_ ' _ 1 . S TIlE : \ [ { DAILY DEE : TlIIIISDAY FEDnUARY 12 1895. ! _ 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O\AIA _ , _ , _ ] - - - HAYDEN BROS. MUSIC. - A. WeEk cf rnrgalns In Sheet Musio Better : Than Ever Ecr re. - "LlTTLE QUEEN IRNL" ! ; " reR 40C - Sheet liullc for " Cent-ChoIce of ifnI : : i ' Mytzi . . IIullo : for too I't\r COI'Y- . A OOlld l'lnno , ns Low . - nl 8GO. . - MAX MEYEU'S MUSIC. When we bcuJht ; all of Max Meyer's musl- aI I merchanltlso wo Included In the pur- chase ovcr 2.600.000 copies or high grade and copyright sheet mUilc. You know how we have been selling It . what wonderful bar- gains wove been giving ; you. Deglnnlng tomorrow wo will slaughter this . music as never before , selling all or Max Moyer's claulc folios and opera scores at . ' ball rrlce. Over 10,000 pieces of Max Meyer'l Iheet ' muslo at 1c a copy. Better than we've i bean Belling for II cent. Lots or copyright musla at lc. . . ; All the balance or Max Meyer's sheet f ; music will go this week as long as they t last ) , 'al 10c per copy. Leather music rolls . with handle . , Max Meycr wholesaled them for $2.60 : our price . 116c. ; 91e.Music rolls that Max Meyer wholesaled at t _ $1.25 and that we've been selling for 60c gop p this Week at 19c. Music hohler:1 : that Max Meyer got as hIgh S BS $3\10 \ and $ 1.00 for go this week nt 75c. I LITTf QUEEN mENI DOIUne nllli I'acltard's Queen Irene , J . , the latest and most popular song , only 40c I this week. All popular songs of the day at 3H per cent , dls ount. e ' National folios , Max Meyer's wholesale c ' price was 60c. oUr 25c. Music teachers and other professIonal artists are gIven extra ! ' : discounts on nil musical - I cal merchalllllse either from the Max Meyer c stock or our own L : Mall orders for musIc ot all kinds promptly 11l1ed. ; ABOUT PIANOS. . While the gentlemen In charge or our music I I elepartment are men of long experIence with , I every first class musical Instrument and arc willing to assist Purchasers lu the selection C of their pianos or other musical merchau- , ? dise they do not presume to dictate your i , - ' choice of any selection you think to make. k Carrying' as wo 110' all the leading makes of pianos and organs , there Is no danger of : i making ; a poor selection. or course we : recommend some higher than others , but everybody has a chotce. The Chickering the Knnbe , the SteInway , the Decker Dros. . : as' to pianos allll the Story & Clark and T Newman Uros. In organs are our leading : makes , all . 01 which wo alone carry , and . many others on which we make 11\ Ices lower than you can get anywhere else on earth. ; Some or Max Meyer & Bros. ' pianos for $ o.oo and up organs for $ ZO.OO and up. We ; * rdnt pianos and organs and tune and move . them at lowest reasonable prIces. , HAYDEN DROS. , ' Grand musical week. T TnJ CltlSOEST ! : JlOTI , Eurc\(1\ SIrlllG'ftrk"n. . " : . , Opens Fcbrnnry - no : , 1mw . A beautiful stone fireproof structure with . all modern Improvements. situated In the heart of the Ozark 1110untalns. Mild and bracing cllmato. Wild and beautiful scenery. - Unrivalled medicinal waters. Through sleep- , ers over the St. Louis & San Francisco rail- way between St. Louis and Eureka ) Springs. Write to tim manager for descriptive . C pamphlet rates , etc. _ t 00 TO TlXS. ! : . While hates Are Cheap Yki ant \ Fe. ' Tuesday , February 12th Is excursIon day. . . IFor Information relative to rates and routes to all points In' the south and southwest call _ on or address E. L. Palmer 1 > . A. , Santa Fe touter room I , First National bank bldg. , _ ' * Omaha. _ . _ . _ _ 14 p ; ' - : I1UItEsEtIcIit' : , , 1 'XCVItSl ( ) : i. , Soul YII , Iho t \ \ 'ni , ish ltallro"I. ; ' . On February ; 5 and 12. March 5. April 2 and 30. For rates or further Information _ _ _ _ _ _ % : and a copy of the Homeseeltcrs' Guide call at the New Wabash office , 1415 Farnam . street , or write G. N. CLAYTON - N. W. P. Agent Omaba. Neb. _ _ . J , TALKING ABOU.r - THE CASH. . ; County Offichls I'car-I' Ucllclt nt the End ! f lof the Yelr. . It la claimed that during the last two -I , - months of the decal year , namely , May arid June , the county will \ have no money to run the necessary machinery of the county gov- v ernment. This will mEan n. deficit of nearly $10,000 , although the county commissioners -t do not like to Put It at so large n. figure. Commissioner Stenb2rg , although be said the c- amount would not be so large stated that he I. did not think that there would be any money - - In the general fund durIng the last two months , of the fiscal year and perhaps for n j longer ) perIod. He woUld not however estl- - mate what the deficit weuld be. & The running expen"ses of the county . are paid 7' out of the general fund . lit which 'there was Sr remaIning . on the ( < rllt .of thIs month G.008. ! ' ' Th.e levy on the 1st of last l : July gave the _ : cainty 222,31.88 ! ! Of .thIs , amount 15 per I cent was reserved leaving as an available . batane \ $188,905.95. Of this Ibalnl1ce there is ' : only $40.200 remaining . but there was left over as balances from preceding yearu $50.402 , - I making ; the ( total amount available $90,008. k , DurIng the month of January the expt'nsos were between $19000 ; and $20.000. The weather .In the early Ilart of the month was d Comparatively ' mllll and there were consequently - ( - quently not so many calls for nsslstlnc : from _ t destitute people as there otberwl0'3o ' would , have been. During the portion of this month . 1 now passed the wenther has been fI vere and 1.t every day new calls for asslslance are beIng _ _ . i received , on many day the number bang ! liS high us thirty or forty Although not much r aid can be given to anyone Indlvdual. : tIll ' nggregateIa great drain on the rund. In 'J _ A _ . . . . _ _ . I" . . . . . , _ , , _ , _ . _ . uu. , . _ U _ n _ ( ! _ n r IIUUllIun 10 11I11' , UI"HCL coun 18 now 111 seaT - T 810n and the extra 1I\lense ; ; \ entailed Is con- l sIderable. Commissioner Steuberg estimates : : that the expenses for this month will be bo- : tween" $2 , OOO and $30.000. wIth the probability : that they will be nearer the latter figure than : the former. It Is thouJht that the expenses ' for next mOllth will be all great as the . - " C\ther during that month Is usually severe t. and consquently limo number of the poor to -r ; ' be I ) taken care of will not bl ctecreat'ed. . nUl'- . ; InK that month , also dlstrct ! court will remain - ! main In 8esslon. During time following ; 1I10nths. wh11 ! llflup ; bets in the applicants for anillt- 11 : IIJlce will fall ort and tile expense : ' for cuIng ! for thlI \ will be cut iJown. DIstrIct court . - , _ ; will close about April and w1\l \ not reopen until the latter part or May and durlug that If Interval there will be but little court ex- pensC' ' I- DurIng these two months the county will I have to run entirely on creilt There Is aOllle talk of transferrIng parts of time other I funds Into the general tund. There are many objections to this 11lan. While some of the 'I other fmmndg have considerable money remainIng - ! lug , there Is the chance that there ' will bo a - . demand for Il and time cemmlssloners do not - , aver the Illan of transferring it . They think , that there will be no difficulty In running the county on credit and say that this bas been - - done before. -1' The DO.GOS rpolten of as available Is nol - ' act\lsl \ money In Ijle funt ! This Is the portion , or the levy remaining on WhIch wll'rrants can - . be drawn and not by any means the anUJunt . m or rash that remslu8 In the fund CQmmls- Iioners say that County Treasurer 'Ircoy's leml.annu31 statement showed Ihat on Janu- ? . ri 1 there was only $9,395.81 actual money In the fund. The ptatutea . however allow the commissioners 10 draw on the full amount of . , tIme levy minus time 16 per cent reserve. - . 'f.l/J ! deficit they say will mAterIally cut clown the amount available for next year Whlft ! the commissioners have estimated that - Il0o0o will re required for the general fund ' - theY state that there may be much less - . "l\l1a1l10. The fund Is limited to 9 mills and : , - last year ' this netted $223.312.88. ThIs Will a considerable failIng off from the precedIng year and Il It thought that next fear' levy ' , , wilt be still \ len , With this decrease In mind . 1 , rd subtracting the cleDclt It. II claImed ! tblll . the county will not Stave more than ltO.OOO lor plllning ; the county government next year . s4a IVlilbJ1 . ) , 110\ \ that amOYR'- . amOYR'I ' : - : : : : : : : = : : rW : : lI : . : . . . . . - . . . , . . . - - . . _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . - . . - < - 4 _ . . HAYDEN BROS. - - Belling' Oook's Olothing o.t half of Oook's . PIiCO3. " . - , ( ( MEN'S FURNISHINGS LESS 1 ItN \ II \LF PRICE Look Rt time I'rleu-Tho MoL Astounding Bargains 1-ver OlTcreel-l vC'ry lJol- lor' ! Worth lllIst Be Sold Out ot Once. Wo have made n wonderful sale of thIs mammoth purchase of Cook's stock by sell- lug It at halt price and ! less. We are selling some of the most extraorlllnary bargains ever presented to a well posted people MEN'S SUITS. M. H. Cook's $9.60 black clay worsted frock or sack suits at $1,75. M. H. Cook's $18.00 Prince Albert . suits at $ .OO. $25.00 PrInce Albert suits at $12.60. All of M. II. Cook's suits at halt price. All $5.00 suits at $2.60 ; all $7.60 suits at $3.75 : ; all $10.00 suits at $5.00 ; all $12.50 suits at $0.26 : all $16.00 suits at. $7.60 ; all \8.00 at $9.00. All 1\1. 11. Cook's overcoats antI ulstel"s at half and less to close them out quick , $5.00 overcoats and ulsters nt $2,60 ; $7.60 overcoats and ulsters at $3.75 ; $10.00 over- coats IIn.1 . ulsters at $3.00 : ; ; $16.00 overcoats antI ulsters at $7.60 : $20.00 overcoats and ulsters at $10.0G. [ lIo's' long ; pants suits , apes ; 12 to 19 years. $3.50 suits at $1.76 ; $6.00 suIts nt $2.60 : $7.50 suits at $3.76 ; $8.50 suits at $1.26. lIoys' knees pants suits , ages 'I to 15. All $2,60 suits $1.25 ; all $3.60 suits $1.75 ; I all . $4.60 Bulb. $2.26 ; all $6.00 $ suits $2.60. Men's fine trousers. All $1.60 l11en's trousers 75c ; all $2.00 mcn's trousers , $ 1.00 ; all $3.00 men trousers . , $1.60 ; nil $5.00 men's trousers , $2.60. COOK'S PURNISIIING GOODS. 600 dozen 3'ply linen collars all new and late styles from time Cook stock . , worth 12c , our price 6c each. , j' ' 600 dozen linen' cOllars , Coon's . very best brand \ , equal to E , & W. , wortb.20c our price 12lc. ! I' , - 100 dozen gents' calfskin lined gloves , worth 50c 76c and $1.00. go at 26c. 500 dozen gents' wool shirts and drawers , worth 76c and $1.00 , go al 25c each. Cook's 25c ties go at 6c. Wilson Uros. fine white shirts , worth $1.60 , go at 76c. Sort hats , G3c and $1.13. just halt price. Fedoras halt price Soc allll $1.25. Derby's 87c and $1.00. only halt prIce. Stetson's hats from Cook's stock nt $2.00 , $ Z.25 and $2.60 , just half prIce. hAYDEN DROS. , . . TilE lJIItlr.UT SV"l'IIElt UUVTI \\1 \ nock Island , 8hortot Line and 1'iLsteJt ! ' 1'lnll1. To all points III Kansas , Oklahoma , Indian Territory , Texas and all points In southern California. Only one night out to all points In Texas The "Texas LImited" leaves Omaha at 6:15 a. m. dally except Sunday. landing passengers at all points In Texas 12 hours In vance of all other lines. Through tourIst cars vIa Ft. Worth and EI Paso to Los An- geles. For full particulars maps folders etc. , call at or address Rock Island ticket oll1ce. IG02 Farnam St. ClIAS. KENNEDY G. N. W. P. A. - Sr Jlom'secl'er ' Excursion On February 12 the Missouri Pacific rail- way will sell round trip tickets to points In Kansas Texas Oklahoma and Indian TerrI- tories Arkansas , etc. , at one fare plus $2 fer the round trip. Stop overs allowed. For further information call-at depot , Fifteenth and Webster , or city offices N. E. corner Thirteenth and Farnam streets Omaha , Neb. TIIOMAS F. GODFREY , Passenger and Ticket Agent J. O. PIlILLIPPI , A. G. F. and P. A. . iINNOU.Cli5ENTS. . - . What wm ullloubtedly ! be of great Interest to society and the drama will b& the a f , . . ' 'pearanc of SadIe Martinet and . Max Fgma'n I and theIr specIally selected company on the last tllrce evenIngs of th's week at Doydis ' theater , In "The PaS3port. " Miss 1\1artln _ 'has' ' a large and enthusiastic following , and wherever her name Is known there will be no question as to her unbounded success. I Since tile Ilay'she made her first great sucrets , , with DIon Douclcault she has been accepted : by the best class oC theater goers as an BctreN I with methods and IndivIduality of -her own. UN' delicate : touches of sweetness and ten- , dernES and hcr youthful winsomeness appeal l drectly : to a . theater ! ; oer's heart and secure for her everlasting admirers. ' Time play , "The Passport , " In which Miss Martinet : will be eeen , Is described as an Irresstbly ! : funny comedy of mlxed.up situa- tions and abundant cause for mirth In It Miss : Martinet wll ! aS3Um. the role-of a. ca- prclou : young widow whose forgetfulness 19 forever getting her Into scrapes or all sorts. A private telegram from George flowles manager of Eddie Fay and his big "orr the Earth" compammy to Manager Haynes of the Boyd statea that the cea-pany : opened a wc lt's engagement at theo Metrcpolltan opera : house In St. Paul Sunday night te the entire . capacity of time theater and fully 600 persons were tut/1P.d away. This fs the kind ofliusl - , ness "Ort the Earth" has been dotng almost eVer'where , despite the hard time ! Eddl Fay will he at the Boyd for four nights , corn- menclng 'next' Sunday , and surface Indications point > to n big business here. On Wednesday Friday afternoons or thIs sweek at 2:15 : p. m. , the junior class of time IIIgh school will give a theatrical performance for the benefit of the class. The play will consist of a comedletta In one act , entitled "Cousin Tom. " This play has been given In London several times but has , not until recently been rendered In this country , allll tht" clllzens of Olpaha wilt have an ollllortunity of hearlnp ; It lot time first time at the IIlghl ' 8l1hool. The characters or the play will be reprl'sented by five of time talented ' members of the class. Time public are cordially I ! Invited to be present. Admission 10 cents Tonight lit Association hmahl In the Young M'n's C-lu'lstim association building , Max 0'111'11 will deliver . his hnmorous cOl\1lJ1ly lec- Ito en"t cd "lIer Hoya ) Ilighnc'sornsn. . " 'I'ho , lecture Is new to Omaha people nJIII time Indtcatlons are that It will draw n. good hou8e. . ctall11l1 II I I e Will 1'"lIcly A ccims..l . , PANA , III. , Feb 11.-Curtls hunter , who married Maggie Dradshaw of FAirfield , Ill . In this city last week , threatens to seclc legal redress from Lltchfieht parties and others who hall D puty Sheriff dmunds come here : from Talorvllle : to arrest him lie was reported - ported to bo a Free ethodlst preacher with two or three wives ; als : a dead beat It In said to be a , case of mistaken Identity Time bigamist h l wanted In Vermont - S Tt'xal nuel IIoimbiy Emtai SAN ANTONIO , Fob H.-Shorll lifter IIlIICnlg\ll \ Maxlmo Alvlro and Manuel Mnldoal1o , MexIcan laborers , met on the street and quarreled over local politics. They both began shooUng at each other and the duel resulted In both being fatally wounded NORSE DRY GOODS CO. Eo.rgains in Oloab from Now on that You Never Dreamed Of - READ OUR ADV. ON PAGE FIVE - Enormous Cut In the I'rlco of the JUch IJroeatlo .Ilks-Frelhch N alty Silks \ -lyorWher , Timers Are " : Ie- gnnt Alsrgatns for 1'00 i . At our Ink counter tomorrow we shall make n. special day's NIle of the FINE mCII BROCADES , RENCII NOVELTY SILKS : , Imported for our drenmaklng department. The styles are such that It they had never been shOwn before they would bo pronounced "elegant" and wo will offer them at about 26C ON TIlE DOLLAIt. Colored MoIre Sll1ts-I.25 a yard Is considered - ereel low , but we're going out or business and ycu get them for 75c. Colored Groa Grain Sillts-From the $1.00 and $1.25 grades ; we must get rd : oC timent so we make you the price 76c. . Dlacl Moire Silks-GenuIne $1.25 quality ; we gIve you a treat Ir ' kese and make , them SOc. SOc.Ml our colored sur3h . . . . . . " . all our 27-lnch ChIna silks , that we never sold lees . than 76c. take all you want ! tomorrow nt 49c. \ \ . 'SII GOODS. Best outing flannel , 8. French flannels , 30c. French flannels , 47c. Demet flannel , 3c. All best prints 6c. Dress gInghams , 6c. Best dress ginghallls , 10c. , ' : . . Cotton e'derdown ! , 10c. All remnants wash goods , half price. REYNIEIt GLOVES. All time 8.'nch ' $2.60 gloves are $1.75. Ladles' 4.bulton $2.00 gloves $ 1.43. . Ladies' F3nchon $2.25 gloves , 8.luch length , $1.43. $1.43.Ladles' Ladles' Fanchon $1.75 gloves , .bullon , $1.26. 4 All the $1.60 aM ' $1.76 gloves for 50c. ' THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. . Ilonmoseekors' Excursion . On February 12 , 1896 , the Union PacIfic will sell tickets from Nebraska and Kansas points to nil points In Kansas , Nebraska , Wyoming Colorado Utah and Idaho , at rate of one fare for time round trip plus $2.00. Tickets good for twenty days. Stopovers al- lowed. See your nearest Union , Pacific agent , _ E DICKINSON. Gen'l Manager. E. L. LOMAX , G. P. & Tltt. Agt . - . . . Low Uates to Southern IUIII ' Vcitern l'olnts . Via the Burlington route Tuesday , February 12. TIckets and full Information at 1324 F'arnani street. ' . . IN THE COURTS. Matters Which Are Bringing Parties To- Jc\ller \ IIcrorl > the , JIiges - . . - . - . . . . . , ueorge i-i. rmnce wno IS De III g suea oy Mary A. Place for II divorce has asked for a modification of the order , of thl court which placed the children Howard D. and Della Y. Place , In the custody of the wlte. The hearIng was set for January 12. but Elace' claIms that he was in I the custody of ' the ' Board of Insanity at that time , and was cons quenlly unable ' to be present. A stlpu- lallon was attacheda.to the order which al. lowed George to see his children on Sunday , Tuesday and FrIday of Cach week , from 2 , to 5 p. m. . at time residence of Charles E. Dake at Seventcenth anu Leavenworth 'strelts. ! George alleges that hIs stipulation Is being vIolated. Ho says that for n. time lie was allowed to see the children , but that on January 29 Dalte refused to allow him to do . , .50. and ordered him . off the premIses , promisIng hUn that If .he called . .aal ! ! } he would " < ! mash his face. " At axothem " tine . George avers thltt when , he warnedJthe chll- dre not' to drlnk'beer or hiqimot' lme'was tohd' by Dalte to shut up ns It was none of his buslneSo' ' George lurtbermore claIms that ' Mary Is In no wise fit to care for the chll dr n. He thinks that ho would be a much better person to hav them In custody , and promises to allow Mary to see' them when' ever she wishes If the court gives them to . him. ' Pritchard Moore & Crutt are suing Lewis I Spelts for $ : iDO. the amount of a draft which s claimed was not paid by the defendant. I Ann E. Campbell Is seeking fo restrain County Treasurer Irey from levyIng . " on the Coliseum buildIng for taxes amounting ' . to $750.51. Charles W. Slatterly Is suing tile CudallY Packing ; company Ccr $105. which he claims Is due him for filling up a portion of the company's preperty In South Omaha In 1892. In the county court the Cudahy PackIng company has begun suit against George I , Schmitz and Anton Formanek for $390.13. time ' value of goods which the cempany claims tu , bavo delivered. The gulL brought by John F. Coed against Ellen 'r. Derry Is on tril before Judge Fer- guson. Coad claims that he' leased the Del. monlco hotel In South Omaha. at a rental of ' $ Z50 per month , while Mrs. Derry claims' that the rental agreed upon was $100 a month. Coad Is suing for the difference between Ms claim and MrS. Derry's. , A number..of amdavitshuve been med In-the suIt , brought by Ascher & Co. , of Chicago against Josephine III. Getty to show that In lorder , to get out of paying the amount ! ! Jlle tile plaintiff Mrs. Getty mortgaged her stock to her brother-In-Jaw , Mitchell. After time mortgage ; had been ' foreclosed It Is alleged that lIIra. Getty ran the store as If It had been her own. The plaintiffs claim that Mrs. Getty made time ' deal to defraud them In tile county court Judge Baxter rendered n. decision - clslon In their favor IJsvlral ! weeks age Mary A. Dankhart has filed n. supplemental petition I" .whlch ah I asks the court to restraIn - strain the city officials from collecting a special tmix amounting to $ $1,933. , which has been levied on her property for curbing athl paving Thlrtlelh street t. from Ames avenue to Fort street , and also from collecting a tax 'of $37.75 whIch has been levied for putting In water _ connectl ns. , She . ; I\YII \ that tIme t valua ( or nor property IS not greater tIIan tile amount of the taxes and It the collections were made It would practically work n. con- fication She claims that she appeared beforetime the board of equalization with her objections , but with no success. l'hlhlr" Set Two ThouaammI The jury In the case of William lIaman against the Union Life Insurance company brougt in a judgment for the plaintiff In the suit of $2,000 and Interest from August 8. 1893. This Is the amount or n. policy Issued by the company on the life of the father of two children of whom Haman Is the guardian The company refused to pay the pOlicy on- tits ground that the ( Ieceased had flllled to pay aa lessml'nt. . I'leosilut to TI\ke The Northwestern line east' : ' Vestibuled ChIcago train that glides east from the union depot every afternoon at " 6:45 : and Into Chicago at 8:46 : next morn"tng wIth .Jupper . and la carte breakfast Every ttart , .of thi ! train Is RIGHT. Our eastern traIns aVll:05 : a. m. and 4 p. m. dally-goOO , too. City ticket office , 1401 Farnam street - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' JAD ( Shirts _ "ARK . -e : READY TO W tARI EVERY GARMENT GUARANTEED. FIT. FINISH FASUlON.THE IIESTS Ask your Outfitter . for ' them. DOLLARS AU DOLLABS THESE DAYS I ; ; ; : J.-T" ; ; ( Shirts will fit your " pile II 11S well as your person WE WIiRRFINT IT. - Your address and we'll mall , you our Souvenir of Fashions" cOIIII'It-to book TRove Factorici f'i , , y , CLUETT , COON & CO. , Makers. I -J. . _ ) 4. _ . . . , _ ' ' _ : " ± . . . , ' : . . . ; ; : . . ' . - . . . ' . : z. - " - - "I - - , " . " . " . . " " - - , , - - . . - 1 - - " : cn.'YING JI'U& ' FUND3. - DORrcl 01 Ilt\Uh' WII ' Amldre.s the City Conncll.'fblt LUt. There was n speclallntccllng of the Donrd of Health yesterdaT.-'afecrnoon : for the pur- pose of discussing " 'lIflll and men rm of confinIng - finIng the expendlturh' ' of the board within the limit presCribedty : $ ' thIs year's levy of tine-halt of a mill. Time only action taken wall to vote to ask ' tint council to allow the bills for the removAl laC dead ) animAls to be paid out of the general ofUllll , thus reInforcing the resources of thl ) > bdl\rll. health Commissioner SAVllIo submlllell a statement In whlcltt Informed the board whaL It would havtta come to It It was compelled to go through the year on time rUlllls that are no" " In sIght. The total amount available from the levy woulll bo $8,844.61. The Jonu'U'y bills/ . together with the dead animals bill for lJecember whIch III still unpaid , would IImount to $1,230 , thus lertvln ! 'Only $7,6H.6L to carry the board through the remainIng eleven 1I10nths of time year or this' It Was estlmatel\ that $1,800 would be required to pay for the removal of dead animals , and the I remalllller would barely suffice to pay the salaries of the com- missioner time Inspdctor of contagious IlS- ! cases , and tim inspeators of moat RlIII milk4 . The sanitary force would have to bo IUS- pensel wIth entirely. Jt time council couh bo induced to pay for time removal of dead animals out of time gcneral fund the commissioner - sioner thougllt that they might bo able to keep three sanitary Inspectors. Councilman Gordon said that bo 111t1 not favor retrenching In the health Ilepartment. There was just aa much sickness' In lmartl times AS at any other timime and It woulll be poor economy to hold back money that might sliv the city from n serious ephlemlc. Councilman Thomas thought that the council would be disposed to helJl the board out Incase casts of an emergency , and alter some fur' timer discussion It was voted to address the council asking that time health fund be relieved - lieved from the dead animals bl11. The bill of A. A. Haymonll for R balance of $25G,60 for lumber furnlshell for the construction - struction of the Poppleton avenue duml , was , referred to time city council and time city attorney. ' , No netlon was taken In regard to the dIctIon of Inspectors , ns It was thought best to wnll until the council bad been heard from on the ddad animal proposlllon. . COnllnOI1 Sense Should bo used In attempting to cure that very disagreeable disease catarrh. As catarrh originates In Impurities In the blood. , local applications can do no , permanent good The common sense' 'method" or treatment Is to purify the blood and for , this purpose there Is no preparation superior to 1I00d's 'tarsaparllla. Heedls Pills cure constlpatlou by restorInG perlstaltlo action to the alimentary canal. p lIetter Every Tif'ar. Time was vhen the "glorlous climate of Calltornla" did not attract : tourists. Dut.year after year the time of travel sets In stronger and stronger every fall and wInter toward this favored region. There Is no climate like It on this continent for a wInter resort and the usual fine servIce on the Union PacIfic system has this season been brought to a degree of perfection which leaves nothing tl' be desired. . Harry P. Deueh _ City , TIcket Agent , - 1302 Farnam street. TOO F LY POR THE 1'OLIOE I1nrglar Who Robs . Rt VILi \ and Evades the Offieers of the 'ta" , . During the past two weeks the police hare been searchIng for a mysterious burglar who Is rapIdly growIng rich on the money and valuables that ho Is stealing from the people Of this city ThIs man seems to bo n very mysterIous person and ho bas been seen while committing burglaries In this city and Coun. cll Dluffs. In one night five burglaries were placed to his credit In Omaha. Tile next night ho served the people or Council Bluffs the same trick. Sunday ! night he turned up again In thIs city and robbed the house of M. M. Robertson at 2024 St. . Mary's avenue. lie broke Into Robertson's house between 12 and 1 'o'clock and was going through time pockets of one of limo fnmlly when a young lady rooming there saw the man strIke a match and look about the hallway As soon as he went Into time room to commit the robbery time girl ran Into Mrs. Hobertson's room and screamed The burglar grabbed a pair tt pants , taking a pocketbook contaIning several dolll\rs. and some valuable papers , ran down time hall and made his escape \ through the front door , which ho had left open. An Invos. tlgatlon showed that the front window had been pried open with a. "jimmy , " and then the thief had unlocke.1 the rr nt door from the Insltle allll left It open In order to make a hasty exit This Is time same manner In wMch all ot the other robberies have been committed - mitted , and the jobs are evidently the work of one man. lie Is described as being a slender fellow of about mo:1lum : height dresses In a long black ulster overcoat and wearIng a dark skull cap In true burRlal fashln. The neatness and dspatch ! of his work has comllletely mystified the police and they are of the opinIon that some expert crook Is In the city , who keeps out of sight during the day and then commlls the rob. bones In time night. They are also of the be. lief that the man has visited the houses that he has robbed In the guise tt an agent 01' peddler In order to get the "lay of time land. " The whole detective force Is on the trail of the man and hope that It they cannot catch him to be able to run him out of the city Time thIef dlserlmluates as to what lIe steals , and only takes diamonds and money. lie ha3 stelen several hundreds of dollars' worth of property during the past two weeks. . S Save money by using Dr. Price's Baking . Powder. It's most economIcal because It.s absolutely pu're ; . S \VIII onrer ; unit Then Itcl1Ort. It Is likely that the special committee that was recently appointed by the cthmncli to have Ii conference with the Union Pacific and Burlington olnclals In regard to time completion of the union depot will report within another week The committee has delayed action on account of the absence of S. n. . H. Clark as It was taken for grantel1 that nothing could bo undertaken without his co-operation. Mr. Clark Is ex- .pected home today , and the committee will walt on him as soon as may be practicable - ble Mr. llechel as chairman of the corn- mlttee on vIaducts and railways Is chair- man of the special committee and the other members are Jaynes , Saunders , Hment : and Mercer . e . t I Fate People ! ) ' ' ; , X . . / . } t-7' often wonder why they feel so s , , I . . / "I , , ; . , debilitate < ! -why their cheeks , . \ lips and tongues are almost " qt 7t1 tJ \ " " ' ] colQrless. The reasn.is to It. . reasn. easy . ' . . . , . . It. " ; II ' \ , \ ' I ' . find. The blood 1S in an abnormal - j r 01) 1 ) ' - - . , normal condition , and is defi- ' J\ - .1 - ' - dent in red . This -7" 1 . . : - C i , . 't corpuscles. tJ / ' 5 'I \ ' condition is not a disease in A/ . - . . ; ' " 'ifselfb ; . : ' the result of disease , . / If. - : ' - \ It may be produced by dyspep- , ' ) . . I f J ' , sia , malaria , or 11emorrhag : " jk , ' but the most common cause IS J\ If. wi insufficient { tllltritioll : : What is I I \ . \Vanted is a nutrient which ) \vill \ , increase the vital force and put " the , blood in a normal ! cOndtiOl3. , - ZOQlylsion . . ThAD-MAIiK " does this as DO other remedy can6 It supplies the nourishment , . , to build up the tissue , and increase the red corpuscles of the blood \r , . It thus gives strength and color. It'does this because it contains c , Ozone and Guaiacol. These destroy the germs of disease and , -make appetite. The Cod Liver Oil supplies the food that puts , Y on . the flesh and makes strengih. This means health ; and health c means happinesS , conte 1tment and wealth OZOMULSION is I The Remedy Colds , Coughs , Consumption and . . - all Pulmonary Troubles ; Scrofula ' 9 Physicians _ FOR { < General Debility , Loss of Flesh , . Prescribe ( .An mla and nil Wasting Diseases. " c Handsome illustrated Pamphlet Free. T. A. SLOCUM CO. , 1113 Pearl St. , Ifew York. Y . . r > - . KUHN & CO : 15th and Douglas Stg. , Omaha. _ _ _ _ . i r- TH BAD COMPLEXIONS \ . l'lmpled. blackhead. , red , rough and oily .kln . awl haDd. , dry , thin , oDd lalllnlJ RAN ISCAN . ' hall' . oad SIlDplo bab'y blemishes arc preveDled Iud ! curc4 by CUT . comma SoAp , moat effective . Ikln. l'ur1r'lniC and beoutlt.lnlt soap In time world , as wollo . purest und PUPIII , sweetest or toilet and nursery DROPS " 11031" t old throughout the world Vegetable - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Teeth Without t PI lates t Prepared from the origInal to mania prtJ ee I DU a es rervedlu the Archiverof 5 , o ioly . \ . , ag aQ authentic history dating bnoJ(600yeaoa , - BAILEY , _ DENTIST. . A POSITIVE CURE I . Pax Ion Ullt. ' Bits.4' I lUSts and I ! armmaxn . Sta I" " " , JJ Stomach , Kidney and Bowel ' ' , . . _ _ _ 'I'C ' 1OS1. troubles ] especially Full Set Tcotb . . ' . Fllllnls . . . . " .OJ ' . Beat Tooth. , . . . . . 5.O31iSIlver ! Gold l"lIl1ng 2.0J . tHRONIC CONSTIPATION . . .t'hln Plato" . . . . . . lOAOILIUOLl . ( Jrown9,2 . . II.OJ l' lnlcss Extrac'u 60d , , Urldge teeth. tooth 11,00 Price 50 CC'1ts. Sold by all druglist ! - T2eth Out In IIIbrnl"1g , ' ' . ' I'h Fraicisan R' L e ra ClSI an Remedy Co. , New Teeth same day tn ' LVRE ST. , m1D.iOo < < ILL IIEW FACES AII.AUOtITCUANGlhG the HeMU",1 and 310mev. . fur Circular .md . m Qstratec1 lendar log Dloml&bes.ln tOO wbO : for atmam ; . 0 , Julio 11 . Woodhury. SE V . 424 HtN . . . . . , For sale by Kuhn & Co . 15tb & Dauglas . ' InV8uWr ot Wooc1burJ.'JI Isciisi BoIlD. 's ! ; / . , ' ' , . " . > Is betllll' UijlJJ by thouijlnds : or ladles 1II01lIhl ) ' . It Is time WML'Ii' JT.TII ER murrlcd ladY'8 frtn4 If irregular from any cause , It Is lJare and rcllabu never falls , lruaralltee with every bottle sure to a day 'l'hl8 IIIcdlclno Is tar superIor 1\1 . , pills a8 every bottle IS60&1011 and never loses Its streugtim . Soht by all loadtmi t1ruggi'mts. ' PrIce. 15:1,00 : per bottle If yomtr druggist doclI not have IllIcnd $ Z.UlI and wo will forward you 110 bottle by express OAMOLE JUNIPER 00 , Western OJIleo. Omaha Nebraska , a- ! EXACT SIZE PERFEC1I ] THE IERCAKflLE IS THE FAVORITE TEN CENT CIGRI For sale by aU First Class Donlor. Manufloturod by the F. N. NICE MEICANTILE CICAR CO. , Factory No. 301. St. LoulsM , ( . . . . . - , ' - - ' - . - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ ' - . - ' . % -f % leauty L ! $ le oflealth G\o .R \ 1 : _ ; gDS ' _ _ I ' , & Fcaturcs don't matter so nittcli. I . & Most nny features wi do i thc com- I' l , ; l' plcxion is clear , the e'c bright nnd \ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ 4r thc lips rosy. Hearty , healhy whole- . - , . - : : - - - - . . - - somcncs is bitter than mere beauty .5 \.N I , , , . I J of fcatures. A face full of the glow 'J , of good hcalh-ful of the kindlhics nnt good humor thnt hcalh brings is bouud to be an ntrct 'e fncea face that , wi make friends 'he face tells the story of the wholc body. The face can't lie much about the condition of the body. c Murder \\i outand will c female weaklless " and out - so wi wcakncs" nervousness and other dis- .rdcrs pecular to woillehl I there is n drain on thc systcm and strength , the record of it will show in the face I there is nerve nagging c bcaringdownpains. . dragging and pulling at the most sensitive organs in n woman's body , the face wi show it. Abused nerves draw hues of care and worry ' 01 thc face. Nervous prostration writes its waring on the face long before it comcs. Slecplcsncsl ncrousncs and debilitating drains make more - wrinkles than nge. Nine-tenths of the sickness of womcn COllIeS from some dcrngcmcnt of organs distinctly fcminine. Ninc-tcnths of this sicknc can be curd and avoided by. the us of Dr. Pierce's Fnvorite Prescription. There is nothing miraculoUs about the c Favorite Prescription / -notiling super- naturaL I is the result of rational thought and study applied to medi- cille . I has been prescribed by Dr Pierce for over 30 years. I has : made thousands of womcn healthy and happy , and has brought joy to thousatds of 110111525 I makes healthy children possible and taken properly during pregnancy , it robs chidbirth of its terrors by prcparng the systcm for delivery thereby shortcning labor , lessening pail and nbbrcyiatng thc period' of confinement . Iii I female weakness " i acts directly and strongly in healing and strcngthcning thc parts that are most severely tried I clears out impurites and promotes rcgularity at all tiiilcs. al tmc. World's Dispensary Medical AssociatIon , Proprietors. Z . o Ten cents . wIth thIs Coupon ent to World's Dispensary Medical Association . - llfalo , N. y. : will hrlng.n large book , of mSS pages , fun of Informatoll pnd particulars , or . beter stilt . thee o complete rcople' % Medical Adviser ( over 1.0 pages nod 30 Illustrations ) Its paper cover , , Ill U be 1cd Free on receipt of 2S cents I staimips to pay for packing nud postage ouly. - - - - - . - - - "TIIC 1111rsl bIrd .ceks R 1f.1 of Its omen . " Young Man Take a 1-Ihit. Don' ho afraid to start in at the bottom Don't think you must have everything ' .sJit and spL"whon . I ' you mm'I'Y and sotto down. 'Vo can give you I , : I snug little Housekeeping Outfit fot' very small amoun - , 'i : ? -nnd then wo don't ' wnnt thc money olthor. You can ' : pay fom' it gradually. Withom. little homo , partly f1e and road . to succcs little wife wol willed , " you are on the hlgn - - A Secret ! ' Between Mrs. A and Mrs. B. . Mrs. A.Oh , , whut a lovely home you have I am 10aly surprised . to ace you are so beautifully lUI'nlshcd. ' ' i Mr/ . B.- Y cs , wo have I very nice . home , and arc over so happy , now that wo arc houmkeoping nnd'so comfortably situated . Mrs. A.-How could you afford to furnish 50 luxuriously when your husband makes on1y about hal ns much sa1 i'.v'ns'my husbmd. : I can't afford It. . . it aford . Mrs. B.-l know my'husband makes very lto.salnry , but wo lave . learned a secret. " . Ml.8. A.-What A Secret . ? _ Pray , tel i. to mo , as lam anxious to learn anything to bettor our sut'roummdlnga and furnish what wo need to complete OUI' homc. _ MI's. B-The Sccret Is this : 'Vo hal our entire house Curnlsh1d on thc Now Partal Payment plan by TiE EOPJh'S Furniture & Carpe $ Co. The .greatost House F'tu'nlshers In the wost. Wo paId them $10.00 down und from $1.00 to $2.50 pOI' week , 18 wo can aITol'd. They do not charge any Interest , and the pl'lcos are 10wol' than we cnn buy elso- whero. This is our Secret and the way wo accomplish what otherwise would have becn an imposiblhty. Go and see for yout'sol 104 bo con- vinced- Iememnbos' , wo give ; you the nEST of every thing- . ' 0' Best in value. Best in service. Best . in terms . . 4 " Also remember lint ( /oods wore never so CHEAP ns NOW and that ' hey cannot possibly bo Ch03pOl. . OUR TERMS CASH , Or Doled down are as fo\owl , and It Is alt 810 worth of goods , 81 per svoek ; 1' the annie t us which plan you adopt , Ur 8. nor month . , only one thing be sure of , our gamma 825 worth of gooel , 81.GO per weemc . , \ . , mire sil \lrr.'e ' , both ItS to oUILlty SIr 86.00 u month and value. Our salo-len arc courteous. 8:0 , worth of good , 82 per 'Toekl our shlpUcnts are prompt , und your Or SK 00 n mouth I1j 'InerOIIIO 011' IS Ilorolllly uipproomated. 8'5 worlh of goodA. MtO.IO Ior woek. I thor you pay : cash or accept our easy , . ' , Or Sll per mmrnimtmi paYlen plan : . ' 8100 worm ot 1001'r 83 per week - ( Sr $12 : : : S12Z.wortli or goods , $3.50 per week FIRST-nUh Cash . SECOI.O-Witli Qr 81411er in'imtli " , SlaOwortisogood.l ior " 'elt ; part Clih and 10 much per month . - gool. 811 per .out I I . , . 8200 worth or gooc , sniper w"'eJ ' TiIIftD-Withs . Jnrt . casb and 10 - Or 8:0 : IJOr'mouth 8250 worth of IOOUI , 80 per w.oll ; much per ' vcak. Or $215 per month . Send 10. for Our lUnmmoth Ilustrated Catnluguc. O/n5ii Saturday EVClJ1ZgS Until ro O'cIok. rii JD DIDI I _ _ .d - g LII Success in Life ( o depends on little things. A Ripans ' Q g Tabule is a little thing , . but taking g o one occasionally gives good diges.- j o tion , and that means good blood , - 0 J and that means good brain and j F [ E brawn , and that means success J , Do flipan. Tabulu SoIl by druggist. . or b mal D If ln. rice ( ( cenll I box ) I. lent t in. m- o 11M demical Company , No. 10 Spruce St. . N. Y. DDLjDLE1DL- LJLLJEJDDi . - - , , _ t - ' - r - - - -