Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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    - ' r
- 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAhA DAILY = nJ E'f' SATURDAY . , FEBRUARY ' 9 , 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - : _
. I
E. nOSRWATI Idltot. I
P I'UnLlstU ) nVlmv ) IOnNtNO.
- - - - -
TImMS or suuscUt'T1ON. .
ftIty flee ( WIthout Sunlny ) . Oe Tear. . . . . . 8 C
nAly Jto Wlhut ) ' , One Year . . . . . . . 100
' ) lly Irp nnl . 8unln . . . ; . . . . . . 6 (0
; . . .
. . . . .
. . .
T TIIrt 1onthf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Thlf ) ' Ue " . One Ytnr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
. funlfY fAtuIIAY ; Ir" . Ono Yitr . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 f
: WeeklY Ueo One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gj
1..PtC S. .
Omnhl , The Uee UiiII4ng. .
. f0uth ( Omlhl , 1 Hlngr lk , . Cotner N Bnd 21h StL
CouncU Iflutfl , 12 Prnrl lroet ,
Counci Blufs I !
Ctilcngo OIfle , 17 Chnmlxt or ommerer
. New Olee . Homf 1. Chnml. 1 fl , Trlbuno mdg.
, 'Vnahlngton. 1 1 t Street. N. W.
relntlng to nrws nn" eIl.
All communlcatkrna til.
tonal renter .10ull ho relntnl n,1lrr..el : To the IAIot. (
nUSINISS l.nTl m ! .
All 1iiiInes Itter nnd rmttnnce Ol1Uld " 0
Al IJllnf01 loter r.mltnnees
AIr..cJ to The Ueo lubBohlnl eompnn .
_ Omnhn 1mrIS. checks end " "ltoleo onlen to
ho mndo pl'nhlo to thp ordet or tile oIflVaflY.
. ' .11 ueD lUI.IUUNU co ( ANY.
George It. Tlehuek. lecrlnr ot The flee rub.
. - l.hlng cm"nny 1lng tuly " "rn. saYS lint
lie nctunl nlmber or full nn,1 ( o\"loto coplos
. , : ' nnl tuIuIny 1lo
ot the I > nly Mornlnl I\'cnlng lul < I 1"0
prlntrd during lie month ot January 1833. wnR I
: nB follow :
1. talows . . . . . . . . 19.M. 27 . . . . . . . . 19.20t
t 2. . . . . . . . 20.711 18. . . . . . . . . . 19.18
3. . . . . . . . . . 2.15 20.71 . 19. . . . . . . . . 19.H9
4. . . . . . . . . . 19.GI .20. . . . . . . . . 20.1(0
6. . . . . . 19.44) 21. . : . . . . . . 20,913
. .
.6. . . . . . . . . . . 20.r9. 19.49 ( 2. . . . . . . . . . 13. :3
1. . . . . . . . . 19.733 : . . . . . . . . 39.91 I $
. 8. . . . . . . . 19G1 21. $ ; . . . . . . . : :0
D. . . . . . . . . . 19.6G' , 25. . . . . . . . . , . :0,2 :
10. . . . . . . . . . 1,70 2G. . ; . . . . . . . 2.1,193
Ii . . . . . . . . . 09.311 .2. . . . . . . . . . . . 21,101
1. . . . . . . . 19,478 20. . . . . . . . . . 20,273
' . 13 . . . . . . . . . 20,330 29. . . . . . . . . 20.213
1. . . . . . . . . . 19,4GI 3. . . . . . . . . . 13,0 : ]
16. ; . . . . . . . . 19,51. 31. . . . . . . . . . 2'Jt3J '
. . . . . . . . . . . .
1G. . . . . . . . 19,313
'rptnl . . . . , . 19,31 . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617,913
, Le9R IIR01 anti returne. ) CI.le. . . . . . . . G,2T
Total anlo . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cll.2n
DRiy nvorae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 , i9
, Omnn n T7 < CIUC" . .
Sworn 10 hcroro mo limO 911gerll1 In mI' pre-
ence thlR 2 . .l 1ay ot I'chrlnr 18 :
< iny
: . N. 1' . ri1i. , Notary lu1tc ,
, , I II r.leltlnnt GemI'nl ! ! Schofehl Cl'OI
. . now on.
- Nothing Seems to bc left of the
: Sll'hlgcl bill boil thc HIHlngs.
'l'II'c IR now no 10JJel any excuse
, for wlhhohlng tile luevlalio bond
; I'siie.
. : 'rhls Is thl Idnd ( of weather thnt r-
ftoreg the oldest Inhahlnnt to nil his
. , 11'IHtne glory.
, Aren.t the fedl'nl h'OOIS ) to bo called
ont to jlt'eVeflt tile WClthel' f'ol , ob- :
: . . sh'lcUng the Ulled tntes mnls"
: PCOIlc In this vicinity are hlJlnnln
, , since the InRt few tays to lORe " fnlh In
the II'o'erhlnl whiteness of tile 5110W.
, . SOle mom of thc famolR Cook gang
T , ' llLe heen WhIch ) ( ont. 'j'ho work oC
: cxtolmlnatng the Cook gll II'omlsm ; '
o. to II'O\'e nil c"el'lasln : iiitl etelul job
. . . The recess of . the legislature will enable -
able .iitiinber of ' Omaha
1JIIC. II'omlnent Olalm
gentclcn to COle homo n11 get IC'
, flunlntml OnCe more With 11111 Omaha
, idemlB.
The Junketing legislative committee
, .Is Jbrat In the land uml woe to time
. : state Institution that doe not entertain
time visitors as wel IS time chronicled
' * . prodigal son
a . Xlo . Junketing lughlntO' who- loesn't
' save the greater part , ofthat , $ a n day
It '
, . : vIIi ) ostracized from lime society of
I ) \Is \ assocln hi the legislature ! when
. . ho returns to Lincoln.
, Time Lancaster county legislative dele-
tt gnUo.1 hus this advantage over that
: tl'm Doulln8 coupity. Its membel'
get 10 ether at least on every measure
yr nleetng time local - Interests of their
; ; eoiistltueuts. '
.i IIi several dcpartmemmtsof the munlcl-
' 'pnl ovel'lment time city Is laldn that
- experiment In economy of IJ'llg 7 per
cent ' Interest on outstumlng warrants
, w'hle dmwng } 2 pCI cent Interest on the
money to her credit In the . uml.s. :
, - The dCllt ) ' luI'Nhul who was so lcr-
, slstent In his endeavors to serve time
81blloonl to 1111011' ) ) its 1 winess lit time
- Debs trial on Zh' . Pulhu:1 : must have
. : been ono , of the few court officers who
, was overlooked In the inst 11uni tls-
. tributiomi of 1'UhllllflhI .
tl'lm ton lulhmm lJs eR. .
' UP In Soulh Dakota the 10wel house'
of the leIRlutul Idlet w1Imout com-
' , ' j311sion. ) n bill 11 lnlng' intoxicating
liquors. , 'I'hl(8 111QU11er5 of that ' , ' .
11liol'S. 1'1Q ( mlU C'8' bqll cvi-
Itn'tI3' ; , biievo . the .
bilhn'e t1\l man who doe8n.t
'S recognize Intoxlcntqg liquor wihout n
i' dfnlon I not dl'Scl''lng of ll'gal pro-
. , tccton mmgnlmist deceptIve iIitIids.
I ' Ninety delocl ts voted for time bond
.J' blll'olJsot ( nnt slpportellll the house
- uy time dll0cl'ate mlmlnlsh'IUOI , willie
I , ulnetJ'-sl\on demOCll I voted ngnlnst
'It ' I time muter had ] ucen loft to the
, . dOUotllc con I'cSI1en to settle tldng'
thetsel\ the outcome wouhl Jot have
, . been different from whttl vmLs.
- : . Time cconomy resolution mloDtetl by
; , ' .tho hou 1 i'ruvioug to mitljout'imiomemit for !
c tim recess ueglns : "Whereas . All the
state Institutions music COl' large Jll'
' - , , lrlntons. " Ot courRu they (10. I the1c
, . Is a sllllo member who IUll to wait
. for this l'l'101\t01 to luforl him ot the
.tnct Ito 11115 been ' time
10 hnt Stl\J' neglected br
agents of them Ilstuton8. .
, . SeillitOl' rnI1el' of 1inois wnrus the
PCl110 of time United States to look out
'Cur 3111n Wi limO l'OIII great DOWel
, ot time Plclnl' . Oh111 , ho hlSlsll , has
IflSImlllCIlretl . Iltl ( m'emt : Hl'lnln Js imo
, longer II a position 10 ez1l1me tcal.
r. ' Jaiau ) . , ni time tBel'mllg star , llhe
; , OXllt.I ) d to ulclilt ) to exert her
1ltt'oImgtIm 11 lew Ileltis. 'j'hll Is do-
' cldolUr itmtem'estlmmg . but It Is not 11\lt (
: sOl'loul cnolgh yet to wat'rmmimt . 1 Jealousy
' qf Japan emu the 1 > I.t of time Unitd
: Bmtc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. 'THo ul Ilusol bJ' time 110lS0 to 211' :
, the ( lIselImtt'go of any clllloJ'o for these
, i3oIO reason that ho hcongl to 1 labor
, , 'OI-lllzn\11 ' 1 pUllthlulo 01"ls0 Is ni
right gO tar lS It . goes , but , I : I l0t
, : rlt N' olo./lll'll ( leJlslltol ? ) It Is
' WI'Oll to Jlschnl'Co 'un clplo.yo tIIIJ'
, , , tICIU85 hl belongs to i labor ol'gl\lzn ,
, lion , why Is It loot l'lunlr wrong to
' 2 dseln'/e hIm fl' CUUS imIs discitarge
. / ! ! : dlttulgo
nlmupiy beenuso ho rettus'es
tllplJ' bll'U80 lolu8es to join uch
, 2. nl orgm'muizntiomt Time IltOl' occurs
. tiout ils often us the fom'noer. ! OIUllol
, , , Inca nro ; dllchll'olt O'el'J' . little whlo
lit the 118tllcO at tbel. uulon f\low i
, , .lbQI'II'I. . $ . Wllo leJIlutli un thl sub.
ject1 why not 1:10 the Ilw olH' ] I
, heml\e cuouol to coyer time whole ease ?
I1SiM.1ThNf IthI ) vxsATzsrAcrn1 (
MlS1'1mm .Nn V.SATIS".CTonr.
'j'he State Ucle [ cOlmllslon hnR simti .
Illitteti ' tit calls to the
11 "hn en ls I report tll
legislature oC nil its OIJN'ntoll since
ls tl'rl'nl 11l ( mill. The rlIJO't IR In
reality a ! Intcleul Croon Secretary 1\1.
IUm ( tlodJ'lnJ n comigloimierate review
oC hIs own t\1ICtOIS . os general fne-
totll oC the uonrl. ( There Is ni cx-
hlhlt 1111Jltl ) to give time cnfh 101'
trlhltoll rcl'h'cl ( , disbuirseiiiemmts mlulo
Ilul l11O11t' ' Oil hl111 ill ) to ( the : IRl dlr
oC .1nllnrJ' . There Is nl80 I tulmlnicil
ftutelenl of time shllwllts of Hllliles )
h ' COlllmtleS froum . ' i to Fcht'tiiu ' '
1)3' ) cOlntos frol .11111) 1.'ehrll'
1. II Inl ' respects this cxhlhlt Is
\lsntsfuctol ) ' and 1 IsIllul ll. 'I'ho
COllmlsslol COlflRtS of IIIC lemhel's ) ,
wih 1)'ushlelt1 Hecl'ehl' ' n\l . ( U'eIH'
' Its olilcers. 'l'hc ' shows
I'CI nl Is omcm'l. reimort
that the whole COIIllRSlol Ins zibihl-
cntcil Its l\lvhllnl fllCUOIR n11 I'e'
Hllllhllh ) H Ilto the 1I111s oC its sccrc
tnl'y.Viiiin thc , president anti tlens-
urer are co-opi'rntimig wIth time secretmum'y
\re' l'e coollrtlg wih secleh\'Y
In HOml of the vnt'k the olhel' melUelH
of the cummlsRlol are passive amid 10
nil . Iltents Int ( IH\'lloses t1 ' hn\e Ito I I
pl.t In the vork for which the conluls.I
SIOI wns created.
Secl'etm'J' I.mhlen'R $ ( telJort COVerS
elgitty-livo t'IJ\\lten ImgeR , hit thc
ilmlttel'iili J1'en to the IH'eRR for pubhlca-
101 shels very : lithe lght IIOn ) thc
OiPm'IutiOliS ) ! of the comnumissiomi. I Is
gl'el out thnt tH clsh 10lntolR fl'om
nil sources imp to the cud oC hlst mOlth
aggregate $1Oii7L2O , nIl the t disiumm'se-
ments imp 10 thnt tme lJgregltc 8I.OG : ,
Icn\ll 1 blinuce on hl11 on the 1st oC
this mOltl of $ p,7i3.i4.Vimy : Hlolhl
not time h'eaHI'e' hU\e J1\el the cum-
mission , nl wel as the lJhlc ) , I ( he-
tllel ( exhlhlt ) oC casim couh'lhltons
to dnll lutl nlso $ m exhibit of his
Iln 'null 11. ( Lm1lcl , Hllenldlg on be-
llllf of the cOlmlsslon , says :
Up to the 2th er January the commission
conducted Hs work practically as n voluntary
work and stnrtl its work without n cent In
hoe treasury and paid the expenses from our
peckets. We were appoInted and entred
upon the discharge or our work under the dI-
recton and nt the request of his excelenc )
Governor Crounse Only these Intimately
associated with the work can form any con-
cepton of its vastness or the many annoying
features. Much or the lelay charged upon
time commission bas been due directly to I
causes utterly beyond our. control and for
whIch we wer ' not In any way responslbe. !
Much or the crItIcism. today Is based upon
the fact that the commIssion dos not forward
supplies ns demanded by the county central
relief commltecs Into their several countes
This Is not only mlslcUln ! , but nbso-
lutelr deceptive. : ' . IlH1lellll ( his nB-
50C191t08 WO'e eli nged In the relief uUMI-
ness thleo years Igo , TimeS wcre pro-
sumotl to havc ImlJlo eXIC'lence wih the
ol nnlznton oC local relief Issocintons
and distributIon of supplies. 'l'hey nl-
) cn1ed unxlous to 1csumo. this work !
and : M1. I.udlen would have been very :
disappointed hnd Governor Ol'ounso Iles-
Iguiited I : anybody else to officiate In hIs
plncl Time members of time commission -
sion are not Imown to 1)0 CnlJltllsts 01
philanthropists who could afford to ttke
time iiioney out of their lown ' pockets to
carry ,0 tie \ work . tllnyolvlmig . upon the
stnte. Nobody expected tlm to do so.
What the ' had rigimt to demnanLi
lnt pcople n lght ,
(11 expect is timuTt elch ' ofcer' ' 'of 'tbe
cO.1nlsslon would Ilelfol'm his own part
and thnt 'every cntrlmt.lon of money
or- SlPlllcs 'would go throulh the proper
channels promptly , amid thlt checks md
cotmnter-baiaiices , would be Instutcd to
plevcnt loss 01 wnRto. "t was Il'
mallcd mid eqJctcd that every contribution -
trlhuton In uionc ' amid. supplies would
'bc nckuo\viedgetl through the press and
that ) UchnHes ot supplies , whether fUel
or ) lo\lslons , would be made pilmiic
from time to tIme , and that .ho dis-
tributon of supplcs would ) e Impl11111
and time shIpments thereof pubitsiet1.
'lho uclmowledgment of moheJ' : receipts -
cclpts In hlm and time publication of
Ihllelts In bulk at the end ot n
month or week Is also unsnts , lctory.
I "houll uo made from day to t1muy'
I ts not true that UIJ to the 25th of
.TltllUmlV % ' the commission was obliged to
draw upon itS own 10cwt .tOI paying Its
clerIcal force 0' to meet 11) ' other ox-
lellSe. ) . "lhe eommlsRlon hud received
ae\crnl thommml dollars In muoney con-
tributons long before the 2UI of Tnnu-
Iry , 111 ( wla thcroCoro In position to
emlHoJ' "lnte\or force 'wns mmecessa'i-y
'Cor vigorous c 111uct of time relief wOl'k.
' .ho nee certainly hns no disposition
to cm:1rnss : tIme commission 01 to his-
credit its ivork1 but when un Olel-
genc arises that In\ol\es time safety of
men , women timid chlll'en wc feel In
nctonl duty boun to dcmlnd action , action . ,
A/\711o / lssm ; 0nOIms. . '
Time II'eslleut blS infornoed commgre'ss
at the cOlpleton of negotiations for 1
Imlo of boUls which will supply the
h'ensur wlt 1 lto mO'o than $65-
000,000 In gold , leslm'lng time reserve
11t leu\lng un excess of 1 tow millions.
' .llso hO118 are' to he mndo tlJ'lule In ;
l'ln. instead of specifically In gold , and
on this ccount the gO\l'nment wi UO
l'eJUim'Cl to pny thl'el.fomths of n cent
1010 Interest , hnt I Is CoUltouell $ that
If wihin ton ( lays COl11'0SS HI.IU authorize -
Izo time Issue of gold hOld heurllg 3 per
Cl1 1ltm'cHt these 11 ' lao substitiitt'tl
for time coin bonds. 'l'hmo llreshlelt points
ont that the I"wllg of Interest to the
goyc1mcut on aim issue ot gold houts.
for time timlrty years which they nle to
l'lm , woull mnolut 10 over $1.000,0
'j'ho 1)m''Sideimt ) suggests thlt "Iho dl .
cI'lllnllon In time j\lgmcnt of II\estol
betwecu ) OUr hont oblgntolH 11)'nulo
In coimi amid those sllclcnlr 11110 ImJ'-
nblo In old Is ' ' "
gold CI'y Ilglllllt ,
hnt whethel' It w1 mnl" 11113'
' time sliver
II1H'u8slon upon dh'l' men In
cou I'eS8 II l\wsUonnhlo. I wi now
lest wih titian , HIIl'U they hl"o n mu
JO'IJ' In time selltttt' , to fn ) whethel' the
go'ermlumellt shnl pay $ , 1I.OO.O during
the lext thl.t ) ' ; )11'1 rat iie luau stitlu.
In tf for time 111)'I1nt of its bOlhl II
gold tumid t\Y should le comimpeiie \ to
tceluo tioemuselo-es ou this milmuttem' . I
Ii evident thlt time lulmlnlslltnu hits
done the very . best It could itt time nego-
tntols for I lew 1011 IHI It now 1'0'
muils for congress to better the conhi
ton . /0 ( Ill' lS time rate of hltfcst Is
coimImmmcl , It It Is ivihhing to do . co. 'l'ilero
is I an excelent Olillol'tunlt to shuw
whethcl' time 811'01'eu . 1\'l lfl'lmrct. In
time ftl0'limuralmet , of hide '
ullhol'lll'O thel. IlolcJ' ) , to 11oW
the hllm's ot tile UOW bonds , most or
tlem foreign ] etlpltahIst8 , to exact inure
than hnlt I million ( lolnr nlo\nl ) '
frm our IIOllla for . IntcrcRI. t th'J' (
11111 ho found i-cntiy to ,10 this the COII'
iViii hun leeil furnisimed with nIl-
t. ) wi & ! lcen flnlldll wih
other ll'fll Icon fR to the reckless
UltUll of time silver fnlut lsl
Time . president refnrds thc fact that
nl least onc.llnl oC the ell to cOle
from thc stoic of bOltl ! wi 10 RllplQI
frommo abroad " ' ' atoll
fl'OI nur'IHl n8 1 very hllJrtnllt
favorable font nrc oC the tl\mcton.
ProhI11 ' It Is r\1 the treasury lllnt
.of vlcw. because It Is to uo II'l'sulell )
thnt time foreign bnnlwrs wi not iso In
so great 1 hm'I'J' to get back thc gold
thl'J' IHPIII ) ) ' Il were thc domestc lmmuk-
Imo who took the InRt 18Rll of uUluls.
I Imirthiy . 1111 thc tremtiotlt'y , rccevcd time
gOid for the bOlds ( solll ( Insl No\cmblr
before the bankers who supplied I be-
J\1 11'IWII It ont oC time tren1' ' lul
re\'lln cOlshlcluhle 1)lolortol of
I to their vaults . I Is hot to UC cx-
Ilclcll ( tmt the forelgl Imlers wi do
nmiythiimmg of this kild , nnd therefore It
11r len80nnulJ' bo hOllell ) thnt whel the
treasury gold reserve Is again rClllen
IHhel ( It wi not tlSlllllenl so rapidly
ns nfcl the Inst rllllel1811len ! t. Yet ns
to this thcte call . bo too defnlo URS\
I 1 Cl' . Hit nlll.t fll nnr advantage In
Nell holl" ) ( nb\lll I Is . Inther 110111111-
Intn that In Its extremity time govern-
lent { hull Itself c01lJelcll ( to hook for
ncetell ( relief to fom'elglm cUlllnlBts , for
I ; Is wcl ullcl'stoOt that Amollcln
ilamikel's ] could not he Iml\cet ( to take
the emotive 10nn. With 101'C than $0t- )
OOOO ( ) ) of gold In the . conlh' ' there
olJht , to he no 11Icll In disposing oC
$ : OOO.OOO ( ) In bonta 10 our own P00-
pIe , IHI I IR not creditable to time pres-
emit nlmlllstrnton of the II\onnl
finances thnt this could not bo done.
Tn1 ; ADJI ISTn.ITl" ) WJA T.
An cxnmlnaton oC lime action oC time
hO\se or represemitntives on time admnimiis'-
trnton fllnclnl bill , the u\entnicnls
amid substitutes present "ole Inturest-
lug Cncts. In the trst 11110 It Is to be
notell that nlnel-sovel democrts 'oled .
ah"inst the measure , while but ninety
\otol1 ( for it' I . while on time other 111(1
It recl\lll ( the . support oC fifty-six 10-
lJblcals , forty-four Yotn Itl'lnft It. .
'l'h\H 1 Injoll ' of thc prlsllcnts PartY ,
II time hous went on record In OIIOsl-
ton to his carefully IJrclaret plnn for
' , ' the ' ' . niiti thieve IB
l'ele'ln treasury n11 eon-
son to believe that not all of time demo-
cents who \oted : for It really approved
It. I Is said that ? . Sprimoger . who.
lS chnirmnn of time banking 111 cur-
relic ) ' commltec , wits In chu'Je : of time
hI , ) Iuncf time rcuhJeans ) for Its defeat -
feat , but If ho could hl"c induced Ills
own party to hnvo , IlolC ( relatively n3
\n'I ns the republicans time bill would
havc IRSell There was no ob1gntol
UIJOn time republicans to 8\1POlt ) tile bill.
'rhmey Inll a IcnsulO of their own designed - ,
signed to meet time emergency , mind this :
hn'ln been almost
Imaving . rejected ) y nn
strictly llrt3' vote time . 11\)1.lcnns
"JJll hnye been justtcd In casting
tlelr sold vote ngnlnst tile ndmlnlstm-
lon bIll. But , : stated ) J' Mr. Reed ,
the ropuhlc1s ; who gave their suport
to thc mensUe were l $ tlltelJP I , le-
sIre 10 I hip - thoJ ? } /.lbt riio elm '
timIng . even th0gh : theJ' . 11(1 ( not 11)II'ovc
11 time features of time uli I 11 'cs-
sentaIr unjust to 1ln1e those reiiimb-
litmus l who from n sense of duty vote
against the measure.
The rejection of this bill Is a Ilstnct
declaration against the poley of ISRU- '
lag bonds for the PUIoso"o ( retiring
amid canceling the UnIted States legal
tender notos. I also showed that there
Is n strong democrtc majority In the
house opposed to Issuing bOnds payable
specUlnIy In gold . I was clarly
demonstrated thut 1 majority of the
democrats are still In favor of free silver -
reI mind that nothing will Induce them
to make any surrender 0' compromlso
of this posltlois. Wi another fact
brought out was thnt there Is a very
general and hearty 11tp thy on the
part of time Ileloclt1 toward time nu-
Uonll unnlu . Mr. Holmnn imiivlmig Undoubtedly -
douutedl3' reflected . time senllment of a
large majority of his party whcn 11
chnrcterlzll the bill lS OIC to per-
Iletunto thc national banl.s. I scents
to } the consensus of opInion Imolig
time demoC'nts that the rejection of thc
Ilhllnlst1ton bIll is time cnl of efforts
for fllnclni legislation , hit It woull
not ue surprising to timid Mr. SII'IgO'
formulating unothel measure Ul soon
ns ho recovers fl'OI his present dls-
aIJpolntntlt. ) I Is hnrlly posslhlo that
that gemitiemnan's versatile resources In
the n1tel' ot PI'cIII'lng fllmelnl bis
haye heen cilmausted So .tal' us the
nlmlultmtol Is concorel , imoovevem- ,
I has Ulloubtedly dOle with efforts In
this tl'ectol for time pleRcnt comogress ,
but In n ' event It Is perfectly obvious
that nothing w1 be tiomme , from whut-
ever source propositions may coimie.
The fact Is Incoltlyerlllo that the
snlatleR paid to elployes In time city I
hnn mire ( coin 2 { to GO Per cClt higher :
thnn salaries IJuhl for the same grade
of fel"lco Ill llrh'nle IItubl8hlIlti
transacting u ,0111e of Imllness ns
great It not gl'cntel' For ' '
e\C' place
lhero would bo tweltJ' cOllletent imp-
liICaimtS nt the salaries that 11'vll In
hUHWHS eh'clcs. Time Hllll'lcs of public
cmllloJ'cs ( have IWel conBtlnt ' mlsed ,
whlo tile cost of living hns been going
down. ( 'l'ho flnncl commlteo of time
city council hums ] I'omlscd 10 tithe up
time ( l\eston ot m'ett'eitehiiiimit ) II the
Enlul'y list . I Ihoull he t'ncoum'ageti to
carry out thlt PI'OIIIO 11'OUllt ) ' .
I Is only hCllulo the IJrchl8cl's or
time poor ( aria 10lH 11O ) n hld Hpeeu.
IIton that thel' sale hUl IWln declared
Illegal Ill time property thrown hlcl
on time coummty . I the IllclnRI' ) hll (
reauizeti the irofhts fl'om time trmummsmmc-
I'ealzml llrofls - h'ISIO-
tou which theJ' 11lllutclpltcl ( no ono
woull huyo mlsell nnJ' ohjccton
against the lcgulnrly at lie ( pmoceeil-
Ings. Hut tile cllnco to shit time loss
ulJn the general public wal uot under
tim c'cu1ltnncel to UO neglected .
'l'ho IHOposl 101 to leente commlslol
mmieeeimmmmmts lr statute 15 not In ouut' JulJ'
ment 1 sOlll one. Time mot\o for I
Is to check Ile ell dlsholtsty upon the
1II't of 11rdlltt who I''ceh'o comi-
llgnmelts fl'om Collate 1hllIIOI' , soil
time eels ( 111 thl'l Ual.e ( also 1Ct1'11
to Cltl ( nol' ¶ 10lat cxtelt this
practice 1)ei'tiuhiiS . to time h'lllo Is 10t
1nowmm. 1 Is fair to assumne , hOWOYCI' ,
- -
( hunt no frm nt'loug sustain I"el hJ' ,
fich 1iletI1Il. ( I mil It 1 1 $ ; I.Intl1 whIch
1llsII ton Clllft , rcnch , A utRllef
mnn , Oi In ' olht1 limIt , cnnnot ( bt ) 11ule
homiest h h ) ) ' ItlCqlVj : 1 f cOlntr ' morllnlls
are being tlL'gqIi thl' ) ' IURt nul n
relcll ) ' nlonguUI ( Ilmoes. A Ienns of
detlctol she "kL'T' tRot ) e very 11tcull
to devIse.
I secls ttIt\1 \ ' Douglas delegatIon
Is qulo wlil/ . & ,1 ' Join lit thl cnIIII ) n
oC cellCtOI ' IJnl1 mlI'cllrCRcntnton )
concernln Ou 0 it II II C Interl1 } mitTairs. 01'
1'11'csentlth'l ) , l , ( cOlplncent ) In their
sentR whll' this city Is fniseiy mI'I' -
tlell to COn h' ) ' imoemmlhem'8 ) ntI . to the
state It huge IS n ( 'otm1mnunIt ) stecII(1
lit wlclmlness lul folnl "Ice. Thus
time { Imo of Int-Olnll sentment
which bUln8 In time state of . T.ncnstci
IR ieiulg CnnnclI to InlenHlt . I Is IJss.
hug stramigo tuH them II not 1 simugie I
memlC' frol Omnll llSCRRCl of
morll courage cnolJh to $ tltl OIL ) anti
hul these sllllel' hnck : Into the teeth
of Ommoauia'it accusers.
"Imt 1\ Skel&.ttit It Will l1.
Ilemld .
Chlel Hem\
\"cn al the cheap ! money anti Ionopoh' .
tarIff men shall loztva tnken their lenve-if
thy wl only go / and "sla ) ' gon-the
demnoorntie'pttrty 10 'wIll not le ns large ns
IOt !
democrtc'llut wi
It once wtut . but ) I will be more rls\ectahle
almil amid Bupport. more worthy oC nubIle consideration
Abdicaton Sll111118 Things.
Chicago Times
The formal abdication of Queen Lluo-
lelnnl rmplIlles the Iawalnnrohlem to
n. poInt where I Is' Just possIble that the
Unlled SinteR government may dIFco\r '
that Honolulu Is alread , by iU lr cent In'
Amnem'Icaim city . nnl that its one anxIety
Is to come up to Par. . .
- - .
, Jnrrll ! the 11'\llm\'f 110mor )
' .
WashIngton Post.
Field Marshal Inlstenl has written nn
argument showing that Ito democmNo
party Is dead and beyond resurrection. ' rhie
\ logic employed by llr , ilnlstead : Is very
similar to that wl1ch ) .he umlre < ! t. 1872.
when moe was engaged In writIng . oUluar ) '
notIces for the n"mblcan Imrt ) , As a
decorator oC tloltCl1 tombstones Halstcad
< more picturesque than relabl !
. p
DCI"crl" ) ' ut thn S.'nnl"
SI. I.huLi il-public.
Senatorial tradition has so tied \P progress -
ress that there are but two kinds oC mcas-
urs that are brought up easIly-those
which nobody cares enough about to 01)1)050
and Ihose which m'eiresent' aggregations of
Private selatoal rC\Jre \ ( , A log-roing
clnlm for nn apprlJrlaton goes through
ns If I ,4roased ; n bankrupt treasury gets no
attention. A pltcc' of personal buncombt
wins ell ' howl nmod mantles : 1 pnrt demand
Is receIved wih weary Indl1erence or Is
shunte off wih ptlc\ced cunmmlng.
ShooUnt lIt tIm \ronl mihroctiotm.
One ; D. " ' ! a\er. who has boon beaten
with great regularity 'for I great many ,
ofllces . Including that or president. Is out '
again with n declaration that the president
on the money queaUon. "ioidly ath'srs the
American repl\blc \ o fail Into the proces-
mon behind th : Ieslotsm oC the old world
In the march oC 'civIlization. " Natural\ '
nn adviser of Gtncra1 Wea"er's strIpe would
prefer that I should fail into the IJrOces310n
behind : exlco-nd-Chlnn In the march oC
civilizatIon. " .1 0
. , -
lien ' t n ! Jnton Fover.
MinneapolIs TrIbne ,
The Idea oct ar-exaUon to the United
States Is salllrto be' wonderfully popular
lit New Foun < llcd. Advlces from St.1
John's says that publIc metnC are beIng
held and thnt-man oC the principal cll-
zeus are enthtiIitsttcatIy workIng for al I
miexation. They feet that Englapd has nOt !
treated them tarly ) . "he mater has at : '
tracted little I atenton In thl'bountry ' : and
, l'et IC we oouldil New , F \ndlDnd" with
Elglanl's con el [ and the free consent ot
her own people . the Rcqulsltonoull be a'
valuable one. oNewi Foundtand . under the
stimulus of Amel'lon entepl'ls and' free
JnslHutons. , , wQ\ld de\19P I11o . one of the
. .IFh ! : } phlunl ; .11 , . , ' . 1 ' 1
. .1. . ' _ : 1
Thel.obylnnshln ton.
Wnsblntto Crc onrcncc Sd'Idums'nepubli'e.
The corridor of the capitol are crowded
WhOm lobbylst They swarm In' ' every nook
and corpr , 'rhel' : throng Statuary hal :
they hVal1c the . committee P.4' omsi : they
waylay the memberS as soon a""they ven-
tu'c out of the , sacred precincts ot the
leJlslatv ! hamber
. I Is hardjyUi , cssary to say that tIiey I
nil have desIgns .on Uncle Sam's treasury.
Some oC them tire hacking musty 0\ claims .
olhr arc pushing new venlures The lust
session , oC I congress Is always assaIled
by 10bb'lst particularly IC the party In ,
control of the house bas been , jt . feated .
The lobbyists believe that a defeated party
Is reckless or publc expenditure amid that
by the exercise oC adroIt Pressure they
can win what , they ' 'w ould not hope for IC
the party In the majority' had returned
from the people vIctorious ,
I 'ever saw such n mid being mlle on
congress as the one now In course or op-
eratlon. All the old lobbyIst are on hand
and many new ones They come from CalIfornia -
Ifornia , Teas , the Indian country. New
York. and New " ,17ngiand. Faces long ta-
mlhu : .to everybody , In Washington peer
through the door of the house oC repre-
senlatves , As soon as 'a member emerges
he Is captured. Je..lslrgucd with , rmon-
strate wIth , pleaded with-sometImes
< wlth-Iometmos
thratened. , .
The womn , of course . arc doing uty.
The ' young ones coax . the old ones < cry.
They matte the most succesful lobbYists
The average man . finds It dlOcul to resist
the female lobbyist . . especIally If the claim
Is I small one , und pnly neutrnlty Is asked
of the member. The two watch doW oC the
treasury In this .etergenc ) ' Lire . Saors of
Texas and Dockery or Missouri They turn
their faces relentlessly against all raids
on the truasury.i iVith
tnJsurY.1 'Vlh I complaisant -
ant committee npprlprlaton ! there
would be no difficulty In' . tappIng the tax-
payers for a billion dollars between now
und the' 4th or Mar b .
The 1nrl\el" . ot Fire Im8uraImce.
Louis' " 'I ni muler In the l'ebrnr l'orum.
All fire Insurance companl < s In Germany
employ I number or "general ugents. " one
, In every important commercial center who
alone Is empowered to. Issue policies . Ilhee
uents consist either of theIr Inarled clerks
who have long beep In servIce and are thus
rewarded or thy are ChOSEn among the rep-
utnble merchants or banker of the locality -
' cality . ' These consider the appointment a
< lstncton : they arc Iluid by a commission oC
15 per cent on premium receipts : they return
10 per cent to subagents for procuring the
business ; what Is not absorbed from the
rent by clerk blre represents their per-
qulslte. Subagents are chosen among small
tradesmen and Bubl\tcr civIl olcers" ; they
must have good
mUlt hnve a reputation and occupy
a social Ilosllon , and one agent can represent )
sent only I .Hlngl4 company. In this way
an efclent And honest management of
agencies Is secured. ,
Our large companies' employ nt least one I
agent In every Important town , Involving I
a staff .of thou8 up ! oC persons each of
whon1 receIves 'n thmlsslon oC 15 per cent
on hIs reoejpls Irr spectve oC losses and
his authority W. . , IHue iOlICiOS. A the
prols oC these \C.ept1 exclusively on
their receipts , lliy } , Jmave eyC Interest to
Increase them ' , t iocU losses occur they may
regret thorn hU 1 cannot Interfere withm
their Income : timpr jiil be .low voluntarily
to cancel risk re , they have accepted It ,
even when I [ Uecpmes ) doubtful been use'
doing so would tljipftmlldm ) J their earnings I Is
true that time copipud1es also employ special
salaried agents * P wravel about io hlSIJect
and control the : r ! $ ( ' taken by local agents
but I Is dllctl iLaorni a correct opinion
or the hazards ; ' . each venture In
time short time ju/fP.\ndlng agent can devote
to each pluce Aln\t every resltlemmt.ngcitt
represents trom ii'n to twenty different
companies , ot' flMJties his favors among
them accor < IHIslq . ida IJe/onal Interest :
often he loses qrkci' for everyone , I 0
merchant were rqlU' a clerk , working not
for himself aloiejbut , for competitors ns
well . a commnimumon. larger than his vrofits ,
such action woulc.lgeneraly be coneldereti
a sign of impemdtmJg'.fntlure. . Insurers < will
follow thIs policy wJIimout } regard to the uhil.
mate consequence. ' 1 leow that companies
continue I In states 'wbere ' they have not
earned 1 dollar In twenty years When
some method Is devised which identifies the
Interests of the agent wlh those oC his
employera the former will be more carful
In the inspection ot risks and reject those
which are doubtful .
or/1m T.INns TlUN ouns.
I.r ilocebery himself has never been
looked upon n rabid or rkless. hut he
hiss alowel himself to be IN instead or leading .
ing and In obeying the behest of his party
ho Is riding Be many horses nt once that he
Is likely note find hlmseU In worse dim.
cut tes thal any hn hns yt eneounlerNI. I
Is scarcely probable that the agitation
against the upper house will obtain any real
slP ort from time botly or the I nglsh peo-
pie. Helorm and abolition arc two different
things , and It Is time Inter that the i-mali-
cnls are calling for besides declaring that It
mulct howe precedence of nil ! Is ! Then :
too the Iemond sectIon or the home rule
rorty declare lhnt thy will vote with the
unionists Ir Irelnnl ! does not take precedence
of everything and this attitude may com
pll the McCnrthyls to chanKe their Ilosl-
tim. The gyernnnt can , It Is true , Ir d !
feated appeal lo the colmntry but the recent
crushing blows gIven lo the lIberal party
la nglnntl alt Scotland Indicate anything
but succe In the next 5s . general election.
Composed exclush'el or the members of that
liberal part . which alone commlnds a ma-
Jorll In the lower house or time legislature
at Pestim time new hungarian iuirnlnistra-
ton Just formel by Inton Hnnr ) ' Is corn-
mlted to identically time same ptogrnm of
civil and ecclesiastIc reform as that of
his predecessor In omce. The \ premier
however , Is free from tim embarrassing alIt-
nncs and obligations whIch hnmperel Dr
Wekerlo In his work . to time extent or ren-
lrlng It Impossible for him comply with
time demands or his munti-dymlaltic supporters
and af the sale time to satisfy the m-
Ieror-klng. ) As slated In the Tribune nt thc
time , time fall of time late cabinet was due ,
not to any nntnnlsm or thin emperor lo the
reCorm bills now before the house. but
merly lo his dissatisfaction wih the atti-
tuna or Dr. \ekerlo and or two or his colleagues -
leagues In connectIon with the debate In
the house emi the nddrss of condolence to the
widowed czarIna , aud likewise for their
toleration or time Kossuth movemnt
against tim crown. That the ] ! t
resents this course on the Part of the mon-
nrch Is shown by its election ' of one or the
. time most oh-
( lsmlsed ministers-Just ! one ob
noxious In the yes or Francis Joseph-to time
ofco of spaker. . .
Tho'members or the Russian expediton to
Ab'sslnla arrived recently at Odessa ( on their
way to Alexamlrla. The party Is umlor
the command of Cnptaln Leonthefi . lately
an ocr of the guards who was sent
by time government three years ago In charge
of net eXIJlorlng party 10 Central Asia , es-
pecialy time Pnmlrs. Time excellent service
whIch lie then rnderel was time cause or his
coinnmand nl-
nllpolntment to the prcsent commnnl , -
though he Is only about 30 years of age.
Time secnd In command Is an ofcr or ar-
tlry named Captain Zoyagili anti Dr.
Ehisaleff , who has traveled considerably In
Central Africa , Is the medical attendant.
Time route to bo taken Is ns follows : Prom
Alexandria by road to Suez , thence by
steamer to Aden and from there to Obok.
From Obole , , where the rench government
has promIsed every assistammce the . party
goes on to Abyssinla visiting the pet ) chiefs
In that country This expedition Is senl'
out and equipped by the government and has
been provided with many beautiful presents
to bo distrIbuted In Abysslnln , those for time
Negus being especially tmoagnlflcemmt. The
last Russian expedition to AbyssinIa live
years ago was under the notorIous Captain
) Atchlnol and the Archlmanlrlte Paisi and
was shelled by tIme French at Sagalho . but
thIs one Is or 1 very different character .
and . as It Is well known that Russia dos
not give costly presents without expecting
somthlnJ In return .t progress and ro-
sul will be watched . with a good deal or
interest by the powers engaged In the gn-
eral African scramble
. . .
The London county councIl 11s recently
Issued a "olulo oC statistics which are or
more than ordinary Interest as throwing light
upon , the population of the metropolis ot tIme
.world. The total population reglstrnton of ,
London' ' WaS' seltdown at ' 4,211,743. by. the
'laSt census : - it being estimated that ' 338.634
persons are Uvlng In outer Lomodon 6nly
,65 per cent or the population were born In
, London , iiitd the total foreIgn percentage Is
only 2.26. The London Scots. hnve remained
stationary . the Irish have decreased , anl
, the foreigners , mostly Poles and Russians ,
have increased The tot ! number of bIrths
for 1892 was i32.328 : rate or IllegitImacy .
? , ? 5 pet cent : Iota number of deaths ; 86.833.
or which 40 per cent represents Infant mor-
taly under I years ot age : total number
or persons unurried 74382. : There are 44
per ' cent cr tIe population either under 20
or over 70 year oC age who are nonsupport-
lng or the remainder , 190,000 arc described'
as professional worlamr , 391.000 as domestics .
340.000 DS commercial / and 1.000,000 as In-
dustrial . .Of the Industrial million there
are 1 , OOO builders . amid carpeator . 116.000
mechanics and laborers and 200,000 engaged
on clothes and drcsses
* 5.
Victor Henri . count do 'Roeberorl-Lucay.
bter known as plaIn Henri Rochefort has
made his triumphal entry Into Paris
after six 'yenrs or exile . having accepted the
benefit or the amnesty bill Just PIO by the
French Senate and Chamber , Thl.s experience -
ence will not bo a novel one for this p
ltcl Irreconcilable . who seems to be pee-
sessed of for getting Into hot .
sesed n genIus gettng water
A career such as that of Henri Roclutort !
would have ben Impossible In any other'
country than Francs. HIs fame its n Jour-
nahist rests . his scurrilous attacks .
nulst upon scurrlous upon
anythIng and everything The only worthy
thing ho ever did was the publication or his
little sweckly La Lanterne In whIch he
lashed the rotten regime or the second ! m-
plr until ho mnde Napoleon II wInce. le
was sentenced to transportation for life for
. his defense or time commune and his .vilhiflca-
.ton or time republic. The act or amnesty of
1880 enabled hIm to return to Paris , but not
for very long. Ills sUpport or the loulangor
movement compelled hint to lIce again In
order to escape from a long term or 1m-
prisonmnent decreed 'against him by the Sen.
at ! Ho Is n moral and political nihIlist . T
destroy character or undermine a govern
ment Is 1Is delight .
. .
Time ships or the Majestic and MagnIficent
class , Englnnd's best battleships . arc to b3
armed wIth a new type or weapon In their
main batteries , A new gun mounting bas
also bee delgned , and both pIece and cnr-
rlnge are now' undergoing 83ere tests The
gun Is.a twolve-Incb breoch-Ioadlng rifle. A
service Journal says that In It a compromise
has been erected between the ten-Inch gun
of the CenturIon and time 13. -lneh gun or the
Royal Sovereign class It can bo fired
quicker than the Ishter weapon amid inflict
greater dDmag ) than the heavier In time
Royal Sovereigns and Admirals the guns
have to bo brought to 1 fixed 10:11nl ata-
tion , and the barbette locked before load-
lag can , bo commenced , but here an alternatIve .
natIve central loading system Is provided . In
additIon to the fixed loading station . so thal
the guns can be loaded at nny lloslion or
training and one can bo leept ponmc at the
enemy whie the other I being loaded
Every operation . such as traIning , elevalng ) ,
loading utc. . can bD Ilertormed by hanl
as wel as hy hydraulic power The gun Is
loaded In toe run-out posion which It lakes
up after fring , due to tho. action ot IIOWr-
tul sprIngs , whteh are compressed during
recoil . and ns the gn ru/s out after \ht
recoil , the breech II automatcaly opened ,
being again instantly closed after loadIng .
by moving a lever The wading arraimgo-
meats arc also very novel , and are designed
wllh I view to saving lme , for whie In hoe (
Royal Sovereign I takes about twO and a
imahf minutes to fire n round , In the new gun
a minute and a half Is sufficIent. Made 01
steel and wire the gun weighs about forty.
Beven toni , and , with time mounting , will
be protectEd by a 'owerful simluld mounted
' I
'Highest ' o ! dli in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report .
R V Baking
- . . " ' , _ . _ _ _ _ . - . . . _ _ . _ : _ ' _ ' . _ , . . . . , ' , .h .
on the turntable AS In the Centurion Cor-
.1 ! almunllon Is to ho uel. th weight
of time charge being about 160 pounds. The
probable " 1' " b the gun his not yet been
ascertincd but It t i so construcled 1 to
sur\'lve weapon by many rounds the 13.1.lnch
. .
The west ot Ireland ] Is again threatenll
with its periodical fanoine . a recurrence
which It soms out ot the power or iegisha-
, tion or administration . or change or crops or
rCllstrlhnton of hamomi or any governmental
or economIc device to n\rt. I comr about
so often , hike the cholera or time Siberian
grip and hns to bo reckoned ( with as a imer-
slstnt facer In the concerns of that nommchm-
suffering country. I Is as yet only IJros-
poet , but the outlook Is serious enough tl
awaken anxIety and nppreben on. Shou1a
It com . time right thing wilt be done about
It 01 this side or the water a It hns often
been done before . anl It is . mucantime . ! at.
tying at least to the beneficiaries that so
many of time sons or that unfortunate island
hlvo male so much money In Amerlcnn
politics that they can afford to contribute
generously In such a crisis
: Il : . IOLLI' ( ll
Boston Courier : The man who CAn fling
himself sulllemmli' ( out of I wnr bell these
hhnslt lutlnl
frost ) mOrnlngR Is the Bonaparte of today.
PhlndehJhln Record : \Vimen I come to i
harnessIng n horse there Is usual ! I bitch
In time proceedings.
Boston Post : litmmorous Blor-'ou' '
have carried this jolte a little too far. Sad
Humorist-Yes , sir : that Is wh ) ' I wish to
leave I wih ) 'ou.
Detroit Pre Prs ! : "Mm-s. Smal doesn't
smile 80 Iwecl ) ' emu 1Inltet IS she dId , "
snll II\A \ lns.
"No , " replied the star boarller. "I ! hal
the pesum\ton to offer her I neW8pnper
cllJplng tel \ n how to cook an old lien "
ChIcago Trlhune : "Two chlhlrn frzen I"
exclnlned the man with the mmevspamer run-
mtlimg his eye over the hoemullimmes.
" 0mm I street car ? " excitedly querle(1 ( 8\
ernl North Skiers who s'cre : stnndlng about
'VashllAton Star : " 1)0 you think that It
Imprves n story to have I moral ? " said the
young literary tmman
"Not commerclal ) . . . re\lel hIs friend
"It's the story with an Immoral thnt pays
, nowadays. "
Boston TranscrIpt : Mllonalr - Hon8l ) ' .
1) ' son . Is always the lost polc ' . Ills
Son-Well . maybe It If , father , but sti
you've done pretty well ,
Phladelllhia Record : "Talk nbout labor
agitationi" exclaImed the ll\aunk Phios-
opmmer "wimy some men brcoml agItated at
the very thought oC worlt. "
nos ton Transcript : I II almost as easy to
beleve one when hoe SIJealts In dorogatmon ot
others ns when he " \enks In praise or our1
selves. \
CIncInnatI Enquirer : Judg-'ere you
ever 'up before this court 1
Everett 'est-Con't saY , Judge 'Vhat
tme do your honor I t\ ' ?
Syracuse Post : Anil now , nlnsl Im will-
lng ) to say and so nre time rest ot 'Ol. I
wish some mnn would come and say : "Oh ,
Is It hot enough for ) 'ou1"
Chmicngo Inter Ocean : In the bicycle business -
ness the greater the number of sales time
greater the falng off.
Chlcl o Record : "i'd be n musician , " sall (
thc bore , calmly , "onl ) ' I have no sense , or
time. "Thnt's " just what I tlmotmght . " saId the
Alrl. hour hangtmlmlhv ago " . as time ' cloclt struck . 1. "abJut
Pimiimmdelphia Record : Honx-A jilted gIrl
remInds ! inc or a certain weapon. Joax- .
'Vhnt's that ? hoax-A - wenlon.
Detroit , Tribune "Who kIlled cock robin ? "
"J , " said the sparrow. " " 'el. who hY\no-
tze you ? " . - -
Somerville Journal : , Telephone Glrl-I
want 10 look nt some black kid' Ioves.
Saleslnd-'Vhlt number please ? Telephone
GIrl ( surprIFed-'Vh ) how did you know
that I worked thcie ?
Chicago Record : "How dId yotm like the
sermon , " 'ende11" asked his mother.
"I was eorry to observe . " replied the little
Boston boy wIth 0 slghm . "tlmSt the clergyman -
man did . not'scem to be aware ot' the' differ- '
: encc.btwe a reterenc anU' " n'alusloll. "
- -
Wamdmlmmgton Slnr.
Upon our flag . a patriot band
'Ve write these mottoes two :
wrlc motoes
"Hail Columbia , ha\pr land , "
And also "I O U.
S .
Washington . Star .
Oh , the man ' who always worries.
How he rots and fumes and flurries . .
Unre"lgned ,
To 0 world. whose share or trouble
Grows , until it's fully . double '
In his mind
He collects the nation's taxes
Keeps : the politician's axes
On the "rind
Personally supervisIng ,
'ach detent and each uprising
In his mind
Ways to gIve al people money
And . to have the whole world sunny .
He will find ;
Re ulatng sages , preachers
RUlers anti their varIous crenturs .
In his mind , ,
On the Ills ot party faction
He'l discourse ( but wIthout acton )
'Till 'ou're blInd . '
I you put him on his mettle
Every problem he wi settle ,
In his mind
I ! ls lccked 'withm such persistence
That Unreplncd hme'li go from : this existence
But posterity will thank him :
With the great men It will rank him ,
In his mind
TIm nU.r/U Tllsr.
St LlI Iiepumbiic : Mr. Greenhut dil not
wear a green Imitt s president of tIme Wimbeky
tenet , lie drew four salaries withmotmt. con-
suiting anybody about It ,
ChIcago Tribune : if It. be ti-tie , na Intl.
mated , that the erstwhile boss of the Whisky '
trust has disposed of some of its assets not. 'i.5
wlthttmtnhing time rc'straimmlng ' order of tiid
cell-i , the said boss may find iiimmmsehf in
still worse tmonbbo In spite of his endOrse.
macnt by thmt Whisky trust directors , It will
imo well If timt'y es well as he are mnado thmo
subjects of a thorough Imovestigatton ,
Chicago Itecorell The Whisky trust , aside
front Its mere Illegailty , is a disgrace and a
aimmonie to time nation. In geimoral timero is
Imonor-of a sort-amnong timioves , but some
of the trtmst memnbers scent wIlling to enact
piracy upon their own fellows so long as there
is a profit to be gained. Time fact that in
this latest eximlbitiomo the United States courts
imiuvo becmu drageoi into ceo to further the
game serves to mold to limo ehmammmefuhness of
the spectacle ,
Courier-Journal : MiUrec'nlmut is a vet-
ermun of time hate var , and is said to hmav been
a gallant soldier , ho receIved several wounds
and was awarded a Imnalon years ago , wimlch
imo hiss steadily rofusetl to accept- , giving as
a reason ( hint Imo fotmgimt to save time ummiomo
and timat imis Patriotism was loot ft sumbject
for nmonoy reward , \'hmemm imo gets through
tvltht time trmmst Investlgntiomm it is mmrobablo
tahmt lie to'Iih have received worse wonmmds , aitmi
hmo will hot ovemi imas'o thte chalIce to decline a
I'hmiiathelpimia Press : Judge Orosacimp has
prevcimtemi a 1mnosV serious nmiscnrrlago of
justice by ttirnhlmg ( lrcenimtmt ommt of time
i'iiisky trtmst reccivorsimlim , to ivimicim hum hmad
been imiopoimmte.i 1)3' svlmnt time judge calls aim
"ItimlmOsltloit oil time court. " Sucim an Iimmposl-
tiamm Is a clear case of colmtemmmimt , If .Jtmdgo
Groascup woumld enmploy time mmowcr to bullIsh
coittenopt whichu ito ammd other federal judges
1may19 freely enmployetl of late to cimforce time
orders of time court In time case of railroad
strilces against this slmectmlative "strike , " Imo
would receive a moinmiar ahmprorat whiclm
would mmtmlazo hmimmm.
Sprlngfhold ltomumbllcan : A nice little
samuimlo of trumst nmammngenment Is this trhmichm
time wimisimy conobiimatloim gives to time Imublic.
I'reoident Greemmimut admmmittcol ilatiy to Juilge
Orosacup that lie was "short" 15,000 shares
before time receivership was created , and had
boon since emmgmmged 1mm covoriimg hue , contracts -
tracts at a b-oat , lie vemmt simort of time
market , timoim secretly petItiommod for mm re-
celvershmip , WflS hiumseif aipolmmted as one of
time Tecehvers , momod on time ( leChille imm time stock
following the ammnoumucemloommt of timis , ime imas
been able to rroflt 'imirgehy front tIme simecuin-
tlon , Judge Grosscimp' sumammimary remmtovai of
Greenhmtmt wac mm'mihd treatumemot commmpared with
what lie ( leserved ,
ICansas City Timmies : Timis is moOt time ommly
case In which rcceiver8hlps imave beemo time
result of conspiracy to immmpair time value of
corporate hmrOPerty. In thmo case of tIme
\'Imisky trmmst tlmero is mme doubt of a tottering
conditiomm for ( hue reasolm thmmmt remmt hegisla-
( Ion is inimmmicai to trusts of all kimmols , lbtmt
evemm umnder stmclm comtdltions the lrOCOOdImmgS
oumght to imavo been tmmkcmm with the view of '
protecting time immnocent imolilera rather tlmnmm
for time lairimoso of aiding tIme 'wreckers. lOut
it not Immtrequemmtly ilaimpens that solvent corporations -
porations are crippled arid sommoctimmoes de- s'
stroyod by coimapiracie's of tlmis kind In which
tIme coIl-ta carelessly acquiesce , ommd time
renmedy Is not discovered mmmmtil too late , It
is to be imopod timat tIme tieveioprnemmts in this
case will work a correction ,
$ Ffl j
owi : Ejo''s
Both time method amtd resuults when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it i81)lOtlsant
intel rofreslmiiig to the taste , and acts
gemitly yet promptly on time Kidiocys ,
Liver azod Bowels , cleanses the sys- ,
temn cffectuauly'dispels colds , headaches - '
aches and fevers and cttic habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only romncdy of its kind over pro.
duced , pleasing to the ta8to and no-
CeJttbIO to the stomach , prompt in
its action mimi truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from time Roost
healthyandngreonblosnbstances , its "
iualty oxcc'llemut qualities conuncud it
'to all and , have made it the 'most
PoPular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in ho
cent bottles by all leading drug.
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will iro-
euro it promptly for any one who
wslies to try it. Do not accept any
LOUISl/ILLE / , , Yi NEW 10/1K , Ni'
. -
. cSiflilNC.IrI/ye 1
. , . - 1
Your Money'eoWot'tim or Youi' Motmey Bacic ,
We BlowedL Ourselves
Once for some cloth and tailor's wages to make us up
- a lot of overcoats to sell for $ io-
- V Lc' we'll never do it again-It was the
' biggest mistake we ever made-
0 but we're going to remedy it by
' selling them all-Saturday-the
, -o- ' * , day only-at $4-an ovei coat
_ _ _ _ _ _ Thcy are ineltons--chcviots-
all wool overcoatings , with plain or velvet colots-
vorstcd lined-silk sleeve lined-most' of them every
thread woo1-4-our trade don't b'uy $ ro overcoats
much-and we'll never make any more io overcoats.
For $4 , Saturday only.
Then to gIve those who wane to pay more , a
chance-we have marked several lin s of Kerseys-
McltonsChincIiillas-SOmC sflk , some serge hued--
black , brown and dark cclors-Overcoat that were
sold up to today for $ - $ - - $ , - $ - $30
-the higher priced ones being in small sizes and
short lengths-the rest long and lots of sizes-at
$14,75-for Saturday only--But that sovercoat -
there's the bargain , if there ever was one-lo overcoats -
coats for $4-One clay-Saturday.
Reliable Clothiers , S. SV Cam' . 15th mind lotighus.
, . . . , . . . , 4 ' ' Sr ' ' '
Ct-'RVtld.CIL : Fn.ipt.l'S ' - : tC.rfft.VVStVpSflflfl . , ' ,