Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1895, Image 1

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Esr'ADLISIIED JUNE 19 , 1871. .01\IAII J"IUDAY 1\LOlNIq I 1. ] , EnRUAUY 8 , 1895. . . SINGLE COPY FIE GENrs.
Ohen-Yuan ana Tin -Yucn Sunk Monday
by the Japancse
Terrlfo lombRrllmcnt of the 1IIInd I ' ortl
I'rogrcaic.I nt the Snmo limo ni the
1 \11 EflIsgcti1ent-tlItcMi ,
Ihlpl.\1 IRlly Iamngcd.
; - -
LNDON , Feb. 7.-A cablcgam ' from Wet-
Jnl-Wel ! , dated February 5 , says the Chlncse
feet him pracUcaly ccascII to exist The Ironclad .
clad Chen.Yuen nl11 her sIster ! sIiIi . the
Tlng-Yuen , have been sunk , and the other
, 'cssels of the Chinese feet are within the
grasp of the Japanese. At daybreak on Sun.
tiny the Japancse feet openell fro on the Lut
Jung forte which replIed vigorously. The
bombarlment became terrlnc. The frst
JaPanese 11vilon , Including the flagship , dl.
rectell Its force against the easter Island
baterlU , while the seconl division shelel I
Fort 7hlhi. The Chlncso feet soon came to
the asslstanco of the forts. The Tlng-Yuen
used her guns with effect , but only succcedell
In dl"erUng . some ot the Japanese fro from
the forts to hereelt. The Lal-Yuen n smaller
ship , also fought well. There weTo many
casualies , Two Chinese gunboat also as-
Sl8tOl , but were not badly Ilamaged. These
four vessels fought desperately until dark ,
when the firIng ceased on boll sides.
The Chinese forts , especially Fort Zblh ,
Buffered Immense damage. Tim slackening
Chinese fro toward evening IndIcated that
S tIm guns ' were dIsabled that the gUllers
'were killed or that ammunItIon was becomIng
scarce. The sea was rough Sunday but fear-
log that ChInese would endeavor to escape ,
the Japanese feet did not seek shelter . remaining - '
maining to block the exits from the harbor.
During the night the Japanese learned from
a prisoner WJI ) had been captured ashore
that Admiral 'ring the Chinese naval com-
mamler , had ordered the captains of the
various ships to remain Inside the harbor
even If I the Islands should be captured and
endeavor to destroy the Japanese fleet. Every
olcer was ordered to remain at his post untIl
- the last , under pain of dishonor or death
The bombardment was resumed today , Sun.
11ny's operatIons beIng repeated. The fire
from Fort Zhlh contInued weakly. The Chinese -
nose men-of-war were so repeatedly ( and
bally hit that their guns were handled with
dlfeuly and wIth less spirit. Towards the
close or the lIght the Tlng-Yuen and Chen-
Yuen were dlsablcd They gradually set led
lawn and foundered amid shouts of triumph
: from the Japancse 1oth on land and sea.
The other ChInese vessels were In distress.
The dIspatch concludes with the statement
that the Japanese are preparing to carry Litt-
Kung by storm
: TIle Chen.Yuon and 'rlng-Yuen were built
. at 'tho Vulcan works , Stettn , German The
former was launched In December 1882 , and
the latter In December , 1881. ChIef En-
, glnecr , King or the UnIted States navy recently -
. cenly described the vessels as follows : They
are armored ships of the barbette type , wIth
a citadel amidships. RIsing above It are ' two
. others placed enclchielon In each at which are
, mounted two twelvo-Inch fifty-ton lcrupp
- guns , whIle on the bow and stern one of
' ' . Is
rupp's long five-eIghths-Inch guns
mounte& _ _ _ _ _ _ _
j Territorial Intorlt. of the Chln sl Empire
' Wil le lrotected
LONDON , Feb. 7.-A dispatch from Paris
lays that some of [ the RussIan envoys have I
received instructions as to the attitude which I
; Russia , England and France and , through
( 'Hussla's InterventIon , ' the Uned States In-
tnnd , to take on tie ; question raised by the
war between chIna and Japnn. AccordIng
c to the ' 1Imes' correspondent It has ben do-
i i' tided that the eventful intervention of these
: powers shal take place at tho- proper ,
; moment . China wi be asked In her o\\n
4 interests , as wel as those of the civilized
-warld , to open her ports , seeing that the present -
. ' epL system has led to Chlna's powerlessness
and ruin. The wIll walt untIl
Ild rIn. powers wi unt Cqlna
admIts herself vanquished and sincerely ne-
gotates for [ ieace. I wi then be pointed
' out to Japan that Europe can not alow her
to annex nn Inch of the ChInese mainland.
' But the same ImpossIbilIty docs not exist In
regard to olhcr annexatIons which will be
.pen to discussIon. There will be no Inter-
venton concerning vessels , arms and other
booty nor as to the war indemnity. This
questIon must bo seWed between the com-
batants. No. objectIon must be entertaIned
as to Jal'an retaining certain posItions as
pledges of payment. Dut no commercIal
stIpulatIons to the disadvantage of ( lie powers
wi bo permlUed. The whole . world Is to
Profit by any opening of ports .or liberty to
Penetrate Into the Interior of Chino. Finally
the powers wi Insist that the ChInese cur-
rency In future Is to bo on the European sys-
tem , In order to facilitate the new foreign
loan to which China will bo oblIged to re-
ort.WASHNGTON , Feb 7.-Tho cable dispatch
trom London , showIng a purpose on the part
of Great Drltuln. France and RussIa to Interfere .
tertere at lie proper stage at the hostilItIes I
bweon Japan and China , has attracted much
attentIon among Ilplomnlc circles here , and
has acquIred additional sIgnIficance when
takln In conjunction \ Ith the recent speech
from the throne of Queen Victoria. The lat-
. ter , In a very guarded and dIplomatIc manner ,
hinted that ( when the tIme came the relatIons
between the greater powers would be found
/ulclenty' harmonious to Insure the retora-
ton Of peace between Japan and Uhlna. Dy
the terms of lie ( understanding , as reported ,
Japan wIll not .be IJermlted to acquIre an
IncA of territory on the Chinese maInland .
This , at cal r , weuld prevent her from re'l
tamIng Iert Arthur or Wel.lal Wel , the
great naval atrongholds of China , or any part
of Manchuria , which abe has occupied after '
hard tIghtI.g , but , on the other hand , It Is
bel eyed herr the statement Is Intended as a
dIstInct IntImation that Japan may claim the
great Island of Formosa , which Is a most
strateg'o poInt. Thla Is InhabIted by fierce
Malay tribes , who have never been subjected ,
and , even after their long nomInal l'OSStS-
" lon ' , the ( Chlner have been unable to do
more than ( get a foothold on the coast.
It has been confidently expected here that
the I ur.peln powers wIll Intervene between
Japan and China whEnever It should appear
the latter country was really vanllu'shed and
was suing In vain for Ileac& upon reasonable
terms , but 10 far DS tie dispatch rererred to
Indicate any Ilosslbily of an acton In that
line b ) the United States In conjunction with
other Ilowerl It Is cearly erroneous , for I
cal b posItively stated that under no con-
dllons can the ( president be Induced to depart
10 far frem our established polIcy of nonInterventIon .
InterventIon . I II no cause of , urlllso here
. that Germany , too . wIlt refrain from joining
) In an interventIon which would surely be d's- .
tasteful [ to Japsn for the latest reports from
PUT consuls In the latter country show the
Otrman traders are Jnaklng extraordinary
progress In sUPlllal1lng all oiier foreigners ,
even Americans , In securIr.g'controh of the
valllbl ; ! Jallaneee aeclrlrgcontrol
; ( ' mirord's enl er Nbc arrested.
NEW YORK , Feb. S-The World ( lila
. morning prints the following cable :
, CitING 1n.UO 1Inn. ; I eb. 7.-To the
Editor ot the \ \ 'arId : There Is n truth
whatever In the report that any olcel's of
, the unIted BtateK gunboat Concord have
been captured or arrested tl the Chinese
her . Moreover . there hats been no trouble
here ot UI ) ' sort In whc" ! " the ConcoN's out.
cers or UI ) ' Alerlunl are In\olvI ,
, - _ United Slutcs Consul .
' . Tn 310r 111tU frol the Ellis ,
. I.ONDON , Fb 7-Two more bodies sup.
rOied to be ot IIasengen of tbe Elbe ,
, . 1& \ 'b\en brought to Lwutoft Ono Of
' ' , '
, , I
them has not been Identified ; the other I
that of Edward Markowitz of [ BUlIn Vesth .
I has ben ascertaIned that the body brought
to Lwestoft yesterday Is not that of [
Isehuncer , chIef steward of the Elbe , as at
first believed . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commlsslon to Secure Aid In I'rocurln
MARSEILLES , Feb. 7.-0ung Tech
Thinung . the Chinese envoy extraordinary ,
has arrived here. lie Is Intrusted with a
mission by his government to ask France ,
Germany , Austria and Russia to mediate for
peace between China ali Japan.
WAShINGTON , Feb. 7.-Tho Chinese legs-
ton hero has no InformatIon In regard to the
mission of Oung Tech Thaung , lie Chinese
envoy extraordinary , who 18 reported as just
having arrived In Marseilles. The ofelnls
know nothing of any such envoy , ali think
some mistake has been male. ( A special
envoy let Peking for Russia some time
ago to onvey to the czar the regrets of tIm
Chinese emperor for the recent death of his
rather , the czar , and It Is thought this must
bo the Russian envoy.
WAit TI.U : IN IIOt .
IndIcatIon , , UOoor , Point to 1 I'oncorul
Settement or the Olltoml\h Aff.iir.
CITY OF MEXICO , Ffb. 7.-Thero Is still
nothing of a definIte nature to b announced
In connect ' on wIth the Guatemalan affair.
The aIr Is ful of warlike rumou , but , It must
bo understood , they proceed to a large extent -
tent from the populace , ali carry no ofcial
weIght ' People connected with the govern-
meat decline abslutely to commit theinalves
In any way. As far as can be learned authon-
tcalY , war preparations are stIll being car- I
ned on. Humors arc current her ton'ght ' ( list '
Guatemala \ 1 concede the dIsputed tern-
tory , but net the IndemnIty asked. There Is
no confrmaton of this report.
MI\oment lit tim " 11lk of Eiiglan.i.
LONDON Feb. 7.-Tho weekly statement
of the Dank of England Issued today shows
the following changes as compared with the
previous account :
Total reserve Increase , ! G62OOO ; clrcnla-
( toil . Increase LI93.0o : bullion , Increase ,
C855.0S0 ; other securitIes . Increase ,
146,000 ; other deposIts , Increase , 3,000 ;
publIc deposits , Increase , C316,000 ; notes re-
serve Increase , f530,000 ; government securi-
ties . decrease , 190,000.
The proportion of the Dank of Engand's
resrve to liability , which last week was 69.12
Iler cent , Is now 70,10 per cent.
I'rol.seit Icrln Ihnctltlo Conference.
DEHLIN , Feb. 7.-The Econmlc union , a
body composed ot members of the ltelchstag
has adopted a motion made by Count van
llrbach , German conservative. that applca-
ton be made to the Relchstag to request the
various federal governments to Issue Invia-
tons to attend a bimetallIc conference. .
Amerlc1n Uobbct Near Mcinte 'nrlo.
NICE , Pcb 7.-Mr. Fox , said to be the
, son of an American banker , was robbed on a
train ' between Nice and Monte : Carlo or { S6S.
He made a complaint to the police yester-
day , but withdrew I today , wishing to escape
- p
Silver Jlemorlal tn South Dakota's Senate
Ullp08ed of Without TrouDle.
PIERRE , S. D. . Feb. 7.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-Tho house havIng yesterday reversed
itself on the free silver resolution by restrict-
log Its demand to the American product , the
senate today wrested with the subject. The
senators seemed to be In a god deal of a
quandary over I. The populsts strove to
strike out the limitations , but Senator Mc-
Gee stated that. limIting It to the American
product would lo 'practealy making Itunlm-
Ied , as North and South America mIght be
taken In. Senator Doyce moved ' to limIt It to
the product of the United Statcs. Senator
Sinclair moved to lImit I to the product of
South Daltota. Senator Smith introduced a
substItute ' caling 'on congress to raise whisky
to its historic price of 5 cents a 'galon and
wheat to $1. to guarantee that rains would
tall when they were needed and everybody be
generally prosperous.
Dy this time the whole mater had been
covered with ridicule , and Senator Bonnet
pleaded to postpone the mater on the ground
that South Dakota's credit had been hurt
badly enough by the Tyler defalcation without -
out adopting the memorial. The matter was
finally laId over t:1 : February 21.
A sharp debate took place over the prop-
ositon to exempt $200 worth of personal
property from taxation , and It was defeated
by practIcally a party vote. The consttu-
tonnl amendment striking out the word
"male" passed by twenty-seven votes to six.
Tim bill oppolntng one woman a member of
the Board of Charities and Corrections also
passed by a vote of 28 to 13 , as did a b.1
legalIzIng the incorporatIon of 'Voonsoltet
and the bill to remunerate Frank Stanton for
loss during the IndIan war.
In the ' house the bIll defining IntoxicatIng
lIquors to be those holdIng more than 4 per
cent alcohol. after a warm debate In which
the prohIbItion question was threshed over
at length , was - defeated - . by a vote of 62 to 17.
JIm French unit tlauJhtor Kid "hot nt
l'atooja , I. T. - . - UtJ Dooln Still Lives .
CLAnEMORE , 1. T. , Feb. 7.-Jlm French
has met his fate. Lat night French and
Slaughter Kid undertook to rob the merchan-
dlso store of W. E. Ialon at Catoosa , about
twelve mIles south of here. The bandits
were recognized lS they rode Into town
They dismounted Ietore the store of Paten ,
when a Texas cowboy from within opened
fro on them , Instantly kIlling Slaughter Kid
with his second iiliot . lie fred a third shot
at Jim French , but missed. Having no more
cartridges he secreted his revolver. French
entered the store antI accused the cowboy of
hillIng lila Ilartner II crime , but the cowboy
protested that he hail ( no gun , hence he was
not the ole , whereupon French turned and
shot Manager Irvin , chief clerk of the ( store ,
through the body Irvin drew a reveler
all returned the fire , shooting French
through the body and through the right eye.
French managed to reach his horse and
mountIng , rode to a house a short dIstance
away. The man at once Informed the town
at reneh's whereabluts , and n crowd aSlem-
bled , to capture the dying bandIt who heard
them approach , raised up and looked out of
the \lndow . . ndat that moment received a i
load of buckshot In the face , almost tearing
his head off . Mr. Irvln's death Is expected i ,
hourlY , us the Winchester bal ploughed
through his body from side to side just
below the waist lie exhibited great courage
In returning the fire after receivIng his own
death wound
The death of these two outlaws entIrely
wipes out the Cook gang wIth the exception
of Di DoolIn . p
llovemella of Ocn ' Steamers , I""b. 7.
At New York-ArrIved. Clrcanla , from
Liverpool : I England , from l.ndon.
At Southianipton-Arrived-Lahin , from New
York for Dremen.
At l.Iverpool-Arniyed-Majestic , from New
York ; Michigan , from Boston ; Cephalonla ,
from Dalton
At San Francisco-Arrived-United Slates
stlamer Monterey , from New 'Vhateom.
At Queenaown-SaIIed-Steamer BrIlan-
nic . tor New York. '
At Dremen.Arrlved-E , from New
At Queenstown-Arrh'ed-Cephalonla , from
Boston , for Ltyerpool.
l'aiiic at a laetor ) 1ire.
silLl.Vll.LE " . N. J. , Feb , 7.- . fire In the
factory of the 'oodblne Machine and Tel
company ut Wodbine this afternoon par.
taly destroyed the factory and \ caused
II pallc , among the forty employee . many
ot whom vere badly hurt In Jumping frm
windows One ot the girls was 10 badly I
Ilul. Injure that she may . die. The 10bl Is
1111. ; : 1 I UIIrler Allol ot flIii.
NI IYORh , l cb. 7.-ne of the cIty
bnkq wltulrow $20,0O , old trom the sub-
treasury today ; >
' "
- - - -
Probability of the Senator Becoming the
the ' General o1ioitor.
Burlngton's Solcitor.
' 'alted to Succeed Thulton , but Ills Chances
'Vcro Amnall-.Jndge Horton or
1nn.I'ter tIme Ulion
lncilo l'laco.
TOPEKA , Kan. , l eb. 7.-Speclal ( Tele-
gam.-I' ) Is gossip of the . pltcans : and
others who are on the Inside or the fight for
the general solciorship of the Union Pacifc ,
which John M. Thurston Is expected to vacate -
cate before ho Is sworn In as senator of the
Unlell ( States , that Senator Malierson has
wihdrawn from the race and has been promised .
Ised the general solcitorship at the D. & M.
system west of the Missouri river , made Vacant .
cant by the death of Mr. Marquette. Whether
Senator Manderson discovered that hc had
no chance for the Union PacIfic place Is not
known , but he politicians Sny that such
really was his position In the fight and that
ho chose to make sure of the othnr place.
Kaiisas people belIeve that the Union PacIfic
Is fast shaping Itself In favor of Chief Justice
Albert H. Horton of the Kansas supreme
bench for Thurston's place , notwithstanding I
the strong pull which John F. Dillon of New ,
York Is making In behalf of A. L WIlliams
of Topeka , the general solicItor for Kansas
or the UnIon Pacific . S. H. H. Clarke Is
pulling for D. P. Waggoner of Atchison , the
western attorney ot lie Gould system , but
next to Waggener ho Is sad ! to favor Horton.
I Is believed that Horton's strongest pull Is I
no Ices a personage than JUdge Sanbor him-
self , who has lie sale power of nppolntment. '
Judge Sanborn has said that while he will
consIder the suggestions of the property he
will b guided by his own jUdgment In makIng -
lag the selection. lie wants a man who
combines the lawyer and the polItical man-
ager , and for that reason he Is sad ! t ( be
considering Judge Horton's name.
WAShINGTON , D. C. . Feb 7.-Speclal (
Telegram.-Senator } Mnnderson says there Is
nothIng In lie Marquette story. Ho denIes
it emphatically and with some show of dissatisfaction -
satisfaction . not to say Indignation. .
KANSAS CITY , Feb 7.-A special from
Topeka to a local paper says : The talk of
ChIef ' Justice Harten for the ( general solicitor-
shIp of the Union Pacific Is sufcienty cred-
Iell by Kansas politicians ns to cause them
to speculate as to his probable successor on
the supreme bench should he receive the
appointment. The men most prominently
mentoned ! are Solon O. Thacher of Lawrence ,
David Martin or Atchison , and T. F. Garver
of Sauna. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Senator hurt Denonnee Julo d. Vv. Blithe
nnd Urn"l" 11m ns Being Corrullt. < .
CHEYENNE , Feb 7.-Speclal ( Telegram ) :
' -The most exciting and dramatic incident
of this session at the Wyoming legislature
was enacted In the senate today wile n bill
changing Fremont county from the Third
to the Second judicial district was under
discussion. Senator Hurt of Natrona
county , who Is In the Second judicial Ils-
trrlct offered an amendment to the hIlt I
providing that the counties ot Converse ,
Natrona and Fremont should compose a I
separate judicial distrIct. In a speech In
support at the motion , Senator Hut made
some serious accusations against the official
conduct and character at Judge J. W. , Blake .
the presiding judge of the district. Senator
Hamln of Sweetwater county arose to
the defense 'Judge Blake and demanded
that Senator Hurt's words be taken down
by the clerlt. They are as follows : ,
"The judge of the Second judicial district
has bee guilty of conduct which would ,
render him liable to Impeachment and
which could be proved here In fifteen
minutes . by reputable witnesses. " ,
Senator 1cGI at Albany county which '
II Judge Dlulte's home , replied to Senator
Hurt as follows : "The statements ot the
gentleman from Natrona are unmItigated
lies and he knew them to be such when ,
he made them. I have known Judge Blake
as I friend and neighbor for twenty-five
years , and I know there Is no more up-
right citizen In the state or a man who Is
more highly esteemed as an ofcial than
he ts. "
The Incident created considerable excitement -
ment In the senate and was the subject
at discussIon about the capitol during the
day. Senator Hurt was generally con-
demned for his Intemperate utterances.
South Uakntn InvcstltlG CommIttee lie-
views Ohio I vldelce II the Taylor CIUO.
PIEIU1E S. D. , Feb. 7.-(8peclal ( Tele-
gram.-The joint committee to investigate
the commissioner of school and public lands
met this morning und spent the day look-
ins over the tanscript at the evidence
drawn out by the Taylor committee EO
far as I affects Colonel Ruth. Nothing of
Importance was found In the documents ,
but several contradictions at Importance
upon material points were developed between -
tween Colonel Ruth and some other wtt-
The committee will hoW Ito first general
session tomorroW , nornIng In the senate
chamber and this will be open to the public.
Hans Smith , the auditor or Clay county ,
who ts SUPllosed to know about tie famous .
letters from Ruth to Taylor . Is In the city
and vili be one ot the first witnesses.
wi Irst
The eoul'tl have appointed Den 1' . Hoover
receiver ot the defunct bank at Getysburg
and this act bids faIr to exercise large In.
luenee upon the Taylor investigation and
the suit ot the state against th6 Mndsmen.
' 1he Inside history of the deal has not been
generally known. Taylor fInding the old
sloclthohlers pinched financially bought up
all but one share of the stock and closed
the hank , transferring most or Its assets
t10ulh the mortgage company to lila bank
It Rectell. ( le also dIsposed of tome col-
lateral . The one stockholder now turns UII
anti demands an accounting . The result IH
expected not only to get back large blocks
or property Into the state's hands but also
to Ilut In an awkward place the olclnls or
the mortgage company , whom , I Is alleged .
disposed of the - property - without authority .
In Conventon Thor Commend the Attitude
. or the A. H. U.
GREENVILLE , Mch" , lreb . 7-Mlchlgan
POpUlstl held their state convention here
yesterday und nominated at at the candidates -
dldateB for supreme court jus lce and regents -
gents of the unlverply , who are to be
voted upon rf the spring election . R. 13.
Taylor of Bay was nominated tor justice
ot the supreme court and George 1. Smith
ot lhenzie and V. J. Dower ot 1aeomb , university -
velly regents
Resolutions were adoPted commending the
course ot Ireslent Debs et al of the Amer-
lean Railway union urging workmen to
unite with the populsts , deprecating gOY-
enment bonll Issues and the enlargement I
of the privIleges and powers of banking '
corporations , and condemning the alleged '
attempts In congress to outlaw sliver. The
atltude of the administration upon llnan-
atttude Jnan-
clal questona was denounced n subversive
of tree government The resolutions 11- :
dare that no hope can be placed by the
care In "ther the democratic or reput-
Ican parties. '
AK a remedy. for the above alleged at.
rocitles . the resolutions advocate unre-
strlete coinage ot Iohl and silver , and
the issuance ot un adequate supplemental
volume ot paler money without the Inter.
venton of banks at issue and IJrohlbltng
any further Issue ot bonds or bank paper .
Parsimony Caul' Cirea EulurluJ 10 In-
. te 1'ltenll.
SPINGFmLD , Ill. , 1.'eb. 7.-The special
committee to Investgate the Anna hospital
cl'entel I sensation today by orlng Gov-
ernor Algell for his adm nlatraton of
the hospItals ot the state . The report was
signed by three republicans and by two
rural democrats. 'fhe committee reported
that had lie $1,0 turned back Into the
state treasury uy Governor Algeld been
judiciously expended for the lurposes for
whIch I was appropriated much of the
distress complained ot In malY vara or
the state would never have Jarts sail
the 10 led3 , which Superintendent Law-
. - , - -
- -w-1-
- - - - -
- - -
rncl or the Annn hospktildeinres were
unoculllet would hnvr bepn filled with
unfortunate Inmne now beingoonly : CIr11
for In \n omtorlnble hbmel JUH poor
houses. The report wasseflt to the committee -
mltee on public chanltle $ . '
Chicago Mayoralty nnl"t ! uut of Court
CHICAGO Feb. 7.-1n the contest of
George D Swift ( rep ) for th spat or Mayor
Hepklns ( dens . ) , County JUllge Carter today
decided that the county 6urt had no juris-
diction. The case may be taken to the
higher court but nR Mayor Hopkins' term
expires next spring It Is not cons\lered probable -
able by the that contestRnt. any further action , will be tAken
111 R'nlrn from the Missouri 1.0/tRIII\rr.
JEFF'titION CIT\ Mo" , Feh. 7.-A big
sensation occasioned im the
senlaton was occnslonCI 1the legislature
this evening by the ( discovery think some
one had stolen I house hl\1 \ % providing for
the collection or I special beer tax for
rNI hnprvcment purposeN A duplicate
bill was Introduced as soon tIS the theft
was discovered. I wOII.I . levy nn annual
tax or about $ tOO on the brewing Inter
"nme CI.I ltory II ' Iilho
BOISE Idaho I.'eb. 7-The twcnt.elghth
ballot for United States senator was today
without any change. ThCe : was one nb.
sent. Shoup , 19 : Sweet , II : Cliiggett , 1
The house ot representatives today , without .
out dIvision olloltCl I memorial to con-
gross against the Presltlept's ' Vlalt to Issue
UOOW In gold \resldeJt )
, ' 'tnnes ' pn Ulhtrlltqrlnl Conl. . '
NASHVILLE , Tents , Pcb. 7.-In the
gubernatorial contest Governor Turney
today ( flIed his petition . which Is In the ( na-
ture of I specific allegation 'or frauds Practiced -
tcedt _ where prncUced and to what extent.
Mr lvans wi also file I simiar j letition.
I'econiing Monotonous In OroJon ,
S\.1 : : , Ore. , Feb. 7.-i'here was no
change In the joint vote fdr' United States
senator today. The vote 1toM : Delphi 4 :
Hare , 10 ; Wrtherrord , 8 : WIlliams , t ; iier-
mann , 13 : Lord , ,4 ; Lowell , ' 3 ; absent , 2.
Cut tim. . l'rhm otSUIRI' .
PHI.ADELPIIA , Feb. , 7. - AI the sugar
refineries In this city cut the price of re-
lued sugars one.slxteenth' p qt a cent toda ) ' .
ON JHl tlrT2'EN 4'JXi , zs.iox.
Queen Li Implicates lud01ph Spreckols In
the hovolutIoimisry ] 'Iot !
SAN FRANCISCO , Feb. 'U-The Examiner
prints the following from l-Ibnolulu : "Up to
the moment of the steamer's departure the
most Interesting phase Of Queen Lluolt-
lanl's Implication In the plot to overthrow
the government Is her \vrlten admission
showing the collusion tf I young Rudolph
Spreckels , discovered among some fragments
at her majesty's diary. ' 'hen the rid was
made on Washington place afer lie arrest
of the ex-queen , resuttn ( lithe i seizure of
arms , ammunition and boliibs ; , a number of
papers belonging to the exqueen were taken
possession of and turned over t the govern-
m nt. Among the papers \'as n jsemoran-
dum In her own handwritIng , ' dating back as
far 8S last June and JUIY wherein occur
frequent references to RudolPh' Spreekels , In
which he Is quoted as rep 1cdh : urging her
to resort to' ' force to rega $ ; her lost thrqne
, These importunIties were . < sot by 3. 0'
Carter . one' at her close advisers ; ' who
cunsehOd moderation , I' I ' ,
"Another paper found among the ' ex.queen's
papers ' referred ' to the among ' founded
by her.sytrll ' months ago to proceed to
Washington and ascertain I. President Cleveland - ,
land would take any further steps to restore
her to power. 1n this she'agatn alludes to
Spreeltels' advice to use seals and Carter's
counter suggston , to attain her objeet' , '
peaceful , means , and , , sa's' she informed
Spreckels that she thiBht Mr. Cleveland
would look upon the nrbJtllon plan.i4thi
much mar favor ' In ( lila paper she hals
that one of her cOlmlssloDFrs to Washington -
ton , Sam Parker endeavored to sell the
secret of his ils8lon to W. O. Irwin. "
I Is the general Impression here In San I
Francisco that Rudolph Spreckela did siot
'purchase' the 'arms .for the rqvolutlonlstl . himself -
self , but merely advanced the funds required
on ( lie ' ex-queen's ' accoun . : , and that somebody - '
body 'else made , tM purchase Rudolph
I ' Spreeltel Is < the , youngest son of Claus ,
Spreekels' and Is about 25 years of age Ho
has' hived ' ' 11 Honolulu much of his life aQd ,
like all of Spreckels' sons has plenty or
.money. He Is at present tn San Francisco ,
W II Cornwel , who Is "nnted In Honolulu ,
Is ale In this city. '
The Examlner's correspcndent at Honolulu -
lulu - claims that It has beetlearned definitely
that some of tbe leader ofIhe rebellion have
been sentenced to death . Ho says It Is
known that the court-marUal has psssed the
death sentence on some ' of' the , rebels , presumably -
sumsbly Wilcox , BertelmahTh . Nowlein Gul-
lick . Walker , Davies , Richard , and sentence
of life Imprisonment for maJ ' others These
decisions have been handedto President Dole
for final judgment and he' " l decide whether
or not they shall be carried out.
LONDON , Feb , 7.-1n' I an Interview with
A. , Hofung who ' was the Hawaiian charge
II ( affaires here under ex-Qneen J.tuokalnl ,
Is quoted as saying that ( lh abdication of the
queen would have a pacl/c effect upon poll-
tics . os doubtless the repuhlc will make
terms with her In regard to her future and
the position of PrincessKaiulanI , the young
lady who considered herel lie heiress to
the throne of Hawaii . Th , : princess I , now
In England : r. Hofung added : "Ot course
It was well understood thi3t the republic of
hawaiI was always pnepareil to deal with the
queen liberally , provided she renounce" her
right to the throne alf ! ' doubtless number
of royalists will now become . republicans. "
I II or l.onG Fonght - LIIIlon Over a
, . 'u""lo n.i * sIlnro.
LOUISVILLE ICy . Feb 7-Judge Toney
rendered his decision In ( lie law and equity
court today In the long , fought case at the
Germanla Safety Vaul , nd Trust company ,
assignee ot the Masonic Savings bank ,
against : Henry Peter qnl other directors
of the bank for criminal negligence . The
petition sought to hold the directors respon-
slhle for thc losses sustained by the bank ,
the total amount beIng " 7 , O In the ; , eI-
ton fraud and cl'lmllal neglect was
charged huge overdraft being shown und
I general laxity und deParture from gOod , ,
banking methods being , ieelared . In his
opinion to the jury Judge Toney declared
that the directors could not be char ' d
with either mlsreasnme l 9r malfeasance ;
lie most that could 'be charged against
them was non-appearapce. Fhe defendants
had all non-appearpcj' or money In the
bank . nail had lt most ; been only Ignorant
antI had been uecelved Y'he president now
ilead . 'l'he petition vts , ILmlKsed Inu exceptions -
ceptons entered , ' : :
e' .
IleOonllL Wln rl&IIAnnly.
SAN FRANCISCO1 Feb ; ' 7-Counscl for
R. if. 1cDonII , jn , ' I trial for IlerJury
In connection with Vaclh : bnlt statements ,
outlined the ileene . ( list morning. lie
silted that th .Ieten\e wai not administered
to McDonald hy the ntlry who took the
vIce president's aeknowlildgeinent ; that the
statement was signed )1' eJonull at the
batik and \ taken to the notary's oUle , who
saw the seal ufxed without the actual ad.
ministration ot the oath The detense will
also attempt to prove that "Dlpk" McDonald -
Donald Is menialynlalnced. / . lie hal
been foolshly overt alued by I stern
father crowded throigl \ the schools und
fatheri thrOVIthe
trotted around Europ unii he became un
egotistical monomanlatn ' , unhappy mar-
rlnJe completed his m'entul unbalancing ,
makIng him an easy vIctim to schemIng
parasites , who h\d ( ) Plotted his ruin to
plunder the batik. -
New York Whlly ptAlrr Anln.
NE\V YORK , Ireb. ' 1. - Joseph M. 1oehler
and Alfred Koehler ( J . : f. 1oehler & Son } ,
wholesale amid retal4wiliekY denIers at 2
East Twenty-sixth Street . have confessed
judgment for $ , (0 to David M. Joehler
for money advanced . 'he liabilIties are reported -
ported to b about . du00. The attorneys
for the credlor4 attribute the failure 10
dull trade and inability ' 0 cleot outstandIng -
InK accounts , p , '
. Cut In beau I'feliht Hatci .
SAN FRANCISCO , 'Feb. 7.-The Pacific
Coast Steamship comliany now advert s
a frlight rate or . a u ton to Puget sound
parts ' 'I1 cpposlton line . Iyer & Akman ,
agree 10 cut under ( beic lgures 111 also
under the cabin pae npcr rate ot $ 10. This
opposition l"t la pafl 1(1'UJa v.ooi bu Inl ' . ' . 11,1
announces that its rte to the sound wilt
be permanently reduced. wi
- - - - -
Nine Men in Two Bet Carried Out nt
Miwaukee ,
Unfortnnntos Slnrtcll Out to the . \8Isllnco
or len on the S'ntorWorka Crtb-Un-
1081 Spctdt7 lelcnell They
Must l'crlRh.
MILWAUKEE , Feb. 7-Somewhere out In
the lake nine men are supposed to bo adrift
In two yawl boats that left the North \0111
pumping staten tonight The first yawl boat
Is manned by four men who came In from the
crib for sU\ples this afernoon and started
back with pro\'lslon9 at 5 o'clolt. 1 Is sup.
posed this boat failed to reach the crib , and
that It drifted out toward mid lake with It
occupants At 7 o'clock a second yawl boat ,
mannell by five volunteers , went out to the
crib In answer to distress signals. This boat
also has net been heard from again and It Is
supposed that It , too , failed to reach the lake
end of the In-take tunnel The fireboat Foley ,
having In tow a crew at volunteers In the
surf boat , left the ( harbor at 8:45 : I' . m. , amid
was seen to communicate ( with the men on the (
crib and then steam out In the lake In n
southeasterly direction. The supposition Is
that the fireboat Is out In search of the two
yawl boats and theIr occupants but up to
mlllnight It had not returned to this port I
the men In yawls [ aied to land at the crib
they ( were probably frozen to death , because .
the thermometer was 20 degrees below zero
en the lake , and some of them were scantily :
clad. The names of the men adrift , as nearly
as could be learned , are :
- Alen , John Darret , James Caddln , James
Barry , John Daly , Jeremiah Falen , "Slim" I
Welsh and two unknown men. ,
The men are all miners , employed on the' '
shore end of the tunnel. They had just come
out of this shaft . and when they heard there
was danger on the crib they volunteered their
services at once. The lake seemed calm near
the shore end , but out a way a quite strong
northwest wind was blowing.
Before starting the foreman instructed the
men In the second yawl to hurry back and
notify him as son as possible what had happened .
pened at the crib. Under ordinary circumstances -
stances It takes about twenty minutes to
row out to the shanty In the lake. There
being tour oars In the yawl , It was figured
that the second yawl ought to have been able
to get back at 7:30. : Patenty the men on
shore waited for some tidings that the second -
end yawl was expected 10 bring , but not a
trace of the yawl or the men was seen. Then
those on shere concluded that the danger
was not In the crib , but that the men In the
provision bet had got adrf : ( The blasts of
the crib whistle and the signal light still
continued to warn those ashore that aEslst-
amicevae needed. As n rule the crib shanty
only Is vIsible by night by the IghL Which
silinesi ) through n small window but onlght {
the door was swung wide open , and light
streamed forth In all directions. Men could
be seen moving about the crib. From the
amount of light vIsible It was thought the
shanty was on fire. Chief Foley of the fire
department , with the tug Foley , started out
with a volunteer ' crew at o'block , under'
command 'or Captain Doutln of tie \ lifesaving
station. Up to midnight nothing has been
heard from either of the yawls or the third
. relief party. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
All Trains Hours Late . or Abanllonod
. KANSAS CITY . Feb. 7.-Predictions of
the coldest weather In this tecUon for years ,
proved boo today. Tonight the thermometer '
Is . stati nary , wil ! the prospect that the
temperature wilt remain below zero until tomorrow -
, morrow evening at 10 o'clock. This morning
I 'bad ' reached 12 below zero , while out In
the country the 17 dearee mark was reds-
teredo Railway time tables have been knocked
to pieces. All trains are latC and many arc
embedded In great pies of snow and sand.
All day long a fifty mile nn hour gale blew
from the northwest ping thc sand and sow
In the cuts and making an obstruct m that
was In most Instances Impossible to pene
trale. ( NothIng hns , been heard from the
Missouri Pacific train from Denver , white the
Rock Island traIn from Denver was aban-
doned Time Santa I'e No 2 ftUmn the west
was reported to be six hours late. lme
southern Kansas Santa Fe Is In a snowdrift
somewhere out on the prairies and I Is not
known - when It will reach the city. The SI
Louis and Chicago trains out are having a
battle with snow. The ( line of their arrival
Is i marked Imidefinite. The Memphis train Is
marked several hours late The Missouri ,
Kansas & Texas train due here this morning
Is engulfed In a snowdrift near Panleeravihie .
The brunt of the storm Is felt In western
Kansas , where the formers are least able to
meet with it. Though great suffering Is
caused no deaths arc recorded , At Can-
cardIn , Kan . . tOday It was 1 : below zero
at Wichita 1 and at Dodge City 16 below
In some localities , especially In tIm river
boloms , time storm was so heavily laden
with sand that lamps bad to be lghted In
order to see.
l'oll Weather In ArlmnsRs Url\cB Them to
the Settiensinits .
LITTLE ROCK Arl ( . . I eb. 7.-The coldest
weather ever known In Arkansas In the m nth
, of I.'ebrunry was experienced here today when
ot 7 a. a : . the thermometer registered 2,2
i below zero , and the local forecaster predicts
I a still greater fall In the tempernturo. ( In
the ccuntry wild bfasts have been made
I desperate and many tale of nd\enture are
reaching this city. Near Danvle , In Yell
county , while Mrs. Baker was at the cow pen
milking a bIg bear entered her house and
made off whit her 4-yenr.old child , Mrs.
Baker gave chase with a dog all rerovered
the child . who had been severely bitten by I
the bear . J.V. . Ballard , n Green county :
farmer , had a lively tussle with a hungry pan- '
titer whlo enroule home , accompanied by his
13-year-ohl son , across Cache bottom . The
panther sprang upon his mule from a tree
near the roadside , and the sudden shock
frIghtened himself and son hal to death .
After a severe encounter he succeeded ( In kill-
log time animal , but received several gashes
from the ( ponther's teeth. Wolves , panther (
and deer are making night hideous In the
bottoms of Salne , Hot Sprlmigs MOltgomery
and Grant counties , and reports from there
say the ( flocks of sheep ot several of the
tanners have been greatly decimated from at-
tacks at wolves , while loss In cattle and hogs
Is enormous. A wagon containing several
negroes was chnsc for two miles across the
bottoms In Woodruff county by a pack of
wolves , the ( men only saving themselves by
ibiD free use at clubs , with which they kept
the ( animals at bay.
( lllot II Thirty 1esrs .
MEMPhIS , Tenn. , Feb. 7.-Zero was recorded -
corded here tonight , the coldest day for
nearly thirty years. Indications are that the
record will be broken before daylight. Re.
ports from Mississippi of severe weather and
much suffering among cattle are coming , the
temperature ranging from 1 to 10 below
zero. Iolnts In Arkansas report the coldest
weather ever known during the ( month of
February. _ _ _ _ _ _
Ten Below Zero nt ( . I.oul.
SY LOUIS , Fob. 7.-The cold weather that
prevails over most of the ( country Is very
much In evidence here The thermometer of
the weather bureau on top of the federal
building shows that the mercury has kept up
an acrobatic alacrity which II surprising.
From midnight Wednesday until this mOrn.
Ing at 4 o'clock Ihe ( temperature ranged Cram
S degrees above to zero. From 5 o'clock
. -
- -
this morning untIl 8 o'clock the average was
about zero. I then went down to 1 below
anti the ( rest of lie day stayed around the
zero mark until about 5 In the evening ,
when I again went below. The lowest regIstered '
ter(1 at any time was 10 hlo , . Most all of
the trains arriving here were late , but the
officials say none were seriously hhlli tinso.
Great trouble Is experienced both east amid
west by lie ( drifting snow. Mails from all
directions were Ileln'ed.
OtI . \N s' 1Ul l US'ElttIUi.
Non'Arrlval of the Tenlonlo atiti . OIICnll"
Cnllll ! tneh Unt'ahiie ' , In SUI York.
NEW YORK , I eb. 7.-Serious concern Is
felt here over the nonarrlval of the White Star
strmer TeutonIc nail the French liner La
Oaseogno The Teuton , from LIverpool and
Queenstown , was Iluo to arrive nt 1:30 : yesterday .
day morning to equal her record and In the
ordinary course sllouhl have been In by 8 or
! a. m. yesterday. At non tony she was
twent.four ali a half hours behind her roe-
anI. I Is lugestCI that she may have fallen
In with the French liner Ln Onseognc and
either be towing her Into port or standing by
her In case of emergency.
La Gascogne from Ilas're , Is four das over-
Ilue I Is now the general belief [ among
stelmshlp PeoPle that semite part of her miss-
chlnery has broken down and that havIng
made temllorary repairs she Is proceeding
slowly toward port. having only two mats
she could not spread any great quantity of
dunas , consequently her speed wcuhl not be
greatly Increased If sail had been hoisted to
assist her progreS9. Should her machlner be
so disabled as to be completely useless for the
i time being she would be obliged to use her
. sails , ali In the teeth of the ( northwest winds
that have prevaIled for some days past she
could make little if any headway.
The National line steamer England , eighteen
days out from London , liassed Sandy hook
about 10:30 : ( lila morning. 51w brought no
news of tlm missing 'esscls. The Anchor
line Circassia also arrived today , three days
overdue ,
An Immense field of ice drifted down the
bay with the ebb tide ( lila morning. Thii ice
was so heavy anti compact ( hint inbound
steamers and ferry boats going tip tIm bay
foumid much dlmculty in getting thircughi it.
The ice reached from Staten island to the
Long Island shore ,
IiALl1AX , N. S. , Feb. 7.-The steamer
Alpha is thirec days overdue front Bcrtnuda ,
a most unusual thing for this line. It Is
possible that the Alpha may have somethiiimg
to report of La Gascogne. The steaiiier
I3aracoa , Irons New York , is also overdue.
L'assomigers of the SVhuIto Star Liner Majec-
tic ( Ibsorvt , is host Go flown ,
QURENSTOWN , Feb. 7.-The White Star
line steamer Majestic , Captain Parrell , fromn
Now York City , January 30 , for Liverpool ,
arrived here at 11:40 last night. She
reports having met terrIfic gales throughout
time passage , which was the slowest she ever
made. Some of the pas'sengera on the seamer
make an alarming report , which is confirmed
by some of tli crew. These passengers state
that at 1:30 : o'clock Wednesday inornimig , when
( he eteamtr about 200 mIles west of
Ireland , a small craft was observed to ( lie
northward of the Majestic , showIng what
seemed to tie a tcrch signal of distress , The
steamer's course was altered , and she stood
out in the direction of the craft , but on approaching -
preaching close to where the torchlight hind
been ceems , It suddenly disappeared , The Majestic -
jestic cruised In thu. vicInity for 515 hour ,
exhibiting lights , btt 'nothing more vah
seen. A atrongowind was prevaIlIng at the
time , and a high sea running. No doubt is
entertained ( haL the entaIl craft foundered.
The Cunard line steamer Cephinlonia , front
Boston January 26 , for Liverpool , which
was consderably ! overdue at thia port , or-
rlvcd safely today. She reports that she encountered -
countered terrible easterly and westerly
gales , amid for parr of tIm passage tremendous
head seas. Somne of ( lie Cephalonia's passen.
gers report ( lint about mIdnight. on January
31 they saw a vesse' on which a tar barrel
was burned and a horn sounded , ovkontly
signals of distress. Thie vessel , however ,
quickly Ynishcd and was pt afterward
seen. Throughout the entire voyage the
Cephahonia passengers were only allowed cmi
deck two days , _ _ _ _
IhO1EAm4 1IsIEstl1IlRlI ) IOSV1 % ,
Temperature ims the hlatvkoyo State Ims Heap-
lag with mier Neililor ,
DES MOINES , Feb , 7.-It was 16 below
zero ( hula morning , Time indicatIons arc for
colder weather tomorrow ,
KEOKUIC , Feb. 7.-Time thmermomneter regis-
( cred 8 below and it Is growIng colder. A
severe wind is blowing and train service
on all but two roads Is seriously blockaded.
Freiglmt ( rains himeve been abandoned ,
CEDAR RAPIDS , Ta. , Feb. 7-SpecIal (
Telegramn.-Today ) has been ( lie coldest of time
season. At no tIme since early this morning
has it been warmer than 4 below and at 6
o'clock It was 15 below , with good prospects
of 20 below before morning. Reports frommi
north of here show it as 35 below at Esther-
vihle , 30 at Pipestomie and 28 at Watertown.
Railway traffic is greatly impeded , all trains
being from one to , four hours late. Time
present cold spell has not been equalled
here in many years. During ( lie past tots
days ( lie thermometers have emily once or
tvlce been above time zero umiark.
OTTUMWA , Ia , , Feb. 7.-Speclal ( Tele-
grarn-Thio ) cold wave which was promised
today seems to be rnatoniaiizing tonight.
The thermometer line been 10 below all day
and tonight It is 12 and growing colder ,
There Is a strong miorthiwest which drifting
the fine snow and there missy be a blockade
if it continues. The roads hero are only
sending out passengers and way freights
and so far have been able to keep trains
nicvimig , but all trains are from two to five
hours into , _ _ _ _ _ _
HEll 1LAG SEXT ' 10 'rub SOIJTU ,
Eumiergency 'arnings Carried ithioad of miii
Intensely Cold Vnva ,
WASHINGTON , Feb. 7.-TIme weather
bureau furnishes the fohlowimig special buhle.
tin to tIme press :
"During tIm past twenty-four hours time.
storm in Louiaiamia has moved to time south
Atiantic coast , increasing in intensity , amid
time area of high pressure has niaveti from
miorthi of Montana to North Dakota , Between
North Dakota and the south Atlantic coast
slmarp barometric gradients viil cause ( lie
severest cold wave amid lowest temperatures
ever recorded the first week in February ,
from Arkamisas , Kentucky and Virginia south.
"The temperature in Indian Territory mind
northern liortlon of Texas have fallen 30 to
.38 degrees in ( lie past twemiy.four ( hours
and are now 3 degrees below time normal ,
limnergency warnIngs for northwesterly gales
and freezing weather have boon sent to
south LouIsiana amid Mississippi , to Alabama ,
Georgia , South Carolina and Florida warn-
lags of a decided freeze last night are niade
more enspimatic tlii morning , Northwest
stormmi signals wore hoisted on time gulf coast
last night anti have been hoisted frommi
Jackaomsviiie to Now York CIty today , with
warning of a decided ( alt in temperature and
very severe storm conditions , "
iikhsormi Tm'imm ; in ( hut 'lerritory Late Soy-
ersi Shears.
CIIADRON , Neb. , Feb. 7.-Speclah ( Teie.
grani.-Thmo ) westbound Elkhiorn , due here
at 5 a. in , yesterday , did hot arrive until
6 this morning , and ( lie one due this morn-
lag is seven hours late , The wires were iii
such shape ( hat it was impossible to reach
Omaha or tIme east untIl today. This storm
lied abated end ( he road is now open , Stock
In this section will suffer severely. It was
30 below zero at 6 this morning ,
FAII1BUIIY , Neb. , , 1eb , 7-Special ( Tele-
gramn.-Tiie ) worst sterns of wind antI snow
( lint ever disturbed thIs section of the country -
try comnmmsenced yesterday morning auid pars.
( Continued on second Page. )
Announcement of' the Vote in the 110(180 on
the Univoraity Levy.
I.ittlo l'robitliiliy tlmat it With Ever lii
Iteatirreejeti nt Thii Sessiomi-l'cr
Capita liistnihnitlon of UniversIty
Expeuisi , , at l'rcscut ,
l.INCOLN , Feb. 7.-Spcclal-In ( ) ( lie house
and somiae there are a miumber of good con- ' .
stittitional lawyers vhio say ( lie university
bill lev3'iiig a. half-mIll tax cmi ( lie state
can never be resmmrrected legally. Some of
( ho ardent clinmuplomis of time bill. in tIme I.ais-
caster ( leiegaiolt freely concede ( lie teusa-
bIlity of ( lila position , The conditloms of the
macsatire is ( lila : Tim bill was yesterday mit
lilian its passage. It requires a vote of 51.
to POSS a bill. The smmiiversity bill received
48 votes to 47 agalmist it. The speaker refused -
fused to nminomiticc tIm vote , although it. was
three tlmiies ( leimsamidetl by ltickctts. finti omico
or twice by others. McNitt moved to recommit -
mit ( lie idli for ( lie uiurvose of amenthmmsent.
A motion to table the motion of McNitt vai
( lien limit amid carried by the fniemids of the
measure , Last night they claimed they
could now take it from tIme table by a
majority Vote. Today tIme ) ' are not so sure
about it. 'l'hie record of the jourmial shows
time bill to have beemi lost , it not hmavimig secured - '
cured a comsstitutioiial mmsajonlty when put
upomi its passage ,
Iii this conmiection It is interestliig to miote
some of ( lie discrepancies at Present existing
under tIm provIsions of tIme law miow ltrovim3-
lug for a levy of three-eighths of ii mmiill for
tmniversity : mrlsoses. 1)otmglns county now
pays a tax of $9,263.01 , with thirty-two
stumiemite in time universIty , Thio cost lies-
Caliita is $229.47. Ftmrnas county smitl oiio
student , anti her total assossimiemit Is 634.65.
Lancaster county is credited in tIme twehithe
biennial report of the board of regemits 'lths
571 studmmits. Iii a foot note It Is explained
( lint 40 iter cemit. of these nrc in fammsiiies who
are temiiporarily residing in Llmicohmi for ( ho
purpose of receiving educational prlviicgee.
hemltmcthmig 40 per cent , there are left 342 ,
TInt nssessmiiemmt of Lamicaster coimmity is
$3,893.26 , which leaves a iier capita tax of
but 113 for each student , one-third of tIme
cost of Chic Furmias county student , amid less
( han half of the cost of ( lie Douglas couiity
St udents.
FrontIer coumity pays $452.82 for lien one
student amiti Cheyenne county $563.22 for her
one delegate to tIme umilversity. Garfield
county , however , POYS emily S6.57 for one
studemit. Kietli for omit , studemit l ) ° YB p99.79.
York , with eighieen ( students omit ! a tax levy
of 928.39 , pays but 51.5G per capita. ilolt
coumity , with no students , pays $1O08.8t.
Thiese facts illustrate ( lie range timid variation -
tion of ( lie tax levy of three-eighths of a mill
for university purposes.'iiemi it is muons
than doubled , as it would be by the addition
of time half-mill iOv3f , it can be readily estimated -
mated how mntcim it would cost time state at
large to educae ( a favored few pupils at. the 4
university. But tIme most radical advocate of
time present bill claIms only ( lint ( lila mnoney'
is wanted for repaIrs on old and a few addI-
( lanai new buildings. The opponents of the
measure admit 'a wiihimigmmess to alproprltmto
a lump sum for thIs purpose. Thereare' itidi-
cations that thilsblil will be the'ne4 ni vo'o 4
the part of the stromig lobby now workIng
openly on tim floor of the house for tIme university - '
versity , . . . ,
Following is ( lie text of ( lie resolution
adopted today on motion of Schictemlamitz :
Whereas , All the state instituiomis ( asic
for large appropriations , amid
Whereas , The commIttee on finance , ways
amid means is not prepared to nialce the
necessary appropriations without first cx-
aminmimig the needs of the differemit instltu-
( bus : therefore iso it
ResOlved , That the house grant Permission
to the members of ( lie finance , ways and
means commiiItee to visit the different state
Institutions for thie purpose of hooking into
their respective neetis unti ttptt such visit-
lag members shall be allowed each 3 per
day amid necessary expenses , provided such
visits are made during the adjournment
of this house.
Representative Lamnborn vill attend as a '
delegate the Russlamm thistle cunv ntion to be
held at St. Pamml , MInn , , February 14. Thii
Is ( ho result of a resolution by flurchi , Introduced -
duced today , Governor Holcomiib appointed
him , amid tIme liouso confirmed the appoint-
moist and voted to pay hi railway fare , But
itt was the occasiomi of a hot debate , The
opposition claimed ( lint legIslatIon t'ouhd
never eradcate tIme Russiami thistle iq west.
em cominties. In ( Ito east there would be no
injury done because there wore enough leo- ' 0
pIe to keep down tIme peat , The whole ques- .
( ion of junketing was threshed over again ,
and ( lie seine old arguments pro alici 'con
trotted out. The populist element supported
( lie resolution in a body.
Effect .ot tile Bhlmmomirut Eimid a Vigorous
Echo itt. I.liicoii.
LINCOLN , Feb. 7.-Sieciah.-Thio ( ) acouati
properties of the senate chiammiIer were severely -
voroly tested ( lila morning by a imummiber of
semiators who displayed their foremmsc ! powera
over a motion offered by Stewart relating tt
tim suffering of tIme PeoPle lii tIme tlrouth-
stricken districts.
Imihmncdlately after opemilng Stewart sent to '
the aecrcthry's desle a motion directing tue
appointmnemmt of a 'commuittee of five to at
once take chmargo ot tlmo shuipmmient of slip.
Plies miosv sterol ( in Lincoln , and lnsistimmg
timat these supplies ho shipped at once.
Speaking to ( lie miioiomi ( , Stewart gmow hmidlg
miant over s'iiat lie temmed tlio neglect and
incapacity of time State liollof cornmmiistion ,
All over ( lie central amid western parts of ( lie
state peoilo were on tIm verge of freezing
and starvutiomi , They were without food
and fuel , At thmo Present tiumw a terrible
blizzard was aweoplag over ( lie state , and
with tIme tiiermnoxmieters reisterlng away
below zero , ( lie imcahablo : muoumibers of
time State 1eiief commulesIon , enscumised in
their cozy steamn-hmoatctl quarters iii this city ,
calmly ordered carload alter carload of fuel ,
clothing emit ) ProvisIons Into ( lie warcihiousos
of Lincoln , at time samne ( line turnIng a deaf
ear to time idtiful cries of distress comnuiig up
from a strlckemi iteolile , Even ( lila morning -
ing ( lie blood of souse poor settler might be
frozen cold In his veins because of tIme cruel ,
crlmmiinai ncgieet of the nmernliers of time State
Relief conumnisslon , lie wanteti to say that
if a single noreen in Nehiraska timrlshtl In
the present blIzzard tue macinhere 'of ( lie coin-
niisslon mihiommid be immdlctetl for lmmansiaughier ,
McKeeby , cimalrlnnn of tIme senate relief
conimnittec' , defended ( lie state eommumniesiomm in
Imis unuai deilbertu and dignified maimer.
lie characterized Stewart's immotion as calcu-
hated to bring hiohiics ( into a question that.
shiuiti be discussed Irons a nomm.partisan
standpoint ,
Sloan moved that Stewart's mellon be
tabled , but withdrew it at time request of
saveral temiatora thmo desired to be imeurd
Iaie spoke at length upon tIme graviy ( ot
the situation. lie said ho reprebeumteti ccv-
oral counties in which imunthreds of jeople
were suffering , Iii one of those counties
miot a pound of supplies 1usd been received
Irons ( lie State Relief commimnlselori ,
Jcffries real letters frotmi Oreehey county
beggimig for inmmnedimite umesistaumee. hahn
read frois : ( Imo report of time relief cpmmsmnis.
don showing that me large armiount of supplies -
plies had already been shmiiimed to (3realey
coumity , Othior a.emmatora talked UOfl the
question and time debate was by all udd th.
warmest of the lirosent sessiomi ,
Steivert hmehtl time lioor a dozen timiie , anti
at every pause In time discussion he cent up 4
Indigmiant hsroeCte against what lie character.
ized us ( lie crinmimuil neglect of ( lie State Ito.
hlef carnlniabioti and ( lie "aesinumie stupidity"
of ( lie senate.
MciCeswn offered an ansendmnc'mit threeing !
the goyernor to immaist upon immmiedlate sctio
_ . _ _ . . , , _ , ; ' . - . . . . , . . - ' . . ' . , . , . . . _ ' ; , ' ' , ' . .