Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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    . .
I 4 TilE OMAhA DAILY B1DE : ThURSDAY , FEnnUARY 7' , 1S05. ) (
- : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . - - u u . _ _ _ , - . - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I '
- - - - -
. - , -
n. 1tosFWAT1Cfl . rAltor.
l'uUtIRlIUO EVlmy 1I10nNINO.
. 3)LI1y I1C ( VItIrnUt RuniIy ) , Oe yeRr. . . . I I t
naly I Wlhoul Sun.oy
, 'TMI lIP , nnl Sundn ) ' . One Year . . . . . . . 100
'RIY I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ti (0
1lx llonll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r
, . . . . . . . . . 210 I
Tree Mfnt1i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ln"l I . One Year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 ! '
. Rlurdn ) ' " . One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 !
'eekh' J I. One tear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G.
Omnl1n. The Ut' . lliIlt1Ing.
Hnulh Omrlit t . tulln lk. ! Corner N nnd 21h Bls.
Council HlUflci . 1 I'enrl Hlreet.
Chiengo Ofllce . 317 Chamber of ComtfletCp.
Chlcln Ot :1
'fW York. HomA 12 1 antI 1 : , Tribune iJIdg.
' , ' itrect. . V. ' .
WashIngton , 101 P : lret , N. \
' All ornmunleatlone rclntlng 10 ncw and Ili. I
tonal maUer .hould lie rlntnl ndtulel To the ldltnr.
All bUAln."s ltter nnd r.mIUnn.cs "houhl he
nddlsIcl to The Uce lull1hlnl company.
Omahn. HrnCR cliecke enl Ollofce to
be made lIaYflbl , ( 10 Ih , orMr of Ihp company.
S = maCe 11/'nbl 1 / I 111 Ul.I ! INU COM'AY.
OPre It. Tnchurk. , .ccretary of The lIce Pub.
. tlhln ! company being duly "wor 8nya that
the actual numier of rul nnd complete copies
( f III Unly Morning . \enlnl nnl uitday lice
printed during tie month oC January 18 ; . Was
oa follows :
1. . . . . . . . . 19.3 : % 1. . . . . . . . . 19.2l 1
2. . . 20.711 18. . . . . . . . 19,183
. . . . . . . ' 71 .
a. . . . . . . . . . 2.151 19. . . . . . . . . 19.19
4. . . . . . . . . 19,612 . :0. . . . . . . . . 20,1SO
G. . . . . . . . . 19.490 21. . . . . . . . 20.913
V . G . . . . . . . . . 1.490 , 2. . . . . . . . . 19. * :3
7. . . . . . . . . 19,793 2" . . . . . . . . 19.8B
- I. . . . . . . . . . 19,6G8 24 . . . . . . . . . . . 20.20
9. . . . . . . . 19,6Z 2 : . . . : . . . . . :0,21
10 . . . . . . . . . . 39,700 20. . . . , . . . . 2'1,199 '
n. . . . . . . . . . 19.31 .21. . . . . . . . . 21.103
. , , 12. . . . . . . . . . 19.478 28. . . . . . . . . 20,279
- .13 . . . . . . . . . . 20.3 ' ) 20 . . . . . . : . . . :0,213
. , 1. . . . . . . . . . 19.4GI 30 . . . . . . . . . 1,9:9
- 16. . . . . . . . . 19.61 31 . . . . . . . . . 2'.G3)
IG , . . . . . . . . . . . 19,318
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .GI.o 19
. , Less unsold nii0 returned copies . . . . . , . . . . G.2H
( . .
. Total I lt I. RIl . . rcluret . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .GI.27
flatly . n\ernGe. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,119
0 101 n. TZSC1IUCK. .
, Sworn ; to berore me In,1 . , Rubserlhed In . my pres
; ence thlA 1.1 ( ICy or ] .hIIRry. 189.
, < < N. ] ' . pgn" , NoIRr Public.
: . The COI I'eSSmll who nllologl7IH hilly
1\0 to Ilhllge Iu cillhcts Il0thcI' dn ' .
' .
. , . I IH to he ) hOIIl thlt : that emergency
"fing .coln. Is \Islble ) to thc legislators nt 111'
, . When the Whlsl.y t\8t Is reoI'gali.
, , )7lt Its nnl1 : shouhl be Illllct ( to thc
. tBi4tI ' .
Wlllsl.y dHh'URt. , ,
A Ieglslmttui'e wihout 1 cOlhlne ) of
' . ' ' ' ralderll would ' .
t1elsIH' r m's be Itll'ecc.
' dented lu Sebm'nidui.
: , . 'rime leAlslntule Is ; houll ) tent its
; " \ , wrath emi the Husslau thistle even If
; every other public enemy escapes.
The coutiti's' voim1dmi't be awarc that It
Is 1u lime mllst of 1 crisIs unless Gcn-
, 01111VellVCr were Idll enough to tel
us so.
l'm .onll encouncr ( IThily be no less
. : frNluent 01 the floor of cOIgless than
- : they were fOlmerl ' , but ' , hey are cel
tulu1r ; less fn tnl :
Is I any 'ondel' that t the flents of
needless 111 extravagant alllu'olu'la- )
' tlons hlve the atllaciy to 1lcntf '
' themsch'es ns "the frIends of etluca-
. , tlou ? " ctuct-
l . , '
Jiii'.t because the .iy tax levy has
bet I1H10 Is 10 reason why the tgi-
, - - tfttol ) fet retrenchment and ecoJJm :
in thd mUllclpal , , g . , ' eln.limt slJuli 1
t ; cease. . "
I ' : A few 8alllics of butter 111 butter-
, I , limo mlglH sufce to dClnslrto ; time in-
ability of our legislative solons to rec
* , - ognl7e tl gcnulne article when they
( sec 1 t
The PoPular loan Idea Is proving ii ,
fizzle. ' .11 only way toC secure a popu
: Inr loan on I really popular basis Is by
) ; the cstublshUent of I postal savings
bank system. . , .
: . Ply , what has become of the lrom-
-J ; Isel harmony In railroad circles that
was t il"c been the Immelilte result
- . 01 the formaton of the new Western
, Trulk ' 1.lnc committee ?
-1'i orn"l mOl'e students In thc state
unh'clsly than "H i1 r \4 ! I . Imi . tier own
: 111gb . school. I Is c1Iea1)em'tt ! ! ! ct ?
, . chiltlrea , ut the statc's expense than 'J
'L .11Y for their instructIon.
. Euclid : Iurtn Isn't chairman or the
"straight" demoCI'atc commitee for
nothllg. It hc oem't : fetch that Union
: Pucile dh'ctolshh ) , limo 11lc or the
c , "sti'ulgln" will he forever ( lIsjeiled.
,4 Local Iloltclnns whQ.Bcek . to 111ipge
; the polcl ) t lClalhuNlt Into Ilrtsfl 11UI.
, tics are sowing .thehl1 only to ICI )
, " thc Whlllwlll. Any mlU wih n inodi-
CU1 of political slacly can tell Ulll
that I ucl .
That 1Ih'clslt extra limit mi levy
: Is only the entering vei1e. Let the
'cnmci gut his nose throughnmmd lila
.hul ) ) .wl follow nml finally time whole
nullni " 1 bo fCN111g ut his leisure 01
tl state trdnsury.
> -The duu.ter lmis the unnual levy
, for lire p1poses ) 10 { ; ml'L the
' , city council I'oposes to evade the limit
. p by hupnNII nil cxtm tux for th" 1110
of .tbt ' 11'0 dt'Jrtrtment uliler the ; iaiue
. .or RUln other fumuL 'What nr Ihl
chlutl' Imln1ol for , 11 'WIY'
TI It 0111111'1' 1 " .mU tax lon'
. " \mhl ; , \1101' ordinary CI'CUI"tII : ) . i ,
net 1 ; I blow f'ol the shoulder. I
, m1st 1m XII 11 In ell by lecl'encc to our
alsurt1y low tlX Y/IIItol . On aim
nS8CSHIClt according to real Ylllue8
: ' - the mte wOlld b ' less titan ! I ) mhl
'J'lnmt Is high cnouJh , !
, ' Uallll11 I"II'eKs agents through.
out lho state ' ' to their
Olt stlte 1'0 l'cllrllg thel'
. chiefs tllt tl'outh slllC'el's have blel
.ultclml wih eli clothes timid that the
- in'esslng d'II1d 10W II for gl"lln , 11'0-
, , 'lsloll amid fuel. 'J'lloS0 wo 11\0
bnonctons to offer , nB well ns the :
state nh'f commlsslol , wi do well to
torwlrd thnt cass of supplies most
ncedcl lt this thmne.
ir t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
; I.ciy day the state relief c01mllun
. alluhl llblsb n list of tIn , (18 cent ' .
, t SIlle1ts iitmti ,11 dlsluuHoul ! thiert'oF.
I 811111 nls Publish h tin 1II7\1 ( lttlo ,
me1t oC the diiy'm I dunullons or tathi : llil
COUtI'htUliOhlS ) n1 Imlll1 : of wlmtcycr
c nature 1111 NOlr e. ThIs 1'wh ' thc 11'0'
IJlo tcmnnd , flail It this 1. n rmallo : lil
blsIINi'Uw rI1Ih'o\lnt II . munch
' , longer I.ored thc IICNlllJtou wl 11'
0,1111) ' follow that time relief ( ' 1118-
I' 8101 118 folelhllg to con11 : lul % that
' Its l1tlOlts of tiolug lllh\s wIll , mint
bcut the light or .
, , thl lgh tluy.
I' ' : . . - _ .
In the debnte In the house over time i
ICCIItOt of te rePort 1cntulln
hum Il for on ntiltonni tnx
for thc Stnh ( Ith'erBI to paSs Hlc ,
Ieltnth' { Ic "t of Wcb tr , wlo If
Iloslll ) [ 1:1 the chnmllol , of this UIICCCR'
Nlry imleec of 11)lsltt\e exh'I'nnl ( ' ,
II'otestCI Ylllment against the hmitl-
mltol that It was the OmeN'1 of tle c
1Ihlc Ilftutonl that Wll'e asking for
11 ( I loniti I lul UIII'l'CtCltcI1 1IIIIrOIJ'I.
athens . Af he \oull have us bete\'e the
' this immilvet'slty tnx
leml111 for tlls extra Ilh'N'lt .
toes not emnlntc frol the itmIs'ei'shty nt
nil. "It Is the eollle ) , " to quote the
l'xnet wOl'dl lisetl l , "It Is the IHOllle ) of
the state who have llt 1iOO of theIr .
litmus 011 ilnimglttei's to the nl"'I'sl
who . orc asldl ! a lIberal alllUoll'laUon
for thnt I Ilsttutol I ! I , "
To come ( l'lgh 10wn to bell rock . time
tli'iimiiiitl for this extra Im"'el:1 tax II
lot HO 1)01tt10US ns its chmlllons
II'etllu1 01 the cltrnr ' , I. Is n very
' num'seil scheme , In promotion
carefully II'sell Rcleme 11romoton
of whIch n RystelUtc cmlll n Ins
beel vnge(1 fet monthH by those who
lre IN'estcil In Rlel11nJ the mmiommey
which the _ ' WOUld wI'IIg from n (1'outh.
! mlcrll amid tnx-rliitlemi IlcIIJle. On Oc-
tuber 12 : . Inst the chancellor of the timmi-
\CI'I mllh' 'ss11 a letter to the stu.
lents ( timm'oimgii the weeld nowlllllet
hint 4o ( ll'olel to the IntelIHL' of tle
shuI'lt hOly , two Ilt'o . I'allhH of which
arc .1 t uow mmct In } oilt. After aI-
I11n In 1 1lllcntol' ' tone to thin HUg
eston or n testimonial to himsef ho
says :
There Is work however , which the students
of this unlvety can undertake If they wi
anti can carry forward to a successful Issue.
Whatever the motive for such effort may be
the results would certainly be such ns would
kIndle the pride of every Nebraskan and es-
pecIaly of all who are Interested In the success -
cess of the great scheme of free state educa-
tion .
'rhe loth'l goes on to 1lchl'e ut length
Ow t'.I'llle NtlalH Into whlcl the miih-
"clslr 11ght fall If the legislature
Ahonhl refuse to give heell to UN C"O'y
'denmammth. amid conchu1es ns follows :
I every student In the university wi wrie
at least two letters a week every week until
the opening of the legIslature , sentlng : these
letters to parents , friends , the county press
and Influential men with whom they may bo
acquainted , I have no fear ns to the results.
Such work calls for a little study of the con-
ditlons . a careful preparation of facts , the
ccmplatlor of statistics . and , above all , the
manlfeHaton of earnestness and downright
sincerity on the part of the wrIters. All this
Is possible and easily possible to the students
of the unl\erslty. Now I the stu-
dents wi undertake thIs mater on no hIgher
ground even than because of a suggestion
from the executive and because of the willing-
ness to UIUS- show their appreciation of hits
efforts as an eJecut\e. It will be one of
the , greatest and most satisfactory tct-
monlals ever offered by a student body. That
Its results will bring hIm Intense satisfaction . .
gratitude and pride goes without saylug.
'Ve do not Imow to what extent this
plnn has : Lcen calrled 01t We do Inow ,
Imowever , that It was put Into ollem-
tion . llccause we 'elQ amen the first
, 'Ictms of this letter wdUng crmmdc.
\Ve Imow further that the lerOl frm
October 12 , 18tl. when tll& 11rt 'of the
cal1JIgn for nn e tr university ' tax
WIS commcnced , lntl Jauunry 1 , ISO ;
, when the leglslnture convened , Inelm1e
elewccls. . Amid If enl ' two out of
three , O : 1,00 out of 1,500 , ot the stu-
euts 11 atendance upOn the unIversity
comlled wltl' the chancellor's urgent
request to write two letters l a week , '
22,000 letters of distress must .110 ]
been circulated tlmmougliout Nebraska In
order to bolster up tllI Bpontlleous de-
mlnd or time whole people to be allowed
to bear additIonal and unnecessary bm'-
dens of taxation for university ImrlJOses.
1"01 three mouths time university his
been turned Into one vast electoneering
lillcllnc ut tlt lustanc'e of time ofcrs
of tlc institution , and ' yet the member
In eharg of the extra tax bill has the
mflidicity : to get up on the floor of the i
house and , assert lint It Is not the oh-
ecrs who are asking these extr"1gnnt
} pl'latlons.
iih1 .
. .
= 'iir . nEf SLAN. I
The 1lelSnre 1)IOnOSel )
Hcel for the tCHUlorulY relief of time
tm'easury Is cssCHnl ) ' the sammie 11 the
bill Introduced br ; Scnltor Shcrman
: OIC two weeks 'ugo and 1eferrcll o
the finance COllllUee or the seQutn.
Both propose un 'Isue of bonds bear-
Ing lutelcst or not 1010 than 3 per .
cent for rlllcll"hlu the gold reserve ,
It authorize the seeretai'y of the
treasury to pay cm'I'ent eXIJemCS , when
there Is n 1lcl by Issuing certificates
of hulobtClnes also bearing Interest
It a i lll' cent und iaYaLIe In coin , I
is r'hl to be the ' eXleclltou of Mr.
I cet to unite tIme rCllblelnH of the
house 11 support of this iueasimm'e , and
he also bOllS to placate the sliver .men
by 1110\1(1IJ that the certificates lay
bo Paid In coin Imlen of ttlllntn
gold. 'l'hu 11\1 Is to oler Oils Il U
tnbstute for the udmlnlstmlon bill.
The hatter 1s doomed de-
'ile lattl' measure oo ! ( to ( -
feat , If not In the house certainly In
limo senate , tlou/h thc chances .1'
ngnlnst i In the forme , 8Q thnt the
' Interfcrcnto h ' the imltm'odtmc-
II'oIIOHCt ) lty Inl'lle.
thou or I substitute wfmnlm no llel" .
'nce its to 1he rate of tIme n1nllltI't.
HUl bill . Wfh Uw free SU\'C' 10n In
contrl or the selnto 10 such Ihutclli
plait lS thnt or the atmlllh'u tOI 11IS
I ghost , of u ChIlI CO Iii i thimt : bet . I
I should ImsR the house , which I cun-
10t tin without the sold Pllllport ot time
rCllblcnls , I would pm'obmlblY not get
bLyt)1ld time Jhuuce commItco of time
emmate. , \s to : . Hce 's 111un It Is
to bu 8nhl that limiting the . mto of Interest -
tel'ctt on llult to : imer cmlt would
11'ohaIIY 1'IHlel' the nloUntou of I
loan tl'II ! Time IJlchnsers of time
lust totls have not founl time invest-
ment 1aJsflwtm'J' , . dud It has been
slown thnt nelhC' Amel'lcan nor foreign
bunker m'o 'wfhlg to take any more
bOUIB upon s\th trls u time lu'cecll- .
Ing Issues \ , I' sell 1 t. They Wln t
more tum a llC' Clut Intel'Cll lime tact
\IIJ that time (1'e(1 or limo govern.
1\llt Jit lit time 0111nlol ot ballwrs
both nt } OIIU : ld zibt'oad , bccomo 801 (
wlmt IimipaIm'td , or else they xii e tkll
ntlnuhll ( lt limo leceBsll ( ' of the SOi i
em'nhmment to exact n hhhcr rate of In. .
terest. lilt iioi'cye' this Ila ' be , I
seems ! hmU ) ' Wi 1ae ! or con rcs , , uutel'
existing conditions , to fix : llel' cut
lS tIme 111h1Uql rate of IluHcst which
Ilol ( 1111 lcUI' . .s to cllIUcnlcl or
Indcbwllwls , they would douutcas 0
nCCIh ll b ) time CI'edtrIl's of the soyer.i
mcnt on the terlA Ilrolo ed.
In time o"lll' thlt congress llltl'
IIOllt this tllpornl , ' eXI1elcnt for ro-
le ! I 11 to be ll'tSlmfliel ) that It woult
be ' ' h ' the ntlmuimmistrntlon.
) OIIII'111 l13 11mlllRtrtlol.
Rhll' It fCCOI'(1R whim the suggestions of
Secretary ' Carlisle In Ills report of lS : ; .
'lhere . Is really , however , hardly n IIOH'
Hlhlt that It wIll he ntloptel by the
Ilrlll'nl cnmmgresa. I does not offer
such conccRlol to ! dl\C' ns the Ilh'll
men 101l\ul , 111 timey are sl'ol/
clol/h to defeat It.
l'IH,11 UP 7'1m nmTll If121ZALS.
'rhe teetllg of the BI'lthdl lnrtllent
on ( ' 1'\811 ( ' "nR not IUl'IU111 ly nmmy ,
political excitemmmemmt. . ikyoimti I fechl
of curiosity ns 10. whether the opposItIon :
Would mnlw I RUllrcme l/ort to overthrow - .
throw the go"llmnent on the qneston or
the queen's slleeh , t1 t wholly it'r-
functo' ' lel\ernlce vl tit which the
Cuecl hills really nothln to tin , there
waH nppnm'entiy ' no Imble interest In
the sItuatIon. Time llcech was mOle
t hnn olllllrlr commmmmmoimpince. I tines
not cOltul1 u llgle forceful 01 nggrcs-
uttermimice. ' .I'iii'klsim
RI"c nUC'lnce. He"1111 t r1ldsh
OUI'H tf 11 ArmmmcmmIn . so vigoroiwly m'ep-
Iohatll n slmort timmie ago by : \ . Glad-
tme ngo 1)1. Gal-
stomme . the h'CR ' thmmit
Rtont. RICech gives Ito : : Hfl'lnce Im1
rht llfh InOlence wi he excited In the
Interest of Justice O\ for the better protection -
tecton or the AlmenlalR . n : ollst the
Ruvnger ' anti hl'ltllt of thc Turk. . I
Is evident Umt 1' . Gnlstole WIH not
counsele(1 ( wih In the II'el11tol : of the
"Illeen'R Hlleech" Ilt I Is clual '
obvious thlt the 1IIIsl' - hind mint the
courage to reflect what it mURt he ire-
slmell IR the : eleral seltllclt of , Il
telgclt BngtslmuH Iesilectlg . the
bltalllH 11 J\lmenla Time immogmuimi
of the Ihellls Is not so extenRlv ! OR
hall beemi ( iXiectei. I IlcllleH 1 bill
dealng' ' wih the chulch cstlhlRhmoll
imiVmiles , one for the ] romoton of comi-
clntol 11 trnlc ( ilslumies . . a measure :
for time eommtm'oi of the
popnlnr eOltlol liquor
tt'afiie. amid sonic Irish legislation 1 . nR the
more Imllortnut maters that will engage
the Iteutol of Pamlinmemmt. There Is I
miumimber of other mnters of less con-
Hltelce ( In a : "enernl way embraced In
the Ibcrl1 ) policy , but It Is not eXl1ecteil (
that action emi ulal ' of these cm : be
reachel nt this sesshomm. Iu the debate
emi the IH11'C88 to the speech the gOY'
erlment gave assurance that It hltellle
to loyally : carry out its already ' on-
nouucel po1l' ' rgarll the navy .
which coutemplates a matm'laT ; stm'emmgt th-
cuing of thc na'nl cstablshment )
I Is notewolth ' thnt the "speech"
omlH all reference to the House of
r4oi'ls. In view of the aggressive at- :
tacks malc by rrcmlcl' noselery on the
lorls mit his lJblcly II'ocllhnel In- :
teltol of ) IH'ollosln legislatIon to cm-
tall the IJOWOr of the tipper house of
lnrlnmeut ! , If 11t to no away with It ,
altQgethmer , the fact that not the lest
reference Is mole to thIs .subJect In the
minIsterial declarton of llc ' Is some-
whnt remnrlwble. I his been supposed
that the Ibc'nlller Int ] led to make
thIs I lromlncnt feature of part polc ' .
but ! f. hc over really entertained 1t , It
would seC I ! hms'now I nlmm101e , Ij . or
nt any rte has clclute , timat' the . time
Is not auspicious for further agitating
it. A piluslhie expilnatol of this inns
bo found In thefnct that thc recent b 'e-
elections have not been nUogether -
cOlrn"lng to the liberals , Ill whie the
question of luttl Rome chmeclc ullon
the hereditary legislators has not
figured to any great extent , perhaps , In
these elections , the results arc very
I10bl 11 ' construed 1)5 the liberal party
as unfnyorable' ' to any audi radical Ie-
pnrtre ns would be Involved In the pro-
. lOSed treatment of the House or I.ords.
I there be any humiaton conncced
with this apparent baek own It fails
chiefy upon Lord itosebery.
The .Indlcntons , are that the government .
mont wIll be able' to accomplish very
little nt Ulls session or Purla1ent anti
the defeat of the ministr on some one
of Its propositions Is by no means Im-
probable. Time 0\C1Iment majoriy
has imemi Romewhat reduced
Ilen Hlnce the
last session Ind It remains to be seen
whethmer _ _ time Ibel11 forces m'e still firmly
" . _ . , _ _ .l tl stl fl'mly
uulteu . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ - .
Time . fnlnce commlteo of the city
.council , by whQm thc uew tax levy ' om'dl-
nl1'c was lu'cllteI1. Ims HhoWI 0'1.
donce of good IntentonN In time lne of
l'ch'enclunHnt , but I las not fully met
thc general lemnld for n decreased
tax ratc. Vo al1ml that successfully
IcIstn the imt'esstmme for IncrensCl tux-
nlon Is I great deal. Time tax rate
for 18D : howevcr , Is .1 mills , the same
iS that for 18tH uml every cut lies
bln ? countel'bllnucet by 1 Correspond-
lug hticreimse.
To l1 erllmd the now t1 levy I
1:1st lo compared wIth time levy of I
" 011 IgO and also \vltii the 11lancet me-
mnlnlng lu the diferent tmiiids at the
COm1l'ucement ot time fiscal ycnr. Time
rate lies hcen decreased to time extent
of IrJ mis In six funds. First , time
levy for Tllce lJrOSes Is a mIlls , as
against 5 mts 1 year ago , but agaInst
this wo must IIlacu time fnct that thIeve
IB Jl tie lJleo tumid today nearly
$1.0 , mOI'1 tian thieve WUN whcn time
last levy WIS munde. Sccon , time levy
for wltcr rout Is a immliis , lS agalist -
mis n ycar ago , but here , too , time html- ,
_ lu the tumid Isl'cnlm' h ' '
111 ( funl greater by neul }
1.1 ! 2OOO. ' .L'liird I , time curb , glitter anti
cleanIng : f\)1 Is 1 mi , as 4gnlnst 2
mills n year ago , hut It Is proposed to
fa ' f01' time street cleaning fOI' time
commmhmmg ' out of the " ' shal'uf ,
! ollu ) lII' . cf"S shal'\ '
time county l'oul flI . Fourth , time .
library fund Is % mill , It Igulu8t 1
nll n real' ; ngo. Fifth , the llrk fnud
Is t 1 , I , 18 against l Y ! mis I , rm l'
ago SIxth , time julgment tumid 1' %
mU ns ngnilst 1 % mis 1 ; r nr ago.
Time 1"110 In time judgment ftmmmd Ip h
UMI'ly $1,500 CI'entC' than lust ) ' 011' ,
all beyond that the council IH'pposeR
tL\ run chanct's or .u \'hlJ interest heur.
Llty 11 jUIIgUtmts outstanding . against tnt'
The I1CJClscs In limo rate are dlndc
IIrt\cn three timutis. Time slnldl/ fund
levy . It S mis , 11 IIClm\He of 1 mmihi. $
'Jll Is to make UI for I dlnlllslel
Iml/lc . amid : imeii' Interest charges whIch
the city must iiiect Time school fund
len' II 7 1 Is , 11 lucl'cuso or .J mt'
to the l1clt created b ) - the ex .
ti'ltvugaimve : of time lust 110:11 : oC 1duca-
tiomi. 'l'he Jenc11 fund 18 10 n\tl
ni Increase of ] JI mIlls. I II alleged
flfl ,
thnt the pr s of 1 11 nr to bo
tl.II(1 over I hclfUIl ort or the fire
.1.llrtmcnt m m11\IUon to whnt time
charter nlonl111t the proceeds of
I mi wi 1 t ) etr\l \ 11 tint Retllllt
fM the 101\1 pflrk.
"lnt II to notM Is that whN'e'f
thee II I 1' ( ' 1ecase 11\ the levy 1
Ii i I decrease 11 ( luls ever whoso cx
Ilemlme ) the -city conncl haR 10 1m.
1lcJil : tt COUI ) ; I'ur ' slmcim 1Hlt'iOs )
Its I hUH l e1 , to II'lo\'hl. , IJllteullrl ) '
Ow goimerni ! tfltu ! out of ivimit'lm m. tt of
thl cIty t 1mimiP1irirme ! ; * nrc im.miti , the new
levy ' Is IR . : ne ilH the old , if imt't
InlcI' . 'rhe nnance cOltlte hums ; for further ml to COlii4Iit'r II I , , '
IUC ( RtOI oC Iclluellol of alnlle' ' 1111
elmllltol of' leell ' ellilloyc . . ' 1'11 * :
tIXll'CIR , 10wenH' , hlve no nss'mmimmmt'e
tJit I wi mal e ummy retm'eimciimi1'i't !
recommmmmmemnlntlomms bE tii it its ' ' '
l'ecommelHlllol hi tnt IH 1'l'011'
mntHIn ' tolR , If mnlle wi he cn1el
out. Time 11' le\.r eommtemmllitt.5 : m'e-
dlll ( tIme vullle oi Ilblc ) hlll:1
tl11fctell : h ' thc nuulclp:1 macnile ,
hil I keelS time Sl\e : sized 1lChlht' "t
ti" " ' 11'18elt Ixt1I"I nut stihmiries. 'l'h"
cotmmmchi IH 1mm 11 ' botmiul to ' ' . ' Its i
counci II duty houlll . . CIT.Y ls .
l'ellCIChment to time snlmim'y list.
8011 ( ' of the IloRslhUllls o.f the leflnct
nel ' lncltc fU1ll bill fl'om n stock
Jobbll HtalllHllt arc to lie gathered
f11 n IIInRI1 ) of time Rtoek qimimlat ions
extelHll 1 ii'peic hnel. 01 'W'etlmies-
tliiy , .TI IUU 1) ' : io , blJtc the olllefor
time debate 01 the I bill welt Into effect ,
Ullun Pacllc Ioek was Ilolet lt S.
On "iht'lwn ) Ifcr the JIHt dmm3"S tik-
eusslomm . It wlnt tll to t ) } 'I. - 0mm FI'hll '
It reached 9 % . On Satni'dtmi' , ! , hle the
vote 01 the 11nSl1C WS IJeIHII , I
cl1hell tip to 1Q % . 01 :1011IY. titter
the bill hnd llcel 1eco\lltld hy a
teclsh'e vote pml : Rotllel its death-
lacl 11 thc 1rsemit holse , It heal :
drOIIICl sthlel l " brick to time Rtl1ll :
11011t8 ) % . 1 hmei' rail oi 1 points. Ill :
time bill ole limrommglm ' thc holHe the rise
oC thos three dU's : would emily Ia"c
been 1 tarter m tlC UIWI'1 ) ( ( mIni or
lTiilomi' Puclc liock ' , l'lw 111 on the
imiskie 'had ' to i'nkc in
Ils . C'crtllh maimed rlw II
hUlll.elH of thOUSUHIR : of tiolhum's on time
stock cxchal e. 'l'mmu , ' forgot , however ,
to reclwn 01 the failure of the bill.
Peolle whl hlYC Ih111 faih In the
lecUIII'aU'e power of ebrslm : will bo
1'atfcl to ! mow that the IJcOllle of this
state the Jlsl : elhteen . months hlve me-
iiuced their l.t Immmiehttehmmcss h '
lucl't l gage IHlohtCll'SS by
UllW1l of 1n.OOO.ooO. ( These figures of
COlre enl ) 'l'l'Il'eehit immom'lgmges cm-
colet , and hnhf nb rlferelce to the vast
IIOnilt of 110JCJ' ; p:1d lon mOlt tge
debts that Itn'ea mint yet : mntnre A
state the PlOlncti of whose ol reaches
li n fn'orlcIReuRon the elO'mons
value of :100JQ { ) < .QO cannot long I'cmnln
under : clout by lenson of thc failure
of One _ crop. t , . " ,
The latest i'it&it Is timatQueemi.LII has
abdicated. n:1II : 10 thronc to abll-
cate' ' Ier rOYII Hableless has 10nbtes i
} : ; cel induced to renounce forever all
claim to the { ll , ) Y.Iini ] clown and re\e.
In ordcrlto imei'sehf from exIle
nues 8le ; llelHClf exlc
or perhaps 4JtRth. . _ put I Is not I very
IlporlrntCv ! itt fl nHI " p6nt of " : IC .
The native Il0i llron of ' the Islln : s 1 :
ho' gmcater t l1 that ; of CouncIl limIts ,
anti the tot 11 pOlllnto1 ) js not us great
us that or Douglas . county.
I Is to bo noted that the Inxlety of
' ho Icmocr/tic : lelb s of , the , -1y'
c ulcl to tsmlss employes anti ( 1'-
tlIICO 5/11les ' .vas ' not quite mnammieL
whel they had control or the councl
( ulmiUees and there were 1 few",1eut-
l'ltl ( ! emllloytRll the city clerk's oltice.
But the Incluat n to reform Is h lC
late than never.
Great 'Iold for Jnventors.
New York Sun.
Building watertight compartment shIps
like the tlbe , m' much better than the Embe
wont prevent , see of them from being
sunk by co1iIsIon. I the Lucnnlaj for example -
ample the Ifst and "fnest tram time shIp-
'builders' hands , 'should hIt her slser. the
Campania , squar amidshIps. the laU r
would be lost as surely as she would 'oe
'urt. The only safeguard for ships sat sea
Is In the faithful use ot some more' ' pene-
trating sound than that ot the'to horner
, or the Invention of sonic delicate etedrlcal
contrivance which , should always \ tel of
another ahlp's lfycflc 1n-tm ! neighborhood.
Wher.'ihe wits ot our Ingenious
iT p'i , the eteolrllanl ?
Main Cause or the Trouble.
. ,
where ' Is no . arl of money tn the
country . but an abundance of It that
lies idle for want of' sae and
profitable chances ot Investment. All
ot the various forms of currency circulate -
culate at par , and people are glad to get
any of them In .elur for labor and In pay-
ment for prducts. I every dollar ot sit-
ver and pap 1 money should be mIracu-
lonely turned Into' gold tomorrow I would
not make the situation any better 5 far as
the principal source ot hal times Is con-
prlnclral do not need any more currency
or any new mind of currency so much as
we need conditions under which the present
supply poyed. ! can le actively and benelcla II em-
_ .
Veteran on tile Jccleral Dench.
ChIcago Herald.
Judge L. C. Benedict of Use UnIted States
distrIct court In New York City will resign
! the bench on reaching the age of 70
yeas a few monlhs hence. AssocIate Jus-
tce Stephen J. 1 ' lel ! or lime United States
supreme cOlrt ; Judge John J. Jacltion of
the West VirginIa tlstrlct court and Judge
BenedIct are the' ' onlv survIving federal
judges appointed by II0sldent Abraham
Llncotn. OnejudgeJt . n. Nelson ot Mm- .
ne30ta was apjqmsmt0sI by Irl'ldent miu.
culan In t87 afR ! 1pilge Itlmer S. ' lundy of
Nebraska was nttllbtnted \ \ ly President An-
drew Johnson 0t 18 . The other J"dse !
were all nl'llolntvt durinI or since Grunt's
administration remain. t'ut , r't ' few of his appointments -
The laomtflhstironi ' 'leeco 1
Sringneldtas. \ ) nepublcan '
Congressman 7n hls of Kansas was the
contractor who liJt the Ilvl-
slon ot the Kansas Pacllo railroad In 18G
and he told timojimouse '
tOItwl on 'fhursday something - '
thing aleut the pypilts 'hlch the directors
of time company , , mxjude by their credit
mobiler opertotst thIs section. I was
the repetition of 'un old story whIch was
alt brought out In the congressional invest ! .
aton In 182 , ) ' .hef 1 wal 11081. tmt
the directors of Uwroall : contracted with
themselves undo11other name to build
it. and 'I'abledy [ available asset for
their private ! eitt Harris Hays that the
section of the mad"tho was on cost $030-
0 to build , but \Ilot .Ihe firm or $ .
Shoemaker & CQ. , ' "or which the director
of the road werd * me2nbers. dIvide among
themselves U.70O Il profits , or $85000
apiece. I Is a Ipoc\ thing to have fQ
story told again The men who participated
In thIs fraud deserve to huve their dishonesty .
honesty brought to the attention of a new
generaton , and the plea who are mnciina to
such jobs now need pen warning which the
recital of this story of disgrace brings.
71r .nnE ISlL'T1tU.
St. LouIs Gobe.Democat : Time state.
mlnt of the rescued passengers or the Elb
Itavo no room for doubt that time ofcers of
time vessel-imt least the sun'lvlnl onNI-actell
In a cowadly , brutal and selfish manner
and Il Is t be hope that time mallr will be
thoroughly Investgate ansi the guilty parties
properly punished
Chicago Herald : I II not strange that
Emperor Wiiam should be indignant \ ansi
Chagrined ! that 1 German crew should have
saved only enl woman In a shipwreck when
they manage to save 80 mnty of them-
selvN. A court must deal unflinchingly
with time Elbe crew. There Is no longer
doubt or room for doub that the men did
not care for the safety of any but themselves.
Time poor girl cast back by the waves was
nearly pushed off her saving srnr by one or
the heartless fellows. whlo others erlel
"push her oft. " When time tIthing smack
picked up time boat In the bottom of which
Anna Brucker lay more lead than alive ,
, . the captain hall to appeal to the oue English-
mnn , the plol to helll her $1oarll time smack ,
the other men 10t being wlln . The Ger-
man steamshlll commmpntmy ( cnnot afford to ito
under time foul ' reproch of the conduct of
such men.
New York TrIbune : Time safeguards for
the Ilrotetlol or lila nt sea have bsen mnimiti-
Plld durIng the last thIrty years. No tramms-
atantc company of the first class neglects
alY means of saving lre and properly , nor commIt
It afford to do 80 , for loss or prestige caused
by the slnldng of a ship Is very damaglug.
But when every possIble Ilrecauton has been
taken , and when there are compnrtments
properly closed and weekly boat drills with
a ICesavlng apparatus In the highest state i
of efficiency , Immm jud&meut may be at ,
faimit In a dark night In estImating time dis-
Lance or the headway of nnother simlis anl
the'n there Is a heartrendIng sacrifice of life .
Nothing Is easier than for time critic In a
sheltered corer on shore 10 Infer that each
vessel coulJ have ai'oidei the other by porl-
In Its helm moderntely and that time Elbe
could not have sunk In twenty minutes If the
compartment doors had hn closed. Hut
jUdg'ments base on the earliest recitals of an
ocean calamity are not well foundtd and
serve no useful inmrpose
l'lWI'LIC _ llI TI1L's OS.
Hobert G. Ingersol denies that he I ( lead.
This Is I case ' In whIch expert testimony Ig
convincing .
Senators Chandler and Galnger of New
Hampshire did not speak ns they pass : by
for eight years. They buried the hatchet . the
otisa ' dar.
The weather clerk wl not eel offended I
the reader of the comparative statistics of
the signal ofce gives Italic emphasIs to the
Ino " ' 11:1 temperature. "
Emperor Wllam of Germany has conferred
time coilar of the Black Eagle ] upon the em-
peror of Japan , alll the later lis decorated
the emperor of China with time flack I ye.
The story that a pickpocket mnde a great
haul at time woman sulrgo conventon In
Atanta , Ga. , must be discredied until It Is
shown thaI the light-fingered artist Is a
Time rebellion agaInst tIme ' hlr1 bat ha3
broken out In four state legislatures amid iii a
majority of the thoaters. I has not p.sHl
time furs and feathers stage , but Is likely
to malee Itsel felt.
A New York hotel keeper refused admIssion -
sion to an actress unaccompanied by her
husband. Now leI him exclude men UnaccompanIed -
companIed by their wlvcs. 'TIs a poor rule
that : won't worl both ways.
.Senator Warren rarely takes a morn-
InG's waIt around his Wyoming farm. One
reason Is that It Is 1 sIx times as big ns the
state of Hhode Island and has on I 2,000
horses . 15,000 cattle and 130,000 sheep.
The extraordinary cold spell Is bele\e In
certain quarters to to a reflection of the In-
tense Arctic atmosphere which has settled
down between the white house and the Cp-
Itoh. The explanation Is as lucId and satisfactory -
tory ns ' any yet offered.
Four members of the lower house of the
present congress have been promoted to the
scn te-Lodgo of Massachusetts Gear of
Iowa , Burrows of Michigan and " 'lson of
'Va8hlngton. Time number promoted to prIVate -
Vate life Is much larger.
s ) : P y rousing vote the council
of. Kansl ! , City passed . an ordInance maltng
the price of , gas $1 per 1.000 cnblc. feet on and
after March 1 This is one of the rare Instances -
stances of aldermanic gumption and grit
that the oppressed applaud.
Among the resolves Introduce In the MaIne
legislature last week was one for the appoInt-
meat of a committee to inquire Into the expediency -
pediency of purchasing the limbo homestead
In Augusta , for an executive mansion , and to
report to the next legislature.
1'EJll"lSIl'l.VD XJfJtIf4SK'INS.
A cemetery association bas been former at
Tryon , McPherson county
Palm'r proposes to send out a mInstrel
troupe In the near future.
The creamery at Dixon has paId out over
$4QOO to Its farmer patrons In timu'courso of
time past five monlhs.
The Madison county teachers' Insuute wil
be held nt Norfolk , glnnlng June 10 , and
continuing two weeks.
Tlrty slx people have joined the t-n-mb..t.
church at Hebron , as then'sult - the re- .
vIYal.eer\ica-r held there.
Peter LundFea , for many years section
foreman at Oaeland ! died of pneumonIa. lie
carrIed $2,000 Insurance In the Modern Wood-
men.Diy Devln. a Superior butcher , had one
of his eyes knocked out by a wIre slrlklng
I hIm In the face whie he was . unloading
The stock men of Grant county paId $50
for the capture of a large gray wolf whIch
had been devastatng their herds In the vI-
ciniy of Hyannis.
The authorities of Beatrice will malt nn
effort t' clear time city of dIsreputable
imoules and lively times , may result. I Is
said that the names of all the male visItors
to the houses for the past three months have
been secured , and that they wilt b called
as wItnesses.
While a dance was In progress at Dixon
thieves carried off 1 the whlp , robes and
portable property of . time dancers which had
been left In time carriages outside . The Ulef
was dIscovered and pursuIt was glvemm , re-
suiting In tIme recapture of the stolen articles
after ! ellase of eight or ten miles.
John Gilbert , who died at Palmyra , N. Y.
Saturday night , aged 13 , set up and corrected
time proofs of the last edition of the Mormon
bible. Mr. Gilbert was' time possessor of the
first copy ot the bible. When he prInted the
book , being pressman , la ! preserved time first
trno shetts printed and kept the whole to-
. gether unbound disposing of them only a few
years ago. , . -
VUIoR 01' T/X , 'TA7'IC l'ItCS.
Ifearney Hub : Mr LudMn should not be
permitted to stand upon the order of his
goitmg. .
. Nebraska City l'ress : Governor Holcomb
lies established a reputation for promptness In
the commendable act of Immediately signing
the bill for the relIef of the western sufferers.
Fremont lerald : TIle demand of Limo In-
peached state officials thnt they be reimbursed -
bursed for attorneys' fees leads us to Inquire
who would have \aid tile fees In case the 1m-
Ieaehmenl ) had been made to stick.
Norfolk Journal : Should Auditor Moore ad-
here to time ! ) oslion he has talten he may
solve the employe JJroblem for the legislature.
I they c n't gel lhelr pay some of the super-
numerarJe will quit. More IJower to the aU-
ditor's backbone I
Grand Island Independent : Not only In
the Grand Island shops of the Union Pacific
but In all shops the manlgement of
the Union Pacific have laId oft a number
of theIr shopmen , 100 II all . ThIs may be
demanded ly the bankrupt ! condition of the
road , but this condition cannot be charged
exclusIvely to dlmlnlehed busimmeest. Time mlln
cause Is former extravagance and extensive
stealing not prevented by the manasement ,
and expenses tor corrupt imurposes.
Highest of al in Leavening IJower-Latest U. S. Govlt Report
DVd Baking
, vw Powder
- . - - . - - - . _ _ . _ , _ , . - , _ _ - - .
NEW ZnBA IS n.t.1Jl' ( 'a , . _
General Sooy-Sinttk JM R 1lnn to iispeiso
with 1"lnll\lon ,
CHICAGO , I eb. 6.-General William Sooy-
Smith . time expert cnllneer has some novel
lucas In rl"rl to the construclon of blons
for war 11rpost or other uses Speaking
of time new war baleen , which Uncle Sam pro.
poses to hnve buit for army balloonists at
Fort I.81n. Cob Io. , General Smih , after point-
lag omit that this Is the first war balloon
which wil be bui tn this country , nit others
ha'lng bctn made In Prance. 8ah1
"Somo time ago while on nn engineering
tour 1 sat down on time banks of 1 stream
nnd walchId 1 fish that was floating quietly
a few reel from the zmmrfacc . I soon noticed
that I rose and fell nl wi wihont the
slghtest nmoi'cummemmt of n flmm. I became 1mm-
terestell tim the operation of the mater from
a mechanical standpoint . I naturaly sup-
poselt that the fish was emmab'cd to sink by
letting out a few bubbles of air , but how was
he to get nil with which to rise ? , That set
me thinking nOI I stlle(1 time inmittor. I
found that mime fsh rose 101 fell by a contraction .
traction of hln mnscles thnt rommmpm'esseml Inll
alQrel1 hIs size according to I I. lellth he
wished to sink. Now notwithstanllng the
amount of attention tht subject of [ aerial
nnvlgaton has lately received , the baleen I
ns crude II prlnc'llle a I was the day It was
Invented. I Is still lowered by letting gas
escape nnll raised ' by throwing out snd bags.
When 1 baleen hls olce thrown ont its
sanl1 bags and liberated enou&h gas to come
to the ground Its usefulness Is nt nn end
until It Is reelmargesi.
The renent baleen Is . th rerore , not nn
nil traveliimg mmichlmme , but imierely the means i .
of 1 singh excursion I think time first
requlslo In solving the problem of [ aerial
lavlgl1on Is In making a sailing shhl or
baleen that Is capable ot \nlmlted voyages :
that Is to say , a baleen that coul come to
the grnml and rise agaIn without wasting
any gas and walt for Javorable winds and do
this ammy number of tmes nail \ be In fact a
perpetual bahloomm . capable of retnrnlng The
way to do this woull bo to take advantage
of time principle of the dali. As It would not
be possible 10 compress the bag of a bat-
loon the mehanical way would ho to carry
a metal reservoir all 1 smql baud ] compressor -
presser Instead of sand bags. The tlmp
could be attached t the escape lnbe. \\'iien
the aeronaut wlshet1 to descend he would
pump part of the gas out of the bar Into the
compressor. Then when ho had weathered
time storm or pcrformed his errand the gas
could be alowOI to expand agaIn A shnp'e
idea but one that has not yet been adopted
In aerommautics . _ .
. .U.l.l1 LlfoUl SlfrJdZm'G.
\IU.cs of New Yorlt Introduces mm Terse
lUl In time Lcgislmmturc.
NEW YORK , Feb. 6-Assembl'man Wilkes
of New York City has Introduced a bill In the
assembly which provides that the Sunday
lIquor selng shall Ie submttol to time popular
vote of clUes cf 10.000 or more Inhabtants. !
I was drafted by John P. Smith , editor of
the Wino and SpIrits Gazette who went to
Albany to sound teglslalor about It. Mr .
Smih I3Ys that as Messrs. Saxton , L2xo % ' ,
Elsha Robinson and AInsworth had 11rol15ed
to support his bill ho thought It had a goal
chance of passing. Mr. Smith's bill contains
three brief. sectIons. One provides that at the
next general election voters hal have an
ollportunly of casting their ballots for and
against the sale of strong drink betwetn the
hours of 1 p. m. and 12 p. m. on Sunday.
And he says Ulat I the question I affirmed
, by a majcrly of the voters a succeelng ieg- !
Islture shal make laws to govern the new
condition of affairs. The thIrd section SS'S
ttallf the sale of liquor on Sunday durIng time
hours named Is at the expense of law , order
and public decency , the next legislature shall
take ImmedIate steps lookIng to the holding
of an clectcn to repeal - the law.
, Ito antI IUs unIt SIsters IJvldlng Their
Fnthor's Estate In time Law courts.
NEW YORK. Feb. G.-General DanIel E.
'Slc1les ' has brought 'Bult at New Rochele
for time partition of his father's estate. The
bells are the general imimself , who Is the
only child of his father's first marrIage and
three chIldren of hIs faUlor's second
marriage-Mrs. George Mead Mrs. Thomas
QuInn and Mrs. James Dlnham. I Is a
friendly suIt amid the bringing of It nt this
time Is caused by the coming of ago of Mrs.
Dnbam , the youngest of the heIrs. : lo
amount Involved Is about 250.000 , Invested
In twenty parcels of land , Including 300
acres at New Itocheile. , The generls father
'died In 1887 and a good part of the lroplrty
has been held ever since. Mrs. Sickles died
a few years after hel' husband. She was 33
years younger tian he. The heirs agreed
that Mrs. Sawyer Sickles should Iave the
Income of the homestead durIng life ,
and nt her dealh and when the
youngest chid was of ago they would dIvide
the estate by a friendly sulL General
SIckles Is at present In 'Vashlngton.
- ,
. o 'P l oninl l'RUBor by R Pistol Simot
ST. LOUIS , Feb. G.-A. J. Caslel , stage
'carpenter at the Standard theater , has died
at his home from the effects of pistol shot
wound In his rIght foot. The Immediate
cause of Ills death was blood poisoning
caused by the wound. Mr. Castel was shot
on December 12 , while standing In the lobby
of the theater. The sl t was fred by Mc-
Cuno Holdny , advertising manager of time
theater , at Richard Burke , the treasurer
Castel was ii years of age. A wIdow one
son and two daughters survIve bins
TITRSJI T1rI yulci2iLq SI'/UNG
TnRSr TI , .HHCnn" ,
Snturla Tenant-Did ) ' ? you fee your shadow las
I.nflmhlnm'd-Sir , what the ) ' \ hike me fcc !
Tenanl-Grounll hog.
Galveston NewMan : ) ' people iveugim '
their words on the scales of othe's
Philadelphia Hecord : No Mathlo , Illar , ,
the hero of the ' called "
play IR I The Sleep
'Yalker" 19 not a IIUceman.
Buffalo Courier : Hq1orterIlre Is an
item about a boy who went walIng In
l Jorh1 Roil was RWlloW11 II nn alligator.
What title fhat I use1
gliorTr } ' " " 'Rlo nUl Found W'minting. "
New Yorlc Hlcorder : Boston IOeRn't saw
" 1 coat hoI" , any longer hit "a con ) vase , "
prnolncedawse. . "
Cleveland PlaIn Dealer : "Aim nll time
stntesrnaim InRt- " , ' 'goi'ernmneut trying my isthmI nt
Wife'-\Vimnt's that ?
Statenn1n-Borrowlnl mone ) ' .
Detroi Tribune : She Rhrnnk ninny coyly
It his n\'llrolch. "Are WI nhancD' fho
faltered . \ 1mm quiet nppreimemmmsion . "I don't
Itliow l , " he nnswere ( . " 101 nllht sing n
few selections to make II't. " lie rose
Ind ouhl ha\e led her to the 1)lano but for
the cold stare Ihe gave him
ImilannJol9 Journl : "No man , " said
the orncliar boarder "cn have n full re-
allton of mnnlr Indelemlence whie ho
works for mvngcs. '
" 1hnl Is S3. " aentel1 the Cheerful Idiot
"It fact don't , " give him . ! that hired feeln . for 1
WIY TIm ' Tmms 'UHNlm ) Him.
101111 Advocate .
They were strolling 'micatim the Ihndows
Where the moonben1s softly fell ,
AnsI , n oft tho1 done In chlllhood ,
Dill rIddles make uml stories tell.
. , } ' do trees turn red In autumn ? "
Anked the mahl"l blithe flush fair
" \\'umy , that' lecnllo , " time youth replied .
' ' limbs bare.w
'fhey blush to leave . their lmbs so
Il. lr.tll Ii'JiIUOIt'S . - , ( fJC& .
Dr. Mary Walker In lioston ( liobe.
There's a jolly fresh lroverb
Timat Is twettr tmmuch like this :
Fimnt a mmman is half its lmemtveum
\Vimemm ime limos a u'omnamma kisS.
lImit there's dammger in slelaylmmg ,
Anti the sweetness may forssske it ;
So I tell you , basimfimi inner ,
If you is'ant a kiss , lvii ) ' , take it.
Never let another fellow
Steal a march on yomm iii this ;
Never let a haughmimmg mnnislen
See you spoiliuig ( or a kisa ,
Tisere's a m'ovnl ivay , to kissing , ,
Amid time jolly ones'wimo mnake it ,
have a. motto that is wInning-
It 3'oti want a kiss , wimy , take it.
Any fool mummy face a. canmmon ,
Amiybod3' wear a cromvmm , I
Emit ii. mnamm mmimmst vium a i'oman '
If he'.l have imem' for his own.
\'oiiitI you have time golden aplile ,
You must timid time tree amid slmalce it ;
If time tIming is worth tIme hmavImmr ,
Amid you ss'amit a kiss , vimy , tago It.
Who woulsl burn upon a desert , .
with fl forest smiling b' ?
Who tvoulsl give thus sunny weather
For a hmlack and wintry alcy ?
Ohm , I tell yost there is magic , '
Amid you cannot , camimmot break it ;
For tIme sweetest hart of lovimmg
Ii , to wamit a Icmsu anti ( nice it ,
$ yypoffi
O1E jo'
Both time method lUll ! results when
Syrmzp of Figs is takemi ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , and acts
gently yet promptly On time Kidneys ,
Liver aim1 BoweiB , cleanses time sys-
temii effectually , dispels colds , headaches - "
aches and fevers and cnreii habitual
constipation. Syl'tll ) of Figs is the
olily remedy of its kind over pro.
duced , Ilcasillg to th taste and no-
ceptablo to the atonmabb , prompt in
its action and truly bneficiaI in its
effects , PrePared only : ti'oni the most
healthy and agreeable stibstances , ts
many excellent qualities comz cnd B
to all and have made it the most
liopiilar remedy known. .
Syrup of Figs is for sale in O
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggit who
Billy iiot have it on hand will procure -
cure it promptly for any one vho
wishcs to try it. Do not acceptany
: ,
' Your Money's Worth or Your Momicy DtI , . '
. , . .
, , ' , ' 5'
' - S
. , - ' ' " 'rAr' ' ' ' ' ' S
" , - , 'vi , , ' '
Bigger Btigs , ' .
Than these are wearing caps this winter-in
, fact anybody that coii-
siders himself a bug at
all gets a cap and vcars
' - it. If he gets it of us-
' , . _ 7 # T : . - and all big bugs do-he ,
I. - - - gets the latest thing there
is , Even if you only aspire to an ordinary mortaiship
you won't be "right in it" until you get one of our caps
-one of our regular winter caps , with draw down
bandsand Brghton shape , it can either be a corduroy ,
a tweed , or a jersey , for 25c or 5oc , just as you like ,
They were si.oo and 75c , but we marked them down
to make a run. Plush turIailS worth $2.50 , and more ,
are $1.00 and $ i.5o-and the plush square crown ,
draw clown band caps , of $2.50 and $2.00 value , arc
SI . 50 , \Ve have a'so ' just received a full line of spring
yacht caps ; arid as to hats , the spring block is now
Reliable Ciolliiers , S. "mY Cci' , l5thm otimd Ioimglum. . (4