Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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' DAILY : nEE : fJ'Ifti : SDAY FEnnUAUY ? 1895.
. , ' , .
Populst Now Hold the Balance of Power
fn the United Stts Senate
rtoviirn ror l.nll ! 1 Telegraph Cnblo
Ineorpomled Iii 11 AllprOI ) rln 'Ill lUl
- " ' " Over Vltl ' 'olla7
' \lholl jtctlon. ,
WASINOTON , Feb. G.-Tho democratic
majority In the senate was eliminated today
vhe" Clarence 1) . Clark , the now senator
from Wyoming , wal sworn In to flit the
vacancy which ha existed for two years. ,
Ills credentials had ( previously been pre-
sented. Mr. Clark Is another oC the young
men who have recently come Into the
recenly ! senate -
ate , materially reducing tim ag average ot
1 that body. The credentials . at Stephen B.
'lkins at West Virginia for the term , begin-
ning March . next , as the successor ot Mr.
Camden . were presented by Mr. Faulkner ot
West Virginia today. Mr. Coke ot Texas
submitted the credentials at his successor
Horace Chilon , for the ttm beginning
Mardi next.
The resohlton ot Mr. Pefer was agreed
to cllng on the secretary at the treasury
for InCormlton as to the kinds at money
which hlll been realized Cram the ( sale at
bonds. When
hands the vice president put lie
question on thl resolution there was so little
h attention pall to I that no one votetl. "It
1s a , tie "ate " E.,11 the presiding offleer . "no
votes In time aOrmatvo sail none In the
negative , " Mr. Peler Cnslsted ho had voted
aye In n low voice The resolution was
again put to n vote and agreed to.
The bill was passed to
bil Provide for time ex-
aminaton and clasileaton ot cerlaln mineral I
lands at Montana nod Idaho. ' 'ho measure ,
Js of far reaching hnlJrtalce to the ( fr
north , but by understanding : .
ululerstanling among sena-
tOtS I went through , without .debate. The i
bill amends the bill already passed by the I
) Iouse. SOIO , lme aCer time bill was passed ,
Mr. ( lormnan '
( gave notice he would _ move n L
reconsideration ot the vote.
The diplomatic and consular appropriatloi
: npproprlaton
bill was then taken up. TIme HawaIan I
amendment proposed an appropriation ot r
$500,000 to begin tIme work npproprlaton ) cable
between tIme United States and hawaii , ant 1
authorizing the prcslleut to contract for the
entIre 'I'orle. Mr. laelburn , In charge or i
the bill , statel ho expected this would occa-
alan some debate , but ho lisked It be passed
I posed over unt , time formal hems had been dls
"Before that Is lone , " Interposed Mr. Milli m
ot Texas , " 1 wIsh to makl a point ot order
. - against the amendment , and I wH ask tor
I ruling iios' "
Mr. Blackburn urged that this would pre
cipitate the whole hawaiian debate , and he
asked Mr. Mills to wihdraw the point of f
order for the present. This was flnali I.
agreed to.
Pending the reading at the bill , Mr. Moran
gan ot Alabama , chairman at the committee
on . foreign relations , presented an amelhnent commlteo
embodying a comprehensIve revIsion and
I re-
fOrm at our foreign sen'lco. H Is based on
civil service principles , and apples to the
State dC/rtmcnt as well as to the consuls ,
minIsters and ' other , officers abroad Mr. Morve
: gao stated the members of the committee
were substantially agreed on commlc
menL '
A number at minor amendments to the bill
were 'agrec1 to and the Hawaiian cable item
came up agaIn. Mr. 1ls renewed his poInt
ot order , sayIng the inauguration at such a
vat plan was general legislation , and ' therevo
Ia fore could not be added to an appropriation
: 's bitt. ' The tmntedlato decision alproprlaton
was ' pue/ol In order to permit a. general doon
' bate ; :
J . halo at Ialno adresso lie senate In
favor at cable connection wih Hawaii. "The
4 annexation ot hawaii Is sure to come , cable
or' no cable , " saId Mr. Hale. The senator ,
spolco'ot the eCforts at Oreat Britain to build
- the Hawaiian cable and said wo should buid
. pormlt a foreign power to get this advantage.
1lr : Vest at ' Missouri and Mr. Palnier ot
' 2 Illinois asked time cost at lImo entire cable.
. Mr. halo said ho had careful estimates made
by cable experts. The distance along the
surveyed route was about 2,100 nities. Time
estimates showed the cost t be about $10,000
to $ , per mile This would bo n total
cost ot $2,500.000 to $2,600,000 for the entire
cable Mr. Hale said the recent unfortunate
oventa on the islands and tim debates In
congre3s , cmphnslzed the need at a cable and
ho considered the time opportune to cornw
mil the government to the lllan.
Mr. Allen at Nebraska asked what rIght
. ' ' , this eot. goernmont had to enter upon time prog
"Tho same rIght , " said Mr. Hale , "that
Jelorson had In adding Louisiana to our
1-1 torrltory , : the seine right Mr. Seward had
k1 In securing Alaslcn "
"Does It not look lIke paternalism ? " asked
Mr. Alien. Iko paternalsm aslcel
Halo suggested an amendment that tIme L
Hnwalal"ablo should remain under govern-
men ownershIp and control ,
Mr. : len asked what d lereneo there was
between thIs propositIon 10 construct and L
own a cable and government ownership at a
railroad. ,
Mr ; halo replied It tM rairoad ran Into t
I foreIgn country and InVlved a question at r ,
foreign polcy It should sand on the same i
prInciple as a cable hut that dId not concede -
cede the government rlght'to construct tele-
graph Dr railroad lines wholly at an Internal I
" and domestIc charncter
. Mr. Butler at South Carolina cited flu I
United States survey at the intercontinental I
, railroad running to South America.
Mr. Allen said ho
Alen was glad to commit a
representative rellblcan senator and a
representatIve democratic senator 18 ( a .
vorlng government construction and owner
ship of a foreign cable or a rail -
rod whIch was sn adjunct to for
elgn commerce. lie thanleed the aena -
tore " ona-
for "embracing this controverted doc
I trlno ot populism. "
An xtentled debate tel owe as totlmo constitutional -
stutonal right .of the government to own
or construct telegraph and cable lines , being
'partlcilmated In by Mr. Plat anti lnes . Cray
Mr. Teller at Colorado took up some general
Phases ot time Hawaiian question lie laid
. ' down tIm rule at the International law that
'tho United States was bound to protect its
. citzens domiciled In Hawaii , even though
they were enlisting In 110 servIce ot the oxe
IUng government. Mr. Teller's argument
was with a view to show that Secretary
herbert had erred In ordering that the Phia-
delphia , recently sent to Hawaii , shQull not
afford protection to United States citizens
who were serving under the existing
ment. The senator saId the exlslQg gvern-
llavy had virtually announced Americans In
Hawaii who assIsted
lawal In maintaining pence
would forfeit time protection ot the United
Statel. In clollng Mr , Teller said : "I xvIii
predict the next administration , be It demos
cralc , republican or pOllulltC , will see to
I that time hawaiian Islands are a part ot
this republic , and that time fag ot the UnIted
States files over them l I dos over us. "
Mr. Gray or Delaware upheld time course ot
Secretary herbert , citing many authoritIes
on International law , lie was glad to hear
Mr Teller concede the Amerlcanslm at the
? democratIc Ilarty. "lint . " said Mr. Gray.
"that IJart doC not show Its AmerIcanism
by beng , a Ilarty to a mean . , paltry conspiracy
on I distant Island. I doe nor troll the
United States fag II the mire In order to
exhibit Its Americanism I del not drag a
leer dUlky queen from her throne to flaunt
Americanism , I seeks other ways ot
showing its sturdy AmerIcan spirit. "
Mr. Plat read from President Cleveland's
message In 1886 urging time importance ot
, close relations with hawaii , and saying the
establishment ot 1 cable should no\ \ be over-
looked. In 1888 1r , Cleveland again urged
on congress the desirability ot eltablshlng
a submarine cable to HawaIi. PresIdent ! liar-
rlson had recommended smlar : action.
Mr. putler asked it hawaii vas willing tIme
Juter I lawal WI
, wiing
' United States should bulil time cabie.
Mr. PerkIns of CalIfornia sid he happened
to be able to answer that question. Ito was
j uzt bac front San Francloco. , Betoru lea-
Ing he was ca'ed on by the mInister ( ot tor-
elgn aaairs ot the lawalan government , who
urged the great desire ot that government ,
that \h& \ United Btat&J should undertake gQ\rnment the
blllul ! ot the cable a HawaiI did lot want
4 Orat lrlaln0 control H , llr , l'erkius
sah this was the latest declaration I to the
wihes ot the hawaiian Kovernment. The
HawaIan h . item was then laid aside until to
At 5:25 : " the senate held 1 brio executive
s easlon"and then adjourne
UHUm : TIlE 1tViiiINVT - nVr .
Correnc7 lUl Ilcosllon NCBtlnl Its Clos
tn time IIouo.
WASIiIi1OTO . l eb. G.-Tho house mot
tolay t to continua the debate n the ( bill to
authorie the Issue ot $500,000,000 gold bonds
B roro the house went Into committee ot time
whole the resolution ot Mr. Livingston ot
( eorgla was passed suggesting arbitration or
the difficulty over the boundary line dispute
between Drltbh Guinea and ' '
Oulnen aUI Venezuela : and
also the hilt grantIng to the cilIa Valley .
G lobe & Northern Ralroal company n right
ot way through the San Carlos Indian reser-
valon , corrected to meet the objections ot
the ( Iresldent In hIs veto message
Mr Brosius , republican at lenns'lvanla ,
was tim frst speaker on the financial bill
tOday. lie strongly urged ! the necessity for
Inmedlnto i relief and earnestly advocated
crnesty advocatel
the ( passage of the bill. Ho made an eloquent
allleal to . his republican colleagues to lay :
nldo party preJudices. In such a crIsis , ho
saId , the representatives ot the people must
bo patriotic before they are partisans.
Mr. Little , democrat ot Arlcnsns , opposed
time lull on the ground that Its passage woull
mortgage posterity to malntnln the gold I
stnndard. le also antagonized the Cox sub
Mr. Crow , republican at PennsylvanIa sup
ported the Heed substitute . Mr. O'Neill ,
i democrat at Missouri , amI Mr. Mcnao , demo :
oraL or Arkansas , anl Mr Newlanls , Icmo-
list ot Nevada , opposed tim bill , Mr. Now
lands arguing that free silver would rnlso
the Ileut-paying ability Qt wheat , corn nnd
colon to old figures end bring a return of
prosperity. _
: Ir. Unnd , democrat at Missouri , then I
cave notice ot , the substitute ho had pre
pared. ,
At 2 p. m. , under the special order , the
debate roceeded under the fl'o.mlnuto rule
tim bill being open to amendment In any of
Its parts. I was agreed that the substutes
ot Mr. flood and Mr. Cox should ho con
sltlered pending.
Mr. SInger ! then offered time amendment
agreed upon by the commitee on banldng
and currency as necessary to perfect the
bill. Time amendmenl making tim bond
Payable "at time pleasure at tim govornment" ' ,
and dime In fifty year was agreed to.
Mr. Irecldnrldge , democrat of Kentucky . ,
gave notco ot I substitute he should ofer
providing for the Issue ot rebate certfcates I ,
the coinage ot time silver bullion and the
repeat at the state bank tax The amendment -
mont to limIt the amount ot legal tender
retIred by the amount at addItIonal circula-
ton taken out by nat10nal b1ules mot wit h
oppositIon from Jlr , Walker , republcln ot
: Inssachusets , and Coomhs , democrat at New '
York , hut was agreed to.
Mr. Haughen at Wisconsin offered an
amen ment to the conunlteo amendment Imposing m-
posing In lieu ot other taxes n tax ot out ! -
eIghth ot 1 per cent on the circulation ot
natonal banks semi-annually : \1 to reduce
time limit ot capial necessary for the Incor- :
poraton ot natIonal banks from $ OOOO to
Mr. Bryan ot Nebraska opposed the amend
ment. Ono object , he said , was to reduc
the tax on clrcublon from 1 to % reuce I
cent , ami th othcr would IncrenEo the numb r I
and power at national banks.
Mr. Haughen's amendment was agreed to.
An amendment at Mr. Bryan to make the
lmit to be charged by national banks tor
thi loan ot circulating notes 6 per cent , was
deCeate by I vote ot 34 to 134.
Another by Mr. Stone at New. York to pre
vent the ( contraction at the currency by ni i-
tonal bank was lost.
The origInal committee amendment was
then agree to. The commite amendment
to strike out section 4 ot the bill , prohibitng L
'tho ' Issue by national banks at notes at a I
de nomination at less than $10 , and the ratio a-
mont or silver certfcates ot over $0 , provoke -
vo iced considerable discussion , tn the course
at which Mr. Williams of MIssissippI said the
secton 'roposed to bo stricken out was the
only one In the bill that gives a wide clrcula-
ton I to silver.
air.- Hartman at Montana offered a subst -
tuto for time committee amendment subst-
free coinage at silver , the payment ot customs -
toms duties In gold and sliver and the ley
at an additional -duty ot 50 per cent on goods
coming from countries which do not open
their mints to the unlmied coinage at si l-
vor ,
r.Mr. . Hartman's amendment tel under a
point at order. Mr. Hartman appealed tram
the decision ot time chaIr , but the chair was
su stained , 175 to 9.
The committee amendment. . was agreed to. I
During time debate on the committee amendment :
mont to strike out section 5 , for time payment
at customs duties In gold after July 1 , 1895 ,
M r. Henderson at Iowa declared his 'hosUly
to the bill anti all subslutC proposed except
the Heed substitute , for which ho said he
would vote.
An nmnemmdment'oI'feretl by Mr. Hartman
for the payment ot customs duties hat In
gold and hal In silver was agreed to , 83
72 , alter which the cQmmltteo amendment
was deteated.
Time committee amendment ( Mr. Walker )
to compel national ) anks at the end of thirty
months to curry l their reserve In coin ,
hal In gold und hal ! In silver , was warmly
OPIlsed by Mr. Henllx ot New Yorlc and
others , who contended that this amendment
would defeat the purpose at the bili. The
amendment was defeated , 34 to 101.
Mr. Bryan opposed the committee amendment -
m ont to the Inst section , which provIdes for I
tho' ' repeal ot all laws limiting time amount
at national bank circulation which could be
wihdrawn for any one month to $3,000,000 (
and prohibiting an tncrpaso at circulation tor I
six months after I bad retired any at Its
c irculation. He claimed It would give the
banks power to contract or expand the cm ir-
reneyat , wi The amendment . was adopted ,
93 to 48
Mr. Bland then , offered his substitute as an
amendment to the first section . Mr. SprIngr
mad a a poInt ! at order against I which was
s ustained. Mr. Bland attempted to offer It
as a substuto for other sections , but I wus
ruled out as often as olere Mr. Bland ap"
pealed from the decision ot time chair. The
appeal was still pending when the camualti tee
arose and time house at 5I5adjeurnod : .
_ n _ _ _ _ _
CODnnltl Senators luter and hub to Oov-
erlment ( hvlerahlll or Tologrispims
WAShINGTON , D.O. , Feb. 6-Speclal (
Telegram.-Senator ) Allen today very cleverly -
erly turned the discussion ot the proposed
Hawaiian submarine cable Into an argument
tor the populist doctrine ot government own-
erhp ot telegraph and railroad lines . He
propoundt interrogatories to Senator lale at
Memo and Senator Butler at South Caroline
which brought forth admissions that these
distnguished republican and democratic I
leaders l beloved In government control ot R
telegraphic cable from San Frnchco to Honolulu - ,
olulu , lie then asleed It the same doctrine '
would not applY to government ownorshll ) of ' '
telegraph lines between points In this country 'I'
alli also as to government ownership or rail- I
real lines In the same manner. I was a very '
1IIIul parlamenlary effort on time part at
Senator Alien , and , aCer ho had , seeured admissions -
minions train limo senators In favor at the
broad IOpulslo doctrine , itt' I courteously
thanked them for having come over onto I"ay-
Ing l ground In the populist party. Senator
Allen was afterward congratulated by senators -
tors of both ot time older parties for his skill.
tul f maneuvering In the mnatter . skil-
I.aldl'lhlo Ihe Jlnorl Ue1t.
WAShINGTON , Feb G. - - The secret ' ry ot
the t InterIor has decided that the lands em.
brace In a list ot 103,0i aCres selected
by the Central Paclfo railroad are wihin a
clearly defined minerai belt , all bas accord-
bigly postponed issuance at patent pendIng
publication ot notice. A protest to the list
has also been received at the dtpartlent
from William J. Lwrence , who alleges that
ho has for ten year ben engget In mining
In one ot time lots sold !
Jzhlbllou or .arm ImpLements Rt Vleuna ,
WASINOTON , Fob. G.-Con8ul General I
Max Judd at Vienna has informed the Department - ,
partment at State that the Imperial Society
of Agriculture hiss decided to hold an international -
national CXllosllon at agrculural : Implement
amid machinery In VIenna from the .lh to the
7th or May mmext clerlng an excellent oppor-
tuimlty for the introduction of tnmerIcau
tuniy Inlroducton Americn farm-
hag Imllements.
Bleam' Electric I > , ute rids your house ot
Rats , noach and other vermin ; 25c
Next Saturday i the Day Sot for the Great-
est Happening in Omaha.
Yon ( lot Wild ot It Yesterilmey-Set 1oor
Sails antI COIO In 10 This OreBt
Boll Snlo-You Newer S"9
Is Like .
Yes , the ( Continental suit sale Is set for
Saturday . February 9. and time undertaking
Is 80 much greater than the Overcoat event
at I week ago that It will take one "hole Iby
to prepare for Lt . That's thi reason the
Contnontnl wi bo cloJed up all day to-
morrow. .
E\'ery suit In tie house , no acetic : whnt
the former price or how good a seller . wi
bo put nt this auto ' . .
up 1. go at a
reduced price The' prices made
last Saturday staggered most people :
what wi they do when they s ( the
nnnoupeement lomorrm. ' . which , when : corn
Pared with anythnp : over before attempted ,
grinds Limo \"Ices \ down tl powl r. Values
will bo scattered to lie four winds at laaven , ,
cuinminatirig In n big tcward Price nuth.
culmInatng atop tcwarl Illo nllh-
The Continental , l'es nothing by halvls ;
It'l worse 'han hal and It you tnlenl to
wear a suIt next winter : r the nix , ur nn
for the next six or eight weeks , It wi bo the I
gladdest moment ot your life when you C"I- :
turo one ot the SUits that 10 on sale Sal1rray
morning at the Contimmotital. l'el'Y Fult Is I
the qulntessonco ot merIt aol , " 10nUII ) II-
eluding time entire stock for mrn tl.d boys ,
nothing reserved ; ev rythlnt goes , and Wllh '
a rush , too , as gui , will see when he ( 'rice ! m
are sprung tomorrow. Watch this paper tc -
morrow it will tel you aU about time ffealest
suit chance you o\.r } . In mlll
this Is no broken sue sHe tlr every size ,
every style , every suit In the hOlso et whatsoever -
soover grade wi he found : on Limo 1:1. :
_ _ _ .
lemlors'h" lave Uled or Icslguod or
ncel loIO\'cd .
WAShINGTON , Feb. G-A glance at the
records on file In the clerk's office In the
, house at representatives shows that there
have been no iec.s thau twenty-nino changes
In the personnel at that body since the tme
members were elected. Eleven of times
changes have been due to deaths , fifteen to
resIgnations and three to members being un
seated by the house. The number Is large
than In any congress wihin time recolecton' : '
ot the older house oOclals and It Is be-
leved to bo unequaled since the war. Since
the election at the members ot the FIfty -
third congress death has elalmell Mutchle r
ot Pennsylvania , Enochs ot South Carolina ;
Shipman ot Mississippi , O'Nei ot Pennsyl
v /nla , Tiy of I'ennsylvuimia buck ot Ohio ,
B rattan ot Maryland , Lisle of Kentucky ,
Shaw at Wisconsin , Wright ot Pennsylvania
a mid Post ot Illinois.
Time following members have resigned their
scats to accept time places Indicated : Jlchel
ot Wisconsin a seat tn the senate ; Lodge at
Jlassachusols , a seat In time senate : Fits at
New York , comptroller at time currency at
New Yorlc ; O'I arral at Virginia , to the
gOVrnorship at that commonwealth : Fellows
ot New York , district attorney ot Ne\v
York City : Drawley ot South Carolina , jUdge
ot the district court at South Carolna ;
Danchard at Louisiana. a scat In time senate ; '
Caldwel at Ohio , the mayoralty ot Cln-
clmat ; Compton ot Maryland , naval ojflcer
at BaltImore ; C. R. Drecklnrldge at ArkanS
sas , ambassador to Russia : Oates ot Alabama ,
to be governor of that ' state ; 'Cummlig ' ot
New York , to be a judge of ' the court of ap-
peals ot Kentucky ; Black ot Illinois , distrIct
alorney for time northern district at Illinois ,
and Burrows ot MichIgan , a' seat In the
This list will soon bo swelled by another
representatve , \Vlaon ot Washington , who
was a few days ago elected to the senate to
succeed Mr. Alien. The elections take elect
Immediately i and Mr. Wilson's resignation as
a member of the house will probably bo ro-
celved very soun. Mr. Gear ot Iowa , now a
member ot the house , has been elected to
tepresent his state In the upper branch. at
time national leglslaturo. . His term or office
begIns on the 4th. at March ncxt.
The members at the house who have been
unseated Include Joy ot Missouri , Funston
at Kanas and Hibor ot Cahlf9rnia.
Senator Morgan Submits B Plan to Impro'o
time ( : olotry' . 1orellI Helatol" .
WASHINGTON , Feb. G-Senator Morgan ,
from the committee cn foreign relations , today .
day reported the bill for the reorganization
ot time diplomatic service ot the United States ,
and , In doing so , submitted a report setting
forth the necessity for time changes. In this
report ho says the present system Is prac-
ticaly the same that was adoPtd In 1790. Ho
reviews tie growth of the country's commerce -
merce , and says that whlo ! our commercIal
relations have become extensive and Intricate ,
no step has been taken In recent years to Increase -
crease the consular aervlce , to whIch the
direction and festering at these relations are
en trusted.
Speaking at the drawbacles to the present
system , the political favoritism by which It
Is haractorlzed , Is referred to as the most
The purpose ot lie present bill Is thus set
forth : "The cbJect Is to , provide n system by
which person shal be trained for the duties
at the consular service : so that they shall
be able to perform them In the best possible
way , at a reasonable expenED to the govern-
ment. Under our present system a consular
or dlplomstc officer lies no sooner familiar-
Ized himself with limo duties ot his ofce and
begun to acquire a knowledge at Its busi-
ness and fitness t'or his duties , than ho ts
removed to make rom for another novice ,
who Is likewise supercded as son as his experIence -
perIence begins to enable hIm to discharge the
duties to the saldscton ! ot himself and
others. Thus , In one generation , the same
pst 19 frequently filled by a number at men ,
who are successively displaced as son as they
have learned to transact the business at their
offices with something like professional lcowl-
edge and skill. "
The plan reported by Senator Morgan provides . '
vides for a general reorganzaton ! ot the i
consular service , on civi service principles , '
except In case ot conrlar agents , who arc
excluded from the reorganization .
fmportnnl Decismoulteridorod b , the I'rral-
. clout Iii the ( : apncu or Arbitrator.
WAShINGTON . Feb. G.-The president to.
day announced through the secretary ot state
his decision as arbitrator between Brazil and
ArgentIna In tlC boundary dispute between
the two countries over time Jlssiones terrItory
The document was quite long and much ot I
was given up to a recital ot the provision at
limo treaty ot September 31. 1889 , by which
tim two countrIes agreed to submit time ques-
lens at Issue to time arbitration at the que- pres-
Ident ot the United States , and stated at
length time \ exact measures to be determined
by limo arbitrator
limo fubstanre ot the president's decision la
contained In the following paragraph : "That
the boundary line between
tne the Argentine re-
public and Iho United Slates at Brazil In
that part Iubmlted to mime for arbitration and
decision , I' constituted and shall b estab-
iished by and upon the rivers
lshed Inl upn Peplrl , ( also
calej I'eplrl Ouazu ) , and San Antontie . to
wIt : The rh'er which Brazil had designated
In the argument and documents submitted to
sue aa constutng the boundary and herein-
before denominated tie westerly system "
The terrlor ) In\ol'el covers an area ot
1,000 square miles and has a population ot
about 7.000 tobabitatits. The situation ot the
disputed territory II ot mae little interest , not
onlY from a Iloltel , but from a military
standpoint. Il Ion to Uiazl would almost
have cut oil the rich and Iioliulous Brazilian ot Rio Oraudo t10 Sal from the remain-
der ot the republic , heaving only a narrow
tongue ot land I .methlng less than fitly
league In \IIJth. n I mcans ot coanecton ffy ,
, . . . , . .
- - = - - - - - ' ' '
- i
Has Six Days to close out. l
R ) New Firm Then na' ,
I - ft J
. ,
Ladies' Uitctivcar- -
C hildren's and mniss's11ne English cash-
mere hose all sizesreiuiar , 7c goods for
Ladles'- fine woolen hyse with ribbed ,
Ladles'fn : ! for..i . . . wih . . . . . ! . . . top . .
Lndles' htra ? heavy woolen. Jersey rlhbed ,
Uimdcrwear natural color , i5 quality ( or. .
Lndles' fine woolen combination amimitim , natur
nl color , the $ .G and $1 qualities for . . .
$ l.D'
N otions.
U's In the little things you get time most
Cor your money. True you " Iet but a few
cents nt ' n tme , but after ) ' 01 have bought
a dolar's worth you will find you have
save three or foul ( Iohiaa amt ) 'ou'l have
to buy 1 clothes basket to get your dollar'S
worth ) home. dolar's
Hooks antI E 'es. . . . . . . . . . . 10
DarnIng Colon . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
h air Pins. . . . . . . . . . . . . : for 10
Nlclcel Satety Plns.4 : and 0
B lack Plns..3 for 0
Safety Pins . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . 20
Colars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Toiet Pins . . . . . . . . . . ( per doz. ) 80
TwIn Stays . . . . .J . . . . . . . . . . 8 0
Purian PIns . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . : . O
S ilk Thread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Linen Thread . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 60
Corset Clasps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '
Dress Stays . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 7c
Binding , Ribbon . . . . ; . , . . . . . . . Do
Velveteen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Finishing Braid . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Crochet Cotton..C for 2So
Thread . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G for 2uo
S ilk Shields. . . . . . . . . . : . . . . and Q'O
Laces. .
Nt house In America CI'lcl os fle
a hue of laces ns We " have. There : a
SWclllnJ ! cut goh ; . through this do-
] lcl'tmnoilt , so sweeping that you CUl 10.1
In I a f111plr of 110lnt laces , torchul ,
l'ellcl , ' : mleuicitaiiiies , flute silk Inces , elc. ,
m It a \r ' slnl cost tto [ you.YIII
: N1 81' 'c ( I. the storemhlbolc \ , them oveo . . .
I 1,1 i ) ,
. ' f
Thus he territory ot 1lsslones , It held ' by a
torelgn power , wouli" ha 'd continual menace
to the peace and progressof Rio Grande do
S ui. . I .
-a IItESLLEZ' . . < EtmcEs8UtY' t'
Question as to lie Construction or One
&ecton Ir the Limit Grnt . tct .
WASHINGTON , Feb. G-Under n construc-
ion placed upon section 3 at the act ot Sep-
tember t 29 , ,1890 , relating to land grant forfeitures -
feitures f , purchases of land were allowed to
b o made by parties
as settlers without
partes selers wihout requiring -
quiring them to show actual residence they
having met other requirements such as tenc-
l mig cultivation , etc In a subsequent decision -
alan at the secretary or time Interior , made
November 1 , 1893 , I was held that the
actual lesldenco must be shown , and under
that rnlng many entries are now held for
cancellation , although the entry men stand
on precisely the same footing ' as those who
have long sInce received patents. The house
committee on public lands , deeming this un-
Just , has reported a bill givIng those entry-
men who for any cause may have been
ben un-
able to complete purchases the same rIghts
and prlvlegC accorded to their more tor-
tunata brethren. The bill Is favored by the
commissioner at the general land oflice , but
Is opposed by the secretary of time Interior ,
who holds that to accord to persons that right
to purchase by mErelyllcng possessIon ot
and Improving such lands without requiring
residence thereon wOlld be to give . priv-
liege that Is not conferred
Iege upon the home-
teader as to any other part ot the public domain -
main .
SecrCtary Smith I. "oovel tl" ' , Iran at ' ,
a propose circular ot , Inscrucemoims to regix- ;
tars and receivers ot time general land omco
soon to be Issued by Commissioner Lamoreux
for putting Into operation the provisions at
the act approved December 13 , 1891 , to pro.
vide tar time location and satisfaction at outstanding -
standing miitary bounty land warrants and
certifIcates ot location under time act at June m
2 , 1852
J.HOIETER Ol - wIIti.tT 1swoaTs .
Object Lesson In the Erect or Tarlt Worsen m
on Internatonal Trade .
WASHINGTON , Feb. G.-A startling evl-
deuce ot the' . extent to which our wheat trade
with Germany has suffered by the competi -
ton at time Argentine republc and an lus _
tralon ot how International trade may be I
destroyed by a tariff war Is contained In a
report to time State department by United
States Consul General Mason at Frankfort
upon the German wheat Import for the I'ast L
three years. In 1892 , the United States
shipped to Oermany ' 6,3'2,130 tons at wheat ,
The next year this dropped to 3,19,282 , and I
In 1894 the Imprts were but 3.054GG9 tons
Meanwhlo Argentne"s , emed to have gained
about what we loot at Wis trade , for gaine
Ports ot whet train lMJ } ountry tlt In-
Ilany amounted In 1192 10 but 6GlG9 tons ,
had swelled In 1893 I 1513,0l6 tons and In
1894 to 3,196,000. " . '
3,19G,00. In"lSOfclermany anti Hus-
ala engaged In a tariffvar. In consequence
time Imports ot ltusiap1 1 wheat Into Oar-
many , which were j2.99i tons In 1802 ,
dropped sUddenly In. V to 21G,3G2 tons.
But as showing the tprqpptness with which
they recovered timor : IIO small proportions
\D smal
when thl temporary restriction was removed ,
the report shows that , tnt 1804 , peace havlnc
ben restored , the Husslar'wheat ' Imports Into i
Germany reached 2,351,4d81 ;
. .
huE WOUII Nor ( tAUltU TO OOLU ,
l'osilbillty or a ConfJroMiso relwccl 10-
IIIIII'RIS Iln 1)ijiocrmuis I. 0 if.
WAShINGTON , Fcbiui 6m-Ex-Speaker Reed
ot Maine , Mr. Dmn4W l mimd other repub-
lcan leaders have buns' fn ? consultation con-
stanty since the hous ' convened with Mr.
Springer ot IllInois . lrr , Hedrix ot New
York and other democrats who are pushIng -
lug time admlnlstrstol pIal of relief for time
treasury with a view t compromising their
differences It such a thing ls possible. The
edininiatration leader were wiing to ac-
cept time Heed bill , providing for 3 per Cent
bonds to replenish the goll reserve , and
an Issue ot debt certificates to met the de-
Iclency In l'eVenUl , provided lr , Heed would
make the bonds "In gold" Insteal of "coin. "
An authorization for co'n bonds , say those
who claim to speak fee the president , would
not afford relief to ( lie ! treasury. Mr. He
refused to accept time proposed modification ,
propled moifcaton
Mr. Springer at 1Inoia stated that time at-
tempt to effect 'a compromise had failed ,
Time admlnbtraton rt sed to accept any bill
that , .dld not carry l thorlalon for a cell
_ _ _ _ _ _
A fIl ) Urae ,
WASHING'rON , Feb. L-Special ( Tele-
gramu.-Caitain Ira McNutt Ordnance tie- J
iram.-SIlwn Jr McNut Ol'dnlnco de
- -
The new firut refuse , to
take a dollar's worth of
winter goods---tbcy are
obstinate about it---so wc
are despcl.atc---we must
sell thcta to soutebody.
We make the prices amid
you do the rest , because
you can't help i.
- -
: , ; J 4 , IiI'
1t ,
: \
/i ,
/A $ ' a
) " * I . t : ' , '
, * : ' ; j ' i4
( ' t k i
partmelt , Iron works at Suth Bethlehem ,
wil Inspect armor piercing projectiles at
Carpenter Steel company Heading , Pa
Secoll Lteutenant Edmund r. Buttt' ,
TwentY - frst Inqntry I . 1 e relieved from
duty join , Its at company Columbuk ; 1nrracles releve will
Secord Lieutenant Samuel D. Arnold ,
First cavalry , granted tweimty days extended -
tended leave. _ _ _ _ _ _
Complete List to Uo Furnished to Congress
from Each UOIartm3If.
WASHINGTON , Fcb G-Another proposed
reform In departmental metiicda resulting from
the work at time Dokery Joint commission Is
embodied In a bill recently reported to the
house. I provides for the repeal at secton
194 at the revised sttutes , which requIres
the head at each department to annually re-
port to congress the name at persons em-
plo'ed In his department , time time they were
actually employed and their salaries : whether
they have been usefully employed , dc. The i
commlsslcn In Ito report accompanying the
bill says that at time last session at congress
reports were made under thin law from the
War , Navy and Treasury departments The
first two were prInted In full , but only the
letter or the secretary at the treasury accompanying -
pmylng : his report was printed. Conmpllance
with the law requires a geol deal ot Herbal
labor , which culd be otherwise profitably on-
gagd. Time printing l at the documents when
ordered by congress am"unts to no hlCGnsldar-
able expensa. The blue book Issued every two
years givta , the report says , time prIncipal Information -
. formation , . required . by time section propose to
f .pnealpd. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
$ tremmgth ur time , N"br 18ka.Altn ,
WASHINGTON , Ftb . 6.-Bpeclal ( Tele-
grnm-The ) secretary at war today Bent
to time house an abstract at the militia
force or the United States nccordlng mita
latest returns on file In the oUce at the
djutant general . According to the state-
ment , there are In the Nebraska. militia
two generals , nineteen ofhicor on the gen-
eral'f staff , ant fourteen on tIme regimental
and ( held star , and 0' force of 1,21 ! non-
c0lmlssonc,1 ! , ofccrt and mtn.
I wait stated at the capitol tocla' that
Euclid Martin anti J. caplet . 1. Patrick at
Omaha are both candidates for the olihee
at government director of the Union oleo
o'ilc road , made vacant by the death ot
time former Incumbent
1'111 eli J xtonKlo UrldR' Tour ,
WASHINGTON , Fob G.-Spcla ( Ttle-
g rmmm-Major ) L. A. Igley ot Cedar ,
Rapids , Ia. , and his bride , formerly Cear .
Jeannete Nicholas of Omaha , were Mr.
the capitol today. They leave tomorrow
for I trip to Honoluln and ivlhl return
next May to Cedar Uaplis , where they will
re lde. _ _ _ _ _ _ wi
l'rrsirleiit's ! omllltul
WASHINGTON. Feb. 6.-The president
hns l sent the tolowlng nominations to the
senate :
War-Major John MoAliister Schofield to
be lieutenant general Scholeld
Postniasteram-L. C. Atwood , Conneaut , 0. :
D , Ii , Del , Bastrop , Tax .
Turn "IW l'o , tllll"r.
WASHINGTON , Feb. G.-Speclal ( } Telo-
grll.-l ) > ostmasters were a\pclnted today
as m follows : Iowa-Flegler. Marion county ,
S. A. 1cGaugh , vice Jennct E. Glenn ,
reslgnell. South Dalcoto-Orover Caching-
Ion i county , John Cophan jr" , vice COl . 1- ,
lAbert , resIgned.
"fW itzmiiui'hnic , , hlrjOUI lit , \lhll ,
WA8INGTON , Feb , G.-Spclal ( ' 1ele-
grm.-Dr ) , H. C. Ehback was tOday imp.
1)lnted im i an exalTnlng ! urgeon for the pen-
m Ion bureau at Albin la , .
JJ H7'EHN l'Jm.'Iu ( .
cleranl or lie Lab War JCIomberou 1 ,
mime U"lerll Oiovrmmiielmt. , .
WASHINGTON , Feb. 6.-Sp ( clal.-Pel' )
slons granted , Issue ot January 21 , were :
Nebraska : Or ) nal-Ab/aham Abe , Dca-
trice , Gage. IncreneAmazlah J. IUch-
ards , South neo Cass.
Iowa : Orlglnal-harleB Drandon 10
yule , Woodbury : John Emerson , Promise
City . Wayne : Herman J. JYlnk : , Muaca .
tine httuscatine . Imicrease-Ja nmea \ Auscn. . :
floP , Leon , Dccatur. Hel&'ul'John C. M.
Ilnr"leso . DavelpJrt , Scott : Campbell I
lmlyermt Such nock Buter ; ilzra. Campbel ,
ituammell , ' . , ) zra Kels
Hus e I , 'I.ues urlrJnul. widows ate-
Catherine Burke , 1evlnlton , Ilatlson ; :
mlnorA . at 1.:119 Gantz , Onawo , Mononu .
Mexican ' . :
war widow-Hannah Peters , JCeo-
lelI.e \
Colorado : OrlJdnal-Carl A. Ehiermeyer , ,
Ccrlez Montezuma : John W. Worren"
Aspen Pltkin " I
south Dakota : Orhdnal , Widow , ele.-
Anna l. I ar'n , Elngton , Roberts
No household Is complete withmut a casm I
ot Coohc's Extra Dry Imp , rial Champagne cae ,
It's time but /parl.lnl wino made.
Heavy EUltstl , .7
J acice t ,
$2.90 '
3G incItes long ; " ' t ,
) IIO , lnck ci' ' '
J' '
gray ; our . $ t50 ' j'I j' I
to $10.00 got't $
meat COt $2,90 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l lhlOlnle EIIJrIIShVnkIng .Tnckol
with velvet collu' ,
:1 : Inchc bug ,
: long
a flaunt $11
mattel ) rising ( \gnln. . . . . . . . . .
Seal Capes-
always In stlo-
lorCcetoMs In ovary way
-hot hal price $15
tomol.row. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Astrnhlmn Capc/-
Cuhlonnblo and (1o1rable- (
jmet'eot ( In style UUI ! ft-
$50.00 gat'mouts $ 3 0
" ' /1'ments . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tea Gowns
Flue acid FOICY
nut DeslRf9
At Way Low Prices . .
Specal ! low prices 01 Indies' mills ,
snlli : ( nnd shfl . Rldl'h cut In price , llft
of nil kinds rcduced war dowu ; < 11-
tli'ci1s nu1 itmlsses' coats . G ( years up , at
reduced In'lccs.
Infants' short coats anti ladles' silk
' , talst , 1 Slcclnl bargaIn prlca tomol'-
10" ' .
My , how they arc taking the 132 ( : cut
hilult ' tola ' . 1.1 nssoi'tmueiit lu-
cl'easl ( . 'IW t.11 improved upon fem t.lor -
Seveie I Oros-Examinnticn of the
. Attorney Erwin , -
Short Colloquy Jehvccn the 'VIICHS and
the Prisoner Over the Vhiahcy - ' En-
ragout by Hayward's Limugh-Asm
Jmmcn Crowd l'rescut
MINNEAPOLIS , Feb. G.-Thero was an
Intensely sensational scene tn the court room
today shortly after time Hayward murder trial
opened. Dlxt , the sel-confesse murderer ,
was still on the stand and Mr. Erwin began
his day's campaign by charging directly
that the witness bad doctored his confession
given yesterday to suit public clamor. The
tate objected to this manner at cross-exam- .
Inaton and time court sustained the objeton
on the ground that It was aJ-1 ck on char-
acte : . Mr. Erwin then slcd Dlx how ho
accounted for Thu discrepancy between the
two statements he made JI regard to Harry
giving Jima whisky I3iixt wanted to go
Into an explanaton otter lila own Ideas , but
ErwIn Insisted on a direct answer. Again
Dlxt tried to hedge , answerIng that he was
In no condition at the tmo ot hIs original
confession " to remember details accurately ,
"Any man In the condition I was In , " said
Dld , "would not , be likely 10 know whether
the time Hayward brought the whisky
5 o'clocl or 7:30. : " was
Hayward laughed aloud at this and looked
squarely at Dlxt all time while. Time face
or the murderer turned livid . imi . voIce
trembled and ho halt rose ( rein the witness
chair. wines
"Yes , " ho cried "
, "this Is no laughIng
timing , I tel you. "
He was pointing with hats right hand
straight at Hayward and his lips trembled
as he gasped out : 'Yea , you-yoU tremblc
man at al You know I toil the truth and
you know- "
The court interfered imere .
I was evident as lero. cross-examination
proceeded that Erwin hind cross.examlnaton
different line at aUaclc from that ( attempted n
yesterday , which had so signally failed . lie
signaly taied.
atempted to browbeat time witness . le
"I " want to explain something , " said Bust ,
"No , you don't , " retorted the criminal
lawyer ! . "You'vo habbled Ion enough : you've
got to . get down to long . Did you not
chaqgo your statement as to whnt nIght It
was when larry brought , th whisky , be-
causy yon had been Informed that at that
very time " he was wih a man namell Waterman -
man 2"
"As I sit here before God , what I have
said was ot myself . No one had told mo
anythIng at al , " toll
"Did you not make your second statement
at the point at a revolver and Under a
threat !
"No , I did not "
"In your first statement you said Harry
gave yon tIme cartridges about 6 , now you
say at 7. "
"I did not change. I did not change II
was between 6 and 7. " And Ihen the w I (
ness was led over time story again , back and ,
forth and through , In the effort to secure
contradictIons .
Mr. Erwin took up each discrepancy between -
( wean Biixt'a testimony yesterday and the (
frt confession ho made , whereIn he asserted
that Hayward had done the actual shooting , ,
and asked time witness the reason toe It ,
' I
Dlxt'a invariable reply was that he was con
fused at time tune , and his rocoflction wa ,
anl recncton
not clear , lie had 1\ i \ over every day
since then , and mmii the details
al detais had como back
any specific ( IUeston he wanted , but the
whole recital need not be gone over again :
" 1 thought maybe )1 had chQnged hl
memory since yesterday , " sid ErwIn , In a m
hal aside to the Jury , "and We have / right I ;
to the latest edition . "
to him. Often the efforts ot time lawyer to
entrap him were foiled by the stolIdity ant 3
Implcly ot the witness. anl
" 1d you not change your story amid lO ! .
vent this one to fit time green goods theory
ot the state ? " asked Erwin ,
"No , " said Ihhixt . "My
II Blxt. memory was not t
al god then a I Is now. "
"Ah , " /jld hll questioner , arcn.lcaly. 11r.
ErwIn wanted Blxt to deHcrlbo dgaln iii
abut how bo got the body ou ot the buggy
but the obJectol ot the state was sustained
by the court who told Erwin ho mlgl ask
Black Goods-- .
, A t"m to be wllll out-imot u ) .nI ! li 10
IJ lm.'t to tel tht WO WCI'O ( . ! ! Iii
hu"I1 t Wu lol > just four mails for
t oiiini'i'tmw . alt ta l are ti" ' r.iaui or
HI stoeI
A lot of novelties , actual value '
iGe . are novlles . . . . . . . . .1. b . . . . q 00
GO.lneh cnn\'as ciothm goods , worth
. $ . t.t ) n yard , coth mmow. , . . . . . . 600
r.I.lnch cime'int closele '
n price wns
$1.7 1111 , hut we \le . OOe
Extra quality cnnels lulr clOUt ,
our regular $2 maul $210 goods
are imo' . . . . . . 1\1 . . . $2,6 . . . ! . oots . . DBo
Black Silcs-
t.lneh block' gros rnimi nnll 21-
Inch black 1lle l'rnncalsc , $ h.6ti '
for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 . 'Go
t.lnch black slrah , 8:0 grade for. 00
A good qual ) black 8nrh Cor. . . : Go
Black l'catm-de-soie , arc no\ . . . Gio
Hlaclt satins , are now. . . . . . . . . 2Gc
All the 21-lneh colored China silIca
all 73c colored smmruimma nte
nnl ni surh ! 4c
IOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .
All the $1.00 , $ t.25 Fmuilie Franealso
Al slits $1.0 . . . . . 1.'llle . . . . . rnlcalse . . . . . GDo
Toilet Articles.
Soaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 80
Machine 01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 80
Fancy Stick Puma. . . . . . . . . . . . Go
( )
Fancy' Sticlc Plums , . . . . . , . . , . , , . . . . . , C
Talctmmn l'owdcr , , , , , , , , . , . . . , . , , . ,
Cream 1"iower , . . , , . , , . , . , . . , , , , . . . . tc :
Amnnmonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cold Cream . , . . . . , , , , , , , , . . . , , , , . . , . . , Z1C
Almond Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . llc
Tar' Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . llc
I'erftmmnery , all heimids , . , . . . . ( per oz ) lJc
Wimislc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and 13 0
Juvemmile Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13C
flemizolne Soup . . . , , . , , . . . , . . . . , , . . . . .
Tooth Ilrusimea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lZo
pansy' Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17c
Emighlsh Tooth Powder . , . , . . , . , , . , , . 17c
Our Cc Ribbon goes . . . . . . . . . . .
Our 7o and Sc Ribbomm goes at , , 4c
Out' 12e Ribbon goes at. . . . . . . . . Ta
Six Day&to close out.
w > iw Firm Theii- Morse Dry Goods Co.
WIllEID5iEci (
, JdPAc
. , '
' , .
$ : 'I
- '
Consumers o1chewitoaccow
are wi11in to paj little more'ian ' '
te pricehed fr tite ordinarj
trade tolaccos. will jiud ti
lrand superior to all others
Always Rollablo , Filtely Vegotabl3 ,
h'erectiy ta.tehes ,
elegantly coated , purge ,
regulate , purity , clean. . and strengthmed , fl/tb-
VAY'8 PiLLS far tIme cure of nil disorde , . of
the ihmomnach , Bowe ) , Kmdneyu fliodeem , Nor-
vouaPIseasea Piles , , Dizziness , VemLgm , , CostlveUeu.
and All Disorders of the Liver.
Observe tha foilowing symptom , , re8ultlngtnmrn .
dtaease of time ilgesilve orgnna Constlpatmcn , lam- '
isard , tileS , fullness of bhoo1 Iii ( ho head , acid. -
it ) of the vtommmactm , nausea , hieai'tbummm , milaguit
of tool fuilnesa it weight of time stuimmucim ,
eruvtaton ( , , sour
itnichmg . or liutIerin cC the imeart ,
or buftoc.mtlng seimaitlans
Iymn posture. climmmnesa or % ialomm. dota ivimun 1mm a
or iv bi
before time algimt , ( over mind dull mmnin In the .
. Imoad.
domci.ncy ! of erapIration ,
yellowness of tim ,
. eltin
imni eye. , Pain lit time aide cimemmt , ilmrmba
sullen llu'ilmes of heat , Lurmitmig In limo tiesh , amid
A few domes cC , '
ibtIVtY'fl ) I'llIH wimi
limo CyitCfli cit nil lime Ioi immimuel ilsoIg1er4
i'BIcth BO A BOX , SOLD imy DltUUOJttrg
RLIN'r ,
iry MAli
Bend to DR. ISAIflS'Ay & Co. , Lock
Ihox 351
New Yok , ( Or l3cok of Advice ,
Cures time etcctn of
. mmelt.mmbuso , excesses ,
cmmiissiooms , Inapotency ,
, vam'ieoccio amid consU.
nation , Ommo dollar is
, box , mmix ( or $5. For
. . , 4 sale by 'fhtU GOOD.
VL . C. WE2T'd UEVE .tiD lihAIl ? TSLT14EUT
I. aimhil under positive written canrantee , by
vmuthmoriwtl agents only , to euro Vrak Ptemor ;
IaON of liroimi anti Nerve l'owor : Loot fmirmumimooti ;
( uickneaa ; Nigiit Losce Jvi ( hreunms ) : Lack of
Lonfimlocce ; iertousneac ; Laaslmm'de ; imil Drine ;
Ijoas at l'omrtmruf
thieU norutiteOrwimnsiiieithii' , :
caused % , y ovoroxsrt'ivim , Yuutldmml Lemi's , er
Izrcsodvo Use at Tobacco , Opiumim or liquor ,
which loads to Misery. Cmmuizmpthon , Imiaztnuly
ar.d Death. fir roail$1 it 1)01 ; i.ii f'r , jiiwltui
written guarantea to cure or rofimpid nicimmey , Wslt'i
Lirce cure flick headache. Iihllomimecu
lirmir Commipiatni , Hour I.lommmi'lm iencpsla ) anti
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