. - - - . - - - - . /1 (1 . r * 4 _ _ TilE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , FEUnUAD.Y 8 , 1895. ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , I . TIlE OMAHA DAIX BEE r , r. 1OSVATfl - J lor. tUn.lsncu nVI nMonNING. . , TERMS : OF IYflRCfl1PT1O. , Plly UN ( Without BunllnJ ) , Oe Year . . . $ 8 0 IaIly I3e nnd 5unlny. One Year . . . . . . 100 * HI Months , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . ; ( (0 . Th"e I thnth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 " Sundny ltee. On" Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4 SaturdlY lire . One Ye'r. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 r \VeekIy 1 IN . One Year..o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ' ' CI 0'1'1 S ' Omaiii. The Itee Thitliling. I 80ulh Omnh . 1(0 8lnl r Ik , . Corner N an,1 21h St ! . Council Ifluff ! . 12 tlarl Street. Cle81 OtTtee . 317 Chnmber ot Comm re. S New York , noma 1. 1 COO IS . Tribune UId. Wuhlnton 101 F Rtreet. N. \V. . . All commnnkntlonN SlONDmCI news nnl odl- tonal matter aloul ho Ilalnl < ! To the Ldltor. . . IUSINI SH I.WrTlmS. All tuenees Ilt r nod remIttance-i ehouM0 addrl80,1 to The lee 1ubllhlOI commnY Omaha. Urni. , checks nn,1 p"tomee orlra to t made . In1'nhll to the ell r o the Company. THU 1m lUI.ISUINt COMPANY. . STATJlmT OF CIttCUt.ATIOI. Glte Ii. Tzchuck secrllnry ot The leo Pub- licking company . betng duly eworn , Mya that l.hlng cmpnny. helnJ the aclUnl numhcr nr full nOi cflt.tete clle" or the flatly tnrnlng . l \nln and Sun.lnl' lice naly Morlnl. \ ! t ( rlne" luring the month ot January ] 8 : . was na tolowsl I. . . . . . . . . 1'.30 : 1. . . . . . . . . 19,201 2. . . . . . . . . 20i1 18 . . . . . . . . . 19,183 3 . . 20.151 ] 9. . . . . . . 19,170 3. . . . . . . . . . 19,17 4. . . . . . . . . 19,612 .20. . . . . . . . . . 20.18 , 5. . . . . . . . . U.490 21. . . . . . . . 20,913 , . 9 . . . . . . . . . 20Y1 22 . . . . . . . . . . 19Ud3 : 2. 1. . . . . . . . . . 19.703 23. . . . . . . . . 19,81 ' 8. . . . . . . . . 9.73 , 2. . . . . . . . . . 20,2 9. . . . . . . . . 19,621 2d. . . . . . . . . 20,2 : 10. . . . . . . . . . n,70 26 . . . . . . . . . . 21,193 I. . . . . . . . . . n,31 .27. . . . . . . . . . 21.10 4 12. . . . . . . . . n,4i8 Pt . . . . . . . . . : O,2i .1. . . . . . . . . 20,3 : 2. . . . . . . . . 20,213 t' 1. . . . . . . . . 19.4r1 30. . . . . . . . . UU19 1r. . . . . . . . . 1.515 31. . . . . . . . . 20,63) , 16. . . . . . . . 19,318 , Total , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C11.G 13 C Lez " un.oll1 nnl1 returned copIes . . . . . . . . 6,274 Tothi Ile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . , C11.21d , .Sunday. TOll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,713 oloitois n . T7SCIUCK. OWlo , Sworn to before me nn.1 . .uh.lrlhNl In my pree- - cnce tlia 2.J tIny 'It l.htulr . 11 : ( < ) I J N. 1' . I'ml" , Notary rubtic. . Out of slglit-tlii' I IJI'C\'r In tht or- . . nnlcnlni theriiiotneler. 9. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . : , I ' 1lot hnrl to . cXlllnln why Iuloor , slmtll Is just now l0re lllllnr than the outt1oo llorl. tl ouiloor ! , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 " ; Il ese COilSUttlIlOIlnI nmentlment couslutolul ! , shmtlt hy nil leaUR 1m l hmllel 10 the ' I , 'otm's lt the lext hll'nllal oheetloti . ; The gtld jl' ' fxe ! Ihe heugtht of Its ' Own sitthlig. 'l'hiei'e will hc time yet . . for..ev01'yIly ( to be hl''t before It. t Fet ' I Inl who hnH said his lust word on the ynhwd polcy ) Inw Cllllnin lnlmel' ; . Is stIll , tnlln rather voluminously and loudly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : . . Now Ihnt IIOIIIHII ) ) hell the bnl- alice of 110\\'el' Iii the Hennte the ques- : , ton 1'eetirVhtiit arc : they going to do ; with I ? . nl' 1I'tIIUel ) for nn nvalnnchc of be- , low zero storIes of hall breadth escapes - capes front alnost hlY.lnhle ) ( death I fl'OI ti'eezhtig. I George )1 Pulnltl wIll ll ' tile do- Inquent tnxes his cOIIn ' owes thIs city our city olellis will return the aflh1Utti1)l1sesi1e ; ga\'otheI and nil ' Wi bt r r'en. . " r/ The entrIes for tlo county commls- slonerslll ) race are still 01)041. I there Is nny elIgible poltclnl who has , not yet nnnouncd hIs candidacy , he should lost 10 tme In puttIng his 1inme on the list. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a ' 1'1e death of Robert Clg leaves ' n 'ncnnc ) In the Jcmbm'shlp ! of the * tleinoct'ntlc state committee. This q the opportunity Which ItichItl Mnrthii Oll11tunltyhlcl ucld llartn ought not to neglect A chalce to bo { * made regular docs lot come every dl ' . V ' - After the consular and diplomatic $ & . service has been dellolmllet ] of 1cpub- ; . leans for the benefit of democ1ate : 9. ' ofccscekels the ( democrats In the senate 'bnvo suddenly become converts to the : ] Irlncllie of ! civil service reform In nil L' branches or the State doimrtinent. . The raIlroads are now battling ' with Uio lIhIzzurd . . Belated aUl abandoned / , trains are reported over a wide section , - of counh' But the wInter Is fur spent : r , and ' this Is the first time the operation ; , of tL'atIIS his been seriously ' Interfered : with. ' Theta Is nothing to arbitrate. ' , , , Secretary Morton 11blshes n revised etlitioll of his I'cc'cnt t1t1dreS4 < tel o 11ltl'csI before tht ; Nelirslm Stute HIstorical society In the North Amm'lcnn evlew ulcm' the tithe c ' , or "Ihe Financial i1udt1le. " Secrc- , , . , try- iortoli's associations In the cabilet r. ; : ought to cnnhlo hll to 51)01112 ) or the ' iiiutldle , Ir uny one < n. I . , 1arlnls de Pulman mi ) ' yet bt cast . ? ' : Into , n thlgton for contelllt of court. Should that tt'lblt thing come to him : : wo hOJO the turnkey wi give hIm n l lower be'lh 011 ( chnln the UPIJtI' berth . i . ( lown , t'CI tholgh I ht teiitntless. : - . ! PlQfl the Ilrluls will Imow how his V bens are mnde to IUrCI' . , - - 4 Attention has been cahheti ) o thin fact , that not 010 of Secretary Cnl'ls10't es- _ thnales or l't\'CIUt ( luring his 111C111fl- 7 belcy of the treasury hns omo alY , where hear the Ull'k which the lalst ' - or time has llrO\'cd ) COI'I'CCt. I his IU'cs- ) out estimates of lu'ohnble Ht19'iillS , for 180 O'U , ill ) 101'0 ICCI'lto than hIs irc- vlous guesses they need not bt taken I / Into ICCOllt lt tthi. , Every rlsoutol ] of the city council , 0hil'Oit'itltlllg ) ) ) 01. iii'oh'iiig the 11II'01I'lnln 0' h1'oIYII UXIICll- ) turu of money IUFt luwo lie ( npjii'ovni -1 , of the 11\)01' the Rnl0 If ( ' 0111 L'llCtS nntl ( ordiiiaizves. Tile Clllll'tel ' ' olc1ntmCNj. 'lo chnllC' II'o\ldes ) . nnillo ) II'otcctol II the cl , , tremt.y agnhlIpIt lUtY ( 1"1 his tO111 ' ' . ! nllst llot rrol fll1' Hom'ce. Its l'Ill cnforcement wi stop mnny J Icul.1 Which itt tile cnd or the ( 'Cl' show Inl& ( eXjeudltflt'CS of molley. . : rC01110 neell not cXllect ) tile Sti000ssor BI'ceSSOl' , , , , , of Seitator-olect ' 1lll'slol Its JCncml so- UCH01' ' for the Union Ilclto rlliiL'Ofll to be ZlillOilltetl 'ivlilio the ' ' loIIIL'1 whlo ttt I'glslntol In ' which thnt Ioad If so ( tC'III ] ) Inlellstcl ( ( 'I , Is pending In cngl'e ! There are too : 1tU ulbllous Ltttorlie's , lu both houses or congress wToso votes are not iit1acccpubie , hut whose ardor In the c cause ot the tUllnj Icasurcs might , cool Wel'O the } Woslecth'o ) vacancy In . the legal tclll'llent to bo hnletllltcl , closed . We lillY 1) sure that the Ulion . ) l/clc I'ced\'el's wi Proceed very : slowly nnt tuko every circumstance ' tldcl' careful conSl011\tol before they ; decide who Is to 1. the next gcnel'al ohlcltoi' for the road. t , . FAITh 1 , TIl oorRnMMzvr. Irtsll lt Cleveland Is reported to haVe txllrefscl ( the belief In response to the rell'eulntOlR or certain hnnlwrs I to the t/cnt necessity oC speedy action to lelllenhdl thc gel ] reserve that the ( Alcrll'IU lleoillo ) anl those wHh IIORt itt /take hn\e ! ufecnt conflelce In lie ' ' 411141 Its iilslitIitlOIlS JO\'l'lnwlt 111 IK InslulonR not to entcrlnln n1 ' douhl ) oC Its Iblt ) Inl1U'llo e to faithfully IlerrOl1 evem'y ohlhlton. ) ( 10 did not , thm'cfol Ihnlo the fcitt' or those Immikers : lS to any serious tituiger from n fllther Ileille- ton oC the treasury Jell reserve. This ml ' not hc quie , colRIRlclt wllh the tOIC of the president's Rllect1 ) 11111lnl ) to eoiigicss , hut none the less I Is n wel foultlell view Were It not for ttt . 1l10Mt to\llls9 conltencc ] oC the } ' ' COflIIth)1ls lilighit ide In the o\'et'nment contttons ( ha\n hll1 9'Cl'3 ' 11111011V0l'SO tlll the vast 3'cl' timid I half thnl they ht\'t ileell ' Iii thnt Ile'lol tlls conlhlence ht\1 hcen ) llt to 1 VCI' ' Sc\'el'e test. , 'rhe leollle hI1\0 Scull tt ( t'o'elllieS or Ihe gO\'ClIIWlt failing steadily helow lie ( expeimtlittires . Ihu ( ] mhle debt ill- . crcasiiig . ( lie goll rcter\'etl for the re- clellllol of the Ilnper ohhIgfltlOilS ) of . the 11t01 ( 1lawl flOI the tn'mmt.y Iltl ( Ielt 111011. ) nHI whie nil his I vas I tnldn llltcc t1 ' hnyc alseel the purl3' 11 IJ"el' hopelessly ) tl\hletl ( ns to whnt Iholll he tlolw ( to lemely theRe colllol1 Iltl the t 1IIl' : IwllleRsly ) Ihouinlol'hllg Ihuut In Flnlch of ome WiY out of the dileillina . ' ! 'ht peoPle halve 19'itlll'SSIJI the lulnlnllh'olon IUll ( n Iljoll ' of Its plll ' In cotigress , 1111 . ' dhi'ectlons regtlrdillg a flunli- In tllel'clt tlh'cctons re Itll fulu. . clnl POlICY , 111 they hll'e ; seel the 8ec. rotary of the tl'eflStll7 IHl'Slllg n { 'OUlSU the tentluncr of which has been to hUllnlr ) the CI'Ctl of the goverimliteilt. Still : , the llcolie hn\'u nc\'ll lost con I. tleueo ill the abll ' Iuul 1)I'pose or . the go\ ' lnllmt to falhfuly llelfoll ) every ohlllol ) , ni hough the strain ever silco Ihls t tlelocltc mlmlllstraton 1111 ( congrcRs came Ilto power his bcel Ilwd , 'rhls coul1clce Is due to two facts. In the first IIInce the people know that the resources or the o\'crlmelt arc practcul ) ' illOXhtitlStilhC ) . Ind In tile second ) lnce they IUlelfIU11 thlt the lalutClnCe of the crcdlt 111 UIO Integrity - tcgrlr of the government rests wIth thlelllSeiVei4. I Is In C'lltuce thlt a IJrt . cnn tllll/e the credIt of time nnton Ill do Incalulable Injury to the Interests timid welfare or the lleolle. ) but no llrir ) cnn destroy the natonl credit except wIth the consent of a lujorlt . of the ICOP1e. For sOle tle Inst ) , or since the last general election , ' faith In time \ ' ' hus JoJUlnl' ) fnlh go\'m'luent heen Htrengthcned ( und buoyed by time : i knowlmIgo that thc next congress wi be rl'lJblcan , at least In one brunch , amid that It wi give the country no financial legislaton that Is not In the Interest of a souud and stable currency , Bnd for UH maintenance of the credit of the government. : Time . people have no eXllcctaton ) of getting fl'om this congress - gross any vise amid safe fuahcul legislation - ] nton' , because they"lmO" tile dominant I elument In time democratic party , which demaUls fret silver amI n stat 1)119912 cm'enc , will not pelmlt It But the ' feel secure against n worse cOllton of affairs In time fact tlmt the life of this congress Is nearly ended alm(1 that It has probably done n10ut ) nil the hnr1 It Is Callable of dolug. No people have greater confdence In their governmtnt than the American peolle ! , but It iiilglit ilt'e survived another two years not I\'e Inother of complete demoemtc control HIW GIVES IT UI Tht arrest and Imlrlsonment of Llu- olmilul npears to' have cntrelr h1'01wu the spirit of the Into queen of hawaii and It Is Innouncel thut sue has sur- rtnderod nil clulms to time timroiie. having clu\nged \ hoe attitude of hostility to the republican goyernleut to one of 811111- catou for cle\enc ' . There can be no qucston that the deposed queen was In full srmpnthy with the recent ntemlt nt rebellion zulU gave to It all the aid and comfort at her < slOsnl I Is stated that , her houst was Couud to ht ) n ye'lta- hIe arsenal and there Is no , hack or evl- deuce to show that she was nn acUvo party to the rejected rC'ol agnlust the go\'el1tnt Still It Is to bo hoped that her nlpel1 for cemency twill uot be un- . LIiluokniamml Is ' s'enic ileCdel. Ilnolmlnni a very wo11. WOlln , who hnH altvays been n catsllW In tile hnmls or n lot of ndvciituners. Ins the Infuence or th'st men that led to hm' downfnl nnt It l 'Is to tWl maInly that she owes her prcstnt 1)081- UOl as n pnl8ouer charged wIh ho ! most serious crime that cnn bo conuultcil agaInst n govenlllilent. These adventun- 011 hnvo IlorBtlctt ) ( lien that I was pos. bible for her to re/Ihf the throne nml ( In her great eagerness to l'etul to time little IJ011) and power which she hail unjoret ( silo could not see thnt she twos being umisied. At host she has betn brotigimt to Bee time groUHleslne s of her Iolls timId she gives up the fight , ns she ought to 1110 done 101A siimce when there wns I chnnce of l'cceh'lng such conBIIll'aton ( CI'OI the JoYelmtnt lS woull ht\'e ennhlet her to hive out her life In llnco ) , tud comfort. As It 11 the gOYellent of Hawnl : l/r hot puulsh her for evltclt complciy ) In the at- h'mllt\l ( ] InsurrectIon , but It wi humidly feel disposed to jl'OVIie ) for Ier ( utu'c , As ; n 1UtCl' of fact , Lluolwluul hnd no claim to time throle Iud thel'cfol' coull HIlrnt4lmder none. lien tlpollUOl With 1t COl11cto ] IS that of Dom Pedro of BI'nzl , who neycr ufC'wIUd 1t\ln ( all ) ' IJ'ltcuilol to' IUlllA cnlns ] to time tiiroiie. But t great 111) of the ( Ignor- 1 alit IIHl ( tehHlcd l'oynlslK of Ilwll ho- hlevi'ml that time claim , asserted b1,1 uolwlnll WIS wel fOUltlCl even ufer - the rt'llublcll Jo'm'lum1 had been n.ucogiil'i.ecl by leading Ul UOl ! amid her nblllonment or tile alleged cllhn wi have time etcct t remove this noton ( the mhHIH of her foiiow'ei's CIOI tl foloWN'S 1111 to put Oil cml to COlsllh'acles ) 111011 thcm. Wlh the \anhllllg of the Idea or 1':10'111 the dlllosell ( ItWen wi ( lSI111)L'II' alt schemus or Iumsurrec- tion , thus l'uutlel'lug moro Secure tho- pence ot tlQ 1awI111 l'Ollhlc. ) tel NO ftU' aR Its stnblty is I conCC'ncll that st'ctmms to ( bo Cul ) ' assured. nut lime gOt'em'lUlellt ) his II0tl ( test to undel'go 'II dctlng With time l'lCstel itmsurmce. tonlst ! who . , It Is saId , are to bo tried I ) ' eoumrt-mmmnrtIai. ] Time imett' 1' llubll ma ) ' lud It wise lu this mater to take n les- _ _ s-n r Ron frm time example or thlg country In ( Icnlng wih rebels. AN 1.IUT1tTIOZo' ( )1' ' SCOTT. Among the decisIons hnndet down by the SUIrele C ut or the state of W\- ; consln 01 Monday wns one which took severely to tnl oue oC the j111JCR ( of nn Inferior court for alslllnf to exer- clc the IJnrtlollnl power which Is vested In the executive alone. The judge In questol , .luilge Chemnemitsomm . hnlllltrtnlen to suslleltl thc opera- ton of n slntence n rer It lied beel : prono\1cct1 Time . case was carrIed to the SUl'le , court which In its opinIon Ilmlnlsters thIs scnthln relnmket In this cso Limo execution of 1 sentence already pronounced Is IndefinItely suspended , and I may b the pleasure of the court never to dIrect execution , so that Iho ( suspension has the effect of n parton or of arrest of judgmenl Indeterminate or flush without the authority of law , and II Is to ho likened ! to the incorporation Into our criminal juris- , pru\lence \ of the "ticket-of-leave" system wllh- out any at Its safeguards leaving the con- victed criminal subject to the mere option of the jUlge , who may direct time entorce- menl of time sentence after any lapse ot time . however great , or withhold It , to the great detriment , II may be , of the Intotst ! at the public . a power plainly liable 10 get nbuse. In the state of Xebrl11m t power equally dlmmmgerolms ] IUll stll\'crstVti oC thc consuuttntl lhm.tes of the people has hecn ) usmllell br Cunulnghtl It. Scott , thc judge ll'eslln over the cl'lllunl htlch of thIs jUtlclnl ( histrict. lie hns ntcl11le\1 \ to exercise the PIU'- donlug power In favor of crlmlntls In direct "Iontol ] of the Jaw , mint oimly lIftet' ' of but nfer ll'ouuuclatol ) senlence , also after 1 idea or guilty wihout AtI' tence ; I I jUdge could hlletniely poslllnu ) ) sontcncc ? amid le the'll'lsouer out on bal after hearing him plead guilty to the charge ngtlust hIm , ns tlll .Imgc ! Scot In the Woorltge ] amid Jar- Ilne cnses. wu woulll htye 1 "ticket-of- lewc" systemu lu ollt'nton evcn Inane ( ' ' ' amid ' liable 10 mubimse tItan arbitrary mO'O Inble n1ue tlU that which the 'Vlscomn , supreme court so VlAo1ousb' t1i'tmotimmcti. The CIstou Is whoU1m' the legIslature , In which tIme romtty lies , wi , by Ignoring such jumdi- clal usurpatons , give themii its silent tldol'somen t. SOUl7'llU Fen , NU7'lI ; G. I Is related ! or Peter Cooper that . ho once said ] ns nn encourgoment to young men , " [ havu made It the rue ] of mr . life miewer to receive anythIng fl'om time ' world for which I did not render In equl\\lent In some form of servlco. " A great filth ) ' people seem to hlvo no- versed Peter COOIIC1"S princIple and to bo exertn every effort to get as much from the world In return for ns smnl an equlvalcnt us possible. Thc great test or success lies with them , not In making Important contrIbutions to the welfare . or society , but In gettng something for ! nothing. ' .here arc n gent mlny Waysor got- thug something for nothing. , TIme In\\ defines n few of ( ttel by the trms rob- bony , forgery , embezzlemcnt , obtnlnlng goods by false pretenses . There Is another - other way which Is in specific Instances referred to as , bribery and which con- sIsts In porvertng the Ollportunltles , or publc ! 'otce to plvato gnln. Too mnn3 pUbl ofGcrs are not content wIt the compensl don of tlh' office stipulated ly statute , but InsIst upon Increasing I by questonable perquisites or by sell- lug Indulgences . to override the law A great proportion of the measures consid- ered by our legislative ] bodlos-just what portion It Is Imosslblt to snare noth- ing 1016 nor less than schemes by which their promoters hope to get some- thing for imothlng. Whether It Is the free use or the streets or a city ,01' the exclusion of smulel' comJtors flom business , 01 n contract foi' public Work at exorbitant prices , the ultmnte object Is time same. - But just as In tIme physical world mat- tel cannot OCCUIJY two spaces nt the same tIme , what one party gains wih- out returning nn equivalent another ' loses without receiving In equh'nent ] In cuse or robbery the loser Is nn mdi- vldull UJl he Imows time extent of his loss ant the remedies for hIs wrong. Where , howevcr , tIme process Is Uule\ forms of Inw , whole , for : exnmille , a val- unblt franchise Is given away by reeve- alit representatives of the people , the loss falls upon the whole people und ( Is so dlstrbutod that no one ImowH to "hnt extent he hns lJl'solaly been do- Cl'auded. Here time Icponsblly ! or 1)9mb- lie ofclnls Is doubly great becluso they are tntrustml , with the rights of time IHblo anti the PUblic 18 ublo t defend Itself only tl'ough timem. VALUADLz COM.1fAJlWIAL iLOIWEAWNT. . Time 1ew commorclli agl'ctment whIch has been entered Into bttwc n time Unlttcl States and Sllln wi bo zip- Iu'eclntod hy the agricultural interest ' of this ed'untry , slnco time effect twill doubtless be to restore to the ' doubtess us nll'- Iwta of Cuba nnd Porte lIke for breadstuffs - stuffs , which wo lost by time tcrllnaUon of time reciprocity nl'l'ungcment , as wel lS other products of both the furl nnd fnctom'y. As soon nR time recIprocity agl'ellnt between this country 111 Splln , applcablo ) to the AntllB , went Into effect . time ' Sllmlsh jOVC'nmcnt rc- ImlJOSetI uIon Alcrlcan ] J'otlucts ( time old tarIf rates . whIch as to most of these were 1)lctcal ' 1)rOimIIitom'y. ) ) Un- . , den reciprocity this 001111r ) hind almost mono110lzetl the u\rlwt ; of Cubl tImid Ponte Hco for 10m , the trade In this ono artIcle ha\lng . Itllnoll to large ] nntllu'oltahlo ( II'Opol.tons , whlo our IX- ! poi ' ts to those Islundl of tIll tmmi ides In delunt that word yenmmumtenially In- Ct'citSCd. ] In n word , wo hltl ( establIshed trade rCltons ] 'on nn enlarged scale wlh those Itlandl whIch WC'e muluulr btlwlclal lud whih wore certaIn to grow wih the devoiolulon t or the Is- In mls. Pretty much 11 of this was lost wih the ending oC l'eIIJ'oclty , owIng to thai l'elmlloslton or tile old mlxlmul tl1'lf . by time SlJnlsh government , which seel0t to have been done In a Blllrit of l'eullnUon , sInce at time slmo tm the mluln\uU \ tarIff was applied to mer- chtmt1se exported fr01 Canlda to limo Spanish \Vest Imlnn Il0Slosslons. ) This disci'immilnzttion was taken notIce or by our Joel'utllt nnd JejotuUons N1- tel'cd Into with tIow to lluclug ] time Uul'll States at Jelst ou all equality tritli oilier eouiiti'ies. It ' ed wlh count'lcs. I Iequh'otl UI earnest . IH'ISentnton ) of time 1utcr ou time 11II.t of our 1O\'cI'lltnt. carrying - . ) " 1 wlh . It nfTrIflThhiel pimnuose to lCel the discrlminqtitj svithi retaliatory mcns- ( wih relnlntory urs , to llu' ce tile Spnnldl Jovern- l1nt to recede 11'01 Its policy , nnd ( thll hn\'lnl hccn nccomlllshcd there I" rca- lon to C:1Il'Ct ) that thieve will not Flon ) agaIn Illfe any dlstnrbanc or the com. 11I'cln ] 11Intons ( btlytcn tIme t'nl(11 ' ' Rico. or States and CIIJ 111 l'orto Hco. course tii9lmlew rCellt does nol tif 1ew l ( < give this country the nlh'nltngeR en- jocl ( mul'l ( the reciprocity arramige- . ment , html I ] Jll n.on un ellnul ( with 0111' comnital I H\nls nlel In n fair com11etlon ( wI Ilml untlonhtell ' have time hest o'r 1P1 ' 'l'lm mlml lstrlton Is to bl com- muetttletl ] for ' . this almotmt. lemetl JI"ln ht'onJht Ihout. nml If Its ! cton In the mlter CUl- 10t fairly bo regarded as n conclS- slon to reciprocity It was lIt least un Indirect neklowletglent ] of the 'nlue of lint 110Ie3' . Brazil 1)imVStmel ) the ( snmu course lS Sllln In rtlmlOsll time old . duties on Imllot.tl of 1'lcrlcln10' ducts amid the nlmh11strton wonll do wel to tnrn Its atenton to that ( 001111r ( ) ' with u \Iew to ohlalnll ) ! 10l'e favorable conshlell ( loll. . The ndimiiiilsi'ritlomi ( lnnncln ] bIll WIR dereatltl In the honju yesterday by 11 good ltlzljfltlty mul with It went the Huh- aUnle offered hy Mr. heed This WIK I the third nwnRl'e which 11\1 hecnrc - scntcl to represeiitliig time stntctl commgress tiM lelllescntl IhulcialIuws amid wishes or time lllelhcnt ] lul secretary of the treasllr.t' 1911(1 ' its . flll'o twill IH'obahlut ) aim . eld to further efforts from that qUtu.tul ( to thapo ) curreimey le IKlaton by thlK con- gross. I wIll also serve to stremigthiemi the l'I'Ieton oC the hOllecssncss ] of Aeth1J 1911) ' fnlnclal Iclllulon CI'OI time pI'clent con l.tSS. Other mlnSI'CS twill be prolloctl ) , but It Is pe'fectr obvious thut the'e wi bo no practical resll from nimy : efforts In this dlrectIoii. 'i'hls hell ! the case the only thinA to be done Is for the sect'chU of thai tleas- tiny , to Issue the honds ) neccsnl ' to re- store the gold reserve and sol ttC1 on the 11st thrills he cln get AH the defeat of the administration bi ) waR Icnerl ' cxpeclet the efec lu fimmllmi- clnl cIrcles will not be hnlloltan t Govern.or Crounse refused to . entorse the demnml of the Imlvcr81 rlenlR for nn extra half 11 tax for that : lu- stitution. Heferlul to It In hIs mmmes. i' sage , he said : " 'Vhle , I shnre lu thc just prlte the Ilcolle . ] of tIme state feel In the immilversity nml appreciate . the 11110rlmCl ! n trtdtllablt of ll'\ld- Ing hIgher educatIon ' for our young , yet I cannot rupress the suggestion that wih the Rtatq'LI _ wlh the famiy or hi- tl\lhla ] , Ut q eston of cost and ability to pa ' It mast . 11c coushrorcl In connec- ton wih the queston of desirabIlity. . " 01 this point Go\ernor . Crounse was \iestonlbl ( ) accord with time general - oral . _ polulnr , . scniiiiemit " . , ol the su Ject , \ : t. . . ! The State , , Holtf C0111ssion . an- louncts , thiaj jas iiro , clothing than cnn bo made or service to the druth I . sufferers fol' - \\1Im Uw contributIons were Intendpd.r IntendIng contributors " Intontpd" , ! ma ) ' take tIme hint and maw ] . theIr of- fm'higs' hI .th' ! C F " i'df , fiel"pr'IRl : , feed or seed grain , but It I wl..be . much safer to supply the destitute set- tIers with more clothln than the ) ' all- b lnley ] need titan to leave them cxposd to ' biiszards. . - , - , The Pot of Fme. . . ; . Giob.Demoert , The , member ot"the , present ci'ongress who ha made the molt motohs to adjourn will have the best standIng In history. TIle l'UI)1 TORches the Tene'ber. . \Vahlngton Star. Japan Is disposed to discourage the tradi- then that a lavish consumption of time and a ton enormous surplufage of conversation are necessary to , the transaction of official busi- ness. The little Island will be giving lessons In diplomacy , yet " . A t 'rlacs EpidemIc. . ' - IansRs' City Stnr. General Weavers assertion that we are Weave ' "face' to face wltl' great crIsis" suggests the unhappy fact tat we are also face to face wIth Weaver. who Is In Colorado where they declare crisis dividends every month , The general ha passed the greater part' of his life seeing , crises. . I Is I sort of delirium tremens delrium . ' Fron1 " i'nrtissn StandpoInt. LouisvIlle Courier-Journal ( dem ) , Looking at the mater from I strictly partisan standpoint as most of the repub- lcans 4n congress have Insisted on looking at It , I would be better for the republicans that the present congress should take some definite acton on : the fnancial question thBn that II should be left entirely to the next congress The republicans are about as badly 11lt up on monetary maiers as the democrats ar.e. - . - Gettysburg a , Nntl011 ; I'ark. Phiadelphia flecord. Among the great battlefields of all the world's history there Is none Ihal Is more hallowed In Its memories or that stands for I nobler lesson than Gettysburg. The Union has fittingly chosen I as the na- . tonal military parl Is sol , ns President Lincoln declared , In hIs memorable address : has not needed this consecration. The intermingled - termingled blood of the Blue and the Gra ) ' . the common heritage of patriotism and manhood of both the north amId the south has baptised this great ground forever as the bartsed of he government of the people by the V people . for the people. . Time l > cOlI' Jtuat l'py. Chltag fliapatch . The Brooklyn Street Railway company secured - cured its franchise for nothing. I has be- , come enormously w aitliy. I has gtven In I return poor service. I has beaten the ' world's worst r cord for grade crossing slaughters. I hal1lncI'eased the hours ! labor and groul1doWn its 'employes' wages. I has forced ! Mf Into 1 strike costing hundredK of thqopds of dolars , I has discommoded timptiaiIc ; hns saddled on the taxpayers 1 heaV bill for military service and . has causedlhl loss of life anti prop. I crt ) . _ . ! I _ And now It w199 modestly asl the city of wi Brooklyn to . na' ( 1unages sustaIned by the company , during ! \ strike. ) Caesar has told us that "Al Gdal 'as divided Into three parts. " 'Ve cal'I ( cUe : at least two of the parts. 1 f 1 1 , 7 I The ) , II ht II Function. IlclKO Herld , The annual h8of the Chinese minister at 'ashlngton anmfllflhly brings out that gregarious - garlous timing , Washlngton 110g. lre- year the herll llU8ie3i by the Inert footman and to time numh'J1 < 80 hued the cmlJssy to whIch anotimer o persons had been In- vited. The carrVr. ( who was ordered to provIde for 40 urDijotizld himself confronted with 1.20. doubtless wonders whether they do these thIngs b'ttr In China. Time mints- tor naturally dlUlkeKlto nslt for tel tural tompolice pro- tecton for a legatiOn bail . but as every country Is under ( bl@aton to protect lor- elgn embassies from mobs the 'ashlngton local authorities should slaton a Gatng gun . hose cart with water on and a brigade 01 lO11CO In front of the ChInese 1 brlga,11 next yeur. The 'Vlshlnglon hog ministers kept out by any less formIdable barricade. 7111.2 flr,7kCTRI ) lUtZ 111' iItLT. Tl nrTWrRn Imr.rr JUlr , - Washington Star : Time house of rlpresentn- tives did the right thing when It recommitted - mlted to the commIttee on Paclfo railroads that measure which Is popularly known u the funding 1)111. The scheme Invoh'Cl promised Ironl only to those who have nl- ready secure possession ot very much more than Is their own. Chicago Post : Whatever may have been the I're\ex of "protecting the government" on which this bill was put forward the measure has very generally been regarded ns n device for the relief of the pirates ot the Central l'aelfle. tinder Its terms these patriotIc cItizens or their heirs would escape the payment of their debt ot $10,000,0. and they labored unrmitngly for the bill . wih the result that they were able to muster to their supporl most or time queer bIrds ot the house , Including our own nmlable Cannon New York Herald : The whole Pacifc railway - way business presents n 8cam1alous record ! of plunllerlng and wrecking with the United Stales ns the chief victim . The government has simply ! been buncoC1 out ot untold millions . nm1 yet notwihstallng that the proposition Is coolly mlle that Il shal the- Iberalely consent to be still further victm- Ized. The United States ( has bad enough ot this shameful jugRlory. I Is high time for the government to look omit for its own and the peoplo's interests as wel as time welfare of the roalls. That It can now only do by foreclosing Its lens and making the line a natonal highway. San ranclsco Chronicle : These railroads do nol want nor Intend to pay their debt to the governmenl It they can heh it. This I ma ) ' be nntural-nt lest It seems to be i characteristIc ot corporations , which . the richer they become , time less wIlling they are lo pay their debls-bul congress hns to deal with an artificial . nol n natural condilon ot things. There Is really no more excuse or apology for the beneficIaries ot the Reily bill than for an Individual who as a member ot a firm . has accumulated an immense private fortune and yet when called upon to aid In making good the liabIlities of his firm . demands an extension ot hat a century , with , n reduction ot interest and with no security pay. except his Imlvldual promlso to New York Trlbnno : A republican congress wi not be round paltering with that Issue or leaving Il a& one ot tIme complcatons ot the campaign ot 1896 I wi bo PromPtly met ; will bo treated as a business proposi- ton In a business way : anti its seltemont will turn Ish another roof ot ropublcan capacity for eomluclng public affairs In strlt- Ing contrast with the confessedincompotency of the party which has for the last two years been makIng a muddle of everything I lauch cd. I was time republican party thai built tIme Pacific road after the democrats hal wrangled over I for years without beilmg able to agree upon the route to bo followed . or the means to be ndoptcl. And It Is proper that the same party should effect a settlement - mont of time debt after a demccralc congress has ntompted Il ant made such a wretched failure. Springfield ( Mass. ) n'ublcan : Thus the aim ot those In favor ot government opora- lon of the roads will be assisted by pre- venting legislative action looking to tIme security ot time debt and arcing foreclosure. Such Is the outcome ot ten years ot special Inquiry amid effort In the direction of oxloml- Ing and securing time go\'ernmenl subsidy. The roads have meantmo been plundered to male a few mIllionaires and Innocent partIes hold the securiles tram which so much ot their value has been squeezed. The next C0Jgress may have mor regard tor the interests - terests ot these people but time crimes ot the men who built and plundered the roads and robbed the government ot its just due will , , still stand powerfully ' for summary acton on the part ot the United States against the roads and against time men and estates that have so profted from . the ontcrprlse. EOl'TE ANI ) huh 41.5. I Is much easIer to predict a surplus than to make one. It was the wise ground hog that pulled the hole In after It. WIllie Dr. parlthurst Is doing time glstcu- hating Tom Plall Is cornering thE spois , From Reed 10 Richards Is quite a lep , The : former could count a quorum ; the later cannot . nol counl a , , yote. ' Emperor William has a wine cellar of vast extent and varied ) stock and Is himsel an expel I sampler. Very little of the wine spoils In time bott . Augustus Stanwood . recently appointed accountant - counlant In the Brooklyn police department al a salary of $2,500 a year , Is I cousIn of the . late James G. I3lalne. Igatus Donnely and Henry Georg are contemplating a joint debate on the abolton ! I at poverlY Tile success of the debate will nOl-be known until the returns fiomthe i of E" arE ) n. The chaplain of the New York senate recently - centy uttered a prayerful appeal "lhal all crooked thing b made straight. " The suc- cass , of the appeal depends on the boss to whom It was directed. Ex-Queen UI's abdication Is likely to abicaton lkely com- plicate time Hawaiian difficulty In this coun- try. I she should carry out her intention to lecture the Honolulu revolution won'l be a marker 10 the uprising here " ' Under the Minneota law n interpreted by the courts husbands are held responsible for ' libels committed by gsslpng : wives. The inalienable right of life liberty and the Inalcnable , lberly pur- suit of gossip is l sadly abridged In the pin- erIes. Prince Dsmarclt hn a curious superstition In connection wlh the number three , and ap- parenlly nol wlthoul reason. lie has served three German emperor , he has foughl In thre wars . he has signed three treaties of peace ' , he arranged , the meetng of thE three emperors and cslablshed time' triple alance , Some secrets are coming out of the Judicial end ot the administration. Ex-Soiicltor Gen- eral Maxwell . It srms , was a railroad attorney while In public ofce , Wlh thal lofty regard for the Integrity ot the public service char- 1 acteristic of AlernlY Geperal Olney he removed - moved lie ciium and Maxwell al the same time. In his opinion COlIC but an Obey can serve two masters. The richest man In congress at present I Representalvo : Sorg of Ohio. lie Is said lo be worth about $15.000,000. and lisa an Income I ot fully ,000.000 a year. Nearly all or It came out of his plug tobacco factory al Mid- dletown. Mr. Srg Is an unobtrusve : man who has few acquaintances In Washington. He had no particular desire to go to congress , but was elected In .pie of hIs passive prolels. He ha introduced a few bills , but iiaa made no spelch. Colonel W. Seward Webb's uniform as aIde- de-camp on the staff of Governor Woodbury of Vermont Is said to be omethlng that eclipmns anything ever attempted by time vain- est and most gorgeous Saracen warrior In the ( most gilded daYa ot Saracen glory The clothes alone cost $1,510. The brad ! on the dress parade coal Is of gold and the lace which festoons the outer garment came directly - recty from Paris. Celonel Webb's sword Is from Damascus l\o a diamond In the ) milL and coat . a cool ' 2,100. New York and New JOley have been aroused to the necessity of checking the destruction of the famous Palsades of time Hudson river. For a long time pul greedy qurymen have blasted a 11 destrcyed por- tons of the majestic rock wails of the imletorle river. Public indignation and Ilrotesis only served to atilnulate the ( wreckers. Governor Mertz ot New Jerley. In his annual message to the legislature . called Ilsrtcular attention to time subject amid thE New York general assembly - sembly Is giving the mater serious consider- atlon. Prompt acton 11 reaonably certain , TImes Chau&o timid 10lrholl ) , Too New York Triliune. 'rho same old emaciated and moss.covered party that opposed the Issue of honds ) to luroVIIe means for carrying on the war Is lrVlle now In favor of laulna bonds lS 1 means of blsterlnu' up the public credit In time of pence. The most conspicuous expression on lime counlenanee of such Italesmanshlp Is that at lofty scorn for the lessons of his- tory. Highest of aU i Leavening Fower.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report 1 ? S , Baking BSLJThW ThE VV - - - - = : V - - - - - ODOR OF ISTY DOCUMENTS Sourc of the End Smols Which Ofend the Logs1ntort Noses nt Wnhington. VITIATE AIR AT THE NATIONAL CAPITOL Senators nnd JtIrMcullUVCI Ur.Iho tbo iFumes ( i UotlnJ l'aforl Stored for Years In the IR ellt of the JJulhUng-A Nice Kitchen. - WAShINGTON , Feb. 7.- The investigation - ton ot the melhods or the architects of the , Callol Is furnlhlng conshlerabte occlpa- I lon and some surprising revelations ha"o cole lo light In the cOlmleo on venla- ton antI accolstcs which Is conducting it. The prime mover In time Inquiry are Chair- man Schel of the committee n'nd Iepre- senttvo Walker of Massaehusetts . Every morning they malta a tour ot the , ubterr- nean passages under Limo capitol , accompanied by n stenographer who records the questions which are put to employes and their answers , as well as time comments made by Mr. Walker and olher lncmllbers some at which will make decldetl ) ' spicy reading when the report Is prlned. ( 1 has been generally understood that the sanitary condition ot time capitol was nol good and II Is certain thlt the almos- phere pumped Into ) the house Is deficient In oxygen , but all the causes which alcct the healh ot time memhers have not before been realzed , A conspicuous factor In the \Ita- ting of the all has been discovered to be , storage of old publc docmnents which fill the basements. There are huntreds ot tons ot these books and Ilaler prlntell at the government prInting ofee and assigned to members for circulation among their constituents - stituents . bul never uset , They have been accumulatng for years and are rotting In the dampness which pervades the lower collars of time great building. Colonel IUcharl1 Ilrigimt tile sergeant-at- arms ot the senate , toll the committee thai In some paris ot the senate basemen decay- Ing papers were pled tour feet deep , Willie the board floors under them arc also rotting. So dense was the odor from the piles thai worlnnen could nol stay longer than hal an hour wlthoul becoming sicli One member of time house testified thal when a load of documents which hall lain In storage for soma months and which bo sent for was dumpell In his office the OlrOr ( real them was so Intense thai II compelled him to leave. Perhaps the most starling fact broughl to light were In connection with the house restiumnant which was investigated this week , Mr. Thomas Murray the keeper has complained - plained ot the Imlell ! kitchen faculties allowed - lowed him and time estabilsimment . so the com- mlteo visited Jhe Idtchen. They found I In the subcelar underncr _ true house , adjoining - joining time Turkish bt s , which are used by the members regularly. TIme vapor from these bths fills the kitchen constantly . Itcep- Ing II al such an Intense heat , Mr. Murray says that the employes are often I The restaurant keeper said . In relly to a ques- ton from Mr. Walker , that he would nol eat toad himself which stood In the kllchen three minutes after bclng prepared. I Is expected thai thc new printing bill now In preparation wi provide for the disposition - position ot time documents so Ihey wIll not accumulate as In the pas . Frludnlont ! ul Ciaimmu. WASHINGTON Feb 1.-The story of a claim for land that has ben hanging over the beat part ot the territory of' Arizona for over I century Is told In a communication ' sent to the house by Attorney General Obey , who 'ks for an' nadlt0nat ap\roprlatbnl ot $25,000 for fees and expenses arising thereunder. The case Is that of James Addison Peralta-fleavis and wife the United Stales wie against ' Unlte , pending In the court , of private . land claims , for time confirmation of 12,750,000 acre of land In Arizona. An Iceompnylng letter from M. G. Reynolds Vnlted Slates a\torey.for \ the court ctprlvate ! t lalq .laIs./ Y alar ; I e mount ot testimony has . already been taken on behalf I 'of the government as to tt forgery or rec" ords from whlcb certified copies of time munl- ments of title were taken . showing conclu- sively that the grCsesl frauds are being perpetrated - petrale against government to secure n confirmatIon at the claim. The ramifications extend through the arch- Ives ot the City at Mexico and Guadalajara , and Madrid Arizona. and Seville , Span ! , and to California " ) Ve have taken sufficient testmony , " saId Mr. Reynolds "and made sufficient investigations - tons to prove thai forgery , perjury and subornation have been commite In almost every form. " The letter sets forth that the cahn 1 : normously large time land Is wlll- drawn lrom sale and settlement initiated under the public land laws have been sus- pended. The largest and best mines and the Irrlgatcn prizes In the Gilt ani SaIL river valleys are covered by It. The capital ot Arizona and Is most fourlshlng towns and most thickly settled portion of the territory has been held back and today stands waItng for the government to speedily and success- fully defeat , not only the claimant If pos31ble , but the claim itself. The grant carries all mInerals and Is absolute and unconditional , I. continues Mr. Reynolds , the claim Is nol fully and completely defeated . II will subject the government and Us citizens who are tryIng - Ing 10 develop the country to continual ha- raslng and will stand as I menace to every enterprise' inaugurated for the development of the mineral and agriculural interests The careful ease can preparation. , he assets , be won before trial by Its . : f.i Xlt C.1f'U ; ! : SU/WLUR. , ( - Chicago Tribune : Secretary Carlisle sees a rainbow with $22,561.02. al the foot ot it. ibm Is prepared to name the odd cent ale I /nybOI ) Is uteular aoul I. Courier Journal : or course Secretary Car- lisle's estimate that there will 0 a 8urplus ot over $20,000,000 In the publo revenues by the close of this year will bo ridiculed by \ -J the republican organs just as Mr. \'Ilson's \\lson's plain statNnent ot a fact In the house limo \ other day has ben ridiculed . . ' \l \ Gobe-Demoeral : Secretary . Carlle's es- tt thnh' that the gvernment.s revenues will , \ NClell expenditurs by $22,600,000 In the ' calendar year 1895 will bo taken by mnny person with a grain of salt , The secrltary's forecasts ot this sort In the recent past have ' been so uniformly and conspicuously falsified by time facts that his latest prediction will ' \ol attract the attention which ho desires or r ' arouse Iho hope which It would otherwlo create ' 9 Dertol Free Press : There Is pleasant ! reassurance In time letter ot Informaton luL yesterday to thC &enate by Secretary Carliele. Estimating upon time basis at laws IIOIV Interco force ho reaches the conclusion that the revenues . l onues ot tIme gverment will meet Its ox- penses for the current year and net 1 cur- 111us or over $22,000,000. his showing hone 10 beget coufde\ce nll to allay time fears arousel by calamity howlers who have been ' Picturing thE country ns upon time ergo or run. ! run.Chicgo Herald : The tact that the cusloms ' ( revenues last month amounted to about $17- I 000.000 Is nn indication ( list Mr. Carlisle's ' estunto Is conservative. This Is more than has been receIved for cuistoms in aimy one niontit 811100 Marclm , 1893. It. is more than twice as mauchi as was received last July. $ G.000,000 mere thou In Deceimiller and $7,000- 000 nlore tilall iii November. These are facts wimlch go to support Mr. Carlisle's ostimmiate and time Presldclmt's ( locinriutioli that time depletion - pletion of the gold reserve was due not to t lack of revenue , but to bad iaws relathllg to clirrolicy. MiimileapOiis Trihullti : One tlmeory Is that Secretary Carlisle's letter to tIme satiate coil- talnhimg the estilllate of $22,500,000 surplus is a. little scheme of his aiim ! l'resiulellt Cies'e. land's to head off revisioim of the tariff , for tIme purpose of strengthening the revenue , by tli republicans at tile next 'Setsioll. IL is 91 a. very shallow Policy. lmuuccvor. to attemnilt to deceive time public , for time facts will come out from lnotmth to mouth , alid it time deficit continues timero vtil be a universal ( lenlnnd for revenue legislation. All adequate rev- entme would break ' 'the 011(99055 011cm" described - scribed by.time president , which is draining time treasury of Its gold. ' 2'ltll'E Ti Ji'lC-OPIS. l3oston Transcript : Robert ( extending cignr-Tumere ) is a cigar that 1 call recom- mend. George-Thanks ; but I simotild mirefer 0110 that yotm would care to 5010120 your- self. Atiamlta Constltumtion : "What are you doIng for a living now , Unehm Jim ? " ' \S oil , Ctlil , dat's what I call a mnhiimty close qmmcs- ( iou ; yotl're n-gittln' right to my home llO % ' , litlt m1e' ain't muone or yo' ( catimers iii my ynrd , lularse Johni" Chicngo 'rribumle : "Wlmen I was in your line of iitmsifle , my friend , " said Mr. Fel- mire , giving the greasy tramnp a half-dollar and kicking itiflu Off time froimt steps of imi nialision 'I always had souse enough to go rotmn4 to time laclc doOr. " 9 Philadelphia -Record : Customer ( who 1mm just beemu cult by a. barher much glvemm to strong ( ltink-Timere ) , youm ecotmndrei. tlmiut'a wimat. comes of too Illuclm drink. flmurber- Yes , sir : it does make time skIn tender. 'Washington Star : 'Don't you think timero is a great tleml more peril in coasiming than there is in s1el1ll riding ? " she asked. . , It depends , ' iuo replied rellectively , "on which kind of peril you mean ; physical or financial. " Indianapolis Joumrnal : "What would you think , " asked time inquisitive young' person , "Wilflt would you thimilt if Bob Initermioll were to get reiigiomm and die converted ? " "Wuat would I tlllllk ? " echoed Deacon Pomiberry , with much wnrmtim , 'I would think it was a. darmm swIndle , that's what I'd tbnkl" 9 , - 'c' AS TO WOMEN. Petroit Free The bm'aud.new woman wlmo surely' s here , May be all rigilt in her se1f.tmposetYspilere , V But the sante old woman , vImo slmrieks at a mouse , will continue , as ever , time boss of time house. p TILE Ii ha IitNJ ) . At a Sorosis dinner recently tile lady who rcspoimdod to time toast "Our Husbands" gave , ( Ito following verses : ' V V Who weds lmecaue we are so ( lear. And then forgets-when It is here- The anniversary evem'y year ? Tlme imtmsband , WilO when he's ilonning evening clothe , Would with an angel come to blows. And lets time wlmolo house hear ills tvocsl The imusband. Who sometimes makes us quail nnl quake With tales about the broad and cake His motiler used to make' and bake ? The husband. WIlO calls the landlord with a frown. And timen slips out nan ! goes ump'town While wifey talks that landlord down ? The husband , But wimen the clouds are dark and gray And ruin' scorns not far away , \Vilo takes ( he iieln and saves time day ? The imusband. \Vimo grumbles lots , as veli we know , That here no wine shall ever flow , Yet in ills heart is glad 'Us so ? The husband. And , to in water pure anti clear , I.it em6lem of our slsteru lmerq , I drink , time hmealtll or tliOe SQ dear- Our husbatmds. , V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -a 'b RELIABLE CLOTHIERS 0 Your Money's Worth or Your Moiiny Bank , ' We Blowed Ourselves Once for some cloth and tailor's wages to make us up a lot of overcoats to sell for $ io- f we'll never do it again-It was'the . .fl biggest mistake we ever made- but we're going to remedy t by selling them all-Saturday.--the . - . . ' , . . . . . . . . - ' - one day only-at $4-an oveucoat V Thcy are meltons--cheviot- all wool overcoatirigs , with plain or velvet colors- worsted lined-silk sleeve lined-most of them every thread vool-$4-our trade don't buy sb ovcrcoats much-and we'll never make any more $ io overcoats. For $4 , Saturday only. Then to give those who want to pay more , a chance-we have marked several lines of Kerseys- Meltons-Cliinchillas-some silk , some serge lined- b'ack ' , brown and 'dark colors-Overcoats that were sold up to today for $ - ' - $ , - $ - $30 -the higher prIced ones being in small sizes and shoit lengths-tile rest long and Jots of sizes-at .J ) $14,75-for Saturday only-But that 4 overcoat- there's the bargain , if there ever was One-Io overcoats - coats for $4-one day-Saturday. - BROWNING , IING & Co. , ReiiflbIe Clotimiers , S. "eY Cur , 15th uumd flouiglits. - - - - ' - ' ' ' ' , - u- V V V - - - - V V _ ' , " ' V 'O