. . ! ' : tTw. L. 1 - THE 01\AII.A. DAILY nJDE : rFnIDAY , FEBRUARY 8 , 1 895. 7 _ _ SPBGI h NOTIQRSI . . - lIurll.ellll'lIt" " for the"o ( 'olumn" " , ,111 bo n"f'1I tllltl 12130 I' . iii. for the "Y"1I111 nmt until 8 p. tu. for the morlllnll bamhay ctlIt ion . el I 101. , \Irl . ! . , "y reqnedln n hamhnr < eheek ) , , CRI Ilvo nl.vet I(1drcCtI to R hllhnre < leU.r In c ro at 'Iho iicn. An- "vet .U RIIUre..e,1 , vl10 delvoro < upon 11ruenlltol ! of the eheel only. jtiUc . , J 1-20 R usIrcI. fr.t II.crtlol , 10 R word lierritfier. Nlthln ! t.kcl for Is then : lc for 1lrt InMrtlon. trot II"Crtol. 'J hr.o Idtcrt80montl must inn con.ceu- th'cl ) ' . - - WANTED-3JtLLNELP. - W.NTED-M.sL. HELl. ' - . . . wANTrD- ; ? 1m : ANt ) TrAMs TOSILt , our fp.d - grIndre. Snllry $ : & to $ : ' ) per motI1. ? nep1Inr I" nllftty. The Llel eld Mra. (0. , letlnl . City lown. D-M .7I % I' WANTit TItAVflIING I1 TO Sgl.l W11 . . TIA\r.INO "IN tut'u .red meal and olher houo 8peelollM aS - I Bldr lne or 0lherwl8e. Wibur 1.,1 Meal Co. , Milwaukee. fl-MS' WANTEI ) . A COMPCTINT MAN TO IVIN kll.u mlek lund I1ITENT Maml , va1l. , \.Mre. . n. \v. Mln"hal , llulicrt . 4eb. fl-hiS WT' . tASTI1tS. : 1mO TIMMr , edge ' ler. hrel IJrnl.II > . Rtnndar Mcrew . . Hmlthi & ol > erntoA : iit aity wOlk Iunmntld. Smih Jones Iho Co. . Vet lullnan. III.flMO fl-MO - - - 10' - I Bml I.un : OOOD VOlt $10.0) TO $ .0) , ) wcrklr. offre1 traucling salesmcn In Ihls scc than : of nmples free I' 0. . 13i. Ncw York. lon smnl I-MZ : S' WAN'D : , IOY AIOIT I : 'FAt 01.1 ; MUBT write geol hand. Address 0 . flee. 'Ile goo. hnnl. AI1ress I flee.DM : o0 3 S' WATEt-ThI1ALE 1ELP. A.TED-l .MALE WANTgD-A I IST CLASS LAUNDI * . 10:0 : Owrgl n\'enue. C-M2 w.unm ? , 'rwo tTmmN' NUnSES AT W. C. A. hoppllnl , Council - IIIUITs. C-U. 9 , ' \ANTl . filth , 1'01 U1flflAI11OUSE 1 ' work ; slnl family. lG Houlh 31AI. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C-3 _ i WAT1I > , 011 iron O mIAI , 10Un. WAJ" ! wOI ; ; must be a 111.1 , class cool Oerm:1 . piererrcl : wngcs 15.00. CIty reref'ne ' 8 rc- qulred. IIG H. 32nd m'e. C- WANTKD . UhIUFOR OtN1'.ltAT. UOURI . wlrl' ' : must be n good cool' : rererenN' I' Iluirell. 130 So. : Iool C-O2 9 ] Ol B14.L-hODBES. ' 10mmS , 1' . K. DAItMNO. lAIKIn m.oclc. D-03 1IOU14IS IN Att 1AITS 0 Tun Cl'rY. 'rlB O. P. Davis company 1505 Furnam. D.-09 l USLS : DENAWA & CO. , 108 N. 11 ST. - : _ I- : FOR ItENT-II0USE 01' 9 ROOMS ANt ) DAnN FOl l'nrk ave. inquire at .2 : 1lh st. D-3I mmT-GnOmI COTTAOE. IN GOOD LW. II"h' city wetter $0.0 per month 10 geol parties . 1 N. 3th. 1 block from 1'arnnm car line. inquire ot Hloelzel's Elove stole next' 10 postoilice. D-313 8,10mI MO1)flItN 10USI. FI'B MINUT1S wnle from court house vacant December Ltthi. O. L. Orcon . rom 23 , laller * block. 1J-311 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10UtES. W'ALLAC1Z DnOWN DLK , IG / Doug. D-31 IOn ilEIT-24i3 CAl'ITOI. AVENUfi. 11 1 Ifl l1m lEIT-243 The O. 1' . Iavis Company. D-i9G I'Ot l N'-MODEIN 10.nOOM HOUSE , WITh Zurnuct \ bnlh. cnR. hOI end cold \1\'r : one. half hlork Cram I"nrnm street molar line : In nest Ilr.lrhlo resllelCe locality In the city- t No. 22) South : lh nl. . I"o' particulars aplily 10 home Investment Co. . 30t V.mxtOn hlk. - D-118jO FINI 7-ItOOM COINEI FLAT AT iOI S. IGTn treot , rouge ani nit other convenlenes. $30.00. anl < .or/e Clouser. room .2 . l'attcrson hik. . IG23 Farnam .trret. D-M917 FOR nrN' . G.100:1 COTTAUfi. COlt. : TI enl Foram , St. Jlon 10gcr. & Son4. : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SOI8.DC7 OR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. JOR 31IAUANT ' 110DM. 1919 DODGE. E-M270 FOR flENT-ST1LtM lDATED 1"UlNlSIED ' . . , . ' ' .6 . l'om9. 0Iflo.13tIt n-2II.2 - - - . . I FUI1NISIWI ) ROOMS FOR IIOUSEKEEVING . mln FUnNISIEI : _ ' _ _ _ taken . In bonrd. .319 N. 1th. - : - 'FrNlSmm f10NT n09 Foil TWQ O1N- tem n : llh and heal : Loa I'l Ir deaird 51 So. ZJlh sl. E4S'J I" ' iiniii' i : X 'WAlI1 STEAM Im\'ED 100 : In modem ilat . central locattoim. AlllreSA 0 53 , ' . lIce. U-M457 S' FIHNISmm 100MB , GEN''Ll > MEN. Ol r- housckeeplng. GG North hitim. E-r0110' ; f. _ JU ' NSBD Rooms AND BOARD. * IFUINIHPD 100MS AND DOARD 212 SOUTH ; sl. 1"-I I ; rAILOI PI.oon : ALSO SU'fn ROOM. WITH , irst.cIass board. 2103 Dou las. 1'-M476 10' DIS\ILD 100M 1'OI TWO WITh IIOAILD . nOA1D. .2.10 Iol e street . ' F.-i)3.12' ! ' 1OB BENT-STORES AND OFFIOES I VOlt ItENT-TISE . .STOIY HtlCI' UUH.mo DIO lnmam street. This building has a 110' . proo& cemOt ho'meol. comiiplele I steam heating - - Ing flxtutcuVater on nIl 1001. gee . eto. At , , ply 1 lt time omee of The3Ic. 1-910 \ TIm MAX IIYEI flUILDING. N. E. COlt. 11h nn,1 , 1"lrnm ; roomnmm 22 10 or 4ixlO COl. . time vliol . 1'lllllnl ' : ate.inm heat . electric ele -1 " atom ' : hauling wilt bo nlnngld 10 suit len 1' ant Inquire 101 Parnuin s'roal. ! I-M305F23 FOR I11T , TILI1Lfl.S'rOhtY : AND 11ASUMjNr trlclr t store hullnl nl IQul ' I'amnani M Mulnho for any hInd ) or buln083 . : b goat con. , 4111)11. IJl ' lng. In'ul'l rom 111 1.lst National 1-414-S bank - - AGENTS WANTED. . SAlI'SMf : ( AGEN'S MAK MONEY caRY selling suHs to ordor'I.&O. pants $3. shlrls $ mnarkintoalmes $ : Hnnler Tailoring Co. . Cm- cnnatl. O. J-M9hIl14' - - - .OENfS I EVEIY S''A'1 ON SArAny AND . commmrnbeloa. Agents 10)lnl ) f25 10 rr weekly . Iurelc Clollcal : & Mfg. Co. , f . Crosse , WI. - .1-MImI STORAGE. 1 ! STOIAU : I1UIL.tLNU IN OIAHA , U. S. L 'r bonlll Wil chous' louseholl goods lH d. - Lowest Iotc. . 101,1015 I.eavcnwomii. M-31 u ETORAOI3. FRANK IISVIII1S 1m lAnNI 1-:21 Y. - 'V ANT ED-.O 13UY. CIT\ co WAIIUANTI. . l'IUCIIARD1TI2 N -3 FAM ' WMTm SIC0N1) : HANI hJ1'IlIOIIT UllClT llnn " ; j11tlo ' .t.ll. II ice . omaha mind where it can 10 son 1. II. Scott. 1001 40 Inlg 1 . blo k , N-Ill - roi r5 - RNITURE. ( t'OI S.I.U . 1"1:1 : I'OLDINO Im AND \VASIX ' stand , . Htj' choul' 410 Si. hills uvenue. O-IG 'V - - - - - - - " ! SALi-MibU1LL..NEOUS. Wf MAX l'IANOtt. 111C 101'r ORO.'S . \Vtdtrdge ' I10d. In . I. 17th. Q-3 : iThu AND ( .II'IN.I : , ; 'tm : : . % ) wIld Ildtu. , . ( ! H. Le , ' , - WI loUllu , Q-32 LthI.Iu : & ( A.ND S1'h11NUUut3 1"01 i3AII3 . or wl uelHllle fl'l fat ( 'IU lt 0\1 H'.U. )1110. _ thct . ) Stiitli it. Hlmlon ( Ii , am. Q-H81 - ' - " ' - - OL.&I1LVOYANTS. _ _ _ ln : 1 irV Ci.A1 RVOY.NT. 1m 111la IU.hW d Illul ; ih rear ul I * ) N. t.-3 161h. - ----r - . 1YI.ASIA'.E. - . lA U1S. ETC' ) .IAUAIL I.'tU M\\OI . 40 - 8. 15Th ' ' ' . 'f-ll .I' lM ; ? UI - , . t'mitS UlmN.\lm - , 1121 J ! Wt. . ) T-Mim ii ) 5. n1.D FI.OOn. 110011 :1 maMne. , 'al l' , IINt"I : . etean , , SUlplmtlrine ' unl . Sea I > U. . , 'r-MtGt i' . - - - - - - TUlmrSH JJATHS. , ; ¶ ik si UA'lhII3' QI : IN CiTY . ctlu.ll' , \ tar lathes , Suite 1QJ.IU Lte . bldg. :0' - - , I'.ut0l' , m iii.f i : , : ; ; iuu : h4.t1 . IIA'1'1I8 , "h'IIolll. Mimic , itf l t. \ . lA''US U-3M nu Lli1.T.C - 1I't'm1ti. ' Chl5h.F. - MADI3 TO jM . orde rloO rtaoUI' . 1151 1aruuu. It net. - \ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U- : .r ' I3gTiSORQuND ' , 1101.1.0W OR t'LJINAT A. I. 11n.Iund' : . . 100 8. : 1th Oi . U-31 : , j II. IIAS.4. : . ' . 'T TS. CUT . I"WW- . ' el ibuquet. ball. ruI4m . and IU'.O d'r- .t ( loflL 1 $ 1 Ylllon .Htel Ttiephotui i. U-61 . - : - . - - - - "WF1ItU ) IO\I'It-r ; CUU l'l 1.\Dms 1U ChltiKo street ; 4uflm1IlahIon. t.clal nnJ .deott ' "buly I atlnl nee Monla ) . 1.'el , ) _ _ _ _ l-lU'It-S' - - - - - - , m VIVTCL ) "fNi 1'.mr.o s. ' 11lh and e1e'irlo ta1Iis C.r h.iies unt genII- - bll. Iea ' , . ,1&1 10\nl. ; : t 1lh ) olu . un. , lel\- ' , _ ; : - ) ' ) ' \ u _ J"o. . , . PERSONAL. Contnu d. VIAVI CO. . SIS DCE I1LIU. : tCAI.TI DOOK free : home tratmenl : lady ettenlant. U-Ill : AlmAo PAPLII1. I'rn 1.0 ADVIfl1TISI3. ment. sad photos of mnrriaget1e people , many rich ; lists or bk . novelties . NC trte flun. nets Monthh' Toleo , Ohio.MilO M2' WANTflD . TIIHI'RRSflNT : AD1)tttSS OF Jonn Whiney : was In I'otter. Neb. , 1 Bhort limo Inc ) . Write 10 0 51. flee omre. . _ _ _ _ _ omre.UM49 8. COTtTlTsI'ONnliNi'gt.NTnI ) IIA1I:9 nml Irnlemen , memimers of the Selel Circle or I . ' riends ; seal 10 cent for descriptionS. etc. : gentlemnn's l.t sent free 10 ladies , elena or worthy Character only nre "nMell , Ahlrc" lock box i23 , Cinelonll , O. U-I& 1. MONEY TOLOAN-ItEAL ESTATE. ANThONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 318 N. Y. 1.IFD , 11" . RI low riles for choice security In Ne- brnstcn and lowe farms or Omaha city prorerlY. V-333 W-3 LI'F INSUlANCI I'OI.ICmS I.OANI\ ON or bought I. ' . O. Cliesney. 1.ln8s Cll ) ' . Mo. V-3Il MONl TO LOAN ON UI'10VI1 OMAhA meal eslale. Drennn , Love & Co. . Paxton blk. \V-333 ItNI.Y : TO IAN AT rOWIS' IAT S. TUE 0 I' " ln\'I. , . . 1503 Pnrn3h1 sl W-IM viYit T.:9' ir'D : - ON flOOD IOANS. J. W. Squire. 24 Iea bldg. 'V-337 CITY I.OANS. C A. STAI1IL. 51 N. Y. I.WI . W-33 . drY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWflST 1110 _ . Pusoy & AIM 'homls. First Nal'l J . bldg. u . _ _ _ _ _ \:11. : MONI2Y TO LOAN 014 ; IMI10VI0 OMAhA I'ropor ) . . Fidelity ' Trust company . li02 Parnarn. W-340 LOANS ON IMI'flOVtl ) & UNIIPIO\lm CITY property . Flrn'11 Smllh & Co. , 132) Farnarn. v-3 1r" lWNI'V TO LOAN ON OMAHA IHAI , ESTATE at G per cent. W. : . 1 1le. Il Nnt. baltic W bId. U CITY LO.\NS-OO.o : TO $ W.OOO.OO A' l.OWI1HT mates Powell & l'oler. Il hour N. Y. I. - . 1111g. W-M3i W.N''rm AT ONCI' . APl'I.ICATIONSFOIL A No. I lonn on improved cIty properlY for 1ecnl CUlt ; owners only lc3S0 nppl ) ' . 1"1- " delty Trust company li02 I'"nrnm SI. W-r3j 10 MOSEY TO LOAN-OHATTELS. ONEY TO LOAN ON I'UnrITUIE. PIANOS and all Illnds of security. Fred Tony. room 43t Ilmge bled X243 StONilY 'fO LOAN ON IIOUSI11l0L1) FUBN- lur . phlos. 1mom-sc , wagons or any kind or hUel seeurlr nl lowest possible rates . whIch ) ' 0 can pay back nl any time nlli In nay nmounl. l'IlII.ITY LOAN OUIANTEU CO. , ! om t , Wlhnel block. , X-3H J. D. hIALlD0CIC. IOO : .27 lA1IE m.oclc. X31 MONI1Y TO LOAN ON FUnNITUm 1'IANOS horses , l\gons. etc. . nl lowest . roles In city : no removal of goods : strictly contlentlal : you can pay time loan oU nt any tUne or 11 any , nmounl. . OMAhA MOnTOAG LAN CO. . : G. S. 10lh slreet. I X31G BUSINESS OHANCES. [ SE. l1XCIIANOI1S. n. A. WAONI1I1. OAll\ . ' Y-M267-F23 Y-I i.1'2 FOIl SAI.n 01 Tn\Dn. ONLY STOCK OP dru.s In a town or 1.0 In eastern Netreska. : Address O. 43 . lIce. Y-Mt6-13' WANTL'I ) . IAITNEI : W1TB FOIl 1AITle ulnrA : hest Inveetment In united States : no fraud. Address 1' . O. fox 12. AllIance . Nob. U-M4t0 8 I HAV1 ONI1OFTIII1 ImST O1'POItTUNI- ties for Investment In the state oC Nebraska : unless you have the cash and wi invest Ir nt.ned. 10 not answer this : time opportunity \ ! nol remal open long ; ( Ily men o char- neteryjfl be olowell 10 buy ; Ihls I" nol n Dchemc. Address 0 IS , Dec. -503 10 - - - - nAnD I. FINEST ANI J'ST : 1'AYINChT't'O. chair shop In S'oux Cll ) ' . ehrl ! for cash : cigar stand connected : lent reosnnbl . 'hlle Star , G0 Douglas street , SIJUX City , la. Y-MCS S' - FOR EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE. FOR GOOD } 'Anl LANDS lt actual value In eastern Nob. or western Iow3. steele or general merchandise . 'Involca ' ' .100.0 10 $ ,000.0 . unit Blare bultln . Wilt 'I' assume small Incumbrance or pay dlferenee I. cash. Address A.V. . Clarke. l'aphilion. Neb ' ' Z-M56) , 'Z:1 6.9 Ln01 nTY FOR MDI1. . ' 1t.A.WAONI1It.Omahma.- -M26S.F2S 10 ACmS 314 lILES I RO r,1. 0 WILL TAKE hou80 nnll lot n. part payment. Ig snap Cor' ' silfl3 oe for fruit farm or garden. FIdelity Trust Co. . liOZ I nrlm st. Z-M46 . 13 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. UATLQAINS. IIOt1SES LOTS AND FARMS , sale or Irnde. F. I. Darling. . Barker blocle , n34 nXCUANOES AND SALES ; CITY PROPUR'IY . 1nOPEnTY. tarms merchandlso. Oarln Dros. . 210 N. Y. Lire. 1 :31 DAnOAINS : SALE on TnADO IN CITY pnop. crlc and farms. John N. . Pronzer _ , opp. P. O. flt-tS33 ' nl-833 USTIJAIICIAINS IX LANDS WITH CARROLL M. IAIOAtNS . n . min noel N. Y. Life , Omaha. . Rlh-8C3.F17 FINE GA1DEN LAND. G MI. FROM I' . 0. . fl per nere. 940 N. Y. I. . . bldg. Im-9S4 . BYRON HEED COMPANY. ADS'.IACTBTUE IIANY. 1111-401 WANTI1D 1000 ; HEADS OF FAIILUS T take up free homesleads In the ned river va1 1e ) . Minnesota. Map showing exact location . section . town anti range will bo mailed free by writing 10 land commissioner 01'01 Northern railway , St. lnul. him. 1EIU71 ! I FAUlt LANDS. C. 1' . HARRISON . 912 N. Y. Lire. nEIU 2 l5' - - - - - TO EXCUNGE FOR CITY PROPERTY . .0 acres or time focal acreage near Omaha . only 4 mIles from 1' . 0 Cost owner 140.000.Vili ' sell very cheap. antI lake half In city 1)"pcrl ) ' . Fidelity Trust CQ . Sole Agents . . 1703 1'"lra" sl. lt11-M401 13 IE-U97 1 HOr.r . HOTEL DAIKEl . 13'rH AND JONES STa. 7. rooms nl $ & per duy. rms ( to roms nl $2.0 pOI da ) ' . Spectat rates to commercial travelers. H/om and boar by wecle l or monlh. Franc nldll h. manager. 347 AETNA HOUSE mUnOlJJ\N ( ) . N. W. COR. 13lh amid Dodge . 100ms by lay 'or weel' 3GO MIDhAND IIOTI1L con. 16TU AND CHICAGO MII.AND American 1 > lan. $1.50 rind $2,0 per day. European 1lnn. tOo nnll $ .0 per day. 100m8 , single or onsuite for families or genlemen , 01 reasonable rales. 11. J. 1"ianck , pM'p. . . ' 1-9 t.I.'I SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING VAN RANT'S SChOOL , Of fIOI' IIAND. N Tm Life Omaha Ade for circular :6 - ELECTRICAL . SUL'PLIEB. AllNfUlES AND CONVI1I1TI1IIS REWOUND : storage batterieS recharged : electrical and gcn- .ral maohlnlts : superior wOII cuarnnleell. Omaha Eeeillell Works , 61 and Gil S. IGth 331 81. ' , I : < : TICAL E mINE nf ANn eOXTlAC , tors ( or ciectria light anti motor plants aimil all linds < electrical construction , Wemdein \ 1 111cc. I ( rcal tU11.ly Co. . 4S and CO S. 151h .1. 3:3 : imi It i ii'm . ciuW : SCIIIIIR11N " . Co. . lIg . ; . S. 121h sit . 33 BIC CLES . : O. DAXON 403 N. 16TH. a51 Ol\lA mC\CLE CO. . : : N. IGI BY ' ass sr ii cisTwm ; I " 'ester ElectrIcal Supply l'o. . 42 S. 13th , It ? ii-S2S.Fi5 1-S8l"U A. 1. . i.,0. . , " 'llt.I SAl.i ANI ) m taitlilcycies. IlG l'umam street , In WU.LlA1 r- . 110 : , 11- C.\l' . A VD. 12U UNDERTAKERS AND EMALXER3 1. I. . nUI.CT , F'Ul'ihllAL. flhltEC'TOlt AND 1\J cmntainier . 1 1 Chicago .1 , . hlephono 50. 335 SWANSON , Im \\I.mr UNDI'r.\IUmH emmibalniema . 101 Cum oi at . . telephone IO 33. n. ) \1. . IINI)11RTAICEIIAND L'MUALM- ) \ ITAI",1 1:1,1.- el' lU7 1'arol' II. . el'Ihono 2 % : , ass c W. 1.\KIl UND lT.n. . G 13 . 16Tlr COAL. U. T. MOUNT hAS lmt't19 r eflico 10 % : B. lUh ct,1 Drown block. 550 ' tm IUN COAL 1Xc . J' rsuuSiTJ for hll' coni. end $3.60 ton cheaper. IGO I"- nam 5lreet ; main enlrnc Donl ot Trade. aGt . - - BUILDING & : ; \ A'30CriLO J IOW TO Un' . A 10MI 01 H11C13J1I 0000 HtCUJ interest el I.tnj11'1.1) 10 Omoha I. k U. \n'n. . HUI Del bldg. U. W. N-llnrl' . 14cc. 36.3 1411A1ii3 : IN I1UTUAI : 1 . ANt ) II. ASS'lJ. PAY G 1. S per sent uhm'n , 1. J. a Y".II cU : : I\ I . r1cenumb1e. 111 l"arnam It. , t4attinge. Hec ) . _ - - NERVOUS . PROSTRATION , ( IZnUTnEul ) INSOMNIA NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA MELANCHOLIA , AND THE THOUSAND ILS THAT FOLLOW A DCnANQED CONDITION OF TIlE NERVOUS SYSTEM Ar.Cured iCEREBRINE THE ( STRICT or THE DRAIN or THE ox , PREPARED UIIDER THE 'ORMULA or Dr. WILLIAM A HAMMOND , IN HIS LOORATORV , AT WASHINGTON D. c. DOSE , 8 DnOPB. PrieD per phial at 2 drachms , $1. COLUMBIA CHEMICAL CO. WASHINGTON D. C , lEND FOR DDOK 'n KUIN & CO. , AGENTS FOR OUMIA. MUSI" A1' AND ANGUAGE. O. F. OELI.I NnECI { . nANJOlST AND GUITAR aeher. 191 Cass slreel. 9" - ANTED - TO BORROW - WANTDD. SiSo I FOR SIX MONTIS : INTEREST not 10 exceed 5 per cent I'er month : new rur- . I . ' . Address a nlure. includIng Piano 1 seeurl ) < & lice . 110 ; S' \OlESALE COAL. JOHNSON 110S" , WUO.ESAI.E DEALERS IN nil IInd8 of coal Correspondence solicited. l0S 1 "rnlm Alreel. 201 CUTTING SCHOOL. TIm ART 01' CUTTING MEN'S CI.OTIIDS taught lay or evening : tel ms reasonable. I'nr tculars ot lax Morrs. cuter , 110 l'nrnnm 11920-19 st. DEN'lIT . I on. PAUl. DI1NTIST. 202 BURT ST. 363 . I BUSINESS NOTICES. DArAOED MIRRORS ILESILVIIRI1D. 71 N. 168 10. ELOOUTION. ELLA DAY n. 9. COU'L NAT'L DANK BLDG. . SOI.I" ' STOVE REl . STOVE REPAIRS FOR .0.00 DIFFERENT makes or SIO'CS , Water ntnehment and can neclons n sp cllr , 1:07 Douglas street. Omaha Stove RepaIr 'Vorle 367 EMPLOYMENT OFFIOE. CANADIAN FMII.OYIENT DJI AU nE- moved 10 1&2 Douglas : furnish best mnlo and female help. 119 M5 DENTAL OOLLEGE. OIAIA COLLEGE DENTAL SUnOEny. FREE I Inlrmery ; dentistry at cost of malollal. Croun.e block. lH : lB I PARPENTEH.S AND BUILDERS. c. 11. MOI1I1ILL . CONTRACTOR & 'DULDEn , paper hanging . house and sign paintIng . brick work. llasteriimg : olilce room 1. Darker 'bile. : leI. 73 : shop 22I Izard ; leI. 40 $ . lS7 NC TOR SEARLES , & SEARLES , I l : TREATMENT DY MAiL. Consulhlton 'rec. We cue Catarrh , aU diseases of the Nose , Throat , Chest , Stomach , Liver , Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Female - male WIalnoss03 , Lost Mpno.od , ad ALL PRIVATE DISEASES OF MEN. WEAK MEN ARE VICTIMS TO NEIVOU . Debility or Exbaustion.Vasting Wealme'8. In Voluntary Losses with Early Decay In young and mld.i" aged : lack ot vIm. vigor Indweakened prematurely In approaching old age. AU yeld readily In fur new treatment for . loss of vital power. CC or or address with stamp for clr culurs. free book mini rec lpls. Dr. I ) Searl s and Searles. 1410 F'arnam Vt ' ihJ t&UI.I PJLLL5UJ1 . Outrun ; Nab RUPTURE PERMANENTLY W\ CURED ' PAY ORNO 3' NO PAY UNTIL CURED 0 . WE REFER YOU TO 8,0'00 PATiENTS' REFR _ , . . WrltcforafllC Reforences. EXAMINATION FREE. No Operaton , No ! DetenUol from BusIness. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. THE ( ) . E. MILLER CO. , 307-308 N.Y. . Lie Bldg. . OMAt NEB. - - A 1 JlifloiIY3 nrO Ou u fIgs Fenni. carctre agent far lIeroma err : erono : jIea0he. Drall Lhaut1on . bie-plessnte.m . , " 11.1 or general E.llu.lon.81.pluin.t.J B IOltO'D Ooul. JUdne1 11.tr . . Acts " . .Ii peptn ' Anreamla. ntidotn for A at. ' sntpt'hereiceei.ea . 1nldOlf 2lanu l 'l'lee ; c . - Worcicn ! . C THE ARNOLD [ CHEMICAL CO. _ . . . . . . . ' ' ; 1 : \l " . . . , rmCira . For solo Dy all druggists . O.h I - - - - - I ' DUFF'S PURE fUll WHISKEYI AJ D 'upgiti ! ' Stockliohlera' ' 11..tll. } Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meetnG at the stockholders' the Soulh Platte Land company will be hmeiml at the 0111cc of said , company . In Ilncoln. Neb. . nt 1 o'cloclt a. m. . on the first Wednesday In Mal'h . , 1895 , beIng the Ir.1 lth day at ) lY order at the Board of Directors. n. O. PlhILLI1. Secrctary. LIncoln , Neb. , Jleb. 4. 1S5. 4m30t J "E : ' BUREAU . SUES & CO. , tollcltori. U"I lI1UtU ! . O3IAIIt. Neb Advice l'lE . " Howdy , Stratger ! " Is the Texas Welcome Tex , " will ny "Uowdy" to yoU , tt you wil ; rums down und give her hospitable cll& . . hair 0 thence tt get aelualnlc with you Uuldel being ii pleasant place to visit. II doss not lal,1 a Lade seal as a wealth producer . Oi the ' (1u1C Cut ot Texas may b found big attraction , for Iomc&ekera ; : acres tiC l.mnd. - , 1I311el1 In l'tan. acts owner $ ,0 yeasly Cheal' ; rates In effect durloi winter mll\o \ . Now la tii . limo 10 go. Call on or address 1 : . I. . 1'llmcr. 1. A. . Santa I"v ruute. Omaha fur ex- cunlon ratca und free cory of Coal Country 1 folder. . , TRIES SOCJ 1 FUNCTIONS Oommerolal CnbSks t Forget Business in : st yhtgII New Peat LADIES OF MMBER : ' MADE AT HOME - 111510 antI hJnnCing-llvo Variety to the Jlelulnr York " j ltIO Orgamilsatlon- Officers Feel IH' , , the lcRlure Ihnl"l lie . * 'Mce $ l'ernmncll , SAt - - At the Commerclnl"lub rooms last evenIng a series of social entertainments to bo given monthly was Inaugurated. NotwIthstandIng the fact that the weather was ot the knd : that placed an Inclination In Ileople's hearts \ot to wander from their \ wanler own fresides , the club rooms were thronged betweln 8 and 1 o'clock by 200 guests , who were rewarded with an evening ot pleasure. Venuto's orchestra was stationed In the recepfl > room all gave a number at excellent - lent musical selectIons . Hetreshments" were served by Chlet Kruso and his assIstants. Dancing was a popular diversion ot the evening and oven the oldest memblrs at the club became so Inslllred that they participated - tcipated In time walizes and In fact all the fancy dances . oblivious at gray hairs and lack ot practice In the arl ot dancing. Many or thC members were accompanied by theIr wives or sweethearts , and the ladies wer unanhnols In approvAl : ot this new departure - parture of the club In making It nn organi- zaton at social benefits I wel as one for the encourngement of commercial de\"elop- ment. The social Men was recently suggested by Commissioner Utt and President Weler , who advanced the theory that It the wIves ot members became Intertlell In Ihl sticces , at the organization would revert 10 the advancement of the later by a hearty cooperation - operation at American womanhood They believed thAt the common prejudice ot time gentler sex toward clubs In general woull thus to.1 large degree , bG eradlcatell. Time success . at the Inaugural party : last night tul ) sustained , their argument In vIw at the fact that tbo. weather was act 11ropl- tous for a large attendance . but thermometers had 10 terror for these who participated In the pleasures last evening. The club rooms were tastefully arranged for the occasion. Commissioner Utt and Secretary Cooper together with V. ' . n. Bennett , George Hicks , W. A. L. Gibbon , Edmund Bartett and Charles F. 'Veler , constituted I committee that InsnreI a good time for everybody. For once there was a gathering at the club free from speech makln ! Commerce was the handmaid at society last evening and business was secondary ' to pleasuro. The jobber and retailer tOtot time daily grind of commercial lo' ali ' anced as though he bad confidence In a god spring trade. Professional - tesslonal men also mln&led In the promenado. Many members wih' a modesty not characteristic - teristc ot their calling. quietly looked 01 and blossomed Into , .wall flawors. These socials wi .be given once 1 month during time winter n' tiip clUb rooms. and , encouraged - courged by the slc'cesA of last evening , time commissioner and .presldent have concluded that It will be a god Idea to make It I permanent feature at the organization. These receptions and dancing parties receptons all partes are ! purely informal and the ofcllls .of time club I believe that they wil Qe a source at general I interest .to. members , both old and young. I They say that one.\cvelllng In the month at the club should bo devoted to social affairs , of this kind as a happy relief from a surfeit ! otbusJpe ' $ . tal ( . stkl banquets and jusual routine .of _ club 1t ; - : Q , - \ 11w ! 1.Int Itoars. How time vC3el tosses at sea ! Reader , dId you ever cross the "briny ? " I so , wo vili bet a good cigar - 5P . i were sea slcl , . wi deny the soft 1mpeaclilnnt. I you had Has. jet : s. Stomach ljt I r . with Y9\I \ , YII } were all rlgimLotbw1pe ! ' tlr } . ,3'iis ! , me4lcinai cor- dlal.feleve ! every d1sIurbance at the stomach . lver and bowels , mflarla , rheumatism and 1 ! lney troubles. and' Is highly commended by tourIsts and commercial travelers. . IT WAS SCOTCH NIGHr. Flrsiot" lghts or NKtluns" by'YounfMon'l f . Chrltnn , , A soclton. The series at "Nights at Natons" that will be given ' : by thti Young } ' Christian association was , inaugurated iae i evening , when tartans and' plumes and ' .i. ( merry bag ! lpo strains . proclaimed the presence . of the Scotchmen ot Omaha. The hal was crowded , and judgIng by the enthusiasm which marked the entertainment , time new departurG will bo one at the most popular features at time winter events ot the associa- lion. The program Irst evening was given under the directon' Clan Gordan and was at excepton'al merit. I consisted for the most part at Scottish song and dances and each number was imeartiiy'enchored. The members of the can entered time hail In a body. clad In their national regalia. and preceded - ceded br the bagpipes and after an opening selection by. the Pllier Major Halord cx- tended an hppropriate welcome to the clans- cans- men. He said that the Young Men's Chris- tan association was a polyglot Institution . and It was not bound by nationality or caste. The Scotch thiste was as dear to It as tile stars and stripes t was one at the great- est glories ot America that Its doors were open to aU atons , but once here all were Americans. Still th man was not a good American who did not remember time sIdes under which ho was horn . and to he 1 good Scotchmar was to be 'a good American The spealzr dwelt briefly on the place whIch Scottish bards occupIed In the world of Ilera- ture , and hIs tribute to Robert Dlrs was received with enthusiasm. A brief response was matte by A. C. Troupe , who referred to the part which Scot- land had taken In securing religious freedom and contended that I had offered more brave hearts to bo sacrificed on the altar of faith . than any other nation. . II mentioned the names at Bore at the most prominent sol- diets , writers and ser6ntsts that had sprung from Scotch sol and concluded by paying a warm tribute to the worle that the Young Men's Christian association had accolplshell durIng its half century of life. Thc vocal number , at time lucoeedlng pro- gram consisted at selectons by Mrs. S. I' Lecs Mrs. HV. . Pit , hiss I. L'rlne Glb- son and Mr. Adam Jamieson. Each singer merled tima con'lcaton' . but Mrs. Lees' solo was ' eSlclaly "el " recolved. She Is time posse'hor of a volcpf , exceptional sweetness and a perfect. . cnunchlton that adds not a lit- tie to the charm of. hiI rendition. Time dancing consisted of Highland lungs , a Sc tcb reIl and tho'sword dance. al at which were taulcEsly reE eke ' ted. Time Ighland ding Is costume by eIght small lads and lassies was the fenUrfof the enterlalnrent and wel deserved } t (1 h cnthuslasto encore that I received , 'd Ej3 'rhe next entertainment at the serIes will bo given on FebrutrCl22 , , when the Sons of the Revolution ebru/r1q2 charge at an "American NIght'1 ' 'M' 'l'm " DIICI'A ( 'ltY , : I' : ; Jllrl'r101111"11. , . . Friday night timmthmrrent Topic club of time Young ren's ' JIttlafl aSfoclaton disCUSSES - CUSSES the proposed 1'llan : to the city chartcr. Coun&imai"l4owehl opens the dls- cussion 1essr . ( ] 'oga hacker , 1. I. . Pcrlne and others .Sviii1mtaIe part In the dls- cUHslon. Mr H. .1 J."Uowcl will take he chaIr. _ _ _ _ _ TI } 1tIIrfv' ' .1itiitiT. T INSTIUMENTS llact on record February 7 , 1895 : . ' WARRANTY PESOS Jacob Zimmerman ani wife to Ole John- bun. c ! 101 13. ani . , Uedord 1.IICf. . . $ l.fl A I loler end wife II > I ' 1' 101.1. lot I. lock ' , I , Illslll n'l No.2. iota 18 and 19 , block Z. lot I. block 3. lIla 7 mind 8. Work ) 4 , I otter & ( 's 2J adJ 10 South Oml)1 : . . oler . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . 3.00. D It Htlmham mini wlro 10 S C HIrmglmsm , , lot 10 . 1I'Ik 4. 1'I'kprmn : I Ilaeo 8tr'11131 . . . . I A 10 SlmocntIt 10 l'lmtrirlC O'hirien lot P. Inrt's 1 thoenC1 suIdlv . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.G } ) 11 I I tuntly . Jr und wire 10 J 11 Market I , lun.h' ) Ofl toll. 1 R Dundy , J. . SQbdlV . I . . . . . . 7,0) , \ n Caster 10 0 U i'ayne , , trustee , 1"1 ' 1. 2. 3. G pal g. Lloek 5. C1'vt'rdaie . . . . 1 , ( ) o II Ily" . trrmuee. : 10 It \l'imtts. . tots 2 and I , block Iruse. , same . 1 . . , . . \ . . . . . . . . t.CO Hlm" 10 M I Wnl. , lot 1. bl'ck 2. same . [ ; 0 W J llowdetm I. Anwripset Imiveatmunt corn. PlinY , lot \ U , . Anwrljl Jlvellm.nl . . . . . . . . eOI. . . . 1 'J'"tnl n\OUl1 of transfers . . . . . . . . 111,002 . ; 4g . . J"UIUI. 11. Slullll 111Ufl. . . 'rue muarriage or Mrs. Jeannette n. . Nicholas at this tyt . Mu1 14. A , Jsley . - . . . , . - - - - " - - - oC ( ( napll . Ia. , wn ! announced In the telegraph columns ot The lIen yesterday morln . The mnrrla took place In New York City. Major 1Ite ) ' 19 one ot the Weaitlmy this vicinity men ot Iowa and Is trOll known In Mts . Nicholls resided In Omaha for mny vents and was the former wife ot A. 1. NICholt. Who Is nn Inmate or the Insane Ilylul at Lincoln Mr. nnd Mrs. HIle will Mon depart for llonoltmltm where thcy wi spend their imoneynmoon. _ _ _ _ a. _ _ _ _ .1.1ll."U.1 lL7.4 . "A Temperance Town " Chules n. Hoyl's satire co the prohibition laws at VermOnt and. for that matter , on all sumptuary legi- iation . made known lo an Omaha audience for the frst time It lloyd's lat night brings rice new message to the patrons or the theater I attempts no soluton of the vexed Illcst n whIch has for 'eau oeup ell 1 commanlllng place In the platforms ot political parties , the author being quite content to leave the prob- loin Whim his audience. Mr. HoyL justifies his c mCly by time following parlgraph on the b 1 cC the play : 'Vhlch ts intended to be n more 01 less trlhtul Presentation of certain Ilhnacs anll Inchlenl of life relating to the sale and ue ot lquor In 0 small village In I pro- hIbIton stntc. The ! Uhor hns entl\orell' to gIve both shIes I fair mulmosv . uiI begs teState state that he has not mlsrepresenlOt time prohibition laws of Vermont , where I man nllmell Klhlllg was gIven sixty yenrl for selng about 70 Hln8e of IQuol ( hess than Iost of our respectable oil ) ' hotels Bel tn a day ) . " 'lh this "saving clau9 " so t splak , he Ica\1 the governing principle wholl' In the background and proceeds to exploit a rIght clever series c motl'el characters , who un- doubtely have an existence In a more or less degree , ! , n every ccminunity . whether provided with I publo drinkIng 111aco or not. I Mr. 10yt has learned wisdom Ihroulh hIs 'conslant ' association . with n theater going pUblc during time last ten years , and "A TeU1Jrance Town" 10 cleverly 1o.tan In its elricidation . but better thlng3 werl expected from the pllywrlght than he gives hIs public In thIs hIs latest pIa ) ' . Al the 1\.1 wcr ( Shql worn would bo much more appropriate ) situ- alons ot the melodrama are preserved { the stern father who In thIs 6360 . 15 a minister and a prohlbltcnst ! , turns hiD child out or his love because there I enough ot humaniy In her soul to send boil to the children at time viage rum seller. The hero Ie a trequenter at the saloon but I gcod deal at a man , who lurns omIt to be 1 novelist all .timc' discoverer of the herolno's brother , who was also a tippler before he went to war. But tile sur- prlso et time story rests In the viage drunk- ard who doe not hesitate 10 do time rIght thIng at the right titus , even though It colts l him a Mink or two In time performance of whlt appeals to hIm to be a duty. The deification - caton of the village drunkard 13 new to the stage , and It Is well handled by Mr. Hoyt iii- though a critical Public might object to sn much laudation ieing given a common sol \elng witim a heJrt. Whether heart cndcnes : drunkenness - enness vIii . however , be sUbject matter for time cloth , not for the dramatic critic , who sees only extErnah. There are several other characters that fit Into theIr grooves splendidly - didly , notably the oldest man lu town and how vell , by time way , this character Ie played by Oeoroge Obert who Is unctuous without being pr03Y. Mr. Dillon plays time village ClergYman with Quiet force alhough he has a rather thankless part , for ho Is a shepherd without a heart , a zealet In the cause or pro- hibiton , sacrlfclng principle that his cause may triumph. L. R. Stockwehl. as "Mink" Jones , the drunltard ct the place has what the profession calls I "fat" part ant he malees time most at his opportunity. Lee Harrison as young Jones who rforms because at I pall of dark blue eyes , Is also happy cast. 'fhe town rum , ! ler , who Is not a had sort , Is played by ' 11. P. Nagle and right acceptably - ably , too. The doctor and the druggist arc both drawn with fidelity . types exceedingly cemmBn In down east towns , and they are ' well handled , too , by Frank A. Lyon and Claude A. Drooko. Huth , the clergyman's daughter. Is impersonated by a swe t-taced , gentle-voiced woman . Miss Anna Hoblnson , who carr ! ! ! thc audience wllh her h1 her efforts to do good . even to sending a Timanks- givIng meal to a Catholic family , although sue Is I tembel of n Protestant church ' Are Warner male& . a bplsterous daughtor' thc district judge , . with ' a decIded penchatt ' ! for the law. 'Thl ' other parts are acceptably taken , the play being well mounted . WOBlson Morse . the composer of "Wang " porsonaly uperlntends the rehearsals at that o'era , Seme year age hA studied painting at the EcolB Des Beaux Arts Paris under Gerome and he used the knowledge gained there In designing the costume for . "Wang. " These costlmes , although slghty exaggerated - ated are In the main faithful reproductions of Siamese dress "Wang , " the long antic ! - pate operatic event .ot , the season. will be given three nights ccmmen&ng Sunday even- 'thg . at Doyd'a. . The character or Mataya . the crown prince - ot Slam , assumed . by- pretty Virginia Earl , In the comic 'Vang , " Is opera a take-ol on the present Icing at Slam , when under the gardlanshlp at the regent The sale of seats for all thrco night wi be open at 9 o'clock . tomorrow morning. Following "Wang" at the Boyd will come Sadie Martinet and Max Pigman 1n the new comedy "Tho Passprt. " Mr. Burt Dasher advance representative of "A Temperance' Town" company , who spent last week In this city , Is slclt In Denver , threatened with pneumonia. "Uncle Tom's Cabin , " interpreted by Rusco & Swift's company. Is time attraction at the for the week at 10 Empire we February , commencIng - mencIng ! with the usual Sunday matinee. The versIon prcduced Is. the original one , anti ( Is not marred by so.caled innovations. mci- dental to the action at ' the play , the Voudoo dance as given by' native negroes ot the Lltmisiana bayous ; wi be Introduced. ! G I Cnptlln Iloylu's . . I..nlurl. The junior department at the Young Men's Christian asoclatlon hns Inaugurated a most atractve series of free lectures for ll 'a. Captain Hoyle of the FIrst cavalry will deliver : the Fccond of the serle this < afternoon at 4 o'clocl at the assocIaton , rooms on "Lite and Alvemmttmm-e In the United States Cavalr " < Captain Ho'le has hind many very exciting experiences In hIs twenty year at life on the frontier . and wIll make I most interesting hour for the bOYB. Afer school today all boys betwen tIme ages of 12 amid 16 arc cordially Invited to he Present No admission Leo wi bo clmargcml , 1. Ihcse lecturrB ore Intor.led simply to Increase time effectiveness I work effectveness of the junior _ . ---S LtOIT JBIC14I'J2'IIlS. Up to time present date 207 saloons have taken out licenses to do huslness this year nail sixty druggists have been granted liquor henri its. Bids for grading Lake street tram Twcnty- fourth to Thirteth and Thirtieth street from Lake to Bristol wi ho opened by the DOlrd at Public WorM ' this afternoon . The explosion of a water hack In a cook stove lt 1815 North Sevcnleenth street . neos. Sllted turning In a fro alarm Wednesday nght. ! The explollon was caused by an attempt . tempt to thaw the frozen pipes ! . The damage was sligimtamounting , to about $10. Time police have prepared a report showing time number of Immoral women In time city who pay monthly tines. There are sixteen landladies who 11ay a monlhly fne of $6 each , IU6 Inmates of houses who are fined $8 each three houses of assIgaton that contribute $15 per month each and slxty-nlna street walrrs ' , wine room workers and others ot easy character , making a total of 281 p rsonarbo contribute thl sum of $1,959 to the city 'imchm month The runeral lt Dora Prelburg was held yes terday afernoon from Msul's underhldng C- tabshmeJ. A large numb ot tIme associates at the dead girl paId tbelr bat respects. The parents cf the dead girl refused to como here or provldt for the expenses of the funeral , so time women living on Ninth street contributed .encuglm to pay for a fine casket , several bet'utiful floral designs and carriages to con- 'ey parties to Forest Lawmm time place of Interment. Time services were Impressive and simple. A tire lest nlghmt . caused b the explosion of oil In a 111. In the cottage belonging to Frank Prchn , 115 WillIams street dId about $30 damags before It was put out. W , B. Davll , rank Holiday and hugh Drown . colored were arresled early last nIght by Omcer Russell . They were booke , ) 8S suspicious characters. They were known to have dIspose of some hour In the Third ward . Davis caims to have worked for the county and taken his pay In flour and oilier pro\'hlons. and tut Ibo four dlepotl1 of was some he had become \0Sfessed of In this manner. They trill be held until an lImO VC1lgaUot Call bo metade . 1 . . L.I. " It Hurts ) \ 7 ( ; . " / ) / (1'nothing 1 that can be washed ' or ' / clcancd-Pearlinc. The purest ' % r ( I / ' soap is no safer-the poorcst : i'L'1''I r , I \ 4 soap is no chcapcI' . It : is more 1L.t : ) ( \ effective than the strongest- , it is more convenient than the 10re tlnn tle ' 'V . best. Pearlne saves labor f ' - _ _ _ _ . _ . , and wear in washing clothes or cleaning honse. A few cents wil let entry try it i common sense wi make you use it ) . . Peddlcrs and some unscrpulous grocers uili tcli . grcer wi lel YOI. : Be.l7.ataae " timmu is as good as" " time ' , " ' " , eware ? : i a gOI as or ! 1nl . M Pelne IT'S . Fi1 SE-l'cariimme is nc\'cr pcdtilcti. ( i rOlr rocer Sends lcclct. . yell an imitalion , I.e imomicst-r ' ilu1. :1 JArmS " \'I.n ; New Voek _ I . "I. . " . , . . " . . ' , , ' , ' S . - ? . . , , I - , - , . -2 Yes I ,99J.e \ ; ( It9.s Nicoll \t \ . that is cutting C a Suits . . . -to Order $18 \Ve're satisfied to let all proft go -in order to keep our tailors 'busy-during the few wceks-between seasons- I1sonr way of cleaning up all-RcmnanIs---oddlcn/uis , , etc , Our large and increasing trade expect to find a fresh and clean stock every season and they're not disappointed either. It pays us to do it-or else how could wc offer such tempting prices as : Trousers - Ordc To } - $5.OO $6.00 $700 . Suits _ . o ; cl-$18 $20. $2'5 ' About . -one-half-the . price usually asked for garments of " equal value. , . . It's . our . big business'-nd , . small profit plan that makes it , ! ' POSSl .bl e. . . ' , , . . t Cash ( i4eo 207 ' i t Only 1 ( - ' ' - } , ¶ : So. 15th St , ! " TAiLOR . . Buys TA I LOR ' . )4 . , t { . . , . ' CUPHDENE Is the Great Lie Giver. PlDENE hmilhs 1 J F Iml up . refreshes , Invigoratea nIl ' oxhluslell organs of tile bed ) I I time great vegetable "HaUzer that dCblr's limo germs of . , that In8\lous mhiscaao . whih bits wasted the strcmigth mon. 0 our ) 'oug Thcro are hUldrcds of . . } 'OUI ! lulllddlo aged ZilCh WIObO Jcn'o force are declining . who Bumr tram debilitating drcams and these Ills which lolows h011 ex' cesscs uud over ludll : lees II curly lc , (3UI'IIENE ; will give ) 'IH back your ) . You will lie M l > O\\'crll fl\O strolg alter Its 1110113 you arc now lldolty wl'uk. Are . Von In I Irmntlrol. . _ ; dWon ? (1Ili'LEXI-3 ; : wilt , . stop Ihls Waste Ju n 1 : tllCh or three wcel.s. . ' inhhmotency FINI , ! , menlnl Illollny ' . InlnlneJtt' : , url mitmit'kiy . cured mimmil mpeediiy 1-n. - tlli , 11C < ly ro ml1cf I'r ilma'flgo , . -i of CUlJ ) NE. - . Q ( J1'1JliSI' - curs I.oat Imigmn' r } hood , Loss . of lrhl I'o\'er } , Cal' . ' umllol of time Jlrll tImmirelees ) , , \ I tleellc'8nc Lack ul Ilarels"8) : . _ rimless Inl18 sl lmm uimelhmck. Neivoims _ I'roslratlon , Ncn'uu' jmeimiliiy , ' \nrlcuceleCOnRlpntO\IUllwl , [ ' surely ufIU. ! r1ubacllho JObtl la\t'r > : F . Prostntlh carries oil om 1 : Ollld ml'fdlu'//cd ' \ ' ' "IJame\1 \ PTstnle Ihal mieed . . , , " tllic'tillgyet powerful Telo " . . \ dial , mgemmt . mut'im Ii I I UI' ! . _ ! il3il . USO CU1'Jmmnid : " \ avoid I dOlgCrou8 Olrmton , , f i I Gunrnutco 1mm Writing glremm , II wrltn F I , / , . ,111 , : JIOIIY rclulc,1 , 1 I I HI'el ' . 'I ' : 111lCI I euro I" hot ef"ctcIIy P" slit ! oxes. Guarllte , selt with lull onlen ! just limo the amc.1.41 1 hex , n ' , exes for Ar.OI 11' aimnil. 6.000 Tcsllno' lmltmls . Solid for free drrllnrsand tc.lhuoui1. Addres eli mal orders to DAVOL MEDCINE CO . O. Dox 2076 , Maim Fa'nnisco , Cn1. ron U"II , IY tOODMAN DRUG (10. , 11 V'arnatn-at. ice stiff mud ; tams miring down ( t their hocks i hfUlpulng ; driver * iwcai'iiig ; Bun sinking ; last load 101' tile dIY ; home at last ; team housed and fed ; Mexican Mustang Inircnt luhhed ) ( Oil the stminc ! mus. des' ait'l tohidolls to insure ces 1\1 tel OIS iISUI'O sound . ! anti lmhel' ) legs for to-morrow's toil . 'J'hus the t wheels go round on a thrifty farm _ _ : _ c , ! , . . _ l Thh Without' PI at .s I" " , , BAILEY , : D S r. - ' - " ' EII Ii : : ' , : . l'mII ? 1mit'4maa : atJ 4 ToI,1OSI : t"11 " Sot ' [ eoth..1 C.O Silver Flhlimigim . . $ l.03 i nO'"t Teeh. . . 7.5 Pure GoltlFhIilmmgms 2.0J - ' 111 Plae. . . . 10.0J 0011 Cr Pllnl 1 : O.OJ ) : lalnJe5i Flrac'l Sue 11'llgu Icolh.toutb 0.0 I Tieth Out In MorJ"'g , New Teeth same day - . iFW F ACES MbAUOUTChIANGIIlG the Features miim'l , itemov j ; lllcmislies . in 151 . boi lee tl . mmg ' p. te Klomp. e ili lelol.b.s.11 1/ ( huol I ' , 'nhn , iii. \V"ndhll' , ) ' , 127 W.42 St. , U . Y. . . ' Invunlur ot Wu"d ury's Facial Soan. , . ' RAIL\VAYTIIIE ' CARD ) I.eals 11l1.1NG'lON & 110. 1tL\'EitlArriycg OflmitimatJlmiormDpi l. 10lh & MmmsomlSta.i Omaha 10I : al. . : : . . . . . .1 > c'cl' Ix"r a3. . : , , : , . . ; .1"01' ; . :30 : ! I , . 11111. ' . 3Iont. . & l'ul1 i4mmd. flxIl:1pmm : 111. 4:15pm : . . . . . . .U"lver ; Ixpjoeu. : . tld. . . . . x.1:4 :101'1 : Cl : lln.Nrbrrlm ; Local ( o.c" , HummdayG:4lpm ) ; : Silaen , . . Llnoln Local , < ay6lpl : .r..I.lncoln ( e"cep mlunayhlISani : ii:4pnm..FuL : ' Male \ , HUndaYI..1:2Gam - - . . . , ' \ < II dO I N ' Q.IArvcl ( ) imaialUnionDepo,10thm& , _ aluaonms.Losmiamma . ; 4'111. . . . . . < hlngo . ! 11.OJ \ . . :50nl : < l" : rOal. . . . . .CII ulo 11sprcmsi . . . . . . 411Zpl' : 4 1:60,1..Chlll\0 : ' rail $1. I.ouls I'eclal. . SmOOammf 1:35 : , < . . . . .i' .itillo Junclon tt 1.0cnl. . . . ShOpe4 ; _ CEpnm..h'mmeiimc : Jummctiomm I.Qenl Cx ( Sun. ) . , IIOPI : . . . . = : Junclo.1 , tun.o" - - - V - - - - - = L.aveslclCAOO , Mlii. & 6' . l'AUL.iArniyca Ollha Union Icl'01 , 10lh & Mason 81"1 Oraha -Io0--- ; : . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . c ; : . . . < llcDo 1.llle < . . . . . ClOam : i1i' 1 : > ! IJg" Cxp.O ! ( " 6un. ) . . . 0:0pm : . IvVflhllCAaO & NOBTJIWRIITNlArriypa - Omahl Union iepetjOLhm & lLmsoxmtJts.tonmmthmi. 1:03.1I. : . . . . . . timstimt 11"pels. . . . . . 6:3hpnm : 4:0pm. : . . . . V'Wuled 1111"d. . . . . . 6:30111 ; 6.11. ; . . . . . . .110. Ynley Ioenl. . . . . .IO:30pr : . 6:45pm : - . . . , . Ommmmmim.i . - . - - = - CI.lcuHlu - - - - - lal. . . . , Smlipmmi leav.8 I CHICAGO . n. I. & \CIVIC. - . lArrivea O".ln'Ualon ' 1r""I. _ 10lh & 'n80n . IATlv.a , " I'A8l' : , im'o.mmmm.Alimmqtie : Emmrrsa ( mx . Sunday ) , , . 6Oj : : . Clflm : , . . . . . . . . . Nizimt 115014-44 . . . . , . . . 8:0. : . . , , , , , . , ' , . . 4'.htpmnCiii'flv.m Vestbule,1 Ltmite4. . . ioIpns : llDhpm.Okiuimummmal1sp. : ( to C. . . , . t:0PI U:3I > ( xl. ( iL.ox.iumm.ll:3)4 - 1'1 _ WEST. _ -.L bmmimm.Ul.iammoimmmi - A T.xu . Dx. i . . - : IIIuJlshol" A ' x. ( cx iiumm.lli3)lm ) ' ! ! q1".ColoramlulAntited. . . . . . . . 4Olpimi 1"01 "S I i I : . , liT . ' J" :1 : , - O. - - - lArmire. ' . Omalmmmllepat ! . . _ ! lt. In'I WnLster BtsJ Omnha D:2lm..Ne : rnMkl InobVngel ( .13Ih' ) , , , , , SI5pni 4IOinlliiotmx ; City Eslimemta ( ox. tlulm,11:5iama : GclCJflhl. . . . . . . . . . .1tI'umi Limnitti , , , , , , ; , . . , 39l3amm : , Lealtu I C' . . Ii. & MO. VAL1.11Y , lArnivem' Omaimmmj Depot 15th ammO \isttC , _ Ommalma , . . , , , F'mv't Mail antI llximness..j1SSpm ; 2lCpm.ex : ( , h0mt. ) tVyo , mIx , ( cx , ; I.rn , ) , . 4iSpm ; 90C.inmNorfolk ; Express ( cx. Suimdayltm:3oa,0 : , - 6:10pm. : . . . . . . .t3I. ) aul Dxl.mes , , , , , , . , , , , l0l8amim : iiiiOU5 ( l'rTI'ACIFfi" [ OmahaDepo ; hIlls mind Velmmteri3ts.J Omth * ' : . . . . . . . . . . . . I'aul Limimiled..i0Ilamm : , ; L5IOUx ci'rt & I'ACiIC , 1Arrije OmmmnhajL'ntozmDepot. _ lUlli Sc Maswifita.l Omaha 5:15am.Siout : ( 'ity l'mmsonger , , , . , , , , , 1Opyj ; . , . , , , . . . . Pui . , . . . , . . , Leaves I UNION PAltFIC , IArrive ( , mm'ahaiUlmion Depot , lttim & Mamcn Sts.I Omatm 10:00am : , , , . , , , . , , , Keamey l-smmrars , , , , . , , , . , Smd3pm 2:00pm..Qvarlgflc : 1"iyer. . . . . . . . S:33p : 2O0im.hieatrlce & Ulronmsb'g lx. umc , iiun ) , $ : OS&m 7l0pnm ; , , , , , , . , . . , , , l' acute Express . , , , . . . , , , , , , 10:15-aims : : , . . . . . . . . . . . . Mali..i. . . . . . . 4lDpmm : lciiii % VAIIASII hAlLWAY. I/trilvea O.iIiaiFnion fleot. lOtim & 3ao Sts.i Ommmatma i ! pin , . . . . , .i4 I. Louis Cannon flsli..9mZ8pzms j.mtvSa K. r : . . LOT J. & fl.IJ. tArries. OtmiulmI UmiloriDepot , 30th 41e MauntLlOmahm OSOammm..Ifimpisas : City iay llsmres. ; . . . . 5:10pm : ll:56mmmR : C Nigiti lOx , vim U 1 'fnitems. . 1:3)mmmn : Leaves I ) hiSSOUJli I'ACIL"IC , lArilvea Omami ! Iiepotiltti un'lJVeb.ter13iLjmetma Iommi. rxpreu : , , . , , . . , . , 8:3pmn : . , . , . , , . . , lOt. L.oul. Ilamirell . . , . , , , , , SO1'na : I3mpm.NeLiska ; Lval ( cL 11009 , ) , , . , , $ , lai *