Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1895, Editorial Sheet, Page 9, Image 9

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] . Srr'.AJ3I.JISIIDD + JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAILSUNDAY : MORNING , Z , , .LIIIitJ11I3 . 3 , 189 - r'V1DNr.I.'Y , ! PAGES. . SINGLE COpy 1HVm OliIN'.l'S.
It's shameful the price we paid for it- vV'e ourselves never - ' dreamed . . that \ve would
Its shameful the price \ve sell it for- . be able to sell Clothing ] for the prices \ve do
This the greatest Clothing purchase ever con - on lVlonday-Cook Clothing Co.'s Clothin
sUl11ated in Omaha nt just half price.
' 1 Cr ditors' , * Sale of Cook's Clothing
We never , in all our expelience , got hold ot such a bargain-If can't sell clothing now no one on earth can , for the goods are n ; ' lrly new , the styles ;
are up to elate and the prices are just halt Cooks plain marked prices. If \ve lpn't . . have time to wait on you Monday pick 1 out \vhatcver garment you want
and pay the cashier half of Cook's plain marked prices. We advertise the Cook , Clothing Co.'s Shoes on page 8. . t
Creditors' Sale of
0 " . '
' I
. Cook's Clothing : At'C Hats and Caps . x
. . .
. Furnishing Goods
We haven't time to put prices on this clothing-so the easiest way out is the Price .c.l1t in two-All goods are
best-v" won't re-n1ark it at all , but- new , and of the latest styles.
. ' , ' : CO\1Jnlcnclng \ Momby morning we will begin 1i00 doz , genis' fast black cotton sox , lic per )
- Men * fine fur felt hats , raw edge , . the'greatest gents' furnishing goods Coolt's 250.
' or greatest
63e one pair price ,
Whatever Cook' Prlce gorrpsc rccllJ. . : . : . ? ; : . . . . . . . . . . . . ; t
i1 e'er ® o S rice was + sales ever given In the wcst. This concern 1 lot or gcnts' fine linen handkerchiefs , lic
The fur soft hats that
Cook sold for $1,2S $ ; ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95e carrIed n complete line of \\1I50n Bros . each ; Cooks price , 25c.
Ahlrts , collars ties and suspcndcrs. No mat. . ,
Fine her derb\1 latest shapes , G , 1 lot I of men ' s leather I faced mens , IDO ! :
_ . lInl Cooks } ' price ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7iJC tcr how fine the goods are , nor what price'I
O urn 18 Just Half 1 COCII price I , [ i0 e.
Stctson's best quality $5.00 : ; hats , Ccok sold them at , we positively must clear
lIul Cooks Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 . 50 this stock out to make room for our spring Mcn's nil wool scarlet shIrts and drawers ,
. Fine Fedoras . . sloth Wc quote a few of the many bargains 2ic [ : Cooll's price , 71ic.
' " half Cook plica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-75-98e 1 lot linen culTs , Sc ; Cooks price 21ic.
Its nearly all brand new O"oods-bou for tIns Present season- \\.T evlll Sill plush ! ! , to be found on our counters Monday : ' wool underwear , worth $1.00 ,
b b cap . ' . Mcn's natural
. _ _ : $1. " . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63e WILSON I3ItOS. FINE WHITE SllIItTS
give the biggest bargains ever heard of Monday : Il : Gents fine white laundered shirts ; $1.21i amt $1.fiO , go at 1i0c.
gl you you y , silk plush
caps "
. ' 7JC ' . . . . . . . . . . . . iOc [ Cool , ' s entire stock or tics , worth 25c , 1i0c
Cooks price $ I.GO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Coo It's price 7ic [ : our price
No garret how little Cool got our Floe , fur sort hats . Gents fine while laundered shirts ; and 7lic , go at 12'hc.
Boys' Knee Pnnts t , Cooll's prIce $1.75. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 7C Cook's price $1.25 cur price . . . . . . . . . 7lic Co"k's lOc sox to t be closed out , 2 pro for 6c.
Irma ; tI en Cook clothing I stock , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . e _ price is Just HA.LF. Gents fine white ; laundered shirts : 1i0 doz. dark working shIrts , 25c ; Coole's
Chll < lren's ! \lIIt -all ngcs- QC . Cook price , $1.i0 [ ; our prlcc. . . . . . . . , $1.00 price I , 1i0 c.
from the Cook clothing stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U e s 100 1101. . gents' fine cotton 'h.h05C , come In
Dros. soft negligee shirts ;
A l\\i Itt Wilson
L' l g litY . . . . black and tan , 12'hc ; Coole's price , 25e.
Men's pants-l1od ; wool pants \ Cook's price , $1.00 ; our price . . . . 1i0c
from the Cook clothing stock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oe + F : LITTLE MONEY Wilson Bros. ' sort negligee shirts ; 100.uOZ. . . mcn ' s sine dogakln I I gloves , 71ic' ;
f ' ' . price . . . . . . . . U.OO Cook's price , $1.i0. [
, nO"s Long ' ; 1'msls r ! for Cook's prIce , $2.00 ; our
from thc Cool clothing stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 t 1i00 doz. linen collars , nil the late styles , 200 doz. gento' : : black slllt ties , 12'hc : Coc1e's
Men's rood Overcoat " ! , , CLOTHING lic each ; worth 12hC c. price ) , 25c.
from the Cook clothing stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ 4 QQ t = ' - - . f"o t at 200 doz. Coon's best linen collars , 121c ; 1 lot or heavy wool underwear , odds and
' . ends , 2ic [ each
Cook's ,
Men's whole Suits . . price
Q.7 :
from the Cook clothing slotk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S p"l = . 00 . . Our Stol.e. I
: Mi11iuery. 'Vash Silks. Dress Fittings.
. Wash Dress Goods. Furniture. Groceries. Drugs.
We have just purchased , the well known All kinds of wash sllles at 25c doz . 3 cakes Wc have the most complete stock I of dress
4 per New French 32-lneh TADLE , 35 lbs New Orleans granulated sugar , 100. Duttermlllc find cucumber soap ,
r Hlcltman stock of millinery , and buyIng as Knitting . silk , lJc ! spool. Seals magnificent - elegant . . 25e 27 Ibs coarse white granulate sugar , $1t10. In a box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lJe ! fittings find trimmings In the city. The fol1
wo lid for so hale money , see will begin ! or3.yd. . silk nose ; lic dozen . { ) A word about tables. R'q have hundreds
. . . . ic [
. white granulated , $1.00. . bottle first-class dress -
lhs I
25 IIno grnl sugar Gold paint , already mixed , per lowing ! Is our prices on -
ferlng will prove you our millinery reputation bargains far pushing Monday profits that Special Honltou closing braids prices chcap. on all stamped IIncns. New 25c French quality , satln for. . . , . . 30-lnch . . . . . . . , . . regular . ( ynrd ) 15c of all kinds of tables. , 3-Lab . can tomatoes , ! ( jc , leo : . . can corn " , 5c. - . . Juvenile soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . : . . . . 13c sings
aside. We carry a complete Ilno of badge goals . New black and white I I and colored I IOC - 1 .l largo . . , " ' pall . New jelly J , OrlC1lns "ge . molasscs , 49c ! . Elder flower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7tAo Cornllno dress stays . . . . . . . . . l..c , worth 250 ;
Largo pall
Trimmed lists I . French ' felt , silk ) velvets t ' secret society I goods such as gold fringes , fancies In fine saline at . . . . . . ( yard ) a Scotch " rolled oats , 33ac . Transparent S iYcerlne I " . . . . . " . " . 7e These are the finest mnde. ,
' and nil $ If lIIlIIe. Bl oho ' s hlghst quallty'tirafds less1banner cords and tassels : also ballot boxes ; DIClt postings are the coning : goods . , txyl , r : 3lb. can delicious plums , 12 ½ e. Alcoclt's porous plasters , : 2"tor . . . . : : . . . .5e Stockinet dress shields . . . . 1.2c , worth 25c
trImmed . hats , such as she sold for , never . poles tlssJo gavel , swords ' emblems , ete for spring find swnmer. We halve Quart glass English preserves , worth GOc . Paslola , large . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOc Every l1alr guaranteed Ilerre < : t.
than " tOhr
$3.00. and from that 1111 to $8,00 and $ ! J.OO , Crepe tissue paper at cost. mnlllerl't . .
all go Monday alfrom , 45 76c , 95' ; none higher. I I 1 . plain in dark and light I grounds < , . - . " now on sale at 35e 'cortce Pasleola , small " " " " " " . " . . . . . . " . 90cr velveteen skirt facing . . . . . . . 15c , worth 25e
ti45c ' . . .
. ; i's 'f:3onl : ; : ; plain or figured , 30-lnch wide , 25c ) Java and Mocha coffee , 12c lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 r . .
All lit me. Iilckmah s untrimmed hats for . . Hospital size malted milk $ Full 4 yds long , 2 In. wIde.
Jewelry. at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( per yard ) llic and Pure red sallllon , 10c can.
5c. 100 and 25e. . . . Laundry soap , 3c bar. Nelson Morris' beet extract . . . . . . . . . . . 29e Cotton tbrcnll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2c , worth 50
for Fancy .your feathers choce ! or Ie Mine each Illcltman's , 3/ 0 each stack lic each , \Vatehcs , clocks and jewelry at reduced Crepes very good In plain this colors season arc and considered we show . I. Parlor matches . 7c dozcn. Cudahy's rex beef extract . . . . . . . . . . . . 35c Every spool perfect or money
, tomorprlccs. . several lines ot the very best 20c Dulte's Mixture smoking tobacco , 1-lb. paclt- Lelblg's beef , Iron and wine , per bottle. 35c rcrunded.
We will ®
sell ( the
row tr prices will do Hickman It. mlllluery tomor- $211i0 triple plate dinner ! casters , ! J8e. worth at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10c , 12c:15e and \ w „ . age , with biter : pipe 25e. Pure California wInes , per 9t . bottle. . . 35c Silk binding ribbon . . . . . . . . . .1 % cvworth.0o
$260 . . Cotton challlea , 2SInchwide . fast Ise + k . _ 011 Condensed sardines milk 3c lOc can can condensed \VC take special care with proscriptions 1 This Is the finest nil sllle goods.
. . ; pure
Cloaks and SuitsS worth 200 solid $1.75. sterling silver napkin rings , 49c . colors , very handsomc , t ( yd ) lOc and . cream , 10c can. " and will save you money by getting them Or money rcfundcd.
Solid sterling sliver souvenir spoons ; 25c , Pique , light and dark printings / 3. 26- . Soda crackers , 3c lb. ! filled with us Silk ! belting . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c , worth 30c
We commence February In this department worth 75c. Inch wIde ; wll wash and wear like 15c f Pure chow-chow , llic quart. The finest made
with the following attractions : . Solid sterling sliver teaspoons , 4ge , worth linen ; at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( per yard ) " : , . Mixed pickles , llic quart. Books . hooks and eyes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cc , worth lOc
Ladlcs wrappers , the latest fabrics and $1.25. Galatea cloth for shirtings strIped . . Saucr kraut , from Holland , 71hc quart These are the regular patent
styles , 6Jc ! , 7lic , J5c ! , 125. Good sllvcr.plated teaspoons , 25c sct. and figured 30-lnch wide , colors lOc " " ' -.J' ' Saville olives 25c quart ; Imported Spanish of the latest novels . worth 26c , hUlllP !
' . . . / ' Queen olives , 35c . 3,000 copies ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zee , worth 300
Lndlell' tea gowns , new materals ; and Good spvcr.platcll tablespoons 1i0c set. guaranteed absolutely fast , at. . ( yd. ) .J I quart at ic [ eac I. Whalebones .
styles , $1.48 , $1.6J ! , $ _ .S9. , Hogers 12 dwt. knives ! or forks $1.21i set Dimities handsolllo printings , do25 _ , elegantly I bound backs I , 18c. The finest shell bones to be had.
t" f InA 100 ladles' cloaks , black : and colored , First-class : nickel \ alarm . clocks ' 68c . mcstlc' find Imported. . . . . .12 C and C Catiforttia Fruits. . toOI books 'I inbound I antO white binding , only Whulebono casing . . . . . . . . . . . . 8e , worth - lbo -
r In all sizes , $5,90 , formerly from $7.50 to 200 solid gold pens , with . pearl holders , 73c , worth , $1.1i0. This Is for three ynrds. -
. . ! J8c. .
. Ogo I-yard-wide Morley zephyrs at.yard ( ) V. $1,10 $185
; 10c
$11i.00. worth $2.00. , G rape raisins I I , 31 y'c Ib . ; Valencia I I raisins I I , D' s complete I t works . J8e !
. ' ,
5 tables ladles' ' . ' . 1 Look at th ese. It you need It table ot any kind for center { . yron comp hero Is n saving or 7lic on an outlay of
or and IIIlst\'s' ulslers , . all 3.plece quadruple p11te hand engraved tea 5c lb. ; English currants ' lie lb. ; California s o works , J8c. !
the year round garments , at $ UJ5 , worth from set gold lined , $2.Ji. ! [ worth $7.00. Percales , l-yard-wldc , In an endless of room , side table , corner tables , bell room prunes ! 5e 1b . ; largo sweet prunes , Sy"c ' Ib ; Shaltcs8eare , 2\r c per 0 fleto $ LID , and you are buyIng the finest goods
$8.00 to $11i.OO. Byes tested tree by an expert optician. variety of patterns and colors , anti tables , kitchen tables , ( hnmg room tables , evaporated peaches . l"c lb' ; evaporated Paper. ISc per P k S , money can buy
20 styles or ladles' slIt : waists at $2.45. sold Watch , clock and jewelry repairing at rethe very best ( Gnrner's l9)121 ) C hall tables , wo have them all nt 1i0c. 71ie , ap'rlcots , l"c lb' ; ring apples ' 7e' ; Call- and envelopes , Gc . ,
t by other dealers at 500. , laced prlccs. at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( per yard ) SOc and .1. $1.00$1.25 , , $ l.iO [ , $1.75 Just In , a fine new forma pears : lOc lb. ; sliver prunes , 9ic lb. Box paper Ribbons
\Ve are saerlficlnl all , winter garments. All kinds of calico , Turkey red , plain line of oak tables . 24x.4 top. We can sell FIsh Depar t t11ett t .
The New Curling Irott. and figured blue and mourning you one cheap. Syrup and Pancakes.Fish We have the rIbbon stock of the city and
Peas I B u tt 011S. - prints ; regular value 7c and 8c ; we . 5c' Remember , we arc the only house carry- our prices are the ldweap
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yardf ' " . . . . . . . . , and at low remnant sale on ribbons.
, The finest curler made ; you cannot break ask you. ( per yard ) ; 1" _ _ _ Largo pall New Orleans molasses , 4Jc. ! Inl' ' ; everything In this line very BIg
The clearing UI1 stock or the Omaha. fac- them , llic , worth 2ic1 [ Ginghams , apron checks , the 7c31LC - Largo ' pail perfectos syrup , 71ic. rices . lIollanll " herring ' for ! nwhite jc ( ; 3 mnciterel hoop IIIack and white sllle laces and embrold- .
tar ) at 2c , 4e and lic per 1I0z Side combs , 5c [ . lee and 15c pair. quality for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jr " Largo pall golden drip syrup , G9c. lel\9 . , Come 7fic ; : J here large for herring anything jcot want Uhtis Monday ; goods worth sec for lc per yd.
Jot trimmings at lOc , llic and 25c per yd. All lOc corsct steels lic pair Monday. Ginghams apron chceks , theJo ! 5c rJ . : J' Large pall pure honey drip syrup SJc. ! W Ilsh IWleere . : In this lot.
. . . quality far . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ' , , Y Large P ail sliver drip syrup , 7Iic. -
' - Large pall rock candy , 95c.
THE l\\OST COl\\PLETE STOCK Dress goods ginghams. at a nickel a. whole a yard case .Ionday. ot lOc . . . 50 I Large Large. pall pall maple pure maple syrup. sap $1.1Ii. $1.1i0.
Dress ginghams light and dark , next ] Nebraska buckwheat fiour. 3c. Dress G 0 0 d S
to the Scotch zephyrs In quality , 10c Nebraska self -rising buckwheat , 3c. ! . r e S S
-OF- ) at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { per yard ) _ _ ' York profs pure buckwheat , 6c. .
cheviots striped 1 and _ York state sclt.rlslng buckwheat , 6c.
Shirtings , , < 5c . . $
. checked , at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( per yard ) i' ' . " " ! o = _ " " " ' " 1 .
ShlrtlnS ! , Uanchmen'a heavIest and . . . . . . . . . . Prices Cut 011 Cheese. As Monday } has come to be the recognized Dress Goods
. . . . . . . . . . ' .u. . S
strongest goads made , at , C. .
He h Cl as S S elk S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( per yard ) lOc sail' 2 _ Fancy I.lmbergcr cheese , ic [ 71f.c and 10c ; i have come to be the recognized
Ig This suit Is oak , 4x6 bcd ' larje ; dresser and brick cheese , lac , 12\fc \ , tic and IGe ; SwlFS day of the week ' so Haydensl
\"asl st I , will hold I its Kith $ " 0 . 00 cheese : , lac ' 121hc , 15c llll 17c : Wisconsin .
. . 5 Kaehstand \ 10 u S own VI \ any - cream' ' § ' full
Mill remnants outing fiannel. cis " full cream , 7c 9c , 11c anti 12Y.c' : fancy
Mill remnants , ' chevlotshirlings suit In town. The drawer work hall 110 need ) cream Young ' America cheese : that 18 sold Place to bU y them Remember we dId not carryover one
of Improvement-pcrrectlon marks every all over for .15c. our price 10c : and any kind
. . . .
. . . 1I11 remnant , white goods Monday . point Wo have just received one car or ot cheese you want at lowest Prices t . f last season's stuff . All the goods being
To be found in the I West , all new goods received in will taste salts : you can have one for $15.00. Fox dollar 'g worth of I . . . ,
If you need blankets t and I comforters t we w castors Prices Away Down on
way and 110bblest
. the newest things
. sell you any kind NOW one.half . cheaper than When you pass us by on furniture you do shown at our counters are
the } past few f weeks I < : of f the best known I weaves , at you ever saw them. yourself an injustice In paying moro for a Meats.
thing than we ask. Try trs once. could buy.
OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Cornell beef , 3c.
. . ' . Salt pork , 6Y.c ; pickled pork , 7Y.c , ; boneless
Prices which I absolutely astound every purc I laser. Drop Go the P rlces. gar-cured barn ' ; 8c ; picnic flu : lIr-curel1 hllms , No. 7c ; Boston I hams , long lc ! ; cut BU- Monday special , n beautiful I silk and wool 40 . inch pure mohair novelties , worth liOc ,
. . hams 6y"c : 3pund cans best lard 270 ; 5 [ i. ' 35c.
' ,
Solid handled knives and forks , per set . 35c. ham9a " ; ? : . Monday : t
pounel cans , 4.c ; 10-pound cans . Sac novelly , 39c !
_ Tea spoons , abetoa ( metal , 9c per set . 1
ghO Ht'OR. ' 18l ! A 90 . inch elllt and wool 50.lneh waterproof serge ( warranted ) , Mon.
Ol1'JWY , righted All Cups anl1 saucers , tc eaci , . . Monday special :
the . , " + Plates , 10 each. 1 ' Crackers I V. y Lo \ Y. that sold last season at 6J ! c , 1.1 onday , $1. 00 ,
IUlIIaII'l ' , ollly. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .tOe yard ( wy " " . Tumblers lc cache novelty
1. linkers , 2'hc each Here Is where you can buy anything you day 1i0e. . . , GO . inch storm serge , last season's $1.00
' ' F' Chmley } hCS' ' 18'.1 ) I II t CI I i Wine glasses lc each . . want In the cracker line at lowest lrlces. ' . and wool
s ° ' ' chips'decorat Soda and oystsr crackers , 4c : sugar cookies Monllay special : A 40.lncl1 silk . qllalll ' . Mondny , ' 71ic.
" ,
' lIutter
, + chipsdecoratedlc each
Newest ; ; mola8ges cake and fancy I'lIowllnlel ! only
111111111'1 ' , tit . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .U.c ) ytlyd , ' Inmp wicks Ii for lc. f ' ' " 100 ; ginger Bnlll ' 7fc h : Brcmner's Lunch . plaid just the thing for waists , the old 40.lnch pure alapaca ( warranted ) , last.scll-
k Coffee pots , lic each. , Sc ; eruckncll9 , l.c ; animals , 12\-c. !
, -
Chollo Bros. 18D printed t t , Tea kettles , 13e each , i tariff price $1.50 , Monday , ! DSc sons iJo [ ! quality Monday , 29c.
- ' , Pint tin cups , 10 eaet.t ; ; Do Yon Use Tools ? Monday : special ; A beautiful line of 40.
Iulllas ' , al. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . SSG yill'd Novelties r ' _ S' 41i Meat plo pans , Ic eacl , ; . on sp H - .h C olor
Terra cotta cuspidors t Ga , cach . " Inch checks , In all the new combinations , t g
Olll.lll' ' 1l1'OH. ' 811t1llbrochoH tlLUSe ' ' . , . . We sell ) 'OU a good steel hand saw for 27c.
Chaney ! yard Clothes I I .
. . wringers , $ stir
' ibis 11c 11Il1"lJIl'llt uudtt tit ! supervis } Yashhnards I , g ; ack5 1' A tine adjustabe : bit brace for 25c. last scason's price $1.00 , Monday , G9c ,
Chelley Bros' solid color Ill' molt of . Il Hchmtllle 011t1c11111 : hits ' ei'el'y Wash boilers , 49c each , , 1 ' _ A good wrought Iron wrench , seven inches lit on d ay special I I' : 40.lncl silk finIsh hCII. Dress Goods
facllity for accurately litthig ! glasses ! , Wash machines : , $2.115 enChT . long , for 1ge. ,
I1luH . , . . , . . . , . , . . . . . " , . . . . , UDe yard 111 Japanese wnsh silks are to ho found which we sell at 111' y goods prollls Scrub brushes , 3c each , , 1. 3 A hollow handled tool set , 10 useful tools rleUa , all the new and stable shades , goods , ' '
' all for 36c , For evening wear. Wc'vc moro of these
EYES EXAMINED FREE } later palls , till , \vlll \ . wooden handles , 5et\tecI ' rleUa , former price 89c ; Monday , 1i0e.
Watfr steel driver 12 Inches long ,
Ohcllu lineal 21.llIch blncl 7o each l , A large screw \ I than Is shown hy any other house west or
here and itt the lowest prices . Our Prices , Work and Coeds c.m crocks , 3c each ' for l1e. 4C.lnch bilk finish henrietta , former price
1111111\ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . , . . . ,500 I 'I\rll Will SUit you. Largo size lallndrY'tllpplrs't7o each A gOOlIJleyclo wrcnch for lic. New York.
Striped I I wash I SlllHI , regular Tubular lanterns " " Ocleagli ; . ' A good double Iron smooth plane 39c. 89c , Monday , 1i0c. Cream 11 serge , 40.lneh , 36c .
OhIII' HI'os. ' 30.lnch black Granite Iron I tea 'k"ttl 7Gc each I , We can glvo you anything you wool In Monday special ; f6.lnch silt I finleh I I I I len- .
_ fiOc gool1l1. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25e yard A Chance for All Willow I I clothes basJcets,39ceach : tools for carpenters . bricklayers , plasterers ) , Cream serge 4G Inch , 39c.
11\1111\ \ , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . ,7liC y . and ' ' " . " . , ' 1i0-lb. flour cans GYa , esch , . ' coopers , shoemakers blacksmIths or Jacks rleUa , former price JSc ! , Monday 1i0e. Cream cashmere ' 40.lIlch , 3Je. ! ,
S ' wU8h , TO BUY ' BUTTER CllEA AT IIA"DE"'S ' , of all trades at regular wholesale prices
Striped sllls Coal hods I , 11' oath. / dress , , cerls
s a ea = 100 of the choicest novelty patterns Newllortello crepe , In blue , rose , , Nile ,
Oh'JltHI'os. . ' satin gnuffrea.,85e yard Nice Yeah country beater , 7c \ , 9c , lie , Dill you say you were going out hunting
quntlty , . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .2Dc yard and the best , country , butter made , , for l"lc. i New Vet-II' . tomorrow ? WO can sell you a good doublc. Importt't ) ; they arc a dream or beauty ; no lavender , cream ' . light blue ' 4Sc.
, creamery at 15c , 17u find 19c , nail \ VetII'ttgs , " " .
Ohell ' Ut'OS' ' tnlTetu USe 'III'II We have barrel shotgun for $ G , a good 22 .rJllo for $198' ;
( y striped ' y ) will sell the finest creamery ever Put Itlmi nd two alike , and must be seen to bo ap' Nuns vclllng , In all tile new shades , fG
Plaid lIul1 l check waste sills , we : lnt1l 1If : le23 and 25c. Nothing finer , call sell you any Iclnd or n gun you want and
Ol1elle Bros ' striped black on made a , table and It It 1I0ll't suit you , when you The finest line of vellllg1I ) in the city just save you from 25 to 50 IJer cent. . preclated. Price I , from 71i co. 00 a yard . Inches wide . 1i5c.
very Ht y 'l1sh ( designs . . . . . . .3\c ! yard Set Ii home , we will cheerfully give back received Everything In the ) 1 Jne : ot belJutHul A full line or fire arms , ammunition , sport- 48 . lnch I I batiste t , in I creams , GOc and 6ac .
. . ' . ' ' . 'our money. velllngs can be round at our veiling counter lag goods and gUll implements
nnl1 whlto tatllls , . . , . „ . ,8. c 'I1I'II. your .
. CubIc cord wmih 1 silks , n now Black fO.lnch silk finish henrietta , In all correct
Wo shoW ) the largest Ussol.tmcnt of shades , f8c .
JdOn I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aOe yard .
fG.lnch the \Jest silk finish German hen-
Oheney Dros. ' new goods to bo tOllnl1 . . Dress Goods
" Taffeta : 111Is80 a ash ISIIl.s , hUI\II. ress . leU\ ! In thE ! world , III 1 r creams . . Monday , 65c
In the west null n8 wo hut ! I1r8t
souse IlclSlgns. . . . . . . . . . . . , . .40e yard lIero's where we excel . We quote you EX'rHA SPECIAL .
choice nllll control nil their Very best MONDAY . MONDAY ,
. . . MONDAY ,
' unapproachable
81111I1118 chccrrllll hailed to out-of- t"1r prIces that arc simply
designs for this city WO CUll fissure our'u ' 40.lnch all wool black serge , worth fiOe , fO-INCH. fO.INCH
to\\1I customers , who wlll confer U fa- " '
customers that 110 where will they find a" ft S Monday , .9c , INDIA T\\ , JI LS ,
_ "or by stating for whutISO the silks i E
10 largo n. collection or such baudVor IiO.lncll black silk glorlll , worth $1.25 , Mon worth 35e ,
ioip0 . deslgae and colorings 88 here. are Intended. day , SOc ! . r MONDAY ' 160. . _
L . . - -
y i