I , . , - " - - - - - - . - - _ - - - - . . TILE . . _ _ . . .n OMAHA _ _ _ _ . _ . _ DAILY _ _ - - - - - DEE - - - - : TnSDAY , FEBRUARY 7 , lSOti. j - "to _ - - 8PE61JL NOTIGES. r Ad\'ertiAemenU for theAo ( 'olnmnll"\11 \ bo nkl'n until USl30 p. m. for the cvrnilugnflil ! unlll 8 , . m. for the morulllj : und undar edillon. I t Ad\'Orlllnrll , bj rNtnt'"t" ! n nnmhored dieck , 'rtn haVe nl1l1\Vl'u tllrelllll'li to a nlllllhere.1 letter In crtro of 'J hn lieD. An- Mcru3 110 n.tUrcAled wH1 liD dellvere.1 upon Ilruenh\l\on \ of tim check 01111' Hntell , J 1-20 nVurt , flrAL IlIlIortlllll , 10 n word IlerNfler. Nolhllll ) ; tukon for lUll thnn 2Go for tlrllL InlnrUolI. 'J hello l"h'crlbelllenlS , nnnL run COllllecu- Ilu ely. SITUATION WANTED. . WANTfIJ : , fJtTUATION BY YOUNG MAN IN city or country printing / olflcOl : smllll % waites 10 IIllIrl ; tuud yenrs Clip' rlenee. Addre ' \ \ ' . J. p. . 1iQo ) 8. 161h trect . Nebraska City , Nel < A-I 3.6. ' - . . , W ANTED-II1 ALE HELP. - - - . WANT.G ) : 1 > mN AND TIAMS TO SELt. bur reed lrIuu1erL Salary $5 10 1300 ' I"r month necordlng to 111.0 1111 Y. The Lllchlleld Mtlt. Co. , We.lIler ! CII ) ' . lown. U-M9.9.I21' \VANTlfl TflA\'Fl.tNO r-mN TO SI I.I. WII , . bU"11 seNI , local IInl Other horFo npeclalliell hll 11. sl kle line or olherwlse. Wilbur Heed Meal . Co. . Jlllwnukee. I1-M39 8' WANTI ! > . A ( 'OMl'1TtT MAN TO nUnN kiln erick ! nnd Iny same In wall. Aldre g. ' v. Mlnohnll , Shuherl. Not 1I-ti7 8 'VANTI11)---n\'I NT\--Tn IH ANn 1 > mN : rrom 12.0 10 3.00 I..r thy : tatrY cook , $15.00 11. monlh. Cnnadl 0111cc It22 IOUfJ'1US3 ' 13-MISS 7' WOMflN FOR I.'AST WANTII MIN AND Reiling nrtlclo. Steveflen . 502 N. 20th. RoUlh door : coil IItler 5 : ; o'clocle. U-lIt4S9 7 WANTJ1i'SAfflSM.JN ' : ' ; Ann.ITNOT I X- : Ilerlo'nce require ] . , Live Inen intu1 big money R,1IInour / $ I.M J1nnlR mnh' lomenllure : full J1l\rtlculars on requcult . A".lrlh. " . / . . mnkers or more pnnls 10 ut1eUure , Ihnn any tailoring / eollllollRhl1lent , In Amerlro. FaUItIeiu Custom I'nnls Co. . Chlcngo. III. , , lt-MlS I 7. ; - W ANTED-F l\IALE HELl' LADII.H WANTING I..IltST CI.ASS OIlILS call al ScandinavIan Y. W. home 1813 CnR' . C-M652.I"7' % 'VANTI-t1-A : : - FIltST CLASS LAUNDnES 106 : ; fleorglt : a\'enue. C-M29S 4 WANTI ! . 'fWO STIJDlmT NUWmS AT W. C. - A. hOFpllnl , Council mUffs. C-'UI : ; : 9 ANTlm ) : Gml- ; FOR OINEnAL - 1l0USI work : small ramlly. 11:6 South 3lat. ' C-48 7' - WANT1D ( lulL Fort aL5EnAT IlOUSI' work ; must I" n that clatl:1 coole ; Oermllll preferred ! : wng's ' : ; .00. City references reo < \Ulre \ ] . 116 H. 32nd ave. C-4il : , .FOR IU..lII'l-hOUSES. .llouStS 1' K. DAn LING. D.\ImEn : m.ocl' D-3 'JlOl1AEH IN ALL PAItTS OF TilE crfY' 'flIn 0. . F , ) 1\'ls company 1505 : 1urnanu. D-Ol : : : hOUSES : DENAWA & CO. . loa N. 15TI1 ST. ) - 19 volt mmT-IIOUSI 01' S : I nOOMS AND UAItN 011 Park ave. InquIre 01 422 : ' So. 18th sl. , ' ) - 1I . ' . I _ ' . FOn mmT-G.nOOM COTTAOI , IN GOOD hG- 1'11r. city wnler. $10.00Jer \ month 10 good IJOrlles. 11:1 : N. Gth 1Jlock \ Crom I'nranl1l ear line. Inquire nl Hloetz.I's stove atouo next 10 pOlltotllee. D-l13 ! ! . _ : _ 8.nOOM MODEItN hIOUSE I'IVE MIXUTES ; w\lIe from court house , "Ilcant December 211h. O. I. Green room 2.3. IInrl.er blocle. D-3U - - - - - IIOUSES WALLACE. UItOWN GLIC . 16 & Doug. D-317 ' FOIl ItGNT-241h CAPITOl. AVENUE. 11 roofl1n. modern. The O. 1" . Davis company. D-7 G _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOIt ltENT-.toDEHN 10-nOOM ! nOUSE , WITII furnace , \Jath. \ gas. hot and cold wnler : one. haH block from Farnam sl\'eel motor line : In moot desirable I'eoldeneo locality In the clly- ' No. 22) ) South 2Sth nV ( ' , For partlculnrll apply It 10 Home Investment Co. . 301 Paxton bile. J D-M8 , FINE 7.1100M CORNER FLAT AT 701 S. 16TII slreet , range and nil other convenIences $30.0. ) . l1eorgo Claueor room Z. I'ntlerson blk. . 1623 ( 'Fnrnnm slreel. 1)-1\1917 , c FOil - ImNT. .ItOOM : ; COTTAGIS CO It. : : STII . UnLl Fprnam St. Milton Ilo"Crs ; & Son : D-1\I373 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOR- RENT-FURNISHED - ROOMS. PI.EASANT ItOOM. 1919 DODGC E-M210 . : . FunNISHE ) ROOMS FOR LIGhT lIOUSE. ' , ; . keepn ! ! 1111 Dodge. E-12iO : , FOn IlENT-STEAM lIEATED } , 'UltNISnED rooms. tot So 131h E-2:1I.F29 : . - a FUIlN1Snl 1 nOOMS Fen IIOUSEKEEL'INQ man & : wife : rent token In bonrd. 319 N. .11lh. E-I03 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ nNISlIED FRONT ROOM 1"On TWO OEN. e tlemen : bath and heal : boar lC desired 631 ' So. 2IJlLs.l. ' ) ! E-ISO 11. . . FOIl IIENT , A WAIt STEAM nEATEI > nOOM a. c : : . In modern flat , cenlral 10caUon. Adllress 0 63. c ; i 13ee. O-MIS18' , I- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : ' : t' tUl\.N1SHED , , ROOMS AND . : BOARD. ! ; ; I FUItNISHED nOOMS AND BOARD 212 SOUTH _ 2th : st. -1\213 .t iiiCAGO ST. . 1812. HANDSOME SOUTH front roomll. single or enfulle. Location un. S surpassed Mcnbs. optional. Telephone 13SO. F- S6- 6. - . PAnl..OIt FL-oOn : ALSO SOUTh nOOM. WITH $ nr.sl.clall . board. 2105 Douglas" I.-1 > U76 10' 1 ' 3ES1ttAiiL15 . nOOM FOil TWO WITH HOARD 2510 Dodge .treet. 1--19.12' : , EOR : RENT-STORES AND OFFICES FOIt1I1ENT-'rJtiS ; 4-STORY 1IR1CI ( HUILDINO o1 13'arnaun 5treet. This buildIng lies ; ? lire- proof cement basement complete BlealA henl- . 'lng'lI11tures. water on nil floors gns. etc. Ap'- 4 ply 01 the .ollleo oC Thellee. 1--91a , TIlE MAX MEYER h3tJtLDlNQ. N. E con. 1 1I1h - and I"amnm : rooms. 2x100 : or 44x100 or ! the -\\'fIell > bUlldlnA' ste9m htat. electric ele. valor.b.IIJ : ( v1Ij , be IIrrnnged to sull len. cnt. Inquire tOl8 Fnrnnmlsro t. 1-M305F2 $ FOIt nENT ; TlmE } .STOIt\ " AND UASI3MENT brick store h"II'lInl at l00 I'arnam strr.ct . 1I\lIInbio for any kln\1 or busIness : In good con. c' dltlon ; Inquire room 35 FIISI National \Janie \ \Julldlng. \ , 1-494,8 , L I : : ; : .AGENTS WANTED. , IjALEfM ! ( ' N'n AGENTS MAKE MONEY cay < < selling / suits 10 order $13.60. J1ants ' 3. shlrls 3i. . mackIntoshes $3. Hunter 'r..lorlng ! Co. . Cln. cinnati O. J-M9611"U' . "AGGNTII ( m IVEItY STATE ON SALARY AND reummIel.ru. G'enls making ' 23 10 15) ) weelly. Jureka C:1Cmlcal : & : 1\ltg. Co. , I..a Crease wi . . J-M318 . " "ANTt : ' . ' 4c1GNT ' TO IZANIThLS A LffiI2OP . "Iellm IIserstiupplles ; : should have e.perlencu , A1lreu ; - General Western Asellcy. box 167. , ; jiytIaniQ : " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J-MH2 7. THE CALl FORNIAMUTUAT1 DE iW 'TSO. . ciet5' . Incorporated . 11II'S III ! per week for sick \1st : * 1.00 10 W.OO' rr accidents : 15.00 ' m'm. . \J'hlhlp \ r..o ; U.W ( vcr month , hl'1I : no oIlier expense : easily wore \ , ' ; n\'f'nts ! wanted.'rJie W. A. Fine . Supt. Agents Murphy hulIdIng - Snn l"rnnelst'O. 'Cal. J-MI9:1 : i. - STORAGE _ _ _ mST IITORAIII3IIUIIDINO IN OMAILA U. S. , . gay bended warehuust. Uou.'holtl , geode storeti I.owe.t rntes. IO3-IOn I..a\enworlh M-31' , B'Qntau. , ? ; nT\\'E \ s : tT IIAItNGY , - M- : l WANTED-TO BUY. L- - CITY & CO W\1\nANTS. I'mCUA1\1 > IiI : FA' I N-l23 ' , VMTI5D-3 I , ' Sl'COND ' : JI.\ND Ul'IUOUT J1lallOsl i4easo slate l'rleo. make and where It can be ' ! Sen. H. 11. Scott. room (30 ltllm"e ! block. N-3 : : , - " ' P0BAE-URNITURE. " . 1"01SALn. . lIEU V'OLDING " IIIW ANI > W.\III ! : slant ! . very , cheap. 450 Ho , Uh avenue. . , . 'O-1 > 1I8G S' 4 , ' . 4 lOR A11bUELLANEOU3 , ' : 'WEOM.\N l'I.\NOS. umOOIWOIt'l' ORGANS. : . WWdbrhlgo Pro . , Ill So" . Huh Q-3ZJ nee AND CJ\\CKEN \ I.'ENCE ; lIA1\D WOOD 1.lckels. C. 11. Lee , 90)1 DouGlas. Q..321 I .J.llI..t'U CQWS4'J ! > I1'IUNOI-IIS ! : : VOlt SALU . or will exchsnse for rat cow . at our yarils , tiheeilP /ltollclI. / hjamllluuu Ihuos . Q-IiS 11 e . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; OLAltiVOY J\NTS. - I 11173. . DU. 11. 'AlmEN. CLAIn\'O\'AN'l' . 1lI'- : liable business medIum : 71h year 01 11) N. 16th. .l 5-311 g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ISI.S8AQE , L J1HtS. TC\ MADAM LAI\u. . l1ASSAGE. 4lG ! R. _ I TU. 1-116.1"8' : ; . ilASSAGfJ. hIAIAMIS Ill'rtNAltD. ' : U:1 UODOC" T-1133G.13' ) . .IAUAf I SMITH , 6OZI ! : , 13TH. 11) t.oOU. ItOOlI . 1 ; malSnllo. 'up0r alcohol : . .Ie-nm. lulphurine : IInd eta ba th. . ' .1'-1\61 2. , - - TUHKIBH : BATHS. , ; ; "milSlI 'JATT7 $ Y VI.\ i11C'iTt szcluMvgly for ladle. Suite 'O.IO U. , , , bLie. I \ I. - s CI ' 1 , , ; ; : ' - ' : ' - , , . : - " , d. . . 1 \ . Columbus Discovered America , We Keep it Clean . With Santa Claus Soap.- l5o ' ttTllf N.ltfAlRBANK COMPANYChlc - . . - - PERSON TIm UELtA m'plmr.Y COHST. MADE TO order front measure. 101:1 : I.'arlulln slreel. U-32 1\IASSAOI' . EI.CTHO ; TIII7RMAL BATHS clutuopodlst 1.1 me. l'ost 31i4j S. 15lh 81.U3M U-3M SKATIS INOIJND HOLI.OW on PLAIN AT A' L. Duitleland's 106 S. UlI street. U-l31 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - n 3IS8. FI.OmST , 1'LANTS CUT I"I.OW. cr0. Ilonquet . hail residence nUl' grave decaro.- lions. 1813 Vinton streel. Telephone n6.UM3 U-M3 \A\'l CO. . NO IIIm 111.1)0. : Im.\I.TII HOOK : tree ; home treatment ; lady attendanl. U-331 S\\'lmiAII MO\'EMENT cum I"OH " LADIES : IS16 ChIcago slreet : consultntlon. facial and sclenUllc obesity treatment free Mondays I'eb. U-M302.F3' : ! NEWI.Y I'ITTEI > UATJI rAItLOIlS. TUIIc\sh \ nod Ieelrlo hath for IndieS anti entle' men. Mndam Howell 320 S. 151h street 25 no r. U-1400 MI' MAIUUAOE PAPER WIT 1.000 ADVEnTISn- menlll and photos of marriageable \ people many rich I I . lists of books , novelties. elc free. Gun- flela' Monthly. : : .b : dee Ohio. .ell. t-M430 8.n WANTISI Tfll PRESENT ADDRESS OF Jonas 'VhllueYI was In Potter. Neb. . 0. short : time since. Write 10 0 64 , Dec omee.UM490 I U-M490 s' MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN A TRUST CO. . 31S N.Y. LIFE. lonnq nt low ] roles for choice security In Ne- braska and Iowa rarlll8 or Omaha city property. W-l33 - LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or boushl. 1" . O. Chesney Kansas Cll ) ' . Mo. . _ . . W-334 MONEY \ 'TO LOAN ON IMl'nOVEI > OMAHA real estate. lirennan Love & Co. . Paxton bile. W -335 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST 16ATHS. THE O. V. Davis Co. . 150 : ; I.'o.rnarn st. 'V-33G YEny LOW nATES MADE ON GOOD LOANS. J. W. SquIre 218 Dee bldg : 'V-337 CITY LOANS. C. A. . STAnIl , 611 N. Y. I.IFE. W-33S cITY AND FAnM LOANS AT LOWEST rat" " , . Pusey & Thomas , First Nal'l Ilk. W-339 bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED : OMAHA property. Fidellly Trust company 1702 Farnain . LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property , W I'nrnarn Smah & C. . , ' . 132Q F'arnarn. MONEY TO I.OAN"ON OMAHA TCFAL : ESTATE I at 0 per cent V. I ) . Meikie 1st Nat. Lank bId. W-312 i : CITY LOANS-IOO.OO : TO 16000.00 AT LOWEST ratea Powell A Potter 191 floor N. Y. L. Bldg. W-M3i4 WANTED AT ONCE \PPLrcATIONS'I'OIt ; ' No 1 loons on Improved city properly for special ( until ; owners onlY please npply. FIdelity - delity Trust company. 1702 1'arnam SI -l\I3i9 10 MONEY TO LOAN-OHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FUnNlTUItE. PIANOS and nil kinds oC security. Fred Terry. room 430 < namgo blocle. X-313 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FUIlNI- lure , pianos , hOrlle. wagons or any kInd oC t.hnttel security at lowest possible \ rates , which you can pay bock at any lime and In any nmount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . Hoom 4. WllmellJocl \ ] < . X-3U J. D. HADDOCK. ROOM .21 nAMGF BLOCK. XIII MONEY TO LAN ON FUnN1TUilE. PIANOS . horses , wn"ons. ! etc. . nt lowest rates In cty : no removal of goods : strictly confidential : you can pay the loan off at any lime or In any . amount. ' . amount.OMAhA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 105. S. HIlt street X310 BUSINESS OHANOES. SlUSH . EXCHANGES. U. A. WAGNER OMAHA tSE. - Y-M24fl.F23 VOlt SALE on THAI > E. ONLY STOCK : OF drugs In 11. town of 1.000 In eastern Nebroska. . \ddress G , 49. Bee. Y-1\UG3.13. A WELL PAYING SALOON LOCATED IN South Onaha. for sale . or trade for tam or ' good . for selling. I Ad. city property : goo reasons sel Ig . drtss 0 62 , leo o/e , Omnha. -431 6. WANTED , p.\nTNEI' Wnl'rE VOlt I'AHTIC ulall : best loveolm"t'ln Unied States : no fmud. Address 1' . O. Boa 172. Alllanc Ne\J. \ t ' U- USO 8 , FOR EXCHANGE. 'ro EXCHANOE. FOR GOOD FANS LANDS 01 actual \'alue In eastern Ne\J. \ or western lows , stock of general merchandise. Invoice $3,600.00 to $ .0.0. and store building . Wi assume small Incumbrane or pay dlerence In cash. Address A. W. Clarke l'aplilion. Neb . . Adlress Z1 ) 69 PItOPEIlTY FOn'MDSE. U.A.WAONEIt.Omaha - Z-M25S-1'Zl FOil SALE OIt I IIXCIIANOE 'fltE nusc. ness lots on MaIn street . with buildings. AU dress A L. Ernst Shenutadoab . In . ZM373 7. 1'01 SALE. Ort WILL TIADN FOR Psi - able saloon buslne" . paying lumber \ and coal yard : stock . fixtures . eic. . will lonleo about $2Oa.o Address Lox 33. Elkitorn Nob.M175 ' / - U7 7' 10 ACHES 3'4 MILES FROSt F . O. WILL T.\ICI house same ( and vie for lot as fruit Part farm payment. or urdSm' \ I for Trust Co. , 102 I jrnllm at . Z-MU6 13 FOR SALF-AL , ESTATE. nAilOAINS. Homms. I.OT AND FAItHS , sale 01' trade . 1' " K. Darlln ! Darker \Jlock. \ I-3 lIXCIIANGIIS AND SALES : CITY PROl'IIIrPt , ( arms , merchandise. Garvln Bros. , 210 N. Y. ; m -m UAItOAINS ; 8AI.1 OI'nUDE IN CITY'-IH ? - crUel and Ca\ms. John N. 'renzer. 011 1' . O. - - ItS-Still LIST BARGAINS IN LANDS WITH CAnItOLI ; I.NDS Il . Carle. lAnOAINS , min floor N , Y. 1. . Omnh. I , 1tII-8G3.F17 ( FINS GA1ZL3IIN LAND G MI. 1"1\1 > 1 1. 0. , . hOd per acre. ti-il _ N. Y. L bldg. IlE- SI 10 UAlOAI IN 20 ACfES ADJOININO NEW state fair grenada It taken nt once. Inquire ZIO Viral National bank bldg. lIE-Ill-S / AIISTItAUTS-TlilI UYIN ImND COMt'NY. . Ill -I'H ' .IIOOM MOmmN 101SIJ. I'INI I.AfOI barn . splendId locution. $3603.00 ; remember \O never offer nl-tllul but grnulno .nap , II. n. Cole Co. . 10 N. 15th. flU ) 7 \'ANTCl > , -ii DS 01 FAMILIEIITQ , take UI' tree liomeateaula In the fe sT ley. SlJnuuesota. Mal' 8hOW\"A' \ exact location . section. town and run ! " will \Jo \ mailed rree by writIng 10 land 'olnmluloner Great Norlheln railway . St. l'aUl , MUm . lE-1U7 Ill 1.'AUI I.ANPS. C. I' . H.I1SON. 911 NY . 11 . . iiL'-241U MS' TO IIXC11ANOI3 I FOIl CITY PILOi'ISIITY,41 XC1ANOJ CIT\ to.rii acres ot th" , lncl , ucreage near Omaha. IIlly 4 miles . front P , O. Cc.s , owner $1.0. Wi sell very ( 'heaan,1 take I.IC , In cIty Property . "el vet. l'Ilelly Tllst \ C. Sole \senl. . nO l'ntuU HI. . . fE- * lm 13 _ _ _ . . . . . . - - - : tT-- : : HUJJ2L4. : . lOn 1 1JAIKiIlt. $ UTU' AND JONES 6TI. 75 moats at $ . $ per al ) ' . C roonus lt 1. .1 per day. . SpecIal IIIU to clmm\'nlnl If1eler. . Ihoom and 11ltl by week or month. 1"rnk lldl . ' h. manager ' 34) - - - - . \ITNA 1011 J ( IIUI6OI'SAN ) ; N.V. . COIL. 13th and Dodge . 10(11 by day or week 34 MlDI.ANLIIOTIH , , . COlt. 16TH ANn mIc.\G streets. inertcan . lan . 'Uo and a ( > per day. European 4merl tOo Ild 1.0 per day . Itootas. .Ialle or .nllte. for families or gentlemen . lt relonable tates. i. J. 1'lck , prop . . L ' . , . J-9.Vl I 'i\ ( t . U't . . . . , - - - - - - ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES . AHMATUIlfS : AND CONVDHTCItS m WOUND ; slorngo batteries recharged : electrical antI gen eral mnehlnl.ls ; superior work gUarunl el. Omaha ElectrIcal IVorks . 61 and 619 s. 16tbr" " , ELECTRICAL IINCIINEIII1S AND cONTI1AC. ELECTnCAA 1.ONmmSNI eONTIAC- lors for electric light and motor plants and all kinds of electrical onlllrucllon. Wc.ler I.leo- \iel . Supply Co. . 48 and .20 8. 1lh : ; , at . 153 : - - - - - - - - - - - I.IIATIIEI1 IFtTINO , C1AS. A. SCHUmEN & - Co. . 111g. . 3 8. 1lh sl. 333 BIO YCLES. M. O. DAXON 402 N. 10TI. 81 OMAHA IC\CLF CO. . 323 N. 16TH ST. 355 SnItr.INO IICYCLHS : lItlILT LIKE A WATCH TCYCLFSI BULT LKE Western Electrical Supply Co. . 42 S. IMh st. - . M-S23-F35 : ; A. I. DEANE & CO . WHOLESALE AND RE. loll blc'ele , 1116 FarnaIn slreel 1 i WILL lAItNUM & 11110. . 11 CAt' . AYE M215 ' UNDERTAER AND EMBALIIER3 H. K. DUItET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND - embalmer lel8 Chicago sl. . telephone ] 00. 3:0 SWANSON & VALIEN . UNDEItTAKEHS AND embnlmers. 101 Cumlng at . . telephone 1060. 1060:57 M. O. MAUL. UNDEItTAKFn AND ES1IJALM er . 147 l'arnnm sl. . telephone 22 : ; . 353 : C. W. BAKER UNDII11TAKIIR . 613 S. I6Tl l' COAL. D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED : lIS COAl olllco 10 0 S. IGlh sl. . Drown blocle. 3eO ShERIDAN COAL . EXCELLENT SUDSTITUE ror hard .coal and $3.50 Ion cheaper 160 : Fa- nam slreet : main entrance Door oC Trade. , 361 - : BUILDING & LOAN .S3OOLA'2ION lOW TO GET A 10r-I on SECURE : GOOD interest on savings. Apply 10 Omahn L. & D. Assn . liOI Ueo bldg. G. 'V. Nattinger . Sec. 362 SlAnES I MUTUAL I. AND D. ASS'N rAY o. 7. 8 per cent when I. 2. 3 years old , always redeemable. not l'nrnam at . Nattlnger. Sec. 36 MUSIC , A.Wi' AND iANGUAG . o. F. GELLENHECK BANJOIST AND OUTAn lencher. 11 Cass slret , - ' 1 INSTRUCTION IN GERMAN DY COMPETENT gentleman nL reasonable rles , Address 0 57 . Bee office. 1:1 7' - WANTE -TO BORROWS WANTED. .110 FOn SIX MONTHS ; INTEREST not lo exceed S per cent per month ; new rUI' nllure ; IncludIng pIanO security. Address 0 50. Bee. 1\150 S' t LOST. LOST GOLD SWORD STICK PIN. DI.\10ND setng , Reward tot return to Orchard & Pill- : helm Caret Co . 46 6' WHOLEALE OOAL. JOHNSON BROS. . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all kinds of coal . Correspondence aoliclted . 100S I'arnam street. 3ct ' CUTTING SOHOOL. THE AlIT OF CUTTING MEN'S CLOTHES taught day or e"enlnSI ; terms reasonable I'nr- tculos of Max Morris . cutter. lUG ] 'nrnam st. StUb-IS I DENTLSX 1)11. PAUL , DENTIST 2020 DUnTST. 363 : - BUSINEb NOTIOES. . : UBI : DAMAGED 1unnons nESILVEIlED , 719 N. 16. MS ELOOUTION. ELLA DAY , n 9. COM'L NAT'L DANK DIADG. 861.F1. STOVE REp AIRB. STOVE REPAIRS FOIl o.o DIFFERENT makes of stoVts. Water attachment and con. necilona 0. specialty . 1:1 Douglas street. Omaha Stovu ntpalr Works , G EMPLOYMENT OFFICE CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT nUnEAU RE. mo' " 10 lIE Douglas ; furnish \ < t mole and female help r-19 16 BHORTHNl AND ' 'YlEWRITIG. VAN SANT'S SChOOL OF ShORT 'hAND N. SL Y. Lie , Omaha AsIc for cIrcular. t6a DENTAL COLLEGE. OMAHA COLLEGE DENTAL SUI1OEItY. FRIllS InOrmer : dentistry at cost of materIal. Croullse hlock. 1U7. r-U CABPENTEl.S AND : BUILDERS. , C. E. 1\fnIlILL , CON1.ItA01 & 11U1LD1111. paper hanging house and sign painting . brick \ worle. plastering : ohilce . room I. Darker Idle . ; tel. 735 : shop 221 Izar ; tel 403. 11S7 'rulc 1tlSALTMAlGICI6r . INSTRUMENTS placed .on record February 6 , 1895 : WARRANTY 1)11111)5 . Midway Investment company 10 Wlli'anu and Charles Slohr lot 20 . block \ I. I'erson & 1's Chares . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . I 160 Saute to ltenry Ilhole , lots 14 and U. block I. sante. . . 1' . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . 701 Susie 11 Sums and husband \ 10 IL L iCrieder . lot 26. Windsor I'lace. . . . . I . . . . Irleder. . . . . 1,001 n 16 An'rews ] 10 J Tulhlli . undlv 3 1 iot II . AndrewaV & 'r's aulxli . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Q0 C T Antlersout 10 H 1" Seaia lois 33 and 14 . , 70 Ilok 3. rlol QUlek's park . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . I. . 1.0 W II Itussell and vie . lo Frank Iteynek . I . nelek. lot 8. Iu..1 6. lnk I."re.t. . . . . . ) . . . . :5 QUIT CAUI 1)11111)5. Jacob Wliamo and wIfe In U I Smith , undlv I lot 10. Andrewa 'V & 1"s suhlv 1 I S 'rhonuls In II 'V aid 1' Il Gannett , ' . I lot 4. Nelson's add . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1)IGtII)8. Special master to W I Crow n' 14 \ lot 10 , block 3 , Improvement asolatoll aid . . 3:4 Same 10 G Id luates 0 lot 33 . block 4. Campbell's n'd. . . . . , . . . . . 3. . . . . . . . . 10 Saute 10 J C Slattern . . n ii feet lot 2. block \ 9 , a , II Itogers add . . I . . . . . . . , . 1.W Total amount of lran.ters. . . . , , . . . . 6.97 . 8loekholtou' ) J.ntnJ. Notice Is hereby given that the regular nnnual meeting at the slocl.hoh.ers reglar South I'latte I.nl company wilt . be held thl tIle alice at said cOml'on In Lincoln , Neb. , nt 1 o'clock a. m. . on the Oral 'VednPIHlny In March , 189 . beInG the 6th day at the month. tlQ month.order l ) ' order of the Board : of Directors. R. O. PUI.LU'S. Secretary. Lincoln . Neb , Fob 4 , 18J ; F4m30t . = - = . . F- We seed Iho Bareloua Sreucb &a E Remedy CALTH08 rn' J'reneh , m lcai gesrauteethajhj.t.Tuo4 will Ilalaarante lult tTIOd . ' 01' . . . . . .I t'I II..II..h Eml.I. . f E cvnK " . . . . " . . " .ld "P..I".rbt. "reClo \'tit , ( - ls it a.c py latis.hJ. f ,4 II IJ" . VON MOHL CO. , - Ie _ % B. ! . . . "I.a igg . , Ud..U , 1''IG . - - - - ----a ' - - - : rE : r nUR1tU. SUES & CO. , HoUclon Die tIol1tIug ! . OMAHA . Neb advice Fl , t . ; . . . _ , . . - - - - - - - - - - - " I tti AFFAIRS A OUTl OMAHA Ltvo Stook Exo1rniiOondomns Proposed Legislation 1sid Oeomargrine , RESOLTIONS AUOPTED YESTERDAY l 11 * Drcln'er R : l ; ; o to the Growth of , the City's l'ol > lnUUi mod ! \nnuf"ctnr05 -Iluhidln l1 One Claus to thin Dolrlmcnt'ot 4\noLhor. . At a spclal meeOng of the ( Live Stock exchange , held yesterday afternoon , the following - lowing resolution was pssel ; Whereas . I has come lo the attention of this body that n systematic warfare 15 being wagel , against the mnnufnclt'e ali Rule of oleomnlrlnc anti bulerlne by ( butlers who mix and doctor butter antI an attempt Is beIng made to Inlueno the alempt Inlfl.Is of farmers with the untruthful charge that oleomugatne will interfere wIth the sale of 7oo(1 . rluml butter . nnt'\ ' Wherhan. The Nulonnl Dairy union nm \ other similar state organizatIons . have openly avcwcd their intention of destroying the commerce In oleomargarIne . anl , Whereas , Through . . theIr efforts certnln nnU.olemlu..lrlh ' l gllnton Is now I > erd- IIA before the senate and hoUse of repre . sentalves ot this state and , W'herena . Oleomarnrine his been de- ciarHi , hy all rlenlfls 01 international reputation to be I clean , healthful and wholtBOma article Of fonl I. and \Vhereae . The use of the butter fat ot cattle II oleorargarlno has materially In- creased Ih value oC all the nllnals of the countn' , anti \\'hm erens. The 11roposed prohibior ) ? laws wi force the lurAJ t unanttfacturing In- sltulols at this state to remove n arge portion of their machinery anti employee to another state . \\rIlercns Our gO\'crnmmt : boa sanctioned Its Production and see . vrotectnr time con sumel' against any dectplon by hnvlng every pound made nud sold under strict supervision of the Internal revenue Iepart- Inotit bo It Hlsol'eI. Dy the Soulh Omaha Live Steel exchange that wo view with nlam any action that tends lo tiecleasti our growth In populaton or Inanufncttiu-eg . and WI earnestly cal lon our senators and rCI" resenllUVC3 10 resist this unwise leglsll- tOI which nletmllls , lo huld up one class at lrrlucer at the expense at another class ot producers . and one class at mn.u- , flcturers to the detriment and downfall ! ot anothr class of manufacture's. For the School 1.lbrnry. The pupils or the West Side school are preparing for tim fifth annul entertainment for tim benfl of lMlr library. The following . prograt will bo pres2nled Friday : Greeting . i . twenty pupils : "Jane Conquest " Anna Thomas ; "The 1-louremnald . " helene Peterson : I. \Vhen Im a Man , " Claude Vance ; German song. three girls ; "The Ude or Jenny Mc. Neal " Jolo Mitchell ; "Two Newsboya " Henry Peterson and Robert Hardesty ; "Drlr Rose " Harriet Whlt sy ; Music David Suth. erland and Jce Tapp : "What 'Ve Have " George and Minnie Hawley ; "Pollehm Boy " Clara Freiag ; "Larbord Watch " Seventh grade ; "Ksnluek Belle . " Collie Hardesty ; "A Very Naughty Little Girl's VIew of Life . " Rena Hamilton ; s ngtSale and Ella Wlon ; I "A Naughty LittleIjoy ; " Ray lohner ; "JEsUS ! Loves Me. " Elsie Mitchell : Swing song 5ev- enth grade : " 41. 'I\le \ Doy's Troubles , " Tommy Curran : "lrl y Musk " Julia Dates ; "Just Before Chrlit : u , " George Thomas ; "Sleep Honey SI ep.\ three girls : "My Grandma , " Essie Ct.rrran ; "Vhlage : Sewing So. clety , " Bertha Cunningham : "Suwane River , " eight girls ; "Fairies ' Crowning . " seven girls ; "Ten Mljutes In h ' Vhle City " "Good Night ' , eIght grls ; : , ! .r . MumgicCILy ! Oosslp. MIss Ringer left , for .Oarroll . Ia. , sterday. Elxleen.lnch Ice . 'iThing cut on Jetter's potd. : : Councilman Henry ' 11Iels gees" to Carroll , : Ia. . tc ay. , ServiCe\ are held e lthe I Fourth Wad , nhil- slon ; very night. I Th Infant daughzteof ; Rev. } JI ' . 1 was : dauget\r \ burled yesterday tOt,1.W' There wl be I re.ppg of the Associated Charities next Saturayt - afternon. On account of the l evere storm nl sesiion of' the schools wa held yesterday afternoon. The Infant child or . Pierson T.wenlth'rd and P -treets. died yeslerday a , eroon. Interment - termeat - today at Laurel Hill cemetery. Theodore Schroeder left yesterday for El- worth , Ia . where JI , will superintend the ccnstructon ! of I mammoth refrigerator for time South Omaha Brewing company. The South Omaha Meat cub Is now organized . ganized and article ' or Incorporaton wi bl fed In a few days. The capital stock is placed at $10,000 : Shares wi bI sold for $1 aple e. No one will be allowed to own more than twenty.fve shares. Lt night 'I man giving the name of SVll- lam' Evans applied 'at polca headquarters for lodgIng , and Wj9 promptly accommodated . as the chief recognized Evans' as a man who Is wanted at Loulsvll , for stealing . $10 from a farmer name Grecn' . Rev. R. L. Wheeler addreosed the members of the Stock exchano yesterday In the In. tereats of the Associated Charities. Considerable - erablo money . Is being donated by the broker for the benef of the worthy per who are beIng cared for by ' the . SDJcated Charities. While cronlng the railway lracks'last night James Cnhrey . , proprIetor of the Delmcnico stumble upon a-map who had laid dow on the track and gone to sieep. CObrey pcl.ed ! the half frozen man up and carrie-a him to the hotel. where he was Ihl\ved \ out and sent on hIs way home. Some time ago William Sweeney . 15 years of age stoIc a pair of overshoes from Alex Goldstein and the skipped to Omaha. Yes- terday Sweeney came back , . and was arrested by Ofcer Mike Corcoran When locked up the boy cried lute II baby and gave the names of several of his comrades In crIme , who stole overhoe It the same time and place. . place.I. F. Hlveley , a' laborer , working on the grade nt Thirteenth and MissourI streets , was badly injured yesterday afternoon. A grent pIece or the bank aved In suddenly , burying Hlnley. He was dug out In a few minutes , and it was found that he had sustained II tt compound fracture of the left leg. He was taken to his heme , near Twenty-fourth and N street-s. MIss Ellen Pasch II mIssionary , Ncety returned - turned from India . will . for the benefit or the Associated Oharltes , lecture at the home Of Mrs. J. L. llazlett . 827 North Twenty.fh street Friday evening. She will be dressed In full Indian costlmme Music will be pro vided and lunch wi ale be served by the ladles of the Woman ' ChrJUan Temperance Woman'- union. Tickets for 'tw - ; ' 25 cents. . Everybody Invited . - . - - I oyoIUColl'arsol. ! , Are the good qualIties possessed by hood's Sarsaparhila . AbovQ all It purifies the blood , thus slrenglhenlng. tim nerves ; It regulates the digestive organN invigorates the kidneys and liver . tone IIIHtlbulds up the entire system cures tcrdtdid' ; dyspepslll , catarrh IIld rheumatism . Oct Hood's and only Hood's. . : . . . . _ _ : . . - hood's Pills cure :1clver ills , bliousneu , jaundice , indigestiotbickheadache. . 25c. Indlgesto' . ! , HEARD FRQHE POLICE Several Stiff Senten4i1mptJsed : 1 on Divers ( r''dot ) "t"r'y. Judge Derkl yeltettSy eentence Martin Croty to fifty day fi e county jai , every other live on readJ ! water William Delay gal sixty dare , and Jhn Foley forty days with half the time o , bread and water D. Miller Young ws given a thirty dais' suspended sentence last night by JUdge Berka , who allowed , tie fellow until today to get OUt or Omaha or else serve the sentence - tence or vagrancy , wh'cla glyen him on a clarge W. W. Fred and Walter Brewer were'hlnol $5 and costs each nslerday , for assaulting a ne'ghbor at TwenlY-frh and Ccrby streets , A. llunsen , a chronic vagrant , wn given sixty day , In the county jai by the police ' jUdge last night . . Froze TI"I ! I ut. The adjourned meeting of the hoard of health that was scheduled for yesterday afternoon was abandoned on account cf the frIgIdiy" of the nlmolphere tn the board rooms. . Alt the olc on his north side of the city hlli wee nearly uninhabitable , as the heating apparatus was not In time light I with shrunken time freezing 'C8clcnls wind that \ Penetrated . . tle _ _ _ _ - . . . c - - - - - - - - - . - - "tIUS1 .U 'TS. - Mr. W. S. Cleveland's "grealer 00111- datelt mlnslrels" kept people laughing most ot the time It Dord's last c\'enlng. There are fifty-aix In the company , anti of these the majority are aclualy black In color. The ertertalnment cnslste of fair mlnslrelsy sInging , but there was 0 good deal ot the prosy but enlertalng part of 0 negro ball In the later part at the e'enlnl and an xhl- bllon by the "ArAbiAn Annex , " which on the whole was the m05llntereslng ! part ot the general performance This exhlbilon In- eluded feats of strength equal to mosl of those seen In 0 nlodern cIrcus. The COtlpAny dId nol fail to make a number of local ret- re- apireciated ereuces ; which were well made anti speedily During the coming week litmsco and Swift's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" will be the attraction ot the Empire . Whene\'cr 0 theatrical man- nger recites the reclpts for nn entire season Ito invariably finds "Unclo Tom's Cabiti . " I he has chanced lo proluce I. either at the very lop or In the "lleSen'lng honorable mention" list among its fellows . The play , instead of wearing out like its conlempora- rha , has like wine improved , with age , enl comes lo Us better thou C\'H. Tim company Include a number ot prominent membcr of lhe profession whose flames have been house- hell lames during seasons past . Sm iolter , Pearl Denning alit ! otimers 1oler There wi open at the Do.t this evening n play that hilts rnllo some phenomcnaly long runs In the east , having Played for a year anti a halt at one theater In Boston. J Ii "A Temperance Town , " hy Charles Ii. 10)'l. that inimitable author of len moat successful satirical comedies . Al time very coso of its run In Doslon Il had bestoWed upon It ns much favor by means of the con- slant applause anti nlmol constant laughter as though Il was playing its very first pcr- formance amI-In that tune hal won the universal - versal favor of all theater goers. There Is an interesting intent to this comedy , nolwlth- stanlllg the fact that I Is the most mirth provoking satire that Mr. Hoyt ever wrote Alhough Messrs Hoyt and McKee have n large number \oplo engage In produc- Ing theIr various plays the ) ' have probably never had together so clover a company as that which Is now playing "A 'reml ) ranCe Town ; " On Sunday , February 10 , "Wang . " In all Its royal magnificence . absolulel now and with nccurale costumes and scenery , comes to ' Boyd's theater for a 1lnled engagement or three nIghts. Ten of the pretest girls In "Wang" Introduce a chorus of banjos that arouse geab enthusiasm nightly. These clever girls represent the daughters of the French consul at Bangkok , Slam , and their banjos arc twanged for thin entertainment of a number envoys from the king of nur- mah. In the famous comic opera , \Vang , " 10 costumes are used by the chorus alone , This fact gives 1 faint Idea of time gorgeous- ness wIth which time opera Is put on the lage. lage.laJ O'Rel will lecture In the Young Men's Clmristiaii association course on the evenIng of February 12. on "Her Royal Highness Woman. " The synopsis Is : . PART J. From the beginning there have been men and women-women especially. A Frenchman's View at 'Vomen. The English Woman and her Beauty. ' The htritisii Matron and her Fads BrItsh The French Woman of SocIety. " Origin ot the High Hand.Shialce. ] Thc Middle Class French 'Vomnn. 1ttdle , \Vl\es and Swcethearts. , Love Making In France and AngloSaxon . : Lnnts. - . wand how to deal with I them. thj . tquoiine. the French Peasant Woman Jacquelne. ' . ( Five. Minutes Intcrval. ) PART II. Her Magnificent Highness the American man. - . How 1trs. Jonathan enters the Dining Room of.a Hotel. ' Mrs. Jomiathan Queen or the United Slatcs. Comparison between American French . and EnglIsh Women. Poor Old Jonathan takes the back seat. " . - ' 'She bearI if I like a , man. " leo I 1an. - . bear/ ymo try to'o perfect TF'ew IWen .o 'gooc ) h tor' Women . e1fen 'goo\ " , Men bike to fenow .theyare loVed. . Women like to be told. " " The Roses 'of LIfe are' Women. . .L'EIf.SON4L J'Ut.l ( JRAPIIS. ' L'.nSOAL . . , E. M. La Penotero Of Minneapolis Is al time - Dellone. 0. Newlander Is registered at the Millard from ChIcago , J.V. . - Davidson of Fremont Is II guest a the Merclmants , J. R. and D. G. Jcne . of Red Oak Ia . are ot the Arcade. ' George Daetele."a stock . dealer of Leigh Is at the Colonade. George E. Porter , an Otutwa merchant. Is at the Deilone. Police Judge , Derka has retu'rne from his southern Calcr Ja trip. - F. : G. Harlan . a promInent resident of Chadron Is at thc Arcade R. D. Schneider of Fremont was among the arrIvals lt the Millard. - A. E. ChamberlaIn Is registered at time Arcade from Huron . S. D. George E. Abbott and George E. KIng arc In the city from Des 'Mones. : . A. J. Dauman and wife or Grand Island are regIstered lt the Deibone. H. J. L'ght wife and two chidren at Syracuse - cuse are guests lt the Paxton J. Llnngston , jr. , . . I I2J" ' i'iiiladelphiia traveling man . Is Rt tc . 11Thray. F. L-.Du' . a merchanl of Oslcloosa , Ia ; . Is registered at the Merchanls. , _ J. E. Clapinu. , an' Evanston Wy . . me- chant Is stoppIng at tht Paxton D. , K. Torrey traveling passenger agent for the Burlington , Is a Millard gucst. , Mrs. John D. Mathews and daughter are visiting In time city from North Platte. ' C. ' E. Samson II citizen of Oakland , Neb. , Is"among the 'arrlvals at the Merchants. Alderman SwImmer of Quincy Ill. , left fcr the Gem City or the MIssissIppi valley today. W. A. Page , president oC the Manuracturers and Consumers association or Nebracka . has returned from I trip lo San Antonio Tex. Israel Cowen George D. Hefer , M. M. Hirsch and other ChIcago delegates to the gf'nd lodge of time D'nal D'rlth , have re- trled home. _ n. J. Mathews , Twentieth and Locust streets , has been confined to his bed ' durIng the past week whim I very sever attack of gril , . lie Is now able 10 sit up part of the time and hopel 10 bo out again In a few days dnys.Al the Barker Is the Cleveland Minstrel company I comprIses : hew Baldwin , I.ew Benedict , J. Donnel finIte . Aug DalmIns George I. Sllssmanj n. V. Presser William J. Sowerl William Ackioy J. A. Kelh , C. E. Gridley , W. T. Murphy , W. W. CraIe , C. P. Crawford , G , M. Sparks , J. Du Shea IS. Crawford. J. I ! . Woods . M. Ii. Nunn II. H. Dulger , E. L. Rby J. A. Coburn. W. S. Cleveland , Low Benedict J. Donnel llalfe . August Dalims George I. Slssman , H. V. Presser Wiiam J. Sewer William D. Ackley , J. A. Iellh , I. w Baldwin H. Dick- son , C. E. Gridley , W , T , Murphy W. W. Crabe O. 1. Crawford O. M. Sparks W. S. McCann John DuShea O. E. Crawford J. M. Woods , M. E , Nunn , H. H. Bulger . J. A. Co- burn , all member oC W. S. Cleveland's minstrels - strels , are domiciled at the hotel Barker . At the Mercer : H. Sierele and wife , A. M. HawkIns and wife , lIed Oalc . t. ; B. Hropuet , Norton Nan ; Lieutenant I. It. Ilickok . Fort Roblmon ; F' . L. Clark , ChIcago ; James Reed , Nebraska City ; II. , It. Oaring Plallsmouth ; I. Malory , Henton : Gerge M. Tubs , A. I. Nields . Chicago : F . L. Huxtable 111gm ; William Cummings , Chicago : O. W. Seawel , Greenville. Ill . : V. C. Shlckley Oen- ova , NEb. ; J. A. McLaughln , Craig ; 1'milip Schnl er , New prk. Nrhrlf nll. nt limo hotels. At the Paxton-H. J. Llglmt wife and I family . Syracuse : \V. E Andrews , 1Sasting. . O. hawkins At the Murray-W. , Welleet ; A. ( I. Hagodorn , Curtis ; F. 8. Jilodgctt , St. Paul At the Millard-Mrs. John D. Mathewl and MIss Mathews . North . Plate ; JOhn l'elel8. AlbIon. At the Ielone- . Nuter Blelal T , O. MaImmI Kearey ; F . I. . Campbell , George 1 lies . Norfolk. Al the ArcldeJohn K. Dllller , Salem ; J. A. JOifllstOiI Superior ; C. Johnson Geneva ; 1) . F. Cusimurd . Schuyler George Nicolai M. J. "lticflermott , Sutton . At the 'ldercitants-George H. Lawrence GerIng ; G. U. Salter Norfolk : Dr. W. } ' . Smith and wIfe.GolhenburGir. . C. I'helan , Brayton : O. E. Shad fel borden : F. C. IPlz , gwlng ; John D. 1fartn. Grand 18. land ; n. F . lren el , \'J. J. Jireuldel Murray ; lS8 fda , Aleyer , Nebraska City _ i r J 1 ' - BUFFALO LITHIA WATER A Powerful and Only Knowl Solvent of Stone in the Bladder-it value in Bright's Disease . of thc Kidneys , Gout , &c. Cas of Mr. R. L. RaYS , of Mention , Conn Time following pinto Is fem a photograph , \flich accompanies n report. tolo\lnl nJhOIOgrnhflich . mate by fir . C . 11 . Davis , of MOIl en , Coftu. , or the care of Me 11 I. . 1103's- Statue In time Ulntl.lCrlo the .Yt RI91alS .U'clcal ( 'fon/My / for Jtlly , I r ( see Jngo 40l of thntJolrnnl ) and represents oto tf the largest specimlleIms of " lluolnt ; Stone tlachnrgc by Mr. It , tInder limo nclou of Sleclmcus ? BUFFALO ' LITHI WATER , - , .t = , tA > 4 'I4. , _ _ ' # " . . ' - -.d I / . . , LA 4 , ' - lTe plohbraph , ? 4.4 ( , , exac " hze . , of . some , V ISO tared } ) tlnm V OtlO11 't.charv.r 1'1.1 1101" .t chcmlcal all mfe.colIrl , nnalls $ sowcl fbI tArp are t'rle "lc/.l. / Ilh a 'rurc V the Oralule ,1 Llmc" Case of Mr. S. The following plate Is from n photograph , which forms n part of n com. . lunlcnlon of IJr. Ucorlo I. 1Irrco , of Ih\blr ' , Conn. , I'clmrlng CINO of Mr. -Stone hi the Illaiiicr-to Iho New Rsigtantl .iIcrlfeah .101Ihl , } for Nov. , 11 ( see jU50 70 01 \IL jotmrunl ) , and represents some of time liirgcst spocirmlolms of ' J. l'lr I'I teellelso : . : : : . : ) e. , , ' , . , . \ , - 1' 1 " .f , f tftl . ' , . , , ' , . " . ' :1 . " .o. < , . , ' " . a ' 1 , \ ' 'I' . " < t : ! i ' I : I ' i @ ; . \ . . @ Two Ounces and Twenty-Seven Grains of Dssolved ! Stone dlschnrged by n imlient . & n Imtont under the acton of BUFFALO . LITHIA WATER . Smaller Particles , nlul n QIDnUty of Urlcklhut Deposit , not esllnntod , Tat this Watcr posscsscs extraordinary remedial potency 11 Bright's Disease , of thc Kidneys , Gout , Rheuiat out , Rheumatism , Nervous Exhaustion or Deprs- sion , Female Complaints , ant some forms of Dyspepsia - _ _ sia _ as wel , is so attested as to admit of no question BUFFALO LITHIA WATER Is for sale by druggists generally . or In cases of one dozen half-gafloml botUes S.O f.o.b. at the SprIngs. VOBcrlptvo IJUrphlets sent to any aldrcss THOMAS F. GOODE , Propr. , Buffalo Lithia SringsVa . Richardson Drug Co. , Omaha , Neb. , Ceneral Agents. . . - - -0 . 3 . . , , - . , . . . . : - ' , Yeg.l . , . . - . ' a , : . . - . - \ _ - . - , - 0' , It's Nicoll . - t A 1. that is c-tttrng , . - - ' 1. Suits. - . . ' . . . . i. . . . ' , . ' ' . . . . ' ; - ' . . to . .Order $1' . , U . - We're , satisfied to let all proft , go -in order to keep our tailors busy-during the few weeks-between seasons- seasons- . ! . - . , . seasons"t It' s ' our , \vay of ceaningup ; al-Rel lalts-odd ICltglls , etc " ' "t A . " ' . - ' -Our 1.arge ] and increasii1g. trade expect' to find a iresh' and dean stock every season and .they're . not appointed either. , ' -"at ) It pays us to do it-or else how. could we' offer "suoh , tempting pries as : , Trousers - To cr$5'OO $ .OOj7OQ SuIts - - $18 $20. . $25 IC 'I " About -one-lialf----thc price usualy asked for g.nnents of equal value. ' _ ' It's our big 'business and small profIt plan that makes lit possible. . ' . . ' , , " ' Cash 'pAc t - 207' , " Only < . - I - L.xxrn ' " ' -TIA iLE-OI So :15th : St. Buys TAI I LOR . ' . " . . I , I " , t . stiff - -l mud ; tams miring down to their bocks ; hal'd pulling i driver swearing i Bun sinking ; last load 101 the day i home at . last i tcam hOlsct ( ant fed ; Mexican Mustang Liniment rubbed on the strained mus. des an' ! tendons t insure Eound and limber legs for leg to.morrow's toil. Thus the whccla go round on a thrifty farm _ hL III : . IJ" . _ : " : _ J . - - - - - - - - ' - - . . 'f I'V 'V " . 4 . 1 . Our rocr" or actual end undeniable , cures ot SYI'lIhl.ILh I. phtinomerisi uninlable all rued. Icne ! free and eradIcate ttma' poIson from' the / j system In 00 . . p1.on . 1)llel dayi. Cure guaranteed. Hours , 8:10 : ta 4.801 , Wednesdays and Oatut. ; .S adtu ) /tu , n. 9. p. m. , 4 TIE DNnOOn REMEDY CO. , 81 New YOlk Life Omaha , Net . I ' WEW FADES ALLAImOIJTCRANGiNQ Iho Features uud itunloy ' iu iIle&nisiiesIn 11.0 I . book for 16IOV' . p. a .Ine. , . 4 Inl Ilollile.,11 ! 11 I , . ' "hl \V"udbll ) I. In \ , : HI..l. g. , luu.al\l "I S'oodbur1' . . rlflal " . . a , - . ,