Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1895, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - TilE OMAhA DAILY nEE _ _ _ _ . . I : .y SUNDAY , _ FEUnUAUY 3 , 189. .
should not. allow It 10 compound a felony In
Its cpacly M , I so'erlgn ,
Mr Lacey olerel ! nn amenlment ! 10 that
of Mr Trry , requiring the written consent
of Jlolers of the frt mortgage boml 10 the
conl1tonl Imposed by the go\'ernmenl.
Mr. Swanson of VirginIa called attention
t the f,1cl that the stock of the UnIon Paclnc
h tlSeh $ LrO a share since the debate
began , on the prospect oC the p1ssago of the
hUh The third and fourth mortgage Inilcbt-
IInou ! ale hall a value , yet II was admitted
that the stock would not be worth a farthing
If the government.'s mortgage WA foreclosed.
What did ! this mean ' Only that this bill
would In some way permIt the rods 10 avoid
their oblgatons ,
The amendments of Mr. Lacey and Mr.
Terry were losl.
Mr. ludaon of tanR salt If this bill
PUSCI ( ! this congress would go down 10 history
as a " boodlo" congress. influenced hy corporations -
poralon nnt under the domination of the
money Idngs.
Mr. Cnnnon of Illinois favored ! the bill because -
cause It offered a $40,000.000 guarantee that
the road would live UII to Is conditions.
Mr. Mclne of Arleansnf favored ! an amend-
ment providing that no dividend should be
pal ! to the alockholders until the entire debt
was ( lisch1argd.
Mr. ngulre oC California presenle.1 10 the
hOl8 the concurrent r oluton adopted hy
the C.tlorln legislature IlrGeslng ) against
lhe lussage of the funding bi ,
Mr. lepbur of Iowa chalenged the good
faith of the California eople. In support of
' hIs statements he Irodueel a telegram sent
by Mayor Sutra of San Francisco I 10 the president -
dent , which said that history would record
Mr. Cleveland as the great benefactor of
the human race f he woulll senl a special
meSJ e to congress recommending the fore-
cloura of the Pacific railway morlgnges.
The eo ram rltd that lie gov \'lmenl ought
not ta all raID theJe roads , hut LiiotiLl lrcsevo
It as a great national hlghwar , on which all
AmerIcan roads could run trains. The Paclnc
coast , Mr. lellburn I contellel , opposed this
bi itt its own selfish Interesl
Mr. Iugulre offered an amc41lment 10 Mr.
MeHne's ( excluding the Central Paclnc from
the operation of lie act. That road shoul.l .
ho said . nol be Incluled In any scheme with
the Union Paclne. The Central Paclnc was a
California corporation. The charter cXlllred
In 1907. I was leased to the Southern Pa-
cine for nlnetY-llne years. I'or these reasons
compliance by the Central Pacifc whIt the
conditions of the bilL was utterly out of the
; Mr. pcwers of California resented the Impu-
tatons cast on the California delegation. I
there were to he any insinuations , ho said
they should be against those who were stand.
jug with lie railroad companle9. not against
the California delegation . which was tandlng
to the last man with the people of lie United
Mr. Reiy , In charge of the bill . cccupled
the last nVI minutes In summing up the are
guments In favor of the measure
Mr. Boatuer sought to have a substitute
considered when the house rose under an
agreement with : lr. Reilly. Mr. Hepburn
raised the point or order , and ho was cut
oft , but the committee of the whole at 4O : .
under the special order , rose with tl amend-
ment ! of : lr. McRae and : lr. Maguire pend-
The vole was first taken cn that of Mr.
Maguire to exclude from the operation of
the bill the Central Pacific road I was last
on a rising vote. 91 to 126. That of Mr.
McI3E. 10 Ilrevent the payment of dlvdends :
to slocleholers as long ns the governitient'
debt remained undlecharged . was carried.
Mr. Boatner moved a re , luton to recommit
It. The rNoluton recited the fact that Ope
porlunlty had not been given 10 amend fifteen
of the eighteen sections.
Mr Hepburn raised u point
Hepbur or ort r against
thc resoluton to recommit and the speaker
overruled it.
\ . Turner of Georgia tnen moved an
amendment to Mr Boatner's motion to re-
commit. with instructions to report back a
bill authorizing the secretary of the treasury
to accept $7G.000,000 If paid wIthin six months
. in full payment of the debt due thc govern-
ment from the Union Pacific and Central
Pacific roads.
Mr. Turner's amendment was lost , 109
i The \ole On Mr. Boatner's motion to recommit -
commit was taken and on' the rIsing vote
the enormous maJority , 17 to 87. Ih favor
.of it I aroused shouts from ( lie opponents of the
bi 1r , I.ely demanded the yes and nays
but withdrew I The opponents of lie me3S-
ure. however , would not permit the oppor-
Unity to go by without a record making vote.
Mr. Pence and half a dozen others renewed
s the demand and the roll was called , resulting
In the recommitment of the bill , 17 to lG8.
as follows :
. " Alexander . Enloe . MeKelghnn ,
Arnohi . ) pes , le.urln.
halley . "Uhlnn , McMIIIIn.
) Jlwr or Kan . F'an. : eNngn ,
IiaIdIn. Gear ) ' , Mc1ta. )
Jtkhc.d. 1orman. lldl'John : ,
Bares , Gra.I' . , 10ney ,
: ; flutrwlg. ' ( Iraham. Moore.
; flcknor . (1ret1iam. 10ses.
hell oC Colo. . Grllth ( Mich. ) , Nell ,
' nelzhoo\"r , Griffin otVh. . , NevIant1s.
Blnlham , I1aer. Ogden
Black or Qa. . I labier. Paschal
Bnnl , Hal oC 1lnn. Pearson.
Ijoen. hull or Mo. . P.nce ,
- BOWl' or N. C. hare } 'cn ll'lon ( Tex , ) .
Bowen DC Cal. . ) lo,1s. , ] 'erlclns . (
Boalno'r. harrison PIckier .
Ilmneh , Ilughen , Plggott .
rJreeIInridge , heard , ) by ,
. . lr"tz. Hederon ( III. ) lchan'n ( IUch
Brlemer. ) Henry Hltehle
rd'rlele , ] Ierinunn . ltnbitns )
Brmwel , HInes. Iobertsn ( La. ) ,
llrookshlr" ) . 11t , flynn ,
flrown. IloUaan Sayers.
IIrun. Hopkins oC IlI.SattIe.
lur , . Hudson. Shel ,
Cabaunts Ilulleic . Simpson
enmlnet , Ifuater. . Snotigrass .
Cannon or CnJ.Hutchl'"on SOf ,
Causey ) kt , Stallings .
Clark or Mo. . Islam Stnllng ,
Clark orIa. . . Johntn cr ( ; . D. ) . Sloktnle Stri ,
c Cobb or Ala. , ICem . gtrong
CDCICrL'il . . } { elrer , Swanson ,
CoiTen . ICilgore. Tn Ilert oC } 3. C"
' ( onhi . Lnne. Tarsney .
. Cooper DC Vla..Latlmor. 'rale.
. Cooper or Ind..I.won. Tawne ,
eOIer oC 'Vl . . 1.1 cr. Taylor llnd. ) .
Cousins. 1,11. Taylor ( Tenn. ) .
Covert Livingston 'rerry
Cox Loud. ! rueker.
Crawford , I.ncas. . 'lurnet
Curtis oC Inn. . I4ncIi. Turplii ure ,
1anlels. Martin , or Ind. . Tyler
4 11\'ls , Maguire , Uilegrnft .
1e\rron < , 1iialkry. " 'anieI < elrf.
Denson. Manha. \ VasiInetnn.
. Unmore , MIrhhl . \ \ 'elis. ; . -m' .
Ioekel ) ' , Maitox . Wheeler ( .la. ) .
c Dolnr , ' leCleRry ( Minn.'Iieeler ( iii. / .
? UOnO\'ln , ! eCrelry ( iCy . ) , Whllnl. (1/
g ) eel I t I tie , i1eCiil loch. Wllals 11 , ) ,
. 1unl , , Meleirtnon.VIliiams ( I./ /
1'1IIUI , < s , McFttrickVilsoii ( Ohio ) .
, Hnll h cC . Cal" , McOlnn , VIse .
: Ellis ur Or , " , . lealg , WhIL 17.
' ; Nuys-
Adams ( try I . ) . lorcran , Paler on ,
AII\n. Funk Payne ,
AI"rllh " { : Uanln"r. . Powers.
Ap.le . l1h.MMS. ( . ) . Handal ,
, Averarosvenor . Hely ,
Babcock. ( rout. le'burn.
laker ( N , If. ) . Halncs. Ittclaidj . ( Ohio )
Rartleti . I 1arinr . Itlehartleon
lartel. i
, . lielden. hatch . ( ( 'enn. ) ,
1.1 ( ( ( 'cx . ) . liiiyes . HUH.el ( IConn ( , ) j
Iflair . 1"ln'r. ( Hehrrmerhof. "
10utele , Henteron ( Ln. : lnILon ; ' .
1iroslus . 10'llrlcll I ) , Shermal ,
' JunI ) Ht.burn , Bibler
liunn. Hicks Hip"
l'nul. hooker ( Miss. ) . Hinhthi .
e.\lru. . Hooker ( N. y ) . Sperry .
Clmt.brl. HOllklns ( l's. ) , tt.\'en .
CUllen ( Ill. ) , RYIL' . W. A. Htone.
Caruth , ( l.cIY. ( 'has. W' . Stone ,
, Calehh ! ! . . 1..ham , , Stoiin thy. ttone / .
: ' Chiickering . L.ayton Strauss .
: Chl"lo , I..C" , ' f' , 'ralbot (1d ( , ) ,
Cogaweli . 1.lnlon , '
' . Co..wel. 'ihonius .
COOI"r . ( 'l'ex ) . l.e\oo" , 'rme ,
¶ ' Cul".t" ' " , I.Ulenlaler ) , Turno'r ( ( . ) .
Curtis ( N. Y. ) , ! l.\cer. Van ' . "orhhl
1alxel. M"\o\el , ( N. Y. ) , ' , lerier . '
V" ' ' )1'I'er. Wadsworth .
ieI'urest. l" .
Ilnll' ) ' . Mt'yer Viirntr ,
Irl'.r. ' Munigomery Vetthoek .
} urblrrw , Moon , W.\IO' .
l.dman , MUI : ) ' . WUlm ( W. Va
J1" : rct. Mllchl r , Woh'erten.
Pieitlt.r. O'Neill ( Mo. ) , \\'rlgbt-lCS.
I'IetchL'r , 11&t.
When lie ( plr : were announced among
, them was Mr. HEed of Maine and Mr. Cock-
. . ran of New York Mr. Pence of Colorado
: called attention to this ( Ilalr and Inquired I
any centeman leew how they wo111 have
t voted he had
. aa an Impresion that they !
mIght have voted on the same 5lde No one
answered , but there Was laughter.
: At 6:3G : II , m , the ( house adjourned
F Nrlrlakn l'oflzuiieters.
WAShINGTON , Feb. 2.-Speclal ( Tee-
gram.-Neblokl ) llstmullers were Ip-
pointed today al follows : Cornelia , Platte
: ' county ' WIlliam 1uelng , vie John AI-
'i ceuntf' resigne : .ulan , Nemahn county ,
: lrl U , C. l : IIleri . vice AIrs . Burlono reo
mo\.ti ; Ol'flo , 'ran ter county , J. j A.
. Smih , vIce Jermlall Wilson , remo\'ed.
CouJrlUtHl 11 the cnnte .
WASHINGTON , Feb. 2-The senate can-
finned the folowlnt nominations : Eugene
Jenlhan of SJuth Carolina , United States
consul lt Uuatal , honduras ; Samuel Ryan ,
ot WisconsIn , United States consul at St.
Johns . N. P.
. Also the flllwln pOhnaster : Colorado :
Albert OUlnger , F lorenee.
Ills cton In thn Income Tax Case Were
iiltndornt tn Ir. ( ) Iney.
WASINGTON , Peb 2.-Tho facts which
led to the resignation of Soliclor General
Maxwell arc gradually coming 10 light , ali
titus far they differ materially from those
published yesterday mornIng. Attorney
General ( OnCy , Assistant Whlney and other
officials of the Department of Justice declined
to be interviewed on the maUer. I Is
learned , however , from other sources , thaI
the ( solicitor general's conduct with reference
before the
to the Income tax cases now
sUllrele court , vas the last of the acts
deemed ! objectionable and < ecliell Mr. Olney
to take prompt action . The Income tax suIt
begun some Imt ago by Mr. John G More
of New York was successfully conducted by
Assistant Attorney General Whltley In the
supreme court of the District of Columbia ,
and same other income tax cases were to
come up before the supreme court on the
question of theIr advancement 01 the docket.
The attorney general , after a conference with
the treasury ofcn ! , designated Mr. Whitney
to present to the court the views of the dc-
On appearing nt the court Mr. Whitney , It
Is salll , was Informed by Mr. Maxwell that he
had conferred with the attorney general anti
the secretary of the treasury , end without
further worJs made a iniofl to adVance '
vance the case 01 the docket
thereby assuming / ; charge In IIregat of
the fittorney general'n instructions anti wishes !
Ilorney Jeneral's Instructons nnt '
that Mr. Whllner should conduct , the cases.
Later on . It Is stated , Mr. Olney became
aware that Mr. Maxwell hall nlt consulted
with Secretary Carlisle In regard to the case.
Knowing that he himself hail not consulted
with the solicItor general , the attorney general -
oral wrolo him a letter setting forth these
and other thlns deeme,1 obJc-tonable. and
Mr. Maxwell's resignation foliowed.
HIL.ia Ton 1.\101 BU.I.I rn S.
Comml loner WrigittEntiorat's : the Soho mc
Ulll'r 11 New rorl.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 2.-lncorporated In a
report made to the house by Chairman Mc-
Gann from the labor committee on a bill
providing for the publication of labor buit
tihie . Is a letter from Commssloner : Wright
10 the chairman fully enl0rslng the measure ,
"especially ns foreIgn governments are doing
precisely what the bIll aims to accomplish. "
" of Labor which
"The Englsb Department Lbor ,
was established only recently . " says the
commissioner " Is no\\ ' publIshing very sue-
cessfuly and with great acceptance to the
Industrial interests of the country a Labor
Gazette. The French Department of Labor
does the same thing and so , too does that
of New Zealand , and now the Russian gov-
erment , which has recently established a
Department of Labor , Is publishing a gazette.
I would Slem right , therefore " the letter
" which
continues . "thlt the United States ,
has been the pioneer of labor departments In
lie world lhould publsh , a bulletin. This
would have been done before I pre3ume.
hind It not been for the suggestion that such
bulletins should contain information relative
to the lacle of labor II different part or the
ccuntry. I believe that all now agree that
SUch announcements from an official would
. ' the
do more harm than good. 'fherefore
movement has never taken shape. But the
publication contempbled ( avoids this prtcu-
In and to my mind , objectionable feature
or a bulletin , and with this objection removed -
moved I think I would bff great ) to the
Interests of the Indlstres : of this country
that such a bulletin should be establIshed. "
Turkish Soldlors : Guilty of One Outrage
They \010 ( ; Iu\lcd \'Ith.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 2.-Secretary Ores-
ham has just received a note from United
States Minister Terel at Constantnoplo enclosing -
closing the following communIcation addressed -
dressed to him bI ' the president of the An-
tola co ege ,
CONSTANTINOPL.Id BIble House Jan 12 ,
1895-Hon. A. W. Terrel , 'Uiiited States
Minister near the Sublmo Porte. Sfr : My
attention has just been called to a published
statement said to have been obtained from
oni Dogenes Maness to the effect that the
outrages committed by the Turkish soldiers
wIthin the rates of Antola college made It
Impassible for hIm to shy there , that some
twenty of his classmates were killed by Turl-
Ish soldiers by being drowned In the river
ai' "accidentally shot , " etc I beg leave to
remark :
1. Diogenes left Anatola college In 189 be-
cause his presence was no longer desired by
the faculty of the college.
2. All cur pupils have always been pro-
tecled and safe withIn the cole go grounds.
3. No TurkIsh soldiers have over com-
mlttell any outrages , small or great on the
premises of Anatola colleges . and no com-
plaint of their conduct las : ever been made ,
except concerning the burning of a building
on our grounds In February . 189. and even
then no person was hurt.
The statement attributed to Dlogenes Is nn
unmItigated lie throughout Very respectfully .
fully . etc . GEORGE F. HEHRCC
IrU1N bUIUl 1 b'l'l'rUTE _
Movement 01 Behalf or l mpoyC : ut the
Jtncy choob to Ito I.'oiititiued.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 2.-Tho benefits de-
rlvel from the summer institute for Indian
school ernphoyes held last summer has led
the Indian bureau t ( decide to continue these
meetings during tie next season it will be
impracticable to hold moro than three institutes -
tutes and these It Is expected . will be held
In some portion of each er three districts
Oklahoma . SOUUI Dakota and Washington
state. A large number of government
school employee wi he reached by tl 0kb-
homa institute . Including a number of schools
of Iansas. South Dakota will IlrEbabl ) be
selected on account of Its advantageous loca
tion for many day school teachers of the
Rosebud , Pine Ridge . Standing Rock , Chey
cane rIver Crow Creek and Lower Brule ,
Santee anti Yankton agencies , besides many
from Nebraska , North Dakota , WIsconsin
and Minnesota lhe latter being close enough
to further stimulate the favorable feeling
toward Indnn : education In its stale created
among the people there last year , Bolh
Washington and Oregon are practically open
to proposals for the education of Indians In
their public schools , which will doubtless have ,
its weight In the selection of the , former
state _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Yest'i Plnl to h'old HeIny In Conatructon
p- Chlc l'ostoitlce.
uf tile Chiicsgo I'oalolee.
WAShINGTON , Feb 2.-Senator Vest
today introduced a substitute for the house
Chicago public building bill which makes no
exact aplTprlnlon but authorizes the secretary -
tary of the treasury 10 cause a fireproof
buildIng to be erected on the present posl-
onle site which shall bl used for the post-
omce , subtreasury , United Stales courts and
other government olces , Time secretary Is
also authorized to have speclncatons Ne-
pared and he I ale authorized In the sped-
fcatons for the erection u : the building " 10
enter Into contract for construction of any
vorthon of the building , and the several con-
tracts for the different portions of the build-
lag shl be awarded after public advertise-
ment according to law SaId contract shall
be made at such ( lines that the actual work
of construction shal progress contnousl ) and
no delay be caused In the erection of tIme
building providing that Ito erecton enlre cost of
the ( building when completed shall not exceed -
cecil ,000.000. "
Thr.'o HIY" 10 UlsoI. Iho l'lnnlou 111.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 2.-Three days of
next week will be given to time discusio
of lie new administration financial bill by
the house. The commitee on rules wIll re .
port I rule to devote ' 'uesdny.Vt'ncsdu ) '
ait,1 Tliursiiay to the hilli
OIII Tlllrlay bi anll have the vote
taken Thursday afternoon .
Monday tl0 < no II I' tar turrlno : , .
\V ASUING''ON , l eb. 2.-Mr. Springer ,
chaIrman of the bankIng and currency eom-
mittea . amid this afternoon that t special
order would be brought Into the house ch'
log Monda . Tuesday uli Wednesday to the
debate on the new currency bill .
'threu We.tern l'ostlnuNtcrJ.
WAShiNGTON , Feb 2.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-l5oatgnasterz ) were commlsslonul to-
day a9 follows : Nebraska-Luren D. Austin ,
loulton , Iowa-BI 1 Herrlngtn , Urcen-
yule ; Harley S. lauom , Comiroy
Presented Oro(1entils Aecept1blo t the
Upper louse This Tim9
t'lncnelsl Matters Only Cnme In for Inc-
dental htef'rrnmcn nt Yn t.r.lnY'1 Sos-
sloim-Ulhi TRlo the Subject
Up Monday .
WAShINGTON , Feb 2.-The enate suc-
ceeted today In making progr.l on the 3p-
proprlnlons bill wlcnl balng led into any
external debate . At one time I looked as
thought another financIal discussion ! was Imminent -
imminent , when Mr. Hal t : lllu ! , Mr. ll.hhi- C
dler of New lamp4hlre , and Mr. Aldrich of
Rhode Island made brief spechs detying
the current reports that r plbJcan ' renalors
were purposely delaying nprolhton : bills In
order 10 cut off financial legislation . These
senators assorted there was no such concerted
Ilrpo . and that republican senators sleet
ready to aid In advancing financial legisla-
( ion. : lr. McPherson announczd hat the re1-
olutlon discharging the senate finance cain-
inlttee thus bringing time llnanc'al qle lon
before the senate , woull be urged nat hater
tItan Monda ) ' . The 1'n3te spent the day on
the District of Columbia approprlnt.n Ill , ,
! r. Leo Mantle took the bath fqr ulce :
senator from Montann lie has been the subject -
Jeet of much contentcn , as he once before
Presented his credentials , based on an appointment -
pointment from the ( governor , but the senate
declined , to accept them , The new credental
reciting his election by the legislature , were
suhmlted to the senalo today ant the new
senator accompanied his colegu2. Mr. Power ,
10 the pre9lng olilcer's desk , where he was
sworn in .
In presenting petitions from trade organlz-
( ions of St. Louis relative to the Jnancul !
question , : lr , Vest democrat of Missouri . remarked -
marle that there appeared 10 be about as
much difference of opinion among the organizations .
g1nlzatons al there was In congr s ! .
Mr. Vest from the committee on publIc
grounds , pre nted n favorable report on a
substitute for the Chicago public buildings
bill as passed by the house.
A b'l ' was passed to grant a right of way to
the Gila Val y , Globe & Northern railroad
through the San Carlos Indian reservation. : :
The bill Is dEslgnel1 to meet the objections
stated In the pre9dent's ! veto of a previous
measure of the same character.
Mr HiggIns , 'republcan of Delaware pre-
sentNI a rEoluten calling on the interstate
commerce committee for information as to the
agreements by which the CanadIan Pacific
railroad was induced to withdraw its compe-
tton from American roads In certain local-
ties. The resolution was objected to - . and
went over.
An interesting . debate on naval and fortifies-
ton equipments ( occurred when the conference
report en lie fortifications bill was submitted .
The coferencs had abandoned the item of
ffy 'mortars out of n new nnnlgamated
metal , after suItable ! tests. ! r. G 011 n , demo
ocnt of Maryland . urged that this item shold
be dela'ed. .
! r. Cal , democrat of Florida , In charge cf
the bill , argued that the ordnance department
did not want to be com11teed to taking
fifty mortars.
At this poInt the financial quemlDn agaIn
made Its appearance and Mr. Hale , republcan :
of Maine , and ! r. Chandler of New Hamp-
shire took occasion 10 deny wIth emphasIs
the reports that there was nn ) desire en the
republican Elde to delay acton ou the
3ppraprlatcns bill . In order to cut oft fnan-
del and other bills.
The conference report on the fortifications
bIll was agreed to . except the Item of fifty
mort3r. under discussion , en whIch a , further
conference was ordered.
! r. McPherson of New Jersey stated that
at request he would cal up the re'solutiop on
Monday to discharge the financial committee
horn further consIderation of th Shrxnnh
fhnaimcal'bill. ! '
Mr Perer of Kansas offered .a resolutIon .
which was agreed to , calling on the secre-
tary of agriculture for information as to the
extent to which the government supplIed private -
vato parties with machinery used In sugar
producIng the names of the parties , cost of
the machinery etc.
Mr. HIll's resolution calling on time secretary -
tary of the treasury for Information as to
the forms used In colectng the income tax
wan agreed to.
The senate then took up the District of
Columbia appropriation bill. There was a
renewal of financial sparring when Mr. Gorman -
man saul he would seek to get a vole on that
bill on Monday.
"Tho senator has held out to the country "
said Mr. Chandler "that he Intended to cure
the financial dlsres by an amendment to an
appropriation bill. Now If he Intends put-
ting the financial amendment to the pending
bill I.annot consent to closing debate on
Monday. I the senator intends presenting
time amendment which Is to disperse all the
clouds lowering about our heads I want to
Imo\v I H not , then I will try to prepare
such an amendment by Monday. "
Mr. Gorman salt no such amendment could
be put on this appropriation bIll . and advised
Mr. Chandler to wl unt some general appropriations -
propriatons WEre reached.
"Then " said Mr. Chandler "as the senator
will not have his financial amendment added
to this appropriatIon bill . I trust he wi , have
It ready for the next general appropriation
bill. "
"Yes . some other appropriation bill . " sold
Mr. Gorman.
Time SEnate held a brief executive session
ant at 4:25 : p. m. adjourned.
sm".T FOI F1I I SII.VRl ( .
Whit , , Metal Advocatcs Invo a MajorIty 0
WASHINGTON F'eb 2.-Many easter
I senators are getting telegrams all letters
; . from their constituents urging them to stand
by the president and lay aside party foolIng
, and aId In passing the sound currency bill .
This has impelled a canvass of the senate
by several senators ad they point out that
the a'nt.slver men are In lie mlnorl ) The
canvass shows forl-leven for free coInage
of silver and thirty-nino agalnsl. The
admission of Senators Wilson of Wnshlnglon (
and Carter of Montana wi increase the
free sliver vote to forty.nlne Tile folow-
hag Is the estmato of the free coinage and coinage strength :
For free sliver : Ahleim . hate , Derry , Dace-
burn Ianchard , Butler . Cal , Cameron
Coclerel , Coke Daniel l , Dubois , Faulkner .
George Gordon , Ilanabrougli . larrls , Ilunton .
Irby Jones ( Arle. ) . Jones ( Nev. ) , Kyle Mc-
I.aurln , Mantie . Martin , Mills . Mitchell ( Ore ) ,
Morgan , Pascoe , Perer , Perkins , Pettgrew.
Power , I'rlehard. Pugh , Hansom , Itoaclm
Shoup , Squire Stewart Teller . Turplo , Vest
Voorhees , Walsh , WhIte and Wolcott-total ,
AgaInst free coinage : AldrIch , Ahlisoti .
Dries liurrows Cafrey , Camden , Carey ,
Chandler , Cullom . Davis Dixon , Dolpim Frye I .
Gallingor . Gibson , Gornian Gray ; Hale , Haw-
iey Higgins , ll , Hoar , Lindsay , McMian ,
: lclherson , Manderson Mitchell ( Wia ) , Mor-
eli . Murphy , Pahner , I'iatt Proctor Quay ,
Simerimian Smith . Vias , Washbur and Wi-
son-total , 39 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/lnrket for , \uerlcnl ' oods.
WAShINGTON , Fob 2.-Eugeno O. Ger-
maniac , at Zurich , has been collecting u mass
of Informaton from SwIss manufacturers
builders and Ihlpwrlghts as to the possible .
, mlrkot for American woods In Switzerland . '
anti those ho line embodIed In a report to the
State department giving In detail the leeds
of each trade , prices current and other facts ,
mill lending to establish his conclusIon that
there Is an excellent opening In that country
for American woods , provided they are of the
first quality . The consul gives the names of
Swiss importing houses that would be willing
to undertake this business upon commission
and titus displace the woods now receIved
from Hungary , Germany and England
I'r lldenUI1 I'ultliulorhlil 1Jlllrll" : .
WAShINGTON , 'eb. 2.-The terms ot
eighty-seven postmasters , presidential offices ,
will expire durIng thIs month Time most
Important ollco In the list Is Citmcinnati .
There were 13G expiring commissions last
month and In March the number will bardly
reach halt a dozen
1',1 of WclUnlW.I ConJrmcll by Ieimhy .
WASINGTON , Feb. 2.-Secretary Ores-
am today received two Important cable-
, . J
grams from t Orient. Onl WI from
Minister Denby At Peking , saying . tinder
date of FCbrul\l ' ' ! that three forts nt % 'ei.
Ilal4S'el had llon taken by the Japanese
The other mtago IR from Minister Dunn
at P0kb mwalo cel\cll today' , anti say's
briefly that lIt t'eace commission met at
hiroshima ) ' terlay ( and that Count In
and Viscount : atl have ben appointed
COmnJ8sloner'0 } _ , the smart of Japan
NOT ; ntt.c 'tel .toiciu : .
' ' 1 r r _ _ _ Tt _
Democratic SIl H , lltteo l"vo ot
I"xrl sot ! roll' uf lttitiltmatis .
WASh i1NGTit ( , " Pcb. 2.-The democratic
sleerlng ( comtill\1 ¼ Is having difficulty In
reaching a conclusion on the order ot business
for time remah1eler tif the session. The friends
of the lankrumte ' bill ceo making a strong
effort to prev n't It' being displaced by any
other measure titan appropriation bis , whIle
there Is also n sharp conflict between time
territorial bills and the pooling hill for precedence -
cetence when the bankruptcy bIll shah bo
lslsed of. I was believed that the entire
matter hall been arranged ! on Thursdny so
that a program could he presented to time
republicans , but Senator larrs ! nnd olhcrs
objected 10 the displacement o tile bank-
rUlllcy bill , and have 80 far succeed In
proventng an order for Its summary ibis-
nmissai Senator Huter and others have can-
tended for time allotment for time first time
after the banltrlplcy bill to the 11(01ng bIll
instead o'f lie territorial bis , These con-
tentons hnvo caused delay In reachIng a
concluclon which 1ny not bo announcell before .
fore ( Ito bepllnlng of next week. In the
meantmo the republican senators cal atten-
ton to lie fact that since Senator lnnte of
Montana tool his let today tl democrts
' In the aenate
are no longer In the maJorl )
their strength only helng equal t ( that of
time ccmblncd republcans ) anti POllls18 , anti
they are therefore contelllnl that time demo-
cmts can no lonler contInue to dictate time I
order of procedure hI the sehiate
RiO ii lit nUI' AS ) l\UUgn , IMI'OitTS.
1'.cnlnr11111) COl corn II ! Englaimd's :
1xJort : or OUUll Llitings.
W ASINGTON , I eb. 2.-Tho peculiar effect -
feet of lie tariff , nn enormous Increase In
Importations . accompanying nn increase ot
duty on the articles imported . Is cited br
UnIted States Consul Meeker at Bradford ,
England , In a report to the Department of
Slato. The article was colon linings. In
1888 the value of colon linings exported to
the United States was but $2,000 , which was
Increasel In 1893 to thc enormous sum of
$89,594. 'rho McKinley tariff bill has been
given as the cause of this unpreeedenlell
gain In the foul years of its operation the
total value of the cotton goods exported to
the United States was about $2,600,000 , ns
compared wih about $1.000,000 In time four
years prece lnp. The only reason given fOr
thIs astonishing Increase under I high duty
Is that colon linings were chen per , and ,
therefore , were submitted for linings In
whIch wool worsted , alpaca or 10halr were
of no vnlue. However that nur be . time cotton -
ton textile trade re eh"ell an impetus which
has not yet greatly declined. Under these
favorbl3 condItons the colon linIngs 1m.
proved In malt and finish unt the present
tIme , whel cotton fabrics are being exported
to the Unltel States lior Inluls antI dres
goods , which arc beautiful l ( the sight , and
so exquisItely furnished that to the touch
thEY are as soft I and'pleaslng . as silk.
- -
Amounts Asleh ) , ' Ihe C rlerJ , however .
Are Largely ( itt 10WI.
WASHINGTON , 1 ° eb. 2.-The investigation
of the overtime claims of letter carriers In
Boston has been eonpleted ! and Commissioner
Hi has rcturn'M to time city to maIm his re-
port. There r\vera 472 claimants , whose
claIms aggregated $2i6,463. Of thIs amount
limo report repc\lllends \ the allowance or
$172,40. 1aldn a saving by the Invetga-
ton of $104,000. 'flmo claims of carriers In
Provimlence It. t. ngJregatng $21,000. nun
In Meridian , Miss. , tind two stations In ! ew
York City . h\'c"lr been adjusted , laklng
a total of $60.000 ddltonal to " ' ( he' . Boston
claims. Henrr-h. -'orense , time ether com-
mlsslonor' eppomtc for ' the dvertme Inve3t-
, galo"1 , laasjust.rethrned fron/n trIp through
OhOirlchlgn. Indiana and Keatmacky : exam-
InIng lalma aggregating several hundre'd
thousand dollars. , Ho will leave In about :
\yeek for Maine to oxamlne all the claIms
at all the free delivery offices there. CommIssioner -
mIssioner Hi wi begin an investigation
next Monday of claims fed at the foiloivln
offices : Nashville , Memphis . Vlclt3burg ,
Natchez , New Orleamms Mobile . Jackson ,
1ontgomery. , . Jacksonville and Wilmington ,
Detroit Denlht's 10'ad " 1"hcol : wih n
htmiteliot-Tir , , Thelrles.
DETROIT , Feb 2.-Dr
- Horace E. Pope , a
dentist with nu ofce and residence on llchl-
gan avenue was Idled this mornIng by
William Drusseau , Mrs. Popo's nurse.
According to time story told by Brusscau he
found Dr Pope sitting on his vifo's bed
balding a clolh saturated
wIth chloroform over
her moulh. When '
' crusseau entered the reom
the doctor fired at lila , but mIssed The
nurse seIzed a hatchet and buried It Into
the skull of tbe maim
Unlawful relations between Drusseau amid
Mrs. Pope said to
are ! have been the cause
at frequent and hitter ' quarrels between the
Popes and the police believe this led to the
In unearthing the cIrcumstances surroundIng -
Ing Dr. Pope's murder It Is learned thnt Mrs.
Pope had urged her husband to place heavier
insurance upon his life. He had accordingly
been insured for $9.000. and but I few days
ago transferred time p3yment of-the policies
from bls estate to his wife. polcies
. _ -
CAJUU ) liOT - POI TIE J'ftIiis.
lilUSIS Judge TnllR.of the l'onlltuton anti
Chits Conselenco tutu Duty .
KANSAS CITY . Feb. 2.-At the annual
banquet of the local bar association Judge John
Phillips , talking to "fho Press and Bench "
complaIned that newspapers frequent )
usurped the privIleges of the courts and
tried , case , themselves before , time facts had
been heard by the JurIes He said that Irre-
sponslllo newspapers tried 10 convey the 1m-
prtnlon that judges and officials generaly
were corrupted-In other words they all
had their price Men sitting upon the bench
were accused of being the tools of corpora- .
tons because they happened to decide I case
In theIr favor , no , conshleraton being given
the thousands of cases In which the poor
were the victors over Ito rIch men and
In concluding his remarks Judge Phiips
slated that mmotyIthmstandhimg the criticisms of
the press he ' ssbt1ii stanll with one hnnd
on the constuUQI .nd time other on his
conscience and \ vquh.ji l do hIs duly under the
law _ <
$ UWIDJif I .lt/UXPls5ioj.L : , . ' ,
StarrllJ Il cor ho Church ot time
F1'lfh ? ! ! r ' W 1.eworlt. .
NEW YORK rge : 2.-Groans proceeding
from an Isolate u onfe5elonl box In the
Church of time EIJu\any last evening startell
time parlsblonerS ; atd an Investigation disclosed -
closed the allott"lt1less body of a young
woman with bloJflowing ' from her right
wrIst and throat1 11 twenty minutes aftertime
the discovery alma \ r\ \ dead Beside her lay
a razor , with wfAcl'111e had almost severed
her hand and ill bier lhroat tram car to
ear A letter inilmtrlpocket , . gave her Identty
'as Catharine ) . Time letter was addressed -
dressed to Mar . ' dw 'rs. time wife of an express -
press man. From [ .be Powers woman I was
learned Miss Jorrlson was a religious enthusiast -
thusiast , but no cause , for her rash act was
known Sue was 31 year of are , handsome
and was worth $0.00 . Her father had been
I prosperous broker. Both the woman's 11ar-
enls han bem dead several years
Now York Hllk Closell fur Inspttptitimu.
NEW YORK . Feb. 2.-The Eat SIde bank
on Ground street has been closed by Superintendent -
tendent of Uanl Preston In order that an
examination Into its condition may be made .
Tie capital stock cf the bank Is $100,000.
The cash on hand when business was sue-
pended was $115,000 ; lablles : to depositors ,
$160,000. The balance pf the assets of time
bank are II bills recelvabie
Thomas n , Manners , a Canadian , and ror-
merly a resident of Toledo , 0. , Is the presi-
Motion to Discharge the Pr3ont Receivers
Ienrd by Judge Grossoup
l'rehlent Greenhut : Inko ma Slntcmont and
.Utornry Levy 1IhelrJlrl for the
Jell\'RI cit Cite Tt'llulrlrr Hc-
celver-'thie VOCel10 ,
CHICAGO Feb. 2.-Proceedings In the
Whisky trust litigation In the United Slates
court opened with lie promise of a shnrp bat-
tie todny. Judge Grosscup oak the inItiative.
He evidently intended to find what foundatIon
there was fr rumors that the receivers had
not been acting In the Interests of the prop-
President Greenhut was called 10 the stand
ns soon as court ollene.l , Judge Grossclp saId
he Ilteuded to aslt I few questions before the
arguments for the relc\al of' the receivership
"Did ) 'Ol deal II any \'imisky trust stock
Monta ) ' or Tuesday ? " he asked the witimeas .
"Yes , " relllell Mr. Clreenimumt . " ' 'lesdny I
bought betwcen 3,000 unll 4,000 shares on thc
New York market. I lit not sell and hn\e
the stock I botighat then "
Receiver Lawrence , : lr. Greenhmmit's associate -
ale , said he nellher bought not sell any sloce. !
Attorney Levy Mayer tben began his nrgu-
mOlt Oi time molol to Clint the receh'ers.
Whlo Mr. Mayer was prNpnt ng the argument
Protesting stockhohlers President
treenhlt usled IJerllsslon to Interrupl and
said he was 1113tale(1 about the IJrchnse of
,000 shares of stock having becl made on
Tuesday . It was 'etineaday after .
Wedne.dn ) . full pub-
llcly ( has been mae of the receivership . Tea
a further luEston of the court at that time
he said ho was short hew Ilch he did not
know. Not as hunch , as 15,000 shnres , as Ile-
dared by Mr. Mayer . lie hail Ilurchased the
slack at S : , The Ilrlce was but n point off
from the price the preceding tiay. . , and not
OVEr one point oft frol time Price premlhl ant !
the week preceding lIe could uot relemb r
the price at the tm ( ' he svent short.
Mr. Mayer for the stocleholliers reviewed
the allegations of the stocklmohthtr' commit.
tee. lie said ( lint his hiomms commi-
10 siid that lens represented 300-
000 shares of stock . and Elnce leaving New
York they had been nlvlsed of leavlnp , more
shares being placed on the list. Of time ap-
plecnts fOr the recel'ershlp , Omsteall was a
partner In the firma of I' . J. Goodhart & Co. ,
New York brokers . throulh whom Nelson
Morris transacted business. Olmstead was
In the Now York olee of the trust anti
Wormser was a Ii-year-old boy In the oilier
or Goodlmar The
bIll was signed by mme one
of the Colmaplainamms but
. by one of the so-
lciors , who was a regular laid ( attorney
of the trust , Mr. flurry . There was $ IGO.OOO
In the bank 10 the credit of the trust anti
lie indebtedness of the trust Is not over
$5,000 outside of the rebate certificates.
I'resident Greenhut drew three salaries and
hind several accounts against which he was
permitted to climgk. The directors of the
trust each received annualy a salary or
$3.600 , nnd drew ether salaries as managers
of distilleries. . Besides President Grecnhut
was Interested .wlth Nelson MorrIs .
In catl- -
feeding contracts with lhe lrust. Greenhmut
he said was the preEllcnt of cooperage amid
coal companies selling their output to the
' truct ; . His bondsmen wer relat\'es of Mor-
na. Mr. Lawreuce was an official of a bank
In which Mr. Morris transacted his Jiusiness ,
and which batik hind an Indebtedness of $200.-
000 agaInst the trust He Imew hat Green-
hut was lGOOO shares short , that time dl-
rectors did not holt , all told , 1,000 shares
bf stock and that several of them held less
than 100 shares. Omstead , who leads the
list of the three men applying for the re-
colvermthmIp never held any stock until Mon-
day last , when 1.GOO shares wera transferred
to him by a New \ ' erIc broker an hour or <
two before the applicatloim . They would
prove , continued Mr. Mayer ; that the dIrectors -
tors of the trust dId not know of the applca-
ton or the appointment of the receivers
Mr. Burry then opened the argument fem
the receivers He read an affidavit signed
nfdavlt siged
by Directors Hobart h3eggs . Greene I.'rel-
berrg and Henncssy , In which they reviewed
time financial history of the trust and asserted
the need of a receiver and rEquested the
court to retain Mr. Greenhut because of hiE
intimate knowledge of the affairs of the
company The afavlt attributed the fail-
! fal.
tire to secura funds , to pay the tax on spirits
last month when the Increase of 20 cents n
galen went Into effect . crippling the financial
condition of the compan
After hearing the arguments of the counsel
for tIme trust. time. court reserved decision
until Monda .
Mr Runnels folowed In explanation of the
manner In which the bill was fiheil . He said
he had met Omsteall In New York and the
later had talked over the subject of the
trust's condition and bugrested time appointment -
mont ef hue rlce'er. Mr Omstead was time
holder of the stock for son'o time , but he
only had it recorded on Monday last.
John S. Sle\'ens , the regular counsel for the
trust. then closed for the trust's interests ,
He eharg Ulur wih organizing the steel
holders for lie purpcse of nppllng for a
rccelver. I was a ' fact that Samuel \Voolner
engaged Morn Kraus and C. Mayer to me
the IIUO warrnnto proceedings attacking the
trusl's charter , and the same attorneys no"
appear In this proceeding.
Mr. Mayer arose and denied the assertion
hint ho was employed by \\oolner. except
that Woolner was one of a committee .
Continuing , Mr. Stevens denied the stock-
holders' commlteo had any Intenton of re-
organtlns the trust and putting It on a
sound financial basis , and believed a receiver-
ship was absolutely inevitable. He said the
stock of the company was helng made a foot
bal for gamblers and Ild been so used for
years. lie knew of but two men. both Chicagoans -
cagoans , who held any of the slack ns an In-
Mr. Djur , addressing the court , said his
clients hind no Intenton to apply for are-
celnr , The financial condition of the trust
wt.excellent. _ . _ . " _ .
' /e court cut oil time argumen or time attorney -
torney , anti said he only desired the sugges-
ton of names of receivers. 'Ir. Bjur smug-
cesteel the names of I. B. Harlshorre or John
S. Waterbury of the New York committee.
Mr. Mayer suggested the llonls Trust and
Savings bank or its president , Mr. Michel ,
and some one who should have I Icowledge
of the whiskY imusinees
Alorney rcMer said ho represented the
bondholders of tIme company un,1 In their be-
hal ho requested ( hat the ( two present re-
celvers bo retalnell.
The court rerluestelrthe parties interested
to he In the court room on Monday morning ,
when le would announce his determination
In time nmatter. Mr Mack who bas a motion
pendIng to withdraw the nlmes of
Ileinshmehmner and Wormser from time application -
tion for the receivership , renewed his request -
quest to have the names stricken off . The
court saId he would hear 11r. Macle emi time
matter on Monday .
maler - ) _ _ _
SlOUTI.\'O IN .II'.JO , 'TiTIJN. '
Mysterious Uuuhlo 'l'rlc"y lt 10I0In ,
1tiasti OlDest's ( ) rhiuir' .
HOLYOKE , Mas8. . Feb. 2-A tragedy
whIch cannot be explained occurred thi morn ,
lag In the police station In this city . Officer
Patrick J. Devereaux shot and mortaly
wounded ex-I'clice Captain MaurIce D. Fenlon ,
lie then turned tIme weapon on himself and
drove a bullet through his own brain which
caused Instant death. enton I diet ! In a very
few mInutes. I I thought that Officer Dave-
reaux had become suddenly insane. The af.
fair occurred In the lalrolmen'R roo/ In the
cIty buid log , Ottmcer I-enton was seated Ian-
lug his had apalnst In Iron I'ln ' , As 11v <
reux entered lie marched UII to Fenton , drew
his revolver from his pocket and idict him In
the head , . time bal slrleng ! the temple Then
without waiting to see the result of the eliot
he placed the muzzle of time weapon to lila
own forehead , pulled time trigger again and
blew out his own brains , Time officers in time
adjoining rooms beam-el time hmo ( and quclsiy
rushed to tuB ecene to ascertain the cause ,
They found Fenton was still living , though
unconscious and lie breatimeth his last in a few
mInutes , So far as known no trouble of any
sort. existed between time two inca ,
(1 out i'ii ii tell I a ( I iI ili Ii si.
NORTH I'LATTE , Jan , mo.-'ro time Editor
of The lice : 0 bats ( lint mmdcc time viesent
; r . . . ,
tiriteti States law if a man takcs $100 in
silver certificates to the treasury and tie-
mands gold for It tue goveinnient lifts no
optIon in Chic' matter hut must issue gold
for ( lie certificates. e' claims thmat time go'-
ernment may pay' in silver If a man taices
sled in greehmhmnrlcs to time treasury imust the
government m-leem same In gohilt W.
There Is no law imntier whirh silver certifi-
ontes intist be rcie's'mnetl in gold , Timoy call
only' for time nhmmnber of silver tloilnrs tiie'y
represont. Greenbacks ate not retieenmnilo ,
in gold , limit in order to mnmtintain it parity
between tIme 'arioiis forms of currency the
government is obliged to redcoat 1mm gih1 it
ibelnanihed ,
( Continued from First Page , )
Turks Simow Igns of keepIng this conminis-
sIan away train ( ii contaumminmiting imfliience
of facts , Armmienhans 1mm time tiisturimed din-
( net are arrested by wholesale atiti remmioveti
to dimitamit prisons ; moimey has beemm sent from
time Palace at Consamitinopio to rciair as far
as possibia time ibmimmange tiomme to tue Saisoun
villages , and oim top of all the efforts at con-
cealnment anti delay , nature hi conic in to
Iielii ( ho Turk obliterate all traces of imis
"Ama immmusual fall of smiow line bumeleti the
ruined villages arid blotted out time roads ,
Even ( ito caravan routes to I'ersla nub Rue-
sia nrc blocked with snow , anti time snow is
still failing , Fronm Sassoumi , on ( hue flinch
sea , to this city ( hue mnouimtalns are immasses of
umibrolcen white.Vihl time coimamnission Invoati-
gate thoroughly 1mm snow up to ( Ito imousetops ?
Let him ammawer who kumows ( ho Turks best.
It umaust be borne in mmmlnd time Arinemmiami
qut'stiomm in Armemmia amid time Arnicumiami epics.
( iou lii Ruigianti amid Aummerica are two differ-
emit timings. Iii Eumgiamiui anti Ammierlca it is
mostly it timatter of religoum and imumnatmity ,
with an incidental dash of politics , In Ar-
mnelmia it is almost tImoiiy' it Immatter of Imohi-
tics , vitim incitieuial religion. Before there
eon comae aim emmd to ( hit' questiomm time hirac-
tical Ciuristiami of England amid Aummerica must
roconcle these two ccmmflictimmg couitlltiomma aumd
adnmimmistor judgment tipomi timemu iithm a iiriu
hmmti ,
' 'if ' time Armucumians timenmselvcs would only
tell time whole of their sub of thus case , lim-
steaml of carefully suppressiumg about three-
fourths of it , the sltua'on vouid ha mtmcbm mora
readily ummdcrstocd , but unfortimummteiy : for all
concerned they choose to tell only a small
part of what they kmmov , and leave time Curls-
tiaim symmiathmIzers to tug ( lie rest out of time
snow of time Sa'ssoun mnommntaiims. Aim time situ.
allan now stands , one is forced to b1 eve
bath Turk and Arnmeuiiami are in tIme wrong.
So far as ( lie Turk declares that lie is try-
hag to StiplireSs a revoiutioimary imiovomemit
lie Is unquestionably in time rIght. Most of time
acts of time leaders of tlmis movenient nrc no
less simockiiig tliami time Turks opposing. No
omme can blaimmo time Turks for tryimig to sup-
vress revolutionary niovemmients or for takimig
measures to muaiimtain time integrity- their
empire , yet wimat must be said of them when
( hey artier ( hue destruction of two dozen vii-
lages upon the nmero rumor ( hat an uprIsing
ha In progress There is little doubt amomig
persons fanmihlar witim ( Ito facts at Con-
stantinopie that these timimags actually took
place.'o have only to seelt tIme
counterpart of its crucity among some
of time leaders of time Armenian revolu-
tlonary inovememmt , It is a fact
certain of these Armenian comaspirators arranged -
ranged to nmurdcr 11ev. Edward Riggs and
two other American misslcoaries at Marso-
'aii and fasten time blanme upon time Turks
in order that time United States mIght immfilcrt
aummnary ptmiilshmmnent upon ( ho Turkisim gay-
ernmemmt , thereby nmalcing possible Armenian
intiepc-ndence. One will search a long thue
in thmo iiageaof hiistorfor a more diabolical
plot tuna that for time niurder of time mission-
aries. Dr. Riggs hmas unselfishly given imis
lift ) to time education of Armenian youth in
time nalssionary schools , and has done more
timan any Armenian tried to do toward malting -
ing Aremnlans worthy of autononious gay-
crianment , yet tIme revolutionary conspirators
evidently gave time fact little thought. In his
hatred of Clmristianity and ida rage at revolutionary -
lutionary conspiracies , time Turk believes , and
would like to prove , tIme Armenian missionaries -
aries are rospommsibio for time revolutionary
mnovemuemit. As a matter of act , tim TUrk Is
much imearer rhgimt than hue has any idea of.
Time mlnsiommaries are responsible for time rovo-
lutionary' movement , but not in tIme way time
'j'tmrlc believes. They are responsible for imay.
ing cdmmcaeti the raw Armenian youth ; for
baying made a man of him aiitl brought hIm
to know lie has an immortal soul. Time Cd-
ucatimi ama I cvilizirg influences of free Amne-
lea have been brougimt to time wilds of Ar-
ummonia , anti the younger Armenlftn has begun
to feel that ito ia a man and not a Moslem
slave. Thu missionaries are making men of
time Armenians , and therefore they are re-
siOltsiblO for tue revolutionary feelings , It is
tIme atory of Bulgaria over again. It i.imouid
ho borne In with ( lila view of time situa.
tion that timii mlssionmm.ries of Armenia do not
try to make religious converts. They malta
no attempt to change time Turks' religion ,
They merely teach them , They would cdii-
cato Turica as woil , but the government ei'
Turkey will not permit it. Tiuo missionaries
are doing a grand work In the interest of
civilization and humanity , anti for the Tiirlcs
to say they are thircctiy or indirectly incting
time Armenians to revolution is quite as ruble-
ulous as time Porte's assertion that the outrages -
rages in the Sassoun vhiiages vcro conilnitted
by time villagers thmemselves. "
.110 TJ1JIf' . PI.l ItI"UL CJtJitJ.
ilttemuipto.l to 1(111 lIar ICtIut. Cimlidren whthm
mill 1510 ,
NAPA , Cal , , Feb. 2-Ama awful trngeily oc-
curreti hero early this mnnrmaimug in time hmomaae
of J'tmter Meternicim , Mis , Meterialciu , while
imisnime , under tonic to kill lice fout children ,
amid succeeded iii tiolmig them nil serious lii-
jury. 11cr tannin sas a mehiglous otto mmml
alma hind ( hue , iehmueioma ( lint iio humid greatly
simmneii against God and as a puninhmmemmt ( or
lice simi 1mev clmilibrea were to be soul into
slavery , numb site hind tlmrcatemied to icihl tIme
ehmlltircu to avoId tills , bier hiushammil weumt
away to hii work this mormmhumg , leaving tiii
at iiomne in mmppmmremit utulet , limit whtiiirm a
hail hour his sife hail tnicen no axe amid witim
it fearfully cut antI beat every one of time
cimihiren , 'i'hmo chilthren ore Ethel , S yenta ;
Antnne 6 ycaus ; l'auhimme , i yemirs , auth mm
baby 1g months olil , They avers nil struck
lim time head , inflicting ugly gashes amid
bruises. It iii feared that tIme baby will
tile , nit ( brett mire utyniimtommms of conctme'minn of
t lie brain , 'l'ime at her child rt'mi avil I liohtm ) lily
mecover. Sue would pmobahly have hcilitrd
( licumi mmli hut ( lint time uieigiuiora hcari tliemmm
sereani nmmil canie to their rescue. 'l'huu
wonmaum was caugimt in her ( remmzy imnil tumkei
to time coUlity jail , suiti inter in tIme day cmii-
nutted to ( lao etmiyhummi ,
Ci : ri is Omly , Ci. I I . 'ib a C I Jun SumIl remu in ry ,
NE\S' 'S'OItK , Feb. 2.-Assistant Hecre-
tary of thin 'J'reaMmmry Curtis cmuhietl at tIme
mmuimtreasiiry today' , hut Suhjtreneurer Jordan
iitutetl to un Associated press reporter ( lint
lila visit was uimerriy to receivim limo tmt'umti
rchmort viiicim is foiwammittl ? tim hurt ; dm111 > ' iy
time telegraph. Mr. Jnrchmtmi slated iioniti'elY
that i.J commeremmce on this booth questiomm
was hueitl at time sulgucamimury tommy' . it is
geimeraily' behaved Mr. Ctmmtis mimet Atigummt
lieimaoimt mmliii .1. i'ierrepuhmt ? ilorgaui uptown
miumnosbmcre , fur umciihmrr at time gcmmtiememm
imammmed were at ihueir olhire today' .
liiiveimmmuits ill e'i'tmgimlulg % essois 14,1 , . 2.
At Auehland-Airived--ScImhner Arawa ,
( coin Han iramieiumro ,
At Uauioa-.uriveb-haiSCr W hihuehm 111 ,
( rota New 'omln ,
A t I tremmmerimuyen-Arris'ed-W'eser , ( coin
New York ,
At Siui Franeisco-Dpiiited-11eru , ( or
hong Hong ttnd YQkohmammma ,
I'remi ill ( t r ( il ii ihti ed o f ( 'il so liii I 1.1 lit' I ,
si1v'r'riu'nmihi. . , Feb. 2-Res' , Id. 11 ,
Nlrhmois , pastor of time ? tlethioilist Episcopal
chiurcim , was convirted in time superior court
today of criminally llbe'iimig 11ev , ' 1' , lb.
Fomd , presdhmig ! elder p title distrIct ,
: : eaae. . . . .w 1. . .
Attorney General Crawford Learns of th
Deliberations of the Dofaultdr ,
I'rlnc'lprmt iConhIsmuunu $ lcCimeiuey cmi ton-
hidentini Attorney Teuuitey Ahileti ( liii i- :
10,7.51cc iii iiI lIflietulty cliii Coon-
soled lhigimt hlimthittc 'ihimuum StuIcftie ,
PIEflitfl , S. B. , Feb. 2-Speciai ( Teho-
granm.-Attorney ) ( beimerni Crawford returned
from his visit to Chicago , where luohiati _ Ire-
quit'nt intervievs with John T , McChesmuey of
New York , time lirineipal lmendsmmman , numb
yer Tenney , ihmo aiiviseii Taylor through Do-
ceniber , lie learned that almomit time first of
that mouth Taylor called on MeCimesney and
appealed to tutu to raise $10,000 to hmehim imint
niake imp thmo shortage , whmiclu aummoulitoti to
$150,000. 1mhcCimesncy succeedemi in tioiimg so
on security ammioummihug to several ( hues that
stuimm , furnished by' Taylor ,
In time uncammtlmt' Taylor discovered ( lint this
voultl hot iueip hiumm out , anti lmroiiosed to
Temimmey to rob time Itedlleld batik of $ iOO,000 ,
to pay' time state. On McChmcsumey's tietimmauumi
lie gathered all time ummommey vo'silmle at. Ciii-
cage , Temmimey Persumatlcd hmltui not to comnummit
this other mmci , antI then 'rnyior Iiireatenixl to
couum tim I t sum icido.Vluetm Temmim ey ( I issimatiel imi in
frotmm this lie tleclmleul to mum away , hut vomuiti
not go tummtll hit friend , iieumeihict , ngrceti to
accommmpaumy huimmi. \'imeti McCimesuiey' returneii
frommi St , Paul , where ime humid gommo to raise
( ho loim , niid where lie Imail , with great foresight -
sight , ummortgagetl his osvmi llrOlmerty nuutl sold
( ho mnortgagemi amid hi.litl his own creuiitormt ,
Taylor was gomme. Time latter took with imiumi
omily' $15,000 , hmnvimmg used time $200,000 which
ito hail cohiectetl iii ieccmmmbcr to lay' certain
iirivatti olbigatiomme , $10,000 for 'remmmicy anti
$2,500 for Imls wife ,
Tue imivestlgatiumg comnmuiittee today' recelveil
front Coimiptrohler liclcies a tilaltatchm rcftmslimg
to perimait time exaimmitmatioti of ( lie hooks of thin
fledilelci bank , iii which time conatumittee hmopett'
to flub trace of ( lie whiereahouts of time state's
Senator I'ottigrew's voo witim ( lie demo-
cratmi omm ( hue llawailaim qumestioma , by which thio
muiuulumistrmttlomi was stmstniimctl by omme imia-
jority' , line aroimsetl a hornet's uicat in time
ioglslntur.e , wimicim re-elected hmiin imy prac-
( Icahly a ummaninmoims vote. Tothay time load-
era of time legislature drew up and tout to
hum stroumg ii'ttera comimbemmimming lila coumrso
as a suirremicier of time rclmtmbicaim ! party.
There was arouseth aniomig time railroad
members of tIme legislature tIme
strongest lmmtiigmaatioim ( otlay by tIme
receipt fromma Sommator Pettlgrew of
a dispatch as follows : " 1 timhmmk time
ropubhicami PartY milioumlil carry' omit Its hint-
(0mm ium regard to railroads , " This s'as
mitldrcssed to ( ho slmeahcer of time lmoime. 'l'iuo
tehegrammi is immterprmmtetl to Immean ( hint ( ito
legislature imiust ilass time strimmgoumt law In-
troduucmeml for govermming tue railroads ,
Totlay under mm suspemusuon of tIme rules and
by a uummamiimmaous vote ( ito seimmite passed ( lie
house johmit resoiuioim ( for time InvestigatIon
of tIme office of tlm cImooI anti public lands
Commilmmissioneriiio is believed to have iii-
verteni during time sutmaummer of 1893 time feuds
of hmis ofilco ( a time amnoimmut of $200,000 to time
Imoip of certain banks at thu expense of ( ho
state , amid ( hereby ( imm loss of several thousand
dollars iii interest , besides causing ama imnmmieimso
amount of troumble to time state oflicera amid time
scimool officials. Time foiiowimmg were almpolncd
a commmmittee at investigatioii emi ( lie part of
the senate : Senators Kenmmeily' , Foote and
Crawford , time hatter a populist ,
In ( hue senate time resolution submittIng wo-
tuna suffrage to a vote of time people passed
by a unamuimmioums vote , as did time I'ohiowimmg
bills : No. 14 , providing thmmmt time statisticiami . ,
take time cemisus ; No. 47 , lrovilimtg timat only
persons dying in a charitable institution mummy
be dissected on order of a physician ; No. 131 ,
definiumg minors ; No. 136 , provhiilumg for liens
for persons working ott pubiic buildings ;
liotmse bill No. 13 , prohibiting unauthorized
insurance companies from doing business in
time state.
r o t hun ii p. , , i it t ho I us ho SI Cu at tInt ,
BOISE , Itinimo , Feb. 2.-One ballot was
taken for United States senator todiy witim.
otut any cimange , There were two lairs mmcl
two abzeumtee unpaired. 'fime bailutt re-
suited as follows ; Shoup , 18 ; Sweet , 16 ;
Ciagget , 14. . . ' -
'l'hme house or representatives today passed
a coacuirent rcsolutlomm opposlmmg time pool-
lag 1)111 , which it is ciainmcd would enmible
all time railroads to orgammizo thmernolvcu bite
a trust and place at their mercy time wmmgea
of nearly- . million haLorln hmeommie. 'fhi
Itlaho semmaters are mequested too use every
effort to prevent time ilassago of tue bill ,
13015E , linhmo , Feb. 2.-'I'imo suirporters of
Sweet for thm United States senate are
expm-osriag the oliuliOii that his election
wIll occur not later ( Imnmm Tuesday' by thie nib
of mmmeniber who have hieretofori' vOted for
SiiOUi ) . 0mm thin other hand , time ihotmp mnem
held a caucus tormighit and ndcpted a resohu-
tion to continue mis nm timmit ( or Shoup. 'rime
premmance of mm , numimber of frienthi of Coy.
crnor McConnel in tIme City today immi led
to a report that same concerted action may
ha takeum for his election to time senate.
Ntt itiexico Cmuiultoi C , , I1 liii ult , C
SANTA FE , Feb. 2.-The legislative n
emhly today passed a bill for rebuilding
tIme capitol , and apimropriaing $ W,00) for ( hint
puu.jose , Convict labor and a million brtelc
matte at time pemmitentiury are to be used.
'l'hmc vote in the council tooul iliac' for amid
three migaint , anti in the house twetuty-tavu
for amid two agmminmit. Govermmor 'l'hou'zttori
lion already signed time bill and work will
commence Mmmrch 1.
? o Muitaritl , Chiiuuga in ( ) rt'gimim ,
SALEM , Ore , Feb. 2.-There was no mmaa-
tom-hal iii the senatorial
change situation to-
tiny time joint ballot stanthing : Dolpim 38 ;
jimmie \Vcmithmertotd ; , \'hlImtmrmms ; , 11 : Ijtr-
umiun , 9 ; Lord , 3 ; Loweli , 3 ; absent , 10 ,
Otto 5loro Jtmmihtut iii Ieiieui mire.
DOVER , Del , , Feb. 2.-Omio ballot for
United States semmator taken today wIthout
irtiisti'iAW [ EE
Erysipeina amid SgrofuuIu All My Lhfo , '
lu Cloths 1or Weeks , Blisters
Size of I'cns. Jiuurmuocl Like
Iflro , Ho 1est or Sleep ,
Ttlea Tlireo Doctors , Dlii No Gootz.
Got Cutlctmra , Isnmnccliato Help.
Entire Ctmro In ' 1 Imrt'o flIozmtlm ,
I have Imeen troubled vlthu Irysipe1as and ' '
Scroftila nIh amy hIfo. ltecemmtly my Jlmnhma caine
out in red sltttmi ( room lime size Of immy hmamti : iloivmm
to time mereSt pimuiplo. liomimo of tlmcumu would
( estera little , tmumt ummttiy lIre roth , anti 11w large
spots iookeii iuiore 111cc raw lice ! , ammil woumimi rabin
lilt quilts a little frommu thin surface , 'lucre woiilti
ho blisters comime mis large as yeas in dillirrent
PlaceS si'ithm tue mcst , Ii wits mmii 01cr 1fl limIts
( rommu amy ( cot to immy holly' , across amy shmnuimicre ,
numb ummy items , hmtiiiuis numb sins Is hmoti t u ( me ulono
uup in eiothmi for iscoks , anti they would itch tutU
burn as thmotmghi I was miliro , mmd them was imo
sleep for mu , mumil him ) ' iiuimiis swelled mm goal deal ,
I triemi three , loclori , hmuut dlii ate mm goomi , ri-
naliy a frltmimil i'ct'ommmmnenihcmi CtirmcumuA hunts.
ilumo. , amiti lily immmstmamtl , got timemi , , I gain ( heat
a thmoroitgiu t ri.ui , aimil t imoy Itoh roil mmmc rigim s oil' ,
In three imuOmmthm timne I wits all itch , Nomi ( hula
avail thmrea years ago ihiis , umrim1g , I hmaio used
six orsosetm htixce cut ( 'umtcumuAammtllmato iiterm
nearly ii ilozemt lu'tiiet of tue ( 'UTitrummA lCuor
'gNT , amid time CLIrmCUmIA. foAl' I use ctmtirciy ,
aod there Is ito oilier lute it ( or bath amid iollct ,
Illii'4V. . It. lii'uiINO
Geneva , tstabuia Co. , Ohio.
'rho cures daily effocteti imy the CtmzIctnmA htmrmf.
zhiI of torLiurhum.c , , ibisiiguring mmmiii humutuullatummg
skhm , scalp , mmmii hiooci uhlsease.t , uithm la of hal r ,
ore so worutlerfimi as to seem almost iucredlbln ,
Yet otory siord Is true ,
Sold throughout tIme world , Price , Cvtmctrna ,
fOe. ; SOi',2o ;'i. i'ongmt bmmu
sum ) Cites. Cou' Solo I'roprktors , hlostomi ,
_ , l hots to Cure Skin Disease. , " mailed free ,
flA flV' ' ( Skin antI Scalp podded and beautifle
1JHIJ1 t ) byC'VTivVaAelosm' . At.solotclypuro.
jUimimmey anti uterine pains amid arraic.
VJif/1iumeses rs'lisvol iti eaeunhuiuieby time
Ifc , ) Cuticura AtmIi-i'uim * I'la.tsr , Qulj
uv lastammtaneotms paiu-ktuiloplc.ster ,
I /
' . ,