_ $1L _ - . . . . . . . . . - w : - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - , , . " . . ' . , . _ 7' ! r - - - - - - - - - - T rr ' ' - @ TilE OMAhA \ DAILY nEE BgNDA Y FEBRUARY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : , 3 , 1S ! . _ _ _ _ _ _ i\ : TIm OMALSUDAY DEB i I COUNCL nLU ' S. . 'OFFCE . NO. 12 PEAHL STflIT elyerd by carrier to any port of tl el , . 11. W. TILTON , Lusee. ' TELtr1Ior4Ea-nusIns omce. No UI nIgh t4Itor. No. 23. - . , 1"(1 . uixriux. " I Oran , ] hotel , Council Buls , reopened Oct. 1. MOYI Real Eslale agency , l3 ( Broadwa . , The Central Labor union will meet today nt 2:30 : at Liberty hal.1 delegatcs re- quesle , ] to be present. t The Avoca term of the district court wIll cOn'en Tuesday nnd the grand jury wIll be empannelled at that time. empannelc tme. ' Itegtilnr meeting of Star chapter No. 47. Iegular R. A. M. . wIll be held tomorrow nhht. Al companions ore requested to be present. . The dance and social to have ] been given February 13 by tim Junior Order of Un led American Mechanics has been postponed until February 27. Joseph Wllon waf given an examination yesterday by the commissioners of Insanity ) . and sent 10 St. Bernard's hospital for further examination. I Memhers of Jawkeye lodge No. 8I I. Inlle- I pcndent Order of Odd Fellows . are requested : to meet at their hal this afternoon at 2:30 : ' : sharp and attend special services at Chris- tan tabernacle. Secretar The case against Joseph Young . charged with being a fugitive from Justice . was dismissed ( - missed II Justice Vlcn's court yesterday the governor h\111 : reused to grant a requisi- ton for his removal to Nebraska. . All Sir Knight laccahees arc requested to meet al their hal promptly at 1 o'cloek p. m. Sunday to attend the 'funeral of Sir Knight Haberl Jones. I'ey member of Tent No. 32 Is expected to turn oul. It. K. - - At the I o'clccl service al St. Paul's church this afernoon the choir wi sing the " lag- nllcat" nod "Nulc DinittIs . " by Stainer In A. C. II. Ogden will sing a solo , "War ; Her , Angels , " from Handel's "Jephtha. " ' : The work of circulating the resolutions . adopted at the ChrIstian church meeting last Thursday evening with reference to the at- tacks on Rev. E. W. Alien was completed , * and more than 200 signatures were obtained. The ) regular monthly meetIng of the \Vomen'R Christian association wi be held , al the home of Mrs. Sarah n. Hohrer , 239 Vine street , lonhy , afternoon , a12:30 : o'cock. : Lei each member bo prescnt. Visitors wel- . come. The traveling men and ex-traveling men ; of the city are requested to meet 01 the ' , Grand hotel this evening nt 7 o'clock 10 at- tend services at the Congregational church. . Dr. Asltn will preach n sermon of especial . Interest to them. Claude 1)atesman has recovered the over- : coat which was stolen from the Young lcn's ChrIstian association hal a few nights ago. . It. was found In a South Main street pawnshop - , shop , where I had been sold by the thief for : lO eenls. There Is some , hancc of catching ( the thief . A marriage license was Issued by th county clerIc yesterday to George Dryson and Ger- I trOdo McNair . both of Potawallamlo ounty. : Their ages were 4 and , 26. Mrs. McNnlr was the wlo of Chnrles lcNalr , from whom she obtained n divorce In the district court hero three weeks ago. . , The funeral of Robert Jones , who was killed , by a fall In the Hock Island round house wi take place from the Later Day Saints' ; church this afternoon al 2:30. : Elder T.V. . : ' ' Williams will officiate. The funeral will be . under the auspices of the laccabees order who wi march from the house headed by a ' , ; band of ten pieces. The jury returned I scale verdIct In the attachment suit of Pieper against Dojnrt : yesterday mornIng . and I was opened when JUdge Thorel convened court. The plaintiff cc was given n judgment of $41.66 on three - notes and $310.95 for rental. The defendant t 'was given I judgment of $50 on his counter - , claim thus making n net verdict of $302.61 In the plalntls : favor. Charles Stevenson and John Holder , who " " " ' . " " dlslurbed" "Ehler" Duck's "relgious" wor- l * ship were found guilty In Justice Vlen's " court yesterday and sentenced to ten dnys : In the county jail. The sentence was sus- , pendcd during good behavior , however It a appearing that the two were nol the worst members of tile gang that had been com- _ 4 . mitng the depredations. ; "A man was found at 6 o'clocl yesterday morning by I newspaper carrier busIly en- gaged In loading l up I hand sled with laths - from the upper yard of the Western Lumber and Supply company on Pierce street near where II Intersects with Rotten Row. I Is said that people living blocks away have ben patronizing this fuel emporium nt night , and ' ( lie goods they ' get are second to none In quality and a cheap as the cheapest. A meeting of the stockholders of the Union ' Building nId Loan association was held last , evening at the Knights of Pythlas hal , as announced , In yesterday's Dee. The signa- tures of (0 per cent of those present were , obtained to the petition calling for a reor- ganizaton on the terms as given In yester- : day's Dec. The petition .will be circulated among other stockholders within the next few days. The llinecke quartet , compo d of Mrs. f Nye and Mrs. George McLaren of Omaha , . Mrs. Robert Mull's and Mrs. W. A. Wake- fIeld of Council Du fr will give I concert In . thIs city In the near future. This Irgllza- : . tlon has been very successful , and gained much favor In the past few years , and since ' the frt alto part I recently , taken by Mrs. 't MUls , the quartet Is much Improved the yokes blending remarkably : well. All lovers 4 of music wi enjoy theIr cmlng entertnla- / ment. Overseer of the Poor Swearingen states that there Is an Immense amount or dest- tuton just now among the laboring classes and the recent hard weather has had a ten- L dency to brIng to him many of the poor who would otherwise have managed to worry C. along somehow wIthout asslstnnce. The colored people are many of them on the brInk of starvation. In past years they have done Ito odd Jobs and bad I rather clear I cear Ibid to themselves , but this year there are scores of white men out of work , all they I , have been reduce to such straits that they I ' . , have to take anything they can get , and they have crowded the colored lan out of his place , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ We have over $300.000 to loan upon Improved - proved . Iowa farms. Farmer desirIng loans can save money by dealing direct with ua , thereby saving agent's commission. We do not loan on wild hand , . nor In Nebraska. Lugeo & Towle , 23G Ienrl street. The ladl of St. Francis XavIer's will give a social In the church basement next Thursday - ; day evening. Admission 10 cents : Neatest drug ctoriTaylor's. Grand hotel. J'RItSONaLL l'All.Ull.U'IS. J. Q. Anderson left last evening for Den- ver. ver.J. J. J. O'Connel of Minneapolis I. In the cIty for I few days . SuperIntendent A. Warner of the Harlan public schools was In the city yesterday Mr. and Mrs. J. N. G. Wiey leave tOlor- row for I vIsit to Sioux City . Miss Gracie Ferson , who lies been dangerously - ously ill for several weeks , Is reported bet- ( or . Wels Cook , formerly of this city , now of Sioux City silent I part of last week In Coun- . ci Bluffs . Mrs. L. Zurmuoblen who has been dangerously - gerously ill for some time past la reported out of danger Eli Drown returned yesterday from I trip to Havana and other southern points greatly Improved In health . Miss VIrginia Robinson has been serIously ill . but II now much better . and will be around In a few days. L. C. Dale now secretary of the Young l en'l Christian association at Blair . Neb , was In the cIty visIting friends lat week. - Judge McGee has so far recovered from lila Is . ' recent Illness that he expects to take hold . of his police court duties again Monday morn- I hug , _ _ _ _ _ I Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that good ' laundry , " and Is located at 724 Broadway . I In doubt about this , try It and be convinced. Don't forget name and number. Tel 157. . . Gas cooking stoves for rent and for asia at Ou o.1 oMce. Ihayhs isUi drug , paint and glass cheap . " , - - - - - 8 , - . NEWS \ FROI I COUNCIL BLUFFS Scelat Hlppcninga of the Pat Week Throughout the City. Two INTERESTING HiGI FIVE PARTIES Mr. nnll 1lr W . C. I"tcil have Their Oal- IJnl A"nuc home ( : royte,1 , , lh rrleuds- Other ivonta uf the \'eck. : lr. and : rs. W. C. F.tep gave two high five pates at their home on Oakland avenue Thursday and Friday ev nlngs. Those present - ent the first evening were : Mr. and Mrs. W. Itunyan Mr. and Mrs. T. r. Ca\'la , Mr and lrs. Nat Shepard , Mr. and Mrs. O.V. . Graham , Mr. and Mrs. Lu- cius Wels , Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Casady , lr. and Mrs. g" F. Cook Mr. and Ira. J. N. Casatly . ar , : lr. and lrs. J. N. Casady , jr. . : lr. and lrs. S. S Keller , Mr and Mrs. M. F. 10hrer. : lr. and lrs. O. 11. Lucas Mr. and : lr ! 1 . 11. Lougee , Mr. 11. II. Field . Mrs. Hamilton of Centerville . Inn. , Dr. and trs. Cleaver : lr. and Mrs . F. E. Shepard , Miss N. Wadsworth , Mr. Walter Deebe , Ira. Warde of Sioux City , and MIss Maud Ca\'ln. lrs. E. II. Lougee and Mr. nohrer carried oft prizes The second evening the guest present were : : tr. and lrs. W. J. Jamo"n , Mr. and Mrs. Will Shepard : lr. and trs. George Iipe Mr . and lrs. J. C. Mitchell , Mr. all Mrs. J. B. Atkins , : lr. and Mrs. John T. Oliver , : lr. and lrs. Victor JennlngA. Mr. all Mrs. O. 11. Lucas , 1)r and Mrs. Jennings , : lr. and , ] lrs. J. W. Peregoy : lr. and Mrs. A. W. Helkman , : lr. and trs. John Tidd : lr all Mrs. C. It. lannan , Mr and Mr9. Jess Holenbeck , Mr. Sand Mrs. W. S. Cass , Mr. and Mrs. Andy Brock Mrs. Octavia Stephenson - phenson , Mrs. Hose Pateron , Dr. T. D. Lacy . Miss Maud Cavin Mrs. E. F. Cogley ) The prizes were won by Mrs. J. D. Atdns and : lr. I.tpe. , An enjcyable musical event took place Tuesday - day night at the residence ] of : lr. and lrs. I. M. ' Treynor , onlow avenue. for the benefit of St. Iaut.s church AbJut 100 guests . were present and the program was very en- joyable. The following waa the program . : Rosebud 1 llr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : lac ) . Dudley Buck Quartet. Violn Solo-Gypsy Jlelodlll..Sarsate ' ' Mr. William Kuchenmelster. Song-Armorer's Son . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DeKoven Mr. Joseph Baldridge. flecitation-Country Sieighing . . . . . . . . . . 11 s. S. S. I aes. Trio-Venice Sleeps.Arran ed from Mattel Messrs. Treynor Ogden and Thlckstun Violin Solo- ( a ) Arln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Strdela ( b ) Hungarian . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. William uchenmelster. Song-Simon the Cehlarer..Ilatton Mr. Joseph Baldrhl e. Mandolin and Guitar Duet-Ma Belle Manloln Schotische. Int . . . . . . . . . . Duet-JII . . . . . . . . . . Dele Master Aaron Lvman and Mr. Cameron PntterS3n. Song-Norman Plterson. ! . . . . .De Koven Miss Hawkes. Star of . ' . . : IS9 . . . . la . . . . . . . . . . . . { Dudley Buck Quartet. Dllley Mr. J. H. Slmms Accompanist. NOVEL IDEA INTRODUCEn Mrs. John T. Tldd entertained a large num- ber of Council Bluffs society women Tuesday afternoon al her home on Seventh street near arernoon FIrst avenue , at a pink high five. The darkened - ene,1 rooms were lighted with candelabra of pink candles and lamps , with pInk shades. The decoratIons were pInk carnations , artistIcally - Icaly arranged , and pink predominated In the refreshmenls. A novel idea was carried out In counting , each guest beIng furnished wIth a little pink bonbon bag , the winners of the games receivIng I bonbon. The party was given In honor of Miss Fogg of Boone , la. . a sister or the hostess , and Mrs. Tldd was assisted In entertaIning by her cousin , Miss Ruth ' of Om'aha. The Invited guests were : Mesdames Relkman , Sargent , Phillips , I. l. Treynor , Plumer 'V. ' . I : Treynor , McCune . Carlisle , , E. \V. Hart , Allen , E. L. Lougee , Siiugart Key , TravIs , Jnmleson , Charles Haas , Danlorth Peregoy , Chambers , F. S. Pusey Dr. D. Jacrea , jr. , J. p. Davis , F. R. Davis , Dimmock Bradley and Sweetng of Chicago : Misses Glenson , G. Geason , Bennett , Oliver . Zurmuehlen , Babcock , Morgan , Kent- lug , WIcunan , Dadolet , Cook Bartlett . Key , Doming , Oberbolzer and Woodnrd of Clii- cago. cago.Mrs. . MeKuno carried off the fIrst prize n hand painted belQk china heart and Miss Grace Geason took the second prize , I si- ver bonbonlere. The reception tendered the students of the piano and violin departments of the Conservatory - servatory of Music by the faculty Wednesday nIght was a very enjoyable affair. About fifty people were present. An informal mu- sical program was rendered by Master Jack Cady , Miss McCabe , Miss Fay Holenbeck , Miss Keen , George Iolenbecl , and Frank Nowlean of Omaha Miss Delia Robinson re- celvM and Mrs Keys , Mrs. Jennings , Miss Carrothers all MIss Keen presIded at the " refreshment - freshment tablEs. Mrs. Horace Everett entertaIned a small company at dinner Wednesday night at her residence on Second avenue Those present were : Messrs. and Mesdames J. L. Stewart , E. E. hart . J. D. Edmundson C. E. I. Campbell . Mesdames John N. Baldwin , John Chapman , Perkins of Burlington , and Miss lawltes of St. Joseph SOCIAL EVENTS OF THE WEEK. Since J. W. Squire has moved Into his new house , nt the corner of Third and Story streets , ho bas been entertaining his frIends at Infcrmnl dinner parties. A number of these have been given recently , and those fortunate enough to be invited have passed pleasant evenings. Unity Guild will give an old-time social Tuesday evening February 12 , a the home of Mrs. Harris corner of PIerce and Firt streets. AU who have signed pledges wi brIng or send them to this meeting. They wi also gIve I comedy In Hughes' hal February - ruary 26 , followed by dnnclng. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dalnbrldge at their pleasant home on Fourth street entertained I number or their Immediate friends Tuesday 'evealng. A very unique musIcal program was rendered as one of the prominent features of the evening's enjoyment. Mr. and Mrs. Daln- brIdge are cordial entertainers and I most pleasant evening was spent by all present. Mrs. George V. ' . Llpo entertained I party at ladles nt n kens'ngton ' tea Thursday afternoon - noon at her home on Harrison street. Joseph SmIth entertained about I dozen of his friends Friday night at his home 316 Broadway. Igh five was played , and wine and other refreshments added to the eyenlag's festivities . E. C. Shepard and Miss Grace Oeason , both wel known In social circles In this city , are to be married Wednesday evening at the home of the bride , 45 Gen avenue , Rev . E. J. Babcock omelating. Only immediate relatves of the bride and groom will be pres- ent. ent.A very pleasant surprise was perpetrated upon Richard Ounaoudo by his friends Thurs day nigh In the form of I high five party. The following la f list of those who tool part In the game : May Grosvenor Nellie Mc- Sorley , Nellie hughes , Mamie O'Nei. Carrie , Evers , Grace Heller , Minnie f'ers. . Rose Dank , Carrie Orosvenor , Ethel Witter . Gussie Daugherty Edna Van Arnam . Arthur Heis- her , Hi BoUans , AI hall , Wi 'iVajeck Vernle WItter . George Apple Henry Wajeck Louis Evers . George P. Blank . George Du- quette . Will Alice . The winner of the ladles' first prize n handkerchief , was Edna Van Arnam and of the ladles' .cpnsolation prlzo , a stick pin Minnie O'Neii. The gents' frt prize , n mustache cup and saucer , was won by Art hfeisler . and the consolation prize , a Brownie by Wile Alice. The Twentieth Century club met with Mr. and Mrs. C. 1' . Ialsbnck , 61 Blot ! street last Tuesday evening and the following was their pNgram ' rii . Kingly Power . as Deplete by 1lng Henry IV..Mls Ela McMnhon Sketch or First Part of King len' ' lv . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Charles \Voolbury Sketch-Our Forelarolts In' ' Fiftacutli Century..Mrs. \V. Flfelnlh l.everll Paller-Sir John Falslnr.George n. Hex Short Talk on Theory of Digestion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ur. Tn''nor Polftical Attitudes ot European Nations . tcul . . . Atiudes . . . . . . . .Charles Woodbury Last evening the Uanymeje Wheel club gave a reception . In honor of Miss Julia Spilano of Denver About seventy were present among them I large number of ladies An attractive musical program was rendered , and John J. f'raluey recited Shakespeare . Thus floral ] decorations were mlle under the supervision - pervlslon of J. C. Wilcox . anti were appro- prlato and beautiful. Conspicuous among them was a bicycle literally hidden from sight by Intertwined yellow roses smilax and lilies of the valley . During the even- Ing rcreshm nte were . served. % 'hcrc l'cwsro J're . FIrst Preshyterlan-Corner of Wiow avenue - nile and Seventh street , Ie\ ' . Stephen Phelps pastor . Preaehng : by the pastor at to:30 : a. m. Public anniversary of the Young Pee- ple's Society of Christian Endeavor at 7:30 : 11. m. Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints -huntington hal , 1C4 Bro dway. Sunday school at 1 o'clock. Iegulat services at 2:30 : and 7:30 : p. m. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- ter Day Salnts-Plorce street , three doors west of Gen avenue Sacrament servIces al10 a. m. Sunday school al t2 m. - Choral service from 6 to 7:30 : p. m. PreachIng - lug at 7:30 : p. m. by President Joseph Smithi . Meetings will ho continued each evening during the week thus affording the citizens of CouncIl Bluffs the opportunity of hearing the sons of tIme prophet Joseph Smith. T. W. Williams. CongregatIonal-Morning subject "The Man of God from Judahi . " Evening subject "Business Dangers. " Life ; Its OPPQrtunltes and Its Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church-I ! . 1. I Dudley pastor. Preaching al 10:30 : a. 1. anll 7:30 : p. 1. Sunday school at 12 m. Ep. worth league nt 6:30 : p. m. Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church-Cor- nor Fourth street and Ninth avenue Class meeting , 10 a. m. Preaching , 10:30 : a. m. anti 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school 12 m. Junior league , 3:30 : II. mu. Bpworth league , 6:30 : p. m. Conrad hooker , Ilastor. ResIdence . 125 Fourth streel. Grace Church-Corner of Pierce and Union streels. Morning service at 10:30 : a. m. , con- ducted by Mr. Brown of Omaha Evening services at . p. iii. , conducted by Mr. Chnm- herlaln of Omaha George I. Lunn of lelevuo college . Bel ( vito . Neb . will preach at the Second Prcsby- terlan church at 10:30 : a. t. and 7:30 : p. in. Irl1U11s1 ) llllnISI I lellnltsl The late clearing sale has left us a big lot of remnants and short lengths , In all kinds of goods , which wo must close out qnlckly. These goods will bo placed on sale Monday at prices that are bound to sell item Come and look them over , you may find just what you want. ' BARGAINS IN Remnants of sIlks. Remnants of dress goods. Hemnanats of mnuslins. muslns. Remnants of sheetn s. Hemnanats of table linen . Remnants of ginghams. Remnants of prints Remnants of laces and embroideries. Odds and ends In hosiery underwear and gloves at greatly redUCEd prices FOWLEH , DICK & WALKER , BOSTON STORE , Council Bluffs , Ia . Amen ! the Scrappers. The neighborhood dlfcu1y that has been tearIng open the social cIrcles of the south- west corer from stem to steno did not need an airing yesterday. 1en Sadowski , the 18-year-old gIrl who was charged wih assault and battery , was there , and so was . her victim , 12-year-old Ethel Knot with her head done up In a royal purple rag. A desire to patch \P a truce was manifest , and the prosecuting witness dismissed the case prosecutng cso without that If there Is wihout prejudice , so any more trouble In the future the proceedings can bo instituted afresh The defendant was turned loose with I lecture from the court on the advisability of allowing sisterly love to continue. Butcher Wlz was on hand In Justice Vlen's court to prosecute Anna Droache of Weston for letting a food of daylight Into his Interior by means of a pitchfork. Anna waived examination and was bound over to the grand jury. her bond beIng fixed at $100.L. . . . L. Z. Williams . the foreman at the Council Bluffs' Handle factory was arrested yester- day on I charge of assault and battery. The engineer , William Young , vnl the "omplaln- Ing witness. Ten days , ago , I dispute ares between them as to which of them , vas drunll. Williams picked up I sprIng and hit Young I heavy blow on time side of the head , drawIng blood. The case Is to have I hearing In Justice Vlcn's court Tuesday afternoon at . o'clocl I'oltcs In time Sixth Ward. The Sixth Ward RepublIcan club has commenced - menced early to work the boys Into line , and a meeting of the newly organized club Is to bo held next Monday evening at S11- bert hall The activity of this organization Is probably largely responsible for the fact that an early crop of candidates has sprung up In the ward. The Sixth , however , has never been deficient In this respect and this year Is to be no exception , notwihstand- Ing tile long drouth Alderman NIcholson I Is said to be ambitious to succeed himself . I and P. D. Burk the equine furnisher would I not refuse time crown more than twice as Julius Caesar did when hIs constituents wanted hIm to run for ofllce. W. C. Doyer Is also casting sheep's eyes at the coveted I treasure , and J. F. Hunt Is being "men- tIoned. " On the republican sIde of the fence , likewise , there Is no dearth of pa- triots. "L. M. Shubert don't want it , but will take It I he can get it , " sal one of wi frIends yesterday . "Tho difference between hInt and A. C. Harding Is that Harding wants I. but knows he can't got It. " For- rest SmIth Is working quietly for the nomina- ton , and A. C. Keller Is merely "In time hands of his frIends. " With all this timber . together with all that whit come to the sur- race between now and lie conventions , there Is not the slightest danger of the aldermanic nomination goIng begging. have lour iatiiy. ; Dy investing In the stock of the Savings Loan and Building association of Council Bluffs. Incorporated In IS77. Monthly 'pay- ments ot $1.00 per share , netting the Investor about 10 per cent Interest. Ten serIes al- ready paid out. which fully demonstrates the ability of the association to mature its Is stock In about sevonty-fivo monthly pay- ments. No loans made utsldo ot Council Bluffs , and all applications Counci passed upon by a majority of the board ot directors. Good loans wantel Full Informa- ton can be obtained at the office of D.V. . Otis , secretary 10 Main street , or any of the following directors : IIV. . Hnze1on. Frank Grass John Brown A. S. Hazelton , n. C. Beebe A. D. Walker , E. E. hart , F. C. Lougee , S. S. Leonard . . Icloerats Stirring. Time democrats of Council Bluffs will meet In delegate convention conventon Wednesday evening February 20 , nt S p. m. . at ito ( superior courf room , for time purposo. of placing In nomination candidates for aldermen at large amid park commissioner , and to consider the advisability of placing In nomination two candidates for school directors Delegates to the convention wi bo chosen by caucus meetings to be hell Monday February 18 , al S p. m. , at the following named places : FIrst WarI-Wheeler & Hereld's oMce. Second-City building . ofce. Thlrd-Ilel hotel Fourth-Superior court room Fifth-hose house , West Broadway Slxth-Twenty.thlrd and Broadway The caucus meetings sviil also select cnUClS meetngs wi memo hers of the city central committee . who will wi meet on Wednesday evening , February 20. at 7:30 : , at the superior court room to perfect an organization . Primary electoll will be held In the Third Fourth and Sixth wards Monday oven- lug February 18 , between the hours of 7 and 8 o'clock , 01 the places named for the caucus meetings In these . meetngs wards for the purpose - pose Qt selecting candidates for ward nlder- mmmcml. . Park City lodge , No. C06 , Independent Order or Odd Fellows , will give a bal and banquet at Woodman hal Tuesday evening February 5 . Tickets , $ including supper 1. as. V. A. The special meetings of the Young Men's Christan association will contnue $ next week. Some of the ( leading speakers of time city will give addresses and there wi be specIal at- temmtion glvon music Much Interest has already - ready been shown In the movement and It Is daily Increasing. Other departments of the work are movIng on 10st encouragingly. One hundred and slxty.elgh names have been added to the membership list In less than three weeks A loYement will soon bo male 10 secure new quarters wi to or- ganlzo a full-fledged work. Wanted competent cook . at COS . FIrst avenue - . . J HE THREW IE 1OWN . \ STAIRS , 1 , h i Vigorous Mcftns A1ottd . ( by 1 School "Presi- dent t Emtln lIfe Authority -IU' LADY PRICP.\L \ FORCBLV CONVINC , I. " John hopkins ! RII )1 ri 1homnn . honlcl Not Uoyern thn Ir.I lo chool lUlU lie Is A'Y IIIJ the ( r"1 .Jury : _ , t\ctlol. . - DES MOINES In. ; Feh , . 2Speclal. ( ) News has just reachet ] here of a sensation In ito schools hiumboltht . " of Iradgate , near lumbol1. John hopkins Is the president of time school board and Mrs. Thomas Is the IJrlnclpal of the ( schools. They hall hatl trouble Hopkins claiming that Mrs. Thomas wns teaching without I conlract. Monday morning hopkins - klns love a woolen plug In tIme key hole of lie school room , loor. When Mrs. Thomas came alto said she would enter the school and resume tenchlng. hopkins saId she would have to do II over his dead boty. She started to the door , ali trying to insert her key dropped it. hopkins made a grab for tt and Mrs. Thomas tried to put her foot on It. In the scul0 thai ensued she was thrown over the stair raIling and would have fallen straight through two or three flights had not the janitor caught her antI lhrown her back over the rail on the stairs. She then role,1 on down to thus botom of the first fiighmt . She had hopkins arrested on the charge of assault anti battery with Intent to commit gre9t bodily injury A hearlug was had be- fore a justice of the peace ending al 1 o'cloc Tuesday mornIng and resulting In both being bound over to the grand jury , which Is now In session. IHltECTOUS AIU 1)ISSATISFIEO \ To of thc Board the 10" 1.011 and lie- posit . \"oeRtlon Aftel the Mtiiitger. DES MOINES , I eb. 2.-Speclal.-1 ( ) Is now stated on the best authority that two directors of tIe building and loan association of which Dr. E. C. Splnmiey ts the representative - senlatvo here , and has been for some ( line known as one of tIme liveliest hustlers In this line of business In this section of the country have communicated with . time re- malling members of the beard In an effort to get him removed and to get a new Inves- tgaton Into the affairs of time compan The state executive councIl , al the request of all but two of lie building and loan associations - socIatons of time city , of which the present I Is believed . was one . and the wrecked Union BuIlding and Savings association , of which General Manager Richmond Is now undergoIng - Ing n rIgid examination In the court con- corning the doings of the company which caused its failure , appointed lion. John Mc- Hugh , ex-bank examiner and lion. A. D. Bceson , ex-state treasurer . to make an ex- amnination into their ' affairs. They were occupied - copied about four 'dayh each In examinIng the two companies ' n \hlch they have made reports and at ptese4t they are working on the others. " About the same Itme Spinney's company , the Iowa Deposit and Loamm had nn examI- nation made and 'It las developed that I only required the 1extprt ! commIttee about three-qunrters of 1 lay to do I. , or less than one-fourth the ( line occupied by the commlle'e appointed by time executive coun- ci to do the work"ln Imlar organizations. This : has excited setae IScplclon , and the fur- thor fact that Dr. ! Sp1nney was connected with Richmond iq ( lip publication of tIme Building and Lean Record , the paper that made such I malignant attack 01 Auditor. of . State McCarthy 're ent- ; has - added "to thls.susplclon to such ai , extent that to directors - ! ) rectors , aB above stated , hav made an of- fort to , get an Investgaton Jade Into the affairs of the company , and time , men appointed - pointed ' byith&t'exeutlvev ' countt\and/wlh : also seek to secure the removal , of Splnne3' , from the ofc here. ' These factl have just ' been learned from an authoritative souce and days. will no doubt be public property Ii a few DR. SPINNEY HAS RESIGNED. DES MOINES . Feb. , 2.-Speclal ( Tele gram.-In regard to , the reported removal of Dr. E. C. Spinney of the Iowa Deposit and Loan company It was explaIned today that for some time I committee has been ' examining - : amlnlng time company's books , with a vIew : to making one of the ' regular reports. This , commIttee will submit its report to I meetIng - I lug of directors next MQnday or Tuesday. In : I they declare the business of the company Is all right ; thai its affaIrs arc In good shape , and find no fault with the books. There Is I difference . however between this committee nnd' the manager as to I contract which he holds. Said contract was made January 15 . 1891 , and Is between Spnney : as secretary and manager and Directors Wyman , Gardner and MaCam In It are certain stipulations as to salary or allowance orthe secretary and manager - ager and while the directors find no fault wih the contract this examining committee In its report seems to cast relecUonl on Dr. Spinney , after having declared hIs conduct of business all fair und square Dr. Spinney Is manager of a large Insurance company and ho wi hereafter devote his whole time to its affairs . ills resignation as the secretary and general manager of the Iowa Deposit und Lan company has been practically accepted , but will be formally acted upon next week. flED o.ut WANTS REFORM . MunIcIpal itIT.elrs ire ' Stirring Up 1 Lot of lot Blood. lED OAK 10. . Feb. 2.-Speclal-The ( ) matter of prIme Importance In this ely now has to do with lie coming spring electIon of city omcials. Unusual Interest Is beIng manifested - tested In time selection of candidates , more particularly In that of mayor. A great deal of space In the local press has been devoted to articles relatIve to the management of city affaIrs between "Citizen , " whose articles are written over this non do plume and Mayor DanIel Gunn. "CitIzen" went for his honor In good shape at the start In regard to city affairs. However , the mayor was on by the energy he Injected Into his articles , launched question after question at "CIi- ( zcn" that he was unable to answer. Spurred on by the energy ho Infected Into his articles , the ( mayor proceeded to explain In detail bearIng upon revenues , disbursements , etc. , wIth the result that city politics are now taking definite shnpe. While Red Oak Is not ns large as some cities , the people put on quite an nmount a"netropoltnn airs. The city Is now bond < to the full 111 and taxes are high emmo1hito suit the most fas- tdIous person. rraypr , Gunn's recommenda- ton In regard to bo wnter works question Is the all absorblnglople ( , his views In con- necton wIth the te police protection arc timely and good p ) Ills / other recommelda- tons ( are worthy , pf , "duo consideration. In thrs controversy t41 mayor Is upheld by the city's heaviest taxpayers. The greatest ' 1S\tlfaCtOn In years has arisen over the wate [ , " 1orl's question and the taxpayers In thIs 1y } : mean to stand by the mayor for much nyqdel Improvement This has become a question nf so much importance that time voters neXt JMarch wi nomInate and elect men wh& ' Will provide a system ( of municipal governm9m under which any cil- Ized man can Ive'Y' ' hput a blush of siiarno A friend or time ' mayor . In discussing this mater today salq ; " 'here are men sitting In this council toiq ) \ are time very soul or honor as far as prIvate transactions are concerned ; men whom no pecuniary Induce- mont could tempt td betray the fInancial interests - terests of I frIend , but who wi deliberately give their votes to a set of men who only seek ofce for personal gaIn and for no other reason. How disgraceful It seems when a man who has the courage of his own COl- vlcUon stands almoat as helpless as a chid , when every member of tIlls council should stand by the mayor In this question and make his standard their standard There Is but one solution to the problem , and that Is to elect a mayor and a majority of the council who have at heart the best Interests of the ( city ns much as they have the interest of their own home. One ts as necessary ns the thelt iowa Aan UomimlutosejiIcitie . hAMBURG , In. , Feb. 2.-Speclal.-A ( ) young man living four mie cast of Rverton , I 10. . a town eight miles northeast of llama- . burg , commie suicide Friday evening , He called at a neighbor's to get a revolve to shoot I dog that had been bothering hll during tie day While his brother was out milking he heard the report of a pistol , and upon running Into the sittIng room I\eco.cre. ] him lying on the floor with a bullet hole over his rlghl ear . Na cause for the suicide Is known. Elijah 1lngrey hat ] four fingers taken off of his left hand , Friday. Ito was trying to se at the saw was hot and , putting his hand out . got It too near the tlg . MOON WO = 1"'tmV TIME : . Sis Ylar of Law SuIts Over the a'o lenlon of is Steer In lo , n. SIOUX : CITY. Feb. 2.-(8peoal ( : Telegram.- ) A celebrated lawsuit II Ida county which began six years ago over disputed ownership of a steer , has just been ended A. loon sle,1 James Law for possession of the anllal , I all . the justice court decided for Moon after ; several changes of venUe and much delay. The case was appealed to the district court antI again awnle,1 to Moon. A year after a IIOW trial Was asked for emi lie groul,1 that new evidence hatl been tommntl This was denied . antI Law went to the grand Jury to get Moon immdicted for perjury In the case. For three years ho hppenrell before every grand jlry mind was always refused nn In- I\ctmcnt ( till about eighteen months ale , when ho got one , just five days before the statute of Imlatols would have barred < < proceedings . Then time de'Conse began Iklrm- Ishlng for time . and , conlnuanecs were secure - cure < frol ole term to another till lie case at last conic to trial this weel. ! : So hutch senlhnell hal been worked imp that tIme COllt ) board Ruthorlzell time county attorney to employ assistance 'fhe trial laste,1 ( , a week and time jury took thirty minutes to do- le- cldo lu favor of lie t defendant , Moomm . The I costs of time steer case" nmoult to about $ .00. amid of the criminal proceedings to over $3.0'0. UI'.VlO'Oz's Tll.CA 1 11 lIST. Woodbury County's Intlctll l Attorney S'ill I'nco the COUI.t 'I hi" Wc'nk. SIOUX CITY . I eb. 2.-Special ( Telegraimi ) -Next week will bring time first of the crlm. Inal trials resulting from the work of the cR1- ct- zens' commitee durIng the last year , that of T. F. Devlngton , who , as cOlnty attorney . was the leader of the boodlng ring , will come first , amid those of thc superv1ors unler iii- dlctment will follow . If they are not Ilsmlssed , as Is Illel' . Devlnglon Is prepared for a hard flgimt . but time court has been against him steadily . overruling all technical objec- tons to time indictment. In the cases broug/t for the foreclosure of tht bomls against the Sioux City Terminal company , one of the Properties of time bankrupt syndicate , the Credits Commutation commmpany files an In- tervcnlng petitiomm . stating the bonds are illegal - gal and asking that they bt set aside There are $2,000,000 of them , all held east . I Is stated they are illegal , because under its I chartcr the company could not issue nearly so large 11 amount , because the stock was nol paid uP. and for other reasons. " IlE.t'h 1AILVU t'r . MOItRI : . Lumber and GraIn Complu ) . ( jmmits lullncs wlh Thirty Thou8',1 l.ttibiIltic . CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia. . Feb. 2.-Speclal ( Tel- egram.-Tho ) Morrlon Lumber and Grain company at Morr'son , has failed , with liabilities of $30,000. The failure nf- fecs a number of farmers In south- er Grundy county who had considerable grain stored In the companY'3 elovators. I Is reported that previous to the failure the firm turned all its grain over to a ChIcago firma. l\VlDI n IN SECOND IEGREII Verdict ot thc Jury tn the Case or Hcddy Wilson's l'mirtnor In Crime MISSOURI VALLEY , la. . Feb. 2.-Special ( Telegram.-Tho ) jury In the case of Frank DavIs , charged wih lie murder or City Mar- shal A. N. Whiney last April , has just rendered - dere I verdict of murder In the second de- gree. Davis was time partner In crIme of Ieddy Wilson , who was lynched at the time lme of , Whitney's murder. The verdict gives general satisfaction. Urakhu VII a Had Gant . I CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia. , Feb. 2.-Speclal ( Tel- egram.h-In ) themrrest of the Drennan boys , who attempted to rob Martin Johnson near his home. In Dews , the other night , the au- thorItes believe they have made an Important capture. ' A has been gang al work In that part of the state for some ( line . holding up people and robbing stores and committing commitng other depredations . The evidence against these Drennans , as tar ns the Johnson robbery , Is very strong. and II Is believed they will turn stato's evidence , and give the whole gang wi away ; _ _ _ _ _ Supreme Court leeslonl. DES MOINES . Feb. 2.-Speclal ( Telegram. ) -The following supreme court decIsions were led today : Nancy L. Weaver appellant , dgainst J. S. Stacy , et al. . Jones distrIct , affIrmed. Ira C. Caleb against C. C. Cole , et al. . appellants . PolIo district amrmed. John SIramble against Aaron Pryne , appellant , Denton district affirmed. Anna DavIs , el al. , appellants . agaInst William E. Lta , ct al. , Polk dlst let , atflrmed. - - l1rgltr Start a l'lra at Algoima . CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Feb. 2.-Special ( Tel- egram.-News ) Is received hero to the effect that time grange store and American express olco al Algona were destroyed by an incendiary - cendiary fire at 3 o'clock this morning. The safes In both places had been opened , and I Is supposed burglars started time fire to cover up theIr crimns. The loss Is $5,000 , wIth only $1,500 Insurance. Jours Capture the Stakcs. RED OAK , Ia. . Feb. 2. - ( Speclal Tele- gram.-Morrls ) J. Jones received notice today that his bId for the Horse RevIew's Standard stakes had been accepted and these races will be trotted at the June meeting at Pac- tolus Park Time purses are $10,000 In the 2:30 : ( rotting class and $5,000 In the 2:25 : pac- ling class. Alleged Embezzler Acquitted. OTTUMWA , Ta . Feb. 2.-Speclal ( Tole- gram.-In ) the case of James Hicks , on trIal for embezzlement , the judge took the case from the jury and discharged the defendant. He held that as Iclo delivered the fees ' when demanded , he could not be held for embezzlemelt , no mater what the Intent. Selt VII from Union County. CRESTON , 10. . Feb. 2.-Spcclal ( Telegram ) -Ed BlaIr . convIcted of forgery , Will Oalty for burglary , and Clarence CaIrns for grnnd I larceny , were sentenced In the district court I . thIs afternoon by JUdge Towner. Blair and Gnlty will servo five years at hard labor and Cairns three years. . EXI'JfLSS JU.11'ED : ; TiE Tltf ] . Ono Man Killed cud Anolhcr Injurcd lu I "reck ' . . I i'enmmsylyanla plTTSDUHG , Feb. 2.-The Baltimore & Ohio express from Cincinnati was wrecked al Weovle. thirty miles west of Washington , Pa . at 10 o'clocl this morning amid by a miraculous escape none of the passengers were seriously Injured. Ed Robinson , a freight brakeman , was Inslnnty killed and Frank Kelly , another brakeman , was badly hurt. Time express was running at a high rate of speed and when near Woodvle It Jumped the track and collided with a freight thai was standing on a sldlas. Robinson and Kelly were In the caboose of the freight and the former was terribly mangled and instantly killed. Kelly was badly hurt but will re- cover The baggage car reeled over one side of an embankment and the smoker went over the other side. None or the occupants were seriously burt. The sleeper did not leave the track. . Ilorgo autl Buggy JtoI I. BEATRICE , Feb. 2.-Specal ( : Telegram- ) A horse and buggy belonging to L. J. 101- Ilgsworth were stolen last evening at hlolmnesvihie. A reward of $ Is offered by the shorl for the recovery of the property and capture of the thief. The horse was te at the hitching rack around the church at hlolmesvihle. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ qage COUlt , Mortgage Record . BEATRICE . I.'eb. 2.-Speclal ( Telegram.- ) Real estate mortgage record of Gage county for January : I.'arm mortgages led , fifty . ammmoumiting to $59,346 ; released forty amount- lug to $2,86 ? ! ; city mortmages flied . twenty- seven . amounting to $0.082 ; released , teny- seven , alountng 10 $1,21. 6ullr lleiirieriea blrtll VI' . plLADELPIA , Feb. 2-The Sllreckels sugar rallmiery which bas beD Idle for several I CALL A HALT , NOW ! WICKED \ BLIZZARDS FALL G CRUELtY UPON TIE SICK Drs. Copolnml and Shopnrtl Extending 1 helping Hand to AU Who Apply- Pure Medicines Free to AU Patioiuts-Nomlnal Charge . Pntonts-Nomlnll , for Full Coureo I you . nrc tclnln un"r tiny chronIc In- nrml ) . from neglect of medIcal car' . call n imalt cnl -nl ' hnl , now-ncl ! nl11 as ) ' 01 wOlh' hnl ' ) "OUI hou.1 "R 01 fre 11,1 1 fear tin more , Itor's IIII. Unllr the C"pllnn.SI.t'Plltl In , , ) p. teti the euro I. tIme great 1lllr-lhr Ceo Is time Rmnl matter. Under ! tle ( 'n.elantl.Sitiarh , : R ) ' R- ter the cost of tC : beSt anti inapt enccU'e ; h.lp Ii' I only nomnintil-ahl rrtHelleR I Inclut'r ' ' . Uul RlclneR8 nnl lires Ilr rmerent thlll , -'lot to hI halt 3-nit . off now even I from today ) ' until lomorowl ! Calla TO TII l'INT. 1'olO\lug Her Rthcr' StRtnmrnt , :11 amy lli , Inl/hlcl or COlnty Suu'rIn- 11 , I'mmlitoly "ndOr8e" lirs . COJctnn'l nlll blioltil Cd. Mls May huh , CanI Pamitamn street nn r lmn- hI" and , 1.01Hllnr ) "ounl Iml y . , lnuRllrr of (1V . ll , Supcrlnlendelt of Puhlc Instructon for Douglas county , lihakes timi liersuflal stutcmmient : ' 7 T 1J ' c-7 . m 'ti 'I . I t 4W 4 - ) . ' ' r'22 : -c- > 1 ImmsS MAY hILL. "I do not care to go into ( lie .1 tals concern- trig umy recent III lmealtlm , Litit s'lll cay titat I puimTorot lunch ( or a mitmnmlwr of yeah a frttmtm tIe. mttngemfloihtti of immy digestiut' syptemmi with cuttirrmm of time mmotto and tliant , My stoumnehi anti lIver 'reined at ilr.t to lie the peat of lit" tromible. BIlIous sylhtpmonltt were netmi ly eoim'ttant , 'htIm dreaclrui hten.ttmeles aittl a. ftrmm ( tf mmervcttms pros- taitloim , affectimtg sly macniory aitI Interfrrlttg ' 'Itii cletum'iies of tltouglmt , My aimiments , 1mm pimort , Static mae practlcahly an Immvmutitl , for I was In a condItIon of 'Irnif sleitness' mill the time , beIng able to , mtteni pehmool mit very little. "After Dr. Sliettard lmnd , lonc so mnuclm for my fatimem' I l.egamm Imla treammwtmt fom' nmytelf. Time doctor m'tate.I mtmy case to be one of beau antI constittmtlommal cmuimirrli , and began tretmtlng Itme along tlmat lIne. In a idmort tlmmte sty , tmmifei lags , severe lmeamlmmclte amid deep Internal troubles , dls- appearo.l , anti I tutim now entirely vell. Dr. SlieparI' treatment was a coiitplete success In my case. " NE1' EIDENCE. Lady l'atients in lCSnIzmI , lowa , South Dii kotmi mtmiii Nehrmmslcmm % 'rito Iltiw Nicely They ro Iloltig lit Iloume Uimmier Mmiii Tremmtiiment Time following letters are reproduced from last week's mail by PermissIon of the writ- era. era.MRS. MRS. MARY F. hOLLAND , Friend , Nob. , sv rites : "Express package came ( Itmiy to immmnd. Timanlc you , liegan ) 'omir tretmtmmment one week ago last nIght. I mini very much better nlreatly. Since Montlay I have enjoye'l moore good feeling than I imavo before for several nmommtlts. Stmct ! a cimange in FO plmort mmtlmne Is einttmy wonderful. amy hi-on- chIlls and citest maina rapImily lntprovo. Yestertlay I walked down town anti lttCk , wIthout being Ut- term ) ' oxltmmustetl on reachIng home. Your treatment - ment , or else my faitlm In your treamment , Iitms wrougimt time charm. " MRS. MAGGIE CASTLEBURY , Fort Scott , Kan. , writes : Spccial Noticos-Oouncil Oluffs C1IIMIEYS CLEANEb ; VAUL'rS CLEANED. Ed Burke , 51 W S. ISomer's , 535 Broadway , LARGE PIOIVATfl BATON FOR RENT NEAR court house , Apply at Bee oflice , Council Bluffs. GENTLEMAN AND WIIR , on TWO GENTS , can find good rooms and board in vrivate farn. hly ; low rates ; resIdence in busIness center. A 2 , lice , CouncIl Bluffs. weeks , will resume operations on full time next week. Time refinery enmphoys 2,000 hands. The Franklin refInery , which has been running on itahf time , wIll commence on full time Monday. . 2'IfLIL fJ'lII ; ( U ) ON MONX.11' Imidlcatlonmi or a 'ruled I'nrtyto Limo Murder of 5lIs CatherIne Gimig , MINNEAPOLIS , Feb. 2.-The delay In time Hayward murder trial , caused by the Illness of Juror Dyer , is not likely to last longer than time time set , as thto county pimysiclaima say that the sick juror will be in good condition - dition by ( ho time the court opens Monday. Meanwhile time time is being improved by the cqtiiprnemmt of the court room with a new system of ventilation , which is expected to prevemmt the recmmrronce of any sucim difficulty , It. ' seems to be agreed that under the laws time death or prolonged illness of a juror would mean a mistrial and time selectloim of an emmtirely now jury , thiouglm seine legal atm- timorities contend that there is precedemmt for a trial by eleven jurors provided both sides consent. Time effort of the defense to draw fromu the witnesses already examimmed evidence as to time findIng of tracks of pointed too shoes at the scene of time murder has served to confirm time imupresslon that the defense has time theory thiut ( hero was a third man con. cerneti in time crinme firmly in mind. In this same connection time testimony of Witness Goosman as to tue bloody condition of time buggy is Important as showing that Blixt'a story of imow the mnurmer was done cannot be wholly true , as it would have been impossible - possible for ( ho niurderer to do ( Ito deed without being splashed witim blood. Tue do. fOlisa will also attemmipt to show by expert testiniony that tIme wounds on Miss Girig's face could not have been liroduced as Ihiixt says they were after death , witemi tIme body was pushed out of time buggy. By such tcs- timnony fl this time defense hopes to dia- credit Blixi's story. Time story of Mlry hayward - ward will tie attacked by time insanity testi- mnony , time effort being to slmow ( lint ime was possibly imimmiself ( lie Instigator of time crimno or at any rate that his story of his brother harry's connection wIth It is an imallucina. ( ion. Time defense lies permitted time publication of two letters written by Miss Ging to Harry Ilnywarml. These speak in such a way as to apparently irove that they were benz file financial transactiomis between ( item , Tue battle will rage hotly arounmi ( imess letters , which are claimed by time state to be simply part of harry's deep hilot to itrotect him. self , Tlmere is much amusemmient among those connectetl with time case over time claim muade by a morning paper today that time poimitetl footprints were made by one of its reporters who vtsited ( he scene of time murder , 'rite claimn is alleged to be an attempt to get mitl. vertisIng out of ( lie quest for time third man , WIH $ E.VTRNOJW It ) hR ShOT , heath of Morllz Neidumor , Eorimmcriy mu Secession Jiurmniiat. ST , LOUIS , Feb. 2.-Moritz Neidmmer , founder of the first evening German news. paper In ( lie west , died here , aged 79 years , after a protracted Illness. At ( ho timne of the breaking out of hostilities between the north and south Mr. Neidner published time Stat Journal. a secession paper , in this city , For time publication of a seditious article lie uvall arrested by the federal troops stationed here and imms paper confiscated , A court. martial found him guilty of treason and sen. termced luau to be shot , but before ( lie sentence wait carried qut a reporter on ( lie paper gave himself up , confessing liimnself to ( me time author of time ( reasonable article. Nekhmmer was me- leased amid the yoummg mnan suffered death In lila lilace , CLEVELAND , Feb. 2-Judge Charles D. Baltiwin , ctmie of ( lie presiding judges of the Eighmtim circuit , died at imis residence on Euclid avenue this morning. . . . . : : _ - - - ' - - - ' - - - " - - - - - ' "Aim my present Ftiphy iii nbommt gone , I wilk ni-tier for another niomith , . I tune renhizeml a greet l'enflt , ammil I thInk 'omi , mimotmhI p'nI I lie panic kimitS again , but I kayo titmit , of C'omirc , to you. You mire reaching every lolnt 1mm mimy cape , and ( iii' old P'ItilttOmimmt are getliitg higlitet' etery thay , My lmeao tot , " , atonirmeli anti nerves are wonderfully bet- . MISS LOUISA lMS'SON , Ira , Iova , 'vrites ' : "l'or twele years , I hirmve ( tee' , a great simiferer troni ( 'omplleflt , affection of tIme heart , etonmnelt anti back , By unveils m'yslemn scemmied all given omit , Au muany as clx Imhiashelans attemimleth too at Vnriomis thmime , . , smith WIle some of timeimu dhtl m geol , I ( milleil to renhise mural tnefltp untIl I took your treatment through ( lie niatis. Thmu results hmaue leemi lightly Patiefactory. My htealttu Imtis Iteen Practically restore.I , I woull urge iwo. 5mm with cilronhe trotibics to consult Drs. Cope. land anti Slieparmi , " JUICK l01'aUI.TS , Thin Mcmii Tremutmimomit Cures ii .Siilrerer I.ivhmg Fimm' A wity train ( ) mmmmmliti. u Mi-s. hI. (1. ilohirn , It1genmnnt , P. 1) . , is a lady highly reelected ity time whole community uuImere. phimi lIves. For her own c'Onmfmit amid t.aftqy , mu < % oil as for the sake of lter fmhmiiil ) ' , ithie dcirctt go.'tI henlthm , Itegnrmling this pIt , ' vrolo to Br , Shiemmard umider date of Decemtmber B , 1594 : - k ) % : S - / - - ' - - - 4. 4.A : . . , . , ' . , . . . - _ _ - : ' ' .ia- . - ' ; 1qsth1 S ' , \ ' , : ' . . r " " . . - : / MRS. II. 0. BOLAN , Edgeinont , S. D. "I became totally unfit for doing nimytiing ! on account etc terrible Imeadaclies ( Itat eccmmcely ever left inc for a mimommient , iletuvy mmnil Itierehnir pahmma in the foremmeati , tentples , lop of time head and neck. rotltmcel me to the condition of aim lnvnliI. Titla agony lmrevcnhl nearly all natural sheep anti de"lote.t a nervous shalt' ( Ittit itectitiio Inholenmble. Orntimmtili' toy stotmiachm became hn- volveI anti I ate p0 lIttle ( hint ftr nmonths I wmms wreteltedly weak In mlimd itad imothy. A en- tnrrhmal affection of time icitineys anti other or- neSs bectmmo a Inie'r featmmmt' , causing a number of dhstrt'sshng pymmtlmtoins. hteeIthe a good tlt'tit of vorry , for I , iitI not thmlnie I could sum-vIva these iuerlc.mms ailments of m.tmcim hntporimmnt orgtmns , "As I ptntd I % t'rtl ( or yotmr ciuieptton blank ( or women mmnd It m.eemn,1 juttt hltiem to mny case. I began treatment mit once , miii , ! , lmirlmig tlm lirat mtiflilh I fouiml wontlerfmml emote ( i-simm tIme tor- tuic that Imami becim slouvly killIng Inc. lttrhng thm itecenti moonlIt of ti-comment my siotmincim antI khtl- Soy troubles tiisappenreI anti I felt imetmrly vell , . mmhmlmouglm mmi Ill u'eaic , Time I Imlrd niommt hm' , mtmmply htrougit me an entIre curt' , for I tounti may mmetmlthi excellent him every recited. 'I'Ite frecdommm front itain , tIme return of flltitethie , sleep auth bodily m.irengtlm , time absence of nolvomim , Itrostrailon timid lItlney ticrangemitents , all ilmese mtmzmmk a new cut. In my life. Any woman \vhio miestres mummy writ. inc for a yeriiicatloum of this statenmeni. " ORS. COPELAND & S11EPARD , 1000MS 311 AND 312 NEW YORIC LIFE BUILDING , OMAhA , NED. 051cc ilommrs-9 to ii a. m. : a to 5 p. m. Rvenlngs-\Vcdnesttnys anti Saturdays only , 6 to 5 , Sunday , 10 to 12 mu. , j THE NEW HARMAN A4' , v/Th _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , Ji , . r- ' k . . - ' . t ΒΆ 1a ( . a- . BABY 'GRAND. The Orcatest Success of Modcrii Piano-Building. Only feet and 8 filches long , yet containing all the finest points of the Concert Crandb 5d 0F46,000 Hardmau . PittilOs . , MANUFACTUED We have sold over 700. Wa carry also a line of cheaper P1- anos , such as the Standard anti. others. Our stock is large and clean , new and well selected , We have no shop 'Ori , .bank'rupt stock to dispose of at lrestllnably big ( ? ) bargains , but if you will slio'i uS the money we vi1l sell you a new full size Upright N. ano , with all modern improve. ments for $14590 stool , cover and book thrown in the bargain. IIUELLER PIANO & ORGAN CO. , : 103 MaIn St. , Council flluITe1 Ia ' , - . , , . . S