- - - - - - . - - - . " ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - w % _ : - , , . . ' ' ' . , - , - --v. - - , - . . r _ . ' - - - r - - ' . ' ' - -l V V VVV _ ' 7 . F TIlE OMAJTA DAILY BEE 'VliJDNESDAY nn.UARY 189G. ' L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - 0 , - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 , Tim OMAHA DAILY DE ! " . I I COUNCU. BT.UIiTS. , oFjrIcz - NO. 12 PEA1L STfltET , Delntt by earner to * ny par or \ . cl , . U. W. TILTON , Lessee. T1LtPHONj-flustntis offlce. No 4 : nIght _ . 4Itt. No. 2 - . 1IIS)1 . " " "TIU. " . Grand hotel Council liluffs . reopened Oet. 1 Mayi : . teal Estate agenc ) ' , G39 Iiroadvay. William nrhles anll Efl Mason I . botl of Omaha Cook. , were married yeerllay by Justice Cook.1ufa division No. 27 , l nhhts ; of lythlas. will elect ofcer tonight. All member requested - quested to be present The funeral of W. I hail will take plac : this afternoon at 2 o'clock from his late rest- lIece , 1G23 Avenue C. O. C. Brown and Miss Leona Talbot are to bo marrlco this evening at the residence of the hrhlo's ( parents . 71 Fifth avenue association vIlt meet The Hebekah Hele associaton wi nt I. O. O. I. ' . hal today nt 2:30 : p. m. Al Hcheknhs are cordially Invltell to he present. Andy liowlin , who recently lost an eye Bowln. whim working In Idaho. Is ebb to be about the streets with a bandage over the alluded member. Cardela Thresher has been Irnat alI- vorco from Ashley Therslier . 0 mal agent on the Milwaukee . between Cedar Iaplds and Sioux City. L. Z. Williams paid Into Justice Vlen's court yesterday thc sum of ' 5.H ! ; for the Ille1ute or pounding William Young I was ' 1 and coala. The motor company Is using the blocks recently - centy torn up from the motor bridge paving , oa fuel They make a large murky cloud , which does not Increase the pleasure of a rid a between the two cities. . Harry Grate mil Pearl Uterhacle are to bo married Monday February 18. Both are member ot the Salvation army 'fhe hrlde's father formerly blew the bass durm In the same organization . but violently opposed the match. ito having gene to .California . the : coast Is now cicar. cear. The 'Northwesler Mulual Life Insurance company linE been having 1 transcript made of the evidence before thin coroner's jury In the John huntington suicide case. I Is stated that this Is merely prefatory to the V payment at the $1,000 policy , and that no contest wi bo matte. SOIO of the city aldermen arc said to be considering the plan of paylnl the city em- ' pi Dyes In cash , Instead of warrants. as has been the custom for years past. The warrants - rants sel at 9 : cents on the dollar . and the holders oC the warrants after each pay lay have to ltand the shrlnlage. Ed Canning , the city marshal , was surprised - prised hy about twenty of his friends Monday nlKht. lie vent to his home 211 Sixth ave- nIle , and was just about ready to retire when his guests care In to spend the evening with him In the celebration of his hlrthday. The surprise was planned for him by his wife . and wa a total success . James Morris , the young tramp who tried to bunco 1 ¼ . V. ' . Helkman out of a much needed dinner turns out to bc the same fellow - low who was given ten days for stealing a pair of shoes from Clnt I3ycrs. Ho was let out Dr the county jai Monday morning , havIng - lag served his time , and Monday noon he was In the quay again. This tme be was given ten days for vagrancy. Tbo ant.cllareto ieague . composed of boys ateillnl the public schools. are planning - ning to oranlze a grand lode. uniting nfl the various societies . or which there are now nlne-threo In the 'ashlngtoQ avenue school two In the Boomer and one each In the Pierce street Third street , Second avenue - nue and Twentieth avenue. About 700 boys are enrolled In all. The question Dr organizIng - Ing the grand lodge will core up for determination - termination at the next uleeting . to be held - Friday , March 1. Several weeks ago Chester Hbbs of Wood- Sevlral alO station while search- blno caloll at the Police staten whie tug for his daughter who had run away from homo mil taken up her abode In a ' house of questionable resort. lie found that she was V oc upylng a cell In the city jail. When he was searched as Is the custom when blood appears to be ornamenting the face 'of the moon , a large revolver was found In one of his pocleols. I was taken away from him and bas been In the jailer's possession ever since. Yesterday n card was received from ' , 11m asking the marshal to send I to him by mali. mali.A traveler arrived In the city yestordny forenoon In a plablo condition. lie went ' from Cleveland to Golden Colo. , about a mJnlh ago having the prom Iso oC a job In a manufacturing enterprlso. lie borrowed the $30 necessary to paY his tare there. After ho had worked just a week the factory shut ! down and ho was thrown out on the world without friends and almost without 10ney , Ho commenced to beat his way back. With him were two other unfortunates one of whom was frozen to death and taken from r his box car at Lincoln. The ClevelanJ man kept on his way to this city and arrived hero yesterday morning with both hands carl and feet frozon. V Wo have : over $300,000 to loan upon 1m. proved Iowa farms. Farmers desiring loans ' by dealing direct with us . can sa\'o money dealng .lrect thereby saving asent's commission \Vo do not loan on wild lands. nor In Nebraska. Luieo & 'owle , 235 Pearl street ISO."AL 1'"UlUUlAI'lS. Miss Jennie HeaUnl Is sick with the grIp. E. I A. Troutman Is connnell to his home by an attack of time gri > Miss Emma neliah will leave this evening for Mendola und Arilngtqn . Iii. , to visIt rela- tives. tves.N. 3d. lusey and J. N. Baldwin are In Des Moines attending a session DC the supreme court. ' J. N. Oelrsler , agent U. i' . system , let last evenIng for Now York to be gone a week or ten days The little son of Mrs. Helen Aichison Is ill wih scarlet fever at the residence on \Vii. low avenue Harry Nason has taken a poslUm on the road with the Foster Manufacturing company of this city. Jelm Schoenlgen han returned from nos- ton . where ho visited his son , who la attend- log school there . I' . H. McAlee of Durango , Cob " Is In the city . the S'lest of his brother S. T. McAtee. 10 Is agent at Durango for the Rio Grantle Miss Maude Virgin , who has been visiting the faintly of lr J. D. Patterson on Wiow avenUe has returned to her hem In liur. lingtoil. Yes the Eajle laundry Is "that good laundry . " and Is located at 7Jroadwsy. . U In doubt ube < t this , try I and bo convlnce . Don't forget name and number. Tel. 157. \Vantcd . competent cook , ot COS First avenue. _ _ _ _ _ _ Wright Gel .5 10. 'J'bo jury In the hay case or I. 3. WrIght against W. I Vincent brought In n vera dlpt which was opened yesterday moring and found 10 be In favor ot the piaintiff . In time sum of $ . 'ho counter claim ot the defendant was Ignon'd. D. II. Huslon Is suing time city of Coun- ci DurH for 10,000 damalel for a broken cr111. lie wa walking along Washlngten ave- flue near the corer ot First street , one 10rnlng lat winter when he slipped al the Ice amid fell . meeting with the accident which 18 responsible for the bringing of this suit. lie alleges : nei\gence on the van of the city Vl authorities. SOnIC tme \ a8 ( ccupled In em- IUinelhlg a jur ) ' . every property owner who Presented himself for dUly being excused for cause. A jury of farmers was fnaly secured und the trial occupied the entire < ar. - - - Just received , a new line of stamped linens and , 10nian braids . Art linens by the ) 'afl ; V lessons In ciimbroidcry . licmnstitching. drawn work and Uonlal lace. Order work done. Misses Clarl & \\'etzoi 337 Droadway. - - - - - - - - lllrhllo 1.10'1101. The following marriage licenses were b. I luell yesterday : Name anti addren Age. \'lllm liridges . OllIflhlD . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Elite Mason , < Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 John Ilrmmitmisr. Nenin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Adelno l.uimbtcrs , Neolim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Orville ( Brown , 10WLwntamit couII . 21 1lonl M. ' 'llbot. l'ota\lllmlt county. . 1 : Gas heating stoves for rent Ind for sale lt ( Council hefts Gas COIII"U"I ' ullice. NEWS \ IiRO1 ! COUNCIL BLUFFS ' City Enginccr'ii Plan for Preventing Over- flows of Indian Creek. DAMS'TO HOLD BACK TlE SURPLUS WATER , 1 ItmattR Also h3drg ; lacn to Urick VI' the Creel' nll Convert Il Into 1 Storm teler-Coa 1' : th"Ilcl . nl 'GIIO. City Engineer Entyrc has completed n pint of the territory lying east of the city limits . which he prepared at the request of the council . In order that a decision may bo arrived nt ns to the feasibility of n Illan suggested for pulIng n stop to the occas- lentil Inilan creek overflows that have cau ell A mich damage In the past The plan was first stiggeatemi last Sllmer , anti the nhlermen made atour cast of the city and looked over the hand The suggestion has been made thot" three dams be built . one about hal a mie cost of time city limits and the other two 0 mile further east . where the creek branches. In high water titmice these dams would cause the water to back U ) over the adjacent ter- riory and run out gradually enough so that nil danger from foods would he nvoldel within the city himmmits . The land which would thus be overflowed IR worth but little Ite and the bluffs on either sldl. forming n sort of basin , would Prevent the water from doing any partcular canlage there. AccordIng - Ing to time city engineer's plans , the three , lame would cost about $3.000 , but this amount It Is clah1eel , would be saved In 1 shlle season or hhhIater. . The plan of bricking over the creek all mrkln/ Into a storm sewer Is again being taled of . and the engineer has been ealcu- Intng time expense. lie thinks It could he done for $25 a foot . thus making time total cost from First street to Thirteenth street Ihout 'i5OOO. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' H'llIlt ' . l 1'lnII11 ! HCI1U1hl The late clearing ale has left UC I big lot at remnants all abort iengtiis In al kinds of goods , which we must close out quickly. These goods will bo placel on sale Monday at prices that arc bound to Iel them. Come and look them over yeu may find Just what I , you wan I. DAHOAINS IN Remnants of silks. Hllnants of dress goods. Hemnanats DC muslins. Remnants of sheetng ! . flenmnanats of table linen. Hemnants ot ginghams. HemnantR ot prInts. Helnnts or laces and embroideries. Odds ( and ends In hosiery underwear and gloves at greatly reduced prices. FOWLEI1 DiCK & WALKER , BOSTON STORE Council Dufs , Ia. " ' 11 Logo Ut 45cm. Henry Austin . a young colored man , who has been employed os day porter at the Ogden hotel for time past six immontims let with an accident last evening about G o'clock which wi cost him his left nrm. Ho hall loaded up time freight elevator with trunks and seized time rope to null the elevator up stairs. In 5011 way he got hold of the wrong rope I Is tiiought and the elevator shot downwards. lo put his hand throulh time opening to close the mloor but failed to withdraw I soon enough , and his arm was caught at tbe elbow between the DOce floor and the floor of the passenger elevator overhea His arm was terribly mangled and the bones broken. He was picked up and carried to the Woman's Christian association hospital , where a physician was called. His In. juries vera fouli to be so se- vere that amputation bad to be performed in order to save his life. He Is a single man and has been stoppIng at the hotel. During time evening hmowever It was decided . clded to make an effort to cave the Injured arm. even 'at the risk DC his life. . Austin had provlousl lost four fingers of Ills right hand . and as amputation I'ould disable hum It was thonght best to run some risk before taking extreme measures The mangled ali splintered bones were accordingly wired to- gether. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Eave Your 11 oley. Dy investing In the stock of the Savings ' Loan and Building association of Council ! liluffs. Incorporated In 1877 Monthly pay. meats of $1.00 per ahmare neitn ! the Investor about 10 per cent Interest. Ten series already - ready paid out . which fully demonstrates the ability Dr time association to mature Its Is stock In about seventy-five monthly pa ) ' : monts. No loaus mnd . utldo Dr Council Bluffs . and all applications examined and " passed upon by a majority "of the board Dr directors. Good loans wanted. Full Informa ton can be obtained at the office Dr D. W. Otis . secretary . no Main street , or any of the following directors : H. \V. Ilazelton Frank Grass , John Brown A. S. Hazelton , H. C. Iieebe A. 1. 'Valer , E. E. Hart , F. C. Lougee S. S. Leonard. neck's Store Ills Il.muestaal The upreme court of Iowa rendered n decision yesterday which Is Dr consIderable Interest to the lawyers of Council Bluffs , and which excited considerable commont. I was In the case DC Groneweg & Schoentgen against Peter Beck who formerly kept a grocery store at the corer of Sixth avenue and Main street Ho failed a couple of years ago and Oroneweg & Schoentgen seized , time two.story brick buiding which he occupied on nn attachment . Beck lived In a couple of rooms up stairs anl ho fought off the attachment on the ground that the build- Ing wus his iteniesteacl anti tbereforo exempt Crom execution . After n trial In the district court his position was upheld and the de- cl lon Dr the distrIct court was affirmed by the "upremo court yesterday. In order to get to the street from his rooms Beck ball to use the front door of the building clown stairs , and to get to his woolished he had to use the back door . so thut the court holds that he cannot be de- prl\ed of the part used as a store The only thing left In doubt Is the part of the buiid. lug usml as a saleon Judge Deemej , before whom the case was tried In the district court held that lIe could not clnhn I. Inasmuch - much as he hind been using 1 for illegal pur- poses. Whether thIs port of the decision Is amrmod also time meager reports received here last evening from the capital city did not state. In the meantime Beck Is occupyIng time entire building , and Is keeping a candy store In the lowel' part In the lame or his wife , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Counci limIts as 1 I'ort. Since the bill was passed by congress making Council Iufi a customs house city Limo business In this line has been Increasing. The report of H , N. Wimittiesey . the collector. for time last year . shows the following amounts of duty on goods reeeived' con- aumnptton Dr warehoused , during the year 189t : January . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 147.40 March . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2H , 10 July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,23/ A ugust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.0 October . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J.9.45 . December . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131.6 Total . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,402.95 Amount In 1893. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,067,08 Increase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .315.5 tottlg tr Minora. AI the annual meetng of the Portland Gold Mining company the' following omcer were elected : President . treasurer and maim- ager James F. Burns : ferelary , James lyie : dIrectors , James F. Burns , W. F . Crosby. Judge A. T. Gunneli . I" 0. Peck and Jal0s Doyle . All are resIdents of Ihe Crlp. pie Creek region , Colorado , and time company OWl8 about a dozen and a hai mines Ihere. Last year was the first of the company's ex. isience. The output was $50,00. and lime Ilronls $300,000 , consequently nD dividend was declared Of the 3,000,000 shares or stock 757.000 are yet unsold , Davis sells drugs paints and glass cheap. 'Ihu J:118 : "ero 11 It. John If. 101ten of New York commenced an acton In the district court yesterday against Wheeler & ler l. of this city de. mamlng n judKUent for U,300 $ against timeimi . TIle petition nl'ge that the plaintiff bou/hl a8. cases of flgl from Whrler 4 lereld about I ) 'enr ago , which were represented to L' rresh lul or fnt.cla s quality . 'ho de. fendart ! cent 1 sigh draft for U.OO which was paid before the plaintiff hal examined tht eggs. When they were examined they were found to bo stale flat anti unprontable Only $768 could b realized from the sale , and they want Whtler & Herel to put up for the balnnce. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Burlington Uroko n ltecord . There has been I great deal ot rivalr be- twen thc Northwestern and Burlington rallvay cOUpanles since the recent fast trains have been put on. Monday afternoon the Burlington Ilechied to make a new record for the railway worM In the weat. The lOt mitts between Creston anti Council Bluffs WHO coverM by the fast mail In 105 minutes and the members of the crew claim they could have scaled even tlat remarkable time down several notches had II bCen requlreel. This . I Is claimed . Is the fastest long distance run made by any regular train In the west. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \"vr"1 HellnellI , I'riccs. Ladies' anll gents' underwear , 15c. Men's SIc launllerell mtimirts . &Oc . Special MIl of lailies' muslin underwear. 750 cream and white table linens at 450 0 yard , . ) ihleached and unbleochell toweling , 4c yartl. lenched 1.1cl curlans ; , 45e a Pair . Lace curtnlnete , J2 ° ,4c. GOo floor oil ciotim 29c a yarl. Swiss and Hamburg embroidery , 5e n yarll . Spool silks . 3e a pool. Vavra's New Dry Goods Store. ; Ir . lunn l1Ilm4 Slower. Jane Ann Dunn commenced proec.lngs In the district court yesterday to recover a lower , interest or one-thlr. In on elhty-acre tract ot land loclteel about a mile above Big lake. The p1lltf was thc wlo of Stephen Dunmm who deedell time property to Israel Dls- mont In 1881. She claims that her signature was not atached to time deed. Her husbal\l died In 1887. The property now belongs to L. P. Judson amLi wife , who arc made defendants II the present stilt. behmlteln Vam , , Too l'ronc. Henry Schmlttelu was brought over from Omaha yesterday and put In the city jail to await n hearing on the charge of Corgery. When asked whV he had done the business that broulh him Into difficulty . hc said he was hard up , all was too proud 10 go to thc friends who had been living off him when Iw hall his $ i2C00 from Germany , ald ask them for assistance. lie wi ha\e a hearllg thll morning In police court Cllrliblo S"llon lC.eJc' . The saloon keepers of tile city have jolne(1 hands In the endeavor to promote the cause or sweet charity. They will hold a meetng tomorrow evcnln at Deno's hal for time pur- pose of laying plans for a charity bal , to b given In thc near future. All the expenses of : time bal are to bo pall by the dispensers ot I lquid refresimimients . arid the gross proceeds are to be given to the Iloor. . COMPLETED ITS BUSINESS. Work DODO ot the Lrut n" , , Session or' ' H'unl U'rlth Commvontlon. The delegates to time district granll lodge of the Independent Order of D'nal D'rlth were a little late In arriving at Myrtle hll yesterday but they gradually assembieti . each delegate being loud In his praises oC Omaha hospitality and cimoriniming fond recolectons of the banquet and bal Monday evening. The discussion on the adoption or time report of the special committee on the entowment law was resumed. Upon being Jut to a vote the report of t1 committee was rejected. A vote Dr thanks for services performed was tossed as a bit or consolaton to the commIt- teenuemi after the report was politely knocked out. Time proposed amendment to article xl , with relation to a commission on endowment - ment was In disfavor with a majoriy DC the delegates The convention then acted on a motion to conventon moton raIse th endowment assessment from $ 15 to U8 per year. The Increase was concurred In Jer two-thirds vote aCer , a spirited debate - bate that occupied over an hour. At the afternoon session time delegates approved - proved the report of S. Wolfenstein . superin- tendent of the orphan asylum. The report disclosed tHe fact that the institution was In a fourishing condition . notwlthstallng thp hard tinmes. There Is a balance oC $5,000 In the treasury. A motion to appropriate $300 to the Mon- Ior was defeated. The salary DC the general secretory was ralsell from $1,200 to $1,500 per year by a majority vote. but Grand Secretary Ham- burgher refused to accept the advance unless It was unanimous. President Fob ; appointed the following standing committees for time year : Finammce-Messrs. BerHhelmer , 'Vcsscup and Mandel. Statistics-Messrs. Saizenstein Levlnsen , Hirsch and Rubovitz. Orphan Asylum-Messrs. Levinson , Frcund and Loeb. Intellectual Development-Messrs. Cowen , Gunzburg Stein Kusbaum , Houseman , Grcenbaum and Katz Kalamazoo , Mich. , was unanimously chosen as time place of the next meeting. , . A communicaton from Penlnular lOdge ' No 72 or Detroit appealn for , relief , was 'I. referred to the general comnmittee. Time sum Dr $250 was appropriated to be placed at the disposal of the intellectual development - velopment commitee for a series Dr enter- tainments. At 5 o'clock the convention completed its worle. conventon . Is Many of the delegates left for their homes I . ' last night. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ POSTOFFICE CLERKS' 'MU3IC. 1'101,11\ EimtortatimmontI'urtmihmmmct by , the Letter Carriers 1.mtst Ivt'umhmmg. The concert given at time Young Men's Christan association aueltorlum last evening for the benefit Dr and by the postomce Clerks association proved a musical treat to the large attendance . "IOlt antI Peasant , " an oVlriuro from Suppe . was the frt number on time program , and its excelent rendition by time 10stofce orchestra fully merited the applause bestowed " Mr. Oaf Norlwal's violn solo "Clvatel'a , " Walt anD of time popular features Dr time enn- Ing. Ing.Miss Miss 1amio Muncimoff . one of Omaha's gifted sopranos , sang "The nutern ) ' " with plesing effect Her second solo was "Lltto Queen Irene " which was also heartily en- cored A recitation by Mrs. mla Matimeson was replete with drammlatic abhity : and she dramatc ab:11) , received - celve,1 two encores Arthur Van Kuren was In excellent voice and lr BaEtens was at his best In their respective - spetvo selectiomma . Ola I'etiersen's flute solo was wel receIved. The Omaha Banjo club , under time direction of George F' . Gelenheck , made a hilt , and was enthusiastcaly recalled. I : lr. Antorn ! Silorl's violn solo , "Hhapsoille Ilomlgroinc' . " and time zither duo of Mr. and Mrs. Julius estner also found favor with the audience. Mrs. Hess-I"uchs , as accom- paniat was a valuable acquisition to the en- lertalnmnt. A neat sum was realzed for time association , . 1.lnut.1801'A , \ l'prulu'hilJ 3uiltitmls. Lieutenant II. W'Iison . Thomas I. Wison 0 the 5CC- enl Infantry left last evening for Pimilmiei. \hla , From an intimate friend It was lelrned that the leutenant wie murrled Thursday mmfternoomm . 1.'cbruary 21 I , to Miss Suzun \bercromhlc , lt the residence of the brhle's parents Chestnut 11th , I'lmiiadelphmlmm , 1\ 'I'ile brlll' . a lady of relnement arid fre acconlpiislmmemmtmm II the tlughter or lirigu. thor Uenerul John J. Abercrom\le. retired , and a sister of 1\eutenlnt \ . n , Abercrom- bie of the Seconlt Infnntrr. Lieutenant Wil. lIOn and bride w\ bo at home at Fort Omaha about March 1. No oUcer at lime tort Is held In higher Isteel In civil and military circles than I4ietmtenant'ilsomi , who recelvell time con. gratulatons or maim > ' warm personal friends upon his approaching 1111111. He Is a genial cOlllunlonnble genleman , popular In social I well 1\8 literary circles . As 1 wrier of sharI stories Lieutenant Wilson has met with flattering success . About a year Igo Inrper's published one ot his , stomiemm " 1) Innl.le . ' a romance of sohler' ' life In ArIzona during the Apache cam- paigmm and 1.lpplncoUf w\ loon present a story from his pen. I.ieutemmmmnt WIon has also published a slnl volume oC short stories which has reached a large sale. The story "A Soldier's Sweetheart" poe- ceases rare literary merit , During his ) 10- jour In time east Lieutenant Wison will \y Inviaton read n short comedy before time I.amb's club , 11 New . York. I'm-oimhmmcmmt , llIIIIII.t ; Im'tmd. " WAShINGTON l'eb. G.-Hev. J. Owen ) orley of the Ethpoloslc31 bureau It eleati Dr. DONer has long bp'n prominent In Philological work In this country ) ' and has been connected with the Ethnological de. partment since 181. SO BEVINCTON COES FREE O0tL0dl0 r Fist of the Wollbur Oouoodlo Gaits FlahoJ in the Pan , - ' : UI PRINCIPAL WITNESS WAS NOT ON hAND ls.Je'ut , . \n"\or Hobrl"J Whom time Into Itclieii . ( 'oulll Not lie t'routmcemt amid time Court Ulrectec nn 4tctimtlttm1I d't : _ tl - all I' ' SIOUX CITY , Feb.Cpecial ( Tele- . created when ram.-A ) sensation was today It was announcell that T. E. Be\'lnlton. 1) . county attorney , on trial ( or defrauding the : county , hall ben acquItted by the jury by In- structon of Judge Gaynor. There was not a syllable of t stmony taken , County Attorney - totney hall made strong Ilrotcst. This mor- Ing when the case came UI for trial the county attorney asked a continuance emi the grounll of the absence of the principal wit- ness for time prosecution . ex-Deputy Auditor Roberts. Hc hcptl to produce Roberts In rca- . son able tiimme. The ( iefmlese demandell 1m- medlato Itlol anti the court granted the lIe- mmmd The county attorney then offered to dismiss tile case . but tIme defense Insisted on acquital , The court again decided against the state and Instructel time jury 10 bring In n verdict of acquittal. There are four more Indictments pendln against Bevlnston. 4t1.lXAS1)EIt ( ) i14t111.1S : CUl'ltUU : Cellnr lllhl ' l'o tmIter : 1'11,1) ' liven a Cle" ' 1' . to the l'imce CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Feb 5.-Speclnl ( Teiegramn.-Thlo ) confrmaton of lexandcr Clinches by the senate for poslmaster of this city ends one of time bitterest fhts In Iowa. There were three or four callllaies for post- master but Charles received the appolnlment about three weeks ago. The other cl111 < ates slnco that tIme have waged a most biter war against Charles. Al kinds DC chalges have been preferred . and anhlnvlt after af- fiuia'lt has been huried to Washlnllon. 'l'eiegrammms by the score have also been sent protesting agaInst the confrmntlon of Charles. A senate COI- mltee bas been investigating these charges for more tlan a week but did not consider them ef sufcient weight and today con- frmed the nommmination. : Ir. Charles was postmaster under Clevc- land before and made an excelent record for himself. Tim entire local democracy amid the democratc state central commitee were nr- rayed ngalnst him however In this fight . anti his confrmaton Is a hard slap In their faces. JJD NOT AII'JCT YU-t.S V.LlmISV . Jlecton .Jnc/eR Exceed Their Authority , hut ) \ ' ( , tcr.4 to NOL Stiffer. DES MOINES . I eb. 5.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-An ) Important tlDg under the Iowa ballot law was made today. The district court decided the supervisor contest In favor of Fishier declared elected by the county canvassers . but uDseated by the contest hoard. The ground of the later acton , was the alteration - aton Dr certain ballots bY tlm judges Dr elec- ton In order to correct op error In the name of a candidate for a township ofhice . which al. Location . the contest boar held . made all the ballots so marked Illegal , am they were accordingly - cordingly thrown out. tudgo ( Stovensou Ile- clded that this acton of th ! contest board was unauthorized that the balots SO thrown out were official ballots . anl tlat , HS they had not ben marked by the voters'ltbey must be counted as cast The court holds that the act or the judges of elecion l ' In making the alteration was an excess < ! atithority but I dos not affect . the valdity , of the votes C3St. ' UNION 1lEUANTU.I : ' OtiI'ANY , t t ' . ,1. . . - ' Big Dca Moines Inltt\ ton has ono to , . % miti. ' tl.Jl. ' ' DES MOINES , Feb. 5--Scial , felegram. ) -Today attachments and mortgages aggre. gating more than $3O,000re ' issued and placed upon file against time pnlon Mercantile Cempany. The heaviest creditor Is the Des Moines National ban . whIch placed upon record a mortgage for $14,000 upon the stock. In addition to this security the bank holds mortgage notes anti other collateral for $13.- 000 secured upon Improved farm lands and city property In Galesburg Iii. Mrs. O. F. Green anti Horace Green of Galesburg fed mortgages for $5,000 and $ tOOO respectively upon the stock , subject to the mortgage held by time Des Moines National banlt. Sixteen attachments were fed this afternoon. BrouJht John bherm to Time. DES MOINES . Feb. 5.-\Sp \ clJI-Nea"Jy ) two years ago John Sherman was grnted n franchise by the voters of limo city at an election after much discussion for time purpose - , pose of furnishing the people of Des Moines gas of good quality at $ per 1,000 cubIc feet. : Nothing further has ever blel heard Dr the scheme and he has failed to furnish the gas 11 question. Alderman Mathis therefore In- troducell In the council the fehlawimg resolution - tion . which brought Mr. Sherman In prompt I ) ' and he bIas as promptly agreed 10 answer fully all the questions asked wlth'n len days' time . which was granted : " that John ' 'ltesolved by the city counci Sherman , to whom was given u gas franchise , ' be summone,1 to at once appear befor the council anti be requested to al once give somE specific time when time people may expect to enjoy the benefits expectid : to accrue from time granting of said franclse : otherwise that Mr. Sherman be requested to enlghtpn the council as to time disposition he expects to malII ar this valuable franchise. " New Ylrlt Lire CUII'lllon. ; DES MOINES . Feb. 5.Special.Time ( ) Nol York Life Insurance company Is hlld- Ing a convention here. 'fho e Jlresrnl arc President John A. McCal of New York City : George \V. lerlms , third vice president ; Hugh S. Thompson comptral , r ; Mr. Kngs- hey , superintendent of agencies nil of New York BesIdes these are 0 , A. Smith . gln- eral manager and T A. 1uclham , inspector , tOlether wih 150 agents from Iowa Kammsas . Minnesota mind South Dakota Sessions were held moring anti afornoon at the Young ! en's Christan association audlorlnm Ind a banquet was given nt noon at the Saver ) 'hls Is time first conventon of time kind ever held here ; the nrbt In the history of any Insurance - suranco c01pany. - - - _ . Illlrcm 'OlltIcl.lon" , DES MOINES , I eh. 5.-Speclal ( Telegram . ) -Thc following opinions were fed In the supreme court today : William I. Dent , ap- pelant , against WIlam E. Poweil . et al , . \'oodbury district reversed ; Leonard Ever- ett . executor appellant , aJainst Hoard of Supervisors ot lotaw3tmle ) Coullty 'If- Brimmed ; Time Stat of iwa against William Dunn , appellant . \ \ Inneshlek district , amrmel , ; Wilam Oronoweg assigmmeo . ap. peilammt . against Peter peck and Amela fleck Potawatamle 9Is'rfcl. , affirmed on both appeals ; The Stmte , l Iowa against S. BUsby . appellant , I Hamilton district , afrmed ; The State of lawn against Charles ' Craig , appellant . Wlnqeshl lt district af- firmned. _ m Uelrlols l'atiunt ' hlleJ 11tenc mt. HAI.AN. Ia . Feb L-Special-Clay : ( ) Rains , a farmer living near. : ' Irwin , while sick with ( over . left his bed ; and rushed out Into the cold. lie was pursued , by his stendants , but made good his cSope , The night was biter cold , and before he tould be found he had frozen so badly that ho tiled Sunday nigimt The remains were brought to Harlan and Inlorred today. The second trial of the Trotter setlucton case closed Saturday with a verdict of gully , Trotter conchl'led to marry time girl whlc lie did yesterday , and now enjoys his free' dom _ _ _ _ ( ' , 'I'hralec 'l'hmeir Gnlltl V'mimIlimg. DS : MOINES , Feb. 5.-Speeial.-Ir ( ) . and ! rs. Keeler old and well known residents of this city , celebrated their golden wedding today. 'Dr. Keeler began his servIce In the ministry fifty Y6lS ago Sunday preaching his anniversary sermon last Sunday from Br Sooy's pulpit at time First Methodist churcim _ _ _ .J 11".11' , \ Imo.t I HoalrlY(11 "y l'lr. PERRY . la. , Fob 5-Speclal ( Telegram- ) Jammlalca n little village len miles west of _ - ; Perry , on the Cimicago . :1'auke & St. Paul road suffered a severe Iou from fro nl 7 o'clock this Inorning. Six business houses were destroyed , including the postoflice. The total loss foots up $16,00. with nn insurance of about $6,000. 'ho paraphernalia of . 01 thc lodges In the village was destroyed. The Perry fire eleprtment waa calC on , but the cal came to late to 0 of assistance. The origin or the fire Is unknown ! oleltnr 01. fur StalL ( :01t : , J'eol'll. SIOUX CITY , I.'eb. G.-D. C. Harrison of Emporia , 101 coumnty , Neb. , Is here soliciting aid for time routh stmfferers. lie says there are eighteen families In that section on the verge of starvation . A Irs. Pearson . living north of Jmllorla , tiled the other day anti I la olmot certain she starved to death. 101 , " In 17 nl SIuux Cltr. SIOUX CITY I'eb. 5.-Last night was the cohlest d the winter the mercury falling to 17 below zero at time wlather . bureau END EAVORER ANNIVERSARY. CtiebrateI , lt thmeFhrt & 'oiugregiitioimitl Chur"l J.n.t , 111111. The Christian Enllla\'orers celebraleel the fourteenth nnh'ersar of time society last night In tIme First Confregatlonal cImmirclm There was a good attendance. The work of time society Ilnce its Inception antI the work to be done In the futurE formell thc Irlnelpal topics for discussion. 11ev T. B. Crahlel , In a brie amitiress . welcomll time members or the society anti oUIlned the work that was Ilroposell to be Ixtenllell this yeor. lie I stated that the three features which It was the Ileslre of time society to pay especial at- tenton 10 were Inter-ll nomlnailonal felow- shil missionary extcnslon nnll good citizeil- ship. Mr ! O. :1 Neetitmani . state superlnttnllent of the Junior Bnllen\'ors an,1 n resiIent of Albion , folowe < with a brief nllrlss on the opportunites DC the society . She stated that the society was organlzell fourteen ) 'ear age In the state of Mnlnenll its lelhel8h1p was compose < of a few of the mpmbrs or one mieflolllinatiohi . Sincl that tme the mem- bershll DC time society has extended ant In- clllld nearly al I ticmiomml i mill I iomis wih nn enrolment DC about 2000000. She gave n brief history of the missionary work done anti sltell that the relief 10\'ement for the beneft Dr the douth suferers nt Alhlon hall been startCI by the Junior En < eavors. The work of educating time 'oun" PeoPle to ho ready 10 bear the mante , when the tmo canme . of the eider Chrlstln workers who were rapidly passing away . was In Itself worthy DC he I efforts which were being mude at the present tl e. Miss Darns Kinney president of time Olah : tmnioim gave a short talk on the co- operaton of the junior anti young IJeoplc's societies amId advocatemi the appointing oC societes : nl at\ocatell apJlntng Elperlntenlenls for nil societies amId by this means they could nil be brought together and any little petty jealousies now existng would be done away with and thc good accom- plshed by time union of ni societies would be much moro lasting and h2nefclal Miss Sara J. Bushnel of hastings , smiper- intemmmieimt DC the mission work In Nebraslcn Intentent rlsclssed Christan Endeavor amid Missions. She thought that the foreign mlsslonnry work was not receiving time atenton that I should and whie hard tmes were everywhere ap- parcnt , It was still harter to know that the heathen were being uncared for In a spiritual way. There was a great foul for the growth anti work for time l ndea\orer8 ant the measure ane Dr love horn 10 Christ was shown by the manner In which Ills commandments were leept. leept.lr. . Jay Burns addressed the libeLing on "Good Citizensimip. " In his address : c showell where good ciizenship was a benef to the people In this country I those who consttute(1 good citizens exercised their privileges at time proper tme' anl at tl proper place. The celebratlotm closet with consecration servIces c21ebraton , partcpated In h ) alt societies and ' ' . . Cramblet led by Hel' ' E. . KING'S DAUGHTERS PLAY "A Lovely Hebel" mat WaRhhlGtOI Uni Last 1 < , enll . - ' No.2. or tile The KlnJ's Daughters , . . tlO Churcb Dr the Good Shmepiiertl . gave a din- matc entertainment last evening In WashIngton - Ington hal to a large house. After a 1nslcal. { o\erture. In 'which Miss Leo EJote preiie1i ( at tile piallo ant Prof Jacob Sauerwein played time violin . the cur- time first act of "A tain was puled up on frst Lovely Rebel " a melo-drama founded on In- cldcnts ot the civil war MI' I' . Edgar hart suslalned the role of Julan Farnsworth . U. S. A. , with cOIum- mate ability . and ho was vociferously ap- plaudod. To Mr. W. A. O\erbecl < was assigned - signed the characer Dr George Roberts , a major In the C. S. A. . and his fine stage presence and unusual elocutonary powers were much appreCiatel. Mr. n. M. Bradley In addition to acting In time capacity of dnge mmlanager appeared as Judge Theme , 1 colonel In the confederle army , fluId acquitted himself very creditably. Mu' . Alfred l'atten . as Lieutenant J'orhes , anti Alred Paten. :1' Mm' . n. C. Amhrose. nil Lleulenant Elsworth , ! l' were both very goo : , while Mr. Joseph Wool- rufl as " \Yash. " a runaway contraband , elicitei much genuine laughter by his numer- elclte'l personilcrtons of a regular ante-helum. illiterate ell darkey. IleratB were but two ladles who tool part In the histrionIc IJOrton of time program , Miss Ara No\le. who appeared as Miss Kate Spencer a true Yankee , anti Miss Nellie Canmpioml who enacted the part or Care Thorne. Miss Campion his a very fine voice and a good theatrical pronunciation. Durin the evening she sang with considerable feeling - ing that charming , ant popular ballad , "Lit- tie ! Queen Irene , " MIss Spencer Is also quite to 3 vocalist . anti , has a clear and telng way DC getting off her lines . Mm' . Edward S. Thompson furnished a pleasant 11' nnd highly entertaining variety to time program by his skiful impersonations anti funny ! as. Talen all In all . It was an cmlnenty successful entertniilimmeilt ant re- fleets much credit on Mr. H. M. Bradley's management and his company. . ) /M''IUm I'U I IW.- ST. , Colder In Western NmshrumNhcmI IU11 SIGht , 'iermmiImr In tlmt , "n.tnrn l'r.rt - \'nrmor tlu ' . . forecast for WAShINGTON . Feb 5.-The \\'cdnesday itt : For NebrtmleaSnoW flurries : cold wave In tile wester portion ; pro\abl ' slightly warmer In time extreme cast po\ton ; vnrla. hilt' wlnlll , becoming norlhwcslcrly For Sotithi Dnlotn-Snow : cold wnye In the In western nOllhwest. potonlllable : winds , becom- For I olvn-Snow ; IJrolllly 81uh ly wnrmncr ; southeast gales . w"nlen Ku tlSaH-G ! rum II y Cnlr I : FIhlh' svarmer : south wln l. hecomlng w'sterly 01' northweslerly In the weslcr portion. Iocll Itecord . OFFICE OF TIE WEArlmn BUREAU OMAhi. \ . Feis Ti-Ommmiun record or temluhmer- OIAI.I.'eb. uture 1111 rmmtufmtll . compurell with the cor- Ispondlng tiuy or the inlet foul' ) 'earl : ( cIY 1695. 1831 , Ib33. 162. llxlmlm telpClutln. . . I i 38 31 Mir.imntmnl tenmlirrtttUro. . . . ' 111 2'J ' 3 28 Average temnparatUm' . . . . -t 3 : 20 :12 : l'reeiimitittiOmt ! . . . . . . . . ,01 .0 ) ,00 .0 IreclltutoI Comlmlition of . telperlure 111 precipitation nt Omaha for the day and slncl Marcia I. 3 1891 : Normal lemperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Denclency fOI' the day . . . , . . . . . . . , . . 21 ' Normal precipitation ) . . . . . . . . . .02 Inch Excess for time day. . . . . . . . . . .02 Inch ' 01'11 preciplta'iOn sil' e Marcim 1 16.52 hlIH/ prfelpla'ion ! / Delclcnc ) ' since Murch 1. . . . . IG,9 Inches 111"rll frum Othnr St\UO' : lit - I I' . .i . t ' m " e' . e a ; _ bTATIONS ' 5 ' -1 STATS Dr B" . " ; : yiuiit. ! 0 a ? g i I ? ! _ _ - - - - - - - - Omaha..2 I .Ot CI'II. NOrtiul'iritte . . . . :2 20 .00 Cloud . Vllenlle. . . . . . 30 as : m .00 Cloudy , Chlclo . . . . . . . .C I .00 Ciomm.ly SI. l.nla. . , i . . . . . 12 1 .00 ( . St. l'aum. . . . , . . . ' 10 ' 1 .Ihl Snow In. . ' . . . , , , , , ' ' ' ' . ' . Davenport . . . . 2 2 1' Simowimim . , lCammmiims . . . . . . 10 10 .00 CIommd' . lun"l I Coud . cly. Uonl.cr. . . . . , . . . 40 fa .OtJ i'mrtctoudy. Suit 1ko . City . . ' . :1 : 42 .5W ( . Eutittidity , , , , . . . a4 : 10 .00 Cloud } ' . luIJI . < CI . ilciemma.2 . . . . 40 .00 ! ouI } ' . ilcmilarce. . . . . . . . -II 'i .IH Suiowlmmg . . . . ' ' ' . . Vlnecnt . . . 'Id 1l 1 Ciomutiy 11 'J. " Cimeyoimumo. . . . . . . . . 1 ! H 1 .IOI'lrllloulty. ( Miles City. . . . . . . 2 I .0 ijimowiiu . CZuYebtOrm. . . . . . . . II c 1 _ : 2' { ! ! below zero. ' ' ' Indicates trace or precipitation. I. A. wm.sl. Obsers'g' ( 'ohmS \ 11U r iiimiiimmr . Last Ilghl , u 9 o'clock Observer W.sh received a telegram Cram Chicago . lelhu , him n storm was approachln . wih snow 'nnd high wind , and p\llslnt ! decidedly I colder weather by thlK evemming . -W" - - - . AFFAIRS AT SOUTH O IAIA Census of the Oty May Have t Do Taken Under the Watson Em , HOPE THAT CITY WilL RI [ M\IN mSl CLASS CuunclmAn UrAI tue . ( boil Snmnusritamu- ColI 11'11 JICrl181nntn ur . 'toclntctt CharitIes-More ( 'IOlhll1 NIrcd- ( thlr Magic City Ne1fl Mayor Johnston anti Counclmcn Boils anll Wnlers retutcll last evening from Lincoln , \I'hero the ) ' had been lobb111 against time Watson bill . which relegates South Omahn to a city o'l the second class. Before In\lnl tho' capital these gentle- men were shown nn nlcnlhnent to section 2 ot the Watsol bill . which , If passed , wi leave South Omaha out ef thc Illnl entrel' . The mayor broughl 1 COIl of thc amendment homo wih t him. I but when Slen at his homo last e\enln ! b ) ' a le3 representntl\e ho stated that the PaPers 1l'lro nt hue DOce and ho refusell to go after tilemfl15 far os can b learned tile amellment provhles for a census of South Omaha nt the expense of time city . under the clrecton of time mnyor. I Is expected that If the census Is tnllen time fure ! wi show that South Omnhn Is a city of time first class . TIm commlte which went to 1.lncoln was COlllosel1 prlnclpal ) of olce imoimiere amid It Is opposec to nnnlxn- tiomm . I Impugns tIme moUns ot Mr. Suton amid claims that he Is trading off time city f } ' South Omaha for thin county commissioner- shl. shl.Tho Time nmelhnenls to thl bill have been shown to : lr. Watson anti ho Is rellorted as sa'lnJ that ho Is satisfied , so the thelcgatiomm is coumtldemlt that time bill as aimmemmtieti vili vase. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Couimutiittoc from Ciim.rily Hell , At it mmmeetlng of abotmt fifty of time batting macmt of South Onlaimmi yesterday afternoon aim orgamlizatioul was elTecteti for time purpose of givimig a charity ball anti otimer entortaimi- imlemit Oil the eveimtng of February 19. Time ummeeting u-mis organizetl by electing I. II'eir lireskiemit mummi A. 14. Lott secretary ammti treasurer. Tue fohlowimmg comitimmittees vere appointed : Executive Commmmnittee-i. 11.Voir , J. L. Paxtomu , W , J. Maimgan , B. J. Seykora , P. A. liroatiweil. Enteratiimlmlent-N , S. Ktmmg , II. E. Tiugg , F. A. Cressey , W. 13 , Cimeeh < , J. G. Martin , Ii. C. Itaymmler , George A , lirewer. On iiall-J. L. Martin , 11ev. J. Ii. Mcie- vitt , C. L. Taibot , F. B , l'earle , Jake Jaska- iek. Music-T. ii. Fritts , C. A. Melchmcr , U. It. Kehiy , N. B. Meatl , S. Lamlsimurg. Prmnting-llrtmco hitcCumllotmglm , J. M. Tanner , Damma Aliberry , E. 0. Mmiyflcltl , J , H. Glick. Soiiditation-Joiiui FiyilmlV. . A , iiemlnett , fir , A. J. Aberly , Dr. A. W. Siabatmglm , Dr. W. J. Mcdranul , Dr. J. itt. Glasgow , lr. P. 11. Ensor , I. B. Watkins , 1) . 0. May , Tlmomllas iloctor , 11ev. It. 14. Wimeoler , 11ev. J. Ii. McDevitt , 11ev. C. N. Dawson , 11ev. I. I' . Joimumsoim , W. A. Jomies , C. T. Cimittentiemm , All nienibers of thuese comllmnittees are re- questeti to immeet at time Live Stock Exchange imahi Thursday at 3 p. iii. Itynum hiolpoti iliflI. Yesterday afternoon time vohice discovereti I' . C. Jensemi lying ill in a littie simack iii time alley at time rear of Bauer's hail. Time imman was uuuiTeriimg fronm lung trouble anti a physician wimo was calieti tieciareti that it would endanger his life to be remuloveti. As time poor ummami imati scarcely any fuel , Council- umlan Ryan ortiereti a tomi of coal acnt mmp at once , mind tue duct of police will provide a nmmrse for the imoor fellow. i'ectig OX 4tsMttiIttet (4himmrltios. The board of directors of time Associated Charities met yestermiay afternoon anti imeard time reports of conlmnittees. Quite a sUm of iflOilC Imas been collected during time past week for this good work , but time lommg cold spell has taxed time nerves of the association severely. More elothiimg is needeti , esimecially voimteul's aitd clmildren'ms underwear. Magic City ( iosi1 , . Coimncilmami J. J. Ityan imas been drawn on time petit jury. Welter Rocumske bias been senteumced to twenty-four days imm thin county jail en broad and water for goiimg home drunk amid abusing his . family. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( IUOD IZACIMJAT Jt.1 1' 1) LSTIf JUT. Scufimttloilmtl Finiahmes with lVeIl liaciccit iforseN Aimcai In Each. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 5.-Racing today wall tmnusuaiiy good , timere being several sensational ilnisimes between Bergen , Grit. Situ mOld Carr. 'I'ile last race wait declared oft , and tile first split in two. Stmmnmnries : First race , ity ? f rlongtt , eehiimmg : 1)urango , 102 , Grithln (5 ( to 1) ) , won ; TIme Drumuner , 109 , Clmormi (2 ( to 1) ) , second : Agnes , 23 , .A. Imtom (8 ( to 5) ) , thmiril. 'rime : 1:03 : ½ . Qtieeim of Scots , Ficetwood amId Green ltlver mLlso climl. Seconmi race , about mmix ( uiiommgs , selling : Mehighit. 103 , Gi-itilim (7 ( to 10) ) , won ; Lunumic ii , h1 , Carr (3 to 1) ) , second ; Silo ICeildhmig , 103 , Choril (30 to 1) ) , timirtl. Time : 1:15. : Clittit White , Curremcy , and Claire also rim ii. 'Fhmirtl race , one mile , selling : Gorditme , 105 , liergell (7 ( to 1) ) , womm ; Bymi ) ' , 103 , Gmtillii ( C. to 1) ) , m'ecOmld Brow Scott , 106 , Carr 19 to 5) ) , third. 'rmnme 1:41. : Volt , Miss Buckley and Mmtrietta also u-an. F'o.tmrtii i'utCC , itbout six furlongs : Jack itichuciheem , Ill , Carr (4 ( to 5) ) , won ; Ited I'mtt , 124 , Cimoi-n (7 to I ) , second ; ICing Sam , 127 , CiflmlC' (20 ( to 1) ) , timirmi. Time : ll1. : Olivia Peacmtdor , I'rince Hegeult , Gold Duet , Cil iqtui to it ilti April also ran. Fiftit race. live muriomlgut , peihing : i-to. . pouter , 100 , (3riiiin (2 ( Lu 5) ) , von : Vahjmaratso , Pt , Cook ( I to 1) ) , miecomiti ; Reserve , 103 Smlyuler (30 ( to 1) ) , third. Tinme : 1:03m : , . Ed Sttmmliey , IiiimtsVickiow it also ran. NE'IV OI1LIIANS , Feb. 5-FIrst race , six - - - S3UOOO for a Idea This is time biggest price ever offered for a 2atcim Unit or lmeadiilg for an advertisement. Hayden Bros. will give a choice of several first class pianos wortlm $300.00 each for this Imead line adopted anti in addition will give orders on their music department for $50.00 worth of music for the next five best ideas , according to merit. To secure au absolutely impartial de-cision applicants are requested to sign in number only aimd to nlail corresliomlding number with uiame eimd address to 'rime Bee omce , where it vill rimmlnin 011th after tim atyurd Is mummmde , Time rlghit is reserved to use ammy head line once , The following are the facts to be ativer- titcd : Hayden Bros. of Ommmmmhma aa time only firm in time world aimowing a coblete line of the tnstrmiments enaulufactured by the five most reimowimed piano nlakera on earth. Hayden - den Bros. are not tied up with red tape reatric. lions like regular selling ugemmts , but are free to unaito tue lowest vrices ever heard of. Hayden Bros. put special streess on time Steinway anti Voso plailOs because they have a larger line in atocic and can buy tlmem ehmeaper timan any other illakea of equal repu. tation , Do not lie misieti by any ommo claim- lag the sole agency. litmyden Bros. have tlmemn direct ( rein ttio factory as well as from time Max Meyer & Bro , do , stock , Music trade papers are saying pianos cannot be sold in a department store , but sensible people t-hio do not care to be hoodwinked by silly frills are not so notional and Limo best proof of this is tlmat Haytien Bros. sold moro piaumos , organs and musical Instruments in one week ttan any five music stores west of Chicago imave sok in six moiitima. 'file mimusic trade papers cay timis Innovation will be watcimed with untusui Interest anti IIaydn Bros. propose to keep them gueraimg. , fliriongith Pnnwn.(2 ( to 1) ) iincaa (1 to 1) ) seconti , lie l'tmisifer ( & to 2) ) thIrd , Time : i.iS , Seconmi race seven ( tmriongmt : Nero ( even ) won , Prince imperial (9 ( to f. aceonti , FijI- V elmer (5 ( to I ) tiltrti , 'l'inme : iS2i. : V Third race1 six ( tirlongs ; 'I'ritnmp (8 ( to 8) voml. lien W ilcon t12 to 1) ) secontl , i1eatiinmu (10 ( to 1) ) tlmirti. Time ; I :17. Fourth race , live ftmrlomigs : Bird Catcher (9 ( to 6) ) won , T.'estivnl (5 ( to i ) see- onmi. Itamisomn (7 ( to I ) timim-ti , 'l'itimel 1DI , Fifth race , sk furiongs : Mote (3 ( to 1) womm , Eu hirown (6 ( In 1) second , Insomnia ( C to I ) third. 'I'inlot iiS',4. : 'i imrt'c"lvelt : l.eitgfl S iretult Ci'imuptctc TEltitl1IAtTTl , lad , , Feli. rhl'resitlent hI , H. Scimnmitit ( it time \\'esterml Iimtem-stato leagtme imtu received np'lieations ( roumi La.- layette , Fort \Vmtyne nnti South liemimi , Imlti , , for umlenihersiulp. Tom-re I iatmte. hfloomnlmig- toIl , Ill. , ulmiti Juliet cotmutilete time vrcsrnt circuit. At a mimeetillg soon to he' iicbmi two V Immure towmis will bt' electemi. 'i'im iemigtucu will hmae lecnttmr , lii , , 'iftmrlimmgtnu , lii. , Pall. yule , lit. , mumd l.ogmimuspom-t , limtl , , to select fromn. h'rieo. . fur Trutters Were i.ower , l.iXiNOTON , Peli , 5.-Plce at tile t'CC- onmtl mimty's smile imy'ootimlulI & Siinmukiimi. riiicti lower titan tiomltlmly , hhitltiiiug was siiirlteii , heeL suties : lflmtck Storimu , 2l1 : , 9 years old , imy Siunmimtmmus mimimmi byVest - votiti , soul to I ci-cy Stmu'klloute , i.eximmgton , $9t10 , ; liarumm Crisim , 2:21 : , 4vmlrs . , imy llama " liken , tittlml by Cmi3' her , to 3 ( lull miiitieum , l.exitmgtemu , $ lktO ( ; hiimtek colt , 2 ycams , t , \'Iikes iioy , ilamim Omy 'l'hme Ring , to Imtly e J'ila3-er , I.exiiigtoum , $1,275. iIn.y Loft. Omit .it' it. MONTi CA1LI.O , PcI , . 5.-Time second day's simimottiug iVur time ( lrammtl i'rix dtm Caumimmo mcctmlteti tmhmfmtvouambly to irvtt Iloey , the omlly Aumu rlcnn eommlhmctitor. 'l'imt' hlmst iiitze s nmm % emi by Briuvemmuti , with it , 't'nro of siteeii liii tie ktiioi out of umevemitcen , Tim e euiti nntt timirti lim-tzes were miivttleti imtt'eeim Di evoit aim 1)e Cimarmunumis , vlmo itiiietl lifteemi cOiL cC itOVeilteell birds. S Eim i 1dm iims It i I Is iiut..pi 5 ii o Mu It. SAN FIOAN'lb'CO , Feli , o.-'rhme stIlt of Joimn A. ham-clay at iommmlon agmtiimst henry , \iiiier . _ , ofliiter & itix , time cattle kimigim , % mta tiiummmiisse'ii iii time t'ilitcti b'tmmtcs circuit cotmrt . ( nutty for Ivitlit of nroumectmtioim. Time emmi t .mts it vei-y iumipoi-tmm II t tImic , ItS i t III- V voived time tithe to it large tract or lamui in snmlttmermm Cllhilirmmiiu'hmen time mmuitt t'aia tIled I 'tiiiier V lemmry mtimtl others tveue cimmirgett tt mtim miii m-nrts of frmtumilmm , [ nut It looks as if timtiigim lmnii bet'Il settled tmii , nit ltmti-cln' ( liLt mlot imutike utumy effort to yvette tile tttuit. Too Low WADESI Other Reasons Why We Get DIscouraged. . Labor's ' 1 i reso mc Sa meuessWear Brain an(1 ( Body. Depressed System is Often Badly No'ii'ishcJ ' , Paine's Celei'y Compound a Perfect Rem edy Better Even 'l'haii Rest and Change for the Weary. Time more nminuteiy all kiimds of work be. . coimlo smmbdivitled , time mmore saimmeness auld mule- tuotoumy creep iumto each mmlamm'mm labor. Day after ( lay , clay after day , in time BanlO rut till little imiterest remmmnimis in time work , anti the hiliuii amid hotly are grmmthmaily robbed of emmergy anti healthy elasticity. Unless somnetidng is done tue prolonged strain is V liicey to result ill health failure ; miervoums syillfltOmfls appear , cares timat were once lightly cast off now stick like blurs , slight physical exertion tires , aumd tue Cild is coin- pleto llrostratioil and breakiulg down of somnu vital organ. Business men feel this , public officials , . I wage-earners , housekeepers , every Immaml and woman whose work allows of little or no rest and cimange. V At time first small beginnIngs of nervotmslless or wimemi lammgtmid feelings do not disappear , after a sound night's sleep , the prudent person - son simoulmi lcnow that lie or SilO must chmeclo this decline in hiealtlm by time use of that one genuimmo nerve food amId bhootl renewer , Paine's celery comnpountl. Tile family physicIan knows its imower over diseases of exhaustion and debility wimeml lie orders it , as so mnany careful praotitoimers are now doing in every city and anmali town tlmrougimout the United States. As soon as one line fairly hegumml to usa Paino's celery compound , every day will be a firm step toward assureti hiCaitlu. Nervous , unhappy , anti feeble persons find their flesh becoilles more solid , a more imsaitimy color takes time Place of the waxy , sallow bob , anti there comes a clear increase in the voitmmo of time blooti and an increasemi miormmiai appetite because of timis rapitl feeding of time cmmttro system. Work becomes easer. This searching tontc goes at once to time very causes of nervous disaster and break. down. It is Invaluable in all wasting diseases - eases , in au cases where uiiursmmal demulaimtims are made on time systenm. Especially is it true itt tile case of umlotitera amid iimvaitds recovering - covering froumi sickness. V l'aine's celery compound Imas saveti thomm. rands from mournful years of ( eebleuiess , train time weariness of paimi and froill bodily , V weakness. It macants Imealtim ammti happiness. RUPTURE PERMANENTLY r\ CURED II ' 'NopAYllNTILcuREO VE LEFtS tOil TO 8,000 PATItNIS' - WrItoforBaflkRefeTCflCeU. V V IXP.MINATION rflCE. RoOperatlon. ! ToDotcntlonfrOmBUSIneSS1 SEND FOR CIRCULAR. THE 0. E. MILLER CO. , 307-308 I. Y. Life Bldg. , OMAII4'e , NEB. OEO. P. I3ANFOItD , A. W. I1EICMAN , PlVesidcmmt Cmemshler. V First Natlo nat Dank ofCOUNCIL I3LUFF , Iowa. Cmtiltttl , . - $100,00c l'i'otits , - . 12,000 One of the oldest bamIks tim lime state of Iowa. W'e soiicit your bustntss amid collection , , We pay S pee cent cmi timruu depoite. We wiii be pleased to see and semi'o you , ' SpciaI Notices-OouciI Diuffs C111MNFYH CLBANEDi VAULTO C1CANhD , 103 liUikm , , at SY. u. SCorner's , 6)1 flruadmyaip , V LAl0013 1'IIIVATfl BARN FOR itIN'A' NIiAH V coUrt _ hoube , Apply at lien ommice , ( 'oummcii iliuff , . OCN'I'LIIM/tN ANI ) Ww11 , OIL 'l'W ( ) ( J1INTH , rail lint ! g.iotl I OUiC ummt.1 boari iii uris mmte taun. ily : law titles ; rcbtdeimce in busimmess center. A 2 , 1cc , Coutmcii Blurts , COUNCIL IIIjUFFIi ; . . (4" IL iom'9 STEAM DYE WORK -I- L--------I 13yr ' . II to look t - - - - - WO V r , mmciv , W . I I. ' _ done ; c . 2 . _ _ lf4 V ii.J _ . 1513 Dougas ] , fr- ; , ' V