- , : " - : . . - . , , , , , . . . 4 . I , THE OMAHA i i DAILY BEE. , . 4 II I . . I - I ] STABL1SllED JUNE 19 , 1871. OI ; l'IUnSDAY : IonNN - . FEBRUARY 7 , l'S9 . SINGIaD COpy FIVE CENTS , CUk1TEIALA NOT FOR \\'All \ \ ' . No Desia to Try Conclusions with Their , , - Fowefu\ \ Northern Neighbor. IS ( ALARMED AT MEXIC'3 ATTITUDE lor heat Clllnl ! Fee UnoMT thnt the Nelghhlr ltrub1tc COllot Ito Content . with 80clrlng the UblmtcllTor rlor Without Idelllty , CITY OF MEXICO , Fob. G.-C. II. Icdlng ) , representative for Mexico a 11 Central America to tim Cotton .Stotes and International ' S national exposiIon , which opens tn Atlanta , Ga. , In September , has returned from a trip to GUltemola In the Interests of the expo- ItIon. In speaking of the questIon afectng the boundaries of Guatemala and MexIco he stated that during his stay nt the capital of ' Moxlco's southern neighbor ho detected noth- Ing In the demeanor of the high government omclals that woul ) lead him to believe that 'var with this country , was Ine\'ltable. The : contrary was the case , especially among the better classes , who felt rather uneasy as to the possibility that Mexico , not feeling con- tented , with finally coming Into possession of S the disputed terrItory . should exact on Indemnity - ? demnity for the expense Incurred In the partial mobilization of her troops on the S southern frontiers of the states of Chlapas and Tobasco. In referring to Guatemala's participation at the exposition he stated that Pre hlent Dnrrlos hod promised to urge con- gress for on appropriation for on exhibit . FP . Anent the much talked of detention ' S. of Messrs. Pnrk- anl Thornton's mules -S n Tapaehula , Mex. . whIch wore destined for Guatemala where they were to be used on the construction of the Guatemala Northern - ern railway , the following dispatch was received - ceIved In this cIty from Mr. I. H. Dowd who hal , charge of the drove : ' 'The collector of customs will not permit the exportation of the mules by order of the secretory of the treasury. There are ) ! mules and seven lend of horses. " I Is hInted that the government w"l not allow the stock to cross the border for the - . reason that It wi certainly be seized by the t Guatemalans and used to the Injury of 1Iexicans by the Guatemalan mounted forces In the event of hostilities. . : The Diario . official , agaIn remInds the uhlc that the Mexican government has no S ) , olcial organ except itself . and the most . absolute reserve Is maIntained In the Do- S. partment of Foreign Affairs respecting the . conferences held daily with the minister from S' Guatemala. In consequence , any statements , .t. : on the boundary situation published by other S 1' local papers are not InspIred by the govern- ' ; ment. ? 'j . NEW YORK , Feb. 6.-NotIce has just been ; . ' . received from the Central and Southern anl : $ d. American company that the censorship has ( .i S been established at San Jose do Guatemala S , i on messages for places In Guatemala - ' I'f : lUV\H\OUi\1 ENVOY O' . .nECE1VI m - Eogl"nll J1n . , Not Forgiven that Country for the \rre.t of Consul 1tch. . LONDON , Feb. G.-General Barrier , the : special envoy of the government of NIcaragua . I to the British government , has gone to ParIs. - n Is learned that hIs mIssIon hero has not been successful. There Is still some friction between Nicaragua and Great Britain In ro- , gard to the arrest of E. D. Hatch , the nct- Ing British vice consul , who was taken Into ustody by the Nicaraguan authorities at $ Blueflolds. Mosquito . territory. In September last at the time 'of the disturbances at that ' .place. , 'S. 5j . , Mr. hatch claimed that the Nicaraguan 'p. , luthorlte refused , to Inform hun of the na- i ; k turo of thI charges which caused his arrest ' _ ' 3 S and , at Grey town , Nicaragua when the cap- # tain of the British war shIp Mohawk do- manded hIs release no attention was paid % t ' to the request , Mr. Hatch was oventualy r - released from custody but ho had to leave ! Nlcaragun for Jamaica until the mater was i ; . ; r tUed. The secretary of state for foreIgn , S affairs , Lord Kimb rhey . refused to receive General Darrler . OEU"N VLAUIS CONO1DED. : German Statement of the l'lndlng of Cite t Lund ( 'onmisIoi , tn : lmoa , ' I UERbI. Feb. G.-Tho Post says that time S land commission appoInted by the three powers Interested In the government of Samoa , Great Britain , Germany and the United States , has concluded its labors , with the outcome that while the German claims received - celvel nearly full recognition . "tho . ful recogniton. exagger- ated demands of the British subject and Amerclns ! were 'only mOdesty concelled " The Post addl : "Moreover , the German . districts were pronounced to be more suited . for cultivation than the British and Amcrlcan Drtsh S . districts. . " t . VIctor QUurelng for Cite Spoilt . . . . ST. JOHN'S , N. F. , Feb. 6.-No progress . hlll been made In time formation of a White- , Ir way ministry. The Ilarty Is divided Into a ' Berle of factions , each of whIch Is fighting for the Jion's share of the spoils. Those 5 , mon In omco who want other positions before - fore reslgntng' appear to bo firm In theIr : determination to extort consideration before vacating their seats ThIs cClluct is ! con- delned Ilqualfe'y ' by the opposition nows- 5' PaPers because of its elect nbroad. I Is reported - ported that the Whlewayles are ready to acccpt n royal commission as the only hope of extricating time cOlony from its Present financial diiliculties. Negro Cn'nnistt In .Urx'co. ' M/I'IN ( , Mex. , Feb. 6.-The first installment - mont of 200 families ot negroes from Georgia , who are to colonize a vast tract of land fWeen mies from here , has readied this place The negroes are all I good health , and well pleased with their surroundings. S - They will be taken to the land where they to settle today. Native MexIcans S Are sette Natve Ire much ollloled to the advent of the negroes In this section. TIme lal ) which the colonIsts are to occupy Is entirely blrren , lt present , but ii ! susceptible to Irrlga ton. Unulanjrr tu lie Jurl"1 II I'it PARIS , Feb J-T1me niece of the laIc General - , eral Doulanger , who committed sulcde : on elltember 30. 1891 , by shqotng ( himself on the grave of hIs mistress In the cemetery of S Ielu at Drussels , has announce , . her In- i tenton of removIng his remaIns to Paris for ( ; reintorment or the general was included In . 4 tIme let of those Ilardoued by time amnity bill . recently Ilaned ly the Chamber of Deputes . and the senate. TWI Mnro 111101 frol t:1 Elm : " , LOWl'STOFT . I eb. G.-The body of a woman bas been washed ashore near South- I' wold. I has not been ; identified . but I Is i 'I presumed to bo the remains or one of the S : Elbe' passengers Another body has been : 5bought In hero ly a fishing smack From ; 5 papers found ! on the body It Is I believed to bo iliaC of Fries Hortman , musical director of the Elbe , or H. 11. Shunder , the chIef eteward. 4 Clllorclt&rrolonl II/u"I MADRU , Feb . G-The queen regent hal : signed and the OOdal Gazette today Ilub- : : Ilhmes the comnmerciul. mOllul vivendI agreed upon ly Spain and the United States The j modul , 'IvendI , which affects trade be. ween the Antiles and America , will go Into effect r . forthwith. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ulUm lal i'cnslunoti airs. ttUII' , t - ONSTANTINOJLE , Feb G.-Tho sulan - hu granted a ) Jelslrl for life to the widow of Mr Supe \ , director of the Metropoltln tulroad of this city , time Americaq citizen \\hn wet killed ly a drunken soldIer , who rl. amuck , through the Ireels hero cn January 30 lut. The soldier also killed a TurklRh oleial all a railroad employe , and wounded a number of other people. Italic Ir tln mtl " 'reck I.OWESTOFT , Ftb. G-Te fishing smock Iosebu , ) brought hero today 1 large trunk , which she picked up In the North sea , not far distant from where the Elbe sank. The trunk contaIned clothing . elc. , and a number of letters anl cards. Thl later bore the In- scriplon "Charles Wlx , 63 Dey stret , Now York. " The trunk was undoubtedly that of Charles Wx ! , Ileall of the firm of Charles Wlx & Co. of New York City. Severe 1.'I/httl In 1111n , CAT.CUTTA , Feb. G.-A ttlspttchm from 1.lhore iutys there hns been severe flghmt- Ing In the Rtato of Kllhgar ( nlso called Chlm ) ) between Umr the khnn of , Jandol nnl , the Chlrn\ls. \ resulting In' ' heavy lees on bath aides. The Chltmll ! were Iefeated. Ulnra hind 4OO ( men , of' ' whom lto were armed wIth rifles. Toronto ; I"H''II 1 IIIro Comlt"l. TORONTO . Ont. , Pci G.-The Toronto ' EmpIre , whIch has been the organ of the Dominion government for the past seven years , publsllC Its last Issue today Tomorrow - row the Toronto Mail will appear as the Mail and Empire nn Independent paper with conservative leanings. COIRerV"U\'o Jnvn 10 ' .lln"lzo : Tmde. LONDON , Feb. G.-A dispatch to tIme Stand- ard from Berlin says that the motion of Count von Kanitz , the agrarian leader , for the na- tonalzIng of the grain trade has been signed by all the ccnservatlve member of the Reichstag - stag , Including Count Herbert I3lsmarclc. Cun"rlt Liner Ovcrduo. QUEENSTOWN , I eb. 7.-2 a. m.-At thIs hour no report has been recelVI of time Cunard liner Cephmaionia CaptaIn Succommib which sale from Boston January 25 for Liverpool , all which Is now thirty-six hours o\'erdue. hUIJt Inty un Ur"tn. MADRID . I eb. G.-The Chamber of Depu- ties today , adopted a bill Imposing an Import duty on foreign gains of 2.60 pesos pr hecto- litre. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mr William litmecourt 111. WIlam Inrconrt 11. LONDON , Feb. G-Slr William Vernon Inrcourt , chancellor of the exchequer Is confined 1 to his bed by I slight attack of brnchU _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iaynrl' : ftenI a 10180 tn Lonnon. LONDON , Feb. G..Tho United States ambassador - bassador Thomas F. Dayard , has rented a large house on Eaton square , thIs cIty. i'oruviamm lehulBplrn"thlng I.hul. LIMA . Peru , Feb. 6.-Rebels are approach- ! Ing thb outskirts. The food supply has been cut 01 ali the people are suffering. Thrlo 1"t.hermcn I'rozen tl ncath. BERLIN , Feb. 6.-Three fishermen have been frozen to death at Warnemund. . . Jw..J JMUB WT SJTTLl l Cleveland Inclined to Uel"y Muters In limo 1010 of Frlr"dly Legislation. WASHINGTON , Feb. 6-I seems now to b settled that no ouncement of another bond loan will be mad until tomorrow . morrow night or later when the house will have voted on the pending Ilmlnls- tmton bill. Messrm. Morgan and Belmont of New York , who have been her durIng the last several days In consuUnton with the omclals on the bond question . have returned : home , and It Is belIeved , without any positIve knowledge as to what the administration will 00. doze observers hovevr nre of the opinIon these gentlemen - men , 011 behalf of their London cUentmm . mode the president n defnIte offer to take the whole IO.OO. ; but at a rate of interest - terest considerably In excess of 3 per cent , If not us hlh as 3' , per cent. I Is this high rate demanded that causes the president - dent to hesitate. I Is wel known he Is 'sposed to delay matters In th hope of congressional legis intion. I Is uller teed that while here Morgan Rnd Belmont expressed grave fear of the result should the gold reserve be permitted to g' much lower , and strongly urged upon the president the necl sly for speedy action. The president It Is under- stood did ' not share their tears. lie be- leveu the American people , and those with most nt stake had sUfclpnt confidence - tdence In the government and its Ilst- tutons not to entertaIn any doubts of Its ability and IJurCse to faithfully perform ever' obligation. NEW YOItK Feb. G.-J. Pierrepont Mor- gn Bald today : "I am satisfied no an- nounccment of a bond issue will be made until , after a vote In the house on the Springer huh. " _ - J.P'I'TJlr ' JL.UJCR.2'S TO JIEtt : T. 80mo HtpubUcls inclined to Permit the UPlloBhton to rotvo the Rititile. . WASHINGTON , l eb. 6-Some opposition to Mr. Reed's financial plan Is developing among time republicans of the house , but what proportions I will assume Is a mater of doubt. Ultra hIgh tariff men are assert- Ing thut the first section of the substitute . that which provIdes for the Issuance f bonds mouDts to a. recession , n from the republican contenton that the only trouble with the finances Is the Insulclency of the revenue. They Jay the democrats have assumed the responsibility of runnIng the government and should be compelled to bear the burden , ' Three Pennsylvania republicans have come out openly agaInst the heed measure ana with two 0' three sliver men are working agaInst It. While some of the tree silver repubhicamms will vote for the Heed substitute - sttute , others argue that from a party standpoint It wi be good policy to encourage - courage the democrats to pass . I bond lea- suite wIth I geld proviso , Representative Brosius or Pennsylvania , who II 1 member or the bonkIng anti . cur- : rency comnmittee. says he believes most of I ' the republicans will vote tor the administra- ton In the end utter recording themselves for Hped's bill , but he fears the democratic defection the measures will be strong enough to defeat , ICmtu Comm II rimimittoims. WASlhICi'rON , Feb. G.-The senate has connnned the following nomlnutons : 1olmes Conrad of VIflnll to be Iolelor general : J. M. L'clcnson of Tennessee , to be usslslant attorney general . PostmRstlrs : California-i. " B. Thrift , Calfornlu-I' B Stockton : John U , 1n'den , Santa Maria. Idaho-Henr K. Ilartit'y . Cnidwu'hI . , .111" ' I. p ittl , lint. WASHINGTON , Feb. I 6.-I Is semi-ofilci. ally stated the JapaneRe treaty us nmenle ) , II now pntrpl' aCl'elltnllo to Japan nmmd tmt the change If ruttcaton wi bo flushed 10 I wilt go Into effect In I few week JtctsIver for a t3alIiurmmla llu.k W.\SHING'ON , Fib. 6.-The conmptrollem' of the currency has nillairmtod'Ihhiam J. Iroderlk receiver or the First National bank ut San Bern 11Ino. Cal NRtonul Trr"ourr ( 'uoh 111111. WASJINGTON , Feb. 6.-Totiay's Itole- ment of the cqmltol of the treasury Ihowl : Available cash imuiammce $ l12,7OISOJ Avaluhlo H2.iOISO : gold re- se've , U2,182,6I , . c tile ago hitmllditig III I'usu . W.\SIINGTON , 1h , . G.-'he Chicago publc building bIll has lmscd . the senat . l'lnl.lph' .cimi tie . Very I'or T mmmi' , SAN FJLtNCISCO. Feb , 6.-'he cruiser Ihlnlehhln made . I renmarkably poem run from this city to Honolulu She ioU this Ilort ut 1 a. m. a\lla ) ' anti arrh'el In Honolulu at I v.am . on Tuesday of the folowIng week . taking . nine Ila1 amid ) eight hourl for : ! IO immiles . & "Imlral lienrulmmiec's orders from time Navy dellrtment were to urocef11 to 10noluiu with . IllptlCh , rime Australia . llvlng twelt.toul' . hours later arrived 1 tl Honolulu 11lrh' fort.lght hours ahead of the l'hmlhadcipimin. 'fhe cruiser averaged ll tons of Coul u day for the trip. whl ! time Alstula used ( orty.omme. 'fho oilcera ( said the ' ' olceri Imll l'hlaa"lphla's bQt m was toul. hut us she cume Olt the dl' ) ' duck five 01' six months ale It hlrdl ) ' ICelK lIkely , thnl the foulness of her bottom could ne. count for ' the dow time. coull 11- 111 J'hll IU ( :111 : ( iuwmm. WOOSOCK'J i. I. , Ib. O-1ho 1,6 clpl > 'f ot the Alice mi of the . United States Julbet cQmnmany hays today ) l'pcl'lv,1 rotce Ihlt lIme entire \orl , ! would ) e thut ilowm . tc Jebruary 1 for an indefinite 11llod , ' Time Weekly , I ) r ruM ' 1 Ovtt 15.to-J. " LUDDEN MARES IllS REPORT Gives the Legs1atra 1 Detailed Account of the Relief Oommftsion's Doinga . OVER NINE MILLION POUNDS IANGLD IccRplnlolon or time Work Up Till ThIrty 10)1Jn , with R General Outline or time 1'101 l'mmriiuoii In Dls- tributimt uppiIes. utnlupple. LINCOLN , Fcb. G.-Special ( ! Telegram- ) The State Relief commissIon today presented Its report to the state senate In response to a resolution offered anti adopted last week. Time report cover about 100 closely type written ! pages , and contains statements showIng - Ing time amount of cash received aimmi die- bursed a summary of time shlpmonts from October 21 , the date of the receipt of the first car , to January 7 , when the detailed slate ment began : I tabulated statemcnt of shIp meats , gIving dotes and ) stations ; a summary of time itemized statements by counties , and a recaplulalon of the shipments from January 7 to February I , allowing 100 pounds to a box or barrel. The total shipment of supplies ot all Ilndl I from January 7 to February 1 was 9,000,000 pounds or 306 carloads , allowing an average of 29.000 pounds to a carload . The cash statement shmo'v that the commIssIon - mIssIon has receIved from all sources up to date Including January 31. 1895. tIme SUI of $10,672.20. Time disbursements for time some time were $839.06 , leaving a balance $9,733.1 In the hands of the treasurer From October 21 until January 7 the commIssion had contributed 17 full cars of supples : , In addition - ton to a large number of partial carloads. RECAPITULATION OF Slfll'MENTS . Time following Is a recapitulaton of time several Items shipped up to January 7. with weights the number : of packages 011 estimated Items. Numb " ' ' Ighl. lmxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.Ia : ll.4 ( Meal nn" lour ( 'ells ) . . . . . . . mamma C7I&o Jarels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,13 , & 19.iOO H ells hrnln ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 . Racks ( maIze ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 834 31.\1 . Ia'kalcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 8,5 ! Cars or coal. . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . lrr & ,21. ( Curs or provtsoims. : . . . . . . . . . is\ \ 1,0.00 Cars of " 0.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 C,00) Bulk grin \husheI8).1. \ . . 3.:11 20.00 20.0:0 JaIH' hl ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - j 420.0 , , Total weIght ( pounds ) . . . . . 8.921.215 S The following Is the appropriation ot car lots : Boxes 1 cars : flour . 33 cars ; barrels , 12 cars ; sacks 5 cars : packages . 1 car ; coal 156 cars : nrovisions 78 * cars ; wood 4 cars : bulk graIn , 5 * cars ; total 30G cars. SECRETARY LUDDEN'S COMMENT. Secretary Ludden In commenting upon his report made the following observations : The largest donaton the commission has received has been that of free bIllings of , supplies by the several ralrond comranles , I not enl ) ' of our own state , but of nl Parts ' of the UnIted States. In nddlton to this the commIssion has been placed mder special obligations to the several express companies for the free billing -oC all , sup plies under 10 pounds In veighmt nnd to the telephone and telegraph companies for the franking privileges extended to us. \Ve ask your Indulgence for a brIef explanation - pin naton In connection with the rel > ort , Up to the 2th of January the commission con- auctel Its work practically as a volunteer body started Its work without I cent In the treasury and paid tJe expenses from ' our own .pocleets. . \Ve were appointed and 'ontered upon the' ' discharge of our work under the direction ald at the request of Governor Crounse Only those intimately associated wIth the work can form any con- cepton of Its vastness or the many anne > ' - lag fentures. Most of the delay chnrged upon the commission has been due directLy to causes utterly beyond Its control anti for which we were not In any way responsible. Much of the criticism of today Is-'based upon the fact that the commission did not tOlward supplies as demanded by the county central relIef c mmltees Into their separate counties. Perhaps on IllustratIon or two would be better to show this. The two counties we choose are the first two reprt- lag complete organization under the law. CRITICISES COUNTY BOARDS. CnTICISES Take Buffalo count ) . . They report on average of something over 40 families that have hnd to he helped und they demand of the commIssIon a shIpment of between 200- 000 anti 3.0 pounds-of-lour , or nn average . age of between 70 and tOO Jaunl oour for every family that they claim needs help , and because thIs commission declined t furnish this amount Immediately we were severely crltclsed' And yet , I glance at the suhjolned pages ot this report will show what Duralo county his received and you may judge for yourselves whether we are supplYing their needs. Take Hol county Their renort from the count rEI f committee. led sInce house ' 101 13 became n law. makes demand upon this commission for 1,0.0 pounds of flour. with 1.0 needy families. This means a sack or lour for every famIly every week from Fbruary 1 to July 1. 'fhey also ask for $ 2O worth of meat which coverIng the same period means $1 worth or meat a week from February 1 to July 1. The Position of the commlsf'on Is to keep In time hands of the county central relief commltpe from ten 10 fourteen ays' supplies nt nil times. Four years ago the state relief committee made several tests , tnkng counties that averaged nearly the same number of destitute families. 'Ve shipped Into one county whlt would last ten days , doubled the quantity In the next count ) . , three times OR much In the third and then In on6 county wo t10uhled this anl shipment \'e' tried this . 01 In several counties and found that forty days' supplies In one county dId not go further 0' dll not gIve better satisfaction than the ten days' sUPJles. 'rhe larger time sUllpl you put In the hand' of thin countY centrl relief commHte' time more lavish 'aeems to he time distribution. SUIPI.IES STILL COMING IN. \'e have on 111d at the Btorihouses , and are constantly receIvIng . suppll' of pro- visions. and are sending out to the several countY committees , nB fast 1' they are orgacized nt least ten days' supplies . anti we expect to M contInue. \'e are still hnvlll ofred us IITe tlonntons o fell supplies and nothing . hut we 110 not ned ' clothIng. For the fifteen any more ( 1 ; Imst Ifeen days we hl\ doubled the dlt1nds for clothlna trom every county. The report ' vou wi find ( "vIIIll , first . Into the cash items , , not 11\lro tile names or the tn- dlvllullK who dotmated brcRllo th.t was not asltd for II your resolution. but we .slllllv glyc you the sum total ot reciptmt : l'rc'IJIH anti ullsbuirsernents. The receipts Ilclllo , the donnmfrn of . & from lr . i'ileflili ( donalfln : )1' 1.01mb ' IClopseim of the CIJlstan Herald , :11 Inlnly tor fpcal ! jmumrimoses which the commission nm'reeti Jlrposes carried out nit imC directed. \h'o time dltburrmentf Bhow emily a very small amount p11d out you mlst re- mrmhel' Clint the larger part of thee ron- trlbulons I'nmo In after . January I. amid the hllH are not p'.eHcnted for P'Y1 lt until Phruar' 1. Practically . th" cnm- ml son ! his cAhaust,1 , all the funds that were In Its hands , cave the Ipe.lnl con- Irlhulnn ! In closing , permit me to soy that the ( olmllHlon , since hous" roil No , 13 b.camo . I law. hns reorganized time entire wom'kIng force awl ! dlvhletl the work bite drIJ'rt- moats . hn\lnl n department of orgmmnlza- ton , I d ( llartment ot COreflJOndlnco tn charge of \0 of the members mural 0 tic' Jlrtmelt of lcit I work on which several of time oilier menmbm'm ar melb r. nre emtpecimmhly en- gaged . visiting the counties , fsprcllly Ioged.Isltn / countes checking them lip , "ellg whether the leedy are helm enroLl for , and I Is on this plan 01.1 . h1S18 "Ht limo commission ' expects to continue eXIler8 II wom'k . untIl It - shal le contnue II' , I "WPI' " ' Irlt lIIIO " ' , % Vhm'tmi'y . Di.N\'EIt , Feb. 6.-Detectives working on the 1\"lerlous death of "Ur , " A. 1. IQ\n'l" . hl\o learned that time unarm's rl'imt lal0 was \V. I , . W'imitny. Fifteen 1 rearl ago lie vas travfl11 ! lalflmol tor mm Ilrul comll'UlY In , oolarcleel , n. I. I itt mtuimi tlat I Irmlnent , citIzen ot Hholo bland 'lsco\"re' ' that au Inllmlcy exlKtetl he- tWEI hIs wife and , Whitney Ind he forc'd Wh.tne , on penalty of death . t : ( hllg lila name und lever I'tvul his Id mmtlty : Whlm' > ' , alias JoWH" 11 srp'j to have wi'ztitlmy nlaUvrs II New Englanil I . who wi clnhn hIs hcdy und IlroBeeule hIs whl - ml'- 11erC1 If caught . - - - - . l'mmthilptl I he himimik's Ieposlls. S\N PIANCI ( 'O. Feb. G.-At the trial \If H. 11. McDonall , Jr" , of the lat Pa- dUe l'Ulk , other emlllo'es of the wreckel ank teslllld thlt n. H. McDommaith . Jr , and his brother1 resp'ctIvely ' vice . tCI\cth'ely iresi. ' _ . . . = i ' -.S S'S dent nntl cashier of time bni . nlowe , ) clr- thin person to give feTlllr "tags" for $ IOO eachi The u1epit ' were thus swelled ' 10.0 on Deembef 11 I , 182 , the Rums thereafter. imelng wlhllrwU : Iln I week thereafer. _ I ' 1'Illi.1CIIflfl TUUXIC ! ) ROflihIIIf . . lVlCI . (1Ulm. Captured lii nn AttomnIt I.Uoll Up on Oregon - gen hank . PORTLAND , Orc. . , le : , . 6.-Shortly after non today 11 mni cnterld the First Natonul bonk at East Portland , amid nrc- seating I rvol\r clle Oi Cashier E. T. 101mal , who % vits alone In the bank , to throw up hIs lmand . 'he cashier compiled , and the intruder ! then 1Ounl and gagged him after whIch he started to empty thl coin tT1 into a sack \vhleh he carried. At this jUlture time caShier or the Citi- zone bonk , across the Street , who saw the affair , nlshCI In with a IhotUI and nrrsted time robbmr . wh was then thu-neil over to the police. 'I'ht thief was Identi- fled nR 11ev. J. C. : Rehl , a Bnptst [ tent- ter. Held cnme Into notorlet I few month ago by IlsnplIlrlnl Irer leaving his clot1s on the river bank Cd gIve tIme Impression that he butt tmen drowned. He aferwarl ' turnCI up In Illinois . ' , 'her he clnlmed to be surerlnrm mental troubles When HEII entered the batik he wore I long fnlse beard but In the ecuille It wag torn off , revealing his identity. Bcule After his arrest held saul he had nothing to conceal anti claims iimatmiesimermmtlon drove him to tIme mmlsslon of the crime. Irovc "I hnl 1 good pastorate In time east up to several months , " he " 10nths ago said "hut my wife coulll not hive there , S. ve came bock here. The minister In church my churh gave me the cell shouldel' 1 was Rhunnel hy thosl formerly professlnl to be my friends and , In I short time I had exhauste the sml\1 stocl of money I brought. with me. 1 was thlnklnA of how 1 could support my wife anti , two little chidren In OrpJon City and I conjured up all manner of plans. A Week ago f hi hion the plan 'of getlll money out of the upon National bank tn the manner - nor I procee.le,1 . to (10. J have no confederates - Rtes and none knew 01 my determinaton 'but ' myself. "Shall I plead the insanity dodge ? No. never I woulI prefer the penitentiary to the insane a'I'lm. I } \Ive got to the enl of and the I my rope nli only feeling have In this mater Is for my poor wife and chulitiren. " . ' Reid has a brother In "lolne , ill. S. . . , - . llFGUr.lTl : ( TIIK..UAILJW.IIS. WyomlnJ Legislators Determined to rre- / vent ExccMiro : , lintrs . " "fni 1'sec I"oit. . ChEYENNE , Feb. CLSle : ( ! al Telegram. ) , -The house of the 'yolnln" legislatre today unnnimously , recommended for pass- age thc memorial to congress prnylng ( erIn In umendment providing for the election of United States senators by vbte . of the people. I nil the bills Ilendlng In time leglslaure In reference to the ollroal 'companle" be- come lows there wi be a radical reduction - ducton In freight and passenger rates In the state of \ ) ' Inl . Bills have been Introduced In the house' to' educe passenger rates from 6 to 3 cents 0 mie and for the appointment of a board ; oC railroad commis- sioners wih power to regulate freight trns- portaton rates and to' prevent dlecrlmlnl- ton In favor of any class oC sblppers. This morning a hill waR introduced In the senate providing that sleeping ct cmpanies shall not charge to exceed half I cent I 1 mile for lower , bertms anti not more than one.fourth of a cent per mile for upper \erths > on any railroad In Wyoming. rransportnton rates In this state are excessIve hIgh at present anti . the peaIll demand reduction. No doubt the legislature will enact some . legislation on the subj ot. The bill providing for the appointment of a cJmmlsslcn of three laWyers at a salary : of $1,20 each and expenses to prepare n revision. of the laws : of the state , was passed by the senate Uls morning and will I now go to' the governor for his signature. Since the bill passed the house It has been ; adverselY consllen,1 in Oe senate three or : four times . but , this Uln i 1. when It was called u on the thlr j''dIng : . . the bill re- calved the necessary . :1 jorl ) all was passed much to tiiO' stfpisc of the o. : . \sc op ponents of the measure. . [ " , measu\e. . . . . sri ; PER MIMO1fti1 , . . 4tMEYIflW. South iakota'I Laqittitmmro . COleluI\1 to F"vd'l timO' Amerlr1u lirlnct Ully. PIERRE , S. D. , Feb . C-Speclal ( ' - gratn.-The house met for only half an hour todny. I . recoimended 'esteraay's vote on the .me.morlal to congress ali amended It to 1 demand for free silver coinage 'limited to the American produ t. 'fhe' populsts , under tlme lead of O'Dail . tried to add n claus declaring specnly agnlnst any more bonds but faiieui . - In the senate time memorIal was made the special ' . order for tomorrow , when malI wi be amended as In tm house. The senate passed I cotstltonnl amendment - ment abolishing the jar I .of trustees sand placing the lParl1 nstutons under the charge ot regentsant1'also one licensing express and other corpou-ations and doing corportons away wIth their taxes and making the creation of debt by publl olcials wihout authority of law a mYmistlitmeanor. authoriy tlsdlmennor. The bill establplhl the initiative and referendum was killed bl it vote ot 30 to 13. but the committee report agaInst making a woman 1 menpr of the I poard of charities anti , correctIon vam , reversed. ) Wil The claIm of Frank Stanton for supplies furnlRhe the state troop8 . , during the In- than war passed. . . S OJElr.AND JI.lKS . DoIrv , . Wihdraws Its Ilomands' ; Concerning tue Cnlfnrnl , lat I' b.et. CHICAGO , . Feb. 6..TI Uniop Pacific today wihdrew its d mnnd for te Inser- ton of its rate In wivester fite sheet In such n manner as to 'give the impression that I Is the only rOId doing busIness between tIme Missouri river and California . I never hl the smimijest { . phunce of getting what It asked , anti Its bacldown was only n matter of a I few ' d.ay. ' Time committee still his hopes that it Will be found possible - sible to put Into effect emi February 15 the ndvanco In trnSrJIS8Url anti transcomm- tnentnl rates which .was decided upon In the latter part of Jtnuumry . , I no settle- meat Is reached , wJth the Union PacifIc by that time , how.ever , ' I wi be foucd t necessary March 1. to put of the ( t nd'ancent The Omaha road Is after the scalp of the Burlington . I clnll' tat the Inltr line ii 1 : paying excessive connmiEslonH for IHHI- ness coring to Itlrrol the Northern Pa- chic from the ter.t t0y west or BIllings. 'rhe Burlington tienis that I 13 , d04nl nny- timing ot time kind but the matter will very likelY be mantle time , subject of a complaint to Chairman . Cn\l\el. , ( J3VULZXGTON tlp c f. Ilm.II.IW. 'l'IYlr Between Iimcmmommt lu,1 Ieuhvood , UUI "VU hIomtilrt' 'Fcj.t ' nn Iii . Ciromimmil . EDG JON a. .Etb. G.-Speclnl ( Tele- gram.-The ) lurlhmtQ n \ rUn between Edge- mont anti , Deudwood wu4 , wrecleed two miles north of hero at 6 i4 , n. A most horrlblo accident wns nverte r b' the oolness anti presence ot mind of fmmipeer Hockt " , ' 1bo train jumped time ruiit . 111 ran n InSIUCO , ot 2' feet Into I bank , "yory cur leaving the track Time cause of Ibe disaster im'aa a i ot wal I hrlten rail anti snow . ' 'e plssenAers were badly ehaken up , IJ f no ' ! Injured \11.ky 'ru.t OI , : t , . , ! jRnl : ti Chmlcn2o. ChICAGO , Pcb , Gr'JC new receivers ot the Whisky trps will ! very Ihorty move the general offices p , ti.e cOlllany tOI Icolla to Chicago. .Thls step II tlken , It la i saul , II order tm : cmve the alke its ! 111 for as possible from tlr 'eoI10 Inlue.lcfA. iixpert nccc'nt'ntK 11 hnmeliltel' begin u thorough examInatipi' of time hOole After the examlratpf ' ! eXlmlnlton the oUce ! wi b chal/ed . o Chlcugo. Ill. n , 6 'r , Tlu " \rrclrll. WACO 'fex. , Feb..Tjme Missouri. Kan- sai & 'fxuus nortimboundmassenger train No 2 \\'IK wrecked near . tyres this mOI'nhll. \'iiile running rlowl 'time train struck ) Whto 110\1) 'ho Irucl ( a hoken rat anti time mal car baggage unc 1 eXIeSR cars and two conchel were derailed. ' deraied. 'fhree pagseng'erl amid . Train l'orter l'cliariI were Bl hty injured ! anti InggalemuII 10larI Sproulu sides had hIs colllr bone \ broken on both . - 'our , t Irlll'l . IIJurI' ' . GAI.I.OIOI.II 0. , I"cl G.-I'-h'c hroke out last mhnlght ) In 100r 'j book store. Four liUsimem's houss were destroyed , with ther storks Pour Irtnlen WCN buried ) by fall. I Inl Wails. but 'vrc r I 'ued 11\'e. They \.rl e set ic u.ly , * but not fataliy . injured , lASt $15,0 : ItlUI'nCe , 2t.O. fatal , Nt'ir X'hr.\ l'ulln'll'e. . WASllNG'ON , , l eh. 1.HI1tlal ( Tile- G"im.-Nehras\ ) II ; t > titers wre cstu\- 6hd tCday us fol'9wr 1' ' ' ' tCdayI : 11'fCI , Cherry ccuntv , \'ljamln W J'oarsomm : . conmmmmls. I one , pst'lulfr fe I JeI1 ) I t ) . conllll ) . . msler. lionara Osentowlkal \ Ilnslou ! d IOlt. IT MADE PEOPLE MOVE ON - YcstortnJs storm Wason'Imperious Ting "ut Not I Record Breaker - L CI OF SKOW MADE UP IN DUST COURCII " Jumble 1'llnt VI or 1.0w Cool Imp mind fitly Necessity Made l'coplo Unlk the Streets-Delayed 'mha on . \1 1Rlrol"b. - Omaha people when they awoke this morn- lag probably suspeclel 'a fact In thinking I that today wouhl not bo such a day as yes- i terday. Yesterday conditions of wind and tellleraturo Icausel an epidemic In which coal dealers were In lemanl , Instead of doctors - tore , and even after dark last evening the sound of the coal sliding from the shove ) of the coal wagon driver could bo heard at business block amid ) private reshenee. ) I was not pleasant 01 the streets yesterday - day ) . but the day was no record breaker In any narticular. The wind was , not the strongest - est that eIther In summer or winter has blown In Onmaima Its effect was heightened by the suddenness with which It came , and those who turnel up their coat collars and tied tighter theIr mumers forgot In the real bit- teress of . the moment that ninny stronger gales had swept over time city. As people got down town yesterday morn- lug the thermometer of limo United States weather bureau registered 1 degrees below zero , and though the wind which blew from time nortim was not alablE after coming omit from a worm house and 1 wnrm breakfast , Its wickedness was not eo great as at 1 o'clock In time afternoon when I came at the velocity of thirty-two miles on hour though at that hour , owln to time experience of several hours old Barons was thought to be thinking of fomo nmercy . But this was the maxImum. After 1 o'cloek the wind began to blow less furiously and nt 7 o'clock last evening It had tcmepred its speed to twenty miles an hour . Snow was deficient during the whole tiny , cnly one-flitim of an Inch-equivalent to two- hUllreths of an Inch of ranfal-fel. ! But the wind bound to have something to handle , scrutinized carefully every cloy bank and bare imiace and succeeded In getting In Its freight a volume of dust that painted imoumse street , landecape , hat . bonnet , overcoat , and cloak a dirty brown. One of the features of the day was the "emergency" fag hoisted by the weather bureau - reau at G o'clcck 1n the mcrnlng. Such a fag as this hae bzen raised before but pEople had forgoten I. and not long alter opening of business hours a man telephoned tD the weather bureau ask'ngVhcn wIll . this tornado strIke the city ? " ills fears' were allayed - layed without delay. At 7 o'clock last evenng ! the weather bureau annulced that whl ' the wind would go down by this morIng. the temperature would go down wih it . and that the storm In ugliness was already spent. The Indicatons were that there would be very little snow tOlay , The cold wove struck terror to the hearts or the poor. The Associated Charities was kept busy all day supplying ! the demands for fuel from hungry and shivering humanity wj0 arc prisoners of poverty , hovering . over theIr small " stoves In cheerless homes. The county relief room . was , also besieged during the day by men and women crying for bread and coal The belief gaIned ground during the day that there was an exceihent excelent opportunity for Good Samaritan work among the homes of the poor ' SuperIntendent Marble of the public schools publc Issued orders to close the school at 1 o'cloc ] and send time children home before the storm raged too fiercely to jeopardize the healtim of the little ones In healh . lte conelQuenco chi- dren got n hal holiday . lADI ALL TRAINS L\TE They Vera Jloemdoll ly Snow nnd lust on Alnolt AU 1.lnol. The storm yesterday was general , not only extending over the state ot Nebraska , but over neighboring slates as well . Reports from the western part or time state last night stated the thermometer was as how ' as , 16 and 20 degreC below zero and still dropping , and that time velocity of the wind It any- thing , was Increasing. Furthermore time re ports Indicated that the brunt of the storm was steadily passing eastward Time storm struck the eastern part ot Iowa yesterday afcroon and contnued on Its way across the state without any apparent decrease In its severity. The storm played sad hnvoc with railroad rairoad schedules yesterday anti on many roads practically brought trains to a standtiil. Its rlects were especially felt bYe thl lines runnlhgeast and west while those runnIng north and sutjmsuffer d comparalevely lit. tie . On the former hines none of the traIns came In on time . and some of them were last nIght fIve or six hours late ThIs was the case with time UnIon I'acltic. time Durlng- ton and Ibo E her roads . The trains on the Missouri Incfc and tbo Minneapolis & Omaha were almost on time , In a few cases being an hour or less late. Tim cameo of the delay tQ trains was' time high velocity of the wind which swept over the lmralries. Very little snow fell throughout thq state , not enough to impede traffic . ex- cept nt a very few points. Time wind , how- eve : . picked up the sand and time lose soil of the prairIes and pled It on the sol trachea , In many cases'tormlng drum ' more . ' tilt- fcllt to get Ihrough than snow drifts. ' Al the trains on the Union Pacific last nIght came In hours behind time . No. 2 , the cverland flyer , whIch was ' due at 6:36 : , came In at D o'clock 'fhe fast mal , which comes at 4:10. : was two hours late. The Kearney cxrress WaS one hour behind tiimme . No.8 , which Is due this morning at 1:06. : Is not expected to arrIve before 5 o'clocle this afternoon - noon 01 the St. Joe and Grand afer- vision all of yesterday ) afternoon's trains were staled at one point or nnother along the line . No trains were run on time division between .he Columbus and Norfolk , . and No 42 on time LIncoln ! division was stuck , at Wahoo All the stoppages were caused by time drifting Al dritng dlr , and snow IJlowl wi be sent out this morning to clear the track Freight I traffic was at a standstill on time western division ! utter noon yesterday , and last nIght not a frlsht ! train was sent out of Omaha either eat or weet. Wires were In very bal shape all along time line . and It WIS extremely dl- fcult to keep track of time traimma ' 'rho trains on the \ock Iland and the I''ortimivestern were not much better Northwester beter off . No 7 on tho' Norlhw stern , the laclle expre , , which hi due here at 7:30. : was an hour and a half late , and other trains were nearly as late Trains from the east on the Hocle llan , ) were on hour or moro behind time , and the same was the case on the Miluvaukee . The Hock Island . however . had especial dlfculy In Kansas , where many of time trnln were \ere blocltadel comnpieteiy The Denver train on the Rock Island , which was due here at 4 o'clock , dId not arrive ! until D. On the Burlington the Denver train , which should have reached this city at 4:10 : , was over live hour late. All time other trains ware also considerably late. 'fhe train frol nllnf , which Is due here atl :45 : this morn. big , was reported at D o'cloce last night as seven or eIght hour behind tinme . and Is not expected to an lye In the city unt late Ills af Ce rim Do mm , 'he trains on time Missouri Pacific on time maIn line were almost all on time . one or two of them beIng an hour or less late. Much trouble was experienced , . however In moving trains on hranches. Time Crete brancbm was Iranch wa blockaded wih snow and dirt , but a snow plow muss sent over I lat night to clear thl track , and trains were score running The Centra ! branch , howe'er. west of Atchison In iansas was completely blockaded , and Irails were at a standstill . A dispatch from Concordia stated that a blizzard was raging oil Ing. lions tiia line , and that nothing was mov- Ing.The The Minneapolis & Omaha reported ( all - - I trains nearly on time , anti no trouble In 10\ ' - ing them . The trains on the Elkhorn were nil more or less behind theIr fhedule time last night STCIt\l \ IN 11 81'1 . WOTt of the WInter In An ) ortl of Nnbro k. . " KEARNEY , Neb. . Feb. G-Speclal ( Tele- grnm.-The ) worst storm which has visited this section for time past tow ) 'ear has been raging here during the past twent-four hours . At noon today the thermometer regis- tered 1 below zero anti time wInd was blow Ing I hurricane . Several roofs ha\o been more or less blown off . and outhouses overturmied. Time sand and , SIOW have mo filled ) time air that n person could ) scarcely see a block ahead nt any titite. All business ha been sURpenled ) , anti It Is QUit probable consh- ) crable stock has 11erlshed. ltE\'NOLIS . Neb Feb. G.-Speclnl ( Tele- gram.-At ) 7 p. m. It was 12 degrees below zero , ali the storm which struck here last nIght still ragcs. The air Is full 01 dust and fine now ali the wind I blowing at tIme rate of forty mies nn imouir This storm Is the hardest on stock of any of the season. Time dust makes It dark In the mh\le of the I ) a > ' . FIERCE GALE AT NOnFOLK. NORFOLK , Neb. . Feb. 6.-Slmeclal ( Tele- gram.-A ) fierce gale , accomlanlCI by piercIng - lag cold i'eathmer has raged In this vicinity all Iay. ) TheN Is little snow to help 10 make a , Iestructvo blzznr , ) . but what there is , mixed i'ltht blimudlng dumst , has practIcally catmeed all business and braille to guispenti. The tmerrnoimmeter lies ranged from 8 below this nmorning to 12 below timls evening , mind it is now rapidly growimmg colder , Timero is no loss of life or tleatim of stock reported as yet. Time night promises to be exceedummghy cold anti rough , and only tIme absence of mmmcii show will imrevcimt extreme stmiterlmmg. NRLSON. Neb. , Feb. G.-Speclni ( 'role- gramn.-A ) terrible blizzard imas been raging here all day , Snow and dumst , carred along by a fierce mmorth wind , amake traffic imupos- sibie. Time timermomumeter registers 6 degrees beiow zero , and it is still growimig colder. Stock will suffer considerably. BEATRICE. Feb. ' 6.-Special ( Telegram.- ) Time worst storm known in this vicinity for seven years past has prevailed thmrotigimout time tie ) ' . Time wimmmi comnmenceti blowing fiercely from time northwest at 6 o'clock tiia ! mmiorn- ing , amid timrougimoimt time day bhimmdlng clouds of dtmst anml snow imave been flying through time air , mualclng it nlnmost impo3mlbic' to get about the streets. Busimmess imas practically been suspended. The nmercury item beemm grad- uaiiy slnk'ng ' since mortming. At 6 p. tim. time timermomneterci registered below zero , and all immdications point to aim extremely cold and dIsagreeable night. STORM OF DUST AND SNOW. GRAND ISLAND , Nob. , Feb. 6.-Special ( Teiegramn.-A ) storm of dmmst and snow imas been ragimmg all ( lay , and still continues at 6 tonigimt. Time thermometer is below zero. Very little business is beimmg transacte' ] . Time oldest inimab'tant has never witmieseed such a peculiar stcrm. lust and sand is so mixed witim snow as to maice it bolt dark. it clings to mind creeps timroumgh everytiming. Three windows 1mm time Koehler hmotei were hrokemm by the force of tIme vlnd. Eight stmperi'Isore out of as many coummtry lmreclncts report that It time storm and cold lasts over tomorrow timer may be considerable loss of stock. None of the eight fear fatalities to any people. NORTH PLATTE. Neb. , Feb. 6.-Special. ( Telegram.-One ) c time worat storms In seq" oral yeara commenced here at 3 timl morning and has prevailed time entire day. The wind at tine5 has attained a velocIty of nearly fifty mnhles an hour , while time temperature fell' from 31 above ' zero , where it , stood at 2 o'clock , to 14 below 'at 1ra : 'in. At 7 this -evening time wind blows with little abatement , and the signal ervce station'hmere reports the tenmperature at 7 p. m. 15 below. No reports as to time suffering cccasioned in the aurounding country have been received , but loss of life is feared. The fall of snow was very light. FAIRFIELD , Neb. , Feb. 6.-Special ( Tele- gram.-A ) blizzard struck imero early this nmorning , ani continues with great fury. The mercury Is at 10 below and falling. The morning train from St. Joe stuck here. No other trains are in Cr out. VERY' I3LIZZARDY AT HARTINGTON. IIARTJNGTDN , Neb. , Feb. 6.-Special ( Telegram-Time ) worst blizzard of the season Is now raging In this localIty. Time gale is coming from the northwest and is terrific. The air is filled with flying snow , making it impossible to see bitt a few rods. The cold is iimtense. It' is feared that. stock will suffer much. as the unusually open winter up to time present lies mnade time farnmers negligent in providing proper slmeiter. PENDER , Neb. , 'Feb. G.-Special ( Tele- grammm-A ) fearful blizzard imas been raging constantly since about ii mi. m. , with timi timermonmeter sinking from zero at 10 a. m. to 12 below at 7 this evening. There Is not much snow , however , . mind travel lies not so far been wholly suspenmied. OxF0F.r , Neb , , Fob , G.-Special ( Te' 'gram.-Tlmo ' ) worst blizzard in years is prevailing - vailing imere today. Tie fall of snow is iiglmt , but time wind is imiowimig a gale , and It is intensely - tensely cold. Business Is practically sue- pended. ' GRESIIAM , Neb. , Feb. 0-Special ( Tele- 'gramn.-A ) severe dust storm began here at 3 a. m. , time wind Increasing' in velocity mill day. It is the worst storm ever seen in No- ' brnska , 'rime thermometer registered 2 below at dmmyhiglmt. and at 8 p. in. 15 degrees below , STROMSBURO , Neb. , Feb. 6.-Speciai ( Tel. egram.-A ) genuine old fashioned blizzard is nosY raging lmere. About 4 o'clock this morn- big a terrific wind storm from time nortimsm'oat struck tItle vicinity anti has continued durlmmg time entire day , with lncreaslmmg fury. Time air is filled witim sand and snow , tIme timemomneter imas been falling durlmmg time day and Is now (6 ( p. m. ) S below , with Indications of much coliler before mnornimig. It is feared that many people , as well as stock , will suffer severely on account of time scarcity of nrovieions ex- istlng througimout time county , Title is coned. ered time most severe storm since 1887. AIR FiLLED WIT ! ! SNOW AND SAND. BI1ADSIIAW , Neb , , Fob , 6.-Simecial ( Tolo- grnimm-Tho ) worst snow storm eltmco time Jamuary blizzard of 1888 has been rimglmmg since 3 o'clock this meriting. Time immercuiry is 5 below zero and the wlmuti is hulowing , ( rota time north with a velocity of fifty miles ier hmotmr , Time air is so filled with dust ammd snow timat nothing can be seen but a simort distance. I3usimiess imoumses imava lamps burn. lag. Old aettiers say it is time worst storm to be out in ever experienced imem'o , owing to time dust and cold , At 7 this evening there is little , it any , ahatenmemmt of time storm. Time wind has had a fifty to sixty tulle gait all day. Time air is filled with buummding clouds of duet , with lit- tie snow. Time temnimerature Ia now 12 below zero. YORK , Nob. , Feb. 6-Speciai ( Teegram.- ) A terrific storm has been raging at tithe place since 4 o'clock title mprning. Time air is filled whim duet amid snow ammd It is Impossible to see 200 yards aimead. 'Fimle is ( ha worst blIzzard that imas been Leon in tithe County for years , All traffic is auspemmdeul. The fire department was called out today to oxtlmiguislm a blaze 1mm ( ito Weit ward school iioute , Time buIlding sustained light danmmmge , hYANNIS , Neb , , Fob , 6-Special ( Tele- granm.--A ) blizzard line been raging In this section for time last twenty-four imoura , time wlmid nail snow commmimmg frommi ( ho imortim , Trains are delayed , Today wimile thmo blizzard Was raging tIme dweluirmg hmouso of Sidney Manning , occtmpied by Mr. Courtney , was consuumeti by fire. Loss , $509 ; no insurance , lUNCA N , Neb , , Ireb. 6.-Special-Timo ( ) worst storm of time season hmas been rugurmg imere all day , witim no proelmect of abating , S Timere is no snow falhlmmg , but timere was about two inches aim time ground when time etormmm Caine up , anti title , mixed witim time sand off the imili imnmnediately north of town , hiatt blown into the houses , There will he great stmfferlmmg of stock and veopie If tlmi commtinues thirty-six imours. Tlm telegraph oflico was closet ) hero yea- tertlay and time town is absolutely cut oft from au contmmmummicatioim wltim limo outside world , Time frelgimt and ticket offices will ho kept open a wimlie yet , SIDNEY , Neil. , Feb , 6.-Special ( Telegrammm , ) ( Continued on Secoad Page. ) ' I SPEAIER ( RIChARDS AS A CZk1R Ito Makes a Remarkable Ruling in Behalf of' the University Lsvy Bill , REFUSED To ANNOUNCE TIlE VOTE TAKEN , ' lull S'as Lost limit time Speaker ( hue Itq Fricmitiq ii Cimmuitcu , to % 'ork Aumethier Opportumimity for ita l'aRaho iii ( ho iumtmure , LINCOLN , Fob , C-Speeial ( Telegrammu- ) Time unIversity bill got a black eye 1mm time imouse today , There was a big flgimt cmi for an imoumr preceding ntiJournnmeimt , mmmd wimemu ( lint came there ft tliffercnce of limit , one vote between contoumdirmg 'forces. Time bili faIled to carry , forty-eglut ; only boimmg foummmi cour- migeomis enoumgit to show thmomnsehi'es iii favor of an additicmmal half-null levy omm time state , while foriy-sovemm nrotestcd ngninst ( Ito in- fllction of time tax. Time constittmtIoimal mmmc- jority requmlred to imass time bill is 5i , It Is said thmmit Spmickmmmmun amid higgins , absent today , will vote for it. Thmimi , however , wilt macho butt 60 , anti time oppommemmts of ( lie mimeas- ure claim that this Is time whole stremmgtlm of the university mucimenmers. It is also said timat. Whmemi semite of time ardemmt chunnmplomms of time blil hmoumr frommm their comtstittmentg timere will be less votes in the future ( Imaim there were today. 'rho collision of time two forces so evenly balammced ivas a stmrprise to mmmcii ) ' , Ihills on timird romuduimg were beIng croommeil by time clerk , and time house , as a whole , felt sleepy , Then Suter aroao , ymuvimeml , amid mmmoved to ad- joumrmm. There u'as a growl of disscimt from time Lancaster delegation , amid everybody woke imp. Time true aigmmiflcanc of Lancaster's chico- tiomi dmtvned upon time niemumbers before Sumter's imiotiomi i'as imut , There 'as ftmim aimeati , anti titti house Voted t0 stay Inside by a large immajority. Timen the mystery was solved by' time call of time sliclcer for bills on third reading , aimd time cleric ammnoummceii imoume roll No. 92 , time ummmiversity bill , whmlclm haul been rccommmmieniicci for passage. Time light was on. RIChARDS' ilEMAltK4iiLE RULING , "S Iiarrisomm demmmanded a call of the hmouso anti time iloors were closed , There were five absentees , anti time spealcer excused three or tlmemmm , Timeim time bill was read mind time iItmestion Imlainly stated , simall time bill now pass ? And thea occurred one cit time mtmost partisan rtmlimmgs wimiclm time legimmlatmmra o Nebraska has ever witnessed , The bill putt upon its passage , mumti forty-eight voted for It. mind forty-seven against , Uumt time shocker did not announce time vote. lie was abouut to do so , wimemm mm clerk leammed back and renmlmmdeti him that If lme diii so It would show timat it had failed on its laesage and could not be again brought up. I'bicketts demanded tIme ammmmoummmcmmmment of time vote , and time speaker told hint that the chmief cleric imad a record of It 1mm his minutes and wouid be pleased to show it to iilmn per- , sonaily. . McNitt moved to recommit time bill for anmenfimnent. Riclcetts still called for time anmmounccment of the vote , anti ito Was still ignored by the speaker , Cimapnman nmoved , to lay McNitt'a motion on , the table , , , ' 'Tile izd1tW Fulett"tha'thls 'wouutl' carry witim it time bill , When time vote to table was beimmg taken i was seen that there was a diversity of opin'- ion In tIme Lancaster delegatlomm , , end among time friends of time bill. They tiitl not know wimere they were at , Butt it goon transpired ( lint some of timeni had a aelmemo. According to Roberts' "rules of order , " a. majority vote can take a motion or a nucasuro from time table , Time dIsposal of it was to b only temporary. Time yeas anti nays wera caileit for , and again Iticketta demmmantied the announcement - nouncement of time vote taken on tima bill. Again the elmeaker ruled him out ot order , The result. of the vote to table wat 49 to 31 , and that is where tIme university bill remains tonight , with defeat starmag it In the face. Tue vote on the bill was naver otflclaliy announced , for Munger's motion to take the bill fromn time table was cut off by a mnotiomi to adjourn. Time life of time measure was saved by the speaker's refusal to ajinounca ' time' failure of the' bill to pass' , ' There are members in the imojse , good lawyers too , who believe time bIll to imave been conftituttoimahly lost.anyway. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CIhItNULi IN TliiO COSTtTUTlON , ttourleoum Amonulmuotits Wilt Be Roportott Its time 1.egislatumre TotlaiV , LINCOLN , Fob , 6.-Special ( Telegrammi- ) Time senate committee on commetitutional amendments decided timla afternoon to intro- thee in the senate tomorrow mnornimmg fourteen - teen amendments 'to tIme commstitutlcmm. The sonic ainendments.wili , be submnitted im the imouse , They have been prepared by Senator Watson of the senate committee cmi consti- ' tutlommal aitmemmdmeimts and itepresemmtativb Iavies , chairman of tIme same comimmittee lot the bmouse , mind both getmtlemmiomm lmavii availed themselves of time assistance anti counsels of Clmlef Justice Norval and Justices Post and harrison , of tIme stab supreme court. A great deal of care imas been exercsed in time preparation of these aumiendmommts , and it It ; believed by all time parties who lmavo been interested in puttIng timem In ehmimpe that they' ivill give the imeoplo of time state amm oppor- tummity of revising time corustitutioum witimout resorting to time extraordinary expense of mm. constitutional convention , Time fourteen amendments mnay ho summimnarizeil aim foliowa : 1 , Time rlpht of trial by jury shall remaima immvlolmotc' , but lit civil ltctionti tw-tlmlrds of' time jury may rentlem : time verdict , amid time legimilutuiru may amitimorizo trial by jury of less titan twelve inca ut courts immt'eriur t the district court , 2. ProvIdes for a railroad commissiomm to bc elected by a vote of tIme imeopl , a , Provides Clint time salaries of all execu- live olllcers mihmull be llxel , by time legislature irmstead of by time conmmtltutlomm , 4 , l'rnviiies timat time legislature mnay by a. two-tumirdmi omajority of all mimetniiermm elected to eacim imouse designate additional executiye ollicers. 6 , Gives time legislature imower to provldo for appellate courts inferior to time stmlmremo court , 6. Provlmles timmit tIme suutrerne court shall consist of live Judges , but gives tim hi'glsla- .j ture newer to increase time nummaijem' under certimili conditions. 7. GIves the legislature power to lmmcreaso time nmmmnimer of jtmilgi's or time sumiurenmo court ' at any time after 1897 , providIng ( limit two. timirmis of mmli time niemnlers elected to each house concur , 8. l'rovithm's that time salaries itt lime imutigets of tIme supreme court simaul ho lixed by time legislature. S S 9. Itegulates time right of eufrimrc' by prom viuiing timmit in order to vote Jim Nebruska a man mmmtmst ho a citizen of tim lrmiimt"ml Iitatem , ' ( or at least miinety days before election ammtl mnumst lmnm'e bec'tm a resItlent of I im , , stilte at least omme your , of time county at least , minety days anti of time voting nu-ecitmet timilty 'lays , , ' mmfltl itt mitidition Inuist bt uhuie lo rm'mii his , imuilot in 1ngiielm , Exceptiojmmi mmre auntie 1mm favor of a pmmumm phtysic'auiy ulmmmuhihm , to render or wimo . is already a vitet , or ivimo hi over c4 ytsmmm.s of age , 10. l'rovifits for the Investment et titti per- mmmnent school fund amid gives thin Board of iiiiuoationnl I.anmis anti Vtntls , authority to sell nimy securities immiiti as aim Investment for time permnunont school fund wimen oppor. tummit ) ' vresents hiselt t'r ' reini'etment Un- tier more fa'orsI > be clrcmimnstmmnves. II , Provides hut tie city , couni i' town , preclmmr't or oilier smilshivision of time state shall ever malc doimntlomms 'to nns' works ot immternnl improvemmmemm % or flmmmmmtlrmietimry Un. less mu proposition to do so eimmmli r 'celve a , tim'o-timimdH nmajority. 12. i'rom'itles timt Proposed amnem tiemitn , to time' state constltmmtlon simaul imot it . mi'ioimtech ' unless m'anetioncd imy tw'o-tlmlr'ls ' of the dcc- tore volume upomm lImO imropositiomt , 13. Provliemt , ( limit mules pr tIme mur'trtpoiitar cities may have timeir goyc'rmilnelml Imuergeil um'itim the gnvernlmment of lme counit' tt wlmicis time ) ' are iocat.ii wia'm ) time ileppii' of sucit city amid eclulni ) ' agree o time emipie Lu' n ( woe thirds majority. ii. All voting milmali 14 : b ballot n b