Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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rrlIE : O [ AIIA JAU.-Y nEE : TUESD.IT : , FEUU.UARY 1 , 1805. 3
1. , -
j cotJxcJtj m UPl S. .
OFFICE , - - NO. 12 pgAIr STftE1T.
. . . DelvHed by enrlH to nny pnrt of the city.
II. W. TILTON , Lcee.
' Lrt'ONESluslneu orer , No. 4 : ' night
Mlor . , No. 23.
I . , UN(1 _ . 'I NT1U. " ,
Grand hctel , Council I3luft . , reopened Oct. L
MaY1 Ienl Estate agency 639 Droadway. ,
4 Unity Guild will glee a foclal ths evenIng
at the home or Mn. Harris , corner First
and Ilerce Street . .
C. O. Saunders ' Sunday hol class will
give an "at bome" at the Broadway Metho.
Ilt church parlors Sl. Valentne's day.
A branch or the Turnveretn has beNI formed
In this cty , with John Oundam president
t and Anton OunMam secretary and treasurer.
Matt Morriesey was arrested bat evening ' ,
while trying to raise a row among the resl.
dentR or Hoton flOW. He IR slated with carrying .
r'lng concealed weapons.
Special meeting of Excelsior lodge , No.
259 , Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , this
evening for work In second degree. Visiting
, brethren cordially Invited.
The LndleR' AId society of St. John'R Eng-
lish Lutheran church meets Tlmrsday afternoon -
noon at the residence of Mra. O. W. Snyder ,
21 South Seventh Rtreet.
Carl Burhorn made a 12ttement with the
cond.han(1 store man wh [ charged him with
obtaining goods nnller als [ Ilr2tenses. and
thl cne In nolce < court was dismissed yeR-
- " ' - - '
tc'rday . ' .
The verdict or the jury In the $2,000 dam-
Igo suIt or Mrs. Orate against Jacob Neu.
mayer was opened In district court yesterday -
day and round to be In favor of the de-
rcndant. (
The Ministerial association. of the city
meets today at 2:30 : p. m. fn the study of the
First Presbyterian church to take further
consideration In regard to the proposed Chou-
tauqun assembly.
The 1O.days-old chIld of Mr. and ( Irs. W.
W , Whitaker died of congeston 'of the lungs
Sunday afternoon , at the resIlIence In Silver
creek townshIp , and thc remains were burled
yesterday mornIng at 10 o'clock.
ThQmas Monfonl , about 18 years of [ age ,
f1 whie skating on Indian creek Sunday
, afternoon nea" Sixth street and sprained one
of his ankles , helde tearing n ligament. lie
\1 be confined to hIs home , at 309 North
Seventh stree . for [ some time.
PilgrIm SlsterR' CharIty club will meet
at thc residence of Mrs. C. S. flyers 619
Ffth avenue , Wednesday aUero n. Mem-
bers of committees arc requested to be pros-
eat to complete arrangements for the charIty
entertainment next Saturday evening.
* Articles of incorporation were fed In the
county corder's ofce yesterday by the Su- Oobo Mining company , with a capital
stock of $2,500,000. The Incorporators are
Seth W. Bishop , I II. Goodwin , D. N.
Clark , Wells Campheli ! , J. N. Pierpont. F. 11.
, Camp E. n. LalPon , Edward 'V. Webster
" nd Wil J. Scoutt.
Charlie head , living at 401 Twenty-fourth
street , who had hiD let leg taken oil last
March on account of tuberculosIs of the
bone , had to have a second operation per.-
formed at the Women's Christian Association
hopal yesterday afternoon , taking the bone
cut to the hip joInt. Drs. Darstow and Lacey
perormed the operation.
President Joseph Smith wl preach this '
evening at the church of the Latter . Day
Saints. The church was so crowded Sunday
fight that extra chairs had to be placed In
aisles , and hm rarly were obliged to stand.
' Ue expects to speak every night this week ,
and takes rank as being one oC the mot elo-
quent and persuasive speallers of that dc-
: The ' suits of Klrllendal , Jones & Co" , Gil-
more & Ruhi , al } , Decker , Mayer & Co.
agaInst H. Rotholz of Neola are set for
; trial In the district court this mornlm The
; three suits , which may be tried In one. grow
: out -or , the sale or Itdtholtz' store In Neola to
L. A. Goldsmith. The stock was valued at
about $4,600 , and the three firms had claims
. aggregating $1,500 , which were not satisfied.
They allege fraud In making the sale.
. We lave over $300.000 to 1'an upon improved -
proved Iowa 'farms. ' Fermers desiring loans
can save money by dealing direct with us.
thereby saving agent's .commlsslon. 'Ve do
not loan on wild land. nor In Nebraska.
. - Lugro & Towle , 235 pearl street
. Neatest drug store. Taylor's , Grand hotel.
. Oas heating stoves for rent and for sale : t
Council Bluffs Gas - company's - - office .
That potpie dinner at the Pearl Chop house
. for 16cnever anything like It.
4 1'EItSOXtL - 1'd1t1GRl1'JIi. .
' 1. L. Robertson ot Neol Is In the city.
: Riley Clark cr Neola was In the city yes-
Tom Cohn of Chicago IR the guest of J. J.
, Vavra. ,
Ma'lcom McKenzie of Silver Creek township
waR n Bluffs visItor yeserda
11ev. Henry DeLong Is serlouly I with
lung , trouble. Mrs. DeLong Is also sick.
. Miss Sale McCarvl0 has returned home
afer-a month's visit with friends In Lemars
: and Sioux City.
E. IJ. Squire , formerly In this city , Is said
16 lo carving out h reputation ' for himself
In East St. Louis. , . ;
Sheriff Hazen and County Atl6rney Saun-
. 'derR loft last evening for Avocfr .where they
will attend district court.
Mr5 Ii , D. Suing and her two children of [
Iartngton , Neb . are In the city , the guests
of her parents , Mr. and MrR. Henry Paschal.
a , a. Baird , the new deputy county clerk ,
commenced lila work yesterday morning. J.
M. Irenlon , whose place he Is to fl some
day , will remain for a time .
Strong Sand quick In , action Is Dr. Irlco's
Baking Powder. I Is abs lutely pure.
" ' 1 Begin Thu Ilnrnlnl'
I iupcrlntendent harrIs of the Omaha Bridge
' , and Terminal Railway company spent al
of yesterday In the city making arranger .
. r meats for the work of grading Union avenue ,
which Is to bo begun this morning. The !
northeast end of the street Is to bo graded
frst , and from there the work will proceed
to the tran-ser as rapidly as ponlble. procee
C Supervisor A. E. Avery has been detailed
, by Mayor Cleaver to exercise a kind of
general supervision or the work , to see that
the work Is done In the best manner possible
for the Interests of [ the city , but principally
to see that none but Counci Bluffs men are
employed City Engineer Enyre calculated
. terday the dimensions of
I - yetcrday wagon boxes to
bold n yard , a yard and a half , and two
yards , and they are here gIven , with the
i request from those In charge oC the work '
that the wagons bo made of one or the other '
. of the three sizes lO far as practicable :
FIst size , 3 feet by 10 feet by 10.8 inches ,
fl one yard.
Second size , 3 feet by 10 ret by 10.3 Inches ,
t one and on.hl yardl.
. . Third size , 3 fet by 10 feet by 21,0 Inches ,
two Ylrdl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
; 11lurlnae License. .
The following marriage licenses were Is-
sued by the county clerk yesterday :
Name and Address. Age
, Harry E. Grate , Council Bluffs . . . , , . . 21
Pearl Uterback , Council Iflurfe . . . , . . , . 2
. I'onton Mott. l'ottawattamio county. . . . 26
Grace E. Welboure , l > otawatamle Co . 19
fMVa uur Money ,
Dy investing la the stock of the S&vlnga ,
L\n end Building association of Council
Uluae. incorporated In 1877. Monthly pay-
menta or fl.OO per share , netting the investor
about 10' per cent interest . Ten lerlel al.
read paid out , which fully demonstrates
. the ability of the association to mature II
- stock II about levcnty.nv'e monthly pay.
ment. No loans made .ul II 0 of Council
fliuff. , and & 1 applications examined and
passed upon by I majority uf the bond of
directo ! . . Good loans wanted Full Inorn1&-
ton can be obtained at the office of D. W.
OU. , secretary , 10 Main street , or any or the
following dlrectore : H. W. lazelon , Frank
Grass , John Brown A. S. Iizelon , I. O.
Jlcbe , . A. D. Walker , B. E. hart , F. C ,
Jugee , B. 8. Leonard
\ eI , te Eagle laundry I. "that good
laundry , ! and la located at 724 { nro&way ,
r In doubt about this , try I antI be convinced ,
DQn' ; forget lame and number. Tel 167 ,
Davis ell drugs . paint And glass cheaD
, .
Prank Nnprovnek Una a Deoldedly Un-
peasant l Matrmnila1 Experience
They Met In R rlrlo Street Resort , ' 'no
1larlell 11 ( ) iIRhR l rhtlY awl 2'ov
Jib ; UrlIl I. Ended
H 11 11 ,
Frank Naprovenek has been running a
tiny shot shop at 14 Broadway for the
lat eighteen months , but yesterday he left
his shop In the hands or an employe and de.
voted all his time and energies to the accumulation -
cumulnton or I jag that should outshine
anything In local annals Last Friday he
and a denizen or a house at 137 Pierce street
went over 10 Omaha and were married by a
justc3 of the ) eace. They had been con-
slant In their attentions to one another , but
later developments have shown that his
bride , who waR known as either Ida Whlo
or Ida Strong , as might be most convenient ,
was smitten more with the glitter or the oh }
man's gold than with his charms or , face or
They returned to the little shop on Upper
Broadway and spent three nights there.
Yesterday mornlnl Nanrovenele awoke to find
_ <
iii partner of his joys am sorrows fled .
She had nrien In the stly night , opened
her Itge 10rd'R trunk , abstracted $65 of his
money , and skipped for no one knows what
destination. The old man , when ho made
the discovery , was half wild with anguish ,
and } spent a good share of the morning tell.
Ing . his sorrows to his sympathizing frIends.
During the afternoon Napro\'enek was
round at the former home of his wIfe on the
row , and there with a voice that sounded
very , much like Limburger , with beer and
whisky on the side , he poured out the story
of his woes lie denied the report that he
had lost $2,000 of his hard earned wealth ,
and said that $65 was all ho lost. He had
plenty more , but how much , or where he
kept I , were two questons which he de-
dined to answer lie said he intended to
put the police on the unfaithful lady's trail ,
but up to a late hour last evening he had
done nothing more than entrust hits message
to tie birds of the aIr.
Cell Weather Ilnrgaln. _
All winter gods must go.
PrIces _ made to close out.
76c quality henletas and serges , to close
at 39c a yard.
76c and $1.00 novelty goods , reduced to flOe
0 yard
All remnants must go. Big reductions.
89c blankets reduced to 68c a pair ; $1.00
blankets reduced } to 76c a pair.
Heavy gray blankets , regular $2.25 quality ,
reduced to ' $1.60.
$5,00 all wool blankets , now$2.9S.
$ UiO quality ladles' wool skirts , now 75c
76c quality ladles' wool skirts to close SOc
each. '
Ladles' all wool Imlt'underwear , worth 89c ,
reduced to SOc each.
Ladles' heavy ribbed . vests , 9c each , worth
Men's heavy all wool shirts ! , were $1.00 ,
now Sic each
39c heavy winter underwear reduced to 25c
each , flOe a suit.
" . Council Bluffs , Ia
John Jay Wlnney'R Shakespeare at LIberty
ball tomorrow nighL Tickets , 25c.
LIter nlY Sllnt . ' -onrorcnee.
At a late conference of the Reorganized
Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day
saints held In Fremont county I was de-
cided to hold the next annual reunion of
southwestern Iowa at Council Bluffs. Tile
local socIety her has appointed a committee
of arrangements composed of Robert Mc.
Kenzle , C. A. Booboo , A.13. . ! air , J. D.
Stuart and D. K. Dodson. As soon as the
weather moderates steps will be taken by
this committee to secure a proper location ,
and as there will be a large number In attendance -
tendance from this and adjoining counties ,
It will be necessary to secure grounds where
a "canvas city" can be erected , as the
great majority will come prepared to tent
and spend a week In rural life. The meet-
lags wi b held the later part of August
or early In September and will continue over
two Sundays. Efforts will be mad to have
some of the best talented speakers In the
church No effort will be spared In making
this one of the prominent gatherings In
western life for 1895. One thing that will
help to make these meetings a success Is the
prominent consideration this church Is havIng -
lag In the courts of the land and tie defensive -
fensive and aggressive efforts of its ministry ,
which have forced recognition by the clergy
and laity all over the country to such an
extent that prejudice Is fast passIng away
and 'people everywhere arc beginning to learn
that this people deserve recognition for theIr
honesty of purpose and desire to bo In harmony -
mony with the Christianity of New Testa- !
mont tm ' s. ' I
To any charitable organization or to any
person for charitable purposes we will furnish -
fish groceries and provisions at actual } cost ,
and deliver same to any part of the city.
74 Broadway
l'lannln for Itiprispping.
! Jllrl/plnl.
J. C. Meredith , division engineer In charge
of the government rlprnpplng along the MissourI -
sourI rIver , Is In the city making arrange-
ments for beginning the proposed repair on
the dikes along the east bank near Council
Bluffs . Ie has arranged to open an ofce
In the government building within the next
day or two. The contract for repairs has
been let to S. I. Atwood of Platsmouth , and
he has been hauling rock for several days ,
depositinj It near the foot of Twenty-fIrst
depsltnj the river bank. The repairs will
commence a short distance north of the terminal -
initial bridge and extend about three miles ,
the estimated cost being $20,000. What de.
lays the work now Is the formal authorization
of the secretary of war This Is expected
to arrive any day now and the work will be
commenced immediately . I Is i not likely that
any new rlprlpplng will be put In until next
fall , but , the summer will be Iut In on the
repairs _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The fact Is never questioned that Prlco's
Cream flaking Powder Is absolutely pure.
lialclwin'g CitstIItiioy.
Mr John N. Baldwin Is quoted aR saying
that some of his admiring friends are talk.
Ing of him as a possible candidate for gay-
ornor , and that while It would be a great
pecuniary sacrIfice for him to tale the otlce ,
yet he would make the sacrifice for the sake
of the grand old party , and let the honor of
the position offset the inevItable shrinkage
In Income. Mr. Baldwin Is known a one of
the most prominent railway -atorneys In
Iowa , and If his friends could possibly secure
for isbn the nomination he would doubtless
receive a hearty support from the railways.
While It ts true that Mr Baldwin a few
years ago strayed Into the democratic camp
and made vigorous battle against the repub-
Ican nominee for congress In this district ,
yet ho has been seeking to atone for this of
late by renewing his allegiance and making
lame eloquent campaign speeches In varIous
Ilarts of the state .
It Iuu\lell :
Yesterday , and we were snowed In by peo-
pie who were buying frame all pictures
at our great hal price sale. Again lomor-
row you can buy ) 'IUI frame cud pitures
for just half their market price. Choice of
any Ihoto frame In our window , 20c. Choice
of artists' brushes , 5' cenls.
U. I. SMITh & CO. ,
46 Main : Street ,
" . ' , Wire .Pl''s.
David Ward , who died } In Council Bluffs
seine two or three month. PIN , leavIng sit
estate of about forty acres of laud In Neola
township , hal a who and two chIldren. whIch
will bo a pIece of news to most 01 W. frlende .
10 had been a resident or PoUawaUlmle
county for more than twenty years , and
nothing ball ever been heard or his having
a family. As soon as he died some of his
relatives , supposing that they were entitled to
the property , took pososlon of It In the
absence or any vi1i. nley Clark or Neola
had been acquainted with Warll In 18G8 In
De\vle , Iii. , and began a correspondence
with parties there which resulted In the
unearthing of a wife and , two children.
Ward and his wife separate before [ he care
to this part of , the country , but neither of
them had ever secured I divorce. Thin
property will consequently have to be divided
among the three.
tlnulfut I.lnen Muslin Underwear Rt Your
htn I'rlct.
Ladles' white skirts , flOe : corset covers ,
15c : chemise , 33c ; corsets , SIc : Indies' hand-
kerchIefs , 30 : dotted veiling , 6c : crinoline ,
lc : Saxony yarn , all at 4c.
harry Grate nail L'oRrl Uterback Married
In the Salvation tRrrnok . ,
larry Orate anl Peal Ulerback , two of
the Salvation army's most promlnet members -
bore , were united In matrImony lat evenIng
by Star Captain C. S. CouRenR of Omaha ,
amid a chorus of "hallelujahs" and "amens" I
that shcok the ( walls of LIberty hail as they
have not been shaken before since the rising
generation used to graduate there from the
public schools. There was a gooll-slzell audi-
once present. A few of the well-worn Sa I-
vnton army songs were sun by way of [ In-
troducton , " and while everybody was ' singing I
"Whal Shall the Harvest Be ? " the brdal :
party marched lp the aIsle. Martin Jen- ,
sea , clad In n smile and other regalia , acted
as best man. and Miss Mary Zintz was
bridesmaid While one-hal the audience was
applauding and the other half sInging they
tcok their places on' the platform In the front
row of seats , the rows back being occupied
by members of the army , each lady wearing
a white sash , gracefully draped over one
The chaplain from Omaha sang a solo , accompanying -
companying himself on a banjo. The mot
strIking stanza of the hymn rap one descriptive -
Ive of the way In which his democracy ) ' and
all other bad traits disappeared from his character -
acter when he turned over 0 new lea and
joined the army. Then one after another of
the warriors against sin gave theIr experiences -
enceR and exhortations In short speeches , and
finally , when the audience hall begun to shar
the evIdent uneasiness et , the bride and
groom the star captain opened the ritual and
cJmmencell the ceremony. The bride and
groom each made 0 vow that they were
marrying , not to increase theIr own happiness ,
but to enable them to work together for the
glory of God mere effectually , and when the
rIght time came the geom fished a ring out
of his hip pocket and slipped I on the brIde's
nnger. After Captain COlsens had pronounced -
nounced them husband and wfe ! there was a
pause for only a second , when the brlde's
brother , Irma somewhere behind the scenes ,
called out In 0 lusty tone of voice , "Kiss her ,
Grate. " And Grate kissed her. Before the
kiss was finished a good part ef the audience -
ence , having seen what It came for , had
fed out of the Iloor. .or
During the service a collection of about
$5 was taken , the bride acting as deacon , the
money 10 go to htlp on with the army work.
Mr. Orate , the young man whose matrlmonal !
career was ushered In In so decslve ! a manner ,
Is a lineman with the Western Union Tele-
graph . company. Doth he and his bride will
carry withi them the best wishes of the
friends of the Salvation army , for which
they have done so energetIc work.
dmu""Aon' Music nox.
A lawsuit , which has been pending for
two years and 3 halt , and which Involved In
the start a difference of only $ between the
plaintiff and defendant. occupIed all of yes-
terday In the district court. I Is a fight
for the possess'on or I music box , valued at
2,000 franca , or $400 , which ! r. Edmundson
bought when he was In Geneva , Switzerland.
I vas made to order 'by the firm 'oti3ar
& Co. , and was to be set down fee of all
charges at Edmundson's house In this city.
Edmundson paId 1,000 franc down and was
10 pay the rest when the Instrument arrived
at hs ! home. The Instrument came and with
It a bill for 1,000 francs , plus $4. freight
charges. Mr. Edmundson Immediately made
up his mind 'that the manufacturers were
trying to "work" him In a small way , and he
determined not to be worked He accordingly
refused to take the Instrument In the regular
way , but commenced a suit against the manufacturers -
ufacturers for the 1,000 francs he had already -
ready paid them , and attached the instrument
for security. Since the commencement Dr the
suit the musIc box has been stored at
Mueller's . In the custody of thc sheriff. I
Is one of the finest instruments of the kind
ever seen In thla part of the country , and
plays thirty tunes , none or which , however ;
have yet been heard on this side the ALlan -
lan tc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The eminent chemist D t Ann Arbor Prof.
Prescott , declareR Dr. Prlce's flaking Powder
absolutely pure.
1)IIOPJ'JIfl . . - .10TTLE 'UF 1II.VZINE ,
L'ccalliir Accident that CII ell the nostrue-
tm of R Lincoln Urul Store
LINCOLN , Ireb. 1l-Speclal ( Teegram.- ) )
At 10:30 : this morning a bottle of benzine wal
dropped near the stove In Scribner's drug
store , 19 South Eleventh street , and before ,
the fire department left the scene the stock
was totally destroyed and the Interior com.
pletely wreclled. The less IR $ ,000 ; insured
for $3,600. _ _ _ _ _ _
Flro ta tim Wholesale Iousu ,
INDIANAPOLIS , Feb. 11.-Another great
fire broke out this afternoon In the wholesale
district on South Meridian street. I started
In tire wholesale grocery of George W. Stout.
The alarm Rcunded at 2 o'clocle and the num.
her coming from the wholesale district at
once attracted streams of people. An explosion -
sion occurred and the fire spread rapidly .
The top floors of the Immense building of
the Stout Grocery company tell nt ; :25 : p. m.
with I crash , The third floor burst out Into
the street and was followed by sheets of fame
that forced their way out through the slole
arid curled up over the adjoining building. .
In anticipation of the givIng way of the
wlla the ( police had forced the crowd back.
The flames licked around the 'corner of the
grocery building and seemed to bo trying to
communicate t Iefer's drug building . Four
streams were turned on this building and
every effort mad to Ieep the fro from
spreading. There were a lumber of loud re-
ports at 2:40 : p. m like elploslons , and these
were followed by additional smoke. The wails
shook and trembled and Fire Chief Webster
said It would be a miracle if I [ the walls did
not fall outward. At 2:40 : p. m. nine streams
were on the front ot , the bUldfng , but they
were having no visible elect on the fre ,
At 3:20 : the fire was thought ( to be under
control and the mefer Drug company wil
likely escape damage . The loss thus far
Is over $100,000.
hey Onnd. Ilrned nt Itockforcl .
ROCKFORD , Ill " , Feb. 11.-Frank Dur-
nam's dry goods store was damaged to the
extent . of $50,000 by fire today , I was insured -
Attempt to Jump a Claim to "aluablo
' I'ropmrly Urlt.h , Columbia .
SPOKANE , Wash. , Feb. 11.-A story has
just leaked out that a man named Tappings ,
a barkeeper , made an attempt to jump ( lie
famous War Eagle mine , In Trail Creek ,
valued at 1000000. Patley Clark , the
millionaire Inlner ; , who Is president of the
Wlr Eagle company , and C. C. Corbin ,
president of the Spokane & Northern railroad .
road , and also a stockholder In the mine ,
ordered out a special engine and coach , and
a mile-a-minute gait wal struck for Nelson ,
n. 0. , 200 mIles north of here , where a new
lcense was secured , the old one having
expired. Under the Canadian mining law
It wa necessary to take out I license In
order to work or hold any mining claim.
Clerk thou Immediately returned to the
mluu and Induced Tupplngs to abandon bls
attempt to juml ) the elalm. .
- .
Ur. UUr Was Murdered.
] ENYlm , 1ret , . n.-Tlle coroner's jury
brought 11 a Nenllct this afternoon that
" ' , 1. " 'bi 1 e ) ' , alias "Ur " A. L Bowers ,
found Jlwt In the head 11\ \ burned to n
crIsp mIter n fIre 11 his store recently , was
murdered by ; arte , unknown ,
I n
_ tl " .
" . I , , ' ,
Two MEn Jailed nt Red O . jpr Holding Up
. Jeweler ,
n J6wetcr :1
) , .
- "
'f .
They Return with oml'l from NehmslR
" 'lholt lcciulCltiolis'flik " I. . lohinon
fuel WllRm tneitii UJvn ni
Their Neeiee. :
: . . ,
.t , , ' .
RED OAK , la" , , Feb. 1t.-Special Tele-
gram.-The ) two robbers who held tip L. H.
Towner In his jewelry lore Friday evenIng
In this city were captur Saturday afternoon
In Nebraska City. They were brought back
here by Sheriff Logan , without requisition
papers , and safely lodged In Jai last
night This morning they were arraigned be-
fore JustIce liaison , charged with robbery
The prisoners waived examination , and were
committed to jai to awaIt the acton of the
grand jury. About $200 worth of stolen
good were ' found upon the elder of the two ,
who gave his name IS Prank John9n , that
of [ his companion as William Smih , John-
son , who Is about 37 years old , Is a rough
looking fellow , with - determined expression !
upon his face. lie claims he waR given the
jewelry by t\o men In Ittd Oak FrldlY night.
. .
- JM -
Ils story Is very disconnected , and dos
not bear the mark of truth. Ills companion
Is an inoffensive appearing fellow , about 25
years cld. He disclaIms any knowledge of [
then robbery. lIe says he 1e Johnson In
Shenandoah Friday nIght for the first time
ant they went to Hamburg together In a box
car , and from there walked to Nebraska City.
Smith claims to be front Jlngman county ,
Kansas , and Johnson from Lee county , where
he has worked upon a farm for the last
eight months. I Is , very likely there were
.thers connected with the robbery who have
not yet been located.
10 \A' : BIG t'UM I'KIN snow
Del MoInes L'oopioGoing Down Into Their
I'oellch to Iec ) ) It ( eulieg.
DES MOINES , Feb. 1 i.-Special.-The ( )
managers of the Iowa state aIr leave reached
the conclusion that they can no longer run
that exposition wIthout passing 'round the
hat and extending tie hand for charity .
At a conference held the } Past week between
the executive committee of the state fair
and a number of [ lealtng bU31ness men the
later were given the ultimatum of raisIng
$10,000 or having no fair In Des Moines
thIs year , if I OVer aKln So the business
men have gone generously to work and will
nrnhablv hAVO Illo trnnhln In "Clrlnl
pledges ' for - the required - aieioint. , : " This , will
be done by disposing or 20,000 admission
tickets , so the people will get at least a
slight return for their money. The reason
for thIs condition of things Is that two years
ago the receipts of the stbte fair were kept
down by the superior' c l\lr \ ' attraction of
the World's fair at ChTago,1and the society
care out about $25000 ; Ih ilebt. The legis-
tature the next wInter mad ! an appropriation
of $20,000 to help th . 's'ociety out. Last
year there were 0 number of counter attractions -
tractions In the 'clty ani1l.on the chief day
of the fair the weather " $ so ball that
there was comparat'oly .o attendance. The
society Is now about $ tt0O In debt. The
people of this city and $16,00P ! acted very
generously by the statl fdlr. Years ago It
went about on wheels and Was constantly In
debt , with no permanent Ilolne or prcspecs (
The state glslature I vas finally l'duc d to
appropriate $50,000 on condition that the
people of Des Moines would raise nn equal
amount , which they did , " and the present
grounds ( about 250 aeres ) Iwere purchased.
Some $80,000 has beeh expended In build-
lags and the fair has generally more than
pale expenses until thor past two years.
Efforts'Thave been mode tithe .nd again 19
inducdthd fair managelatf'o:1ut : iuilymilq ,
track and pay . snore ' -tteUo to speed con-
tests , but EO far these efforts have failed- .
TJer has also been a great deal of complaint
because no new attractions have been added
and people have gown tired , of coming to
see the same old'pumpkln show , with 10-cent
side shows. , Xhe managers explain that the
faIr ptoverty belongs to : the state and they
are , notf'permitted to mortgage It for .tlle
purpose of adding modern attractonR ( , though
when the society comes out In debt they are
asked to go down Into their individual
pockets to tide over the financial straits. I
Experience Is said . be a pretty good I .
teacher , and I Is possible ! the next leglsla-
turn may bo brought to see the necessIty of
doing something In a sensible and modern
way for the state fair
nonn TIUOWN nTO A UED n0031.
Narrow Escape of ace lawn Fanner's Fnmly
from I 1'le:11'8'enjenlce. .
. LINEVILLE . Ia. , Feb. 'll-Speciah ( Tele-
gram-An ) effort was , made lat night lo
blow up the res'denco or ' Sol Litton , n prom-
Inent farmer , living 1 'mlle south of here.
TIIO door of the room In which the family
was sleeping was 'burs open and a bomb
made of powder and saturated with gasoline
was thrown Into thee room The' bomb cx-
pleded , filling , the room ' wIth flames. Litton (
leaped from the bed and , ' uccieded In extinguishing -
tnguishing the fire with thee bed clothes ,
but was badly bured : lie suspects I man
who robbed hs ! hous"lsevefal years ago and
was sent te the penitentiary for the ( crIme.
Ho had threatened to-get oven with Litton .
No trace of him has been discovered , bow-
"neddy" Wilson' . CompanIon In Crime not
n lAme Ternel
MISSOURI VALLEY , Ia . , Feb. 11.-Special (
Telegram.-Irrank ) Davis , convicted of the
murder of Marshal Whiney In this city lat
April . received a sentence bf seventeen years
In the penitentiary . Io waR the partner In
crime of "Reddy" Wison , who was lynched
at the time of the murder.
fad Wreck nit the it. O. H. 8 N.
CEDAR RAPIDS , I ; , Feb. 11.-Special (
Telegram.-Tiee ) most dira't.ous lccdet : Unt
the Burlington , Cedar RapIds & Northern
railroad has sustained for a number ct yea"
happened at Orundy Center last night , when
0 freIght train ( waR derailed , caused by a split
switch , which tur.led thotrJ11 , In upon a num. .
her of box cars , Drllwman Wilam Fishier
was instantly killed , Engineer Charles
1lmore had / leg broken , and thin conductor
and fireman haiRy : e" iurt. ' J
Thee Worh1s fair jUl' , after exacting tests ,
round Dr. Price's UakihI / Powder absolutely
liure . , Dallng/I 1
, . 1
Killed by aJ , ) 1nr Troo.
CRESTON , Ia , Feii.it3Il.-Speclal ( Tole'
gram-Whiile ) r ln alree on his farm
near Elliott , Ia , Alqhf 'ireland ' was caught
by the falling tmbel , PI q4' Injured so badly
that he died I few her , ; P , tel ( the accident
Diphtheria In a ma l ( , jUppt I form has made
its appearance In theta cltl and several deaths
have already resulted,1ThurO alJ a ha'f dozen
cases at present , aced i.c1Pard of Healh has
adopted a rigid quaranlnc
. . ,
U lee 6toroy 111.lfon ' Murdered
SIOUX CITY , F b.l ' dl-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-I ) Is now belleypjl here thal James
Storey the stock dea1e'who ' Is missing with
$3,000 , hl8 been ' ouhlytlealt with . The last
heard of him he was 'n his way to Balx ,
about sixteen miles 89uthwut , on the Sioux
City & Pacifiq.
Paclfc. , - . ,
10) "bot by . ' CumpMnlon.
LENOX , Ia. , Feb. 11-Special ( Telegram. )
-While hunting near hero yesterday Roy
Salisbury , aged 1" , WIS fatally shot by a
gun In the hands ot Ed lyan , aged 19 , I
18 supposed the gun exploded & - , - accidentally ,
lelz r I In Jdl ' ,
ATLANTIC , la. , Feb. 11.-Speciai ( Te'e-
gram.-lOx-President Yetzel or the defunct
CaBs county bank Is In jai In default of
$ ,000 bail . ' x-Vlce l'residehit Ucktron
succeeded In gettng bondupen.
- S
rblt Ills Wi" In star lie I.
NEWAIK , N , J. ; Fcb , 11.-Joseph C.
Courier shot his wIfe a she slept with Ida
child In their home today Three shots were
fired , OM bullet entering the woman's in-
testines. lie then cut hIs throat with '
razor , but the wound II not dangerous. Mrs.
Courter cannot recover. No cause for the
crime Is known , though . jealousy II Ilrmied ,
Court of Appeals Ulrcct . Tutlgo Thn1r to
ChnnKO lii. ,
ST LOUiS , Feb. 11-Thee federal court or
appeals today reversed In part the judgment
of the federal court or Colorado In the fa-
mous mining suit ot James 1 Thomas ,
Miriam A. Thomas , Flora L. nnnnerman and
the St. Luls.Colorndo Smelting and Mining
company agaInst John C. Densleck , Leonard
C. Wcnzel , Martin V Medart , Wnl r I. . .
OrnYdon and Edward C. Doehmer. All the
' defendants are St. LouisIana. Complainants .
ants charge that the defendants had con-
spIred to gain control of the smelting com-
pan1 ' ptoperty In Jllkln county , Colorado .
and to that end they , as directors , executed
two mortgages on the plant and then sought
to diminish the earnings so as to prevent the
payment of the interest on the mortgaeR.
The United States federal 1 court In Colorado : '
upheld thE validity of [ the second mortgage
for $0.000 , but enjoined the Ileenlnnl from
selling the property In order to satisfy the
first mortlaR for $18,000. Judge Thayer ,
who wrote thin opinion , heM that aR lien-
sleek and 'enzel advanced $18,000 , less 20
per cent commission , they did not commit
fraud of any kind. The Colorado court was
directed to enter a modified decree direct-
lug the smelting company 10 Imy to Den-
sleek all 'Venztl the amount actually all-
vanced by them , H,100 , wih interest from
August I , 1891 In the event \lat Densleck
and Wenzel arc not paid they are at liberty
to tell thee property . i
The Midwinter fair confirmed thee Worl11
fair verdict : "Ur. Prlco'R Baking Powder
Is absolutely pure. "
. , : nw- ) ( ltT .I'ilS ] ' " .lrUI.
heath or Chnrl OllIrre , encrnbo : 11" .
torrll and Literatour .
NEW ORLEANS , Feb. H.-Charles Oa-
arre , the venerable historian and lerateur ,
died this morning at his residence on
Prieur street , aged 90 years. He was a
native of this city , of noble birth and famous
In this state for having introduced thee
culture of indigo and sugar cane , . and aR ( lee
first mayor of this city. He wrote the
" . . " lie "
"History of I.oulslana. ( "Infuence of
Mechanic Arts on the Destinies or the
Human Race , " etc.
< nllnt uulhcrn Soldier ICead.
ALEXANDRA , Va. , Feb. H.-Oeneral
Montgomery Corse died here tbay at his
residence on Washington street of old age
and general debty. ! He was born In this
place In 1816 and served all through the
MexIcan war as captain of an Alexandria coin-
pany. When the civil war broke out he was
mad colonel of thee Seventeenth Virginia
regiment. He was afterward promoted to be
brigadier general In connection with the Fif-
teenth Seventeenth , Twenty-nInth , Thirtieth
and ThIrty-second regiments of the Army of
Northern Virginia and served gallantly. He
was a prominent member of Robert E Lee
camp of Confederat Veterans of this city.
: : url h Cotton Mnuurnctnrfr Dciii .
LONDON , Ireb. 11.-Mr. Hilton Greaves ,
one of the most Important cotton manufacturers -
coton maru-
facturers In England , died at Odhnm today.
, FltSC ( FOI GOOD au J-EI.lE'T.
Agitation for nn ( OffIciaL Invc.tlraton lIe- .
clve RU _ 'IIel ItmpetU . .
SAN FRANCISCO , Feb. 11.-The agita-
ton for a legislative commission to Invcst-
gate official corruption In .thls city received
an added Impetus at the great metropolitan
mass meeting. The good effects of that
meeting were apparent all day and the
Waymire bill was the one theme of con-
vEsaton among the many thousands whl
have awaked to the problem of better gO\-
, errment Metropolitan templq was thronged
'yesterdaY ) afternoon with men and wbmen
' '
'who' came to hear the problem of "Good
ltzensllp" " ' OxpOuflded by Re\ R. O. Good-
win The speaker Is a new factor In the
movement , having recently' come from Clii-
cage to this state , and train Los Angeles
to tlls cIty , where he has been Instaled as
pastor of the California Street Methodist
church. At nearly all the churches the
ministers took occasion to speak of the pro-
pose ! investigation ant to approve of it.
Telegrams have been received from Dr.
rldiurst , Clarence Lexow and John W.
Gel endorsing the plans of the local } re-
former. .
for er. . _ -
Death Sentence Not LIely to lie Carried
- Out nn Ill".lh.n Jrl onerl.
VANCOUVER , D. C. , Feb. 11.-Among the
passengers by the 'Varrlmuu was F. n.
Holmes , private secretary of Damon ,
Hawaiian minister of finance , who Is enroute
to England on a vacation . lie says there
has been no change In leo situation since
the ( ot thin last steamer , but lee believed -
leved the effectual manner In which the
revolution wa ' quelled will prevent
revoluton queled wi any
further uprisIng. The natives were much
disgusted at the fiasco and despised Wicox
for his cowardly surrender. In his opinion
capital punishment will not he inflicted on
the conspirators , not because the govern.
meat lacks courage , but because the country
Is free from grave offenses and In ctonof
the . severest penalty of thee law would be
revolting to the pcople. Holmes empllatealy
states that the trials as conducted so far
have been generally fair ant hat Iho ap.
pointment of Judge Whiting as president of
the court and Lawyer Iennln as judge
advocate was considered favorable to the
JEIX.m l'El1S.
Veterans of thc Late War Remembered by
the General Unvernment.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 11.-Spocial.--Pen. ( )
siena granted , Issue' of January 22 , ISiS ,
were :
Nebraska : Orlglnal.Wllam Thompson ,
Lyons , Burt ; Elms M. Lowe , Spencer ,
Doyd. Additionai-Jny , l. Hey , Naponee ,
Franklin. Reissue-William T. Cook Fre-
Frankln. ReissueWiiam , -
nnnt rtni . .
" , variglnalPeter
- Anderson , Storm
Lake Buena Vista : William C. Ilgan , At-
macic . Cass : Henry Irwlne , Muscatine ,
Muscntne ; George Terry MaIhalown catne , .
Marshall. Inerlasc-Slephen R. Dennis ,
Toledo , 'fama : Ole Nelson , Fort DolgC ,
'Vebster. HelHsueJacob C. Mundwlcr ,
Hock Rapids , Lyon ; Dwhht Mnnwarlng ,
Corwlh , Hancocl ) : Original wIdows , etc.-
Anna E. I.eonard. Davenport Scot : Sarah
Snvole , mother , Wnukon Allnmakee.
Colorado : Original-Vihliam A. Doyle
Idaho Springs , Clelr Creele Renewal am !
Increuse-I > hlneas F. Lull , Pueblo , ant
South Dakota : Reissue-Harrison Loop ,
Sturgis eade.
Montana : Orlglnal-Isnac P. Strayer ,
LIvingston , Pant
" 'ant tbo 011 WM&e Icstor d ,
KNOXVILLE , Tenn. , Feb. H.-The conductors .
ductors , engineer and fIremen representing
the grIevance committee of the Western sys-
tem of thee Southern railway left Knoxville
today for Washington. Their visit there Is
to bold a conference with Third Vice Presi-
dent Baldwin of the rad regarding a restora
ton of aid wages and arranging a uniform
scale for the future.
, , . , We Offer You a Remedy Which
Insures Safety t Ufe of l0ther n Child .
"MOTHER'S Robs Confinement
" of Its Pain , Horror
FRICND" arid Risk ,
After using one bottle of "Moragita'
Aftr " 111nl but little pain and did
DOt oxperlence that weakmes \ aftereemerd
u.ual In such eue.-MIU. tba ANIZ OAOI
lnter Springs , Kao.
Sent 'Y Mall or EzprN' on .celpt of price ,
. 1al . . hook 10 Motheri mailed
'I. pr look 110Llo. maied
ire. . sol ball VrUlr/111.
DR.trUI.t : nrOUrTOI CO. , Atlanta , 0.
IHockholdera' I.etlt.
Notice Is hereby given that the regular
annual meeting or the stockholders of the ,
South Plate meelng LlI company will be helt at I
the otilce of said company , In Lincoln Neb. ,
at 1 o'clock a. m. , on the first Wednesday
In March , 185 , being lice ( the day of the
Dr order of the Doard of Directors.
I O. PUU.LU . SecrEtary.
Lincoln . Neb. , Feb. t. 1695. Ffm30t
Dusns Done nt Special Meeting of City
Council LIt Night
CO'OIIMltnn wlh hlet rite Mayor l'roiesleed
to Selur ( R Ltn ThIl 1:11-8Iml :
l'olico Court Jlu\I-Olher
MagIc City Ne\V.
A special meeting of Iho city council was
held last evening
The request or the A. W. Sao estate for
$76 $ for damages done to pavement by falling
b1nkR of dirt was reCused.
John Fallen sent In a request for the removal . -
moval of his saloon from 821 North Twenty-
sixth 10 2527 N street. The matter was referred -
ferred to the cOlmltee on licenses , which
reported favorably , and the transfer was al-
Mrs. Katharine Driscol sent In I claim for
$196 for personal injuries sustained by step'
ping Into a hole In thin sidewalk Referred
to theo ely attoremey. <
The ma'or of Beatrice asked the co.opera-
ton ( of [ the council of South Omaha In an
effort to leave the lAWS so changed that regis-
( ration or voters would } bo necessary every
two years. A resolution wnR passed agreeing
to co.operate with the' Heatrlc omclal In se
curing the , passage of such n law.
A letter from Congressman 1) . I. Mercer
was read . , In which he said that ho wouhl
do everything In his power to obtain n pub.
le buiding for South Oniaiea
Mr. nula made a citation to move the
electric light [ rom Twenty-sixth and 0
streets to Twenteth amid I streets. Contey
objected to thee motion and Buln changell
his motion with the consent of hlR second to
Twcnty-slxth amid 1 Btre ts. The motion
as amended was carried .
Mr. Pivonka , the owner of time property
where the city jai Is situated , appeared he-
fore the council and demanded his remit. Ho
clahnel that he had received n [ money since
DurIng the month of January the police
made sixty-five nrrests. Police Judge Frank
Clerismann ( reported that during the menthe
of January he collected fines to the amount
of $19.50. This Is the smallest amount cal-
lected In anyone month In police court for [
several years.
Some time ago Thomas Hi put In. I bill
for $200 for the use of' ' his building as a pest
house. A commllee was appointed to iii-
vestgate and recommendell that Hi be
paid $50. Hl now claims that he will settle
for $75 and If the bill was not paid at
once hI would sue the city. The council re-
fused to pay him over $50 . anti 11 Insists
that he will sue for the whole amount.
The bill of the Tribune for $150 fet print-
lag thee proceedings of the Whitewash investigating l -
vestgatng committee was passed. Mr.
Morgan It. was the only member voting against
The councIl then adjourned for two weeks.
Magic , Iy ( n lp.
Miss Lizzie Wells has returned from Mnry-
vlhio . Mo.
A dog fight and 0 boxing match Ire slated
for Thursday night.
The Masonic lodge will work theo master
1nso ' degree Ivednesday emiglet.
Colonel Frank E. Moores of Omaha has
purchased $50 worth of charity ball tckets ,
Charles Swengerin lea. been sent to time
county jail for ten days for disorderly con-
The Kings Daughters will meet at the
rcsidenca of Mrs. A. I. Lott next Thursday
Mr. nd Mrs. D. L. Holmes and Mr. and
Mrs. II. II. Doud will receive their friends at
2408 N street froen 8 to 11 p. m. February 20.
Mesdamea F. A. Cressy , IV. E. Pickett and
Bert Lawrence vih1 entertain from 4 to 6
p. in. Wednesdayt at Mrs. Cressy's home ,
Twenty-second and I streets.
A meeting of those interested in the public
library will be he9ld at the library rooms
this evening at 8 o'clock. This will bo the
second annual meeting. Two members of the
board arc' to be elected , and it is hoped that
thiere will be a full attendance of members.
Some days ago the ladies in the government -
ment microscopist department s'ere worked
overtime by heavy orders from the Omaha
Packing company. Yesterday Manager TaUa-
fero of the packing company sent the young
ladles a large box of the finest candy to
be found in Omaha.
. , GMPAC4.
Consumers ofchewittoacco wo
amwillinjto paj Lt lildeinore th
le.price cht1e for I e ordinatj
trade tobaccos , 'will jind thi3
1rand superior to all oher
Easily , tiulcidy , Permanently Restored.
Veakneus , Noyvousseesda ,
. Dobihily , and all thee train
of evils from early errors or
. later excesses ' the results of
overwork. sIc'kaees worry ,
eta , Full strength , devol-
openeutand tone given to
. everyorgafl ascii portion
- ' ofthiebody. Simphenat. .
I I i I urtel methods. lmmetii.
I I t I , I ate imaprovetnent seen.
Failure Impoesihde. 2.000 references. hook ,
exllanation and proofs mnaiieil ( sealed ) tree ,
ERIE MEDICAL OU , Buffalo , N.Y.
President. Cashier.
First Natlo nal Bank
Capital , . $100,000
Pi'ofits , . . - 12,000
On. of the oldeit hank. In the slate of Zuwa.
We iiohieit your business and coliectiooa. IV.
pay S per cent on ttme deposit. . IV. will be
pleased to ace and sery. you.
$ pp ° 7q
lyE : NJ'ov'I 'I
Both tile hhIOtllOl 1111(1 restlIts II'lhCfl
Syl'iip of Fige is thkeii ; it. is 1)1en11nt
flll(1 refreshihig to tile taste , flhh(1 ( not.
gently yet PI'0lhIPtlY 011 thu Kidneys ,
1ivor 1111(1 BO\I't3111 , clealised time sys.
( CIII offecttialty l ispoi s eo1s , lictul.
aChes 1111(1 ( fevers auitl Clll'014 habitual
COhIStiIat'lOhl. ) Syl'il1) of Figs is thio
only relluedy of its kiiid ovci' pro-
diicetl , pleasilIg to the tnsto am ! no.
ceptablo to thu hItolheach , 1)rohilpt , in
it.M action ahld truly bellCiiofl1 111 its
effects , lmroItu'cl : 01113' frolu tile BlOat
Ilcaithy 1111(1 agroeal)1o ) slibstancea , its
lflhulV oxctell Chit qllfluit'le $ COhiIhhIChIl it
to alt 1111(1 IltiVo 1118(10 it tlto iiiost
1)0Ptllul' ) : relnedy khIOW'hl. -
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 3O
CcItt bottles by all leadilI duihg.
gists. Afly reliable drlhgglst who
Hilly hot 1m'o it on lhalhd will pro.
CLIFO it 1)L'0hllPtlY for any one who
'vis1icg to tl'ySit , Do Ilot accoptany
Chronic , .
Nervous ,
' Discasc
T1IEATMENT B StAlL. Consultatloem Free.
Wocuro Oatarrh , all disoanos of the
Nose , , Throat , Chest , Stoniach , Liver ,
Blood , Skin and Kidney Dinoasos , Female -
male Wealeneeses , Lost Manhaootl , anti
Debielty or lOxhauaUon , VaatingVeatmeIJ , In
voluntary , Lessee , ' with Early liccay in youoa
mend mIddie agedC lack of vIm , vigor andweakefled
prematurely In approaching old age. Alt ycild
readuiy to cur new treatment for moe. at vital
power. CEi or or address with stamp for cii' .
culrer. . free book an'S receipts.
Dr. Searles and Scarl3s C 1416 Oniahea Fitrnamn Neb
Ie1 Cures the effects of
self-abuse , excesses ,
emissions , impotency ,
varlcocele 'and consti.
ci nation. One dollar a
box , lx for 15. For
/ / _ sale by THE GOOD.
pedal _ Nollcos-Oouncil _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oluffs _ _
Ed Iurke , at IV. U. homer' . , 533 Broadway.
court leouce. Apply at lice emhice , Council Bluffs.
eraS housework ; beat of references. Address B
6 , lice office.
- - - -
Jacob Sims , 116 VIntner street.
for two genttemcn nicely furnished ; steam
heat , 10 Cc , Ieee olilce.
Leave. lnUItI.iNGTON & 0.10. RIVEtIArriyea
OeieahalUnionDcpot , 10th 4 Mason SILl Omaha
10:15am..Denver : Express..4Oam
' 4:05pm : flek. Cciii. , Mont. , & PUget Sail. Sx,11:4ipm
4:05pm..Denver : lixpress. . . . . . . . . . . . 4:10pm :
6ijm.Nebraka : Local ( oxcet Sunday.clpmn ) :
litane..Llncohn : Local ( excepC tiunday.11Iiaen ;
2tapm,1'ast : Stall ( for Lincolee ) , UalIv. . . . . . . . . .
, Leaea 1CIIOCAGO. lJUmtLiNu'roN Sc Q.lArrLve.
QenaleojUnionPepot _ , 10th & Mitson ta. Qmaha
4C45prn , . , . , . ' , CIelcago Vestibule. . . . . . . . . . 9tOtija ; '
9&Oamn..Cielcago ; Express. . . . . . . . . . . 4:15pm :
lmSopme..Cielcngo : end St. Louis flpeelSl , , , 8:00am :
1l3&an . . . .adflc Junction Locami. . . . . . . Sfiopm
; ( . ; . ' Junction Local ( ex Sums. ) . . 2:40pm :
Leave. ChICAGO , MU. & ST. PAULiArrives
Omaha UnIonl-epot , lOtte . ( t Macome Sts.j Omaha
, , . , , . . . . . . Chicago Limliol. . . . . . . . . . . 930a ;
elsoamChlcago : ExpreiseLHun. ( ) . . . . . eoopm :
Leave ! ChICAGO & 0OflTlIW1tSTNlAi"
Omesalia _ Union UepolOIh & Mason Sts. Qenahs , '
hiOSam..Eactermi : Jixpese. , , , , , , , , 7I307
4eipmn : , . . , . . , , , , Veetlliuled Limited , , . , , . . , . . 8:40am :
6:05am..Mo : , Valley Local..IO8Opm ;
& : tipmn..Omnalea'Chlcagoiipechal , , . . , , .2Upna :
iiTcii-&dbTii i.iOiFlCiiwi
OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Macon Str , Omah *
" . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '
lmOOamAtlanIio : Sxpiii"1ex , tltmnday ) . , , .etf' :
C:25m..Night : Express. . . . . . . . . . . .
4:5Opm.Chicao : Vestibuleil L4mitedt , . , 1:00pm
illipmOkmnhtoma : Exp , ( to C. 13. cx. ) I'
t:15am.Oieiahema : & Texas Es. tax. fiun.h1:2opi )
3elOpm..Colorado I.lmited. . . . . . . . . 4OQpn :
I.eavP. I C. . s'r. 1' . . U. & 0 , lArrive.
OmahDepot , Ku and Webater alL Ornale.
OC5amn.Nebraeka ; l'aaaenger ( daihy ) , , , , , 8:05pm :
4 : lOpm , , , t3ioux City 5xeire. . ( cx , Sun. ) . , ,11atam :
. . . . . . . . . . . . l'aul Limited , . , , , . . . , , . 10:35am :
Leaves I 1'11. & MO. VAL.141Y , _ ArrIv ,
Oenahaj..jOepotitth and IVebster St. . I _ Oniah&
' 2:10pm : , , . . , , .F a't Mail and L'xpro..i1i5pna
2iOpmex. : ( It'd. ) Wyo. lOx. ( cx , Mon. ) . . 4:55pm :
SOOam.Norfolk : Expreas ( cx. Hunday,10lOan ) ; *
: . . . . . . . . . . . 1 aul Expreas..10:15am :
IeavCS t SIOUX CITY & I'ACI2'IC. lArrl"
Omahalflepot lIthe and Webaterst..LOmaba
' : . . . . . . . . . . . . l'aulLirnlted..10:35am :
Leaves j'HlOUX CITY & I'ACIFIC. lArrWer
OenahalUnionDepot _ , lOtte &Maon Ha. Ornate *
6:55am..Sioux : City l'iiuenger..l0T1j
5:31pm : . . . . . . . . . . . St. Paul I.neited..12:35pm $ :
Leave' UNiON I'AeFIC. Arrive.
C.ninhiaUmeton _ Demot , _ Ornuh
10:00am : . . . . . . . . , , ,1tearieey i1xprui. . . . . . . . . . , 135pm
2:00pm..Overlamed : Flyer , , . . , , , . . , , . 5:33pm :
COOpm.IJeatfIce & iltremeb'S 55 , ( er Hun ) , $ : tSt'sa
1:30pm : , . , . . , , , , . , .I' settle i5preB1. , , , , . . , , , , , 10:55am :
! ! ' . & . . _ Mali. . . .
i-T--- WAIIASII ItAn.wAY , lAriiv. .
Ornahatnion ! Depot , 10th _ & ) JaaonStjjpaha
-iTEiir--.t'Loui. CannonBall..11:11pm :
Leave. I lc.--wJ. : : ; o.u. ( Arriv. .
OnialeajUnion VepotlOth &JJ.onSt..i Omahes
9Odieni.lOanna City Day ? , . . . . . ,
11:51irn..j..flabt 1x , via U 1 Trans. . _ _ _
LeaYe.IMISdOUhiI PACiFIC , lArrtv.s
Omahial Depot 15th and IVebitir lit. . I Oneah
W , , , . , . , , , . ' eit'Loii : ; ii.pece.s. , , , , . , , . , . ccOares :
5OOpmti : , , , , , . . , . , . i4t. Louts 1xpreai : , . , . . . , . . , $ : Ospns
SlOemn..Nebraska : Local ( cx , Same. ) . . . . . 8Qottia ;
- - -
1- : . _ _ - . - _ UUP' _
1Chllrch Parlor
I .1 1t boIIiiS itmd homes. Sent I
I ) U1d,1 : ' , oui'ecelpt of lOchytlie LiL111Ki i
I Hem Enlertaimnent 00 , CouncIl Bluffs , Iowa. u
I riiTiiicm - U U U UI11 I