- , . . . . , - ; - - - . . _ - - . . - ; - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - . : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : : - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - : : -r- 7- : - s -------------------7---- ; - I - I . TilE O [ A.IIA DAILY DEE : ' ; : TNDAT FJDBRUARY :1 : 1895. ' 1v , , ,7 - V - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V , DUSKY QUEEN LIt ARRESTED - Charged with Oomplloity in the Recent Hawaiian RebeIion , V ARMS MD BOMBS FOUND I tIER HOUSE MInItr ThnrAlon leclnCA to Tnlk Con crull ! the I'rnbahlo J1 1)81Ion of the J ; 'U"ccn-1 JzpectIig l'reAh ! Ad\lcel from lonolulu UCKI.AND , N. Z. , Pci , . 2.-Advlces re- telve,1 here from Honolulu under tate of January HI nnnounco that e.Queen Llluolta- lanl has been arrltcII on the charge of com- Illcty With the Insurgenls In the recent re- bolilon . In addilon all the Insurgent Ieader have been taken Into cuslody and are being trlel hy court-martial. Three of the leader Ihaded ! gully to treason. Martial law Is ' maintained The rebellion against the ro- ) mble of hawaii turned out 10 bo I COIn- 111010 fiasco. After the first engagement the rebels scattered and some time later Wilcox , Molm , lulelman ali others of the leaders of the insurrection were captured a 11 , as .t nlready stated , are being tried for treason before I court lilartlal. Shortly aCer Queen Llluoltalanl was ar- rested her house was searched and In I were stored arms and dYllnlo hombs. The arrests have resulted In the restoration of order In HawaI Later nlvlees , hated January 27 , say that quite a large qunntty of arm , hnllortc for the use of the rebels , have been seized in alldl- lon 10 those found In the house of the ex- queen Iessrs Savls , the Importers of the arms have been lined. - ENOI.AND3 PAlT IN THE AFFAIR. LONDON , 'eb. 2.-Tho news of the arrest of ex-Queen Liluokalanl , published In I.on- don tills afternoon , crated quite a sensaton , The facts In the case were lelegraphed 10 I Queen Victoria , whb Is I nl Osborne . uii 10 : Mr. Tiloopililus Davis , . Theophlus at Liverpool Jr. Davis If the guardian of Princess lalulnl of Hawaii , heiress Presumptive ) to tile throne Ho. Is also the agent In gngland of ex-Queen Liiiuolalanl. : Nr. Davis , I appears , had also received a telegram vIa Auckland , N. Z" , announcing - flouncing the arrest of the ex-queen. I Is peeled that the ox-queen's friends here and elsewhere will male diplomatIc representations 10 Great Britain ali the United Stales In order to secure her release The hawaiian counsel In this city has re- calved no news In regard 10 the resolution adopted by the United States house of upre- Bonlatves asking President Cleveland 10 sub- mil 10 congress any correspondence of the State department regardln the reports aI- leRlng that British subjects Incited the Ha- waIans 10 rebell n , arid supplied them with arms , and that lhe British minister Inter- - vened In order 10 prevent the application of martial law 10 Briish subjects who hall been 'V , engaged In the rebellion. In this connection lhe Associated press Is S omclaly informed that lhelo has been no correspondence between the British and American consuls on the subject of the -V charges that the Britsh subjects In Hawaii had Incited the hawaiian revel and had sup- . pled the rebels with Rms , The fact is added , " fl15 has already been stated In the house of q representatIves al WashIngton that Prosl- V 5 dent Cleveland Is satsled thaI the action ' taken by the British residents of Honolulu In this Ialer was quite Justified under the clrcumslances. Nothing Is known hero In regard to the charges made against the BritIsh - Ish residents at honolulu of supplying arms to the rebel and I Is said that If such a thing did occur It would bo for the Hawaiian authorities 10 put a slop to It. JtNISTIm THURSTON TALKS. . WAShINGTON , I eb , 2-The latest devol- opments In hawaii , as contained In the As- .L , oclated press Auckland dispatch , was agreo- , f .able news to Mr. 'hurston , the minister of ci that country at this eapllal. ConcernIng Itl . x-fueen , the minister saId the latest In" 5' formation ho had her formaton seen concernIng was that she had gone out to the residence of Nowln ( or Nolan ) , one of the leaders of the ro'olution. His residence was located on ' Pearl rlwer , about fifteen mIles from the . city otlionolulu. , S _ "NOW that th queen has been arrested for c01plcly In the rebellion . what will the authorities 110 wIth her ? Will she be ban- IS Isho from the country ? " asked the re- 0 portor. , "Tllat Is a mater I do not care to dis- cuss , " answered' the minister. "That In S connection with the possible effect of her eon- Uhued residence In the Islandn Is a question that wIll be dealt with by those who have the affairs of the naton entrusted to their care. How can I talk about the possible disposition . of the cases , of Wilcox ant other leaders of the rebellIon ? " The mlnlsler expects fresh advices of af- fairs' al Honolulu on the arrival of tile Aus- ' S trala , due In San Francisco in four or live days. s.WILLIS WILLIS WILL' PROTECT AMERCANS , S The news or the arrest of the ex-queen was received with surprIse at the Stall do- . . IJrlment , anti although the omclals de- . dined 10 discuss the mater In any aspect , II ' was plaInly to bo seen that they had nol been expecting that she would bo connected with a revolute ary attempt so poorly planned and executed and promising so little. As II Js , she Is likely to forfeit whatever property remains In her possession to the republic , V and In addition probably ( wi bo exiled In order to eliminate her entirely as a party factor. There las nol as yet been any "ng- gstions. that the . United Staten government Zloull ! interfere In behalf the ex-queen , who Is now , after the full and formal recog- nIton of the republic , nothing more than an Individual and citizen of HawaI : 'I any American citizens are along the ' ' Ilersons arrestell ali ! tried for complicity In ; ; tim rebellion , then undoubtedly Mr. Wils , our minister , wi see 10 I that they secure a full opportunity to prove their Innocence , I they can 110 so Nolwllhslandhlj ; the ominous significance conveyed by lho fact thaI the trials were to b by court-martial , it Is nol believed . hero that very severe punishment - Ishmenl will ho ' meted out to the persons ' convIcted , except , perhaps , In the case 01 actual Hawlians , for I Is hardly to be con. % celvell that the Orltsh nnd other foreign S , minister al Honolulu could conlemplato with equanimity the seclusion of their follow subjects . jects by process of eourl-marthl I Is thoucht that tile Unl d States ship I'hladelphll Is now nt Honolulu , as she was due Ihero last Monday , The news of the arrests created consider- able surprise among senalors. 'fhe sonti- t ments expressed generally showed very little sympathy fcr tile queen , whl3 some Indicated Inllferenco to her falo. . "She Is Illaln 1rs , nominIs , antI not a r queen , " sold Senator Platt , "and must ! talli upon the saro tooting as other reslllcnls of I Iawai I . " Senator I"rye expressed the same senlml1t , Senator Lodge hoped that none of the C3n- "plralors wouhl bo eliot , and Senator Mills thought I probable thaI some of them were ' , lIkely 10 bl Senator nuter relJrllel that the tact that the rebelion hail : been hut down .0 soon haldleatetl thaI the present gover- shout was amply able to care for Itself . ) The news of the colaplo ot the hawaiian rebellion was received without much aur- prlsJ by I members of the house to whom I was made Imown , except that hart narrating the arrest of the deposed queen , which ex- cited some continent , The opinion was gen- eraly expressed ( that the qU en's slrength ' must be very small and her following mUll folowil/ have fallen .ol greatly I abe could be ar- rested without any resistance beIng lade , Chairman leCreary of lho commlt o on 'torelgn dlalr rlmallCI that the dispatch conlrmed the latest advlces to the State department , which he quoted In his speech . yestorilay , and . sho\\'cll that th : trouble had been greatly : overrated Iii importance. Ihs. asslon WDS stirred \p over the penalties which might be \'IIIld upon the leathers ot the Illrrcclol all several I'ellubleans cx- pressed the ollinion that I would bo veil .i V for the government to execute two or three % o theul for treason , according 10 tbo laws of , afloat civilized nations , and eta a warning to . ' others. ' ' visit capital punishment on this S queen , It was said , was probably a more : fvere retribution than would be favored , nolwlhslandlng her demand for the beads or the men who brought about the ectablish. S ; meat of the rzpubilc. It I hut 1'110" 111,11111 I I , if PAI1IS Fob . : -In the Chamber ot Depu- 5' ' te ! tOday IUbot , replying to a question In ' leijad to the monelay crlals saa . VV -r cestatlon DC th coinage of silver woul 1 > nton regrettable . The matter could only bo set- tlett by an International R Nment between te powers. A movement favoring bimetallism - pwe" arisen In Jngland. lIe would use his bet efforts ! 10 overcome the oJpl- lon to himetnlsm In France by whIch means he hoped F'rance would revert 10 bimetaliism. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CUHINO O\ H U : TIlE UMII lilt. unlvor from this 1lho Are on Their Way to America , I.ONDO , Feb 2.-Miss Anna Brucker , the only woman saved from the North German Lloyd steamship mbt , In an interview has added the following to the statements she has already made about the disaster MIss Irueker says that when the first boat cap- sIzed she swam until she caught one of the oars of the other boat which had been launched and then somebody on board the latter craft shoutell : ' "Push her oil I" ! She also says they tried to push her oi but she held on 8 firmly to the oar that alto was finally pulled In boar < . Continuing , Miss Irueler says that the officers of tile Elba miscalculated the time thaI tim steamer could keel alloat. The slipper of the fishing smack Compton - I ton , which has arrived al I.oweslof has reported - ported lhal In Illon 10 tile mal bag he saw near the scene of the collision ho saw n quantity of wreckage apparently from I big steamer , and ho picked 111 a Illatorm used for painting ships' shies Messrs 1ofman , Schlegel and Ve'era , sur- 'Ivors of the gbe disaster sailed for New York today from Liverpool on board the Cunard steamship Umbria Emperor William has telegraphed to Mr. hi. P. Peter , M , P. for the North of I.owes- lor division of Suffolk , thanking all those concerned for their attention 10 the survivors at the Elbe alit ? regretting that so few were saved _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1OI.ANU TOO 8lh.F-M.tOhilPtClNO. Marquis of Loraic's 111 1,11\10 : of SIr I , ' ' ' ' , ' . , .Iuhn : Inelll"II' " 'rrUer I'utrolhm I.ONDON , I eb. 2-The marquis of Lore has written a long article , which appears In the Pal Mall Gazette this afternoon on Pope's I.lfo of Sir John A. Mncdonald. The mar- quis says that the author will fll that all ho has said In praise of Sir John , Macdonald will "be echoed by all of us who knew him. " In lho course of his article the marquis of borne remarks : "I nglsh statesmen fear thaI the YIIIICI Is nha's longing to twist that mueh-twlslell thing , the lieu's Lath , but only a 'newspaper masher' writes In that tone ; and the Canadians , knowing this desire - sire hold their own and carry their chins as high as they like. Take tile fishery ques- ton , for Instance. Canada knows the value of the fisheries all means 10 Insist on n fair bargain with the United Stales on the basis of recognition of value. Great Britain Is apt to write off half the value when ths bargaining - gaining Is being done for something thaI "ngland thinks of International Imporlanee. As enl of the plenlpolentarles Washing- - lon , Sir John A. Macdonald had to constantly combat this tendency , notably shown by the marquis of upon , who was as much inclined 10 yield to the Americans as ho was afterward - ward anxious 10 surrender 10 the nengal newspapers In India and to enlan threats In Ireland. " ENU UF A SE8.tTlON.tL TlIU" 'hno. JulleRu" 1'01111 Guilty of 1lurlor 1111 S"h'nre'l to Inatli. BRUSSELS , I eb , 3.-Mnie. henri Jolneaux , accused of the murder of three of her re- latves for the purlJO of obtaining the Insurance on theIr lives , was this ( Sunday ) morning sentenced to death. The jury was out only threo-quarlers of an hour. So long drawn out were the arguments oC the lawyers In tim famous case , the closing speech of the defense was net fInished until n o'clock this morning There was a period of anxious waiting while members of' the jury fed Into the court room , where their leader solemnly annonncell , : " \Ve fll the prIsoner guilty on all counts oC murdering and administrating poison wlh the intent 10 cause the death of Alfred Ablay , lho brother of the prisoner ; LeonIe Ablay , the sister of the prisoner , and Jacques Vandon Kerchov thQuncI of lho prl oler. " Then the judges of the assize court pronounced - nounccll sentence of death upon Mine. Jolneaux. There were no scenes of undue excitement upon the part of friends of the Ilrlsoner. _ _ _ _ _ c _ _ _ _ 1lr ST1U1CE 110'DI1. - outhorn l'adlllo Must Slake Concessions or I Il.er" Wi QuIt : SAN FRANCISCO , Feh. 2-Chlef Arthur of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers was In consultation with the engineer of the Southern Pacific yesterda F. V. Myer , chairman of the grievance committee - tee , say the trouble between the engineer tutu this Southern Paclc will be definitely adjusted on Monday . I will be either n conceslol by the railroad company or I atrike. : Mr Arthur Bali : " 'he engineers have I serious grievance , anti I would be impossible for me to sny how It will enl 'hem has been I weep- lug rcducton without any good reason for it. There wi be I joint conference of railroad officials and engineers onday. I the COlpauy does not make the concession - sion which we thlnlt Is right and just there wi ho a strike ordered " Southern lncilc olcais scoff at the Idea of a strike , and say that an understanding will be renched Chief Arthur says that perhaps the A. R U. may feel some resenl- ment on account of the attitude of the engineers - glneors during the late big strike . but lie DaYR that If the engineers decide to strike the A. H. U. cannot affect the result . situcr irrY 7'lOUS.IN1J. .llOlr lll'rl Si-Treasurer 1 Oramm or Wyoming 1atis to Turn Over Simm. I ' Cver 1 Large hl ) CHEYENNI Feb 2-Speelal ( 'clegram. ) -The legislative committee appointed to examine tIle books of the state treasurer made a report today. The committee found the accounts of the present treasurer to be eli right , but It was dlrovcred that the extreasurer Otto Grmm , who relr.d ! from cube January 7 , has failed to turn eve $ : ; , : t due time state The successor , Henry G. flay , his made I formal demand tor the mone ) ' , but the saute has not been paid as yet. ' 1he 10nlY In IUebt n WIS lot In the failure of tIme ' , A , Kent banlt of Cheyenne In July , 1S'J3. Irocoelr , ! : wi bo hul rtgainst Gramm's bldsmen to recover the : amonnt of the Ilelclt , V 'I'Ito house today p3ssel by almost unanl- IIIUS vote the melorial to congress Intro- duce,1 a few clays ago IJItestng against time Issue ot any mora . gold bonds "IUIII ' fur 1511. Apparently the majority ot the city om- cal ! will he summened 10 appear before the Jral1 jun' which sis tomorrow. 'Yrlt were ' served hi.st l night on all the members of the c'ouncii anti It Is city counci , said that oiilciais higher than they wi ho cited to olcluis ! cied OPlleur Last wcrl time ) rcmhels at the Hoard of lublo WOrltH WCIO served with sunlmonl health ConnnlEHloner Savie has also been summonell , I II undcl'stood that nn Investigation of the urhae deal \ all tile Shermal avenue jmi'ing case by time grnd . jury Is coiitenmlmiatod , ' - - - Illh ! ul'rln : In Iti iisn. COI.UY , Knn" , Feb. 2-One carload of re- hot coal shipped \ by Ihe stat was Isl'lb- ute.1 here today , , There were 23 allpea- lOn' led for I , antI Iioubless ! many mole would have iioen le11 If there had o n more coal , 'i'lteVtfltlter has beeim very cold al11 there has been much stif. ferlnl for wlnt or boll coal antI . provisIons , tD the ' . ' depltc reports contrl' ) Time peo- 1)1l ) are hopeful ot uetlng n good crop this 'ear. _ _ _ o _ _ _ , trt I oh t' , .r Inr.rllrlol1111. i I I . Articles pf incorporation were 1ell ! yes. tertny afternoon by the 10rl\wa ) ' Heal ls- tate company : , cnlllalld : at $5,0 Time Incorporalors 1I'I Dav,1 ! C. timid 1. S. Pat- teron Articles wre' also fed by tueVest Side IIY01tment crmplY , time met rporators boirg Ueorjo N1 11r\I \ ! BHhet D. 1 lhiclcs ! Ilclt all I. . C. larulng , 'ho capital stock Is U5O _ _ . _ _ 1:1111 ii ' \ntlnmllt. . Yesterday time Wester Clothing company , doing business at 131 and 131 : Douglas ttloet , elcsell its 1001 , thio Ilropriotor , Jllus'lllbrgl' , making a voluntary as- lhnlcnt 10 the therlCe In fDr of ills crvdltoiii. 'ho assets of the frm are Illarell at between nol ) ) III $12,0 while the ( liabilities . Ire In the re'&huJrhod ot SW- - o - S."oro " 1011 I Vuluraill COIO , Colo" , I ch , 2-A st'ero wind and Ino\\ ' storm his prevaied In thIs region for thlrlY-EI hours. A passenger ' traIn was derelict ? on the South l'ai'k rend near J efer- soil by Ice on the track and another was derailed on the St mmQ branch. No one was Injured. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Mayor's Delay in NamIng An-Watson Bill Committee Camo3 Oomment. MOTIVES [ OF IXCUTIVE [ IMPUGNED ' lie nJ111 to trltcbm : and Saps that the Commltoo Will 10111,0IntI1 Today- Clhcls11 Scud a 1,1/Itol to J.lncoln'n AI1 Ivolt : . At the citizens' meeting held In the council chamber Friday evening 10 discuss the bill Introduce , ) by State Senator Watson , relegal- Ing South Omaha to a city of the second class , the mayor was requested to appoint a commiee of ten or moro 10 go to Lincoln and lobby wllh members of the house against the passage of the bill . It was expected by those present al time : meeting that Mayor Johnslon would name the : committee at onte , but the mayor begged to be excused , us he said ho had sickness al home and ho was needed. lie lee the meeting - lng , promLslng 10 appoint the commilee by noon yeslerda Al noon the mayor claimed that he bad been too busy amid had not been able 10 see al of the persons ho wished to Ilt on the commitee , Then he said that ho would have the list ready by 4 p. m When that hour arrived I half dozen persons stood around on the frozen pavement In front of the mayor's omco waiting for time chief oxecu- tve , hut ho 11,1 not como. Last evening a Bee representative called at Mayor Johnslon's resldenco amid asked for n list of the committee , which was to be sent 10 Lincoln Ionllay In reply 10 the re- porter's request the mayor said : "I am afraid wo are going to get fooled on this thing ; I thlnl wo are 01 the wrong track . " however , the mayor said that bo mIght appoint I committee Monday. Upon learning thaI the mayor had not cal nanmed remarked a cothnmlttee : n well known city - cm- "Thero Is a colored gentleman hidden In the woodpile , and den't you forget I , John- slon 6pnl the entire afternoon In Omaha hunting up stock yards people. His refusal 10 appoint the commltteo requested by the citizens shows that all time stock yards man- aglrs have to do Ls to pull the string and Johnston jumps. " Another man , who think that he knows somelhlng about South Omaha pollcs , offers time following solution. "The mayor will neglect to appoint a com- mllteo until II Is too laIc. The bill will be- come a law , and annexation wi be forced upon us. Johnston has his wires lalll and will be appointed to represent this town In the city council pending a regular elec. ton , and that job will he worlh more to hIm titan tIme one he now occupIes ! . " , City Treasurer Thomas hector said that a commitee of citizens who had the Interests of South Omaha at heart would go to Lincoln Monday to work against lho Watson bi , nnyway. They would ignore the mayor entirely and go ahead and hustle for South Omaha and endeavor If possible to defeat the bill In the house of representatives. In an interview late last nlghl Mayor Johnston denied that he had any Intention of swlchlng 10 the annexatonlsls and declared that the rumors on the streets to that effect were ab- solulely false. The mayor expects , ho said , 10 meet Mr. Sutton today and then name hIs coummittee. SOUTI OAtl. l'OSTOFF1CE Full Text of tIme house itIllNow Iteing. Considered - "Idered In the 10"to , The South Omaha public buidIng bill In the United Slates senate las passed second readIng , and Is In time hands of tim com- milee on publIc buildings and grounds The bill passed the house January 21 , and \r - - vides , for the purch seef ; 1 sletand ' thmecree. ; ton of a public building thereon at South Omaha , Neb" , and reads as follows : Time secretary of tile treasury Is hereby authcrlzed and dIrected ! to acquIre. ! by purchase - chase , condemnation , or other\ls , a slle and to cause to be erected _ _ _ _ thereon _ _ n a suitable _ _ buIlding , Including fireproof vaul heating and ventilating , elevators and ventatng apparatus ap- preaches , for time use and accommodation of the United States pOS10mC9 and other government - mont omces In the city of South Omaha ali state of Nebraska , the cot of said site and buildIng , IncludIng said vaults , heating and ventilating apparatus , elevators and approaches - preaches , complete , not to exceed the sum of $100,000 . Proposals for the sale of land suitable fzr said sle : shall be invited by public advertisement - menl In one ot more of the newspapers of said city of largest circulation for at least twenty days prior 10 the date specified In said advertisement for tIm opening of said proposals. I'rcposals made In response to said advertisement - vertsement shall be addressed and mailed to the secretary of .he treasury , who shall then cause the Eid proposed sites , and such others as he may think proper to designate , to be : examined In person by an agent of the Treasury - ury department , who shall make written re- port 10 said secretary of the results of said exanminatlen . and of his recommendation thereon , and time reason tberefor , whIch shall bo accompanIed by the original proposals and all map plats and statements . which shall have come into his possession relating to the said proposed stes : U , upon consideraton of said report and accompanyIng papers time secretary of the treasury shal deem furlher investigation necessary , he may appoInt a commission of not more than three persons , one of whom hail be an officer of the Treasury department - mont , whIch commslon ! shall also examine time said proposed sites and such others a time secretary of the treasury may designate , and grant such hearings In relation thereto 1S they shall deem necessary : and said COl- minion shal , within thirty days after such examination , make to time secretary of the treasury written report of tbelr conclusIon In time premises , accompanied by all statements , maps , plats , or dceuments taken hy or sub- mllc to them , In \t manner as herelnbe. fore IJrevded ! In regard to the procedlngs of amid . agent of tIme Treasury department : and time secretary of the treasury shall thereupon finally dHerlJno time location of the building to bo erected The : compensation of said commissioners shall be fixed by time secretary of the lreas- urv. but the santa shall not exceed SG nor day l actual traveling expenses , provIded , how'- ever , that the member of said eommlsfon : appointed from the Treasury Ilepartmcnt shal bo Ilahl only his actual traveling expanses . No money shall bo usetl for the purpose mentcnell unt a valid title 10 the site for f'hl bnldllg shah be vested In the United States , nor unU tie slate of Nebraska ! hal have ceded to the United Stales exclusive Jurlstlctcn $ ever the same , durIng the time the UnUtd Sale ! shall bs or remain time owner thereol , for all purposes except the Jdmllistraton of the criminal laws of said state and tlo servIce of civi Ilroeess thereIn , 'fho bullIng shall bo nnexposod to danger by fro by an cpen space of at I&ast forty feel on each side , Including streets and al. le's. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? 'miiin ' CIY GUUtl" . John S. Knox , traffic manager of tIme Cud- ahy packing comllany , Is In I.lncoln. There will bc regular services al the Ilap. tsl church Sunday forenon and evening The trial of Jake 1angllson , who assaulted J. P , Thomlen , has been postponed until Wednesday Ifernoon , Rev , Robert I. . Whrler will preach at the Fourth ward Mission church , Thirty-second and J streets , this afternoon al 3:30 : o'clock The entertainment given by Upchurch lodge No. 2. Uegree of loner , for the benefit - success fit of the tNul1 Iuferers , was a Inanell 11ev. C. Itt , Dawson ' , pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal I church , has returned from Ialr , and will preach this mornIng on "Heart Purity. " The topic of the evening - Ing serlon will be "Nglcet , " Clarence Cannon , Tom Cannon and Ioy Fox boys about Hi year of age , have been held to the district court f qr burglarlzln Davidson's grocery store Andrew Smih . ! held 11 a witness In the SUI of $00. 1 I reported on good authority that Ar- mour's chief engIneer has beau In Iowa sev- oral days durIn time past week looking eve different building sites an,1 , making skotchea . Cven the conservative stock yard4 manAgers admit t1tAflnour \ ill locate here , but say that time r tl packer wi hell or ! until business gets Y lor. Councilman John S. Waiters spent yesterday - day afternoon aol ict1tig subscriptions from the commission men about the exchange for the Associated Cha ; llh'I' The subscriptions are nol ns Iberall'al , .Me WnHer wIshed for , but ho hopE -.0- 'Hlse ' $ . - - , s Ul"P15tJThT.S Iml'OllT J'Ilfll1.SS. : Preparing nn men.lment . to the Unied Sinti' , l'ftlutlon. ATLANTA , 01" , l tu 2-At the morning session or the WoIwm1Suftrage } convention , Mrs. Dr. Show ' l In the absence of pre.9r Miss Anthon ) ' . l11 I.elehnm reported on the progress of thc"1ntvemenl In MlchlRnn , Mrs. Colby llesPlI\ the convention on , the work of the federal committee. She ! ahl that the commi Ie ! was at work preparing nn amendment to time constitution nlowln ! women to vole , though they held that con- gross had a right to enact n law 10 that effect . Other state rCIortl were made by Miss : Abigail Scott liunaway of Oregon , Mrs Rebecca henry Hayes of Texas , 1' . Imllne D. West of llah , Mrs Helen Mar- ria LewIs 01 North Carolina , Miss Mary B. Thomas 01 lar'laOI and MIss Florence Ihlberwahl of New Orheaims Time association this afternoon elected time following olilcers l'residemmt . An- folowing olcers : Ireldent , Susan I. - tumony : vIce president , 11ev Anna lEeward Shaw ; secretary , Lucy Stone Blaclwel ; treasurer , larrlc t Ta ) lor Upton. These are all re-eiectlonq , except In the case of record- InR secretary , In which ) Mm. g. Avery acme- I ceedn Mrs mien Bntele Detrck , This evening was given ovet' 10 mIlrels , , ' IncludlnR one on womun sulraRe In time south by Miss Mar ) ' 0 I. Francis ; anolher I ) ' Carrie 1. , Chapman-Cat on "I ternnl Jtist- Ice , " and closing remarks by Susan U. An- then ) ' . Some excitement was caused today by the discovery that pickpockets had hcen ollerl- tnR umong the delegates. HulC a dozen ladies Icporh'd time locs oC Jocltelbooks and 11s. ex-Goveror Hoblnon oC 1enlUclt ) ' was robbed of a pure contulnlng $ : > worth oC dlumoll ! The convenlon wil engage In religious exercises - ercises tomorrow ammtl its memuers will dls. perse :1 olla ) _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ 1.1Bl.r $ IC.t rLNJ .1 T ; IW1'T1WIL. Johnny Johnson Jllot ii lan from 1lnnc' Ipol9 ! " 'ho e , , I'u.h 11m nut. lONTRI AL ) eb. 2-ohn J Neison of Imhtmmntsota elmtng under the colors ot the Victoria locltey club of Wlnnlpcg , Is the hero of the hour tonight , ns , lhanlf to his pluck racing , two world's records were broken this nClernoon al time chnm- plonshlp slmthu ' mmmeetiimg of time Amateur - tour Skating association oC Canada , . The Immelatc result Is that Tom Eck says he Intends io take him wih hIm to Burole with Johnson Neison states ho will not 10 unless his expense are given him cash down ietorolmammd. Seven thousand leOlie hnlt of them ladle , watch the races from bagimimming to end. Johnson ap- Ileared lit only three events-purt oC the 2yartl race , amid the omie-mile and fire- mnile . lie won the last two HIs fast time WI' dle to his being forced to his utmost by Noilsoim. Time eXcUe gIven uy Johnson for not sltatng ofener was thal his skates were toe :11)IJr ) ' . Al the end oC the mile race two bailiffs entered to serve Tom gek with papers reran ni unpaid lust 'ear'R ( board bill for Nor- veldt , the Norwegian skater. The money was paid provisionally hy the skating aHSO- ciatioim. TIme Incident' created quite a scene. Time two races In which the world's ree- ons were broken Wl'O the three mile 111 the one mile. In tbmt three mile only Davidson - son , lludml 1103hlor amid Nelsol started. The mmmmmn from Mimcmeatmoiis set the pace In both events \vimimmiiIg tJo former anti being oumhy headed by .Jdhhsbn nt time fnl1h of the ) mie , His tme for three mullea , 8:48 : 2-G , knoclg 6 t ; 1-r second ' off the best previous ; record for the dlstncel Johnon'o mile In 2:07 1-5 Is 5 ' ls fastcl' than ' : - 1' seconls un'thlng on rccord. 1 the : Tire mile Neison aaln rccon pace. 11't' I. 1 ! but recovered him- l self and Inlhed ar filocky FeconI , , only a head and a hail j behind Jolmson The weather was cold \but bright _ The track could not have IeeImietter. Results : 22 yard : First l1ea1 -I. J. McCuloch , Winnipeg . won : T. . , loOe , Montreal . second Time : 0:21 : 2-5. Second Harley Davidson , ' Toronto , won ; J. 1W , Neison , Minneapolis , second Time : 0:21X1Z. : 1 r Third , J. S. Johnson - S son won. James Dlnolluo seeon,1 , Time : 021 4-5 , Fourth h = J , , Hpwlrd Moshier wpn , H. "Hulse second. Tine , : 0:21' : , Filial , Davidson won , Ilifichm second , TIme : 0'21' , : I 1bch .1' halt mlte ' 'avldSohv\\n , : lcCuloch sec- ond. Tlmt 1:244-1k. : " , I . ' , . ' , , 1,11o I : 1 W9 N ) , Time , : : Jobllfolh USoR)5Cnl 2:07 : 4-5. I . , . 1 " ' . Hair mile , uaikwards 1 _ V McCuloch won , TIme : 1:4 25. S ' 'hre mies : N lsol won : Rudd second. Time , for each mile : 2:18 3-5 , fH : 4-5 , 8:48 : 2-5. 2 yards , hurdle : W. P. IrwIn won Time : 0:27. 0:2. Five miles : Johnson _ won , _ N Ionsecon , ! . Time for each mile : 2:52 : , 5:45 , 8:5 : 3-5 , 12:0 : 1-5 , 1:1 : 1-5 TIUID TiE IEGUI.AI TU\Clt. Two-JUlo Issak Stlltos an Awful Dump for time ( 'niifqrnhti I"erts. SAN FRANCISCO " Feb. 2-The largest crowd ot time meeting assembled at the Day District track 'toda ) ' . Time J.lssak stakes , nt two miles , beln/ tie feature. Iowthorne was Inslaled lS favorite at : to 1 , despite his Impost of 12) Jounds. To n perfect start , Del Norte and San LII ! Hey jumped Into the lead and raced each other to death for I flue and a half , when 1mw- thorns and I. ' GaBcon closed In on the leaders , time later Inaly wlnnln/ In I common canter hy a dozen lengths gcltert , at 40 to I , captured time handicap , very little money hellR wagered on him Only one favorite womm all the , races being captured by long shots TIme stake race was run on the regular track , which was In good con- dIlon , 'rIte other races were on the Inside track. Summa ! : First rce , lire and I bait furlongs : King Sam 98 , Heinrichs (6 to 1) ) , won ; Clara White , 92 , n. Isom , (6 ( to 1) ) , second ; Lou- , nil 13 , 1I , Cnr (5 ( to 1) ) , third. Tllo : 1:15. : Ravine , Claire , fled Light , Arne and Green RIver also ran & Second race , live and I half furlongs , sell- sel- lag , 3.year-oldi and upwards : Cha"tlele. : , Grlln (8 ( to 1) ) , } von ; Joe Cotton. 103 , Dergen (6 ( to I ) , second : Hohln led 11 , 101 , R. lenin < ( 0 to n ) , lhlrd. Time : 1:14. : guar- terstaft , Banjo , Iernrdo and Three I' orks I , also ran 'rimirth race seven furlongs , hndlcap : gclel't , 87 , learn (40 to n ) , won : Robin Hoe II , W , R. Isom (8 ( t ( 1) ) , second : Quirt , 101 , Cochran (5 ( to I ) , third. Time : 1:35. : GUSlc , 'VarrAo and lescador also rn , Fourth mce , Lissak stakes , 3.year-ohIB and upwards , two mies , value S2O : VI GaBcon , mci , Chor ( f to 1 ) won ; Haw- there , 12) , Carr (1 ( to 5) ) , second ; meall , 15 , Bergen ( ( to 1) ) , thlnl Time : 3H : ' Sir Heel , Happy Band , Del Norto antI San Lois Hey nlm rnn Fifth race , hurlle , handicap , horl course , about n mie and a halt : ( uadeloup , 131 , Clancy (0 ( to 1 ) won : Mere , 121 , Amhrose (20 ( to 1) ) second : Goolh'e , hIt , Wltliei-s (6 ( to 1) ) , th , rd , Time : 1 2WooMorll \ , Dave Doulass , Sir Grndon and Mendocino also ran , NgW OIU.gANS , I'eh. 2.-Track very henvy. Results : First mcl. live furlongs : Thief Catchier (8 ( to 1 ) won , YnnBnlt (12 ( to J I ) ' 'IOII , Martha Grlln (8 to f ) tllrt ! Time : 1 :0' : . Steoll race , one mne : 1IS ! Jlnll (9 ( to @ won , _ 1011 Ie _ 1 _ (8 ( . to 1 ) second , Henry uwsley (6 ( to 1 ) thlnl . Time : 1:51. : 'i'hiirii , mimer' , six furJolfs : hess ) tJuC (3 ( to I ) WOI , 1"ootrullff ( L to I second , Prilco I.eon (5 ( to I ) thh'd , ' jime : 1:21 : L Fourth race , II fmurkgs : I lblll ( to 2) ) WOI , Klnlorn (5 ( tel Jeconll , " 'oollrur (9 ( to r1 ) thlll , 'I'hine : 1 : WI. Flth race , six furjOI : No Remarks (3 ( to t I ) won , Iamwnu ( ( ea ! l second , l.ucIsla 13 ( to n thin Time : , tc : ST. LOUiS , ITch , 14.-htesmilts al Mimuhlsarm ; First I race , four . 11.1 a halt JullsJn : Sanltl ) ' won , Bonnlp10lts , jr , second , Mime- cot thlrll. Time : ord : i 81col1 rpc'r. foilI'ipih ' n halt furlnms : Eclllse , j.- . , won MaIn 'j Duff second , HalTY 'nrrpn Hllrll 'llm : fh'c3. , 'I'hmird , rnre , lIve . )0 ; n half furlong : John Uerlllr Wtift ! : " freed \Vst second , Iroslccl lhlrd TI"ull : J , J"ourth rae ? , six furllJs : Imposter won , Gold Spec sccond , ! ) 1iumtauIser timird 'riimte : I\nJauser 1:19. : U t 1 lth race , seven . ' j on8 : Jordan won , Pestilence second.anilt I third TIme : :15. : . ' . / rn"Io : OO'f 5 na jlrr IieliIng. OAI.ygS'ON , FelL , ' 2-"Austraiian" DIlly McCarthy put 11) ' Lcyton to sleep In thrle rounds at the Tr9n3oncpera \ house tonIght The Australian ohmemte3 viciously nail Layton sparred , duelel o\ene ! lnclled In the first rounmm ] . In the second , I.a'ton : was Imcclted do\n , Ho arose hefor/ ten was Iountld and the round clos.l with hot infighting , ! wih Inlghtn In the third round , after the opening , l.a- ton trout down alll out under a blow on the neck lie claims a foul , 10 h'ITTSIIItIICI . I"ch. 2-Jert' Sullivan has 10.te'SIO In this ry for a Ilht wih Jerry Marshall , time Ammcjruiian . for ( mom $ : to $5 Ok ) n sida. Sullivan wants I fnish lrht nt J28 pnunl , In n sixteen. tool ring , Queens- bury rules _ _ . n _ _ _ Hlraln : " 'nl uf ( 'forage . lAI.TIJOIg , Ireh 2-"If I lick Peter lahr this tip , then I'l cross the Atant and chance mavin , " faJ,1 Jake ] lran to- lay , "It I don't lick him , then I'l know my time Is host antI , let scrdllpln nlolo , 'Fliers Ire otimera , tOO , whom I wanl to tackle , anti I thlnlt I am Just as coed I man now time uny of th ' m , " The bg ! cx- pugilist ! Is now tn sever" tralnln "It I thought I eotm'iium't III him ! wouldn't 10 Into the thing , " clo I Klrln . , . _ , , ----S. r .V a SOCIALSM RIFE - IN FRANCE l RovoluUonnr Propaganda Extensive and Dangrous SIGNIFICANCE OF TiE MOVEMENT SItchlS Dr tIme Huclllhtc I.lllers nl1 Wllt They I'rollSO tn Io-Shimlcing l'rlvule Enterprise ' In Uov- ernrent Cuimtroi Troublous tmes are expected tn Irrance ' The perils Into w'hlch the sensational resl ) nnton of Caslmlr-Perler 111ungeI thaI coumm- try immure not , In time judgment of cnreful observers , been remo\"cll b ) the uneventful electon of I elx I'aure. The crisis Is uot Ilnsi. Time rlleal.soclalst comhlnaton which overthrew tie ( DUIIUY mlnlslry on n trifling homo question and forced Casimir- lerler Inlo retremenl by an unllreeelenled camllalgn of denmmmmclatiomt . ridicule , merciess critcism and invective , la already declared war on Fammre , whom they regard as a weak and irresolute foe They apply time most Insultng eplhots to hIm , and teach time peollle 10 treat him with contemmmpt There Is no reason to think thaI hIs mInistries will nol be as shorl-lvCI as those of Carel , ali even I he should he able to withstamitl the violent attacks of the Ilress-al powerful - ful In l'aris-hmo wi bo thwartel In his efforts by time hostility of limo Ch.mbor of Deputies 10 his Political followers. So can- fdenl , In fact , are lho ! cclalsts of his speed ) ' political denth , lhal the ) ' refer to him as "lho last bourgeolso president of I.'ranee. " I lho socialists shoul1 prove to bo rIght , Franco wi soon presenl n most Inlerestng imlmectaClo. The 11reslnt nlernat\'o to n bourgeois order of society Is socialism , ami a oclaiist Iresllenl would uecessarl ) attempt - tempt tile realization of the socialist pro- grain of Illuslrlal reform The socialists do nol expect to como Inlo power by regular parlamenlar ) ' ltrCcesscs In lhe presenl Chamber they command , when lhoronghly united , over 100 voles. I Is oXlremely doubtful whether nn nplJeal 10 the counlry would resull In any immaterial Increase of thIs rellrosentaton , but unler time most favorable cOlltons' time sociah- Ists do nol hope to be nblc 10 elect a work- lug majorlt of time Chamber. If , therefore , they arc so Jubiant and hopeful , I Is because - cause they believe that nn upheaval , n po- ltcl and social revolution , Is at hand In France , by which lhey alone can profit. So demorlzed and dlsorganlzell are the political Parties oC France lint time failure of Fauro to maintain a stable go\ernment Is almosl certain 10 lead 10 atempls to overthrow time prescnl poltcal system hy folco , The socialists In I.'rance are more revolutionary thnum lholr brethren In Germany - rovolutonary tmu many , ngland and lho Unllod Stales. In the other countries time methods advocated nnd adhered to by time bulk of time socialists - Ist are peaceful Hut In France time ballot Is used onl' ns a substitute for moro revo- lutonary melns In tmes when peaceful weapons alone are available. At heart Pronch socialists are rovolutonary , and they are anxious for nn opportunity of hastonlng the destruction of time present "bourgeois oner" h ) force A political crisis would create their opportunity and sere as time signal for time threalt. The worldng population of Paris ami lie other great centers oC I rnco Is saturated with scclalsm and the revolutionary spirit , and a socialist insurrection las considerable chance of success. Moderate men In Prance realize this fact , and It maltes thom uim- easy and apprehensive. THE MEN WhO LEAD In view of these prospects , It Is Inlerestng to know wlo the present leader and active representatives of French socalsm : are I Is they whom a revolution would bring to the front anti plaeo al the helm ; II Is lhey who would form the socialistic government of Prance. As has already been staled , the , scelalsl members of the Chamber of Deputes number over 100. FIfty -these are ont-and- out socialists , tIme remainder are the sup- porters of Goblet , who Is almost a socialist , but who does not formally , belong to the "party. " lie has voted with the socialists wll Boclalsls on Important questions . and would probably I ho In France. glad to see the socialist experiment tete There are several prominent ali able so- clalsls In the Chamber. Their chief orator and leader Is Jaures , formerly professor of phlosoply In the University of Toulouse. HIs remarkable speeches have oflen electri- fled the Chamber and Influenced the moderates - ates In spite of themselves. Every important strike or labor demonstraton counts on his cooperton , and he Is rapidly becoming very popular with the masses. Jules Guerde , an- other deputy Is one of time parly's intellectual heavywelghls. lie Is belgerenl and uncompromising - promising ; he dlstncl ! avows that ho uses politics only as a means oC propaganda , pendIng - Ing lhe day of reveluton , Jllerand , also a deputy , Is the lawyer of the party , who defends - fends his comrades In the courts whenever they happen to get Into trouble : ho Is I good speaker and a sincere socialist , though a first rate wirepulher. lo 1f prominent In the Inner councils of time party . and Is the "editer-in-cimiof of lhe socialist daily newspaper , Le Petite Hepub- Iquo Francale , and has great influence. ClovIs Huges , also In time Chamber , Is the poet of tie party , and not a ball poet , either He began his career as / priest : he Is not a strIct party man , and haf anarchistic lean- Ings. Ernest lochl Is n Boulangl , now an active worker and organizer : he Is one of ( lie Invenlors of time combination of soup and socialism . wbleh Is dealt out to the poor al cafes under 30clnlst : auspices. lie Is one of the editorial staff of loclmefort's great paper , L'Intranslgeanl. ValanI , one of time most prominent disciples of Uanqul , time revolu- tonary communist , 18 also a deputy. Then come Thivrer : cblefy remarkaule for his Inslnlence on wearing a blouse In time Chamber , and Daudin , a man of the people a barber by trade , nl11 one who lilies an ounce of acton better than a pound of lheory. Goblet , the great slatesman , who has been mInister and premier , may also be numbered among tIme /oclalst depeutes , lie often and Is In faIr works with MJerand , a way of becoming a full-fledged socialist , Outside of time Chamber of Deputes there are mny socialists of influence and strength , Until about a year ago lenall Malon , now death , , was tle theoretical leader and pull- osopher of French sociaitemmm. lie was time founder aumtl editor of La Revue Soclalsle , a mnommtimly , ant Is time author of several books , SlncB his death I ugin'e ournlere , a forcible leader wrier amid clear thinker , has stood In Mzmloim's Fhoes. Anolher socialist leader Is Paul I.afargue , somm.lmm.law of Karl rlarx , le Is a good spealter ant writer , ant time socIal- lets regard him aR time best interpreter of lho Iarxlan conomlc ) ) blosophy , 'fhese are time "coming men" In I"rano In lie evenl of a socialist triumph. Now , what are timelr practical promosals ? What will they do wiiemm In hewer anti for what purpose tie timoy seek jiower ? WhEAT TIlE SOCIALISTS \\'ANT. Ia a geimerai way every intelligent news. paper meatIer knows that time socialists vage mvar against time "wage system , " free coin- it-atItlomm , Itrivate olmterirses , etc. , oud favor ( ho nationalization of all capital and lroduc' ( ion , hhut just what does tlmts prolmoaitiomm in- solve ? in time liret place , it plainly immvohves time forcIble expropriation of all vresomit owners cf land. capital mmmiii promerty , Tile ageimts of the socialist governnmeimt would oust tIme iresent , holders and proprietors and confiscate - fiscate everything in time nisimmo of ( lie central authority. flyery citizen would becoimmo aim emmmlmloyo anti servant of time govcrrnneiit , representing - resenting tIme eonmnmunty , Mi lmroductlomm anti distrlbmmtion wouimi lie carried on by ageimts of the governmemit uimder time suimerylsion of a few imeadmi of departments , iIu-ing and sell. Ing would cease , Banks tm-ouiti be unnecea- car ) ' , Stock exoimanges , hoards of trade and sim- lIar institutions would disappear , Timere would be no imrivato manufacturers or nier- ciiaats. Time goveramt'nt would run every. timing amid sul ply es-cry cilizemm witim goods lii returmt for lila labor iii oime caimachty or oIlier. No money would be needed , Labor certifi. cates would be issued by time goverim. mont. and for every day's labor a certificate would ho givemm entitling 11w imolder to a cer- lain quantity of goods in time govermimneimi stores anti warei.ousos , In Place of caitital- ists anti wage-workers there would he one emmiployce , time governmemmt , and a nation of publio servants. Let us follow out this geiierai plan in detail - tail , The chief pursuits of men arc agri- cultural. immining , mnammufmmctures amid trade , Railroads anti simipping are subsidiary to these , but almost equally important under present condition , . how would time social- bit government manage tlmcse great enterprises - prises ? The postomee , which is everywhere In the imanti of the government rather than under private control , Is an lnstammco iiml ilhmistm'a- tion of tlm mmmnmiagement of Intlustry cmi a socialist plan. Vm'o nil know hmow time hmostal business Is conmhmicted , The presidemit ( to take this country ) alpOiiitS a liostim mater gemmerni. Thmls heath of tue dehl3timii'imt has assistants and an army of clerks , 'rime postmasters - masters in time several cities antI towns are nhmlolntemh In one was' or another , nitd thmey arc all tlimler the directiomi of the iienmh. Each lostofflce eimtllo'o is a servaimt of time govtrnmmment , Ills hours of sork amid commi- Peimsatlomi mire regulated , mmOt by the state of ( lie mnmmrket or time Interests of a Private eimeploycr , but by law. Imaghmme limo mammmo prlimciplo extenileml and applied to every other immml mistrial Iursmi it. Take railroads. As soon as all rallroami lmrolterty is commtiscated amid time fraimchiises declared void , a Departimment of Railroads , m''itlm a secretary at time hienul , is created. Oihlclals are appointed to take charge of certain divisions of territory , anti each cmii- PlOYS a mmuimmber of umber oillcials. Eu- glimeers , coimmiuctors , brakemmmon auth cilmer trmiimminemmmork for time goverimunoimt amid get certifIcates lit i-eturmm , As all ltmmmtl antI houses are tlio PropertY of the gororimimeimt : , timese railroad eumtlmieyes return maine i their labor certificates to the goverummmmeimt lit P3Y- immemmt of tlmeir remit for tiio imoimces ( lie ) ' cc- cimmy ; , while with tue rest time ) ' buy fceil , clothing , fmmrniture , etc. Lilcewise there is a Depnrtmmmcmmt of Agri- cultmiro , directing all agrIcmiltural oarotloims. Private farmers becommme emmtpl3yes of time govermmunomit , anti time fruit of their labor goes , hot to tlmeimm , limit into govcrmmuimeumt mvarelmomuses , 1.ilte otimer cmmmployes , timeso agrl- cmmltmmral laborers get their certlflcitos : , mshiicim time ) ' cxchmaumge for all kiumd of lirotiticts tim time depots of the govermmmmmemmt , Tim miilmmes are also govermmnmeumt property , amid the imrodmict of time mmmirmes goes to thin nhmliroltriato depot mu a in ta immemi for t ho Immurliose , 'l'lme mmmlimtrs antI thin overseers are all ltmibiic olhlclais almml Itoh to the goverimummemmt for their reward , All factories are operated by oiflchmiis e hOimtemi fo time Imlirpose , time mmmamimmfaeturccl urt'cles ' going iimto goverumimmeumt stores. liON l4llU-1 A VAST MAChINE. Cilimmatic antI other commdltioims tictermiumo time choice of localities for simeciilc industries , amid immsteamh of relyuimg mqmtmmm thio siurcu-thumoss match immsighmt of private capital , scientific mmmcii lii time emmmploy of time goverlmnmemmt regulate qmmahity aumd quaumtitof tumimmgs lmrodumced. After time imommme deimiammmh is satIsfied , aumy re- mmmalnimmg surplus is exported by ngeimts of tiumo gOvernmmient and exciiaimged abroad for smmcim coimmimmodities as are mmct lmroluced at lmommme , There m-omild be mme uimemmmploycmi uumder such a systemim , Each mmman s-ommlih be obliged to s-ork at sommme ti-ache , amd each would imavo time right to a decent standard of living. Time govermmnment would furimishu work and wages to all. As to time principle regulating wages time so- ciaiists are not. agreed , Sommimm ummaiumtaiim that there ought to be oume rate for all , ammmi that ( ho secretary of a department , thi foremmmnn of a govermmimment factory aumd tIme brakemmian Oh a tralmi ougimt to receive the samno compen- satlomm , Others are willing to stammd sommme iii- equalIty. and would reward melt accordummg to the inmportammce of timeir fmmmmcthons , All agree , lieu-ever , that the government simould decide what eacim citizeim Is best fitted for , amid coma- imel hinm to servo in that capacity. Eclucatlomm , of commrse , wommhil be free mmnml contpmulsory. IJoolts , magazines and newspapers would lie pmmbhislmed by tile governmemit , slmmce indlvldtm- ala would hot possess time mucous to i-mimi large establisimnmemmts , nor woulmh they be Perimmitted to Imire mumemm to work for timein. The seine Is trtuim of theaters , art galleries amid time like. in a word , all private dcahimmg aimd cuter- priso wotmhh be abolished. The imatlon would becoumimo one vast partmmerslmiim or brotlmeriiooml , ammml time commipetitiomi for Places or macaims of livelilmoomi would be dommo away with. heat , Interest oum capital , profits , would all dlsap- Pear. All would lie mm-orkers in time emmmmloy of time governmmiemmt , Time sociaIsts are convhmmced timat this is a perfectly feasible plait , amid ( list society is tending toward it. They recogmmizo many ditiictmltiea iii time way of its estmtbhishinmemmt amid operation , hut tlm evils of the precent order , they say , are immflmmitely greater. Pa- hitical equality amid democracy , they say , is Immovitably heading to industrial demmmocracy , which is socialism. - _ _ _ _ WANTS OF SOUTH BIDERS. Uumloim Depot and Street hinlitray lIxtcumtomm DIjicusccl i4tt Night. A number , of time soutim side people were lit atendammce at time First Ward Improve- muent club's meeting last night at 1015 South Eleventh street , Time discussion was mostly centered on time question as to the mnanumer lii mviiIchm time differences of tIme city amid the railroad companies couiml be satisfactorily settled so that time union depot would be lo- catemi at time present site , Tenth maid Mason. An effort will be made by tIme soumtim side people to have timese difleroncea settled for all time amid to have the union depot corn- pletecl at oumce. The coumiplction of time ummion miepot at ( lie present site , it was tlmougimt , wommld mmot interfere wItim time proposition of tIme nortlm side people to have a depot wiuere all roads could cutter nortim of time present location. A lively discussion WOS imami on ( lie mayor's veto of time ordinaumco grantIng the railroads time land or lots proposed , The club thought time mheedummg of this property simould cut no figmure In preventing ( hue depot fronm beIng lUilt and was in favor of giving timis land to limo railroads for the ako of settling time question. Time questions of making a driveway out of Eleventim street and iuaving time street car tracks extended to Riverview park on Sixth , Tentim and Timirteenthu streets , ammtl tIme coin- ldetlon or extencion of tue sewer through ( ito park were also discussed , CouncIlman Back wished the club to Instruct him I-ow to vote on time levy to be made for time improve- nment of the parlme and wished to get an cx- Proesion from tIme club wiiether it was in favor of a 1 mill or a 1 % miii levy , but ( ito club diml not. desire to take any lmUbhie action on tint mnatter. A perimmaument organization was perfected auth time following officers elected : M , hi , Rethileld. president ; Joimn I'owers , vice presi. dent ; Albert Stuiit , secretary. A treasurer will be electeml at the next maccling. F'omir comnimmittees were created. The depot coimminittee to coumsist of five mnemmthers ; the ItarIc , market house and street inmmprnveinent antI street railway counmnittees , to consist of three macinhere each , to be nppoimmted by time presithent ammd annommnmced at the umext mneetlmig. lid J. ornishm , Jolmnm Butler and Frank Kaspar mvere appoiumteih a committee to draft a constitution and bylaws for tIme governimug of limo club. Regular weekly meetings will ho lucid each Saturday night mit the sauna place until further - thor notice is given , COUNTY TREASURER'S BOOKS , $ tateimiemut Suiiinitted to the Hoard of County Coumuumuissiomus-rui t''strrtiiuy , Tue Hoard of Coumity Coinunisioumers lucid a meetIng ycstem-tiay nfteriiooim. 'fhme only matter of immtcrcmmt flint was introduucai was time seml-ammmmuai report of County Treasurer hey , 'i'iie report uilmows that time balance re- nmainlmig in time trcasmmrt'r's bandit iii only ii , little more tiumnm immiJf of what it was mmlx monmtiis ago , ( lie humlunco cmi immummil Jmmrtmam-y 1 hieing $ iSl.228 , against cc balance of 170 , . 46387 on Juiy I. ' ( 'lie balance Is dlstrhimmited nmmmciumg time varioums fmuntlmi as follows ; State funds i2,8F.0.O ; county gemmeral fund , $9,195.i7 ; ; coumity romtil ( tmmmil , 11,52101 ; Ommiiuimmi. romii : tuiutl , $1,850 5'h' South Omnmtiimi. m oath fuini , 6ltJ.7& ; county bridge funmi , $ li,159.40 ; county soltliems' relief ( unii. $151.55' coumity immsane .lumhmcmentfund. . 120018 ; couniy hiomhiital fund. $111.73 ; county iimmsmme ftmnd , $711.41 ; county bond ueimtlting tumid , $110.00 ; city of Omaha funi , i',2h9.l-7 ; cit , of South Ozmmiahma fund , $ V3tr'i65 ; city of i-loreuice fummmml , l(3.t7 ( ; city of Floremmce special fund , $11583 : village or Wutemioo fund $12.61' village \'imtem-loo special funml , 6.6l ; \'Illago of ! , lullmmrti fund , 815-12 ; village of hilkhmorn fiunmh , 1S.75 ; vii- lags of hmemmnlngtoim fmmnd , $01.21 ; village of Vimlit-y , it0.4i ; couniy ptcimtl election tmmumd , 15 ; cnmmmiy imospitsi iuiltliimg fund , $ hlthPO' sImohiti district u'cimool fuummI , $ Gt280 ; beau uiiimti-ict funih , $ ,7tl.6 ; apportIonment funul , $7.ios-i5 ; redemmuidion mnonmey fuimmi , $3,537.63 ; road imuprovemiment bond fund , t6,3ll.62. htegistered funds of the foilowlumg fmmnihmm si-mo outstanciiemj : Commnt ) ' general ttiimd , $11.- (115.02 ; soldiers rehitf fuiid S3,41.3) ; imonuii sinklimg tumid , $5,6l'.t0 , iumaing mm. total itt $23 119 82 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ No ( 'rmwford 'iIeisier 14 , M , Crawford Imps abandoned tue Idea of liuildunmg' a theater in Omaha aitmi iuau nlveim intructlous to lii agents to take ulomyit the sign at Sevemileeuitii and loug- las streets mvhmichu hmmmit ( or m week anmmouncemi to iiasset-s by that a ( heater would be erected ant liii , site , 1)hllicuity in comnpletiumg time mmcgotiatioims for time tufrmue ammil liar- ( eli properties iii ueaigned its tue measun of Mr. ( rawford's failure to retaIn a place in Omnaha. : ; - & - _ , 5 NORThERN PACIFIC BALKS Determineti to Shut the Overland Ont of Psigot Sound Ensiutsi , CHANGED FRONT SINCE FRD1W'S ' MEETING Uuuiouu i'acilio Mmmt Flrt Open its lomuvor numd ( igiIniu ( latcw.iy tleforo it Uit l'umrtlelp.uto In Uimr urtim- wct liuuaiimoa , CiIlCAchO , Feb. 2.-The Nortluermm Paclfla mm-ill mmot after all allow tIm tiniom-i Pacific to ParticiPate lim their thurotmghm rate bumslmmess to l'miget omiumd lrnlmmts. At the close of ( lie mmmectimmg yestermia- was aimmmotiimced that time mustIer hail beemi atljiistecl , litit this after. mmeoii time Northern l'aolflc took a tifterent atanti , anti mmotlming Is settled as yet. Tue Nertlmermm l'acifle deunantis that iimo Union l'a chic simmmii opeum time Deum'er anti Ogdemm gate- 5 % a's before it mviii allow it. to lucre wltmtt. i msammts iii tue extreumme uierthmwest. The Unioum Pacific trill imot give up its claiimm for tite lommg iimtul on the Dcumver anti Ogden bmmaimmesa until the bocott agnimust it is oft. Timero the oust- ter rchts for time hmreaeumt. Time roads are practically agrecti , bmmt all ms-amit-seumiebody else to ammrremmtiem' first. Thmo umet earimings of the Atchulaoum systenm for time immommtiu of 1)eceummhier , lS I , were $1- 068,121 , , aim Immcrcase of $160,305 over limo sammmo immomitim of 1S93. This lumereaso In the imet earumimmgs was In the fimee of a ulecreumaci him time guess cmurumimmgs of $128,305. Time outer- atlimg cxpc'umses for the niontim fell oft $2S1,013 , mm'hichm imeavy decrease nllowed ( Ito muet earim- imigs to go tip migaimust a heavy decrease lit time gross earmmlmmgs. S Timmi estlmnateil gross earnings of tIme Itock laimunmi systeumm for tue mrionthu of Jammtummry , tssr , are $1,121,893 , a decrease frommm tim call. ummated earuulmigs of Jamtmmary , lS9l , of lS7-i12. Ii.smumrl I'acltlc ( 'iunimgc'i. Comminmemmcing Smmmiday , Fehurimary 10 , time Mis- court Paclflo will inmttmgmurnte a mitimmmber of chmaumges tim. tlme rtmnmmhmig ( hue of its trains , a mmcmv time card goiumg iumto effect at that tinmo , 'l'he train now Ieavlimg at 5:15 a. iii , for Nan- sea City and ( lie eoutiu will leave at 10:45 : a , in , , in order to receive massengem'a from time Ommmahua-St. l'auul train , wimichm elmamiged its ar- rivuumg ( hum two mveeks ago , Train No. 193 will arrive at 6OS : p. mu. , lmtsteaml of 6:05. : This train will mmmmmhce commmmectioim ms-itim limo Ommmaiims tralm-i for St. l'aul. J'umothuer chiammgo is tahiem1 of wimiclm If immutle mmiii be m'ery ac- cept.mble. It Is intemimled ( lie Nehrnaka local , as it is called , leaviumg Itere mit 5:10 : p. itt , , will leave at 3 :40 : p. iii. , mmmakimmg close commimectiomi V at \ VoolttmtgVnter with tltil.lmmcolum tralum , giviumg time Missouri Pacific a distimmctlve Liii- coIn traiim , mhmicim it Imas umot laid heretofore - fore , r 0551 NIfihiT ONLY LD' ' & I WED. IIB. 6TH w. S CLEVELAND'S 1r uIUT ) f T' ' JIkUU ) Ri J QhIflESENTED , ' 11NSTIL S1V1\S \ s-mien simomvn COatmmmNllD-a 2 FIRST I'AitT-Ohum 11020 mint Greater Mod- ermm Minstm-chsy. 2 IIANIfi-2 OIlCiitST1m.I3-2 ii liEIOU1N ltiOOhtiSlI AitAmu4-1O. Clove- hanl's lmmteHt noveithos. V Itox sheets tviil open 'l'useiimmy mit tisual prc ! a , it : ( 'tviri . Tht sirs , , Ei-l. & St L.DP .M FER. 7-8-9. ( MATINEE SATURDAY. ) _ . H. HOYT'S ( A TEMPERANC ! V TOWN - ; First time in timis city of Mr. hiyt' new comedy. V S Itox siuceti , open Wednesday at tmsutI Iices. . .l if 8'O I'IJLAIC V _ S .lj l'RlCHS Telephone 1531. sV. 3UI1GES , - - - - Mammager Matitmee MORRISON'S Today , Ortgiuual Prothmmetiomm of 2:30. . . . . FA'"T . - . 'I' i I S I ougt Iutmroihmueiumr llS5 8:15 I7oabci MorrlMomm as Mmmrguicrhto , Coining , Week Feb. 10-UNCLII TOM'fl CAIRN' , PIANO RECITAL -1W-- - - - MR. WIL H. SHEWOD AMERIUA'3 O3ATAST PIMIIST , ' ' - A'L' - BROWNELL HALL , onday Evening1 February 4 At B O'Iock , ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , J1or mm Cml C1io . % S lItJy'm. . , Fam nammu treet cam-s maas tht. door , EDISON'S KINI3TOSCOPE i'lSmtY 1)AY PtIL.OltS F'roin .1 mm , in , iu ii p. mn , 119 hi , hOtlm lit. hluujeems for this u-calm : mltxing couiteuit , CaIc-e(1 , , lfluig or tiia wire , ' SANIOW. , hiuckimmg lironctie fiommu liuffalo JiHl'a \ iiii'eitt , ANNAIJI1LI.IU , In imer famous "l1utterl1 laruce. " A special iimvittttion to ladies. I "Howdy , Stranger ! " V Is the Texas Welcome Texims will say "howdy" to ) ou , it you will iVUui down imimil gitum iter liomummitabie citizens ltutif a ciiammce to gi-t acquainted with ou , hmoshiles being a id0050umt i'laco to visit , it dod imot take a bark scat as a wotiltim m.rducer , On Ilium Gulf Commst of Texmmiu mnmy lie tounil ihig V attractions for itomnebeelmers ; eQ acres of land , ilantel in mear. nets owner ttooo : ycariy Cheap rates iii effect during winter month , , Now is time time to go. Call omm or address IC. L , i'mmlnner , I' . A. , Santa Fe ivute , Oimmalta , for ox- cursioa iatc uiid free copy o Coast Country folder , ThOmahaph1hahicCoIIo Iehieal for opticians , phiyehriamts , Jewelers anti oLmers dceurirmg to leamn to fit. mipecaicles scieniiftcuily. Aim huonoabhu mrureuouu anti a lucntt're business. Opeui mu both laxlius and g'itlemnc1L t'iaaoturmmutl monthly , l'ris' . vale insiructiomis if thesmrcd , lii'It.nla mu cii our giaduales. 'rumba reduce-i to suit ti ( hues , We teach you tue muutoiuuy of time eye , acitma-o of ( , mtiCp , mimcory of vision , me- fritcion ( if light. ui-um.eriles of lenses , iiew to lisa his irtii case anti the opiuulmtmimosoope , V htow to dimtimrioee , collect unit relleSe all cc. rors of refraction n1 Mecomumiriodittimmu , inchu1. lag fits uumoOt uhiiitcuht ceust's of imstignmaismn , gte-ar stghfl , im-eak etht , cici slgiit , cros e--s etc lii inlet , how to becoino c tim-it ciaa op. iictsn For fumttuPr mautleulars iddrs J Ii'ciider , principal , E22 H. 16th street , Ornaiimm. ; , k