-7'1- , . ' . , . . . . I - . ' ' ; 8 , il'HE 'OL\IIA DAILY BEE SUUDAY , PEBRUAiy 9 , 18m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . nAYDEN. BROSI - Mnmtnctb Sale of the Cook Clothing Oo's. ; + . " ' Stock. OARGAINS . COOKS , MEN'S ' . FURNIthIGS - " l3IggesI. on ncc ret and No ilbItkC-A * ' Chnnco to lot R Suit or O"ercont for JlRIf \"nlllc-Itstl'II blu- " gutn TOlllorro\v. MEN'S SUITS. Coo\t'S \ $6.0 suits for $3.25. . Cool's $8.00 suits for $ t.OO. Cook's $10.00 snits for $5.00. Cook's $12.0 sulta for $6.25. Cook's $1&.00 suits for $7.0. r Cook's $18.00 suits for $ .OO. : Cook's $20.00 suits for $10.00. Cook' ! $ 25.00 / suits for $12.0. mN'S OVEHCOATS AND UI.STEHS. ' Cobk'8 $ G.50 overeoalfl and ulsters , $3.25. , Cock's $10.00 overcoats nod ulsters , $5.00 Cook's $12.00 overcoats and ulsters , $6.00. Cook's IG.OO overcoats and ulsters , $7.0. C ok's $18.00 overcoats and ulsters , $ ! I.OO. . Cooks $20.00 overconts and ulsters , $10.00. IIIEN'S TltOUSlmS. All of Cook's trousers that they sold for ; . 1.Ii0 , $2.0 , $3.60 , $4.00 and $ G.OO go tomor- row at 75/ / : , $1.26 , $1.75 , $2.00 allll $2.60. BOYS' AND CIIII.UllEN'S SUITS. I Cook's $2.00 chllel's suits at $1.00. Cook's $2.r.0 chlld's suits at $1.25. . Cook's $3.00 chllel's suits at $1.r.0. I Cook's $1.00 child's , suits at $2.00. ' Cook's $5.00 chlh1's suits at $2.M. Cook's boys' suits of all sizes , Cook's price . $1i.OO , $7.r.0 and $9.00 , our prices , $2.50 , $3.75 and $4.50. COOK'S HATS , HALF PHICE. COOK'S lo'UltNISIIlNG GOODS. , Earl & Wilson's collars , slightly soiled worth 2/ic / each , 3 for lic. . . Earl & Wilson's cults , slightly soiled , worth , . lOc , our price lic per pall' ' We have accumulated a lot of sIngle gloves ! , 9Jme for right hallli and some for left ; they arb worth SOc to $3 when mated ; you can buy a single glove or mitten toinorrow for lic cache 1i00 dozen 3.ply linen collars , all new and * late styles from' the Cool ' stock , worth 12y'c , L our IIrlc lic each. ; 1i00 dQzen linen collars , Coon's very , best brand , equal to E. & W. , worth 20c , our price I 12 % c. 100 dozen gents' leather faced mittens , worth SOc , go at 12c. i 100 dozen gents' calfskin lined gloves , worth tiOe 7lie and $1.00. go at 25c. 500 dozen gents' wool shirts and drawers , worth 75c and $1.00. go at 25e each. f Cook's SOc neclwear goes at 12c each. Cook's 25c tics go at 5e. ' " Wilson Dros. fine white shirts , worth $1.1i0 , l' co at 7lic. Sort hats. 630 and $1.13 , Just half price. ; . Fedoras , hair prIce , liOe and $1.25. Derby's , 87e and $1.00 , only haIr prlco. I Cook's heavy winter caps at lOc iSe 25c , I , and crush hats at 37e. 31e. ! 50e and $1.00. , Siotson's hats from Cool's stock at $2.00 , . $2.25 and $2.60 , just half prlco. . KEEP YOUR EYES ON OUR BARGAIN tOUNTER. o The surest place to make your money spend well. Pec1dlere and merchants positively for- bIdden. Other houses will follow soon , but this will prove a bargain counter In fact , with . , new bargains added every day. . Outing flannel at 5c , worth lOci ; Imported i gingham at 4c , worth 7c ; foulard dolyon Pc ! . worth .15c ; sateen lc ! , worth ISo ; fancy duck v " ' 7e , worth llic ; fancy crepe lc ! , worth 18c ; domet flannel 7c , worth 12Y.c ; shirting che\- ' lots 7c , worth 150 ; percale at Go , worth 12y'e ; t ; jottonade : sUltlngs at Ie ! , worth 180 ; fancy 54 chambrey 50 , worth 100 ; black sateen 7c , worth IDe ; brown musl'n 2y'o , worth 50 ; ' fancy rephyra , lo ! , worth ISo ; ngfold cambric , Go , worth lOu ; windsor black and white prInts . 4 30 , worth 7c ; dress .fItyle ginghams 5e , worth 10e ; standard calico 2c. worth 6e. The abovci ' > . hre all selected mill remnants In go9d lengths anti put up for the best retail trade. French sateen , muslins and sheetlngs at * , very , special prIces. . . . . . NEW GOODS. * , Just' received , the finest line of ladles' hand- . . . ' kerchiefs ever seen In the city of Omaha. - Special sale on these NEW GOODS. 5e , 8e and lOc handkerchiefs all go at 30 each ; lOc Jr and iSo handkerchiefs fancy lace edges.lio each ; the new japonettco handkerchiefs , just like . ' Bilk , wilt launder perfectly , lOc each ; heavy embroidered and wide hemstitched handker- ' ' . 'chiefs , 100 ; fine hand embroidered pure linen handkerchiefs , regular 250 and 30c goods , ' 4e go at HIls sale at15e ellch ; beautiful lace edge linen handkerchiefs , 15e : our whole stock of ; : . SOc handkerchiefs go at 2lie each ; 2e buys a spool of the finest machine thread , full 200 : yards , guaranteed perfect or money refunded. ' ; - JET THlI\IMINGS. : : . . . 'Ve will open the jet trimming season by offering llie jet trimmings at 50 yard , 20e jet trImmings at 7c yard ; 250 jet trlmm'ngs at tOe yard , 30e jet trimmings at ISo yard ; liDo - ' , jet trimmings at 2lio yard ; $1.00 jet garnitures : 'at 480 yard ; $3.00 jet garnitures at $1.GO yard ; $5.00 jet garnitures at $2.25 and $2.7li eaoh. HAYDEN DnOS , . - Selling Cook's clothing at half price V a- . , WORKING THE SLIDING SCALE. Wilt APllly to NCIIlcn In the Flro Jlcparlmont. : 'fhe , cnthuslast ; haste that has been shown - by nearly 100 applicants to obtain positions 9 : or n the fire department .has been somewhat , less marked since the new rule In regard to salariep has ) : : oiio into eltoot. Heretofore the : new men hqve received $60 per month for the first three months , and thereafter , If . their servIces were satisfactory , they have been advanced to the lull limit of $ 70. Ac- /4 cordIng ' to the resolution recently passed by the Board of Fire and , Police Commissioners , i the slllling scale Is adopted anti the new men wilt receive only $50 during their first year . - of service. 'fhe second year they will be r' promoted to the ( second grade at $ CO , and If . they have a satisfactory record for the first two years they become firemen of the first rank and draw lie full salary of $70. A copy of this resolution has been placed ; In the hands of ChIef Itedell and Its provisions - ! visions are now In active operation The rule does not affect any of the ( old men , but 4 applies to those who may be added to the - , department hereafter So far three men have been appointed at $50. They take the places or men who have dropped out anel ; % , have not been replaced until this year. As alt Bubseclllcnt allpolntees will only draw $50 , 11 good many oC the men who were so anxious . to wear the blue uniforms are beginning to think that the job Is not such a plum after ' , 'all. More than enough remain however , to answer every purpose an'I there will be no lack or applicants to choose from In filling c , subsequent vacancies In the department. , In thIs connection Chief Hellell visiies It , , 1nderlllood that he Is not asking for any liddltlon to the present companies lie only : wants the cOlllllanles filled up to their : ' original compl IIIo t. During _ the past year or tWO vacancies pave ' been allowed to accumulate - I cumulate on account of the scarcity of funds until semite > of the companies have been left : too \yeale to hanllle a line of hose \ \ IIh effect The chief asks lint the existing companies shall , bo filled up and when thIs Is ac- . mplIshed he says there will bo a decided Improvement In the efficiency of the dellart. m" . . . Prlee's Cream flaking I'owder will go farther - , timer than any olher because It's absolutely . . pure _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ Mayor I'bes a I.iuii , Tbq pawnbroleu' licenses for 1895 are re- cetvlug a rlfJlel terut1uy at tIme hands of the mayor , and u a result quite a number of the . bonds will be returned for additional sureties . t Accorilng ! tQ the ! ordinance each application for license intuit be accompanied by a bond or 5000. The brokers have Invented an easy ' method of furnishing this bond by pooling II _ I aUfl ! . They almlllY exchange courtesies In the . mlltter by cue going on time bond of another . 'l'be result I , that some of tbem appear 81 sureties on halt a doze'q ! bonds , II ! cases whei'o i the surety Is well known , hIs lIamo I. IItlow d ' - to stand on two of the bonds , but IbIs will bs . 'i the lIm\ ) \ ' and the ( apoilcants who subsequently COIIIO rn with he same name on their bonds . ' ! . will have o rustle for new bondsmen , . - : . llIMgi,1IK1iItm' ! a xcvnSlUSS. , , SOlllh , 'Ilt tile "b..h lIallroad. On February fi and 12 , March 5 , AprIl 2 And : 0. : Fur rates or further InCormation and n copy ot time 1I0moseekers' Guide call - . - at the New Wabash omee , 1415 Farnam - .tntt or write G. N. CLAYTON , w" N. W , P. Alent , Omaha , Neb. cm OVERCOATS FOUR ( DOLLARS - Dr wing , King and Compnny wm Sail 300 Overcoats at Four Dollars Enturdl1Y , - A TEN DOLLAR OVERCOAT FOR fOUR " < 4ItegnlnrJ3rning . ' Ring Overcoat , Too - \ \YrAIRd : - Uooet Ooodll - othlUIr 6hoeldy. . hut Just us Good ns They 1I11'te Them , Our trade don't demand $10.00 o\'ercoats. They , want something better. Wo thought we were right when wo made out a lot of overcoats to sell at $10.00 , but wo were mis- taken We will not make another mistake , for by this time Saturday we will have Ills. posed of them all. . Wo have marked them all $ toO. Just think of It , 1IIellon8 , cheviots and all wool o\'Creoatings , with plain or velvet col- lara , worsted lined , , silk sleeve lined , the most of them every thread wool. What more do you want for $4.007 Our $10.00 overcoats $4.00 Saturday. Then to give those who want to pay more a chance , wo have marked several lines of kerseys , meHons , chinchillas , some silk , some serge lined , black , brown and dark colors , overcoats that were sold up to today , for $18.00 , $20.00 , $ 22.50 , $26.00 anti , $30.00 , the higher priced ones being In small sizes and short lengths , the rest long and lots of sizes , at $14.75 , for Saturday only. But $ ! .OO for an ovcrcoat. ' One of Drownlng-Itlng's overcoats , Time $10.00 overcoats for $4.00. There never was such an overcoat bargain ever offered \ ! by anyone , but bear In mind you can't get these $10.00 overcoats on Men- day for $4.00 , but Saturday , ' and Saturday only , are they $1.00. They cost us more to make than $4.00 , but no matter , we don't want them , and you do $10.00 overcoats for $4.00. Saturday only at DROWNING , KING & CO. , Reliable Clothiers , S. W. Cor. 15th & Douglas. . WARRANTS NOT DISCOUNTED. Report that They , \ rolelng IIRtTlccd About time CIty III Untrne. A local paprr : published the statement yesterday . terday that : the warrants to time members of the fire department were being discounted 10 per cent by the local bnks. : It also alleged that for the first time In eight years these warrants : were beIng registered and that the firemen would not be able to obtain their pay before next August. Tnese statements are branded by the city treasurer and the comptroller - roller as wholly false and unwarranted. While there Is not money enough In the fire fund at pre-sent to pay all of the January war- rants no hardship will : be visited upon the firemen - men on that account allll neither Is a single one of them obliged to discount hIs warrant. City Treasurer Dolin has made arrangements with the local banks to take the warrants at their face value and hold them until such time as the fund Is replenished from the new levy. The German Savings bank Is taking the Janu- ary warrants and the banks will take turns In cashing them as long as It Is necessary. Another reflection on the condition of the city which Is also without foundation Is alleged - leged .to be the opening paragraph In the reb- lutlon that was Introduoed- the last council -I I meeting relative to a reduction ot the clerical force In time city offices. This statement waste to the effect that there was $2,000,000 In cly ( taxes now unpaid and ilalluquenL The : .falt Is said to be that the amount stated represents specIal taxes , nine-tenths of which are neither due nor delinquent for from two to nine years from the ( present time. They are due In t n annual payments and only 10 per cent of the amount Is due this year. This would make the amount that Ia I now due and unpaid only $200,000 instead of the amount desgnated ! In the resolution. . Poisons arc not food. Therefore shun adulterated baking powders. Dr. Prlce's Is absolutely pure. . BERKA TOOK A HAND. Ilnod ! time Woman Who Turned Her Tonnnt Out Into time Cold. Mrs. D. J. Wilson owns a house at 1815 North Twenty-sixth street. She rented two rooms to Mrs. Frankie Pennell , but on February I , by force she took possession of Mrs. I'ennell's apartments. On elm morning In question Mrs. Wilson waited until Mrs. Pennell had gone out of time rooms , and then went In , locked the doors and told the occupant that sue was In possession and had made arrangements to' ' send her to a charitable Institution. ! Slu " then assaulted Mrs. Pe'nnelt , striking Jier } i and nearly tearing her clothIng. Mrs. Pen- nell ran from the house , , leavIng her 18 months old baby to the tender mercies .or tho. landlady. She' afterwards secured help and went back after the 'chlld. Then she caused the arrest of Mrs. Wilson on a charge of assault and battery. The trial occurred yesterday . terday morning , and Judge Derka not only gave Mrs. Wilson a severe lecture on her inhumanity . humanity In trying to ( urn a woman and a little baby out In the cold wIthout any warning , but he Imposed a fine of $ GO and costs upon time defendant. The costs will make the fine amount to $75 , at least. The case was appealed to the district court by tIme attorney ( for the defense. . . - Housekeepers , ask for Stearn's Electric Paste , the great vermin exterminator ( ; 25c. . nlllllClleekcr8' Iacurs1on . On February 12 the Missouri Pacific rail- way will sell round trip tickets to points Ih ICamisas Texas , Oklahoma and Indian Territories - tories , Arkansas etc. , at one fare , pIus $2 for his ( round trip Stop overs allowed. For further Information call at depot , Fifteenth and Webster , or city offices , N. E. corner 'fhlrteenth and Farnamn streets , Omaha , Neb. TIIOMAS F. GODFREY , Passenger and Ticket Agent. J. O. I'IIILLlI'I'I , A. G. F. and P. A. . . Low IIl1otoll 10 Southern and 'ostern l'olnts Via the Burlington route , Tuesday , Fcllruary 12. TIckets and full information at 1324 Farnam street. TilE MOnSE DRY GOODS CO Closing Out Doya' Overcoats ! nt Thirty Cents on the Dollar BOYS' WHOLE SUITS FOR IB7. JtslrRordlnRrJ' lllugRlns Now nt time 'Vln Up of Our l1rlnt JlcduclnJr 8R'c- ' You Must Not 11I188 It , You Cnn't Attord To. - DOYS' CLOTIIING , $1.87. Doys' $5.00 Bulls down to $1.87 , the $6.1i0 suits down to $2.88 , the $10.00 suits down to $3.87. DOYS' OVEItCOA The way we arc selling boys overcoats now Is SOc on the dollar That's certainly low enoUgh. Wo can saVe you the prIce of sev- eral overcoats on lie price of one It you buy now. now.All winter goads must go , and the prices wo make will make them go with n rush All the styles and sizes at SOc on time Iollar. , Dr Jaeger's underwear comes In for Its ' share of the cut , the price , now being just half for his underwear for men , women and I children. DR JAEGEIt'S UNDERWEAR hALF PIUCE. Br Jaeger's Inelles' $2.00 underwear , $1.00. Dr. Jaeger's ladles' $2.15 underwear , $1.08. Dr. Jaeger's laelles' $2.30 underwear , $1.15. Dr. Jaeger's ladles' $2.45 underwear , $1.23. Dr. Jaeger's lalIes' $2.60 underwear , $1.30. Dr. Jaeger's ladles' $2.80 underwear , $1 . 40. Dr. Jaeger's men's $2.35 underwear , $1.18. Dr. Jaeger's men's $2.50 underwear , $1.25. Dr. Jaeger's mcn's $2.G5 underwear , $1.33. Dr. Jaeger's men's $2.80 underwear , $1.40. Dr. Jaeger's men's $2.l5 ! underwear , $1.48. Dr. Jaeger's men's $3.10 underwear , $ 1.1i5. REYNlElt GLOVES. All the 8-lneh $2.60 gloves are $1.75. Laclles' -i-button $2.00 gloves , $1.43. Ladles' anchon $2.25 gloves , 8 Inches In length , $1.43. Ladles' ancllon $1.75 gloves , 4 button , $1.25. All the $1.50 and $1.71i gloves for 76c. An odd lot or castor mocha kid gloves , worth up to $2.00 at GSc. TilE MORSE ! DRY GOODS eo. TII' ' DI REGT S0UTILIIItN ROUTE "IR nock 1811\1111 , Shortest Line allll 1I'IUtOJt . 1'hull. To alt points In Kansas , Oklahoma , Indian Territory Texas and alt points In southern California. Only one night out to all points In Texas. The "Texas Limited" leaves Omaha at 5:15 : a. m. dally except Sunday , landing passengers at alt points In Texas 12 hours In advance of all other lines Through tourIst cars via Ft. Worth and Ef Paso to Los An- geles. For full particulars ! , maps , folders etc. , call at or address nock Island ticket cffice , 1602 Farnam St. eIIAS. KENNEDY. G. N. W. P. A. l'leIRIU\t Take The Northwestern line east. Vestibuled Chlcagu train that ( tlIdes east from the union depot every afternoon at 5:45 : and Into Chicago at 8:45 : next morning with supper and la carte breakfast Every part of the train Is RIGHT. Our eastern trains at 11:05 : a. m. and 4. p. m. daily-good , too. City tlcitet office , 1401 Farnam street. . . . . .t"O 1Th ' 1L1IIXTi . "Uncle Tom's Cabin" opens a week's engagement - . gagement at the Empire , commencing wIth a matinee tOI1orrow. Time management promises an unusually perfect production oC Harriet Deecher stowe's masterpIece , spec'al ' scenery , realistic effect ! ! ' , jubilee singers and a competent company being employed to , that eC- lect. Husco and Swift produce the orIginal version of this popular play , eschewing the 1 > 0- called Improvement of multitudInous Topsles , Marks , et al. , considering the advantages , pf single characterization , , faithfully portraY , as beIng more to the point. Charles H. Hoyt'l\ great comedy success . "A Temperance Town , " will close ! its engag ment' at Doyd's theater today by giving two performances - formances , a matinee at 2:30 : this afternoon and the regular evening performance at 8. The piece has mad a genuIne Hoyt uccess here. The prices for the matinee have been fixed at 25c , 50e and 75e. , - Nothing new Is to be said In praise of " " 'nng , " that remarkably successful burlette. Its production en Sunday , Monday and Tuesday - day February 10 , 11 and 12. will be somewhat of a novelty , for there will be a new "Wang , " new scenery and beautiful ccatumes. Some- body once Send ! that you might as well attempt - tempt 10 analyze a hasheesh dream as to ana- lyze "Wllng. " And he might have added that IIIte the generality of such dreams. "Wang" Is delightful , a dream In Itself cf beautiful Ecmes and beautiful women , laughter and nonsense , fantastic costumes and delclous ! music. It does not pretend to be more than It Is , and that Is something to be devoutly thankful for In.these days of Munehausen ad- vance agents and circus posters. "Wang" Is merely sugared seafoani : It Is the embodi- ment of jollity wIth a leavening of beautiful and truthful pictures of far away Slam , the land of the white elephant. Beyond the picturesque - turesque fealpres and Itm ' ! melodies It. claim no merit but that of entertainment , and this merit It has successfully claimed for three yt'ars. The sale of seats will open this morn- tng at 9 ! I o'clock. , , . Prlee's Cream Baking Powder has attained pzrfectlon. It's absolutely pure. I . TII l'crtect Arrangements : . A meeting of the city salesmen and travel-I Ing men , who represent Nebraska houses , will bo held In the office of Secretary O. C. Holmes of tito Manufacturers and Consumers assocla- lIon , room 604 Dee buIlding ; this evenIng - Ing , at which time and IIlace arrangements will be completed for the convention of traveling men , whIch will be held In this city , February 22 and 23 , Ineluslve. - Do you like a. dry champagne ? Try Cook's Extra Dry Imperial : Its flavor Is unrivaled and It Is perfectly pure. a- Jf IU ) . Mr. Gl'orge S. Tuxford will be burled from the residence or his rather-In-Iaw , n. Sketch I ) ' , 18.21 Burt street , Sunday at 2 p. ' m. , Interment. Forest Lawn. 'VAI.T.ACE-Mrl Ellen wife of Conductor 'Vallace of the Union I'acille road this , afternoon at 3 o'clocl , at 700 South Eighteenth - teenth treet. < 1l0EY-Mrl Anna Moo Feb. 7 , ageelGO years Funeral from residence , 1311 South 17th street , Services nt 10 a. m. , Feb. 9 , from S ( . Patrick's church , corner tRim and Cas- tellar strcts. ; : - - - , . . ' . ) / - : - . . . " . , . : : . : : f 4j < . ; . ; l -J .J ? t'i , :1 tt.I J > a ' \ < ' ; . , :1 c1M\ \ \ . ! "ol , II : / Ii.'J , . . . , , "f " , , : . , ' 1 - ' uY - \ \ ' I- ' % , : - : ' ' ' ' , jJ i I' (1tI ( . LNW" ; \ NW" " ' : r'Ti , , \j't\ \ ' \ 3e ) t' ΒΌ . , - _ i - : _ : : : i , . - . 4 - - - - 4 hEAD OF flQT.7IIHOLD ( lp4.-Alfrcd ) , dcar , your biscuits wore very good tht morning. YOUNO IIUSfliND ( cototing wi/b 1easure-I'm glad to hear YOU say so. hEAl ) OF lIOUSIIIIOLD-"Stfl [ they were not quite as good as papa used to make. By tie way , Alfrcil , do you still use Caluinot Baking I'owdor ? You know nima nlvuys mmcd IL. CALmIET BAKING POwDEII Co. . ChicAGo. Ii .t1'DENlitOS. - Selling / Cook Clothl , Co. ' " Shoe . nt halt lrrlt-ca Never hall hero beon-Buch a shoe sale In Omaha. Cook Clothing Co.'s plain marked prIces cut tn half b1.lIS. . They bought there shoes only a few weeks ago , nil new , nil sizes nil widths nndislL going at only half the Cook Clothing CoJII prlcell. l.ndles' , mIsses' and OilMen's shoes go In this sale ; time same loW/prices. MEN'S5l1OES. Men'lI satin calf lace anti congress shoes , sold by Cook Clothlngl Co. at $2.00 , our price $1.00.Men's Men's "eleetrle c lIl" lace shoes , Cook Clotllln Co.'s price $2.30 , our price $1.15. Men's oil grain balD , 1I01e1 by Cook Clothing Co. at $2.30. our price $ t.15. Men's double Boles 'patrole shoos , " Cook Clothing Co.'s price $2.88 , our price $1.44. Men's fine "crcscent caU" lace shoes , solll by Cook Clothing Co at $3.IiO , our price $1.75. Men'lI "calllel skin" waterproof lace shoes , Cook Clothing Co.'s price $1.30 , our price $2.15. Men's kangaroo hanl sewed shoes Cook Clothing Co.'s price $ G.OO , our price $3.00. Lnelles' fine 75e over gaiters , 28c Ladles' fine donRola hand turned $3.00 shoes go In this Bale nt SOc and $1.00 ; sincE sizes. I I.adlos' dime "Ludlow" $4.00 button shoes , $1.l8 ! ; square and opera tips , C D and E widths Ask for the Luellow simoes l.nclles' warm Celt $1.50 lace shees , ! USc Ladles' warm felt $1.25 house slippers , 75c. Misses' solar tip grain $1.IiO slices 13 to 2 , ! OSe lSc.Chllelrcn's Chllelrcn's solar tip grain $ I.21i shoes , 0 ! ) to 12 , 76e. Chllelren's warm felt button $1.00 shoes , 8 to 11. 50e. Infants' Ihl buttonliDe shoes , 21ie. IIAYDlm 111108. , Selling Cook Clothing Co.'s Shoes. . heLter Every i'Rr. : Time was when the "glorious climate or California" did not attract tourists. But year after year the time oC travel sets In stronger and stronger every fall antI winter toward this favored region. 'I'hero Is no climate like It on this continent ( for a winter resort , and the usual fine' service on the Union Pacific system has this season been brought to a degree 'oC perfection which leaves nothing tl1 bo deslrel. . Harry P. Deuel , City Ticket Agent 1302 Farnam street. ( . DOUGLAS LEGISLATORS HOME Will 8pelU ! \ 'nvzmtInn1nvestIgating Merits of Certain 1t11l4. A portion of the Douglas county legisla- Uvo delegation arrived on time Burlington from Lincoln yesterday afternoon and the balance were due at 11:45. : Most of the ( Douglas county members will remain here durIng the recess until next Thursday , and wltl silly Investigate the merits of several proposed legislative enactments recently sub. mltted to them to urge for adoption , among , which wIll bo the pooling bill , revised charter - ter and several suggestions of the Commercial - mercial club. 'Vlth relation to the row tn the house ) 'el\terd.ay , the members' had nothIng - Ing communicate beyond what was pub- IIshed In The De's ( telegraphic advlces. ProC. Lalz , city chemist of Indianapolis , recommends Prlce's Cream flaking Powder as absolutely pure. . Pythlan 81uIUl&rlom far , \ \rlmnsa LITTLE nOCK , Ark : . Feb. S.-The execu- lye committee of six : having In charge the matter of building 0 : . national Pythlan adni- arlum at Hot Springs . had a meeting here and have closed Ilrelhninary details. An assessment of $1 upon each Pythlan In the United States will he levied , which will yield a funJ of $500.000 , out of which the sani- tarium wilt ho built The sanitarium will be exclusively ' for Pythlanj ! The expense of , each person going thither will be berne by the lodges , but In cues where Indigent , members - bel's ' of the order arc to be cared for . no charge " \Viti 'be mat\e. \ The structure wilt be built on a 'scalo commensurate with the humane object for which It Is projected. . . Oradlng.ConJract1l . The Board of Public Works let the con- tract yesterday for grading Lake street from 'Jwenty.tllur.tt\t Thlrtieth.and : Tht'r- ' tleth street from , LaId ? to 'mristol. C. A. , Jensen capturew both' contracts.1 The price Is 7.97 cents per yard ore the Lake street job and 8.97 cents on ThIrtieth street. , i1i H Three . Eminent Men o LWttiI ) I' ' 1' 1 * I ' , , , ' I all celebrated physicians , declare that consumption - sumption can be cured if the proper remedy ' , is used. . " - 1 - - - - - - ' - - Sir James Clark says : 'That consumption - . / / sumption admits of cure is no longer a I matter of doubt. " Dr. Carswell says : "There was never more conclusive evidence of the curability of any disease than that of . consum ption. " . Dr. Sweet says : "From the recoveries I have witnessed , I will never despair of the life ofa patient with consumption. " . , , , These are the statements of men eminent inth i ir profession. " . OZO"ULSION < TRio trot na. ) is the proper remedy to use in consumption , and all diseases of the chest and lungs. It is a scientific preparation of Ozone , Guaiacol and Cod Liver Oil. It is easily taken and quickly digested It is not nauseating and does not cause eructations , or belching of wind It stimulates the appetite , destroys the consumption germ , restores the lost vitality , and I . brings the patient back to perfect health IT IS THE KIND PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE for Colds , Coughs , Consumption , Bronchitis , Asthma , the after effects of Pneumoni : ( and La Grippe , and all Pulmonary Complaints j SCrofula , General Debility , Loss of Flesh , and all Wasting Diseases c Handsome Illustrated pamnhlet Free. T. A. SLOOUM 00. , 183 Pearl st . New Yerke KUHN ct ! CO : 15th and Douglas St9. , Omaha. I-- - - u. Our record 01 nctual amid undeniable cureS at Yl'JULJI ! : II pimenomenni.Ve IlIrnllll alt mcd' , tcne ! : tree and eradicate , th" pollen from III. 1).lem In 90 darl. Core , gtlarllllec flours 9:30 : tJ ' .a" , Wednesdays and Batur- days 9. P. m. TIlE DlNS\IOOR ! REMEDY CO. . 812 New York Life Omaha. Neb. Teeth Without Plates BAILEY , DENTIS r. I'axton IIIk. 10111 amid i'arna'ii 9\ \ . 1'01. lOSr . I'ult Set Teotli . . . 11,00 hlmllyer ' ; Pltlln . . . . , . .0. : . > lI)6L'rol'lh. ( _ . . . . 7.51 ! lII'Urn ( bid ! 1IIIIIIIgy 2.0) : ! 1'II1n l'aw. ) . . . . . . 10,00 I lnlel Crowns,221c : . . OOJ ( l'alnleliY F.xtrnc'u We I IIrldgu teth"ooth ( 0,00 ( T2eth Out In Mornl"'g , . New Teeth same day I - " . .AIIAUQUTCIlANOIJ04C t"EW FACE Wu lo'cnturelaod IIcUID' . wlllllcml.bea.ln 100 P. boOk 11'1" a 1I1m:1. e dohn II.'uO < l"urlnW.tldl't. : . i' ; . t' . 1llTutur 01 Wuu < 1 ur'O V..CI..I beep o " ARE ALL AT SlA. Commissioners tn Ullomm'\ Over the Sn- In'eme Court Ileolalon The decision of the supreme court to the effect ! that the county had no legal right to sell a portion of the county poor fnrm , and consequently could convey no title to the land , Is considered nn order of the court that the purchasers shall bo reimbursed with the money which ( hwy paid for their lots. The county received for the land between $200,000 and $250,000 , and to this sum will be added Interest , taxes and any damages that may accrue on account or the Improvements - ments made by the ( purchasers. The total amount wIll be over ' $300,000 In time opinion of the commissioners. Just how this money shall 110 raised Is the question that Is troubling the commlsslont'rs. On account of the great drain on the general fund this winter , because of the demand for charity work , there will be no available : money to use for the 11IIrpose. Il this drain hnl not existed there would bnve been fully GOOOO available , and It would have been possible to have satisfied the purchasers with IIJrUal : paymonts. The commissioners feel that the metholl ( of Dbtalnlng lie money should bo considered as soon aR possIble , and It Is likely \ ) that the matter will be thor- oughly discussed at time meeting this after- noon. Two methods of raisIng the money have so far suggested themselves to the comnmns- sloners. One Is the Issuing of bonds , and the olher Is the malting of a special le\'y. Il the board decIded In favor of trying the former method It would be necessary to submit the proposition to the voters of the county anel there Is a doubt In time minus oC some of the commissioners whether It would secure the necessary two-thirds majoray. The other method of raisIng the ( money by a special levy cannot be authorized by the board. 'fho only way that such 11 levy can be made would bo on the order of the court It Is suggestel ( , that all time purchasers whose suits arc pending In the district court coul\1 \ obtain judgments and then secure an order Cram time court for a special levy to pay off the Judgments. Whate\'Cr ( the method pursued - sued time commissioners feel that the credit of the county must bl maintaIned and they will set about devising sonic plan initne- I dlately. Commissioner Stenberg In speaking about the decision stated ( that If time case hall been ! properly attended to he was confiden that the decisIon would have been cllfferent. "Arter the ( distrIct court : hall decided against time county , " saId he , "and before the mat- tar was carried to the supreme court , several of the members of the board ! were In favor oC hiring outside counsel to aim ( charge or the case. A resolution to that effect was introduced but It was loot some or the members - hers considering that the board had no right to employ outside counsel and that the people would not support them In so dohlS. OC course their reasoning was correct But several eminent lawyers hall becIII , seen on the subject , and they had agreed that If the case was not won they would not ask for any fees , exeelll the retainer. It the case had been won , I do not think that the people of the county would have objected to the expemise But the resolution was lost , and the casa was tried by first one county attor- ney and then by another. If one lawyer had had It In charge I thlnlt we would have won. " Commissioners Livesey and Williams are both In favor of the plan of Issuing bonds , and will urge that a proposition to that effect be presented to the voters. Commissioner Stems- berg fears that If such a. proposition Is pre sented It will not carry and that ultimately a special levy will hare to be made. Noise ' of tIm commissioners are disposed to say what they will do In case the proposition does not receive 11 sufficient number of votes. None of them are In favor of n special tax levy If there Is any other way of getting the money , as such a levy would ! be a great bur- , den to. the taxpayers of the county. . 1I0mcscekcrR' ExcursIon. On February 12 , 1895 , the Union Pacific will sell tickets from Nebraska and Kansas points to nil points ( In Kansas , Nebraska , "Vyomlng. Colorado , Utah and Idaho , at rate of , one fare for the round trip , plus $2.00. -Tickets ( good for twenty days. Stopovers allowed - lowed ' , . See your nearest Union 'Pacific agent. I J. DICKINSON. Oen'l Manager. E. 1. LOMAX , G. P. & Tkt. Agt - . . - We len,1 , the m.re1ou. . Preach - , - . , . . . . . . IIcnlC'dy CALTHOS fre. suit ' " M . E hgni guimratmtea : ( list Caios , will ; , ! 'llll' 1I1'hal1r' ! , k ml..lon. : . ' . , . . . . , . . . . ' . . . ' I'9E at cmll wrm..1orr".I.o.tlo C' k. . .ael IilT01Ilt : Lost \1:0. ' -t1 Uce ( I n"d a-y JallJjird , . & 44. . . . . . . , 4r.s'.VON MOHL CO" - ru S 0.1 " L'arrlra'i , spin , l1 . . tl..U , mu. " ; . . , . . c = = = ToMe : - r RAN ; SCAN DROPS Purely I IJIIUFU Vegetable , Prepared from the original fo 11I\11110 fro rerve.lin time Archlvel ho Poly tend . hPov agan uutluI1l1u hlitary dmstiog beez000ycara - - A POSI1'IVE CURIE for all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel troubles , especially HRONIO CONSTIPATION Price 50 cCJ1ta. Sold by IJ.lIllrugglsts. rhe Fraucisan , Remedy CO't tat 'Vi ' ' . : \111& . ' 2 ? ' . . Q11CAOD , ILL fur Circular , .i..i Ill lt.nted C..lenda" h1or } sale bJ Kuhn & Co" , 15tl1 & Dugtas ) - - - - - - . . . - - , _ _ , - \ 1 _ _ - - . . ' - - _ _ . . , \ _ . - , _ . ( 1 I _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ @ @ @ D ) ' 1 's3Fft ' I IIH , , I II A well selected text is half of the sermon Given n good text nnd n ) lrcachcrVllo. . is in earliest , ntlll the result is sure to he goOll. The text of this article is closely conncctcd with the lives 01111 health of its readers Thc text Is n plain simple stnle- mcnt that irovea ] itself in the readers own mind without argtltnent. 'fhe text it i -'J.i II GOOd health is better than great m4clies. " , ' Without health nothing really mallcrs very milch. Termpln and tnlmcs arc only ' irritants to a dyspcptic. A hacking cough takes nit the bcnnty olll of a Intulscape : or n sunset. Erysipelns or cczema will s oil the dnjoymlmciit of sprightly cOII\'crsa- lion , ofa beautiful concert , of a vommdcmftm1l \ painting. ' I'Ime biggest bank accoullt In. I the world won't pay i a Ulan for his health , but a very sllla11 amount of moncyvill , Ulake him healthy an ( (1 keep him healthy , \ Nature Is a hard worker ntlll wi11 stnllli much abuse , but whcn ovcrworkcd , she Ulust have help or trouble will follow. . ' Most all bodily troubles start In the ' ' digestive or respiratory organ It is her . that imtrolcr ? living first makes nil opcniltg for discasc. The dc\'collIIcnt ! ! IHfTc ns consl1tuhons cud tcmlemments ? difi1cr . 'I'he causes nrc almost identical 1'0 ge : 1 , at the root of the maller IS simple enollgh If you start right. , Dr. Pierce's Goldcn Medical Discovery is a mcdicine for thc whole body r 1 / . works through the digestive organs on all the others. I ; ' It cures the first thing it comes to nnel after that , the ued. It } Juts hcnUh ( im. place of disease in the stomach , amid from the vantage ground ( lisms gained ( , It rcachc $ every fiber of the body Dnd drives disease before it-indigestion , liver troubles . kidney conlplnint , biliousness , skin and scalp diseases , sall-rhcum , tc.ttcr ( , eczcma , . , and all the troubles caused by impure blood. j An interesting continuation of this talk is in a book of eGo pages , which will be , f sent free emi receipt of six cents In stamps , for postage , or , better still , the cOlllplcte , iI" People's Medical Adviser of over 1,000 large pages allli 100 ; illustrations will he : I mailed FREE in paper covers , for :25 : cents to pay for packiug 01\(1 postage only Over 680,000 copies of this book already sold 11\ cloth covers at $ 1.5o ench-tho. it regular pricc. Address ( with stamps ) , for either book , ' Wo"o' DISI'ENSAIw MUDICAI. ASSocIATION 663 Maims St. , Buffalo , N.Y. t , _ - = . _ , _ . - " . . " . , _ . - - " - i-- "Thc mantled Ih'el seeks U Iesl of is omri. " Young Man Take a Hil1t. _ _ _ _ _ - A. Don' bo afraid to start in at the bottom. Dent i think must have ' " ' amid " you everythIng "spit an spun"whon ' " , t _ ' 0 ' , YOI mnai't'y nnJ sotlo own.Vo can give you n 4 little ilousokeoping Outfit for ' ' await amount snug ltte Housekeeping Outft very slallntount - then wo don't want the money either. You can tan t . . , for it ' . With little home ' fillet-i - . pay fo' gradually.Vith I ltte , partly fled and I little wHo wol willed , " you arc on the high - road to suceos A Secret ! : Beten Mrs. A and Mrs. B. Mrs. A.-Oh , what house leave I ' ' : a lovely you um really surprIsed , , J to see you are so beautifully fU'nisho . . Met' n.-Yes , wo have I very nice home , and arc over so happy . , now : that wo arc housekeeping and so comfortably situated . " . : ! Mrs. A.-How could you afford to furish 'so luxuriously when . .yotir : husband makes ' . only about half as much salary ns my husband . I cm't : afford it , alor it ! . . n.-l know my husband makes very little salary , but wo have , . learned I secret ? sls's. : A.-What ! A Secret ? Pray , toli to mo , ns I am anxious : to i learn anything to bettor our surroundings and furnish what IO need to complete our home ! _ ' 1 It.s. B-The Secret is this : Wo had OUI' entire house furnish'd on ) the New Partial Payment plan by Il E PEOPJb'S Fut'nltnro & Carpet Co. The greatest House Furnishers in the wast. "Vo paid thom $10.00 I down und ! $1.00 to $2,50 per week , asa can afford . They do not ; , charge us any Interest , and time prices ace lower than we can buy olso- : whot'o. ThIs is our Secret and the way wo accomplish what otherwlm , would have been an impossibihty. Go and see for youl'sol and bo con- : . , vlneed- ; J Remember , wo give you the BEST of ovol'ything- - ! ' I Best in value. Best iu service. Best iu terms ; ; I Also remember that goods were novol' so ClEA.P a NOW . ani tisti , . ! hey cannot possibly be cheaper . I OUR TERMS CASH , Or Doled down are lS tolows , anti it is 11 810 worh of gllod , 81 her wool 1 ; thu annie tll U' which Plan you adopt , Or 81 ocr Imiomlm : , only sale one thing be sure or , our gocia 621 worth of Joul < , . Si.llO I' ar voo'e ' , , are nil wlrl."IH' ' , tiotim as to anality l. , $0 00 ii 'flCHmtlm . . Sand boll lS ' and vnlu Our snlesmmmen are Dunlty 8aoorth of GoolM , 8w I'ero o le . . , Or C8 00 u nommlm ( , ourshilpimmemits nlU , antI ! ' ! prommmlmt one I IIHtrllHIO hhIIJJelt' . rhllrllltlly prolllt "I'Iroo.I."L your 871 WOrth of goo.le . 8 2 11 I'orvllrlc. . " Ur 810 oar lmiommtlm. I tIer you pay cash I I or leool > our easy IUulh. IllYlent iiiamm . 8100 worth or goalie . 8 : : I'er w"I < ! Ur 81 : Ior 10ntl , it " 8121 worth of gootiP , a$3.tiO : Iwr wOllle ' YLIIST-With Cash. 81mOSD-tVlth . ( 'r SH Iur mouth * \ 8Ui worth orgootle , B.IIer wcek , I part Club and so lnuch her.month. I I. Or . 11 ( , roe lon tb : . 82DO worth nt geode , 61 ! e'r woekl ; 'rI1thsn-vithm I'rt cash and 80 Ur " :0 per mCuth 'lUIUO-'th : RDe 8210 worth orgoomle , 10 101 werk , I 4 much per week . Or 821 per mOlth Send tOe . for Om : 1ln110th Ilustrated Cntnlogue. I' ' Oj5eu Sat1lday Eveuiugs Until EO O'clock. : (1 ( 4- , . _ - . - - _ _ ' - WERFR0MOASOUNE ' DIRECT THOM , . CHEAPER THAN STEAM . - No Iloiler No Htcaum No En"llrrr. _ liEs' ! ' 1'VER fur Corn amid Feed 11Is , Jhahing.- _ _ Ua ) ' , lulnlng Separator Creumerle , dc . OTTO GASOLINE ENGINES 1" Stationary 01 Portable. ltoili.P. I to 3 U. I' . 4 , SroI , for Cluloguc , l'rices' , etc. , dt"rILlul wok 10 b . Chicago Omaha , 'l ! . 15th St. EO1TOCASENCNEWORKS - . ii . Vaiutmt ilts. , L'1liLtIELI'IhJA , VA. . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - I' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . - : _ _ CA.1fOLE r IJ.NLP.Eli ( J b llIf $ into ) by tlols'I,18 , of 111101 101lhly , I II the .1 .C r J-IIJ GI \ I , arl" lady" frlel ( I Ir.jul.lr froll UI UIYJ. . I II smite. . ' . , ' fails . gtmimr.mmIeu , with litilo . 'I'Imis immeiicimmo ' anti 1 I'elablo.lu'cr lalY.lllrllleu wil every bOllu. Ilre 10" 'hy 'iII" IIJtclle ( l far IIIIOrlor' ' hills al livery bottle 180alO all uuvur iusii 18 nlr.miritm , Sol I'ullo1lll/llr.llll'/I. 1'rluu , tO , ' . Ilr bottle. i J'ourul'lul , ' IUJB UUII'II I' "JI UUJ : ul wu wi 1.'varJ yea a boUl1 bl ux"r , " ( VAMOL JUNIPER 00 , Weoteru OI o. 0"11. . N lu'llka ' S , e . , ' ' 'ce _ ' -.I. ! ' - ' ' ' - 4 .t -'Wo , ' . . :