It's pcrfcct. Bcwarc 'of substitutes and I , counterfeits , Yale's Original Skin food , price $ I,50 and $3. At all drug stores. 141mlF : : . i. YALE , liettitim mummi CotmmpieXiOft Slm'vImmilsl , 'm'aIo Tuumimio of lieaimty , loti Stmtte stm'eot , Clmicmlgo. Fine Cooking at Home1 Seine i1ePIo think that they cannot propat'c time delicate 51)111)5 and sauces 1111(1 ( ICItCIOtIS mnitdo t 1 Islies which itt'C tio' lint' to tiio best lrcnch cookillg 1mm thielt' hloine3. Uutbyusoot Lieffig . .flY1 ! Extract of Beef Its it stoci tot' SOti1)S , Saucmm , Made 1)Ishc , , , they cami lie tllmidu otts1l' , clicatily and stIccoabuuIy ! at home , N. Ii. Get ttmu gemmmmitmu L'cibtg COM- PA1Y'S ' anti avoid ( hit'tlilOliithmmtilmt ) S'tm , Flint tIme slemmStut'u of .1 vo's'us voim blue DUFP'S ; LJRL L1LT W1ISEYJ ( A ] ] . Drng13t. ' a gaping sore Mi's , 1)tkinsoii , o 'J'hor , , 1a , linti 1111 ( ) Cfl 801,0 011 lioi' foot ' % VIlit2h tortlli'Cl hey Ibt' 4 yCiIi. Five ( if tIio 1)CI. ) dOCtOl'S coulU not . ctlt.c it , hut tlexican MtuLang Li ii ineut DID. . I.I I. . - - : ' - - "