Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
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E'I ; [ : .
' DAILY JUDE ] : i:1lIDA ] fJil3RUATtY R l89.
_ i G TilE OMAHA : : , ,
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- . .
Wheat , Corn and Oats Ehow Hump and a
Slump for the Day.
. LIerpno ) I'nrl Rnd 1Irrlln AcI".nred RIII
Jell , but thc Unll Rt Chlcjo \ "I I
lore Thnl l.oH-I'rovluul !
yn'et hnt l'lrm.
- .
. CHICAGO , ret , . 7.-Whent Rtnrtell with n
show of strength today on better cnbll Rnd
light ' rEcelts , hut wenkend , owing to the
Ught export demand and n late Ilump In
corn , closing % c lower for Moy. May corn
and oats cloeet tfl lower but provisions ,
Rnl Ve '
made n molemt ! gain.
mnlo !
Wheat opened frm nt abOut 'c over
yeltenln1 closing inco. Liverpool cnbe- !
4 grams quoted ft advance nt the opening
with on upward tendency . and Inter reports
# confirmed the gain In Ilrlee. 1nrls opened
, rather hhhc than I closed ) 'esterdn and
Berlin advanced mnrl The receipts
her and elsewhere In the west were remarkably -
marknbly light. The Cincinnati I'ice Cur.
F rent Rid that interIor wheat offerings
were exc211tonnly light. The total reo
. . celpll nt primary markets were S7,0 bl .
compared with 139,0 bu. n week ago and
310,0 \ hu. Inst 'ear. New York wired that
there was tie demand for export . and the
Atlantic port nlCel amolntd to only
170.0 hUt tn whfnl onll flour . whIch were
the discouraging ffntures of the 11ny's news.
A private Iverpool cable said that offers
i or wheat Cror Argentine were quite light.
, The penlng for May was al ( toni 5ic [ to
: rt Th \ % c. (10(1 ( befor. . beginning the
I- ( Iodine nnl nlaly len I nt ftAe. It
t touched 11c. l BmneK was not on n heavy
r scale . n\hough I wo I ) ' 10 menus It ( lull
. . day In the Pit . The wenkness nt New York
. and , th : light export ,1(111,1. , conlhilt1
r with tit ! _ tirop In corn near the flnlsh . coucd
. & the declint'
dccln <
Corn was tip nt the start and down nt
the llnIih . I was entirely I mater oC
shorts , who covered frCely ot the opening
L causing the advance. When they Relt
to have all the stuff they wonted there was
l liberal realvI . iid the advance was more
! , than lost. May opened = C higher at 4Ic.
sell from 45c to 4Ge and closed at 45u.
I.llht receipts and nn advance . at Liverpool
aided In- the ndvunce
. . Quito a.lvel ) ' session was passed In , oat
, and I generally god lusln ! ! was trans.
. acted A few shorts covered and sOle
, long FtUc wal clos11 Olt , The course oC
? the corn market was followed , May oats
, 'seiln/ from 2Oc to 2' c , and hen to 2c !
to 2 c , t which plCU It closd.
prvIfons wer quiet but generally frm ,
The early ftrelth In grain helped the
, , ; ' market at the start , and It Wa sustained
during the ses3lon by the .
sesslol light hOI re-
4 celpts and highr prlce.3 for live hOAR. Pack-
ers were moderate buyers. May pork closed
, , 20c. May lord lO and May 1'lb1 iC h'gher. ' :
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat
9 cars : corn 70 cars ; . oats , 62 cars ; hogs ,
. 2,0 head.
: The leading futures ranged os follows :
"i ii I Op n. I - n - 1Ii : . I - Low. I - Cion
, WhnlNo.2- ) :
Feb . . . . . . r.i1 ; lHi 50 50H
t Mo . . . . Ml 54' 53'4 ' G3'
' ; i July. , . . . . G5 4 ti3 ! { . 544 . G4
r COn No , 2.
Feb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42U (
! . 7ny . . . 4a H 4US ! 45f 4M
JUlY . . . , 45 40 45 45 *
OOIR No.2. . ;
Feb . . . . 21 21 : m , : ms
! Iy . . . . . : ! I' ( :1J 2114 ) : \14
Juno . . . . 2t ) { 20H 211 / 21 I ! {
Pork per bbl
i - ] .eb..r. l'eI . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1015
. , LnidjO0lb 1lay . . . . , . II < ) :0 10 li. 1 30 10 40
. Loul.10
. ] .el. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6(12 ( %
Ma y. . . . . . . I I i2 % ( ) ' 8 0 iU 0 77 %
Short ltlbs- I'I ,0 I
] t . . . . . . . . " . . . " . . . . . . . . \ . I. O '
Mn ) . . . . . 5 :11' : I .15 I 35 _ _ I 40
Cash quotalons were OR follows :
) FLOUIt-Steady ot late decline.
. WUI AT-No. 2 sprIni , 53l4ff5c : No. 3 Frn .
nominal : No. 2 red LO650\c. \
COItN-No. 2. 42c ' No. 3 yellow. 4141e.
, . OATS-No. 2 , 28tj28c : No 2 white 32632c ;
x..o 3 : white . 31c .
: . BYE-No. 2. LO % c.
; DAILr Y-No. 2. L6(56'c : No. 3. & 51Gc :
i' No. 4 , floinnaL 56\c
. FLAX SIt1I-No. 1 , $1,42
TIMOTHY BF1O-1'Hme , t5.G2'4.
- PROVISIONS-Me pork , per bbl. . $ lO.2O1
ti 10.2 : Lard , per lo Ibs. . t6.G5j6.C71t3iurt ribs ,
sides ( loose ) , t5.2O15.O : dry 8 I tel shoulders
Iboxr'1. $ L67t/i4.75 \ : short clear . sides ( boxed ) .
$ @ .70.
I ' \VIIIIIICY-Distillcrs' finished goods , per gnl" ,
- - The followIng were the receipts and ahlpmenls
today :
, Articles. . IleCllpts. Shlpmont
' Flour : " ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10i ; ir ,
\ Wheat , bu. . . . : : , a , (1h ( )
'I ) Con , . bl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,010 , 1,00,1 : ,
Oats. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000 . liOOJ , )
a * Iyebl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117.00J , , eel
. . ! Ly . bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 , 1G.00J
. -O-U , : Pruc. e'Ct13l1etOi3ytlt9b.ttr loaN
. . 1el was steady : creamery . 12(23o ( ; dairy . 0
! 12@o datr" !
! 200. Eggs . firm ; 17 @ 27c. "
Closing Qlotltlons on the I'rlnelpat Corn-
. . mQlltes nld Stuplcs.
NEW YOm : , Feb 7.-FI.Ul-leeelpts. 1,60
bbls : exports . 3,6 bbls. : sales , 39,2 ? Ilkgs. , :
market was active nml frm most or the day
untIl the late brenl In wheat shut oft all de
. mnnd. Hilling patents and winter straights had
the choice or the call. Southern flour . dull. Rye
hour. fall inquiry : sales 50 lour. , luclwheat dul.
flour . quiet : $1.G031.6.i.
ltel\'II $1.GOfl.G. T-Oul , 4t74e. (
. ' CORN MI 'Llul. nominal : yellow western .
$1.0St01.1O : Irdnll'wlne. $ .O ; sales 2,0 sacks.
I6YR-Nonlunal : car lots . wc : boat. loads . & 1'
. , tc. 55f
IIABLRr-IIeld firm : MilwauIoe . GIGGle ; two-
. , rowed , StOIC. LIOtIGIC . 6(6c
11A1t1.1W rALT-Dul and nominal : western .
. 70G:5c : slx-rowd , 70f1J7&c.
.l . WUI'AT-neco'pls ( , 6,6)4) bu. : exports 52,03)
( bd. \ sold , . 3,5,0 bu. futures . 32,0 bn spot.
Sp' ! , dUIU N' ) . : red In Store onll elevator . 67tc :
, nimbI . &Sc \ I' . o. I . 8Uc afloat ; No. 1 north n.
' CP.u 1"'UY red : No.1 lund , 6e delivered , Op-
. tlns wre higher at first . following COin , and
hellld by light receIpts anti ( inn ( 'ablls. foreign
I buying and - the storm veet. Following n dull
noonday market cnme a gradual weakening
. Under local realIzing , which developed finally Into
. a decIded break. the market closing Onol at % c
, . t , 108s' ! , No. 2 red , ' ' I
Jet os5 : rll 'ehrual'Y. do..d at 5ic :
, ? 4orchi dl'SNI nt 5i % : Mnr. 6S(9c . cioed
&te : Junl \(59c. . closet rso ; 6.9 . 69 cosed
I . 69'.e. ' closed 59c ! : A ul'8. 59\HJ6c \ , closed 59c. \
_ COIN-lecelpl. i.601 bU : , 'xplrl. , 11,300 tin. :
s Pales . 60,0) bu futures , unit 4,0 1.30 . 8pol
8pot. h.I'gullr : No. 2 . n.c In elevator : steamer
1nlxccl. U\.c \ . ; No 3. 45\'c. \ OptIons very unlot-
tIed all day . being ntl\Jced early on light ic-
clpts and heavy ( 'verlnbut tInniy closing ot
" 0 net de'cln. : l'elluury closed 48t4c : May. 48@
4me , cOed Vu : July. (9 % i5 .0. closed 4Je.
OATh-h1ecehphs . 3,200 bu. ,
. OATI-lecl'I'ls. 3,20 : exports , 400 bu :
, , soles , QO,2) ) ' ! In ! . rutur" anti IU8,00 40 , SI1t.
( ( pot morket higher anll l'ro active : No 2 , 32\ \
(32 ; . : No. : MI\\I , 3"c : ncl\'o 3. lIe : No. 2
white . 301\1 \ : tre . whIte , 160612c. OptIons were
iaigtly governed by corn , 011 after 1 filial dl-
chIna rinsed Inehlngp,1 to tu \ net loss : February
- Uf33JI. ' closed 3 ! c : March closed 33e : May ,
3\ ( 3\I' . closed 33'Oc. 3\e
L lA 7U. " -Jtrelulor ; shipping . . 6)c ) ; good to choIce
HOIS-nll : state common to choice old ,
IU70j new Irnn'h'lnla , lie : Pacific coast , old .
BI,4qiic ol.
11"70 : new . SUite .
ihlPl8-QuIet i wet isihteti New Orlcnna selected
i 11) "Iell Ollen
I : ; to W il 'd , . flJf3u : Ilen"s A'rel , dry 20 to 21 I
. nil. 120 ; Testis dry U to 80 Ibs. . 7(7c ; IJuenos I
.ymos dr- : 10 2 Ibs. . 13c. 7t1 ,
. LF1.t'flhiht-HIetidy' hemlock .ol . . '
L'jII I-Hleod ; sole. D. A. . light
to heavy welhls. l4itlTc ' . Ilht 'I
. ) WOOI.-Hteady tflc. ; domedtu fleco . 168:80 : pulled , I
I . I'10\'IRIONS-1eCf. quIet hut ( Iran : ljef hams
117. eut ( heats . ( Ion : Illcllr.1 bellies ler , ' C :
plhh'd _ ho\l..s , ln ( . Lard . bdles frmer : t'f5T
steam closed ut . hId : sates , ) tlerces westel
11' " , , , . t. ; cIty ot 6\ic : sales , i0 terces . : Fcbru.
cry ( " 80ut $ C.9 : , 10mlnal : May l.ce. , . nominal :
it , rclnlll , Ihm : rntlent , n,40 : H , A" , $ ,75. Pork ,
lnn : new mess , 11.12.o ; firnhly , 11.Q11.00 ;
ebot clear . U3.0m5O. tml UUOllO
.UU'Jvn-1'lrm : , : Western . .
. t ( : wftern dairy. 1Ofi1o : WI'st.
( 'II ercanler ) ' . ) Itj.4O : factory 6t10 10m. ; Iglno , 21e :
tmHaton creuI1e" " ) ' . 10i18o : state daIry , lotilac :''mel' ) ' . lStjl9e. 10t1e
. Cll.'Il-Qulet. state litrile. 9U11'4v \ ; small ,
Piitli34c \ ; part II. ms. lUte : full skIm , . 2ff2Ye. I
UUd-Rlnm : Male and Pennsylyanha. 2Yc.
! Pennlyh'nnl.
U'e : lee house . % 112cl ; nnl wellpr fresh , 3lfJ3lc ;
eoulhol : t8lc ; reecipts / . . 6,00 3IU31Ye
' 'FAJJ.dViti.udy : chy ' ' ' . . .
) 4t4c
W-Hlealy country 4e.
cl (1'0' eoullH.e.
' ' \
1'l'10I : UM-Nomlnal ; OTnited closed at 11.03
Lid ! \'aahmlngton tittimi. . 18Otno ; clolC Washllt.n ,
In lul" . 54.M : : refIned , New York $ .95 : I'hmhln.
Iell'hla ) ali nnltlh' ' 15.00 ; 1'hlhitdelhia ' und
la Imot , In bulk . " . ( &
nOHIN-lrwh' . '
. !
TlIti'hINTNt..Quiet : : 05'5Ot.c 1 \ .
,3tlCl.-Hie.ttly : domestIc. fair to ' . .
,11 ! Hdr domulc. fiiI extrs 4616e.
101.\SSlS-Ste"dn ( ; New Orlcn , , open tGe.
, good to clmoIe , % c. I.elle
OI NOIXumlnal ; fancy sOuntt 13.Ojl.5 ;
. . $ .50UO
Ilherl 1.OfU 0.
: . 1'1 mn -lLI ; tcotch fl5.002O.O0 ; Amer.
, Ian , $ I.GI1.00. Ig.0UN.O
. COi'Ihltt-Qulut : "rokera' vrlet. 1.73 : exchange
rlce. 19.bO.
MAU-ulet : brk t' price . ' 3 % : exchange
. trie . . 3.lDLjLiZtI .
. Irh' . . $ .1013t\ ( ftmth. lit asked : platn. weak ;
. Ile" on 'chiuiiso G tune cuh tin tOay ft U3.i5 :
S tons cuh lt , a.w ; G toes spot , at $ i3.tu : 6 tolls
" "ruary nt UUO ) , & Ions Murch lead ut $ ) . ' ,
10 carts Ulcemhcr , 13.1711 . $32'
, si'i.Tiht-l ' : : f.UI . .
S.tlr'm-l a'l : < lmrlc. 13.1G.
C"ION alI ( OIL.Marlet clond shade
steadier ; buera1 cautli'us : Ilrll crulh' UI ,
Prime aummer ) ' cIIow1 26i2Hlc ; ) yellow butter
1 unties , uaJc . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. Nuw.ork Irr ( ol/lh Market.
NUW' YOIU I'd ) 7.-'rhe personal del11d wau
, felt , I Vtry iidite scale 1"1 umount or the Ult
'I'urlllo"I'lher ( ondltI0as . al.1 therefore very
moderate qll\llh'a ; pr ep.'elIUe were
. Od : , There WM" an 11)ltp\'tl urltr and
Lckgrala ( N'UU'to some epectIltles ,
In which prints fIgured more freely than
nt any lme this year hut n'crh.l.ol the
Irnpml trade was quiet. Printing cloths In good
demand lt 2 9 .It bId and declined . Mil vet rNe
" 'C ' or odd gO .
OMthlA ru : ml\ AtAI l El.
CondItion o' Trade nn , ' QIintzsthta \ on
siiil ' l'rodnct. .
.tnpln RII raney l'rodncc
While most lines o. produce h'\'e not Ihown
much change Illrlnl the 't few dn'I , tIme egg
mzuket has been . ' ' . The
mr hnl be steadIly nll'nnclnl. seVere
coM weather at this season or the year nOt only
re\'enll rrro marlt"tng or such stocks ns are 01.
tad ) ' on hnnd In time county . but I reduces pro.
( Iucton to n very low point . Cold storage eggs
are practically exhausted In most all .eetonl of
the counlty and the demnn.l bait tl b hilled very
largely \y the rr.h receipt. Quolntn ! :
1UTER-Cled stock . Ic : common to fair
10lc : fair to good unlry. 1@I\c : choice 10
fnnc ) ' . 1511G ; gathered cream ry. ISo ; separator
cremimnery 1'2. .
I(1t8'trhety ; ; ! fresh laid , 2fi2lc.
1.1'1 ; l'OUI.nY-Chlkens. ttJ5e ! : dueks Ccl :
tumtHlsffl heavy l tome ' Sc ; geese. Ge.
ihtu.ifl ) e.WIr -Chickens : fair . 0t6\te \ :
choice large , 6 . 7e : choice small , 768cI ; turkeys .
fall 10 gooti 80JSc \ : cnolco heavy 8\HI9c \ ; choIce
SlUnhlt 9\HlOc \ ; miucks . fair to good . 7 % fSc : fancy .
full dressed , HfOe : geese tall 10 good , 7 Hf@c ;
fancy , full dressed 910c .
GAttF-ilhue wing tea ) . per dos. . UOal.75 ;
green wing teal . per .Ioz. . $ ,25tll : ducks ,
mIxed. per tics . * 1.o0fll,25 ; canvaimbacks 14.OOU
5.0 : mallarils $ red headR 52.60112.75 ; small
rabbits , 75UU.0 : Jock rabbits . 11.2U1.&O : squirrels -
rels , GOc. .
VI ( \holeo tat . 70 to 10 Ibs. . are quoted
nt L\HIG \ ; large and coarse 3tc.
gSI-WI.eonsln full cr"lm. Young A ,
11 ; twins , lt'4c ! : Nebraska anti Iowa , ! full
cream lIe : Nebraska 811 Iowa part skIms 7@
80 : Liniburger ! . No. I. tic : brick No.1. Ic ;
S\I.s , No. I. 15e
Y-Uplon,1 , hay . $ .0 : midland , $ ,5 : low-
land , $1 : rye straw , $ G. Color makes the price
on ho ) ' . LIght BhnuC sell the besl. Only top
cr.lpo tiring lotI ptlces
I'lagONS-Oid birds , per doz. . 7LcI,0.
The cold weather or the paot weelt or more tins
put n slo" " to the ( mule In fruIts and vgetohleo ,
1.01 drolers ore nlltlpr ; able to receive nor ship
Perishable goods anti tire waiting for the weather
10 Irl walln
to moderle before trYing to ! nmiytit'ng. Cars
of fruit nn,1'e"etahle. . In transit have been run
Into time rountihiotices along the .lrarenl lines of
railroad to await Inllier weather. Soml orders
are corl'l In fur genus 10 lIe shipped ns BO :
o. the weather wi peinilt. Oeoler" are or the
opinion that Ir liii. II'esnl cold weather continues
much longer , Rocks will he 80 rL'ncCt nt all
ponls : ( lint there wil be a lively demand for
goods. - -
I'OTATOIg'estern stock car lot ! . 65c ;
small loIs 70e
( ) i.D flEIANS-1and.picked , navy . $1.00612.00 ;
I.lma hienns , l1r Ih. . &tmhc.
ONiON-On orders , O'ol per bbl" , 2.iS
CAII'OF - On orders , Ic.
ClL1l1Y-1'er : l1z. tnF " .
RWfIT POTAToeS-Oood stock 12.63 : Ken-
SaM . * 2.25.
tIInT-1-'er : bll , . * i.01,73.
CARnOTR-Per h"\ . ' 2.
CAUI.1FLOVifl1'cr crate of a doz and half
10 two 1107 . 11.25. ( hal
10RHI.AIIRHPer lb. . C7Tc.
1IHNIPHPer ( tibi. . ' 2.
HUT.IOAHPer lb. . lUc. .
I'ARSIJY-Per .Ioz , bunches. 35c. ' I
1'IINIPPe" . I hI. ) , $ ! r. _ ,
! PlNA'IF-per bbi. . $2.7
PIF. : PIANT-Per doz. . &O'6Oc.I I
I'NARfi-Wlntcr / Nehhis. none.
APPI.gSGrnlol. $ 3.25113.O : thoice eastern
'Itock , H.OQ(4,25. $3.i3. coIce
QIIAI'FS-concord , none ; Matagas . per 65 to
08lb. tibia . ross. * iO.OOUSO.G0. lnlagns.
CIANlEltl-Jerse's. bbl ( fancy $1i.001t.5i
OnANOES-Florldos , per box $3.7@IO : Cal.
Irornlo n""ls , $3.50 : see Jer . 3.
BANANAS-Chalco stock $ .M 2.5 per bunch.
1.1 INS-New Messinns . sizes 300 to 260. * ,50
01.00. ! $
P1NI.PPLt7S-Per . . . .
II F.\PPLFS-Ier 10z. . S2.50@1.0.
. .
OYSTi7fl3-ledutmn , lice can. 160 : horseshoes ,
20c : extra stnndards , 210 : extra selects. ISO : COfl'
Iln ) ' selects , Ice : New York counls. 30 : bulkl ,
standard per gal . $ ,25.
NEW l'IS-Fxtlo fanc ) ' . 160 : fancy He :
choIce , 12@Je : Calrorla , bags . 70. ,
HONEY-New York , 1ic : dnrk , ; Call-
Comm. IGc : strained , 4 10 10-lh. eons , per ID. . tOo. SYRUP-Gallon jugs , per doz. . $12 :
Bxby 5 gal cans $3.
NUTS-Almonds. ISo ; English walnuts soft.
shelled nul. 8e. . lIe : standards , jOe : \berts. Sub : Drzl
SAUEn 1ItAUT-Ciioice white , per bbl. . U. O@
5.00 : per half libi. . * 2.50672.75. '
IUNfF MEAT-Fnney. . In ' half tible. . per lb. . ,
5'1 ; 10-gal kegs. 00 : condensed , per case of 3
< oz. pks. , $2.LO.
CII n-Purl juIce per bbl. . $ : half bbl. . $3 ,
nIDESNo 1 green hides . 3\i6c : No. 2 green
hIdes , 3c : No. 1 green salted hides , G : No. 2
green salted hIde. 4o : No. 1 green salted hides ,
25 to 40 lbs. . Lc : No 2 green salted hides 25 to
40 lbs. I , 4.c : No. 1 veal calf . 8 ooled Ibs. . 81 : No.
2 veal calf 8 to' 15 Ibs. . 5 : No. 1 dry flint hides ,
Oc : No. 2 dry flint hIdes , Oc : No. 1 dry' salted
hides . 5c : Pa cured hides jc per lb. less than
fully cured.
SUEEI PELTS-Green salted , each 2667GOc :
green salted shearlngs ( short wooled early skins ) ,
each , 5@15c : dry shearln s ( short oled early
skins ) . No.1. each. 5@IOc : dry shearungs ( short
woled early skins ) . No. 2. eaah. Lc : dry flint
\an8s and Nebraska butcher wool dr . per
lb. . actual weight 5@Se : dry flint Kansas and
Nebraska muroln wol pelts . per lb. . actual
weight 416c ; dr flint Colorado butcher wool
pelts , Per lb. , actual weight , 40j6'.ic : dry flint
6H0 fnt
Colorado murain wool pelts . per lb. . actual
weight . 447Cc.
TALLOW AND OlEASETnlow , No.1 , 3e :
tallow No.2 , 3e ; grease . whlo A , 3474tIc :
greose. white B. 3c : erea.e. yellow , 3c : grease .
dark. 2Y63c : old butter . 24J2c : beeswax , grlase. prime
li@2e : rough tallow . 2c. . ,
FURS-t ) - t. black No. 1 large. $ 20.006725.00.
No. 1 med/ull. / $5 : No. 1 small lara. $2.oa2.o : .
black . ) 'enrl' ' .igs No. 1 large $200@15,0 .ono.o : No. 1
medium _ , . _ _ $ : . . No. 1 . small. _ u _ $ . i : _ _ bear . . , black _ _ _ _ cubs _
No. " , : i small , " , s. i. i4' ; bear , black O. : Montana meulum . and LS.Outt6.OU Rocky ;
mountain , No. 1 large $1S.Od4722.IO : No. 1 medium
* 14 No. 1 small . $10 bear
$ ; smol. 10 : bar. black 10nton" year-
lngs , No. 1 large $2 : No. 1 medIum . 18 : No. 1
small . $5 : bear. Mack , Montana cubs No. 1
large $6.5 : No. 1 medIum . II.W : No. 1 smali ,
$3 : bear silver tip . No. 1 : .rle. p20 : 8mal 1
medium . $2 : No. 1 smal , $8 : boar silver tip.
yearlings , No. 1 large $11 : No. 1 ' slver . tp :
No. 1 small. $5 : bear . aiivet . tip . cubs No $
large , $0 : No. 1 medium U.5 No. 1 small , $3 :
bear brown . No. 1 large , 820.006725.00 : No. $
medium 10 : No. I small . 12 : bear brown , yeor.
Inga , No. 1 large $1O.000pil,00 : No ' medium , $8 :
No. 1 small . $0 : hear \ . brown. cute , . No. 1 large.
$7 : No. 1 medium , $5 : No. 1 small . $3 ; badger. ;
No. 1 large , 11.00671.50 : No. 1 sm"l. . Coc : No.
1 email . SIc : fishier No. 1 large s : No. 1 medium ,
16 : No. 1 small . U ; fox silver . as to color according -
cording to beauty . No. 1 large $ lee : No. 1
medium 160 : No. 1 small . $ r ; fox , 10 . pale
according to beauty. , No. 1 large , Iso : Nd. 1
medium , $3 ; ; No 1 small . $2a : cox . cross . No. No. 1
large , $ i . 1 medium $3 .
: NO. ; No 1 small . * 2 ;
( ox . ied No , 1 large , $ : .I . 1 smal. . $ . 1' ; ;
No. 1 small , _ $ : fax gray No.1 large 75e : No.
1 medium t4hc ; No. 1 small , 40c : fox . kit . No. 1
large . SOc : No. 1 medium 40c : No. 1 smhl . 300 :
lynx No. 1 large 13 ; No 1 medIum , smal. ; No 1
small. 1,5 : marten No 1 12 $ ; No 1
medium , fUO : No. 1 entail . $1 : mink No. 1
large . WI6.a : No 1 medium . 4011 No. 1 small .
ISo ; mink , dark , Na. 1 large 6:0 : ' o. 1 medIum.
401 : No. 1 small . 301 : mountain lion. perfect head
enl feet No.1 large * 1.00472.00 : imperfect skins
2@WoJ ; otter . No , 1 .00i2.00 : No. 1 medium ,
$ 1.00677.00 : No. 1 smahi . $ I otter . pale . No. 1
iargo $ : No. 1 re,1lum , $3 : No. I small , U :
t.a0000n. No. 1 large 60670c ' No 1 medium tOo :
No. 1 small. lIe : raccoon , Llack , as to beauty
No. 1 large 50c U.0 : skunk black . caged narrow
IlrJped. No. 1 large , Wc : No. 1 medium 40c ; No.
I small . 25e : 8ltun1t broad striped , No. 1 large ,
20620 : woh'erlne No 1 Inree. U : No. 1 medlum- .
1 : No. 1 small ' 1 : wolf , mountain , No. 1 large
1 : No. 1 medium. $2 : No. 1 small . $1.60 : wolf .
prnlrle. No. 1 lane , G5415)c : No. 1 medIum ' wol. :
No. I email , 40c : beaver per skin , No 1 large
f,00U5.o ; No.1 medium U.50 : No.1 smnl } , $2 :
beaver kil , No. I laig " . U : No. 1 medium ,1,5 1 :
No , 1 small , 75o : muekml wInter No. 1 large
8@IOc : No. 1 medium , VI : No" 1 small . 7c : mUlk.
rats fall , No. 1 lorge , 447Cc : No. 1 medium , 10 ;
No.1 smatl . Co : muskrals , kit. . 2473c.
St. LouIs CCllrnl Mnrket.
14'I' LOUIS l'eb. , ' . . .
, 7.-VI.OUR.--Qulet , but Un-
chnnged. .
WII AT-Opencd Ho lp , but nervous and nfl-
settled . and after free selling closed \ i47ho bo-
leI ) ' "slenn ; No. 2 red , cash , tlc : February
51c : May , L2@L % % u ; July , 62'4o. !
CORN-\Vno teverl.h all tiny plunging up antI
down 10plly. weakening lanai the clobe . which
wile a .Inulo off from yesterday ; cobe. . mixed ,
cash , 4f ; . : J"ebrary , 40lc : ! ) (2c \ : JUly , 431.
OATH-Weak : % 11o lower : No , 2 , cash ale ;
February. ; Oc \ : May 2 .c.
lS'l1-No , 2. offered . east side 6Cc
liLIAN-Firmer : & 50 bill. sacked . east track.
FI.AX St'UUlehonged.
OIAtS tli'lIlIti-tinchmnnged.
II AY-Hteadler , without quotable chen e.
1iH-'Jllglier . 23c.
lWOH-1I I-nul. wenk. $2.91 : , pl'ler. $2.92\j. \
( 'lN Ml7ATl.D0li1..5.
( : O'rl.ON ' 1tS-Ge.
llAt1INd-45c .
1.10\'ISIONS-I'.k. standard ineca johhlng ,
1 ) .5. Lard . . prime stenm 10M : choice IG.62 ½ , '
iiy stilt meals , bOXed hou'ers. U.5 ; longs
$33714 : rl' . $ : .5 ; shmc.m Is. $ .6\ ' , ] an. packeit
shoulders , S.3P.1 \ ; I.ngs , , : .75 : iIbe , $5.8iH. ;
shorts 10. . .
lCI IIT8.lour. 4.0 ' ILh , ; wheat. 1,0) ) Lu , ;
cr 81.0) bu. : oaij U. ( ) 1m ,
t11'Mt'JR1"I.ur. I 4,0 lof , ; wheat 61,00)
IJu. ; corn , I.W' bu , ; oats , 6,000bu .
Cotton AnrkuL
NeW YOIi ( . Feb 'I-'rho cotton market
opene,1 nt oil advance Of 4 ponls ! , further ad.
\anced 2UG poInts , und closed wlhln I I'olnt "
tie top. on ad\'an or Gale ! pnhitis . Total sales
wer > U'O 1"ln. Thu iirlnipal cause of tIme
I\d\'nnc. has I"rl the .mul receipts , 'fho letup
filghieneml the shmj la Inl , Umlta [ ed some speculative -
ulalh'o toylnc. 1 Quie a nUI\pr of hmarties
iuti been "Clln" C , ] something to Justify the
talk or a 'Imli average I'cbtlllr ) ' mo\'unpnl ,
' 1\.11) . rcelpI5 gave ( bela th'l tint hint , but te
beers agree Ihe relUctQl'iuoveinnt II liaturally
tnutlll the te.ul of br weather and lad
roads . Inl that aa scion a. II ! " weather moderates
the monment wil pick UI ' aali. Thee has
been I 1''OlY good short Interest 1 In tie morket
amt the weaker liemirs have lleen trying to coy ' cc .
I'rle. . belol too tow 10 justify them In taking
further ionee I there II 10 be anythIng illte a
( "nrliloc IIe
letup In limo rcc..II.t. . The alnmrl ot the Liver-
itooi , ml\rt.t \ today was 1 Cull response to our
advance on n"ela ) ' . There was . 'le $ I'rell
God buying for New .01 " 'ou. account. . )
NF't'm' VOttif. J'eb 1-O' I'N-Stendn mi-
tiling I , &e , net lrcolpts , . IOi8 balesi , groat. 1,031
babe . HI'orla ' to Oreut liritain . G,407 laI : 1 ( the (
cnlntnt , 414 tales \ : f"IWalllblu : sales ,
If bake . all 'l'lnncr , ; atoclc . 10.I1 boles ; total
today . not r.cehlll 11.114 hates ; exports 11 Great
L'it1iL , lttfU baltt . tl l'raCce. 100 bales ; to the
contInent n.iSe hales stock 152.710 hales. Con-
rnlnrnl . hllr. : slok. 'i10 1AI.8
wfildnted-Ni't receipts. IP,42 bales ; exporttm to
Great IrHnln , 70,20) Inl > s : In ] "rnce. .326 baleS :
to the continent . 015Mt hales , total mince September -
tember . net receipts , 61,31bole , : exports tl
Orpnt llrilnln . 2,461. ( , hstlcs ; 10 France . 621,015
haleR : 10 the continent . 1.4 : bales.
N(6V . OI.IMNS I.'pb. 7.-t'Ol'TON-Firm :
m.(1ln . G 1-It : low 111lng. - 4 I1.lGOh : good
c\lnnr. 4e : net receipts . 6,345 boies : gross .
5,34 bales . exports to Orent llrltaIn . ,302 balrs ;
10 the rtnenl. 3bolest tAstwl11. 4.320 bole ;
aho's . 3,9 Iles : Btckl 3 : .74 baleR.
) 'UtUtfi " .1"ly : sales , 41 , J bnles : Felnln ! .
$5,15 hid : March , 80.26675.27 : April . $5.2lU.26 ;
May $5.3166.32 ; June . $ S.37475.33l ) ; July 85.43045.41 ;
Atigust . $5.49f5.5 : September . t5.521A675.3 ; Oco- :
her 15MU5,57 : No\mber. $5.6(5.62
BTOCltSNU 1t b8. .
BIJCcnlat0n leold ( f l.'rntnro nod I'rlcca
, I tn' Worn NArrow.
NEW YOn Feb. 7.-AI the Wall street
markets were stngnnnt today . On the Stock
exchange speculation was absolutely devoid
Of feature. The trailIng was luggl h to n
degree anti the fluctuations In prices were
extremely norrow. Less than 70,0 shares
were denlln anti the net resultS oC the day's
transactions , except In three Instances , show
merely fractional changes London was In
the market to but I small extent , anti was
on both sides of the nccount. News Cram
WashIngton was anxiously looked for but
none came until late In the day . when on
Associated press dispatch nnnounced the
bond Issue would be declared tomorrow
01 at the latest Saturday 111ependent of
the action oC the house of representatives on
the Springer bIll. This Intelligence dill not
reach the street early enOugh to have any
erect on the Ialngs. , bilL the temper oC
the market Is such that nothing but onclal
statements are lIkely to affect specula.
ton , Rumor and report were Idle during
the day and there was nothing In the sltua-
ton to Quicken the speculatIve pulse.
The market opened In all upward dlrec. ,
tion . the widest Iuctuatols In the opening
trade being a loss or % per cent In NorColk I
& Western and n gain 1 n sImilar fraction
In St. $ Paul & Omaha. During the rest
oC the day 1rlCes moved a trine one way
or another there ! being not n trace oC nathia-
ton In the market antI no Retted tone the
closing being dull anti stend ' . Compared
with yesterday . the lnn I slles : show aboUt
nn equal number oC declines and advances ,
while several stocks arc much. . changed on
the day. On a purchase oC 10 shares Louis.
vle & New Albany IreCerred rose 1'04cr
cent ; Lnclede Ga'ns In good demand allot
advanced 11 per cent and Boston houses
were good buyers oC New Enlland , Notwithstanding .
withstanding the stagnation prevailing In
the share spectitntlon . n fair number or
transactions were recorded In the bond market .
keto The bulk of the sales . however
brought lower 11rlces The sales aggregated
S ,0.
The Evening Posl's London cablegram
says : The stock markets were Irregular to. I
day. Americans opened weak on the Nor-
folk & Western receIvership hilt closed
firm on the prospect oC the loan Issue . nI-
though the best deniers regard this as a
mere palliative measure. Atchlsons were
better. The Amsterdam committee has
agreed to the new reorganization scheme.
The trade returns 'Cor Januar' ore fairly
There was a large decrease In Imports
and a small increase En ! the value of exports.
Of the increase of (3.8,0 In coin anti
bullion oC the Bank of England this week
(812,0 were Imported. the details being :
li2,0 In bar gold and ( GI9,0 In American
.coln bought ; ! (8,0 imported from nou-
mania ( ,0 from Paris , and (6,0 from
Egypt. . The government has over 1.0,0
but the market Is reported to have invested
over ( 800,000 In consols. ThIs explains the
decreases of the government secflrities. The
China loan has gone badly and Is at 2 per
cent discount.
The following were the closIng quotations
on the leading stocks .ot .the. New York cx-
change today : .
Alchlsou . . . . . . 4J' Northwestern . . 17-
Adams Express . . 142 N. W. lfd. . . . . . J2 %
Alton. Express. . . . 12 :5 N , Y. Central. . . ,1\ {
AnmExprosa. . . . un N. . & N. E. . . . . . 30'S
Ilaltimimoro &Ottlo 6A 1 OntarIo k.W. . . . ; 11
Canada Pacific. . . 51I Oregon Imll. . . . . . 10 %
Canada Southmerii . HI % Oregon Nay . . . II
Central Pacific . . 13 o. S. L U. N. . . 4 %
Cies. .t Ohio. . . . . 11' { IlclOc Mall. . . . . 22
Chicago Altoti. . . . 147 P. D. . . E. . . . . . 2 %
Alon. 17
Chlcalo . . ' Q. . . . . . 726 Plttsburg. . . . . . 2f
Chicago Gas. . . . . 7i % Inlmnn Vaiaco . 1M
ConsolIdated Gas . 12S / Reading. . . . . . . . OH
C. c. C. &St. L. . 37J n. O. W. . . . . . lUH
Colo. Coal . Iron . I" ! G. W. prd. . . . 4 :
COlon OIL Cert. . . 10 % Rock Island. . . . . OHS :
Delawaru.51Imid . 128 % St.Paul . . . . . . lm ,
Del. . Lk. & 'V. . .150 % do pfd. . . . . . . . 17H
04. & U. G. prd. . . 35 St. P. & Omaha . . 32
I. . J C. ' . Co. . . . . 0) dO\Ca. . . . . . . 11 C
Eric. . . . . . . . . . 10/ 0J Southern PacifIc . 17f
do pfd : . . . . . :1 : / Sugar Itefincry . . . 031
Fort \vayne. . . . 117 Teiin. Coal & Iron . 1 %
G. Northern ptd . . 100 Texas Pacific . . . . 804
C.&E.I.Jrd. : . , ; . 10 T.kO.CenLpld. 70"
Hockhl Valley. . itIM Union Pacific. . . . '
Ilhlnoia Central . 18 U. S Express. . . .2
St P. k Duluth . . 20 W. St. T. & P. . . . 6 (
K. & T. pfcl. . . . . . 229 doprd. . . . . . . . 13"
Lake Erie & SVost II ) Wels Fargo Ex. . 105
Lko pfd. . . . . . . . 70 Western Union . 88H
Lake Shore. . . . . 1:17 : % wheeling & L E. I
Lad Trust. . . . . l:7H do pid. . . . . . . R
Loulsvlllo&N . . . 5334 M.&St.L. . . . . . 27
Loulav\o&N. . . . . . . . 0D..IL.G. . . . . . . 1 %
Mnnhalln I COl. . 108 % O. E. , . . . . . . . . 28 !
MeinolltB&C. : . . . 10 ! N. L. . . . . . . . . 17
MichIgan Cent. . . 54 C. F. & I. . . . . . . . 24
Missouri Pacific. . 1' % do prd. . . . . . 76
Mobile .kOlito. . 11 lL I T. C. . . . . 2 %
Nashville Clint. . . 14 T. A : A. & N. M. . 1 %
National Cordage. 4" T. SI L & , . . .1
Nltonat . ColaGe . . . . A dopld. . . . . . . 7
N.JCeltrt. . . 8814 S. U. I. . . . . . . . lOf
N. & W. pfd. . . . . 1 : : ! do p03. . . . . . . 31\ % \
North Am. Co. . . 3H Am. Tob Co. . . 06 %
Northern Pacific. . 3 do pr" . . . . . . . 100 (
No.Pue. prd. . . . . 10\ SL P. . lol. & ! . . , 108
_ U. P. D. " G. . . . : : % .
The total sells of stocks today were 61,88
shores Including : AmerIcan Sugar. 1.400 : Chicago -
cage Gas 5,000 ; General Electric. 1,300 : Louis.
\11e & Nashville . 3,60 : SI. _ I'nul. 5,40.
New York Ioley Jtarlot
Easy at 2 her cent : last ioan 1plr \ cent :
close. Jh per cent.
co.e. Pllm MBHCANTILE I'A1'R1t-3615 per
STERLING EXChANGE-Steady. with actual
business In bankers' his nt $ .83'A@.8SY ' for
demand and $4.s7'4674.S74 for sixty da's : posted
rot , . . $1.87 ½ and $4.83074.83 ' ; commercial bills.
$4. $5674. 56' \ .
SI : vtrt chnT1F1CATES-6S47GStc. \
SINgn -
G0VRItNMI6NT 1IONDS-Steady : state bonds .
11cm : raIlroad bonds , steady.
Closing quotatons on hoods were as fellows :
U , S. iSa. rag. . . . . 141 l"I . . G. 4. . . . H2
U. S. I . rOl. . . . 14" Erie 2ds. . . . . . 12 (
U. S. 41. rer. . . . . 1m , G. I & S. A. Os . . ! 2 %
U. S . 4s.coup . . . 110k do 7a. . . . . . 101
U..S. 28. reg. . . . . 115 ' n. . T. C. Ga.- . . . 105
U.S.2R.rel. ! 5. 100 do fis. . . . . . . 101 %
AID Class A. . . . 10- % M. le. & T. let 4s . 76404 .
Aln Cass Cess D. . . . 1I5 ( - do . 4mm. . . . . . 46sf
Ala Class C. . . . ! Mutual Union Os. . 10
& a.Currency. . . ! - N.J.C.Gen.5s. . 11 %
, , New Con 4a. : % No. Pac. 1ts. . . lHt :
MIssouri Os. . . . . IH do2ds. . . . . . . 11
Il0solri . . . . . . . 125 N. W. Con.ols. . . 130 %
N. C. 4A. . . . . . 10l do S. 5' . Deb Os . lOt
B. C. noimfund . . . . I % I U. Weil lets. . I I
Tonl nawitot ( is . 85 8t P. Conaols 7s. 126 %
' 'rena . mw sot 5s. 100 do C. . \ 1 , 10 )
Tenl. old Os. . . . . 10 ( 8t. L.I I.M.flcmi,5 . 71 %
Va ceuttirleit. . . ISH St. L. & S.F. Gen.0 . 103
do deforrd. . . . 7 Tea. Pac . ht' . . . AHi
Ateimleotl 45. . . . . 01 do 2lta. . . . . . . 2H : {
do 211 A. . . . . 1A ! ( U. 1' . his or ' ! l. . 103h
Canada So 2ds. . . 105" . Wcst Shore 4s. . . 101
( P. letsof ' ! 5. 100 So. I R. . . . . . BOJ'
D & It O. 7s. . . 14 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
UoStol Htoo : Qlotltonl ,
BOSTON Feb 7-Cal loans 4 per cent I
Limo loans . 4515 per cent. Cotal prlca1 tIc
tockbondB and mining shares :
A , ' ! ' . kS. . . . . . . 4Wls , Ce.trnl. . . . 2 %
Am Sugar. . . . . . 03" ilmltaon 351cc. . . . 1230312tm
Am. Sllar pfd. . 12k dopfd..6161(17
llavStntodas . . . 0)4 Atchin 2ds. . . . 111 %
laY Tolophono. . IOU J Athison 4s. . . . 11g
losol & Albany. 210' ) Nol England flit . 101 %
noslon t MaIne. . . 108en. . Electric 6s. . Ill )
O. Ii. .t Q. . . . . . 721 Wls Crnt , lets. . . 11 %
Fitchburg. . . . . . . IU' AtlantIc. . . . . . . . 10
Gen Eleclr'0..28 ' 101\n" Montana 3n
Mexican Central . . I I lulok lioston. . . 10
N Y..INE. . . . :0" Calulet& Iiecla. . 200
Old Colony. . . . . 18U . Conteniilal . . . . . 10
ubber. . . . . . . . 4:1 : F'ranltllmi. . . . . . . . 1"
Unlol 1.acIOc. . . ! % Kearsarge . . . . . 8 %
Weslnd. . . . . . Olh Oseeoiao. . . . . . . 22
dopfd. . . . . . . 11 ( Quiney . . . . . . . I\ %
WcKUngh.Eleo. . . 32 % Tamarack. . . . . . . 13
W. Elco. ptlt..48'1@4Wolerlne. . . . . . . :104 :
S : , Fr.mici4oo : llln ; HtOD ( uQtatnnI
BAN FRANCISCO , 'ob 7..Tho olciol clolln
quotatIons lows : for Ilnlll Qloels today worD I" Col
Alta . . . . . . . . . 80 Justice. . . . . . . 12
AI\'haCon , . . . . . . . 8 Mexican . . . . . . 73
lc \ oher. . . . . . 98 Mono. . . . . . . . . 20
( test & 16Iehor. . . 7f Moult Diabto. . . . 10
Dele . Con. . . . . . . 1 : Occidental Con. . . 0
Bullion . . . . . . . . 10 ( ) ptmir . . . . . . . 11
lulwcl' Con . . . . . 12 Overmuu , . , . . . . 11
COlodonl . . . . . 0 I I'otoet. . . . . . . . 48 .
. Chalel11o Con . . . 3 : Savolo. . . . . . . ao
Clmoilar. . . . . . . . :8 SIerra Nevada. . . 41
Oonldelco , . . , . . . 08 Silver 11111. . . . . 11
Cumi . CuI & va. . . 2IO tOIler Ring . . . . It (
COl , Imniterlal . . . . 1 Union Con . . . . . 4
Crown Point . . . . 41 Utah Ctm. . . . . . . I
Gould 2 Ctlrry. . . . 28 Yellow Jaclc . . . 4'
1,10 It Norcro6. 75 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Silver tiara , IOU:100. Mexican tiotlara . BU
184tc ) DraBs , Bight . 121.Ic ; telegraphic 150.
Notv 'oge 1'1111 QuotatIons .
NFW YOltl 'ob. 7.-Tho . followIng era tb ,
closing mlllnl ellolntol"l : i !
liulwcr. . . . . . . . . . \ thitarho . . . . . . IlO
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . , ,
Cimolor. . . . . . :0 Ophlr. . . . . . . . 132
Crown 1.01It. . . . :5 1.lymouth. . . . . 2 :
Con. Cal & 'Vs. . . 211 QuicksIlver . . . . . 10
lientiwood. . . . . 4U do llrd. . . . . . .1300
Gould & Curry. . 25 Sierra Nevada . . 40
lIsle & Foreross. . 70 Standard. . . . . . . 2UO
ifomeeta'ooo . . . . . 1700 Union Con . . . . 10
lcxlcau _ . . . . . . 70 Yellow JII"I , . . 40
Iollol Stock ( uoluUona.
I.NDON. Fob . 7.-4 p t elo.IIJI :
Caii. PacifIc . . . . . 5:384 : SI Paul cOIn. . . . 6 '
} rlo. . . . . . . . . . 10' N. Y. Ceatrat. . . . 1026
. Cntral. 1(21
1\1. 2ds. . . . . . . lal.elnS.lvllll. : . . . (
Ill. cenlra" . . 6)034 ) ltuadint. . . . . . I
Mcxlcauordiuary. , . 001 Mex.Cen.new4ms. . 11
hAil SILVER-Il 7-16 per ; uuce :
tONL"- per cent.
TIme Ite of discount In the open rnatkt fcc.
short antI thre montbl 11 la i 1 per cent & - 4r
Severe Weather RC 11\t/ \ in Greatly Reduced
Receiptl.l ) Lines.
What row In.s 'fli.rb Worn In the I'cnl
80,1 : lit Ten l'tnll ' 11Rncl Ovr
l'rlel ul" " WCIIIO ! -
TIIU11SDAY . Feb. 7.
The receIpts today wee 50) cattle . 70
hogs and 48 sheep , os against 2.31 cattle .
5,001 itogs and 182 ' ' anti
6.GI hO ant sheep yesterday ,
1,018 cattle . 4,352 hog , antI 508 sheep on
Thurtny of last week. neceilts for the
four days Cool up G.iO cattle 13.3 hogs and
60 sheep ns against 0.666 cattle , 19.795 hogs
and 3,817 sheet for th same perIod , last
The severe weather hAs had the natural
effect or cutting off the receipts or stock ,
There were twenh'-fv cars of stock cc-
ported on the way hut only about half that
number were In the yards this morning ,
trains being delayed by the storm. I was
close to midday before they were all In
CATTLE-There were only six fresh cars
of cattle reported itt ( the yards early this
mornIng . but the numb Was Increased to
thirteen by noon. There were not enough to
make n market. Salesmen ns n rule were
nsldng hIgher prices amid the buyers dil
not appear to think that there wee ) enough
cattle to be worth botherIng wIth. SOle
cattle sold Crm Gc to 10c higher but the
general market ] was not Ilch more than
steady . Three or four loads of corn-Ced
steers ) brought from $1 to $1.30.
Cows and mixed stock soltl nt a little
sll le
stronger prices . but there were not cattle
enough to make much of n tst or the mar- ,
ket. A hunch oC very good 000-lb. helfers
sohl at $3.00. geol 90-lb. heiers
There was almost no business nt all
doing 4n the feeder dl\151011 anti the rpnr-
ket could only be reported HIl nominally
fHeady. Representative sales :
1m , STEII1S. '
No. APr. . No Av l'r. No. A\ ' . Pr.
1..I0PO $ 20 0..15t , 0) 9..1233 II 30
7..1H5 395 4..10t' $ 10 $30
1. . 72 1 ( 1..1010 225 2..10 : 27.
1. . 810 1 2" G. . 822 2 : 2.l10l 2 140
1. . 800 17 : 1. . 00142 5" 2. . 6S6 3:0
2. . CSO 22 : 1..10t , 2 C
1. . . 45 27 : 9. . . 796.315 C3. . 903 350
1..10 1 r 2..1I13 2 to 1..190 350
1..15 205 1. . 9CO 2 2)
2.13S5 2 50
2. . 275 13 2. . 210 1.50 1. . . 350 2 r
3. . ISO 135 1. . 90 20 1. . 270 350
2. . . 410 22 : 1 . . 325 / 6. . 72 255
1. . 80 250 1. . S . 28 : : . . 932 23
HOOS-There were only seven fresh loads of
hogs In the yards when the market openoi enl
later arrivals increased the number to only ten
lands. 'All told there were not enough to make
" mork"t. but what there were old ot Prices
about lOc hllher than ) 'esterdo ) ' . - As high os
$4.15 was paid for one load being the highest
price reached since January 29. ' "her were no
very common lIght weights and no full loots sold
below $ .6. RepresentatIve sales :
No ASh , Pr. If 'o. ' As' Sh. Pro
. . . . . . . $ J 8 . SO..205 80 $3 95
46..188 ; . . 365 1 49..235 . 80 $ 145
86..15 40 385 82..18 . . 40
. . . . . 60 390 , L9..26. ) . 40 :
So..ISO . . . . . 390' 53..32t. . 415
58..194 . . 395' I
. . . . . . . . 27 : I Y 2..20 . . 30
. P..J P10S.
25..128 . . 36 V L .
SHEEP-There werel.thn loads or sheep re-
ceived one or. them bein consl ned direct 10 a
local packer. - The olhhs sold on th& market . lt
good strong prIces. Hellresentntve sales : H. °
No 1 ' buck . . ; . . . . . . ; : . . - . . . . . .I ! .1S $ n .
10 mIxed Dakotas . . . . . - . . . . . . . . 89 330
98 mIxed Dakotas . \ . . . . . . . . . ; . . . 94 330
Reccipt . Very ' MuciLeJcned by the 8f erin
'I , riul 1'rIca 9 iCaned'1igher2 ! ' ' 1
c1IcAOO. Feb. 7:1n ; cAtfIe _ holdels ir.ste" !
upon nn advance or L610c , and buyers reluctantly
paid I. except In the case or heavy steers.
TraIns came strgll'n ! In Until alone In the
afternoon . protracting business . ' to a later hour
than usual but about everything offered was
takee . and the close was firm . The estimated
run : was 1.0 head mailing onlyfSO ; "hea
since Saturday . and indicating . a sUpply for this
week or less than 4,0 heod. Dressed beef anti
shipping steers wee quoted at $3.40 to $5..5 ;
cows ont bulls , $ l ? to $ 3.85 : stockers and fe"d-
ors , $3.23 t f385 ; heavy catll did not sell
quotnbJy higher than on the day before ; but
other descriptions gnlncd SUlOc.
There were several sales or heavy hogs nt $ ( .50 ,
and sales or ass3rted light were reported os high
I $ .2. HardlY anything weighing : over 2 Ibs.
sold below $ .20. anti the bulk or the 15 to 2'.lb.
hogs brought $1.10 to $ .20. There was an average -
age advance on ye.lerdny' prices or 5c. The
danger or I blockade on . the eastern roods mode
shipper hesItate to invest , but there was good
buying / hy local packers . anti the market reo
molncd firm to the close.
frm cost.
The firmness In cattle and hog extended to
the shelp market. There were light receipts nnJ
buyers took those nt nn ad\ancl or 5@10. Common -
mon to extra qualities were quoted at $2.75 to
$ .35. Lambs were also higher , extra being
Quoted up to $5.15 to $ : .2. and common to choIce
selling at 13.2 to 15. .
Receipts : Cattle . 7,0 bead ; ch'cs. 30 head ;
hogs . 2,0 head : sheep 8O head.
St. Louis Live Stock Market.
ST. LOmB , Feb. 7.-CATTLE-ReceIpts , 2,4
bent ! : shipments 70 heal : market steady shade
higher : native steers . 1,0 to 1.40 Ibs. . $ 3.2561
4.40 ; cows , $ ,5 2.00 ; Mockers anti , teede's * .w
63.2 : Texas ster 80 to 1.0 Ibs. . $ 2.70673.23 :
cows and betters , $ l,75472.2. ' . -
heiers 1.7LU22.
IIOGS-Recolpia , 4.L head : shIpments , , lo
head : market steady to lOc higher ; best heavy.
$4.15 : god mIxed and metiiumn . 84.20474.30 ; good
light . $ ! ,00U4.1 : : pigs , comnton rough etc" , $3.75
6.UO. -
SHEEP-neceipts 1.10' ' head : shipments , 20
head : market steady : native mixed , $3.35t1.lO ;
wether lambs $4.30 ; mixed $2.8 : SJuth-
wc.t mixed $3.75.
1Cun.os I I , LIve IHock.
KANSAS CITY l'eb. 7.-ATLE-Rece'pts. '
80 head : shIpments , 1,01 head : mnrket strong to
lOg higher ; Texas steers , $3.2f4.L : Texas cows
11.25472.75 : Colorado stelr 12.1406(4.03 : berf steers ,
,2U2.75 0(4,0.
$ 3.00615.00 : native cows $1Wf3.6 ; stockers anti
$3.065.0 nalvo
feeders , $ 2.60673.75 ; buhls . $ ,6t3.3.
UOUBHeelptl $2.tf3 2,5 head : shipments , 1,6
head : market 10f2c higher : bulk ot soles ,
$3.90ftU5 : hea\'les $3'05fU2' ; packers , ' $3.S : @
4.22' : mIxed $ : lights , $ ,6(3,0 :
Yorkers , * .8063.0 : pIgs $3,2 ( t3.70.
$ . MO hend , 200
SlEEI-Hecelpts. a : shipments " 20
head : market lOc higher and active. .
? ew York Llvn'Hluok ' itlmarket.
NEW Iow YORK l'eb. 7-1 EVEBnecelpls , 5G
head : none on snle.
BII I' ANn I.AMIS-lecellltS. 0,5 head :
3,80 head on sole : Iln : .heel' , pOJr to prime.
$ .L@5.oi ; lambs , common 10 taily choice , U.W@
110Q13-Itecclpts , 1,0 . head : Orm.
tock In Sight .
Record Of receipts at Ihe four princIpal markets .
keta for Thursday , February . 7. ,1S0. :
J"cbruar . Cutilo. Iloss. heep.
South Omaha . . . . . ' li..t. 1,3 101' .0 US
Chicago . . . . . . . . } . ,4pl . 7.0 % 1.0 8,000
Kansls City . ; . . . .I . jj. 80 2L ) 3
Ht , Louis . . . . . . . tp' ; : . 4.50 1,100
\i i.
Totals . . . . . . . ' . . . , \L. 12,5 2 .iO g.818
Lla'iiIntc'r1 ° Mmarket . .
I3ALTIMOItE . Febt 7-1'I.OUI-Dul. Un.
chong"I : receipts , 9t3 1'bIS. : shipments 4,172
bbla sales , 72 bbls. 911r ,
\li EAT-Steady : 9P't4an'l . iflonihl & Li6.i\ ;
March , 6734767c : 1.'tlnll J . \ . : slNmer , No.
S red . Mlj&i4c ! : receipts ( , 31.616 bU : stock 763,057
lou. : sales 10.0 bu. : southern wheat , by Mllle ,
6647580 ; "uth.r whmefl't"OT1 grade LI , by , % .
COttN-trong : 8tlOllllid ; month , 43ltJ48i,4c \ :
March , 484748c : urr ! 4"40 bid : steamer
mIxed 461jc bhl ; rCco'Jt54.11,4T6 ) ! U , : stock , L37.04
bu. : sales , 7,0 bU , ; ' StitItIfermi I white cain , U' (
48e : southern elow.'I'S6 e.
OATS-Firm ) at hl herrllrlcer No. 2 white
western , 366J364c : NI1 inixeti . 313t\c \ ; re
ceiptmm 1.642 bU } : stookjLpp.415 bu. !
It1'lI-Inactive ; NoU F jO(5ic : receipts . 3toOI
bu. : stock , 84,3L bu.
. _ _ _
H A"-I"1 11.
OIAIN 1"I IOlT&\ .
SUGAII-Qu let.
13uvri1lt-Fancy r.amer. 2c : Imitation
creamery . IHlOj ; Imitation . ladle , 1618c.
. ImOH-I'hm.
CUEESE-ulet and steady .
PJllLADEI.I'IIh/i. Feb. 7.-WIIEAT-.Quiet '
1f 7.-WlEAT-ulel'
February , &T4jSltSe : Starch 5n.U3c ; - . ost4
475s3c : May . 59tJ 0c. .
i5'c - % lower : No. Z mixed , February 46367
fc : March . 4iUcNi ; , 4H.HSc : M8) , 48\ \
( 0.11\1e higher : No" . Z white , February , 3@
30'c ; March 30"(371 : April , 1l6737c : May .
1'fI3i % e.
IICF'INEI ) SUGAR-Dull. 1.10c lowor.
IIIT lt-Stendy ; fancy western creamery
lIe : fancy l'ennahyvani _ prints ' , ISo ; fancy JQb.
blng. 2629c .
lOUBl'trj ; $ rteh . near by , 30c ; western
Woul Market ,
I.NPON. Feb. 7.-At the shmeepsk'n sales
5,8 ! ale were , 'tfertd . thl bulk of "Ileh was
ao"l. The bidding was steady . Short sold I
tartliing . heavy hang % C\ penny and light long
1 rarlh/li / lower. New ' South IVale , . clothing
mind conitiing . 6d ; Qutensland clothing and
cmbln , 3673d : VictOria clothIng and combimig .
Zi467Sti 1 Bouth AUJtralla. clothing anti cmLtnc" ,
l\f6 : < Swan RIver , dallln& and ! corabng ! . l\ 61
6 ' (1 New 74'nland clothIng Ant combing , 11447
& % , I , Tum'nln clothing anti combing . lli65I '
Cape , or Good 101 > nnl Natal , clothing nn !
combing 14746c1 : 'nu1klAn" Islands. clothing
anti combIng , lT40d , 1'nla Arenas clothing
and combing . 2 % n6d.
' .lv rtlo.1 Iilsirkets .
J\'En'I , . } "eb 7-\VIII4AT--Upot firm : M.
mend poor : No. 2 red winier . 41 - 31' No. 2 re.1
spring , 5" 2 : No 1 hAtd , Mnnloha r 1 , No I
Cnlifortiin . stocks exhausted . l"UtUe opened
( Inn with near anti distant .llonl 3 rAfhlngs
hhher , nn,1 clotted Otm with near posltIon . 3
farthing to 1 higher n'.1 distant I' 2f1
farthings higher : bUllne8s heaviest on middle
p.lon ! : l"ehrnr ) ' . 4R 84ti ; hrnvle 4 ! 14'i : April .
41 mil ; May . 4s 8 ; June . 4. Mill : July , 40 8 Arrl.
COIIN-11pot firm : . American mixed new 4. 'tl ,
Futures opened firm with near 1"llonl Rid
higher and distant . JOlon3 : 1',1 hlher. anti
closed nmJ with near positions ll,1 , higher nn,1
distant PosItions l'-C2,1 higher : Iuslnes8 hra\'le.t
on early pOlens - ; 'ebnory. Is % ,1 ; March , Is
, 'lli' ; AprIl nail May . Is Id : June , 4s l\id \ : July .
4s % ,1
FI.Ultulemand : poor : St. Lull fancy
. !
wlnlrr , r. M.
110\ISION8lalon , Orm : demand mOlele :
I ( mherlant etmt 23 to 30 IbS'1 los " 1 : short rits
: Ibs. . 2n M : long clear . ilglit I . 3S to 43 lb. .
2s : long clear. heavy , 55 lbs. , ISa : short clear
bntks , light , 18 ltms. , lOx Cii short clear mntoitiles ,
r.r. lbs. , 21's. Shoulders , sqtare , 12 to 18 lbs. , Its.
llmtnu , short cut , 14 to 16 lbs. , SOs 61. Tallow ,
fine North American , 22 6l. hoof , extra. India
mess , CSs 91) ; prime mess , CSa Cd. I'ork. prime
mess , ilne western , OGs i4 ivemitern inetliurn , Sis
lii. Lard , arm ; prime mess , western , Ils ; refineti ,
In paii , ISa.
Clilil8l0-Dutt : demand poor ; finest American ,
while. ISa ; colored , Ii's. '
IltlTTl'ilt-Fittet Ualteti States , 73a ; good , SOs.
TtJltl'i0NTINl5-fip'rit , lie 3,1 ,
ItOSIN-Common , Ie4iits 30 ,
COTTONHFII1) 0l1.-liveiiool reitneti , 17a 140.
i.INSCIOD OiL-lOs Iii.
l'IITItOLCUM-Iteflnel , Cd.
ltlfleitIGlltATOlt ll(1llb'-Fore quarters , 4'ltl ' ;
hinil quarters , 5d ,
hOPS-At London ( l'acifl coast ) , 62 ISa.
Cutlet , Market ,
NI31v YOI1IC , Feb. 7-COFlliti-Opiions
openeil firm at 54710 Points ntlvatiiee : ruled cx-
ceptionaily miull and featureless amid siighitiy
easier tinder local preesure ; cleseti quiet at t4JV )
lolntmm net advance ; sales , 2,71' ) bags , Ineltmlllmg1
Starch , 1l4.r.s ; Slay , 811.204411.35 : Ilepteniber , $14.35 ,
antI December , * 14.35. Spot , Itlo , qulet No. 1' ,
1Gc ; ntild , tiu'ct ; Cordova , I8)I9t1c ; sales ,
none.Varelinuse miehli'eres from New York 'ester-
day , 0,463 ltngs1 New York ptock toloy , 2.10,101
Iinge United States stock , 257,168 bags ; ailoat
for tile iJnlinl States , 25O00 bngs total i'iaitle ,
for the United Slates , 45IC * bags , agaInst 4147,313
bags last ) 'enr.
liAVltl1) , 1"et , ' 7.-Openo'ti quiet anti tinchmangeti :
at 12 in. , quie't , f advance ; closeti ateatty at
unchiangeit to i4f net advance : sales , 2O.00& ) bags.
SANTOS , Feb. 7-Market steatly ; good nvemtge
Santos , $15.50 ; receipts , 9.000 bags ; stock , 207,000
IIAMIIUIOU , Feb. 7.-Market steady ; hrlces 67
p4g. nmtvance : sales , 8,000 bags.
Itlo IANI1IItO , Feb. 7.-Mttmket firm : No. 7 ,
Illo , $15.30 ; exchange , 10 1-lGd re.eipts. 5.Oou
bags : cleared for the Uniteti States , 3,000 bogs ;
Fiurope , none ; atoclc , 154,000 bags.
oil Mmsrlcttt.
LONtOON , Feb. 7-LINllD OIL-lOs lId.
ANT\\'iOItP , Feb. 7-1'ETltOLlOUM-1l ) paId
anti sellers.
CIIAI1LI2STON , Feb. 7.-ltOSIN-Firm ; * 1.0067
1.03.TURI'RNTINEFirm , 2Gc.
SAVANNAh. Feb. L-S1'IItITS-Flrnt , 27c ;
sales , 44 bbia.
ItOSIN-Firm , $1.07.
shamed , * 1.0214 : good , * 1.0714.
Hl'IRITS-Firmn. 26c.
TAR-Steady , $1.
TlJlIPEN'rINF7-Quiet ; hard , $1.10 ; soft , $1.60 ;
rlrgn , $1.70. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
14ugmir I5tarket.
NEW YOItK , Feb. 7.-SUOAR-Thtiv , market
easier ; fair reilning , 2 11-ICc ; centrifugal , 06 test ,
3 1.1Cc : sales , 104) tons 2Iuscovndo , Jamunica , 89
test , at 2 1i'IGe ; refIned , market lower ; No. 6 ,
3673 9-Icc ; No. 7 , 3 5.l6lJ3'.c ; No. 8 , 3 3.1C473c ;
No. 9 , 314673 5-ICc ; No. 10. 3 1.16473m4c ; No. 11 ,
3413 3-16c ; No. 12 , 2 35..16413mhc ; No. 13 , 2 13.1Cc :
off A , 3 9-16673 11-iCc ; mould A , 4 3-iCc ; standard
A , 3673 13-ICc ; confectioners' A , 3t3 13 lGc ;
cut loaf , 444 9-ICc ; crushed. 4474 0-iCe ; pow-
tiered , 4614 3 lCc ; granulated , 3673 15-iCc ; cubes.
4(14 3-iCc.
I.ONDON , Feb. 7.-SUGAR-Cane. quIet ; centrifugal -
trifugal , Java. us 3d ; Muscovatio , fair remitting ,
Is 3d , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Icmtnsai City .l1tmriets.
. KANSAS CITY , Feb. 7.-WICEAT-Steady ; No.
2.haril anti No. 2 rei , SIc ; rejected. 476711c. Sam-
'PIe ' sales. f. 0. b. MIssissippi river ; No. 2 hard
and No. 2 red , 680.
COIIN-itlgher early , closed unchanged.
OATS-Unsettled ; No. 2 mixed , 2814c ; No. I
white , 3Ic.
FLAX SEIOtS-Dull , * 1.20671.11.
MIlAN-Steady , 66563c.
RAY-Steady , uichnngetl. .
I3UFTER-Best grades iirm , others dull ; cream-
cry , 174421c.
EGGS-hIgher , 2l4721i4c.
Toledo Grain Market ,
TOLEDO. Feb. 7.-WI1EATl3tihl fQr cqsli ;
active for May ; 7.o , 2 , cash , SOilo' May , Itc.
CORN-Active , easier ; No. 2 mIxed , ISc ; May ,
45c : No. 3 yellow , 45c.
OATS-Steady ; No. 2 mixed , SOc ; No , 2 white ,
32 ½ c ,
ItYIS-louli ; cash , 53o.
CLOVER 8161504-Iligher , firm ; prIme , cash ,
February and March , * 5.30 ; No. 2 , $5.10.
RECEIPTS-Flour , 11,000 tibIa. ; wheat , 10,000
bu. ; corn , 10,000 bu. ; clover seed , 52 bags.
S1(18'MLINTS-Flour , 5,000 tibIa , ; wheat , _ G,000
bu. ; corn , 40,400 bu. ; 'rye , 400 . MI. ; clover seed ,
' 1,110 bags. '
itiitwaukeo Mmirkcts ,
I MILWAuKEE , Feb. 7.-FLOUR-Stt'ntiy.
\vIUOAT-Firm ; No. 2 sprIng , 62c ; No. 1
northern , 62c ; May , 54c.
CORN-Steady ; No. 3 , 41 ½ c.
OATS-Firm ; No. 2 white , 32c ; No. 3 white ,
31 c.
I hARLEY-NomInal ; No. 2 , SF40 ; sample , 54i
RYE-Steady : No. 1 , fOe.
RECEIPTS-Flour , 5,100 bbls. ; wheat , 2,00) bu. ;
barley , 11,400 bu.
SIIIPMC.NT-Flour , 6,001) bbls. ; barley , 5,600
bu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mlnmtempoltmt V. Imemtt Mmtrkot.
MINNEAPOLIS. Fob. 7.-The northwest should
show a liberal decrease in wilsat stocks Monday. today was slow. Futures lost 140
from yesterday , Receipts were 39 cars today ,
against 276 cars tast year. Close : February and
March , 55c ; .Iuty , 5Cc. On track : No. I laud ,
0714c ; No. 1 nortimorn , & 614e.
Flour had an improved demand and prices are
firmer , hut unchanged , except on small lots ;
first patents , * 3.03673.10 ; second patents , 12.70473.00 ;
first clear , $1.20 ; second clear , * 1.80 ; 'red dog ,
$1.70. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lltiluih % Viest Chmirkct.
'DULUTIf , Feli. 7-W'IIUAT-Lower ; No. I
hard , cash anti February , 1Cc ; May , 514c ; No. 2 ,
G0c ; .No. I northern , ciuthm and February , 6614c ;
May , & 8c : July , GSc ; No. I northern , cash , 1314e ;
No. 3 , 50c ; to alive , 1o. 1 hiari3 , &S'4c ; No. I
northern , Sic.
OATS-No. 2 , 30 No. I , 23c.
'I"rico Wbet Macloot.
HAN FRANCISCO , Feb. 7.-WhEAT-Dull ;
May , tll'4c ; cleared , 47,113 centall ,
Eoromgpl VlsIleilcIatt AffIrH ,
LONDON , Feb. 7-CONSOLS-For money , 1343 ;
account , 10414.
iloicIls quotcd at Buenos Ayres at 245 ; Madrid ,
960 ; LIsbon. 20.25 % ; St. I'etersburg , 50 ; Athens ,
77 ; Rome , 103,70 ; VIenna. 103.
l3I5I1LIN , Feb. 7.-Exchange , on London , 8 days'
sight , 20 marks 4614 pfg ,
The amount of bullion gone into the flank of
l5ngiand today Iii 5,000.
PARIS , Feb. 1-Three per cent conies , JOlt
27c for the miccount , Jiixcimango on London , 256
bc for checks ,
'Vito weekly statement of tlmo PanIc of France ,
issued today , shows tlte following changes : Notes
in circulation. decrease , 111,250,000t ; treasury no.
count , current , decrease , 36,600,0004 ; gold in hand ,
Increase. 80b2I,000f ; hills dIscounted. decrease ,
114,200,000f ; silver In lltimid , increase , 1,275tdOf.
lCimItsmlcIal Note , . ,
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 7.-ClearIngs , $3,296,860 ; hal.
ancems , $712,220.
IIOSTON. Feb. 1-ClearIngs , $12,031,436 ; hal-
ancem' . $1,300,658. . -
NEW YOltK. Feb. 7.-ClearIngs , 137,678,452 ; bai-
minces , $5,180,320.
I1ALTIMOI1E. Feb. 7-Clearings , $14,833,013 ;
balances , $259,547 ,
1'711 LADI7A'IIfA , Feb. 7-ClearIngs , , $9,171,705 ;
balances , $1,488,151.
WAShINGTON , Feb. 7-Tue withdrawals of
gold front the New York subtreoeury today
amounted to $320,000 , which leaves time gold ic-
serve $4h,743.136.
CIlICit lO , Feb. 7-ClearIngs , $13,836,050. Money ,
467414 per cent on call , tUG per Cent Ofl time ,
New Toik exchange. lOc prensium. SterlIng , corn.
; nercial , 4.80'4674.67 ½ .
Itiodoristlng mit l'itlsburg for a Tlnse.
PITTSI3URG , Feb. 7-There was a moder-
atlon In the weather hero title mornIng , the
thermometer registerIng 2 ½ degrees aboye
zero. The coldest wave of the season is cx.
pected here tonight. There Is still a great
deal of suffering and Inconvenience occa-
storIed by the shortage in natural' gas ,
'Limreo Mon Iiured , by a Holier Explosion.
EL PASO , Tex. , Feb. 7.-fly time bursting
of a boiler In the Il Pamao steam laundry at
7:30 : a , in , today three men were fatally ha-
Jured , Thc explosion broke all the windows
in the block and a piece cf the boIler weighing
aeventy.fivo pounds was thrown four blocks
over three-story bulldlnge.
Skating Itecords lirokon.
CLEVELAND. Feb. 7- . ? , F , Donogbu
broke several records for the eight-lap course ,
lie made 220 yards in 21l , seconds ; quarter-
mile in 43 seconds ; half in 1:28 : 3.5. Fred
Hogan of Cleveland broke the one-mile world's
amateur record , making It in 3 minutes and 3
lreulaIo College t llleuipliii horned ,
MEMI1IIIS , Feb. 7-llelhaven female ccl.
lege at Jackson , Miss , , was burned this morn.
lag. The teachers and boarding pupIls saved
molt of their effects , Loss , 50000 ; insur.
ance , 137.000 ,
: : : " - '
State RoBot Commlsion ( Make % an Exhibit
fr Work ,
Mmsiy : DItrlcta Not Yet i4ItiefllmI : that thin
OiIlclisIe llave Contrihutell to tIme
( Jomforl of lito lcstluto (
LINCOLN , Feb. 7.-Speclal.-MthOtlgll ( )
the State lichief commIssIon during the month
of Jaauary ( listrIbuted 300 car loads of pro-
vltlons , fuel anti clothing , tIle i1O0.l of coni-
plaints as to lack of stlpphtes , over the destl-
tutlon of tIle people 1 the droub-sLrlcken
districts , and over tIle general Incmclency of
the Cofllnhissiolt Contintle to conic itt from
nearly every cotinty. In order that tile
extent of the distribution for tile 1000(11 ( of
Jenuary may be bettor estiiuatetl titc coin-
mIssIon , in its report to the tenate , Presents
In tabulatctl feral tile following atatemnent ,
showing the Iteillized Ehlpnlents to counties :
AfiteICliel 28 boxes , 414 sacks flour anti
(11011 , 24 Jarrela , 1 sack beans , 1 sack clothes ,
2 cars coal , 1 car wood ,
Illalne : S boxes , 2 barrels , 1 car coal.
Iioone : 13 boxes , 18 barrels , 480 sacks
flour , 18 cars coal , I bilnoile clotlling.
lloyd : 33 barrels clothIng and provisions ,
35 boxes clothIng amid provisions , 1,54S sacks
flour , 26 bsrrles flour , 3 packages clotliimtg , 48
bags clothIng , 300 pounds meat , 1 box bacon ,
3 sacks beans , 1 car coal , 1 car liotw , 6
sacke supplIes.
Iluftalo : 21 cars coal , 970 sacks flour , 6 $
sacks flour , 2 blgs flour , 10 barrels flatir , 71) )
boxes clctlllng , PrOVISIOnS anti grocerIes , 16
sacks CiOtilItIg , 3 packages clothing , 1 case
clothing , 84 barrels ciotltlmig , 154 sacks potatoes -
toes , 7 sacks vegetables , 81 sacks corn Illeal ,
1 sack lmieat , 460 poumids meat , 1 barrel sor-
glmiinl , 1 paIl lard , 1 package coffee , I sack
dried fruIt , 1,200 bushels cori , 100 bushmels
wheat , 60 bushels oats , 52 sacks
wheat , 3 blrrels loniiny , 12 pounds tea , 2
barrels crackers , 1 sack ahocs , 1 sack beans ,
5 cars grain , flour and potatoes.
Brown : barrels , 14 sacks , 48 boxes , 20
barrels flour , 286 sacks flour , 1 car provlsioils
and clotiling , 1 oar supplies.
Cllaso1 32 boxcs clothing , provieons ! ant )
groceries , 7 barrels graIn , 7 sacks grain ,
3 bales tiny , 84 barrels flotir , 230 sacks flour ,
25 barrels meal , 1 barrel vegetables , 11 packages -
ages and bundles clothing , 10 barrels clothing ,
11 sacks clothIng , 3 ears provisions , groceries ,
flour , meal and clothing ; 5 cars coal.
Cherry : 16 sacks clothing and provisions , 13
barrels and 6 boxes clothing and provisions ,
255 sacks flour , 5 sacks meal.
Custer : 4 packages clothing , 102 boxes cloth-
lag , grocerIes and provslons ; 55 sacks cloth-
'lag , 2 trunks clothing , 76 barrels clothing anti
provlaone ! , 428 sacks flour , 40 sacks corn meal ,
25 sacks corn , 200 bushels corn , 7 baios ilay ,
122 bushels oats , 550 pounds bacon , 10 sacks
whcat , 20 sacks turnips , 5 sacks meat , 1
tub clothing and provisIons , 250 pounds buckwheat -
wheat , 1 sack dried fruit , 161 pounds hominy ,
56' pounds rIce , 2 tons coal , 2 cars flour and
provisions , 11 , cars coal ,
Cheyenne : 21 boxes , 2 sacks and 4 barrels
clothing and provisions , 170 sacks flour , 1
barrel grain , 1 car flour , 1 car provisions and
flour , 1 car CoIl.
Dawson : 76 boxes , 50 sacks and 37
barrels clothing and provisions , 601 sacks
flour , 406 bushels corn , 70 sacks grain , 1 sack
meat , 40 sacks vegetables , 10 bundles clothing ,
2 bundles papers , 1 box pork , 4 sacks corn
meal , 1 box hats , 10 cars coal , 1 car wood ,
5 cars supplies.
Deuel : 3 cars coal , 16 boxes and 29 barrels
clothing and provisions , 172 sacks flour , 2
sacks clotiling.
Dundy : 18 boxes , 8 barrels anti 0 sacks
clothimig and provisons , 4 cars coal , 1 car
wood , 22 sacks flour.
Franklin : 10 boxes and 32. barrels clothing
and. provisions , 3 sacks clothing , 26 sacks
flour and meal.
Furnas : 8 cars coal ; 77 iarrels and 66
boxes of clothing and provisions ; 250 bushels
corn ; 20 barrels flour ; 30 bushels meal ; 135
bundles ciotiling ; 727 sacks flour ; 4 sacks
clothing ; 1 lot flour , 'quantity not. specified ;
I quarter of beef ; 12 sacks meal ; 10 sacks
corn ; 3 sacks wheat ; ' 4 pairs' gum boots ; 1
sack' hominy ; 1 bale clotlling ; 4 cars dressed
beef , flour and provisions ; 1 package ; 1 box
shoes. ,
Frontier : 53 boxes clothing and provisions -
sions ; 1,646 sacks flour ; 1 car wood ; 48 barrels -
rels and 24 sacks clothing and provIsions ; 34
sacks corn , beans and meal ; 40 bundles
clothing ; 1 car partly full , supplies ; 1 car
flour , provisions , etc.
Garfield : 33 barrels and 24 sacks clothing
and provisions ; 3 sacks clothing ; 1 case
almoes ; 3 cars coal ; 1 car flour ; 1 car provi-
slons from Oregon.
Gosper : 2 cars coal ; 1 car flour ; 3 boxes
and 12 barrels clotiling ; 20 sacks flour.
Greeley : 21. boxes and 7 barrels clothing
and provisions ; 32 packages and 13 sacks
, clothlng ; 70 sacks flour ; 9 cars coal ; 4 cars
Hayes : 12 boxes and 8 sacks dry goods
and clothIng ; 1 sack meal.
Hall : 21 barrels and 5 boxes clotlling ,
provisions and bedding ; 1 car provisions ; 1
sack merclmantlIse.
Harlan : 15 sacks , antI 2 bundles clothing ;
3 cars coal ; 13 boxes and 28 barrels clothing ;
2 sacks flour ; 1 car supplies ; 3 packagca
clothing ; 1 mattress ; 2 boxes groceries.
Holt : 37 barrels , 29 boxes and 26 sacks
clothing and provisions ; 20 sacks oats ; 330
sacks flour ; 20 sacks meal ; 10 cars coal.
Hitchcock : 43 boxes clothing ; 71 barrels
clothing and supplies ; 10 sacks supplies ; 257
sacks flour ; 30 packages clothIng ; 1 car corn ;
1 car potatoes ; 8 cars coal ; 15,000 PoUnds
oats' 15,000 pounds shelled corn ; 200 pounds
meat ; 1,000 pounds corn meal.
Howard : 65 boxes clothing , provisIons anti
vegetables : 75 barrels , 6 sacks and 4 packages -
ages of ciotltiiig and provisions ; 793 sacks
flour ; 24 sacks grain ; 2 cars provisions ; 10
cars coal ,
Knox ; 3 cars provislons 115 sacks flour ;
17 sacks meal ; 14 barrels clothIng and iro.
vsions 2 pails lord ; 1 can lard , ; 10 boxes
clothing and provisions 1 box groceries.
Keya Paha ; 7 boxes clothing , 9 barrels and
27 sacks clothing , 271 sacks flour.
Keith : 3 cars provisions , 2 cars coal , I
sack , 16 boxes and 34 barrels clotiiitg , , 106
sacks flour , 4 drulns ClOtillng and provisions ,
4 stacks groceries ,
Loup : 1 car vegetables and suppl'es.
Lincoln : 67 barrels and 65 sacks clothing
and provsions ! , C'J cars supplies anti flour ,
2 cars coal , 77 boxes clothing and provisions ,
40 barrels flour , 556 sacks flour ,
Logan : 160 sacks flour , 1 car coal , 2 sacks
clothing , 1. barrel and 2 boxes clothIng.
McPherscn : 12 barreie and 11 boxes clothing
and provisions , 22,076 pounds corn meal , 166
sacks flour , 1 car coal , 11 6aclts clothing , 2
barrels molasses , 2 kegs molasao ; oo pouna
bran.Nance : 3 boxes and 2 bundles clothing and
Perkins : 3 cars provisions anti flour , 2 cars
coal , 14 sacks clotiming , groceries anti provl.
sions , 19 barrels clothIng. 29 boxes clothing
and provisiolls , 63 sacks flour , 2 sacks meal ,
4 sacks clothing.
PlIelpe : 35 barrels clothing and supplies , 2
cars ccai , CO boxes clothing and provisions ,
2,700 pounds clothing and provisions , 2 saclcs
clothing , 44 sacks flour , 30 bushels wheat.
Rock : 7 baxes and 6 barrels clotlmlng and
provisions , 15 sacks corn , 200 sacks fibur ,
Slmerman ; 70 sacks and 1 bitnille clothing ,
provisions and groceries , 2 sacks corn , 171
sacks flour and meal , 441 barrels and 'Ii boxes
clothing and provisions , 1 kIt and 2 boxes
groceijes , 47 sacks flour , 8 sacks oats , 6 sacks
corn meal , 1 package clothIng , 200' bushel *
ear cori , 1 car Ccci ) , 11 cars coal , 58 cars
supplies and flour ,
Valley : 7 cars coal , 2 care supplies , 30 barrels -
rels clothIng and provisions , 12 boxts clothing ,
I box groceries , 60 sacks flour.
Wheeler ; 1 car coal , jhiQxclotttlng.
! mlurrleti at FHIiI Lily ,
FALLS CITY , Neb , , Feb , 7--Spo'ai.- ( ) .
Clarence Heckler of Moscow , Coli. , , and miIs
Gertrude \Vlndlo of ( hIi city 'were married
yesterday cit time home of the bride's parents ,
about live miles fronl this cIty , Rev. Bogart
of Salem officiatIng , Immediately after the
crermony ( lie happy couple received ( lIlt COIl-
gratulations of tlleir friends anti thi invited
guests. After partaking of a sumptuotis din.
ncr the remainder Cf the evening was speit :
most pleasantly.
Mr. flechler is a ,'do farmer iii Mos-
COW0 Cob , , and a one time lved in this
city , anti is ve1i known here. Miss Winti )
is time tiaimghter of Mr. and Mrs. Wlntile , anti
is also ivehi known , not only In thl cily , but
in Salem , Tile ntw Cotliiie wIll meke their'
home in Mcscow , Cob ,
1'OLK COtJTY'i NltlilY ,
lfl'orta hlelmig Mmtdo to Sconce State Ithif
in thmmit Section ,
OSCEOLA , Neb. , Feb. 7-Spcal-Evcry- ( )
thing is being dcne in this county to crones
the people to provIde for thox' who are stIfler-
lag. The county coniatisxIoners repcrt that
they are doing nh they can In lirovllflg the
common necessarIes of life for tlicso In need ,
and that they are providing for over 20G
persona from the poor farni funtl , which wIll
only last for a few weeks longer , A thor-
otigh organization bee been perfected , with
the COlflflliSII000rS at tue head anti a corns
lllItteE'ninn from each precinct In the Cotlnty ,
to canvass as to the needs. Hen , 3. 1' .
hleald ivas sent to Lincoln Tuestlay to con-
stilt with the State Relief comniisilcit and
try anti get COllie relief in flint. dIrection.
TIle churches anti secret societies hero cc-
581112011 relief conitnittees , anti the town alit )
cotlnty Is being thoroughly canvassetl ,
itLt' TAICII 'I'IIEtIt Ot'N TlIliL
lctemlmlrnlts iii tile limarrett Scott ( ce FaiL
it ) atilileilr
O'NiMLL , Nob. , Feb. 7.-Spccial ( Tcle.
gram.-Tlio ) tiefeittlants. In the Scott case dId
hot appear before tIle tllstrlct court today.
The county attorney received a letter from
Mulligait stating tilflt he was s'ck , but votlkt
canto In If tleslretl , The ofllcer replied Ihi'it
Ito could wall a day or so. The others wl
probably conIc ill tomorrow ,
Upon 'the collveiling of court this morning
Jtitlge Kimikalti reatl the opinIon of Judge
Chiapmiiait cli the tratilfer switch case ,
ttetmlts dt time Inld mIt AliitiiimI.
ASHLAND , Neb. , Feb. 7.-Spccial.-TIlS ( )
work at Sivift anti Company's ice PlalIt has
been abaildoned becatise of the wInd and cnlh ;
weatiler , anti shollitl it contInue mucit IMiger
it will b OIl inlposslbillty to fInIsh time work
of filling the house , because a large lortion of
the pond has already frczen solid to the bot-
tonI. A few 'days of such weather will
freeze thte entirc poitti into one Illlmense cake
ofice. .
A very liectillar anti amusng : lilCitlent happened -
pened hero this lIlorIlIng , TIm ivimid sifted
a man's lInt , off , carrlctl It. agaisist the si1o
of a brick buIldIng , crown out , anti raIsed
It gradually tip time side nearly to thmo tcp.
Then it shIfted a little anti caine down very
llcnrly in reach of its owner , vheui It. stnrted
back IIIi nearly to the toll again when the
wind carrIed it into tue street ,
John Jardine , who has been engaged in the
butcilcr btlsiness ill this city for same time.
left thiIs niorning for Council Bluffs , where
lie has bought out a large Incat rnarlcet on
A first class "smart aleck" came into tIme
Commercial hotel In tIllS cIty last evetting
and' registered his nante as "Ilarrett Scott
and designateti lila home as being "hell. "
Wlteii Landlord Baker saw vliat lie meant
110 promptly kicked the illdividual Into the
(3ntn Cotlilty l'itfleor Dead ,
BEATRICE , Feb. 7.-Special ( Telegram.- )
A message was received htro today frcna
Oak , Nob. , announcing the deatit of WIlliam
Townsend at that place last night , The deceased -
ceased wan an old resident of Gage cotrnty ,
ilaving lived for twenty years or Intro
on his faril ) nortileast of tills city. About
three years ago lie removed to Oak , whlere lie
ills since made Ills home. lIe was 60 years
old , anti leaves a large fallllly of'grown cliii.
dren , Ho was well known and elteenud In
this county among the older settlers. Tue
body will arrive here tomorrow for interment.
iCearmtry CotImity JIttlZ4s ResIgns ,
MINDEN , Neb. , Feb. 7.-Special.-E. ( ) 0.
Smead , county judge , a populIst , resigned ills
' 0111cc , anti tile copnty board appointed M. D. ' ,
King to fill tile vacancy.
'Percy , the lIttle , son 9f A' . 13. Andrews ,
county treasurer , 'die1 yerdai ( niorni'ng of
diphtheria. Tile lIttle daughter of Mr. Andrews -
drews , ill with thme same dIsease1 is coa-
Time county board is in session for the
purpose of devisIng sonic plan to hell ) tila
needy. .
Falls ( ICy Merehismit tenths ,
- '
FALLS CITY Neb. , Feb. 7-Special ( Tele-
grnm-Case's ) ilarness store was closed thIs "
dfternoon by tIme FIrst Natonnl banc ) and , the
Richardson County bank , which held chattel
mortgages to the amount of $2,800. Other
claims to the amount of $2,000 or over
are said to be held by other partIes. Tills
harness shop was the largest In the city and
had done a good business until the hard
times , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
State Notes.
Uncle John Hart , an old settler of Johnson -
son county , tiled at his home near Elk Creek
at tIme age of 60 years.
Bancroft Is to imavo a new paper , the Enterprise -
terprise , vImidt will be edIted by C. C.
Slleaffer , formerly foreman of tile Bancroft
Miss Edith Kepllnger of Tecumsehi sat so
near a hot stove that tier dress caught fire
and she burned her hands severely In putting
out tlmo flames ,
lIon. T. WT. Pepoon , for thirty years a real-
dent of Pawnee county , and once a member
of the state senatg , has concluded to move
south LtI1d locate at Hardy , Ark.
A woman'svllcel cltmT , has been organized
at tiraild Island , and club rooms are
establlalled , There are thjrty fair wheel rid.
era at Grand Island , and tIme club iroioses
to Introduce new costumes for thbir use ,
Time conlmnhtsioners of Burt county are con-
slderirmg tile advisabIlIty of calling for a
special tax assessment to enlarge and cx-
tend the ditches that tirain ( lie MIssouri
bottoms In the eastern' part of ( hue county ,
Eighteen Tecumseh boys , ranging in age
, from 7 to 16 years , purloined a lot of beer
kegs and started a lIre to give them light
amId warmth whIle they vero coasting. They'
vero arrested , but were released after being
givell a severe reprimand by the judge
'rime IllOioril himvithld
lies tastes medicinally , in keeping with other
luxurIes. A remedy mtltt lie pleasantly tic-
ceptablo In form , purely whioleaoino ill cOIlIPO-
altion , truly beneficial In effect anti entirely
tree from every objectionable quality. If
really Ill ho consults a physician ; If constl-
pated lie uses the gentle famIly laxatIve ,
, Syrup of FIgs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jilul &ook Vomirml ( tiIlIv. ,
iroit'r SMITh , Ark , , Feb , 7-'I'ile jUf ) In
the case of DIII Cook and Ciieroiceo 1)1)1 ) re-
turnctl a verdict of guilty. These convictions
are for robbing ( lie Wells-Fargo express Cohn-
paiiy and the St. Louis & Sail 1"ranclsco road
at Red Fork , I. T. , on the 18th of last July ,
There nrc several other cases against them.
Dr. Coyio mUuy Itecover.
DENVER , Feb. 7-Altliottgli 11ev. 1)4 , John
i-I. Coylti , Pastor of tIm First Congregational 4
church : , who Is suffering from kidney oils-
ease and muscular riieimiastlsm of time heart ,
Is hot yet out of daimger , thmera ilas been a
slight improvement In lmiml condition which
justlflei the hope that Ito vlll recover ,
Mayor Vetoes time Yramchsiio Order ,
BROOKLYN , Feb. 7-Mayor Scimlorlit has
vetoed tile resolution adopted by the hloaril
of Aldermen on Monday revoking tile trolley
franchIses of the Brooklyn CIty und Atiantics
Avenue Street Itaill'/ay coillianles ,
S ,
Ee-Mlmsistrr Stevens CrItically Ill. '
AUGUST/6 , Me. , Iel ) . 7.-lion. J , L.
Stevens of thii& city , minister to' hawaiI in
PresIdent Harrison's term , Is critically Ill
with nervous prostration and heart trouble.
Calii thit Foilowl the Storm.
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Feb. 7-Speclsl (
'l'eiegraiu.-TliO ) blizzard of yesterday has
been succeeded by a calm , 30 below zero last.
night , and 20 below at noon today.
' - - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - -
; T. - .
1(00.14.03 Union Ave. , g555as Cily , 310 ,
- - - - - - - - ' - - - - - -