Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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    I , .
1 , _ .hL
- . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE OMAhA _ bAIL BEE : FRTIY , FEBRUARY 8 , 895. _ _ _ _ _ b
eOV-'CII. ; nrUl"J.S.
OFFICg . - . NO. 12 IIMnL STnEET.
J"lvr by cJrr' ' r to any pnrt of the cUy.
II. W. TI.TON. Lesee.
'E.FI'ONfSlu"ln u ( mce , No < ; nIght
t . ( Itar . No. 2.
.11SUl .1tJ.TIux. "
Grand hotel , Council UIuff. reopened Oct. L
MaYI Renl Cslato agencr. 639 Droadwar.
The ladlef ' of lie jIrit ' DapUsl church will
give a Aoclal In the church parlors this evenS
Ing.MrA. . J. O. Wiat died al G o'clockVene9 -
day night at her residence In Lewis town-
Ahlp , aged 31 yean.
Wiliam Ludden , aged 23. or Neola , and
Annie iurrnler aged 24 , of Council lJlufTs .
took out a lIcense to wed yeftrday. !
John J. l.'rlney will give a ShakespearIan
entertainment next Wcdnesllay evening nt
Liberty hal for tim beneft of the People's
. church.
- !
May the laughter or P. . 11. WillIams , a
former rellent or this city . died recently at
her home In St. Joseph and the remains are
to he brought to this city for Interment.
John O'Connor was given fifteen days In
polIo court yestHdar for the larceny or a
couple of bell quilts and some reins. The
stolen goods were returned to their owner.
The case or I ) . II. Inston against the city
was completed and given to the Jury yesler-
day nternoon Just before the n1ournment
or the district court. At 1 o'clock the Jury
was still out. '
W. S. Cleveland's minstrel will appear at
Dohany's opera house this evening. This Is
one of the bet minstrel companies on the
road and a large crowd or lovers of [ run will
lie .
undoubtedly 0 present.
The Union avenue jury wi make Its re-
Tort to the sherll Saturday. In the mean-
tune the Jurors are meeting every day nnd
drawing pay from the ralrcad company with
tile same commendable reguhrlty.
George Murray , a vag who spent the last
seven days In the city jail . was turned looo
yesterday morning. Before 3 o'cloclt In the
afternoon he had amassed n considerable jag
and Is now haunting his ell h3unts.
Owing to the severe weather the meetings
conducted by Hev. O. W nyder at the
Enterprise Lutheran church have ben
brought to n close and the appointment for
p extra services tonight Is withdrawn.
Jales , the ! .year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Williams . died or lung fever at 12:30 :
clock yesterday afternoon. The funeral
will tale place Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the rcsldnco 1619 Ninth avenue and
the remains will be Interred In the Catholic
Charles N. Kerns , who was suspected or
being implicated In the robbery or N. P.
Conant's jewelry store but was turned loose
for want of sufficient evidence was given n
sentence of U .80 In police court yesterday
, morning for drunkenness and being an In-
mate of a house of prostitution.
Nellie E. , -year.old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. 11. M. WeirIck died of meningitis
yesterday morning at 7 o'clock at the resi-
dence 907 Fourth avenue , after an Illness or
two weekc ; This Is the second child the
bereaved parents have lost within a week.
' , The body wi be taken to Marseilles . Ill. ,
and burled there Sunday afternoon at 3
, o'cloclt.
About 80 per cent or the property owners
have filed with the county auditor theIr
claims for excessive general tax levied by ;
" , the board of supervIsors In the years 1888.
1889 and 1890. When the board meets Feb
runty 19 It Is expected that arrangements
of some kind will bo made to pay the claims
the treasury now beng empty , so far as this
fund Is' conc rned.
A one-story frame building belonging to
Jacob SteIn at tIle corner of Broadway and
S Twelfth streat , Inl fornia'y ! lPcd as a feed
store , caught fire last evening at 7 o'clock
, , ' and bured to the ground. I was un
doubtedly the work of IncendIaries , as the '
t'Ilding hlp been unoccupied for several
; months past. : 'l building wes worth . about
1 Wi5
. $ &oo , and was well Insured.
i Some boys who were skating along the
banlts of Indian creek last evening found a
' foetus about two months of age curled up
C . and lying In a patch or weeds , carefully done
. ' up In a bottle of alcohol I was founds near
the resIdence of the late Dr. White , on
Twelfth street. and the theory of the police
' ; Is that It vas ' thrown out of his office by
some one who was cleaning up.
. .
, The report of the city physIcIan for the
r month of January showl the total number
: of deaths to have been twenty-fve. as compared -
: pared with seventeen durIng the same month
: . last year. Of this number four were caused
by tuberculosis of the lungs. There were
.44 twenty-nino cases of contagious diseases of
which twenty-five were scarlet fever. Eleven
deaths were of children less than a year old.
Just a year ago this winter a complaint
Was made to the city council that a slippery
Tb manhole cover at the corer of Broadway
and MaIn street was causing people to fall
daily and threatening . to cost the city a penny
or two for damage for broken limbs. The
complaint was referred to the committee on
I treell and alleys . of which Alderman Keller
was then chairman , with Instructions to see
. that : the dangerous object was removed I Is
still there , and the cItizens Who had begun to
look upon the council as the embodiment or
al that 'WtS rapid are goIng back and pinning
theIr faith once more to greased lightning.
We have over $300,000 to loan upon Improved -
proved Iowa farms. Farmers desiring loans
ire can' savemoney by dealng direct with Ui ,
thereby savIng agent's commission. We do
not loan .on wild "nd nor In Nebraska-
1u& ( Sc Towle 235 Pearl street.
J'EWiUY.tL J'AE.4 oizA Pits.
n. n. Westcott leaves today for Des
, . toJ'le/ ' . .
MrG. Marls Fleming Is visiting friends In
Burlington .
. Mr and Mrs. E. C. Sheparl will bo at
homo to their friends after February l ! at
; 109 Park .avenue.
, Mrs. Darby of St. Joseph who has been
visiting Mrs. Horace Everett . leaves today '
for home accompanied by her daughter ,
Miss Hawkes. -
Roscoe H. Lemon , a former Council lurs
young man who Is now editing the Herald
at I'eln. la. , Is talking of publishing a part
of his paper In the Dutch language. lela
has a large Holand population , and a polyglot -
glot newspaper of the kind proposed would
Ilrobably be a unique and a Ilronablo vent -
t Ur . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
En"o Your 110111. ,
Dy Investing In the stock of the Savings
Loan and Building association of Council
Bluffs. Incorporated In 1877. Monthly pay-
ments of $ i.oo per share. neLtng the Investor
about 10 Iler cent Interest. Ten series ai-
reldy paid oul. whIch fully demonstrates
the . ability or the assocIation to mature Its
stock. In about seventy-five monthly pay-
meats No loans madb outside or Council
Bluffs . and all applications Counci
paned upon by a majority of the board anl
directors. Good loans wanted. Full Inrorma
ton cnn be obtained at the ofce of D. W.
Otis , secretary , 10 Main street . or any of the
following director ; H.V. . Ilazohton . Frank
Grass John Drown , A. S. Ilneelton H. O.
Heebe , A. D. \Vaiker B. E. hart F. O.
I.ougee , S. S. Leonard .
-That potpie diiiner at the Pearl Chop house
for 1ene"er anything like it.
Neatest drug slore. 'faYlor' , , Grand hotel.
\lllton troU the Treubunl.
A lot or delegates from the meeting or the
grand lodge of Iowa and Nebraska of the
'freubund arrived In the city last night from
Norfolk , Neb , and Ilut up at the Neumayer
hotel Al through the convention Iowa oc-
CUIied the Iloslton of a man who Is down on
Ills luck . but the split-up that was con
tllenty expected then was averted through
the instrumentality or Grand Master Lamer ,
t , who palche up the differences to a large ext -
:15. tent. Although Iowa has half the lOdges of
) ) the order . the Iowa delegations refused to
) t acct any of the ofllcca. and made no effort
tu secure the next meeting of the grand lodge
for Council Bluffs. Nevertheless I was se-
lectll ns the Illaco ror holding the next meet-
ng. John Ahes of thIs city made are-
t 110nso to the address of welcome from the
usnyor of Nodolk.
Yea , the Eagle laundry Is "that good
laundry , " and Is located at 'U Broadway
Jr In "cub , ab t this , try I and bo convince .
Do't forget isaine all number 'fel 167 ,
, Da\h sells drugs . paint and glass cheap
t -
School Board Holda ( Little star Chamber
Session to Do usincs3
Wins and JlothcrnT ! Take i'nrt In the
School mceton to. is tmlll nlcnt :
-Discussing the high School
. l'roposlUon
The members or the School bonrll went
slipping around Welnulay nigh until they
arrIved at the ofco 01 W. H. Thomas where ,
they proceeded to have a star chamber ses- :
sion a la city council. An effort was made
at frt 10 make It appear that It vas simply
a meeting of the commIttee or the whole but
before the evenIng was over this hal been
lost sight or , and some or the entries In the
clerk's minutes show that some thIngs were
done which could not have been done at a
meeting or that sort.
The question or building a new school
house on the Fifteenth street school grounds I
came up for IICUBslon. anll It was decided
that this was necessary. I was decided to
submit to the voters or the school district
the proposition of Issuing $12,000 In bonds to
raise the money to carry out the project and
to submit another preposition to ISBU3 bonds
In the sum or $8.000 or r to be used In
grading 10wn the high school grounds ac
cordIng to the plans already set forth In
The lice . Mr. Thomas opposed the Ilea 01
grading ( lawn the High school grounds , on
the ground that the expanse would be as
much ! as , It not moro than , enough to huy
a new location ; If n new building should bo
built there the one now standing woull
have to be torn down and practically lost
whereas Ir a new location for the lush
school should ba selected the present building -
Ing could be Used as a grated school for sev
eral years by redistricting the city.
The sUbmlslon or a Proposition to erect
a Hhh school Is not contemplated this year ,
but If I the grading Is ordered by the voters
the new buIlding will be located , when buIlt ,
In the rear or the present HIgh school building -
ing which can then be used until the new
building Is rely for occupancy.
The president and secretary made their re-
port to the board on the subject or preparing
a register of the voters. Dy the last general
assembly a law was passed giving the women -
men the right to vote on all mater munIcIpal -
Ipal and relating to the school distrIct In
which the Issuance or bonds Is concerned. A
petition was preeented front n. N. Whit-
tesey asking that the board engage him to
make up a list or tie registered voters. The
president and secretary to whom the mater
hat been referred at a previous meeting ,
stated that although the state superintendent
or Instruction did not seem to be able to de-
cide the point from what they could learn
from other sources they dill not think that
the board had any authority to appoint a
board or registration . but must make up Its
registratIon list from that prepared for the
city election.
Inasmuch as at both city and school elec-
tons there art propositIons to be voted upon
with reference to Issuing bonds , It now ap-
pears that the board or registration will have
to regIster the names of women as well as
of men. Whenever anyone comes up to vote
wIth a dress on the election beard will ' consider -
sider the dress prima fade evIdence of fem-
Inl , and the vote cast will be put Into a
separate box In order that no woman may
vote for any candidate , a thIng which the law
gives her no right to do. EIther the regis-
tration lists will have to be made up In this
way or else a special dispensation vl have
to be made whereby women may vote wIthout -
. such favoritism
out registering. Why any avorltsm
should be shown the ladles , however has
not been explained , and there Is not much
probability of the special dispensation being
The registration scheme however will be
attended with some diiflcultles. Ever lady
presenting herself to the bard will have to
tel her age , which , of course , will ' be as
embarrassing for the lady as for the mem-
bers ofthe . board who have to ask about It.
I.munntll Icemsianhal I Homnantsl
The late clearIng sale has let W a big lot
of remnants and short lengths , In all kinds
of goods . which we must close out quIckly.
These goods will be placed on sale Monday
1t prices that are bound to sell them , Come
and look them over yeu may find just what
you want
Remnants of silks. ,
Remnants of dress goods. '
nemnanats of muslins .
Remnant of isheetlngs.
nemnanats of table linen.
Remnants of glngbams.
Remnants of prints.
Remnants of laces and embroideries.
Odds and ends In hosiery underwear and
gloves at greatly reduced prices.
Council Bluffs , Ia
Oas heating stoves for rent and for sale at
Council Bluffs Oas company's office.
Loved leI 820,000 Worth.
Mrs. Derry arrived In the city last even-
Ing and Is the guest of Mrs. William Garner ,
1020 FIfth avenu . for a few days Dr.
Berry her husband , Is wel remembered
here , having spent several weeks last sum-
mer selling a patent medicine. One of his
players was Charles Trephagen , who met and
tel In love with Miss Georgia Garner , a
blooming malden , who reciprocated his feel-
Ing. Tim result was an elopement and mar-
rlago of the most sensational sort , and the
result has been I great attachment between
the Garner family and Dr. Derr"s
melical troupe. Mrs. Berry Mr. and
Mrs. Trephagen , and Mrs. Garner formed
a pleasant company last evening
as they talked of the strange errand
which brings Mrs. Dery back from her San
Francisco home. About three years ago I
appears , Mrs. Derry was traveling on the
railroad when she met an old lady. An acquaintance -
quaintance sprang up which later grew Into
a atrong attachment , and ever since the two
ladles have been In correspondence. About a
week ago the old lady died at her home In I
Chicago and now that her wi Is opened , It
Is learned that she remembered Mrs. Derry
with a bequest of 20000. Mrs. Derry Is now
on her Way to t Chicago to claim her legacy
and' to look alter the legal steps necessary
to obtaining It. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ullolutun NoUe
Notice Is hereby given that the firm of
Greenshlelds Nicholson & Co. Is on this
day dissolved by mutual consert . J. p.
Oreonshlelds wi contInue the business for-
lerly conducted by the firm , C. n. NIcholson
retiring J. P. Oreenshlels Is empowered to
collect al bills duo said firm and will assume -
sume all Indebtedness.
CouncIl Bluffs . . - la. , - February 6. 1895.
Itoruas on&i Tear .
The Oldest Inhabitant enjoyed himself
hugely yesterday telling how much warmer
yesterday was than the 7th of February . 1849 ,
but the pleasure he felt In dIvIng down Into
ancient hIstory was nowhere compared wIth
thai of the different people whose thermom- I
fter bad ben goIng below during the night
to get out of the cold. Twenty.slx degrees ,
Was the lowest temperature that was noted
and even that record was surrounded by a
haziness that detracted very much from its
reliability. John Co'le , who lives down nCr
Manawa como all the way up frosts the
cypress groves and banal plantations that
surround his home to tel about how his
thermometer registered 24 degrees below zero
when he got up. At the Terminal company's
brIdge the record was 20 below , and at the
Omaha and Council Bluffs company's ofce
It was the same. At 7 o'ocloek at the power
house of the Council Bluffs Water Works
company on Broadvay near the river . the
temperature was 18 degns. The thermometer -
eter at the School for the Def has In the
past ben considered , one of the liveliest
hustlers for cold weather In the vest . but
yesterday I displayed a most remarkable
lack of enterprise , and the lowest mark It
reached was 18 below.
1lrly Morning Itiase .
The grocery store run by O. P. Chase , It
717 Broadway burned yesterday ) ' morning II
1 o'dock. 'The fames are thought \0 \ have
orlglnal 10 the stove In the back hart oe
the buildIng. but Just bow II unknown . The
house was all ablaze when the fire depitlrent' '
arrIved , and all that could b done was to ,
prevent the names from spreading 10 the
other buildings In the vicinity . The stock Is
though to have ben damaged to the extent
of $ S00 , and was uninsured . The building be
longed to J. D. Atk ns and was insured for
$ . A woman named Guiinsky . who lived
Just back or the building . was very much excited -
cited by the fro and threw all her children
out or thc window Some or the bystanders
stopped her before she commenced to throw
the stove and lookIng gasses out after them
Just received a new line or stamped linens
and Ionlan braids. Art linens by the yard :
lessons In embroidery hemstlchlng , drawn
work and Ionlsn lace. . Order work done.
Mines Clark & Wetzel 337 Droadway.
stole Another CoIt.
Officer Murphy In looking up the case or
Frank Klein , the petty thief who Is now In
Jai , learned that he had ben guilty or another -
other offense. 'Last Tuesday evening he went
to the Metropolitan hotel for supper but as
' he hal no Undercoat he asked a young lan
working at the hotel tD lend him hIs coat
until after supper The accommodating young
man did so . and Klein went In to eat his
supper When he came out he put his overcoat -
coat on over the borrowed coat and struck
out for other climes. The owner or the coat
called at the city Jai last evening and Iden-
tided the coat Klein 1 hal on as the one that
ho loaned him the other night. leln's hear-
Ing has baen set for ths : morning.
, - .
lJlXT V.U.l.lJ IT.l L7i.
. h'tl'nAwer to n suggestion I'nt I"urwnrd
by Attorney l r\ln.
MINNEAPOLIS , Feb. 7.-The first witness
In the Hayward murder trial this morning
was lions Darlow. Uarlow hal been pres-
ent In the basement of the Ozark flats when
Ulxt cut the T rail In two for larry Hay-
ward. lIe was put on by the state to corroborate -
roborate Bhixt's story or that transaction and
did 50 without contradicting Dlxt In any Important -
portant reature. - lIe hall helped Dlxt cut
the rail in two and heard hayward scold
Dlxt for cutting It Instead of simply' bendIng -
Ing . It. On cross-examination an admission
was drawn front hIm that ho had served a
term In the workhouse.
Claus Dlxt was agaIn put on the stand
and Mr. Erwin , after long questioning as to
detals"or his story sprang a sensation. lie
oslel Dlxt If he had not upon November 2
gone to the Arnold hotel on Central avenue
with two other men and rented some rooips.
"That's the biggest lie 1 ever heard , " exclaimed -
claimed Bhlxt .
Mr. Erwin questioned him closely but
Dlxt professed Ignorance about the alleged
occurrence The hotel register was Intro-
ducell In evidence and Erwin asked Dlxt I
the signature or "Arne W. Teller . Wally
City " was not written by hm. : Dlxt denied
utterly that he had ever seen the regIster.
These questions point to a theory of the defense -
tense that the murder was the work or a
gang of green goods men and that Hayward
had nothing to do with It.
The sensational episode or the day came
after court had adjourned this morning.
County Attorney Nye approached Smith and
made his sensational declaration. lie asserted -
sensatonal declaraton.
serted pint blank that the entre story was a
fabrication and that he knew all about how
It had been put up.
"Do you know anything about It , Nye ? "
asked Smith "For I do deny that I had any-
thing to do with it. "
"ow , mark you John Day Smith . " and
the counsel for the state shook his finger
threatenngly ! In the race of the attorney . "I
know you and I believe you to ha a man or
honest intent but Just a sure as you live
this thIng Is going to be exposed. I will
drive every pin In this thing right straight
to the' bottom to show Just how this thing
was done , and you can depend upon It. "
Nye's taco was as white as the wall , and it , ,
was patent that he had been enraged by the
tactics of the detense. The county attorney
asserted strongly that the story beng : put In
to show collusion on Bhixt's part with green
goods people was an inventIon and a disgraceful -
graceful attempt to defeat justice .
Hayward was jubilant over the turn or a-
talrs. "I am glad to see " said he , "that the
truth Is beginning to' come .out. "
There was an episode In the court room ,
, thIs afternoon when ' Harry Hayward for the
first time since his arrest saw his brother
Adry , who bad conressed. I was a strange
sight Harry looked rul In Adry's face , wIth
a smile , and as I In obedience to the sum-
moos , Adry rose hair reluctantly . and the
hands of the two brothers . pitted agaInst
each other In the struggle for I life met In
a clasp. That was all . Harry took his seat ,
apparently unmoved Adry sat down again
and spoke to the - deputy. A moment later the
trial commenced again. Mr. Erwin concluded
his cross examination thlsafternoon. , He out-
lined tim deensC In the questons : asked
Blixt . which showed that the defense will
try and fasten the crime on a gang of green
gOQds dealers who wanted Miss Olng out
of the way because she knew too mucb.
.1. K. Uum'erlanct of helby County Iowa .
tins n Few hours to Llwe.
DES MOINES . Ireb. T.-Speclal ( Telegram. )
-Tomorrow Is the day set for the execution
of J. K. Cumberland , the murderer or Shelby
county , In the penitentIary at Fort MadIson
Numerous appeal have been made to Gov-
ernor Jackson to postpone this hanging.
The petitions have come mainly from members -
hors of the family and relatives and are
not very weighty , af least Governor Jackson -
son has In no way signifIed any intention
to alter his decision as to the day of execu-
tlon. PrIvate Secretary Richards said today
that no other petitions had been received and
othe pettons
the governor was firm.
Supreme Court Ieolstons.
DES MOINES , Feb. 7.-Speclal ( Telegram )
-Tho following opinions were fled In the
supreme court today : W. S. Baird against
Lot Law appellant . Potawatamle district
affirmed ; O. W. \ogelberg against J. M.
Telenlnger , appellant . Polk district affirmed.
Memorial resolutions were presented by
representatives of the Polk County Dar a5-
sedation In memory ot H. Y. Smith and
Judge Hugh Maxwell and received In the cus-
tomar way by the supreme court.
Benefited by the 'rus ( 'ollapse.
PEORIA Feb. 7.-The Atlas distillery ,
owned by Sam Wooln . wIll start up tomorrow -
morrow with an Increased capacity. I < s
an anti-trust house.
ant-trust .
'Jf E. . TIIEll FU1CRU4MT.
Fair anti \Varmer with Southeast 'Inds for
Ncbritikn .
WAShINGTON , Feb. 7.-The forecast for
Friday Is ; For Nebraska and I < ansas-
Fair ; warmer ; southeast winds.
For Missouri-Fair ; probably slightly
warmer In the western portion ; northwest
to north wInds . dimiWshlng .
For South Dakota-Fnlr ; warmer ; winds
becoming southeast
For Ios'a-Fair ; warmer ; varIable winds.
I.uc"t , flccorI.
OMAHA , I eb. 7.-0mahl record of temper-
atur and rainfall . compared with the corresponding -
responding day of the vast four years ;
1&95. 1&91. 1&93 : l8i2.
Ilaxlmum temperature . . . 3 ( G 182.
Minimum tomperuture . . 0 ' 26 016 16
Average temp J'ture. . . . .12 38 05 18
Precipitation . . . . . . . . ' .0 .0 .15
CondItion of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for the day and since March 1.
1894 ;
Normal temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Delcleney for the clay , . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Normal precipiaton. . . . . . . . . . . .02 Inch
Denlenc ) ' for the da ) . . . . . . . . . .0. Inch
Total precipitation since larch I. 16,61 Inches
Deficiency since March 1. . . . . 15.97 Inches
1ellortl groin Other StaUlnt at I 1' . ! I.
" "
. fB f -
STATION . ' ( 5 ! ' ' .3 i ; STATS or
S . i . . " WJATUEU
i 3 p P
: . 1. , .
- - - - - - - -
- -
Oinh . . . . . . . . . 00 ' 3 T. Clear.
Norh I'lale. . . . : 4 .OU Cloudy.
Vaicuilue , . . . . . . ' 8 ' 2 .UU Cloudy ,
Chicago . . . . . . . , , ' 2 0 .00 Clear .
. :
iI Louli . . . . . . ' 4' 2 .UO Clear .
SI I'aul. . . . . . . . 'IU ' 0 .OU Clean
Ua'.enpofl. . . . . . . ' 12 ' 4 .00 Clear.
Kansas City . . . . . . ' 4 0 .00 Part ! cloudy .
Deliver. . . . . . . . . , . . . Iartclouly.
lv"r. . . . . . 10 20 .00 Cloud ) ' .
tail Lain , City . . . at 42 ,00 Clcar.
laIIICly. . . . . ' 2 ' 2 .00 Cloiiiy. ,
Hc''la. ' . . . . . . . . : 10 .00 Parteloudy .
hliaiiigrck , , , , , , , , . . . . lartelondy.
.lllark. . . . . 020 HI .00 ClOUcl' .
ii. Vllcnt . . . . " lt4 ' i'J .00 CII'ar.
. "Ii
CIieyei.uo . . . . . . . 28 : .00 Cloudy.
Miles City . " , . . . . : I 4 .01) ) Cloudy .
Olh'celol ! ! . . . _ 22W _ ( _ .00 Clear.
"II' : - - - -
' 'T" ' indicates trace of precipitation.
1 A WCLU. Observer.
- ' - -
- - - -
, lilt-I
John But Sees Etmethdt ito Want and
Cots AftlnIL ;
_ 'I' "
. t' .
_ _ _ . _ it J
Mining District at the I I 1 lf the \'ukon
lhcr WRnted by Ioth C .Iltrlc5-SIJ
niflcaut Feature of ; .I. ' Quel-
bit nt lisO , ? .
_ t
SEATTLE , Feb. 7.-0. A.I ' Carpenter . editor
or the Alaska News Juneau , who has ar-
lived here speaking of the efforts of the ,
Dominion officials to assert jurisdiction over I
the Yukon rIver mining Ilslrct : and or the
steps taken toward the settlement or the
Alaska boundary , says ;
"There Is consIderable excitement In Alaska
over the boundary question , and the people
scarcely discuss anything cite The Cann-
Ilan government claims ' that Forty MIle rock
Is In BrItish ColumbIa , and , to snake the claim
good . has sent its two commissIoners with
power to make a report In relation to the
gold discoveries and also as to the smuggling
of liquors Into that region. "
" 1 the clahn set up by the Drltsh : Is
correct there Is a prospect that Juneau will
come withIn the limits or the territory
claimed by them In their description of the
boundary. This description says that In absence - I
sence or a mountain range the boundary line i
shall be wIthin ten marine leagues or the ;
coast line . Tie American Idea Is that the
line shall follow the meandering of the bays
and Inlets.
"Tho Idea Is , from what I can learn from
William Oglh'y , who has charge or the Cana-
dan : surveying part , and who was one or the
Pioneer surveyors or the Canadian movement
engaged In making a report on ! he Yukon
and Its resources some ten years ago , that
time . Dominion government Is now anxious to
find out the mineral wealth or Yukon vale ) '
In order to construct a good wagon road 01 a
narrow gauge road rrom' time . sal water coast
to the heal waters or the Yukon river Last
September Oglvy with a surveying party 01
nine CanadIans started from Juneau for the
head of the Taku Inlet to make a prelmlnary :
survey and a topographical report 01 the
Taku route for the constrbctlon of a road to
the head waters or the Yukon river
"Among all classes of people In Alaska I
Is universally the opinion that I England
succeeds In getting this strip or territory
from the United States government It will be
a steal pure and simple and another victory
for the aggressive policy pursued by the
Drltsh. : "
Mr. Carpenter also says the American
boundary survey parties were negligent In
their work , not sending parties Into the Interior -
tenor but merely making observations from
field glasses from the decks or their steamer ,
while the Canadian surveyors scaled the high
coast ranges to the yery summit of the
mountains In many cafes subjecting the
men to Imminent danget or life and limb In
order to secure exat data which would
naturally mallo and 1ark.a boundary hue.
Mr. Carpenter says this sending of Oglivy's
party In midwInter Info lie most dangerous
part of Alaska to report nnthe , Taku route Is
significant. Ogl\y will l ! return , by the mid-
die or March to mae a I hasty report to
Ottawa . and then return to finish tie boundary
survey. I' ! ,
l'U IIN9 TiE FEbyttL - ! m nUILD _ I .
CongreSman Jereer ; Secdres Informaton
bunt the oJaiia l'oitItic- .
, , On1lh" ' 1'04tlfc ( .
WASHINdTON . Feb . , . -Speclal. ( ) - - Coh-
gessman Mercer Is yer much interested In
the wont 01 construction onUhe federal buildIng .
Ing at Omaha. He Ifs ' recently called the
attentIon - : f tie Treaur ) , . 'l liepartment to the I
work and las urged an ealy completion ot the :
building. He has Just ic lved from the de
partment thc fohIownmrlot'terson ! the subject :
Sir : 'f I have the honot to acknowledge the
receipt of your letter of the 2th ult. rela-
tive to the time for advertising the In-
tenor finish . etc. . required In the United
States court house , custom house and post-
olce building now being erected at Omaha.
In reply you are advised that the next con-
tract to 'bo , awarded on this building will
ne for the : oof covering . slate and metal
work of the roof , for which It Is hoped that
proposals wi be Invited during the present
month The drawings for the Interior finish
' plastering , ' joiner work ' hardware etc. . will '
not ' be completed untIl about 'slx months
from this date but 10 delay will be per-
mited on the actual work of construction.
In reply to your Inquiry relative to pro-
, posals for the stone and brlllc work for the
sup rtructure of the United Sates : postofllo
and court house building nt Kansas City ,
Mo. . you are advised that no decision has
yet been made as to the award of the con-
tract , nor as to what. kind 'of stone will b
used. Respectfully yours
yours.C. . S. KEtPER.
Acting Supervising Architect.
Mr. Mercer also received ' the following com-
munlcatcn :
Sir : I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your letter of the 21h ult. . with
enclosures requesting rlnln information
relative to the federal building now being
erected In Omaha. In reply I have testate
state that the plans , and specifications far
the furlng ' , lathing and plastering ' for this
building have not yet been complete and
It has not been definitely decided what ,
kind of plaster' will be used , but It Is the
present practice ot this ' olce to specify lime
mortar plastering fQr' buildings under Its
control , und no special patented articles are
named In specifications. Brick and terra
cotta hoar arches and terra cotta covering
of columns " 1 be used for fireprOotlng
the buid In ! Should the company herein
named desIre to submit Ramples of Its
work to this omc and will forward the
same charges prepaid they will receive
consideration and be placed on file for
reference. Respectfully ) 'ourl.
C. S. IEfIEn.
Acting Supen'slng Architect.
Congressman Mercer says he feels confident
dint the Trtasun' department IntendL tn do
the fair thing by time Omaha building und
will hasten Its completIon.
Entry of \ 'acaimt I.andl.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 7-RepresentatIve
IcRae of Arkansas has Introduced a bill for
the entry by persons or associations or keep-
ers or vacant ands not otherwIse appropriate
or reserved by competent authority , chiefly
valuable for building stone , sandstone , gran.
ito . etc. The entry I not to exceed 160
acres for a person or 320 for an association
and the pay Is to bO. $2.0 per acre where
, the land Is more than five miles from any
completed railroad . and not less than $5 per
acre when within five mIles or a railroad .
loke Apllllted is COlfcllrrnt .
WASHNOTON. Peh. 7.-The first confed-
erate to be sppohred'l-n' lieutenant of the
watch Is Captain Ahan R. Exlne of North
Carolina , whosl apoln1hlent has just ben
made Captain EiiW lost an arm durIng
thl war and Secretary Smith appoInted him
a watchman at thmdJbd4.jInning of the administration -
ministration . r 01
Thirteen Allot nV"Vasel ! Approved .
WAShINGTON , PII' 7-Acting Secretary
SIms has approveJ"ffrten " ! cases of alot-
mtnts of lands in..thoPawnee reservation ,
Oklahoma , In accordonolhvlh the act of February - I
ruary 28 , 1891. " I'
Two 1'uitmijls uuiihmatoti .
WASHINGTON . Fet ' -Tbe president has
sent the senate thll MFwlng nominations ;
Postmasters-John -Schleyer Hayes . ICan ;
John W. Cox , Eilis''lfttI.
Ic"W or , llIJlel Seely.
WAShINGTON , 'il7.-ColoneI Franklin
A. Seely , formerly'chie clerk of the patent '
ruls from theuul trtmentnf blood troubles
by whic the system \ tIlled wills mercury nod
pwi mbturmor to b dreaded than the
t drde tha
dieue-and In ahort whlleLsiaaworsocon.
dillon thau btore ahor whie \ WOl cn.
RHEUMATISM sessIon soon Irameandita takespos. of the
ilsooting palnl
and aching joint. make life mIserable. 11.8.8. Li
a reliable cur fo mercuri rbeumalm. \
affords relief even after
aford rlet
allelsebasfalied . afer I
guaranteed table \ and purely absolutely vega- sss
buirm\czs \
Itlute bumluI : ; Scud take for no sub- our
treatise on blood and
skin dIseases . maIled 'free t any adrU
aWn"r SPECIFIC ClIANY Atlanta . GL
ofce and late examiner or traclo marks , '
( lieu hero last nhh. le served In the
quartermaster's division IUflnK the war and
was 1 member of the Loyal Legion
'helr Attitude Hell ( 'onolleoll , In \n h
Illton tornrf I is I tattetl .
WAShINGTON . Feb. 7.-1 was confl-
Ilenty expected that In announcement of another .
other bond issue wil be made tomorrow or
Saturday , Independent or the acton of the
house this afternoon on the Springer bill. The
net result or the negotiations , whIch have
been In IJrogress during the last two or three
weeks , Is sId to be n practical agreement
among the London . and New York bankers
and the president for an Isue or $100,000.00
4 per cent bonds on an Interest basis or at
least 3A ! per cent Ir not greattr . or late
the Lndcn bankers have expressed n lllln-
clination to handle any part of the Issue unless -
less the New York bankers took part or It.
They do not seem to share the confidence ot
our own pep ' e that there was no question
but the bonds would be redeemed In gold Ir
the stpulaton ; was that they were redeemable -
able In coin , as they now Insist that the New
Yorkers should have n dIrect mil personal
Interest In the redemptIon or the bond In gold .
and very recently they informed Messrs. ! -
mont and Moran that under tlO other condi-
tons wi they accept any hart or the Issue.
This condition . It Is s . has been accepted
by the New York bankers amid I now seems
almost certain that OOOO.OOO wi be offered
for sale to our own people , and the other
$ & 0.000.00 solll In London.
NBW YORK Feb. 7.-Tho Evening Post's
London financial dispatch today says : Time
new American loan Is practically underwrlt-
ten here , and , supporlng the Springer ! hill Is
III rea tell today the nnnouncement Is expected
tomorrow or Sattirilay . All the arrange-
ments are completed by the syndIcate con-
neetell with the new loan. They will probably -
ably return to Amerla ,
INIH.\N A1't'ltl'lttt'CION ill t.l"
As lellrtll to the SelUto It Cnrrles t'300-
070 ( Shore Tlll the lonoo 11t1'"lr.
WAShINGTON , Pcb. 7.-Senatr Coellrel ,
front time committee of appropriations ) , reported -
ported the Indian bill. The total approprl-
aton mlde by It Is $8,829,700 , an increase
or $60S.9iO. The appropriation made by the
house for the support or Indian pupils at the
Lincoln institute , Philadelphia , and the
Hamilton college In Virginia Is stricken out
and the total sum for the educatIon or In-
diana placed In the control or the secretary
of tim Interior Is Increased to $1,273,440.
An approprIation or $400,000 Is made for the
survey of lands In Illan territory. The
secretary or time Interior Is authorize to negotiate -
! otate with the Otoe and Missouri trIbes for
the purcllaso of a sufficient quautly of theIr
surplus lands to allot to members or the
tribes. An Important amendment Is that np-
pro\rlatng $30,000 for the survey and allot-
uncut or lands and providing that an alottce
who , on account or ph'slca1 disability , cannot -
not occupy his ailoljuemit . may lease
tim same , and also providIng that any
tribe whose lands arc allotted may lens the
surplus for farming purposes.
Ono or the general nmellments provIdes
no persons should be employed as farmer or
stoclunan who has not been nt least five
years previously employed In the practical
occupation of arming. Twcnty.fvo thousand
dollars ot the appropriation for Arizona and
New Mexico Is made immediately available ,
supposedly for the relief or destitute Nnva-
Joes. The provision allowing time secretary
, of the Interior to pay the Stocltbrldge In-
diana Ier capita hal ot the fund now to
theIr credit In the United States treasury
upon the completIon of the alotment of their
land Is stricken out
Veterans , the Late "nr lomelbercl by
_ , , . .
Iln U"ncrnl Covernmelt
WASHINGTON , Feb. 7.-Spscial.-Pen- ( )
slons granted , IEsue of January 25 , lg5.
Nebraska AddItIonal-Da'id 'Var-
were : Nebrska : Addltonal-Davll -
nero Geneva Fillmore. IncreaseClnton
'H. ' Losure , CreIghton , Knox
Iowa : 'Orlglnnl-Tl omas Hanson Badger
'Vebster. IncreaseNicholas Klrpes . St.
Donatus , Jackson ; Thomas Leach , ot-
tumwa , Wapehlo. neissuc'Vtlam n.
Pierce , Iowa Falls , Hafln : John W.
Sprigga Bluffton . Wlnneshlelt ; Charles
Sanderson. Council BlUffs . Polawalamle ;
Corelus Wertz Plattsviile Taylor. Widow
Jackson. -IndUen warsMnry A. by112 , Belevue ,
Colorado : OrigInal-James : J. Harris ,
Ouray Ouray ; John H. Plctel , Nederland ,
Boulder. . -
Wyoming : Original-Levi Deans , Deck-
ton Sheridan ; John 1lcCloul. Rothen
Cro .
Montana : Original-Wllhiam Scimoppe
Utica . Fergus. _ _ _ _ _
Writ on tile 1,011 I'emmaton Case Isqueci .
WASHINGTON , Feb. 7.-A mandamus has
been Issued against the commissioner ot
pensions to enforce the restoration of a
pensIon of $2 per month to Judge Long of
MIchigan. The suit against the secretary of
the Interior has been dismissed
. .
JIOlher 11" Son Irowiietl.
FISH FERRY S. C. , Feb. 7.-Whtie Rev.
S. G. GreRhnm and family were attempting
to cross the Broad river the trolley broke
sinking the ferry boat Mrs. Gresham amid
their 13-year-old son were drowned The
husband ter. reached shore wIth I little daugh-
, I
' Quke . .
' \ What I no appetite for breakfast -
' fast P Try a dish of Quaker
ti Oats and cream. You'l
( \like \ that .
' Sold only In 2 lb. Packages
PresldeDt Cashier
First Natio nal BanK
Capital , . . $100,000
' PI'olits , . S S 12,000
On , 01 the oldest banks In the state oC Iowa.
Wo solicit your buslnrss and collection. , W.
pay I per cent 01 lmo deposits. We wi be
pleased to sea and servo you
SI'IS & BAINBRIDGE Attorneys-lt-f. . "
ul.ImlJ L Uflhiiuitiuuu5 I'ractlce In time State
nlll ( derll COl r " . , . Heels : 3-7.8- ( Hhuplr ;
Block , Council UIII. . II" ' .
Special NotcesGounci.Blufs
. < hiurke . at W . B. ISomer's . f Uroadway , D
court house Apply It lice oitice . Council Blurts.
- . - - - -
can Snd good rooms and board In pfl"ate tam-
fly ; low rate ; residence In buaInii center
A I . Bee Council : lulr
er hWfework ; best ot references ddreaa n
G. lee 0110.
nicely turhJI 1 Ileam beat 581 IrUh ( u'cnu.
Have New Goods , , ' '
Have One Price ,
WE J Have High Grades ,
Hove Cheap Grades ,
Rltiihnli fliirtott : ( ( ) iiiltnrs rgntumt ,
_ _ _ Stewart nnlJos ,
SELL Everything Chenper Muslenl Wnhhu Mcrcltnttitlso thnu ' lttnttilolltitt let other MusIc , ,
* lottttes .
Noii Scale
lalet & DI\'ls
Popllar 1170 PIANOS
Slightly used .
fluid Che pcr ,
H 0 S P ' E Wholesale Retail , 1513 , 1614 Douglas Izard , ,
, .
- - - - - -
i _ _ -
- - - -
- - - " 5
"TllO imcihl cat fIrI rrl : " , 1 Irsl of Its 0111. "
Young Ma n Take a Hint.
Don' ' bo nCl'nld to stat't II ut thin bottom . DJn
think 'Ol Iust have everything "splt Inl spln"whon
' 'Ol \ \ ' \ ' unJ Imtt0 tiuwnVu cln give 'o\ a
. little Ilonsekeoping Otttflt rom' vciy entail ititiotImit
! snug IH ! Iuuselcoplng OutI rO''oi' SlUl UIUlnt
c - ' -anti theit wo don't Wlt the monov cithor. You C/ I {
. P/ , ' for i gt'atltuilly.'it1 / m little hOle , partly 1101
anti l'Otul 'I to sueees little wife \(1 willed , " YOI ttt'c un Ito ( high
- _ _ _ _
A Secret !
Between Mrs. A and T\Irs . B ,
Mi's. A.-Oh. what n lovely hOlc you have . I um really surprised
to see you are so beautifully Cm'nishod.
! I' . D.-Yes , wo have n ' nice home , and .
hu\e vm'y um110 evot' so Imppy , now
that wo are housekeeping und so oOICol'llbl ' sHuate
Mrs , A.-now could you affom'd tu ftu'nlsli so IUXI'iouly when your
husband afford IL makes only about haH as much sallr.v us lY ltusb.tnel , I can't :
( it . D.-l know my husband makes very little salary , but \,0 11\0 . S
learned n SOCI'Ot.
Mrs. . A.-\Vhnt ! A . Secret ? , tel i to mo , as I 11 anxious to
lom'n uiiything ! to bettor om' sU'I'oundings and furnish what wo maced to
complete ! out' home
'I'S. B-i'lac SecI.ct is thisVo ; had 0\ entire house CUI'nlshfd on
the New I'artial Payment ian 'I'IIE 1'EOI'LL'S "
' Purtal plan by TiE PEOPJh'S [ "ui'nituro & Cnt'pot
Co. Pita greatest house FurnlshU's In the wost. Wo paid thom S10.O0
down and 1'01 $1,00 to $2.50 pOt' . week lS wo cnn alTot'd. They do not
charge tl any interost" , and the pI.lccs tWO lower than ( cnn buy olso-
whol'o. This is our Secret und the way wo accomplsh what othm'wlso
vlnced- would bare been un hnpoEslbihty. ) Go and sou . tot' 'oursclf and be . oon-
Homombor , we 'ou the BEST of '
give you ovel'ything- .
Best in value. Best it service. Best it tertts.t
t .
Also remember that goods wore nwor so el EA.\\ NDW : unl tha !
hey cannot possibly bo ehoJper. &
Doled down mire ns follows , and It Is aU $10 worth or geode , @ 1 I'erwook ,
time sale to IY which Illun you adopt. Or t54 Ilor Immoimlim.
only one thIng . bo euro of , our IOCIIA 82orth of 10do. tier "eok
mtro tilt varr.itect . both ' 8000 , ,
nre.1 " as to anality ( I' R < nntll
and value. Our salesmen mire t Qualty . 8/0 , .orth of good. , 82 per workl
our shipments are prompt , and YUU' Or 81 00" momtim. ,
n'rnl"\8 tlorollll.v , " ' ; llfec.Itot. . l7 worth or good. . 82 no I'er wnek.
EIther you pay cash or Icoept our easy Or 8UI par 1011h.
pllYDcnt : plan : 8100 worth ! 01 goll. 8a t5il I' , \telq
Or f12 use lonth
StUd worth or good. , 3.1SO : par week
FIRS1'-Withm Caslm SECO D-1lh \01)10,8:1.30 II 11411ur 1\ltb
I15o worth of gooel . . 84 per \vuckl ;
part Cush amid 80 munch per month. Or 81 I U I'er mii'mmtht.
'DOltl. .
snot \vortl of ! ool. , 8J Ilf.k ;
ThIRD-With pt cash anti 80 Ur .20 i ) ° InnU ! , 5 ,
82110wortlt ' of Iood" , 80 vcr , week ,
mueh , Per "eok , - 0 I t2l11D I mll (
Send 10. for Our llunUloth Ilustrated Ctnlogu
Oj5eu Saturdiy .Evcnfngs Until to O'clock.
. - - . - '
- '
_ J
T-- : . # The Sunday 'Bee.
_ _ _ _ . _
/ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ - A Powerful and Fascinating 3tory :
I The Chronicles of
c ' , Anthony Hope.
) Now current in
The Bee.
- Sunday .
- _ _ _ _ _
II Church Novel aniatetir entcr Parlor m
'I tiiiiiiuents for sogicties ,
I , socials and lionies , Sell
Socials Pastililes
II olireceipt of lOdbytlie :
H0m Enerfainment Co , Council Bluffs1 Iowa. u
Ii ra . . . j
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . .
c - - BLUFFS
All kindi of Dyeing
and Cleaning ( lonU in
the highest style of
time nit , li'itdud anti
I- LAM btniiitI fabrics mada
to hook as good as
new. Work promptly
done aimd delivered
, , - : iii all purt of this
i country. Saud for
. a prIce list.
- . ' O,4.u.toAM
( = 'l
flrOadtt' y , near North.
wostemn 13eV4 , Council
Bluffs Iowa. Tel. $23
, t . ' - . " ' /r , " . . at , , , . . . . . . . . . . _ , . , . , , , ,