" sr. ; i : . _ : _ . 1 . " fr p I. 5 . t * , } I - . - 2 'rnE OMAhA _ DAILY _ _ _ _ DEE _ : _ \ 1TJiDN1SDAY _ _ _ _ _ , _ FEUnUAltY _ _ _ _ _ G _ , _ 189. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 - - - - . clearly @etln In favor or the meaRurl" Smith p nRsertel ( ] that It wns n common practice for the creamery men to Ilurch3se inferior butter tram commlulon . after working the men an(1 nfer ! I over pllm It oft on the public ni pure N cromery luttEr. No'e quoted from a letter from the Waterloo creamery. Ihowlng that S last year that InstItution Roll ( $7.000 worth t or its beet pro < uct to the oleomargarine rac' ; - tory nt South Omaha. : At non the cmmilee rose for nceM anl ] .1 sit 2 o'clock remell conlideraton at the ; bill. At l o'clu t' committe3 rose with bil. J : o'.I : : Ihl commlt03 wih . the recommendation thaI the bill be passel ( ] . < 1 On the motion 10 adopt the reporter or the committee yen I and nays , were lemantlell , Senators Noys ani ] , ; Smith or DOlglas county were the only ' . Renatorn who voted against the motion 10 , adolt , the report or the committee or the whole. 'f whole.WII. . tglW ALT TIP P III.O\I S. The senate Ihm engagll In a final lout over the Proposition 10 reduce the number at t emplo'es to the Rtatllor ) ' requirements . The t question hall been made a slltclal order for Ihls afternoon . nod the Bpecial commitee to ! f which the later h:11 : been rererrc.1 . let week prlRCnlt ] a rcport. lclCesEon ralcII the . polnl or ortler that the committee had no or. < . Iclal existence , and . therefore hall no right lr r to make a rel > rt , le haell ) his point orb. . ( jecton on Iho groun.1 thaI severl weeks ago c- the commitee lied been appolnlel to In- ' vcstgale the quetlon . an.1 . hall hI that time r prlsEntE11 a rellorl fly Is acton In adopt. ' , InK the rtllorl the senale had en < ell the life I I' at the cotiimittee. The lieutenant governor ' t hchl the Point or objection welt lallen Mc- ICesson then moved thaI n committee be all' , . - pointed onll ( Instructed . to r-uco the number C or emilloyes 10 the statutory limits. To this Tert offered nn omenlllont to the effect that ! r I : the out committee bo reappolntej and In. ' . structel 10 rcporl ) at encl After a hot fghl . the amen lmen I wus adoptell The commi- lo thus reappointed again prlsenlell I report declaring thaI the emilloyes already on the . rolls were ahsolutely necessary for the trans- ' acton at the business or tim Eenate. - Altprs prlEenled n mlnorlly report , cutting E ; of Iwenty-Iwo emlllo'es. Alter nnolher hot , contest lasting for an irour . the majorllY re- l , Ilort was alolltel1 . : 'ho scnate then ( went ? into commitee at , tile whole on ikors' irrigation bill , nnll ( after r renlln ! alul accepting the first tweuly-four lectons , allJourneJ. : IItILsit CIT\ SCIHt IIn , , 1hrol flti.tuo . Illhl , " : ' lurlCI "t nil ICII ' liniit ' 'l'IIIM . " . lrl ) 111' 11' "cJIII NEBRASKA CITY . I.'eb. 5.-Spcclah ( Tele. . Iran.-A ) dls3slrou fire broke out In the grccery store or C. n. , Chapman att:10 I : this . . . morning , resulting In the destruction of three buildings and their contents , and great damage to several olhers. Alone time I looked us Ihough the entire block was c - 100mel , but hard work c nfned the fire 10 ' the three huilihillgs. The hEal was EO Inlenso ' the plate windows on the cpposle sh1 at the street were cracked , and Ihe building badly , . scorched. The huldlngs destroyed are : Chapman's grocery , Prls ofce and KIEpsel's : - harness shop. The Westprn Union Telegraph eco was badly damagel , The losses arc us rolows ; F. Warren I , owner at building oc- ? . Iupied , by he Press and Chapmal , $5,000 : ' insurance . 3000. - , Press loss , $5,000 ; insurance . $3,000. , Chapman & SOIl . ios 2,500 ; Insurance , $1,000. ' A. J. Khepser on building . $2.600 , on slack , $ IIO : Insurance $1,500. ' f Jamage 10 the other bull1ngs h > wi amount to fully $2,500 , which are fully insured. 1 The Press has secured temporary quarters al the News oce , and will not miss an Issue. Tile only thing saved from the lan1s . . was this mornlng's Issue oC that paper. ) ( - BPA TICIJ , Feb. S.-Special ( Telegram.- ) : The fire department was called out yesterday evening , In tile ' again night about 1 o'cloclt - and again nt 1 o'clocll this morning. The first fire was at the residence or T. C. hunter - on South Lasale street , dainagliug tile same - $150. The second was a vacant house In , West Beatrice , damage $300. 'fhe blaze this , morning was on the premIses at Carl Plnore , totally destroying the extension frame blll- Ilgs upon as'a chickEn hatclier . The fire Is supposell ( to ' 1laC ca-uiiit from a sln'al . slave In one at tile comparlments or the c. buildings. The loss Is between $300 and . ' 100 'hhd 'Isvel v1rl"cl' ' by insurance' ' : . 'EDDYVILI l 'Neb. , ) ( b , 5.--Specla1 ( Tele- . gram.-h3Iauucha ) 1 & hiiimyer's general n1er- chnndlse store and Implement ' buildings , and , the combined residence and feed store at A. A. Stuckey were entirely destroyed by fire al 2 a" Iii. The origin or the lire Is unknown , Bupposel1 10 Il\e started Cram a tlefeett'e flue In the slore. None or the slack at the , . former was saved : value of stock , $3.dOO ; Insurance - - suranco $2,900. 1r , Stuclley carried , no In- 1' Burance , but saved all his personal effects. . fr. . \T"lr - $ ; lt ; - , \ MItillultl. . AShLAND Neb , . Fob. 5.-Special.- ( ) . 2 'VI/ln the last week five weddings have oc- clrred hero , the last being at tile home of : - Mr. and Mrs. George Marshall , yesterday , : when their laughter Alice was married 10 - henry Ihiggerstaff . The couple will take up : housekeeping on a farm vest at the city. . : The marriage or Mr. Clem Sarenlng 10 . - Miss Ida Christanson occurred yesterday al - , \\'ahoo. Bolh are front near Ashland I . - The work at filling the Swift and company , < ( Ice house al tills place Is almost com- Ilelell RII they will have ! t least 100.000 tons of Ice put up at a cost or about $11,000. ' - Mrs. n. D. Aught arrived In thIs city ' yesterday to visit relatives for the winter - - months , her home being In Crow Agency I . Mont. ' . Stanly T. Plclel. who has been hanl1ng . : apples al tills Iolnt , shlppe1 the entire stock . on hand 10 1.llcoln yesterday. : , ltOv J. C. McConnell or the First Baptist , church , left today for a charge > in eastern 4 Iowp . . _ _ _ _ _ _ p : ' , lill.I Tw , . 1lllr"d I Jtiuittu. ' VFfltDON . Neb. . Feb. 5-Special.-Tiue ( ) ; ' . . annual rabbit hunt al Verdon occurred last ) 'week George Sloan and Frank Veacl were : captains or tile two sides . One hundred and : nlnoty-two rabbits were taken , and Frank p Veach'a party were tile winners An oyster SUl1er ) was given Wednesday night al the resIdence or F. " D. howe . for - . ' the benefit at tile Congregational Sunday school . : I ralcrs larnarl , a H-ar-ohl boy . met - with n very serious accident last night while ' riding a horse. The animal slppe,1 all fell . calchlng tile boy's leg al11 plnling him 10 time ground TI.e boy struck on the lack or his head anll Is still unconscious , but his : lymiltom9 are better Ihan last evening EO . thaI the doctors have some hopes or his recovery - , , ; ' covery . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t "Iuhr"ltHI : Uhrlllul 1llel"or : llly. IXET11t . Nei , Fob 5.-Speciah-Thle ( ) ! YOII ! h'eople'a Society or Christian 1 lleavor ; . ot the Congregational church celebrated the fourteenth nuuh'erslry or the organlzulon In 1 royal way Sunday commencing wih a ) : sunrise prayer mellng : at 7:30. : which thlrl- two nlenl1ed , regardless ot time snow storm : . that was raging Inll tl 1ercur ) standing al 7 degrees helow zero This Ilroved to bl , ; I 1IIIenl1d uneetimug . The commllees ncarly , 11 reported at thus nuceting . This was rol- ' c- hewed wih I Chrhtan ndravor SErmon nl . 1 o'cloc11 h ) leC. . 11 , luE1ts al)1 at 7 In ' the evening hy nn ndea\'or I day exercise by ' . the u'ocicty , which took Iho place at the I'egu. , lal' 1\'lnlng sE\"ce. 'fhe paper on time "Ills. , tory or the . Ixetrr : Society" h ) ' C. C. Smllh and Iho stuart talk by Heluesls were ox- ceihont. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; \'urll Coil lily ' \'IUlt'I" . " i I iuuui r YORK , Neb. . I'eb 5.-Speclai.-After ( ) an . extended lue s. Mrs. David Orahan11111 or I. dropsy 'atcrday , at tIle ago or 74 lrs. r Graham was aie oC York's pioneer settiors , . and her death was not umle-xIected. The funeral eral cervices \ I be lieu at Iho Ilplsl church toiay . conducted by 10\ ' . l olman , : , \ till United lretheron college on TUE'aray - evening . Colonel n. Crabh will adress Ihe : , wtullnt or that Insltulon on tile I subject or f . "Prlwon Life hI 1)ixi ) . " The colonel I an f S olit.thmuio \ rlhlrnl at York counl ) und n wel L known orator . A8 11 usual at the ColoIlci's - . eddressu's , 1 cooJ outside Ilenlance Is e. - IIcte.II" II" I I 14 , , ii r I . ; - th'uu. I l AI.IS I CITY Ncb. . I'eb. 5.-Spccial.- ( ) : Robert CleGg died ] at his hOle In this cit ) 4. or heart . trouble , aHl'l lO years Mr Cleg . , - ws bir II Canada : lull Cl\le 10 this city . - twolt.four ) 'Car ago lll worked lt his trade D ehocm31ter ! for two years and thel ' look a ContraCt for oarlHng 11rloncr In the . county Jail. le " , S elected nUly"r at the cii ) on tile c' mQcratc ticket In iSiS and served two ) arl and bas tal\on a pom I. flllt Pin : In every eleeU'n ' < Ino. , 'ho same rCar he was elected mayor ho houGht tile : drug store conducted 1) 1' . C , Shol ) ' IIJ 'al > - . . - , . - . proprietor or It wen hI 111" " , The funeral will take place Cram the Catholic church 1"rllay. Mr. Cllgg leaves a wife and three chlcen , The windmill belonging to John Horner caught fire this morning. Horner was thawIng out the pipe yesterday ] and had forgotten to extinguish the lamp before going 10 bed His large barn with twelve horses and six buggies near the windmill was scorchell. The windmill was fully Insured. Fred I Sloan of White Cloud ICan. . came UII yesterday to visit hula aunt Mrs. 'V , M , : ' Musselman _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I OIJWT ( 'I\ 'rl I.\ \ lulnlu .couuty leKtlUto 1'001110 Wi : ot lake . \ flhutuvIta that The Are l'aul10r" , Jnko n " 1 tlt , ICUAIU4EY Neb . Fob . I-Speclal- ( ) Whie the reelng against Secretary Ludden , which MIs been 80 strong here for a while . has dIed lawn , by reason or several cars or coal provisions and clothing ha\'lng heen received amId distributed In varIous parts of the county , there Is conshlerblo criticism : ' being eXllrcssel1 among the farling clement over time new law which provides how relief can bo Ilrocured , These who nre kicking hardest say that the law has 1m effect oC IHllln those who are los1 entitled to help from receIving I. nlHI thOM who are chronic relief seekers are getting II all , as . a iran lusl make Inllavll Ihat he ts n flfl11 per before he cau gel aid and lany esen'- lug ones will not do timat A day or two ago George Crawford son ot Iomes Crawford was rIding hotehack , Ills horse tel all tile boy's leg was brolln In Ihlee places After nn Ilness at only three days Mrs. Beck , wife of J. 11. hock dIed yeslerda She leave two small boys 2 and I years at age 10 mourn her loss. Dr. M A. Hoover , whose wire ( lied a week ago has taken his daughter . Bessle . to ! Inl1anallIs to make her home wllh her grndparents , The doctor will continue his Practice hue. Mrs. Brady wire oC Mayor Ph Brady . hits rene to Los Angeles Cal . to spel1 the wimiter. and has taken the children wlh her Dr DeirIch or l.eI1slc , Ger1any. one or tile vlcllS or tile 1-ratel steamer Elba war well known Ilere . a 111 hInd a Illan for hulllng an Infrmary at this place. lie had hecn hOle 10 perfect the necessary arrange- ments aunt was on his return when lost. The CDmlltee having In charge time matter or securing the soldiers' reunion here Is working harl1 and mectng wih success. 'rhe machinery for the now bicycle rac- tory has been shlpllel1 antI Is now on Its \ \ a ) here. I Is expected to bo all here Ihls weel IIU : ( I it , \ LAW ( JI'C'r0NABI : . Cu pts'r ( .ounty , l "rllrR 1'hlll ( It 1 > 1"ls Ilrbhlp ; In thu l'icr. BnOKI now , Nob. . Feb. 5.-Spociah ( Telcgramn.-.A . ) mass meotl ; was hell In ! this city this afernoon 10 consIder the ques- ton or voting county bonls unler the new law for the purpose of securing seed and feed. Al least 250 were In attendance amid time discussion was quite amiimated . They severely crlUclsed the provisions In the law which provide for time flrlCIS paying for the SIEd al time rate or 10 per conI within ono year and thc bonds running for five 10 tell years al 7 per cenl interest. This ' was regarded as a very Qxpenslve expcrlment. The majority at those present were not such ns tile law conlcmlliales benenUng , as they are able to Ilrchase their own seed. They were generally ot time opinion Ihll interest on a $50.000 hand for five years would cost the county more than It would lose by letting the ground lie idle for the season , Time law would have been mnch more acceplable tu time majorIty In tile county had I been passel as first Inlrolucld , by which time seed and feed purcimased would have been 1 len on the farm sown. _ The convention decided to not petition reran an election 10 vote bonds but to leave the question with time masses to take such acton as Ihey might deem besl. The general opin- Ion Is Ihat an election wilt be called nt any rate , notwllhstanllng the fact that time law Is not satIsfactory. I Is wiry doubtful . that the bonds 11 carry. ' . JU > UNION 1'1tTY COSI'I > UENC Omlly . Thirteen ' Iee'gates Attend the Custer County Icotn& It Irol" " Ilow. BROKEN now Neb. . Feb. 5.-Spela1 ( ' elegram.-The ) conference or the reun'lon party today which hal been so widely nd- vcrUs01 Ihroughout the country the past Iwo weeks , and which was calcqlated to create 1 great political revolutIon . was a very tame affair. The meeting was called at 1 o'clocl 10day. As there were bthlrteen _ present anti . only Iwo oC Ihem In' favor oC Ihe move II was decided 10 a < jour the conference until after tile mass mneeting called to meet unti ater meetng at 2 o'clocl 10 discuss the .question or bonl- , Ing time county for seed and feed under tile new law At time conclusion oC that mcelng tIme conference was called 10 crder. An or- ganizaton was effected by elcctng J , L. H. Knight chairman and T. R. Dean secrelar Knight read several letters from parties of diferent states who favored the move. The session opened with about fifty spectators I but the crowd dwindled 10wn to less Ihun a dozen when Ihoy decided to adjourn to time second Tuesday In March. lcW""IIOr Ih"IIt I'endcr. PENDER Neb. Feb. 5.-SpecIah.-Thme ( ) newspaper plant at tile Thurston RepublIc . rounlel by H. S. Swenson and publshel by him for time last five years hus been leased by n. A. Wels and A. T. Fried. Wells Is 1 Iractlcal printer and with Mr. Frled's edi- torial assistance II Is i Intended 10 make one at the best weeklies In Nebraska. Its 11011- tics will remaIn republican . An adjournel1 term or time district court convened nt Welser's optra house yesterday al 10 o'clocl with Judge W. F. HarrIs on the bench. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UIIII".ot 10 JOlu. . HuU.r ' ! IUI , . BEATRICE , Feh. 5.-Speclal ( Telegram.- ) Business men and farmers at Gage county are taking a lively Interest In the passage h ) Iho legislature or a bill rClulalng prh'l- leges oC manuraclurera or oleomargarine A numerously signed petition has been forwarded - warded 10 the Gage county delegation amid today a telegram was sent by a number or business men to Senator Graham . urging him to use his vole amid Inluence for time passage or the bill now pen < lng In the senate. 11111.,1 the :111 Ir leI heart . I II.A'TSMOU'H. Neb , . I eb. 5-Svecial ( Tehegramu.-Arthmtmr ) Slrdloy alll Gertrude Mick at Salt Creek precinct were marrIed Sunday night and are bore spendllg a row days until sUflrlso at home suibsiules. MIss Mick accomlanlell 10 church Sunday nlGhl Ilcle younl maim or her llrenls' choice , amid Ihen slipped out Ind marrllll the young man who hall \\'on her heart , but not her father's , ( 'miumud Trolhlo II I thl "lh'/1 Itoarul . LlEVUE , Neb , . Feb. 5.-Special.-Timo ( ) village board IlSsel1 an ordinance Monday ovenlng vacating the streets and alleys at time north end of the village amid appointed allllralsers enl assess the damage caused by Ihls 1lroceedlilg On account or this action ' 'mVlitlauim P. MartIn reslgnoll amid John Atkin. soul sr. . was appointed In his 11laco. ( 'ol il tied nl , 111111' ' hllll e 'foaMII/ GRAND ISLANt Neb . Fehi . 5-Speclai ( TOlegram.-A ) ii. & I , rrelghl and Union I'aciflc switch engine collided nl time crossIng - Ing or the two tracks this mornln , Boli anll da , Union engines : wore 11craled ( dalnaged h'acillc passenger train No 1 vas dela'el feur hours and the fast mall several imours. 1.11 I I JI.II'U I 1'111&11 I : I Iii imtis . HAS'INGS , Neb . I'eh 5-Speclal ( Tote- gram.-H. ) M. Oliver end It. n. L31Eon , grain dealers , 110lng business under the frl name ot Oliver & Lamuson . tied I bill at sale 10 . \ . L. Clarke for $ : .OOO ; ale Inolhlr tronl H ! , Olh'er 10 C. G. Lamb for time elevator at Han6m. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - : lllu Nul. . , Time Sherman count 61111) 6cllools \ Ill hold a conventon at 1.oup City February 17. Time Ilconl Innual educational clnvnton March ot hlumtler 8 mind county 9. will tie hmcld at David CIty 'ho I'upll of time Tlden scheols will give an enlerlllllcnt Washlnglon's blrthlJY ilellefli Cf time . for time heneft c 11001. FIre destroyed the relldtuce or George Mar11 . 1 Jelferlon county : farmcr , and all Ida houecJh\ \ goods were bureJ , MIca Wats. u leacher In n l.aneler : cOlnly dlrlct school , nlempttJ to punbh I 15-ycam- oM PUPIl mistimed harrow for l disobedience wbea : the boy 1lcl.e ] up a pal amid atruclt thl teacher over the head , cutting D long . . , . . : : . ' . ' - _ ' W":1 - . . _ gash In her Corlheall Miss Watts . how- ever came out on lop , and pluckIly continued to teach In spite oC her Injuries. Barrow was Isimed expelled . blt was not otherwIse pun- Because he hS11 lost J300 In the broken Bank or Trenton John M. Ihuhhier . 1 Hichcock county farmer , ended his life by shooting himself through the hearl. lie was a bache- lot and In good ] circumstances. Harry 11. the murderer of Matt Akeeon In Cass county has only n few more days to live . for he' will be executed at Ilaltmolth MardI 1 nnless the governor interferes Sherlr Ekenbary Is already preparing for the hanging. The scaffold wilt bl" constructed - structed next to th north wail of the Jail . the whole being Inclose(1 In a fence some eighteen feet high , The floor ot the scaffold vIii be some len feet high and an allowance at six feet wIll lt made for the Mop. Active work on the scaffold anti Its enclosure Will not be commenced until LImo 10nday preceding - ing time execution , when a force or carpenters wilt he summoned and the work limit throlgh wlh a rupiu . Time proxlnlly or the Jai 10 time bllhlngs on Main street wIll not Ilrevent outsiders from wItnessing the execution , as the tapa at time blldings will be considerably higher than the enclosure. - . 11)'lcl Iru , Methods hav certainly revolutonlzel the retail buaimoss at Omaha. r their com- Ilclors will screw their courage to the stIck- lug Point and InItIate timely efforts 10 keep abreast or the los1 advanced ways or modern merciuanmlisir.g . they will Ilrely sprerul We rnmo at Omahn and make this a city or prosperous , happy homes There Is no place on earth wher a little money will plo up goods as I wIll at tile big store , and mme people strive hlrder 10 i ' 1IIIaso customers In every Ilarticular. The big store Is always back oC every article sell anl always . guarantees satsfacton or 3our mane ) . hayden Bras never buy a blnllrupl stack al any price unless time quality , time styles and the price are all combined 10 lake the seling qualtes worthy the highest recom- mnendntlon. I nton. < ' The l. hi. Cook cothIng company started last September with a splenl11 stocll or gemitienien's clolhlng amid flue rurnlshlng goods . hIlt their prices like the lmes , were omit at joint anl now the secret Is olt , Every ono knows whnl Is Raid about the creditor. hayden Bros. ' purchaRed the goods al theIr Own \nilaton , 111 have emit the Cook colhlug company rlghl In two , ammO will sell al exactly one-halC Ihelr Ilrlce. This enormOIS stock added to tile regular clolhlng 11eparlmenl of the bIg store ma11es time biggest stock ot time 1111 ever seen In thIs city . and Ir the sale docs not surpass anything ever alel1ted In Omaha It will be verystramige. Everybody sholil visit the big store , cor- nor 161h and Dodge and see what pluck energy and progressive o enterprise will do. NO ONE INCULPATED. hum / Freiurg's % IcBth Y tlterliny the Itc- ImlL or her Own Act. Time real nale or the girl who died at May Coleman's place yesterday morning was Dar relburg. ' Dora was an Inmate In Nellie King's house on Douglas street , near Ninth , and abolll o'clock Monday nlghl she and n lan named Charles Hutchinson. agent for n Chlclgo liquor house. started out from Klng's house 10 visit other places on the "row. " They I had bn lrlnldns freely . and In theIr wan- lerlngs went Into May Coleman's. More lquor was consumel , and Dora told Georgia Palon , with whom she was acquainted , that she was sick and hal been under 1 doctor's care for some time , and that during tile afternoon and evening she had talen twelve smal pills or morphine. Dora amid Georgia went up to the hatter's rom and willie there Georgia claims thaI Dar talked In a despondent strain for some time , saying thaI she was fast breaking down , In healh and was In financial strais , She also said Ihat some mornIng they would wake , up and find her deal In her room with time gas turned on. Miss Paten says thaI she advised the girl to do nolhlng rasil . and then Dora asked her Ir she ' had some morphine and a syringe for 1 hypodermic injectiomm. She saId thaI silo save time 'girl a imahf-graln tablet oC the drug , which was dIvIded In half and dissolved .In Water. , , Dtr. then took the . syrlng and madl the Injection imerseif . In less than an hour she became very sIck and had 10 bo carried ID 1 room. Di- Chadwick was summoned but the sIrl was past aid and died ' about 1:30 : a. m. The coroner was notified and detectives were sent to Invest- gate the case. They found Georgia Paten hysterically weeping al the bedside or Dora ali from Iho Inmates or the house learnel that I was she who gave time dead girl the fatal Injection. Georgia was taken ' 10 the police station and locked up In the malr n's department. She Is alleged 10 have told tIme landlady at the house Ihat II was she who gave Dora the Injecton , and that the girl asked he for It. Yesterday she denIed all this , and after an Investigation Coroner Maul ordered her release , as Ihero was nohlng ( to show Ihal she had gl'en the girl time dose with any Intention at causing her dealh. . Madge Lamonl , an Inmate or Nellie King's and confental friend or Dora , said that time anl tw Irl heft there late last " " girl ler night to ! "visitng" 1 I the other houses with a male acqualntnnce. She was lively and selmed In time best or spIrits and hind never al any time seemed despondent enough to take her own Ufe . Mamige was sure thaI Dora mel with an accidental - dental death . and Dr. ChadwIck , the attend- 'f ; physician , was or the same belief. .i' an inquest yesterday afternoon II was decided thaI Dora administered thE drug her- calf ; whether wllh suicidal Intent or not was not determined. Dora Frelburg the 18-year-ohl was - - daughler oC J. 0 , Frelburg n merchant tailor doing business on East Court avenue , Des Moines , la. She was n hanlsome blonlo and left home about a year and n haIr ago. I Is said that her downfa1 was occasioned by the wles or n Hawkeye slalesman who was In time twenty-flftim general assembly and after her disgrace becalo known she < etermlnCI upon leaving home and leading , nn Immoral life. She then came 10 Oniaima Irl. ' The glrl's puent separaled shortly before she left homo , and In accordance wllh ad- vIces receIved Cram both father and mothEr yesterday , the remains . will be burled here JJJtt1x. t , _ _ ! : . . _ /1.1 ( JII/'IS. A. W. Sidney . Hannibal , Mo . . Is registered tt Iho Burker. Jack Talbot Is registered al time Barker tram Denver , Cola Conlractng Agent I. n. Kooser or tile Missouri Pacific left for Kansas City last evenln , Charles leth anll I. 1 _ . Fowler ha\'e returned - turned rrom Chicago amId are domiciled ul time Barker , Thomas Swan Gordon \0. . alul ( S. A. Outhrle , hotmglas Wyo. , wealhy Itockmen at W'omlng , are at the Barker. Miss Hertha Tewels at Ilwaullee Is In time city , time guest or Miss hattie Oberleider Miss Tewels with remuln In time city for seve oral days. Al the Mercer : F. C. Wimeeler Chicago ; ClmariosV. . Simiveh SI. Louis . : O. Oalaher , Kausas City : V. C. Sblckiey Geneva ; J. I. dmlston. I Lincoln : J. C. Dool , Alejo Ill. : E I . C. Bralnarl and wie , Ogden , Utah : George Weaver , New York : Iouls'achtlr. . ler- man ; J. A , Ic.lughln. Craig. N"rnl I. lnl lit Iho lul'll i Al the nelone-I ' , J. hiruhiesboy hlomvehls ; V. g Whie. Creigimton Howels At lIme Millard-A . Ilrtolh D , lb. JenlIIs , Chndron : C. g. AuimulmlI4 nlperlor , At hue , \rculIO. W. Kelly , I.lurel ; JlillC'utsoul . lehron ; Motimu Johnlon , I'remonl : J. H. i Wlshenl. Clnrkson : C. W. Grlnuol.'lvcrly : C. Johu on , Geneva. i Al Iho Nerchummmitmm-A , H NIHbet. Fuller- ! Iln : I E. Oweum Norfolk : J. 11 II.terson. Fuler. , 1.i. I J. Hall. Grnd island : G. 1' . Sheerhey . F. : I. DI . 1 > 1\\1 City : I. . N i Joules . St. Jumes ; Antimony lcrschman , IlemIry \'tlbimer . 1111- IUllon : John 1Irsehmll , Brunchi ; JV . Da\.1l80n , I.'remonl . JO.I Ji Jo'n'J . R. . . On Saturday tile ladies or Ilmanuel lisp- list church wIll servo dinner al time Young Memi's Christan assocIation buIlding. The 11rOcEeda ! 10 tile church Improvemenl fuumd ? lrs , J. A. 1.lnohan. wIre oC Jerry Linehan , who I employed In the maater mechanlc'8 ollo or the Inlon Pacllc railway ahojs , amid who was residing al 30t California Street 11111 yealerlay. , Mrs. 1.lnehan was 28 years oC age , mind hall resided In Olahl for Iwenl-slx ) 'car I Chief Seavey ha receh'el u Ihotograph ! anti delrrlpton or Wiiam McGuire alas Wiiam Morse . the notorious safe sneak who commited several robberIes In Dalas. Tex , . about a year ago Morse was In Omuha last miumimmmmer . but rent on east . and a few weeks ago was captured while trying to break the safe or a big milng company In CincInnati. . . , . . . . . - - - - " . . - _ _ . - I-L - - - - - - . . - . CITY CO1L PROCEEDINGS i , t.l _ _ . Finnnce ! Oommitteo's Report Recmmending FortyTlrMis Levy Adopted. NOT WIH'UT MUCH DISCUSSION t e ml h"'U- COIRI'Iernhlo , 1'\0 \ Talk on tile louncr In " 'hlch Umnlu ! pll18 ItS ilioney-limudIcal Hornrms11..1 . . - TWllt-I'nur OUICO ifli1I1 t , . J , ' 1' Ordlnllcl , Hiled , .11 ; ' - Eighteen members or the city coumicli . anlnaled by more or less dlstncl Ideas ot rl'Irenchrent anti municipal reformnation . mel In regliar session last night. I was the first meetll In February . at which time charier & ovhles tha time anuual levy must he made , and the debate \ lastNI until after mhlnlght. I soon de\elollOI that there was mor than one 0111hlon as to the extenl 10 which Ihe irnhicof relrenchmenl shoul1 be carrIed The Imlimlority demandell the scalps mlnorl ) scalls or sevlntecn salnrlM emplo'es In time cIty hal all a general , reduction or 25 per cent In salaries , whie time nn:1ce : coillulllttee . 10 . which the sUbject at relrenchmenl had pre' I vlously been referred contented itself with urging eCOflOllly In expellture for lhlng , 'h'drant rental and gradlmlg reserving time mater cf salarIes for future conshleralon , The difference .or opinion causell several rather heatell exchanges oC IlersolHlltes , but eventual ) ' aPologies were tendered and accepted - ceptell anti the lunlclpal thunder storm Ilr 10 traces at its Imssage I Before Ihe report or the finance commltce I was reached , time mlnorlt rlsoluton was , submited i)3 ) Howel , Ilrldey anti Mercer . : I provided that time city should dispense will time rolowlng cmployes : One clerk In time city clerk's ol1e at 101 less Ihan $100 per month : two Iii the city treasurer's olce nl $ ll ; ono In thin comnptroiler's office lt $100 ; one In tIme Board at Ilble Worll's ofllct at $75 ; the sidewalk Inspector , $90 : assistant Illmblng Inspector . $12 : four sanitary Inspectors at $60 each ; Iwo janitors , $50 each ; one elevator condmuctor $50 : assistant - ant commissIoner of heallh , $100 : building In- speclor's clerk , $100 ; buiding examliimlcr $104. The resolulon also Ilro\.lded Ihat all olher salaries excelll such lS were prolectlll by the charter should be redncell 21 leI cent Inless such a rldlctlon sholhl bring Ihem & below $50 , amId Ihal the counci should go Into commilee oC time wholl to cOlslder time suggestlomu. hOWELL WAS EMI'IIATIC. Howel supported time resolnton by de- daring that the minority hal been coml1cled 10 declare Ilselr. I had not been consl1ed In lecare maldnp UII time levy and he wanted to go on record as saying Ihal hue would never vole for a levy , ordinance until rctrlnchment had been accomp1shed along tile lines slg- gested by tIme resolutioul. Jacobsen Irged that since tile subject had previously been submitted 10 tIme finance commIttee time resolution should follow It. Mercer all howell Insisted thaI time resolu- lion shouhl be conhlerel In commltEe at time lon wlthoul rr mice . and after considerable - able discumsshor'b ( \nattlr \ was compromised by reading th& ) , r 'l\drls \ of time finance com- mnittee . which "fltommltee oC time whole Proceeded 10 cohs\dlr \ 'n connection with Ihe resolution. The ' , ) flnice cOlmltteo submitted . the rollowlng mp6rt ' relative to tIme levy for : 18:5 : . 1tECO1tD H MILLS. Inl ' reportngj thPI.nnual levy ordinamlce . your Ilnance cornjittee begs to say that Inance cot ' attentiomm has been very careful 'lel&onal atenton given every b hrtl antI departmenl of the city . Including 'he ' thool boan1. Considering - Ing the circumstances. our tmtic has not been an easy1me. ' e could nol Igore ( anti we had no rrgil to ) the unanimous de- anl or the lleo1)I ( hint time rate oC taxaton be kept wih \leO\l \ ' s. antI , If possible , re- duced. 'Ve have.lfleYer lost Bllht of this imperatIve denm.p\l. \ ! l ' Investgaton we found these flgu'te . from last ) 'elr confront- . . . _ " Ing us : I , 1"WJt II . EFINJLES FROM 1191. School board . . _ . . . . " . . . . . , . . . . . $ 70.0 m Street' repair bill . 189. . . . . . . . . . . . 13.21 Street repair blilt 1801 about ) . . . . . . 9.0 m I'arlc Judgment . 181 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,0 m Fire engines and hose . tmnDaiti. . . . . 9,0 Street lghtng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,87 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,018 1 This represents 7 mis 1111 the above been lrvlled for last year assuming Ihat : the bills are correct we could have recommended - bis n material reducton In' the annual t lev ' . The estimates sulnnlted by the mi yOI from nil boards and dlla Unlnt ! , Inclu1ng the school board , cllEd for a total of w mhil for 18 : ; . - - mis Yourconirnittee has Invited member of the school board. library board park iommrd mire and police commIssIon and heals of do- parlmentB to a conference where tn every case nil Items of expenditure were reduced to Ihe lowest possible limit , except salaries which are to be made a subject of further considerathomi. The levy for general CUlul Is mlle with the JIllerstandlng that 11 de- plrlmenls v1hl praClce the most rIgid econ- omy and hInt thIs fund summit nol he called to for paving . , street Upon pay pa\lng. gradIng worl nor extra ilydrantli . street ligiltlng , etc. The levy In detail rlcommendell In the ordinance herewith Is as Colows : General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 * Maintaining curbing and gutterimlg. . . . 1 Sewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . guterlng. . . . . . . . . 1 l'ohice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1olco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ Sinking fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8t Water . funl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % T.lbrl'y : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 7 % Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Judgment . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I noanl or Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % Street Ilnlh , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Total , In mills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H A total for city ptirposemt . au Islle of public schools of OVA : mills. In this conneelon It shoull he remcm- bereti . also thaI tile school board hal been berel. given 4 mils \ additional 10 ni levy or 189 on ncounl of time falling off In license re- ceipt . and the Ire department ate an- t1cipate 1 or 2 mills increase. These two Items oC Increase , for which tills council Is riot re llonslbll. dellucted from last year's levy at . millie . ahow that city taxes Proper . Including that for pehoot lLurPOSes. under Julosel. ordinary circumstances , would have been decreased t1 mis , or over 13 ICI' cent In the levy enl nance for 1895. In Illop\ng tilts report let I he Uuler- stood that there lusl bo strict cconomy In Ilal de\artmlnl , nnd every 0lciai In any way responsIble Cor tIle , lsbl'fllenl of publIc fuuds . mUbt kelp wihin the up- iiilotnicmit. Unless there iroi > rimttlomi o. are seIne legal bal"rlers this reJorl wil be fol- Inwel hy an allotment by resolution 01' or- tilnance , "himitimig amid l'trlc\ng Ihu die- hnmm'miemiiemlt" of CUlts by every board amid all uloI > : mrtnients. Your committee Is not unfrlenll' 10 time large dmtimitalizemi Interests which lre Cur- Inrl ! clllalzell nlshlng the city wih water . gas , glsolne , electric lights . telephones . etc. . anti whloh havl I'ceetvel valuable rrnchlscs from tile Peohtie . wihout any conshltrton , But time rights or time generl Ilblc mire not belnl properly I'roleelell.l ' U\ II Is only fall thaI the busIness of the city shoulll he Jul on a more equitable , IIISII wih these corpora- tionmu. Quite I ) lnrY concessions huv been mmmdc hy tile gus cOlpany anl1 Iho mace lght coInhmany hut nothing hit been done hy time otimersi 180 fur al we lire 111- vimteml. .1 m \ A few Instanemi twi ihlustm'nte. 'I'ime Ollhl & Conncl liltilfe Street railway . we 1111rstllll. payS f ! O lIeI yeUI' 10 time Omull Street Inl way comllan for time prIvilege of l'unnlnllll trains IroUl1 tile /rlvlego / ' I Ihls IrlVUelR Is worth that 110unt for tile use of lime iuuls . I woull seem that time city shoull receive omelhlng for tile muse of the streitlil. " "lul ( I gets nothlng- not Iven taxes oem their curs , Time west end or the hrl1ge ) pa't a nOllnal Inx. Time AmelCln mVotur'oubos compuny wi eventually own arlurge slice of tile city . unless - less some method ) Is founll 10 check lis mmml- vances. Annual' nm1nls ! for lire hydranlt pall omIt of tll ell' treasury havl now rllchrll time 'mOl'IUOU' 8um of 1 leI celI on $2 , I I. ( ) ) . nl1 Ir 1J i InerelHlng every year . Time Iwtslmfnf It tile el ) ' In new lire h- dlntt chllet Ihrlng 1b91 I'epresenll 4 per clnl In UIOO . Just what II beIng colecl- ed frlm Private consumeIl wo do nol know. el . ' ' I ) . 'ounIHler. the gasoline contract Is a imusther. In.1 II 111111g a record Ihll en- titles II . 10 secoml Ilaco In tile affectons of tile cItY treasury , Durin1b1 time city Irold , In rentals for gasoline lamps . Interest on 1 caplalzaton oC SlrU unl Ihe Increlso 10 gasoline hll was ; j Per cenl over 1892. I Time cIty IUY $ Illerlst on n Clll111 oC $23,0 for I. ) gas , anti Inloresl on ahout $ GoO ril lt tell'llhone8. Tile gas eoimiimtuiy . hus recenlIHII about tl.O Inlo time city recenl\ its new contract. anti limo . would be mailing a good telephone .company woull . 100 < bargull If I Curnlihel time cIty wHim ni ls tplephones without ehart' 1 II wlhoul say Ihut the taxes paId hy nearly all these large corporations are only nenr\ ni . Uut 10 tInY [ time Innul1 services rtmndereti the city charges for the sen'lcel nmdlrell cly IS above lentor . 1M I.eol.le lI ) ' 4 per cent Interest on ' 3,71.l eVtm' ) ' 'ear. Of the tax levy this bIlge nmounl represents 7l % imilils , or about oumi-sixtim or time taxes plill Cor all ilurhmoses. Time few IIEances UIIOse8. will indicate time necessity ror I Growln/ la hevy , and will - . " , . , > . , . . - - ' - . . . - - , - _ . - . . - . . possibly ! howh. . tal" ' In Omaha art un- . eqlll ) ' cllAlrlbute.t limIt the queston or am'- ! lllmlnt" Is not before \1 at this tm ! and I" referred to In the h011 thaI a remedy mall , ) ' he Counll whlrebv tile nnllal levy may tIC reducII , and n more hlst and equl- table disto Ibulon or burdens 1.e . 111e. SOME PLAIN FACTS. The Meas at time commlto relative to re . trem'chment were Ilresentell lS rolows : Your committee . ha\'lnr hnll untlem' eon- ! Ilerton a r"ollton adoltlt1 by time 10UI' cl Jnlunry S. booking towards retu-elleil- ment In 11IXllenlef , 1)1 ) leave to sub- mlt the followlnl 'artli ! report . anti to ask furlher tIme to } Investigate that branch or Ihe rsolutol touchll rcductol of sal. aries , \ hn\'e devoted ! 11Ch comim'kler-.t- ton as posRlhle to thl1 RuhJet , Iltl we Iintl ' wIllimignesmu the of all 111 1 general wlllJneMt on Part al city olclll" to 1010ml7' In e\'cl' ) ' depart- iltemit. I hl1 hcel tile desire or the Ilance t'olmltee. II iA rl'ommelulallol" . lInt 10 cripple nn ) ' or tile cl t y departmells t , Iltl to , . SViIer , It ' too llighl reluce cOlllen"alol I Wl1 hllh and cut off UnnpClRMr ' rxpel""f If ni allunl xmlmhlroirimltioml orl11nanco CI he hiassemi "hlch woull take cIed amI be , I\lu 1110a oleals choRel lt 1 luhH" IIUl11 ellcllon II 10111 be II' ' Illcul to cflahlh Inlarles emi n lower baide We are In ' ' of Work . mel , Ihe very Irt stage our wih thee obstacles : . . SOle of the \alous bonu-uhmi e\.llent\ arc of tIme 0111101 Ihl t II lit Ihe Ihl of Ihe ' ' Comuilcil . ' lal'e ) certain Il ) cOlcl 10 l.ractcJI ) li1mIe a clrtlll slm oC 10nlY. Ulllat , ) I ) I imli' l'ellt. alil thaI tIme city cOlcl ) has 10thing to 110 wih its expemlitIluure. The el ) ntor\ ) ' eems Inclled 10 thl" view. If ho If legally correct time 11t1.1l whn lIY time laxel coil reii r mmiii 11) to this legk- expect Imo re Ir 1 1 ti ) go 1111- Inlln' amid nmel11 the charter "It n ! to hrilth ! eXllelllUtlS of 11 boartlt . ul\ler ' ' ' ' the direct control of theh' rCI"'IRelllth'cs In time city cotmuit'll. There IR 10 11IIO"ltol , RO far nMl nre 1\\'arl , emi tw par of tile city I'oulcl 10 Interfere 11 lllI wmmy wih the ) Illmlllltrtol I1H1 tlelals ) time van- tilS hlnltls anti . deparlmelt , ; but we lele\'o II Is time lnt ) of time city coulcl to rr- ! strict tw , limit the eX\eIHIII. or Ilhle fUllls , Your commitee \ 1' of time 01111101 Ihll time ell ) ' coulcl houlll Ilslsl 11'01 . this po"ltul. 1111 , 8houI1 stmlmseqtIt'llt e\.enll prove IIlt )1 lit 101 correct . u direct 11'11'11 should he mlile to tile I"Hlshlllrc , lilt tIle iuiterests of time JlOllle Ilul taxpayers . to 80 ) amlnll the charlsl that mill exhcmiiittmt'u2i4 eta he cli. 1111cd IIHI I'ellrclcd b ) the city COUU- cl.1Iuler time Irovllloll of thc clmmmrt'er 111 the olllllon of time cIty ltnrl ' Ihc sllarlel of all ) h ' tilt' ' mtnd al cmploel aPpointed luy tll' mlOI' Ind e0111 mec . I ) time coulcl I'l 1 lot ( hI In- ememmmetl 0. IIlrclCI , llrllg their tel-ill. Salaries Ixell t the I'harlel' cal1ot be chnnh"tl 1117 tile city cuulcl , I ) ' 0cOlmltle can lall no mOIIS : of o\'ercomln times oh"lacle wu will sa ) ' . frll ( ) thai \ ' lu not believe . II wi he In the Iltlre"l of Hood city go'em'liliieflt . 10 malee It FdlIpegomlt of the , few clt ) Ilerlls amid other \ ito such ' ' al11 ! whl to not have rl'llnll ) protection. Al Ihoull he treated alike. 'rhe IISII < 8110I t , we hal ieve . I10ng al I Rubol'll- lat ! 01ccI's mind clerks Is to checrful ' ac- cellt a fair rellcton for Ihelr sel'vlce" Afel" ' WI have booked toothIer Into Ihls brlleh of the RubJcct WI will submll all atltlitiomlmti I rppol'l. In 011 research1 among the archlvel or time el ) . we fn Ihal the irrepressible comma- clmln with it I reolutol II a Ve'Y eXllcll'e itlXtli' the Cht ' , It I" lilmttter hIXlr ) to el ) I " 111 easy . Inler to add 10 the expemise of time city . by l'lsolu- tel , hut I OX\onse ' nlmotlll'r mltter 10 relclul Ilch reFoIIUOI , 01' checl the ex- 11em11'el whcn olce mnmmdtm . The taxpayers illmVm' imiipres. tnxpl'ers 11 eroneOIR Inllrel- slol In reglrt to the powers . If Ihlll' repro- sentnU\'es la the city coUmmcll. 'rumey are llclloll ( ) ' limniteth. Whie It Is true tml time coulcl mikOs the Innlll tlX ievIt Is equal ) ' true Ihn time power to m'egmmlmmte . the lalalles ; of time emlllo'cs uf the city , which , In 011 jlu1lmenl. fholll ! be In the hands of the people ( thllgh theh' representalves In the council ) , his heen nmt1e IH'etcal ) ' nugalory by chlrtel' provisioii If the opinIon - Ion of tilt cIty Ilorne ) ' Is correct. 'file total lax lev ) ' for 1891 $ was I 1111115. Of Ihls IIOlnt tile' pEople wi , Iolhless be sur- prlscll to Ilnrn that their 1ell'CSlnlnlves In tilt cIty council have direct conllol , by ordinance , of salarIes In tile aggregate amounlng to less thln $ G.O. or between : amid ! 3 mils of the total le\ ' ) ' . I II Is true thaI wme of the hoanls are g'owlng 11 11 Ihe belief that they are Illel1lllent of the counci nli nol Iccountable 10 that body . Ind simply ) ' como to the council for the nnllal tax levy anti have the rIght to legulate eXIJel11lures lS they leeln lmest we l'e of the olinion thaI I Is time Ihat the people consiioI whether or not . they should take Steps 10 hlve such . power ) tmmIhel and the responslblt ) for 11 expendItures . - Itures IHaced upon those whom the ) can rench b ) ' the ballot box. The city council has not been blameless In lxpeniltures , and we shaull be wIlling 10 accept our due proportion of publc crtl- clsm. Some of Ihe leaks In the council may he nll'lbuteil 10 Ihe objectionable practice oC ordering hy refolnton or ol'dlnlncE without cue . consideratIon . additional lire ilydrants , electric and gasoline bights , pro- viding for the PaYment at gratling out of vldlng the1)menl S1 1u" the general fund / . which oUlhl to he pnll by the ProPertY owners beneliteti . and also gen- crab street work . which Is . In man ) ' cases practically n reckless waste oC Public 10ne ) ' . This counci hIts In its hlOWcr If It so 11eslres. 10 prevent tills anti a resolution Is herewih submitted with thll report bearing upon thll subject and tending to regulate it rut ieast during 1895. Tile finance commuittee , Imi fact , lint based ita recommoimiations for tile tax levy for 1895 upom time expectation that tile present city cOulicli will : tdoit such resolution. II U different POliCY is to ile inmrsuetl , and we arc' t contintu tn telil to our nirmtltlv nail yearly ordering gIns ande1ectrIc bighlta anti grading antI other street work , there will be mmmi overlap to which your corn- niittee desires to call special attention at this time. If time resoitmtlon is adoptetl we believe timat , there will be a saving in the itemna mentioned of 3 to 4 mnhlis 1mm tlie an- nimal IOV ) . We beg to make tile following recomnmendations for 1895 : That no resolutions or ordinacnes be atloimted ordering addItIOnal lire blydrants ; that no resolutlomm be adopted or- Ocring additional gamtohine lumnps ; that no resobtltlon be aulopted ordering fllmlitlOtIab gas bmmmnps : tiimmt. no reso- iutiomm lie amlopteut ordering addithomiab ciec- trio lights : that mme street work be clone by resolution , except as may be in the regular way by tile Board of Pubibic 'ivories , a fumid for wimicui is provided in the annual nppro- printioml ; that no more gradIng or paving be done , time expense of wimicim simail lie paid out of the general ( mmml. It iiilOUiti be borne in mind that a water hlvmlmamit. a gas immmp. gasoline 1111111 , , or an electric bight lii Just bike some oihlce lioitiermi ; wiiemi it omico gets op time pay roil it becomes a pemisioner ( or tmhl unic upon tile taxpayers atti is In tleed mmmiii In fact a llxetl charge , ( rommi wilich there Is no escape : ilonce tile umecessity of callimlg a imalt in tiiis class of expeniitureme ( or time liresemlt reblet of time people. KNOCKED OFF A MILL. Time acconipanying resoiutiomi by Taylor was as foliomvs : Resolved , That time committee on rules lie. antI It Is imereily. instructed to submit an anlendrnent to tile mimics , iroviuiiimg tilmmt tile exlmenmIltures of uIlOmIe ) ' for 1895 miimrmii not be made by resolution for additional bights. wmtter hyulrantmt or ( or grndlmmmr , imuving or street improvements , to he llmmlmi out of time general ( mmmi , but that alt sochu contemplated - plated expentlitureim or imuprovemuients be matie by unuiimunnce or concurrent resolution , nulmneograpil Collies of wimich simuhi be fur. nisimeul ily tile city clerk to emicil menther of time cIty council , hmrvuuieui hint. 1mm 1(11 emer- gene ) ' . OnlY unmimmiunous consent mnmi be oh- taiuiei ( or such eximenthitures by colleur- remit resobmltloml. After some parliamentary commvoiumtiorms time cOmlncl found itself In time comniumittec' of time mi-hole , ammO time lmcee4iings vcro lnaugumrated by a lively boimt between 'h'mlyhor aumml Iloweli , Taylor sumggesteui that howell Imad probably acconmphisimctl all timat. hue Imitemltieti by time rose- ImiticIm , as it ovas simply a piece of politIcal hmmuimcommibe , lie knew as well as emmy one else that time mmimiority haul refused to be repro. semmteh on time flmlammuas comfllmlIttee , ' and imad imo excuse for bringing ill time resobmmtion , Timemi llowebl rose UI ) in wrath , "You are a mmico mmman , ' ' lie said , "to accuse lime of po- iltlcab buncollibe , ammO pretty $0011 I wIll imave yomi up before time bar of tide council to apolo- gize. I tin not imltend to be talked to in thus way hy a mumami wimo has only served two itlOilt ii K I II I it e counci I. ' ' TIme debate cooled miown after a wIllIe anti a hIt'it % m'aH mieciareui between limo iiebhlgerants. Mr. luybor retracted time offeulalve iiimrase anti ills late opponent umurpassetl ilimnbeif In coin- phimumentinmg tIme report of time comnmnlttee 011 flmuaumce. limit lie imeld timat time report did imot go far eumoughu , anti something limore substan- tiai must tie offeremi in time way of retrencim- mmiemlt before ime would vote for hit' proposed levy. lie wemlt into statistics to show that time expolmse of omertmtimmg sommie of time cIty ofliecs was tar greater at liresent luau It scas sommie years ago wimen timero wait very nearly time samno work to be accOillImilsimOd , and in E C Z E M A hummdreda terrible amicted hood From there early disease whit who chIld- this are are wimichm time ) nCdiCat menamidoven llotHpriimgafall to benefit , $ . 8. Ii. ima reado a wommderlul record Ill limo cure of liczema ovoim afterevery knowa remedy hmai faIled this nowned blood remedy ha me. moved time 0th- easoeumiireiy. You cannot shoed to riek the ) uarmfuit effects of mner- corial and potash rcmedie.e , they are worse timan the dis- ease. S. 8. hI , iii guaranteed purely vegetable - table contaloiog no drug or zni'neral of any kinmd , S S S Sent ! br our trcatibe on blood and skimi diseases e. wIrrf , SPECIFIO w' . I a.nt& , a. this lme lsaS siupporteil by fluirkiey , who clteml tile average salaries haul by several large establishments to iiow thmnt time city m'as paying Its clerks far more liberally timan dlii other corpormstlomms. howell fluiaiiy mnoved that time bevy for time general funul proposed imy time finance committee be reduced one hulL Saunders moved as tin amnendment that the report of tIme conummuittee be atlopted as meati anti time lluImlmrity resolution be placed on file , Nearly nil tile mmuemnlxrs expresseti tilelmi. selves Oil limo proposition , after wiuicim time atmuenmiment was carried , The levy ordinance as limolmoserl by time' finance commmuitteo was passed , llumrkley , Cimlmmi , I los'eIi , Lemniy. 10cr- cer aumtl Tlmnunns votIng In time miegative. The bread ordinance , wimlciu sas jiaseed at tile previous Ineeting. niaking a loaf twenty- foumr omunees , was retmirmuetl with mt vlgoroums veto by time mayor. After some tllsculaSiOim the veto \'ims smmstmmlnesi by a mummanulilOmis Vote , with time mmmmmlerstnniiiumg thmat eumi ordinance m'lmomuiml be Iuitroduceti 1mm wlmichm the objectiomm- abbe feature simoulti be ebimluinateti. , i's'ITIU.V.iI. J".hIt.1fIfIl.S' .i1.I.1.i.VCI. Supremule ( 'ntuuicIt V.ie4illCit tO limmlttigiim North Cimuohinmm , I1ALEIGII , N. C' . , Feb' 5.-Time sluprenle commtmcil of thme Nnt'ommal ' Faruuiema Alliance ammO Industrial mummlon tact in immmntmal con'emltiOmu imero today. Utmiteml States Seimator-cloct Mmsniomm limitler , blresitiemlt of time Natioilmll ai- 11311CC , calicO time comincli to order almtl bml'C- Sehltel ( Mayer Baulger of tlmis cIty , wimo do. hiverctl tue at1ilres of ovebeonle. Time mayor In imis remarks referred to , efforts of a mao- ligmiamit cimarcter to create' imrcimmtbice betveemm time laborers tif time city antI the laborers of time cotumltry , amId imopeti that the Imuflmence of time abilammce muuigimt be exOrteti toward a cessatiomu of all sumcim Sciiemiles , b'residemut Newbumrn of time Nortiu Cmmroiina State aliiaumcc weicommieti time eouuumcii emu hoimaif of tIme state. ltespommses Were illade by 11. L. Lommclcs of Somutim 1)abotmi , ex-presimhemlt of limo orgimimiza- tlon , alIt ! I , i. 1)eamI of New York. bciegates mm'ere present frommu twemmty states anti iiioro imme expected touimorrow , At tue ovemuilIg mmleetlmmg of tue comuncii time foliowimlg rosolmmthorms on the dmlrreimcy question were adopted : Vi'imerenms it i eurrc'mttby rcporiel that an- otiler bommil issule imas hicetu ileternlimmesl mupomm hmy time luresimient of the Ummlteti States ; mmmiii \'imerdlls , lii taut' ( Jbliilimlml cxImtlimg stmmtumte' laws tb Ilot atitimorize' Itticil imsstme ; n'itbuer thu li'esemit emhmergemlc'ics m-emimuire it ; mmumd \Vimmemus , 'l'Imc' power is lmo % ' reimoseil Iii the gemleral govenmhilleilt to mimeut such press- immg coultlumgt'mleIes , 811(1 by time' bmimuill termmms of existimig laws ; tilcreforo , b it Ilosolveti , Timmut timis mmntimmmmmml coumucil of thl C FmmIiiu p m's' bhin mice nummi I midlmet mini mmmi loll iml regular session llSCt'lllliil'ti eimter ouur isob- cmliii amid macat earlIest lmmotest mmmmlmmst sticbm Isetue. Itesolveti , That Inmstenul time aulnuinistmatiomi' ilO tmrgvti to emmuliloy tile ohmtilmm mmllovetl ii ) ' law lumlti lit ) ' omit sliver its well its golml s'imcn coin is uitmimmmumutle'ti for tile trcmtsmmr9' ilotcis. Resolved , That if this uloes lIOt cmiii tile Presfmlt enmergomlc' ) ' tile govemhlmlle'mmt he re- iiie'istett It ) Iutsume mmOml-ihitcleMt tme'mui'immg ( mill begmul temlder treastmm-y notes. 1tStU .tT TIllf sl'oir.iN' CLUIt. Mummicauiy thus has beeum a reti letter week In time hIstory ot Omllaimmm'ihiiamlm II. Shier- \ ootl , Amimenica's great Iliamlo vlrtmmoso , appear- lug iii concert Mommdmmy evemlihig wimilo last nlgimt a mleW corner to time west , Miss Prus- celia \\'bite of Boston lllalc a profound immu- pressiomm mis a mmimuger whose future is aimomig time stara , Modest , mummassummuimlg ill muammmuer , vitiu ( ow of tile tricks of thmo lyric profes- sian , Miss "tVluite sang to an ammuliemmcc in the W'Omllafl'S ciub roomims In so imiastoriy a mama- 11cr timat Imer lmraisos will rimug totlity 1mm musical - cal circles. Silo WOn a notabbo trimummupim , anti that , too , In' cm. roomim lily suited to imer voice , wlmicli , Ill its Satimi ) ' qmmality , is 'ery like timat of blmmmrna Emmimmes , htmL wimat is still more rc- nmarkabbe , coupled witim timhs liquid quality timere Is ibramnatic Server and lmmtemmsity which must bring tiue young simlger luuto national prominence. 11cr imrogratmm was exacting , to say tIle bOltbt , covering time bight , airy ciman- sons of tile Frcmichm comiuposers , time sweet hal- lads of our English amId time tragedies of time Itaiiaum and German vjniters , as a whole , a re- nlarkably line , progranu , wisely selected to bring out time pimrasimmg ahld tile tomperalnent of time artiste. Never Imas an Onuaima audi- 011cc imeard tile inmmnortabxuunther from "La Traviata" "Ail ! Fos e' .Lui , " taken with such tempo as 'Miss White gave it last nigbmt ammO sustaining limo notes tilrotmgimout in so absolutely a imiusicianly manner. Amid such mmmi o\'atiolu as tIme young 'omiman received compensated for all time weary years of toil amid endeavor time perfection of that one tragic tone poem cost tile singer. Time 'Spring Song" of Memldeissolmn watt beaumti- fully rendered ammml was received witim tue en- .timmmsiasmn it perfect rendition of the somig merited , For an encore to tile Verdi ntmnuber Miss Wimhte gave "Time Proposal , " by Drocket , a simple bit of mebomly , telling Imow tile sear- lot creeper loves time ohm , but so daimltily iloted that it. too. womm warm oraise. Thmrco Fremuciu songs simowcti tue versatility of this talented artiste , anti tiley os'ere sung m'itim tIme verve tilat universabjy acconIpamlies aliytluimlg written by Obmamninado and Logo. "Smmum- shIne , " by Grieg , was sung with warnuthm and feelimig , imer coioraturo worbe being far above wimat Omnalma has imeard in a mitiimmber of years. 'Sun Wprsbmip , " by Kenneth McKenzie , a young Boston composer , and written for tile mmrtisto wimo sang It last night , was finely suited to siloW tile sentiumment of time singer , and her comlcluding number , by Debibes , was rich in coloring , forceful , brilliant. termmuinmmt- ing wItlm magnthlcemut cbiimuax a notable evemi- ing musically. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lie Foilgilt Everybody. Jmmmnes Provami , a soldier fronm Fort Ornaima , got drunbe yesterday Timis got him into a great deal of trouble , as well as Inakimlg XiiUcbi troubie for others. lie got nmlxed op imu a light iii a saloon at Fourteentim and Dodge and was arrested by Detective Hudson. hudson took imluim to time patrol hex , anti wimeml imo saw tile patrol wagon coming lie made a flgimt to get away. After hue was put 1mm tue wagon lie nilade a llgimt with Ofllcer Tiedenlan. At the statlomu hue tried to beat Jailer Ilovey wimemm being imearcimed , nmmd as Ttmrmmbcey Mar- mmcli was hocking imimu iii a cell imo attacked iminm , but was finally locked UI ) With 507110 otimer lrisOners , vimere lie started anotimer flgilt , ilmit got consluierably time vorst of it. ! es'as _ finally phacemi in a darlc cell all alone. Quaket OATS ' l Good health gives strong \ muscles , firm nerves , clear 1 I brain , Quaker Oats gives c\ \ good health , Sold only In 2 lb. Packages , "Howdy , Strangei' ! " Is the Texas Welcome Texas wiib sumy "ilommdm" to ) ou. If you will run down amId give her immiipitatie citIzens half a chance to get acquainted with ) 'OU , hiesmdes being it iicusant tiace to visit , hI does imot take it back seat cmi a wealth producer , 0mm time Gulf Coast of Texas mna' ho found big attractions for imomumemmeelcers ; CO acres of iauid , luiantctl Ill Pears , ntas owner $10 yeiiy , Cimeap rates In effect during winter nmontims. Now I. time time to go. Cull on or address B. L. l'mmlnuer , P. A. , Santa Ie route , Omimnima , for cx. cursiomm rates anti tree copy of Coast C'vuntny folder , . . ' mi . , - . tie ' . , , . 1 - , 't _ _ _ ( . , ' . 4tLku- I. . , ) - . . II&l.tZ ; , , I , - Au Afflicted Child Painful Salt Rheum Covoro Her Head tirmppy nnd Honithy Since Tnkln3 . Hood'a Sarsaparlila "C , , I. Iloomi & Co. , Lowell , Mmmssm , . My uiitio ihaumgimter , Birdie , now two and one- half years olmI , bias been mm great smmiherer irom anit rlmemlmmu slmmeo slum vns abomIt two IllOhitils ciii , A m or ) ' Itaimlitub erumiutiummu covcrui mueck , cams smItI entire 500111. 1 conatmhtcul ) illym'ICiauii aimmi tried uiaily : remmmemihcs , bmmt vitllOumt nvali , mmumtib a Friend Recommended Hood'n Sarsahmaniita. Before the first bottle was thketm time ermllmtiOmi bmui ilismppearemi : , ammO imow mmommo rcinaimis , hilo time child's hicticral lucaltim Il HOOD'S Sarsaparilla , CURES ' much imaprovemi. I bmc'mrtiby : reconmimmemmul ihood' Ikmrsailmm'iiia : to mmii smuiheriimg ( mmml this disease , ' itlmm. 1mzzmi : btu himioLz , Atcimisoim , ICamusas. Hood's Pills cmmro liver Ills , coimsilpation. liousuess , jtttmldlCC , sickheadaclmo , Indigestion. On Egyptian Lines A little mnoro tbmamm cimair and less timan coucim. You simommid see it to fully appreciate its graceful bimmes wlmiciu everywimere lierhmetuato Iloganth's ( anmiomus curve. TIle seat is usu- aliy deep , giving to tile desigmi aim Oriental flavor. The clmair is , in fact , strongly suggestiva. of time obd Egyptian cilairs oh time has-reliefs iii time Museum at Gezeerell , except timat lucre the hmeigimt of time back is reduced and added to tile depth of time seat , Otiuehvise time outlines are alike , Tim cimair Is as luxurious as. it Is artistic. It is sure to.tittract attention In any , drew- Ing room by. it mmnique character , It fairly' . I brlstieswitil style. The covering Is a satin damask. Our new line of uplmolatery , curtain goods , draperies , etc. , contains all time latest nov- cities. CHAS .SHIVERICK Lc CO. FIJRNITIJH1I AND DRAmSRIBS. Twelfth amid Douglas Streets , AMUEMENPS , ' ONhi NlOul'l' ONL.Y B OYDS'ED. % ED. FEB. 6TH r w. S CLEVELAND'S BIG OUBL ALLNATIONS flIP R ESENTED. 50 l'coiio ' Poltlvely -50- MINSTREL SllO'WS 2-1110 ShOWS COMIIINED-2 2 FI11ST I'AItTS-Ohti tirmme antI Greater Mod. era Minstmeisy. 2 hANDS-C OllChiESTItAil-2 10 TIIODOUIN MOOltifimo AltAilS-lO. Clove. land's latest novemlies. Box sheets Will elton 'ruseday at usual prices. ' Tltnrs , , Fri. & Stit B OYD'S FED. 7-8-9. ( MATINEE SATURDAY , ) HOYT'S 'I A - TEMPERANCE TOWN First time In timia city of aIr , hoyt's now comnotly. Box simeets opemm SVedmmeaiiay at Usual prices. B O'YD S 'r lUE N lIIITS , Comineilciog Sunday , Feb. 10 I ) , W , T1USS & CO. , mumullOtlllOO l89l produc. tion of WiNG Tue ( ircatcuit of all Conila Operas. 60 PEOPLE 60 iii limo fmuimmOtmii cast , WANi'S OWN OlCIIESTA. i'miues-25c : , SOti , hSc ammO $1MO. ' 1'lPtJLfmhl E'31 NIlPITelephone Telephone 1531 , 3 BURGESS , - - - - Mamlaget iutliieo MORfllSON' 'rodimy Orlglmmul : Prodmuctlomu of 2:31) 1 . _ . FAUST : - : ' } 'foiiIgiit immmrodmmcimmg MiSS H : 15 1 io'9ahd1 Morrueomm ate Marguerite Comlmmg , Week l'eb. 10-IJNCLI ! TOM's CMiif'J , EDISON'S KINI3TOSCOPE 1vjhitv lAY l'AllI.OItIl Vronm it a. mum. to hi P. rn. ho ml , ittim til , cubjechs for tlmia m'eeic Iloximug CulmtCNt. I Ilucltluuuc lhrotmeito ( roumi CmmIcttlu , klmig Ut limo I liumltmmlcu 11111'sViltl wIre. J WeSt. SANIJOW , NNAliEl.LL' , ill 11cr l'ommmomums " hiumttcrfly lzsucc , " A special iovitmmtloa to ladies. - - - / 4 EW FACES /iTijAUfltJ'VCIiANGBUI the Features 511(1 lteuu , lug lulemlahuiIa 1W p. buohi fur s .Juliu II , W.odbur' . bZ7Y.42dRt..U , Zxmvsutur Vt Wvodtiur's lfucimml iuw. C 4Q