-w ; ; . . . 'r'r - ; ' I" , . " " ' - ' ' ' , - ' ' 1) if , /1 a vI11t(1 OA DAIY DEE : 'VIDDNESDAY , FE RlARY G. 189t. - # COMMERCiAL AND FINANCIAL . - , . I , 4 Wbcftt Turned Viclcusly on the Der and Short Seler CORN MARKET STARTED OUT EASY ' I noun . 'OIIn ' tn Dovrlop 8trcnlth ROl In the Enil LeI the AIVRICO ! In tile urnln flnrketi. - ChICAGO , Feb. G.-Whent hlrnel vldowly on the ben nnll Mhort Melers , tony gaining 10 for Mn ) ' . The strength , " Cmc from better cnhlel nnl reported buy- Ing by foreigners at the * eabonrd. May p corn closed % c hIgher May oats % c higher , ant provisions at nllvnncel I May whcat which closctl yeMterlny with , Feler ! nt 52c , wns wanted nt the opening t this morning nt from rc to r ! I rose to 5c ; to & 3c . but CoUld get no hhher for nn hour. IH'tcr. rfer selling down - , again to 64c. ! It utvnncell to Cram 6'c ; . to 13&c . and after another aUght reaction It rose to & 3c . and was bringing the latter - . ter price ohout 1o. : : At Chicago there were 2 cars against 131 n year ago and Minne- apolI9 anti Duluth als nnt together reported 105 cars . compared with 33 cnrd last Ienr. The total amount recel\'cd nt primary markets was IG3.0 bu. . compare,1 wlt ) } 179,00 bu. on Tuesday n week ngo , and with 40.0 bu. on the corresponding , day Inst yenr. A most significant feature of the receipts , at winter wheat points WaS that not n bushel wns received nl St. Loils. and ship- , . ments from there were 9 , O bu. The cx- . port clenrnncea from Atlantic ports corn- o Fused ( .O hu. of wheat and the equiva- lent of lr.O bu. In the shnJe ont flour. The statistical flgures of tll domestc move- ment were favorable to holders. The tor- , elgn ol'ler to buy were however , the most potent agents of the strength dh'plnyed. E New York reported acceptances of cable I . orem made yesterday and fresh bids nt lc j. per bu . advance o\r the limits set on Sat- : urdny IMt. Firm. with upward tendency was the genera' tenor of Idvlcel from liv- . erllool. Paris quotetl a. moderate advance I moternte . 3 : ; . In remote futures of flour. with wheat unchanged - changed while Berln quoted ! . mark gain I In Jun whent. and no change hi nearby . . futureR. The buying here was fair and / . ' May closed at r'I .c. , The corn market Harted without any I bins In elhH direction. I soon . however t began to develop conlleInhJle strength anti ' In tn erd. led the advance In the graIn r : markets. HlCCl'ts ! show 11 tendency ! run i . light . with Inl Icaton' of anxiety among the shorts on that account. The cash de. - f. , . mnn,1 was Keel , both by local consumers t wnrehouserncn and sh I . . . I. wnrhousemcn shippers. Hecelpts - today were 09 cars , and tomorrow'K esti. . ( mates are only IGO. Primary market ell- t ceillts ntoelher were ' only 22.0 bu . eom- pael with 7Gi.O' bu. on the corresponditig : t day of the vear before. May corresJondlng opening nt 4e. spartagly , but more freely ; v ' ' . l 43e. I worked steadily upward to 44. and closed there. Oats participated In the general ftrmneie ! frmnes ' and fluctuations wer prlnclpaiiy inhluenc I S by the higher prices II the other markets , p ; A fair bn'Inss wa.s trrsaded. Thre were not many mJre oats otered In the cash mar , y leet than could be caIIy consumel an ! elly ad t with strength the principal feature here It extended quickly to the speculative crowd sJeculatve V The stocks of contract grain In Chicago - elevators showed a decrease of 03ttO bu , since lost week and this was credited with i - assisting the advance. May sold Crom , . ' 2S1c to 2e and closed nt 2c to 29c. ; i The provision. market was flrm but ( lull . The receipts of only 19.0 frm . Intend of ; ' . 26,000 head , as estimated . gave the mnrlcet n lIft at the 1f opening and the bullislme a of the grain market kept It bulshne3 , - Arln advancing In a quiet but determined way during the remainder - mainder of the session. Jay pork which ' closell yesterday . at $9.90. began at $ .95 this , . morning . and ehdel at $10. Lard and ribs ( closed wih Gc gain each. e. Estimated receipts tomorrow : Wheat % 21 cars ; corn 10 cars ; oats , 10 cars ; hogs 3 , O hend. t t The leading futures ranged as follows : Artlcle. Opeti - I - - ; . I - Low. I - Clo W"tul.No.2 Feb . . . . 10 6O " . . . . . . . " /0" 10 JOt May. . 3@o3 @ ' l3 I l3H@'t O36J ' 4 July. . . . . . 6au. 14H 53H 13' M i Com No.2. i4 I , .eh. . . . . . . . .l 414 . .0 41 4 . . . 44 Mny. - 42U@ . . H - - - - . 4 " 43J GU4 . . . . . ' : : 4344 L . July. . . , , . 43 - 44 . . 4a 433 1' ; : Oal8 No. 2. ( 3JI j ; ; Fob. . . . . I 20H ( 17 ' 20 27 1 . Mny. . . " . 28 28U'2" . 2SH 28U0 I . Juno. . . . . 21 :8" 28 283 " Pork per bbl : Mny. . . . 0 D6 100 : I 01 1000 : Lard.l00 . . 4 , . Short May. . Ribs- . . . . . . . a 57.4 001 0 67 0 02U ? . Rb8- . . - May. . . . 620 I 21 6 17U I :2 ' . . FLOUH-Ensy. Cnsh quotntlonli were I tolows : WIIFAT-No. 2 FI1rlng , L3IHn.c . : No. 3 ' ipring . nomrnl : No. 2 red &OVtIj8lo. COitI-No. 2. 41 e : Nt 3 ) 'elow. 35f1O'.6c. ' ' . . OATS-No. 2. ZG 8e : No. 2 white , 3il @ i . . . 31e : No. 3 whIte . 3l3lc. whie ItYI-No. 2. 10e. 31(311.c. . - G : ] JARLnY-No. . . 2. tOe : No.3. ! c ; No.4. l3 % 0 , FLAX SEED-No.1. t.42. ' TIMOTIY SlmDlrlme. $ I.7O1575. $1.70U:71. 1 . , PIOVISIONSMe.s pork per bbl. . ' 9.75@ D.8 ! . Laul per 101 ( lb. . $ . . . Short rib S. shIes. loose. 8LOJ3.1O. $6.WfG.021 NI 8houhl.r. . 3 ? ? boud ( t5.40. , $5.62\H15.71 \ ; short clear aides boxed $ ; .30 . $1.22. \V1IISKY-Iltilier' finished < goods per gal . The foflowin were the folowlnl receipts and shlpmenls . tMny : Articles. Receipts. _ 3hlpnlcnt . ' . . .I . - ; . . . bu. ; . . . . = ' . . . . . . . . . . 10.000 U'OOJ , . i , COI , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13t.000 53:00 : . . ' , ; Oat8. . bu. . . . . . . . . . . . I lUO.OOU 114,1)0 : Ryebu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 15,0001 11.tIJ ) . i3arley.bn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : y. bl. . . . . . . . . 40.UOO 10.0JJ : Otitito Pr01uo ICIflgfltoayt1tabatter : ; mnr- ket tl : . ' was Ileady ; crca.ner ' . 120o cron.le ; dairr . 0 - U Oc. ! : : dar 1g8. lnn ; l @ :4e. , , . 'I . NISV 'UIUC OJNEUAL 1IAIUtET. ' ' ' Clofing . Qlotulull ) On the PrincIpal . Con . i- , _ , t 4' . . modi tel and St51)lcI. . nlIwr .oflic . . . Feb. - YOIFeb. 5.-FLOUH-Hecelpts. i8.t 100 y bblt : e"porls , 1.0 bbls. : sales , 15,300 Ilkg. 16.40 . : . frm and hllher In Imo cases with god dcnar. ; ' . . * at ohl \ lcefo best spring and winter ; dc.m. no ex. port demnn.1 yet. Southern flour , dull . llce 4 nour , sten.ly : sales . (0 bbi , . : fancy . < 11. $2.2Q33.oo. Ie luekwhlnt flour. slend ) ' : U.8at.o. $2.301 .0. , . JUCKWIMT-lul al 45c. . COlN MIMI.nul ; yellow western. : $ .0861.10 ; Drandywine $ .9. $ . r HYI'Slealy , ; car Iota. 5:0 : ; boat ioad s ; f5tOc. . < L5Gro. ' . JAlt.NY-ulet : Miiwaukee . 6i(6e - - . - Miwaukee. : : tWQ' rowed state . GJCir. 60(611. ( iMltUI\ ' M\I.T-Slead . - IJILl ) : western , 7Ot1Tc ; six- . . iOf1e : , rwell. { e. , \'IillAT-Iteeeipts . r4.G80 bu. 111.-1'.11111. 5t0 : exports . 7MOO bu. ; sleh 1.601 bu. futures Inll 1,000 bu Bpot. Spot nI.kel. frmer ; No. 2 ret ) , In 4.0 anti 0101. . " . S' valor , * 1n : shoot. 580 : t. o. h. . stor ' c ; No. I . northern . G1 c , del\er < ; No. I hlrd. Gle. dcliv. ered. del\- : Optbn were ' . generaiiy ilrnt ' Opl all Ila , L I'crly Irm tiny r'tt , . Inl UI with n decldr aI\lnee. dUt to a close . , o\.erIIK. higher laIc cables. big export shipments ' frm the Pacific const unit . . 1'8cllo In.1 good seaboard eh'ur- Inga 1"lrln , : WIS on het.r cables and receipts ' In ' the nQI'lhwest and closed at 4o net advance i No. 2 red 'ebrunr ) ' . closed flc : 1arcii. Ilh'nuce 8T3IiS : , closed L80 ; Ma ) ( .S'.t(8Sc. ! eloped i83c June , 1 elOe . < c o ; JUly. 6&(69 3-16c. closed l9\Ci ! ; Au. : gust elo"11 6 \ $ c. . CO1iN-Iicelpts. 41.800 bu. . . CHN-leeelpIs. 41.0 ; exports GIG00 bu. : I ales. 645.0 bu futu.e and 20 000 hu. 8pol. Spot 00 , flrncr No.2. nc . Irmef ; ; stelnl-r mlx.d. 461.0 In " 11. , valor. Options Opened frm.r and nd\'llc'd later on light "e < lptl. reacted under realizing. but had < renlzlli. blt a Inol , spur and close Iialrnl ul % tilflc net IPI anln ; 1.brul1' . closed 47c ; May tH'c . cofl 4c 4tJ11c . ' ' closed 47tol ; July nfil e , : ) \ 4 41Wm ! ; e. rs ' flAT3-1teccipts. 24.2i bu. : exportti . 4Q0 bu. ; .nle8. ICo. ( bu. futures ant 6O0Q bu. spot. Spot , ( I"nt frm ; No. 2 3f3Me 70.0 ; . 2. delivered , 81i31c : No 3. 32Yo ; No : wItite . % 111 : truck whie. white VCte1l $ . 26(1QYc ; truck , white Elale. 36t1 , - .O % . OtIOflI 404c - c. Opton. ) genciully tInner With corn . anti , genclly Irmer < 1010 alUHia advance ; Vebrunry . COI. 22o t ' March , 3.c. ! clostd _ 1"elrnry. co. < a 01 ; In"h . clOO 32TOI ; : ) . 32 (321' . closed , , . I A \ -uiet ; Ihlpplhg , 55jt6c \ ' : god choice 585. IIOl'H-gulet : .Iale eommon to 10IS-Qul.t choice olil . , 8(1c : new 1'enIYI\nn\a. \ lie : 1'.cltlc tholce coasi . old , . I 8t10 \ : new $ tfllc. clo cosl. < hilDiS-Flrm ; wet salted . N. O. \DI we al'N. selected , 45 to , 1 lbs. . 4 (5 ; Ii. A. dry. :0 10 Eelecto . . 10 ; ' Texas dry. U 10 30 lb. , . 7(7c. 767\ LEATlEI-lendj hemlock sole , D. A. , light 4 to heavy vcIghti . i4ikti7e. Ighl . ! WOl.Qulel UZe. ; domestic fleece . 1602Sc ; pulled , I'HOVIOIONS-fleet. Itlfldy . Cut meats , steady 1'10\ISIONBDcf. stellly. : pickled shoulders 44v. Lard Ct . meat. : western 4\1. teem closed Ut $ &G0 . ' Ifn.r . . Item colelt $6.6 : l"ebruar' clO ' 6S0 , nom. mel : March , ' 0.9 . . < , J .tead ) ' . : nominal ; refined . firm. l'ork , IU'I'Ttm-Qulc1 western dairy . 302115e ; weit. em creumei- ' . 1024c ; W.sler < ) IG15 G1l4c : EIa1n. ! Oj Imitation creamery. iO1c ; 661e creamfr. Ilale - , . dairy IQtl' Illle creamery . IG18c ' cll I : - ) 5tute. large llo sniall . StJIUII Itall. al ; ; ' \Uil c ; Eat 5lml. 3(9c ; tuli ! Slt . . Inlal. 1UUS-t'lrtner ; state and 1'ennsiyania ! UOKl'lnner 1\ . 800 : Ice houlo . tock . 180c 1l'ennyl.nnln. ; , pkgs. ; , . western frt'ttli. : ; Ilhlr. :80:8Iio 29H l'kg. TALIAII\\-Iult and weak. TAI.I.W-\ul IId ' 1'iTltOIF.U84-omina ) ; United closed . . l'IIO.EU I-Noml/l at $ l.02 / Unl..l closd , aiskedVesttlnirton ; , In bbl. , 8.7o4i.1S ; VaMhtng ton In bulk $ . % reilned . New York $ & 80J1.I ; - . l'hladclphll IOSIN-Steady. and iiahtiintre . In bulk $30 U.60 , ' 1tl1tt'1INTlNFI-Frrn. ( 2'tcu20c. \ ' TtIU'IJTINtI"iem.Hi3. , , H1CE.tea : dO'Iellc. fall to extra . 4fJGe 4fGc : OiALSlS-Btrady ; Now Orleans open kettle . , , lO 10 chice Gc opn tolte. , .1 IAN . U.06 ( H-QUlet .75 : fancy .0un < . 12 OUf.6 ; 01ANl HQulet ; fancy 10UI < , ' 3.0an.1 ; otti e.l. oU e.ij8 : $ - 1'1 10Nnul ; teotchi . 'I i9,0QfJ0.O0 ; Amer . ! .O.O scan 10 o'J-lt.ro. , rir6. t'oll'1Itqutet $9.Sd. . - . brukerb' price . 19 . nchanle , ) &it'iILr1lt-Dall1 & : dimestc , ; 3j0. Slea M tel' hange . IS tons tin . this week . $13.lOi ! 3 tms J'erunf. $13.0 : 2 tons , SOlo double . tine 81 2.110. 81pr ltv nQulel : brWeTa' prIce . ' $3.02t4 ! ; exhMgo pr ice. 13.l0i)3.12'4. ) Ircr. Irlc. pI ' TIN-ullt , . and oem ; straIts , . $ S. nminA I ; p'ri ) T1ONSl1D ml.DIII : prime crude . 21,4 ! U :2c. : _ _ _ _ _ 01111 ; GENERA ) , MAItt(1T. ; CO lUon of Trtlo Rn.1 Qtmotstloni on flRplo and Fancy I'rotlncl. ntrrTEIt-Cullrd stok 80 ; common to fair 10alc : fair to good country. 16121io : choice 10 fc ancy . 1016 ; gathered creamery. lIe ; sr artor c reamery . 0(210 IIIIUR-itrictty * fresh laid , IlIZIOC. ImORSlrlct ) trNh 1/1 < 160c. Ll\'JJ l'OI.TI\-elkkcnl. 6'Sc ! ; ducks . G : urkeys Ga6\c ! ; heavy tom _ . So ; geese 60. tc 1)ntultn i'Otll.'I'It'f-Chlckens , fair 6(6\ie \ ; choice large , fi67c ! ; choice small . 7So : lurkeys. air to led , Sf5 e : choice hen v ) 8 (9c : choice a nall . 9 fI0 ; ducks . fair 10 good . 7tlic : fancy ful dressed , 9(21Cc : geese. fair to good . 11 l4tJ8c ; 9(10 lee8e goo. fnncy , tul .Ireet. DtJlOe. OAMIluc wing teal per do7. $ U m.1 : S teen wing teal . per deL Ier $ .2I.W ; luckH. mixed I'er .101. $ .ofU.2 : cAnvnsbncks , $4.O02 5.0 sr : mnlnnls ! and red liead' $ .Ott2.Z : HmAI rhbll. 16U.0 ; jack rabbits . $ i.2.tIl.0 ; squir- re { , ' , COt' . VIIAIr-Cholce j fat . 10 to 10 Iba. . are quoted nt 6(6 ; large an , ) CO" ' 804c. < Cltgtfil-\Visconsln full er."m. Young A. 10 : twins 1\i" \ : Nebraska nnt , Iowa full c ream ' lie : Nebr"kl And IOWA , part " "klm . 70 80 : Limburger . No.1 , llc : Iart No. I , lc ; Swi Imburger. , 1 160. 1A " } -lpIR'11 hay $ .0 ; .mlllnnl , 'S.W : low- Io I nn , ! . ti : r ) ' " straw , $6. Color Inku Ihe price on hay Light "hnues sell the best. Only ) lop Bel ) gmll.o bring top irice. PIOIONS-Ol4 birds . per doz. . 76c6181.00. V 1:0 I" A n I , 1.S. : IOTATOES-Wester stock car lots , f6c ; : Imnl lots 7O OI.D 1tlANl3-.l1an.j.plcked , navy . $ l.9C(2.O0 : Lima hennl. per IRn . < .p1ke . < ) $ .9(2.0 ONINHOn orders . DcIU.O ; per bbl. . $2.i6. CAltlIAOl-On , . IIA : orlenq . 2c. CfltJfltY.-Per ( orlr. . . . SWm I'O'rATOES-aood stock $ .00 ; 3ano ea , ! . I2.2. < $ ImTRler bhl. . U.Wal.1i. I . CAItItOTS-I'er bbl. . $ , $2 CAUItF'LO'Fifl-l'er crate of a dos and halt 10 two doz. , $ 2.2. Ilal 10lSIHADIRIllr lb. . CuTe. IA RRNIPRler bbl. . * 2. 6(70 itt3TAflAflAH..pr $ HUTAnAOARlrr lb. . 14c . PA RSt.lY-per .Ioz. bunchc . 3Sc TI/INIIR-Ier Ihl. , . urn. SPINACh-Per bbl. . $2G . . FRUITS I'l-Ann-winter : Nelil . none . Nel. Iont. APll.I'A-OenloI9. $ 3.218J3.8O : tholce eastern $3.3.t coice : trtelc . $4.OO(4.25. OHAlgS-Concord. none : 2tnlsgas. per 65 to 68.lb. bids . gross . $ lO.COI0..O. 1lnlagn. 6 CJANUmHmS-erse's. . fnncy. ' 1.0011.5 TROPICAL FRtIIT $ . OnANOER-I'IOrhlas. per bOX * .74.oCt. : : \orln navels . $ .r ) : .eedlnss. , & . $ n.NANAS-Cholce stock $2,008J2.tO per bunch MONS-New MessinA' , sizes ( 30 10 Z60 53.50 14.0. I'IN lAI'P5IiS-Per dox . . U.tO@40. MISCELLANEOUS. OYSTFnS-Medulm. per can . 160 : horseshoes Oo ; extra standards lie : extra select5 lIe : com- 1':1) ' selects 26c : New York counts , zO : bulks standard . per gal. , $1.25. NI.W ; l'ISxlrl fancy ICe : fnncy. Hc : choice . 1013c ; CalIfornia . bags . 7c. HONBY-New York lie : dark H@15e' Call- rorimia Ito : strained . 4 10 10lb. cans Per lb. . Cal- lO. MAPLE SYltU1'-lalion jugs . per doz. . ' 1 ; Ibb ) 5 gal. e ans . $3. ) NUTS-Almonds . lIe English walnuts . NUTSAlmonds. 16 ; Enjlsh walnlts. soft- shelled . 1c : standards . lO : filberts . 8q9c ; Brazil nul. 8c. SAUEl ICRAUT-Cliolee whIte . per bbl. . $ tw@ 5.0 : per half hbl. . $2,5O2.7G. ) 1INCE IIAT-l"nne . In half bbls. . per lb. . 5c : la-gal kegs , 6c ; condensed , per case of 3 doz. pkr9. . 82.60. cnsf CIDEH-Iure juice . per. bbl. . 85 : hal blil . $3. SlIDES AND TALI.OW. IIDESNo 1 green hides 34ti4c : No. 2 grace I hIdeS 4e : No. 1 green snlp hIdes . . 5e : gen . , ! green salted hides 44c : No. I green salted hIdes . 2 10 40 Ibs. . 6 ; No. : green salte-4 hides < to t 10 lbs. . 4'c' : No. I veal Geel . 8 onll lb. . 8c : 2 . 2 veal calf . 8 to 16 lb. . 6c : No. 1 dry flInt hides . , 6c ; No. 2 dry 1nt hides . Gc : No. I dry salte I ' hides 5c : par' cured bIdes % c per lb. less than rutty cured. , Ier AlEEI PILTS-Green salted . each 2IfCOC ; green salted shearlngs ( short woled early 2(60 ) each 6015c ; dry sh.nrlnss ( shOrt wooleJ early : skins ) . No. I. .aeh. StJIOcdry : ehearliogs ( shorl woled ' early skin" ) . No. = . < r Bhenrlnls . 6 ; din Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool dr . fnl wol per lb. . actual weight tuBe ; dry flint Kansas and Nebraska murrin wool pelts per lb. , aclual weight Hi6 dy dint II < : 111 Colorado butcher wool pela. per tb. . actual weight 46tfc : dry din Colordo murrain wool pelts . per lb. dr . fnt a-eight. 4fl6e . ) actlal TALLOW AND OI ASE-Talow. No. I,3c : tallow No.2. 3c : grease WhIte A. 3JHiHc : : grease. whIte 1. Ic : grease y'low. 3e ; grease dnrk. Zu3c : old butcher 2'2c ; beeswax , prlttie , 176c ; rough tallow . 2e. ) FURS. l'UlSneAr. black. No. 1 large. ' . . No. 1 medium. $15 : No. 1 small . $ @ % .062.0 ; . : black yearlings . No. 1 large $800@10.0 : No. 1 tnediun $0 : No. 1 small. Sir bear . black cub , I. No. 1 large. ' 6.0@80 ; No. 1 medium , ' I.OOC.OU : No. I small . $ ; bear , black 1Ionlnnl and Rock : I' mountaIn No. 1 large ' 18.0@220 ; No. 1 medium I , 11 ; No. i small . $101 ; bear , black Montana year hogs. No. 1 large . $2 : No. 1 medIum $8 ; No. 1 small . $ : bear blAck. Montana cubs No. 1 large. $6.6 : No. 1 medIum ! . It : No. 1 small . $ : bear . silver tip . No. 1 lge ; , $20' amal. medIum $12 : No. 1 small . $8 : - bear , silver tIp . yearlings . No. 1 large 'U : No. t medium , tp. No. I small . $5 ; bear Ilmve& . tip . Cubs ' . "i' large. $6 : No. 1 medium $ .5 : No. 1 small . 13 : bear. brown . No. 1 large ' . @ . smal. . 1 medium. 536No. ; . 1 small . $12 : bear brown . year . $6 $2 ting. . No. I large , $0.0(12.00 : No. , brwn. ffledlun $0 : No. 1 small . $6 : Denr. brown. rubs. No. 1 luree . ; $7 ; No. 1 medium. $5 : No. 1 small. $3 ; badger : No 1 large , $ .0@I.5 : No 1 medIum bndler ; : 1 small , Wc ; usher . No. 1 large $8 : No.1 medium I , $6 : No. 1 small . $ : tox. silver , as co color ac : coring 10 beaUtY No. 1 large $180 < : No. 1 medium . $60 ; No. 1 small , I& : fox . 110 . palt according 10 beauty No. . accoring 1 large $50 : No. I medium. $30 : No. 1 small . ' 2 : cox. cross No. 1 large . $7 : No. 1 medIum $3 : No 1 small . U ; 8. ; Cox red No. 1 large , 31.50 : Nc. 1 medIum U.N No.1 small . $ : fox gray . No.1 large lIe : $ ) . : t mellum. We ; No. 1 small . 40c : fox . kit . No. 1 large SOc : No. 1 medium 40 No 1 smtll . lOt ,1 , : lynx. No. 1 large. $ ; No. 1 medium amnI. : 30 . small . 53.50 : marten ; No. 1 large. $2 : No. 1 medium U.t : No. 1 small . $1 : mink No. 1 iarge tousle : No. 1 medium. 4011 No. 1 intat . ' lIe : mink darl' No 1 large 6c : -0. 1 inediun 40c : No. 1 small. 30c : mou3taln lion. perfect ties 1 and feet No. 1 latge .0062.0 : Imperfect skini < . ZSRIOo : Otter . No. 1 large $8 : No. 1 mediuri IG.0@7.o ; No. 1 small . $5. otter . pale . No. I large . $ : No. 1 medium. $5 : No. 1 small . S I. ; raccoon. No. 1 large ( @iOc' ; No. 1 medIum & $ : No. 1 small . 35c : raccoon . black . AB 10 t : . No. 1 large ( @ $ .0 ; slunk. black cased . nnlTOW striped No. 1 large SOc ; No. 1 medium < 40c : N 0. t small , 250 : Bkunlc. brad strIped No. 1 larg e , 626c ; wolverine No. 1 large $ ; No. 1 larle . 1 ; No.1 small . $2 : wolf mounln \ . No. 1 larg $ : No. 1 metliuni . $2 : No 1 small . 11.50 : wol f . praIrie , No. 1 large. Gluloc ; No. 1 medium 600 : (001 ' No. 1 small . 40c ; beaver , per skin No. 1 Infe , ' 5.0(6.0 : No. 1 medium , ( ; No. 1 somali. I 2 : beaver kits 1 . No. I large $2 ; No. 1 medIum $ . 1 : : 1 L5 No. 1 small . ISo' musltrntp . wInter No. 1 Inrge , 8f10c : No.1 mt'tium . 9c : No. 1 small . 70 ; musi riiis . fall . No. 1 large Hi6c ; No. 1 medium 70 ; No.1 small. 60 ; muskrat kits . 2u3c. Cotro 3larket . NEW YOm\ Feh. 5.-COFFl-Optlons open NI - dull at unchRII < Illec I 6 points tulvanc e . ruled generally inactIve and . featureless : . son lie local . "llngs : closed dull at unchanged 10 6 i ; cost ul unchan&ed points net advance : sales. 5.2. bags Ineildlnl & : . March . $1.45 : May . Sl4.O ; Sepl.mher. $ H. ' t @ H.2 : Octuber $11.10 ; November , 514.20514,25 : 1) e. eernber ' lllOiilt.30 : sl"t ( 'oree. H.20fl.2 ; N 'O . 7. UG.12\i \ : mild . dull : Cordova US.75,19.W : sal eS last evenIng 1.0 bags lIla No , . 7 und 8. spot al $6 : 1.01 hairs tantoa . Nos. I 10 8. $ IG.71. ex.shll' . : IIH ) ) hogs Cairo . . p. t. : receipts show a mod- erulo , run anti deliveries have a full average from tlay 10 ilay . but brie ( 10 . In absence of or.Ier and time New , York market has been in- IUe'rent and fenllreleaH ; current eUlmal"s pout now to 1 CC"utl of 3.2.OO bgl Saltos and 2.0.O9 bag , . lUo. 'Vlrllu.e deliveries from New York , G.6a7 bags : New YOlle Httk lodn ) ' , 219.S7 bags ; halted Slates stock . 2.19 hugs ; afloat for the Inl..l States. 24.0 ligs : total visible eUpllly for the UnIted States 4n,14 bags , agaInst t3.01 bags last ) 'en. HANTOS. 1.'eb. 5-Market frm : god average IlaIito . $15.40' rec.lpt. three da'p. 1.00 nvernaa hnls ; stoek . 23.0 iings ; cleared from nntos C".hruury 4. I.o ) bugs : VictorIa clearances t United . StatCs , , luring January , 10.0 bags. \\"ekly 1.I.ort : Market girt , , : good average for 10 kilos . Uf.5 ; receipts during week t.O "nl' : shIpments 10 United States 4.0 bag , : slocle. 2i3.o bags , ItAMIlUltO. Yet 5.-l.latket steady at / ! I'fg lower II Ii Ifl higher : sale. . 12.0 < bags. I 10 1)15 JANtlltO. 1 .h. 5.-Murkel dma ; No 7 , $5.60 ; ; exchange 101.16 : receipts Irl .dos. iOi ( ) bags : cleared tor thin United States 4.70) Inl.1 . bag , stock . 1STU'Y ' bags . \ 4.70 hlls : Ilok. 187,0 bagsVeekly report : Mar- k.t Irl : exehlnge , standard $5.6 ) : ext'lange , 101.I : receipts during the week : .0 bugs ; shipments to the United State . . 6 , ( ) bags ; stock 181.0 bags. . St. 1.011e Urler l Iprkel. ST. 1A3U114. Fob. 8.-PI.OIH-ulet. ( Inn. % ' A'r-Ad\"nc.t % c early - fnn. a cc. lapse of . % 6\e. . .llnel I O mare closing % fH.o . ' above ycstetila' . PrincipallY Inlu.nee by corn : No. 3 nd cuelt . SIc : February . Slc ; May ) . eor ! O 620 ; Jul ) 42uJ42e . ( - " ' 42(12"1. , - po light reeeiptl nnil driti cables . gaining H.c and closing fIrm : No. 2 mixed ch und February 390 : May 41'4c : July. 420. OATS-FInn . ' 4o llhter , No.2 ' OATK'irm. hilher ; cash ead 'eb- rur ) 5O'4c ; May 29T c. < n\ No. : offered at L6c. . . < liAlil.NY-Quiet IAI.Y-ul.l. ) . UHAN-l.'lrm. unchanged . FLAX 8 : I ) unchange. . . . . CL\I H smm ANt ) TIMOThY SEED-Un. Y-Qutet. without quotable change li 'TI ' : 11-1 InehRlg . l OOSJgher. % 10 < LlAl-.t5. AD-IU5 H' : ITI I-a. 92\ . COHN hIMI.U.90I.h. . ' . . ( V.'ltlUKY-Sl.hi. . COTTON Ti l---d5. : lAOOINO-c. ; - ( I'OHK-Slandnnl ticss Jobbing . $10 $ : Ian' orilne , Iteam. ' 130 : choice . * JoLblnl. ; rul lelts amt bC. unehan ed. 1tlvlxlrd : -Flour. : .0 bbus . ; wheat , none : corn. 25.0 Lu. ; oats . 32.000 bu. IIJ' I NTS-I"lour , 1.0 10.0 bhla. . wheat IIC. ) bu. i corn 7 , ( hu. ; oats . 2.0 .L I ( Cotton Starket. NEW Om , JAN8. Fcb. & -COTTON-Ea.y ; mld < lnl G. . low middiltig . 4 - c ; god ordlnurY 4 6-160 : aCt rt'celpts . 28.111 bales : tt-tioi . 13.431 . 1.81ale . . baits . ; sales . - O ) blesl stock . 361.m 1.0. 1343 F'uttires . st4ltdYj j sales. " .30 )11. . , Irebnla 15.01 IlIti ; Makch . U3aUI : April . $3.lI3.ll ; Muy $5.l847&2O'JUne ! . 'U t5.:6 : July. ' 5.ltt:3J .1:05.l : August , sr.s3ti8.Ii ; Iel'tem' ' 540 ) ; October . ' l.454.S.44 : 2tiVe3Ubr4 , . ) (965.6. NNW YOllI' l t.-COfN-UUI and easy ; ; : middling . ' % 0 ; net recl > tl. IUt bides ; gross , ' 12 13ltH : exports 10 the continent . a bnllHI fo"nl l. 0.050 tale's ; sales . 7 t.lel till Iln- nef : Clock . 161.10 bnl. Total tOI/ ) : Net r. cepl . 291 bales : exports 10 treat lIritRin . 7.12 blcl 10 the continent . 10,015 bales ; stock . D7A lAtk' . IIAVItII c. . ? -coFrgr---opened steady and nnchnnrI II 1 m. . steady and IlnchnnRl ; nt 3 p. m. . Irregular lr \ advanc0' cloH,1 Irglnr lt H 1.Inc 10 'M t decline . /nles. 1.0 bnga - - STOCI ! ( tNt ) UUNDS M JaJorlt of the Sliarrslcnlt In Yesterday Show DeclInes . NEW YORK Feb. G.-As n result of to- day's trading on the Stock exchange a mit- j Jorlt of the shares dealt In show declines rnnglng from 14 to 2' ' per cent , the heaviest lOSS being In Cordage gunrnnteed. There wns no special activity In the market at ony time . but the speculation became ut- t erly stngnnnt In the half hour immediately preceding and following delivery hour. In the early deaiIng London quite good denln/ was I 100 < b uyer . although cable allvlces reported the markct for American securities In Lontlon rnther unsettled . owing to I feeling Ln < . certnlnty as to the istIe I of the expected United States government lonn. At the opening there were fractional reo ce slonf In the general list anti with a very Cew exceptions . prices immediately moved ,10wnwnrd. St. Inul & Omaha broke I4 , ter cent and the depression continued In nnl Iepresslon contnuell Cul force for half an hour when un irnt Ilrovement set in . which was merely Crne. lonnl , except for nn advance of : per cent In I Alton & Terre Ilaute. The hhher figures were not maintained . and after 1 o'clock prices again took I downwnrd turn ' the do- clnlnl tendency continuing until about 1:45 : o 'ciock . when the market lapsed Into stag- n ancy . and durlnl thc hours following no changes of Importnnee were made and very lte l stock changed hands. During the InRt l Ireen minutes however speculation ussumetl n strong tone and I partial recov- ery took place In the general list while the Hlhher stocks ( outhed the highest figure toucell Igure of the ,1n ' . The principal losses on yesterday's cbs- 111 i sales are : Cordage guaranteed . 2'4. per cent : Cordage common and preferred . ; . per cent : Deleware Jnckawannn & 'Vest. ern preferred 1 Per cent : Chicago Gas New Jersey Central and Lend preferred % per cent : sugar . Western Union pnclic Mail . Central Pnclfc and Wheeling & Lake Eric 11referred. I. per cent ; St. 1 nul & Omaha I.uls\le & Nashville . % per cent and the gritligers . % to % per cent except nock Island which IR 'A per cent ant St. Pnul preferred which Is per cent higher on the day. Among the advances on 'esterllny's quota. tons arc : United States Rubber , 1 % per cent ; United States Rubber preferrell , 1' nor cent : St. Louis . Alton & Terre Haute . 2 per cent ant EtlRon Electric ot New York 1 per cent. Distilling stands un- Ih nget. The market close firm to strong Speculation In todaY'f bond market was quiet and In the main firm. The speculatIve Issues were for the most part a shade higher. The aggregnte Rules were $73.6. The Evening Post's London cablegram sn's : The markets were quiet and steady tea ) ' . AmerlcanR opened firm. but gave way on the belief that the negotiations for n loan had been temporarily suspendetl . There wns n slight recover at the cloRe. Nothing definite 1' I learned here about the American loan Flnnnelers here are cer- tnlnly ready to take It on I 3Y per cent has Is. I Is believed . however that Prel- tent Cleveland will now await the fate of the Springer bill before announcing the loan . Grnk Trunks are very lint. on the disastrous tariff report Furls exchange on London Is raising. The followIng were the closing quotations on the lending stocks ot the New York cx- change totay : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AlchI801. . . . . . 44 U . P. . D. tt G. . . . : \ Mauls Express. . 141 Northwestern. . . . 5034 Alton . T. 1 . . . . 11 N. W. pfd. . . . . . 901 : do IICd. . . . . . HIl N. Y. Conlral. . . Ant . Express. . . . lot N. Y. & N. E. . . . 30 \ Baltimore Ohio. 02" Ontario & W. . . . 1034 Canada l'aclfe. & . 12" Oregon Imp. . . . . . lU\ Canada Southern. . .8H Orion Nay . . . . . Il Central Pacific . . 13 O. S. I & U. N. . 4 % Ches. & Ohio. . . . . 17 l'aclllo Mail. . . . . 21 % : nl. ChIcago Aiton. . . . 147 P. D. & E. . . . . 2 % c. D. & Q. . . . . 72 Plttabttrg. . . . . . 160 Chicago Gas. . . . 74" lullll Palace. . 161 Consolidated Gas. 1:7 ! Reading. . . . . . . OH C. . C. . C. &St. L. . . 37" It. G. W. . . . . . . lUH Colo. Coal & Iron. . M4 It. G. W. Vrd. . . . 43 cotton OIL Cart. . 11'4 Rock Island. . . . 0:134 : Dehawaru.k litid . 120 SI. Paul . . . . . . 5834 Del. . Lack . & \ . lUU" do ptd. . . . . . . 17 D. & It. O. ptd. . . . / SI. P. & Omaha . . 32" D.kO.F.Co. . . : OH dopta. . . . . . . l1U Erie. . . . . . . . . . 1034 SOllhor Pacific . 17 % do aft ! . . . . . . : 10) Sugar Relner . . OI Fort WO.IO. . . . 117 Tenn. Coal k lrol. 1" r . Northern ofd . . 100 Teas Paoiilc. . . . ISft O. & . I. nCd. . . . 00 T. k O. Couto Pfd . 701 hocking Valley. . . IDH Union Pacific , . . 834 Illinois Cenlral. . 88 U. S Express. . . . ' 81 St. P. & Duluth ' . . 20 W. St. t & 1. . . . 0 & SI I I. . T.pCd. . . . . . 22" dopid. . . . . . . 13H Lake Erlo & Weal 11 Wol8 Fargo xx. . 103 do prO. . . . . . . . 7034 Warom Union . . : Lake Shor. . . . . 137Whoellg" I .R. 0 Lead Trust..103 ( do pld. . " . , . . 16 LouIsville & N. . 8284 M.4r 51 L. . . . . . 27 J. & N. A. . . . . . .7 ' D. . n G./ . . , . , 11 Manhattan Con. , . . lOA" GE. : ; ! . ; ; . . . ' . } 21" Mempliia&C. . . . 10 N. L.- . . , : . . . . ' 18 MichIgan Cent. . , - . 94 C. F. &I. . . . . . . . 24 . 14 I. Missouri Pacific. . 21H do pfd. . . . . . . 75 Mobile 4 Ohio . 10 ( II &T. C. . . . . I % NAshv\o Chat. . . 0' T. A. A. .ie N. M. . 1 % ; National Cordage. 43 * 'P. St. L. & R.O . . 1 T.51 I doptd. . CorOlo . . . . 41 dopCd. . . . . . . 7 N.J. Central. . . . 8834 S. R. R. . . . . . . . . OH N. & w. pfd. . . . . 134 do pfd. . . . . . . . . 31H North Am. Co. . 3" Am. Tob. 00. . . 05 % Northern Pacific. . 3 do pM. . . . . . . . 107 o.Pae. pfd. . . . 1034 51 P. M. & II. . 108 The toW c of stocks today were 166.94 , , ltnxea. incildlng : Amerlcnn Sugar . 3.6 : Burlington lington . 3.50 : Chlelg Gas 25.10 ; Distilling & Catefe < ! ng. 6.90 : General Eleettic . 4.40 : Louis : . vie & Nashville. 8.50 : NatIonal Lead . 4.330 : Northwestern 7,90 ; Rock Ibland 7.90 ; SI. Paul C' H.D01. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Non' York 'Ionoy Ilar\et NEW YO1t1 ( . Feb. G.-MONEY ON CAT.L Easy at 1@11 per eel : lost loan Iii per cent ; closed AI 1 % per c"31. I'RIMId MI HCANTILI PAPE1t-.3Rt5 \ per c.nl. - HTEI1LING EXCIIANGIO-flull. but steno ) with actual buslne" In bankers' his at U.58 . @ 4.S&7j for demand and $4.s1114.87 % for , ) ' days : losted rle. . $4.SSfj'4.6S'and $ .S9@I.S91 l ; cnmmerenl bills . .87tH.87' % . $1LVIIR CEHTIPIATEHc bl < . UOVEILNMIINT IJONIS-About firm : stat bn < . . dul : railroad bands . 'ilrm. Closing quotnton8 on bonds were as follows : tlS.Ss. reg. . . . . 14 ! D.&H. O. 45. . . . 4 - U. 8.5s.coup. . . lU % Frlo 2die. . ' . . . . . . Il U. S 's. reg. . . . 10 G. II. i ! . : S. A. 08. . 023 4 1.9. I ) .S.COIP. ' rol. . . 10 % do 78. . . . . . . lot : U. S. 2s. reg. . . . . tl 11. , , T. C. 6s. . . lU5Ji l'nolle Of rel. 01. 100 do l3s. . . . . . . .1023 4 .0 : Ala Cass A. . . . 1. ) it ! . K. & ' ' lt 48. . 8U AlA. Class D. . . . lU' do 21145. , . . . . . 443 , ' /ila. Ca88 0. . . . 04 Mutual union Os. . 441 Ala. Clr.no . . . l.t N. J. C. Gon. Ss . . 11 1 ' L. New Con 4a. 9 : % No. Pac. latti. . . . . 11' 13 5 MI610Irlls. . . . 100 d02ds . . . . . . . S5 N. C. Os. . . . . . . 1215 1. W. Consols. . . . 140 N. C. 4s. . . . . . . 100 do S. 0' . Dob. Os. 10 8. O. nonfunci. . . . 13.4 n . West. lats. . . 04' ! renn. new sol 6s. 84 51 P. Consoli 7B. 124 , ' Tenn. new Ret 6s. 100 do 0. & P. Wla. 10 Tenn. olt 08. . . . un ( 8t. 1. I.M.flen.5 . 79LI Va. Ceuttlrles. . . . 51H' 51.L. & 5.F.Gon.0. 1033i.0 dodefel.red. . . 734 Tex. I'ac. ists. . . . . 84" 79 Alchlson 48. . . . 05\ do2ds.- . . . . . 2 : dot ! , A. . . . . . . lR U. P. IsIs 01 'OU.i , lOS Canada So. 21IB. . . 30534 . Wesl Shore 4it. . . . los'c O. P. lel 01 ' 05. 100 So. It. R. . . . . . . 80" 'p D. & R. n. 78. . . . . 14 ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Hoson Stoo : tuotatol" . nosroN Feb. 6.-Cal lost's. 4'1 per Coat : itino loans . 4aO per C31t C031n Prices for Iloelts , bOlda nnd mlnlnl shares : ; A. ' 1' & . 1\ . . . . ' W.10t. I/d. . . 40 ) - Ant Suga l' . . . . . O't W18. Central. . . . 2" Am. Sugar pid . . 02 ) Edison ) Ieo. . . . . 12U Iay . State Gait . . . OU ( len . Eleo. prd . . . UO llell'rolopltotto. . . 18Hi ! Alchl8)n 2da. . . Ii" UostaI..AlbaIY. 2tS ( Atchison 4a. . . . on Hostel &Idaino. . 1(8 % New England 0 , . lOB 3 , llalno. 0.1. & Q. . . . . . 71H Gen. Electric Os. . 80 Fitchburg' . . . . . . 8434 WI , . Cenl. \11. . 47" t3en Electric. . . . . :1 : UanUe. . . . . . . 10 Illinois Steel . . . 4 : 10slon I Montana 31 Mexlcnn Central . 0 Huto & Doslon. . 10H N. Y. & N. E. . . . . 3lfl Cahnnol " heelS. . IOU Old Colon . . . . 180 % Cetiteiltital. . . . . . IO Ore . Short Ltne. . . 4 Frnnkln. . . . . . . 14 11 ltubber. . . . . . . . 43" : Ilearsargo . . . . 111 Union Paelfo. . . H" 06eoll. . . . . . . 25 VcstEnd . . . . . . Ol' . quincy . . . . . . . . ( : . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . , . , . do old. . . . H7H .1amarack. . . . . 145 Weltnh.Ele. . . :12 : % Wolverino. . . . . . 4 - \ Francisco 11111 Inoc' , QuotatIon , . SAN FRANCISCO. Fob. 6..Tho official clolln1 Glotaton : ! for mlulnl stokii today weN 1tol. - AIls . . . . . . . . :6 Justico. . . . , , . . 1 : AlpitaCoal . . . . . . . H Kentucky Con . . . " Antics . . . . , . . . 30 Laity , Wash Con . 4 lelel ' r. . . . . . . . 68 ( Mexlcau. . . . . . , , . 71 Urat" 10Icber. . 76 Motto. . . . . . . . . . 2 : 1010 " Cot , . . . . . . Hl Mount 1lablo. . . 10 Bullion. . . . . . . . lU OccIdental Con . . 9 lulwcr Con . . . . 12 Opllir. . . . . . . . 345 Calodonia. . . . . . . ' O\orman. . . . . . 15 Challenge Cot , . . . 31 l'otost . . . . . . . 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , . , ChoUnr. . . . . . SI Savage . . . . . 35 Confidence. . . . . . 10 Scorploli. . . . , . . . 4 Con Cal J Vs. . . SOU Sierra Nevada . . . 40 Coo. Imperial . . . 1 Silver lull . . . . . . 4 Crown Point . . , . 42 Silver } Cltig . . . . . lU UOlid &Curry. . . . 20 Union Con . . . . . 45 lisle & Norcross . 76 UI/h Con. . . . . . . 4 Julia . . . . . . . . 1 Yellow Jacket , . . 43 Silver bare , 1101560140. MexIcan dollars . 483 ' 49c. Drafts , BI.hl. 12340 : telegraphIc. llc l.oldol Stock ( Juolatlous. LONBO3 'cb. 6.- 11. m. closing ; Cat , . I'acItio , , . . . 6. fit ' Paul cotn . , . , . 5734 Mrie . . . . . . . . . . . 1014 N. Y. Central . . . . . . 102 1rle 211s . . . . . . . . 6334 : l'cnI8ylvnnla. . . : Ili. Central . . . . . IO ) Iteading. . . . . . . I Mexicat , ordinary . _ ltlI4Mex. Con. new 41. lD lIAR I4ItXEll-27td. IAH ? . ) SIYEH-Zm ; < cent The rate or ( Jlunl In lie open market for short and three , iiouth' bIlls . 1 per otnl. Now York 1111nl Quotations. NFW YORK ) "b. 6.-Tho folowll' are ( ii ) closing tubing quotations ; ' ar tu liutwer..I ) Ontario. . . . . 1,01) Cholor. . . . . . . . . . : . l Opltir. . . . . . . . . 100 CrWI 1.0111. . . . . : : : 1.lymolth. . . . 2/ Con. Cal. .6 Va. . . 20U QuicksIlver. . . . lUO lcmlwco. . . . . 00 Qulckllvcr. . . . . . .1700 GOlld & Curry . 2 : Sierra Nevaa . . . : I llabo&Norcross . 70 Standard . . . . . 225 10.u""nko. . . . .1700 Union Con. . . , . . . . : 1odoau. . . . . . . 70 YelloW Jacket . . 4U , O IAIA LIVE SIHCR - - ( 1ARKETSM Prces in Cattle id Not Show Much Ohnngo in Qenernl. PACKERS ALL W/jtj . HOGS AT OtC - Anll Under tillS 1nflnnq of In Improved Innnl DrmRnl anti Ict\cl \ epurte from ERlterl Markets the I'ens \ero ) tP.ted. ' " Tf3EDAY . Feb. 6. Receipts today we\1. ' cattle and C.9 h ogs . as compared with 1.13 cattle . 1,32 hog and no sheep yesterday , and 1.713 cat- ti e . 4.59 hogs and 181 sheep on Tuesday or . Inst l week. CATTL -There were a few right good corn Cell beeves In the yards again today with about the usual supply of medium s tuff . There was some shIpping demand nll that In addition to the requirements or the local Packers wns sulclent to clean up ni the offerings . Prices did not show much hange anti trade could < be summCI up ns n Calrly active and steady market The corn- mon grades were not so active as the well nnlshell cattle . and the market nt the close wnl not quite as strong os the opening. Quite n large Proportion ot the cattle sell nbove fl , the top being $ t8. I has been I long l time since there were as many geol cor fed steers In the yards. Desirable cow stuff continUes to be In good d emand . and prices 01 such are way up. The more common grades or canner are not In ns geol request but practically everything was sold before the close and In g oed season There were I few native stockers anti feeders scattered through the ynrds , In addition to eight loads of west- e ras . The demand was moderate . anti the market not overly actIve nt about steady P rices. Quite I string of feeders sold at $ to ' 3.Z. whlc $2.5 to $2.80 bought n good geol many . Representative sales : l m. ' STIlgItS. No. A\ ' . I'r. No A" . l'r. No Av. Pr. 2. . 70 $2 0 10. . 98 53 1r. : 2..115 Si Ir. 2. . 95 2 S : 24. . ItS l7582..l" $10 1. . DiO 32 17..1 3 S 20..125 425 60. . 81 a 25 1..15 : 3 SO 12. . .1213 42 10. 1 . 913 3 40 22 . . 993 3 80 32..12 . 425 D. . SH 3 50 ) . . .1025 390 29..llfl 430 . 2..12 3 50 2..1 0 3 DO 18..13" : 4 35 1. . 70 3 t 1..IO5 390 21..1:5 440 .2. . 985 3 LO 42..165 3 DO % . .1378 4 5 4. . . 82 3 t . .18 3 55 18..1314 . 4 W 1. . s 35 19..1210 40 10..19G 4 83 1. . 730 3 G 19..198 40 40..1.42 4 S COWS . 1. . SO 1 0 2. . 9&0 190 3. . SO 50 : 6 G. . 1.1 1 40 2. . . D65 20 1. . 70 200 1. . 7r I 5 1. . S80 20 1..1010 2 50 9. . 83 I 60 2. . 93 20 6. . 921 260 1. . 82 1 t 2. . . 85 20 5..10 % 2 G 1. . 970 I 5 2. . 870 20 3..1010 265 I. . 80 15 2..10 2 0 1..1 0 265 4. . 760 1 60 4. . 9210 2..135 275 5. . . 916 15 2. . S0 - 210 9..10 276 3. . 8 1 6' ) 1. . 9. 210 7. . 942 2 r 2. . 860 1 G 3. . 90 210 5..110 295 1..10 165 4..1087 215 1..1370 30 1..120 165 I. . . 990 : 2 23. . .1030 00 30 4. . 865 166 1..12 2 : 3.1226 3 (0 1. . . 810 110 1. . .1OGG 2 : 2. . 960 30 4. . 80 175 1..100 22 2. . tO 3 00 30 1. . 730 17 19. . 826 ) 230 D. . 78t 3 00 2. . WI 115 15. . . 810 235 2..101 : 30 2..101 175 1. . . 98 2 33 1..140 310 5. . 96 1 SO 1..12 23 : 1..13 310 1. . 80 18 5..1216 240 1..130 32 ; 3. . 973 1 SO 1..1070 240 1..12 325 I. . 8(0 1 S 6..101 240 5. . . 914 32 2..10 1\85 \ 7. . 950 2 t 5..j9H 3 r. 8. . . 875 1 S 1. . 82 2 t 5..110 360 1..1010 190 I ' 3il1tFERS. . 2. . 470 1 t 16. . , 1S3 1. . S6 240 6. . 482 1 to 4. . ,1J . 1 o 2. . . 615 : 5) ) 3. . 693 1 t 1. . tc 20O ( G. . . 403 251 1. . 60 1 W 4. . ' 645' 21 ; 2. . 725 250 2. . 40 165 4. . tl 2 CO G. . 48 2 ro 8. . 387 160 ° 1. . . .74j ) 310' ) 2. . . 565 2 w 3. . 62 1 15 ; 9. . 9G 'r 11. . . 710 2 S : 1. . 49 1 . SO 5. . ,40 2:0 : 5. . 870 28 1. . . 3 : I.S0 1. . . 3 " 2 3G 5..1250 375 1..10 15 2..12 is' , 0 1..ino 250 1..120 20 1..109 , 220 ) 2..13 2 G2 I 1..10 20 3.1(3 2I25 1..16 275 215 1..156 20 1. . 92' ) 22 1..160 275 1 . . .1380 2 0 1.1.10.I..USO 30 2..1 : 210 ) 1..12 22 : 6..16i 30 2..1r 215 2..120 2t5 1..190 35 1..170 215 - , , tl ' S CALVEr f $ 1. . 2 1 2 4.23O 2 t 1. , . 220 350 1. . 30 1 t .1.,2,0 2 G5 3. , . 22 45 1. . 351 175 4. . s. 271 4. ; . . IG7 4 50 1. . 30 175 1. . 2 : . 30 6..122 4 G . ,1. , ; 4. . 90 20 } 2. . . Er- 2. . 123 4 t ,3. . 383 25 1.0 3.2 1. . 260 503 4. . 280. ,2'6 ifj V . STOCKERS AND FEEDEnS. 1. . 42 1 85 1. . . 680 2r : .1. . 460 275 ' . 2. . . GO 20 5. . 49 2 r 21. . . 79 2 SO 2. . . 6 20 6. . GI9 255 4. . 64 280 1. ; . 8r 215 2. . 60 2 r 7. . 73 28 } 1. . 950 2 2 2. . 610' 2 G I. . 71 280 45. . 76 2 : 1. . . r 2 G : 5. . 60 285 1. . t 2 : 2. . 43 265 8. . 781 2 r : 1. . 66 22 2. . G95 20 2. . co 290 6. . c3 23 2..10 2 W 18. . . 81 3 CO 7. . 45 24. 15. . l73 2 G 6. . 671 30 1..1080 26 ; 1. . l6 271 91. . 87 32 2. . . 60 2 t 1. . 507 276 100S-Ter were seventy-four fresh loads on ! ) sale thIs morning antS out of that number thor were a dozen or fifteen loads of rIght good hogs I . ' ffeen rllh go ho/s. 'I The average quality or the offerings was eon slderably above that of the past tow da ) ' " . Thc' ' packers all wanted hogs . and under the Inluenco : of n good demand and better reports front easCrl 11 ' markets the market hero was active nl n llttl e Ilte stronger prices. The soles would show nn ad t. Vance ot close II 6c. but taking the quall Inlo , ) consIderation the market could be cnslderlon tll hardly bl calell 0 ! < 6 hlKher. The offerings changed . bands mllld ! 8' and everything wits sold and \e.gh < up In goo ) s.n8n , A number ot the best loads brught J- . S3.75. which the to todn and "sler- whih was lop price today yestet - day , as against $4.15 on Tueoday ot last weeS hogs averaging 2 Ibl u ( 10 230 or 211) ' Ibl sold largely al from $3.7G to S3.S . while those weIgh tag under 20 lb. went nt from f.w $ to 13.1. : The great bulk ot all the hogs sold nt from . $ ( ' : 10 $3.85 . as against trom $3.63 10 $3.75 ) .Isleray antI from $3.75 10 $4.10 on Tuesday . pr last wed : . neprsentatn' sales : No. Av. SI , . l'r. No. Av. SI , . Pro 90..156 SO $ 45 7..218 SO $3 75 68..18 . . 35 7..216 160 $ 713 . . . . . $ 40 3 t 6..2G5 . . 375 72..16 . . 30 91..19 EO 375 8 . . . . . 181 . . 360 5 . . . . . 244 . . 375 2..1r . . 3 r . . . . . . . 375 71 . . . . . Ill 12 30 8..232 . . 37 . . . . . . . 365 ' 2..2 . . 375 112 . . . . . 164 40 3 W 89..197 . . 375 81 . . . . . 160 40 365 80 . . . . . 210 40 371 . . . . . 2 3 W 73..222 . 40 3 71 34 l6..160 8 36 ; 11 . . . . . 213 . . 3 7 12..182 . . 365 . . . . . . . 380 2..240 . . 36 : 23 . . . . . 220 40 38 4 . . . . . 215 . . 35 . 67..28 40 3 SO 8G..181 160 36 49..21 40 3 SO . B..1Gt . . 365 Cl. . . . . ,216 40 380 8..17 . . 365 88..21 40 3 SO 90..19 40 370 75..2S3 80 31 19..18 . 370 61..24 SO 3 S 6..18 . . 370 0. . . . .2(5 . . 3 S 87..16G . . 370 . . . . . . . 3 SO 79 . . . . . 174 . . 370 12 . . . . . 240 . . 380 S5..20 40 3 70 - 60..21. . 280 8t..215 160 370 78 . . . . . : 4 3 S 1G..2 . . 70 64 . . . . . 275 lao 365 51..225 40 370 7t..22 lW 385 65 . . . .13 . . 370 63..29 . . 385 58..2t . . 370 55..531 60 38 : 71..193 . . 370 Cl . . . . . 220 . . 38 SI . . . . .172 . , 370 48..20 . . 3 S5 39..222 40 370 D5..25 . . 3 S5 53 . . . . Ill SO 370 7..231 . . 3 Si ' 34 , . . . . 40 370 1..20 . . 811 14 . . . . . 875 . . 370 63..2G ( 160 3 SC 25 . . . . . 216 40 370 76..233 . . 39 21..2 . . 370 G13,24S . . . 39 169..194 EO 370 75 . . . . . 25 ! . . 3 90 t 78..198 . . 370 8t. . . . .2a : . . 395 76.,12 . . 70 62..23& : 20 91 l9..22 "SO 370 69..2'8 40 395 72..190 10 570 64..2:3 . . 395 : Ill . . . . 1C4 12 370 6..232 . . 395 4 $ . . . . . 165 . . 370 56 . . . . . 211 . . 395 73..19 40 3 72 % 69. . . . . 15. . 395 94..11 . . 3721 . :1" : 45..268 . . 395 ; 69. . . . . 230 2 375 . b't . tilGll'I3 AI.ULLB. . 1 . . . . .1' .0 . . 225 i ; " 1 . . . . . 160 . . 275 2..1S0 . . : 50 12..15 . . 2 ii S I . . . . 210 . . 2 r j 1..166. . 285 PAIS. 1..12 . . 1 60 IOS. j7. . . . . SO . . 32 2..135 . . 2 t " 15..13. . 325 : 4 . . . . ill . . 275 1 13 . . . . . 105 . . 325 1. . . . . 10 . . 285 .0 19..105. . 32i 68. . . . 66 . . 2 1154 ,6..15. . 32 39 . . . , , . 33 . . 310 II U..10. . 325 31. . . . . . 80 . . 510 . ' l8. , , . . . Di I . . 32 % 1. . . . 93 . . 815 'f' 2. . . . . . 8 ) . . 3 L 13 : . . . . . 1 . . 3 15 ii. : { . ' 88115l1P-There were nd flesh arrivals of sheep but a bunch ot Ioldo\rB hanged handa 'rho . market mnlna abu , . . teady . Representative sale : 1o. .1 I I Av l'r. to. buck . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . 10 120 102 natIve mlxe < . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . G7 SOd it. LouisJ + lvI Stock. liT 1.013114. l.'eb. 6..AL'TL1I-Itecelpta. 3.60 hen : shipments m uttl ' I : market qulel. stoutly ; native Meets . 1. : ' 10 I.f0) ' Ilts. . 13.8051.65 : light weIghts 53.00014.80 : cOwt&- $ .6)(2.9 ; Texas steers. 1.10 10 1,30 Ibl. , $ .10(1.0 ; light ! wel8ltts . ' :6j ( % : cows . $ . .25. ( 100R-lecelpls. 1.2 head : shipments . G I""d ; market slrong. actIve 10 5 higher : best heavy , 51.00(31.05 ; 101 medium and mIxed . $ I@ 4.0 : gael light , $ &t .l ) ; pigs , common rough , 010. . $ : w 3 75 Sit ' 1,800 h.nd , SII IW-lecelpIsl . 1.80 ; shipment none ; market quiet ; native mixed . $ $ .i(3.aj ; lambl. $4.4.t. _ _ _ _ No , , York Live Stock Market NEW YOI\ . Fb. 6.-IJMIIVES--Becelpt , , ua head : nee on sale. 8lij1l' AND LAMII1I-Receipta 1.315 head LAMIR-Jec.lpls. hf ; r" Jale tour cars ; market . active. MU'4c ' hIgher : . hieep . Interior 10. . .rm\ 'I.O 4.r , lambs fair 10 extra cholct. I5.600fS.U. lrOS-Heell.tl. , 1,79 head ; market IleAdy ; hog , $ .3640 ; pIgs , $4.75. ICRnial l'lty Live Stock. KANSAS CITY I'eb. L-C'AT'l'LM--'lleceipts , 3.W head' sltipm.flls l.t head. Market slow and weak ! Texas steels . flOj4.OOl : Texas cowl' ' . $ tfrV4.85 ; Colorado steers . IOUU : ; beet " ) , I J . U.l0f5.0 Mlv ! 0ews . 1l.0h3.S0 ; stockers and fNleJ 4063.75 : b\I . $ .MfUO . 3IOOS-lteetpts , 8.2 bend ; shinmCnts . none. Mlrkt steady to 5 hhhrr ; hulk ot pales 'U5@ 39 ; heavies $ H.O : packers . n.OU4.0 52.75(8fir ; m led . 13.54f3.tOl Ilckcr. ml.l. : lights . 83.40413.76 : Yorkers . V3. 63d3.75 : pigs . f.0f3.t fmtGP-Heclpt. 2.2 head ; shipments none. 1tlrkft active and steady . CIUCAUO LIVI STOCIt In Cattle There WAI A Slight General 10mnl\1 All Slay. ClICAOO , Feb 5.-1n cattle there was n slight genenl 11emnnll and but trifling variations In Va lues. Common to extn steers were quote nt trm $ .30 to t $ : .90 , stockers and feetlOre nt from ' 22 to $ .S. and cows and hulls nt from 1.40 to $2 .55. There were bees than 9.0 hen at the thr w"ster markets ) " " "tenny. antI runs were 1 < I nil arun,1 10In . < ) 1M I. prices wer obtained for h011 From $3 . & 10 $3.15 for common lIght l\r sales wera ported up 10 $3 for prime h.nbut not much hU81neM was done below $ .S. and nleH nl hltM titan ' 1.2 were senlern . A\.erng. < of trm 23 10 40 1"8 soul principally nt from 14 .05 10 $12. nod the built of the lIghter weights Ilhler nt from $3.S II < $4. The "h1 market was strong nn,1 nlrly nel\ . . Commo 10 extra sheep were ( IUolf1 at from n.5 10 $10. and Inmb" were salable nt ( rum $3.23 10 U. .80. Sales 01 h"ll Wee PrinciPally $ from $2 .15 10 53.83 . and from U.2 10 , ( bought moot 01 titt' latnts. Heelllle : Cnlte."t ) h.nl1 cnl\l. 40 heat ) ; li ege . 19.0 head ; , 'hel. 10.0 head . < Smelt In 1lt. lcll ot receipts nt the four principal mar- ' . Irlnellnl kelB for Tuesday . ' ' . TI.ln ) February . 5. 11.05 ; Cattle . flogs. Sheep. South Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . 1 , le. 5.0 OiS. Sleel. . C hicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.60 19.0) 10.0 1.nnol Cll ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.M ) 8.2J 2.201 SI. i 1'\ls.I. . . . . . . . . . . . . ICC ) 7J 1,830 - - - Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.46 40.3 14,1.0) Wool 8)nrkot I'hlllAtF.TA'IIIA. Feb. 5.-WOOt.--'t'aa . In fair .1em/nll. ) lrtcde well maintained : Ohio I'ennsyl- "nnln In.1 West VirginIa , XX and nietre , 11fSo ; X antI above , IG1c : medium . 2f21c : quarter 111. h , < , 21i c : C110n. 18iIDc : New York 1lch. i gan3'ilvonm.Cn : : . etc. . XX 16Utc ; X. 15fi6c : n".llm. 19 ( : : quarter blond . 221e ; eOm101. 17618c : washe. ) . combing RI1 .1elolne. ilne . Isut 2 : melhlh. 2IQt2c ; low , 22c : coarse . nc ; unwlshe < eomltn ! 1".lul. 16(1 lie ; low inc. d iutti . hOuSe : unwnsh.d ( light and brlgltt ) . line . h itillel . : m.lhln. 15IGc : low medium . 16(17c : COI.s , . 15tI6c ; unwashed ( dark cotored ) . cloth l ag . IIhl. line . 9flOc ; hlfle. . 6(8c : medIum , l 21(13c ; tine medium , 1llllc : . terrltury ( north- W estern ) , light , One , S(1lOc ; heavy , lint' , T019c : fib ne metliurn , 1011110 ; tnedum , 110113c : quarter b lood , lRil3c ; coat-se , ll(112c , LONDON. Feb. 6.-At ( lie auction sales today 1 4,600 balee v.'ere offered , of which 1,1.00 Were witIiltuwn. The- total number of hnle catalogimeol w n.q 218,401 , of 'vitich 11'9OJO wine sold , including 1 6,000 for America and 92,000 bales for thic contl- n eat , The general attendance was good nnol c mnpetillon Was gtcady for everything geol and i hihl for Inferior % % 'noll' . There was liructlcaihy n o ( leInnnd far superfine wools , caine parcels innic- i ng UI ) to 13.5 less than Iat year. Only 30 per c ent of CoIns ott 000,1 hope and Natal Uool was o ffered , which maie t,4i1 decline. Cross bretis s old at par to 1d down , and the hulk of me- r inos at iar to lit decline. Super combIngs , how- e ver , soul at par to ' 5l up. Messrs. Charles Ilnitno & Co.'s cIrcular says : 'Thie state of the trnie in iuropean woirn ccii- ( era affords lIttle encouragement for sanguIne a ntIcIpations of a heavy advance In the near f uture , rowing to the large quanttty on hand and I ncreased supplies comIng forward. An expan. p ion In Anierican consumption appears to be the more probable source for an inil'etus toward re- c orery , though , a ainterlal Improvement is'hiar'llY e xpected until the currency ; irohlein In the UnIted States Is satislactorily solved. " Following are the sales lit , ietail : New South \Valcs , 4,178 bales : scoured , GRdlls 740 ; greasy , 4618'd. Queenalantl. (63 bales. scoured , 1O(8 1 14,1 : greasy , 5',54j6d. VIctoria , 2.921 bales ; scoured , idfJ1 41 ; greasy , 4 ° 3t19'd , South Aus- traltn , 1,1116 Stales ; scoured. I0'OIlld ; greasy , 434 (1Sti. Swan ItIver , 92 bales ; scoured , G1tl ; greasy , 3i0134t1. ( TasmanIa , 33 bales ; scoured , 6 % d. New Zcalatii , 2,2)7 ) bales ; scourej , 1134d gronsy , 6(1934.1. Cape of ( .ood hope and Na'al , 2,135 bales ; gcoured. Gdtla 2340 ; greasy , 53416'.1. The next eerea will begn Mutit 7 , IIOSTON. Feb. 5.-The wool market maIntained a quiet tone. wIth some falling off In business , as I c ompared wIth last week. At tlte' santo time the I volume of mIca appears to foot up a good aver- - a ge season. i'rlces nrc not mitch change' ' ) , though t he market tins ituproveil In thIs way , that as the s Upliltes are ptcked over by the buyers the offer i ngs left arc not atvays of aa superIor a. quality a s those shown for the same price earl ) ' in tlit s eason. l'rices for leading varietlea are as fol' sl l ows : Ohio and I'ennaylvania fleece , No. 1 , 19'.tc ; I xx anil above , 171118c : Ohio delaine Ilcece. 18'1) II I l Ie. Territors' wools-Montana. floe and medium , S (182c : No. 2 , medium , 12C1l3c ; WyomIng , Utah , , DakotOt Nevada , Idaho and Colorado , tine anti I One medium , 90J12c : No. 2 medium , 134312c ; Call' , fornla. wools , sprIng. northern , 33t114c ; mIddle , country. spring. 9llc ; Orgon'woois , eastern , fair. DtllOc ; choIce , 116u13c ; Australian wools , scoured combings , super , 4111142c. Liverpool Markets. LIVERPOOL , Feh , . S.-4:15 : p. m.-WIIEAT- Sr.ot quIet , demand poor : No. 2 ret winter , is 3d : Nc' . 2 roil sprIng , Sa Id ; No. I hard , Manitoba : Is 3d ; No. I , California gthcks , exhausted , Fu- ( urea opened 'qu'et' ' but stcd' , with near Iosi- tion8. I farthing higher , closed 10cm with , neat : postions. % 2 ( antilogs higher , and Olistant poi- tlons 2013 farthlngs higher ; business heavest or I mIddle positIons : Febrpary. is 434d ; March,4o ' 5d ; .Aprlh , 4s 63d ; May , 4a 7340 ; July , Gs 4ol ; July. 3 , R'4I1. COhN-Spot steady ; Anier'cati mIxed new , 3t lid. Futures opened quiet ant unchangel ( von I yesterday's closingquotations. but later advancet II 1 f'artlilng , closing firni ; buslnes heaviest or eauly positIons ; February. Is 3Oi ; March , 3s lid AprIl , Is 11'4d ; Slay , 3s 11340 ; June , 3s II ½ d ; July : 39 11"OI. FLOUR-full , demand poor ; St. LouIs fanc ; 0 winter , Ss Cd. PItOVISIONS-flncon , steady : demand poor : Cumberltutd cut , 28 to 30 lbs. , log ; short ribs , 2 S lbs. , 23s : long clear , light , 38 to 45 lbs. . ZSoi Gd : long ciear , heavy , 5& lbs. , lOs Gd : short clear , mid dies , 55 lbs. , lOs ; clear bellies , 84 to 16 lbs. , Ila : Shoulders , sQuare. 12 to 18 lbs. , ISa , llama , altar cut , 14 to 16 Itt" . , IDa Cd , fleet , e ± tra mess , cr 5 3d : prima ineas , Sit ; 3t1. Pork , tirime mess , fin C western , 56s 3d ; prime mess , mollum , Ils 3d 1.itiii. quiet ; prIme western , 33s 911 ; refined , ii ; paths. 35g. TALLOW-FIne North Anierlcan , Es Cd. ItCA5Qanadl 4s 1340. C11ElSt-Quiot ; dmnd , poor ; finest Arnerical a whIte , ISa ; finest Anierican , colored , &Os. BUTTlIR-Finest UnIted Staica , iSa ; good , GOs. TUltl'IINTINII-Spilita , 28s It ! . ItOSIN-Common , 35 1034o1. CO'I'TONSUICI ) OIL--Liverpool refined , iTs 90 , LINSSI85D OIL-SOs 3d. I'I13TROLEUM-lteflned. 51d. I1ISFISIGEIIATOIL B1313F-Forequarters , 4d 3 iilndquur1ers. 1.ld. I1I.IIACIIINO 1'OWDIOn-Irardwoocl. 1 , 0 , 1 . LIverpool , 7. - 1001'S-At Leaden ( PacIfiC coast ) , 2 16s , The receIpts of wheat during the past there 0 days were 87,000 centals , Including 54,000 cental Is Americoon. 'Fhie recelpt't of' American corn durIng tite pai It three days wcte 64,600 centals. Weather aevelt : ; ( root. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l'hdlThtiolphhs Mnrkot , PJIIIjADELPJIIA , Fehi. s.-wI1i2AT.-.i C hiighe-r ; No. 2 red , February , 570157'4c ; Morel I , 1.S1e3854cApril , & 84158c : Stay , 68344583.c. COIIN-c' higher : No. 2 mIxed , Februar : ; , 4cGflCc : 2.larch , 404146Ac ! ; priu , 461J47c ; Ma : , 473401 413e. - OATS-412'40 hilglwr ; No. 2 whIte , Febriinr t' 35',4G35i'c : March , , 36341336'.ctlril ; , 56u3134 , Silly. 370137'4c. ' - PItOVIHION1I-l3ull and weak. Beef , cIty ( an i- iii' . oouioc : smoked beet , 18341113c ; beef hani 5 , 817.00(111.50. Fork , famIly. * 13.50(114,00 ; 1,11w , : cured , in tlerces , 8009c ; Items , smoked , 1043111 , sides , ribbed , in salt , 6(1C34c : good smoked , 7 5 ; @ 134c ; shoulders , pickle cured , Cc ; shoulier 0 , smoked 6dic : bellIes in Idekle , eccording I o averngc , loOse , G43G3e bacon , SfjS34c. Lard , elI y refined. tierces 734iTc. IIU'VrER-teady ; vesterrt creamery , 2334u21 a ; creamery , Jobbing , 20(1tOc. 11008-Firm ; fresh , near by , lit' ; fresh swes , t- era , 26u27c. CIltli4St-fltead' , TAIlAW-lUIl and unchanged. COTTON-Quiet. but steady , ltIClllPTi3-Flour. 1 230 bIds. 1100 sacks ; whea t , ' 4 000 Iou. 3 corn , 21.000 Lu. ; onus , 29,800 bu , HIiil'SIdNTS'Whleat , 3,000 bu. ; corn. 3,000 lou . ; oats , 12,000 , bu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ICUIBaM City Markets. ICANSAS CITY , Feb. 8.W'IIiIAT-FIrmer ; N 0. 2 hard , 514J5l',4c ; No , 2 rCl , 5134(50 ; rejecle 0 , 4Cc ; ariiple sales , f. 0. Ia ! Mississippi river , N 0. 2 itarti anti No. I red , Sic , COOIN-Firmer ; No. I mixed , 40344141c ; No. 2 ; ; No , 2 mIxed , 2834830c ; No. 2 vlihie. Sic. Ityll-Firm : No. 2 , SOc. VIAX SlIlII3-1)uIl , 51.80018.31. lilIAN-Lower , GC@CSC. hAY-Dull , unchanged. IIuuii-ActIve , strong , 89ic. IICgtl5Tt3-\Vhieat , 1,000 bu. ; corn , 5,000 be I , , ' Oats. 1,000 bU. 1011b1'MIINTS-Wheat , 1,1t00 bu. ; corn , non c ; cuts , Itone. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Toledo ( Iralit Market. Market.'O TOLEDO. Feb. 5.-WIIIIAT-Activc , firm ; N 'O , 2. cash and I"ebruary , 6'234c ; Slay , & 4c ; Jul 3' , . CORN-Pull , fIrm : No , 2 mIxed , 4Oc ; Iota 0 , 43c : No. 3 yellow , lie. OAT3I-1)uil , attatly ; No. 9 lilixed , 2534c ; No. 2 vn,1e. , SlIce. Itul-i--liull ; cash , 43e , (51.OVIlt 811111)-Bull , steady ; prime , cat ib . February antI Marelt , 55.12 % . It85ChIhl'TS-\Vhlat , 31,600 lou. ; corn , 8,500 bi , ; rye. 1.01) lou. : clover , 'ee.l , 220 bags , HllIl'MIjINTIO-Flour , 6,000 tibIa. ; corn , 43 , ) v lou. ; clover scud , 1,230 bags , Duluth Wheat Market. BULtiTIS , Feb. 6.-WISIIAT-No. I hard , vs ahi an.l February , Ide ; May , S95c ; July , ( 'Oc ; No. cl northern , cash tint Ft-4-oruaIY , 6634c : IoIiy , SI July , SIc ; No. 2 northern , cash , 8350c ; No. 8 5O'4c ; rejected , 471ie , To arrive ; No. 1 Ito : rO , &Sc ; 340. 1 nortltern , Sic. - Slitlule'lOiOllI i'lieoit Mttrkol , ? .SINNIOAi'OLIS. Feb. 8.-i\'IIiIAT-Firm , I jut otherwise featureless. 1ecetpts ( vero 106 ci Otis today , against 2.O ears last year.Close : F b. ruary , & 51c ; May , Ftc ; July , 56c. Os Fck : - WI W1 HARRIS & CL ) I BANcERe , 163-165 Dearborn-st. , Chicago. 5 % Vaii-st , , NewYork. 70 Stslc.t. , LOost 0' CITY , COUIITY _ 5 1B10OL WATEt and , ) UR Iiiou GRAZIZ 5d Bought and Sold. CQzrCilicfldSnOe 3o8icItCtL N o. I hard , hUe : No. I northern , SO34el No. no rthern , 54c' . There was it noticcabbo ImprovOd fe eliig In flour today , , tnI the milIer reported a. m uch better Inquiry wIth fair sa1e. Prices fir mer snot Iinchnngs'd , with first patents in wood at 53.00483.15 ; secon,8 patents 52.10613.00 ; fIrst cl ears , $ LM ; second ienrS , $1.80 $ ; red ilog , $1.70. MIltYatke 'htsrketp , ) .1110VAUIGIITO , Feb. 8.-FLOUIt-Very dull. WltItAT-Flrrn Shot higher ; No , S spring , 61340 ; N o , I northern , Gb ; Mny , fdT5c. ( N311N-Qulet : No. 3 , 330. OATS-Steadier ; No , 2 wiilie , 3l34c ; No. 3 w hIte , 30e , IIA1tl011Y.-Steair : No. 2 , 13c ; snuititte , 804755O. IlYho-Quipt : No. 1 , Sb. I'ItOVI-llONS.-l"itm , l'otk , SOiS. 1ntiI , $10.45. IIECSBI'T53-8'lotr , 3,50) lilols. ; wheat , 10,000 lou . ; lntiey , 25,030 lou , HI I I l'.t INTS-Fiour , 8,000 tt'l ; wheat , none : ba riey , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Now York Itry (3ood Market. NII\Y YORK , Pet , . 5-Very many visIting bu yers ( Ire in the market , but theIr chief attenEu ( t on was given to Otto examination of the alike to ho aott at auction tomorrow , The ilctiinni ) jof a gents U a thiers'ibro vers' limitel , as was the. ne w btlelneea , although large sales were reached th rough , forwnrdings on lreVlints onlera , l'rlnting cl oths iltat at 2 5.1Cc bid and declined. Siigigr , llarhcct. N1t'O1tt7 , Feb. 5.-SL'OAR-ltaw , dttll ; IC. fi ned , qtllet. LONION , Feh. . 5.-StICIAR-Littie dningl cen' ir ifugal Java , lie 3d ; Mtlecorluttt , ( air relinlag , 9s . 30. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ltrtmdstreet's Itejiort l'oetpoltel. N51\V YORK. 1"el , , t.-lirnistreet'e grain stock re port is PostPoned until tomorrow owing to tie- la yed cables. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OIL Shined. LONDON , Feb. 5.-CALCUTTA I0INSIIIID" t' ebrunry thipmctnts , via Cape , 345 11.1 , 'l'riaco Vtetit ; Market. SAN FRANCISCO. Fet , , 5.-WIILIAT-Eney ; D ecember , 9734c ; Iolity , ttO7c. Manchietiter Textiies. M.NiIl1ST11R. Feb. 6.-Clothioi arid yarns , quiet a nd unciniged. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-'Innticli , % Notc , BOSTON' . Feb. 10.-Clenrltigs , 580,1.83,1.31 ; hal- f aces. $1,823,404. N 1-SW YOI1K , Feb. 5.-Clearings , $ tOI,144,950 ; b alances , $6,717,113. I'IIl LAIJ1ILI'ltIA , Vet , . 5.-Clearings , $12,062S $ 35 2 ; balances $1,513,809. ST. LOUIS , Feb. 5.-Clearings , $4,133,630 ; hal. a ncest , $590,321. Iotoney , quiet at 6017 Per cent. l lxchnnge on New York , TIc premium bid. CII ICAOO , Pet , , 10.-Clearings , $13,373,000. Money , 441434 per cent on call alto ! 7.016 Per cent o n tIme. New 'ork exchange , 23c poetitlum ; e tchIng , commercial , $ l.SGtj'1.1.75 $ . Foreign ittttti'Iaii AfTilns. I.ONDON , Fel , . 5.-i P. iii. closing-Console , money tttid account , 101 % . IlIltLIN , Feb. 5.-llxcltange on London , eight l n' ' sighit 2' ' ) titarks , 4334 5og. I'AltIS , Feb. b-4 P. rn-Three per cent rentee , 1 03f 271o for the account , Exchange on I.onolon , 2 Sf lO ½ c for checks. LONDON , Fet , . S-Ooli Is quoted at Iluenoc Ayret , Ut 215 ; itlaiirtl , 10.0) : Lhboti , 23.23 % : St. l 'i'tersburg , SO ; Athens , 13 ; Itoine , 305.95 ; Vienna , 1 03. V A NEW LIGHT , i mportant 1)lecovery In the Metliotia for . 1'rcnhttclnt ( las. A now system of producing gas has been discovered. It promises to play a prornif neat part In the industrial and mechanical world. Further investigation ant experi- mont may yet demonstrate that gas vrotluced by this new method is a cheaper iliumitiant and fuel than anything In either of these l Ines that has yet been placed on ( lie market , Electricity enters largely Into Its production , but it may yet prove a formidabie corn- petitor of electricity for lighting purposes. In an Interesting article In ( lie Engineering and Mining Journal Dr. Francis Wyatt do- scribes the process by vhiich this new gas may be produced so cheaply as to bid tie. fiance to competition from the ordinary coal or water gas. In his opinion the new gas may be produced anywhere for 30 cents per 1,000 cubIc feet , one of its chef ! recommendah tiona being that by it the requirements of : country hotels and dwelling houss and of - railway cars may be fully supplied , As in the case of so many . other great , dIsccverles. this one was made by accident. It was whIle experiments in the manufacture of aluminium were being made that ( ha method of producing the ingredients vhich enter Into the composition of gas wae found. A simple mixture of lime and carbon , -with I a current of from 4,000 to 5,000 amperes 01 electricity was being used , This formed L fused black homogeneous masi , which , , whet I cooled , became solid and birttle. When an . alyzed this substance turned out to be very - pure carbide of calcium. Further. experimenti I showed that when it wa placed in water Ii L caused its decomposition , ant the gau evolved I turned out to be pure acetylene. By actual experiment It has been fount that L a ton of calcium carbide may be producec I from 1,200 pounds- fine coal dust , anti 2,003 I pounds of burnt limo at.a ccst of $16 pei ton. The gas produced by the mixture o r this calcium carbide and water Is a colorlesi I and highly explosive one. It burns with : t very entoky but much more lumInous flami 5 than oleflant gas , and undergoes contpleto 8 combustion when mixed with oxygen in re quislte proporticns. When diluted by mixtun a In proper proportions either with water gas o : r with ordinary atmospheric alr , its flame I : S smokeless and of the utmost brilliancy ant I whitenqss. One ton of 'calcum carbide wil I produce , by merely mixing IL with water , about 10,000 cubic feet of acelytene , which ' whlen mixed wiLh the required amount of air - produces a gas equal in illuminating value ti I 100,000 cubIc feet of city gag of twenty.two 3 to twenty.flve candle five-foot power per - stan - dart burner. When used as fuel acelyten a gas gives out 61,000 heat units. V REPELLING TRAIN ROBBERS , A Flat , of Defense Outlined by an Arm : V Otiicer , it may safely be assumed that thto "poin it of attack" is the engine and ( lien tht cx - - press car , writes Lieutenant Wright in tii 0 North American Review , Why ( lien no It separate them -as much as possibiB by pui . . ting the express car the host in the train , Ilavotliarm bells on each coach and sleepel , which can be rung by the oxpresa Inossonge r when ho is directed or requested , at this Un I- usual tinio and place , to open tue door C his can. It , each coach ant sleeper have , I a a glass-front case , situilar to thioso now I 1150 for ( ho axe and saw , two repeating she tt gulls , each magazine containing five buckehic ) t cartridges , titus giving from six to twelv e most effective \veapons Into tluo hands C tf ( hue train crew and passengers. Thio elan n bells should be electric , thought it is believe i.I that thto ordinary cord bell could be mode .0 Servo the purpose. When the ntesengc r sounds his tocain cit war there would soon L te a sumcicnt force of bravo men at the exprei Is car to give this robbers a warm welcom a. For tile latter to cover the engine cab an a each door and side of each coach or sieepe r , ss'ouitl require a force of Inca too great I n numbers to tnake " ( Ito divide" prolitabi a. Besides thio greater number of accomplic a or principals , tim greater the ) Iances ot a capture and the possibilities of some or ie ttirning "state's evidence. " Utider such a n arrangement in the male.up a trait , , shou ( hue rear on express car be the sole point I le attack , ( lien tIle first step would be to ci Lit this car ioose from the train and ( lien ho at it. 'rho automatic air-brako woubd give tl to alarm to the engineer , ant ho , in turn , to tI 30 coaehues ; or , better still , ( ito concealed ehe C. Snic wire could be so arranged as to sout ill ( ho alarm whuen the car parted fronl ti tue traitI , Should 1110 engine , us In the psi It , be the first point of attack , ( lien the cr iv and passengers ( armed ) have the advantru : go of being between the forces of robbers an d , WitlI every lirobabillty , can throw the great er number In the fight , and , Napoleon.hike , r e pulse or defeat ill detail , Under ( lie prose at order of things the crime of "holding uj : trains has become one of almost daily erSe weekly occurrence. And whuy ? lhecau Se two , three , or four men can successfully etfea it , and ( lie ill-gotten gains are harge. Ito a- den ( lie act one more difficult anti dangero us cc nccompiishltnent , and tue attempts will be less frequent. It matters not Itosv invuint r- able the car , so long as it remains in 10 train near the engine it will offer but sli lit resIstance to the robber and lila stick of dynatuite , -C- Crowding OuS thin Yankees , Poles have overspread ( ho greatest part of Long Isiand as farm laborers , Nothing 1 tut the dearth of hiativo workers ltas enabi ed them to 40 thIs , for 1..orig Jitiand , excpt Ito western end of it , preserves ( lie Yankee i 18' pect. and sentiment which for so long a ti : no distinguished New England from the mi re cosmopolitan parts of the country. At ft rat the l'oies came through as peddlers. Ti wore frowned upon , but they saw that Ia labor was short , and they- returned with I el. low countyrnen , and , offering their seryl Ces St d time when there was much need ( lien ) , were empboyetl to help out in ( he h an. vesting. Then , as the eons of tile local to In- flies continued to take to the cities , ( lie I' lea secured Permanent occupations , - - 1)16.1 TI ! 1)6126 PU , ST.rhIl 5.1 Z'JfV , Sa d Story at thin I-t , that ( hvtrtook Mt. $ sIth in S'ronther Cotlnty. I NDIANOLA , Neb , , Feb. 4-To the Editor of The lIce : As there htas been lunch corn- m ont In tltls sect on of Nebraska over the re ported starving to death of it certalIl Mn , Sm ith , residing in Frontier county , Ilortll of Ibo x liden postofflce , and as a report of tile de ath appeare4 in The lice of thte 25th tilt. , an t sa the report was claimed to be a "f ake" by a certain newspaper PtlbliShCti in Li ncoln , porittup-s nit aCe2thflt of tiuc facts in th e case might be of Interest to your roatlets , Snturday morning I tIecldeil to investigate thi n Inatter anti fltttt olit JIlat how much of th e story was fact atith how taucit fiction , In co mpany with a friend I throve fIrst to flex Eu ler Itostomee , fotirteen 181103 ltortilve2t of In ihianola. We arrlveil aboilt noon nltl vent di rect to ( ho PostOfficO. I told Mr. lirower , ( It o posthuaster , what I there for. ITo sa id ( lint the case I referred to was well kn own to hint. Isaac Snilth had resided fltco ) otit eight 1111105 north of towl , , in Frontier co unty , ITo traded at Ilex Elder , antI was co nsidered a good citizet , , W'It'le it was ge nerally known tltat hue 'as hard tip , like m est of lila tioighbors , it was iteren Stlrnulsed by any cute ( lint the family was stuttering , at uti when ( lie facts becothue known ( lie peo' lib e wera greatly surprised. \ O next called at thio chtirch , , , wltero ( hue ai d colullnittee was blhsy distnibutitig flour , gr oceries antI clothing to thto ttatiy appli- cil lIts. One of ( lie comtnitteo , on beihig in- fo rtiictl of our errand , said : "That vas a sa d case , but no otc , was really to blame. 0 \ ? o hind no idea that tIm falnul ) ' was tiesti- teal te. Mn , Sunlh ( was a i'ery reserved man al iti said bitt little about hula Persotlal at- fa irs _ , " \vo called at. ( lie parsonage ant inlormeil R oy. E. J. Vivian , the Methodist rnitister , as to tue nature of otur visit. lie reati care- fu lly the various reports of tlte Inatter , whuch v o hialuded htitit , and pronounced the otto talteti fr ont Tile lIce of tlio 29th correct. Mr. ' S mith hinit visited hun Jantiary 7 alIt SPied - pl ied for aid , lie seetneti sick , slut did not a ppear to b Just right metitaiiy. Although a very cold tiny' , lie was poorly clad antI hail n o overcoat. Itov. Mr. Vii'iati hunt no food o n hialIti , but thus alan said that what they n e000l titost was clothing. lie received an oa vercoat for itliutelf , a sack for his wife a nt a bunch of clothing for hits boys , ISo w as told to canto back lt a few tlnys arid get. m ore clothing , as 10ev. Mr. Vivian expected to have more aid supplies soon. Mr. Sinitlt tl lallked hihu , hut did tiot say that. hi would o r woulti not conic back , Rev. Mr. Vivian s aid it was a clear cac of starvatloii , but hi nd ( lie taut , titade hula vnltts known Ito v ould have brett supplieti. W'iten asked by t he Iteiglubors htow lie was getting along , lto w ould always say : "Oh , I guess we viit p ull through somehow. " A few veeks later a te'gltbor called at M r. Sntitiu's lioiite and fottnti Mr. Sunitit and h is wife itothi sick in boil. On the boil was a straw tick covered with a sheet , ott which t hey lay , and for covering they hind a corn- f ort made of gunny sacks and thte overcoat o btained of Rev. Mn.'tvian. . 'lito children , t wo boys , aged about 8 and 10 , were cud- d ied under the table , covered with some of t he clothing obtained from the minister. T here \vas the fuel , anti only a few pounds of fl our anti a entaIl piece of meat In tIle house. S upplies were brought In at once , but too l ate to save Mr. Smith's life. lIe died Wednesday , January 23 , and vas buried tim n ext day , We left flosc Elder after dinner and throve t o hue late luomo of Mr. Smith. Tlue house i s of sod , about lOxIS , and statids out on ( lie htlgh prairie. It is only a quarter of a m ile to their nearest neighbor. We found M rs. Smith sick in bed , wasted altnost to a s keleton. A neighbor lady is staying with h er. The luouso had no floor and but ono b ed , a small table , tluree broken chairs and o ne old cook stove , Since Mr. SmIth's con- d illon became known everything needed has b een supplied. SIrs. Srultlu informed ua that ( key moved to their cinltn front Page county , I owa , near Shenandoah , in ( he spring of 1 890. Mc , Sntithi had worked hard , but had m ade nothing. Time farm of 160 acres was m ortgaged ton $500 , the team was mortgaged' f or $40 and there was a mortgage on tIm c ow , she did not know how , niiclt , She said ; ' t hat parties who held ( ho lnortgages camoi , ' f or ( heir property before Mr. Smith was b urled , but neighbors persuaded them to l eave them awhile , as the team was needed t o haul water , there being 110 well on the p lace. Sirs. Smith said that their suffenitig was partially their own fault , lout her hos- b and did not want to ask for aid , and thought t hey would get through somehow. As long a s the feed held out the cow and the chick- e ns furnished the living , but after that was g one they got. nothing from ( Item. " ' 'The people have all been very kind , " shio s alt . 'IWo should have misdo our wants known , but as applicants for aid were con- s ! dered by some but little better than beg- sans we tried to make our own way. " She informed us ( blat site had a sister residing - siding near Coin , In. , alit she lust written to h er Informing liar of her condition. Mrs. Smith is a woman of more titan ordi- nary' Intelligence , and bias suffered mentally as welI as bodiiy , Site seemed glad to see us , and said as site held out her wan hand to bid us goodby : "I am very glad you came. It cheers a person up to see and taSk with a ' person who seetns to take an interest In one's welfare. Tue people have alt been vary kind , and I feel so grateful for tIle food and clothing sent us. They Itave even brought. little payers for my boys to reed. " E. .1. MITChELL. Detiel ( 'otitity's NCciS. Cliappeli Register : Tue editor of ( lila paper left Monday night for Lincoln. While there lie svlll call upon the State Iteliot comsi- nilaslon and see If soitiethlng cantiot be done so ( hat a portion of the relief goods donated to the Nebraska sufferers , of which ( hero is said to be an abundance , will be shipped to ( lila county. Letter after letter buns been sent to Seretary Luthtlen , appealing to Iilni for relief , but so far lie bias not even answered any of them. Jeiiei county has been ibace ! among tlu counties that itceded assistance , but we expect before we get anything to speak of we will luave to do as other western cauntlea have ( lone before they received no- lid : send a committee to call upon this red tape secretory and stay rigltt with him until lie orders tlto goods tiIIiiped. It seelns to ( ho Register ( lint in a mutter of fuIrtlislIlhIg' relief to ( tue people it destltuto circumstances as little red ( ape should be used as possihbe , j would be better ( lint a few got relief ( lint ilid not. need it , ( hail 0110 should suffer for the necessities of life. The present cotnmis- sion is made up of roil tape atiol before any- thins can be got frotll 1110111 mono red tape luas to be gone through thail It takes for a sollier to get a pension , and while ( lii. nonsense is taking vlnce tIm parties interested - ested could starve a dozen ( lutes. Don't ha afraid that some one not desttttite wilt' get Hofllethiitlg , but semi out yotir goods and let ( lie local cOtflnlittees look after suchl matters. Some will get relief vluo do not need it , and you cantiot help It , either , ChicyontIoCoUiitY SVuIII5 SeetI , Sidney Telegram : Much as ( lie people ay differ on the relief question , they are certainly , so far as the farmers themselves are conconuiet , UhiallilIlous in ( lie desire for free seed , The ) ' must huave It or el8 ( lue ground will not be planted , Thiere is hot eziought seeti in tItle part. of the state to ltlalit one. twentieth of the cultivated land , and by the titno spring opens up very few will be able to tbuy much , The seed tiistnitiutiotl of. 1891 was one of ( lie bett tliitigs that ever luap- petted to a suffering people. Many who did not have a pound of secil and who cotilt not have gotten it ; othtervHse , were enabled to put in a fair crop and have quito a surplus sell In tile tall. Many thousands of bushels swore shipped from tills county ( lie following fall when it It lint not beeli for ( lie free seed ( here would not have been enough grown to feed ( lie people. Seed is what we want and nuat have , but we caa do without other relief if necessary , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ills } 'car. Meanderin' Mike lied just touched his lips to a large black flask which alternated with Its proprietor In being full , says ( lie Washington - ton Star. "I'ete , " said ho to hits partlier , "ole rugs ties jes' one terror fur me , " ' ' "Wiout's dat ? " "l'iti afraid dat when I gite ten me second childhood I won't gil lorung Up on tIe bottle. " . - _ _ ------------A----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - A ( IPECIALTY CRASS MILLET AND CANE CLOVES ? . TIMOTHY. 4 .T. - . IIdJ'lWJ Cebit Aye. , gnsaa City , 510. - ' - J , . ! _